November 2015 Issue

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Sherwood High School 300 Olney-Sandy Spring Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860

Warrior 38th Year, Issue No.2

November 24, 2015


Inside: News: 1-3, AP Central: 4-5, Features: 6-8, Humor: 9, Spotlight: 10-11, Opinions: 12-14, Wondering Warrior: 15, Entertainment: 16-17, Sports: 18-20


Support The Warrior With a Burrito Tonight!

pg. 6

Ineligibility and the Achievement Gap: The School’s Plan To Address the Issue

pg. 3

AP Central:

College Board, AP Exams, and More pg. 4 The Pumpkin Spice Epidemic:

Everything You Need to Know to Avoid the Deadly Virus

pg. 9

Disney Pixar: Favorite Childhood Movies at a Glance pg. 12

State Law To Prepare Students for College

by Megan Werden ‘17 A law passed in 2013 now requires all high school students in Maryland to be assessed to determine whether they are college or career ready by the end of their junior year. There will then be additional coursework required in senior year for those who did not meet the target. In addition to this, students in the current sophomore class and subsequent classes will be required to take four years of high school math. This law, called the College and Career Readiness and College Completion Act is a “comprehensive legislation to ensure that Maryland’s students are ready for college and the workforce — and really, life — after high school,” stated House of Delegates Majority Leader Anne R. Kaiser, one of the sponsors of the bill, in a jointly prepared statement. “Whether a student’s goal is to enter the work force directly, attend a community college, go to a four year institution, or complete postsecondary training to prepare for a hands-on technical career, there are certain skills and knowledge that every student must learn in high school to be successful.” If a student does not attain the required scores, he/she will have to complete some type of remediation or transitional class in his/her senior year. The new cutline scores for the SAT and ACT

are 500 and 21, respectively. The Accuplacer cutline score has not yet been determined. “The remediation classes would be the same thing as if a student did not have their tech credit, and they would fit it in as needed,” said Assistant Secondary Administrator Sapna Chaudhry. “[The remediation classes] would also, hopefully, be customized to the students’ needs.” The school administration is unclear on how the classes will be scheduled and what the nature of the classes will be. “A lot of this has not been defined as it has been rolled out. We have no idea what the transitional class will look like, because the county doesn’t know what it looks like,” explained Principal Bill Gregory. As to the intent of the law, Gregory believes taking additional math classes after Algebra II and taking college preparation tests will get students out of their comfort zones, and allow multiple opportunities for students to prepare for their futures. Students, on the other hand, are unsure of the new requirements. “I think it will help a lot because seniors will be prepared for college, but I don’t think it’s entirely fair. My brother who went to this school didn’t have to do that, so since students in the past didn’t have to do it we shouldn’t have to,” said sophomore Robert Sanchez.

Montgomery County Automated Traffic Enforcement Unit

This map shows how much revenue speed cameras generate in Montgomery County. The county has received the most revenue from Olney.

Olney Association Questions Number of Speed Cameras by Tyler Ruth ‘16 Olney, with a population of 34,000, has 12 speed cameras. Of all the 49 speed cameras in Montgomery County, Olney has more per capita than any other city. Of the top 10 most profitable cameras, three are located in Olney. Comparatively, Bethesda has no speed cameras in the top 10 and Silver Spring has two in the top 10. The Greater Olney Civic Association (GOCA) is won-

dering why Olney, a small unincorporated city in the suburbs of D.C., not only has the most speed cameras, but also more profitable cameras than much larger cities located in Montgomery County. The GOCA has been investigating the issue of speed cameras in Olney since mid-May. The group has conducted many reports and analyses and especially focused on one camera in

see SPEED, pg. 2

Pippin: A New Twist on a Classic Superheroes:

The Actors, Powers and Publisher That Students Prefer pg. 15 RnR Documentary: Details on How the Infamous Show is Being Captured

pg. 17

Girls’ Soccer: Successful Season Ends in Tough Loss pg. 18

Kayla Cohen ‘17

The picture above features senior Spencer Matthews as King Charlemagne the Great and senior Joseph Hunt as

young Prince Pippin. Pippin is the heir to the Frankish throne, searching for true happiness and fulfillment. The play shows Pip-

pin seeking glories of the battlefield, pursuing women and the intrigues of political power after disposing his father.

In the end, Pippin finds happiness not in extraordinary endeavors, but rather in the unextraordinary moments that happen every day. Sherwood’s fall production of “Pippin” took center stage last week on November 13, 14, 20 and 21 in the Ertzman Theater. The cast of Pippin worked tirelessly to put on a fantastic show that also featured senior Lizzie Boscolo and junior Sarah Lesho as leading players, junior Simone Hicks as Fastrada, junior Lindsay Tagliere as Catherine, junior Gregory Lin as Theo and an ensemble of many other students.

The Warrior•News 2

November 24, 2015

MCPS Drops Final Exams by Kayla Cohen ‘17 In an unanimous vote on November 10, the MCPS Board of Education voted to drop final exams starting in the 2016-2017 school year. To replace final exams, a unit test or project, designed by MCPS, will be given to students during each of the four marking periods. In a survey of high school teachers, many voted in opposition to the proposal, concerned that dropping final exams would hinder students’ ability to take other standardized tests in the future. Despite the teachers’ opinions, the Board eliminated final exams in an effort to close the achievement gap between white and minority students, give students more classroom instruction time, and allow for shorter tests to monitor students’ success. By getting rid of final exams, there must be designated days for students to take shorter tests for their classes per marking period. The Board released a possible test schedule indicating that tests will take place in the months of October, January, March and June. Additionally, the state-mandated PARCC tests will not be removed, and students must still take them in May.

SGA Organizes Charity Events by Bryse Thornwell ‘16 The SGA program looks to fill the excitement gap between Homecoming and second semester with a series of charity projects. The SGA has started Sherwood Gives Back, a program involving different local charity events spanning over the next three months. The SGA specifically chose the holiday season to start this tradition as it is a time when people think more about giving back. SGA sponsor Christine McKeldin stresses a great mentoring opportunity between the different grade levels. Hoping to encourage a little “friendly competition,” juniors will work with freshmen for their charity ideas and seniors will work with sophomores. The SGA hopes a rivalry between the different grade levels will encourage more school spirit and participation. “Traditionally, the Sherwood community has been pretty generous; we’re hoping that a majority of the school can get behind [this program],” said McKeldin. Based on the charity participation and results, each grade level will receive a certain number of points. These points will be added together over the course of the next three months and the winner will be announced at the pep rally on January 29. Ultimately, “It’s a way for Sherwood to give back to the Olney community” said senior Helena Zagami, who is also SGA Secretary. Students with ideas about possible charity events can contact the SGA team by email at or by their Twitter page @SherwoodSGA.

Protests at Local High Schools by Kira Yates ‘16 Recently, some members of the Westboro Baptist Church protested at two schools in Montgomery County. On Tuesday, November 10, two members of the controversial church briefly appeared at Rockville High School but were disappointed when they didn’t receive the attention they were hoping for. Following this, several other members appeared at Churchill High School, where many students and other member of the community were ready to counter-protest the Westboro Baptists. Members of the Westboro Baptist Church are known for their attacks on the Jewish community and homosexuality and have also protested at high-profile events such as military funerals. Although it was somewhat unclear why the protesters chose these two schools, they announced that they were concerned with “depression, anxiety, suicide gestures, promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse, etc” being routine. Picketers displayed their views at the schools by carrying signs saying “Bloody Obama” with photos of fetuses, “America is doomed” and “Thou shalt not kill.” The principal of Rockville High School, Billie-Jean Bensen, alerted the community of the church’s plan to protest outside of the school and suggested that everyone go about their normal business without engaging with the protesters. She stated that responding would only give them the attention they were seeking. Instead, Rockville students wore orange to celebrate their unity and the school’s LGBTQA group provided information about their community, while a nearby church hung rainbow flags in their windows. At Churchill, students and community members held signs supporting students and were satisfied when the picketers left before their scheduled departure.

New School Security Policy Raises Questions about Student Privacy by Ketki Chauhan ‘16 Privacy concerns in the school system have escalated due to a new police policy. In accordance with the Montgomery County police department, officers responding to an incident in a school may be equipped with body-worn cameras (BWCs). The pilot program was initiated during the summer where 76 Montgomery County police officers were enlisted to use BWCs. Three of the officers in the program are School Resource Officers (SROs) at Northwest, Seneca Valley and Walt Whitman, respectively. SROs are uniformed police officers that have been placed into schools across the county to ensure a safe environment. Interim Superintendent Larry Bowers posted a letter on the MCPS website ensuring that school officials collaborated with the police department to clear concerns of students’ privacy. Attached to the letter is a memo by Police Chief Tom Manger, who assures that the police department will monitor the use of the cameras, which are to be activated only for law enforcement-related encounters and activities. However, county council members and some parents continue to express their uneasiness about the program and the privacy of the students, especially those who may not be involved in an incident but are still captured on footage. The largest concern among county council members is the accessibility of the camera footage, which unlike footage from a school surveillance system, is accessible under the Maryland Public Information Act through a request. Brian Acken, the police department’s Custodian of Records, defends the policy

County police officers will have the camera attached to their chests. Earlier models of the camera had it mounted on an eyeglass frame. by explaining that unless directed by a court order, the department will resist releasing footage from the BWCs. Acken adds that those not involved in an incident will have their faces blurred out of the footage. The police department continues to encourage the program by recognizing its benefits. Manger, in his memo, describes the policies regarding the BWCs in schools. According to him, the officers have been told to use discretion and to turn the cameras off in private areas, like locker rooms and restrooms. Research findings provided in the memo indicate that the BWCs strengthen community relationships, de-escalate confrontations and provide better documentation of evidence. However, the police department recognizes the flaws with the

cameras as footage is sometimes disrupted by other noises, such as the sounds from a police officer’s radio. Nonetheless, the program is expected to continue into the summer of 2017 with the department also planning to expand the program so that eventually all police officers will be equipped with a camera. The implementation of BWCs has become a national debate fueled by shootings in places like Ferguson and North Charleston. Other states have begun testing the BWCs program despite opponents’ arguments that the camera violates people’s privacy. With controversial topics like police brutality and gun control influencing the debate over whether or not police officers should be equipped with BWCs, concern over privacy grow in intensity.

GOCA Doubts Fairness of Cameras from SPEED, pg. 1 Olney that has gained much notoriety. That is the camera in front of St. Peter’s Catholic School on Route 108. This camera specifically has generated more than $1.1 million in revenue, issued 27,000 citations, and is the most profitable in the county. The camera produced 20 percent more citations than Bethesda’s 10 speed cameras combined (Greater Olney Civic Association, 2015). The disproportionate share of revenue generated by this one camera has caused many residents in the area to attribute it to unfair placement of cameras by the county, according to a recent article by, a driving politics website. The camera in front of St. Peter’s was placed there after the speed limit on Route 108 was lowered from 40 mph to 30 mph through that area. Note, the placement was after the lawfully

required six months in which no speed cameras can be placed after a speed limit change. Many residents in the area believe that this is unfair because the speed limit changes in the same location where the cameras are located, so drivers must apply the brakes rapidly to avoid the ticket. But police explain that the cameras give a 12 mph cushion before a $40 ticket is issued, so if the driver is already going 12 mph over the speed limit, the individual deserves the ticket. According to the GOCA, in comparison to its population, Olney has 5.7 times more speed cameras than similar cities in Maryland. Drivers in Olney are also 3.4 times more likely to be tracked by a speed camera. The county argues that the large number of cameras is for the safety of drivers, but when one out of 863 accidents in Olney are actually because of “excessive speed, that’s brought into question.

Especially when the police department, the organization that decides where and how many cameras get placed, profit directly by the tickets. Speed camera tickets make up 37 percent of the revenue generated by the Montgomery County Police Department. The ombudsman in charge of camera complaints also works for the police department. The GOCA argues that this practice is unfair as the ombudsman would not feel compelled to respond to any complaints because it would negatively affect the budget of the department that employs him. The GOCA argues that the ombudsman should be employed by an independent organization to ensure the fair practice and placement of cameras. In spite of such potential conflicts of interest, the GOCA has successfully negotiated the number of cameras in Olney down from 13 to 12 this previous summer.

