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CONTENTS MISSION STATEMENT Marijuana is winning the culture war! Cannamerica’s mission is to reach out not only the experienced user, but also to be a source of information for new users looking for education on this life changing product.


Cannabis’ Long Road To Acceptance


Jeff Sessions Raises Our Fears By Beth Niebauer


High & Low - Look At Legal Issues


Tony Papa’s On The Front Lines Fighting Unfair Mandatory Drug Sentencing


FlavourArt Raises The Bar On Flavorings


The Future Of Cannabis Licensing With Purple Haze Properties


Brew Budz A New Way To Enjoy Your Money Coffee


Vaporous Techologies Creating Designs For The Future


Cannabis 101 - Extraction Methods


CBD 101 - Isolate VS Full Spectrum


Product Reviews By


Advocacy Directory





2017 PUBLICATION DATES: January • March • April - 4/20 Special Edition • May • July • September • November

Copyright 2017 The Vaping Advocate LLC.

December - Christmas Special Edition

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s Hollywood woke up from a night of celebrating the end of a crazy good year for Cannabis in California on January 1st 2017 they looked out their windows to see that the infamous Hollywood sign had been changed to “Hollyweed.”




While many believed this was an internet hoax, according to Sgt. Guy Juneau of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Security Services, a lone man dressed in black climbed the Hollywood Hills around midnight where he unfurled two 45 foot tall tarps painted with the letter “E” to cover the “O’s” in the sign. Unfortunately, the group that manages the Hollywood sign decided to change it back to Hollywood by the late morning. While vandalizing the sign has become something of a tradition, ironically this isn’t the first time the sign had been altered to say “Hollyweed.” 41 years earlier, a local college art student named Danny Finegood also altered the sign to celebrate the passage of relaxed Marijuana laws in the state. Finegood claimed the stunt was for a class project and the brave act earned him an “A”. As of this writing, the police do not know who performed the 2017 stunt but it is safe to assume the culprit was a fan of Prop 64. Unfortunately, the group that manages the Hollywood sign decided to change it back to Hollywood by the late morning.





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Long Road To Acceptance

annabis acceptance in America? While this may have been a fleeting and pessimistic thought ten years ago, today it is suddenly (and fortunately) our reality. While many of these changes came about with the last election cycle, the idea of Cannabis acceptance has been slowly simmering on the backburner of American society since the 1960’s. Cannabis has had a negative stigma for the better part of the last century in America, and it is just now breaking down the barriers that our governing bodies have tried so hard to keep fortified. It is with utter enjoyment that I can finally yell in their general direction – “NEW FLASH: We are finally winning!”

bit of information at our fingertips today, people are free to form their own opinions on controversial issues – “Is Cannabis really bad?”, “What are the long term effects of Cannabis?”, “What are the medical benefits of Cannabis?”, “Comparisons between Alcohol and Cannabis”, “Why isn’t Cannabis legal?”– All questions that are a quick Internet search away from countless sources, medical journals, studies, and success stories. At this point you might counter, “with the good comes the bad”, referring to misinformation and unsubstantiated “studies”, to which I would whole-heartedly agree, but that’s also where I defer to the judgment of the every-day-man, and I’d like to maintain some faith in humanity. Given the same informational access, I think the negative stigma surrounding Cannabis is slowly being torn to shreds, and the latest round of voting proves that people are making decisions for themselves, and the law-makers that represent us are figuring that out. If you are still looking for the source of this change, put down this magazine and look in a mirror – It was you, it was me, and it was everyone in the Cannabis industry that is trying to help others enjoy and benefit from this amazing plant.

Perhaps it’s the countless micro-wars being waged around the globe. Perhaps it’s the fact that a reality TV star just got elected President. Hell, maybe it’s due to the fact that our current sitting President has openly said that he was in the “Choom Gang” that smoked back in his college days, and he enjoyed it. Whatever the case may be, it is becoming evident to the American public that Cannabis consumption is no longer such a cut and dry issue, but rather something that needs to be viewed with fresh eyes and an open mind.

So now what? Now that society is moving towards acceptance, and the tides have turned, we must first focus on how we got here. Cannabis is widely held as one of the first crops that were cultivated by humans, but in order to understand legalization in the United States, we have to look at the timeframe that brought us to our current day:

So first, let’s take a look at the turning point - With this last election cycle, it became evident to the American public that traditional media does not control society like it used to, and grass roots efforts really can make a difference. With every 6

HISTORY OF CANNABIS 1600-1800 – French and British colonies cultivate the hemp plant as early as 1606, and it remains a major source of clothing, ropes, sails, and medicine for early American colonies.

1977-1981 – President Carter pushes Congress to decriminalize Cannabis, and wants anyone caught with less than 1 ounce to avoid criminal penalties.

1800-1900 – Many Cannabis plantations flourished in America, having major operations in the southern states, the original colonial states, and California.

1986 – The Anti-Drug Abuse Act is passed by President Reagan. This reinstated mandatory minimums and raised federal penalties for possession and distribution. This is known as the start of the international “War on Drugs”

1850 – Cannabis is added to The U.S. Pharmacopoeia. 1996 – California passed Prop 215, legalizing medicinal Cannabis use. Other states to follow suit include: Arizona, Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Maryland, New Mexico, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

1850-1915 – Cannabis is widely accepted as a medicinal drug, and commercially available in pharmacies and general stores. 1906 – The “Pure Food and Drug Act” is passed, requiring labeling of any products that contained Cannabis.

2009 – President Obama states that drug use is actually a public health issue, and moves towards ending the “War on Drugs”. At this time, the U.S. Justice Department announced that federal prosecutors would no longer pursue medical marijuana users and distributors who comply with state laws, aiding in the advancement of state regulation, as it pertains to Cannabis use.

1910-1920 – Influx of immigrants from the Mexican Revolution introduced American culture to recreational Cannabis, and propaganda was used at this time to spread fear. 1915-1927 – Cannabis starts to be prohibited for non-medical use, at the state level. The first states to do so are California (1915), Texas (1919), Louisiana (1924), and New York (1927).

2012 – Colorado, Washington , and the district of Columbia become the first states/district to legalize Cannabis for recreational use.

1930 – With the Great Depression hitting the nation, fear of immigrants was running rampant, and propaganda against Cannabis became mainstream. This same year saw the creation of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN).

2014 – Alaska and Oregon both pass bills that legalize Cannabis for recreational use.

1936 – The film “Reefer Madness” is released in the US. This is a blatant propaganda film, aimed at scaring the nation.

2016 – California, Massachusetts, Maine, and Nevada follow suit, and legalize Cannabis for Recreational use. Along with these states, four others legalize Cannabis for Medical use: Arizona, Florida, Montana, and North Dakota.

1937 – The Marijuana Tax Act is introduced, and criminalized the plant. Much speculation revolves around this act, as some of the legislation was swayed by leaders in the timber industry, who had a vested interest in seeing the decline of American Hemp production. 1941 – Cannabis is subtracted from The U.S. Pharmacopoeia. 1944 – “La Guardia” Reports come out, and disprove many of the previously held beliefs that Cannabis caused violence, crime, or addiction. These reports are ignored by our governing bodies. 1952-1956 – Boggs Act and Narcotics Control Act set a new federal standard for drug-related offenses, and mandatory sentencing. Under these acts, first-time Cannabis possession carried a minimum sentence of 2-10 years, with a fine of up to $20,000. 1960-1970 – Cannabis use in popular counter-culture begins to take effect, as presidents Kennedy and Johnson commission reports that shed light on the fact that Cannabis does not incite violence, and is not typically a “gateway drug”. 1970 – The US National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) forms, most mandatory punishments for drug possessions are repealed, and Cannabis is categorized separately from other drugs. 7

This timeline is not meant to be all-inclusive, and what is not reflected are the countless times that large groups of people, scientific groups, medical associations, and even presidents have tried to streamline the legalization process. This is merely a summary of how we got to where we are today. Now the question is, “Where do we go from here?”

I will leave you with a quote from my favorite astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, and Cannabis advocate, Carl Sagan – “The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.”

