THEWILL NEWSPAPER, October 01, 2023

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OCTOBER 1, 2023 • VOL . 3 NO. 45 THEWILLNIGERIA THEWILLNG THEWILLNIGERIA NIGERIA @ 63: Price: N250 Unforced Errors Dwarf National Development PAGE 10 Time to Create Constitutional Role For Traditional Rulers ● Politicians Without Vision Hold Nigerians Hostage ● FG, State Govts Order Low Key Celebrations as Economy Tanks, Hunger Bites Harder ● In National Broadcast, President Tinubu Pledges Additional N25K Monthly Wage For Six Months to Low-Grade Workers ● 15 Million More Vulnerable Households to Benefit from Expanded Conditional Cash Transfer Programme ● Touts End of Fuel Subsidy, Says 'Reforms May be Painful, But is What Greatness ...Require' ● Assures FG 'Doing All ... to Ease Today's Difficulties' Celebrating Independence Heroes PAGE 32 PAGE 38 Access Corporation Consolidates Grip on Industry Leadership, Grows Assets to N20.8trn Premier League 2023-2024 Top Hopefuls, Relegation Candidates

As the nation turns 63, there isn’t much to celebrate, considering the sufferings of the masses. The cost of living continues to rise, just like Fela Anikulapo Kuti sang in one of his songs. Speaking of the Kuti family, we pay homage to what we call Independence Heroes, those who fought for our independence. Fela’s mother, Funmilayo Ransome Kuti, was part of the earliest delegation that went to England to demand Nigeria’s independence. We also profile others, including Herbert Macaulay, Obafemi Awolowo and Anthony Enahoro .

Vintage décor always gives a home an elegant look, which we discuss in our page about home décor. From bathtubs to wooden tiles, we look at vintage items you can place in your home to give it that stylish and sophisticated finish.

When it comes to cocktails, I can’t get enough of them, whether it’s a strawberry daiquiri or an old fashioned. Bon Appetite shares some cocktail recipes this week. We hope you enjoy them.

For some people, Mondays aren’t their best days; they get low-spirited about going to work. We offer some tips for putting an end to this problem. Mondays are like every other day of the week, so if you go to bed early the night before and do not tire yourself out during the weekend, you will look up to Mondays. These tips should help you feel better about Mondays.

We reviewed the new Netflix movie The Black Book. The acting is stellar; they had the right music for different scenes, and the recording and audio were crisp. I won’t say much about the movie besides Richard Mofe Damijo outdid himself. You have to see it if you haven’t.

Until next week, enjoy your read.

Photo: Kola Oshalusi @insignamedia Makeup: Zaron
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OnahNwachukwu Editor, THEWILL DOWNTOWN


Unforced Errors Dwarf National Development

The immediate past Minister of Interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, remembers with nostalgia the Nigeria of his childhood when every food item on the table was home grown, people cared for one another and there was a sense of community. This is hardly anymore in modern day Nigeria in the eye of the former governor of Osun State who turned 66 on May 27.

For a man who is just three years older than Nigeria and has served as a commissioner in Lagos State, the economic nerve of the country, a two-time governor of Osun State and federal minister, contextualising Nigeria's growth and development for the past 63

years of nationhood should be a child's play.

"Today, people can hardly feed. I mean eat," he said with some concern at the weekend during a book presentation event in honour of one of Nigeria's foremost public intellectuals and social theorists, Odia Ofeimun. A team from THEWILL attended the event.

"The poverty is so deep that we (the governed and governors) have to set aside our differences and work to make this country work again. For Nigeria to get out of the current rot caused by successive governments, the country must emphasise

production over consumption. The worst thing that can happen to any man is to beg to eat as many people are experiencing in the country today," he said.

For the Speaker, House of Representatives, Tajudeen Abass, who is three years younger than Nigeria, there is so much palpable gloom in the country that urgent, concrete measures must be taken by the Executive and legislature to lead the way to salvation.

Addressing members of the House upon resumption on Tuesday, September 26, Abass lamented, "The

• Politicians Without Vision Hold Nigerians Hostage • FG, State Govts Order Low Key Celebrations as Economy Tanks, Hunger Bites Harder • In National Broadcast, President Tinubu Pledges Additional N25K Monthly Wage For Six Months to Low-Grade Workers • 15 Million More Vulnerable Households to Benefit from Expanded Conditional Cash Transfer Programme • Touts End of Fuel Subsidy, Says 'Reforms May be Painful, But is What Greatness ...Require' • Assures FG 'Doing All ... to Ease Today's Difficulties'

...Dwarf National Development

country is challenged on several fronts.... National Security remains precarious, cost of living crisis occasioned by high cost of energy, cost of food skyrocketing daily, lack of liveable wages, the negative effects of the unpredictable and fluctuating foreign exchange rates, a disappearing middle class...people are hungry and despondent."

It was in recognition of these mounting national challenges that the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator George Akume, at a press conference last week said the 63rd Independence Day celebration would be low-keyed.

"As you are aware, the President has given approval for this 63rd anniversary to be low-key in line with the present economic realities," he said.

President Tinubu is expectedly sounding upbeat about the country. During his televised address to mark the country's 63rd independence anniversary celebration, he said the conduct of the 2023 general elections, in a long chain of polls since 1999, has proven that democracy has taken a sure footing in Nigeria.

"This year, we passed through a significant milestone in our journey to a better Nigeria.." he said, adding, "by democratically electing the 7th consecutive civilian government, Nigeria has proven that commitment to democracy and the rule of law remains our guiding light.''

Many states, reeling from the devastating impact of the unplanned removal of subsidy on petrol and the shoddy palliatives, may follow suit. Osun state on Friday issued a statement, urging its citizens to stay indoors, "meditate and pray on the state of our nation."

Sixty-three years after independence from British Colonial rule, Nigerian governments are still battling with how to execute programmes of economic transformation. So far, the country has witnessed six civilian administrations- Prime Minister Abubakar Tafawa Balewa,President Shehu Shagari, President Olusegun Obasanjo, President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, President Goodluck Jonathan, President Muhammadu Buhari and President Bola Tinubu, as well as eight military Heads of State- General Aguiyi Ironsi, General Yakubu Gowon, General Murtala Mohammed, General Olusugun Obasanjo, General Muhammadu Buhari, General Ibrahim Babangida, General Sani Abacha and General Abubakar Abdulsalami.

Currently, the country is known as one of the eight largest oil producers in the world, but without a functional refinery. Oil thieves boldly steal the oil in barges off the coast in the Niger Delta with no single culprit arrested, despite government awareness and revelation by government oil surveillance contractor, Government Ekpemupolo, alias Tompolo, that the thieves are known to the establishment. In the 2022 Corruption Index, Nigeria was placed 150 out of 180 countries by Transparency International. To get a clearer picture of the sorry state of affairs, Nigerian electricity supply has fluctuated scandalously between 3,000 and 5,000 megawatts since the beginning of the Third Republic in 1999.

In statistical terms,133 million Nigerians are dimensionally poor, according to a survey sponsored by the Federal Government and the World Bank. The unemployment rate stands at 41 per cent, according to KPMG, with agriculture, which provides 25 per cent of the country's gross domestic product, accounting for 70 per cent of its labour force.

The country has fallen on hard times due to the untamed violence of killer herdsmen and bandits.

Everywhere you turn, there are either calls for separation or self-determination. Sadly, a hungry country cannot contribute to the emerging world increasingly being governed by Artificial Intelligence and robotics, although it will be impacted by them all the same.


Kayode Soremekun, professor of International Relations at the University of Lagos, thinks Nigeria has a big challenge with leadership, especially the kind that have poor vision. Speaking with THEWILL on Friday, he said, " We have had the same set of political actors over the years and to that extent, you do not expect anything different. It is a case of leadership without vision. This has created problems, particularly with easy resources from oil money. There was a time we had a policy on Operation Feed the Nation, it did not work. So that was a case of good policy but bad implementation.”

Odia Ofeimun agrees with him. According to the essayist, poet and political thinker, "For God's sake, we do not have a poor society. It is good to state it clearly. What we have is a society that is undermanaged and mismanaged. How we get out of that stage is where we are now."

Many of the leaders, he said, have a low sense of social purpose.

The case of leadership without vision and bad implementation has been held accountable for some of the otherwise brilliant policies and policy projections that were launched with fanfare and came to nought.

The Vision 2020 project, drawn up by captains of industry, professional and occupational bodies during the Presidency of Yar’Ardua in 2009 is an example . It was designed as a strategic framework for the Federal Republic of Nigeria to develop its economic and political strength by 2022 when Nigeria was projected to be “one of the 20 largest economies in the world, able to consolidate its leadership role in Africa…”

With the social political crisis in the country today, it is safe to say that the project was not only neglected but abandoned. Another example is a recent one. In 2020, President Muhammadu Buhari signed an Executive Order to grant financial autonomy to the judiciary, legislature and local government. The order on local government was still trending in the media when a large number of state governors

across the political parties stormed the presidential villa to register their protest against it. They all felt threatened by the notion, let alone autonomy for the local governments considered as the only administration closer to the grassroots. Buhari caved into their demands.

In his book, Oil, Politics and Violence: Nigeria's Military Coup Culture (1966-1976), an American historian, Max Siollun, summarised the Nigerian problem since the adoption of the unitary system of government after the 30-months civil war, thus: "The Federal Military Government became the custodian of all oil proceeds, subject to the paying of token 'derivation formula', royalty to the individual state that the oil was derived from.

After collating all oil proceeds, the FMG shared it among all the states in the federation, regardless of whether or not they produced oil. ''While this seemed equitable... federal control of oil proceeds subsequently weakened and discouraged the economic prowess and financial autonomy of each region, turning them into little more than beggar subsidiaries to the Federal Government, totally beholden to and dependent on remittances from the FMG. Federal control of oil revenues thus led to continuous agitation for new states to be created.

''Whereas new states were previously demanded on the basis of self-determination and in order to prevent minority ethnic groups from being dominated by the large ethnicities, state creation became a way of creating new economic entities that would demand their own share of revenue from the federal government."

Despite the challenges of nationhood, six decades plus of sharing the same territorial space among the diverse people “means that God is a Nigerian,” is Chief Willy Ezugwu’s view. Ezugwu, SecretaryGeneral of the National Conference of Nigerian Political Parties (CNPP) told THEWILL in a brief interview at the weekend that Nigeria is so blessed with human and natural resources that once the country gets the leadership equation right every other thing will fall into place.

He said, “Name any mineral resources you can find in any place in the world that you will not find in Nigeria. Then turn your gaze to Nigerians in the diaspora and see how they have assumed leadership roles in virtually any area of human endeavour. We need to set the enabling environment right through visionary leadership.”


Potentially, Nigeria is the biggest economy in Africa with a long-term projected GDP Annual Growth Rate of between 3.10 per cent in 2024 and 3.40 in 2025.

It is the eight largest democracy in the world with a large market; it is endowed with natural resources ranging from petroleum, natural gas, tin, iron ore, coal, limestone, niobium, lead, zinc, gold and arable land. At home, Nigeria is a dwarf. Abroad, it is a giant by comparison, considering the performances of its citizens in the Diaspora. Nigerian-born doctors, like Dr. Oluyinka Olutoye; Dr Professor Iyalla Elvis Peterside; Dr Njideka Udochi; Dr Onyema Ogbuagu; government officials, like Justice Minister of Canada, Kaycee Madu or his relief at a time, Sonya Savage and Adewale Adeyemo, Deputy Treasury Secretary in President Joe Biden’s government in the United States of America are good ambassadors of the country in places like America, Australia and Canada. They were all born and educated in Nigeria before going abroad to seek greener pastures

The poverty is so deep that we (the governed and governors) have to set aside our differences and work to make this country work again. .. The worst thing that can happen to any man is to beg to eat as many people are experiencing in the country today


...Dwarf National Development


The political elite managed to speak with one voice about the way to tackle the challenges posed to nation building, but they failed to symbolise their discovery in concrete terms to drive their dream. The solution was restructuring. No sooner had the word gained currency than it was lost in politics and partisanship.

Foremost champion of restructuring, Afenifere, the pan-Yoruba political organisation led by Chief Ayo Adebanjo, defined it in terms of a return to regionalism based on the republican 1963 Constitution which improved on the pre-independence regional structure by ceding exclusive powers to the regions vis-a vis the centre.

Some groups interpreted it to mean a call for the break-up of the country, while others interpreted it as a return to the practice of true federalism, whereby the Federal Government and the states as federating units maintain a balance of power that recognises the independence of each arm with one strong enough to dominate the other.

In the heat of the controversy generated by the call for restructuring, the governing All Progressives Congress weighed in. The party set up a committee on restructuring headed by then Kaduna State governor, Nasir el-Rufai. Nigerians responded eagerly by submitting memos and memoranda to the committee, which produced a report that never saw the light of the day. During the campaigns leading to the February 25, 2023 General Election, restructuring became a campaign issue, but to no avail.


An advocate of restructuring of the true federalism type, Ofeimun, thinks that the basis for making Nigeria great is education that is free and compulsory. According to him, “free education is the only basis upon which we can run a normal society. A society that does not have free education cannot have a good economy. We must create a society in which a child grows up to know that education is not something to pay for. And if we manage to think along those lines, we will be able to build factories that will transform our foodstuff into manageable commodities and so on.”

Pioneer Permanent Secretary of Bureau for Public Enterprises, Dr Adegoke Adegoroye, who was guest speaker at the 63rd anniversary lecture in Abuja last week said all the laws, statutes and Acts to make Nigeria work are already in place.

Men and women of integrity and excellence are in the system, but they are often blackmailed or victimised, which creates fear and uncertainty among workers.

“Integrity and excellence are values that can tackle corruption that is pervasive in the system,'' he said.

Although he suggests that restructuring should not be seen as a one bullet solution to the myriads of challenges facing the country, Soremekun agrees that restructuring as a political arrangement, which gives autonomy to the units right down to the local governments, must be accompanied by ethical behaviour.

"The states, like the centre, are so far away from the people that it cannot touch them for productive ends. That is why the local governments must have both administrative and financial autonomy," he said.

In addition, he suggests that Nigerians should go back to agriculture in a big way such that "the

country should be able to feed the whole of Africa.” For Chief Ezugwu, “Nigeria is practicing representative democracy, which means we must get our electoral processes right and allow our people to choose and change the leadership in free and fair elections, the leaders who own their emergence to the votes of the leader. Such leaders are more than likely to think about policies that would transform the economy and enthrone equity, justice and equality.”

Elder statesman, Tanko Yakassai, is full of optimism for Nigeria’s future.

“Challenges are part of the struggles in nation building,'' he told THEWILL on Saturday, adding, “Our leadership needs to be more programmatic in their choice of policies that would impact on the lives of the growing population.”

The National Chairman of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Dr Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, has however assured the citizenry of good governance under the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led administration.

In a goodwill message signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Edwin Olofu, and circulated to newsmen on Saturday,Ganduje called on Nigerians not to despair as measures already put in place by the APCled administration would reposition the country to achieve growth and development.

The APC national chairman also called on Nigerians irrespective of their ethnic and religious leanings to sustain the culture of peaceful coexistence to ensure the unity and cohesion of the country.

"On behalf of the entire members of the All Progressives Congress (APC), I wish to extend my heartiest congratulations to all Nigerians, both at home and in the Diaspora on the occasion of the 63rd Independence Day Anniversary celebrations. I rejoice with you. I salute you all.

"Today is indeed an auspicious day as it marks an epoch in the life of our dear nation. Sixty-three years ago, on this very day, our beloved country was granted independence to chart its destiny and build a new nation"!

Ganduje is also full of optimism about the future.

He said on Saturday: "Without doubt, you will agree with me that the journey has not been without obstacles. It has been characterised by

opportunities, prospects and challenges including a three-year civil war which has brought out the resilient Nigerian spirit of perseverance, industry and abiding faith in the country.

