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Three Things You Can Do To Kick Butt in 2022!

Interviews with Award Winning streaming Producers


Zondra Evans CEO of!

Pirates, Talking Monkeys and murder Author Jacky Rom tells her story!

Summer is on the way, what bathing suit are you going to wear?

It has been a long two plus years for all of us, but mostly for our children. Many were not able to go to Prom due to the pandemic lock down. Well this Prom season while things are not back to normal, most schools are still allowing Proms to take place. With that in mind, for all your prom needs, you can check out Debonaire Boutique Located on Roosevelt Ave & Carib Rd in Nassau, Bahamas.

Debonaire Boutique has a wide variety of beautiful dress packages that include earrings and necklaces. If for some reason your budget is tight and you cannot afford to purchase, they have rentals available. For the young men they have the most debonaire suits that will set you apart from the others. The option to rent is also available to you. Tele: 1-242-434-2745 THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE


Table of

CONTENTS Contributers


Zondra Evans


Fanny Minnitt


Dana Davis


Francisca Etuokwu

13 - 14

- Benyeogor Trend analysis


Kacky Rom


Eric & Sakeisha


Hylick Chenelle Yarber



Raffi Andonian


Angel Tuccy


Kim Welcome


Megan Tull


Lori Dixon


Lisa Williams


Wendy Labat


Brends Bingham


Table of



Linda Fisk


Brenda Stratton


Gabe Hoover


Regina Whylly


MY THOUGHTS Complete is a powerful word, the completion of this edition of The Whole Woman Magazine brought me both joy and sadness. Joy because I was able to complete the job and sadness because it was not completed in the time line I had allotted. In the process of working on the magazine, I went through a myriad of different emotions. There were days that I cried because I was disappointed in myself for not cracking the whip harder or mad at myself because I know what it takes to make this happen; for Christ sake it isn't as if I had not done it before. While there were family emergencies, a smaller team because of regrouping since the pandemic and other such things. I quickly came to realize that the main reason that I did not jump in head first and do what I love, was because I was afraid. I realized that the enemy had crept up on me and made me believe that I could not do it. I had weeks of sleepless nights thinking of all the ways I could mess this up. Not until I started working on the project and I started listening to the interviews of all my fellow producers and hearing the stories of how they kept going and made it against all odds did I have a come to Jesus moment with myself. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to each and every one of you that have fought through everything that came your way and over came the odds to tell your stories through each show. I am so proud of each of you. This journey we call life is not an easy one but it is one that is made easier when you have others that have gone ahead of you. Thank you!



Gabe Hoover is the CEO of You by design. Email:

Kim Welcome is The CEO of Influential Voice. website:

Jacky Rom is a Best Selling Author. Email:

Regina Whylly is the CEO of The Whole Woman Network Website:





Zondra Evans Cont'd

MEET THE VISIONARY MOTIVATOR Zondra Evans, my, my, my if this woman is not one of the most, inspiring, uplifting, make you believe in yourself human being I have ever met. When we had the conversation about taking over The Whole Woman Magazine, I was all for it. All for it because I believed in the visionary and the vision of the company. It was an easy decision!

The thing that got me when I did my interview with Zondra was the fact that she said, “I didn’t have no plans to start a streaming television platform, it was all God”. Do you know why I believe Zondra when she says that? Because I looked at the vision that she shared and I could see that the vision is waaaay bigger than her and what she could have created and knew that it will take an act of God to bring the entire thing to life. Once she got a hold of the vision that God had given her, she quickly realized that she wanted to level the playing field for small business entrepreneurs in the marketing and advertising space. “Why shouldn’t a small business be able to have a custom commercial on TV and be featured. Even so, why can’t individuals create and produce shows to help make this happen?” PG 5: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

A women that is as determined as any basketball player to win an NBA ring, she is resolute in building a platform that enables her producers to come in, get trained in how to build a media empire from the ground up and be successful.

“I didn’t have no plans to start a streaming television platform, it was all God”. Let’s take note here that I said she wants the producers that she has trained and trains every season, to take the knowledge that she imparts to them and go out into the media, television, streaming world and conquer. Where in the world have you ever heard of such a thing? Most business leaders when they get you in their clutches, try to hold onto you and keep you underneath their grasp. You can do well, just as long as you are not doing better than them. Zondra Evans is the CEO of an online based streaming network that houses shows that are created by various producers from around the world.

Zondra Evans Cont'd

“You have got to believe in yourself”. In interviewing the majority of Producers of shows on the network, each and every one of them had nothing but good things to say about her, things like; I love her, she is the best, she made me believe in myself and she is awesome. For me, there is no guessing as to why she is the positive motivator that she is, a woman of God, Zondra will drop a business conversation in a minute and start praying. LOL the first time I met her I was blown away by the way she allowed God to use her to basically tell me my life story and how we were going to work together to accomplish great things.

Zondra Evans at work on set Many of the shows that are seen on the network are Executive produced by Zondra, with her working along with the Producer of each show. Listen, when you meet Zondra, you throw away words like, I do not know, I can’t, I don’t have, because she motivates, encourages and infuse you to believe that you can do anything. One of her favorite sayings is “You have got to believe in yourself”. PG 6: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

Since our initial meeting everything that she has said has come to past and she has held true to every word that she spoke, in the world of business today that is rear and almost unheard of. Let’s further talk about her business acumen, when I said that Zondra was the CEO of, did I mention that it is an award winning platform two years running and that through her business savvy and know how, she has made connections that now allow her platform to be seen on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon TV,

Zondra Evans Cont'd Incubator Graduation Black Contemporary TV,

Just when you think that she has let your and others,

hands go, she holds on by allowing each

thereby amassing a viewership of half

Producer the opportunity to have monthly

a billion.

calls with her that now allow them to gather more information and further build

Oh and did I mention that she has just

their vision and dream for their shows.

moved into her new studio that is bigger than the one before? She

Evans is a best-selling author of two books

would be the first to say that all of this


is due largely in part to her

“IMPACT, Life, Leadership and Legacy”. In

relationship with God, but we all know

her travels she has shared the stage with

that she gives God a lot of help.

speakers such as Sharon Lechter, Susie







Carder, and Mark Victor Hansen.

You read earlier that Zondra trains her

Make .

Producers, this training takes place via a process that was first developed

Zondra Evans is a Life Transformation

by and takes an entire

Coach, Speaker and Author. She has over

year. It is done through what is called

40 years of experience working in the

a TV / Media Incubator, where she

corporate environments in various

teaches Entrepreneurs how to become

leadership roles. She has an extensive

a TV Show Producer. She takes them

background in Human Resource

through the entire process of creating

Management and Relationship

a show from beginning to end. From

Development, which is no surprise. Her

coming up with the idea, finding a

main focus is to help women leaders and

name, choosing a set, finding a

aspiring leaders earn a voice in the world

production team, how to market and

and that is evident when you go to

so much more.



Fanny Minnitt on the move!

Have you ever met a woman that is a little seasoned but still give of the vibes of honey I am still here and I am doing the thang? Well for me that is Mrs. Fanny Minnitt. A woman that is quick to tell you that her purpose on this planet is to spread the gospel to all the earth. "I am a daughter of God first, an author of several books, a Veteran, an Educator, a business owner, a mother to one son and a grandmother to one grandson, she says with a proud smile. Retired now, Fanny said that her plans were to write a book on business. But in starting to work on the book, she was halted by a vision where she was told to Have Faith. Fanny smiling says she had no idea what this meant. PG 8: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

Then she went on to say she saw ribbons floating in the air with Have Faith written on them. Minnit explained that later that night as she was sleeping she had a dream and in the dream she was instructed to Have Faith and given a song to go along with the book that she was now being instructed to write. While still a little confused and unsure about what all of this meant, Minnitt said that she picked up her manuscript on Business and put it to the side and said to God, "If you want me to write on Faith you are going to have to help me". Her book, Just Have Faith, has been published along with her Faith Accelerator Master Class.

Fanny Minnit is a Daughter of God, Television Producer, an author, a business owner, but she is so proud to be a mother to her one son and a grandmother to her one grandson.

Fanny Minnitt Cont'd

This marked the beginning of her Faith journey in 2015. Fast forward to today she is the Producer of The Fanny Minnit Show on the platform where she instructs through Biblical teachings how to have faith in God. The story to her getting to the TV show is one that again, came about in a way she did not see coming. She talks about a very good friend who told her that she would have a television show and she told her that was not true. Then she mentions how years later she decided to do the television show with a lady and a tornado came and destroyed the ladies studio just before she could get started.

