The Write Track with LCG

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With LCG ...

For the open minded, culturally sophisticated,urban professional. Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue

Three easy side dishes that you can make tonight!


A Note from LCG ... Special Thanks JAG and Jeff Bond

Amour, J’Adour, Amore whichever language it’s spoken in, love is universal. Lending multiple definitions, Webster describes love as strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties, but the first thought that comes to most peoples mind is a feeling for the opposite sex. I have been reading this book by a local author Emily Giffin called Love the One You’re With. After attending one of her lectures last spring, I found her stories very intriguing and out of her three novels, this one was the most appealing. Without delving into the entire story in case you would like to read it for yourself, the fiction novel explores the idea of being fully satisfied with your significant other. The quandary occurs when a former lover reenters the picture and has the character plagued with self doubt about loving or being with the right person. This is truly a captivating read. March is National Nutrition Month, a topic that some do better with than others. I am sure that there are gaps in all of our diet or exercise regiments that need improvement. Part of healthy nutrition is water consumption. Make sure you drink 8 glasses a day and if plain water gets too boring for you, try adding lemon, lime, oranges or even cucumbers for a boost of flavor. Many people attempt to jump start a fitness plan as part of a New Years resolution but by March they have already lost interest and fallen back into their prior routines. Lets try to be more disciplined especially because we know spring is right around the corner. As part of Nutrition Month, I am focusing on healthy eating so I have included some great foods, their nutritional value and how you can incorporate them into your diet, on page 8. If you live in Atlanta or are visiting, The Dekalb Farmers Market is a great place to go not only for their International cuisine and great prices but varied selections of produce that can help you eat healthier today. This indoor market is open year round and is definitely worth a visit. I received this next suggestion from one of my past contributors about a year ago; the idea was to feature an eligible bachelor or bachelorette in one of our editions. Next month for our Anniversary issue, we will feature our first selection. If you have any nominations, please send them to with a paragraph telling why they should be featured. Now we are not looking to become, but we are looking to highlight a young professional doing their thing. Stay tuned for that.

What I’m Listening to Soulacoaster Soulpersona Soldier of Love Sade Music Fan First Eric Roberson Blackmagic Jose James

Last but not least, I hope everyone did there part by donating money or clothing to the many organizations raising funds for the Haiti relief effort. This was a horrible tragedy and whether you were directly affected by the earthquake or not, millions of people were. Lets also make sure we keep the people of Chile in our hearts and prayers as they too struggle from the affects of a 8.8 magnitude earthquake. Congratulations to The New Orleans Saints for their first Superbowl win. This was great for the morale of the City of New Orleans and I am sure chants of “Who Dat” are still heard around the globe.

Till the Casket Drops Clipse

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MUSIC 5 A Night at Smiths Old Bar with Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue 6 A Chat with Jesse Boykins III 7 Solacoaster 7 Blackmagic FOOD 4 Grindhouse Killer Burgers 9 Now We Are Cooking ENLIGHTENMENT 8 Pick up Now 8 Foods to add to your diet Today

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March 2010

Volume 4 Issue 1

GRINDHOUSE Killer Burgers

209 Edgewood Ave Atlanta GA 30303 www.twitter. com/ GrindhouseATL www.facebook. com/grindhouseburgers

The origins of a burger began as a grilled beef patty served with a bun and condiments. Becoming a classic American staple, burgers and the addition of french fries have been around for centuries. What most Americans consider to be the classic burger has evolved along with our tastes and chefs are thinking outside of the box to create flavorful concoctions made with such ingredients as turkey, chicken, crab or even beans. Beyond the trendy fast food industry, restaurants specializing in gourmet burgers are popping up all over the United States. Approximately a year ago, Atlantans were really excited when Bravo’s Top Chef contestant Richard Blais opened Flip Burger Boutique. Serving up a little competition, Alex Brounstein brought his burger concept to Sweet Auburn’s Curbside market calling it Grindhouse Killer Burgers. Broustein may have had several ideas in mind when it came to picking a name for the establishment. The most obvious correlation is the term grindhouse relating to the process of grinding meat which is generally the first step in creating a burger, but it may be no coincidence that low budget films are projected off the wall and can be viewed while waiting for your to go order. Grindhouse, also a film industry term, referring to movie theaters which once existed that showcased mid level movies featuring little known actors and exploitation films. Broustein is merging two concepts, food and entertainment while creating ambience for this burger joint. Their very simple menu is composed of three burgers, turkey, veggie and beef, with the option of a single or double patty. The decision making process comes down to the assortment of toppings. If crinkle cut french fries are not appealing to you, accompany your burger with onion rings, sweet potato kettle chips or coleslaw. Handspun milkshakes are also a great addition and the food does not make you fatigued if you have a busy afternoon full of meetings. If you are visiting with several guests and want to dine in, you may want to arrive after the prime lunch hour seeing as though the counter is limited for space. With the popularity, Brounstein is already looking at locations for restaurant number 2. Bon Appetit! THE WRITE TRACK

