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VOL 3 NO. 28 • JULY 09, 2023
Social Media’s Impact in Today’s World

Social media has become an essential part of our lives. The world is now literally in your palm as you navigate different social media platforms from a device that fits into your palm. For us in the media space, we stay abreast with happenings around the world with the push of a button. For the rest of the world, information goes around relatively quickly; although there have been times when it took time to tell which was fake news, such times are fewer than with authentic news. It doesn’t stop with the newsroom; even politicians use social media for their campaigns, as do celebrities, to promote one new project or the other. Social media has become a force to be reckoned with in this digital age, and from the look of things, we might have more social media applications springing up. You would think that we would be tired of yet another social media app, but this proved wrong as with Instagram’s launch of Threads, the application had 30 million users in just 24 hours. This is a clear indication that the right app will always attract users. But what does this mean for the world at large? Read our take on this on pages 8 through 10.

What happens when you place ten comedians in one house with one aim: Try to make each other laugh. That’s the story behind LOL: Last One Laughing Naija, which premiered last week Sunday. We interview three of the show’s cast, Maryam ‘Taaooma’ Apaokagi-Greene, Onyebuchi ‘Buchi’ Ojieh and Otaghware ‘I Go Save’ Onodjayeke, who talk about different aspects of the show. Catch that on pages 14 and 15.

As we age, our skin concerns and the products we use change. From teenage to mature years, we discuss the different skincare regimens and products you will need to navigate different stages in life. See page 5.

Until next week, enjoy your read.


Editor: Onah Nwachukwu @onahluciaa

Editor-at-Large: Chalya Shagaya

Senior Writer: Kehindé Fagbule

Graphic Design: Olaniyan John ‘Blake’

Digital Media: Oladimeji Balogun

Guest Art Director: Sunny Hughes ‘SunZA’


Dorcas Akintoye is a dedicated writer with more than 2 years prolific experience in writing articles ranging from food, entertainment, fashion and beauty.  She has a National Diploma in Mass Communication from Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin. She loves writing, listening to music and playing scrabble. She is a highly-skilled, enthusiastic, selfmotivated professional writer.

Onwumere Churchill Ikenna

- Contributing Writer

Onwumere Churchill Ikenna is a writer, poet, digital and social media content strategist. An Afro gen z clan member of kenga media. He is a movie critic who was amongst those who birthed the first movie brand; Feeem house brand. A full fledged member of the writers space Africa, Nigeria district and was part of the editing team of the second anthology issue by the writers space Nigeria.

He has written so many articles, stories and e books. An avid reader and a freelancer. You can check out his literary editing page @coidencreatives on Instagram and twitter.

His personal socials for both Instagram and twitter are : @ikennachurchill

VOL 3 NO. 29 • JULY 16, 2023 PAGE 4 THEWILL DOWNTOWN • thewilldowntown thewilldowntown @onahluciaa + 2349088352246 Onah Odun Ogunbiyi @oddbodandthecity - Contributing Editor Odunayo Ogunbiyi is an ex pharmacist with a passion for food and pampering. Writing about her exploits wherever in the world she may find herself is just her way of staying sane in this zany world. Boluwatife Adesina @bolugramm - Contributing Writer Boluwatife Adesina is a media writer and the helmer of the Downtown Review page. He’s probably in a cinema near you. Photo: Kola Oshalusi @insignamedia Makeup: Zaron CONTENTS Infinity Pool 06 8-10 16 14-15 12-13 11 REVIEW FEATURE FASHION ENTERTAINMENT LIVING COVER Nightlife Boss! ...Becoming a Successful Nightlife Business Owner Tread Socially Social Media’s Impact in Today’s World Quick Chat With Taaooma, Buchi And I Go Save Time is Money 10 Most Expensive Wristwatches in The World The Art of Wandering Exploring The Magic of Aimless Travel EDITOR’S NOTE 07 05 BEAUTY Skincare For All Ages DOWNTOWN CONFIDENTIAL Orgasm And Well-Being
WHAT YOU SAID @ndalimodebe @when_gracefund_ INSTAGRAM
that’s right
on, keep shinning @mcmedia_
SHAWNFAQUA All cover story images from GOOGLE

Skincare For All Ages

Navigating The Changing Needs of Skin throughout Life’s Stages

Our skin experiences significant changes as we age. Regarding skincare, each stage—from the bud of youth to the wisdom of maturity—presents particular difficulties and opportunities. This article will discuss the changing requirements of skin across life’s stages and offer insightful advice on how to take care of your skin at every age.


Hormonal changes during adolescence can cause oily skin, acne outbreaks, and heightened sensitivity. Creating a regular skincare routine is essential to navigating this stage.


To get rid of extra oil and pollutants, wash your face gently twice a day using a non-comedogenic cleanser.


To control outbreaks, incorporate specialised acne treatments with active components like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.


Use a thin, oil-free moisturiser to keep the skin moisturised without clogging pores.


In young adulthood, the focus shifts to preserving youth and avoiding early ageing.


To shield yourself from UV radiation that might cause skin cancer, use broadspectrum sunscreen daily with at least SPF 30.


To prevent free radical damage, use skincare products that contain antioxidants like vitamin C or green tea extract.


Use hydrating serums and nourishing moisturisers to maintain a well-hydrated and moisturised skin barrier.



The effects of ageing become increasingly noticeable as we approach middle age, and skin suppleness starts to decline.


To combat fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of firmness, look for skincare products that contain retinol, peptides, and hyaluronic acid.