This lead to her becoming a part of the platform. If you ever get the opportunity to speak with Fanny, you will hear the love and concern in her voice for all mankind to come to the knowledge of who God is. So much so that she says, "When people watch my show, my hope and desire for them is that it would pull them out of the fire, that they would become hungry for God's word, that it would cause them to want to read and study the word of God". So if you are looking for a show that can make a difference in your life "The Fanny Minnitt Show on is it.


Fanny Minnitt "When people watch my show my hope and desire for them is that it would pull them out of the fire. That they become hungry for God's word, that it would cause them to want to read and study the word of God".

MEET THE LEADERSHIP PROFESSIONAL! Meet Dana Davis, a Leadership Coach and Professional Development Instructor who started her career in Adult Learning and Professional Development completely by accident. Dana Davis is Vice President of a national bank, member of the National Small Business Association Leadership Advisory Board, and the Founder and Chief Educator of Project Refresh Adult Learning Center located in northern New Jersey. Dana Davis


Dana Davis Cont'd

Meet Dana Davis, a Leadership Coach and Professional Development Instructor who started her career in Adult Learning and Professional Development completely by accident. Dana Davis is Vice President of a national bank, member of the National Small Business Association Leadership Advisory Board, and the Founder and Chief Educator of Project Refresh Adult Learning Center located in northern New Jersey.

TWWM: After falling in love with training, how did it shift your professional life?

As an international award-winning speaker who has been featured on Good Day Sacramento and Fox Network for her expertise in leadership, Dana helps small businesses build their business strategies for success.

TWWM: What made you want to start your own coaching business?

She was working as an administrator for a training center and one day her boss asked her if she could handle a Microsoft Word training course. She said she had never trained, but she was willing to give it a try. “I literally fell in love just being able to see people react to what I was teaching and giving them; it was so great for me.”

DD: In the corporate world, I found myself doing coaching sessions with students on what they should be doing next in their careers. This made me think that I was missing out on something. “Seeing this made me realize I needed to open my own coaching business and Project Refresh Adult Learning Center Was Born”.

DD: After getting my feet wet with that first round of training, I signed up to teach every class that was available. But shortly thereafter, I went into corporate training, and there’s where I realized that I enjoyed leadership and the art behind it. My belief is that you can find managers everywhere; but there’s an art to being a leader.

Photos by Tamara Fleming Photography


Dana Davis Cont'd

TWWN: You are now moving into the television streaming arena as an awardwinning Talk Show Producer on The Network. What is the vision you see for your show?


DD: When I met Zondra Evans, the opportunity to start my own streaming television show became a possibility. When I thought about the opportunity to have a television streaming show, I said to myself, ‘Why not? The idea for my television streaming show is in its early stages. I am now a part of the incubator program that is run by I have not yet come up with a name, but in thinking about what I want my show to accomplish, I believe that as a Leadership Coach and a Personal Development Leader, It’s important to not just bring experts in the leadership field on the show, but to go through a procedure with a guest on the show, to get them to where they need to be and hopefully help others to learn and see their potential. Dana is a multi-award winning community advocate and continues to service her community through her efforts to support emerging entrepreneurs as an Instructor for Rising Tide Capital Community Business Academy. She has worked with over 200 businesses and local community colleges and continues to spread her leadership expertise in national and international venues such as New York Academy of Medicine, London Stock Exchange, Cambridge University and Oxford University. Keep your eyes open for Dana Davis’ debut on! PG 12: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

TWWN SUMMER PICK For Plus sized women, Ashley Stewart is one of TWWM favorite go to places to get the evening right. So if you are thinking about a night out with the girls or a date night, this half sleeve floral hi lo top is the perfect piece. It can be paired with a variety of colors including Blue Jeans. It can also be worn with your favorite jeans skirt and a nice pair of heels. We love it!

MEET THE WOMAN OF JUST ONE WORD! Dr. Francisca Etuokwu - Benyeogor is a believer that you just need to hear one word and that word can change your entire life. She is an anointed and ordained servant of God; who serves as an intercessor, revivalist, and is passionate in sharing the word of God with people of all ages. She is the founder and visionary leader of Armor of God Healing Ministries A member of this season's Producers Incubator and soon to be an award winning Producer on the platform. Francisca says that the name of her new show is going to be “Just One Word”.

TWWM: Why Just One Word? FEB: Just one word can move you to the next level, just one word can impact your life, and just one word can help you to find your purpose. That one word is about the word of God because the word of God is able to do wonderful things. TWWM: What do you think that God is doing in this season? FEB: I am super excited about what God is doing in this season, he is raising connecting you to people who will help you to come out of the boat. I see the boat as all of the different excuses we use to keep ourselves from accomplishing our purpose. But it is time to come out of the boat because God is positioning us for success. TWWM: Tell us about your book “The Waiting Game: When God Stops the Clock”. PG 13: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE


up the saints and when that happens, you see doors opening and God

Francisca Etuokwu Benyeogor Cont'd

Francisca Etuokwu - Benyeogor

TWWM: What are you looking for the show to accomplish once it is released?

FEB: In my book I talk about how with God, timing is everything and His calendar is not like ours. In the Bible God talks about several thousand that have not kissed the foot of power, that means that there are people that God has reserved for himself in this end time, who have been praying on the altar of God.

FEB: I am praying that when we hit the airwaves, there will be signs, wonders and miracles because it will not be my word. God said he will send his word and it will do what he has sent it to do. I am believing that when that individual gets that one word that addresses their need, they will step out and do what they were created to do.

They are not screaming, you are not hearing their names but they are being noted in the presence of God. In the fullness of time, you will see the glory of God and people will wonder how they got there. But God knows that they threw away their shoe and their makeup, they pulled their wig off and he will reward them, but it is all about God’s timing.

The Journey of Dr. Francisca Etuokwu – Benyeogor is one that started from Nigeria and has grown into her embarking on the journey to becoming an award winning Producer of her own online television streaming show, that is set to change the lives of all that get their one word.


Have you found your perfect shade ?

Distributed by Commonwealth Drugs and Medical Supplies Tele: 1-242-322-3256 THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

Best Selling Author

Pirates, talking Monkeys and Murder! (My Life) Do you ever wonder if you can “have it all”... or do you want it all? I did… and I have... or do I?! Twelve years ago, I was in a long, unhappy marriage. Today I live in two countries, I travel the world signing autographs and talking to the most amazing people on radio podcasts and TV interviews! I spend most of my time researching ‘Murder’, which means I watch and listen! Everywhere I go!


I'm an Author and 12 years ago, I decided it was time to make sure I had time to fulfill a dream… a dream of becoming a professional Author! I was about to turn 50 and I decided to take a month off from work and start work on that novel I had always wanted to write! I knew it was best to write about what you know, so I did. I've spent all my life on a film set with young actors. I’m an Acting Coach and Agent, and life on set was my world! So I invented a little girl called “Starr”. She was 11, had a pushy backstage mother, and her hobby was being a super sleuth! I wrote a series of five books in two years and sold them throughout the world - all on my own… no publisher! I opened my own publishing house! From there, I wrote 5 baby books about a talking monkey called “Momo”. After that, I wrote 4 books for Acting Teachers!

Jacky Rom Cont'd

Then, I started to get frustrated. Someone would ask what I did for a living and I would say, I’m an Author. When they found out I wrote kids books, you could literally see their shoulders drop as if they thought that was easy. This happened so many times I got annoyed and thought to myself, “ I'll show you!” (to no one in particular!) It was then that I decided to move onto ‘Murder Mysteries”. But, I realised I knew nothing about murder! That was where my research began. I spent time with detectives, police, forensic scientists and pathologists… watching and learning. Then, I wrote it! I learnt that I’m a storyteller and happy to write anything. I’m currently writing a musical called “Scammed” and just finished writing 17 songs! So yes! I’m happy to put pen to paper, tell my tale and hope that I can inspire others to fulfill their dreams. I’m currently writing book 3 in the crime series, “The Sandra Bernstein Chronicles”. Book 2 is set in Las Vegas and before I made it, I took a film crew with me and researched Murder in Sin City! Now you can watch this documentary on Amazon Prime throughout the world!