The Warrior•News


November 24, 2015

Students Continue To School Plan Addresses Achievement Gap Leave During Lunch by Morgan Hill ‘16 Despite the absence of an open lunch policy at Sherwood, students are still capable of finding ways to sneak out during the lunch period. Security has tried to stop students from leaving during lunch by monitoring the parking lot for a majority of the period, but students still attempt to sneak out daily. While most students are not permitted to leave school grounds during lunch, there is the exception of students with internships, jobs, or half-day schedules. “We stop everyone that tries to leave,” said head of security Patrick Rooney. “Then from there, we check the students’ schedules.” Security is provided with a list of students who have off-campus internships and those who are caught leaving for reasons besides an internship will face consequences. The first time a student is caught, security will issue a lunch detention. Any student repeatedly caught leaving school during the lunch period is at risk of losing the privilege of driving to school. The adoption of open lunch can be brought to a school through a petition from the SGA. The SGA must provide the principal with evidence of the school’s proximity to food establishments, proof that there is sufficient time in the lunch period for travel to these food establishments, and indication of safe traffic movement and reasonable access to and from the food establishments.

The principal then evaluates the evidence brought forward by the SGA and makes the final decision. All MCPS high school students are required to remain on campus at lunchtime unless the principal approves the petition. Although an open lunch arrangement has not been established at Sherwood, many students believe that the opportunity to leave school during lunch presents itself well. “Whenever I leave school for lunch I always have time to eat and then get back to school before sixth period starts,” said a 12th grade student. Security believes that an open lunch petition would fail because the lunch period does not allow enough time for students to go to and from school. With 36 minutes allotted for lunch and limited establishments within a quarter of a mile, Security has voiced concerns about students rushing back to school after being off campus for a lunch period. “People don’t organize time efficiently, and I can foresee accidents happening because of it,” Rooney said. “It’s a tragedy waiting to happen.” In his 12 years at Sherwood, Principal William Gregory has not been presented with an official petition for open lunch, but believes that an open lunch would not be in the best interest of the school nor the community. “The biggest reason that it wouldn’t work is that there is just nowhere to go,” Gregory said. “People would have to go down to Olney, which involves getting in cars, and getting in cars is dangerous.”

At the start of the school year, MCPS called on all schools to create literacy, math and cultural proficiency goals to narrow the achievement gap between white and non-white students. In its School Improvement Plan (SIP), Sherwood opted to focus on lowering ineligibility, specifically among African-American and Hispanic students, as well as raising the percentage of students from these groups who pass English 9 and Algebra II with a C or better. Principal Bill Gregory acknowledges the need to provide additional help for underperforming students. In addition to intensified efforts in the classroom, administrators have identified struggling students who will be in a Focus Group to receive extra monitoring and supports. “Several years ago we realized that most of the students who were coming down to the office with referrals also had low grades, so what we decided to do is to create a focus group,” said Gregory. “Part of the mentoring is talking with the student, having a relationship with the parent, working with the counselor, working with other teachers, to try and help that student improve.” Recently, the administration gathered a group of successful African-American and Hispanic students to gain insight into their academic achievement and learn what they think should be done to help their underperforming peers. According to Gregory, Sherwood has one of the lowest ineligibility rates in the county. However, ineligibility is still an issue, especially when a dispro-

portionate number of ineligible students at Sherwood are African-American and Hispanic students. In 2015, Sherwood’s ineligibility rates showed 6.5 percent for Asian students, 7.3 percent for white students, 15.4 percent for African-American students and 19.6 percent for Hispanic students. To decrease ineligibility across the board, teachers are targeting underperforming students with their individual Student Learning Objectives (SLOs). There is an emphasis to improve in English 9 and Algebra II since those are considered “milestone” courses by MCPS. English department resource teacher Shelley Jackson, who also teaches an on-level English 9 class, wants to focus on the students who are not meeting academic goals. The aim is to raise the percentage of African-American and Hispanic students who complete English 9 with a C or better; the current percentages must jump from 75 percent and 83 percent, respectively, to 90 percent in three years. The English department has been able to assign a Special Education professional and a composition assistant in on-level English 9 classes and some English 10 classes. Jackson created her SLO to target all underperforming students. “One of the challenges in an on-level class is you see a broader range unlike anywhere else,” she explained. For major assignments, Jackson has divided the process into multiple steps, and her students must turn in one step before they can move onto the next one. Jackson believes

this will decrease the numbers of Es and zeroes in the gradebook. Algebra II Teacher Emily Prenatt also targets all underperforming students through her SLO. “The majority of the students in my SLO are African American or Hispanic, but there are other students included in that plan,” said Prenatt. Sherwood’s math goal is to increase the percentage of African-American and Hispanic students who complete Algebra II with a C or better from 71 percent and 66 percent, respectively, in 2015, to 85 percent within three years. Prenatt’s personal goal is to improve the grades of struggling students by one letter grade, through lunch or after school help. She also reaches out to math honors society tutors to assist her students. “I did see improvements in a few students; I did see their grades jump from either an E to a D or from a low D to a high D,” she said. Prenatt will continue to measure her data until the end of the second quarter. Gregory has high hopes for the plan, but he cautions that improvement is a process that requires time. “Whenever you begin something new, it’s always a little rocky,” he said about the new additions to the SIP. Gregory explained that the school plan is open to further modification, if necessary, to decrease the number of struggling students.

Article reported and written by the students in Journalism, the prerequisite course to being on the Newspaper.

The Warrior thanks its many wonderful patrons: Abramowitz Family, Allen Family, Averbach Family, Frank and Alexis Bentz, Brian and Michelle Butler, Audra and Brian Bray, Rick and Rita Brigham, Durond and Lisa Brown, Jan and Bill Carlson, Chauhan Family, Amy and Larry Cohen and Family, Cooper Family, Deal Family, Deffinbaugh Family, Dymond Family, Falcigno Family, Rosanne Ferris, Ms. Frensilli, Ann Gallahan, Ganey Family, Jonathan and Ruth Golomb, Gormley Family, Graham Family, Lisa and Jeff Choon Hee Hahn, Hein Family, Hill Family, Hoyt and Karen Hughes, Jonas Family, Kanaskie Family, Susan Mize and Steve Kanstoroom, Kendall Family, Randy and Nancy Keyes, Kuhlmann Family, Lampshire Family, Levy Family, Little Family, Loughner Family, Malakoff Family, Janet Mednik, Scott and Janice Jonas, Newman Family, Niverth Family, Nnabue Family, O’Connell Family, Paidas Family, Peloff Family, Pletcher/Steinheldelfer Family, Proctor Family, Ruth Family, Rosendorf Family, Laura and Craig Sanchez, Sentner Family, Schwartz Family, Sousane Family, Suissa Family, Sutherland Family, Spillman Family, Tagliere Family, Thornwell-Williams Family, Tobb Family, Tom Family, Weinberger Family, Stacey Wells, Andy and Bev White, Lynn Fields and Steve White, Cal Wilson, Todd and Renate Wilson, Witkin Family, Yates Family If you are interested in becoming a patron, contact Peter Huck at or go to the Warrior Online at

The Warrior•AP Central 4

November 24, 2015

AP and IB Courses Have Considerable Differences by Christopher Sung ‘17

modern politics and economics. For years, AP classes have been considered the go-to option for many talented high school students looking for a challenging and rigorous course. However, an increasing number of American high schools are beginning to offer a new, demanding program known as the International Baccalaureate (IB). In Montgomery County, eight of the county’s 25 high schools offer the IB program along with AP courses. Although both programs offer students credits toward college, the International Baccalaureate utilizes a different approach towards preparing students for college.

Different Objectives Whereas AP courses tend to focus intensively on a particular subject, the IB program aims to provide a more holistic education for students. Take a subject like history, for example. In AP courses, students study the different historical perspectives and events of an issue and are assessed based on their knowledge of these facts. In comparison, the IB program expects students to understand the global and historical implications of an event and how the event relates to

A Rigorous Course

Another key difference between AP courses and the IB program is that IB offers students the opportunity to have their college credits recognized internationally. In a course called the “Diploma Programme,” high school juniors enter a rigorous, two-year curriculum in order to obtain an IB Diploma for international recognition of college level courses and credits. In simpler terms, this means that a student in the United States could go to a foreign university and easily receive full credit for the IB courses received in an American high school. Although this benefit may make the IB program seem better than the AP courses, obtaining an IB Diploma requires serious planning and hard work. For example, one of the requirements for obtaining an IB Diploma includes a 150 community service hour obligation.

College Credit

Both the IB program and AP courses provide students with opportunities to gain credits for college. In most cases, earning top scores on either programs’

exam will allow a student to obtain college credit for a particular subject. However, it is important to note that because IB program classes are offered in two different levels—higher level and standard level—only certain level IB classes are accepted for credit. In contrast, colleges will not make large distinctions between different AP courses for credits. Therefore, a student taking six IB level courses could actually receive less credits than another student taking six AP classes.

The Better Program

Taking either AP or IB courses will look great on any college application. Generally speaking, colleges do not have a strong preference for one program over the other and look favorably upon both courses for their rigor. Although many educators debate which program offers stronger results or better benefits for students, the general consensus is that both programs have unique strengths and goals. While the IB program emphasizes strong writing skills and certain goals for college preparation, the AP courses have a stronger emphasis on students learning and memorizing college-level information on a particular subject.

At a Glance:

The AP Program v. The IB Program

AP courses are designed to be handson experiential learning opportunities. Whether students are analyzing primary source documents in a history class or monitoring the respiration rate of peas in a biology lab, the delivery of content extends far beyond memorization. Students are expected to manage their time and workload independently, just as they will in college. Students with strong scores may be granted credit or advanced placement by colleges. Every college accepts these exams differently, offering credit and placement based on different scores. Optional AP exams cost $89.

The IB Program seeks to develop students as creative and analytical thinkers and communicators; coursework relies on class discussions and frequent written response or research projects. The full IB Diploma Program for juniors and seniors requires that all students take collegelevel coursework in six core academic areas. IB exams generally emphasize essays, response questions, case studies, and field work or oral presentations as appropriate. One-time exam registration fee is around $150 and every exam taken costs an additional $100.

AP Classes Are Beneficial AP Lang Class Dissolves, Honors by Sara Casareto ‘16

The definition of “advanced placement” according to is as follows: “the placement of a student in a high school course that offers college credit if successfully completed.” As a student who will have completed ten AP courses by graduation, I’ve realized that APs are worth more than the credit awarded. It’s important for students to take the most challenging classes offered to them so they can maximize their learning and knowledge. An AP class is recognized as the most challenging level at which a course can be offered at Sherwood. For example, there is on-level Biology, Honors Biology and AP Biology. AP classes are overall more rigorous and simply harder than on-level or honors classes. However, it is absolutely worth the extra work. Students often complain about seemingly pointless “busy work,” but in AP classes, there is little time for busy work, as the classes are fastpaced and there is a lot to absorb by AP exam-time in May. The classes are generally more productive and more academically stimulating. School is meant for learning, and if students are not pushing themselves, then they cannot expect to learn. AP courses are mentally challenging and push students to focus and put forth their best effort. Students not only acquire

knowledge on the course topics, but also useful college skills. When I considered signing up for AP Language and Composition, my 10th grade English teacher, Mrs. Lock, said the course was going to be an incredible amount of work and would be the most challenging course students would take their junior year, but ultimately, it would be worth it. She was correct. That course and other AP courses taught me how to develop college-level skills. AP Language taught me how to write at a college level and how to formulate my thoughts in various writing styles. AP World History then utilized those skills to teach me how to use documents and outside sources to support an idea and develop an analysis. AP Statistics this year has been incredibly helpful in the sense that the math I learned in the classroom is applicable to other classes such as biology, sociology, psychology and economics. Also, if I were to plan on doing research of any sort in the future, or if I planned on having a business or working in business, I must understand basic principles of statistics as well as know how to properly write a research paper or a business plan. Ultimately, it is important for students to take courses that they will thrive in. However, if one can take an AP class, he or she should not opt out just because it is “too much work.” In the long run, that work will pay off.

English Class Created in Its Place by Danielle Tobb ‘17 Five weeks into the 20152016 school year, the school administrative team made the decision to dissolve Lynnette Evans’ AP English Language and Composition class and create an Honors English 11 class in its place. AP Lang can prove to be a very difficult class after just a few days. The class involves written essays, rhetorical examination and analytical thinking. This school year specifically, a handful of students struggled with the class immensely. As a result, these students’ grades suffered and their desire to transfer into the Honors English 11 class became apparent after only a few days. Since the Honors English 11 classes were already maxed to capacity, the school had no choice but to create another class, according to the head of the Counseling Department Elizabeth Al-Atrash. One female junior that dropped AP Lang this year described how she believed AP Lang was going to be difficult, but not to the high degree that she experienced during her first weeks in the course. Her counselor explained that the Honors English 11 classes were filled to capacity, thus giving her no choice but to

stay in the class. After much persistence on behalf of parents and students, the additional Honors 11 class was created. Samantha Ager teaches this new class, while Evans is now teaching an English 9 course to replace the AP Lang class. Al-Atrash explains how approximately 15-20 students were able to switch into the new Honors course after its creation. These students are spread out in different classes, but a majority are in Ager’s class. As for those originally in the AP Lang class that was dissolved, students had to change their schedules more than a month into the school year and scrambled to catch up in the new classes they were put in. “Of [Evans’] class of 16, I received six students. Even though they have been here for a few weeks now, I still find them getting confused at references I make,” said AP Lang teacher Beth Dibler. “Because English teachers did not do class recommendations last year, I believe many students signed up without a clear concept of what the class would be like. Also, many students sign[ed] up believing they can try the class for a week or two and then move to Honors 11 if need be. That move was not an option this year.”

