March 2016 Issue

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Sherwood High School 300 Olney-Sandy Spring Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860

Warrior 38th Year, Issue No.4

March 17, 2016


Inside: News: 1-5, Fears and Phobias: 6-7, Features: 8-11, Humor: 12-13, Spotlight: 14-15, Opinions: 16-19,Wondering Warrior: 20, Entertainment: 21-23, Sports: 24-28

Questions Remain about the Effects of the 50-Percent Rule

After the Accident: Overcoming the effects of a tragedy pg. 5

by Naomi Lawrence ‘17

Fears and Phobias:

Common phobias and new treatments explored pg. 6-7


Negative effects of the disease and the latest research pg. 12


Find out how the zodiac originated and what it means pg. 14-15

What’s Next?:

Seniors share their perspectives on the purpose of college

pg. 17


Favorite vacation spots, Spring Break plans and more pg. 20

Renwick Gallery: A review of the widely celebrated art exhibit

pg. 21

March Madness:

Predictions about the tournament pg . 28

Outside the Carver Educational Services Center (CESC) in Rockville, protesters demand recognition of Muslim holidays in MCPS calendar.

School Calendar Continues To Raise Tensions about Religion by Lexi Matthews ‘18 Decorating the classroom with shamrocks and wearing green are activities most American students have grown up expecting to participate in each St. Patrick’s Day. For students of Bruce Vento Elementary in Minnesota, however, March 17 will simply pass as another school day. February saw the banning of ‘dominant’ holidays in the school, including Thanksgiving, Halloween,Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day. Pupils of Bruce Vento are no longer permitted to participate in any school activities considered non-inclusive to all religions, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Principal Scott Masini has received some communal praise for his work of “eliminating a dominant view suppressing all others,”

and encouraging a wider acceptance of diversity in school. On a larger scale, the national press has slammed Masini for depriving children of harmless fun with overbearing political correctness. The school’s decision and the reactions that have followed stand as proof of a tricky controversy for public school systems nationwide. Holidays have long been of large value to the country, with some traditions dating back over two hundred years. Yet, as people of countless different races and beliefs have made America their home, it has become increasingly difficult to pinpoint which holidays can be considered ones that all can call their own. Many believe the acknowledgment of holidays in school is impossible without unfairness or

see CALENDAR, pg. 4

The 50-percent rule may have raised students’ grades, but does it prepare them for real life or just get them through their high school career? Ten years after the implementation of the rule, the question remains hotly debated across MCPS, particularly among teachers. Established in 2006, the 50-percent rule was created as a response to former President George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act, a federal attempt to help every child graduate high school. The policy, according to MCPS grading procedures, requires that “a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50 percent to the task/assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.” Social studies teacher Katie Jaffe was a relatively new teacher in MCPS at the time. Although she did not find it difficult to transition to the new policy, she was concerned that teachers were lessening standards for students and sending them a message that the first time completing a task may not matter. “I allow for one retake per marking period,” said Jaffe. “I also create a minimum standard for receiving the 50 percent. Students need to make an honest attempt at the assignment and

demonstrate [that] effort went into it.” Although teachers follow the basic guidelines of the 50-percent rule, many teachers feel that the rule ultimately hinders students’ overall performance. Jaffe believes that the implementation of the rule has “weakened students’ initial effort on tasks.” Social studies teacher Scott Allen agrees. Lack of effort can cause a “ripple effect,” he explained. “If they do not put actual effort into their class work or homework then they will not do well on formative and summative assessments. A 50 percent on everything is not passing.” Allen does understand the positive aspect of the rule, as it can help students from hitting rock-bottom. He feels that the rule helps students as long as they make an honest attempt at learning. “It keeps a student from completely ‘shutting down,’” he said. English teacher Brianna Russell said that in her interactions with parents and other teachers, they often are skeptical if the 50-percent rule prepares students for the real world. Although she doesn’t necessarily agree with the rule, she understands why some struggling students like it. “I know that the sentiment surrounding it from a lot of people from the older generation is you don’t get half your pay when you come to work,” Russell explained. So, parents and teachers are wondering, “why [is MCPS] setting up an expectation like this in an academic setting?”

School Community Mourns Student’s Tragic Death by Ketki Chauhan ‘16

Charles Federline, or CJ as he was called by his peers, was only a junior when he passed away on Friday, February 19. Federline had been battling depression for many years before ultimately taking his own life. A memorial service was held by the family to commemorate Federline’s life and was open to the community. Held February 23 at the Oak Room at the Sandy Spring Fire House, the service included an opening prayer and blessing by Pastor Clark Baisden and remarks by Principal Bill Gregory. Federline was known for enjoying fishing, which was noted in many of the memories written in the program for the service. Other reminiscences of Federline included summer visits to the creek in Chincoteague, Virginia, and his love for video games, swimming and playing

around. “I think his favorite part [about visiting his aunt] was going to the creek to fish. It was hard to get him to come home for meals. He was always very independent. I will miss those visits,” one memory from his aunt said. His tragic passing was mourned by the school community in many ways. A letter was written to the parents informing them of the death and included separate documentation with suggestions on discussing death. On the first day back from the weekend, grief counselors and psychologists were available to help students through their grieving. A banner was also set up across the health room for students wishing to write their heartfelt farewells to Federline. Federline’s parents have been open about the cause of his passing as a way to raise awareness about the dangers of depression, and encourage those in similar

Kayla Cohen ‘17

A display case near the main office was set up for CJ Federline. The tributes included pictures and other remembrances of the junior. situations to seek out help. Rates for both depression and suicide have increased among teens, making it important to pay attention to warning signs and to consult a trusted adult. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a

24-7 crisis hotline for those in need of help. The lifeline can be accessed online at www. or at 1-800-273-8255 to speak to a trained counselor at a crisis center.

The Warrior•News 2

March 17, 2016

Hogan Passes Executive Order To Help Students Afford College

Students ‘Feel the Bern’ Towards Election

Larry Hogan, the current governor of Maryland, signed an executive order on January 27 that creates the Maryland Early Graduation Scholarship Program. This program aims to make college more affordable for students who complete high school in three years or less. Under the program, students who have confirmed their acceptance to “any approved postsecondary educational institution in Maryland,” within six months of graduating early, as the state government’s website explained, will benefit from a scholarship of up to $6,000 for tuition and other expenses. The scholarship program will also save the state a tidy sum of money. Officials estimate that about 1,000 students would be eligible to receive the scholarship per year. Maryland spends about $7.4 million dollars putting 1,000 students through one year of public school. With this program, the state would be spending $6 million on giving scholarships instead, therefore saving about $1.4 million dollars each year. Although there are benefits to the new program, some are concerned that the incentive will pressure students to rush through school, causing them not to be prepared for college. As found in the comments of a recent Washington Post article, many have expressed dismay at Hogan’s decision. Among the comments are concerns for students’ wellbeing as they are already under pressure from rigorous coursework, and questions of Hogan’s real motive for the order—whether it was driven by helping students or helping the state’s budget.

Seen on T-shirts, sweatshirts, even phone cases, the phrase “Feel the Bern” highlights the enthusiasm that young people, including some Sherwood students, feel about democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. These young people’s engagement in the political process is made all the more surprising by the fact their excitement centers on a rumpled 74-year-old who is a two-term senator from Vermont. So what is it that makes Sanders so appealing? Senior Danielle Levy, a Sanders supporter, thinks the answer is the Vermont senator’s authentic zeal for his ideas. “The fact that he’s so passionate about his views and beliefs,” said Levy. “A lot of times when we think of old white men, we think of crabby Republican men who want to suppress our rights, and Sanders is very liberal and the opposite of this.” Levy describes him as her “grandpa,” which reflects that some young voters view his old age positively. However, it is his call for a “revolution” that most explains his appeal. Sanders has campaigned on a promise to close the massive income gap between the super-wealthy and other Americans. “He is one of the candidates that is truly for the people,” remarked sophomore Morgan Rowland. He also has made particular pitches that appeal specifically to young people, such as a call for free college tuition. “As a senior, I’m going to college, and he’s trying to make public college free, which, why wouldn’t it be?” observed Levy. “A lot of other countries have free education so why wouldn’t America want their education to be free?” Sanders has garnered a sub-

by Mallory Carlson ‘19

MD Stiffens Penalties for Parties by Morgan Hill ‘16

Spurred by the parents of two Wootton students killed in a drunk driving crash last summer, a Maryland Senate committee has voted to move forward with “Alex and Calvin’s Bill,” a measure that will impose jail time on adults who provide alcohol to minors or knowingly host parties where underage drinking takes place. The current penalty for adults who host underage drinking parties is solely a fine, $500 for each citation issued to a minor under that adult’s watch. The bill, if enacted, will not only impose jail time, but will also increase the fine to $5,000 for the first offense. Under this bill, adults who host these parties will, in addition to the fine, serve one year of jail time for the first offense and pay a fine of $7,500 with two years of jail time for each subsequent offense. Wootton 2015 graduates Alex Murk and Calvin Li, the bill’s namesake, were killed last June after their friend Samuel Ellis drove drunk with a blood alcohol content of .08 and tested positive for drugs. Kenneth Saltzman, the party’s host, did not provide the party-goers with alcohol, but acknowledged that underage drinking was happening at the party. “We’re not seeing change in the community … as we try to make sense of his death,” Li’s father said.

Students Earn Big for College by Shawn Yaftali ‘17 A majority of graduating seniors are faced with the dilemma of having to pay for costly college tuition. Several graduates have found a solution to this issue through, a startup website aimed at making college more accessible for students. The site provides a maximum of $80,000 to pay for college. Founded by three friends, Preston Silverman, George Kirkland and Dave Schuman in 2012, wanted to solve a problem: The United States offers billions of dollars for scholarships and grants each year, but only offer them during the end of high school. In most cases, this is too late to impact where students choose to apply or whether they apply at all. In order to solve this problem, the website works with colleges from across the country to provide “micro-scholarships,” or small payments for high school achievements, to students. The micro-scholarships are guaranteed if the student enrolls in the university that grants the scholarship. The aid is then given to the student across their college career. “That’s important because we don’t want students in a situation where they receive a lot of aid for their first year and in subsequent years aren’t receiving as much aid,” explained Silverman. has the backing of some big names, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Facebook. Recently, several well-known colleges such as Notre Dame, Penn State, and Carnegie Mellon have joined their ever-growing list of over 130 partnerships.

by Lydia Velazquez and Naomi Lawrence ‘17

Sanders: the Democratic Socialist by Kira Yates ‘16 When presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist, he is not talking about the government owning and controlling major industries or the Marxist theory that socialism is the transitional stage between capitalism and communism. Instead, Sanders argues that American workers deserve a lot more benefits, like what many workers around the world already receive. “Let me define for you, simply and straightforwardly, what democratic socialism means to me ... It builds on the success of many other countries around the world that have done a far better job than we have in protecting the needs of their working families, the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor,” Sanders explained. He likens this system to the types of government in many stantial amount of support across the board, including from celebrities such as actor Josh Hutcherson, who stars in the “Hunger Games” franchise. Other wellknown supporters of Sanders who have made appearances and played at his rallies include indie bands Vampire Weekend, Young the Giant, and Foster the People. “[The goal is] to get younger voters, like millennials, because the millennial voter rate is very low but the support for Bernie among millennials is very high. So I think he’s trying to encourage the voters to get out and actually vote,” explained senior Shoshana Rybeck. Although his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, continues to be the front-runner to win the nomination, Sanders looks posi-

Scandinavian countries of Europe. “I talked to a guy from Denmark, and he said, ‘In Denmark, it is very hard to become very, very rich, but it’s pretty hard to be very, very poor.’ And that makes a lot of sense to me,” Sanders said. He added that in Denmark, health care is a right for all, and college education is free. Sanders is running to “fight for a progressive economic agenda that creates jobs, raises wages, protects the environment and provides health care for all,” while taking “on the enormous economic and political power of the billionaire class,” according to his website. Sanders believes in closing the gap between the billionaire class and the rest of the country. In order to do this, Sanders plans to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour and to impose tax hikes and fees on the wealthiest Americans. tioned to stay in the contest for the long run. His upset win in the Michigan primary on March 8 bolstered his claim that his messages are resonating with voters in a variety of states. Now that Sanders has established himself as a legitimate candidate, some wonder if he has moved past the “Feel the Bern” slogan that began as a simple hashtag. “I liked it at first, but when he accepted it as his own slogan I didn’t like it,” said senior Blake Munshell, who supports Sanders. “I thought it was better as a joke that his voters came up with.” Levy thinks the slogan continues to work well for Sanders. “It’s really empowering, plays well with his name, and it’s easy to remember.”

Science Continues To Scorch Tanning by Samantha Schwartz ‘16 Indoor tanning has been linked to skin cancer and the Journal of American Medicine Association (JAMA) Dermatology recently published a new study examining associations between indoor tanning and melanoma among men and women younger than 50 years old. In the United States, melanoma cases are rising more steadily among women than men younger than 50 years old. The lead author of the study, DeAnn Lazovich of the University of Minnesota, set out to examine age-and sex-specific associations between indoor tanning and melanoma to determine if these trends could be due to greater indoor tanning use among younger women. This is the first study of its kind to tackle the gender correlations. The study was a population-based case-control study conducted in Minnesota of 681

patients (465 women) ages 25 to 49 years diagnosed as having melanoma between 2004 and 2007. The results suggested that as men and women start indoor tanning earlier, their risk of melanoma increases. In fact, only two of the 63 women study participants with melanoma did not tan indoors. For all the participants in the study, as the number of past tanning sessions increased, so did their risk of a melanoma diagnosis. Young women especially are drawn to an easy tan because they perceive tanned skin to be more appealing and socially acceptable than pale skin. This ideology is screwed into the heads of impressionable young adults through media platforms as they watch tanned and beautiful celebrities walk red carpets, strut runways and plaster advertisements. Tan skin has become a symbol for beauty, confidence, wealth and power. ABC News conducted a

study in which people determined whether an original photo or the doctored version of the photo where the participant appeared tanner was more attractive. The original photos and the tan versions were posted to the ABC News site at different times. The survey found that the darker version was twice as likely to be rated as more attractive. Society continually tells young people that tanned skin is better, but the dangers outweigh the aesthetics. There is no doubt that indoor tanning is dangerous. Forty-two states regulate the use of tanning facilities by minors by requiring a guardian’s permission, but only 11 states completely ban the use of indoor tanning for all minors. In Maryland, a parent or guardian’s permission or accompaniment is required. Alternatives for faux-tans may not be as effective and flawless, but studies show they are much safer than indoor tanning.

The Warrior•News


March 17, 2016

Spread of the Zika Virus Stricter Drunk Driving Law Introduced Causes Global Concerns in Maryland After Death of Local Officer by Meghan Proctor ‘16 The Zika virus became a global problem last month, and it continues to become a major issue around the world. The virus was first discovered in 1947, but was not a fear until May of last year, when the first case in Brazil was reported. The virus spread has to more than 23 countries across the Americas since then. The World Health Organization declared Zika a global health crisis on February 1. This virus is most commonly transmitted through a bite of an infected mosquito, but it is also likely that it can be transmitted through sexual contact. Common symptoms of Zika include fever, rash, pain in joints and muscles and eye redness. These symptoms generally last a few days and are not usually fatal. There is no vaccine to prevent the virus, nor is there a cure. The virus typically leaves the infected person’s bloodstream about a week after infection, and symptoms can be treated by getting plenty of rest and staying hydrated. However, the main concerns about the virus are for pregnant women who, if infected, can pass the virus to the fetus. Scientists have found evidence linking this virus to major birth defects, particularly microcephaly, which decreases the size of the infant’s head and brain. There is also a possibility that on rare occasions, the virus can lead to Guillain-Barré in adults, causing temporary paralysis. The rapid spread of the Zika virus has raised concerns regarding international travel, especial-

ly with the risk of pregnant women catching the virus resulting in birth defects. These concerns are especially prevalent regarding the 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil, where the virus is spreading particularly rapidly. While the International Olympic Committee has no plans on canceling the summer games or moving them to a new location, they are taking measures to ensure that as few people get infected as possible. Rio 2016 spokesperson Phil Wilkinson stated that one measure includes inspecting the stadium and surrounding area “on a daily basis during the Rio 2016 Games to ensure that there are no puddles of stagnant water and therefore minimize the risk of coming into contact with mosquitoes.” The main obstacle to monitoring the virus is the fact that only 20 percent of people with Zika show any symptoms, but those infected can still spread the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has also released a statement on its website advising pregnant women to “consider not going to the Olympics.” As of early March, over 150 cases of the Zika virus have been reported in the United States. In all of these cases, the patient contracted the virus while traveling overseas. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is currently developing a vaccine for the virus to prevent more people from getting infected, but it may take several years before it is available to the public. The NIAID predicts that trials for the vaccine can begin later this year.

by Tyler Ruth ‘16

In December of 2015, Montgomery County Police Officer Noah Leotta, a Class of 2009 Sherwood graduate, was participating in the annual Holiday Alcohol Task Force. He pulled over a car and mere moments later, a drunk driver in a Honda CRV crashed into him and his cruiser. He died seven days later. The driver, Luis Reluzco, was indicted on multiple charges including manslaughter and failure to yield to an emergency vehicle. Leotta’s story is sadly not a unique one, as last year in Montgomery County alone, 16 police cruisers were struck by drunk drivers. As a result, the Maryland legislature is introducing a new bill, named Noah’s Law, which aims to tighten up the relatively lax drunk driving laws of Maryland. The driver that killed Leotta had been convicted of drunk driving twice before in 1988 and 1990. Noah’s Law aims to not let drunk drivers get back on the road and commit the same crime again. The law would require ignition interlocks in car breathalyzers to be installed for all drunk drivers, even if the driver in question is a first-time offender. The breathalyzer would remain attached to the car for at least six months and possibly more depending on the severity of the case. If an offender blows more than a .08 blood alcohol concentration, the car will not start. With the Maryland Drunk Driving Reduction Act of 2011, current law requires interlocks for those convicted of driving drunk

courtesy to Sherwood Yearbook

with a blood alcohol concentration of more than a .15, almost twice the legal limit. Of all drunk driving convictions in Maryland, 70 percent have blood alcohol concentrations of .15 or higher. In all other convictions where the driver has a blood alcohol less than a .15, drivers are free to return to the road with little more than a fine and possible jail time unless, upon review of the case, the judge orders the driver to have an interlock. If Maryland passes Noah’s Law, it would be the 26th state to establish legislation that requires interlocks for all drivers convicted of drunk driving above the .08 blood alcohol concentration threshold. For the past eight years, similar legislation has been considered by the Maryland legislature, but each time the law had failed. There was still much

doubt this law would pass this time around as Maryland House Judiciary Chair Joseph Vallario has blocked bills to harden drunk driving laws for the past six years, but in a surprise action, Vallario, along with the rest of the House Judiciary Committee, voted for the bill to move to the House floor. Vallario is a defense attorney who has represented drunk drivers. The statistics supporting ignition interlocks are undeniable. According to the Centers for Disease Control, interlocks have reduced drunk driving by 67 percent in the states where interlocks are required for all drunk-driving convictions. Mothers Against Drunk Driving reports that they have prevented 1.7 million drivers from driving drunk since 1999, and there have been 39-percent less repeat offenders.