As we climb out of 2016 and face a new year, with a new president, Cannabis Advocacy is more important than ever. To date, there are 7 states that have made Cannabis legal for recreational purposes, and 27 states that have made medicinal Cannabis legal. So far that is a fantastic start, but the fight must go on (Cue the speech from Braveheart right here). Just as it was a cultural phenomenon that got us to this point, we need to push harder now than ever before. Cannabis is now in the cultural spotlight, and even the strongest antagonists that are fighting against us are forced to step back and ask themselves what they really think about the acceptance of Cannabis – It is now mainstream. We are now the majority.

Sources: barackobama/9290972/Barack-Obamas-marijuanasmoking-days-with-the-Choom-Gang.html cron.html 8









eff Sessions has been announced as Donald Trump’s pick for Attorney General. The Attorney General heads the Department of Justice and acts as the main legal counselor to the federal government. The Department of Justice also oversees law enforcement and federal prosecutors. Currently, the cannabis industry operates under federal guidance that is issued by the Department of Justice. Operators within the industry, as well as consumers have reason to be skeptical about this nomination.

Alabama. His nomination was rejected by the Senate Judiciary Committee, (which was controlled by Republicans at the time), because he had made many racist statements, and for falsely prosecuting black civil rights activists. One of these activists was Albert Turner, who stood directly behind John Lewis during the Bloody Sunday March in Selma, Alabama. Mr. Sessions charged Mr. Turner and his wife with altering absentee ballots, conspiracy to vote more than once, and 29 counts of mail fraud, which caused them to face more than 100 years in prison. Fortunately, the jury (which deliberated for less than three hours), returned with a not-guilty verdict on all counts.

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is a conservative, Republican senator from Alabama, first elected in 1996. Before that, he was a US Attorney for the southern district of Alabama. In 1986, President Reagan nominated him for a judgeship on the United States District Court for the Southern District of

During his confirmation hearings, former colleagues testified that Mr. Sessions referred to various civil rights groups (such as the NAACP, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference) 12

assault to identify it when he sees it. Most lawyers agree that grabbing another person by their genitals without their consent easily fits into the definition of sexual assault. Mr. Sessions is not a friend to the cannabis industry. While speaking to the Senate in April of this year, he made the inflammatory suggestion that “good people don’t smoke marijuana.” He also cited the dubious theory that marijuana is a gateway drug. He elaborated, ““We need grownups in Washington to say marijuana is not the kind of thing that ought to be legalized, it ought not to be minimized, that it is in fact a very real danger.” His willingness to paint all cannabis consumers with the broadest of brushes is highly discouraging, as is his preference of Klan members over “pot smokers.” Mr. Sessions is a staunch opponent of legalization and as Attorney General, he would have the power to undue a lot of the reforms made by President Obama and his Justice Department.

So, What Now? Nominees for Attorney General must be confirmed by the Senate, by a simple majority vote. Nominees are usually confirmed out of respect for the President, but occasionally they are rejected. Right now, it seems likely that he’ll be easily confirmed. Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky have already indicated that they’re likely to lend their support. If you’d like to prevent his confirmation, please contact your Senators and urge them to vote against Jeff Sessions for Attorney General. The legal cannabis industry operates in violation of the Controlled Substances Act, but is permitted to do so due to the Cole Memo, which was released by the Justice Department in 2009. This memo, issued under former Attorney General Eric Holder, lists eight criteria which would warrant federal intervention. The current policy of the Justice Department is to allow states that have legalized marijuana to operate without federal intervention so long as they adhere to the laws of their states, and as long as they do not violate any of the restrictions listed in the Cole Memo. Based on Mr. Session’s staunch opposition to cannabis reform laws, his confirmation could mean one of several things for the developing industry. He could effectively rescind the Cole Memo. As Attorney General, Mr. Sessions would not be obligated to honor the policies of his predecessors. Once confirmed, he could announce an intention to pursue criminal charges against current operators in the industry, basically destroying the legal cannabis industry. While this is absolutely within his discretion, it would present a logistical nightmare. Currently, there are between 100,000 and 150,000 people working in the industry across many different states. Suddenly deciding to prosecute them would create a severe backlog of federal cases, and would probably require a large cadre of prosecutors. Cannabis consumers would be targeted as well, thus adding to the backlog of cases. In the absence of legal cannabis, the black market would flourish and those operators not awaiting trial would be looking for new jobs. Colorado, California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska would experience a noticeable economic decline. Those state governments would also face a decline in tax revenue.

as “un-American” and “communist-inspired.” Mr. Thomas H. Figures, (an African-American prosecutor at the time), testified that Mr. Sessions said he thought the KKK was fine “until I found out they smoked pot.” Mr. Sessions admitted making this statement but claimed it was a joke. He also did not approve of the Voting Rights Acts of 1965, which was a landmark civil rights bill, calling it an “intrusive piece of legislation.” During the Bush Administration, Mr. Sessions proposed a national, constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. During Donald Trump’s campaign, he was asked to comment on the now infamous “grab ‘em by the pussy,” remark. Mr. Sessions said that he didn’t find such an action to be sexual assault. “I don’t characterize that as sexual assault. I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant.” As a federal prosecutor, one would hope that Mr. Sessions would be familiar enough with sexual 13

One complicating factor is contained within the Fiscal Year 2016 Omnibus Appropriations Bill. The RohrabacherFarr Amendment within that bill prohibits the Department of Justice from interfering with state medical cannabis laws. This amendment does not alter the scope of authority granted to the Department of Justice. Instead, it limits the spending power of the Justice Department to crack down on medical marijuana. The department still has the authority to act, but not the funds. Also, the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment only curtails the Justice Department’s spending regarding medical marijuana. Eight states, (Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, Washington), and the District of Columbia permit recreational marijuana. As Attorney General, Jeff Sessions would retain his ability to crack down on recreational programs. It should also be mentioned that Congress passes a new spending bill for every fiscal year. The Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment has been adopted in spending bills since 2014, but it could be left out of future ones.

conservative members of the Senate, he does not seem to be in favor of states’ rights when it comes to this issue. No doubt he will face questions about it during his confirmation hearings.

Another option available to the Attorney General would be to modify existing federal policies to work within the limitations set by the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment. The cannabis industry as a whole is currently valued at over six billion dollars. Rather than destroy a successful industry, Mr. Sessions could modify current policy language to allow for greater federal intervention for those states that permit adult use, (or recreational) sales. Mr. Sessions would have all necessary authority (and spending power), to conduct DEA raids on recreational cultivation, distribution, possession and use. Based on Mr. Sessions’ disdain for marijuana consumers, and his belief that it ought not be legalized, this is the most likely scenario.

Bethany Niebauer is the Vice President of Regulatory Compliance and Licensing at Strainwise Consulting. Bethany is a passionate advocate for legal cannabis and enjoys the challenge created by the state-specific model. She lives in Denver, Colorado where she enjoys reading, knitting, and snowboarding.


It’s too soon to tell how Mr. Sessions will alter the cannabis industry, but his vehement opposition makes it likely that he will. Despite being having a reputation for being one of the most resources/3052013829132756857467.pdf 14

LEGAL HIGHS AND LOWS The High BRITAIN REALIZES THAT CBD HAS HEALTH BENEFITS The British Government has made the incredible move to reclassify CBD as a medicinal product. The decision made in the first week of January by the British Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) means that products containing CBD can now be legally distributed and sold in the United Kingdom. “We have come to the opinion that products containing cannabidiol (CBD) used for medical purposes are a medicine. MHRA will now work with individual companies and trade bodies in relation to making sure products containing CBD, used for a medical purpose, which can be classified as medicines, satisfy the legal requirements of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012.� Based on a comment on the MHRA website This is also the second time in a year that our friends across the pond have gotten it right where our government has gotten it wrong. Earlier this year the UK has moved towards supported vaping as a smoking alternative, while the US has cracked down. 16

The Low USA TREATS CBD THE SAME AS HEROIN In an effort to clarify and extend the DEA’s control over CBD, the federal drug enforcement agency has created a new Controlled Substances Code Number that will classify and help the DEA track products that are derived from “Marihuana Extract.” This move puts CBD under the same category as “marihuana” and tetrahydrocannabinol that already has a control number. Entered into the Federal Registry on December 14, 2016 the statement clarifies that an extract containing one or more cannabinoids that has been derived from any plant of the genus Cannabis, other than the separated resin (whether crude or purified) obtained from the plant.” The statement then clarifies that all marijuana products will “continue to be treated as Schedule 1 controlled substances.” The rule seems to end any confusion brought about the 2014 Farm Bill that perhaps CBD oil derived from hemp would be exempt from the law as the DEA clearly states that “For practical purposes, all extracts that contain CBD will also contain at least small amounts of other cannabinoids. However, if it were possible to produce from the cannabis plant an extract that contained only CBD and no other cannabinoids, such an extract would fall within the new drug code.” While this new “clarification” does not change the overall legal picture, it does reinforce the tenuous ground that our industry has gained in the past few years, and reinforces the importance of the continued passage of the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment when it comes up for renewal in April of 2017.