He assured and swore that the party would keep to its campaign promises and pledges .

"As a party, let me restate that the APC will remain true to its promises and pledges to the people. None of these promises I repeat, will escape our attention and none will be treated lightly," he said.

In his message to Nigerians on the 63rd independence anniversay, the Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2023 general election, Atiku Abubakar, said “the talents and doggedness of young Nigerians who have refused to give up on the country are the inspiration for a greater future.''

According to Atiku, “The energy of the Nigerian youth is a formidable force in the consternation of manpower and skills that power the global economy.

“Across the globe, and in various fields of human endeavour, the youth of this country have proven to have the competence to rival any of their peers from any part of the world.

“That success - the gallantry of our youth - is the primal element of what we celebrate today as a nation.”

Kano State Deputy Governor, Comr. Aminu Abdussalam Gwarzo, also called on Nigerians to embrace peace and unity. In a statement released to newsmen by his Press Secretary, Ibrahim Garba Shuaibu, Gwarzo said that the 63rd independence anniversary is a time to reflect on the country's journey since independence and celebrate its achievements.

The Deputy Governor also urged Nigerians to work together to build a better future for the country.

"As we celebrate this anniversary, let us remember the sacrifices of our forefathers who fought for our freedom. Let us also remember the challenges that we face as a nation and work together to overcome them.

"I believe that Nigeria has a bright future ahead of it. We are a blessed nation with abundant resources and talented people. Let us work together to build a country where everyone can thrive." stated the Deputy Governor.

Gwarzo also used the opportunity to call on Nigerians to be united and embrace peace. He said that the country can only achieve its full potential if Nigerians are united and work together.

"I urge all Nigerians to embrace peace and unity. Let us put aside our differences and work together to build a better future for our country," Gwarzo said.

Former President, Muhammadu Buhari, in a message signed by Garba Shehu, his spokesman, on Saturday, said: “On the occasion of the nation’s independence anniversary, I send my warm greetings to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the people of Nigeria.

“For 63 years, Nigeria continues to inspire the rest of the continent with the creativity and diversity of its citizens, and now, a long span of democratic rule. I'm very optimistic that democracy as a system of government will continue to gain strength, year after year, in our nation."

The country is challenged on several fronts.... National Security remains precarious, cost of living crisis occasioned by high cost of energy, cost of food skyrocketing daily, lack of liveable wages...people are hungry and despondent

Tinubu Promises to Give Priority to People's Safety

President Bola Tinubu has assured Nigerians that his administration will accord the highest priority to their safety. He also promised to pay an additional monthly wage of N25,000 for low-level federal government workers for six months, beginning from this October, to cushion the effects of the current economic hardships on their lives.

Speaking in a national broadcast to the nation on the occasion of the country's 63rd independence anniversary, President Tinubu said inter-service collaboration and intelligence sharing have been enhanced.

He said Service Chiefs have been tasked with the vital responsibility of rebuilding the capacities of the security services.

He saluted and commended the security forces for keeping the country safe and securing its territorial integrity.

"Many have paid the ultimate sacrifice. We remember them today and their families. We shall equip our forces with the ways and means needed to perform their urgent task on behalf of the people", he said.

He promised that his administration will continue to make key appointments in line with the provisions of the Constitution and with fairness towards all, saying, women, youth and the physically challenged shall continue to be given due regard in appointments.

President Tinubu congratulated the National Assembly for its role in the quick take-off of his administration through the performance of its constitutional duties of confirmation and oversight.

He similarly congratulated the judiciary as a pillar of democracy and fairness, just as he thanks the civil society organisations and Labour Unions for their dedication to Nigerian democracy.

" We may not always agree but I value your advice and recommendations. You are my brothers and sisters and you have my due respect", he said.

He pledged to remain committed and serve faithfully and

invite all to join him in the enterprise of remaking Nigeria into its better self.

Apart from the additional monthly wage of N25,000 for low-level federal government workers for six months beginning from this October, the President also announced the expansion of the conditional cash transfer programmes to an additional 15 million vulnerable households with effect from this month.

President Tinubu said the new wage arrangement was aimed at cushioning the impact of the newly-introduced reforms on the low-level Nigerians amid the rising economic hardship across the states.

He reiterated his position that the reforms were necessary to place the nation on the path of prosperity and growth, urging Nigerians to bear the hardship which, he said, is for a moment


Address by His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Gcfr, President And Commander-In-Chief, Federal Republic of Nigeria in Commemoration of The 63rd Independence Anniversary of Nigeria on Sunday, 1st October, 2023

Dear Compatriots,

It is my unique honour to address you on this day, the 63rd anniversary of our nation’s independence, both as the President of our dear country and, simply, as a fellow Nigerian.

2. On this solemn yet hopeful day, let us commend our founding fathers and mothers. Without them, there would be no modern Nigeria. From the fading embers of colonialism, their activism, dedication and leadership gave life to the belief in Nigeria as a sovereign and independent nation.

3. Let us, at this very moment, affirm that as Nigerians, we are all endowed with the sacred rights and individual gifts that God has bestowed on us as a nation and as human beings. No one is greater or lesser than the other. The

triumphs that Nigeria has achieved shall define us. The travails we have endured shall strengthen us. And no other nation or power on this earth shall keep us from our rightful place and destiny. This nation belongs to you, dear people. Love and cherish it as your very own.

4. Nigeria is remarkable in its formation and essential character. We are a broad and dynamic blend of ethnic groups, religions, traditions and cultures. Yet, our bonds are intangible yet strong, invisible yet universal. We are joined by a common thirst for peace and progress, by the common dream of prosperity and harmony and by the unifying ideals of tolerance and justice.

5. Forging a nation based on the fair application of these noble principles to a diverse population has been a task of significant blessing but also serial challenge. Some people have said an independent Nigeria should never have come into existence. Some have said that our country would be torn apart. They are forever mistaken. Here, our nation stands and here we shall remain.

6. This year, we passed a significant milestone in our journey to a better Nigeria. By democratically electing a 7th consecutive civilian government, Nigeria has proven that commitment to democracy and the rule of law remains our guiding light.

7. At my inauguration, I made important promises about how I would govern this great nation. Among those promises, were pledges to reshape and modernize our economy and to secure the lives, liberty and property of the people.

8. I said that bold reforms were necessary to place our nation on the path of prosperity and growth. On that occasion, I announced the end of the fuel subsidy.

9. I am attuned to the hardships that have come. I have a heart that feels and eyes that see. I wish to explain to you why we must endure this trying moment. Those who sought to perpetuate the fuel subsidy and broken foreign exchange policies are people who would build their

Continues on Page 13

L-R: Snr Partner and Head, Tax Service, Grant Thornton Nigeria, Mr. Nkwachi Abuka; Rtd Executive Chairman, Mr. Peter Orizu; Managing Partner/CEO, Dr. (Mrs.) Ngozi Ogwo; Director EMEA - Grant Thornton International Limited (GTIL), Mrs. Tatenda Zimondi; Principal Partner and Head, Advisory Service, Mr. Orji Okpechi and Snr Partner and Head, Audit and Assurance, Mr. Victor Osifo, at the company’s client event held in Lagos on September 26, 2023.
• Unveils N25,000 Monthly Wage For Low-level Workers to Reduce Economic Hardship

Time to Create Constitutional Role For Traditional Rulers

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s recent public ridicule of some traditional rulers at Iseyin in Oyo State has attracted condemnation from the Council of Obas and Chiefs in the state and the pan –Yoruba sociopolitical group, Afenifere, as well as the Yoruba Council of Elders (YCE).

The issue has also brought to the fore, the call for the creation of a constitutional role for traditional rulers.

Obasanjo, who was a guest of Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State at the commissioning of the newly constructed Oyo-Iseyin Road, commanded traditional rulers in attendance to stand up and after they complied, he then ordered them to sit down in typical Head-teacher/primary school pupil fashion.

Obasanjo had condemned and castigated the Obas for sitting down when he entered the venue of the event in company with Governor Makinde, saying they ought to have respected them by standing up immediately.

This incident has made many analysts to canvass a role for traditional rulers in constitutional democracy, believing that the absence of specific roles for traditional rulers in the Nigerian Constitution made government at the state and

federal levels to turn them into objects of ridicule.

Reacting in support of this, the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Lateef Fagbemi (SAN) recently noted that there is a

need to create a constitutional role for traditional rulers in the country.

He stated this while speaking at the turning-ofthe-sod ceremony of the Bar building project of the Ibadan branch of the Nigerian Bar Association in Ibadan penultimate weekend.

Fagbemi said that setting aside a constitutional role for traditional rulers in the country was necessary because traditional institutions remained the most accessible and closest to the citizens.

“The traditional rulers play an important role in communicating government policies and programmes to members of the community, and also help in the provision of succour during crises,” Fagbemi added.

He said that traditional rulers play a great and vital role in maintaining peaceful co-existence in their various communities.

“They are the closest to the grassroots, which makes it possible for them to conveniently prevent violence in their domain,” he said.

Also during a recent visit to the Emir of Zazzau, Ambassador Ahmed Bamalli, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Tajuddeen

Obasanjo had condemned and castigated the Obas for sitting down when he entered the venue of the event in company with Governor Makinde, saying they ought to have respected them by standing up immediately

...Constitutional Role For Traditional Rulers

Abbas, stated that the 10th National Assembly would review the issue of constitutional roles for traditional rulers, which was not considered by the 9th National Assembly.

The speaker’s visit, a homecoming of sorts, was marked by a grand durbar, which signified the his close connection to the traditional leadership of the ancient city of Zazzau (Zaria)

At the Emir’s palace, the speaker said, “I am aware that three years ago, there was a paper by the Traditional Rulers Council representing the six geo-political zones, which stated how they wanted the traditional institution to function in the present democratic dispensation.’

“I assure you today that my colleagues and I who are from traditional ruling houses and others who share similar sentiments will go back and look at the position paper written by the traditional leaders to ensure that the traditional institution has a place in the current political dispensation. We will work assiduously with the various state houses of assembly to ensure that the glory of the traditional institution is restored.’’

The speaker, it is believed, has touched a very sensitive subject on which Nigerians are sharply divided.

There are many Nigerians who support the argument that traditional rulers, being the custodians of tradition and culture, should be given roles in the constitution so as to enable them to act as a stabilising factor in the polity.

Those who belong to this school of thought point to the fact that Nigerians generally hold traditional rulers in high esteem. They also argue that even as traditional rulers have been relegated to the background in temporal affairs, government at all levels still find them useful and often consult them, especially on matters that have to do with public order and security.

It is further argued that traditional rulers are regarded as fathers of all without any partisan link to any group in society that they lead and symbolise; that they can be relied upon to provide dispassionate ideas and leadership on how to resolve some of the intractable issues that have defied solution and dogged the country.

It is also believed that traditional rulers are the closest to the people and they will offer great relief to the pervasive insecurity in the country, if they are put in charge of security in their domains and give support to the police.

Some other people said that though traditional rulers are acknowledged as custodians of values and thus symbolic fathers of societies, there is no need to provide an avenue for them in governance so as not to dilute and compromise their revered status in society.

To this set of people, giving constitutional role to the traditional rulers and the institutions they symbolise and represent may drag them into the often harsh and uncomplimentary glare of the public space.

Despite the sharp divergence on the subject of constitutional role for traditional rulers, there is a need to give it another look in order to determine

THEWILL recalls that traditional rulers in the past were part of the structure of governance in the country

properly how and where to place the traditional rulers in the matrix of governance in the country.

A political analyst and commentator, Pius Adeyi, believes this has become necessary, following the myriad challenges that have stretched the existing structures of governance in Nigeria.

THEWILL recalls that traditional rulers in the past were part of the structure of governance in the country. For instance in the North, the Native Authority System was run by traditional rulers and their duties and responsibilities, which included supervising and administering the justice system and the treasury, was given recognition by the constitution.

Whatever anybody says about the Native Authority System, there is no doubting its efficacy in the area of security, especially in the rural communities. Under the authority of traditional rulers, rural communities were well secured through a variety of proactive and reactive security measures.

Opinion molders also believe that the persistent wave of insecurity in the country, especially in the rural areas, can be easily tackled by the

traditional rulers who they believe are closer to the people than government.

The question is this: If traditional rulers are assigned specific roles in the Constitution, how will that affect the current three-tier government structure?

Also what will be the implication of such roles if they are backed by the constitution, especially on the issue of funding?

A glance at post-Independence constitutions of Nigeria revealed that they gave some level of recognition to the traditional institutions as representatives of their people at the House of Chiefs, which later transformed into native and local authorities with executive powers over issues, such as community policing, immigration, prison services and tax administration.

The 1960 and 1963 Constitutions created a Council of Chiefs for traditional rulers at the regional level, while the 1979 gave them representation in the National Council of States at the federal level and Council of Chiefs at the state level. The council played an advisory role on customary matters, cultural affairs, chieftaincy matters and when requested to give advice on the maintenance of public order.

But the 1979 Constitution, which incorporated the constitutional reforms of 1976 that gave birth to the local government system of administration, confiscated and transferred to the local government the responsibilities performed by the traditional in the postindependence constitutions.

From 1979 till date, including the military era in governance, traditional rulers were reduced to mere tools in the hands of politicians who have in turn rendered the royal fathers to political irrelevance for their selfish interests.

The 1999 constitution brought a complete removal of the traditional rulers’ constitutional recognition as it even stripped them of the advisory role given to them by the 1979 constitution.

Under the present democratic dispensation, attempts have been made to ensure that traditional rulers are given a constitutional role.

Former Senate President, David Mark, was once quoted to have said, “We will continue to assist our traditional rulers who are responsible for unity and peace in order to further strengthen their roles. We shall find specific roles for them in the constitution when we finally review the 1999 constitution.”

The legislature has listed the prescription of constitutional roles for traditional rulers as one of the issues for consideration in the future.

One expected that the renewed call for the inclusion of traditional rulers in the democratic rule may receive the blessing of the National Assembly with the promise made by the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Abass.

Will the traditional rulers abuse the privilege, if given a constitutional role in the democratic rule? Only time will tell.



Bayelsa Governorship: Sylva Battles Diri For Creek Haven

With a few weeks to the November 11, 2023 governorship election in Bayelsa State, political parties and their candidates are very busy campaigning at the moment.

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress (APC) have constituted their Campaign Councils for the election and they are already criss-crossing the state soliciting votes.

The general belief in Bayelsa is that the election is a straight duel between the PDP and the PDP. Senator Douye Diri, who is the incumbent governor and the PDP candidate is rounding up his first term in office, seeking re-election. He is the only PDP governor who was returned unopposed to run for a second term.

The APC candidate, Timpire Sylva, is a former governor and the immediate past Minister of State for Petroleum Resources.

Taraba State Governor, Kefas Agbu, is leading Diri’s campaign as the Chairman of the PDP National Campaign Committee in charge of Bayelsa State and he is being assisted by Chinedu Nwoko, as Deputy Chairman, while Governor of Gombe, Inuwa Yahaya, is spearheading the APC campaign council in Bayelsa.

Aside Diri and Sylva, other candidates in the election include Waibodei Subiri of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA and a former Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) president, Udengs Eradiri of Labour Party.

Sylva won the APC ticket after he successfully defeated five other contestants. Among them being the 2019 governorship candidate of the party, Chief David Lyon. Many political analysts thought the APC would allow Lyon to pick the ticket for the governorship race pitying the way he was removed after winning the last election by the court. Sylva is believed to be working hard to reconcile with the other aspirants who rejected the outcome of the party’s primary election.

Both Diri and Sylva are familiar with the condition of Creek Haven, having once occupied the house. Diri and Sylva have both served one term in office and they are contesting for a second term. While Sylva served as governor from 2007 to 2011, Diri is serving his first term in office from 2020 to 2024.

Fear of Violence

Sylva and Diri, as well as their supporters, are already raising fear on the issue of violence as Election Day gets closer.

