The Vindicator - Spring 2020

Page 16




Tyisha Blade

State Takeover and The Road to Academic Recovery and Revitalization


fter a state takeover, The East Cleveland City School District is taking measures to


Erin Butkiewicz

Pettiegrew learned at an early age what it meant to

restructure education methods to better

“turn around” a school district from his father who

prepare for state assessments. According

was an administrator for decades. His father was

to, these state as-

commissioned to help schools improve education

sessments measure how students develop knowledge

standards and when he finished aiding in deficient

and skills described in Ohio’s Learning Standards. Re-

areas, he was commissioned to go to another school.

sults help rate each school’s performance reflected on

“He would come home and talk about how he interacted

its annual Ohio School Report Card. East Cleveland,

with the staff, parents, community and children...and

Youngstown and Lorain are the three local school dis-

how a sense of school spirit and culture is important,”

tricts in a state takeover controlled by the Academic

Pettiegrew said. Pettiegrew also wants children to

Distress Commission. According to publicschoolreview.

know that, even though they walk past buildings

com, in a takeover, the state department of education

and houses that are boarded up, there’s still hope

forms a committee responsible for overseeing changes

through education. Road to Academic Recovery and

the school needs to make for academic sufficiency. In

Revitalization | An East Cleveland Story

response, the East Cleveland City School District created the Road to Academic Recovery and Revitalization initiative. City leaders embrace the need for change

Dr. Pettiegrew’s First 30 Days Pettiegrew immediately introduces new methods

and work diligently to make changes. Goals include an

of teaching. He also addresses the need to find out

increase in The District Performance Index (PI) to 66.0

what the students are passionate about. Meetings

by June 2020, trauma sensitivity and engaged learn-

with community members in locations such as Mc-

ing. To reach these goals, the school district’s new-

Gregor Homes, The Salvation Army City Hall, and

est Chief Executive Officer, Henry Pettigrew II Ph.D.,

Case Western Reserve University, engage the entire

implements strategies that manufacture educational

community. “The most important measure for me in

techniques to improve state testing scores. Pettiegrew,

this entire district is instructional hours,” Pettiegrew

a Cleveland State University alumnus, has also worked

said. “It is precious. How many instructional hours

with faculty members to create better lesson plans. The

can I get into this child in this subject area. That will

Road to Academic Recovery and Revitalization also has

determine how successful that child will be.” Road

a documentary which follows the district’s progress.

to Academic Recovery and Revitalization | Dr. Henry

The documentary shows, not only strong leadership,

Pettiegrew’s first 30 days

but also a united community effort to encourage and support the students of East Cleveland. 15 | VINDICATOR

An East Cleveland Story

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