ANTHONY PAPA By Gabriel Benson



ife can be harsh and often cruel, but at the same time there are times when a guiding hand seems to open doors that you would have never thought to open. For Tony Papa, an ill-fated decision to deliver an envelope with just $500 dollars worth of cocaine in1985 was the worst decision of his life, however it also changed his life in ways he never expected. 20

From the passage of the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914 until today, the United States has been fighting the “War On Drugs” for over 100 years. The “War On Drugs” was popularized by the media after Richard Nixon famously in 1971 said that “drugs were public enemy number one.” A little over a decade later, Nancy Reagan famously began her “Just Say No To Drugs” campaign. During this time of zero tolerance and ignorance, Tony Papa found himself in a situation that would change his life forever. Tony Papa was in late twenties and living in New York. He was an admitted recreational user, owned a small business, and was married with a young daughter. The marriage and life weren’t exactly going as he had planned. One day desperate for money, a group of friends offered him $500 to deliver an envelop filled with just over four ounces of cocaine. Tony had turned down the offer before, but this time he couldn’t resist the money. Little did Tony know that when he walked into the meeting that he had unwittingly entered a sting operation. Within seconds twenty officers had surrounded him and placed him under arrest. Things happened fast after that with Tony being charged with Sales And Possession of an illegal substance. Unfortunately for Tony, in 1973 New York State passed the Rockefeller Drug Laws which mandated a minimum sentences of 15 years to life imprisonment for possession of more than 4 oz (112 g) of an illegal hard drug. This was true for first time offenders with no exclusions or extenuating circumstance allowed to be considered. Into this mess, lost and without hope Tony Papa entered notorious Sing Sing prison ready to serve a 15 year sentence for caring an envelope full of drugs. Tony’s life was over. That is until he found something he never thought possible.

Mandatory sentencing requires that offenders serve a predefined term for certain crimes, commonly serious and violent offenses. These sentences are mandated by the legislature and Judges are bound by law to enact these sentences without leeway. While many mandatory sentencing guidelines are reserved for violent criminals, they are also common in what are considered “vice crimes” such as alcohol, sex and of course drugs.

One day while walking to his cell, Tony happened upon a cell filled with amazing paintings. Tony was immediately mesmerized by their beauty, a stark contrast to the grey walls that surrounded him. Since staring into a another person’s cell is against the unwritten rules of prison life, the inmate was immediately defensive. However, one look at the sincerity on Tony’s face caused the painter to back down and in an act of kindness the man gave Tony some water color and paper. Tony went on to paint inspired by energy and drive. And the finished product according to Tony was “the worst painting you have ever seen in your life.”

While the argument has always been that mandatory sentencing works not only as a deterrent, but also as a way to defend against judicial bias. However, and avalanche of evidence and support from numerous legal groups have shown that by not allowing consideration for outside forces and nonviolent offenders, the results have pushed our prison system to the breaking point. 21

Tony was devastated. But desperate times call for desperate actions and Tony sent the following response Dear Miss Sussman, In response to your inquiry about the crime I committed, I am respectfully submitting to you that I am indeed serving time for murder. In fact, I am currently serving two 15-to-life sentences for a double murder. I hope this satisfies your inquiry as to the status of my crime. Sincerely, Anthony Papa

Tony’s lie was so desperate, he even included an additional murder to make sure he passed the museum’s bar for acceptance. A long week later, Tony received news that his selfportrait entitled “15 to Life” would be included in the exhibit. Lying in his cell was torture for Tony. Not being able to see his piece or knowing how it was being received made the long days in prison even longer. Finally, Tony saw a review of the piece in The New York Times by Roberta Smith and published on November 5th, 1993. The review called Tony’s self-portrait a “an ode to art as a mystical, transgressive act that is both frightening and liberating, and thereby to intense and uncontrollable emotions of all kinds.”

However, that did not stop him from painting. Tony spent the years painting and slowly discovered a passion inside of him for art that while not making the time go by easier, renewed his hope for the future.

This review and others opened the floodgates. Interview requests came pouring in, and soon Tony had to reveal the lie that had opened the door to his great opportunity.

Time passed and Tony absorbed as much as he could about painting from both the inmate and the limited resources the prison provided. Within just a few years, Tony was teaching Sing Sing’s art program.

There was shock and confusion as to why a man would lie about being a double murderer. But as the story got out, just as Tony had hoped, his story about serving fifteen years for what was such a minor crime started to change the conversation regarding mandatory sentencing.

While Tony had found art, he hadn’t found his freedom. A glimmer of hope arrived in ironically enough in an envelope from the Whitney Museum in 1993. The museum was looking for a piece by convict for one of their exhibits. Tony was ecstatic and submitted his artwork.

One of the people who heard Tony’s tale was then Governor George Pataki. Pataki freed Tony using Executive Clemency in 1997 after serving twelve of his fifteen year sentence. Now in his early 40s, Tony was a free man. He had gone into prison without purpose and upon his release he had earned an associate’s degree in Paralegal Studies (1989), a Bachelor Of Arts in Behavioral Science (1993) and Masters in Theology (1995).

Tony thought he finally saw a way to freedom. However, that door was nearly slammed when the museum clarified a caveat to the pieces inclusion. The artist had be a murderer. 22

There was a burst of interest in Tony after his release. Almost immediately there was an impromptu art show of his work, and numerous appearances on talk shows. Some of his work is even included in the opening credits of the HBO series OZ.

exceedingly difficult. In addition, maintaining that freedom is no easy task while wrestling with the haunting memories of past imprisonment,” Tony recently said. In fact, the prison experience drove a wedge between Tony and his daughter. Unfortunately, to this day they still don’t have a relationship.

However, success as an artist eluded him. His identity as a prison artist had made him famous, but his desire to move on from being identified as convict had left him unable to paint any more.

But Tony is staying strong. Fighting his way through life on the outside, even years after finally finding freedom. Tony now works for the Drug Policy Alliance, as their Manager Of Media And Artist Relations. Tony is still constantly on television talking about prison reform.

Luckily for Tony, he was able to find a job as a paralegal at a prestigious law firm in New York City. However, he was still unable to paint.

As this story goes to print, Anthony Papa was pardoned for his crime by Governor Andrew Cuomo. This remarkable act makes Tony the first person in history to receive both clemency and a pardon.

Fortunately, this opened up a new area of passion for Tony. Advocacy. He wanted to help others like him. More speaking engagements followed, but now Tony was on a mission to right the wrongs that had been done not just to himself but thousands of others. And with this mind clear, Tony began painting again. He returned to the Whitney and had numerous other art shows that followed. He wrote a best-selling novel about his time in prison called 15 To Life: How I Painted My Way To Freedom , and a follow-up entitled This Side Of Freedom: Life After Clemency” which details the difficulty of a returning to society.

While I don’t think a prison sentence was ever in Tony Papa’s game plan, prison did change the person that Tony has become. He has shown resilience in the face of incarceration, the hope he brings to others who are facing harsh punishments as non-violent drug offenders, and has been a sterling example for politicians who are just now coming to realize that our system is broken.