Last Sunday, the duo engaged in a war of words over allegations of spying and violence ahead of the November 11 polls.

Sylva claimed, in a statement signed by his Special Adviser, Media and Publicity, Julius Bokoru, that Diri had recruited spies to monitor his movements, but the second-term-seeking governor denied the allegation, saying the APC governorship flagbearer was crying wolf where none existed.

Sylva said this is according to a credible intelligence available to him.

The statement said, “Credible reports available to H.E Chief Timipre Sylva, governorship candidate of the APC in Bayelsa State suggest that Governor Douye Diri has commissioned spies across the state, especially at the Bayelsa International Cargo Airport, to document and report Chief Sylva’s movements in Bayelsa and environs to some off-grid security architecture in the state.

“This desperate, illegitimate security operation is headed by a close security aide to Governor Diri, and the end game, as is known, is to compromise the convoy

“Both Diri and Sylva are familiar with the condition of Creek Haven, having once occupied the house. Diri and Sylva have both served one term in office and they are contesting for a second term. While Sylva served as governor from 2007 to 2011, Diri is serving his first term in office from 2020 to 2024

The Contenders:

Timipre Sylva Sylva is the candidate of the APC in the November election. He is going to face the ruling party in the state, the PDP and its candidate and incumbent governor, Douye Diri in the election.

His success in the election will depend on how he is able to manage those who lost out in the primary against him. Sylva defeated five aspirants in the primary, including Lyon who was the party’s candidate in the last election. Aside this, most Bayelsans regard Sylva as a Diasporan Bayelsan as he is believed to be resident more in Abuja.This is his second attempt at contesting the governorship since leaving office as governor in 2011 and many of his supporters believe he will get it right this time around. Whether they are right or wrong, the results of the election in few weeks time will put that to the public.

Douye Diri

Diri came into office through a Supreme Court pronouncement and since he assumed office , the people of Bayelsa have seen him as an ‘Action Governor’. In fact, if there is anything that is giving the PDP candidate confidence of victory, it is his performance in the office in the last three or four years.

He is seen by an average Bayelsan as an achiever who has done more than any other governor before him.. James Akpe, a public affairs commentator based in Yenagoa, said that Diri’s performance and the manner of entering office has made people to tag him as a ‘Miracle Governor.’

and security of Chief Sylva.

“This is to alert the general public and the security agencies to take note of Governor Diri’s strategy of violence against Sylva and the Bayelsa people with a special focus being Opu-Nembe.

“A serving Governor’s chief campaign strategy, naturally, was to reel out achievements and milestones, not investing in an orgy of violence. Diri should be commissioning projects, not commissioning spies.

Akpe said, “His manner of emergence as the governor is nothing short of a miracle, hence, the appellation the ‘Miracle Governor’. In a surprise upset, the APC candidate in the election who had been declared winner, Mr David Lyon, was stopped from assuming office, barely 24 hours before he was to be sworn into office.

“That surprise ruling of the Supreme Court which upturned the election of Lyon ensured that Diri was sworn in as governor.

“Since becoming the governor, Diri has spent his time proving to the people that he is capable and has tried to earn their trust.”


*Continued from Page 9

...Give Priority to People's Safety

family mansion in the middle of a swamp. I am different. I am not a man to erect our national home on a foundation of mud. To endure, our home must be constructed on safe and pleasant ground.

10. Reform may be painful, but it is what greatness and the future require. We now carry the costs of reaching a future Nigeria where the abundance and fruits of the nation are fairly shared among all, not hoarded by a select and greedy few. A Nigeria where hunger, poverty and hardship are pushed into the shadows of an ever fading past.

11. There is no joy in seeing the people of this nation shoulder burdens that should have been shed years ago. I wish today’s difficulties did not exist. But we must endure if we are to reach the good side of our future.

12. My government is doing all that it can to ease the load. I will now outline the path we are taking to relieve the stress on our families and households.

13. We have embarked on several public sector reforms to stabilize the economy, direct fiscal and monetary policy to fight inflation, encourage production, ensure the security of lives and property and lend more support to the poor and the vulnerable.

14. Based on our talks with labour, business and other stakeholders, we are introducing a provisional wage increment to enhance the federal minimum wage without causing undue inflation. For the next six months, the average low-grade worker shall receive an additional Twenty-Five Thousand naira per month.

15. To ensure better grassroots development, we set up an Infrastructure Support Fund for states to invest in critical areas. States have already received funds to provide relief packages against the impact of rising food and other prices.

16. Making the economy more robust by lowering transport costs will be key. In this regard, we have opened a new chapter in public transportation through the deployment of cheaper, safer Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses across the nation. These buses will operate at a fraction of current fuel prices, positively affecting transport fares.

17. New CNG conversions kits will start coming in very soon as all hands are on deck to fast track the usually lengthy procurement process. We are also setting up training facilities and workshops across the nation to train and provide new opportunities for transport operators and entrepreneurs. This is a groundbreaking moment where, as a nation, we embrace more efficient means to power our economy. In making this change, we also make history.

18. I pledged a thorough housecleaning of the den of malfeasance the CBN had become. That housecleaning is well underway. A new leadership for the Central Bank has been constituted. Also, my special investigator will soon present his findings on past lapses and how to prevent similar reoccurrences. Henceforth, monetary policy shall be for the benefit of all and not the exclusive province of


the powerful and wealthy.

19. Wise tax policy is essential to economic fairness and development. I have inaugurated a Committee on Tax Reforms to improve the efficiency of tax administration in the country and address fiscal policies that are unfair or hinder the business environment and slow our growth.

20. To boost employment and urban incomes, we are providing investment funding for enterprises with great potential. Similarly, we are increasing investment in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

21. Commencing this month, the social safety net is being extended through the expansion of cash transfer programs to an additional 15 million vulnerable households.

22. My administration shall always accord the highest priority to the safety of the people. Inter-Service collaboration and intelligence sharing have been enhanced. Our Service Chiefs have been tasked with the vital responsibility of rebuilding the capacities of our security services.

23. Here, I salute and commend our gallant security forces for keeping us safe and securing our territorial integrity. Many have paid the ultimate sacrifice. We remember them today and their families. We shall equip our forces with the ways and means needed to perform their urgent task on behalf of the people,

24. We shall continue to make key appointments in line with the provisions of the Constitution and with fairness toward all. Women, Youth and the physically challenged shall continue to be given due regard in these appointments.

25. May I take this opportunity to congratulate the National Assembly for its role in the quick take-off of this administration through the performance of its constitutional duties of confirmation and oversight.

26. I similarly congratulate the judiciary as a pillar of democracy and fairness.

27. I also thank members of our dynamic civil society organizations and labour unions for their dedication to Nigerian democracy. We may not always agree but I value your advice and recommendations. You are my brothers and sisters and you have my due respect.

28. Fellow compatriots, the journey ahead will not be navigated by fear or hatred. We can only achieve our better Nigeria through courage, compassion and commitment as one indivisible unit.

29. I promise that I shall remain committed and serve faithfully. I also invite all to join this enterprise to remake our beloved nation into its better self. We can do it. We must do it. We shall do it.!!!

30. I wish you all a happy 63rd Independence Anniversary.

31. Thank you for listening.

32. May God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Youth Group Urges Nigerians to Foster Peaceful Co-existence

APolitical Group, Christian Youths in Politics has said that there is the need to make concerted efforts to restore key factors that previously helped to cement the bond of unity in the country. The group urges Nigerians to shun divisiveness and ensure unity and peaceful co-existence.

It said as part of its efforts to ensure speedy peaceful coexistence among various ethnic and religious adherents in the country, it is organising a 'Peaceful Co-existence Conference' in Lagos on October 28, 2023.

Addressing a Press Conference at the weekend, the Chairman, Planning Committee of the Conference, Hon. Olufemi Ajadi Oguntoyinbo said the group is not oblivious of the fact that the void created by the age long disunity in the country has posed a debilitating effect on the development of our society.

He said that is what prompted the group to organise Nigerian Peaceful Coexistence Conference.

"We remain committed to promoting peaceful coexistence in the country through continue dialogue and collaboration among all stakeholders", he said. Speaking further he said " By our estimated projection well over 1000 participants from diverse backgrounds, religious shades and beliefs will be coming together to discuss issues related to peaceful co-existence in Nigeria. He said the proposed conference programme will include amongst others; keynote speeches, Plenary sessions, panel discussions and breakout sessions that will afford participants avenues to familiarize and see the issues confronting the nation as one that require holistic approach to proffer lasting solutions.

"The conference will highlight the need for greater inter religious and inter -ethnic dialogue and also emphasize the importance of promoting tolerance and understanding among Nigerians from different backgrounds.

"Participants will also discussed ways to combat hate speech, discrimination and violence in the country". Also speaking, a Board of Trustees member of the group, Ambassador Kolawole Princess said those expected at the conference include the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi; the Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammadu Sa'ad Abubakar and Wife of the Oyo State Governor, Engineer Mrs Tamunominini Makinde and officials of Lagos State Government among other dignitaries.

AYO ESAN L-R: Deputy Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Dr. Akon Eyakenyi; Minister of FCT, Nyesom Wike; Governor of Benue State, Hyacinth Alia; Governor of Taraba State, Agbu Kefas and  Deputy Governor of Abia State, Ikechukwu Emetu, during the National Economic Council Meeting at the Presidential Villa in Abuja on September 28, 2023.

Moving Nigeria Forward at 63 N

igerians at home and abroad, this Sunday, October 1, will mark the 63rd anniversary of the political independence of their country . The day will be marked with low celebration across the states and Federal Capital Territory in line with the directives of President Bola Tinubu. Today's anniversary will therefore be devoid of the usual fanfare and ceremony that we used to witness in the years past. This year's anniversary, no doubt, is another opportunity to reflect on our past and present challenges to enable us move forward as a country that is destined for greatness, given the immense human and material resources that abound in Nigeria.

The country is not only the eight largest democracy in the world but also one of the eight biggest oil producers globally, yet without a functional refinery. However, it is really sad to note that the most populous black nation on earth remains a toddler in terms of national development and actual progress after over six decades of independence with extreme poverty and real hunger in the land.

With selfish leaders without

vision dwarfing the country's development and progress over the years, there can never be a better time for sober reflection than now. With all developmental indexes at an all-time low and in the red for Nigeria, it is not surprising that the country has failed woefully with the leaders making a big mess of the opportunities to really make a difference over the years.

The 2022 Corruption Index ranked Nigeria at 150 out of 180 countries by Transparency International while electricity supply has fluctuated scandalously between 3,000 and 5,000 megawatts since 1999 even as no fewer than 133 million Nigerians are dimensionally poor, according to a survey sponsored by the Federal Government and the World Bank.

The unemployment rate is still high, standing at 41 per cent, according to KPMG, with agriculture, which provides 25 per cent of the country's gross domestic product, accounting for 70 per cent of its labour force.

Lamenting the multi-dimensional challenges currently facing Nigeria, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Tajudeen Abass, who was addressing members of the House on resumption from their holidays last week, said all hands must be on

deck to check the palpable gloom pervading the country.

"The country is challenged on several fronts.... National Security remains precarious, cost of living crisis occasioned by high cost of energy, cost of food skyrocketing daily, lack of liveable wages, the negative effects of the unpredictable and fluctuating foreign exchange rates, a disappearing middle class...people are hungry and despondent," he said.

Moving Nigeria forward therefore requires a joint effort from both the leadership and the governed to foist a system that celebrates integrity and excellence instead of the past experience where partisan politics, godfatherism and ethnic bigotry, among other social ills, succeeded in depriving the country of the right and efficient leadership that would have moved the country forward at a real faster rate.

As Nigerians mark the 63rd independence anniversary in their own ways, taking time to reflect on where we got it wrong, we urge our people to look at the bright side of life and be hopeful that the future that lies ahead of us is surely bright and all the gloom we are seeing today will surely be a thing of the past with time if we do the right things.

THEWILLNIEWS THEWILLNW THEWILLNEWS NIGERIA BUREAU: 36AA Remi Fani-Kayode Street, GRA, Ikeja. Lagos, Nigeria. / @THEWILLNG, +234 810 345 2286, +234 913 333 3888 EDITOR: Olaolu Olusina @OLUSINA LETTERS/OPINIONS: Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Austyn Ogannah Editor – Olaolu Olusina Deputy Editor – Amos Esele Politics Editor – Ayo Esan Business Editor – Sam Diala Copy Editor – Chux Ohai Cartoon Editor – Victor Asowata Entertainment/Society Editor – Ivory Ukonu Photo Editor – Peace Udugba Head, Graphics – Tosin Yusuph Circulation Manager – Victor Nwokoh Guest Art Director – Sunny Hughes
Moving Nigeria forward therefore requires a joint effort from both the leadership and the governed to foist a system that celebrates integrity and excellence instead of the past experience where partisan politics, godfatherism and ethnic bigotry, among other social ills, succeeded in depriving the country of the right and efficient leadership

Obasanjo And The Face of Insolence

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s recent discourteous behaviour against some of the traditional rulers in Iseyin, Oyo State, has drawn an angry tirade from the public. Not unexpectedly, these comments have come as a mix of both the printable and unprintable words.

For this writer, the former president’s comments could only be viewed from two main perspectives. The first is the pre-colonial era prestige attached to Nigeria’s traditional institution.


During the period under review, traditional rulers were in full control to the extent that the then-visiting white men who later became their colonial masters were always at their mercy for acceptance to the kings and the locals. In their bid, the white men always came to these monarchs along with materials such as clothes, tobacco, salt, refined gold and beverages.

In return for the perceived kind gesture from the white men, traditional rulers would pack and sell or give our brothers and sisters who had either been bought or captured in inter-tribal wars as slaves as gifts to these foreigners. This relationship continued till it all culminated in what was later known as colonial administration.

It is also interesting to note that the colonial administration then brought the idea that traditional rulers needed to be subservient to the colonial administration. That was the genesis and the starting point of the gradual erosion of the power and influence of the traditional rulers in Nigeria. This was done to see the monarchs as middlemen through whom people were administered indirectly in the protectorates which in any case was resisted by the easterners. The Obas, too, really enjoyed it as it was seen in their fraternization and oppression of the people. But the monarchs had left their lofty positions and begun looking up to the white men or the colonial lords for decisions, directions and favours of all shapes and sizes in all things.

At Independence, the colonial masters left, but they left behind the structure for the indigenous administration. Not only that they left, they also gave us a document known as the Independence Constitution which was meant to right all the wrongs of the past and restore the dignity of the traditional leaders, among others. The joy of independence of the year 1960 was however brought to a halt by a group of soldiers led by Major General Thomas Aguyi-Ironsi, who instead of sustaining the regional system of government that was in place, introduced the unitary system of government coloured in federalism, and that’s what has been in place, even till this day. That was how Nigeria went back to its colonial master-monarch relationship.

Needless to repeat, therefore, that Obasanjo and his co-travellers who later found themselves at the seat of power did not see anything wrong with the usurpation of the roles and powers of our revered monarchs. So, there’s no need to restore them. They went on as Nigerian leaders exploiting and further denigrating and desecrating our traditional stools. That is why governors and commissioners have been seen commanding and ordering these monarchs around against their wishes and those of their subjects. Obasanjo could not have done less; and cannot do less. Here’s a man who places himself above others and with the colonial master’s mentality that is deeply ingrained in him. He sees himself as the eternal bank of the world’s knowledge. That’s why he could appoint and pay political advisers from the public coffers as a sitting president and still declare that he would not listen to them. On an altar of sheer arrogance, this man wasted the Yoruba slot for eight years by pursuing his agenda over that of the general public. For example, as a sitting president, he organized fundraisings that birthed his private university, revamped his erstwhile comatose farm project and established a world-class library for himself. He forcefully made his daughter Commissioner in Ogun, his home state, and senator representing the state at the National Assembly. Obasanjo was also reputed for the inglorious Third Term Agenda.

