02W. Best News Coverage-03-01-2012

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black



TheVOICE Voice of OF the Students THEthe STUDENTS The Voice of Students

Volume <VOLUME> • Number Volume XXXVI•Number 10 <##>

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing : In a time where USU Eastern is revamping student services and trying to implement new strategies to boost enrollments, it is not helping the cause by its latest tactic with scholarship offers. As of February 27, 2012, USU Eastern has sent out zero scholarship offers to prospective students which raises concerns in that all but one other school in the state has yet to send offers out. Southern Utah University and Utah State University in Logan

started sending out their academic scholarships in November, Westminster in December. Most high school students and even transfer students have two or three scholarship offers by now. “This is a critical time for my future and I have yet to hear anything back from USU Eastern. On the other hand, other schools I have applied too already sent me scholarship offers,” stated a high school student from Pleasant Grove, Utah,

who is considering attending the Price college. Previously at USU Eastern, recruiters were able to offer scholarships on the spot on recruitment tours. This has not been the case for a few years now and could be the reason why enrollment is down. “I have seen colleges talk to a prospective student just shortly after the tour in mid-November, and hand them a scholarship offer on the spot,” stated Terry Johnson

March 1, 2012


USU Eastern has yet to send out academic scholarship offers to prospective students

who is head of the Ambassador program. Now don’t be quick to be part of the blame game as student services was recently re-organized. “It is frustrating for me to recruit student-athletes who are academic kids right now because nothing has been done. A year from now when enrollment is down even more we will all sit and wonder why,” stated KC Smurthwaite, assistant baseball coach/recruiting coordinator. As high school students prepare to

choose where they will be spending their money and time the next four years--USU Eastern currently is not in the student’s conversation because nothing has been sent on paper. Amongst the faculty, uneasiness grows on the situation. One faculty member whose job depends on how many students are on campus stated, “I was at a community event last week and a concerned parent came up to me and asked why her

child has been getting stuff from other schools but Eastern has yet to send her a scholarship offer.” In a time where community colleges are supposed to be thriving we have one that is dieing in a sense. Snow College is the last school in Utah to send out scholarship offers. They will start sending out scholarship offers on March 1. By the time this article is published Snow will have sent out thousands of letters in the see scholarships page 3

Gochis victorious in “election” Emily Williams

staff writer e.williams@eaglemail.ceu.edu

Matt Gochis

Pete Yakovich

This has been an exciting and confusing election. The confusion stems from who exactly is running for student body president. Much of that confusion revolved around current student-adjunct faculty member KC Smurthwaite. After a few weeks of hearsay, it has become clear that there will be no election

Beth Liddell

at all. Recently, both Mike Gingell and KC Smurthwaite dropped out of the election, leaving the entire student body presidency to run uncontested. Gingell didn’t feel right about running and will focus on building the school through other means. Smurthwaite is rumored to be gaining more responsibility within the athletic’s department next year. Next year’s line-up looks like this: Matt Gochis- president, Pete Yakovich- executive VP, and

Beth Liddell- activities VP. Each member of the presidency has written a platform for their time in office. Gochis- “I was born June 17, 1990. I attended Tooele High School my freshman year until I was a junior, I then transferred to Judge Memorial High School to better my education. After attending Judge Memorial and graduating I went to Salt Lake see Gochis page 3

Toilet paper rolls stolen

smile for library video

Seth Richards

staff writer s.richards@eaglemail.ceu.edu Little brass locks may not be enough to keep the facility’s main-

tenance budget from draining, as thieves continue to steal toilet paper from campus restrooms. During fall semester, toilet paper in the public restrooms at USUEastern started disappearing at a rate faster than people with normal bowel movements tend to use toilet paper. About a dozen rolls were being stolen each week, costing the college about $25 each week. These disappearances, being primarily from the Jennifer Leavitt Student Centers and old Student Activity Center, suggested that the

see toilet paper page 3

Breaking the mold: Friction building already between EUSA and newly elected leaders

KC Smurthwaite editor-in-chief kc.smurthwaite@eaglemail.ceu.edu It hasn’t been official and nobody has been sworn in yet, but outgoing EUSA leaders are already raising concerns about newly elected leaders “loyalty” to the school and student government. Matt Gochis (baseball) and Beth Liddell (volleyball), both studentathletes, have been threatened by EUSA members that an executive order will be passed to make them choose between being a part of student government or athletics. According to The Eagle’s

photo by CJ Evams/The Eagle

USU Eastern library project

USU Eastern students will be featured in video clips shown at the annual Utah Library Association Conference in Salt Lake City in April. The clips were filmed by JCOM associate professor Troy Hunt and directed by public services manager Aimee Lauritsen. Students who helped with the production received free Aggie ice cream, compliments of USU Eastern Food Service director Becky Archibald.