“Carrying the stigma of being an ex-offender is often debilitating, from being denied employment and housing, to not knowing how to establish healthy relationships, life becomes

Next time you see him on television. Remember how far and how much he has sacrificed. 23


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FlavourArt Brings The Flavor To Cannabis Liquids


or over thirty years, FlavourArt has been creating food flavors for some of the world’s best known brands. Their reputation for creating clean and complex flavors carried over to their development of flavors for e-cigarettes in 2009.

boutique consumers that wanted access to high quality flavours for their own personal use. Shortly afterwards, he noticed that was there was a progressive trend of his clients using these flavours for e-liquid, and decided to dedicate himself to this growing industry.

CannAmerica recently had a chance to catch up with Shaun Casey, President of FlavourArt North America, to discuss how FlavourArt is moving into the Cannabis market with a line of unique and specifically designed flavoring.

CannAmerica: How did the company make the decision to enter the e-cig industry?

FlavourArt: FlavourArt started as a boutique online only flavour manufacturer and is now a global leader in the vape industry. We began conducting research into the safety of flavourings in aerosol back in 2009 and released the first e-cigarette specific research protocols under our Clearstream Air project. We are now expanding into over 40 countries worldwide.

FlavourArt: Our customers made the decision for us! In its infancy, the vape industry was very limited in which flavours one could purchase, so many hobbyists chose to “DIY” their own liquids. When FlavourArt realized that this burgeoning community was using our products for their electronic cigarette liquid, we decided that the pursuit of harm reduction through e-cigarettes was a worthy business profile to work on. We immediately decided to do the right thing and invest into research in order to learn how to make our flavourings as safe as possible through inhalation in this new method of vaporization.

CannAmerica: What type of products was the company involved in before the e-cig industry?

CannAmerica: Please tell us about the flavor lab? And the process that goes into creating flavors?

FlavourArt: Our company was founded by Massimiliano Mancini whom had over 30 years of experience manufacturing flavours for the food industry with the world’s largest producers. He decided to branch out on his own and create FlavourArt for

FlavourArt: FlavourArt is a molecular level flavour manufacturer. We source our molecular ingredients from the best suppliers around the world and literally build our flavours from scratch. Apart from the vast experience in flavour creation

CannAmerica: Can you give us a brief history of the company? How it started and how long you have been in business?


that we have, we also utilize the most modern technology for the creation and analysis of flavours to be as close to their natural counterparts as we can get them. If you view any of our numerous videos on our manufacturing, you will see that this is not a low-tech operation. CannAmerica: How do you expect to take what you have learned into the Cannabis industry? FlavourArt: FlavourArt has watched the development of the e-cigarette industry since its inception. We have been a part of the consumer community as well as a leader in global advocacy and government relations from the very foundation of our company. We intend to emulate this formula and success into the growing cannabis space. It is our belief that the cannabis market will evolve similarly to include CBD/ THC containing liquids vaped through an aerosol device. This noncombustible method will be highly popular for the recreational user that is health conscious and desires other taste profiles outside of the typical strain profiles available today. Also, as we use many of the same terpenes that appear naturally in cannabis, the end user can benefit from the effects that these may have. With our industry leading knowledge in the toxicology of flavourings used in vaping devices, we will become a trusted resource in product development and a solid vendor partner to our clients.

generated from the taxation of the cannabis industry will allow consumers to finally have easy access to high quality products. The real question is where and what formats will be developed to meet the mass market from the counter culture grey industry that cannabis is in today. We are trying to strategically look into the future and plan for what we see happening as well as be prepared for any potential eventuality. CannAmerica: What does your company offer that others do not? FlavourArt: Our drive has always been on being a vendor partner that offers some more added value outside of just selling a product. Our same focus, experience, commitment to advocacy and research and active involvement with government relations that we bring to the vape industry will be just as committed to the cannabis markets as well. Our clients know that they can reach the ownership on the phone at a moment’s notice, and know that we are present at trade shows to increase our understanding of their business and market trends.

CannAmerica: What types of products do you plan on offering? FlavourArt: We are a small batch flavour house with great capability and resources. We intend to offer our clients with the safest and best flavouring for use in their finished cannabis derivatives. We will provide the same dedication to safety and advocacy that we have given to the e-cigarette industry to this quickly growing cannabis market.

CannAmerica: For those companies who are also using your products for e-cigarettes, how are you preparing for the FDA in the USA? FlavourArt: FlavourArt immediately recognized that it had responsibilities toward harm reduction and consumer safety back in 2008 when we first realized that our products were being used for inhalation through an ENDS device. We were the first and still the only flavour manufacturer to invest heavily into research on flavours in vaping. We brought Dr. Farsalinos and other top scientists into the e-cigarette world and sponsored the beginnings of research into this area. We

CannAmerica: What challenges are you finding in adapting to the cannabis industry? FlavourArt: Though cannabis products have been around for centuries, their acceptance in the public health field has been slow to develop. This decade we will see that the high revenue 26

were also the first to publically understand that Diketones were an avoidable risk and removed them from our flavours in 2010. We realized that similar to the future of the cannabis industry, the manufacturing and sales of these products would be regulated. We have been planning and preparing for regulations for over 6 years and the proof is in our results both with the TPD in Europe and the FDA regulations here in the US. Our research division Clearstream Onward (www. is constantly updating and providing research data from top level university scientists to regulatory boards in toxicology. We are also the most involved flavour house in advocacy globally. I myself founded the national trade advocacy organization in Canada called CVA in 2014. I am quite proud of the results we are accomplishing!

with us to create new regulatory framework and legislation for vaping as its own legal product category. Our government now understands vaping through our efforts nationally and wants to see adult smokers have access to a harm reduction product. I travel to Ottawa for meetings monthly with our team at CVA and am quite confident that Canada will lead the way in vaping regulations around the globe within the next year. CannAmerica: As a company who has navigated and fought your way through years of e-cig regulations - do you worry that you are jumping into a similar scenario with this industry? FlavourArt: We think that the Cannabis industry has the opportunity to learn from the hurdles that vaping markets have been presented with. If the correct preventative measures can be taken early and we ensure that the products on the marketplace are founded on professional principles of manufacturing than we can navigate these potential difficulties in the future. Public education in the health care field along with companies like us supporting government relations and public affairs advocacy seems to be a recipe to build a stable industry.

Today, we have a science team focused on providing data to the FDA as well as the best legal team which we handpicked for their FDA specific background in Washington, DC. We present multiple client webinars with updates on any information we find as well as a detailed look at the data that is going into our Tobacco Product Master Files. To the best of our knowledge, we are the only flavour manufacturer to do so. We are cautiously optimistic that our investments will act as a strong evidentiary resource for our clients’ PMTA submissions’ success. On top of that, we continually invest in multiple national and state level advocacy organizations as the fight is far from over.

Thank you sir.

CannAmerica: As a Canadian company - any insight into the mindset of the legal issues in your country. FlavourArt: Through our efforts with the Canadian Vaping Association, the Canadian government has agreed to work 27



By Austin Hopper

ith the OPEN FOR BUSINESS sign lit in bright green over California and twenty eight other states, the cannabis business is seeing a flood of new products. Most of these new products will have a hard time standing out from the crowd Fortunately, Andrew Pitsicalis has partnered with Leon Hendrix to create Purple Haze Properites, a licensing firm that is dedicated to protecting and spreading the legacy of the late great Jimi Hendrix by partnering with the best of the best to create quality branded cannabis related products.

and medicinal part of Jimi’s life, that creating a brand of high quality products that Jimi would be proud of just made sense for his legacy.” Purple Haze Properties plans include Worldwide Licensing and Distribution of “Jimi’s Cannabis Collection,” and will include three divisions including Jimi Genetics (Division Of Strains & Concentrates), Jimi’s Edibles (Division of Infused Consumable Products), and Jimi’s Meds (CBD topical and mist applications).