It is coming from this background that the former president believes that he has a lesson he must drive down the throats of the representatives of our ancestors, the Obas; and he did lead them in that Parade Ground of ‘E dide! E joko!’ (Stand up! Sit down!), which they sheepishly obeyed.

Too bad. Whereas Obasanjo finds it pleasurable to be denigrating Yoruba Obas, he most certainly cannot try the same with any Emir in any part of the North. In the North, monarchs are recognized in their statute books as a result of the penal code system in operation which is different from what obtains in the South. Here in the South, our monarchs are treated as errand boys for politicians.

As CBN Gets a New Boss

It is a new dawn at the Central Bank of Nigeria, as the Senate, the upper chamber of the National Assembly, screened and approved the nominees of President Bola Tinubu, to pilot the affairs of the monetary institution. The President appointed the new Governor, Dr Olayemi Cardoso, and four Deputy Governors, to assist him in running the affairs of the Bank – They are Mr Philip Ikeazor, Mr Mohammad Sani Datti, Mrs Nnana Usoro, and Dr Bala M. Bello. Their appointment came on the heels of the suspension and subsequent resignation of the former Governor, Mr Godwin Emefiele.

The former Acting Governor, Mr Folashodun Shonubi, Mr Edward Adamu, Mrs Aishah Ahmad and Dr Kingsley Obiora, also resigned from their appointments after the announcement of the new managers, to pave the way for their screening, and eventual assumption of office.

The CBN has been in the eye of the storm, following Emefiele’s contentious foray into politics. It would be recalled that the former governor was alleged to have procured a nomination form to run for the presidency of the country. The move incurred the wrath of politicians and critical financial stakeholders who considered the move an aberration by a sitting governor of the bank. Public outcry subsequently made him jettison the ambition. Ever since, the CBN knew no peace. All its subsequent pronouncements and actions were tagged political.

Mr Emefiele’s Naira redesign policy, a good initiative, though poorly implemented, revulsed Nigerians, who felt humiliated, frustrated, lost businesses, and considered their monies confiscated. They were miffed, the anguish was visible and unbearable. That singular action turned people against the CBN. At the same time, the political class who felt the policy was targeted at them saw it as a vendetta for their opposition to his ill-fated political ambition. They never forgave him, and Nigerians equally called for his head.

As the apex bank gets a new driver, it is hoped that the Naira, which is currently badly battered, will start to regain its breath. It is also expected of the political class to allow the currency a fresh breath of air. The politicians have strangulated the Naira, and it needs strength. They are classically its problem and can still rescue it. They have lost faith in the Naira, our national identity, preferring to hold the dollar and other currencies as stores of value.

There is no gainsaying the fact that the task ahead has been cut out for the new CBN governor, and Nigerians will be leveraging his pedigree as a financial technocrat to prove his mettle and rescue the domestic currency from its current travails. However, the job is not for Mr Cardoso and his team alone, the fiscal authority must help the Naira to live. The government must come forward with policies to energise the economy.

The problem of the Naira is Nigeria’s overdependence on proceeds from oil. The opaquely riddled sector has been a curse rather than a blessing to the nation. Crude oil theft has remained unabated, oil subsidy a scam, and poor, yet unprivileged Nigerians, bore the brunt. Nigeria was also not producing to feed or export, but heavily reliant on importation of what it can produce and eat. The desire to diversify the economy has not been matched with action. The intractable insecurity challenge has consumed the food-producing belt of the country due

to the repressive activities of bandits, and other ancillary issues that have eroded the potency and viability of the economy.

The new CBN Governor, no doubt, has a daunting task ahead of him. It is not a good time to be appointed for such an onerous job. The economy is challenged, and Nigerians are on the edge, frustrated, and forlorn, thus, the touted synergy and alignment of purpose by the fiscal and monetary authorities is more desirable now than before. Working at cross purposes to outdo each other will further hurt the economy. An urgent solution to banditry is also desirable. It has wreaked havoc on the economy and must be addressed now. It has taken too long.


Foreign investors have taken flight, and even local counterparts have either shut down or relocated, forcing the economy to its knees. Equally desirable is an adequate, and not epileptic power supply. Most manufacturing firms have been operating under excruciating conditions, and the cost of alternative energy to remain in production adds more pain, not to mention the scarcity of forex to procure materials and machinery. The situation is overwhelming. Thus, this is not the time to play politics, but for every hand to be on the deck to rescue Nigeria. No foreign investor will bring his/ her hard-earned money to an unsafe economy. It is also imperative, and expedient, for the government to have respect for the independence of the CBN. The overbearing attitude of past administrations on the Bank was visibly nauseating, which made stakeholders ask where the independence of the Central Bank is. As the government financial advisor, and banker, mandated to ensure and maintain price and financial stability, it should be left to perform its duties as it is best practised globally. Political interference would not give us a desirable central bank. Nigerians have lost confidence in the Bank considering happenings in and around the Bank lately, and it will assuage their feelings if this conundrum is rested by these fresh appointments.

• Oyetunji writes from Ibadan, Oyo State

•Komolafe writes from Ijebu-Jesa, Osun State
•Continues online at OCTOBER 1, 2023 WWW.THEWILLNEWS.COM 15

Access Corporation Consolidates Grip on Industry Leadership, Grows Assets to N20.8trn

Nigeria’s troubled economy is taking its toll on manufacturing which holds the ace for the real sector. The key fiscal and monetary policy reforms introduced by the government in the first half of 2023 are pushing manufacturing firms into multiple troubles that cause job, financial and inventory losses as well as stunted growth.

The Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) has revealed that a total of 3,567 jobs were lost in the sector in the first six months of 2023. The group stated this in its ‘Half Yearly Review of the Economy (January – June 2023)’ recently released.

According to the report, for the same period in 2022, 1,709 jobs were lost. This represents an increase of 1,855 in job losses in the sector over one year.

The figure also represents an increase of 805 job losses when compared with the 2,708 jobs that were lost in the preceding second half of the preceding year -- July to December 2022.

MAN attributed the increase in job losses to the unfriendly business environment and a slew of hastily implemented policies such as the naira redesign that caused the scarcity of notes in the first quarter of the year.

The report read:

“The decline in the number of jobs created in the sector during the period further highlighted the unfriendly business environment resulting from the hasty policies and residual effect of the currency redesign policy that led to naira crunch.”

Based on the association’s report, there was a decrease in capacity utilization, dropping to 56.5% compared to the 57% recorded during the same period in 2022. Additionally, the cost of funds for manufacturers increased to 24% from the previous 22% in the latter half of 2022.

Six months into its 5-year Strategic Plan (2023-2027), Access Corporation has further raised the bar – consolidating on its prime status as Nigeria’s largest quoted company, by assets, its half-year (HY 2023) results have shown.

Generally, assets expansion slowed down in the banking industry since 2021. This followed the growth in liabilities which weakened the balance sheets, arising from increased credit losses during the COVID-19-induced recession of 2020. On fast track

However, Access Bank, which transited to a holco structure in March 2022, emerged Nigeria’s largest company with a balance sheet size of N11.7 trillion at the end of 2021. This represented a 35 percent growth – adjudged an unmatched performance in the banking industry and elsewhere, involving more than N3 trillion in assets added in that year.

Indeed, the HY 2023 results showed Access Corporation’s continued exceptional performance in assets expansion over the years. The growth in loan books during the period reflected on the significant rise in gross earnings which climbed to N940.31 billion in the review period from N591.80 in HY 2022, representing a 58.8 percent rise.

Evidently, the group’s HY 2023 performance is reflective of its resilience and underpins the goal to generate sustainable value for its stakeholders as outlined in its 5-year strategic plan unveiled in January 2023.

At the presentation of the plan in Lagos, the Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Access Corporation, Mr Herbert Wigwe, emphasised that its expansion programme would be driven by technological innovation. Apparently to maintain its industry leadership narrative.

“By the end of 2027, we expect to be in at least 26 countries and in at least 3 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

Development (OECD) countries supporting trade (in United Kingdom, France & United States of America).

“The customer acquisition drive to hit 100mn for the Retail Business by 2027 will continue, as we emigrate the majority of customers to digital platforms by 2027 across touch-points.”

He added, “We want to be a global player with African heritage. We are a growth-oriented organisation and we will continue to invest in our people amid changes.”

The numbers

Six months into the plan, the group recorded interest income of N318.52 billion specifically from loans and advances to customers as at June 30, 2023 against N238.94 billion in the equivalent year, reflecting a 33.3 percent increase. Its e-business income grew to N43.94 billion from N38.86 billion in HY 2022, showing a 13 percent jump.

The group’s impressive HY 2023 result, was largely as a result of forex gains haul which rose by 362.5 percent to N244.33 billion from paltry N52,83 billion in the corresponding period of 2022. By this, the foremost financial services giant posted a profit before tax (PBT) of N167.60 billion compared to N97.79 billion in HY 2022, representing a rise of 71.4 percent.

On the same growth trajectory, profit after tax (PAT) rose to N135.44 billion from N88.88 billion in the equivalent period of 2022 which is a 52.6 percent jump.

Expansion cruise

In what looks like an escapade on expansion cruise, the group has intensified its expansion strategy through the acquisition of whole or partial entities in banking, insurance, pension and payment services.

Last July, Access Holdings Plc and Standard Chartered Bank

Fidelity Bank Records YTD 90% Gain on NGX NCDMB, NNPC, IOCs Sign Agreement, Target 6 Months Oil Industry Contract Cycle thewillnews thewillew thewillnews 32
– 3,567
B C D A 0 100BN 1TRN 5TRN 10TRN Gross Earnings PBT PAT Total Assets Loans & Advances E A B C D E HY 2023 167.6 bn 135.4 bn 6.7 trn 20.8 trn 20TRN Customer Deposits F F 12.5 trn *ACCESS CORPORATION FUNDAMENTALS: HY 2023 (N'bn)* Forex Gains G G 244.3 bn Source; Company Report 318.5 bn H Int income G 940.31 bn 30TRN 500BN Continues on page 33


...Grip on Industry Leadership, Grows Assets to N20.8trn

announced that they had reached an agreement wherein its flagship subsidiary – Access Bank Plc – will acquire Standard Chartered’s subsaharan subsidiaries.

Under this acquisition deal, Access Bank will purchase Standard Chartered’s shareholding in its subsidiaries located in Angola, Cameroon, Gambia, and Sierra Leone.

Additionally, Access Bank will also acquire Standard Chartered’s consumer, private, and business banking business in Tanzania. This followed Access Bank’s recent acquisition of a 51 per cent majority equity stake in Finibanco Angola.

Based on the company’s annual report, there are about 13 African subsidiaries with investment at a balance sheet value of about N273 billion as of December 31, 2022

The ‘new arrivals’ will join the many subsidiaries of the bank in the continent to consolidate towards achieving the target of the corporate strategic plan which was one of the reasons for transitioning to a Holco structure.

The existing subsidiaries include:

Access Bank Sierra Leone Limited

Access Bank Rwanda Limited

Access Bank Ghana

Access Bank Zambia

Access Bank South Africa

Access Bank Kenya

Access Bank Botswana

Access Bank United Kingdom

Access Bank Plc also has other smaller subsidiaries in other African countries such as

• Access Bank Cameroon with 100 per cent equity,

• Access Bank Mozambique with a 99.98 per cent stake,

• Access Bank Guinea S.A with 100 per cent equity,

• Access Bank R.D. Congo with 99.98 per cent ownership,

• Access Bank Gambia Limited with 88 per cent stake.

“The financial services institution had transitioned to a Holco with ‘5 verticals’ as a tool to capture the opportunities the African market provides as the landscape evolves over the next few years,” the plan document stated.

...Cripple Manufacturing Sector in HY’23

“The continuous upward adjustments significantly influence the lending rates offered by commercial banks to industries in the Monetary Policy Rate,” MAN said.

The report further revealed that Nigeria’s surging inflation rate is making many products unaffordable as manufacturers’ inventory of unsold finished goods rose by 45.4 percent in one year. It stated that inventory of unsold products in the manufacturing sector rose to N272 billion in the first half of 2023 from N187.1 billion in the same period of last year.

According to the document, this indicates a substantial rise of N84.9 billion or 45.4 percent over this timeframe. It stated, however, that this represents an N11.6 billion or 4.1 percent decline when compared with the inventory value of N283.6 billion recorded in H2 2022.

The report said the increase in inventory can be attributed to a weakened purchasing power of the consumers, brought about by diminishing real household income resulting from the ongoing escalation of inflationary pressures, compounded by the scarcity of naira in Q1 and the aftermath of the subsidy removal.

The high cost of dollars and the implementation of a 7.5 percent value added tax (VAT) on diesel imports have pushed its pump price to as high as N1,200 per litre. At the same time, expenditure on alternative energy hit N60.4 billion in H1 2023. This occurred while the country’s inflation rate rose to an 18-year high of 25.80 percent in August, 2023 from 24.08 percent in July, according to the National Bureau Statistics (NBS).

According to the association, capacity utilisation declined to 56.5 percent from 57.9 percent recorded in the corresponding half of 2022 and cost of funds for manufacturers rose to 24 percent from 22.0 percent in H2 last year.

“The continuous upward adjustments significantly influence the lending rates offered by commercial banks to industries in the Monetary Policy Rate,” MAN said.

The 2023 interim half-year financial results of Nigeria’s manufacturing companies revealed that they are battling for breath as they struggled to lift margins.

Their profit and revenue haul were severely impacted, while the key six cost/ expenses indices revealed an average 92 percent increase. The selected key cost areas include Tax Expenses, Cost of Sales, Administrative Cost, Sales/Marketing Distribution, Raw Materials/Inventory and Employee Expenses/Entitlements.

The firms are confronted with a difficult environment that is not likely to improve any time soon. With growing evidence of worsening economic uncertainties as the firms groan under chock of thistles from multidimensional challenges.

These include multiple taxes, high operating costs, rising inflation, low consumer demand, decrepit infrastructure, volatile exchange market, forex scarcity, policy summersault and insecurity among others. The most outstanding impact came from the devaluation of the naira.

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) had on June 14, 2023, announced the unification of the multiple exchange windows of the forex market. This resulted in significant depreciation of the naira by 67 percent to the average of N777/$ (as of August 2023) against N465/$ prior to the announcement.

Also, the naira traded N800/$ at the parallel market compared to N765/$ before the abolition of multiple exchange rates. This development impacted negatively on the operations of firms in the manufacturing sector.

Dangote Discloses Tax Returns to Nigerian Govt

Dangote Group, a Nigerian multinational industrial conglomerate, announced Thursday that its subsidiaries have paid N474 billion in tax to the federal government in three years.

A representative of the Dangote Group, Hashem Ahmed, disclosed this at the opening ceremony of the 18th Abuja International Trade Fair (AITF) on Thursday.

The AITF scheduled for between 28 September to 9 October 2023 at the Abuja Trade and Convention Centre and the open field of Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), is a prestigious multi-sectoral event in Nigeria.

It offers domestic and international exhibitors a platform to showcase new products, access untapped markets, forge valuable business relationships and stay ahead of emerging trends in Africa. Delivering his company’s goodwill

message at the event, Mr Ahmed said aside from being the highest employer of labour in the private sector, the Dangote Group is also the biggest taxpayer.

“As you may be aware that apart from being the highest employer of labour in the private sector, the Dangote Group is also the biggest taxpayer.

“In just three years, Dangote subsidiaries paid a staggering N474 billion to the Federal Government. These are Dangote Sugar, Dangote Cement and Dangote Salt, combined,” he said.

He explained that this corridor of sustained financial support by the Dangote Group is in addition to several empowerment/skill acquisition programmes, Corporate Social Responsibility programmes, sponsorship and philanthropic schemes, running into several billions of naira.

He said the group was also pleased that the new government under the leadership of President Bola Ahmed

Tunubu is pursuing a tax reform policy that would help expand the tax net and provide the necessary financing for the development of the country’s infrastructures, which will serve as the bedrock for the much-touted industrial takeoff in Nigeria.