Eastern adds new cadaver Karli Morris

assistant editor k.morris@eaglemail.ceu.edu The USU Eastern Biology Department added a new cadaver. In December 2011, Dr. Tyson Chappell drove to the University of Utah School of Medicine Body Donor Program to pick her up. The cadaver is a woman who died at 94.The Biology Department will house and take of her for three years. The department’s other cadaver is a male and has been on campus for three years. After the summer 2012 semester, the male body will be returned to the University of Utah and the biology department will get another cadaver. Eastern will then have “two fairly new dead people,” said Chappell. From here on out, Eastern will always have two cadavers for students to study. Recently a new cadaver lab




What’s Inside . . .

was approved and built, allowing room for two cadaver tables. The cadavers are mostly used for anatomy classes, but physiology and biology 1500 also get to go into the lab and take a look. They are mostly used to learn about muscles, but the brain is looked at during neuroscience chapters and general organs are studied to learn their structures and functions. Before the human cadavers, the biology department used cats and pigs to study their anatomy, however, pigs are still dissected during the class. In order to be part of the cadaver donor program, one has to fill out special paperwork explaining that they would like to donate their body to science when they die. Spouses can also choose to donate the body of a spouse after they have died. When medical studies are complete, the body will be cremated (at

see cadaver page 3





ever been in a presidential cabinet for EUSA. “Interesting that their loyalty to the school are in question since they are the only ones that didn’t drop out,” stated Mitch Moore, a former student-athlete at USU Eastern. Why not a change? Aren’t these newly elected leaders the ones in charge now? Both Liddell and Gochis are excited for the new challenges that they face. “I am extremely happy to become the next EUSA student body president. I think this is opening up a new era for this school and see breaking page 3

Lights out on campus again Seth Richards

staff writer s.richards@eaglemail.ceu.edu

as the weather warms more people are going to be out after

see lights page 3

Forty-seven lights are again out on campus. Every BDAC building light on its south side which lights the benches is out, as well as 10 lights surrounding the Western Instructional Building, four lights in AJ parking lot and some throughout campus, reported USU Eastern officer Jeff Wood on Feb. 24. He continued, “Officer [Cletis]

photo courtesy of Amber Chappell

Tyson Chappell leans over area which will house the new 94-year-old female cadaver.



record, no student-athletes have

•Matt Gochis for prez! •Letter to the editor •It’s just a snowman... •Dating etiquette •Calendar of events •page 3






Steele completed a light survey on Jan. 15, 2012 and most of these lights have already been noted to be out. I feel this is an issue that needs to be addressed,





•pages 4-5





•Basketball winds down •Baseball thriving •Smurf Turf •Tandy Thackeray •Comeback Kids

photo by CJ Evans/The Eagle

Campus dark again

•New library study rooms •The Alchemyst •Up the down staircase •Alumnus’ work in Gallery East •Closing play in Geary Theatre •pages 6-9


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black


March 1, 2012

page 32

Once there was a snowman . . . Austin Ashcraft

guest writer a.ashcraft@eaglemail.ceu.edu Two weeks ago, after seeing a clean blanket of freshly fallen snow, several friends and I decided to do something that, due to various circumstances, we had not done in years. We built a snowman. Perhaps because it had been so long, or perhaps because the snow was just perfect for packing, we decided that not only were we going to build a snowman, but we were going to build the biggest snowman any of us had ever built. So we did. The bottom portion was taller than me. It took four or five of us just to roll it. It was fantastic! The middle portion required six of us to lift and put on top, and even so, we barely got it up there. For the head, we had to stand on each

other’s shoulders to lift it up and pack the snow around it to solidify it. We even put on a face, arms and everything that a normal snowman would have. We loved it. It was the best snowman I have ever built by far. We tried to take a couple pictures, but with it being dark outside, the pictures didn’t turn out. The plan was to take a few more pictures in the morning, when we could actually see the snowman. I walked to my car, and about 15 minutes later, drove passed the snowman, hoping to admire our work as I went home. However, as I drove past, much to my dismay, the snowman was no longer standing. The next morning, I surveyed the damage and, unless there was in incredible gust of wind in those 15 minutes (in which case, I apologize profusely for my accusation), it seems that all signs