The Warrior thanks its many wonderful patrons: Abramowitz Family, Allen Family, Averbach Family, Frank and Alexis Bentz, Brian and Michelle Butler, Audra and Brian Bray, Rick and Rita Brigham, Durond and Lisa Brown, Jan and Bill Carlson, Chauhan Family, Amy and Larry Cohen and Family, Cooper Family, Deal Family, Deffinbaugh Family, Dymond Family, Falcigno Family, Rosanne Ferris, Ms. Frensilli, Ann Gallahan, Ganey Family, Jonathan and Ruth Golomb, Gormley Family, Graham Family, Lisa and Jeff Choon Hee Hahn, Brittany and Chris Hart, Hein Family, Hill Family, Joe and Karen Hughes, Jonas Family, Kanaskie Family, Susan Mize and Steve Kanstoroom, Kendall Family, Randy and Nancy Keyes, Kuhlmann Family, Lampshire Family, Levy Family, Little Family, Loughner Family, Malakoff Family, Janet Mednik, Scott and Janice Jonas, Newman Family, Niverth Family, Nnabue Family, O’Connell Family, Paidas Family, Peloff Family, Pletcher/Stinehelfer Family, Proctor Family, Ruth Family, Rosendorf Family, Laura and Craig Sanchez, Sentner Family, Schwartz Family, Sousane Family, Suissa Family, Sutherland Family, Spillman Family, Tagliere Family, Thornwell-Williams Family, Tobb Family, Tom Family, Weinberger Family, Stacey Wells, Andy and Bev White, Lynn Fields and Steve White, Williams Family, Cal Wilson, Todd and Renate Wilson, Witkin Family, Yates Family If you are interested in becoming a patron, contact Peter Huck at or go to the Warrior Online at

The Warrior•News 4

March 17, 2016

Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival: The End of the Evans Era by Sara Casareto ‘16 After the success of the 45th Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival show, music teacher Bill Evans can relax more as he nears his retirement at the end of the school year. Evans has worked at the school for 37 years as a teacher of choral music and music technology, as the past official department chair and current unofficial one for the music department, and as a director for Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival. The Warrior interviewed Evans on February 25, just eight days before opening night. Even at lunch, when there was no scheduled rehearsal there was a lot going on with volunteers painting the set and figuring out the lighting and effects needed for the stage, and students on stage practicing a Beatles’ medley. It’s amazing that a music production has become such a big tradition at our school; what kept you so driven and passionate about the show? Thirty-seven years is a long time. Yes, it is. You just have to continually try and grow yourself and bring it to the show. But what has kept me passionate is the increased involvement by more people; by more alumni, more parents, and more directors. We started out with just two people pretty much running the show, and now we are up to dozens of adults that make it happen.

Sara Casareto ‘16

Evans works the soundboard during a practice for Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival. How do you and all the other directors come up with these incredible and diverse themes year after year? It’s a joint effort sometimes, like last year it was student Rachyl Hackett that came up with the theme “Dancing in the Streets.” This year “Turn, Turn, Turn” was my idea. When [former teacher] Mr. Orndorf was directing year after year, we would work together throwing ideas around. He would sometimes base it off the set. It’s changed over the years but the planning has usually been a collaborative effort of several people. Throughout all of that time and work you must have created a lot of memories. This might be a tough one, but what’s one of the most memorable memories you have of Rock ‘n’ Roll?

I don’t know about a favorite moment but one of my most memorable Rock ‘n’ Roll moments was in the mid-80s, I showed up to the Sherwood Rock ‘n’ Roll matinée and there was the entire Montgomery County SWAT team parked right in the back parking lot. They were here to do a big drug bust in the area. I went back there, being in my 20s or so, and went right up to them saying, “You guys can’t be here we have thousands of people coming,” and they said, “Oh yes we can, we’re the Montgomery County SWAT team.” They then asked, “Well what time’s your show” and I said, “It’s at two o’clock.” “Oh well we’ll be gone by then.” They went around to the upper Montgomery County area and arrested about 20 or 30 people. That was the weirdest story for sure.”

A lot of the kids in Rock ‘n’ Roll are also your students in school, either in a choir or in your electronic music class. What’s it like working with them outside of the classroom? It is quite different, especially when you travel with students or take students on field trips or have them for Rock ‘n’ Roll. You get a chance to know more about their personal habits. They have to show up for rehearsals, they have to be responsible in a different way than they do in school. After this year, do you plan on helping out with the choirs or with Rock ‘n’ Roll? No, I’ll really only come to see the shows. What has it been like working with Alex Silverbook and Mike Maddox? Fantastic. It’s great to see them take over. Mr. Silverbook is now in his sixteenth year. He’s built the program up so much and done a great job. Mr. Maddox is learning the ropes and running the rehearsals down here on stage and doing a fabulous job. Do you feel that these two are ready to take the helm on Rock ‘n’ Roll and the music department next year? Most definitely, I’m not doing that much at all this year. I’m just sitting back and smiling.

Turn, Turn, Turn to the Future of R’n’R by Alleigh Keyes ‘16 Assistant director Mike Maddox will be taking over the show next year. Already, he has taken advantage of technology by uploading music and files to a Dropbox account, implementing a text message alert system, and running a Facebook group. Maddox has also helped to greatly improve the quality of background vocals since he arrived three years ago because he holds background vocals to high standards. Most songs featured in the show are rock n’ roll classics; however, Maddox has contributed to some of the ‘80s and ‘90s songs in the show. He plans on upholding the show’s legacy. “Rock ‘n’ Roll is an amazing tradition that is older than I am. All I can hope to do is continue that tradition, and do everything I can to help the students perform in a way that is entertaining and authentic,” Maddox said. Additionally, he cites Rock ‘n’ Roll as one of the best parts of his job. “Throughout the entire process of the show, from auditions, to song selection, long rehearsals, and two packed weekends of performances, I always feel lucky that this is what I get to do for a living,” Maddox said.

MCPS Makes the Change Evolution of the Well-Known Barbie from CALENDAR, pg. 1 even offense towards non-celebrators. Others argue kids drawing leprechauns in class hardly qualifies as offensive. It also raises the difficult question of how far systems must reach to include everyone; by celebrating days sacred to large groups, smaller groups will likely take offense and demand they too have their special days commemorated. As more groups are allowed inclusion, it proves harder to draw a line for niche groups of few celebrators and risk an uproar, as having implied some groups are superior to others. Schools must then choose to be extremely selective, denounce holidays altogether, or acknowledge dozens more holidays. MCPS has not been immune to this controversy either. After a seven-to-one vote from the Board of Education, the 2015-16 calendar features a new official calendar that, like DC and Fairfax’s calendars, never explicitly mentions any holidays. While the same days will be given off for “high absenteeism,” their religious references have been erased. The decision comes after backlash from the Muslim community last April, following MCPS’s refusal to acknowledge the holiday Eid al-Adha, and the

claims of discrimination that followed. The move came as a great relief for the Board, who avoided a major confrontation with Muslims without having to add more off-days to the school year—but the problem didn’t end there. Local parents were quick to chime in that the move was a ‘clumsy’ quick-fix that evades the larger issue of lack of diverse religious representation in the county. “We really just alienated everybody,” said Michael Durso, the sole board member who voted against the act. While the seven who voted in favor responded to cries of anti-Muslim intolerance that there was ‘no other clear-cut solution,’ Howard County Public Schools has proven quite the opposite; as of this January, Chinese New Year, Eid al-Adha, and the Hindu holiday Diwali will officially be added to Christian and Jewish holidays as off-days for the school system. It is unlikely MCPS will take an approach as polarizing as Bruce Vento’s anytime soon, but also equally unlikely that they will follow in Howard County’s open-armed footsteps. Still, the county certainly isn’t catching a break in their ‘neutrality,’ so time will tell how MCPS can solve this complex problem.

by Elizabeth Thach ‘18 White, skinny, and youthful has been the iconic look for Barbie dolls since they were released in 1959. However, this will no longer be the case, as Mattel, a U.S. multinational toy manufacturer, has released a new line of Barbie dolls that aims to break these narrow beauty standards. “Girls everywhere now have infinitely more ways to play out their stories and spark their imaginations through Barbie. Along with more overall diversity, we proudly add three new body types to our line,” the company stated on its website. Barbie dolls will now be sold in seven skin tones, 22 eye colors, 24 hairstyles, and three new body sizes: petite, tall, and curvy. The new versions will be sold alongside the original Barbie doll, making this one of the most drastic changes in Barbie history. Mattel’s action also represents a cultural shift in the American society as citizens have become more tolerant of body diversity and sexuality. The U.S. toymaker recently created an Abigail (Abby) Wambach doll, based off the retired U.S. soccer player who is a lesbian. The doll is part of Barbie’s “Shero” collection, dolls that honor real-life women and “like Barbie, have broken bound-

The Barbie dolls above are models of the franchise’s latest release. aries, challenged gender norms and proven girls can be anything they want to be” according to Time magazine. “This is radical because we’re saying there isn’t this narrow standard of what a beautiful body looks like,” said Robert Best, the senior director of Barbie product design. In the past, Mattel has received negative criticism due to their dolls having exaggerated body proportions. Barbie sales fell by four percent in 2015, and the company’s stock price plummeted by nearly 43 percent in 2013. According to a British study conducted by the University of Sussex, Barbie dolls have contributed to the development of low-self esteem and poor body image because they are not an

accurate representation of the female body. Children are strongly affected by their surroundings, especially when children see dolls as role models which in this case is a beautiful, fresh-faced American woman. Mattel has received many comments on Twitter and Facebook. There were even a few comments that mentioned a possible change to Ken, the male counterpart of Barbie. Changes to the Ken doll could also be a positive decision, because the dolls can create a broad perspective of male body standards and demonstrate that dolls are not exclusive to girls. Not only does the company hope the new dolls will influence children to grow and accept diversity, but also to bolster Mattel’s financial bottom line.

The Warrior•News March 17, 2016


Dechter Gains New Perspective on Life Following Accident by Maddie Peloff ‘16 Last year, the Olney community faced a tragic accident involving three of Sherwood’s students. On Aug. 30, 2015, Labor Day weekend, Austin Hall, Max Dechter, and Shawn Gangloff left a party where they had been drinking. Hall lost control of his vehicle on Hines Road and crashed into a massive oak tree just yards from a townhouse complex. All three were taken to area hospitals and Gangloff, a popular junior, died the next day. While Hall was released from the hospital within a few days, Dechter faced more traumatic injuries. He shattered his right elbow, had three fractures in his neck, and experienced swelling in his brain. After spending five weeks in shock trauma, Dechter moved to a rehab facility where, for six months, he slowly regained his health. Those months Dechter spent in the hospital were some of the hardest of his life, as well as his parents’ lives. “We went from one minute thinking he wasn’t going to make it to then having him in the hospital for so long,” said his mother, Jackie Dechter. “He had to relearn how to do everything. He couldn’t walk, he couldn’t eat, he couldn’t breathe on his own.” While the months of rehab were incredibly difficult, Dechter and his family were overwhelmed with the community’s incredible outreach. All of Olney rallied around supporting the Dechter family. Overall, “the community was unbelievably supportive and

wonderful,” said Jackie Dechter. “We didn’t appreciate that until his accident. We didn’t realize how many good friends we had and not just that, people we didn’t even know reached out and helped us in a lot of different ways.” Not only was the community incredible, but Dechter’s friends were a constant support in his recovery process. While most of his friends were extremely supportive, helping him through the process at every step, he also realized that some of his friends weren’t his true friends. “I learned who to stay away from,” Dechter said. “My friends who were just into drugs and stuff were not my real friends.” Before the accident, Dechter was an active kid. He played on the school’s lacrosse team. He had many friends and a busy social life. Today, he cannot maneuver a lacrosse stick in his right hand and the way he spends his free time has changed dramatically. If not for the accident, Dechter would have graduated last year. Now, he is in an entirely new grade, without his core group of friends that graduated, but he is enjoying every minute of it. “I’m doing great in my classes and it’s just awesome to finally be able to get out of the house and do something,” said Dechter. Dechter currently attends school on a half-day schedule and has so far been extremely grateful to his teachers and administration. Both he and his mother emphasized that the staff was incredible

Kayla Cohen ‘17

After spending six months in rehab, Max Dechter has restarted his senior year and uses his experience to advise students to make better decisions. Dechter has kept an optimistic attitude and a positive perspective. when Dechter returned to school, particularly his teachers. Dechter explained that teachers, like science teacher Britani Greco and English teacher Melissa Flowers, really helped him catch back up after missing a full year of school. As a whole, the accident completely changed Dechter’s outlook on life. Before, he got into a lot of trouble, even calling himself “a really bad kid.” Now, however, he’s changed his life around. “I’m not into the same stuff I was,” said Dechter. “I’m going to college next year. I have a lot of goals.” In fact, Dech-

ter has already received his first college acceptance letter from a school in Fort Lewis, Colorado. Because of the accident, Dechter gained a new perspective on life as well as a new appreciation for his parents. After his mom came to visit him every day in Baltimore during his rehab, Dechter explained that he grew a new respect for her. His mother also explained that she and Dechter’s father gained a new appreciation for him. “He had a really long struggle and he’s still in it. He’s a good kid. I’ve got a new friendship, for sure,” she said.

While Dechter’s accident caused him so much pain and trouble, his bright spirit and positive attitude help keep him looking forward. He’s grown closer with his family and friends, gained goals and plans for the future, and seen a truly incredible community response. However, if he could warn students of anything, it would be to never get in the car with a drunk driver. It’s something students should already know, but Dechter stressed that if someone has been drinking or smoking, keep out of their car to remain safe.

MCPS Chooses New Superintendent Weighing the Positives by Alex Nnabue ‘18 and Negatives of Fitbits

After a year-long search, the MCPS Board of Education voted unanimously on February 4 to conditionally name Dr. Jack Smith as the next superintendent. Last year, former Superintendent Joshua Starr resigned five months prior to his term ending, after it became apparent that the board would not renew his contract. The board then nominated a new superintendent from Texas who later withdrew for a job offer in Ohio. Afterwards, Larry Bowers, who is expected to retire in July, was named interim superintendent of MCPS in order to fill the position while the search continued. Smith is the current interim state superintendent of Maryland schools. He has also served as the superintendent of Calvert County Public Schools and was named the Maryland Superintendent of the Year in 2013. Smith says he is ready to tackle the numerous issues that MCPS faces. “I certainly am excited, nervous, humble, and very much looking forward to this opportunity and this effort to work on behalf of all children,” said Smith who narrowed in on a specific issue that concerns him

by Megan Werden ‘17

courtesy of MCPS

as he spoke to Fox 5 News following his appointment, “...the significant range of graduation rates across 25 schools...something that we should talk about right away.” Graduation rates among county high schools range from 78 percent to 98 percent. Smith said MCPS’s diversity is “a gift” and that he plans to address the different obstacles that exist for the various student populations. Other major issues include racial and socioeconomic achievement gaps, budget costs, technology, and the overgrowing enrollment. MCPS held numerous public

meetings and forums to lay out expectations and desired qualities that students and parents expected to see in the next superintendent. Having reviewed more than 70 impressive applications and conducting 11 interviews with candidates across the nation, the MCPS Board of Education and their search consultants concluded that Smith was the best fit for the county. He is expected to begin his four-year term as superintendent on July 1. In the meantime, numerous public meetings will be held so that the MCPS community can meet its new superintendent.

Fitbits are devices that contain a 3D motion sensor that track calories burned according to how many steps one has taken, distance traveled and sleep quality. It is recommended that people take 10,000 steps a day. While Fitbits and other fitness trackers are beneficial to help people track their activity, psychologists are starting to question how beneficial these health devices are for one’s mental health. Some psychologists think that people begin to obsess about improving themselves and then begin to feel like failures when they do not reach a certain goal while using fitness trackers like the Fitbit. Psychologists are beginning to worry that Fitbits and other fitness trackers will lead to people becoming obsessive over exercise, resulting in an unhealthy fixation on losing weight. “I think Fitbits can easily become an obsession with calculating calories, but can also be very beneficial for those who have always been unaware of their physical activity. I think a person has

to be conscious about whether it would actually help them or not,” said physical education teacher Ashley Barber-Strunk. Teens utilize fitness trackers, which cost about $150, to monitor their activity and sleep. “I think it keeps people motivated, but not to a point of obsession,” said junior Stella Lappas, an avid Fitbit user. Lappas checks it every hour or two. Her goal is set at 10,000 steps per day, but she usually logs about 12,000 to 15,000. Calorie counters, like My Fitness Pal and Lose It, also help users learn about another component of health: food intake. One enters personal information manually, and the calorie counter decides how many calories should be consumed a day depending on the person’s weight, height, age, gender, general activity and health goals. Like devices that track exercise, those that measure food intake also come with unintended consequences. Calorie counters and fitness trackers can lead people’s health in the right direction, but with incorrect usage, they can have detrimental impacts too.

The Warrior•Fears and Phobias 6

March 17, 2016

Interesting Phobias Ablutophobia - fear of bathing Stasibasiphobia - fear of standing

Dendrophobia fear of trees

cartoon by Sidney Brown ‘17

Psychology Explains Fears Versus Phobias by Madison Dymond ‘16

Everyone has fears. Most of us shudder at the thought of bugs crawling up our arms or feel our hearts racing before a big presentation, and we all have a survival instinct that makes us fear anything that may lead us to harm or even death. Few, however, are so afraid of something that it prevents them from living their lives. The textbook, “Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World,” defines a phobia as “a fear of an object or situation that is disproportionate to the threat it poses.” Fear is merely “anxiety experienced in response to a particular threat.” A fear becomes a phobia when the response to the threat is not appropriate or what is deemed as rational. Many people fail to acknowledge a difference between phobias and fears or downplay the magnitude of distress that phobias can cause. Specific phobias affect

about nine percent of the general population; however, if asked, the majority of people would likely claim to have a phobia. Phobias are part of the anxiety disorders family, which includes disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They are actual diagnoses and can make life extremely difficult for individuals who have these phobias. Phobias usually develop during childhood and are often caused by a traumatic experience or a mixture of social and biological factors. The causes of phobias may often be repressed memories, which makes it hard for people to pinpoint when their phobia started. This makes it harder to fix the problem, since it is extremely difficult to find a solution without knowing the cause. Despite this obstacle, there is still plenty of help for those

with phobias. Phobic disorders are most commonly treated with exposure therapy. This involves slowly exposing the patient to the threat until he/she is either desensitized from the threat or feels that he/she is able to properly defend him/herself against it. Social anxiety (also called social phobia) is probably the most common phobic disorder among high school students. Many students decline invitations to social gatherings or avoid dating due to their unrelenting fear that they will say or do the wrong thing. In the mildest cases, a phobia can make one feel anxious to enter a situation. In the most extreme cases, it can keep someone for leaving their house for decades. The use of the word “phobia” may be tossed around, and for the most part, this actually leads people to be more accepting of people with phobias, but the lack of knowledge about phobic disorders leads to assumptions.

Psellismophobia - fear of stuttering

Logizomechanophobia fear of computers

Omphalophobia - fear of belly buttons

Papaphobia fear of the pope

Xenoglossophobia fear of foreign languages ~Brian Hayre ‘16

The Warrior•Fears and Phobias March 17, 2016

Say Farewell to Bozo by Milan Polk ‘16 Clowns are supposed to be a great form of entertainment

for kids and adults alike, yet something about an unknown adult adorned with make-up causes fear and discomfort in many. The fear has garnered so much attention it has become a legitimate phobia called coulrophobia. Possible reasoning as to why there is a common fear of clowns is that they were always scary, but people have only just now begun to acknowledge it. In present times, distrust in strangers is more common than it was in the past. Clowns are not only physically masked, but their actual lives are completely hidden from their audience, which can be unsettling. The separation of life and character may be for the best, considering the first widely famous clown, Joseph Grimaldi, an English 19th century clown, was a drunk with a lonely life which contrasted with his upbeat performance. His cheery nature in light of his misfortune made audiences adore him, although some did find the contrast strange. Besides Grimaldi, other famous clowns have been known for their sinister sides, like a 19th century Parisian clown who bludgeoned a child to death for insulting him. Over time, popular culture has replaced the happy and innocent nature of clowns usually seen in the past with an new image of a dangerous and deranged clown, with books such as Stephen King’s “It,” in which a demon is set loose to wreak havoc posing as a killer clown, and the “Saw” movie franchise featuring a creepy clown puppet. Not to mention the real-life terror of 1970s serial killer John Wayne Gacy, who dressed up as a clown to lure his young victims. The exact future of the clumsy clown caricature is unclear, but it seems that clowns’ days as widely welcomed comedians may be long gone as people have developed phobias of them.