In order to switch out of an AP class, a student must show that he or she has tried to get help from a teacher or tutor. After the student proves that he/she sincerely tried in the class, a meeting with the student’s counselor, teacher and parent ensues. The students struggling in AP Lang showed sufficient evidence of trying their best. Assistant Principal Karen Rose, the school’s “Master Scheduler,” uses an online system that puts students in classes. She explains that the school switched to use “My MCPS Scheduler” instead of having students select classes on a paper form. The process of putting students’ schedules together online is much more efficient than doing so manually, according to Rose. Schedule changes are much more flexible in the spring and Principal Bill Gregory soon after decides, based on the initial number of students signed up for a class, how many teachers and classes need to be created in order to accommodate each student. When students decide they want to switch a class a month into the school year, they are often unable to do so since there may be only a certain number of classes created for the students that already signed up in the beginning of the process.

The Warrior•AP Central November 24, 2015


Teacher Recommendation System Returns Choosing Not To Take the Class Students will receive recommendations from their teachers for next year’s classes.

by Maddie Peloff ‘16

by Lexi Paidas ‘17

As students file into their respective classrooms on AP testing day, few are thinking about the questions College Board will ask them in the survey before they take the test. They worry about the test material, not about any personal information or questions regarding their actual class. However, to a select few students, these questions require answers slightly different from their other test-taking peers. Instead of checking off the box that tells College Board they took the class in a traditional classroom setting, these students check a box that explains their unique situation: rather than taking the actual AP class, these students are only taking the AP exam. This option makes the AP program unique. In other college credit programs, such as the International Baccalaureate Program, students are required to take the class before they may take the exam. In the AP program, a student may decide that he or she knows enough about a particular topic to take the exam. Just like any other student that takes the exam, these students, depending on their scores, may receive college credit. In order to sign up for the exam, students first should talk to their counselor or either counselors Jamii Avery or Elizabeth Al-Atrash, the two AP coordinators, and explain why they feel they are proficient enough to take

The school has decided to bring back the teacher-recommendation system as part of the process in which students choose their courses for next year. As students again use the computer-based registration system introduced last year, they will be able to consider whether their current teachers recommend them for on-level, honors or AP classes. “[The recommendation system] is a huge value; it helps students know what is really appropriate [for them to take] with their teacher’s guidance,” said Elizabeth Al-Atrash, the head of the Counseling Department. A second benefit of providing a reference for counselors is that they are able to consider whether or not to allow students to switch out of a class next school year. If a student was recommended for the lower-level class, the counselor will be more willing to permit that student to transfer to the less rigorous class. Last year, a MCPS-wide switch mandated that all schools use the new electronic registering system. This system did not have an element to it that allowed students to view or consider teacher recommendations. According to Al-Atrash, although in previous years students had the benefit of a teacher recommendation system, Sherwood’s leadership team

Maya Koeppen ‘17

Paper cards previously used for registration included recommendations from teachers for classes they believe the students should take. thought that students would be able to consider their grades in their current classes and be able to self-select their courses for the following year. This year Sherwood will be supplementing the electronic system with a paper form that will be given to all students before the registration process takes place. The form will have teacher recommendations with the formal class titles. This will allow students to avoid some of the mistakes made

last year, such as choosing incorrect classes by accident, and will allow them to take into consideration which courses their teachers think are best for them. Although teachers make recommendations based on how students have performed in their classes and how much effort they have observed students put into their studies, “ultimately it is students’ and their family’s choice as to what classes they are taking,” said Al-Atrash.

the exam. “We generally wouldn’t allow somebody to take an exam unless we felt that they could do well on it, because there is no reason for a student to take an AP exam if they are not going to do pretty well on it,” said Al-Atrash. In fact, not only does a student’s poor AP score reflect poorly on him or herself, it reflects poorly on the school, even if he or she did not take the class. Even though the student did not spend his or her year learning the specifics of the curriculum with a teacher, his or her score is reported along with the rest of the students who did, reflecting on the teacher’s average scores as well as the school’s. Generally, the students who take AP exams take exams of languages they are fluent in such as Spanish, French or even English. AP Spanish teacher Maria Peterson explained that she sees this happen every once in a while. Sometimes, she helps students prepare for the exam, but occasionally, she is surprised when a name she doesn’t know appears on the list of students who took the test. Despite this, AP scores are not Peterson’s priority. “AP scores don’t affect me. I don’t let that bother me, I just want them to try their best,” said Peterson. While students have the option of taking an AP exam without taking the class, they are often urged to take the class instead, because an AP class offers unique education that has more to offer than just college credit.

A look at the College Board’s growing infuence on secondary education College Board is a nonprofit organization that provides standardized testing and college-level courses to high school students. The organization was founded in 1899 to analyze and publish guidelines for subjects high school students should be taught before entering college. The College Board has since expanded to run the SAT and AP classes.

The organization now spends hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying federal and state governments to continue incorporating SAT and AP exams as part of secondary education. Last year, the CEO of College Board, Gaston Capperton, made $1.3 million in salary, and the organization’s executives each made over $300,000.

AP classes are courses designed by the College Board in a variety of subjects, ranging from Physics to Japanese. The courses are constructed to be college-level and students have the option of taking an exam in May. If a student scores high enough, that student can get credit for introductory courses at colleges. Students must pay $86 per test, and many top colleges expect that students will have taken them. Each year, over a million students around the world take AP exams. The College Board makes more money from AP than SAT, PSAT, and SAT Subject Tests combined. Some people argue that AP classes do less to prepare students for college-level courses and instead prepare students just to score high on the AP exam. Predictably, as AP enrollment increases, fewer students are taking introductory college courses because they place out of them. Dartmouth, for example, made the decision to not give students credit for AP courses.

The SAT is a standardized test for high school students planning on applying for college. The College Board has administered the SAT every year since 1926. Currently, the students must pay $51 per test. The SAT is very popular choice of standardized test to take for college admission, and all colleges accept SAT scores for test requirement. 1.7 million high school students of the class of 2015 took the test. To help improve scores for the SAT, the College Board offers The Official College Board SAT Study Guide for $22 and The Official Online SAT Course for $34. Some colleges also require applicants to submit SAT Subject Tests, which College Board offers for $43 per test.

The current College Board president David Coleman previously played a leading role in developing the Common Core Standards, a controversial standardized K-12 educational initiative. The new SAT, compared by some to how the ACT works, is

intended by Coleman to align with Common Core Standards. As Common Core has expanded to 42 states, the new SAT is structured to be relevant to the skills most students are learning in school. College Board also has the SpringBoard Program to integrate Common Core teaching strategies in students’ education. by Jacob Golomb ‘16

The Warrior•Features 6

November 24, 2015

Self-Piercing Puts Parents on Edge by Elizabeth Kronlage ‘18 and Sammie Spillman ‘16

A common trend among teenage girls is having multiple piercings in various places such as their ears, nose and navel. Some girls choose to get their piercings done professionally while others prefer to do it themselves or have a friend do it for them. There are different ways to self-pierce. Some who pierce themselves choose to use a needle while others use an earring. The benefits of self-piercing are that there is no cost, and it does not require parental consent. Since it is easy for piercings to get infected, not many parents approve of the self-piercing method even though, in some cases, self-piercings have proven as effective as getting piercings done professionally.

“I made sure my earrings and ear were clean with rubbing alcohol, and then I just popped those suckers in. I had wanted to get my cartilage and seconds for a while, but because of my religion my mom wouldn’t let me so, being stubborn, I did it myself.” ~ Haleigh Chester ‘16

Chase Wilson ‘17

Chase Wilson ‘17

“I got my first holes professionally, and it didn’t hurt as much since they used a gun and it wasn’t on my cartilage. For my other piercings, my friends numbed my ear with ice and stuck the earring itself in.” ~ Amanda Berkley ‘17

“My mom used to care about some of my piercings, but she ultimately got over it. When she first found out about my bellybutton piercing she called me “unsanitary and trashy,” but now she doesn’t care about them.” ~ Carley Tedesco ‘16 Elizabeth Kronlage ‘18

Young Entrepreneur Creates Business Alleigh Keyes ‘16 Some students might watch TV or play video games in their spare time after school. Others may hold part-time jobs. Instead of scooping ice cream or waiting tables, Zachary Weisenthal has a thriving business in which he creates and maintains custom Wordpress websites for others. After attending a networking event about youth entrepreneurship, freshman Weisenthal decided to start his own business, Zach’s Web Designs. When he met an entrepreneur who had a web design business, Weisenthal discovered a way to combine his interests of web design and technology. With his father, who is an entrepreneur, as inspiration, Weisenthal gained the skills necessary and Zach’s Web Designs was born. “My father has taught me to think for myself. He has definitely helped me start my business and will also be there for guidance, but he likes me to problem solve. Whenever I ask him a question, he always replies with ‘what do you think?’ The biggest part of entrepreneurship is problem solving,” Weisenthal says. He is currently designing a website for Lauren Giraldo, a VineStar with 3.3 million followers. Notable works from Weisenthal include designing websites for professional racecar driver Emilee Tominovich and for Rys Ruffery, a healthy dog food company that was featured on the hit TV show “Shark Tank.” The scope of the websites he created includes: local restaurant Sister

Kayla Cohen ‘17

Zach Weisenthal is a freshman with a promising future in web design. Sandwiches & Such, a jeweler, a brain cancer organization and various e-commerce sites. An extensive portfolio can be found on his website, zachswebdesigns. com. In a client testimonial on his website, Tominovich says that “[Weisenthal] is incredibly talented and mature for his age. Working with [him] ensures a great product completed in a reasonable amount of time.” Being a full-time student while running a successful business is certainly no simple task. As an honors student, he deals with the demands of not only getting an education while having a social life, but also growing his own business at the same time. For Weisenthal, this is a learning experience as he is able to converse with and connect with others while gaining new skills.

“It’s definitely hard. I sometimes prioritize my business over school, but I need to remember that school is my first priority,” he said. Weisenthal’s accomplishments have not gone unnoticed. So far, he has been featured in numerous online articles from a variety of prominent sources including CNBC, Entrepreneur and Forbes. Devoted to his business, Weisenthal already has plans for the future. In fact, he intends to expand his knowledge by majoring in business management and entrepreneurship. He aims to expand his skills and services into app development and plans on hiring other web developers as his business grows. Although he is 14, Weisenthal has a promising future as the founder and CEO of Zach’s Web Designs.

The Warrior•Features November 24, 2015


Seniors Encounter Issues When Finishing College Applications Chase Wilson ‘17


As senior year comes around and college application deadlines approach rapidly, student anxiety also is quickly rising, and for an understanbable reason. Perhaps unrealistically, seniors want the college application process to go perfectly. Any snag or delay has the potential to put a tense senior over the edge. Take senior Ade Adeola’s situation this year, for example. She was being proactive and requested that her SAT test scores be sent to her desired college on October 4, almost a full month before her school’s priority deadline of November 1 and yet College Board did not send Adeola’s scores until October 31. “I don’t understand why [College Board] waits so long. Right before I saw my scores were sent, I was literally in tears because I thought all the work I

put into my application was for nothing,” said Adeola. The counseling office tries to organize the college application process to minimize student stress. Every year, counselors host an informational meeting for the purpose of educating students on the college application process. They provide handouts with the details of how and when to apply. One such handout states that students must turn in all required forms at least three weeks before their college’s deadline. The head of counseling, Elizabeth Al-Atrash, deals with the applicants directly and says that in the cases where the counseling or registrar’s office do not get the application to the desired school on time, it is usually because the applicants turn in their request forms extremely late. In spite of this, seniors frequently turn their pent-up anxiety towards the counseling de-

partment and registrar’s office. A common complaint is that forms are not sent to schools more quickly after enough students turn them to the registrar. Students must understand that counselors write recommendations for almost every student, in addition to their daily work activities, so on some days they will have more time to complete forms for students than on other days. Juniors looking to ease the stress of various college applications should try attending the workshops sponsored by the counselors on the subject held every summer. Counselors give many tips about applications and help students prepare. The workshops are an important service Sherwood is providing to students and should be taken advantage of. Seniors should remember to monitor the status of their requests and their documents reviewed as their application deadlines approach.