Also speaking, Doris Uzoka-Anita, Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment (FMITI), said for many small businesses and MSMEs the thought of taxation is a scary one.

The minister represented by the Director Commodity and Export, FMITI, Kaura Irimiya, said “The idea of paying tax from already tight profit margins is something that no business owner looks forward to. The issue in Nigeria however has always been one of accountability and ensuring that the government uses taxes received to improve the local business environment.

Our growth plans for the African continent remains firm and clear, driven by the strong long term growth prospects and trade opportunities seen across many of the countries
*Continues online at www. *Continues online at www. *Continues online at www.

Company (NAOC), Fabrizio Bolondi; Managing Director, Shell Petroleum development Company of Nigeria Ltd., Osagie Okunbor; Executive Secretary, Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB), Simbi Wabote; representative of Group Chief Executive Officer, NNPC Ltd., Oritsemeyiwa Eyesan and Chairman/ Managing Director, ExxonMobil, Shane Harris, during the NNPC Ltd, and NCDMB signing of MoU on Optimization Contracting Cycle in the Oil Industries with TotalEnergies, Shell, Chevron, Nigerian Agip and Exxon Mobil, at the NNPC Towers in Abuja

Fidelity Bank Records YTD 90% Gain on NGX

Fidelity Bank gained 90.8 percent on price valuation year-to-date as it closed its last trading day on Friday, September 29, 2023 at N8.30 per share on the Nigerian Exchange (NGX).

The price represents a 1.2% gain over its previous closing price of 8.20 NGN.

Fidelity began the year with a share price of 4.35 NGN and has since gained 90.8% on that price valuation, ranking it 38th on the NGX in terms of year-to-date performance.

Market analysts said shareholders can be optimistic about Fidelity Bank knowing the stock has accrued 18% over the past four-week period—eighth best on NGX.

Findings showed that Fidelity Bank is the eighth most traded stock on the NGX over the past three months (Jul 4 - Sep 29, 2023). It has traded a total volume of 1.77 billion shares—in 16,279 deals—valued at N13.9 billion over the period, with an average of 28.1 million traded shares per session.

A volume high of 85.1 million was achieved on September 4th, and a low of 1.9 million on September 20th, for the same period.

THEWILL recalls that Fidelity Bank mid-September announced the completion of its 100 percent acquisition of Union Bank UK, a subsidiary of Union Bank Plc.

The bank said that the completion was furtherance to its notice of acquisition made on August 2, 2022, and signifies the bank’s intent to expand its international portfolio.

The Tier-2 lender said, “The bank is pleased to announce the completion of the transaction and receipt of the approval of the Bank of England’s Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA) for the change of control of UBUK.”

The bank said that the Central Bank of Nigeria had earlier issued a letter of “No Objection” to the transaction, making it easy for this completion process.

SPPG Holds Graduation, Raises Disruptive Leaders to Transform Africa

The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance has scheduled a series of events to commemorate the graduation of its Class of 2023, taking place from October 5th to 7th, 2023.

The graduation ceremony, which holds at the National Universities Commission, Abuja, will bring together disruptive political and community leaders, SPPG students and alumni, the #FixPolitics Work Study Group community and value-oriented politicians in Africa to discuss new ways to lead effectively in the continent.

The SPPG was established to help in building a new model and pipeline of public leadership to reverse acute governance failure and leadership gaps in Africa.

The SPPG has for years built a reputation for equipping leaders wth the right values, knowledge and skills required to solve complex public problems.

“Part of the activities slated for the hybrid three-day event include the inaugural Africa Conference, a convergence of political leaders and citizen-led movement advancing good governance across Africa, which will culminate in the graduation of the third cohort#SPPGClassof2023,” the Chief Executive Officer of SPPG, Mrs Alero Ayida-Otobo, said.

*Continues online at www.

NCDMB, NNPC, IOCs Sign Agreement, Target 6 Months Oil Industry Contract Cycle

With the goal of quickly ramping up Nigeria’s flagging crude oil production, ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Nigerian Content Act, and timely approvals of documents, the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) cum Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Ltd (NNPC Ltd) and five international oilproducing companies.

The SLA was conceptualised by the NCDMB and is intended to optimize the contracting cycle in the oil and gas industry and spur the speedy development of new oil and gas projects, contributing to increased oil production and improved national economy.

The agreement was signed by the Executive Secretary of NCDMB, Engr. Simbi Kesiye Wabote, while the new Executive Vice President Upstream of the NNPC Ltd, Mr. Oritsemeyiwa A. Eyesan signed on behalf of the national oil company. Other top industry officials who signed the agreement included the Managing Director of Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) and Country Chair, of Shell Companies in Nigeria (SCiN) Mr. Osagie Okunbor, and the Chairman and Managing Director of ExxonMobil’s affiliates in Nigeria, Mr. Shane Harris.

Others included the Director of Joint Ventures for Chevron Nigeria, Mr. Iwueze Cosmas; the Managing Director, Nigerian Agip Oil Company Ltd, Mr. Fabrizio Bloomfied, and the Executive Director, Joint Ventures, Total Exploration and Production Nigeria, Mr. Obi Imemba.

The Executive Secretary stated that the overall goal is to conclude the oil and gas industry’s tendering to contract award processes within six months, affirming his conviction that the target is realistic with all key parties now on board with the execution of the SLA. He expressed delight that NNPC Limited signed up to the MoU, being the senior partner of the joint ventures and concessionaire of the production sharing contracts (PSC) arrangements that govern the operations of the industry.

Wabote recalled that NCDMB first introduced the 15-day Rule to the industry in 2017, when it promised that it would respond within 15 working days to any formal request for approvals in relation to projects execution. He noted that the rule was later formalized with an SLA in May 2017 with Nigeria LNG Ltd pioneering the process and breaking approval records in respect of the NLNG Train7 project.

He added that “the industry found the outcome impressive leading to the Independent Petroleum Producers Group (IPPG) signing the SLA in 2018 and Oil Producers Trade Section (OPTS) thereafter.”

Wabote reaffirmed that NCDMB is a business-enabling regulator, hinting that “this is attested to by our being recognised and awarded as the most efficient amongst the MDAs in 2022 by the Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council (PEBEC).

*Continues online at www.

on September 25, 2023.

CBN’s Caveat on Banks’ Profits: What Implications?

Aseemingly innocuous memo from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to all banks, regarding their audited financial results in the first-half, 2023, has turned controversial. The memo has in fact become a cause for serious concern to the generality of bank shareholders, investors and, indeed, the general public.

The memo focuses on the unprecedented quantum leap in the incomes and profits of most banks visà-vis the past years’ levels of their performance. Specifically, the memo signed by the CBN’s director, banking supervision department, Haruna B. Mustafa, puts what amounts to a caveat on the incomes and profits of the banks.

According to the memo dated September 11, 2023, “banks shall not utilise their forex revaluation gains to pay dividend or meet operating expenses.” This, the memo says, is because “the CBN has reviewed the impact of the recent foreign exchange (FX) rate regime change on the banking system and observed its potential to significantly increase Naira values of banks’ foreign currency (FCY) assets and liabilities, resulting in varying levels of FX revaluation gains or losses across the industry.”

And truly, most banks, sequel to the impact of the Naira floatation or exchange rates unification in June, recorded three-to-four hundred percent jump in practically all their performance indicators, compared to figures of first-half of last year.

As it were, in compliance with the apex bank’s directive, many of the banks with an established culture of paying a half-year interim dividend to their shareholders, have opted to declare none (a few did, however). But in their normal cash flow (or income) expectations, bank shareholders (up until the CBN memo) have been counting on their usual interim dividend pay-out from the banks. So, to these millions of (individual) shareholders, the import of the CBN memo is a shocker—an unprecedented vicarious punishment for the fallouts of an impetuous FX policy.

Half-yearly interim dividend payment by most banks has remained part of their competitive edge over the years; and their shareholders always eagerly look forward to such inflow. Even if the banks at year-end 2023 declare dividend that capture the already reported first-half of this year, the shareholders would have lost much, considering the time value of money in a hyperinflationary environment that Nigeria is. The worth of 100 Naira in January this year is no longer the same by today: devaluation and inflation is ravaging everything!

Unwittingly, too, the CBN caveat is de-marketing the banks as far as potential investors are concerned. No discerning investor would be moved to acquire interest in business entities whose financial results are snidely taken as bubbles or mere windfall. Indeed, as we have not seen the last of what becomes of the Naira owing to its full floatation, who knows what ‘fiat’ the CBN or the powers that be could come up with, by year-end. The CBN’s memo has gone viral; and is available to the entire world. The memo therefore serves as an alarm and alert to the global village as to the volatility that rules Nigeria’s banking system—and, by extension, the entire economy.

If the body called Bankers’ Committee (comprising all bank chief executives, top officials of the CBN and headed by the apex bank’s boss) were relevant and

effective, wouldn’t whatever are the likely implications of the FX policy be discussed by this August body? And consequently, these bank chiefs would then discretely manage the identified headwinds. Now, by a stroke of the pen, literally, the CBN has put a huge question mark on the performances of the banks. As it is, international financial analysts and rating agencies will certainly factor-in the reservations and opinions of the CBN in assessing and ranking Nigerian banks, going forward. The CBN memo also serves as a strong warning to stockbrokers to beware of over-pricing of the assets (stocks) of the ‘performing’ banks.

On the other hand, most banks ‘favoured’ by the FX regime change (as the CBN calls it) have practically rolled out drums for the celebration of their astounding performances. In a highly competitive industry which banking is, the ‘favoured’ ones are already riding on their latest figures to outdo the competition, and further expand even their market shares.

The chief executive of one of them in his euphoria said: “the Group recorded strong double-digit growth in revenues and profits from its operations; the results also reflect the effect of sizeable revaluation gains, arising from the harmonization of currency exchange rates in Nigeria.” He continued: “our reporting currency found a new exchange level at about N756 to US$1 as of 30 June 2023, compared to N465 at the beginning of the year. The results again demonstrate the benefits of our long-held diversification strategy across Africa and globally.”

As these banks celebrate the ‘windfall’, who knows what awaits them in the rest of the year, and beyond, given the policy somersaulting proclivity and indiscretion of the Tinubu administration, so far?

Unfortunately, the ‘sterling’ financial performances of the banks courtesy of the ruinous new FX regime, is also a direct indictment on them for making “paper profits” just merely from exchange rates manipulations. This shows clearly how largely ‘de-linked’ the banks are from the real sector of the economy: as most operators in the real sectors are practically being asphyxiated, the banks are reporting triple-figure increases in all performance indicators. This irony exposes the outlandishness of the Nigerian economy, and why the banks usually fail on their part in the transmission mechanism.

Unfortunately, due to motley structural and environmental challenges of the Nigerian economy, as the banks focus more on managing their risk assets, their ‘little’ credit exposure still makes them vulnerable to some headwinds. For instance, as the FX revaluation gains are rising, banks’ nonperforming loans (NPLs) have begun to grow.

This is in part due to the scorching effects of recent monetary and fiscal policies of the current Administration that have sent the Naira on a tailspin and pushed inflation to runaway levels. Petrol or diesel, raw materials, machineries and many critical inputs are no longer affordable to most manufacturing concerns, especially the small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs). Not a few have closed shop; yet, others are faced with bankruptcy prospect— with the exchange rate at about N950/$ and inflation rate at almost 26 per cent!

These beleaguered business entities hit by economic policy fallouts, are customers and debtors to the banks. As they are hard hit unexpectedly by the rash economic policies, their tendency to default in loan servicing increases—all reflecting, with time, as NPLs in the books of the banks.

This reality of the Nigerian business ecosystem compels the banks to pander to the credit needs of blue chips, multinationals and ‘big names’ in the oil and gas, telecoms and a few other sub-sectors. This leaves the start-ups, SMEs and MSMEs to be scorched by environmental, policy and internal factors—including little or no access to credit.

In the final analysis, as the new FX regime and kindred policies have heightened uncertainty in Nigeria’s business environment, the CBN has alerted the whole world that banks’ performances are a bubble; and unsustainable. Indeed, the apex bank has warned of impending prudential guidelines, and insists that they (banks) should “increase their resilience against potential volatility and/or economic shocks.”

• Okeke is a practising Economist, Business Strategist and Sustainability expert.

In the final analysis, as the new FX regime and kindred policies have heightened uncertainty in Nigeria’s business environment, the CBN has alerted the whole world that banks’ performances are a bubble; and unsustainable

OEMs Remain Very Interested in Nigeria - Dave Coffey, CEO, AAAM

Ahead of the October visit of the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, to Nigeria during which he is expected to discuss new German investments in the country with President Bola Tinubu, including the return of German auto giant, Volkswagen, CEO of the African Association of Automotive Manufacturers (AAAM), Dave Coffey, paid a working visit to Nigeria recently and responded to questions on the ongoing efforts of his association to expand and deepen the automotive industry in the continent, even as he expressed confidence that the current Automotive Bill in Nigeria will be passed into law and implemented. Excerpts.

How would you introduce the AAAM? Why was it formed and what are the objectives?

The African Association of Automotive Manufacturers (AAAM) was founded in November 2015 by global OEMs. AAAM is an automotive association focused on the continent of Africa with the vision to expand and deepen the automotive industry by working with African governments to shape and implement policies and ecosystems that will attract investors and unlock the economic potential of the continent. The members of AAAM are global OEMs, assemblers, component manufacturers and service providers that contribute to the development of automotive ecosystems. With the effective implementation of the agreed continental automotive strategy and progressive national auto policies and ecosystems, AAAM believes that new vehicle demand could increase from 1.1m to at least 3.3m per year and possibly 5m by 2035.

We understand that the association aims at deepening the continent's auto industry and influencing policies. What about finding the market?...Because one thing is to produce and another is to sell.

To answer this question effectively requires me to articulate the automotive vision for Africa.

AAAM’s purpose was to meet the automotive assemblers and to share the auto vision for Africa, our activities and progress on the continent. Nigeria has a key hub assembler role to play in Africa; it is important that the Nigerian private sector is aware of and in support of the continental strategy and gets on the AfCFTA auto stage. The strategy was well received

A Continental Automotive Strategy and Implementation Plan that was developed by the African Association of Automotive Manufacturers (AAAM), AfCFTA Secretariat, Africa Union (AU), UNECA, Afreximbank and ARSO was adopted as a living document by the AfCFTA Council of Ministers at a meeting in Botswana in February 2023. An AfCFTA Automotive Task Force has been formed to oversee, guide and implement this Strategy under the supervision of the Council of Ministers. Private sector/manufacturers’ representatives of State Parties can voluntarily participate in the Task Force with the immediate priority of the Task Force to resolve the Rules of Origin.

The architecture of the Continental Auto Strategy is built on a few important principles:

- Hub countries will assemble vehicles with neighboring

economies sharing in the value chain; OEMs will not build a model in a Completely Knock Down (CKD) format in more than one country in Africa. The effective implementation of the continental automotive strategy will cause OEMs to decide where they manufacture what vehicles in Africa based on a country’s competitive and sustainable advantage and as part of their global manufacturing footprint.

- The component manufacturers follow the OEM investments, benefitting from the scale whilst investing in the technology requirements of the OEM and benefitting from the demand for spare parts manufactured off the same equipment.

- The development of Regional Value Chains including the transformation of raw materials will facilitate

inclusivity and support for the continental auto strategy. - Countries are to implement independent but compatible national policies.

- The architecture of these national policies will support continental production and trade (scale) whilst driving manufacturing competitiveness.

- It is important for regional alignment in terms of complementarity, in order to facilitate scale. For example, we are currently exploring a bilateral between Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire where Ghana assembles light vehicles and Cote d’Ivoire assembles bus, truck and trailers. Such a bilateral would bring about automotive free trade in accelerated time frames, as opposed to a 5 year or longer tariff phase down once the rules of origin are agreed.