“Leon and I looked at Privateer Holdings, and we saw the money that was being made by that company in the cannabis industry using Bob Marley’s estate and it all just clicked,” said Pitsicalis recently as we sat down in Purple Haze’s Sunset Strip office. “I have been involved in the cannabis business for over 25 years, and as Leon and I look to extend Jimi’s legacy weed just made sense. Weed was such an important creative

“When you take everything into account and think of how expensive it is to launch a new brand just so people know you are, having a licensed brand is a no-brainer. Someone as popular as Jimi gives you access to all their fans through social media for free. And if you are a dispensary that is overwhelmed with new product with no marketing behind it, to have a product that has Snoop, Willy or Jimi’s name 31

on it gives you confidence that a consumer will try it at least once,” continued Pitsicalis. “In addition in today’s crowded marketplace when prices are being slashed due to the amount of supply, you can demand more wholesale for your product with a brand name like Jimi behind the product.

Other partners include California’s Finest, Zippo and e-njoint in the Cannabis markets. Purple Haze properties is not stopping with Hendrix branded properties, and has expanded its umbrella to include Jack “The Emperor Of Hemp” Herer, Motorhead, Anthrax, DIO, Pony Boy of Los Marijuanos, Baby Bash, Berner, Nathan Fletcher, Digital Underground, James Brown, Old Dirty Bastard, 311, Hector David Jr. & Charlo Greene and more coming this year...

National High International Inc. based out of Canada was one of the first companies to partner with Purple Haze, and had this to say about the partnership “Jimi Hendrix is one of the most legendary rock guitarists of all time and this partnership should create instant brand recognition for our edible marijuana products by Jimi’s fans across North America,” said David Posner, CEO of Nutritional High. “Entering into brand partnerships with the world’s foremost marijuana-related artists is a core component of our strategy, and we are honored to become part of Jimi’s legacy.”

“We have also recently arranged deals for CBD lines from Mike Tyson and Riddick Bowe,” both Heavyweight World Boxing Champions, said Pitsicallis as his smile widens at the idea of the future. “As more and more states and markets are opened up to us, the market is only going to grow.” Is there any concern about over-saturation?

Silver State Trading, Purple Haze’s distribution partner in Nevada, California and Colorado explained why this deal was so important in a growing market. ”Dispensary experience in more established cannabis markets clearly emphasizes the value of carrying broad product portfolios across numerous categories. Moreover, in a newly regulated marketplace like Nevada, brand reputation for new business entities will be critical to create customer loyalty,” said Silver State Trading co-President and co-CEO John Sutton. “Our goal is to provide Nevada dispensary operators with the highest quality cannabis products across a range of categories. Jimi’s Cannabis Collection strains, concentrates & accessories offer legal businesses a well-known music icon, his loyal and growing fan base, and eye-catching graphics.”

“The market is growing too fast right now to worry about over-saturation. We only sign those celebrities that we think we can help in this market. Some are national brands and some are not, but if we decide to work with you then you know you are going to get our best,” continued Ptisicalis. “We have had amazing success, and we are already seeing there are companies trying to compete with us, and we take that as a compliment. The good news is that we are already three steps ahead and ready to release new and innovative products.”


Without a doubt Purple Haze’s most ambitious project to date is their plan for a series of Purple Haze Lounges. Pitsicalis has partnered with Isaac Tigress, one of the founders behind not only The Hard Rock Hotel but the House Of Blues.

completed by the end of the decade, with plans to expand to other cannabis friendly states such as Nevada and Colorado, before going international with the concept. “We are building something that is an homage to the artist, and to the people who love the things that Jimi stood for,” Pitsicalis continued with a smile. “I am very blessed to be involved.”

“Leon and I and some other associates, went to India to meet with Isaac who had retired to India. We spent weeks there, praying in Ashram and just waiting for Isaac to give us his vision,” Pitsicalis said while discussing how the partnership with Tigress started. “It will have themed rooms, private clubs, twenty five luxury hotel suites, and a private luxury rooftop pool. This one hundred thousand square foot complex will be cannabis patient friendly, however the level of cannabis use will depend on state laws.”

“But you know what is really exciting for us, and this is the thing that the new big groups coming into the market will never get.” finished Pitsicallis, “It’s that Leon and I have not forgotten about the patient. I can’t tell you the feeling I get when I give a stage four cancer patient Jimi’s meds. There are so many people that have had their lives changed by this product, and social media has changed the tide of public perception towards legalization. No matter what happens now this miracle product is here to stay.”

The team has raised over $100 million to date for their first Hollywood location, and are currently in the process of putting together the permits. Their hope is to have the project



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n 2007, Pax Labs (formerly known as Ploom Inc.) two enterprising students while on a smoke break at the legendary “d school� at Stanford realized that they had the opportunity to help the one billion smokers around the world by making smoking obsolete. Their mission for most of the past ten years since has been to use technology to eliminate the stigma of smoking by creating powerful and beautifully designed devices.


Today, PAX Labs is the largest independent vaporization company in the world and has revolutionized the smoking industry by offering premium experiences under the PAX and JUUL brands. Led by CEO Tyler Goldman, PAX Labs is relentlessly focused on their mission to improve global health through innovation. Their product range includes products from multiple categories including: open and closed systems, e-liquid, heat-not-burn, tobacco, and non-tobacco.

time and are confident that Tyler is the ideal executive to further accelerate our growth and lead us into our next stage.” Joining the company’s highly successful and often sold-out premium e-cigarette JUUL, Pax is offering two new products perfect for the cannabis market. The sleek Pax 3 is a dual-use device that offers powerful performance whether you prefer loose leaf or extracts. One of their newest products is the Pax Era that is more compact and is more akin to the JUUL in design.

Looking to take the company to the next level is Pax’s recently minted CEO Tyler Goldman. Hired in August 2016, Goldman has over 20 years experience leading technology companies. He was previously the CEO, North America at Deezer, a top global music streaming service, CEO of BUZZMEDIA, the largest pop-culture digital publisher, SVP and founding member of Movielink, a movie streaming service sold to Blockbuster, and founder and CEO of Broadband Sports, an early Internet pioneer.

“Over one billion people in the world smoke. Almost all are looking for a better solution. While early, PAX Labs’ platform is offering these consumers better solutions and, in so doing, the company is transforming the smoking business. PAX Labs already has scale with two market-leading products, has developed incredible IP we can continue to leverage to better meet existing needs and address new needs, and is growing at a rapid rate—what’s not to like?” said Goldman.

“Tyler has a tremendous track record in the tech industry, building premium brands by delivering products in new categories that super-serve consumers,” said PAX Labs cofounder and chief product officer James Monsees said in a recent press release. “We have set out to do the same from day one, achieved a great deal of success in a short period of

Tyler Goldman will be speaking at the TPE Expo 2017 on January 25th. For a recap of that panel, hosted by CannAmerica Publisher Austin Hopper, please visit www. 37

Your New Wake and Bake

By Richard Hougland


ringing together my two most favorite things to do when I awake, BREWBUDZ is a discreet and accurately dosed way of medicating while enjoying your morning Joe.

launch its revolutionary new product in the Colorado and Nevada markets this January, with complete recreational state coverage by the end of the quarter.

I recently had an opportunity to talk with Kevin Love from Cannabiniers, about their latest offering to the world of edibles. Or should I say drinkables? Their K-cup style cannabis infused coffee, tea, and cocoa pods go by the name BREWBUDZ. These pods are 100% compostable, and come medicated with THC, CBD, or a 1:1 ratio of both. This product has gone somewhat viral over the last month, being highlighted in Maxim Magazine, Vice, even Snoop Dog’s Facebook page, Kevin tells me. So, with great enthusiasm, I add CannAmerica Magazine to the list.