Barophobia Leads to Gravitational Fear by Connor Brady ‘17

Barophobia is defined as the fear of gravity. Not to be confused with the fear of heights, people who suffer from barophobia live in constant fear of two possible scenarios. One is when gravity will simply disappear and they will float away. The second scenario is they fear that gravity will become too strong and crush them. Just like any other phobia, one can get it by simply having an experience in these conditions. A person could have fallen from a great height and gotten hurt, or just watched TV and saw a situation where there is no gravity. No matter what the experience is, this phobia causes irrational reactions and anxiety attacks just at the thought of gravity.

Some symptoms of this phobia can be minute or life changing. Some victims could just be uncomfortable with the thought of gravity while others are scared to leave their homes and live out their daily lives. Those who have severe barophobia suffer from breathlessness, muscle tension, tremors, and the feeling of being trapped or out of control. Most people seek help once they realize they have an irrational fear of gravity. Although most who suffer from barophobia are often able to diagnose and cope with the phobia themselves, there are some cases where people can’t cope with it on their own. Just like any other phobia, those who need treatment go to therapy to learn how to cope with their phobia so they no longer have to live in fear.

Agoraphobia Causes Panic about Panic by Will Van Gelder ‘16 The fear of panicking in public, or agoraphobia, can cause some people afflicted by this panic disorder to stay in their homes for years on end due to fear of panicking in a public place. Agoraphobics were once viewed with much disdain, but in recent years these “shutins” have become more widely accepted as their phobia has become better understood. Celebrities such as Woody Allen, Barbra Streisand and “Home Alone” star Macaulay Culkin have suffered from this debilitating

phobia. The phobia has been widely depicted in TV shows such as “Better Call Saul” and movies such as “Hairspray.” Naturally, the symptoms of agoraphobia not only affect the patient, but often place an undue burden on family and friends, as they often have to deliver food and other supplies to the sufferer. Agoraphobia can now be successfully treated through a psychotherapy process known as exposure, which subjects sufferers to the things that make them panic in order to desensitize them of their fear.

Human Evolution Shows How To Face Your Fears and Move On Reason Behind Some Fears by Meghan Kimberling ‘17 by Bryse Thornwell ‘16

Why do most humans jump at the sight of 50 spiders but not at 50 cars on a highway? Why do most humans scream in terror at the sight of a snake, but shrug at, or even welcome, a fast-food restaurant? In America, 38,300 people died in motor vehicle accidents last year alone, but only an average of six people die from spider bites each year. Likewise, over half of America’s adult population is at risk for high cholesterol or high blood pressure related death, while an average of five people die each year from snake bites. We jump in response to fear through our “fight or flight” system, which is our mechanism that allows us to escape danger. One of the responsibilities of the amygdala, a structure located in the limbic system in our brains, is to associate fear to different situations. While everyone has their own list of fears, evidence proves that certain fears are more widespread than others because they are rooted in our biology. The evolutionary perspective in psychology is an approach that explains psychological traits such as memory, perception, and language as adaptations. Natural selection, the process where organisms who adapt better to their environment usually survive and reproduce, can explain why certain fears are more widespread throughout humanity than others with the same or even a greater potential to cause harm. Our ancestors learned to assess what was dangerous and

threatening, and to respond with a reaction of fear. Those who successfully avoided dangerous and threatening stimuli were then able to pass their genes and behavior down to future generations. Since natural selection and evolution take thousands of years, this could easily explain why fears that proved threatening to the survival of our ancestors, such as potentially dangerous predators, heights, and wide open spaces remain prominent while fears of recent inventions like motorcycles or new findings in climate change are not as common. One way to assess the effects of evolution on widespread fears is to compare humans to lesser evolved animals. A study involving newborn rhesus monkeys proved that they were afraid of toy snakes and toy crocodiles, but not of a toy rabbit. The monkey most likely feared the snake and crocodile because it perceived them as predators, but the monkey was still able to assume the rabbit would not cause it harm. Now, if you expose the monkey to a gun, it would be expected to display the same reaction as to the rabbit because its ancestors have not had enough experience to allow the monkey to perceive a firearm as a threat. Thus, the evolutionary theory in psychology can help explain why humans are more likely to fear snakes, spiders, and heights than threats from our modern environment. Electricity, motorized vehicles, and global warming are all too new for our biology to adapt to in the near future.

Are there any fears that you wish you could overcome? Fear of public speaking? Fear of heights? Roller coasters? Circus clowns? Good news: there is a way “out.” Just like in other aspects of life, admitting you have a problem is the first step to overcoming your fear and enjoying a fuller life. If you aren’t ready to face your fears, odds are that you won’t. At the same time, clinging to a fear, instead of trying to conquer it, makes the fear define who you are, sidelining you from living your life to the fullest. “If you change your behavior, your thoughts and feelings will change. You can’t wait for your thoughts and feeling to change, you need to change your behavior first,” counsels Alice Boyes, Ph.D. and psychology author. Avoidance does not make the change for you. Psychologists and doctors around the world have taken overcoming fears one step further: exposure therapy. The therapy is not a new concept but overcoming fears allows one to live their life to the fullest, making it a very popular treatment. The idea is that the patient is exposed to their fear without any real danger in order to “train” their minds to ignore the fear stimuli messages. “Overcoming fear is about learning to predict and, when possible, control the feared object or situation. During exposure therapy one learns how to approach the feared object or situation, so that it is no longer unpredictable and uncontrollable which makes it far

Methods of Exposure Therapy

Flooding: immersing yourself in your fear until the fear reflex fades away Counter-conditioning: substitution of a relaxation response for the fear reflex when exposed to the fear trigger Modeling: watching another go through the phobic stimuli, responding with relaxation rather than fear less threatening,” stated Katherina K. Hauner, a post-doctoral fellow in neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, in the Huffington Post. Exposure therapy originated in the 1900s, rooting from Ivan Pavlov’s classical conditioning. Over the past 30 years, exposure therapy has exponentially grown in popularity. In fact prolonged exposure therapy has shown greater success than supportive counseling in adolescent teens with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to Penn

Medicine. Of course, it helps to have coping mechanisms along the way as you incrementally expose yourself to more fearful situations. For instance, being mindful of your fear and recognizing when it starts (i.e. sweaty palms, tightening muscles) is a starting point to developing a coping mechanism. Once you are more aware of your fears and its symptoms, you start to let them come and go without being too judgmental of yourself or your symptoms.

The Warrior•Features 8

March 17, 2016

Local Man Completes ‘American Ninja Warrior’ by Natalie Murray ‘18 Geoff Britten seems like a fairly typical Olney resident— he’s a husband, a father, and a professional cameraman. But Britten is not an ordinary soccer dad, he’s a man who recently made history. Last summer, Britten became the first person ever to complete the final stage of Mount Midoriyama—the last in a set of obstacle courses in the NBC show “American Ninja Warrior.” The show features people from around the country who attempt to complete challenging obstacle courses. The top 30 in each of the city finals courses go to Las Vegas to attempt Mount Midoriyama, a four-part course that, for the first six years of the show, seemed impossible to master. This past season, however, two athletes completed stage three—Britten and Isaac Caldiero. Both moved on to Stage Four, where they had to climb a 75-foot rope in under 30 seconds. Although both completed the climb,

Geoff Britten, a local resident, is shown completing a rigorous obstacle. Caldiero’s time was 3.6 seconds faster than Britten’s, so he took home the million-dollar prize. Despite being seconds from becoming a millionaire, Britten is happy with his accomplishments. “The fact that I beat stage four was just incredible,” said Britten. “I’ve never been sad about not having a faster time or not winning a million dollars, be-

cause my goal was always to beat it, and I did.” Not only was Britten the first ever to complete stage four, he is also the only person in American Ninja Warrior history to have a perfect season. Unlike Caldiero, who fell in the second to last obstacle in the Kansas City finals, Britten completed every single course he went up against.

His accomplishments earn him almost daily recognition around town, as well as at work. “I’m a professional cameraman, and people used to ask me, every day, ‘Hey, could you put me on the big screen?’ Now people tap me on the shoulder and ask, ‘Hey, weren’t you on American Ninja Warrior?’” said Britten. In order to balance his roles as a father, husband, and cameraman with his Ninja Warrior training, Britten trains at nearby gyms like Earth Treks in Rockville, Alternate Routes in White Marsh, and also has a small training area in his own house. “What helps the most in my training is having my family come with me,” said Britten. “We’ve made it into something fun where we can all go and do it.” His wife, Jessica, who also competed in on the show, and his six-year-old daughter, Allison, are not only his family, his training partners, and part of his cheering section, but also a major source of motivation. “Watching my wife, my

daughter, my mom, and my dad there cheering for me, that to me is so much more special than getting to compete at all,” said Britten. With everything Britten has achieved, it would seem that there isn’t much that can keep him down. However, a 103-degree fever left him unable to compete on the American Ninja Warrior spinoff show, “USA vs. The World,” in which teams of American, European, and Japanese Ninja Warriors compete against each other. Britten has been aching for a second chance ever since. “I felt awful, I felt like a quitter, it just felt brutal. I’ll always regret that I wasn’t able to push on further,” said Britten. “Going into next season, that’s really my only goal, to get a chance to redeem myself.” As Britten achieved his first goal, beating stage four, it will be interesting to see if he can accomplish his next one when Season Eight premieres next summer. Make sure to tune in to watch the local ninja warrior.

Maya Koeppen ‘17

Junior Renaldo Smith laughs with a fellow runner and friend at track practice after school.

Track Star’s Humble Beginnings by Isabella Pilot ‘18 We’ve all heard it a million times before; the story of the American Dream. Someone leaves their home country to come to the land of opportunity, and is greeted by Lady Liberty upon arrival. At this point it all seems a little cliché. But walking beside us in the halls, using the same desks we do is proof that the American Dream is still very much alive. This proof is junior Renaldo Smith. Smith moved from Kingston, Jamaica to Maryland in 2014, and has been attending school here ever since. “My life was pretty hard in Jamaica. The reason why is because my mom died and I started doing a lot of bad things,” said Smith, but you would never know about his rough past from his persona. Anyone who has met Smith can agree that he is one of the most charismatic, cheerful members of the student body. This optimism comes from his drive to succeed, particularly in track and field. “I started running when I was four years old. When I was six, I started running track for my preschool, then through middle school. No other sports, just track all my life.” Smith has used track as his biggest tool in adjusting to the new environment. “The transition was so easy because my mind was so focused on track. Back home in Jamaica, track is the main sport. Everybody wants to be fast. The fastest man, Usain Bolt, lives there, so everybody wants to be like him,” said Smith.

“ I can only be myself. I set my own standards. Hopefully I can go far in this thing.” But in order to remain eligible for track, Smith must keep his grades up. He has studied hard and is now expected to graduate in 2017, a year earlier than originally planned. School in the United States is very different from his school in Jamaica. “Here I get more help. Back there, the teachers just expected you to figure things out yourself, but here I get help from teachers and honor society members.” Smith plans on attending a culinary arts school to study his other major passion, cooking. “My love for cooking is out of this world. I enjoy it because it is an art, and when I cook I love to see people happy,” said Smith. He takes cooking classes at Sherwood, and hopes to one day become a head chef at a restaurant. Rather than covering up his mistakes, Smith is growing and becoming the best version of himself. He has opened up to his teammates and his friends, informing them of his life in Jamaica and trusting them to help him get through high school so he can move on to bigger and better things. “Watching him grow is remarkable. I’m so proud of him and all the progress he’s made here. He’s the most amazing guy I know,” said sophomore Amy Guenterburg, one of Smith’s closest friends on track. So whenever you start to believe that the American Dream is dead, keep Renaldo Smith in mind. This is only the beginning of a successful journey for him in the United States.

The Warrior•Features March 17, 2016


Granny is Not the Only One Rocking the Gray Hair Style

by Katherine Sperduto ‘19

that coloring is

at-home therapy? by Maya Koeppen ‘17 What used to be a favorite childhood pastime is quickly emerging again as a new trend in the form of adult coloring books. Holding five of the top 10 bestselling spots on Amazon, these books have been quickly surging in popularity as a unique alternative to meditation. Books feature intricate designs of anything from nature to mandalas (diagram, chart, or geometric pattern of Indian origin) and are intended to de-stress the user through coloring. Despite their widespread popularity, few know of the actual science behind the books. Although it is not considered a form of art therapy, coloring still has many healing qualities. Among coloring’s benefits is its ability to induce a state of focus and mindfulness in the individual that is similar to that of meditation. Dr. Stan Rodski, a neuropsychologist and author of his own line of coloring books, notes that this response stems from the details and repetition of patterns associated with coloring. Even so much as choosing whether or not to color the sun yellow or orange, gets the mind working. The prefrontal cortex of the brain, responsible for many of the decisions in one’s daily life, is served well by this series of insignificant choices; further allowing the “colorist” to enjoy an immense amount of self-control in the midst of their otherwise hectic and previously mapped-out schedules. For individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and more, coloring

could be just the prescription for these and a slew of other mental and emotional health issues as well. Focusing the mind on the carefree nature of coloring can help these individuals by diminishing their natural state of worry in a way that is both calming and productive. Probably one of the best example of this process in action is the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung’s prescription of coloring mandalas to his patients over a hundred years ago. Through further diagnoses, Jung became aware of the calming properties that are now attributed to coloring and he expressed a belief that mandalas, being more than just shapes, symbolize a deeper expression of oneself. Aside from its therapeutic benefits, coloring is also found to have intellectual and physical benefits for the individual as well. Intellectually, the physical act of coloring can help with organizational and problem-solving skills. Coloring activates the frontal lobes in the brain, and the execution of complex color schemes to create aesthetically pleasing results trains the brain to think in a new and colorful way. Physically, coloring can suppress feelings of pain from a variety of diseases and enhance motor skills. Coloring is a great way to take a break from the world and lose oneslf in the world of swirls, shapes, and colors. Such coloring books can be bought at many bookstores. So whether one has a big test coming up or one just needs some “me” time at the end of a long day, the best way to treat your brain and your body is to break out those pencils and get coloring.

Many middle-aged women, and even men, hyperfocus on covering up their gray roots, but one of the hottest trends today among young people is the “Granny Hair” trend. Don’t be fooled by the name “Granny Hair,” dyed locks of silver, gray, lavender, soft blue, or even white, the dyed hair looks anything but old. Having seen this hot trend on Instagram and other forms of social media, senior Liana Azcuy took on this look involuntarily. Her brown hair was dyed purple with a light blonde underneath, and this combination eventually changed into a silverish color. She became accustomed to her new look. She loved it so much that she took on the “Granny Hair” trend purposefully months later. “On Instagram you see those girls with gray hair and you think that it is cool,” said Azcuy. “ I am definitely noticing more people with it now.” Azcuy loved this gray hair look more than the other hair-dyeing trends that she has tried over the years. She got many different reactions. Her parents weren’t really on board with the new hair, but her friends loved the new look. Azcuy is not the only trendsetter that has pursued the “Granny Hair” look; sophomore Audrey Schwenke was inspired by Tumblr. Her love for pursuing trends and fearlessness of changing looks has made her a big trendsetter at Sherwood. Schwenke took on the silver a few months into the school year. Although Schwenke lets all of the comments roll off her shoulders, she

Courtesy of Liana Azcuy

Senior Liana Azcuy sporting the popular gray hairstyle back in 2015. does have one concern: scaring possible employers from hiring her. “One big thing for me was applying for jobs. Personally, I worry that an employer will not find a kid who dyes their hair whacky things a responsible employee,” admitted Schwenke. Although Schwenke loved her gray locks, she recently went back to being a brunette. On the other hand, Azcuy kept her hair died gray for longer. Both in Hollywood and here in Montgomery County, the trend is hitting the streets. Kelly Osbourne, Rihanna and Kylie Jenner are among the celebrities who have experimented with the style

“Granny Hair.” Sara Mossavari, local hair stylist for Salon Central, thinks silver/gray hair is a beautiful look. But, she warns that it does come with some catches. Mossavari recommends coming in once a week to get your hair retoned after you get your hair dyed. If you don’t get it toned, the hair will turn a yellow color. If you choose to not tone your hair every week at the salon, at least buy a violet toner before you leave the salon. Like it or not, the “Granny Hair” trend that is hitting the streets of Hollywood and Olney today, will be hitting the pages of a fashion history book tomorrow.

Sophomore Serves as SMOB Chief of Staff by Leah Peloff ‘18 Many high school students would describe their lives as relatively busy. Between school, homework, sports, socializing and more, most spend whatever excess time they have sleeping. Sophomore Matthew Post, however, fills his already busy schedule with responsibilities that come with his role as chief of staff to Student Member of the Board (SMOB), Eric Guerci. Post has always been interested in student advocacy. He started off with inner-school SGA, becoming his class president in fifth grade, then got back into it in eighth grade when he applied to be on the Montgomery County Regional Student Government Association. This county student government was where Post really got his start. He worked tirelessly to rebrand the association and give it a newly polished look that could be taken more seriously. Due to his

hard work, Post was approached by Guerci who asked if he would be part of his 2015 SMOB campaign. “Eric and I realized that we collaborated really well together and he appointed me as his chief of staff, ” explained Post. With a one-year term, SMOB is a constant cycle, filtering new members in and out come election time in April. Because Guerci will seek reelection this year, “[He and Post] have worked together a lot over the summer and past months just getting his message out; constituent contact. But now that the election is ramping up, that requires a lot more media, a lot more content, and a lot more strategy” said Post Whether he is working aside Guerci or testifying to the Montgomery County Council as a concerned individual, Post is extremely passionate about acting on behalf of the students. “Representing others is one of the most rewarding jobs you can have,” said Post. “When I am testifying

to the board or state delegation, it feels great to know I am echoing the sentiments of those students whose voices would otherwise not have been heard.” According to Post, the hard work does pay off in ways besides just the satisfaction of being the voice of those who otherwise go unheard. He has met many of the government officials from both state and local levels whom he would have never encountered otherwise. In addition to the extremely smart, inspiring people he has met, Post has learned priceless lessons about collaborating with others and working on a team. When asked if he would ever consider running for SMOB himself, the answer was a definitive yes. “[Working as chief of staff] has really prepared me and gotten me in the know about the process, about the job, about the people you need to know and skills you need to have to do an effective job,” explained Post.

The Warrior•Features 10

March 17, 2016

Sherwood’s Early School Years Sherwood students now take pride in our Warrior athletic teams and our school’s great academics. However, many students are not aware of the long and interesting history of our school. We will go on a journey to explore the events of the past that have taken place on the grounds you learn on.


We begin our journey in a small, wooded area in the predominantly Quaker community of Sandy Spring. Tucked within these trees was a large farm owned by Miss Mary Roberts. The Roberts’ called this the “Sherwood Farm” due to the resemblance to the Sherwood Forest in the tale of Robin Hood. The community, looking to support the welfare and education of the children, decided to start a school for the children of Sandy Spring. Roberts, owning plenty of land, sold a large portion of her farm to start the school. As part of her death wish, she asked the school be named after her beloved farm. The original school building, costing $2,300, opened as the Sherwood Academy (also known as the Sherwood Friends School) in 1883, enrolling a total of 50 students taught by two teachers. After a nationwide search, J. Llewellyn Massey, who happened to be a local teacher, was hired as the first principal of the new, private, and Quaker Sherwood Academy.

compiled by Jacob Golomb ‘16





By the early 20th century, the Quaker school’s financial troubles made supporting the Sherwood Academy unrealistic. The Sandy Spring community, still traditionally Quaker, opposed the idea of making Sherwood public, but in 1905 it became apparent there was no other choice. The next year, the school was loaned to the county for a year to test the feasibility of a public school in its place. It has been public ever since. The first year of the public Sherwood High School we know today consisted of around four staff and 100 students. Since there was only one high school in Howard County, some students from places such as Highland and the Patuxent River area attended Sherwood. A student from Highland ran to Sherwood every morning, which led to his successful running career at College Park. A child who was the only Sherwood student in his or her household came to school on horseback. Once at school, students could park their horse in the sheds in the back of the school (where they were fed corn at lunch) for an annual parking permit fee of $1. Students with siblings would typically ride to school by horse and buggy or carriage, taking up to an hour to arrive at Sherwood from Brookeville.