I do own, however, is the sense of pride and accomplishment that came with completing such a task. You destroyed that. You took away from me the satisfaction of seeing something that I helped create stand for other people to enjoy. Don’t think that it is acceptable or even that funny. If you want to destroy a snowman, take the time and make one yourself, then you can knock it down and beat it to the ground as much as you want. Think about it this way. You are playing your favorite video game, and you work for a long time to get the high score. You play and play until you set a record so high that you think it will never be broken. Then I come along and decide to reset the high scores. All your work, and all the time you put into that - gone. Now, I don’t know if you play video games or not, but

point to his being knocked over. Now I know that this really is not a big deal. It’s a snowman. Was I disappointed? Yes. Do I wish that he had not been knocked over? Of course. Although I realize that this is a minor issue (it’s a snowman, for crying out loud), I still feel like taking this opportunity to voice my opinion about an issue far bigger than a snowman. To those of you who took your time to absolutely smash the fruits of our labor, I say - GROW UP! Really, guys - it’s time to leave high school behind and start acting like adults. It is absolutely childish to go around destroying other people’s work just for kicks and giggles. I know that the snow does not belong to me. I have no ownership of it, nor do I claim any special privileges to the wonderful, white, fluffiness that has graced our campus. What

the principle is the same. Sure you still got the high score, but how does it feel now that you can only just tell people about it? I realize that the snowman scenario will not apply to most who read this, but take a minute and think about the rest of my message. We can all afford to grow up a little bit - myself included. Isn’t that the point of us coming to USU Eastern? Really, though - whether it be for school, or for the social aspect, or anything else - isn’t the real reason we are in college to grow up and become better than we are? To learn how to live and learn and work and think on our own? I am not perfect, but I would like to think that I have learned enough to no longer require someone constantly telling me to do my homework, get to bed at see Snowman page 3

Dating etiquette or preference? Top-10 reasons why you should support CJ Evans

staff writer c.evans@eaglemail.ceu.edu I realize that those of you who take the time out of your busy life to humor me and read this article would rather hear my witty remarks and observations on life in general instead of some recent events in my life, but for the sake of the article, I hope that you will bear with me. The day was Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day, and I was about to have my first ever Valentine’s Day date. Everything was just right, I had the female, the restaurant, even my hair was looking better than usual. Dinner had gone better than expected and despite the scent of soy sauce on my breath, I was fairly positive that I would be able to end the night with a kiss. When the check finally came around, I was in the process of paying when she proceeded to take money from her purse and place it next to our bill. At this point, I started to have mixed emotions. On one hand, I was flattered that she liked me enough to want to pay for me, while on the other, I was slightly insulted that she thought it necessary to do so. Of course she wasn’t intending to offend me, she was just trying to be nice and do something that she has always done in the past. Personally I was shocked to learn this, I mean, three and a half years of serious dating and not once has she had a guy pay for her? That was appalling to me, but it did get me thinking. It is 2012, year of the Aztec calendar, the decades of female empowerment have come and left their mark. My goal in this was to determine just how much of an oddity I was in insisting that I always pay, regardless of situation. By polling students at different times a n d