Why You Don’t Step in:

The Bystander Effect Samantha Schwartz ‘16 On a daily basis a bully preys on an innocent peer in the crowded school hallways, picking on his or her glasses or the way he or she walks or some other outrageously unfair reason. And everyday students stand by, hesitating to act. As the bullying continues, they walk by and pretend nothing is happening. This occurrence is called the bystander effect, which happens when the presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency situation. There is a bystander in everyone, and here is the science behind it. Social psychologists Bibb Latané and John Darley popularized the concept in 1964 following the brutal murder of a woman, Kitty Genovese, in New York City. Genovese was stabbed to death while bystanders observed the crime and didn’t contact the police or get help. Though many people would proudly claim that they would never simply stand by as a murder occurrs, this, unfortunately, is not the case. Latané and Darley attributed the effect to pluralistic ignorance. One of the first steps in any person’s decision to help another is the recognition that someone is actually in need of help. To do this, the bystander must realize that they are witnessing an emergency situation and that a victim is in need of assistance. Consequently, a major reason why eyewitnesses fail to intervene is that they do not even realize they are witnessing a crime. Though this

seems outrageous, in ambiguous and urgent situations people often look towards others to see how they are reacting and how they should react. They assume that others may know something that they do not, so they gauge their reactions before they decide how they should respond. The social psychologists also attributed the bystander effect to the perceived diffusion of responsibility, such as how onlookers are more likely to intervene if there are few or no other witnesses. Even if people recognize that they are witnessing a crime, they may still fail to intervene because they do not take personal responsibility for helping the victim. The problem is that the more bystanders there are, the less responsible each individual feels. When you are the only eyewitness present, 100 percent of the responsibility for providing help rests on your shoulders. But if there are five eyewitnesses, only 20 percent of the responsibility is your own. The larger the group, the less likely you are to act. In these situations, people may assume that someone else will help. But if everyone assumes this, then no one will intervene. In Genovese’s case, each onlooker concluded from their neighbors’ inaction that their own personal help was not needed. In the case of a school bully in a hallway, observers may debate whether or not to intervene based on if they believe it is an act of bullying or playfulness. Assuming the latter, students all too often neglect to act because no one else around them is.

Kayla Cohen ‘17

Treasurer Taylor Nettleford, secretary Alyssa Moran, vice president Shyaka Gahima and co-presidents Ashley Nnabue and Naahmie Charleston (from left to right) hope to raise awareness of racial problems.

Black Student Union Makes a Comeback Bryse Thornwell ‘16 After three years of inactivity, the Black Student Union (BSU) is back. By their mission statement, the BSU is a club organization dedicated to “implementing a bond among one another and fostering a passion for success” within the school’s African American community. They strive to support one another in academic endeavors, mentor each other and stretch beyond solely the school’s community. Co-presidents Ashley Nnabue and Naahmie Charleston made the decision to reinstate the union after noticing an unacceptable academic achievement gap between blacks and other races. Nnabue’s first intention was to bring the Minority Scholar Program, similar to the program at Walter Johnson, to Sherwood. However, after talking to Charleston, the two decided to combine the scholarship program under the Black Student Union umbrella. After speaking with guidance counselor Jamii Avery, administrator Sandi Williams, ad-

ministrator Kathlyn Carroll, and their sponsor English teacher Peter Huck, Nnabue and Charleston officially reestablished the BSU organization. The club has seen consistent participation numbers since its reestablishment and meets every other Monday. “We have 40 to 50 people coming consistently to the meetings, and that’s pretty impressive considering the meetings are during lunch and people have other commitments,” said Charleston. In addition to the Minority Scholar Program, the club plans to hold tutoring and mentoring sessions, participate in the International Show, and organize a dance for Black History Month which incorporates Afro-centric expression including African, Jamaican, Hispanic, Latin and other influences. The club also holds debates and discussions about issues facing the African American community in today’s society. The discussion topics range anywhere from cultural appropriation to how black women are treated

by black men. Outside of school, the BSU plans to participate in multiple community service projects including a Thanksgiving food drive, visits to colleges, including many Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and even reaching out to similar organizations in colleges for advice and further mentoring. Nnabue and Charleston’s ultimate goal for the club is to both bring awareness to people inside and outside of the club, which includes both students and teachers, and move away from stereotypes in all ways. “This is such an important club to let students in the African American community know that they are not alone,” said Nnabue. “We really want the club to continue for years after we leave.” Nnabue and Charleston specifically want to emphasize that although the Black Student Union stresses issues in the African American community, the club is open to all students regardless of race or national background.

The Warrior•Features 8

November 24, 2015

The Warrior•Humor November 24, 2015

The infectious pumpkin spice peeps plan to lower your IQ and take your faith in humanity.

Pumpkin Spice Virus Starts To Mutate Out of Control by Meghan Proctor ‘16

A disease is sweeping the nation with no clear signs of relief. What was once an innocent twist on everyone’s favorite seasonal fruit has become a threatening culinary epidemic. It infects the foods in grocery stores everywhere, and it has even mutated to thrive in many other products. This disease is of course none other than the infamous pumpkin spice. Pumpkin spice has been around for decades, being a popular ingredient in recipes such as pies and cakes. However, its more recent outbreak traces back to a popular coffee chain: Starbucks. In 2004, Starbucks released the Pumpkin Spice Latte, which slowly grew in popularity. The beverage’s popularity allowed the pumpkin spice virus to thrive, causing a mutation which allowed it to infect other foods from Oreos to Peeps. “We only wanted to create a fun, nostalgic treat based off of some of our favorite fall recipes,” said Starbucks barista Bailey Night. “We never wanted to cause any major health risks outside of the tons of sugar added in the drink.” The symptoms of pumpkin spice can be devastating to both the products and the people that consume them. When a food item is infected with pumpkin spice, it suffers from an unnatural, occasionally

disgusting taste that overrides the original flavor of the food. When pumpkin spice enters a human’s system, symptoms range from a drop in IQ to temporarily losing faith in all of humanity. An individual’s vulnerability to pumpkin spice is a case by case basis. However, scientists have determined that one may be more likely to catch the virus if they are also at risk for some other illnesses, including Ugg boots and posting gratuitous amounts of food-related pictures on the Internet. The key to this disease’s survival is most likely its marketability. With seasonal and inviting packaging, many major companies, including Starbucks, easily make a profit by enticing consumers to buy their products and allow the public health hazard to enter their systems. Scientists are fearful of how the disease will affect the public next. If not contained soon, the virus may grow to uncontrollable proportions. “With no definite way to contain this virus, I fear it may take us months if not years to reduce it back to safe levels,” said doctor William Johnson. “Especially now that it’s so ingrained in today’s pop culture.” While a cure for this illness is yet to be confirmed, recent studies have shown a possible link in the relief of symptoms to the consumption of peppermint, a traditional sweet most popular in early winter.


The country has fixated for months on the close race for its next president, but Sherwood students have a race more exciting, more important, and just a few months away to focus on—SGA President 2016. Following the model of the national race, several candidates, including some eighth graders, have already declared their intent with lunchtime speeches. Three debates have been scheduled for assemblies during third and fourth quarter, with social studies teacher Christine McKeldin as moderator. The May election is right around the corner, and this year’s race is already certain to be dominated by unregulated campaign donations, sensationalism, and quite a bit of socialism. Here is a preview of the leading candidates and their platforms for the future of Sherwood.

Ethan Lavern Currently leading the polls with well under half of the popular vote, Junior Ethan Lavern plans to put an end to students sneaking out for lunch by building a wall around the parking lot. When asked how he would fund the construction project, he hinted at a plan to, “cut some of the less important classes,” namely, all foreign languages and Piano 2. Although Lavern has failed to disclose his stances on several important issues, such as pep-rally reform and pizza legalization, he has maintained a steady popularity by handing out cookies at lunch and occasionally insulting large populations of students. Despite his platform being the most developed of the field, Lavern is best known among the constituents for his early jab at Allen Lee’s appearance, saying that “his face would look about as good in this office as the freshmen’s homecoming hall.”

Miranda Jones Jones, a freshman, started off her campaign with the

bold promise of “Free high school for everybody by 2017.” This immediately attracted a good portion of Good Counsel students, and several freshman who don’t understand how taxes work. She has since broadened her appeal by emphasizing her complete lack of experience in student government, as well as her 4.0 GPA, which was last achieved second quarter of eighth grade. After a few questionable poll numbers in the first quarter, the Jones campaign released a plan to ban all GMO and non-organic foods served in the cafeteria, although the plan doesn’t mention what will be served instead.

Allen Lee

Lee, a sophomore, has been rallying the support of the senior class since day one with promises of subsidized college application and transcript fees. What he isn’t making public is that his plan would increase underclassmen class dues by 500 to 600 percent. He stands out as the only candidate who has offered to stop the corrupt way parking permit money goes almost entirely to athletics by making it absolutely illegal to park at school. Altogether, Lee has done an exceptional job of irritating almost every student in the school. He still stays confident in his run, and is excited for the debates, where he plans to, “make sure the conversation revolves around the least important topics.”

Noah Moore

The cousin of SGA legend Hunter Moore, Noah has expressed a claim to the position. However, the actual process of campaigning seems to be an issue, as he was recorded saying, “I never thought it would be this much work. Can’t I just be voted in already?” He has been able to stay relevant in the recent weeks by saying everything Ethan Lavern says, but in a slightly different way. Moore has gained some popularity by announcing a comprehensive plan to achieve the long-awaited goal of replacing the school’s water fountains with Kool-Aid fountains. However, voters are unsure whether he is fit for the job, as he ended his one and only campaign speech with, “thanks for the support, but if this president thing gets in the way of making varsity lacrosse this year, I’m out.”

Lincoln Chafee Ever since he dropped out of the main race, the former Democratic candidate has been blazing a campaign trail aimed directly at Sandy Spring by repeatedly calling himself “a block of granite.” **some or all of the candidates may or may not have paid The Warrior for their inclusion in this feature

cartoon by Sidney Brown ‘17

compiled by Steven Witkin ‘16

Former Pixar Artist Posts Tips for Telling Stories by Meghan Proctor ‘16

Through The Years

Late 1980s-late 1990s: The Classics

Disney experienced a first “golden era” with its first burst of princess movies after “Snow White” (1937) and “Cinderella” (1950). A wave of princess movies in the 90s, including “The Little Mermaid” (1989) and “Mulan” (1998) revived a second “golden era”. The diverse nature of these new movies appealed to young audiences, with the theatrical songs and memorable lines becoming a staple in American culture.

Late 2000s-2010: Start of Marvel Movies

3-D movies like “WALL-E” (2008) and “Up” (2009) continued to shape the millennial generation. Movies like “Iron Man” (2008) started a new chapter of comic book-to-movie adaptations for Marvel Studios. Millennials paid equal attention to animated movies like “Toy Story 3” (2010) and “Tangled” (2010), but began to look for more mature movies in the transition to young adulthood.

by Milan Polk ‘16

Early 2000s : 3-D Movies, Partnering with Pixar The turn of the century brought a new partnership between Disney and Pixar. 3-D movies sparked another wave of popularity in animation. “Finding Nemo” (2003) and “The Incredibles” (2004) drew audiences once again and amazed everyone with effects that jumped off of the screen. Films like “The Emperor’s New Groove” (2000) and “Lilo and Stitch” (2002) also proved successful.

2010-Present: The Return of Princesses “Brave” (2012), “Frozen” (2013) and a revamped “Cinderella” (2015) provide nostalgia for Millennials and makes way for female role-models for young children to admire. Eye-catching visuals, interesting characters and the continuation of Disney’s musical tradition grace the screens with a second “golden era” for Disney in the midst.