So now, I live half the year on the Island of St. Maarten and half in the United Kingdom! I left my husband three years ago and this made moving around much easier. It was time! I had been there ten years too long wondering how I would survive on my own! Eventually, I knew I had to move on and love myself again! People look at my life and are envious! To me, it's just my world… sometimes, it’s fun! Sometimes, it’s a little lonely, but always better than being in a loveless marriage. I made myself selfsufficient very quickly! Luckily, I have the means… What I mean is, I’m intelligent, resourceful and when I’m in need, I'll make it happen! I'll take calculated chances! So as my title says: Do you ever wonder if you can “have it all”... or do you want it all? I did… and I have... or do I?! Nearly! I would say, I nearly have it all!!!! Watch this space*********

Eric and Sakeisha Hylick

MEET THE POWER COUPLE! When you meet Eric and Sakeisha Hylick, it is clear to see that they love each other. It is also clear to see that they believe in what it is they teach - and the core basis of their teaching is how to save your marriage. Not from the perspective of the world or the church; because as far as they are concerned, both beliefs and views are flawed. They are talking about saving your marriage from a Biblical perspective along with some good oldfashioned, “bin der done dat” life lessons. After the Hylicks have helped you to bring some perspective and order to your marriage, they move into teaching you how to be a Millionaire Power Couple. Then they transform you into Generational Wealth Builders.


.Multi award-winning TV Producers of the “Becoming a Millionaire Power Couple” TV Show. They are also Marriage and Relationship Strategists, Generational Wealth Builders, Best Selling Authors, and Podcast Hosts… and these are just a few of the titles this awesome couple hold. Eric and Dr. Sakeisha are frequently called upon because of their innate ability to help their clients achieve breakthroughs in their relationship struggles. Whether they are experiencing challenges in their relationships spiritually, emotionally, and/or financially. They deliver proven systems to break unproductive behavioral patterns and create life-long changes.

Hylick's Cont'd

TWWM: What made you want to start working with married couples? SAKEISHA HYLICK: We have a passion for working with marriages because so many people in my family struggled in their marriages, and so many people in my husband’s family struggled in their marriages, too. We were going down the same road. We knew there were others around us that had the same questions and challenges, but nobody wanted to raise their hands.

TWWM: How did you get started working with marriages? SAKEISHA HYLICK: We looked around and saw that there were people that were serving with us in ministry as well as people in our own families who were going through marital issues. No one wanted to raise their hands to find a way to help fix it. At a marriage meeting, I raised my hands and started asking questions one night, and it kind of had a domino effect. It all started from there, and it’s been going on now for 17 years. TWWN: Tell us the vision of your first book. ERIC HYLICK: “Marriage Can Win” is our first book. The primary focus of the book is to help you to overcome what we call ‘the great divide’ and it is typically - communication, finances and sex - these are what mainly cause relationships to end and lead to divorce. TWWN: What is the concept of your show on and what do you want the outcome to be? ERIC HYLICK: It starts with the family structure. We want to teach people how to build a strong family structure, and then out of that structure will come strong relationships. We want to showcase the journey of couples because people see couples being successful; but they forget the journey. We want to teach couples how to build wealth, we have one gentleman that started out as a janitor and now is the CEO of a Fortune Five Hundred company. PG 18: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

Hylick's Cont'd

It is clear that the end game for the Hylicks is to have people see that you do not have to be a superstar or an NBA player to have a successful marriage. In the final analysis, they want the ordinary everyday individual to know that they can have a successful marriage, build wealth and be successful in whatever area they feel that God has called them to be in. So go to and watch their show and if you need further help, the Hylicks have several webinars, courses, e-books and marriage assessments housed within their "Marriage Can Win" Academy. This is an online platform to help couples build healthy, strong marriages from the privacy of their own homes. This can be accessed through their website You can visit the site to help build your marriage, so that you and your family can win!




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MEET THE MIND SHAPER! Chanelle Yarber, at first, seems like such a quiet little thing. But make no mistake, she is a force to be reckoned with. Armed with her Master’s Degree in Media Management, she has had the idea to start a media business for more than ten years. She says while in graduate school, the concept for her show that will be airing on this new season was a part of her thesis. A lover of media in all forms, Chanelle said she realized how the media shapes our minds and our perceptions and she wanted to be a part of helping to shape the minds of people.

She talked about The Black Lives Matter movement and how the topics or incidents surrounding it were reported, how the narrative was changed and certain words were used to shed a negative light on blacks. She went on to say she felt like she needed to step up and provide a solution to that: “Something entertaining and educational but palatable enough for people to learn”. PG 20: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

A work in progress, Chanelle says she started a crowd fund at the end of October, 2021 for her show and the working title for her upcoming show will likely be: “Positively Black TV” - she’s still working that out. “I was doing the crowd fund so I could get business owners to support and not only buy in, but the proceeds from their donations would go towards them getting the interviews, being advertised and getting commercials on the show.” A member of the Dallas community, Yarber said she met Zondra in 2019, but at the time she was not ready to jump on the opportunity. As time passed and things shifted, she made the decision to move forward. She says once the show is produced and completed, she really wants it to be a guiding light for Black people. Yaber went on to say, “I want them to come and see themselves portrayed in a way that makes them proud. There is a statistic that says that sixty-six (66%) percent of black people believe the media portrays us negatively, and to me, that is telling”. “The narrative continues of us being portrayed in cat fights on reality TV. I live this life as a Black woman every day and I know that there is so much more to who we are and what we do on a regular basis.” It is clear to see, no matter what name Chanelle Yarber decides to call her upcoming streaming show, it will be one that will help to shape the minds of the masses that decide to watch each week on, Roku, Apple tv, Amazon tv, Black Contemporary TV or any other global network.

MEET THE HISTORICAL EXPLORER! Raffi Andonian is what you could call an enigma. When you first look at him, you will be taken aback by his handsome face and his soft spoken demeanor. You would never think that at heart, he is an historical buff that takes historical content and informs people about the past. He uses his gift to encourage them to ask questions about how the past relates to the present.

How does he make all of this come to life? Well, Raffi is the Producer of "Clio the Muse" a streaming Television show on, where he interviews historians as well as regular individuals that are using lessons from history to shape their future in business and many other areas of their lives. He is the best-selling author of three books, and the creator of a membership site (, where he has a community that he facilitates. Raffi is an international speaker that has spoken at the likes of Cambridge College, The London Stock Exchange and Oxford College to name a few. His charisma and ease of guiding an interview has brought out information and knowledge from his guests that keeps you spell bound and fixed on the screen until the end. ‘Challenge the present by inquiring about the past’ is one thing that he wants people to garner once they are done watching an episode of the show.

When asked why he named his show “Clio

The concept for the show partially came

the Muse”, Raffi explained that in ancient


Greek mythology she was the muse for

background. He has guided visitors at the

history and storytelling.

Gettysburg battlefield; the Civil War sites

“Musing usually means that you have

around Richmond; The Martin Luther King

curiosity and reflection at the forefront of

birth home in Atlanta; and the History

your mind. He says that at the end of the

Museum in Los Alamos, New Mexico where



the Atomic Boom was created. After dealing

“surprised perception, provoked reflection

with over one hundred thousand people

and inspired learning”.

over the years and seeing their perspective









in contrast to the historical view, he was PG 21: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

inspired to create a television show.

Raffi Andonian Cont'd

RAFFI ANDONIAN “The origins of the show were in me because I like approaching difficult topics with research and complexity and I like doing it through the lens of history,”


“But I did not necessarily know how to convert that into a television show and Zondra was able to take the concept and package it into what is now "Clio The Muse", Raffi said. Andonian says that the show is just a part of his purpose… he has a larger purpose - to help contribute to Civic Society, encouraging people to be more understanding of each other as opposed to tearing each other down. I am quite sure that his Bachelors and Master’s Degrees in History… and his second Master’s Degree in Historic Preservation… and his third Master’s Degree in Organization… along with all .his other accomplishments will serve him well!

Watch on Roku, Appletv, Amazontv, Comcast and more platforms! Raffi Andonian speaking at University of Oxford about what he loves.


HOW ANGEL FOUND HER VOICE!! Public speaking doesn’t come easy for everyone. In fact, the fear of having to stand up in front of a group of people and speak can be debilitating.

The entire process was so easy because there was no audience in front of her and She pretended to talk to her mom. Her fear was transformed to confidence as each show succeeded.

That’s how it was for Angel Tuccy as a young person. She ran away from public Angel made a decision - she wanted to speaking her entire high school career. be one of the leading broadcasters in the country. Her goal became clear after Her fear of public speaking was so great the leading radio station picked up the that she almost did not graduate, show. because she shied away from doing oral book reports for her English class. She and co-host Tina Tores became members of the Colorado Broadcasting Envisioning that timid teenager is hard if Association where they won two awards, you were to meet Angel today. She is second place for the ‘Best Talk Show now a confident, ambitious woman who Team’ and next ‘Best Morning Talk Show’. is standing front and center in the arena of media, especially radio and television “We started winning awards, and it was a pretty outstanding career. I loved it streaming. It is shocking to her and until the day it ended,” Angel said. everyone around her. Her first show was a podcast with a cohost… the first time I did that show, I realized that was what I wanted to do”, Angel told The Whole Woman.