places, I determined just how students at USU Eastern felt about the subject and the results were pleasantly surprising. Several male students explained how they had never allowed a female to pay for even the smallest date. While others explained how they would sometimes “go Dutch” and allow the female to pay for her own meal due to their financial situation. Fewer still had allowed females to pay for the entirety of the date and even then, they explained how an extenuating circumstance had allowed them no other alternative. One student in particular explained that he felt it was his duty as a male to pay for it. In his own words, “Paying for a date helps me know that I’m doing may part in the relationship.” While paying for a date may not be all that a male has to do in order to keep a relationship alive, it certainly does help. If paying for a date has traditionally been the male’s responsibility, why would so many females voice their support in paying for a date? It may not be because of some mislead feminist movement; rather it might be the fact that without the male ego to hold them back, they realize that college is a trying time. Not only do students have to deal with schoolwork, they also have the added difficulty of managing a social life, financing themselves, family matters and whatever mishaps life decides to throw their way on a weekly basis. It may just be that females feel the same way about the male they date, that is they enjoy the company and enjoy spending time with each other and see it as an easy way to lessen the stress of life. I’m not saying one way is obviously better than the other, but what I am saying is there can be a healthy alternative. Females, when you insist on paying for yourself or covering the entire date then it sends a message to us males, and that message is something along the lines of: “This was a complete see dating page 3

Matt Gochis as student body president an amazing life that can only be described as awesome. His words carry weight that would break a lesser man’s jaw. When in Rome, they do as he does. He also bowls overhand. He is the most interesting student in the world. 4. He can relate to all studentsGochis has lived on and off campus. He already has his associates and is working on getting his bachelor’s degree. He attends school events. He is a student-athlete. What more do you want? 5. He is a well-rounded candidate- Being an athlete and a student, he supports athletics and education. 6. He is personable- If you haven’t met Gochis you really should. Talk about an awesome kid! He has a fun loving personality that can’t be beat. He’s not a preppy school kid who is just doing this for a college application; he really cares about this school and the students. 7. He cares about this college-

Kyle VanAmen

staff writer k.vanamen@eaglemail.ceu.edu 1. He already has his associate’s degree- If you’re going to elect a leader, that person should be someone who sets an example for others to follow. Being at a junior college, everybody is trying to get an associate’s degree; why not elect someone who has already been there? He knows what you’re going through and can help you. 2. He supports all sports- With athletics being one of the things that can identify a school, it is vital to keep athletics around and give them support. Athletics can also bring revenue for a school which is always a good thing. As an athlete himself, Gochis sees the need to give athletics the support they need. So vote for him. 3. He is the most interesting student in the world- He lives

Having played baseball for this college, he has a sense of pride. He wants to take care of this school and make it better for every student. He wants to change things for the better that will benefit all students. 8. He will listen to student’s complaints- If you got a complaint send it Gochis’ way and he will take care of it. He will listen to every person’s complaint no matter how small. Name one-elected official that can do that? 9. He has a awesome haircutEver seen a “Bro Hawk” its BA. His hair show off is personality which we learned is awesome! G reat h a i r S e e T o p T e n page 3

Letter to the editor

Another Top-10 reason VanAmen is wrong Dear editor, I read with some amusement your article “Top-ten first-date mistakes” in which you knock museums as a first-date place. It is true that some younger women are attracted to the “bad-boy,” knuckle-walking types, but as women mature and start thinking hard about life-long mates, their view of men changes as well. The intellectual “Steve Jobs” or “Bill Gates”-type start looking more attractive because these are the men who will be leaders and offer financial security. The “bad-boys” will be working for the “Jobs” and “Gates”. You have a rather myopic view of museums, which is to your loss. You fail to view them from the woman’s point of view. The museum offers a safe environment for the woman on a first date because the nonverbal message you’ll give as having more interest in her as a person than something to paw or grope. It also offers the guy the opportunity to stand out as different from the rest of the pack. Art museums offer the guy the opportunity to ask questions and draw her out about what she thinks and feels about a

particular piece (even if the guy thinks his 3-year-old brother could do better). Now is not the time to be negative (“what a piece of crap!”) because if the date likes it, it is essentially telling her she has crappy taste. Let her speak first. An honest “Doesn’t do much for me” is acceptable, but “I do like the bright colors” is better (i.e., find something positive). Besides, it conveys you as a positive and upbeat person, and someone she would want to hang out with. As for our Prehistoric Museum, there is the reconstructed pit house, which gives you the opportunity to engage in conversation about what life would be like, especially during the scorching summer or freezing winter; or what it would be like to try to take down a three-ton mammoth with just arrows thrown by a stick. I could go on, but I think I made my point. Museums can be a great first date place because there is so much that can act as conversation pieces (and keeps the guys from making the age-old mistake of trying to impress by dominating the conversation). Besides, for students the Prehistoric Museum is free. Kenneth Carpenter, Ph.D.