- As assembly capacity grows the importation of used vehicles will transition from an unregulated environment of imports to used vehicles coming from vehicles assembled in Africa. In the short term we are driving a strong initiative to ensure vehicles exported to Africa are roadworthy.

- Scale will be enhanced by:

The harmonisation of minimum standards for new and used vehicles, spare parts and fuel. Providing affordable mobility solutions and access to affordable investment and vehicle asset finance. Governments are to source locally assembled vehicles. What was the purpose of visiting Nigeria recently, and how successful was your mission?

AAAM’s purpose was to meet the automotive assemblers and to share the auto vision for Africa, our activities and progress on the continent. Nigeria has a key hub assembler role to play in Africa; it is important that the Nigerian private sector is aware of and in support of the continental strategy and gets on the AfCFTA auto stage. The strategy was well received. I want to note my appreciation for Luqman Mamudu who facilitated this meeting. We are linking auto private sector associations across Africa to promote collaboration – strong and aligned private sector associations are critical to realising the auto vision for Africa.

One major feature in most African countries' industries is mere SKD assembly which does not enhance the deepening of auto technology. What is AAAM doing about transiting from SKD to CKD to ensure local content development?

*Continues online at www.


Photo Editor: Peace Udugba [08033050729]

Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Mr Gbenga Omotoso; Special Adviser to the Governor on Transportation, Hon. Sola Giwa; Deputy Governor, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat; Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu; Managing Director, Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA), Engr. (Mrs) Abimbola Akinajo and Commissioner for Transportation, Mr Seun Osiyemi, as the Governor briefs the media during an inspection tour of the Red Line Rail infrastructure in Lagos on September 27, 2023.

L-R: Member, Board of Governors, Greenwood House School, Tokunboh George-Taylor; Chairman, Board of Governors, Greenwood House School, Foluso Phillips; Speaker and Founder, Awesome Treasures Foundation, Olajumoke Adenowo, Keynote; Co-Founder, Greenwood House School, Dr Ekua Abudu Akinsanya and Commissioner for Education (2019 - 2023), Lagos State, Folasade Adefisayo, at Greenwood House School’s inaugural Parents Conference on September 24, 2023.

L-R: Partner, Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie, Ozofu 'Latunde Ogiemudia; Head of Legal and Compliance, Branch International, Tolulope Osindero; Group Head, Legal and Compliance, Tangerine Africa, Christine Sijuwade; Partner, Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie, Adeola Sunmola and Founder, Thekla Advisory, Godson Ogheneochuko, at the 5th Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie Annual I.C.E. Summit in Lagos on September 21, 2023.

L-R: Director, Corporate Communications, Visa West Africa, Niyi Adebiyi; Co-founder, and CEO of Drugstoc and the 2023 winner of the Global Visa Everywhere Initiative, Chibuzo Opara; Vice President & Head, Visa West Africa, Andrew Uaboi and Co-Founder, CEO ThriveAgric and the 2022 winner of the Global Visa Everywhere Initiative, Ayo Arikawe, during a visit to the Visa West Africa office, Lagos on September 22, 2023.

L-R: Non-Executive Director, Airtel Africa, Annika Poutiaineh; Non-Executive Director, Airtel Africa, Awuneba Ajunogobia; Non-Executive Director, Airtel Africa, John Danilovich; Group Chief Executive Officer, Airtel Africa, Segun Ogunsanya; Head Teacher, Oremeji Primary School II, Mrs. Anokam Caroline; Chief of Lagos Office, UNICEF, Celine Lafoucriere; Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Airtel Nigeria, Carl Cruz during a working visit to Oremeji Primary School II, Ajegunle, to assess progress of the Airtel/UNICEF Reimagine Education initiative in Lagos on September 26, 2023.

Commissioner for Health, Ogun State, Dr Tomi Coker; President, Healthcare Federation of Nigeria (HFN), Dr Pamela Ajayi; Special Adviser to the President on Health, Dr Salma Ibrahim Anas; Commissioner for Health, Lagos State, Prof Akin Abayomi; Exhibition Director, Medic West Africa & Medlab West Africa, Tom Coleman; and Commissioner of Health, Imo State, Dr Success Prosper-Ohayagha, at the 2023 edition of Medic West Africa for healthcare professionals held at Landmark Centre, Lagos, on September 28, 2023,


Why Tinubu Appointed Jennifer Adighije Into Cabinet


Jennifer Adighije has surfaced from oblivion and currently plays an important role in the government of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. She has been appointed a Senior Special Assistant on Entrepreneurship Development in Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy to the president. Many have wondered why Tinubu chose to add the once upon a time socialite to his large cabinet which is already bursting at its seams. Well, she is the daughter of Abia Senator, Chris Adighije, a member of the second national assembly. He is also the chairman, governing council and pro-chancellor of the Federal

Continues on page 42


Gbenga Komolafe, the CEO of Nigeria

Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) had planned a lavish 60th birthday celebration, which was scheduled to take place on September 30, although the birthday proper was September 26.

Komolafe had planned to celebrate with his friends, family and associates by starting the day

Continues on page 42

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Early Season Landscape - Title Chasers, Top Hopefuls And Relegation Candidates

The Premier League season has kicked off with a bang, and after the first four games, the landscape is already taking shape. Some teams have made a statement of intent, while others are looking to regroup during the recent international break. Let’s take a closer look at the state of the Premier League so far.


Manchester City - The reigning champions and treble winners, Manchester City, find themselves at the top of the table. Their smart recruitment in the summer brought in some of Europe’s most coveted talents, including Jeremy Doku from Rennes, a skilled and pacey right winger who adds dynamism to their already potent attack.

They also broke records by signing Josko Gvardiol from RB Leipzig for a whopping £90 million, making him the most expensive defender of all time. Despite missing the immensely creative Kevin De Bruyne due to injury, City has shown flashes of brilliance. Their dominant 5-1 win over Fulham before the international break suggests more to come from the Cityzens. They are strong contenders to lift the Premier League title once again.

Bukayo Saka

Arsenal - After coming so close to winning the Premier League title for the first season since 2004 last season, Arsenal disappointingly came up just short, but they look to be the closest challengers to Manchester City’s crown once again, bringing in Declan Rice as their marquee summer signing to add some extra steel to their midfield department for a British record transfer fee of £105million (mind-boggling numbers, we know)! They also brought Kai Havertz from Chelsea, which has proved to be their most controversial transfer of the window, with him yet to fully settle into Arsenal’s fluid possession game. Scrappy wins over Nottingham Forest and Crystal Palace showed a gritty mentality being developed before a statement win over Manchester United, which could define the season to follow for the Gunners. Arsenal promises to be an intriguing team to watch throughout the season.

Ryan Gravenberch adds much-needed flair in midfield

Liverpool - Liverpool came into the new season in desperate need of a midfield rebuild to revitalise their squad after losing key midfield faces in Jordan Henderson and Fabinho to the big-spending Saudi Pro League. They seem to have done an excellent job in that aspect by signing Alexis Mac-Allister from Brighton and German club imports, Dominik Szoboszlai from RB Leipzig, Wataru Endo from Stuttgart and Ryan Gravenberch from Bayern Munich. They have also added needed energy and creativity, which has reflected in their early season form, including a sensational against-the-odds comeback win against Newcastle after going down to 10 men. They look to be adapting well to the club’s recent shift in strategy to a more possession-based approach. The form of talisman Mohammed Salah and the plethora of attacking talent will be vital if they are to sustain their title push at the business end of the season.




New Spurs signing Brennan Johnson

Tottenham- The narrative around Spurs before the season started was whether Harry Kane would stay or go. Now that the Spurs legend has moved to Bayern Munich for a handsome fee, the narrative is whether Spurs can make a return to the Champions League spots or not. They have started very well with new signing James Maddison making his presence felt already, linking effectively with the club’s new captain Heung Min-Son. Tottenham’s new manager Ange Postecoglou has wasted no time implementing an interesting tactical setup, which has them still unbeaten after four games. With a more solid defence, they’ll have to maintain this current form to keep pace with the title chasers. Whisper it quietly; they could be dark horses for the Premier League title.

Marcus Rashford, United’s Talisman

Manchester United - The circus around Manchester United never seems to stop, does it? The positivity in the fanbase after a trophy-winning debut season for manager Erik Ten Hag seems to have quickly evaporated, with performances on the pitch needing a fair bit of work. They were lucky to get victories over the line against Wolves and Nottingham Forest. Two poor away defeats to rivals Tottenham and Arsenal just before the break show there is a need for a rethink on the pitch, likewise, off the pitch with a lot of United forwards being involved in some controversy inside and out of the club. Manchester United have a talented squad, but a lot of work needs to be done to fully cement a top four place.

Igor Julio, new Brighton signing

Brighton- Brighton are one of the most exciting teams in the league. They play a very high-tempo brand of football, moving the ball with precision. Very easy on the eye, they should be every neutral’s favourite team to watch. After a good first season under Roberto De Zerbi, Brighton are playing European football for the first time in the club’s history! The qualified for the Europa League and will be looking to push on again after another summer of smart recruitment, which has become synonymous with the south coast club. They started the season well, but lost to West Ham, though they had the upper hand in the game. If they tighten up at the back, then they should be among the front runners for the Champions League spots.

Moussa Diaby already proving his worth

Aston Villa- Aston Villa finished last season in scintillating form under Unai Emery, which led to Conference League qualification, a competition that, considering coach Unai Emery’s superb European record, they have an excellent chance at winning. Their summer business was among the best in the league, bringing in Youri Teilemans, one of the few bright lights of Leicester City’s relegation campaign, an excellent defender in Pau Torres and Moussa Diaby, who is already proving to be one of the signings of the season. They have started the season poorly with a heavy defeat against Newcastle but recovered quickly with back-to-back wins over Everton and Burnley before an expected loss away to Liverpool. They need to find some consistency to fully stake their claim to a top four place at the end of the season.




New signing Beto. Can he keep Everton up this season?

Everton- Everton seem to be circling the drain of relegation every season, and sooner or later, they will get sucked in. An uninspiring transfer window has left many holes in the squad, particularly in midfield, where they lack creativity. This raises questions on where the chances for goals will come, although the late signing of striker Beto from Udinese gives some hope in attack. They started the season poorly, losing and failing to score in their first three games of the season before stopping that trend with a much-needed 2-2 draw against newly promoted Sheffield United. They will need three worse teams to emerge during the season to preserve their status in the league.

Cameron Archer, Sheffield United beacon of hope!

Sheffield UnitedSheffield is one of three newly promoted teams into the league this season, and as with all newly promoted teams, they are widely tipped to return to the championship. Curiously they sold their best players from the previous season in Iliman Ndiaye to Marseille and Sander Berge to relegation rivals Burnley. Although they have started the season poorly, they were involved in three very tight games, including one against the reigning champions Manchester City. That narrow defeat and the signing of forward Cameron Archer should give them a beacon of hope to get some results along the way. They may regroup well after the international break, but it will still be a tough season ahead.

Vincent Kompany. Will he stick to his style?

Burnley- Burnley needed a season in the championship. Their previous season in the Premier League was a huge disappointment; their style of play sometimes became desperate and uninspiring. Promoted this season, they played some of the best football by any club in the championship under manager and former Manchester City player Vincent Kompany. Implementing that same style against better opponents in this league was always going to be a monumental task, and it has not started well at all. Although they have had a difficult start in terms of fixtures, playing against Manchester City, Aston Villa and Tottenham in their first three games, they have looked too open defensively. They have recruited well, bringing in a lot of talented young players from across Europe, which will help them bounce back if they were to go down.


uton- Lastly, we have Luton Town. It’s almost a miracle that Luton Town are even in the Premier League. Their stadium had to be renovated to meet Premier League standards. The club is operated on a shoestring budget, but it’s a great testament to how well the shoestrings are managed and the club runs to reach the promised land of the Premier League. One of their players, Pelly Ruddock Mpanzu, has been at the club all through their rise from the dregs of non-league football to the highest level of the English game. It’s a truly remarkable story!

This was always going to be a struggle for the Hatters, who have lost all three of their opening games. They will be hoping not to replicate the worst season of all time, Derby County’s laughable 11 points in 2007/08.

In conclusion, the Premier League’s early season narrative is a captivating tale of ambition, rivalry, and the ever-present drama that defines English football.

Manchester City stands tall as the reigning champions, armed with record-breaking defensive reinforcements and a hunger for continued success. Arsenal, Liverpool, Tottenham, and Manchester United are all vying for their place among the league’s elite, each with unique storylines and challenges.

Brighton and Aston Villa promise to be exciting contenders, seeking to disrupt the established hierarchy, while Everton’s struggles raise questions about their survival in the top flight. Sheffield United and Burnley face their own battles, hoping to prove their worth in the Premier League once more.

Lastly, the remarkable journey of Luton Town serves as a testament to the unpredictable and awe-inspiring nature of football. As the season unfolds, we can expect twists, turns, and moments of brilliance that will shape the destiny of these clubs.

The Premier League’s landscape is ever-evolving, and while some teams have made their intentions clear, others are still finding their footing. With each matchday, the story continues to unfold, and fans around the world can only eagerly anticipate what the future holds for this extraordinary league.

Pelly Ruddock Mpanzu has been on an incredible journey with the hatters



Dr Toyin Ajayi and Wemimo Abbey have joined a select group of people who have achieved peak influence in their fields by making the TIME Magazine’s 2023 TIME 100 Next list. This curated list by TIME Magazine spotlights 100 emerging leaders making waves in various fields such as business, entertainment, sports, politics, health, science, and activism around the globe.

While Ajayi is the co-founder and CEO of Cityblock Health, a tech-driven healthcare provider committed to enhancing health outcomes for marginalised communities facing systemic challenges, Abbey is a cofounder and CEO of Clean Water for Everyone, CWFE, an organisation that provides access to clean and affordable water supply in developing countries.

As a young girl growing up in Nairobi during the AIDS epidemic, Ajayi became attuned to how healthcare inequities affect certain groups based on racial, economic, and social characteristics. Some years later, that recognition of how health care outcomes impact patients’ social and economic capacity catalysed Ajayi’s shift from full-time clinical practice in Boston to broader leadership.

Continued from page 38



A nationally-recognised leader in value-based care delivery for underserved populations, prior to joining Cityblock, she served as Chief Medical Officer of the Commonwealth Care Alliance, an integrated health plan and care delivery system for individuals eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid.

Board-certified in Family Medicine, Ajayi obtained a Bachelor degree from Stanford University, an MPhil from the University of Cambridge and her medical degree from King’s College London School of Medicine. She completed her residency training at Boston Medical Center and continues to deliver care to Cityblock members.

Since launching in 2017, Cityblock has established itself as an industry leader in value-based care for marginalized populations. Cityblock serves a heterogeneous population with complex needs – 74 per cent of its members qualify for financial assistance

Continued from page 38

and 77 per cent are members of a racial or ethnic minority. The company’s unique technology-enabled, high-touch approach to building trust with and engaging these communities has demonstrated positive outcomes for Cityblock members as well as their payers and state governments. Through CWFE Abbey has provided access to clean water for over 48,000 people, built/renovated 12 toilet facilities and awarded 51 scholarships to girls in Ghana, Nepal and Nigeria. He gained valuable experience working with Accenture and the Clinton Global Initiative in New York City. He currently consults for the European Commission Directorate General for Development and Cooperation (EuropeAid) developing tools and cases to support the European Union assistance for decentralization, local governance and local development. Amongst many speaking engagements, Abbey has presented the global water and sanitation crisis at the United Nations, the Clinton Global Initiative and appeared on television to raise awareness for the cause. He is a recipient of the 2014 Face2Face Africa Young African Committed to Excellence award, New York University (NYU) Presidential Service award, NYU Wagner Dean Scholarship, Sue W. Hancock Scholarly Excellence in Equity and Diversity (SEED) award, United States Presidential Achievement award and the National Excellence in Leadership award.

Abbey graduated with distinction (Magna Cum Laude) and holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Business Management from the University of Minnesota Crookston. He is currently enrolled in a Master of Public Administration and Nonprofit Management with International Public Finance focus at New York University’s Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service.