Former Pixar employee Emma Coats is well known for her work as a storyboard artist on animated films such as “Brave” and “Monsters University,” as well as directing some independent short films. However, some may also know her from another project: the creation of Pixar’s 22 Rules for Storytelling. Back in 2012, a few months before the release of “Brave,” Coats released on Twitter a series of posts, sharing tips for telling stories. Some examples of her tips include “You admire a character for trying more than for their successes,” and “Coincidences to get characters into trouble are great; coincidences to get them out of it are cheating.” Coats came up with the idea for these rules from her own experiences and what she has learned from working with the company. “I built my own curriculum for learning the skills relevant to storyboarding. The list is part of that as a continuing process,” said Coats. “I’m passionate about developing as a storyteller, so it’s all about discovering processes that work, challenging things and making more films.” Coats’s rules have since been compiled into a single list and shared across the Internet, known now as Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling. In an interview with the Washington Post,

Coats explains some of her rules in further detail. Regarding the rule that the audience admires a character for trying rather than for succeeding, Coats states, “[Many famous] characters move forward when there’s no hope of success, miles after any one of us in the audience would have given up. Success without trials is meaningless, as you probably know if you’ve ever got something easy and then tried to share your triumph.” Coats then continues to explain how telling a story where someone had to work for their successes will more likely receive a more positive reaction from an audience as opposed to a story where someone finds an easy way to achieving his or her goal. Coats did not post her rules with the intention of them becoming a definitive strategy for telling storytelling, or a set of concrete rules that must be followed in order to make a successful story. Rather, people should view these rules as a set of soft guidelines and advice to help them get on the right track. Writers and storytellers are not obliged to follow these rules, though they may find use in them as they write and improve their stories. The same year she posted her rules for storytelling on Twitter, Coats left Pixar and is currently a freelance artist in New York City.

The Official Continuation of Star Wars by Emily Gilburt ‘16

New Disney Movie Sequels Bring Nostalgia by Nicole Reich ‘17 Thanks to Disney, our childhoods were enriched by the movies we grew up watching. Every story was entertaining, ranging from the classics to more recent films. Disney films have the power to teach and inspire their viewers. Even after the credits roll, we continue to cherish the unforgettable stories and memorable characters that exist in Disney films. Now within the next two years, seven sequels, remakes and live adaptations will be released based on the previous Disney classics. People currently in their 20s are the lucky ones, as they first witnessed beloved films such as “Toy Story” from 1995. However, many teens also saw such movies on DVD. Even adolescents

will experience nostalgia when they see Nemo in “Finding Dory,” the sequel to 2003’s “Finding Nemo,” or Woody who will return in “Toy Story 4.” For a sequel like “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales,” coming out in the summer of 2017, teens can see how characters such as Jack Sparrow aged over time. Those who see these films get the chance to relive that giddy feeling they first got when they watched the original movies. A large reason for the timeless quality of Disney films is that they find a way to appeal both parents and kids regardless of their age. Disney brilliantly incorporates jokes appropriate for children as well as humor that older people will find entertaining. Although some adults and little kids of this generation did not witness the premieres of “Tim Burton’s Alice in

Wonderland” or animated “The Beauty and the Beast” when they were children, they have watched them at some point in their lives. Other adults will also fall for the new movies like the live adaption of “The Jungle Book” and “Pete’s Dragon” because they know the stories of these older films from their own childhoods. Also, the multiple international Disney theme-parks have successfully continued to keep the stories alive through rides, characters and shows every time multi-generational families visit. Almost every single one of Disney’s original movies were blockbuster hits and have made the list of Highest Grossing Movies. The probability is that these new movies will be extremely successful and that the current generation of young children will join the legions of Disney films.

In extensive efforts to broadcast the news as much as possible, Disney is using all its resources to promote its new movie, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” which kicks off the revival of their Star Wars series. The movie takes place 30 years after the events of 1983’s “Return of the Jedi.” New lead characters Finn, Rey and Poe Dameron fight alongside Han Solo as they attempt to defeat the new villainous leader, Kylo Ren, and his army of stormtroopers. The movie will be officially released in theaters on December 18 in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D. With advance ticket sales beginning on October 19th, the rush of IMAX purchases not only resulted in numerous ticket websites crashing but a record breaking amount of IMAX tickets pre-sold in a single day. It’s been roughly a decade since the release of their last Star Wars film in 2005, “Episode III, Revenge of the Sith.” Therefore, Disney is sparing no cost in order to make this movie absolutely perfect, with a whopping budget of $200 million for the production of the film and an additional $423 million spent in marketing, printing and advertising. Marvel

comics, Del Rey and Disney Publishing Worldwide are working together to publish new Star Wars comic books and novels featuring the new plot of “The Force Awakens.” In celebration of the movie release, Disney’s Hollywood Studios will be featuring a brand new Star Wars–themed festival during winter called “The Season of the Force.” Disney is also changing numerous Disney Park attractions and rides in attempt to better publicize the new film and attract die-hard Star Wars fans awaiting the release of the movie. Erin Glover, Social Media Director of Disneyland Resort announced that by January 8, “park guests will have the chance to jump to lightspeed with Season of the Force, featuring an exciting twist on a favorite attraction and more.” Popular rides, food, merchandise and attractions guests know and love are being remodeled to fit the theme of the new Star Wars movie, such as Space Mountain, a well-known roller coaster in Magic Kingdom, soon to be Hyperspace Mountain. In addition, Disney’s renowned Star Tours ride is being tailored to depict a scene from “The Force Awakens.” Disney is truly putting all faith and its money into the new Star Wars film.

The Warrior•Opinions 12

November 24, 2015

Staff Editorial:

In Our Opinion

Students’ Responses Suggest Uncertainty Are students following current events?

ent body Is the school’s stud or liberal? more conservative

Is our country in da nger of having an uninform ed electorate?

Recently, The Warrior conducted a survey exploring Sherwood students’ political views, which can be seen in the “The Pulse” on page 14. The survey showed a great variety of political opinions at Sherwood, but that generally, students have liberal opinions about current controversial issues. Students demonstrated liberal views on both domestic and social issues, while they were divided on education issues and showed conservative views regarding immigration issues. Overall, responses to “The Pulse” survey varied greatly on many political topics that are currently creating controversy in the United States and the world. The questions from the survey that gained the most decisive results included the topics of denying service to a customer based on a business’ religious beliefs, same-sex marriage, global warming, federally enforced vaccinations and minimum wage. Students were most split on issues like whether or not immigrants should be forced to learn English, if the United States should declare war on ISIS and if the U.S. government should allow the death penalty. A possibly alarming occurrence was that many students provided contradictory responses to the survey. For example, although one student selected primarily conservative responses, such as indicating the he was against same-sex marriage, he wrote that he would vote for Hil

lary Clinton for President. Similarly, although one student wrote that he was democratic, he said he would vote for Marco Rubio for President. In both instances, which were not isolated occurrences, students selected a Presidential candidate whose political stances contradicted their own. This mirrors what is happening with some of the voters in America. Many people feel strongly about one or more political issues but support a candidate and/ or party that opposes their views. For instance, Kentucky voters recently elected a governor whose campaign included an initiative to eliminate Medicaid, which is ironic because Kentucky has very high Medicaid rates. In other words, many Kentuckians picked the candidate who vows to do away with the very healthcare supports that they need. It was also worrying how many “unsure” responses were given on “The Pulse” survey. While it is understandable that a student might not have a strong opinion on a couple of current issues, the number of “unsure” responses indicated that many students were most likely unaware of many of the current political and social debates. Not having knowledge of these issues is a growing problem in the United Sates, particularly with younger people. This can be seen in the survey, which is alarming considering that some students who answered are seniors and will be voting in the next Presidential election.

Warrior P


ublished six times a year, The Warrior serves as Sherwood High School’s premier news source. Over the years, it has received numerous state and national honors. With a staff of 35 students and one advisor, The Warrior keeps the Sherwood community apprised of local and national events. All opinion articles represent the viewpoint of the writer. The unsigned staff editorials solely represent the opinions of the newspaper staff. These articles do not necessarily represent the views of Sherwood High School. The Warrior welcomes Letters to the Editor of 250 words or less. They may be submitted to room C268 or emailed to Letters must be signed, and all content received by the newspaper is subject to editing. The Warrior staff invites feedback and corrections to printed inaccuracies. The Warrior reserves the right to refuse advertisements.

Staff Print Layout and Production Directors ..................Steven Witkin ‘16 Kira Yates ‘16

News Editors .................................................. Ketki Chauhan ‘16

Samantha Schwartz ‘16

Specials Editors ............................................ Meghan Proctor ‘16 Megan Werden ‘17

Features Editors .............................................. Sara Casareto ‘16

Lauren MacFadden ‘17

Humor Editors .............................................Noah Rosendorf ‘17

John Sutherland ‘16

Spotlight Editor .............................................. Amanda Allen ‘17 Opinions Editors ................................................ Ben Cooper ‘16 Chris Sung ‘17 Wondering Warrior Editor.................................Lexi Paidas ‘17 Deal ‘16 Entertainment Editors .........................................Ryan

Tate Harrop ‘17

Sports Editors ................................................... Nicole Reich ‘17

Sammie Spillman ‘16

Online Online Managing Editors .............................Ashley Nnabue ‘16

Milan Polk ‘16

Content and Copy Content and Copy Editors ....................... Madison Dymond ‘16

Morgan Hill ‘16 Maddie Peloff ‘16

Managing Photo Editor ................................ Maya Koeppen ‘17 Photographers .................................................. Kayla Cohen ‘17 Chase Wilson ‘17

Cartoonist......................................................... Sidney Brown ‘17 Pollster ............................................................. Emily Gilburt ‘16 Staff Reporters ............................................... Jacob Golomb ‘16

Alleigh Keyes ‘16 Elizabeth Kronlage ‘18 Tyler Ruth ‘16 Bryse Thornwell ‘16

Business and Publicity Directors.................... Danielle Tobb ‘17

Will Van Gelder ‘16

cartoon by Sidney Brown ‘17

Advisor........................................................................... Peter Huck

The Warrior•Opinions


November 24, 2015 Don’t Let Campus Sex Offenders Off Easy

by Maya Koeppen ‘17

As sexual assault remains a continuing issue on campuses across the country, a lack of defined punishments and inadequate policies have resulted in many schools deservedly receiving public backlash. It is simply not enough to assign perpetrators mere educational sanctions with the hopes that it will be enough to prevent them from committing any further assaults. Sexual assault is a criminal act and the consequences should parallel that level of severity. According to a Huffington Post analysis, less than a third of college students accused of sexual assault face expulsion. Perpetraors are left to roam around campus, similar to their accuser, all the while surrounded by new potential victims. Most universities agree that these perpetrators should not remain on campus, yet they continue to allow it. It is this lack of action by college and university administrators that pushed California lawmakers to press legislation that would require mandatory minimum punishment in such cases. This bill, AB 967, would require state colleges to give at least two-year suspension to students found guilty of assault. In addition, the bill would require that all schools implement and enforce a consistent process in the handling of these cases. What would have been a unique bill and the driving force for future related legislation was vetoed by California Governor Jerry Brown, under the claim the state should have no interference with campus punishments. If schools are not doing enough on their own, states have every right and should work towards a

Plus Size Distinction Is No Longer Needed Women are inherently discriminated against by the concept of “Plus Size” clothing and models. This raises the question of why society still uses this offensive term.

by Alleigh Keyes ‘16

California Governor Jerry Brown (D) vetoed a bill that would require state colleges to give harsher punishments to student sex offenders. change in policies. Some argue, that mandating sanctions discourages the reporting of cases. Additional research by David Lasik, formerly of the University of Massachusetts-Boston, has found that a startling six percent of accused rapist surveyed, were repeat offenders who have gone undetected. Still, the solution seems simple; if the source of the problem is removed, the chances of it occurring again are eliminated. The victim would likely be put at ease if she knew for sure that her assaulter would have to leave campus, even if only for a brief period of time. It is not the concept of punishment that deters reports, it is the accompanying uncertainty of their victim’s unknown fate. Also, deciding whether to implement mandatory punishments should not be left to question. In an incident at James Madison, a student whose assault was caught on video received “expulsion af-

ter graduation.” What good does this do? In this length of time, the same student could commit multiple other assaults. To let the perpetrator off easy is doing the victim a great injustice after all she has suffered through. It is moral and just that administrators do everything in their power to prevent similar cases from occurring. The victim deserves, for his or her perpetrator, due justice. Even more so, it downplays the victim’s case as not being serious enough for strict punishments to be enacted. Universities, in doing so, lose the trust of their students, faculty and parents and in many cases their administrative reputation suffers as a result. At the end of the day, sexual assault is not a matter to be treated with vagueness and uncertainty. Sexual assault should be handled at the same level of severity as the incident itself to ensure the safety and overall well-being of all students.