The 1920s saw various modern updates and expansions to the school. A major addition was built in 1923, adding both more classrooms and a large assembly room with lights. Also introduced in 1923 was Sherwood’s first school bus. In the previous years, the county paid seniors $2.50 per student they picked up in their cars. Due to large enrollment increases, four new grammar school rooms were added in 1929, leaving the old building for the high school. A completely new building for the elementary school was built on campus in 1935. The elementary school began the day with their own set of morning exercises, where students would sing “Among the Leafy Branches,” recite the Lord’s Prayer, and read Bible verses. Once students reached 7th grade, they advanced to high school. Sherwood had two tracks the new high school students could choose from: commercial or academic. The commercial route was intended for students wishing to go into vocational or secretarial work, offering courses such as typing, shorthand, and home economics. The academic route, on the other hand, included courses such as English, Latin, French, Spanish, history, and sciences. Students also participated in various extracurricular activities, the biggest ones being Future Farmers of America, debate, newspaper and yearbook, glee club, and band. As the 1930s came to an end and war clouds loomed above, many recent Sherwood graduates found themselves putting on army uniforms and, for many of these boys, meeting their deaths. During the war, current Sherwood students participated in various war-effort projects, collecting scrap metal and newspaper to support their brothers at war.



Sherwood High School circa 1925, courtesy of Sandy Spring Museum.


If you have $100 to spare, you can pay Sherwood Academy’s tuition and continue into the school. The original school satisfied the community’s needs to educate the local children. Students began at the Academy in 7th grade and continued at the school through their senior year, which at the time was 11th grade. Though the school had an obviously rural location, students did have opportunities to see nearby attractions. On one such occasion in May 1994, Mr. Harry Spofford took 33 Sherwood students on a field trip to Washington DC, where he presented them to President Grover Cleveland. The next year, enrollment at the Sherwood Academy dropped to 36, followed by an all-time low of 14 in 1896 due to so many students choosing to go to the nearby George School instead. Though small and beginning to fail, Sherwood Academy still remained a central part of the Sandy Spring community, hosting the community’s first May Day celebration on May 20, 1899 as well as Farmer’s Conventions for the community. It was also during this time that teacher Elizabeth Thom wrote Sherwood’s alma mater, “Among the Leafy Branches.”

After arriving to school on horseback or carriage, students went to morning exercises—a daily assembly consisting of musical performances, debates, and a roll call to which each student responded with a quote (a practice carried over from the private school). Students then would go to their individual classrooms; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade in a small building in the back was taught by Mrs. Brooke, 4th and 5th grade in the gymnasium taught by Ms. Isobel Stabler, 9th and 10th grades in a room leftover from the Friends’ School taught by a the young, new teacher Mr. Whiteford. These teachers were paid an annual salary of only $300. In 1909, they noticed another need for more space for the students. The construction of a larger schoolhouse began and they stored a large pile of lumber on the playground on which children would play and eat lunch. Later that year, this pile of lumber was made into a new two-story school building. When school reopened in 1910, the building was not yet ready to open, so for the first few months classes were scattered in the older schoolhouses on campus and even nearby homes in Sandy Spring. Even though the new school was built by the county, there was no road from the Turnpike (108) to the front of the school. Principal Charles G. Myers put the high school boys to work, having them construct the path from the Turnpike to the front.

Sherwood High School circa 1909, courtesy of Sandy Spring Museum.

Sherwood has gone through many changes and renovations in the last 70 years. The school’s population has risen by thousands, due to development of the surrounding areas. The building itself has also undergone numerous renovations, including a completely new building in 1950 and major renovations and modernizations in the early 1990s. The elementary school has since moved off the grounds and is now located down 108 (Sherwood Elementary). Although the original building, teachers, and students are long gone, our connection with these historical grounds remains. The very same ground on which we have our classes, play our sports, and arrive at school has been used by students for over 130 years now. If you look across Route 108, you can see the Sherwood farm, now known as Cloverly, that Miss Mary Roberts gave to the Sandy Spring community. It’s interesting to wonder what students 100 years from now will discover about Sherwood High School in the early 22nd century.

The Warrior•Features March 17, 2016


What’s in a Name? Hunting for a Meaning by Alleigh Keyes ‘16 Although they share the same name, sophomore and senior Joseph Hunt excel in different areas of interest. Hunt ‘18 plays varsity football, JV basketball and JV baseball, while Hunt ‘16 stars in school productions including Rock ‘n’ Roll and CAST shows. At the tender age of 6, Hunt ‘18 started to play football for OBGC. His passion for football has only grown over the years as he has his older brother, Danny, for inspiration. “All my life I’ve looked up to my brother. So seeing him play sports his whole life definitely motivated me to succeed in sports as well,” said Hunt ‘18. His success on the field is evident; he was a starting wide receiver as a sophomore until week 6 of the season when he broke his collarbone. However, this injury was merely a setback since Hunt ‘18 plans to return better than ever as a starting wide receiver next season. “I feel at home when I’m on that field on a Friday night. I feel so comfortable playing football,” said Hunt ‘18. With the future in mind, Hunt ‘18 makes his goal clear: “I’ve always dreamed of playing college football after high school,” he said. Aside from the traditional sports that he is known to play, he also enjoys snowboarding in the

Sophomore Joey Hunt on the left and senior Joe Hunt on the right. While one conquers the field, the other one rocks the stage here at Sherwood. winter and wake boarding in the summer. Hunt ‘16 lives and breathes music. Throughout the years, his diverse resume contains notable roles such as Gaston in “Beauty in the Beast,” Lionel in “Cinderella,” Pippin in “Pippin,” and a soloist in Rock ‘n’ Roll. Quite the musical theater fanatic, Hunt ‘16 draws inspiration from Lin-Manuel Miranda. “He wrote my favorite musical, ‘Hamilton,’ and starred as the lead role. He has risen so quickly and written such fantastic music. I want

Art Department Goes to Europe for Spring Break by Danielle Katz ‘18 The art department will take its annual spring break trip in Paris and London this year. From March 24 to April 2, participants have the opportunity to tour these cities focusing on the unique art and artistic landmarks these locations have to offer. This year, art teacher Angela Praisner organized the trip. The ten days will be spent in Paris for five nights and London for three with two spent traveling to and from Europe. “The last time [Sherwood] went to Paris was in 2009,” noted Praisner, so the choice to travel to London and Paris came easily. “Paris is a huge epicenter for art and I’ve never been to London with the school. Both places hold a lot of unique architecture.” The first day will be spent traveling to France. Once there, they will take a walking tour of Paris around the Opera District, and visit the Notre Dame Cathedral. The next few days will include more walking tours including the famous Louvre Museum and Eiffel Tower. Students may take optional excursions to Chartres and the Loire Valley as well as have free time in Paris, and an optional visit to the Van Gogh House. To get to London, they will travel via the Eurostar, a

Kayla Cohen ‘17

Kayla Cohen ‘17

high-speed train that runs through the tunnel connecting continental Europe with Britain. Students will sightsee upon arriving in London along with the day after, they will visit Stonehenge and the Roman Baths before their last day taking a walking tour of London. “I want to travel the world,” said senior Amy McMurtray. This will be many students’ first time out of the country, including McMurtray. “I am most excited to see Stonehenge and the Eiffel Tower, and of course, eat some crepes in France.” She plans to use all of her experiences to spark the creativity for all of the upcoming projects. To see students travel inspires all of the teachers. Praisner loves to travel, and fueling her students’ drive to appreciate art inspires her. “For me, it’s really special to see travel through my students’ eyes and to see their eyes light up when they see a monumental structure and something come to life outside the textbook is just really profound,” said Praisner. “It’s important to escape the walls of school and really go into the community.” If anyone is interested in traveling to the Greek Islands over Spring Break next year, contact Mrs. Spangle.

to emulate his talents,” Hunt ‘16 said. In addition to his musical theater experience, Hunt plays guitar and ocarina, a type of flute. He is currently enrolled in four music classes: AP music theory, chamber choir, jazz choir and guitar. As a gifted performer, he plans to major in music and minor in theater. Ultimately, his dream is to perform on Broadway. “Singing and acting on a stage fills me with something I can’t get anywhere else. I want to be able to stand in the home of theater and

give a show my all every night,” Hunt ‘16 said. When this bass-baritone is not on stage, he can likely be found playing video games. “When friends move away, I can stay connected to them through video games no matter where they go. I believe it creates a great community that brings people together,” Hunt ‘16 said. While Hunt ‘16 goes by Joseph or Joe and Hunt ‘18 goes by Joey, mishaps and confusion still exist. “My freshman year when we took the PSAT, I accidentally

received the other Joseph Hunt’s PSAT and I wasn’t even signed up for it,” Hunt ‘18 said. “In class last year it seemed like once a month my 8th period teacher would say ‘Joseph? You’re here? It says you’re supposed to be on a field trip today,’” Hunt ‘16 said. Even though both Hunts are known for having the same name, they have also attracted attention from peers because of their distinct talents. “They’re both so passionate about what they do,” sophomore Kathleen Rosendall said.


The Warrior•Humor March 17, 2016

You Can’t Spell Satan without SAT Puppies Take a Bite by Natalie Murray ‘18 How far would you go to pass the SAT, a major source of stress and anxiety for students everywhere? In order to do well, some students get a tutor, some take an SAT prep class, and others, like junior Lilith LaVey, sell their soul. “I was watching Supernatural, like, a week before the SAT, and I was super stressed because I thought I’d fail,” said LaVey. “But the episode I was watching was about selling your soul, so I was like ‘I’m desperate, so why not try that?’” The episode LaVey was watching was season 2, episode 8, “Crossroad Blues.” In the episode, people summon a crossroads demon to sell their soul in exchange for money, wealth, power, or health. In order to summon the crossroads demon, who serves as a “middle man” between Satan and the soon-to-be-soulless person, they bury a box containing graveyard dirt, a black cat bone, and a picture of themselves in the center of a crossroad. “The hardest thing was definitely finding the materials that the show mentioned, because you have to go to the black market to get those. It’s not like Amazon sells cat bones,” said LaVey. After spending a copious eleven minutes and six seconds doing research, LaVey managed to find a “Satanic Rituals For Dummies” kit (only $6.66 on Etsy!), which included materials for dozens of rituals, including the one for summoning a crossroads demon. She borrowed her mom’s minivan and drove to a gravel crossroads, where she successfully summoned the demon. “I found it a bit odd that she wanted to sell her soul for a perfect SAT score, which is something you can attain if you just work hard,” said the demon.

Out of Teen Anxiety by Chase Wilson ‘17

Natalie Murray ‘18

The College and Career Center investigators found this picture of a “soul contract,” which a junior tweeted after she sold her soul to Satan. “Back when I was a human, we actually studied for our tests. Youth these days are willing to turn to Lucifer for anything.” Although the demon was irritated at LaVey’s studying habits, he agreed to get her a 1600 on the SAT in return for her soul. LaVey claimed that initially, she had planned on getting a “good” score, but the demon told her that she had to “go big or go home.” According to College and Career Advisor Joe Hock, this was her mistake. “The College and Career Center received word from the College Board that Ms. LaVey got a perfect SAT score, so we immediately began to stalk--I mean, monitor--her social media activity until we discovered that, at 1:58 A.M. on February 26, Ms. LaVey tweeted ‘just sold my soul to get a perfect SAT score, lol.

#SatanRocks,’” said Mr. Hock, as he clutched a cross to his chest. “We even saw that Lucifer replied to her tweet with ‘thx 4 ur soul, c u l8er!!! (in hell) :D #IShouldBeGREATanNotSatan #hahaha’” LaVey claims that she isn’t upset or worried that she was caught cheating, and thinks that if she was forced to retake it, she’d just get a perfect score again. However, she said she’d try to get in touch with the Devil to clarify the exact terms of her deal. Satan himself was unavailable for comment, as he and his pet hell hound Snickerdoodle are on a vacation in Death Valley, where, according to Satan’s new Tumblr, @actuallysatan-666, he has a small cottage for him and Snickerdoodle to bake, sunbathe, and swim in the blood of their enemies.

cartoon by Emily Gilburt ‘16

Due to a sharp increase in students visiting their counselors with stress-related issues, the Counseling Department has initiated a groundbreaking program to help these students alleviate their anxiety. Beginning fourth quarter, Puppies for Loving (PL) will make a litter of 10 golden retriever dogs available at Sherwood. The puppies, born on March 1, will be looked after by volunteer students until they begin their duty. “The puppies we are raising are perfect,” said sophomore Judy Carlton, “I can’t wait to be able to share them with the rest of Sherwood.” The program will make the puppies available to anxious students during lunch. Some are skeptical of the benefits of petting and playing with puppies, but the act has been proven to be therapeutic and may lower blood pressure and heart rate. Canines have been used for years to help soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Counselors hope that PL will help kids struggling with stress which, in turn, would decrease counselors’ workload. Not all are

in favor welcoming the dogs to the school. “Everyone will come to pet the dogs, but once they leave who will clean up after the puppies?” wondered an anonymous building service worker. “We don’t have the time to constantly be replacing water bowls, cleaning up messes, and feeding these pups because we’ll want to play with them, too.” In a poll taken after first semester to measure student interest in the program, 75 percent of surveyed students said that they would benefit from at least 15 minutes of puppy loving a day, while 55 percent said they would like more than 45 minutes. This overwhelming majority of students in the survey think the program will be beneficial, and some indicated that they believe students grades will improve. Plans are currently in effect to establish a play area in one of the courtyards during lunch periods for interested students. Also, the Counseling Department and administration reportedly are discussing possible “pull out” sessions during the school day for especially stressed-out students to receive one-on-one attention with the puppies.

Seniors for a Cure by Steven Witkin ‘16

Some might say the most urgent issue facing our school system is a lack of funds or overcrowded classrooms, but the true crisis is much less apparent. Senioritis afflicts a large portion of the Sherwood community, resulting in major drops in productivity, student interest, and first-period attendance. This incurable condition was thought to be a hopeless circumstance of the senior year, until senior Jacob Cromwell spoke up. “I was shocked by the lack of official research into this epidemic, and thought, as seniors, we need to actually do something.” Cromwell has since formed an action group, Seniors for a Cure, to raise awareness and money for Senioritis research, in the hope that one day there will be a cure. The group, which is made up of about 300 concerned students, many suffering from Senioritis, has done its research. To figure out what exactly needs to be cured, they contacted Dr. Seymour Dunn, head psychologist at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, who released a statement concluding that “populations with Senioritis outbreaks have been found to highly correlate with classes that assign nightly homework or takehome essays. It’s no cure, but the crucial step in Senioritis prevention is to reduce these superfluous tasks that manipulate students’ feeble senses of motivation and reward.”

With this knowledge, the group urges students who think they are developing symptoms to not panic and instead ask their teachers to excuse them from all homework, and perhaps watch just one more episode on Netflix. “Since it’s such a mysterious illness, this is our best hope,” Cromwell stated. “But anything is better than the disastrous effects of Senioritis on a beneficial senior year.” Shannon Holmes, a longtime tutor of Sherwood students, has seen Senioritis’ effect firsthand. Although she has lost some business since the creation of Seniors for a Cure, she reported that, “cutting repetitive assignments out of my students’ education has increased their confidence in school. Knowing that they won’t actually have to apply what they learn in school gives them motivation.” Alarmed by the condition spreading beyond seniors to juniors, and in rare cases, sophomores, the community has rallied support behind the group, and a bake sale is planned to raise funds for further research. Cromwell’s parents are proud of the noble initiative he has taken. “Before he started Seniors for a Cure, Jacob was lethargic, and spent his evenings procrastinating, but now he’s active and constantly organizing,” said mother Linda Cromwell. “Doing schoolwork never worked for him, but now he’s found something he actually cares about.”

The Warrior•Humor March 17, 2016


Looming American Exodus Unnerves Canadians

Following Republican candidate Donald Trump’s stunning string of primary victories, millions of fearful Americans prepare to flee to Canada. by Christopher Sung ‘17 Panic has gripped Canada as thousands of young Americans prepare to begin a mass exodus to illegally enter the northern country. The looming immigration of millions of Americans follows the recent primary victories of Donald Trump, a stunning result that many Canadian pundits have blamed for the impending migratory crisis. “They’re going to come in mass droves and steal our jobs,” stated former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, pointing out a recent surge in “how do I move to Canada” searches on Google. “Listen carefully folks, I’ve dealt with a lot of these millennial Americans, and they are going to destroy our nation’s Conservative foundation. It’s all because of Donald J. Trump who is giving us America’s liberals! Those lazy, pot-smoking liberals! We already have enough of them here!” Despite a 2014 drug scandal in which the former mayor confessed to using crack cocaine while in public office, Ford’s comments have gained him a large following among disgruntled Canadians. In Canada, a country that has generally been stereotyped as a nation superior to the United States for its liberal values, many Canadians have already voiced

Interim Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada Rona Ambrose and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau furiously debate what to do with the millions of Americans that plan to flock to their country. anger and discontent with the imminent flood of Americans. “These Americans are going to impose their repulsive English language on Quebec,” said a French-speaking business owner and member of Canada’s Parti Quebecois. “Their inferior language and culture have no place here; we will need to control our

borders and deport every last one of these illegals. Vive le Quebec!” The same angry sentiment shared by a growing number of panicked Canadians has also been reflected in Canada’s recent parliamentary debates. For example, last Wednesday, while debating in a contentious session of Parliament, Prime Minister Justin

Trudeau was inappropriately named a “basket case” by interim opposition leader Rona Ambrose. After further exchanges between Conservative and Liberal MPs, Ambrose was then subsequently labeled the “Sarah Palin of Canadian politics” for her “weak” insult. The debate closed with a vote that passed Prime Minister

Trudeau’s plan of giving American immigrants refugee status in the case of a migration crisis; however, Conservative and Parti Quebecois MPs walked out of the Parliament in protest and made pledges to repeal the “new amnesty program.” With increasing anger and partisanship in government, Canadian politics has also been rocked by a surge in the number of right-wing political pundits whose policy proposals include radical plans to build a “huge wall” between Canada and the United States. When questioned about the originality of these new proposals, many of these extreme pundits stated candidly, “Yeah, we got some of these ideas from Trump. So what? We’ll take whatever ideas we want.” Although Trump has made no comments regarding the adoption of his campaign rhetoric by right-wing Canadians, the likely Republican nominee suggested that, as president, he would subject any American migrant caught attempting to flee to Canada to forced labor. “We need more people to build our wall along Mexico, and I’m going to do what the Chinese did with the Great Wall— only much, much better,” stated Trump.