The Eagle

College of Eastern Utah 451 East 400 North Price, UT 84501•SAC Room 109 Office: 435.613.5250 Fax: 435.613.5042 theeagle@eagle.ceu.edu http://eagle.ceu.edu

• About The Eagle

The Eagle — The Voice of the Students is an awardwinning, school-sponsored student newspaper, published bi-weekly fall and spring semesters (excluding holidays) at College of Eastern Utah (CEU). A complete list of publication dates can be found online. • Distribution - The Eagle is distributed in all nonresidential buildings on the Price, UT campus, as well as at the LDS Institute of Religion. • Content - Eagle editors and staff are CEU students and are solely responsible for the newspaper’s content. Opinions expressed in The Eagle do not necessarily represent those of CEU, its staff or students. Columns & letters are the personal opinions of the individual writer. Funding comes from advertising revenues and a dedicated student fee administered by the Eastern Utah Student Association (EUSA). Information concerning advertising rates is available by e-mail at ads@eagle.ceu.edu or in the advertising section of The Eagle Online. • Ordering The Eagle - Subscriptions must be prepaid. Forward all subscription correspondence, including change of address to the adviser, Dr. Susan Polster via e-mail to susan.polster@usu.edu or mail care of The Eagle. The first issue is free, others 50 cents. • Submissions - We welcome comments, complaints, suggestions and recommendations. Send letters to the editor to articles@eagle.ceu.edu. All submissions must be received in The Eagle office no later than 5 p.m. the Friday prior to publication. All submissions become property of The Eagle and cannot be returned. All letters must be signed by the author(s). Also include contact information (telephone or address). No anonymous letters will be printed.

KC Smurthwaite editor-in-chief


Mike Gingell associate editor m.gingell@eaglemail.ceu.edu Daylan Jones senior editor d.jones@eaglemail.ceu.edu Valeria Moncada news editor v.moncada@eaglemail.ceu.edu Karli Morris assistant editor k.morris@eaglemail.ceu.edu Sammie Fugate photography editor s.fugate@eaglemail.ceu.edu Dr. Susan A. Polster faculty adviser susan.polster@usu.edu

staff writers



MAR. 1 - MAR. 25 ST











David Osborne Jr. d.osborne@eaglemail.ceu.edu Shadayah Jones s.jones@eaglemail.ceu.edu Seth Richards





Newspaper Publication


Baseball vs CSI noon & 4 p.m. True Blue Friday WBB vs. CSI 5:30 p.m. MBB vs. CSI 7:30 p.m.


Katie Bigelow k.james@eaglemail.ceu.edu

Baseball vs CSI noon & 4 p.m. WBB vs. NIC 3 p.m. MBB vs. NIC 5 p.m.


Kyle VanAmen k.vanamen@eaglemail.ceu.edu Alexandro Church a.church@eaglemail.ceu.edu


Brady Maynes b.maynes@eaglemail.ceu.edu CJ Evans c.evans@eaglemail.ceu.edu Nathan Manley n.manley@eaglemail.ceu.edu

EUSA Advisory 5:30 p.m.


EUSA Advisory 5:30 p.m. EUSA Safety Week

Hey Day! (all day)


Hey Day! (all day) EUSA safety week

Heal My Heart Concert @ JLSC @ 8 p.m. True Blue Friday Eagle Experience

Intramural dodgeball, BDAC 7:30 p.m. SWAC Tournament 7-10

21 Intramural bowling night Crash simulators EUSA safety week

22 Newspaper Publication Crash simulators EUSA safety week

23 Baseball @ SLCC 80’s dance @ SAC @ 8:30 p.m.11 p.m. EUSA safety week True Blue Friday

Emily Williams e.williams@eaglemail.ceu.edu Joy Malone

Spring Break from March12-16


Baseball @ SLCC


If you have any suggestions for student government, please write them and drop them off in the suggestion box in the JLSC.