Use specialised eye lotions or serums to address particular issues like dark circles, puffiness, and crow’s feet.


Regular exfoliation will help your skin look smoother and more luminous by promoting cell turnover.


The focus is on nurturing the skin and accepting natural ageing during the adult years.


As a first line of defence against dryness and to replace the skin’s moisture barrier, use richer, more emollient moisturisers.


Introduce serums rich in nutrients to promote the health of your skin. These serums may contain peptides, ceramides, and botanical extracts.


Protect your skin from the sun, and consider using hats with wide brim and sunglasses as additional safeguards.


Skincare is a lifetime journey that changes as we get older. We can modify our skincare regimens to address specific difficulties and preserve healthy, youthful skin by being aware of how our skin changes as we go through different periods of life. To promote the skin’s vitality and appreciate the beauty of each stage of life, remember that consistency, appropriate hydration, protection from external stressors, and tailored treatments are essential.


• Develop a Solid Business Plan

Creating a comprehensive business plan is vital to secure funding and guiding your business’s growth. Your plan should include a detailed concept description, market analysis, financial projections, marketing strategies, and operational procedures. It will serve as a roadmap, helping you stay focused and make informed decisions.

• Secure Adequate Funding

Nightlife businesses often require a substantial upfront investment. Explore various funding options, such as personal savings, loans, partnerships, or seeking investors. Prepare a compelling pitch highlighting the potential return on investment and showcasing your industry expertise. Consider building relationships with potential financiers and explore local grants or incentive programs that support small businesses.


Location, Location

Choosing the right location is critical to the success of your nightlife business. Look for areas with high foot traffic, proximity to transportation hubs, and compatibility with your target market. Consider factors such as parking availability, safety, and neighbouring businesses that can complement your establishment. Negotiate lease terms that align with your long-term goals and allow room for future expansion.

• Create a Stellar Brand Identity

A strong brand identity is essential in the nightlife industry. Develop a unique and memorable brand name, logo, and visual identity that resonates with your target audience. Establish an online presence through a professionally designed website and active social media profiles. Utilise engaging content, professional photography, and effective marketing strategies to build anticipation and attract potential patrons.

• Recruit And Train The Right Team

Building a reliable and talented team is crucial to the success of your nightlife business. Hire staff members who align with your brand values and have the skills and experience necessary for their respective roles. Provide comprehensive training programs to ensure they understand your business objectives, customer service standards, and operational procedures. Foster a positive work environment that encourages teamwork, growth, and enthusiasm.

• Implement Effective Marketing Strategies

Nightlife Boss!

Steps to Take in Becoming a Successful Nightlife Business Owner

Owning a nightlife business can be an exciting and rewarding venture for those with a passion for entertainment and a knack for business. However, building a successful nightlife establishment requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of the industry. In this article, we will outline the essential steps to take to become a successful nightlife business owner. From concept development to operational execution, let’s dive into the key elements necessary to thrive in this dynamic and vibrant industry.

• Define Your Concept

Before embarking on your journey as a nightlife business owner, defining your concept is crucial. Consider your target audience, the atmosphere you want to create, and the entertainment you wish to provide. Research current trends and identify a unique selling point to set your establishment apart. Whether it’s a trendy nightclub, a sophisticated lounge, or a live music venue, clearly defining your concept will guide all future decisions.

• Conduct Thorough Market Research

Understanding the market is essential for success in the nightlife industry. Study the demographics, preferences, and habits of your target audience. Analyse the competition to identify gaps in the market and find ways to differentiate your business. Additionally, explore the local regulations, permits, and licensing requirements to ensure compliance with all legal obligations.

Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote your nightlife business. Utilise a mix of traditional and digital marketing channels to reach your target audience. Collaborate with local influencers, partner with neighbouring businesses, and organise promotional events to create buzz. Utilise email marketing, social media advertising, and search engine optimisation to maximise your online visibility and attract new customers.

• Deliver Outstanding Customer Experience

A thriving nightlife business relies heavily on delivering exceptional customer experiences. Focus on providing excellent service, ensuring your staff is attentive, friendly, and knowledgeable. Regularly assess and improve your operations to exceed customer expectations. Encourage customer feedback and use it to refine your offerings and enhance the overall experience.

• Adapt and Evolve

The nightlife industry constantly evolves, and staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. Monitor industry trends, stay updated on new technologies, and be open to change. Regularly evaluate your business’s performance, seek feedback from customers and staff, and make necessary adjustments to keep your establishment fresh and relevant.


Becoming a successful nightlife business owner requires passion, dedication, and a well-thought-out strategy. By following these essential steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a thriving and memorable establishment. Embrace the challenges, stay connected with your target audience, and continually innovate to create an outstanding nightlife experience. Remember, success in the nightlife industry comes not just from the quality of your entertainment but also from delivering exceptional service and building a vibrant community around your brand.


The Physical And Psychological Benefits of Sexual Release Orgasm And Well-Being



There are so many ways you can significantly reduce your stress levels; engaging in sexual activity and experiencing orgasm is one of them. The release of endorphins helps to reduce the effects of stress hormones. It also helps in promoting relaxation and a sense of well-being.


Orgasms also stimulate the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. The surge of dopamine helps enhance your mood, leaving you feeling happier, more content, and even more connected to your partner.

Despiteour diversities and differences as humans, an exquisite moment unites us all: Orgasm. Yes, that exciting release of euphoria and satisfaction that screams promises of pure bliss. Orgasms are more than just moments of intense pleasure; they play an essential role in physical and psychological wellbeing, transcending the barriers of mere ecstasy.

