The Leader Newspaper edition 748

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Monday 14th - Sunday 20th January, 2019


FOXY LADIES Formerly known as THE WOMEN OF FIRE How many of you remember Women of Fire?


his group consisted of ladies that were in business or recently retired and we met once a month to network, support each other in every business need, have speakers within the group and all done over an enjoyable lunch. Many ladies came every month and found the group helpful to them for various reasons. each bring leaflets and cards.

Sadly Women of Fire extinguished and from the flames, FOXY LADIES was formed in January 2017 and we have now been enjoying two successful years. This month we start our third year and we are celebrating this start at our lunch on Friday 25th January at La Cosheca restaurant in Benijofar As Foxy Ladies, the lunches will be informative, fun, a relaxed way of lunching but still supporting each other. You don´t have to be in business to attend but if you are, we encourage you to attend the lunches and be part of us ‌..and if you are not in business but like to meet like-minded ladies, we would love to meet you. Please bring along a friend or colleague so that we can have a good

Any charity is encouraged to come along too so we can learn more about the work done. As Foxy Ladies we are interested in everyone and it is always enjoyable to network over an enjoyable lunch. number attending each month. The difference will be that we can discuss amongst ourselves the direction that we can take, and some of you may want to organise the lunch venue of your choice at times. If you do have a business and want to promote any event, or promotion and want to speak to the group, then that will be encouraged

If you are interested in becoming a Foxy Lady and want to come along to our lunch on the 25th January, or at a later date, please note that we will meet on the last Friday of each month at different restaurants. Please contact Christine Quinlan, founder, on 966 795 103 or contact me on... I need an email address to send the invite to.

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