The packaging is clean and showcases BREWBUDZ minimalist philosophy. Handing over a pod for my inspection, Kevin explains that what appears to be a hard-plastic ring and cap holding the mesh and its sacred ingredients in place, is coffee. More accurately, the coffee bean chaff. The chaff is the skin or “hull” of the bean, and is usually considered a waste product created during the roasting process. He tells me that, processed correctly, the pod will 100% biodegrade in as little as 60 days. One of my many favorite things about BREWBUDZ is that they use the whole flower, not some mystery solvent extraction or inconsistent oil/butter solution some edible manufacturers utilize. Not only does this provide for accurate dosing, using the whole flower also allows for what is known in the cannabis world as the “entourage effect”. This describes the interaction between all 66 cannabinoids and over 100 terpenes, and how your body processes them together. It has been said that

I originally met Kevin at the MJ Biz Expo in Las Vegas, NV this past November, where he was exhibiting a new line of flower based edibles, BREWBUDZ. Hailing from New Jersey, this 29-year-old left a world of finance a year and a half earlier to join up with the Cannabiniers, a San Diego based cannabusiness established in 2016. “Committed to finding sustainable solutions for our everyday personal choices.”, BREWBUDZ is set to 38

afforded the opportunity to take “smoke” breaks regularly. So, most overmedicate in the morning, are good around 10, crash before noon, and overmedicate again at lunch to carry them through the rest of the day. Kevin explains how BREWBUDZ faces down this conundrum most regular use cannabis smokers deal with daily. “Part of the problem is, if you’re at the office, you’re unable to stay medicated at a sustained level due to the complexities of other consumption methods” he says, “but you can put this in your Keurig and no one will think twice about what you are doing”. The goal here is “keeping it consistent throughout the day” Kevin tells me. Helping along this idea of “micro-dosing” and maintaining that desired level, is the quick absorption rate of cannabis infused beverages, especially warm or hot. “There has been scientific research that demonstrates that warm beverages, or hot beverages, will actually enhance the process of absorption. It can be as soon as fifteen minutes” Kevin states. “Whereas with some edibles, you eat some, wait an hour, and if you don’t feel anything, try some more” he goes on. “So people overdose, or don’t know how to dose properly.” Offering 10, 25, and 50mg. THC and CBD levels, BREWBUDZ should be able to help you find exactly where you need to be!

terpenes may influence how much THC passes through the blood brain barrier, and effect the production of dopamine and serotonin. “With our in-pod water based extraction process,” Kevin explains, “we’re actually getting a transference of all the terpenes [and cannabinoids] within the decarboxylated flower.” Dying to know of the wizardry happening in this little pod that I held in my hand, I inquired “So, how does it work?”. Briefly braking down the process for me, Kevin explains that the whole flower is ground down for maximum surface area and decarboxylated (the slow heating of the cannabis to allow for the conversion of non-psychoactive THCA to the psychoactive delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC). This “decarbed” cannabis is then combined with the baseline ingredient (coffee, tea, or cocoa) and the top secret, Process Patent Pending, binding agent. He wouldn’t say much more than that about this classified concoction that binds it all together, other than “it’s the secret sauce where all the magic happens!”.

With an estimated price point starting around $8 for the 10 mg. THC level, these pods are pretty much exactly where they should be considering today’s market. “Our alignment is with traditional flower, and each pod has a half of a gram of flower in it.” Kevin tells me. “We wanted to ensure our pricing was at fair market value.” Doing some quick math, things check out. I’ve seen grams out here in Cali go from $10-$20. Plus, you get a delicious warm beverage bonus!

The BREWBUDZ website goes over the finer points. “The key is having the proper mix of coffee, or your favorite beverage, and cannabis in the pod. In the brewing process the right amount of water is introduced at the proper temperature by the brewer which creates a mini storm in the pod. This turbulence extracts the fine flavor from your premium beverage and all of the healing elements from the cannabis. Most importantly, you will enjoy your favorite delicious drink that fulfills your medicinal needs and personal tastes.”

Not only can you pick now between a high-flying Sativa coffee or lowriding Indica tea, but that there are talks of working locally with collectives to produce strain specific pods! “We are conceptualizing an idea of working with vertically integrated companies where we would buy their flower, certain strains that are popular within that market, and introduce that in a pod.” Yes please, I’ll have my Herijuana chamomile tea now!

With lifestyle integration and discretion at forefront of the BREWBUDZ concept, they are offering an undercover way of “micro-dosing” your medicine throughout the day. Kevin and I talked about the morning ritual known as the “Wake and Bake”, and the fragile dance between medicated and overdosed, as one searches for their happy place. In your typical workplace environment, most cannabis users are not 39


aporous Technologies is a hardware company based in Southern California that is making a name for itself as it exits its startup phase. With unique and intuitive design, products designed in the United States, a unique proprietary closed system technology, and an all-star team behind the scenes it would appear that Vaporous has more in common with Apple and Tesla than your average cannabis company. “Our goal is to create the perfect device,” said Kamo Juan at the Native Nation Events Conference. Kamo, Vaporous’ COO and General Manager is an MIT graduate with an all-star financial background. “We want a device that looks amazing, works even better, and deliver a quality hit every time.” Like the aforementioned Apple and Tesla, Vaporous designs its products keeping in mind two core necessities. The first is that the product must offer a unique experience. The second is that it must be something you actually want to use.


The second part to the equation is obvious just from looking at the product. Sleep lines. Beautifully painted black styling. A marketing plan that is as far away from tie-dye as anything on the market. A high-end status symbol for the cannabis enthusiast.

can create the perfect combination of coil and wick for each vendor,” continued Kamo. “We want to make sure that someone who is using a product in Denver when it is 10 below has an equally great experience as someone enjoying it on a California beach. These extremes do alter the experience, but we can refine our products to make sure that each user has the best experience possible.”

But to achieve long term success, the team at Vaporous new their devices needed to be more than just beautiful to look at. They needed to offer a better, yet simpler experience.

Kamo’s unique background in finance allows for Vaporous to look to the future. While many companies are struggling to master the design, Kamo and the Vaporous team are focused on scalability and growth. While their products are manufactured in China, they are proud of the fact that their products are designed and developed here in the United States, and they have plans to eventually bring all manufacturing back to California.

“Up until this point, most hardware for the cannabis industry is basically just repurposed from the vape industry,” said Kamo Jurn, Vaporous COO and General Manager. “What Vaporous has done is start from scratch and developed products that address the uniqueness of vaporizing cannabis over e-liquid. Our products offer leak proof tanks and a much higher level of airflow. This allows the concentrates t be absorbed in a more efficient manner for a much better experience.”

Like many in the business, the principles journey with Cannabis has opened their eyes beyond to the powers of the plant.

How does Vaporous achieve this? By working hand in hand with each of its concentrate vendors.

“I always saw the potential for making money in the Cannabis business as a finance guy. However, being in the business can really open your eyes to the medical benefits as well. That is something we have to do,” continued Kamo. “I am from Detroit which is having such a hard time with opiod and cannabis addiction, and using Cannabis to help fight this addiction is my number one goal. We have to serve a higher purpose.”

“We ask anyone who wants us to design tanks for their product to allow us to play with their product. We test it with different RDAs, coils, temps and heats. We analyze where the product originated and where it is going to be used so that we 41



f there is one thing that you can rely on, it is that Politicians are motivated by ways to collect taxes. When it comes to the majority of the cannabis business unable to access even the most basic banking services, there has been little way for legitimate cannabis’ businesses to be even able to pay their taxes besides backing up to the tax collector with trash bags filled with cash. Looking to remedy the situation, United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D) of recently legalized Massachusetts is looking for ways to move the cannabis industry away from a cash-only business. Warren, a member of the Senate Banking Committee joined nine other senators in sending a letter to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network asking them to issue guidance that would free up banks from fear of prosecution by accepting money from marijuana based entities. “You make sure that people are really paying their taxes. You know that the money is not being diverted to some kind of criminal enterprise,” Warren said recently. “And it’s just a plain old safety issue. You don’t want people walking in with guns and masks and saying, ‘Give me all your cash.’”