The magic of orgasms is far beyond the fleeting moments of rapture. Science has unveiled several benefits of orgasm that extend to the very essence of our well-being. Physically, orgasms trigger a flood of endorphins, washing away tension and stress, leaving us with a radiant afterglow that lasts even after climax. Orgasms also go as far as boosting circulation, enhancing immune function, promoting restful sleep, and nurturing our bodies from within.

The magic of orgasms doesn’t stop there. They profoundly impact our minds, serving as a sanctuary of connection and release. As we surrender to pleasure, oxytocin, the hormone of love and bonding, surges through our veins to deepen and foster intimacy with our partners. This surge of oxytocin leaves us feeling fulfilled, wanted, cherished, and profoundly connected, infusing our lives with a sense of well-being and contentment.

Below are the physical and psychological benefits of sexual release.



Orgasm helps trigger the release of endorphins— our body’s natural painkillers. Apart from the fact that endorphin helps provide a rush of pleasure, that also helps alleviate physical discomfort, from headaches to cramps.


The cascade of physiological changes that occur during and after an orgasm helps promote relaxation and release tension. It also helps improve your sleep quality and gives you a more restful rest at night.



The release of oxytocin during sexual activity plays a vital role in building emotional connections and fostering intimacy. Orgasm helps to promote a sense of closeness and trust and even strengthens the bond between partners.


Experiencing orgasms can help boost an individual’s body positivity and self-esteem. Individuals can develop a deeper appreciation for their bodies with the feeling of pleasure and satisfaction, leading to increased self-confidence and a more positive self-image.


Research has shown that regular sexual activity and orgasm may help boost your immune function. Releasing certain hormones and increasing blood flow can help strengthen the body’s defences against illnesses.


Our heart rate increases during sexual arousal, serving as a mini workout for our cardiovascular system. Regular sexual activity has been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes.

From stress relief to reduced stress and even to enhanced intimacy, the physical and psychological benefits of orgasms are profound. So embrace the power of pleasure, prioritise self-care, and celebrate the magic that orgasms can bring to your life. Remember, pleasure is not just a luxury but an essential aspect of our well-being.



Social Media’s Impact in Today’s World

Intoday’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives, connecting people from around the world.

We have come a long way from the Facebook era; kudos to the innovative and novel social media platform for outliving most of its competition. Although Facebook still holds a significant market share, housing the most people globally, more recent social media apps such as Snapchat and Tiktok have been more common among the younger generation, technology’s heaviest consumers. Among the numerous platforms, Twitter and Instagram have stood out, the former as a microblogging platform that allows for public discourse, while the latter as a visualcentric network, allowing users to share their lives through captivating photos and videos. To revolutionise how we communicate and foster meaningful conversations, Instagram recently launched a new app called “Threads.” We explore the introduction of Instagram Threads, taking inspiration from Twitter, and delve into social media’s impact in today’s world.

The Ever-Evolving Impact of Twitter

In the past two decades, the rise of social media has fundamentally transformed the way we communicate, connect, and consume information. Twitter has emerged as a significant player among these platforms, shaping public discourse and impacting societies worldwide. We explore the multifaceted impact of Twitter on the world today.

Instantaneous Global Communication

One of the most profound effects of Twitter and other social media platforms is the ability to communicate instantly with a global audience. The power of these platforms lies in their capacity to break down geographical barriers, allowing individuals to engage in real-time conversations regardless of their location. News travels faster than ever before, with events and opinions disseminated globally in seconds.

This global communication has empowered marginalised voices, enabling social movements such as #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo to gain momentum. Activists and citizen journalists can share their stories,

mobilise communities, and hold those in power accountable. The Arab Spring revolutions, for instance, demonstrated the immense impact social media can have in fueling revolutions and driving political change.

Amplifying Public Discourse

Social media has transformed the way public discourse unfolds. Twitter, with its character limit, has popularised the notion of microblogging, compelling users to convey their thoughts concisely. While brevity can sometimes limit nuance, it has also forced individuals to distil complex ideas into digestible snippets, encouraging clarity and conciseness.

The instantaneous nature of social media allows for real-time conversations and rapid responses to breaking news. However, this also means that misinformation and rumours can spread quickly.

The phenomenon of “fake news” has become a pervasive issue, highlighting the need for critical thinking skills and media literacy in navigating the digital landscape.


Political Impact and Social Movements

Twitter and other social media platforms have reshaped political landscapes worldwide. Political figures can now directly communicate with their constituents, bypassing traditional media gatekeepers. This direct engagement allows politicians to humanise themselves, share their vision, and build a loyal following.

Moreover, social media platforms have become instrumental in organising political movements. Political campaigns now heavily rely on digital strategies, leveraging social media to connect with voters, fundraise, and spread their message. The 2016 US presidential election highlighted the impact of Twitter, with Donald Trump effectively using the platform to engage his base and dominate media attention.

However, social media’s impact on politics is not without controversy. Concerns about filter bubbles, echo chambers, and the spread of disinformation have raised questions about the role social media plays in shaping public opinion and reinforcing existing biases. Algorithmic biases and data privacy concerns further compound these issues, necessitating ongoing conversations about ethical and regulatory frameworks.

Influence on Culture and Entertainment

Social media platforms have become integral to the entertainment industry, transforming the way we consume media. Twitter, in particular, has facilitated real-time engagement during live events, award shows, and television programs. Hashtags, trending topics, and viral challenges have become commonplace, creating new avenues for audience participation.