Twitter Fights Are War by Bryce Thornwell ‘16

What was once known as the wonderful world of Twitter, complete with harmless tweets, hashtags, and animals doing tricks has quickly gone sour. Before the bloodshed began, occasionally we would scroll through our feed and find something that made us giggle in our heads, but not quite enough to “laugh out loud.” Other times we pretended that we did not enjoy our friends’ corny jokes or three-second updates about their evening at home. But recent savagery between Twitter users has sparked full-on wars between users. Like many feuds, Twitter feuds usually start out small with a miscommunication. Theoretically, a big-name celebrity could tweet, “I hate sequins.” Suddenly, every sparkly sequin-wearing pop-star will assume the tweet was about them, and will take to Twitter to defend themselves and their fashion choices. People, both average and celebrity, will create and follow hashtags depicting their support for or against sequins as they watch in anticipation and constantly refresh their newsfeed. Now, let us say two hours later when our “I hate sequins” celebrity checks back into Twitter. The first thing she would see are #IHateSequins and #SaveTheSequins as the most trending hashtags on Twitter, even if her

anger at sequins was not directed at anyone and only originated from the fact she could not get them all out of her laundry machine. However, sometimes in more real cases, we see feuds start from deliberate assaults. To recount history, we have seen Kanye West attack Wiz Khalifa when he assumed a tweet was about his beloved wife, Kim Kardashian. We watched in suspense as rapper Meek Mill took on Drake when he attacked his career by claiming Drake “doesn’t write his own raps.” We have even witnessed a full downfall of the famous boy band One Direction leading to the rise of Zayn’s solo empire. These celebrities, and many others, have exploited their technologies as they hide behind a screen shield and dish out insults as weapons they that would never use face to face. Therefore, perhaps what is most amazing about Twitter feuds is the amount of damage that can be done from a single 140 or less character tweet by one person. Twitter has officially become an “every man for themselves” battlefield in which no one is safe from harm. The casualties add up every day and if we are not careful, our actions can have dire consequences. So stop the bloodshed and be careful what you post online. You wouldn’t want to end the world and shut down the Internet.

Overwhelmed by the sight of bare shoulders, Billy is incapacitated. cartoon by Sidney Brown ‘17

s e p o c s ro o


Origins of the Zodiac

by Meghan Proctor ‘16

Many cultures around the world use different zodiac signs and studies of astrology. However, the one most recognized by Americans today, with various constellations representing when in the year a person was born, originated over 3,000 years ago. The Babylonians, who created this system, chose these signs to correspond with the constellations that the Sun appears to pass through as the Earth revolves around the Sun throughout the year. The zodiac was originally used as a way of dividing the sky into equal sections to better understand the Earth’s revolution around the Sun. These signs also have astrological purposes, connecting each sign with different planets and other celestial bodies to determine horoscopes. Although the zodiac signs are not entirely accurate with their respective constellations. The Sun does not pass through each constellation for equal lengths of time, despite the Babylonians assigning each sign the same amount of time, leaving many people with a sign that may not match the constellation that the Sun was in front of when they were born. In addition, the Sun also aligns with an additional constellation, Ophiuchus, which is not included with the zodiac signs. Despite their inaccuracies, the zodiac managed to stand the test of time, as they are widely recognized today, comparing personality traits to the people born under those specific time frames.

Horoscopes: Scientific Basis or Nonsense? by Danielle Tobb ‘17 A horoscope is a general forecast of a person’s future, typically including information on that person’s character, mannerisms, and love life. Virtually every newspaper and magazine includes a section on horoscopes. The horoscopes found in magazines are based off of a concept called sun sign astrology. This is a much simpler version of astrology that only considers the position of the sun at birth. However, many are skeptical of the validity of these short blurbs of information that are supposedly “scientific.” And so one question remains: how accurate are these predictions? According to astrology, the position of the stars and planets at the time of one’s birth shapes a person’s personality, romantic relationships, and even their fortune. Each individual falls under a certain zodiac sign that is based on which constellation the sun passed through when he or she was born. These 12 constellations are known as the zodiac. Each of these groups is associated with a different personality type. In 1949, an American psychologist named Bertram Forer described the tendency of individuals to interpret general statements as being accurate for them personally, even when they are not. Forer administered a personality test to a group of students; giving every student the same personality results in

the end. The description of their personalities was basically snippets from horoscope readings. More than 80 percent of the students deemed the results very accurate, thus showing how easily people can be led into believing the accuracy of such horoscopes. This experiment was the basis of what soon became known as the Forer, or Barnum Effect. Similarly, an American psychologist named Ross Stagner tested the validity of horoscopes in the late 1950s. He gave 68 HR Managers a detailed questionnaire that would help with creating a psychological description of each person. He then made one fake description using 13 phrases from different horoscopes. After reading their descriptions, the participants were tasked with deeming the horoscopes amazingly true, very true, somewhere in the middle, mostly erroneous, or completely wrong. More than a third of the individuals felt that their psychological portraits were very true, 40 percent deemed them quite accurate, and almost nobody saw them as completely erroneous. Overall, the validity of horoscopes is in the eye of the beholder. As shown by Forer, individuals have the tendency to agree with the general descriptions found in horoscopes. The human mind is easily manipulated, so it is very difficult to discern the true legitimacy of horoscopes as a whole when people often believe what they want to believe about themselves.

Meme Satirizes Traditional Horoscopes by Steven Witkin ‘16 It may seem normal, even relatable, when the Internet states that your zodiac sign means that you are hardworking, or stubborn, or emotionally prepared, but what about when it says that your zodiac sign indicates that you are, in fact, Steve Harvey, Kylo Ren, or F. Scott Fitzgerald’s egg yolks? The latter are all actual examples from zodiac posts on Tumblr meant to parody more serious astronomy posts. Scattered among more reasonable zodiac lists and horoscopes, these posts’ obvious absurdity makes readers question the validity of attaching their sign to specific characteristics. This style of assigning random characteristics, pictures, or items to the 12 Zodiac signs, known as “The Signs As…” meme, has become popular recently. Drawing its name from the common style shared by posts such as “The Signs as Puns,” “The Signs as My Professor’s Quotes,” “The Signs as Pastel John Cena Photos,” and many others, the inane practice caught on throughout the first half of 2015 and continues to this day, according to What makes this meme unique is that it actively mocks the practice of astrology. It shows that the characteristics are attributed to the signs without any clear explanation, sometimes by deliberately assigning the same

attribute to all signs. While it does not make sense that a person’s birth month determines defining characteristics about them, it certainly is ludicrous that their birth month determines the type of breakfast pastry they represent. It is satire through imitation, and although the posts seem serious, they ridicule people’s belief in astrology by manipulating people’s tendency to accept vague yet personalized information as true. This tendency, known as the Barnum Effect, has its basis in people’s search for personal validation. Because people are looking for characteristics to identify with, they will accept unfounded generalizations, such as those found in both serious and parodied zodiac posts, as true and relatable. The Barnum Effect operates on positive attributes that are highly applicable to everybody. “The Signs As…” meme uses this ironically by instead only listing attributes that are applicable to nobody, yet presenting them in a way that is still acceptable. Some might see this meme as insincere and annoying. Some might seriously try to find their personal connection with the irrational comparison. Some might enjoy the humor in reading that in the zodiac family, Libras are the gay cousin. However these popular strains of Tumblr posts are intended, in effect they make a caricature that reveals the deception of splitting the entire population into 12 signs.

Written In the Stars: Two Different Zodiacs by Jonathan Cudd ‘16 Many know of the zodiac signs based on the Babylonians, but few have heard of the Chinese and Native American zodiacs. Zodiacs are based on star constellations that was in one’s birth month or year. For those tired of the normal zodiacs, try your zodiac in a different culture. There are 12 animals in the Chinese and Native American zodiacs. The Chinese includes the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. Native Americans also use animals since there has been a strong connection between nature and Native American culture. However, they differ from Chinese zodiacs since animals differ from lands. The 12 Native American animals are: the otter, wolf, falcon, beaver, deer, woodpecker, salmon, bear, raven, snake, owl, and goose. The two differ on characteristics. The Chinese zodiac cycle of animals is based annually, not monthly. The current year is the monkey, last year’s was the goat and so on, through a twelve year cycle. Each year begins on the Chinese New Year during the lu-

nar cycle. The Native American zodiac cycle is closely related to the solar system, and is based monthly on the moon phases. The two have considerable differences in traditions and attributes. In Chinese tradition, it’s considered bad luck if it is one’s animal’s year because it is believed one is angering the god of age. In order to stop this, a child must wear something red passed down from the older generations. Certain attributes show what a person’s personality is like. However, with every attribute, there is also a contradicting saying that goes with it. For example, the rat is wisdom, but, “wisdom without industriousness leads to triviality.” With these attributes, people can determine if relationships will continue. Native American signs are from one’s animal totem, the animal spirit one was born under. They differ from a spirit totem since the spirit is not one’s guide. Each sign includes an animal, element, stone, clan, and color. However, all of these vary as there were many tribes in the Americas. Like the other zodiac cultures, one’s animal describes personality traits and how a person interact with others.

The Warrior•Opinions 16

March 17, 2016

Warrior P

the Moving Past the Rhetoric on Immigration Should the children of illegal immigrants receive a public education?

ple to come What draws peo tes? to the United Sta With the 2016 presidential election quickly approaching, Republican candidates are pushing for stricter laws on immigration, including a repeal of President Obama’s executive order that granted amnesty to five million existing illegal immigrants. Donald Trump has gone the furthest with his promise to deport all illegal immigrants and require Mexico to build a wall. In stark contrast, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton vowed last week that she would not deport any illegal immigrants except violent criminals and terrorists. There unfortunately appears to be no middle ground on the complex issue of immigration. Politicians and their constituents alike are pigeonholed into taking a position as either “pro” or “anti-” immigration, as if it is not possible, for example, to sympathize with illegal immigrants while also advocating for rigorous background checks and other requirements for citizenship. The debate over immigration needs be addressed by its different aspects if there will ever be actual solutions. One such area is the availability of public education for children of illegal immigrants. Some might argue that if their children cannot be educated, it is less likely that parents or prospective parents will immigrate to the United States. Because thousands of illegal immigrants come to the U.S. annually, seeking a better life for their families, the number of illegal immigrants could be reduced if their children were no longer given the opportunity of an American education.

Is there a middle gr ound on the issue of immigration ? However, some people come to the United States to escape persecution or to find work for themselves, and these people will continue to immigrate regardless of whether their children can register in public schools or not. The fundamental question, though, is whether the United States really would go so far as to deny an education to children in an attempt to keep out illegal immigrants. The answer should be a resounding no. These children can’t be deprived of an education, the primary vehicle that adjusts them into American society and provides them with the opportunities they need to make a better future for themselves and their families. Instead, new legislation should be created to give existing illegal immigrants and their children a path to citizenship. Is it fair and just that the children of illegal immigrants are given a public education when their parents are not paying their equal share of taxes? Probably not. That is why the country must create citizenship paths for existing illegal immigrants. Yes, they broke the law to come to this country, but only because they wanted to fulfill the dream of a better life that they know United States has the capability to provide for people. Regardless of how they got here, illegal immigrants are still here today, and it would be unrealistic and frankly heartless to “kick them out.” Therefore, the United States must do its best to help them succeed, which by extension, creates a better functioning society for the benefit of everyone living in this country.

ublished six times a year, The Warrior serves as Sherwood High School’s premier news source. With a staff of 55 students, The Warrior keeps the Sherwood community apprised of local and national events. All opinion articles represent the viewpoint of the writer. These articles do not necessarily represent the views of Sherwood High School.

Staff Print

Layout and Production Directors ..................Steven Witkin ‘16 Kira Yates ‘16

News Editors .................................................. Ketki Chauhan ‘16

Samantha Schwartz ‘16

Specials Editors ............................................Meghan Proctor ‘16 Megan Werden ‘17

Features Editors .............................................. Sara Casareto ‘16

Lauren MacFadden ‘17

Humor Editors .............................................Noah Rosendorf ‘17

John Sutherland ‘16

Spotlight Editor ..............................................Amanda Allen ‘17 Opinions Editors ................................................Ben Cooper ‘16 Chris Sung ‘17 Wondering Warrior Editor.................................Lexi Paidas ‘17 Deal ‘16 Entertainment Editors .........................................Ryan Tate Harrop ‘17

Sports Editors ................................................Natalie Murray ‘18


Nicole Reich ‘17

Online Managing Editors .............................Ashley Nnabue ‘16

Milan Polk ‘16

Online Copy and Content Editors ......................Tyler Ruth ‘16 Bryse Thornwell ‘16

Content And Copy Content and Copy Editors ....................... Madison Dymond ‘16

Morgan Hill ‘16 Maddie Peloff ‘16 Managing Photo Editor ................................ Maya Koeppen ‘17

Photographers .................................................. Kayla Cohen ‘17 Chase Wilson ‘17

Cartoonist.........................................................Sidney Brown ‘17 Pollster ............................................................. Emily Gilburt ‘16 Staff Reporters ............................................... Josh Averbach ‘18

Connor Brady ‘17 Mallory Carlson ‘19 Jonathan Cudd ‘16 Jacob Golomb ‘16 Brian Hayre ‘16 Danielle Katz ‘18 Alleigh Keyes ‘16 Megan Kimberling ‘17 Elizabeth Kronlage ‘18 Lucy Kuchma ‘18 Naomi Lawrence ‘17 Lexi Matthews ‘18 Natalie Murray ‘18 Alex Nnabue ‘18 Priyanka Paudel ‘19 Leah Peloff ‘18 Isabella Pilot ‘18 Katherine Sperduto ‘19 Lizi Thach ‘18 Lydia Velazquez ‘17 Shawn Yaftali ‘17 Colleen Yates ‘18

Business and Publicity Directors....................Danielle Tobb ‘17

Will Van Gelder ‘16

cartoon by Colleen Yates ‘18

Advisor...........................................................................Peter Huck Composition Assistant................................................ Janet Mednik

The Warrior•Opinions March 17, 2016


senior viewpoints. Three students from Mr. Huck’s AP Literature class respond to an assignment about the purpose of college.

The Case of Missing Curiosity My Honest Confession by Shannon Armstrong ‘16 When a teacher poses a question to a classroom full of kindergarteners, the children are often bursting out of their seats, delighted with the opportunity to display their knowledge. Yet if a teacher were to ask this same group of children a question twelve years later, in their senior year of high school, the teacher would likely be forced to resign themselves to randomly calling upon one of their half asleep students. This is deeply troubling because this implies that while school’s primary goal is to educate its students, schools have instead effectively killed curiosity and enthusiasm, which are the greatest catalysts for learning. The desire to learn is hardwired into each person’s brain as learning leads to knowledge and knowledge leads to a better chance of survival. Yet it appears that the modern American education system has managed to accomplish an impressive feat: rewiring the human brain to turn the powerfully strong instinct of curiosity dormant. Throughout 13 years in the institution of public school, each and every student comes to learn one extremely important fact: intelligence and success are measured by letters. Students that earn an extraordinary number of A’s are celebrated as gifted and exceptionally intelligent. Similarly, a student’s GPA is deemed as the primary marker of their intelligence. While it is true that receiving high grades often corresponds to strong mastery of the course material, placing so much emphasis upon the end score often detracts attention from learning and redirects it towards simply “making the A.” This system discourages taking academic risks and instead favors playing it safe

and sticking to methods that are known to work. This is not helpful or effective because it hinders learning and deters students from developing their personal critical thinking skills. The grade-centric nature of the current system is reflected in the behavior and priorities of today’s students. While nearly any student can reiterate what combinations of first quarter, second quarter and exam grades result in which final semester grade, it is much less likely that student could name five specific facts from a class that they took last year. By removing focus from absorbing new material and placing that extra focus upon grades, students are programmed to devote less time to things that might interest them. This theme of stifling curiosity and enthusiasm is continued when examining what classes the school system most pressures students to take. Intensive math, science and engineering courses are strongly emphasized as these disciplines are somehow deemed more academic, useful, and practical than other courses. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with these courses, students are often discouraged from taking other courses which they may find more fascinating because these other courses somehow matter less or are “easier.” Schools continue to perpetuate the idea that some classes are better than others and this is a ridiculous notion. Learning is learning no matter what the topic and discouraging students from taking classes that interest them only helps to stifle curiosity and the desire for knowledge. Schools should instead encourage students to pursue subjects that interest them, as passion and interest are often better predictors of future success than the content

of the classes themselves. In today’s schools, students are confined by regulations, requirements and recommendations. Grades carry more weight than critical thinking skills and students are pressured into STEM classes because there is an existing belief that these classes lead to the most successful and lucrative careers. Students are taught to stick to the rules and memorize set structures for completing problems. This means that students do not develop the ability to think and reason for themselves. By the time a student has completed 13 years of institutionalized schooling, they are almost certain to have been turned into a drone, adept at taking notes but not equipped with a solid world view or critical thinking skills. In a world where college prices are growing at unprecedented rates and the middle class of America is rapidly disappearing, it is understandable why there is so much pressure set on students to make good grades and choose a successful career path. However, it is very important to remember that while teachers want to ensure that their students have the best chance of succeeding in college, education is education no matter the class, and most college students change their major numerous times throughout their time in college. Most college-aged students don’t know what they want to do for the rest of their lives, so the best we can do is encourage them to study the subjects that interest them, as passion, curiosity, and drive are the biggest indicators of one’s future success. Until public schools in the United States change their focus from operating a college-creating machine, to focusing on educating their students for the sole purpose of learning, we will not see any improvement.

I am not excited for college. I am really only going for the purpose of getting a job. To top that off, I am not even pursuing my passion as my major. All my life I have loved history but there are really no jobs that come with that major, so as it stands right now, I am pursuing a computer science degree. I am entering the void that is college and I have no idea what to expect except that it will be hard and I am unprepared. These past four years I have gotten nothing but good grades. I participated in extra-curricular activities, did some volunteer work, and scored decently on the SAT. I am the cookie cutter goody-two-shoes successful student. But I do not feel like that success will transfer over in college. I only ever studied for tests so that I would not have to try on the exam at the end of the semester, my hours of student service learning were just so I could graduate, and the extracurriculars that I joined were just so I could “set myself apart” from my peers. College requires a lot of work and I am not sure I can commit myself to another four years, on top of the last 13 years, of putrid school. But alas, I now find myself staring at the gate of college with the words “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here,” inscribed on it. To make things worse, I am already committed to this college whose gates I am staring at, unsure if I really want to go there, questioning my major, and wondering if I’ll even be able to get a job. If I take away getting a job as the pure reason of going to college, I would sure as hell be getting a history degree. I love history. The Romans, the Neolithic era, the Crusades, World War II, that all excites me and I want to

learn it all. So surely I would get a history degree if I really loved it that much, right? No. I’ll end up as a barista at Starbucks if I pursued history. So I am going into America’s lovechild field: STEM. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. I am not paying for my college education. My parents are. They have openly said that if I do not follow a major that guarantees a job (i.e. STEM, business, accounting, etc.) they will not pay for my education. So my options are to get a degree that lands me a job, or go to college for something I love but end up with a half a lifetime worth of debt. For the romantics it seems like an easy choice, to “follow your heart” and “pursue your dreams,” but for the realists, like me, the decision is a little more difficult than that. Right now my brain is telling me to take the free education and land a job, no matter how much unhappiness it takes. At least in the end maybe I’ll have money and a well-paying job. I do not want to be defined by my major. I do not want to lock myself into a profession for the rest of my life, especially one like computer science where the field evolves so quickly the engineers and programmers have to keep up or be replaced by a new class of college graduates. I just want to be happy. History would give me happiness for the four years I educate myself, but then what? No job and no money and no happiness. Hopefully, things work out in the end, maybe I change my mind and become a history major, maybe I am making mountains out of molehills, maybe a recent editorial in the Washington Post is right and “critical thinking is ... the only way to protect American jobs” and I can prove to employers that a history major is worth hiring.

you’ll be able to branch out and try new things later. Students are afraid to explore ... to fail in high school because they’re afraid one unchecked box—or the substitution of one box for another—on their checklist will keep them from getting into the college of their dreams.” This mindset urges students to obtain the highest GPA, pushing them to take difficult courses they cannot handle, or lower-level classes where they know they will succeed. Students aiming for top universities mistake prestige for what these kids are really looking for: validation. To them, an acceptance at their top choice means all the work of the past

eighteen years was worth it, that they are successful and will continue to be throughout their life; a rejection indicates they wasted their time and will not achieve anything of value. These false messages result from students equating GPAs, SAT scores and acceptance letters to their worth as a person, reinforced by falling admission rates and the assumption students must rely on the name of their college for a job, rather than skills and knowledge cultivated there. Universities aren’t the ones answering questions at job interviews. It is not where you go after high school, but what you do with your education that matters in the end.