Why Tinubu Appointed Jennifer Adighije Into Cabinet

University, Lokoja and more importantly, a staunch chieftain of the All Progressives Congress who worked assiduously for Tinubu's victory at the polls. In addition, Tinubu felt she had something to offer in his government, being a graduate of Electronics Engineering from the University of Lagos with an M.Sc in Telecoms Networks from Queen Mary University of London. Her appointment is as good as a round peg in a round hole. Unlike most graduates who hardly practise what they studied in the university, Jennifer began her career in Globacom upon her return to Nigeria and later moved to Helios Towers Nigeria as Head, Project Management Office. Her appointment with Helios however ended in a not so pleasant manner. Her employment was unfairly

terminated, which led her to institute a court case against the company. She won the case and was awarded N13.5 million in damages by the Industrial Court, Ikoyi, Lagos. This was in 2013. Perhaps her unpleasant experience in the private sector led to her exploring entrepreneurship. She floated a fashion house, House of Silk and after years of hugging the limelight, she went under the radar. Her going into oblivion may not be unconnected with her becoming a key player in the Procurement Department at the Central Bank of Nigeria until her very recent appointment. Jennifer used to be married to Obiora Okolo but since she surfaced from oblivion, she has had to drop her marital name, suggesting that she is back in the singles club.



Two years after the Senior Pastor of the House on the Rock Church, Paul Adefarasin, received the Forbes Best of Africa Leadership Award, as the Most Influential Personality in Africa, he has been honoured with another award by the same organisation.

Pastor Adefarasin was among the few honorees who bagged the magazine’s 2023 edition of the award, which is considered as one of the most prestigious awards on the continent. He was awarded for being one of Africa's leading change makers at a ceremony held in the United States.

In his acceptance speech, the cleric said he was deeply honoured and profoundly humbled to accept the prestigious leadership award. He expressed his gratitude to the Forbes organisation, the selection committee and all those who bestowed the award on him in recognition of his leadership journey. He also pledged to continue to strive for excellence, to lead with integrity and to make a positive impact on the lives of other people.

The Forbes Best of Africa Leadership Awards recognises and rewards changemakers, individuals and organisations that have made a remarkable difference in Africa, improving the lives of millions of people across the continent in the areas of entrepreneurship, technology, leadership, vision and influence. This is made possible by an independent, foreign network of individuals using intelligent data gathered across various platforms after months of intense research and thorough verification exercise.

with a thanksgiving service and ending it with a lavish reception party. Invitations had been sent out, vendors to handle the different aspects of the party had already been contacted, souvenirs had been arranged for and packaged. Money had been and was still being spent to make the party a memorable one. Then, in what seemed like a last-minute effort to avoid the 'hangman’s noose,' he decided to cancel the planned celebration. He claims that the mood of the nation, what with people struggling to weather the economic storm and the concerted efforts to halt the slide in the economy, prompted him to halt the celebration at the last minute. Perhaps he should have considered that initially when the thought of a grand

celebration struck his mind. He could have shut it down immediatly without allowing money go to waste and more so, considered the gloomy mood of the nation which has lingered for so long without reprieve in sight. Instead, he allowed preparations to go on until just days to the celebration, when he realized that it would be in bad taste and shut it down. Besides the reason that Komolafe gave for cancelling the party, he obviously realised that being in the bad books of President Bola Tinubu, more so as a public servant, would be the last thing he would want. And what's more, having only been at his job for two years, he figured it would be better not to jeopardise his chances of staying longer on the job with his actions.

Akintunde Ayeni Throws Lavish 60th

Birthday Party

For many years, Akintunde

Ayeni, more popularly known as YemKem (his business name) bestrode the alternative medicine sector like a colossus to the extent that he became a staple for international media organisations like the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Cable Network News (CNN) who ran documentaries on his exploits. He succeeded in putting the country on the world map via traditional medicine.

As Ayeni’s fame and exploits grew, so did his bank accounts swell to bursting point and he became the toast of society veterans. He veered into the hospitality business at a point

and built one of the then biggest hotels in Ekiti State and simply disappeared afterwards. So much has been said about what he was up to. Some alleged that he had fallen on bad times, especially when he reduced the number of his branches from 48 to 7. Others said he had quit the business due to competition from international companies that flooded the country with their own brands of herbal medicine. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ayeni came out of hiding and started searching for a remedy to the deadly virus, in partnership with the Ooni of Ife, HRH Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi. But as the pandemic died down, he scurried back into his shell. He re-emerged last weekend to host the crème de la creme of the South-West, including Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State and former Governor Ayo Fayose of Ekiti State to a colourful celebration in his Lagos home on the occasion of his 60th birthday. The party was a testament to the fact that YemKem isn't out, he still commands some level of influence but only chose to operate in the background for now.

Ayeni Abbey


Although the boss of Tastee Fried Chicken, Mrs Olayinka Adedayo, set aside September 24 to honour the memory of late Olubunmi, her only child, this year's remembrance event was different. It marked the 10th anniversary of Olubunmi’s death and the Adedayos resolved to do something different from the norm in his honour. They held a massive thanksgiving service at the All-Soul Anglican church, Lekki, Lagos. Quite a number of socialites took time out of their busy schedule to honour the Adedayos.

They also organised The TASTEE SPELLING BEE Competition 2023 edition at the TFC Place, Festac Town, Lagos, where gift items and scholarships were awarded deserving winners of the competition. Olubunmi, until his death in 2013 at the age of 36, was an executive director in his parent's fast business. He is credited with re-directing the firm’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes towards helping less privileged children.

During Christmas sesons, he organised surprise Santa Claus visits to public schools in areas that had TFC branches. He also arranged for TFC Santa Claus to visit the Massey Children Hospital on Lagos Island to distribute gifts. On Children’s Day, he organised musical concerts, spelling bee competitions and talent hunts to encourage

David Oyedepo Wins Landmark Case Against Ghanaian Clergy

children with musical flair to exploit their talents.

Little wonder, his parents honoured his memory by ensuring that the TASTEE SPELLING BEE Competition continued to hold every year. Because he left a huge vacuum in the hearts of friends and so many people whose lives he had touched, his family decided to start the Bunmi Adedayo Foundation (BAF) to immortalise him every year.

The foundation addresses issues that militate against low-income children ages three to 11 getting quality education, something he was most passionate about.

To achieve this, a programme of action was outlined, to cover the rehabilitation of schools, pastoral care, provision of education supplies and equipment, scholarship award, advocacy to government to fulfill its responsibility in education, professional development for teachers, talent hunt, leadership training and planning in schools, provision of first aid equipment and training, and career guidance talks, among others. Olubunmi died in the US where he was flown for treatment. He left behind his parents, a wife and two kids.

Tech Founders Veer Into Entertainment

Last week, the highly anticipated movie, 'The Black Book' premiered on Netflix. The movie featured quite a number of heavy weights in Nollywood. From Richard Mofe Damijo aka RMD to Shaffy Bello to Alex Usifo, Femi Branch, Ikechukwu Onunaku, Sam Dede, just to mention a few.

The movie which was greeted with mixed reviews, securing top position on Netflix's movie rankings worldwide, was funded by some unlikely investors - influential tech magnates and venture capitalists. They include Flutterwave's Gbenga Agboola; Ventures Partners' Kola Aina; Voltron Capital CEO, Olumide Soyombo; Paystack's Ezra Olubi; Volition Cap's Adesunmbo Plumptre; Opportunik Global Fund CEO, Kola Oyenenyin; Eden Life owned by the duo of Prosper Otemuyiwa and Nadayar Enegesi and Piggyvest owned by the trio of Odunayo Oweniyi, Somtochukwu

Ifezue, Joshua Chibueze. 'The Black Book' is no doubt one of many more movies the tech

founders plan to bankroll. They are willing to toss around the kind of funds that foreign streaming giants are investing in Nigeria's entertainment industry and positioning it on the path to playing big on a global scale. Despite its undeniable potential, limited investment opportunities stifled the growth of the industry. Limited funds hindered the creation of high-quality content, profitability, and the industry’s ability to reach global audiences. Before now, only Multichoice had the monopoly of investing in movies and soaps shot exclusively for it and only streamed on its platform. But the story has changed significantly in recent times with the coming of streaming giants like Amazon, Showmax and Netflix, all of whom are pouring huge resources into the industry, allowing Nollywood to produce higher-quality films and expand its reach across borders. From 2016 through 2022, Netflix invested $175 million and contributed a total of $218 million to GDP in South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya.



Austin Avuru has obviously moved on from the embarrassment that rocked the planned unveiling of his three books last year.

The founding CEO of Seplat Energy had to call off his book presentation event,

following an injunction by a federal high court restraining the publication of the books, 'My Entrepreneurship Journey: A Safe Part Of Hands' and 'Politics, Economics and The Nigerian Petroleum Industry.' Seplat had approached the court over the contents of the books which they found offensive and inimical to their interests. This was after the board of Seplat approved his termination in 2021, citing breaches of the company's corporate governance policy. Austin has since moved on, keeping busy with his firm, AA Holdings Limited, a private investment company with a focus on Energy, Agriculture, Real Estate, and Equity Capital Market investing, as well as ensuring that his leisure business, Black Bell, is bringing in good returns on investment. He also finds time to give back to society through his Austin Avuru Foundation and the latest venture he embarked on was the successful opening of Arrupe Jesuit College, a top tier secondary school located in Abbi community of Delta State. While the idea was conceived in 2018, it wasn't until 2019, that his foundation approached the leadership of the Jesuits of the North-West Africa Province offering to build a primary and secondary school to bequeath to society. The project construction commenced in February 2021 and got completed in September 2023, just in time to accomodate new students.

Bishop David Oyedepo, the presiding Bishop of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, otherwise known as Winners Chapel, recently clocked 69 and nothing could have been a better birthday gift than the judgement of Ghana's Supreme Court in his favour over a long drawn legal battle that lasted 19 years against Ghanaianborn cleric, Bishop George Adjeman. The Supreme Court of Ghana in its judgement last week, ordered Adjeman to vacate the premises of Winners Chapel, Ghana used by him for the last 19 years. The Court also varied the decision that Adjeman render an account of his stewardship to Winners Chapel International from January 16th 2004 till date and pay any money due the church with interest at the prevailing commercial bank interest rate by reducing the rate to be paid among other decisions. However, it set aside an order by the Court of Appeal that restrained Adjeman and others from using the name Winners Chapel for their breakaway group. The Supreme Court upheld the following orders as made by the Court of Appeal;

•Firstly, the Living Faith World Outreach Centre recovers possession of all that piece and parcel of land situated at Winners Chapel No.16 Otublohum Road, Industrial Area.

•Secondly, the court upheld the grant of H/No. 5, situated at Arko Adjei Street adjacent to Miklin Hotel, East Legon, Accra to the plaintiffs.

• Adjeman and his group were restrained from disturbing the Plaintiffs’ quiet enjoyment of their properties, places, and items of worship.

•Finally, the order for the Registrar General to delete the names of all the defendants as directors and/or subscribers to the Regulations of 1 and 2 Plaintiffs. On the other hand, the appeal against the decision of the Court of Appeal was granted in part.

•The court set aside the order directed at the Registrar General’s Department to remove the name Winners Chapel from the Registrar of Companies.

•Secondly, the order that Winners Chapel should not be used by Adjeman and others because it belonged exclusively to the Living Faith World Outreach Centre was set aside. This implies that even though the name Winners Chapel Ghana can operate within Ghana, it will be almost impossible to operate with exactly the same name in any country outside Ghana.

Trouble began when Adjeman thought it wise to rebel against his former boss. A Ghanaian chartered accountant and protege of Oyedepo, he was considered a faithful servant and even held sway in those days whenever Oyedepo was on mission trips. Adjeman was the only non-Nigerian consecrated Bishop in the history of the Living Faith Church.

In recognition of his faithfulness as well as a new indigenisation policy of the Living Faith Church, he was transferred to Ghana in 1996, later recalled to Nigeria and then sent in 2002 to head the network of 14 churches spread across Ghana.

Unknown to Oyedepo, Adjeman re-registered the church in his own name. When government authorities in Ghana called for churches to be registered as companies, Adjeman went ahead to re-register the church in his own name and excluded the names of all the Nigerian trustees without informing the Nigerian church of the new regulatory development nor asking for their consent.

In 2004 the headquarter of the church in Nigeria

decided to transfer him to Ibadan Diocese when he refused to continue remitting the $60,000.00 monthly church income that was initially remitted to the Nigerian headquarter. For those who may not understand, remitting of money from all branches of the world to headquarter churches usually to fund various programmes of the Church was practised by Winners Chapel at the time. This is not in any way a bad practice. Infact, the Catholic Church, Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG and many other Christian organisations still practise this. After the monies have been remitted, certain percentages would be returned to the branches. Adjeman told members of the church that he was being transferred because of his refusal to remit money to Nigeria. Some members cheered him on and encouraged him to disregard the transfer and this gave him the courage to stage a hostile takeover of the Ghanaian branches of Winners Chapel and thereafter declared independence.

And thus began the drama.

While some Ghanaians felt it was wrong for a church in Ghana to remit money to a church in Nigeria, others felt Adjeman was disloyal to his former boss in Nigeria and should leave the church the right way and not take over any of the church's properties, members or name. The Ghanaian Pentecostal Fellowship (GPF) tried to intervene. It ordered Adjeman to vacate the Winners Chapel premises since the church was built with seed funding from Nigeria.

While attempts were being made to resolve the crisis of ownership, Winners Chapel International quickly moved to establish another place of worship. They were now referred to in Ghana as the Oyedepo original body (WCI Ghana) and the Adjeman's faction referred to as Winners Chapel Ghana (WCG or Winners’ Ghana). Thus began a long legal battle that would last the next 19 years, the longest in the Ghanaian judicial system. But as the crisis metamorphosed, the GPF equally admonished Oyedepo to settle Adjeman so he could go and start his own ministry. Oyedepo initially disagreed, querying if that wouldn't be tantamount to a bribe. Adjeman made a demand of $50,000 as severance, along with the church mission house and a car. Oyedepo vehemently opposed this, but the GPF encouraged him to see it as a way of setting up a son.

After due consultation with the elders of the church, Oyedepo agreed to approve the sum of $100,000 as severance benefit for Adjeman but without a car or mission house. This didn’t go down well with Adjeman and he decided to help himself with the church. But seemingly feeling remorseful after six years, Adjeman visited Oyedepo in 2010 against the wishes of his lawyers. There, Oyedepo reportedly agreed to let Adjeman have all the properties but should drop the 'Winners’ Chapel' tag from his church name, which was the root of the contention. Adjeman agreed to drop the name and even the church properties but surprisingly changed his mind as he got back to Ghana, especially because his congregation was unhappy that he took such a decision without its knowledge. Today, despite having to start all over again after the unfortunate split, Winners Chapel International currently has a network of over 250 churches in Ghana and is about to get its own university. And the Adjeman church? Reduced considerably in number as many of his members who cheered him on then have abandoned him to his fate.

Oyedepo Adedayo Olubi

Quacks And Organ Harvesting

Under the general assumption that the doctor knows best, people readily surrender their bodies when they are ill. The submission is more complete when, sedated and supine during surgery, patients remain at the mercy of surgeons for the duration of the operation. From that moment on is a fiftyfifty chance of survival. For this reason, hospital management/ patient agreement sometimes precede major operations to excise that incipient tumour, for instance, suck and flush out a ballooning fibroid, remove a troublesome appendix or transplant a kidney in a patient from a donor.

The first time Mrs. Kehinde Kamaru, a homemaker in Rikkos Community Jos Plateau state, visited Murna Clinic and Hospital, she was not a patient. She’d gone to visit her motherin-law on admission and recuperating in the health facility run by a man known to them and the entire community as Dr. Noah Kekere in Nasarawa Gwong Jos North Local Government Area. A dutiful daughter-in-law, Kehinde would have gone with home-cooked meals (hot pap with bean cake or moin moin, stewed or jollof rice or amala to ji no gan gan) and the muchneeded companionship that go a long way in the healing process of convalescing patients.