In addition, social media influencers have emerged as a dominant force in marketing and brand promotion. Their ability to reach vast audiences and connect with followers on a personal level has disrupted traditional advertising models. Businesses now allocate significant resources to influencer marketing, recognising the power of these online personalities to shape consumer behaviour and drive trends.

Challenges and Future Implications

While social media has undeniably brought about positive changes, it also presents challenges that need to be addressed. Cyberbullying, online harassment, and the impact of social media on mental health have become areas of concern. Platforms are under pressure to combat abuse, protect user privacy, and promote healthy digital interactions. The evolving nature of technology also poses challenges. As artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent, algorithms play an increasing role in shaping the content users see. Concerns around algorithmic bias and the potential for manipulation have sparked debates about transparency, accountability, and the need for regulation.

Twitter has transformed the world in unprecedented ways. From amplifying voices and facilitating global conversations to reshaping politics and driving cultural shifts, the impact of these platforms is undeniable. However, the challenges they pose cannot be ignored. It is crucial to navigate the digital landscape with caution, promote media literacy, and work towards creating an inclusive and responsible online environment that maximises the benefits while mitigating the drawbacks of social media.

The Meteoric Rise of Instagram

Instagram’s inception in 2010 marked a turning point in the world of social media. The platform quickly gained popularity, emphasising visual content and offering users a chance to share their experiences through aesthetically pleasing photos and short videos. The simplicity and focus on visual storytelling set Instagram apart from its competitors, attracting millions of users worldwide.

Instagram’s Influence on Society

Over the years, Instagram has had a profound impact on society, reshaping various aspects of our lives. From the personal to the professional, its influence can be seen in how we communicate, create, and consume content.

1. Visual Storytelling: Instagram’s photo-centric approach has increased visual storytelling. Users can curate their feeds, showcasing their lives, passions, and creative endeavours. From travel and food to fashion and art, the platform has inspired countless individuals to develop their artistic skills and share their unique perspectives.

2. Influencer Culture: Instagram has given rise to a new breed of content creators known as influencers. These individuals, with large followings, leverage their platforms to endorse products, promote brands, and influence consumer behaviour. While the influencer culture has opened doors for many, it has also sparked debates regarding authenticity, transparency, and the impact on mental health.

3. Business Opportunities: Instagram has provided large and small businesses with a powerful tool for marketing and brand promotion. The platform’s visual nature allows companies to showcase their products in captivating ways, engage with their target audience, and drive sales. Instagram’s advertising features, such as shoppable posts and


Introducing Instagram Threads

In an effort to enhance conversations on the platform, Instagram launched Threads, a standalone app dedicated to facilitating engaging and focused discussions. Threads aims to address the limitations of comment sections by providing a more organised and structured space for conversations.

Key Features of Instagram Threads

1. Threaded Conversations: Unlike the linear comment sections on Instagram, Threads introduces threaded conversations, allowing users to reply directly to specific comments. This feature streamlines discussions, making it easier to follow conversations and engage with others.

2. Topic Tags: Threads incorporates topic tags, enabling users to categorise and filter discussions based on specific themes. This feature encourages meaningful conversations centred around shared interests and passions.

3. Community Moderation Tools: To combat online harassment and maintain a healthy environment, Threads provides enhanced moderation tools. Users can report inappropriate content and have more control over their conversations, ensuring a safer space for expression.

4. Direct Messaging Integration: Threads seamlessly integrates with Instagram’s direct messaging feature, enabling users to transition from public discussions to private conversations effortlessly. This fosters deeper

connections and allows for more personal

The Impact of Threads and Social Media’s Role Today

Instagram Threads’ launch reflects the evolving nature of social media and its potential to adapt to user needs. By improving the quality of conversations, Threads aims to create a more engaging and authentic social media experience. However, as with any platform, there are challenges that must be addressed to maximise its impact.

1. Nurturing Meaningful Connections: The rise of social media has brought people together from diverse backgrounds, but it has also been criticised for creating shallow and superficial interactions. Threads’ focus on fostering meaningful conversations can contribute to creating deeper connections between users, bridging gaps and encouraging empathy.

2. Tackling Misinformation and Toxicity: While social media platforms have become hubs for information sharing, they have

also become breeding grounds for misinformation, cyberbullying, and toxicity. The success of Threads will depend on its ability to address these challenges and implement robust moderation mechanisms effectively.

3. Balancing Privacy and Connectivity: As social media continues to evolve, striking the right balance between privacy and connectivity becomes increasingly crucial. Users should have control over their data and feel safe while engaging in conversations. Instagram Threads should prioritise privacy features to ensure user trust and foster a healthy online environment.

In Finality

Instagram Threads’ launch represents a significant step toward redefining social media conversations. Instagram aims to enhance user engagement and create a more authentic platform by introducing threaded discussions and focusing on fostering meaningful connections. As social media continues to shape society, it is imperative to reflect on the impact it has on our lives and work collectively to build a digital landscape that promotes positive interactions, inclusivity, and responsible use.


The Art of Wandering Exploring The Magic of Aimless Travel

There is a beautiful realm that invites curious spirits in a world where fixed itineraries and well-defined paths are the norms: the art of aimlessly wandering. The true delights of travel are revealed in these spontaneous explorational moments, which also spark our creativity, encourage self-discovery, and reveal the awaiting hidden riches. In this article, we go out on a quest to celebrate the glories of aimless walking, exploring its joys, advantages, and the significant effects it may have on our lives.