Angel Tuccy award winning speaker, Radio Host, TV Producer and so much more! PG 23: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

Angel Tuccy Cont'd


“In the next twenty-four hours, they erased anything with my voice and my image,” she said, “My whole career was instantly erased.”

During this very public change in her life, she was devastated; and to add insult to injury, her two oldest daughters were moving to Florida, leaving her and her husband in Colorado. “Everything was falling apart for me at the time and I told my husband to take me out of town,” she said. “While we were in the mountains, it was kindda snowy and while snowbound, I decided that I was going to teach business owners how to get media exposure by leveraging other people’s platforms.”

Watch The Whole Woman Show on


Angel went on to talk about how she plotted and mapped out the strategy and guidelines for her new business. She shines with pride as she tells TWWM about speaking on more than one hundred stages in the first year, which, according to her, was a big step out of her comfort zone: “But I did it!”, she boasted. Like the majority of businesses, Angel had to transition in 2019. She and her partner, Tina Torres created a morning talk show from their homes during COVID that they thought would only last for a few weeks. They ended up doing a couple hundred episodes. The two award-winning co-hosts have come a long way since being escorted out of their old work place. This season, their shows are being aired on The Lisa and Tina Morning Show is front and center.

STREAMING TELEVISION IS POWERFUL! The power of streaming television has taken on a life of it's on. This growth shot up to unexpected levels during the pandemic lockdown. So much so that large companies like Netflix and others could barley keep up with the demand for content. This need has now opened the doors for independent producers to create new, exciting shows and have them seen by persons all around the world. The Whole Woman Show is now being seen around the world via stations like, Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV, Amazon TV Black Contemporary TV to the tune of half a billion potential viewers.

Regina Whylly host of

The Whole Woman Television Show on set!


To get your message out to the world, give us a call at 1-242-467-1884 or visit or website to book an appointment.


Kim Welcome CEO Influential Voice Use Your Body Language to Become More Powerful Social Psychologists have discovered that what you do with your body can actually configure your brain. For example, studies have shown that when we smile, we actually feel happier. Even if you force the smile by holding a pencil between your teeth, this can affect your hormones and increase feelings of happiness. Research has found that powerful people use similar non-verbal behavior. They stand taller, push their chests out, plant their feet firmly and take up more space. Think of when an athlete wins a race. They spread their arms out and hold them up high. It is an expression of power. Now contemplate the opposite. What do you do with your body when you are feeling insubstantial or have relinquished your command to someone else? For instance, have you ever noticed how people act when they leave in the middle of a church service? They often hunch their shoulders and look down as if they are sneaking out. What are they doing? They are trying to minimize their bodies in hopes of going unnoticed. Unconsciously, we also see this in the boardroom. The power players hold their bodies erect or lean back in their seats exposing their chests, while those who feel less powerful scrunch down in their seats and take notes in their laps as if they don’t want to be intrusive.


Amy Cuddy, social psychologist and professor at Harvard Business School conducted a study, which concluded that our body language not only affects the way others see us, but how we see ourselves. Scientists have found that powerful body language can raise your testosterone level, making you feel more powerful. Cuddy suggests that by simply practicing high power poses, you can trigger chemical reactions within your brain that will give you a sense of increased potency. When we feel powerful we are better able to command an audience. So, the next time you are about to begin an important meeting, sales pitch, interview or presentation, close your office door or go into the restroom and spend 2-3 minutes rehearsing power poses. Examples include: putting your feet on the desk, leaning back in your chair and clasping your hands behind your head, or standing with your feet slightly apart with your hands on your waist. This can help to raise your testosterone level and lower your stress level, which mimics what goes on in the bodies of the powerful and confident. Of course it would not be appropriate for you to throw your feet up on the desk in an interview or give a presentation with your feet apart and hands on your waist! But, you can use power poses for prepping. Prepping will help you to be more convincing as you enter the room with notable deportment, confident eye contact, a firm handshake and a smile that is engaging. Many have overcome their timidity by feigning boldness. You can be emboldened by the support of science. As motivational speaker Les Brown loves to say, “Fake it, ‘til you make it”, WWW.FRAMEMAG.COM | 20 which simply means - pretend until you become.

Three Things You Can Do to Kick Butt in 2022 Cont'd!

The second thing you can do

Be Mindful of How You Talk to Yourself

When it comes to personal achievement, there is truly nothing more important than what we are communicating to ourselves. Consciously and unconsciously our internal dialogue is constant. It can be a positive conversation or a negative one. Our self-talk has the power to defeat us or propel us toward our goals and dreams. “As a man thinketh, so is he”. This is not just a popular saying; it is an explanation of how we were created. Your thoughts are your self-talk. We all need to audit what we are saying to ourselves. James Allen, the author of the popular classic, As A Man Thinketh, explains how we are responsible for each of our life experiences, because they are based on the script we play in our minds. Telling ourselves ‘I can’t’, ‘I probably won’t’, ‘I don’t know the right people’,’ They won’t like me’, ‘They are more talented than me’,’ It’s too hard’, ‘It’s unlikely’ ‘I’m too young’ or ‘I’m too old’ will never lead to triumph. These limiting beliefs are powered by fear and are responsible for the millions of unrealized dreams people have taken to the grave. When we say words like ‘can’t’, psychologically the brain automatically shuts down to the possibility and no longer looks for a way to accomplish the feat. Do not be quick to succumb to defeat. If you look, you can probably find an example of someone with similar challenges that has overcome the very challenge you deem impossible. Commit to becoming more cognizant of what you are saying to yourself. Become determined to trade the negative self-talk for positive words; then choose to actually believe what you are telling yourself. Accomplishment manifests when there is belief and emotion behind the words.


Therefore, we have to continuously affirm ourselves until we feel it and believe it. A great way to do this is by talking to yourself out loud. It is most effective when your words do not create a conflict in your mind. For example, if you really don’t feel very successful, instead of repeating, ‘I am successful’ try ‘I am becoming more and more successful every day’. Reprogram your internal communication and verbally make bold declarations until you believe you have the power to be a success. Our lives are unfolding - not necessarily as we desire, but based on our self-talk. We truly believe what we say to ourselves, not necessarily what we say publicly to others. Many do not realize that our lives are actually powered by what is going on subconsciously. The subconscious mind is where we are programmed like computers, and we inadvertently run the software that has been downloaded. We are often unaware of what is deep in the subconscious, but our beliefs, decisions, fears, failures and triumphs are powered by this part of the brain. By intentionally having the right conversations with ourselves, we can change the course of our lives.

A secret to overcome your obstacles In order to excel, we may need to make a cognitive shift to our long-held beliefs to accommodate new levels of success. How do we do that? One tool that I have found to work very efficiently is the use of cognitive reframing. By reframing the way we see situations we can work toward the results we desire. The National Institute of Public Health has published studies which show that seventy-five percent of people are plagued with anxiety regarding public speaking. I work with many clients who are struggling in areas they feel powerless to change. Often people’s success is hindered for reasons that appear real to them. What happens when moving to the next level requires us to give a presentation, train others or represent theWteam? WW.FRAMEMAG.COM | 20

Three Things You Can Do to Kick Butt in 2022 Cont'd!

Kim Welcome helping women master the corporate world! For someone who is terrified of speaking from the podium, a small mental shift can make a world of difference. Some people may experience sweaty palms and stinging armpits, they may even tremble. Immediately they label the physical symptoms as a sign of being nervous or afraid. These words have negative connotations that can have a crippling effect. Suppose instead they gave those symptoms a different label? Let’s say they instead tell themselves I’m feeling magical. Now instead of associating those symptoms with something undesirable, the word magical can be associated with whatever they choose. Magical can mean powerful, or the ability to make things happen; it could mean whatever you want. You can now reframe and refocus to use those same indicators to become powerful at the podium versus allowing those symptoms to diminish your delivery. Here is another example. I had a client who felt her newly appointed boss just didn’t like her. Well, if you believe that someone dislikes you, it is difficult to not always be on the defense. Can reframing somehow help you, although you have no control over that person? Absolutely, I advised her to see that person as someone sent to build her character instead of someone who is out to destroy her. I suggested that maybe she was sent to add something to his life. His negative attitude could be viewed as a challenge to overcome so that she can take her life to the next level.