Whether you have been dubbed a “prep,” “jock,” or “geek,” let’s face it —we have all been judged. We love to use labels but loathe being labeled. These labels need to go, especially the term “plus size.” Nowadays, there’s an increasing diversity on the runway and in magazines. Even though there has been progress in showing different body types and diversity has been made in the fashion industry, problems still exist. When one’s favorite store includes “plus” clothes, one may think that it is great to have more diversity regarding sizes. In reality, “plus size” implies a second-rate or substandard category. Initially it was good to indicate that stores carry larger sizes, but nowadays this is expected. Why do stores still have this label? It is not revolutionary to carry larger sizes, so this label is irrelevant and outdated. Instead of having “normal” clothes and “plus size” clothes as two separate categories, women’s clothes should have a wide variety of sizes in the same section. Logically, it does not make sense to have larger women shop in a separate section because of size. In fact, it is offensive because this discriminates against larger women. The issue regarding the “plus size” label is amplified by the fact that “plus size” models on runways and magazines tend to wear

sizes that are not labeled “plus.” It is perplexing how these socalled “plus size” models generally wear size eight or ten, which happen to be common sizes. The fashion industry needs to stop being deceptive, because it has “plus size” models who would never wear “plus size” clothing in real life. What is the point in differentiating between models who are considered “normal” by default, and “plus size” models? Instead, it makes sense for models to represent different sizes, but to still be considered models regardless of size. At the end of the day, both are models. By using the word “plus,” people are contributing to the fashion industry’s problem of unwittingly discriminating against different peoples’ body sizes and natural physique. The term “plus size” does more than hurt the impressionable and insecure, as it is offensive to establish a second-rate category for larger women. Men generally do not have a separate category with larger sizes, so women should not be subject to this. When we were children, we were taught that “beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.” Now is time that we reflect this in our culture. By getting rid of the word “plus” and keeping women’s clothing in the same section, regardless of size, we will be one step closer to changing the way our culture perceives different body types and the way the fashion industry views different sizes.

To The Point They’re Just Cups

Recognize All Our Teams

Meat Might Be Murder

by Jacob Golomb ‘16

by Steven Witkin ‘16

by Milan Polk ‘16

It’s that time of year; stores are decorated for the season and shoppers are wished “happy holidays.” Recently, the shockingly controversial Starbucks holiday cup design has been trending. During the holidays, Starbucks has a tradition of changing its cups to have Christmas colors and seasonal designs ranging from snowflakes to ornaments. This year, the company made the surprisingly sacrilegious decision to simply make the cups red and green with no other Christmas references. Despite the clear intention of Starbucks to be inclusive regarding the religious backgrounds of its customers, some have declared that the new cup design means Starbucks is launching a “War on Christmas.” One former pastor, Joshua Feuerstein, has gone viral, proclaiming that Starbucks “hates Jesus.” The vocal opponents of the new cup design ignore the joyous aspects of the holidays and cry oppression instead of appreciating inclusion. Starbucks has no obligation to gear its cup design toward the majority religious group. In fact, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is Jewish.

Nobody is really sure what the purpose of our occasional pep-rallies are. Some say they are to recognize the achievements of our varsity athletic teams, since that is what takes up most of each rally. The sports teams get the recognition they deserve, but our school is made up of more than just sports. Sherwood has several non-athletic teams that have competitions and rivalries where the school’s reputation is on the line as much as varsity teams, yet get very little recognition. Why should the Model United Nations team, which competes for awards in a national conference each year, be relegated to a short announcement in the morning, while some varsity teams that never make it to regional playoffs get announced every pep-rally? The Forensics, It’s Academic, Debate and Mock Trial teams all have rosters, schedules, and results to share, yet do not even get a page on the school website. Even if there is not enough time to acknowledge the achievements of these teams during pep-rallies, it goes against school spirit to give them zero appreciation on morning announcements and online.

Recently, a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that red and processed meats, such as beef, bacon and sausages, are now linked with an 18-percent higher risk of cancer. Although the information that meat is unhealthy was not surprising to most people, there may be the need to rethink one’s dietary choices. The decision to lessen one’s meat intake or give it up all together can also be backed by the strain that eating meat has on the environment, as well as the moral aspect of consuming other sentient animals. This wake-up call from the WHO is something people should seriously consider. The United States is a country that generally has meals planned around meat, and really only sees fruits and vegetables as side dishes, even though they have many more health benefits than meat. If nothing else, Americans should realize what they are putting into their bodies. Cancer is something people actively try to prevent, and diets should reflect that. Meat may be a staple in American culture, but cultures can change, especially if it means a healthier world.

The Warrior•Opinions 14

November 24, 2015


Hillary Clinton (D) Bernie Sanders (D) 17% 17%

Ben Carson (R) 12.6%

Donald Trump (R) 5.9%




Sherwood is liberal on domestic issues.

Sherwood is conservative on immigration issues.

Should the U.S. Government allow the death penalty? Yes: 39% No: 36% Unsure: 25%

Do you support stronger measures to increase our border security? Yes: 49% No: 25% Unsure: 26%

Should the U.S. Government raise the federal minimum wage? Yes: 68% No: 16% Unsure: 16%

Should immigrants to the United States be required to learn English? Yes: 41% No: 39% Unsure: 20%

Do you support increased gun control? Yes: 56% No: 29% Unsure: 15%



Sherwood is liberal on social issues.

Sherwood is divided on education issues.

“Should a business, based on religious beliefs, be able to deny service to a customer? Yes: 16% No: 71% Unsure: 13%

Would you support increasing taxes on the rich in order to reduce interest rates on college loans for students? Yes: 55% No: 23% Unsure: 22%

Should the U.S. Government remove references to God from currency, federal buildings, etc.?

Do you support the adoption of Common Core national education standards?

Yes: 20% No: 59% Unsure: 21%

Yes: 17% No: 42% Unsure: 41%

Do you support same-sex marriage? Yes: 69% No: 18% Unsure: 13%


Let’s Make Dating a Key Part of Modern Relationships by Ashley Nnabue ‘16 Relationships. Many yearn for the feeling of commitment with a significant other. Why? For many, it is due to the longing of affection and companionship. However, there is a growing lack of trust among this generation that pushes individuals to avoid official relationships. Instead, people tend to “talk” with a potential boyfriend or girlfriend for an extended period of time. This talking phase, with its “no strings attached” nature, has become more common in recent years. “Talking” still comes with the rollercoaster of emotions associated with being in a real relationship. It becomes even more confusing when teenagers attempt

to explain their relationship with a person to others because they want to be cautious not to overstep any boundaries that may or may not exist. Yet, there is a lack of clarification regarding what the boundaries of the talking stage consist of. Are they allowed to get jealous if the person is harmlessly flirting with someone else? If they post a picture on social media with the person, what should the caption be? Is the person capable of “cheating” on them if it is not a real relationship? The answers to these questions are rarely clear and the ambiguity of the relationship makes it difficult, if not impossible, for the people to express the extent of their true feelings. The “talking” stage is like a game to learn everything possible about the person

without falling too hard or getting too serious. Spending time getting to know one another before making an official bond is crucial, but now this phase is being extended for months. This defeats the purpose of dating because if one develops feelings for someone, then why wait to make it official? Whether in a relationship or “talking,” it will lead all to something serious or nothing at all. If they are practicing the actions of a real couple, then the steps should be made to advance into a relationship. This way, he or she will not have to worry about whether or not it is okay for them to question why the other person overstepped an obvious boundary. While “talking,” there are so many thoughts that one may feel uncomfort-

able addressing because he or she does not want to seem too clingy before anything is concrete. Thinking about a future with someone that technically is not his or hers can create a lot of uncertainty. People use talking to avoid official commitment, yet loyalty is often questioned. If the person should be loyal, then he or she is in a relationship. After about two months, both people should be comfortable enough to transition into the dating stage. Lingering in the talking phase just creates unnecessary havoc and confusion. Some people may be content with the talking stage because they are not fully committed to anyone, but if there is a future in the relationship, then there is no need to dwindle upon a stagnant transitional state.

The Warrior Wonders... s e


e h

r e

p u

o r

Who is your favorite actor/actress that plays a superhero? “Scarlett Johansson because she’s a good actress and so pretty” ~Gloria Rexhepi ‘17 “Christian Bale because his chin portrays strength” ~Monica Keilsohn ‘16 “Chris Evans as Captain America because he’s so hot” ~Joan Kim ‘16


Marvel 65%


If you could create a superhero, what would be his/her name and super power? “Super student: the superhero that gets a ‘5’ on all AP exams and 2400 on the SATs” ~Anthony Jones ‘17 “Spyware, who would be able to manipulate technology to his advantage” ~Aaron Cooper ‘16 “Super Spice Boy: he can turn any normal or mild salsa into spicy salsa” ~Thomas Baker ‘16

Who is your real-life superhero? “Dan Howell and Phil Lester because they make me smile on the darkest days” ~ Sydney Abramowitz ‘17 “My mom because she would do anything to save us from the world and its problems” ~Katie Rowan ‘17 “The Pizza Delivery Guy; not all superheroes wear capes” ~Amy O’Neill ‘16


No Idea 15% Who is your favorite superhero? “Black Widow: although she’s just a human, she uses her strength and intelligence to fight alongside the Avengers” ~Sarah Lesho ‘17 “The Power Rangers because they always transform and help people in need” ~Angela Chang ‘17 “The Doctor from ‘Doctor Who’ because he’s caring, amazing and a trend-setter” ~Cecilia Lamancasa ‘16

What is the best superpower?

Mind Reading: 32% Speed: 8% Strength: 3% Invisibility: 21% Invincibility: 18% Flight: 18% *73 students surveyed compiled by Lexi Paidas ‘17

The Warrior•Entertainment 16

November 24, 2015

Bieber Shows ‘Purpose’ on Comeback Album by Amanda Allen ‘17 Movies

Macbeth - December 4


The Ridiculous 6 - December 11 Star Wars: The Force Awakens December 18 Concussion - December 24



Mac Miller - December 13



The White Panda - December 28




The Hateful Eight December 25

T.I. - December 4


“Purpose” allows fans to take Justin Bieber seriously. Surprisingly to most, Bieber’s newest album, “Purpose,” released at number one on November 13. Bieber’s album also received four out of five stars from Billboard and has garnered mostly praise from music critics. A couple months ago, no one would have guessed a Bieber comeback album would be a success. After running into trouble with the law and having public meltdowns, the child star gone wrong has claimed that he has learned from his mistakes. Bieber’s PR people have been mostly successful in recreating his image as grown up. This album is a successful apology to the public for his poor behavior. Since the beginning of the summer, Bieber has teased listeners with catchy, upbeat electronic tunes that show his growth musically since his absence. The collaboration with Jack Ü on “Where Are U Now” was the first smash hit signifying his comeback that is winning over many non-beliebers. The singer also received his first number one on the Billboard Hot 100 with this second beachy single entitled, “What Do You Mean?” “Purpose,” his second R&B record after 2013’s “Journals,” has an electronic and hip-hop vibe to it along with his smooth vocals. Bieber starts off with the

calm and compelling “Mark My Words,” with whiny background vocals that are overridden by his spot-on presence in the song. He hints at his spiritual side throughout the album by mentioning, “only God can judge me,” while asking for forgiveness in the soft “Life is Worth Living”. His allusions to God may seem a bit repetitive at times, but listeners will view his apology as sincere. Bieber collaborated with many artists on “Purpose,” including Big Sean and Travis Scott. “The Feeling,” featuring Halsey is a catchy, soul-searching tune similar to his previous singles from the album. Bieber slowed things down on the track co-written by Ed Sheeran entitled “Love Yourself,” which has an acoustic vibe and is the least electronic of all the songs. His harsh lyrics, “My Momma don’t like you and she likes everyone,” may shock listeners with its unfiltered honesty. It is as if we are reading Bieber’s personal diary. Although all the songs seem to have a similar theme, they succeed in sending a positive message. Many may avoid this album just because it has Bieber’s name on it, but “Purpose” proves that he has more to offer than scandalous headlines.