The doctor in question is of the same ethnic stock as the Kamarus. There would have been that instant connection and bonding as it sometimes happens with people of the same tribe who find themselves in foreign lands. And, perhaps, in gratitude for his healing hands, mother-in-law would have asked her son’s spouse to thank the

good doctor for taking care of her all through her stay in the hospital.

So, when Kehinde complained of ill-health to her businessman husband, Busari Kamaru, Murna was an obvious choice. And since the medic had successfully managed Kamaru’s mother before, he opted for the hospital within a respectable radius of the community where Kamaru, his wife, children, mother, a few relatives and a sprinkling of Yoruba have lived for years. Besides, who knows, Kekere might very well become a family doctor to the Kamarus.

As if willed by fate, Kehinde herself became sick with a severe stomach ache, in 2018. She was 40 with four children. Partly because he had successfully managed Kamaru’s mother, Kamaru and Kekere became friends.

“In the process of going to see my mum in the hospital,” Kamaru has said, “I got acquainted with the doctor.”

It was only natural that Kamaru looked no further than Kekere when the next health crisis came up in his household.

“When my wife fell sick in 2018, complaining of severe stomach pain,” Kamaru would later tell police authorities in Jos, “my mum encouraged us to take her there because my wife used to follow my mum to see the doctor when my mum was sick. As we got there, the doctor did a scan and said my wife had a ruptured appendix and must be operated upon immediately and he charged us N140, 000. When I called some

people to ask about the high bill as I planned to take her to Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) they advised we should just go ahead and save her life.”

And saving lives is the doctor’s primary duty to, going by the Hippocratic Oath, “prescribe only beneficial treatments according to his abilities and judgment and to refrain from causing harm.”

But from the onset, Kekere didn’t have any such salvific mission in mind. A graduate of economics with a Masters’ in the same discipline, Kekere was out for the money and to get his cash, he proved to be a hard bargainer to boot without any milk of human kindness whatsoever for the woman in pains.

“The doctor asked how much I had and I said N80, 000, apart from other charges for drugs but after the operation, my wife was still complaining about the pain and the man kept collecting money from me all these years,” a broken Kamaru said.

The distraught husband will go on to narrate how an operation that ought to have lasted no more than half an hour or so took more than eight hours. “The day the doctor conducted the operation, he started the operation from 12 pm till 8 in the night.” Despite that length of time to nip a finger-sized organ with no known biological function in humans, Kehinde’s medical condition worsened.

“For the past five years,” Busari lamented, “my wife kept complaining of severe stomach pains, I continued to take her to the same hospital because I did not want to change the doctor that started the treatment. As she continued to have the pains, I decided to go to Jos University Teaching Hospital a few days ago where we discovered that one of my wife’s kidneys was removed.”

Doctor Noah Kekere started begging me, saying that the deed had been done and that I should just temper Justice with mercy. He asked what I wanted him to do for me. I told him that I don’t need anything from him except to return my wife’s kidney from wherever he took it
Image credit: ScienceNewsExplores

...Organ Harvesting

Madam, who did this to you? Why did you allow them to remove your kidney?

A nurse at Fertile Ground Hospital in Jos asked Kehinde that question after a second CT scan revealed that a kidney was, indeed, missing.

When people ask that question, it is not so much to know the identity of the offender as to how could a human being ever do this to another of his species, how could a person ever conceive of such evil and then carry out it without a smidgen of conscience?

The layman’s interpretation of evil, as any psychologist will tell you, is lack of empathy. On a general level, the Nazis demonstrated it in their Final solution to the Jewish question. On a personal level, Kekere can be said to have done the same thing to Mrs. Kamaru purely for his own financial benefit.

To say that Kekere’s action was premeditated isn’t far from the truth, which was why the supposed appendicitis operation took so long. He was, along with his yet-unnamed accomplices, harvesting Mrs. Kamaru’s kidney while the unfortunate woman was recumbent in the theatre.

Post-surgery patients feel better with time and then recover fully afterwards. It was not so with Kehinde. The first scan revealed that one of her kidneys had been removed. Kekere denied having anything to do with it at first, insisting that she may have been born with just a kidney. But the woman at Fertile Ground quickly put that to rest.

“This woman was never born with one kidney,” she countered Kekere. In retrospect, it was the defence of a sinking man intent on covering up his crime. It failed, as the rest of the world now knows.

What is also true is that after being found out, Kekere tried and failed to offer a bribe of N20m to Busari for settlement. According to Busari, Timothy the DPO of Nasarawa Gwon called to speak with him privately.

“He asked me what my position on the matter is because they calculated the time they removed my wife’s kidney, they said it was sold at 6 million naira then. But now, it is worth N20 million. They said if they want to pay the money for the kidney, it will be 20 million naira. I said “look officer, I am not the type of person anyone can buy with money. Let this man come out and own up to me that he removed my wife’s kidney. What do you want me to do?” But the man (Doctor Noah Kekere started begging me, saying that the deed had been done and that I should just temper Justice with mercy. He asked what I wanted him to do for me. I told him that I don’t need anything from him except to return my wife’s kidney from wherever he took it.”

Continuing, Busari insisted on justice. “I want justice. This man has been collecting money from me for the past five years now, every month. And I have been spending money on my wife. Now that I have discovered that this is a kidney problem, where will I get money to take care

of my wife? Every day, I wake up with fears of losing my wife. I don’t know what to do. Where do I get money to take care of this woman? We are talking about huge sums of money for another kidney. Where do I get money to take her abroad for treatment? I don’t have such an amount of money. They were calling millions of naira. Where do I get it from? Did you know that last year when I called this man (so called doctor) and told him enough is enough; I will take my wife to another hospital, this same man discouraged me and told me that he was going to conduct another operation on my wife?”

The office of the Commissioner of Police Plateau state where the case file is at the moment also discovered “that the man had never been a doctor but he had been parading himself as a doctor for over 18 years treating people in the area.”

Just as news spread of the quack doctor harvesting a kidney from Kehinde in Jos, another

surfaced in mainstream and online media about a 12-year-old boy Adebola AkinBright whose intestines got missing after an operation in a private hospital in Lagos. There were rumours of a quack doctor at Obitoks Hospital in Alimosho area of the state also involved.

The boy’s mother, Mrs. Abiodun Deborah, had taken her child to the health facility where he was initially treated for typhoid with no improvement. He was later operated on by the resident doctor for a ruptured appendix. Adebola’s condition got progressively worse after a first and second surgery by Dr. Abayomi Baiyewu. The doctor was to carry out a third when the boy’s mother refused instead opting for Lagos State University Teaching Hospital Ikeja where she hoped things would turn out better for her son. It never got to be because it was in the course of performing a third operation doctors at LASUTH discovered that young Adebola’s intestines had been removed. Moved by the boy’s condition, the Lagos State House of Assembly under the leadership of Mudashiru Obasa had urged the state government to offer medical assistance to save Adebola’s life. Alas, it also never got to be. Adebola died soon after leaving the anguished mother and many others speculating on what might have happened to his intestines.

Whether the boy’s innards were carelessly thrown away by an unconcerned assistant during surgery or sold like Kehinde’s kidney may never be known for now. But what is pretty much clear is that harvesting and selling organs is big business in many parts of the world including Nigeria.

In an article headlined “Legal aspects of organ trafficking” published in The Guardian of July 4 2022, the author, Sonnie Ekwuowusi, quoted a leading authority, Professor Phillip Njemanze, on organ trafficking in Nigeria.

“Nigeria is the hub of illegal organ harvesting and organ transplantation in the world. Many foreign organ traffickers lay siege to Nigeria in their bid to scout for cheap organs. So Nigeria is a cheap source of human organs for transplantation for the Western countries,” Njemanze wrote, insisting that “the gains of using ovarian eggs poached from Nigerian women to perfect the complicated tissue cloning procedure called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) promises economic revenue of thirty trillion USD, one-third of the World economy…” Exaggerated or not, the celebrated case of onetime deputy senate president, Ike Ekweremadu, his wife, a doctor and a supposed boy donor flown to the UK from Nigeria in February 2022 lends credence to Njemanze’s assertions. For his pains, Ekweremadu, his spouse and the Nigerian doctor are serving time in a British jail.

From all indications and barring a private settlement with the Kamarus, Kekere may also go to the slammer if convicted. Already, two of his accomplices are now in custody for helping the economics graduate steal a patient’s organ without her consent.

Nigeria is the hub of illegal organ harvesting and organ transplantation in the world. Many foreign organ traffickers lay siege to Nigeria in their bid to scout for cheap organs. So Nigeria is a cheap source of human organs for transplantation for the Western countries
Image credit: ScienceNewsExplores

Victor Boniface: Nigerian Star Shining Brightly in Bundesliga

Victor Okoh Boniface is a name that has been on the lips of many football fans and pundits, especially in the Bundesliga, in recent weeks. The 22-yearold Nigerian striker has taken the League by storm this season, helping his club Bayer Leverkusen to hold joint-top position in the German first division. He has scored six goals and provided two assists in his first five league games, earning him both the Rookie and Player of the Month awards for August 2023.

He has also impressed in the UEFA Europa League, scoring once and assisting another in Leverkusen's 4-1 win over Olympiacos in their opening group game. This has led those unfamiliar with the burly striker to ask who Victor Boniface is and how he became one of the hottest prospects in European football.

The young man,

known for his strength, skills, pace and finishing inside the box, was born just before Christmas, on December 23, 2000 in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. He started playing football at a young age and his hard work and dedication to improvement at a local Academy earned him a move to a domestic club Real Sapphire Football Club of Lagos, owned and sponsored by businessman Frank Peters and famed for grooming and exporting talented players.

There, the young Boniface honed his skills and grew in confidence to take on defenders and find the gap to exploit in his search for goals. This expectedly caught the attention of both local coaches and foreign scouts.

He was selected to the Nigeria Under-20 squad to play the 2019 Africa U20 Cup of Nations and was scouted for a move to the Eliteserien, Norway's top football division. Unfortunately, he was forced to withdraw from the U20 squad due to injury. He also missed most of the 2019 season with a ligament injury, which he suffered shortly after signing for Norwegian top-flight side Bodo/Glimt in March that year.

Boniface has shown that he has all the attributes of a topclass striker: strength, speed, skill, finishing, movement and vision

...Nigerian Star Shining Brightly in Bundesliga

At this phase of his life, on the cusp of a major breakthrough, the injury saw him slide into a dark place. As he himself revealed, he nearly quit football due to the depression that set in after he sustained the lengthy blow of this serious injury in 2019.

He confessed that he lost interest in football, started eating unhealthy foods, partying and drinking to cope with his situation. As someone who was not a drinker, it was a wild slope from which some never recover. However, he overcame his mental health issues with the help of his family, friends and teammates².

After recovering from his setback, he decidedly went on to make his mark in Norway, scoring 23 goals and registering eight assists in 66 games for Bodo/Glimt between 2019 and 2022. He helped the club win two consecutive Eliteserien titles in 2020 and 2021, as well as reaching the third qualifying round of the UEFA Champions League in 2022. His performances caught the eye of Belgian first division outfit Union Saint-Gilloise, who signed him for N6.10 million in August 2022. Things were looking up for the 22-year-old and his stock was on the rise, backed by his resilience and the discipline to keep pace with his progress.

Boniface continued his scoring spree in Belgium, netting 17 goals and setting up 12 more in 51 competitive appearances for Union SG. He was particularly prolific in the UEFA Europa League, where he finished as joint-top scorer with six goals in 10 games, alongside Manchester United's Marcus Rashford.

He also made it to the competition's Team of the Season, along with his new teammate Jonathan Tah. These accolades came based on impressive statistics from the striker.

Boniface was notching 1.37 progressive runs per 90 minutes at Union SG. This meant that, with the Norwegian club normally operating out of a 4-3-3 system, he was the central striker and penalty box poacher. Most of his activity came in the central areas of the 18yard box as well as just outside of it. He was not the striker that could be found drifting wide often, or generally not at all. He was the point man, one who took the ball straight at goal to find the net.

Boniface's outstanding physical trait was undoubtedly his height, with the Nigerian striker standing at 6’4” tall, along with top-level strength to hold off opposition defenders in tight spaces in the penalty box. This allowed him to function as the team's target man inside the box, and since he had that fox-in-the-box tendency, it worked optimally for the goals that came for Union SG. However, his exploits proved ironic for Union because, as much as it kept them immensely competitive, it also did not go unnoticed by bigger clubs who were asking questions about signing the Nigerian. In

July 2023, Bayer Leverkusen swooped in to secure his services for €20.50 million.

He wasted no time making an impact at his new club, scoring on his debut in the DFB Cup against Teutonia 05. He then registered his first Bundesliga assist in his first league game against RB Leipzig, before scoring a brace in each of his next two league outings, away against Borussia Mönchengladbach (in August) and at home against Darmstadt 98 (in September). He also contributed to their season-defining 2-2 draw against serial champions Bayern Munich on Matchday 4, as the two clubs currently lead the Bundesliga in 13 points apiece after matchday five fixtures. His incredible start to life in Germany has been nothing short of remarkable. After these scintillating displays with Leverkusen, Boniface became only the second player ever - and first since Erling Haaland in January 2020 - to win both the Bundesliga Rookie of the Month and Player of the Month awards in the same month when he collected both gongs for August 2023. It did not stop there.

Boniface's sensational form earned him a call-up to the Nigeria national team for their Africa Cup of Nations qualifier against Sao Tome and Principe in September. He made his debut for the Super Eagles on September 10, coming on as a 64th minute substitute for Taiwo Awoniyi. In the odd 26 minutes of his international debut, he proved his nephew

mettle by providing an assist for Samuel Chukwueze to net Nigeria's 6th and final goal of the match.

He has shown that he has all the attributes of a top-class striker: strength, speed, skill, finishing, movement and vision. In Germany this season, the Nigerian has bagged an incredible three braces in his opening five league performances to firmly stake his claim in the top scorers' race. No player has managed to match Boniface's 38 shots so far - an all-time record for this stage of a season. He has also demonstrated a remarkable adaptability to different leagues and cultures, as well as a hunger for improvement and success. He has broken several records and won several awards in his short career so far, but he is not resting on his laurels. He has set his sights on challenging Harry Kane and Bayern Munich for the Bundesliga title and golden boot this season, as well as helping Nigeria whenever he is called up.

Boniface is a versatile player who can be deployed in different positions and formations. He has been effective as a lone striker, a second striker, a left winger and a right winger as positioned by his various coaches. He has also adapted to different styles of play, from the fast and direct approach of Bodo/Glimt, to the possessionbased and technical game of Union SG, to the balanced and dynamic system of Leverkusen.

On a personal level, he carries a friendly personality. He is a fan favourite at every club he has played for, thanks to his charisma, passion and dedication. He has a special bond with the fans of Bodo/Glimt, who nicknamed him "Bonny" and gave him a standing ovation when he returned to play against them with Union SG in the UEFA Europa Conference League. He also endeared himself to the fans of Union SG, who voted him as their Player of the Season in 2022-23. He has already won over the fans of Leverkusen, who chant his name and wear his jersey at the BayArena.

He is a humble and hardworking player who is always eager to learn from his coaches and senior players. He has praised current manager Xabi Alonso for his tactical guidance. He has also expressed his admiration for compatriots Victor Osimhen and Taiwo Awoniyi, whom he considers as role models in the Nigeria national team.

Boniface is not only a talented and prolific striker, but also a resilient and inspirational person. He has overcome many challenges and obstacles in his life and career, and has emerged as one of the most exciting and promising players in world football. He has a bright future ahead of him, both at club and international level, and he will surely continue to dazzle and delight fans with his goals and skills alike.

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