Without predefined courses, aimless wandering encourages introspection and selfdiscovery. We can get back in touch with ourselves while wandering strange environments. Away from routine restrictions, we learn to hear our inner voice, unearth hidden interests, and develop a deeper comprehension of our desires, objectives, and values.



When we ramble around aimlessly, we give in to the magic of serendipity. We are not constrained by rigid plans or rigorous schedules, which enables us to enjoy the surprises life offers. We discover the unexpected charm of travel in these fortuitous meetings, run-ins with exciting individuals, or finding hidden jewels.


Wandering wakes our creative spirit and provides a space for inspiration to flourish. Our senses come alive as we explore strange streets, take in stunning scenery, and immerse ourselves in different cultures, igniting our imagination. The unusual sights, sounds, and experiences we encounter while wandering around the world inspire us and give our artistic activities new vitality.

In the frenzy of contemporary life, aimless wandering offers a break—an opportunity to take a moment to breathe, calm down, and be fully present in the moment. It encourages us to pay attention to the minute particulars of our surroundings, such as the delicate scents, light patterns, and whispers from the environment, and it gives us the skill of focused observation. Our relationship with the outside world and ourselves is profoundly reconnected in this state of mindfulness.


A universe full of wonder, surprises, and self-discovery becomes available to us as we wave goodbye to tight itineraries and set out on the path of aimless wandering. We can enjoy the wonder of serendipity through this art, tap into our creative potential, and establish strong bonds with the outside world and ourselves. To discover the actual meaning of travel, let’s embrace the charm of aimless exploration, open our hearts to the undiscovered, and wander without restriction.




Most Expensive Wristwatches in The World


The Hallucination by Graff Diamonds is the most expensive watch ever made. It features 110 carats of coloured diamonds set in a platinum bracelet, creating a truly breathtaking piece. Despite its high fashion appeal, it still functions as a timepiece with a small dial in the centre. Unveiled in 2014 at Baselworld, this masterpiece required thousands of hours of work from a team of designers, gemologists, and craftsmen. It carries a staggering price tag of $55 million.

Making a fashion statement is never complete without accessories. In fact, in most cases of people making loud fashion statements, jewellery is often at the highest degrees of decibels, having the single ability to elevate our style. For most fashion enthusiasts, investing in wristwatches is a surefire approach to announcing not only their style and fashion sense, but it is also an indication of their opulence. And even though the efforts of big tech to digitise everything today including time are still very popular amongst the general public, true fashion royalties prefer to stick with the analogue, and whew! they do not come cheap at all. Here are some of the most expensive luxury wristwatches in the world today.



The Fascination by Graff Diamonds is the second most expensive watch in the world. This masterpiece showcases 152.96 carats of white diamonds and features a 38-carat pearshaped diamond dial that can be worn as a ring. It combines horological craftsmanship with diamond mastery, making it a standout among women’s watches. With a price tag of $40 million, it offers double value as a convertible


The Grandmaster Chime by Patek, priced at $31 million, offers dual dials, one on the front and one on the back. It features 20 complications, including five chiming modes, an acoustic alarm, and a date repeater. The blue opaline dials have gold numerals and 18K solid gold plates, housed in a white gold case with a navy blue alligator leather strap.



Commissioned for Marie Antoinette, this legendary watch took 40 years to craft but remained incomplete due to her execution. Encased in gold, it showcases every complication available at the time, including a perpetual calendar and thermometer. Stolen in the late 1900s, it now resides in the L.A. Mayer Museum and can be purchased for $30 million.


Crafted by Jaeger-LeCoultre for Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee, this unique timepiece in white gold showcases polished and diamond-set links. It boasts a miniature calibre 101 movement, one of the smallest


Commissioned in 1968 by Joanne Woodward, wife of actor Paul Newman, this Paul Newman Rolex Daytona Ref.6239 carries a heartfelt message: “Drive Carefully.” With its distinctive black and cream dial and elegant Art Deco style, this watch attracts both watch enthusiasts and Hollywood memorabilia collectors. The auction for this iconic timepiece concluded within 12 minutes, with the highest bidder securing it over the phone. It comes as no surprise, considering Rolex’s global renown as the premier watchmaker and a renowned luxury brand.


Crafted in 1933 for American banker Henry Graves, this Patek Philippe pocket watch is a masterpiece of horology. With a seven-year design and build time, it showcases the craftsmanship of that era. Featuring a range of complications, including a perpetual calendar and minute repeater, it also displays sunrise, and sunset times, and a celestial chart. Recently sold to an anonymous bidder after a fierce bidding war, it is a coveted addition to any pocket watch collection.


Jacob & Co.’s Billionaire watch ranks among the top 10 most expensive and rarest watches worldwide. Its name is fitting for this extravagant timepiece, adorned with 189 carats of Akosha diamonds, renowned for its ability to create the illusion of a larger size. The skeleton face showcases a meticulously crafted tourbillon movement composed of 167 elements and 18 jewels. Made from 18k white gold, the bracelet and dial seamlessly blend together, while a rose-cut jewel on the crown adds the final touch. It’s no surprise that Floyd Mayweather opted to purchase this exceptionally costly watch.


This Chopard timepiece is a dazzling statement piece with 874 diamonds totalling 201 carats. Priced at 25 million dollars, it showcases the Swiss watchmaker’s craftsmanship and is favoured by A-listers and royalty. With its 15-carat pink, 12-carat blue, and 11-carat white diamonds, it’s the epitome of luxury

Part of a limited four-piece series, this watch stands out for its high-grade stainless steel case, setting it apart from Patek Philippe’s usual gold luxury watches. The Patek Philippe Ref.1518, introduced in 1941, made history as the first-ever perpetual calendar and chronograph combination, adding to its allure for collectors. Although steel may seem less valuable than gold, finding high-end watches made of this material is rare, which drives up its price.