This simple reframing firstly helped her to stop taking his negativity, personally. Secondly, she began to view her boss not as an enemy, but as someone she was called to assist in his personal journey and a catalyst for her personal growth. Thirdly, it helped her energy to shift so she no longer felt defensive or negative toward him, but she found a way to show him genuine appreciation and respect. When her energy shifted, he responded to her differently and the relationship became better than amicable. They now have a rapport that is authentic and mutually respectful. Got a challenge? Reframing is a powerful tool. ---------------------------------------

Regina Whylly Host of The Whole Woman Show

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Kim Welcome is CEO of Influential Voice, and helps high performing, overlooked undervalued women in corporate to gain the visibility they need to get the opportunities, promotions and money they deserve.



| 20

MEET THE SERIAL ENTREPRENEUR Originally from Ohio, Megan Tull was brought up on a farm with five siblings, one, her Identical twin. She now lives in Austin Texas with her husband Andrew and their blended family. She brought her son Cameron and he brought two daughters, Lauren and Ashley to the marriage. But before Megan got to this happy place, she was a widow at thirty, after she tragically lost her husband and was left with a two and a half year-old son. Single for nine and a half years, she went through the ups and downs of getting into unhealthy relationships and trying to figure out her career and her path in life. Megan says she looks at all that she has been through and sees that God had a plan all along. “I have been an entrepreneur all of my life,” she said, candidly. “I have had seven different businesses - all around things that I have been passionate about. Everything from the beauty industry to personal development… I was a Pilates Instructor/Trainer as well as I taught sales”. Her company today is Silver Lining Concept LLC, which is a coaching and consulting firm. They assist business owners in turning their passion into a profitable business and according to Megan, she has been working with clients for about nineteen or twenty years. “Today, what I really like to do is help entrepreneurs own their value so that they can own their worth,” Tull said.


Megan Tull Lite It Up TV Host “I mainly work with experts, business owners, coaches, consultants, authors, speakers and service professionals that are experts at what they do, but they often feel like they are the best kept secret.” She went on to add that she helps her clients become visible online as well as she helps them to create high ticket offers that allow them to showcase their brilliance and work with their dream clients. In many cases, her clients are tripling their income. Partners in a skin care company with Lisa Stewart, one of her co-hosts on “Lite It Up” a television show on She recounts how the show got started: “During COVID I got the opportunity to meet Lori Dixon and she and I became fast friends and did some collaborations together. She then introduced me to Zondra and later my business partner Lisa was in town from Ohio. We drove up to Dallas to first meet Lori in person, and then we all went over to Zondra’s studio”. “Our meeting was pretty magical. We got to talking and came up with this concept for our own TV show. We were seeing the negative impact the media was having that was so fear based and everybody was in this dark space.”

Megan Tull Cont'd!

From L-R: Zondra Evans, Lori Dixon, Megan Tull, Lisa Stewart

the crew of lite it up tv! “We wanted to be able to bring light, to focus on positive things and to encourage people to shine their light and speak their truth; to step into who they are and be of service with their gifts”, she said with a smile. “I think the four of us coming together with our collective expertise and the experiences that we have had on our entrepreneurial journeys, just works. We have a lot of different perspectives, but we are definitely all in alignment and have the same vision and mission”. Listen, the chemistry and camaraderie between the four women of “Lite It Up TV” is just amazing. Their ability to throw from one to the other seamlessly gives them the ability to captivate their audience with all of their wisdom and knowledge. It is a must watch!



After moving to Florida, Lori got several degrees and worked for many years in the high level therapeutic educational program arena. She felt led to work with children and families that were really struggling with severe emotional and behavioral challenges. This knowledge pushed Dixon, at sixteen, to start a camp program during the summers for children with their care providers or their behavioral specialist.


The openness of Lori Dixon’s personality became clear early in our conversation. “Ask me anything, I am like an open book,” she said. This made me laugh and endeared her to me, along with her pleasant demeanor and her gentle way. A Spiritual Visionary, Life Transformational Expert, TV Personality, Host, Producer, Best-Selling Author and International Speaker are just some titles that Lori holds. A mid-western girl mostly, Lori dreamed of living in Florida all of her life. This was easy for her to conceive because she and her family had been traveling there ever since she was a young girl. While it was hard for most of her friends to believe, it did not surprise her that her family moved there when she was eighteen: “I always knew in my heart that I would live there”. PG 30: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

Dixon said that because of her need to understand the world of emotional and behavioral challenges, which dealt with the brain, she studied “a little education, a little therapy and a little medical”. Fast forward a few years later, she wrote several books and came to understand that the family is such an integral part of the client’s healing. “One of my favorite books for most of my life taught me that instead of treating someone like a client, look at the family as the patient, which makes it a holistic thing,” she explained. After building her business and then teaching others how to use her methods, she then moved into the leadership and speaking arena. She has spoken all over the country. Because of her relationship with God, Lori knew that when she walked away from the therapeutic world, it was God’s will. Thirty-five years had passed, and now that she was done, she wondered what was next. It was not long before the Lord instructed her where to go and what to do. For the next several years Dixon took care of her mom, who was in hospice before she passed away. Dixon ended up providing that same kind of love and care for her mother-inlaw.

When that season was over, she moved into the next phase of her life. She was now free to use all the knowledge and skills that she had garnered over the years. Because of the evolution in her life and her relationship with God over that period, she felt she was now walking into the purpose of her life. This was when she became connected to Zondra Evans A




the family, Dixon was there when the ribbon was cut at the first


Lori Dixon Cont'd!

studio. She came in to have Zondra, the owner of act as a media mentor.

spoke about in her interview… the one that

After getting a word from the Lord for her to align with the vision and the purpose that Zondra had, she stayed and now play a part: “I said yes, but I did not know what that would look like”. To make a long story short, she brought two new friends that she had made during COVID to meet Zondra - Megan Tull and Lisa Stewart - for what she thought

It was that magical meeting that Megan Tull





opportunity. But God had a much greater plan.


led to the amazing show “Lite It Up TV” on This is where Lori, Zondra, Megan and Lisa bring their vast skills and their individual beauty to the table to empower and light up the lives of their viewers. Where will Lori go next? Who knows! But I know that wherever it is, she will walk in the will and the purpose of her life!


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MEET THE ENTREPRENEURIAL MISSIONARY Why the ‘Entrepreneurial Missionary’, you may ask? Well, if you described yourself as being on a mission to empower, equip and inspire one million people to hire themselves and to create a tribe of seven-figure givers, that title would seem very appropriate. Describing herself in this way just rolled off Lisa's tongue. Most people may have blinked or thought twice about letting something so powerful leave their mouth. But not Lisa. Her mission works by helping people build a “wealth-builder mindset” and home-based businesses to create multiple income streams. As the Producer and host of The Lisa Williams Show on, Lisa uses her charm and drive to provide her viewers with information that will help them to build or create a new stream of income. These informational tools will help to propel viewers and their families to another financial level.

In addition to her television show, Lisa has a podcast called “Dream Big Nation” that came about as her first entry into entrepreneurship. According to Williams, she is now working to turn her podcast into a revenue stream because “If I am teaching others to build multiple streams of income, then I have to do the same”.


Lisa Williams Lit It Up TV Host ‘A recovered Corporate Executive’ is how Lisa describes herself jokingly. In addition, she owns the fact that she is a woman of God and she makes no bones about that. Williams says that right now she is going through one of the most difficult times in her life, but she knows that it is because she is walking in her purpose. “My pastor says that you feel like you are in a pit, but it is actually just a place in time… I love that,” she said. A former Account Executive, Williams adds: “I am really good with money and I am good at teaching people how to make money. My background is financial services. I am a part of an amazing wealth-building community that believes that no family is left behind. We are doing it through education because this is the number one way to help people help themselves.”

Lisa Williams Cont'd!


a woman on a mission! In speaking with Lisa, I am wondering if there is an even bigger title for the Entrepreneurial Missionary… a way to describe her heart and her vision. Because she has so many ideas and a big, big, big vision to help people in so many different areas. To get all of the awesome educational information that Lisa Williams and her guests have to offer, go to to watch her show.


MEET THE FINANCIAL HEALER! Happy, Healthy and wealthy is what all of us would like to be, for Wendy Labat to get to this place in her life, she had to learn some lessons, go through a life threatening illness and fight to get what was her own as a minority business woman. When you meet Wendy, it is clear to see that she is not a quitter, after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of Cancer in 2017 and surviving it, she said that she would have been content to just move on with her life. But according to Wendy, God had other plans for her. “Just when I had gotten over cancer, had my finances in order and was happy with my life, God said, now you are going to get out there and teach other people how to get their finances in order”. Wendy is the CEO of The Financial Cures LLC and creator of The Financial Cures System, a Producer and best-selling author.