March 2010

Volume 4 Issue 1


On the second floor of Smith’s Old Bar, an Atlanta staple where favorites like John Mayer got his start performing, a young musician from New Orleans known as Trombone Shorty and his five man band, Orleans Avenue were playing for two consecutive nights. The opening act for The Dirty Dozen Brass Band, by no means was this band new to the stage. Heavy on the college circuit, Trombone Shorty’s has built a strong following and the range of material that they showcased wow audiences everytime. Whether your favorite part of the performance was Freaky Pete playing his heart out on the guitar or Trombone Shorty carousing the audience with his impersonation of Fats Domino or singing Mysticals “Shake it Fast”, a good time was had by all. By the end of the night, the whole audience was throwing up Kleenex and marching around the room in true second line style. A shout out was given to their home team, The New Orleans Saints as Trombone Shorty diverted from the lyrics of “When the Saints Come Marching In” to say when The Saints win the Superbowl. A city that is still in need of hope, as the rebuilding process after Hurricane Katrina is still ongoing, this spirt was in anticipation of the big game that occurred the following day where the Saints were trying to secure a seat in Superbowl 44.

This just in: Trombone Shorty has signed with Verve Forecast/Universal, new album Backatown in stores this April.

For Band Updates


March 2010

Volume 4 Issue 1

Excited to Chat with the very talented and down to earth Jesse Boykins III It felt like a longtime coming, but once it came the wait was well worth it. Our favorite artist for 2009, Jesse Boykins III finally landed in Atlanta, as the opening act for the Bilal and Foreign Exchange concert. Unfortunately due to weather The Foreign Exchange experienced flight cancellations and never made it to Atlanta but hometown favorite Anthony David stepped in. Boykins performance was genuine with a lot of charm and charisma. His rich vocals are natural with no studio alterations. Adding an element of surprise, he ventured out in the audience to find a young lady with whom he brought on stage to sing “Pantyhose”. His finale was cut short by Centerstages Management not allowing him to sing his breakout internet hit “Tabloids”. Despite the stage mishap Jesse Boykins III didn’t let that break his mood and was eager to meet and greet his fans afterwards. I chatted with the very engaging Pisces (who just celebrated a birthday) about many things including his dynamic upcoming album. Make sure you keep up with him Who are some of the artists that you would like to work with on future projects? I have a list of about 30 dream collaborations but to name a few; Janelle Monae, John Mayer and PJ Morton. What is the most intriguing venue that you have played? A Masquerade at the Pink Room in NYC and everyone had on a mask and was dressed in all black. There were even stripper polls on the stage. It was kind of freaky. Can you tell me three characteristics that describe yourself? Passionate, Observant, Involved What do you consider your musical style? Really organic, I like dynamics in music, music that brings out certain emotions in you,passionate. What artists did you grow up listening to or felt inspired you the most? When I was in Jamaica, Dennis Brown and Bob Marley, when I moved to Miami we listened to a lot of salsa music and then when I was in high school I got into artists like Stevie Wonder and really appreciated the soul movement when artists like Musiq The Soulchild and D’Angelo first came out. Can you tell us what new material you are working on? The title of the new album is Love Apparatus and its complete but I am taking my time to soak up the album in its entirety before release. This album has an electronic style, an emphasis on ballots and it differs from past projects because this is the first time that I am doing songs that are not all about women. You can anticipate songs like “Show Me Who You Are” comparing an orgasm to something spiritual and some great featured artists (which you will just have to wait and see). I worked with producer machinedrum and am eager for my fans to hear! THE WRITE TRACK

March 2010

Volume 4 Issue 1

please . . . Please . . . Review This Album


Blackmagic After receiving heavy praise in the jazz world for his 2008 debut The Dreamer, Jose James follow up Blackmagic is sure to expand his fan base. Never being classified as a conventional jazz artist, it may be his youth or b-boy style that allows him to reach soul and hip hop fans as well as catering to the most avid jazz enthusiast. If this wasn’t evident on The Dreamer, it has come to full fruition on Blackmagic. James vocals are more pronounced and the song selection is more up tempo. The spirited trumpet on “The Greater Good” evokes thoughts of listening to Saturday mornings on your favorite jazz station meanwhile the anchor single “Blackmagic” seems like it belongs on the soundtrack of a blaxploitation film. With California based producer Flying Lotus behind “Made for Love” it’s the most hip hop driven of the collection. Shedding the solo persona that he has created, the collaboration with Jordana De Lovely on “Love Conversation” was a great deviation from the norm.