Taaooma, Buchi And I Go Save Quick Chat With

on the stage and cracking people up because you have time to rehearse, do many scenes, edit, etc. How do you think the kind of comedy you do can someday be seen on a similar level as standup comedians going on tour and selling out arenas?

Taaooma: First of all, one of them is trying to let people know you understand what you’re doing. Secondly, if this job doesn’t pay, you can call it skits or whatever. I get money from this, so why is anyone trying to make it look like it’s a very tiny job? You need to let people know because there are many things to put in place or consider when doing this job. And it’s the same way as saying that (apologises to Buchi and I Go Save before going ahead to use standup comedy as an example) standup comedy is easy because you just stand and crack people up. Every time I’m asked if I will do standup comedy, I close my eyes and run away because I’ve tried it before; I was waiting for the ground to open so I’d enter inside. Just as you are conducting this interview now, some people might belittle what you do, seeing as you just sit down and talk to people. But you are the one who knows the challenges you face. Every work has its own challenge. And just because I’m not with all the paparazzi that Cardi B has, it doesn’t mean Cardi B works better than me. We might not do the same job, but you need to respect people accordingly. And if I want to sell out a show right now, I know what to do. I probably am just not ready. And I feel like I don’t have enough confidence yet for it.

At the screening, the importance of diversity in casting was discussed, even though there are three women out of ten comedians in LOL: Last One Laughing Naija. What do you think will be an incentive that will allow more women into this space?

Taaooma: It’s just to let people know, encourage them and tell them they can do it. Once you go in there, nothing is stopping you. And this is the social media age; you can do anything from the comfort of your house, so just go for it.

Muchlike the rest of the entertainment industry, the Nigerian comedy space has witnessed an influx of new opportunities with the advent of technology. From the emergence of content creators on social media platforms condensing humour in bit-size that is easily digestible for a digital audience with the attention span of a housefly to the streaming giants providing traditional standup comedians with a platform to house their specials for a global audience, Nigerian comedy has been on a steady, significant upheaval. In a first-of-its-kind reality show, LOL: Last One Laughing Naija, Prime Video casts 10 of Nigeria’s finest comedians in a house for six hours with a clear mission to crack each other up but not break a smile. DOWNTOWN’s Kehindé Fagbule caught up with three cast members, Taaooma, Buchi, and I Go Save, for a quick chat.

At the Press Conference, You corrected someone in the audience who called you a skit maker. Why don’t you like being called that?

Taaooma: Skits are something very unplanned; I do skits sometimes. I actually don’t have a problem being called a skit maker; I just find that it belittles the work that’s put in. When people call you a skit maker, there is a particular way that they see you. I’ll give a perfect example. If I come into this building and the gateman refuses to open the gate for me because I came in a Toyota Camry but would let me in if I came in a Range Rover. That is what this thing looks like. You can call me a skit maker and acknowledge that perhaps I’m actually putting work into it. But when they call you a skit maker, they make it look like that is all I do, but I know how much work I put into my content, so you can’t just call me a skit maker. I won’t take that. It’s just the way I cannot just call you a janitor in an office where you are the CEO.

I’m sure you get this a lot from even colleagues and people who look at you and assume that you’re not on the same level as a comedian as the rest of your colleagues who do standup.

Taaooma: This is very personal. Even my mum sometimes confuses what I do as skits, and I’m like, “Mummy, please, I do a lot of work.” I know you feel like I’m playing because if you meet me on set, you will feel like I’m having fun with it, so you might not feel like there’s a lot of work in it, but there’s actually a lot of work. And for some of us that shoot, edit, sound engineer, and many other things, these are things that people feed their families with, and I do it alone. And at the end of the day, you want to call it just skits? No, I will not take that. That’s why every single time, I get to correct people. Please let us sensitise each other now so people won’t go out there and think I’m just having fun. I know I’m having fun, but at the same time, I’m putting in a lot of work.

Absolutely! You’ve honed your craft and are one of the biggest content creators in the country. However, many people would say it’s a much easier art form than standing

It’s been a long time coming for both of you (Buchi and I Go Save), unlike Taaooma, that came in with social media.

Buchi: She’s a new cat [Room erupts in laughter].

Although comedy in Nigeria is a very competitive space, we have seen you around from when we bought VCDs to watch you to know when we stream to watch you. What do you think is the X-Factor to maintain relevance in this space?

Buchi: For me, consistency in being funny is what does it. And when I say consistency in being funny, you must understand that it covers a lot because it means you have to be relevant every year, which means you have to be fresh in some way, original in some other way, creative in some other way. Demand can only come from supply, so if you’re irrelevant, there’s no demand; you have nothing. So I think my fight every day is to be relevant no matter what it takes. And I know that the only way to be relevant in comedy is always to make sure that I get the laughs. So that’s just it for me; that’s my hustle, that’s my creed.

I Go Save: It’s been many years. As Buchi said, one of the major things is consistency, hard work and creating. If you keep creating, you will stay for long, but if you create, stop and wait for other people’s creativity to dive into to make money for yourself, you will just come like a spark, and in a few seconds, you’re off. So hard work, consistency and following the rules of the game and breaking some of the rules of the game, you’ll stay here for long.