“When you think right, speak right, and do right, things will flow right to optimize your financial health.” -Dr. Wendy Labat-The Financial Healerbat ndy La Dr. We As a Producer, Ms. Labat is the creator of an award winning global streaming show called Financial Cures with Dr. Wendy airing on, Roku, AppleTV, FireTV, AmazoTV, Black Contemporary TV, and more, where she and her guest provide information to help persons manage their finances. As a best-selling author with her Financial Cures Book Series: Diagnose Your Financial Health and Optimize Financial Health Dr. Wendy has helped to change the lives of many individuals. “People do not have the mindset or the knowledge to see the big picture, people need to have a strategy to Optimize Financial Health, I teach them how to do that”, she smiles. PG 34: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

Wendy Labat Cont'd!

Six obstacles the Optimize Financial Health book and streaming series help people to overcome 1. Mindset and Knowledge deficiencies: Because you cannot want a rich man’s wealth and have a poor man’s mindset. 2. The basics like compound interest: A lot of people who have credit cards and want to just pay the minimum, you end up paying ten times what you owe. 3. Plan where your money goes instead of trying to find out where it went. 4. How to live the VIP life using Points, Rewards and Miles 5. Control over your finances 6. Proper protection – A lot of people will insure their house, their cars, their cell phones but they will not insure their health, their life or their legacy.

Like the big deal that she is, Dr. Wendy has been featured in Authority Magazine, Success Profiles Magazine, Black Enterprise, The Atlanta Tribune, PBS American Portrait, Daring Leaders, TAP-IN, and Lemonade Legend Magazine to name a few. She was named “Top Entrepreneur/Business Owner” by Marquis Who’s Who, and “Living Legend” by the Walden University Student Alumni. IWhile Dr. Wendy says she caters to working and entrepreneurial women, if you just happen to come across Dr. Wendy’s books or tune into her show on any of the above mentioned streaming platforms your life will never be the same.

Dr. Wendy Labat Author


MEET THE BUSY SISTER! Turning Survival into Success She was looking down the barrel of a shotgun and heard the gun click, when it clicked… she had to choose her life, and live for a higher purpose. Brenda survived domestic violence, then turned her lessons into powerful tools other women can use to overcome trauma and abuse in order to live their best lives. Brenda R. Bingham has a Doctoral Degree in Christian Counseling and Psychology (CPsy.D). She is a Minister of the Gospel and a certified Christian counselor. She has touched the lives of many by combining her personal traumatic experiences with a host of professional skill sets, making her a sought-after author, speaker, motivator and mentor. Brenda is a certified life coach, Christian counselor, and anger management therapist. As an international motivational speaker, she has had the opportunity to impact people around the world. TV producer of the Brenda R. Bingham Show, “Living an Overcomer Life”, Brenda’s life’s work consists of empowering women, particularly survivors of domestic violence. “Navigating The Chaos, Commanding The Champion Lifestyle”, is just one of Brenda R. Bingham’s books that deal with domestic violence and abuse. She just finished writing the workbook “The Ten Steps To Overcome Trauma and Abuse '' that goes with the curriculum she wrote prior. PG 36: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

Dr. Brenda Bingham living an over life! All of this, while doing her dissertation for her PHD program; taking care of her twin sister who was diagnosed with cancer; counseling people who came to her through her nonprofit organization, “A Beautiful Mind”; and working from home on her TV show on “I put it this way, I have been a busy sister from 2019 up until today”, she said, laughing. “It is nothing but the grace of God that allows me to sit here with this smile on my face because when I look back over it, I say how in the world?” “I am thankful that now I am able to just exhale”, she says as she inhales and breathes out slowly. Now here is where the story really gets deep. When I asked Brenda how she started writing about domestic violence, she said: “I lived in a marriage for fifteen years that was abusive. My first husband was emotionally, mentally, physically and sexually abusive.

Dr. Brenda Bingham Cont'd!

Get your Business, Product of service seen on these channels give us a call I wanted to get out but the church people were saying, ‘pray about it’. They made me feel as if I got out of the marriage, I was not listening to God, I was not being a good Christian, or I was not walking with God or trusting and believing in God.” The thing that forced Brenda to leave was when he pulled a double barrel shotgun and pointed it at her face with the gun cocked to kill her. “When I looked in his eyes, they were so red and demonic,” she recalled. “Right then I told God that I was tired. When I thought about how he almost choked me to death, beat me up and then threw me across the bed trying to kill me in the past, I was just done. I heard the gun say ‘click, click’ and then I thought I heard… boom! It seemed like forever, but it was only seconds.” “He un-cocked the gun and when I opened my eyes, he was putting the rifle back into the closet. He went and got on the other side of the bed and I turned to him and I said, ‘You know my brothers would have been here.’ His response to me was, ‘At least you would have been dead’.” “That was the moment I reached in my closet, grabbed a couple of outfits and said, ‘I am gone!’ I was running down the stairs and he was chasing me saying, ‘Let’s talk about it, let’s talk about it’. I ran and got in my car, and drove off and never went back. I divorced him.” Brenda explained that another reason she stayed in the marriage was because she had a daughter in college and her father was not a part of her life. She had another child with this man and she wanted him to be a part of her daughter’s life. Now she started looking at the fact that by staying in the relationship, she was damaging herself and she was allowing her daughters to see what was happening. “Later, I realized that my children needed counseling, and I found out that my youngest one resented me for staying,” she said. I saw the pain on Brenda’s face as she made the statement. PG 37: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

Dr. Brenda Bingham Cont'd!

Dr. Brenda Bingham and Zondra Evans “I thought I was hiding the stuff from them but they saw it,” she said. After leaving, Brenda stayed on course and elevated herself and her children, putting God first. Today, she is happily married to Lawrence Bingham, her husband of twenty six years. Brenda says that she had known him prior, but when he came around she told him she was not interested. Lawrence kept coming around and being nice to her and eventually, she gave in, they dated for a year, then they got married. Brenda describes her husband as ‘kind… a gentleman and a little country!’. He along with her,, her two children and her three ‘bonus children’ made a wonderful new life together. Now that Brenda has made a decision to slow down a little bit, she is focusing more on her television streaming show on called “The Brenda R. Bingham Show” where she interviews her guests about some of the challenges and obstacles they faced on the way to becoming all that they were meant to be. Brenda is the perfect one to offer up inspiration, encouragement and mentoring based on all that she has accomplished and all that she has been through. So take a little time and venture over and take a look at her award winning show!

"When you have done the work as a woman to be whole you are a better wife, better lover, better friend, better mother, better sister...just better all around. WHOLE NOT PERFECT! Regina Whylly PG 38: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

Meet the God Fearing Beauty Queen!

It kept telling me to touch her knee and to put my product on her knee, and I am thinking to myself, I have never met this woman, she is gonna think am crazy, but this voice was so loud. TWWN: So what did you do? LS: Finally, I said Zondra, I am sorry to interrupt you but this voice is so loud, it’s God and he is saying that I need to put this product on your knee. "She looked and me strange", Lisa laughs.

As a member of the Lite It Up TV team, Lisa brings her view point to the table each week as she along with her friend Megan Tull, whom she has known since high school, Zondra Evans and Lori Dixon bring their varying backgrounds to the screen to make for an exciting half hour show. The love and respect between the women emanates through the screen as you sit and watch them take a topic and dissect it and bring resolution and clarity like a surgeon operates on his patient to bring healing. An amazingly enlighten person, Lisa believes that we have God’s DNA and we can do anything because we have divine intelligence. TWWN: How did you come to be a part of The Lite It Up TV team? LS: I was invited to Dallas by my best friend Megan Tull who said that I needed to meet Zondra Evans who owned her own television Network. She said that she would be able to give me marketing ideas for my skin care line”. TWWN: Something happened at that meeting that freaked you out. LS: Fast forward a few weeks later I was in Dallas at a meeting with Zondra when she asked me to tell her about myself and I told her my story. Then I started hearing this voice, it was God and the voice kept telling me to touch Zondra’s knee and it kept getting louder.


Lisa Stewart Lite It Up TV Host I put the product on her knee and she looked at me and says, “Oh my Gosh, you’re a healer.” I said, "no it’s God I am just the vessel." TWWN: What took place after the others in the room stopped staring at you?

Lisa Stewart Cont'd!