The internet is becoming a great resource for producers and talent to collaborate on projects from afar. This method proved to be a success with Nicolay and Phonte furthermore creating the Grammy nominated group, The Foreign Exchange. More recently, London based producer Soulpersona took his skills to the web and found 7 remarkable artists that span multiple Continents to work with on his debut album Soulacoaster. Taking you on a musical expedition, the 15 track collection all written and recorded by each artist is diverse but the transitions are seamless. Beginning the journey with the soothing voice of Deborah Jordan and transitioning to Princess Freesia, you will soon realize that this is not your typical soul record. Soulpersona manages to include layers of funk, jazz, house and soul all in one. Favorites are based upon ones preference and my pick is Kia Bennetts (former background singer for D’Angelo) “Lifetime”. Sounding like three snaps from the poetry session on Love Jones, Bennett captures our emotions as she sings “sweet as the nectar of our first kiss”. I am pleasantly reminded of Jazzyfatnastasees “Unconventional Ways”. If an International soul album is what you have been waiting for Soulpersona has got you covered

Album Alert

Sade Soldier of Love in Stores now! THE WRITE TRACK

March 2010

Volume 4 Issue 1

PICK UP NOW Soothe your soul with these finds! The Points of Power If you are a fan of the syndicated Yolanda Adams Morning Show then you may already be familar with her popular segment Points of Power. Now in book form, Yolanda Adams can encourage and inspire you through more than just her voice or spoken word. A motivational first book based on discussion of the word of god, get uplifted today!

Debut EP Conversations with Her by producer Full Crate and singer Mar featuring “She Was Fly” with Eric Roberson. Available on iTunes.

FOODS TO ADD TO YOUR DIET TODAY Check out these 4 foods to add to your diet today, whose health benefits could help you live longer.

Blueberries are packed full of nutrients, including iron, fiber, potassium and vitamin E. Considered a “superfood” meaning a food that is loaded with health benefits, blueberries have more disease fighting antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable. One health benefit is the potential to lower your risk of cancer and possibly even Alzheimer’s disease. Available fresh, dried or frozen, add a few to your cereal, protein shake, or bake up some whole grain blueberry muffins. Have you ever heard the term good fat? It’s a strong possibility that Avocados could be your reference. High in oleic acid and a good source of folate, avocados can be a great cholesterol reducer and promote heart health. A food that can be especially benefical for men in the fight against prostate cancer, they also allow the body to absorb fat-soluble nutrients. Combine with tomatoes, cilantro, lime juice, red onion and jalapeno for a homemade guacamole, layer a few on your next sandwich or try our recipe on page 9 for a spinach salad.

Almonds are one of the best sources of vitamin E and have the benefit of protein, a vegetarians best friend. Another source of riboflavin, iron, potassium, magnesium and biotin, this nut has one of the lowest calorie counts, pistachios are a bit lower. My favorite consumption is raw, serving as a great afternoon snack. Add to the top of your oatmeal for a nice crunch, throw a handful in your next rice pilaf or try slivered with spinach and strawberries for a weeknight salad. Broccoli is popular among adults and children. Remember the stories that your parents told you about eating the “trees” on your plate? Well turns out your parents knew what they were talking about because this green is a great source of folate, calcium and vitamin C. It’s been linked to reducing cellulite in women, colon cancer and could prevent the development of tumors. High in nutrition and low in calories it is available worldwide. To reap the greatest health benefits, consume broccoli raw. Try steamed as a side dish with chicken and rice, sauteed in a stir fry, or load it in your next baked potato. THE WRITE TRACK

March 2010

Volume 4 Issue 1

Now We Are Cooking Eat your Greens! Three Healthy side dishes that you can add to any meal! Ingredients 1

1 turn of extra virgin olive oil around the pan 1 small head of cabbage 1 bunch of chopped green onions 1/2 medium red onion 1 jalapeno chopped 1/2 bell pepper chopped (I like red for color) 1/8 teaspoon celery seed 1/2 teaspoon creole seasoning pinch sugar Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1 tablespoon of low sodium soy sauce

What is Cilantro? Sometimes mistaken for flat leaf parsley, Cilantro are the leaves of the coriander plant. An herb with a distinct flavor, it’s often used in Mexican and Asian cuisine. All parts of the plant are edible and it can aid in digestion. Look for bunches in the produce section of your local grocery store. Directions


sauteed cabbage 1. Start with a 10 inch cast iron skillet and heat oil over medium heat. Add onions and peppers, saute for 3 minutes or until translucent, add cabbage and seasoning and cook an additional 17 minutes making sure to stir to combine all flavors. A minute or two before turning off the heat add soy sauce and cover. Serve Hot.


broiled green beans 2. Heat oven to 400 degrees. Wash and trim ends of green beans. Place green beans on baking sheet toss with extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and creole seasoning. Bake for 20 minutes turning twice or to desired doneness.

1 1b of Green Beans, preferably thin french green beans 1 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1/2 tea garlic powder 1/2 tea creole seasoning 1 10-ounce bag of spinach leaves 1/2 red onion sliced 1 avocado sliced juice of a 1/2 of lime 2 tablespoon of chopped cilantro Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

spinach salad 3. Wash spinach leaves and dry with salad spinner or paper towels and place in medium size bowl. Top with red onion, avocado, lime juice, cilantro and salt and pepper Serve with your favorite dressing


March 2010

Volume 4 Issue 1

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