Shows N’ Shindigs

Deerhunter - December 5

The Arcs - December 14

Grade of:


Graphic by Ryan Deal ‘16 and Tate Harrop ‘17

‘Supergirl’ Brings Action and Hope by Milan Polk ‘16 CBS’ “Supergirl” premiered on October 26 with fairly positive reviews, and since then the show has definitely shown promise. Amid the current wave of superhero movies and television shows, “Supergirl” gives viewers the fresh feminine face that television needed. In the show, Melissa Benoist plays Kara Zor-El, or Supergirl, Superman’s cousin. At age 13, she was sent to protect him in his infancy, but a mishap in her space travel caused her to get sucked into a vortex and land on Earth approximately 20 years later, still at 13 years old. With Superman’s help, she is adopted by a family who raises her into the optimistic 24 year old audiences meet at the beginning of the show. However, instead of shooting up into the sky and saving innocent civilians from all sorts of peril, Kara is instead the dutiful assistant to a media mogul and decides to act normal, refusing to use her powers. Of course, this plan does not work out for her. After saving her adopted sister from a suspicious plane malfunction, Kara realizes her true potential. She faces both internal and external forces that get in her way, but she keeps a hopeful face

the whole time. Her resilience and kindness makes her instantly likable. Unfortunately, she is constantly being compared to her masculine counterpart despite living in a completely different city that harbors a much more negative attitude towards superheroes. Although the second episode shifts focus away from the recognizable man, it continues to reference him and almost overshadows everything Kara accomplishes. Because she is held to the same standard as Superman, Kara is expected to know exactly what to do and do it without casualties or lasting damage but she does make mistakes, because of the fact that she is a superhero in training. The repeated refer-

ences and comparisons make the show seem more like a spin-off to the beloved series “Smallville” (2001), which depicted a young Clark Kent in similar situations as Supergirl. However, the show is its own separate entity in how it rightfully deals with feminism and the somewhat demeaning moniker of Supergirl instead of Superwoman, and has Kara notably face her battles with the aid of friends and family instead of on her own, unlike Superman. Because she was older when she left her now destroyed home planet of Krypton, Kara’s memories also play a key role in her heroism, whether it means remembering the history of an alien species or just reflecting on the time she spent with her biological parents and family. With constant action and interesting plot twists, surprising appearances, and even a cameo from the famed hero himself, “Supergirl” is an enticing watch for all audiences interested in a well-made superhero show that contains a strong, relatable and empowering woman as the primary character.

Grade of:


The Warrior•Entertainment November 24, 2015


Rock ‘n’ Roll Documentary Seeks To Capture Show’s Magic by Lauren MacFadden ‘17

Each year students eagerly sign up for auditions to be in the spring showcase, Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival (RnR), which features students performing songs from previous decades. The audition process usually begins in early December, when students must prepare a song to either sing or play on an instrument. The auditions take about three days, and more than two hundred kids pile in front of the judges to be in the anticipated show. The students chosen to be in the show practice almost every day for two months to rehearse for the upcoming show. The dedication pays off when all the seats are filled opening night of the electric show. “For every kid that dreams of being a rock star, this is the opportunity for them to live that fantasy. It’s kind of impossible to not get swept up in the show,” said Tyler Golsen, one of the students who participates in RnR. The excitement that surrounds RnR inspired Edwin Santiago to film a documentary on this year’s show. Santiago is a

Maya Koeppen ‘17

Documentarian Edwin Santiago films music teacher Bill Evans for the upcoming documentary. Over 125 interviews of students and volunteers will be conducted for the film, which is scheduled to be released next year. documentary feature film producer/editor who worked in Hollywood for over twenty years. Santiago was exposed to the show when his son, senior Danny Santiago, performed in it. Along with Santiago, Tim Murray and Theresa Mezebish will assist him in the filming process. Murray has been a director of photography and has filmed presidential inaugurations,

and Mezebish is a graphic artist and photographer. “I was totally blown away at the scope of Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival, the hundreds of students that participate, the faculty involvement and the 50 or so parent volunteers. From my first show, I was literally figuring out how to produce a film about Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival,” said Santiago.

The many different aspects of RnR are the lead singers, the background singers, the band, the dancers, the tech crew, the painters/set design and, of course, the adult instructors. Santiago plans to film all of it, and not only this upcoming show. He has access to previous shows so the documentary can dive deeply into the history of RnR.

ger and swagger. This is Craig’s fourth time as 007. With “Casino Royale,” Craig’s first try, he reinvented Bond for the 21st century. After that came the disappointing “Quantum of Solace,” which he then followed with “Skyfall.” “Spectre,” which cost approximately $250 million to make, carries on Craig’s reinvention of Bond by managing to stay personal. “Skyfall” director Sam Mendes is back at the helm and, like that previous Bond film, is a 2 and ½ hour movie filled with many beautiful sequences.

The series has never had a more stunning opener than this one, which is set in Mexico City on the Day of the Dead. With Bond leaping across rooftops to take out the evil Sciarra (Alessandro Cremona) and winding up in a dizzying helicopter battle over the crowds, the scene adds to the resume of acclaimed cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema of “Interstellar” and “Her.” Then Bond is off to Rome, chasing bad guys in an Aston Martin DB10 and seducing Sciarra’s widow (Monica Bellucci).

The widow is Bond’s intro to Spectre, a secret society of terrorists led by Franz Oberhauser (Christoph Waltz), a mystery man from Bond’s past. Back at MI6, Bond and the new M (Ralph Fiennes) face Max Denbigh, (Andrew Scott), a bureaucrat who wants to bring British Intelligence into the digital era, which would include the end of the 00 program. So it’s Bond, M, M’s assistant Moneypenny (Naomie Harris) and gadget-master Q (Ben Whisaw) against the government on one side, Spectre

“I hope to capture the excitement of auditioning and being selected. To date we have conducted 25 interviews. I have a list of over 100 people to interview,” said Santiago. Along with the glamour of the show, there is an additional reason for the filming of this year’s RnR. Music teacher Bill Evans, the main director of the show and chorus teacher for over twenty years, is retiring this year. “I can’t even imagine the show without him … When he leaves, the show will be in good hands with everyone who stays, but I just don’t know if the show will be the same without him,” said Golsen, who already has been interviewed for the documentary. Despite the bittersweet nature of Evan’s retirement, the documentary is bound to capture the positive vibes RnR releases as hundreds of students participate in a memorable, sometimes life-changing, opportunity. Given a more than qualified team, the creation of the RnR #45 documentary promises to encompass all aspects the show.

‘Spectre’ Provides Electrifying Conclusion to Craig’s Bond Era by Will Van Gelder ‘16

While “Spectre” isn’t a great movie, it sure is fun. The 24th film about the British M16 spy is a ferocious, funny, gorgeously produced love letter to the longest-running franchise in film. Bond fanatics will be ecstatic to see all of the references to early movies in the series that began in 1962 with “Dr. No.” Daniel Craig, who should be considered the best Bond, is electrifying in “Spectre.” He’s a blunt instrument filled with dan-

W h a t N o t t o We a r Ta c k l i n g W h i t e P a n t s

by Morgan Hill ‘16 and Samantha Schwartz ‘16

After 17 years of never matching navy blue with black or polka dots and plaid, we, as lovers of fashion, are here to share our opinions with the students of Sherwood. In each issue of The Warrior, we will choose a different fashion faux pas to critique. This time we tackle the sinful act of wearing white pants all year long. In the fashion community, white pants are viewed as a sacred wardrobe piece. They make a statement but they are easy to stain and clash with other articles of clothing. The effervescence of white pants strictly condemns their appearance to the summer months, by fashion law. Seems like common sense, right? We think so. The rule that prohibits white pants in an outfit after Labor Day is not the end all be all. White pants can be included in an outfit for the month of September, but once October rolls around, they

have to go. Summer does not officially end until September 22, so feel free to sneak in a couple white-pant outfits after Labor Day. Despite such allowances, we still have seen far too many white pant wearers these past eight weeks. As we get into the winter months, this summery fashion trend needs to be eradicated. If the snow matches the color of your pants, something is not right. After four years at Sherwood, we have seen our share of sins. The white pants and oversized sweaters. The white pants and Uggs. And worst of all, the white pants and riding boots. This has got to go. While white pants are a winter “no no,” winter white is here to stay. Winter white is more of a crème color that is appropriate for the offseason of October through March. Eliminate this injustice; put away your white pants and get a pair of winter white.

on the other. Craig puts heart into “Spectre,” but it seems he’s taken Bond as far he can. An exhausted Craig has said he’d rather “slash my wrists” than play Bond again. There’s still one more film in his contract, but to quote Sam Smith’s Bond song, “The writing’s on the wall.” If so, “Spectre” is a stirring ending. Craig does himself proud.

Grade of:


The Warrior•Sports 18

November 24, 2015

Simms Takes His Game D1

by Tate Harrop ‘17

Varsity football’s starting wide receiver is about to take a huge leap towards a promising career. Senior Marcus Simms will be graduating early, in January, to get an advantageous head start with a division 1 college football team. He committed to West Virginia University back in March of 2015, receiving a full scholarship. Playing for West Virginia is another step towards Simms’ long-time dream of being an NFL player and playing the game he loves. “Since I’ve been playing football [for nine years] I have wanted to play at the highest level possible and I am very close to achieving that with hard work and focus I will be there in no time,” said Simms. Simms, who came to Sherwood near the end of his sophomore year, has been a key player in leading Sherwood’s football team to an undefeated season. He had 14 receiving touchdowns and a 27-yard passing touchdown through the regular season.

Simms has stood out amongst other players in the state. ESPN ranked him number 12 of the top Maryland football recruits of 2016. Simms received eight offers from colleges including the University of Maryland, Pittsburgh, Boston College, Eastern Michigan, Rutgers and Toledo. While visiting the different colleges he focused on which football team was going to support his position. He decided on West Virginia because of the football environment and the way that the play style fits him. “West Virginia is a high tempo offense that throws the ball a lot and have produced four NFL wide receivers in the last four years,” Simms explained. “Their head coach has a history with other teams producing big-name pro receivers so I don’t think there’s any better fit for me.” To get every credit he needed to be able to graduate early, he had to take two summer classes including English 12B and a Stat class. He is looking forward to training with the West Virginia

Chase Wilson ‘17

Marcus Simms will graduate in January to get an early advantage in training at West Virginia University. football team so that he will be ready for next season. Division I college football is a huge jump for a high school football player and Simms hopes to do all that he can do in order to be ready to play his best when the football season

starts. Simms is dedicated to his career and once at West Virginia, he plans to focus on his grades while working extremely hard to be the best that he can be. It has been a long time since Sherwood has

seen a division I football player and although he will be greatly missed on the football field next season, his dedication to his college career will make Sherwood proud to have Marcus Simms as an alumni.

Girls’ Soccer Reaches the Semifinals Girls’ Basketball Plans by Elizabeth Kronlage ‘18 To Play Up-tempo Style The girls’ varsity soccer team played on Saturday, November 14 at Richard Montgomery in the 4A State Semifinal game. Unable to put away scoring opportunities, they lost to an undefeated Leonardtown team 2-0. “As a team, we worked really hard and had the determination and right mind set to win the game. We had the majority of the possession and were the superior team but we just couldn’t finish,” explained senior captain Barbara Pizarro. The Warriors played well for most of the game by controlling the midfield, creating opportunities by passing the ball wide and sending crosses to the middle. However, into the first half, Leonardtown senior Lizzy Wolfe tucked a goal in the back of the net, putting Leonardtown ahead. After this, Sherwood continued to control the game, but failed to score and allowed their opponents a late goal. The loss does not negate the three victories in previous playoff rounds that got the Warriors to the State Semifinal game of the 4A Conference. As a result of their stellar performance throughout the season as a whole, Sherwood earned the 4A North #1 seed for the playoffs and hosted Blair on November 2 where they emerged victorious, scoring a pair of goals in each half to defeat the Blazers 4-0. Senior Danielle Rohrman led the scoring by notching two goals and seniors Ariella Amaguana and Ashley Webb followed, each scoring one goal.

by Nicole Reich ‘17

Chase Wilson ‘17

Senior forward Ashley Webb creates one of many scoring opportunities Sherwood had in their 2-0 loss to Leonardtown on November 14. The Warriors then moved on to play Paint Branch on November 5 and won 3-1. Rohrman led the team with two goals, while Amaguana also scored. The Warriors hosted Catonsville on Wednesday November 11 for the 4A North Regional Championship. The team entered overtime tied 0-0 and Webb scored in sudden death with four minutes left in the first overtime period, propelling the Warriors to the State Semi-final game. “It is a rare instance that a team makes multiple trips to a regional championship and this is Sherwood’s third trip in four years. To be able to host shows the level of play our girls competed at throughout the season,” said Coach Danielle Rosanova.

The girls finished 12-4-0 and scored a total of 64 goals. The last regular season game took place on Monday, October 26. Sherwood played at Churchill and lost a painstaking 6-0 after holding them off for the majority of the first half. The Warriors had a very strong season with many key players contributing to their success. Ariella Amaguana was named to the Maryland All-State Honorable Mention team while Webb, Rohrman and sophomore Michella Amaguana were nominated for the All-State selection process and were recognized as some of the top players in Montgomery County. Also, Pizarro has committed to DeSales University to pursue a collegiate soccer career.