LS: Zondra looked at me and she said, “I can feel it, I can feel God Working through you, I can feel heat coming through my knee”. Then all of a sudden she said, “I have been wanting to do a show with women, similar to the “View” but real positive, spreading God’s light and you know what, I want to do it with you three.” TWWN: You came for advertising advice and you left a host of a TV show for an award winning network, what happened next? LS: Shortly after that we had a Zoom call, where we decided on the name "Lite It Up" and from there everything started moving quickly. Next thing I knew we were doing a photo shoot; then we started filming; then there was the reveal party with Red carpet and now here we are. Even though Lisa is a host on the Lite It Up TV Show, she is also the CEO of the Solia Spa and the Peri Skin care line that was named after her grandmother.

L - R: Lori Dixon, Lisa Stewart, Zondra Evans, Megan Tull The Ladies of Lite It Up TV


For most persons that would be enough but not for Lisa, she says she has just recently been inspired to start a Non-profit organization called Michael’s Promise. The mission of the organization is to help children and adults who have endured sexual abuse. Lisa says the goal is to have an online community and brick-and-mortar facility where children and adults come to start their healing journey. A place that is safe, loving, and peaceful. PG 40: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

Summer is upon us and this Trapeze Mini Dress - in Challis Blue from Torrid will keep you cool and set you apart at any summer picnic or beach event at $40.50 we here at TWWN will be all over it.


Which swimsuit are you going to wear?

Swimsuit season is upon us and TWWM went in search of some of this seasons bathing suits to share with you. We wanted to give you a range of swimsuits to choose from, This yellow two piece from "Swimsuits For All" is screaming come get me, no not you, the swim suit itself, the bottom is $16.00 the top is $58.00 making a total cost of $74.00. You can make the beach even brighter this summer with this number. In addition to the amazing price, each ring is placed perfectly with little exposed, we love it because it's different and covers all the right places. Next is this olive green Fit4u cut out one piece swimsuit from Ashley Stewart, if you are a lady that does not like too much exposure on the beach but still want to make a statement, this is for you. On sale at $39.90 this suit gives you a whole lot a nothing but a whole lot a something. Last but by no means least, we here at TWWM think that this black underwire one piece peplum short swim dress is giving life. Found at Torrid the swimsuit itself is screaming sexy but the mesh like coverage is saying calm down boy! This one is for the woman that may be a little conservative but yet flirty, on sale at $54.75 get it before it is gone. All swimsuits can be found online at each of the companies websites! THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE


LeadHERship is the name of Linda Fisk organization, an organization that she takes pride in leading. All though Linda is the Founder and CEO of LeadHERship Global, she considers herself a servant. “I have the opportunity to serve a global community of inspiring women from all around the world, helping them advance their definition of success and helping them to accelerate their purpose, their mission and their vision in the world.” Ms. Fisk believes that her purpose on this earth is to make sure that the women that she serves has the resources, the tools and the connections, the funding and support that they need to live out their purpose and vision in the world.


Linda Fisk Cont'd!

“We want to help women advance their purpose both personally and professionally, we believe that your spiritual life is such a big part of your overall success, all of it makes up a whole woman”. There are few people in life that understands what they were placed on the earth to do, but when you meet the ones that have gotten a hold of their vision and mission, they stand out. When TWWM interviewed Linda it was clear as the writing on the wall that she was one of those persons. A former advertising and Marketing executive, Linda helped some of the biggest brands reposition, re-launch and rebrand what they represented in the world. She also helped launch brands all around the world while working at some of the most successful, innovative advertising and marketing firms in the world such as Ogilvy Mather and J. Walter Thompson.

When you are able to join a community that is dedicated to advancing your purpose, your success and they generously give, resources and tools, connections and introductions, then you are able to tap into opportunities that you may have never known even existed”, she explains.

What she has done is taken that knowledge and experience of the fundamentals and learned how to create a value proposition that is easily understood and that can create excitement and possibly a worldwide movement, “And from that position I was able to join a couple of organizations that were uniquely focused on cultivating leaders and sharpening leadership skills.”

Linda said what she realized from working at other leadership organizations is that generally women made up only 5% of any member based leadership organization. This knowledge pushed her to create a community of women in leadership but where they felt valued, cared for, lifted up and supported along their journey.

One of the organizations that she was a part of was YPO, one of the most prestigious; one of the largest; one of the most impactful membership based organizations for Executive Leaders in the world, “While I was at YPO, I really began to understand how transformational community really can be.

This is how LeaderHERship Global was born, this organization is one that Linda truly cultivated to help women in every aspect of their lives, “We want to help women advance their purpose both personally and professionally, we believe that your spiritual life is such a big part of your overall success, all of it makes up a whole woman”.


Linda Fisk Cont'd!

LeadHERship Global is Linda’s show that will be coming to, this show is one that will showcase the lives of the women that are members of the organization, thereby giving them exposure. “I want women who watch the show to feel energized, inspired but I want them to also feel supported, knowing that there is a community of women out there that will help them in the different areas of their lives”. Linda has a Ph.D. and M.A. in Clinical Psychology and has written extensively on the subjects of social comparison, depression and anxiety, subjective well-being and personality theory, with a focus on relating scientific research to commonly understood concepts. Currently, Linda is interested in the psychology of influence, persuasion and negotiation. PG 44: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE


MEET THE MEOLOGIST! A woman of many faces or many professions and achievements but the one I love the most is The Meologist. What is a Meologist you might ask? Well Dr. Brenda will be quick to tell you that she is Trademarked as the world’s only “Meologist,” teaching you how to get over yourself and stop sabotaging your life so that you can find your true identity and calling. As the Producer of her show “Revolutionize My Life” on the Network Dr. Brenda interviews individuals that give her audience members advice on how to build a better life by getting out of their own way. DR. BRENDA BEHIND THE SCENES

When you meet Dr. Brenda Stratton or Dr. Brenda as she is affectionately known, you will quickly see that she has this matter of fact way about her, she is clear and to the point.


I am looking forward to my show revolutionizing people’s lives she says. “Revolution occurs one step at a time, I have always loved to see people find their destiny and grow in the things of God, and so I know I have a message”. She said in 2016 she got a word from God saying that she was going to do television but she kept it to herself to see how he would open the door, because she said, he opens a door that no man can shut.

Brenda Stratton Cont'd!

Remember I told you she had many professions, well she is also a Transformational Coach and as such, she has had clients from all walks of life, they have included physicians, actors, professors, professionals, entrepreneurs, and prison inmates. Through Dr. Stratton's teaching, Dr Brenda on set

speaking, books, coaching, and online classes, many of her clients have

According to Dr. Brenda, she is able to do

found freedom from past hurts,

what she does because the Holy Spirit

rejections, abuse, toxic relationships,

works through her. She is a believer that

and un-forgiveness. They have found

where there has been any difficult pain

success by focusing on their destiny,

or somebody is stuck in their life; or can’t

thus realizing financial improvement.

move on and they do not even recognize

They truly have "Created the Life and

it, this is because they tend to forget

Business of their Dreams."

things that are so tragic. So they bury it deep down and it affects them later and it usually comes up at the wrong time. “I want to get the message out that more and more people can be free because I got free of so much”. People think that they can go on in this life and be broken all up with no consequences but it is going to affect you. Any broken relationship causes a breech in all

She is the author of four #1 Bestseller International Books on Amazon: Lord, Deliver Me From Me (How to Stop Becoming your own Worst Enemy); Transformational You (Overcoming Ten Self-Sabotaging Behaviors); Don't Repeat this Again: Toxic Relationship, and Revolutionize Your Life. She has a host of online classes and courses

others, Stratton commented.

such as “Finding Your Purpose,” “Four

A forty five year Missionary, Brenda has

Worth,” and her award winning “Lord,

travelled around the world helping

Deliver Me From Me on the Zondra TV

people. She laughs as she says that she


told God in the beginning to call someone else not her. "I told him to call my, mother, sister, brother or cousin but not me".