There have been numerous attempts to start cannabis friendly banks, however those efforts have been stymied by fear of federal retribution. However, since the legalization efforts have started to pass, it is now estimated that there are 301 banks in the nation that are doing business in cannabis cash. 42

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CANNABIS 101 Let’s Talk Extraction

By Andrew Hamilton For CannAmerica Magazine 44


hatter, crumble, budder, wax, oil… As you look around your local dispensary and see a plethora of different ways to enjoy this plant we’re all so obsessed with, you start to question how all of these products are made. Ironically, the processes for making these products are just about as numerous as the products themselves. After talking to some of the experts at the local dispensary, I set out on a mission to understand the extraction process, and make sense of all these different terms that were thrown at me like a barrage of threelettered code and terms that would make any nuclear physicist scratch his head.

we would of course, recommend against), most extractions are done on designated machines that are purpose-built for this application. Cost of these machines can vary wildly, but usually start around $5000 for a quality machine, and can go drastically higher, depending on the application and production output. These machines operate by loading a cylinder with raw plant material that is filtered at the end, and passing butane through the cylinder. As the butane passes through the material, it extracts the cannabinoids and terpenes, and drains as a solution. This solution is then purged in a vacuum oven, to rid it of all butane that is left over. The purging process is the most critical step in butane extraction, as the end user does not want any residual butane in their product, and quality product is always lab-tested, so you know what you’re getting.

So extraction… What is it? How do you even go about doing it? Let’s get down to basics, and explore this new world that has taken the Cannabis industry by storm recently. Extraction, in its simplest definition, is the process of taking raw plant material, and pulling all the cannabinoids and terpenes possible out of it. You drink coffee, right? In essence, it’s the same principle at work… You take raw material, pass water (or in this case, a number of different chemicals) through it, and out pops a fullyextracted, concentrated version of what you want. While that might sound easy at first, we’ve just scratched the surface.


Co2 extraction has taken the world by storm lately, and is usually measured up against BHO extraction, in an on-going argument about which process can yield a higher amount of end product, which process is cleaner, and which process is faster. Co2 (Carbon Dioxide) is a naturally occurring gas that is present in our atmosphere, and is considered the purest form of extraction, as it does not leave behind any chemical residue. Much like BHO extraction, raw material is loaded into a cylinder. Temperature and pressure are applied to the Co2 until it reaches “supercritical” level, meaning the Co2 is not technically a gas or a liquid, but somewhere in between. The cylinder with the raw material is then charged with the supercritical Co2, and is passed through the material over and over. Once the desired levels of cannabinoids and terpenes have been extracted, the Co2 is returned to a gaseous state, and you are left with a very dark resin. This resin can then be modified to achieve many different forms of products. Typically, Co2 extraction is used for vaporizer pens, edibles, or can be refined to produce a shatter-like substance. The cost of a Co2 extraction machine is even higher than a BHO extraction machine, with prices ranger from $10,000, all the way up to $750,000 and beyond for custom applications. The advantage to Co2 extraction is that it is a cleaner process, and can be fine-tuned by the extractor to produce exactly what he or she wants. As the world moves closer to mainstream acceptance of Cannabis products, it seems that Co2 extraction will most likely be the favored process for any product that will need to be tested and measured for correct dosages in edibles and vaporizer applications.

There are two main categories of extraction; Solvent and Solvent-less. For the time being, we will focus on extraction with solvents, as this process is used to make up most of the commercially available products at your dispensary. While there are many differences between which solvent is used, each process starts with the same thing – raw plant material. This can range from dry trim to fully cured buds, to complete plants, and is ultimately a choice that is left to the person doing the extraction. Now that we have our bases covered on what goes into these extraction techniques, let’s take a look at the three most common extraction methods:


With alcohol extraction, the raw material is ground up, then soaked in either isopropyl or Everclear. The cannabinoids and terpenes naturally extract into the alcohol after a short period of time, but everyone has different times that fit their process, as a longer soak can help with the purity of the finished product, and helps to dissolve unwanted plant materials like waxes and chlorophylls. After the soak, the solution is filtered and purged, which requires very precise heating and temperature control equipment. This can all be done from home, and does not carry with it the burden of having to purchase high-dollar extraction equipment, so this process is typically used by individuals wanting to make their own extracts, or smaller companies that want to create effective tinctures. Products made with alcohol extraction are typically consumed in medical applications, due to its effectiveness against cancer, and are not typically taken for recreational purposes.


Concentrate that is extracted using butane, is typically referred to as Butane Hash Oil (BHO). This is probably the most common extraction process used to make the products that are popular on shelves right now. BHO typically has a very high consistency, and can be put through finishing processes to produce a number of different final products such as shatter, budder, and sap. With BHO, the cost of entry jumps very high, very quickly. While there are some DIY ways of doing this at home (which 45


SPECTRUM COMP By Andrew Hamilton



hat do you really get when you use CBD products? Like many, I have recently been putting many new CBD products through their paces, to help with my own pain management, and to try and keep a clearer head in the process. The medical benefits of CBD have been making strong headway into mainstream culture lately, and this gives us a chance to dive into how CDB products are made, and how effective they can be.

Now let’s turn to the other side, and take a closer look at Full Spectrum CBD (sometimes referred to as Full Spectrum Hemp Oil). Like it’s younger brother Isolate, Full Spectrum is pretty self-explanatory as well – A CBD product that is derived from the same sources (usually hemp), but incorporates many of the other active cannabinoids found in those sources. There are well over 100 different cannabinoids that have been discovered, and can be included in full-spectrum CBD products, but CBD is still the highest concentrate in this extraction process. It is commonly held that full spectrum CBD is more potent due to the fact that these other cannabinoids are included, and users get to experience the “entourage effect”, meaning the CBD works more coherently with the other cannabinoids. Unlike Isolate, Full Spectrum CBD continues to be effective as the dosage is increased, and the user can regulate the effects of their CBD product by taking a higher or lower dosage.

Recently, CBD products have been making waves around North America, as it is one of the more viable options for pain management, and surprise – you don’t have to have a prescription. On top of that, CBD (or cannabidiol), has none of the mind-altering effects that THC has, so using this product does not get you high, in a traditional sense. You can get it in any number of forms; edibles, e-liquids, oils, topical creams, powders, capsules… so we’re left with the question, “What am I putting in my body?” That’s a great question to be asking yourself, as we look at the base ingredient, CDB.

Now, with all that to say, we’re not recommending Isolate or Full Spectrum as the ultimate answer to anyone. We have talked to many people that claim both products work exceptionally well for them, and ultimately it comes down to what works for you. Much like you, we are continuing to learn about this amazing product and all the benefits that it offers. As the Cannabis industry moves closer to legislation and regulation, you can expect to see more information on packaging, more guidance on where your products are sourced from, and what type of extraction process is used. Until then, it is up to you to look into your favorite products, and ask the right questions about the sourcing process. Remember, the more you know, the better the experience you’ll have!

When formulating CBD products, two types of CBD are used; Isolate and Full-Spectrum. So let’s start with the easy one, Isolate. This type of CBD is exactly what it sounds like, it’s pure cannabidiol extract that gets separated from all other cannabinoids from the source plant material. The end result is pure CBD that can be used to make all the different applications of CBD products that we’ve seen. While on the surface level it may seem that CBD isolate would be the natural choice for any manufacturer that would want to provide an effective product, this is not always the case. Surprisingly, Isolate has actually proven to be a less effective form of CBD, as it has diminishing returns after a small dosage amount. To break that down a little more simply, after using a CBD product with pure isolate, some users are disappointed with the results, and become frustrated that they cannot get an effective dosage. On the other hand, the up-side to CBD Isolate is that it is much more accurate when mixing in with other products, so it is the natural choice for low-dose applications.

Sources: cannabis-study-full-spectrum-cannabis-extracts-moremedically-effective-than-cbd-alone/ aspx?PaperID=53912#.VP4EIildXvY 49


he hmbldt dose pen is the first of its kind. The team over at hmbldt has engineered the perfect disposable vape with its targeted formulas and precise dosing, setting the new standard in medical cannabis.

We were fortunate to learn about the hmbldt dose pen at the Abbot Kinney fest in Venice, California last summer. hmbldt had a small stand set up to demo their product line around the time of its major launch into the mainstream cannabis market in California. Named one of the best 25 inventions of 2016 by Times magazine, the folks over at hmbldt are certainly doing medical cannabis – the right way.