Although unscripted, this is not your first rodeo together. How difficult is transitioning from standups to acting, incorporating your humour on movie sets without a real-time audience giving you feedback on your jokes and punchlines? With acting, you are conscious of the camera, your best side and your body language.


Buchi: And of course, don’t forget your director. When you give your best side, and the director says, “No!” [looks puzzled]. First of all, for me that has come this far, I’m like yo [laughs]. I know you are the director, but this is a comedy. So we have to battle with that. You must let go na, no be you dey direct It was never a switch because if you’re a Nigerian with one talent, two other talents back that one. If you sing, you can dance. If you can’t dance, you can act. There’s always a package.

I Go Save: I think standup and acting are like brother and sister because in standup comedy, if you’re making a joke that has five people, you will depict the roles of the five of them for your audience to understand the joke. That is acting already. We have a director, we are already mouthed, and we don’t look at where the camera is. It is the job of the director.

LOL: Last One Laughing Naija is a reality show that’s never been done before. You were put in the same space as your colleagues on a mission to crack a laugh out of them. Tell us about how you felt when contacted to be on a first-of-its-kind Prime Video original unscripted series.

Buchi: For me, it was not the first time that I’ve had the idea. Even locally, there’s always been talks of gathering comedians and doing a comedy show. The prospect was always there. But the twist to this one was what really broke me. So when they told me we’d have ten comedians in the house, it was very exciting for me. Ten comedians in the house trying to make each other laugh? For me, it was the easiest show ever. Then when they eventually added the “but you’re

for myself. That was when I knew that this really happens. I thought the idea of getting comedians is to make everybody laugh. How will you now get us and say we can’t laugh? That, for me, was the killer [in affirmative]. On the other note, it was really exciting for me that this would be on Prime Video. It wasn’t that we would record and start sourcing for buyers, or they would tell you to go and market on YouTube. The platform was set, and they were coming for us, which is very different from you chasing the content buyers. The original owners of the platform say, “We want you to do this,” and it takes a load off. It was really exciting for me. I mean, it’s Prime Video. I was so happy; I was proud of it. At any point, if I had the chance to do it again, I’d dive right in straight up.

I Go Save: I’ve always dreamt of this happening, so when I got the call, I was really happy and excited about it. I’ve always dreamt about being together with my colleagues and having a camera planted to record our interactions. That has always been the structure I had in my head, but this one was different. 10 comedians, same place, one goal, don’t laugh. It was crazy but trust me, I had fun doing this. It’s an eye-opener for me as I learnt a lot of new stuff, one being that I can actually stay without laughing if I want. That means I have the social instinct in me to hold the laughter. I learnt another thing: I can laugh inside and frown outside. I did it on the show, even though I was dying

LOL: Last One Laughing Naija was out last Friday, and now the global audience knows it because it is on Prime. Tell us about individual projects in the pipeline after this. What should your fans be looking forward to next?

Basically, as comedians, we’re always working. And that includes the jokes you tell in your house every time. Your mind must be there; that’s what it takes to be relevant. For me, though, I do a comedy show every week. It keeps me on my feet. Every Wednesday of every week for the past three years, I have been hosting a comedy night at LIVE! Lounge. As for my personal projects, I do my show every Easter in Abuja. Next year, I might probably do it in Lagos. I don’t want to do Lagos and owe people. I don’t want to do the show with my money and not be able to pay everybody just because I need to do Lagos. I want people to be ready enough (for me) to know that it is time for Lagos. For you to do an Eko Hotel-standard show right now in Lagos, your budget should be from 30 million Naira upward. That’s the cheapest you can spend on the small halls, that is a lot of money. If you don’t sell those tables, you are at a loss already. So if you invest your 30 million Naira, you have to guarantee that ten people will buy tables for 5 million Naira each. In Abuja, it’s easy

me [laughs]. The halls are not that expensive, I have so many people there, and they are always excited to have me. The legwork alone in Lagos, the network is strong, the brand needs sponsorships, and you’re at a loss if you don’t get them. Until I get that, I’m not doing Lagos. And money will come.

I Go Save: Like Buchi rightly said, we are constantly working. We always have something in the pipeline. In a few weeks, I’m starting my UK and European tour. And when I’m back, I have my show, I Go Save Unusual in Warri, in November.

Buchi: It’s been happening every year for over 10 years now.

I Go Save: Yes, November 26th in Warri and January 2nd, next year, in Benin City. We are thinking of Lagos as well. As Buchi said, you must have a big shoe to step into Lagos so you don’t run into debt, loss or a bad show, so you must be really ready. Also, I’m working on my online comedy sitcom, Hotel 101 season 2, so I have a lot of work in hand. While this one is there cooking and everybody is enjoying it, we are preparing something else, just like the duck, swimming unruffled on top but paddling roughly underneath.

Catch the hilarious LOL: Last One Laughing Naija on Prime Video



Infinity Pool

accidentally driving into and killing a local. Terrified of what the police might do to rich foreigners, everyone agrees to hide the body and pretend that nothing ever happened. This ruse falls apart rather quickly, and James and Em are arrested and charged with murder –which on Li Tolqa entails an automatic penalty of death. But there is a catch, entirely unique to this pseudo-fascist state: Pay enough cash to the authorities, and Li Tolqa will make an exact clone of you, which will be executed in your place. You just have to have the means – and the stomach to watch yourself, or a version of yourself, get sliced and diced.