Key Ingredients to a Healthy Self-


If you would like to book Dr. Brenda Stratton for a speaking engagement you may contact her team by email at or call the office at the number below. For more information go to: and book free discovery call, and get a free gift. Mailing Address: 8305 Angels #2318, Plano, Texas, 75024 Mobile: 713-303-7792

THE OLYMPIC DREAMER! Write That is why I (and I assume you) watch the Olympics. We want to see the athletes who are the best in the world compete at the highest level and watch in awe at the artistry and power involved in the feats they are able to accomplish. It is beautiful. We marvel at the seemingly effortless way the athletes leap and land on ice. The way they are able to soar through the air after jumping off the ramp and land gracefully GABE HOOVER CEO YOU BY DESIGN hundreds of feet down the mountain. It seems as though There is an Olympic dream being they are just naturals and have fostered right now. Not long from been gifted with this ability that now, someone who is not well known by most of the world will be we don’t have. In that moment of competition we don’t see the thrust into the spotlight and they failures and setbacks; we only will fulfill their Olympic dream. see the magic of their ability in Likely, they are practicing in action. Their singular focus and isolation right now - day after day, week after week, month after belief in their ability to be on the podium drives them through all month, year after year. One idea of the hurdles in their path. drives them - the idea that sometime in the summer of 2024, I want to take a step into your they will compete on their sport’s world for a second and let you biggest stage and they will give know that that same Olympic the performance of their lifetime. spirit is in you. It may not be News outlets and sports talk shows all over the world will carry shown in Ice Skating or Ski Jumping, but it is in you. We have the story of this unknown the same access to the same competitor's drive and energy of belief. Belief in a determination that carried them dream that we are able to create to this point. It will be the life and outcomes that we unforgettable. want for ourselves.


The olympic Dreamer Cont'd!

The issue is that we listen to and believe all of the things around us that tell us we are not able to accomplish more than we are currently doing. Sometimes that voice comes from family and friends who are trying to protect us from failing. Sometimes that voice comes from within ourselves from the pain of past failures. Wherever that voice of doubt is coming from it is keeping us right where we are. It is up to us to purposefully change how we think and believe in order to begin to change our results. If we try to change our actions before changing our beliefs, we will end up right back where we started, listening to the same voices. Eric Hoffer said, “No matter our achievements, we think well of ourselves only in rare moments”. It is up to us to make that belief in our abilities the dominant thought we pay attention to.

This is because most of us still believe the same things about our ability to do these things. We only tried to change our behavior. When things become difficult or challenges come our way, we always resort back to our belief in our ability. Very few (if any) people achieve success without facing massive amounts of resistance, failure and setbacks. Every invention that we use on a daily basis came about because people didn’t give up when setbacks happen. Every day doctors are able to identify specifically what is wrong with their patient because Marie Curie was diligent in her invention of the early versions of the modern X-ray. We would be reading in the dark if Edison didn’t continue trying to make a lightbulb after each of his 10,000 setbacks. The list goes on, and on.

I’m confident that many of us started some type of self improvement goal around New Years’ Day. It is a great time to do some yearly goal setting and intention setting. There is a palpable energy of everyone starting a new/improved exercise routine, work/life balance process, or any number of life enhancing ideas. Over a short time, the energy around their idea typically fades. The crowds aren’t as big at the gym, and the work atmosphere is largely like it was in December.

Remember our Olympian? There is no one who believes more in their ability than they do. Our Olympian has likely gone through injury, failure and disappointment. That hasn’t changed their belief. They see their dream so clearly that they can picture what it is like to have someone drape the medal over their head while they stand tall on the podium. They know what it is like to hold the pose at the final note of their routine while the crowd jumps to their feet with a thunderous applause.


The olympic Dreamer Cont'd!

They know this because they have seen it in their mind thousands of times. They aren’t waiting for the clock to strike midnight on December 31st in order to make that commitment to fulfill their potential. They are working every day to improve their skills. Their belief in themselves is driving this tenacious thirst for success.

That spirit is within you. We have to ignite the fire of your belief in your ability to bring your dream to fruition. When this fire takes hold we aren’t reliant on the outside energy to keep us going. This is what Napoleon Hill refers to as a “burning desire”. There is a logical process that you can go through in order to shape your belief from one that doubts your abilities to one that sees you as successful and able. That process is at work in my life and has been for some time. This process isn’t overly complex but it is work. It is work that no one can do for you but you don’t have to work at it alone. Even our great Olympians have Coaches - someone who can see things that they can work on from a different perspective and put into motion a plan to help guide them toward their goal. That could be an arrangement that we could have between us. I would love to help you on that journey. We can tailor make a process for you to begin the work of achieving this dream. See below for a Special Offer for readers of The Whole Woman Magazine.


That could be you! At some point down the road you could be telling those you love about the time that you took control of your beliefs, thoughts and dreams and started to create something special. Your story isn’t written yet. We are in the middle of our story and we have the ability to figure out what the next chapter is going to look like. We have the ability to also play a huge role in how this whole story will unfold. We can start right now to shape that story to be one of your dreams. Reach out to me. I want to help you. As you watch our Olympians compete this year, continue to marvel at their ability. They truly are gifted athletes. But I encourage you to look even deeper. Marvel at their belief in their ability through the many failures and setbacks that would have turned most of us away. These setbacks fueled them toward their dream - not away from it.

Special Offer

Mention The Whole Woman Magazine Receive 1 Free 30 min Coaching Session Value: ($500.00) Email:

When you meet Regina Whylly, the first thing you notice about her is her infectious smile, that and the fact that she has a big nose that she says makes her look exactly like her father and for anyone that knows her, they know that she is a daddy’s girl. A Journalist by profession, Regina lives in Nassau and has written for the leading newspapers in the Bahamas. She has interviewed the likes of Fantasia, Rubin Studdard, Brian McKnight, Berris Harmond, Rita Marley and more. She has had a radio show on the most popular gospel station in the country 101.9 Joy FM.



The olympic Dreamer Cont'd!

In addition to those accolades, Whylly is to date the CEO of The Whole Woman Network the Executive Producers of The Whole Woman Television Show, Chief Editor of The Whole Woman Magazine and The Founder of The Whole Woman Conference. But like most businesses the pandemic happened and she had to adjust and adapt and take her business in a different direction. It was during this time that she became a part of a connection platform called Strategic Alliance and she was assigned an accountability partner by the name of Ike Ikokwu. In one of their accountability sessions, he asked what he could do for her and she mentioned that she wanted to take her television show to an international market and that’s when he offered to introduce her to Zondra Evans. It took him about two days to introduce them via email and it was about another three days or so before she and Zondra were able to connect on Zoom. “I remember being nervous to meet her because I had done some research (Facebook & Google) and I knew she was an influential woman. When we got in the room, it was an almost instant connection, in forming that connection I found out very quickly that she was a woman of God and that God had given her a vision that was going to take her a massive amount of faith to bring to life.” After talking and discussing how they could work together, She said Zondra looked at her and said, “Girl we are gonna make this thang happen”, she laughs as she said she knew right then that they had formed a bond with her that would last a long time. PG 51: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

Coming out of the pandemic, Regina is now a graduate of The Incubator course and The Whole Woman Show is now on and is being seen on Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV, Amazon TV, Black Contemporary TV and amassing approximately half billion potential viewers. This is powerful for a Caribbean girl that has worked for twenty years to build a media house that would be recognized around the world. Shortly after her mother had passed away from Breast Cancer years ago, Regina went on a Fast to seek the Lord about how she could honor her mother with the rest of her life. She wanted to do this because her mother had worked hard to raise her and her five siblings under trying conditions in the 70s and 80s. Separated from her father and with a primary school education, the fact that her mother had gotten

The olympic Dreamer Cont'd!

Regina Whylly

After settling the fact that she would have to do this God’s way or it was clear she was going to have a fight, everything in her life shifted to make this vision come to life. For more than twenty years Regina has been working to build The Whole Woman Show and have it have the impact on women’s lives and get it to the place that she knows that God wants her to take it.

them through it and was loving and caring to all her children during this time, made her want to do something in her memory. “I had the best mother, Lord that woman could pray”, she states as she smiles. A few days after the Fast, she got a vision of herself on a stage behind a podium in a room packed with women and a voice said to her, “The purpose of your life is to help women come to understand that man and things are not their source but I am”. Regina laughs as she says, “it was broad day light and the vision played in front of my eyes like a movie on a screen”. She said she started looking around for who was speaking to her. While she said she had always had the knowledge that she would be on television from she was a young girl, a few weeks later, the concept for the television show was given to her in a dream. A few days after that the name “The Whole Woman was given to her. She said she did not like it at the time and choose a name of her own, which landed her in a copy right title disagreement with a fellow Journalist. She quickly caught herself and one day while she was in the shower, God said to her that, that was not what he had instructed her to name the show that is why she got into that situation. PG 52: THE WHOLE WOMAN MAGAZINE

Regina Whylly Host of The Whole Woman Show



The journey has been a long and arduous one that has taught her many lessons, according to Regina, lessons that have made her stronger, smarter and wiser. Lessons that have helped her to come up with her personal motto, “Giving up is not an option”. She is a personal believer that when you hit a road block, you survey the land and figure out which direction you need to take to get to the destination that was originally set. To book an appearance or to advertise on The Whole Woman Show go to our website and book a Zoom appointment.


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