by Tyler Ruth ‘16

Education Should Be What You Want to Make of It by Amy Hesselroth ‘16

As a high school senior neckdeep in the college application process, I have found myself answering the same question for the last six months. Whenever adults or peers find out I am in my last year of high school, inevitably they ask “Where are you applying?” after which they expect a list of every school where I have submitted an application, along with explanations of why I chose each school, and which one I would like to attend most and least. Others want to know my GPA, a breakdown of my SAT score, and the topics of my essays. It seems everyone has something

to say when students start to make plans for after graduation. We have turned high school into a competition for who has the most polished resume and most challenging course schedule. Students are under immense pressure to get into the best school, pick the best major, get the best internships, and enter the best job—which too often means the highest-paying job. Parents and students overlook the fact that what’s best is not always to be the best. High school is no longer about learning, but how many awards students can accumulate in four years. Emily Hoeven, director of the University of Pennsylvania Student Life Committee,

notes that “high school is viewed less as an experience to be valued in itself and more as a mere stepping stone to college ... nothing but a series of boxes that you need to check off in order to arrive at the desired endpoint.” My classmates constantly make statements like “I’m just joining this club because it looks good on apps,” or “I need another AP or I’ll never get into college.” Students register for classes and clubs they have no interest in, hoping to impress admissions officers. Whoever attributes this behavior to the fact “college is sold to high school students as the light at the end of the tunnel: If you follow the basic pattern of success now,

The Warrior•Opinions 18

March 17, 2016

Netflix Show Exposes Faults in Justice System Swift Gets Too Much Criticism by Lauren MacFadden ‘17

by Natalie Murray ‘18

Many people turn to Netflix to binge watch their favorite shows like “Gossip Girl” or “Grey’s Anatomy.” However, when Netflix released the documentary, “Making a Murderer,” on Dec. 18, 2015, people could not turn away from the suspense. In this ten-part series, viewers dive into the case of Steven Avery. In 1985, Avery was falsely convicted of rape in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. After spending 18 long years in prison, DNA finally proved Avery’s innocence and he was released in 2003. However, Avery’s freedom did not last. On October 31, 2005, Avery was accused of the murder of Teresa Halbach, a photographer for an automobile magazine who earlier that day took pictures of cars from Avery’s salvage yard. The police arrested Avery after Halbach’s car was found in the salvage yard. The police began an eight-day search on his property where they found Avery’s blood in Halbach’s car as well as her car keys with traces of Avery’s sweat in his trailer. As if things could not get worse for Avery, his nephew Brendan Dassey confessed that he and Avery raped and brutally murdered Halbach in Avery’s trailer. Dassey later recanted his testimony; however, Dassey was still arrested. Despite substantial evidence, issues surfaced that suggest the investigation may have led to an unfair trial for Avery. The police’s vendetta against Avery began when he was convicted of rape in 1985. After Av-

It would seem that, for every one of the millions of Taylor Swift fans in the world, there are three Taylor Swift haters. Although Swift is a genuine, kind, hardworking singer-songwriter, she always seems to be under fire for something ridiculous— like that she “sues her fans” or is “money-hungry.” The claim that Swift sues everyone began when she applied to trademark several lyrics and phrases associated with her hit album “1989.” Around that time, some fan-made products involving those phrases/lyrics were removed from Etsy. No fan was ever sued—they were sent cease and desist letters, which simply inform an Etsy user that they are violating Etsy’s terms of use and have to remove their product. Some people, however, choose to exaggerate the story and make it seem like Swift herself hunted down and sued her fans. The rumor that Swift is greedy stemmed from her decision to pull her music from Spotify, a decision that she clearly explained was to make a point about how artists—particularly lesser-known ones—don’t make as much as they deserve from music-streaming apps. This, in some people’s minds, translated to her complaining about how she wasn’t paid enough. However, Spotify pays per stream, making it very beneficial to popular artists such as Swift (“Shake it Off” was making $84,000 per week before it was removed), so she could’ve made millions by leaving her music on Spotify. But her issue with

Steven Avery is one of the subjects of the series “Making a Murderer.” ery had served 10 years in prison, tests proved that the DNA from the rape did not match Avery’s. However, instead of releasing Avery, the police set the DNA results aside until his lawyers pressed them for the information. After Avery was released in 2003, he sued Manitowoc County for false imprisonment, which reflected poorly on the department. After Halbach went missing, the police did not question any of her family, roommates, friends, or co-workers, which demonstrates the police department’s bias in the investigation. After Halbach’s car was found in the Avery salvage yard, the police held an eight-day search. It took the police over a week to discover Halbach’s keys even though they were next to his dresser in plain sight. This sudden find of evidence in such a simple place is questionable. When the DNA from the key went to the lab, the lead researcher admitted that she had not been attentive to

the key and there was a possibility that tampering of the evidence had occurred. Despite this admission, the judge allowed the evidence to remain in the trial. Later, the police found bullet holes in the garage which matched one of the guns kept in the house. Despite the bullet holes, no blood or DNA of Halbach was found in the trailer or the garage. It was ruled out that Avery bleached either place because his DNA was found in both places. The documentary sheds light on the various issues within the justice system, particularly that of law enforcement and raises questions surrounding Avery’s guilt. This surprising and unexpected documentary has opened the eyes of various viewers to the negative actions the justice system is capable of. Many viewers have formed different and wide-ranging theories surrounding the case; however Avery’s fight has not ended yet.

Spotify wasn’t her own royalties, it was the minuscule profit made by smaller artists. If she had protested that Spotify was problematic and then left her music available to be streamed on the app, she would’ve been called a hypocrite. She chose to call attention to the needs of struggling artists rather than make a huge profit, something that a money-hungry person clearly wouldn’t do. She’s also been’s “Most Charitable Celebrity” for four years in a row due to her donations to dozens of charities, including UNICEF, Habitat for Humanity, Save the Music Foundation, and Stand Up to Cancer. Other donations she’s made include ones to young fans battling cancer, New York City public schools, the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, and a fan struggling to pay off student loans. People also create impossible standards for Swift and criticize her when she doesn’t meet them. She wins an award and acts surprised? So fake! She wins an award and doesn’t act surprised? How ungrateful! She doesn’t tweet #FreeKesha? Fake feminist! She privately donates $250,000 to Kesha to help her with legal fees? Stop throwing money around; it doesn’t solve anything! It’s completely unfair that a hardworking, down-to-earth celebrity such as Swift is called a slut, accused of being ungenuine or uncaring, or bashed for completely made-up or exaggerated reasons. It’s time that Swift be recognized for her generosity, her positive messages to her fans and her dedication to her music.

To The Point Apple is in the Right

Black Lives Matter

Permission to Censor

by Tyler Ruth ‘16

by Natalie Murray ‘18

by Meghan Proctor ‘16

If Apple were to incorporate a backdoor into the iPhone’s software it would be like creating a master key that opens all doors. No one believes anyone should have that power in the physical world, so why should it be given to someone in the digital world? The FBI has recently demanded that Apple Inc. build a backdoor into the iPhone so that, according to the bureau, it can get all the necessary data off one of the San Bernardino perpetrator’s devices to see who the terrorists were communicating with and any sites they visited prior to the attack in December. Apple has thankfully denied the request to circumvent their security measures stating that encryption is “the only way to keep their [customers’] information safe.” A backdoor seems like a simple solution, but it is sacrificing freedom for security. Once that backdoor is there, what is stopping cyber-criminals from finding it as well? In addition, the only people that would be hurt if a backdoor is implemented would be the consumer, as a criminal would use the tools to threaten law-abiding citizens. The American people should not have to depend on corporations to defend their privacy. That is the government’s job to protect privacy, not to threaten it.

Say you’re traveling through the desert when your water runs out and you become severely dehydrated. Another traveler has much more water than they need, so you tell them, “I need water.” They reply, “everyone needs water,” and give some to a healthy, perfectly hydrated traveler. This is, essentially, “Black Lives Matter” versus “All Lives Matter.” People who oppose All Lives Matter aren’t denying that everyone’s life has value. They dislike All Lives Matter because that particular movement wasn’t created by white people who want to help all minorities who face discrimination. All Lives Matter was created by childish individuals who wrongly assumed that Black Lives Matter meant Only Black Lives Matter, and proceeded to throw a tantrum disguised as a social movement. All Lives Matter may seem like it’s better for “focusing on everyone,” but by grouping all people together, it implies that all races face the same level of discrimination and injustice, and that’s just not true. White people aren’t shot for carrying a toy gun or playing loud music. White people don’t face the same dangers that black people do, and stating the obvious that all people’s lives matter isn’t going to solve problems faced by any race.

A bill recently approved by Virginia’s Senate would require schools to send notifications to parents when the class will read a book that contains sexually explicit content. Parents would then have the opportunity to opt their children out of reading that book. While this bill is not as bad as outright banning books for all students, there are too many problems with this bill to work properly. One important concern is that “sexually explicit content” is a broad and subjective term, making it unclear to schools when to notify parents. Some schools may even actively avoid teaching controversial books, including those commonly taught at Sherwood, such as “Catcher in the Rye” and “Invisible Man” to avoid the notification process. Another problem is that this bill undermines the books’ educational value to their inappropriate content. Some parents may choose to ignore the benefits to reading a certain book simply because of one or two inappropriate scenes. Books are meant to make people think about controversial topics, not turn away when discussions get awkward. It’s understandable that parents may want a say in what their children read, but forcing schools to ask for permission encourages censorship and prevents students from broadening their minds when controversial topics arise.

The Warrior•Opinions


March 17, 2016

HOMEWORK One of the most prevalent complaints among students is the amount of homework they receive on a daily basis. Knowing this, the Warrior wanted to find out exactly how the student body feels about homework and what could be done to improve current policies regarding these assignments. The following survey was gathered from a total of 142 responses, representing an even mix of on-level, honors, and Advanced Placement classes.

“When given a reading assignment in English class, how much of it do you actually read?

Results collected by Ben Cooper ‘16 and Christopher Sung ‘17

“After being given five days to study for a major summative test, when do you usually start studying for it?” “As soon as possible.” (8%) “Two or three days before the test.” (48%) “The night before the test.” (44%)

“How would you describe the average amount of homework you receive?” “Too much”


“The right amount”

“Not enough”


(17%) (33%) (36%) (6%) (8%)

“What could be done to help students complete their homework?”

“Overall, would you say that homework reinforces what is taught in the classroom?” “Yes”


(20%) (27%) (20%) (24%) (9%)

“At around what time do you usually start your homework?” “3 P.M. - 4 P.M.” “4 P.M. - 7 P.M.” “7 P.M. - 10 P.M.” “After 10 P.M.” “Never”



“100% of the assignment.” “75% of the assignment.” “50% of the assignment.” “25% of the assignment.” “0% of the assignment.”


“Give less ... teachers give quantity over quality when it should be quality over quantity.” -Jenna Deutch ‘19 “Don’t make big homework assignments due on Mondays.” -Ade Adeola ‘16 “Don’t give filler/busy homework for the sake of having grades in Edline.” -Josh Schmid ‘16 “[Give us] more concentrated information to reinforce [information].” -Jessica Cromwell ‘17


“Maybe if teachers could try and coordinate with assignments. Sometimes I have almost no homework, and other times I have a lot. ” -Stephanie Levin ‘18


Affirmative Action Requires Rapid and Fundamental Improvements by Josh Averbach ‘18

Since the end of the civil rights movement, colleges and universities have given preferential treatment to Black and Hispanic applicants in a practice known as affirmative action. Later this year, the Supreme Court will rule on Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, a case that may, if the court gets it right, end racial preferences in college admissions. Affirmative action in college applications is a flawed policy for two main reasons. First, it actually hurts some of the minorities that it intends to help. Second, poverty, not race, is the primary reason why many minorities

struggle to succeed. Therefore, schools should give a slight edge to the poorest applicants, irrespective of race, since such a policy would address the true barriers to academic success. As counterintuitive as it may sound, affirmative action sometimes hurts the minorities it intends to help. This occurs when certain blacks and Hispanics are admitted into schools that they lack the academic credentials to attend, and struggle at these schools as a result. This is evidenced by data from the Department of Education, which states that at public colleges and universities, in 2006, black students were over 20 percent less likely

than white students to graduate within six years without transferring. While this gap is too large to be attributable only to affirmative action, it is likely that affirmative action exacerbates the problem of struggling minority students. Proponents of affirmative action argue that because there is a discrepancy in academic performance between white and minority students, minorities are inherently disadvantaged in education, thus, making affirmative action necessary. While this discrepancy is a troubling piece of data, a deeper look reveals a different picture. According to the New York Times, studies show that the racial achievement gap

is shrinking, and is significantly smaller than the academic gulf between poor, middle-class, and wealthy students. From this information, it can be inferred that the racial discrepancy is not the result of minorities being inherently disadvantaged in academia, but a symptom of the fact that poor people, who are disproportionately likely to be minorities, are disadvantaged. Common sense corroborates the idea that poverty is a larger barrier to academic success than race. There are many factors that can serve as obstacles for poor people in education. Among them are bad schools in poor areas, inability to afford tutors or supplies,

and family breakdown. These are all class-based obstacles that transcend race to affect poor minorities and whites alike. For those three reasons, it is clear that schools should transition from the current system to one that is essentially merit-based, but gives very limited help to poor applicants, regardless of their race. Quotas should not be used, and no otherwise completely under-qualified applicant should be accepted because of class. Both of those would create the problem of under-qualified students at too-difficult schools. Class should only be a factor for students on the border between acceptance and rejection.


The Warrior Wonders... If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? “I would travel to Australia and go cage diving with the great white sharks” ~Karyn Delauder ‘17

“I would want to go to Chicago so I can see the Bulls play live at their home court” ~Dan Davis ‘17

“I would go to Antarctica because the temperature matches my heart” ~Martha Bojang ‘17

What is your most visited vacation spot? OTHER NATIONAL PARK 6% 9% 16% AMUSEMENT PARK SKI RESORT CITY




What activities do you typically do while on vacation?

If you could bring one person on vacation with you, who would it be?

“My family and I typically have family game night when we’re on vacation” ~Greta Leissa ‘17

“Stephen Hawking because he knows how to figure out the universe and get the ladies” ~Brian Welsh ‘17

“I typically visit with friends and family at the beach and sight-see” ~Meredith Kahan ‘16 “I read, lay on the beach, kayak and fish” ~Olivia DeGonia ‘17

Have you ever traveled out of the country?

Yes No

80% 20%

“It would be my best friend Lucy because we have fun wherever we go” ~Lily Rathbun ‘18 “I would bring my mom because she’s the best person ever” ~Brianna Huertas ‘17

What are you doing this spring break? am I k a e ng Br Utah” i r p S “This skiing in ‘17 n a going m r Her a l y k ~S going m a ak I ts” e r b g “Durin college visi on s ‘17 n o y L ~Lucy

“I am going to Florida with Carly and Tate for Spring Break” ~Nadia Sabry ‘17

“Durin gS chillin pring Brea k I en g with m ~Kevin y frien joy Lamb ds” erson ‘16 “This S be goi pring Break ng on the Be I will ~Cade lize tr n O’C ip” onnell ‘17

*105 students surveyed compiled by Lexi Paidas ‘17

The Warrior•Entertainment March 17, 2016


A Walk through the Renwick Gallery

by Mallory Carlson ‘19

From the line starting to form outside at least 30 minutes before opening to the people laying on the floor to look at one of the works of art, WONDER, the new exhibition at the Renwick Gallery, earns its name and the buzz it has been receiving as of late. After undergoing a two-year renovation, the Renwick Gallery, which holds the Smithsonian Museum of Art’s collection of contemporary art, reopened with a bang this past November, becoming Instagram-famous shortly after Jan. 8. It’s no surprise, as when you walk around the gallery, you see words on the wall, boasting the phrase “Photography encouraged,” and the ever popular #RenwickGallery. Even the rainy morning couldn’t dampen my anticipation of seeing the art in the Renwick. Phone camera at the ready, I walked through the hall to one of my favorite pieces, Patrick Dougherty’s structures created from weaved branches. They stretched all over the space, huge formations that you could stand in or look through the circular gaps that reminded me of portholes on a ship. The next exhibit I visited is one that is, in my opinion, most seen on Instagram, a huge weaving of colorful thread that stretches from floor to ceiling by artist

Mallory Carlson ‘19

This art piece, which is an assemblance of sculptures made from household materials by Tara Donovan, is just one of the many unique and captivating works that exist within the walls of the Renwick Gallery. Gabriel Dawe. The art is hard to capture in one photo, as I learned as I moved from side to side of the room, trying to get the best shot possible that captures the beauty of the way the artwork caught the light but also show the extensive length it possessed. After deciding that I had done the best I could on the photo front, I moved on to the second of my three favorite exhibits.

The third exhibit was not as breathtaking at first glance, but once I got closer, I could see why it was just as deserving of attention as the other exhibits. Tara Donovan created multiple towers made of ordinary materials, the prominent one being index cards. These stacks are very intricately glued together so that none of them are like any other, varying in shape and size. The detail of

Oscars Controversy Gives Rock Ample Material by Milan Polk ‘16

The Academy Awards had many highlights, including the much-loved Leonardo Dicaprio winning his first ever Oscar after over 20 years in numerous popular films, and “Mad Max: Fury Road” winning six Oscars for members involved its special effects. Of course, what viewers really wanted to see was how host Chris Rock took on the lack of diversity at the awards. Rock delivered and served up a hefty amount of jokes surrounding the controversial #OscarsSoWhite and the lack of minorities in the nominations. His 10-minute monologue was focused around diversity and answering the question of whether or not Hollywood is racist. Rock acknowledged Hollywood’s wellknown flaw, although described it as not “that racist that you’ve grown accustomed to.” Rock’s best jokes of the night made the audience roar with laughter, like when he mentioned he saw “at least 15 black people” in the opening montage of films. Strangely enough, the worst jokes also made celebrities laugh, possibly at the uncomfortable situation, like when Rock brought out Asian children and suggested they would grow up to become accountants, even giving one a Jewish name, and suggesting that if someone disapproved of the joke they could, “just tweet about

it on your phone, which was also made by these kids”. Celebrities including Constance Wu, lead actress in the popular television comedy “Fresh Off the Boat,” did, in fact, expressed her disgust over social media. Most critics have praised Rock for his performance, saying it was much needed. Others, however, focused more on the flaws of Rock’s spiel, calling him out on celebrity undercuts such as when he noticeably insulted couple Jada Pinkett and Will Smith, both of whom called for minorities to boycott the awards. He pointed out one of Smith’s acting flops, saying the actor should not “have been paid $20 million” for the 1999 film “Wild Wild West.” Audiences and critics felt many movies were snubbed in certain categories, and if included, there could have been more diversity. There was some vexation when “Creed’s” Michael B. Jordan was not nominated for

the “Best Actor” category. There also was the irony of the “Straight Outta Compton” nomination, since the plot surrounded the rise of a famous black rap group, but only the film’s white screenwriters recorded a nomination. The night did still have some diversity and representation, however. Memorable moments of the event included Lady Gaga’s haunting and brilliant tribute to sexual abuse survivors, and Sam Smith’s winning speech, where he incorrectly claimed he was the first openly gay Oscar winner, much to the chagrin of the screenwriter of the 2009 film “Milk.” Overall, the show was groundbreaking in content, but not in ratings. Ratings were at a near record low, and this being the second year of a mostly white list of nominees could have been a factor. Of course, social media saw more popularity, with over 48 million posts and tweets involving the Academy Awards.

these thousands of cards is fascinating. The fourth exhibit was definitely the one I found most interesting. After walking upstairs, you enter a room that is illuminated only by the huge artwork on the ceiling. The material is what appeared to be some sort of netting that changed colors as the spotlights on it did. The line to get to the next exhibit stretched

around the room, and people were staring up at the work from the line and from the middle of the room, as they reclined on chairs or on the floor. I even spotted some people on pillows, dreamily staring up at the changing colors of Janet Echelman’s work. The next three exhibits, at least to me, were not as captivating. The fifth work was a model of a tree hanging sideways in the middle of the room, created by John Grade. Interesting, but not enticing. The sixth entranced me more. It was art by Maya Lin, who used glass marbles to make a design that stretched across the floor and up the walls. The seventh was a bending, intricate structure put together with rubber tire pieces by Chakaia Booker. The last exhibit was a brightly painted room, decorated by Jennifer Angus. The designs on the wall were definitely something different — the patterns were created by bugs. I was asked if I thought they were real, and I said no without thinking about it too much. Those hundreds of bugs on the wall? They were real. That’s when I decided that room would not be one of my favorites, but art is art. WONDER offers an enchanting experience that will captivate people of all ages and interests, but time is limited because it will only be on view for six more months.