There’s obviously a lot more going on than that, but the underlying premise of a princess with a larger destiny and her stoic protector has always served as the show’s most accessible point of entry, fueled by Cavill’s superheroic pedigree. While Geralt is hardly a match for Kal-El, that still leaves the actor slated to replace him in the fourth season, Liam Hemsworth, with sizable shoes to fill.

If we must connect Brandon Cronenberg’s third feature film, Infinity Pool, to the work of his father David, best to get it out of the way early.

Yes, both generations of the Cronenberg clan display an affinity for the grotesque and the bloody – just as the father tears flesh away with abandon across his filmography, so, too, does the son split heads and slit throats here. And yes, both directors find distinct pleasures in the pain of nightmares, in approaching and then crossing the blurry line that divides reality and dreams.

But the younger Cronenberg is his own man, harder-edged and more hallucinatory in vision. He has shades of his father, certainly, but his vision is his own, singular, fully formed and with no means of imitation. Which is also the great joke at the heart of Brandon’s new film, an eat-the-rich fantasia whose central conceit revolves around clones, copies, and imitations. In its own gut-churning way, Infinity Pool asks whether humans are so simple a creature that our essence can simply be copied over and over again until the original vessel is rendered a shell of nothingness. Clearly, Brandon has no illusions about outrunning his father’s legacy, so why not have fun with the inevitable expectations and comparisons?

Set in the fictional Euro-somewhere state of Li Tolqa, Infinity Pool opens at a luxury beach resort, where James (Alexander Skarsgard) and his wife Em (Cleopatra Coleman) are staying, partly to inject some life into their marriage and partly to inspire James in his quest to write a new novel, six years after his first effort came and went. In-between sampling the omelette bar and warily eyeing the locals, whose idea of entertainment involves both ham-fisted cultural appropriation and macabre skin masks, the couple befriend Gabi (Mia Goth) and Alban (Jalil Lespert), a wealthy couple who are eager to explore the sites beyond the resort’s barbed-wire fences.

After a boozy excursion, the foursome’s freewheeling outing turns tragic, with James

In other, cleaner hands, Infinity Pool’s highconcept pitch might devolve into a ponderous, rather dry exercise. A movie in which everybody asks the other, “Are you really you?” But in the younger Cronenberg’s palms, the central identity-crisis conceit provides an opportunity to revel in an all-out primal nastiness. People are shot, stabbed, vivisected and treated like disposable playthings. This violence isn’t limited to acts of murder, either, with several sex scenes – including a drugfuelled encounter that might hold the record for the longest onscreen orgy – treating the human body as a mutable thing, to be used and abused, worshipped and feared. This is unapologetic, assured filmmaking that has no qualms about sticking its face in the muck and staying there till everything turns black.

And it is in those moments of darkness where, at least briefly, Infinity Pool’s slight deficits come to light. Skarsgard, for starters, is miscast as the simpering and susceptible James. Perhaps it is just that I cannot shake his ripped warrior from 2022′s Viking epic The Northman out of my head more than a year later – or the fact that even here, the actor looks like he could crush any of his adversaries with a flex of his thighs – but it is difficult to square Skarsgard’s hulking, fashionably dressed frame with that of the milquetoast man whom James is intended to be. And then there is the loose plotting that takes up the film’s final third – a series of round-and-round-wego misadventures that feels like Cronenberg couldn’t resist one big swing too many.

But these are minor indigestions when stacked against Infinity Pool’s all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet of perversity. There are so many elements that seduce and beguile –including the rusted-out Brutalism of the Li Tolqan prison where the cloning procedure takes place, and Goth’s supremely unhinged work as James’s seductress, a performance more Looney Tunes than human – that the entire thing swallows you whole. There is no more delightful way to drown.

The off-screen attention regarding Henry Cavill’s exit can’t help but bleed into the new season of The Witcher, which will mark the Man of Steel star’s last with the Netflix show. Based on the initial episodes, Cavill could leave on a relatively high note, thanks to a tighter, more focused third season, at least initially, than the second offered.

The booksturned-gameturned-series fantasy has become a significant franchise for Netflix. This explains why the streaming service will employ a Stranger Things-like approach by splicing the season into two parts, with the first five episodes dropping now and the remaining three on July 27.

The new episodes benefit from a simpler framework, as Cavill’s Witcher, the warrior Geralt of Rivia, is keeping the princess Ciri (Freya Allan) safely in hiding while Yennefer

(Anya Chalotra) trains her and seeks to explore and test the limits of her magical powers.

That set-up provides Geralt and Yennefer with an opportunity to flirt and bond – even enjoying a few quieter moments together – while enhancing Cavill’s role beyond just dismembering monsters and looking perpetually grim, which has generally served as a description of the character’s past contours.

When the show premiered in 2019, it seemed to arrive at a moment when everybody was launching similarly themed fare – amid the introduction of several new streaming services – in an effort to carve out their version of Game of Thrones, producing a lot of expensive casualties in the process, and high-profile gambles like The Lord of the Rings series and House of the Dragon from Amazon and HBO, respectively. Credit The Witcher for being a survivor. The question now is how well it will weather the loss of its leading man.

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Rating: 8/10
- A
Amaarae - Princess Going Digital Common_ PJ - Imagine KAYTRANADA - Rebuke Travis ScottHOUSTONFORNICATION AYLØ_ Santi - wys_ Show Dem Camp_ Bnxn - Do Me Nice Pinderhughes - Beige Common_ PJ
What Do You Say (Move It Baby) Asake - Lonely At The Top KCee - Ojapiano
Tera Kòrá
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