Our Experience Presentation

When we first got a hold of the hmbldt dose pen, we were blown away by the packaging and overall presentation. Unboxing each hmbldt pen reminded us of that feeling you get when unboxing a shiny new Apple iPhone for the first time. The hmbldt brand is on point from its visual presentation, lab facts labeling, all the way through to its targeted cannabis oil formulas and of course, the vaporizer device itself. This is how medical cannabis should be done. If you’re a recreational user simply looking to get stoned, this is not the product for you. We were able to test the full product line which includes their targeted formulas for calm, sleep, relief and bliss. Each vaporizer is compact and conveniently pre-charged and pre-filled with oil, ready for use right out of the box.

Taste and Flavor

We found each vape to have a similar taste and smell with slight variations. After a full 3-second pull, we experienced refreshing, citrus flavors along with some mildly pepper notes and light floral undertones – very clean and natural tasting. 50

To top it off, the vape pen is super sleek and sturdy, built of quality materials. It looks and feels like a piece of high end tech, yet at the same time is discreet for carrying around in your pocket.

Available Selection Each hmbldt dose pen is specifically formulated to meet specific desired effects. Their current selection of pre-filled disposable vape pens includes the following hmbldt formulas: • bliss – formulated to help you feel good • calm – formulated to help relax the mind and bodynaturally • relief – formulated to ease pain and inflammation naturally • sleep – formulated to help you fall and stay asleep naturally

Lab Facts Each hmbldt dose pen contains 500 mg of cannabis oil rich in specific cannabinoid and terpene blends. One full inhalation will deliver a single dose of 2.25 mg of their target formula. Generally, every pen is formulated for a cannabinoid to terpene ratio of 88% cannabinoids to 12% terpenes. Here are the specific lab facts noted on the packaging for the samples we received: • bliss – 1.49 mg THC / dose (330 mg / dose pen); 0.16 mg CBD / dose (35 mg / dose pen) • calm – 0.10 mg THC / dose (24 mg / dose pen); 1.54 mg CBD / dose (343 mg / dose pen) • relief – 1.10 mg THC / dose (245 mg / dose pen); 0.54 mg CBD / dose (120 mg / dose pen) • sleep – 1.46 mg THC / dose (325 mg / dose pen); 0.18 mg CBD / dose (40 mg / dose pen)

Desired Effects

Each vape seemed to produce the desired effect you would expect from their targeted formulas. We particularly enjoyed the hmbldt calm and the hmbldt sleep formulas. If you know anything about the science behind major cannabinoids and terpenes, then you’ll find the hmbldt formulas to be consistent with the latest cannabis research. At 2.25 mg per dose, 2-3 doses of the sleep formula definitely eases you nicely into sweet dreams. The calm formula, with its high CBD and low THC formula blended with the right terpenes, will relax the mind and body with little to no psychoactive effects as expected.

Final Thoughts

Design & Innovation

When it comes to vaping and medical cannabis, there’s no denying that hmbldt is leading the industry. There’s very few cannabis vape options designed with specific medical benefits in mind. The hmbldt dose pen is a great option to achieve the desired effects for a variety of conditions. If you care about the quality of your vape experience and you prefer accurate, consistent dosing, the hmbldt is hands down one of the best options out there.

The production quality and technology behind each hmbldt dose pen is outstanding. Their targeted cannabis oil formulas are backed by scientific research studies and patient data. Their formulas are then delivered through their proprietary vape pen technology which delivers accurate and consistent doses every time. Every hmbldt vape pen is prefilled with quality cannabis oil formulated for specific health benefits. The vape pen features a 260 mAh lithium-ion battery and a micro-processor chip that controls the optimized temperature, air flow, and timing. This ensures that you receive an exact delivery of 2.25 mg dosage of pure cannabinoids and terpene vapors. Each vape is metered to provide around 200 doses.

Price and Where to Buy The hmbldt dose pen retails for $100 per 200 dose vaporizer. This disposable vape is available at many dispensaries throughout SoCal. If you’re in Los Angeles, you can pick up the hmbldt vape at Sessions delivery service for the Westside. Use code “CANNABISVAPES” for $10 off your 1st three orders!

The vape tip is fitted with a white LED light that lights up while you’re inhaling. When you’ve completed a full hit after three seconds, the pen will alert you by vibrating and automatically cutting off. This is great for those new to vaping. You don’t have to worry about how much you’re inhaling and can rest assured of the exact dosage.

To read more reviews, please visit 51

Curavape C








Cannabis Advocacy Groups

AMERICANS FOR SAFE ACCESS ASA was founded in 2002, by medical cannabis patient Steph Sherer, as a vehicle for patients to advocate for the acceptance of cannabis as medicine. With over 100,000 active members in all 50 states, ASA is the largest national member-based organization of patients, medical professionals, scientists and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research. ASA works to overcome political, social and legal barriers by creating policies that improve access to medical cannabis for patients and researchers through legislation, education, litigation, research, grassroots empowerment, advocacy and services for patients, governments, medical professionals, and medical cannabis providers.

DRUG POLICY ALLIANCE DPA is the nation’s leading organization promoting drug policies that are grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights. Our supporters are individuals who believe the war on drugs is doing more harm than good. Together we advance policies that reduce the harms of both drug use and drug prohibition, and seek solutions that promote safety while upholding the sovereignty of individuals over their own minds and bodies. We work to ensure that our nation’s drug policies no longer arrest, incarcerate, disenfranchise and otherwise harm millions – particularly young people and people of color who are disproportionately affected by the war on drugs.

ENCOD In 1993, following the request of the European Commission, 14 organizations working in the field of drugs founded the European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies. During two decades, Encod grew into a platform of 150 members, organizations, companies and citizens who want an end to the war on drugs. With lobby, actions and information we have strengthened their voice at the United Nations, the European Union and on the national and local level. 54

LAW ENFORCEMENT AGAINST LEGALIZATION Founded on March 16, 2002, LEAP is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization made up of current and former members of the law enforcement and criminal justice communities who are speaking out about the failures of our existing drug policies. Those policies have failed, and continue to fail, to effectively address the problems of drug abuse, especially the problems of juvenile drug use, the problems of addiction, and the problems of crime created by criminal control of illegal drug sales. Although those who speak publicly for LEAP are people from the law enforcement and criminal justice communities, a large number of our supporting members do not have such experience. You don’t have to have law enforcement experience to join us.

MARIJUANA POLICY PROJECT MPP, which was founded in January 1995, is the largest organization in the U.S. that’s focused solely on ending marijuana prohibition. MPP’s mission is to change federal law to allow states to determine their own marijuana policies without federal interference, as well as to regulate marijuana like alcohol in all 50 states, D.C., and the five territories.

MARIJUANA MAJORITY Too many elected officials continue to act as if there’s some political reason to keep supporting marijuana policies that almost everyone knows have failed. And too many people who agree that now is the time for change remain reluctant to speak out. Marijuana Majority exists to help more people understand the simple fact that supporting commonsense solutions like regulating marijuana sales and ending marijuana arrests are mainstream positions and that there’s no reason those who support reform should be afraid to say so.

NATIONAL CANNABIS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION To promote the growth of a responsible and legitimate cannabis industry and work for a favorable social, economic, and legal environment for that industry in the United States. The National Cannabis Industry Association was founded on the principle of power in numbers. The thousands of American businesses involved in the state-legal cannabis industries represent a tremendous economic force in this country. As the industry’s national trade association, NCIA works every day to ensure our growing business sector is represented in a professional and coordinated way on the national stage.

NORML Since its founding in 1970, NORML has provided a voice in the public policy debate for those Americans who oppose marijuana prohibition and favor an end to the practice of arresting marijuana smokers. A nonprofit publicinterest advocacy group, NORML represents the interests of the tens of millions of Americans who smoke marijuana responsibly.

STUDENTS FOR SENSIBLE DRUG POLICY SSDPis the only international network of students dedicated to ending the war on drugs. At its heart, SSDP is a grassroots organization, led by a student-run Board of Directors. We create change by bringing young people together and creating safe spaces for students of all political and ideological stripes to have honest conversations about drugs and drug policy. Founded in 1998, SSDP comprises thousands of members at hundreds of campuses in countries around the globe. 55

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