The Warrior•Entertainment 22

March 17, 2016

Movies Batman v. Superman - March 25

Collide - April 1 Hardcore Henry - April 8

Concerts - Fillmore

The Boss - April 8

Concerts - 9:30 Club

Hoodie Allen March 18

Pusha T - March 23 Vance Joy - March 25

Frankie Ballard April 13

Savages - March 27

graphic by Ryan Deal ‘16 and Tate Harrop ‘17

ABC Family Becomes Freeform by Nicole Reich ‘17 For more than 15 years, the Disney-ABC television group has owned ABC Family and made it the iconic go-to channel for its biggest fans. The treasured “Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas” and “13 Nights of Halloween” are TV events that viewers tuned in to watch. With its original shows and featured specials, the channel seemed to have it all. So it came as a surprise that the channel is re-branding its identity by changing the name to Freeform. The channel plans to target a certain audience of “Becomers” who are in the “formation” of their lives, which presumably means viewers in the age 15-21 demographic. “Freeform evokes the spirit and adventure of our audience,” said President Tom Ascheim of ABC Family. Popular original shows that will still play on Freeform include “Pretty Little Liars,” “The Fosters,” “Switched at Birth,” “Baby Daddy,” and “Young and Hungry.” All of these have been incredibly successful after multiple seasons and with more scheduled to come. New shows that premiered throughout the transition of the new name are

What Not to Wear Chuck the Chucks by Morgan Hill ‘16 and Samantha Schwartz ‘16


Launched in January, Freeform is designed to target the demographic that ABC Family refers to as the “Becomers,” the wave of millennials in their 20s. “Shadowhunters” and “Recovery Road,” which have already become fan favorites. However, there are viewers who are conflicted about name change to Freeform, worried that the channel won’t be as reliable for quality TV or movies around the clock. For viewers who don’t like change, they must deal with a network that is devoted to changing. Other fans are happy because the network already had altered away from its first purpose. Fans of the original shows are ecstatic for the promising future of more seasons and new shows alike. With the new name comes a brand new priority to serve the

fans captivating and relatable material on the journey towards becoming an adult. Although there is the new name and some different shows, the network has vehemently promised to continue their beloved traditions with their two countdowns, original shows, movies and marathons. Yes, the iconic ABC Family is changing its name and aspects of the channel, but some things will stay exactly the same. “Freeform will deliver new, exciting original content as well as all the favorite shows our viewers already love on ABC Family,” Ascheim added.

After 17 years of never matching navy blue with black or polka dots and plaid, senior fashion lovers Morgan Hill and Samantha Schwartz are here to share fashion opinions with the students of Sherwood. In each issue of The Warrior, we will choose a different fashion faux pas to critique. This time we address the Converse epidemic. Converse come in all shapes and sizes. They are not comfortable but easy to throw on which leads to people wearing them for every occasion. Similar to leggings, which we tackled in our previous issue, Converse have a time and a place that many of our peers seem to be forgetting. Converse can be the perfect addition to a casual outfit, with jeans and a T-shirt or for the hipsters channeling their inner 90’s grunge. This is the appropriate application for Converse. When paired with dresses and nicer outfits, Converse appear out of place. Converse are sneakers, and sneakers are worn with casual, athletic outfits. We’re all for universal pieces, but Converse just aren’t one of them.

The latest fad that has overtaken Sherwood is high top Converse paired with white mid-calf Nike socks. We truly question whether or not the people wearing this combination look at themselves in the mirror and see a cute or stylish outfit. Are the shoes that uncomfortable that they need the extra layer of comfort found in the socks? This is not our attempt at insulting those who wear this combination. We sincerely do not understand the trend. The Converse epidemic is a small piece to a large puzzle of a problem. Trends spread like the flu throughout Sherwood. Whether these “trends” are actually fashionable is disregarded by the people who follow them. You see large groups of people wearing something “trendy” and immediately think that this trend is something you should be wearing too. It’s a way of rationalizing your wearing of a look that you know isn’t cute or fashionable. We are not Converse haters, but there are limitations to when and where they should be worn. If you try to pair your nicest clothes, whether it be a dress or a sweater with Converse, it will never work. Quit while you are ahead.

The Warrior•Entertainment March 17, 2016


Kanye Talks Big But Still Delivers The 1975 Creates Impact by Alex Nnabue ‘18

by Lydia Valazquez ‘17

Even after the hype and then controversy surrounding the February release of Kanye West’s seventh studio album, “The Life Of Pablo” (TLOP) stands up to the high expectations. Departing from the experimental electronic tones of his last album, “Yeezus.” “TLOP” is a versatile record that noticeably reflects elements from his fifth studio album, “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” such as soul, symphonic tones, and strong electronic beats. “TLOP” is highly unpredictable and is able to shift into unique movements throughout each song. Also similar to “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy,” West relies heavily on an array of guests including Rihanna, The Weeknd, Chris Brown, Frank Ocean, and Kendrick Lamar. “Ultralight Beam,” featuring Chance the Rapper, opens “TLOP” with memorable gospels and R&B tones while delivering a Christian message. This is a change from “Yeezus” because his last album is often referred to as anti-Christian since he constantly referred to himself as a god. The next two songs, “Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1” and “Pt .2,” feature Metro Boomin and boast a strong bass and uplifting lyrics. “Famous,”

When asked about Manchester-based alternative rock band The 1975, most are probably only able to identify their song “Chocolate” from their debut, self-titled album back in 2013. It was only this past February that the band finally released new music, their sophomore album, “I Like When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It.” When they emerged onto the scene, The 1975 had a similar sound to that of any other poprock band, with a hint of grunge balanced with pop guitar riffs, yet their new album reaches more broadly across the music spectrum. “I Like When You Sleep” reflects heavy influence from ‘80s bands, such as INXS, with incorporations of synth and gospel-esque background vocals. The variation in sound is intentional. Lead vocalist Matty Healy has mentioned in interviews since the album’s release that he believes genres are a restriction and this album’s versatility is a challenge to the structure of musical categories. The ideas discussed in the album vary just as much as the music, yet umbrella under a major theme of combating identity and acceptance. Particular songs

Kanye West, shown here at the Yeezy Season 3 premeire, considered three previous album titles before settling on “The Life Of Pablo.” which features Rihanna, adds heavily on guests and revive the to the blend of styles, with West classic Kanye sound. Although opening up with a controversial “TLOP” has received positive diss to Taylor Swift, claiming reviews from critics and fans, that he made her famous after the some find it hard to praise due to 2009 Grammy’s. The slow and the arrogance that West displays. downbeat “FML” featuring The Fans also have been peeved at Weeknd incorporates a dark and the delayed release, numerous tislow melody that differs from tle changes and its absence from the rest of the record. “Waves,” streaming services. Although featuring Chris Brown, is a per- West’s pronouncements about sonal favorite and is a key song his greatness are tiresome, fans on “TLOP” because of its memo- should not lose sight of the fact rable lyrics such as “Waves don’t that “TLOP” already sets itself die” along with mellow beats. apart from other hip-hop albums West also admitted the album was released this year. delayed a few days in order for the song to be included. The lengthy “30 Hours” and the other tracks placed at the ending of the album do not rely too



that express issues more directly are “If I Believe You,” a pop-rock sounding, gospel-esque ballad about struggling with spirituality and “The Ballad of Me and My Brain,” a crooning, short song similar to the band’s earlier sound about dealing with mental illness. One of the standout songs on the record is “The Sound,” which embodies a playful tone and dance party groove that will get listeners on their feet. Nonetheless, there are aspects of the album that are rather disappointing. One of the major ones being the inclusion of sound effects, in almost all the songs, that give off the vibe of a bedroom lo-fi project. There is even an entire song on the album that is entirely “instrumental” or rather, roughly five minutes of electro-pop sounds with few instruments actually playing. Regardless, the album is one with variety that holds its own in an industry with lots of similar artists. The stark contrast of the upbeat instrumental to the brooding lyrics creates an artistically beautiful and individualistic album overall.

Grade: B

Simpson Saga Revisited on FX ‘Fuller House’ Provides Nostalgia, Little Else ing in the courtroom. Lawyers on by Tate Harrop ‘17

The trial of O.J. Simpson for the gruesome murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman gripped the American public for 16 months. Now a 10-episode series, “The People v O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story” is airing on FX network on Tuesday nights and is recounting the events to an audience who may not have even been alive in the ‘90s. The series began on February 2 and will run until March 29. Screenwriters Larry Karaszewski and Scott Alexander recreate the legal process of the trial and dramatize the events around it. A wealth of actors, including longtime film stars, play the real-life people who were involved in every aspect of the case, including the prosecution team, O.J. Simpson’s defense team, and even Nicole Simpson’s friends. The first episode of “The People v O.J. Simpson” opens with the 1991 police beating of Rodney King, an event that caused days of rioting in downtown Los Angeles. The scene provides the context for the simmering racial conflicts in Los Angeles at the time of the 1994 murders. The episode then jumps to the hours and days after the murder as suspicion settles around O.J. Simpson, played by Cuba Gooding Jr. The actor deeply explores the emotions that Simpson felt as he was being accused of killing exwife Simpson and Goldman. So far, the directors make it clear how the case led to a media frenzy that impacted the proceed-

both sides felt the intense pressure not only to win the case but also to win in the public eye. Sarah Pulson plays the role of top prosecutor Marcia Clark and does a wonderful job in representing the raw emotion that the real Clark felt towards the case. Simpson’s lead defense attorney, Johnnie Cochran, is played by Courtney B. Vance. The actor brilliantly portrays Cochran’s smooth talk as he persuades the media that Simpson is discriminated against in the courtroom. Although the true story is portrayed in a realistic way, some of the choices seem designed to appeal to today’s audience more than reflecting what actually happened. Simpson’s friend, Robert Kardashian--who is also a part of his legal team--is well-played by David Schwimmer; however, in certain episodes Kardashian’s children are shown watching the case and making comments about seeing their father on TV. This seems to be a ploy to get people to watch the show because of the name “Kardashian.” Nevertheless, “The People v O.J. Simpson” succeeds in making the audience want more from the show each week. The expressed emotions and the little details in each episode make for exciting viewing. Newcomers to the show can watch it through streaming services or online.


by Amanda Allen ‘17

Who would have thought the beloved Tanner family would make a reappearance in family rooms years later? Netflix made this possible, introducing the original series “Fuller House” on February 26 with 13 episodes. The series is a resurrection of the ABC sitcom “Full House” and stars many of the original actors. The Tanner family is brought together when Danny Tanner (Bob Saget) and Becky Katsopolis (Lori Loughlin) prepare to move to Los Angeles to co-host their morning show. Danny’s friend Joey Gladstone (Dave Coulier) returns to the house to gather his things before moving to Las Vegas for his comedy shows. After the first episode, which mainly centers around the reunion of the cast, the show focuses on the eldest, now grown-up daughter D.J. Tanner (Candace Cameron Bure), who struggles to raise her three boys after the death of her husband. Middle sister Stephanie Tanner (Jodie Sweetin) moves in to help D.J., giving up her music career. D.J.’s irritating childhood best friend Kimmy Gibler (Andrea Barber) also joins them, along with her daughter, after a recent divorce. The show entails the daily lives of the next generation of the Tanner family, with no new surprises. Giving D.J.’s youngest son Max the catchphrase, “Holy Chalupas!” evokes nostalgia in viewers that enjoyed the original show, which reminds them of the characters’ old popular catchphrases. Many of the pop-

All members from the original show agreed to return for “Fuller House” except the Olsen twins, who refused in order to control their fashion empire. ular catchphrases were revived within the first episode. Stephanie’s “How Rude!”, Uncle Joey’s “Cut it out!” and Uncle Jesse’s “Have Mercy!” jokingly worked their way into the show. The only phrase missing is “You got it dude!” from youngest daughter, Michelle Tanner. Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen are sole members of the original cast who did not join in on the reunion. Within the first episode, the cast addressed why Michelle was not present: she was too busy running her fashion empire. “Fuller House” threw some shade by including a long pause at the camera after this explanation, which was a perfect passive-aggressive approach to address the absence. Besides the nostalgia, the show is nothing special compared to today’s exciting television shows. The lack of plot makes it difficult for viewers to stay tuned. If they want this show to last, the writers need to come up with more original ideas. The show tries to include D.J.’s high school sweetheart, Steve, as a possible

love interest. This highlights the shows inability to move forward from the past. The episodes are similar to the original series, with each conflict resolved with a happy ending. Although the series is a bit outdated in humor, the show maintains its cute and family-friendly theme, resembling a Disney show. “Fuller House” purposely scratches the surface on the topic of D.J.’s husband, as if even death is too controversial to address. Despite the inability to move on from the past, this series is an entertaining family show that keeps things fun for viewers. Even though the show has received mostly negative reviews from critics, it has been renewed for a second season. Something about the Tanner family proves to be irresistible even a second time around.


The Warrior•Sports 24

March 17, 2016

The Warrior•Sports March 17, 2016

Hard Work Pays Off with Trifecta for Girls’ Swim

Talent Shouldn’t Be Postponed

by Ben Cooper ‘16

by Bryan Hayre ‘16

After high expectations coming into the season, the girls’ swim and dive team lived up to the hype and more. They completed their own version of a “triple crown” by winning not only the Division 2 title, but also The Washington Metropolitan Swim and Dive Championship (known as “Metros”), the Regional 3A/4A Championship, and the State title. Previously, the girls’ team had never won a Metros Championship or a State Championship. At Metros, it was expected that the Warriors would perform well; however, considering that many private schools take part in the championship, it was unclear just how far up the standings they would be. Senior Morgan Hill put on a show as she broke her own county and school records with times of 22.95 seconds and 49.07 seconds in the 50-yard freestyle and 100-yard freestyle, respectively. The girls also won the 400-yard Freestyle Relay, in which freshman Sophia Ryan, senior Margarita Ryan, junior Jaimy Wenhold, and Hill collectively achieved a time of 3:20.64. Coach Brendan Lees credited the win to the team’s effort during practices. “They have worked extremely hard to have the success that they’ve had. They’ve put a lot of hours in the pool and it’s fun for them to see the benefits of it,” said Lees. At the State Championship, Hill led the way with a new state record in the 50-yard Freestyle and the 100-yard Freestyle. She also participated in a 400-yard

As March Madness begins, so does the opportunity for the best players to show that they can take their game to the next level. NBA prospects look to lead their team to a national title while performing on the grandest stage of them all; the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. The NBA draft will yield a variety of different players; the one-and-dones, the sophomores and juniors, and even the rare seniors. Some players have the size, athleticism, and strength after one year of college hoops to jump straight to the pros, while others need time to develop their all-around game. Fans, analysts, and writers often come out against standout freshman coming and going so quickly from the college game. However, each player must do what is best for him rather than what is best for his program. If players have the talent to make it to the NBA after one year of college basketball and make millions, they should go to the draft. LSU freshman Ben Simmons and Oklahoma senior Buddy Hield are two of the most talked about players in college basketball today, and the two clearly show how it’s a mistake to make a blanket statement about when a player is ready for the NBA. Simmons has dominated the competition in a single season while Hield has developed into a college phenom. Both players, despite their class, are atop the best in the nation and are both projected to be picked high in the draft.

courtesy of Gary Peters

Girls’ swim celebrates their state championship on February 20 at UMD. Freestyle Relay victory with the members previously listed and a 200-yard Medley Relay victory along with freshman Erica Hjelle, freshman Emma Eustace, and Margarita Ryan. Lees thought that Churchill would be a tough competitor; however, the Warriors won in dominating fashion, scoring 310.5 points compared to 237 points from second place Walter Johnson and 225.5 points scored by third place Churchill. Hill has participated on the swim team for all four years of high school and will continue to swim at the University of Virginia. Her leadership and ability has been an extremely valuable asset, yet without everyone being fully invested into the work necessary for success, the Warriors wouldn’t have been able to claim victories to the many championships won throughout the year. “Team cohesion was a huge

deal for us. At all of our meets, everyone genuinely wanted to be there which made the season so much more enjoyable and we swam better because of it,” said Hill. The success shown throughout the season is a result of high team synergy, dedication, and overall talent amongst each swimmer. Waking up at early times and attending numerous practices a week is a common for the swimmers. Their hard work provided the team with extremely successful results this year. “It’s exhilarating to be on a team that won both Metros and States,” said senior captain Colleen Kaufman. “The hand in hand victory jump into the pool as we were announced winners of Metros has become one of my favorite memories. I will remember these moments with such a special group of girls forever.”


Simmons was a top recruit out of high school and entered the collegiate scene as the No. 1 player in the nation. Standing at 6’10” with a 7’0.25” wingspan, he tallied 19.5 point per game (ppg) 11.9 rebounds per game (rpg), and 5 assists per game (apg). He is the projected No. 1 overall pick in the NBA draft and has been compared to superstars Lebron James and Kevin Durant. Hield has competed game in and game out, contributing 25.1 ppg, 5.5 rpg, and 2.1 apg. The 6’4” shooting guard has consistently improved throughout his college career; dropping 7.8 ppg his freshman year, 16.5 ppg his sophomore year, and 17.4 ppg his junior year. He is one of the deadliest shooters in college basketball and is projected as the seventh overall pick in the draft. Since 2006, the practice of drafting high school players has been prohibited by the new collective bargaining agreement, which requires that players who enter the draft be 19 years of age and at least one year removed from high school. Recently, there has been talk about creating a two-year requirement, similar to that of college football and the NFL. There is absolutely no reason why a college athlete’s talent should be delayed. If a basketball player is good enough to play in the NBA after a one-year pitstop in college, then so be it. Talent should never be put on hold. College athletes are quicker, faster, and stronger nowadays, so let them shine and display their talent at the professional level, regardless of time spent in college.

Coach Finds Success with Fun and Discipline by Kira Yates ‘16 Cross country and track and field Coach Dan Reeks began his long, successful coaching career in 1970, when he was a student teacher at Banning High School in Wilmington, California. There, he helped out head coach Pete Zamperini, the brother of Louis Zamperini whose story was told in the book and movie “Unbroken.” In late 1970, Reeks taught and volunteered as the cross country and track and field coach at Paint Branch. He then moved to Eastern Middle School where he started girls’ track and cross country for middle schools and later increased their racing distances. Reeks also taught and coached at Northwood and Wheaton before coming to Sherwood in the fall of 2002. He taught social studies for 39 years and briefly taught physical education. Reeks has always viewed coaching second to teaching. Although he prefers coaching cross country because there

is a huge team connectedness and many different ability levels that lead to growth and teamwork, he also enjoys coaching track and field because of the various disciplines it encompasses. “As a coach the biggest payoff is watching the development of these athletes,” said Reeks. “Every year when new freshmen come in, I decide to work with them through their senior year,” said Reeks, emphasizing how much he loves coaching. So far, Reeks has helped athletes for over 41 years and doesn’t know when he is going to stop. “He’s a really good coach because he cares so much about it and puts in a lot of work to help us improve,” said senior Jackie Noland, who has trained with Reeks for all four years of her high school career. While wanting the kids to have fun, Reeks also stresses the importance of discipline. “Talent only goes so far if you don’t train,” he said. Reeks also emphasizes the use of the Puritan work ethic.