Girls’ varsity basketball is heading into their 2015-2016 season with their first game on December 4 against Good Counsel. The Warriors had a record last year of 16-8, and were regional semifinalists. The team’s main goal this season is to surpass the wins from last season. “The biggest factor of whether or not we achieve this goal will be how well we defend and rebound the ball,” said Coach Tim Hobbs. Sherwood’s toughest competition will be on January 8 when they face Paint Branch, who have been a perennially top team in Maryland in recent years. They face their biggest rivals Magruder and Blake, in late January and early February. A challenge for the Warriors this season will be its comparative lack of height. “Overall, we are a pretty short team with few post players, so our focus has to be on speed and good court sense this season,” explained junior shooting guard Sammy Sundell. “We lost three important starters from last year so we are all going to need to contribute more points. I think we have the potential to be successful this season as long as we play like a team and do what we are capable of doing.” Sundell added that of the height differences is a bit intimidating but their intelligent play will be one of their advantages. The key players returning this season include junior point

guard Amanda Allen and senior forward Delaney McMenamin, who both averaged more than 10 points per game as the top leading scorers last season. The team will need Allen and McMenamin even more this year to control the tempo of the game while also pouring in buckets. “We will use our speed and quickness in order to succeed. We want to play fast, but under control,” said Allen, planning to, “get others involved by pushing the ball up the court.” McMenamin will help by distributing the ball and scoring. Senior center Bryse Thornwell, Sundell, and senior forward Allie Thron are important members to the team and will play bigger roles this year. Senior guard Taylor Andrews will miss this upcoming season with a torn ACL. The Warriors are looking forward to a fun season, but they will work hard during practice in order to improve their skills. “The mindset of the team is to just play the best we can and leave it all on the court,” McMenamin explained. Overall, they will be a successful and solid team this season if they are willing to put in the work to move beyond lats season’s successes. Pre-season workouts and regular season practices will be important so that the team has the fitness and stamina to play their style of basketball. “The team’s athleticism and ability to run the floor should enable us to play an up-tempo style,” said Hobbs.

The Warrior•Sports November 24, 2015


Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Satchell NFL Lacks Flexibility in Adjusting Rules by Ben Cooper ‘16 The NFL annually dedicates the month of October to Breast Cancer Awareness and allows players to wear pink gloves, cleats, wristbands and other gear to raise money for the cause. DeAngelo Williams, a running back for the Pittsburgh Steelers, lost his mother to cancer in 2014. This year, Williams wanted to do more than just raise awareness in October; he wanted to wear pink gear all season long to honor his mother. However, the NFL shot him down and rejected his request to do so. Similarly, Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end Cam Heyward had the words “Iron Head” written on his eye black to honor his late father who passed away from cancer. The next week, Heyward was fined and told he could only use the NFL provided eye black that says “Tackle Cancer.” Most recently, Josh Norman of the Carolina Panthers was fined for wearing patriotic cleats during a “Salute to Service” game. These instances demonstrate the NFL’s unreasonableness and hypocrisy. How can the NFL

be so indifferent to their player’s personal lives just to uphold a uniform policy? The fact that the NFL only condones supporting breast cancer in the month of October seems to be fueled by money rather than trying to cure cancer. After the players have worn the pink gear, the NFL auctions it off. A portion of the money goes to cancer research, but the other portion is kept by the NFL. These players are trying to do their part in raising awareness, but because the NFL wants to maximize their profit, they can’t. It should be apparent that shedding light on cancer for more than one month is beneficial, whether it brings in money or not. The NFL seems to lag behind other major sports leagues in giving their players freedom to customize their gear (to an extent). Baseball players can alter their bats, gloves and wristbands. Yet, Heyward isn’t allowed to customize his eye black to commemorate his father. He isn’t purposefully trying to show the NFL up by doing so, he just wants to appropriately honor a loved one. The decisions to fine Heyward, as well as tell Williams that he can’t wear pink after October are truly

New Athletics Webpage Opens Doors for Endless Opportunities by Ryan Deal ‘16 For any Sherwood student who was interested in reading up on the school’s various teams, their first visit to Sherwood’s new “Athletics” webpage must have been quite a pleasant surprise. The site, which was recently renovated using Press Box, a website which stems from the locally active Monumental Sports Network, has been updated to include links to the teams’ Twitter and Facebook page, as well as a larger quantity of photographs from the team. For years the athletics page was not very interactive, with the site providing only mere stats and rosters. However, with the recent closing of the local newspaper, The Gazette, Sherwood went into action, devising an interesting way to draw attention to the program. “I wanted a website with more versatility in terms of exposure for the athletic program,” said Athletics Director Kathy Green. Versatility is just what she got. With all the game recaps from The Washington Post and Baltimore Sun being collected into one central sports news outlet, student have easier access than ever to all the information about their favorite Sherwood teams. Additionally, as recaps are sent in, the Twitter account for that specific team is also gifted with a link to post. These qualities, many hope, will help offer colleges the proper statistics they

need to recruit students. With all the flashy technological elements of the site, many coaches believe that students will be more enticed to become athletes. “I think the site will promote our program and motivate our players as well as younger players to want to be a part of athletics,” said field hockey Coach Amy Morse. For many coaches, it is easier than ever to find necessary exposure for their players, because a helpful link is just a click away. For the athletes themselves, time will only tell if the sleek new site is truly a draw, but it certainly cannot hurt to have athletes who yearn for their picture on the homepage of a neat, fancy site. While the advanced site is still in its infancy, the early reviews have been extremely promising. “I had a college recruiter from North Dakota reach out to me for contact info for a coach and player because he saw a PressBox post and read the recap mentioned on the Twitter feed; so, I know it’s working for the coaches,” said Green, who believes that the site’s inception could bring forth more technological enhancements to the school. In this era when recruiting is so often done online, any little improvement that a school can make to improve a student’s chances of getting noticed is hugely important. With PressBox and Sherwood working together, the possibilities for student athletes are endless.

confusing in this sense. The NFL may enforce this because they don’t want to set a precedent for other players to customize their gear in other ways. The easy solution to this is to enforce the rule individually, rather than generally apply the rule to a large number of players. The inability to make this change and sympathize with a player’s desire to bring awareness to cancer epitomizes the NFL’s lack of common sense. After the horrifying terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, the NFL announced that it would not fine players for honoring the victims for the following Sunday. It shouldn’t take an awful tragedy for the NFL to decide that it shouldn’t punish those who just want to show support for a cause. Clearly, if the NFL had still fined players for honoring Paris victims, there would have been even more backlash than there is now. Moreover, the fact they even had to announce this is a troubling sign that there is something wrong with how current situations of showing support for a cause are being handled. If a tragedy has to occur for there to be no fines, then the NFL’s policies have some very major flaws.

by Sammie Spillman ‘16 The sport of boxing, formerly known as pugilism (literally meaning fist fight), has been included in the Olympic games since 1904. Women have boxed for almost as long as the sport has existed; however, they’ve been effectively outlawed for most of history. Athletic commissioners regularly refuse to sanction or issue licenses to women boxers and most nations have officially banned the sport. Although boxing is seen as a “manly” sport, sophomore Jada Satchell defies these boundaries. Satchell started boxing five years ago at Champions Boxing and Fitness in Rockville. She had been playing basketball and volleyball but wanted to try something new. “My favorite part about boxing is it let me get out all the anger, and I don’t feel judged when boxing,” explained Satchell. “I also have made a whole bunch of new friends.” When Satchell was younger, her older brother and her didn’t get along, so her mother would make them go out once a week and spend time together. Both were uninterested and her brother found somewhere that was open 24 hours so he could drop Satchell off and pick her up later. “He

Sammie Spillman ‘16

found the Champions Boxing Center and it’s just been a second home,” said Satchell. Satchell wasn’t welcomed with open arms when she first walked into the ring, “[My trainer] was unsteady, very sexist, and believed girls shouldn’t be here but over time he got used to me, and used to me coming,” explained Satchell. As time went on, her skill and relationships with everyone in the gym improved. Her coach and her friend Brandon help her the most with confidence and boxing technique. Satchell’s matches are like any other boxing match with the same rules. She’s boxed people from all around Maryland and occasionally even people from different states such as Texas. Satchell has not yet traveled far but hopes to do so in the future as she continues with her boxing. Satchell is undefeated this season, despite the fact that she is one of the few females in a sport that predominantly caters to boys.


The Warrior•Sports November 24, 2015

The Williams Brothers Carry Father’s NBA Legacy onto Sherwood’s Basketball Court by Amanda Allen ‘17 Former professional basketball player Walt Williams was a 6’8” guard at the University of Maryland during his college career from 1988-1992, when he was viewed as a savior. During his time, the University of Maryland program was on probation and lost television broadcasts. Surprisingly to most, Williams stuck with the program through hard times and was the 7th overall pick for the Sacramento Kings in the 1992 NBA draft, which was just six picks behind Shaquille O’Neal. He went on to play professionally with the Miami Heat, Toronto Raptors, Portland Trailblazers, Houston Rockets and Dallas Mavericks. Williams is now a sideline broadcaster for the Terrapin Sports Radio Network and financial advisor for UBS financial. Williams has three sons, two of which play basketball at Sherwood. He has heavily influenced senior guard Tyrese Williams and sophomore forward Kamari Williams from an early age. “A basketball was the first toy I ever received as a toddler. I’ve been playing as long as I can remember,” Tyrese recalled.

Both play for AAU travel basketball teams; Tyrese for the Maryland Hurricanes and Kamari for Sixth Man Warriors and Maryland ATTAC. “My AAU basketball teams play in a lot of tournaments where college coaches watch us play. It is very competitive but also extremely fun,” Kamari said. Looking towards the future, “I want to play at a professional level,” he said. Williams has been highly involved in his sons’ basketball careers thus far. His determination and accomplishments have inspired his sons to continue those traits. In his own career, he proved to be resilient after not making the varsity high school team his freshman year and by sticking with the Terrapins. The Williams brothers have taken note. “My dad’s influence on me has been skill and his work ethic. Watching him made me want to get better. He has taught me that hard work and practice pays off,” said Tyrese. The brothers’ father has been an assistant coach for the varsity boys’ basketball team for the past two seasons. They finished the season 12-12 and were division champs. Both plan to contribute to the team this upcoming season.

Maya Koppen ‘17

Walt Williams’ sons, Tyrese and Kamari, plan to strengthen Sherwood’s varsity basketball team this season.

Football Advances to Second Round of Playoffs by John Sutherland ‘16

The Warriors have their sights set on winning it all after their extremely successful regular

season. The team finished the regular season undefeated but will technically be 9-1 after having to forfeit their opening day victory. They defeated Bel Air 27-22 on

November 13 and faced Howard on November 18. *Note: The Warrior went to print before the result of the Howard game.

Chase Wilson ‘17

Slot receiver, junior Leo Hanrahan, sprints down the field to score a touchdown in 42-7 victory over Einstein.

The forfeit cost the Warriors the number one seed in the 4a North region. The team was understandably upset and tried to appeal the forfeit as they won the game 47-6 and the ineligible player came in the fourth quarter and had no real effect on the game. The appeal was to no avail, though, and this led the Warriors to have only one home playoff game. They had the chance to prove they should have been the number one seed Friday against undefeated Howard. The game against Bel Air was no walk in the park. After the Warriors looked as if they were going to dominate after getting two quick easy touchdowns, Bel Air responded right back with two touchdowns of their own. The game was nervy until the end, especially when Senior QB Shawn Bliss threw an interception to Bel Air late in the fourth quarter with only a five-point lead. Luckily, the Bel Air player tripped and fell; otherwise, he could have taken it back for a touchdown. Bel Air was in great position on Sherwood’s 30-yard line after the interception. It looked like the Warriors might suffer a heartbreaking defeat, but then the man who looked unstoppable all throughout the game had one final act. Senior WR/CB Marcus Simms intercepted Bel Air to seal the win. Simms single-handedly car-

ried the team to victory with 181 receiving yards and three touchdowns on top of the game-winning interception. Bel Air made the mistake of not double-teaming Simms, and he made them pay dearly for it. If Simms continues to dominate, the Warriors will be a very hard team to beat. The Warriors biggest concern is star Junior RB Travis Levy’s ankle. Levy originally suffered the injury during their win over Paint Branch. He has played every game since and has not missed a beat yet. There was a scary moment in the Bel Air game where Levy stayed down after the play late in the fourth quarter. He fortunately did not further injure himself and played against Howard. “The ankle isn’t 100 percent, but I will be playing at a 100 percent,” Levy said. The team knows the road to States will not be easy and will need guys to step up. Look for sophomore DL Everett Stubblefield to step up and become a big contributor in the playoffs. “He’s a sophomore with great heart and potential,” Levy said. “[There’s a] lot of weight on his back but he should prevail.” The Warriors returned to the playoffs after missing it last year. Their win over Bel Air is the first time they have reached the quarterfinals since 2012. They ultimately hope to win their first state title since 2008.

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