Chase Wilson ‘17

Dan Reeks has coached cross country and track and field for 41 years. Reeks coaches for many reasons, including his love for the sport. “It’s fun to be around kids who are smarter than me. This program brings smart, motivated kids, and it makes my day even if I do get pissed off,” said Reeks. “He’s a really nice guy, and makes really bad dad jokes, but

we all laugh anyways,” said Noland, affirming his fun attitude. One of Reeks’ most memorable moments as a coach was winning the state championship with the girls’ cross country team in 1975 at Northwood. He also was especially proud when the boys’ cross country team won in 2003

because the year before, the team had really struggled but worked extremely hard and managed to win states. Over his career, Reeks has won many awards including the “Metropolitan XC Coach of the Year 2003,” after his team improved significantly, and the “Brooks Coach of the Year Award” in 2014. He most recently won “The National Federation of High Schools Coach of the Year 2015” award after being nominated for his dedication to the school’s athletic community by Athletic Director Kathy Green. “Coach Reeks was nominated because he is often a fixture at SHS athletic events such as basketball games and regional/state championships. He wants all student-athletes to excel and is supportive of all student-athletes, not just his teams,” said Green. “I always cheer for the other runners, as long as my kids are beating them. It’s really important to develop and grow the sport as a whole,” said Reeks.

The Warrior•Sports 26


March 17, 2016

Softball by Natalie Murray ‘18

Last spring, the softball team ended their undefeated season with a 4-0 win over Northwest in the state championships for their fourth consecutive 4A state title and 83rd straight victory. Coach Ashley Barber-Strunk credits the team’s success over the past four years to the hard work and determination of the players. Although the team lost two starters, Julie Swarr (second baseman) and Nicole Stockinger (shortstop), when they graduated last year, current seniors such as Marisa Mancini (outfielder), Kelly Bouma (first baseman), and McKenzie Bina (third baseman), who have all been on varsity for the past four years, will likely be very valuable to the team. In addition, the team returns senior pitcher Jaime Schmier, who will play a large factor in the team’s success in the upcoming season. Although Coach Barber-Strunk is confident in her

2015 Record: 21-0 Playoff Results: Beat Northwest 4-0 in State Championship First Game: March 21 @ Quince Orchard team’s abilities--the team is not ranked first in their class (4A) for nothing--she does expect tough competition from Blair, Northwest, and Howard County’s Leonardtown. Also, with strong freshmen coming in all over the county, she doesn’t count any team out and says that anything can happen. Although the players want to continue the victory streak started by the team four years ago, they don’t intend to win games strictly for the purpose of building onto their state record. ”Our goal is to do our best and always get better, both individually and as a team,” said Barber-Strunk. “I want to instill great values both in softball and in life.”

Baseball by Nick Comeau ‘17

Last spring, the baseball team season came up short in a loss in the regional semi-final to divisional rival Paint Branch. The team returns with a younger but experienced group of players, who are expected to continue the success of a team that consistently has been one of the strongest in Montgomery County. “We do have a lot of returning players with game experience. The guys have put in a lot of time and hard work in the off-season. The expectations are very high this year. This is a very deep and talented group,” said Coach Sean Davis. Davis said it is too early to tell who will be the team’s impact players but candidates include senior outfielder Matt Ervin and senior third baseman and York University commit Bailey Doan, who have both been on varsity since their sophomore years. Junior pitcher Brendan Collins has been

2015 Record: 13-7 Playoffs: Lost 6-4 to Paint Branch in Regional Semi-finals First Game: March 22 @ Quince Orchard on varsity since his freshman year and is expected to be the team’s ace this season. These players are the only remaining members of the state runner up team two seasons ago. This team will have it tough right off the bat when they play Quince Orchard, a team Davis expects to be one of the stronger opponents this season. Another challenging opponent for the squad on the schedule is defending 4A state champion Gaithersburg. However, Davis is confident that he has the players who can compete against the best teams in the state. “This is a very well rounded team. We do everything well. If we play our game, we will be tough to beat.”

Girls’ Lacrosse & Boys’ Lacrosse

by Lizi Thach ‘18

Expectations are soaring for the girls’ lacrosse team, returning with the starting lineup from last season still intact. The team reached the regional finals last season, losing to Howard 16-14. Senior Team Captain Kristin Russell has seen improvements in the team led by herself and seniors Taylor Andrews, Connor Ganey, Delaney McMenamin, and Danielle Rohrman. “I believe that our team has gotten stronger so I expect for us to go further than last year,” said Russell. “We have a [high] chance of winning the regionals and making it to the state tournament.” Coach Kelly Hughes said the girls’ experience allows the team to run quick offenses while knowing when to change the pace of the game. “Our style tends to be a mix of speed and patience,” said Hughes. “We like to play a smart game and match our opponents strategically. We will slow the

2015 Record: 11-1 Playoff Results: Lost to Howard 16-14 in Regional Finals First Game: March 21 vs Southern

game down against some teams and run the ball against others.” Hughes believes the team should hone their defensive skills, requiring lots of team effort and strong fitness. Russell also stated that Rohrman will become a midfielder who will benefit the team’s transitions to re-defending. The team’s ambition is evident as their first game of the season will be home on March 21 against Southern High School, one of the state semifinalists from last year. Russell explained that maintaining possession and having early leads against other top teams will be a key factor for this season.

by Elizabeth Kronlage ‘18 and John Sutherland ‘16

When boys’ lacrosse marches onto the field this spring, they are going to look a whole lot different than last year. The team lost a number of seniors from last year, including All-American Chris Chiogioji. All-County defender Leo Hanrahan has transferred to Bullis. With so much change in the roster, the team will need to rely on senior Justin Rose to anchor the defense. Rose brings much needed experience, and Coach Chip Steel even believes he may have played in more games than any other player in Sherwood history by the time he graduates. There is plenty of talent left on this roster despite all of the changes. Senior Nick Dunwoody will provide plenty of scoring in the attack. Seniors Tommy Cuviello, Kennen Harman, Matt Leifer, and Alex Everett will lead the midfield. All-County junior Matt

2015 Record: 11-5 Playoff Results: Lost to Howard 21-5 in Regional Finals First Game: March 21 @ Southern

Popeck, who committed to play Division I lacrosse at St. Joesph’s University, will bring versatility through his ability to play both offense and defense. Juniors Clinton Bissell and Dimitri Guynn will have to compete for the starting goalie position before the season. The team hopes to build on last year’s success of going 11-5 and reaching the regional final before losing to Howard. Coach Steel expects to have a good season this year as well. “We expect to be very competitive as always. Although we are relatively young, with only a few experienced players returning, we should have a very successful season.”

Co-ed Volleyball & Boys’ Volleyball by Katherine Sperduto ‘19

Bump! Set! Spike! Co-ed volleyball is getting ready for another successful season as one of the consistently top teams in Montgomery County. “We have an extremely experienced and talented group of girls this year. The guys don’t have quite as much experience but have the athleticism. We look at that as a plus; the girls can teach them how to use their talents on the court,” said Timothy Gilchrist, the new co-ed volleyball coach starting this season. The top projected girls for this year’s team consist of seniors Ariella Rodriguez, Kendall Kahn, Alex Greenbaum and Hannah Brown. Varsity basketball players, senior Tyrese Williams and

2015 Record: 11-1 Playoff Results: Lost to Clarksburg in County Semi-finals First Game: March 21 vs Blair sophomore Kamari Williams will provide the team with height and athleticism. Gilchrist also coaches varsity basketball. “From all players we are looking for good work ethic, grit and the will to win. Those qualities are not teachable,”said Gilchrist. “Ball handling and court play are what we coach and teach, but the will to win and learn is the real key to any successful team.”

by John Sutherland ‘16

Last year, boys’ volleyball’s season could not have been more perfect. They were 12-0 in the regular season and beat BCC three sets to one in the county championship. Last year’s team may have cruised to the top, but this year’s team has no interest in resting on past glory. The team will not be satisfied with anything short of a second consecutive county championship. With six seniors gone from last year’s team, new players, such as senior Jack Ratino, are going to have to step up. “There [are] definitely high expectations coming into the year. Each day we have to focus on getting better individually and as a team,” said Ratino. “But there’s no forgetting about

2015 Record: 12-0 Playoff Results: Beat BCC to win County Championship First Game: March 21 vs Blair the success the team had last year. We want to make sure we continue that success.” Another big change is star senior James Moyer switching from libero to outside hitter. After being an all-county honorable mention last year as a libero, he will hope to have the same kind of success at his new position. Much of the team’s dream of repeating will rest on Moyer’s shoulders.

The Warrior•Sports March 17, 2016 Track & Field by Lexi Matthews ‘18 Running shoes were laced, layers thrown on and stretches performed as the outdoor track and field season began March 1. Despite the graduation of several top-performing competitors, senior jumper Alyssa Moran, senior long-distance runner Amanda Hayes-Puttfarcken and senior thrower Rachel Goldberg return as key leaders for the girls as well as junior jumper Renaldo Smith, senior hurdler Paul Lee, senior thrower Osa Ikheloa, and senior sprinter DeVonte Doward return for the boys. Despite some disappointment in the number of qualifiers for States last season, the team is encouraging each other to grow from within and across event lines to yield more consistently high results this year. Competitors are working hard to improve as individuals and as a whole in preparation for their first meet against Paint Branch on March 22. “Paint Branch is in a rebuild-

Boys’ Tennis

by Lucy Kuchma ‘18 and Mallory Carlson ‘19

As the spring season approaches, boys’ varsity tennis looks forward to another successful season. With close to 20 boys on the team, the upcoming season looks as though it will be an exciting one as the group of strong players eagerly compete to show off their talents. Last season the boys won nine of 12 total matches, earning a promotion to Division 2 from Division 3. The team will have to overcome the loss of last season’s No. 1 singles player, senior Ryan Gilroy, who left the team last spring and has not returned to play this year. Senior Chris Nguyen and junior Matt Bent are expecting to compete as Sherwood’s top players. “The team is stronger this year because many of our returning players have improved, and there are plenty of new players,” said Nguyen. The team will need that level of improvement as the stakes are

Gymnastics by Isabella Pilot ‘18

After finishing last season 7-0 and winning the county title, the gymnastics team is looking forward to another successful season. Some very talented gymnasts, including All-Met Cassidy Deerin, graduated last year, but with lots of hard work and conditioning, along with the skills new members are bringing to the table, Coach Gary Peters knows they will go far. The leadership of juniors Ania Pasternak and Toni Williams, National HS Gymnastics Association gymnasts and Washington Post honorable mention All Mets, will be instrumental in the team’s success. Both girls performed incredibly well at the county meet last season; Pasternak placing in several events, including second in Floor Exercise, and Williams plac-

County Results: Boys 9th, Girls 6th State Results: Boys 22nd, Girls 15th First meet: March 22 @ Paint Branch ing year. That said, both their girls and boys teams are strong. The meet should be interesting, and could come down to how well we do in field events, where we may have some surprises, and the 4x1 and 4x4 relays,” said Coach Dan Reeks. And bring a fierce competition they will, as the Warriors have many underclassmen runners able to hold their own too, especially on the girls’ side. The team also welcomes several topflight football players this spring, including Travis Levy and Everett Stubblefield, training as hopeful competitors in various events. Reeks encourages students to come out and support the Warriors at Paint Branch and at the first home meet against Springbrook and Blake on April 19.

2015 Record: 9-3 First Match: March 21 vs Churchill higher for each match, because there is the added pressure to achieve results to stay in Division 2 rather than Division 3 for next year. The Warriors will play matches against county competition at all three levels, including matches against such traditional powerhouses as Churchill, Walter Johnson, and B-CC. The tennis team will be coached by Tom Maley, who is eager to lead the boys to victory. Maley has been using various techniques to get a feel for the new and returning talent his team possesses and prepare them for the quickly approaching opening match against Churchill on March 21. He utilizes fitness in his practices to ensure that his players are at the top of their game, and keeps the boys in line with witty barbs that highlight the sense of comradery between coach and players.

2015 Record: 7-0 Playoff Results: Won MCPS Championship First Meet: April 7 vs Blake and Blair ing first in uneven bars and floor exercise, and second in all around and balance beam. Both girls are team captains this season along with senior Brooke Butterfield. “We must bring out the intensity we showed at the MCPS Championship right away. I believe we will have a strong team and all of the others teams will be trying to knock us off,” said Peters. The teams’ strength will be tested on April 7, when they compete against Blake and Blair in their first tri-meet of the season.


Boys’ Basketball Can’t Get Past Springbrook by Amanda Allen ‘17

The boys’ varsity basketball team ended their season early with a loss against Springbrook, 64-55. The Warriors earned a first-round bye after going 14-8 in the regular season and winning the 4A North Regional division. The Warriors also lost 69-58 in the regular season game against Springbrook on February 8. In the rematch, the Warriors claimed a 28-25 lead at halftime, but Springbrook scored 39 points in the second half to pull away. Senior captain Tyrese Williams scored 13 points for the Warriors and senior captain Chris West added 12 points. “We played and fought hard. Of course there were ups and downs throughout the game, but I feel like we played our strengths,” said West. “Springbrook is always a tough competitor. I’m proud of the effort we gave, the successes we have achieved, and I will always be pleased to have been part of the Sherwood basketball family.” Throughout the season, West, Williams and senior Shawn Bliss have been the team’s most consistent players. “Their senior leadership really drives the bus and the rest of the team is comfortable since they have been in big games and pressure situations in the past,” said Coach Timothy Gilchrist. The Warriors entered the playoffs with confidence after finishing the season 3-1, including win at Magruder on February 17. In that game, West’s aggressive mentality led the team to a 58-49 victory, often taking the ball coast to coast and attacking the basket.

Chase Wilson ‘17

Senior captain Tyrese Williams attempts to score at a home game against Springbrook during the first round of playoffs on February 29. He finished with 12 points, and Williams led the way with 17 points. The Warriors swept their rivals this season, also beating Magruder at home on January 22 by a score of 68-37. Looking towards next sea-

son, the Warriors are expected to be strong, with only two starters graduating. Sophomores Davis Long and Kamari Williams are expected to be key players leading the team into a successful next season.

Girls Overwhelmed in the Second Round of Playoffs by Nicole Reich ‘17 The girls’ varsity basketball team had their ups and downs during the regular season en route to an overall record of 10-12, earning the fifth seed in Section 2 of the Maryland 4A North Region. The Warriors played Baltimore City’s Mergenthaler High School on February 27, in the first round of the playoffs, winning with a final score of 61-46. In the beginning of the game, the team started with strong intensity, making sure to share the ball and continue to defend. With seniors Bryse Thornwell and Allie Thron, and sophomore Madison Bliss absent from the game, the rest of the team had to step up and fill their positions. Senior Molly Halprin and junior Sammy Sundell

contributed with their exceptional rebounding, Halprin with 13 and Sundell with 16. “It was nice winning a playoff game, especially because we were the ‘underdogs.’ We won because we didn’t play to our competition, which hurts us in games like these,” said Sundell. “We just stayed focused on playing as best we could and treated it like any other game even though we didn’t have three of our starters.” The victory marked the second year in a row where the girls’ team won a road playoff game. Junior Amanda Allen continued her run of dominating performances, with a career high of 34 points in the Mergenthaler game. Allen entered the playoffs after scoring 27 and 29 points in the final two games of the regular season. “This year I tried to step

up and be more of a leader to help the team,” said Allen, who was recently featured in The Washington Post. “From the beginning, our goal was to be the best as a team by the end of the season and I think that [showed].” After winning the first round of playoffs the team achieved their goal to “survive and advance,” said Coach Tim Hobbs. The team faced a more challenging opponent on March 1 at Baltimore City’s Western High School, and the Warriors were outmatched in the 57-29 loss. Allen finished with 8 and Sundell with 7 points. “Western was one of the best teams we played this year. [I’m] proud of the girls for how hard they competed throughout the game,” said Hobbs. “Unfortunately, Western was the better team and deserved to win.”

The Warrior•Sports


March 17, 2016



Michigan State – Tom Izzo may be the best tournament coach in college basketball. While he often must trek to the tournament with a second-tier roster, that will certainly not be the case this season with triple-double threat Denzel Valentine leading the way.

Kansas – Bill Self’s squad is beginning to truly catch its stride. With a deep roster that includes senior Perry Ellis (who has seemingly been on the team forever) and junior guard Frank Mason, who is having his best season to date, the Jayhawks look as dangerous as any team.


Xavier – Yes, they’ve lost to suspect teams (Georgetown, Creighton), but they also have some of the most impressive wins around (Villanova, Providence, Butler). A true team, the Musketeers can beat anyone.


Miami (FL) – A great backcourt combo can go a long way. Miami knows about this, for seniors Sheldon McLellan and Angel Rodriguez have carried the ‘Canes. If they can keep it up, Miami might be enjoying their first ever championship.


by Nick Comeau ‘17 and Ryan Deal ‘16

Oklahoma – Player of the Year frontrunner Buddy Hield is a star. When properly complemented by the rest of the starting lineup, which includes senior big man Ryan Spangler and sharpshooter Isaiah Cousins, the Sooners boast a lethal unit.


Virginia – After some early season struggles, the Cavaliers look like they are back to being one of the most dangerous teams in the nation. When senior Malcolm Brogdon plays like he has in February, there are few teams who can keep up with this defensive juggernaut.


Oregon - The PAC-12 Champions, to the surprise of many, received a number-one seed in the West region. With sophomore superstar Dillon Brooks leading the way, the Ducks have a serious shot to bring home their first tournament title since 1939.

March Madness Brings Hope and Worry for Maryland Terps Fans by Ryan Deal ‘16

There is arguably no more exciting time for sports fans than March Madness. The stunning upsets. The Cinderella teams. The buzzer-beaters. All of these make the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament thrilling for fans of all teams. However, such excitement is boosted when you have a horse in the race. That is the reality for fans of the Maryland Terrapins this year, who have witnessed a roller-coaster season that began with the best start in school history at 15-1, which provided ample optimism for Terps fans who entered the season with sky-high expectations. However, that early-season

momentum has all but vanished, for they finished the season in a slump that included losing to arguably the worst major conference team in college basketball, the Minnesota Golden Gophers (who had entered the game with an 0-13 conference record). In the Big 10 tournament, the Terps played decently, easily disposing of Nebraska before losing a heartbreaker to a great Michigan State team. However, in March, the Terps have their work cut out for them, for they are a five-seed in a bracket that holds Kansas and Villanova. Their first game is against South Dakota State on Friday. Despite the negativity surrounding the team as of late, that

has not dampened the flames of excitement for local Terps fans. “It’s been awesome to watch. Considering they just recently got competitive over the past two years, it really makes things a lot more fun to keep up with,” said senior Patrick Britt, who has been a devoted fan for nearly his entire life. Junior Matt Popeck loves the atmosphere at games, “It’s been exhilarating to see the team grow, at the home games, the energy is at its peak.” The energy has certainly been high at the Xfinity Center this season, as the student section has often been dubbed by visiting announcers as one of the best. On the court, the Terps have

been fueled by a lineup which includes local product sophomore Melo Trimble, Duke transfer senior Rasheed Sulaimon, senior Jake Layman, junior Robert Carter and freshman phenom Diamond Stone. While each player brings something important, certain players, come tournament time will need to perform at their peak. “The most important player has got to be Trimble. When he plays well, everyone else feeds off of it and the team plays with all kinds of energy,” said Britt. While Trimble is regarded as a top point guard, he has struggled recently, shooting around 30-percent in the team’s last ten games. For Sherwood seniors who have followed the Terps, this sea-

son is especially emotional. With so many students enrolling into a different college next year, this season of Terps basketball may be their last as a fan. “If Maryland could win a championship this year, that would be incredible,” said Britt, who plans to attend an out-of-state school. “That would be an awesome way for them to cap off my years of being only a fan of them.” While some look for a sweet farewell to their team, for future Terrapins, the excitement is just beginning. “It will be fun cheering for a team I have liked since I was a kid,” said senior Dan Chen. “This time, it will be even more special because I can cheer not just as a fan, but as a student.”

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