j.malone@eaglemail.ceu.edu Abigail Ericson a.ericson@eaglemail.ceu.edu

layout staff Brandi Sitterud b.sitterud@eaglemail.ceu.edu Kate Johnson k.johnson@eaglemail.ceu.edu webmasters Jordan Hepworth j.hepworth@eaglemail.ceu.edu Chance Abrath c.abrath@eaglemail.ceu.edu

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

page 3

March 1, 2012

Candidates for USU positions

Candidates for museum position


Cross dressing male arrested

A candidate from Kansas and one from Connecticut are the finalists for the director of student involvement, leadership and student-life position at USU Eastern. Morgan Boyak is currently a special assistant at Washburn University in Topeka, Kan. He manages a 15-person recruitment and processing staff. He developed strategic recruitment plan to mirror university long-term goals, and manages a budget of $1,200,000.00 for development and analysis. He has been an associate director of admissions at the University

mail with scholarship offers. Many have a positive outlook on the situation. Alex Herzog, Ed.D., commented “While our timing is off due to the student services transition that occurred this year, I am confident the staff in financial aid will get the job done. The staff is looking to take a very labor


of Northern Colorado, admissions counselor at the University of Utah and financial aid specialist at the U of U. He has a bachelor’s of science and master’s of arts degree from the U of U. Kristian Olsen is the director of recruitment and selection at Northwestern Mutual Financial Network. He manages all recruitment and a selection of full-time employees and interns. He developed new avenues of recruitment and increased communication and presence on area college and university campuses. His experience includes the director of school relations/under-

continued from page 1 intensive manual system and using technology to automat and reduce the time to award scholarships.” Kim Booth, director of financial aid and scholarships added, “We will be getting the current list out to the departments this week and index awards should be offered within the next two weeks. We have just

graduate recruitment at Southern Utah University, student activities coordinator at University of Connecticut-Stamford, campus director at Inside Track and client solutions manager/strategic planner at Datamark. He earned a bachelor’s of science degree from SUU and a master’s of arts degree from U of C. Students, faculty and staff were invited to a candidate open forum on Feb. 28 and 29. They were given an interview-feedback form where they could describe the candidate’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall opinion of his qualifications for the position. installed a new scholarship program to help automate the process so we will be able to get awards out as early as December next year. This will help us this year as well.” The good news is there is still time to send out offers, but it makes us think what could have been if it was done earlier? The new system will be in place to help build enrollment at USU Eastern for years to come.

continued from page 1

Community College and took a year worth of classes. After a year at Salt Lake Community College I transferred to College of Eastern Utah to play baseball. I played baseball and continued taking classes and finished the year receiving my Associates of Science Degree. Currently, I still am playing baseball and now I am working on my Bachelors Degree in Wildlife Science. I am on track to receive my Bachelors by summer. My platform for running for student body president is to get our student attendance up. The more people that attend our great school the better the school will be. Along with increases in student enrollment having more involvement from the students in all areas is a major issue that needs to be resolved. My third major goal of being student body president is to find as much funding and sponsors for our school to give each student that best opportunity to succeed and take advantage of our low tuition and great classes.” Pete Yakovich- “Hi, I’m Pete Yakovich and I am running for executive vice president over student services and academics. My platform is – it’s a set of ideas or values that one subscribes to. In that sense, where I’ve been and what I do in the community would really set the stage for my platform. Currently I am the non-traditional student representative on the EUSA student government team. I also serve as a city councilman for Wellington City, a volunteer firefighter for the same, a volunteer for the Boy Scouts of America, and cur-


rently serve as the chairman of the Carbon County Republican Party. Volunteer service is what I’m made of, it is part of who I am. I understand sound principles of local government because I have lived up to the commitment I have made to do my duty. I feel that one of the most important lessons of college is often skipped or forgotten because we are worried about the little things – that lesson is learning how to learn, and learning to love to learn. I hope that my commitment to the student organization will foster an environment where these lessons can be learned and applied. Politicians who set agendas before learning the needs of those they serve really run me up the wall, and for that fact until I better understand the role, responsibility, and the needs of students here on campus I don’t intend to set one, but I do intend to put into practice sound principles of government for the best of the students here on campus, and I do intend to learn more about the needs of the student body and not just the portion that I currently represent. I look forward to serving you here on campus, and wish you the best in your endeavors in education.” Beth Liddell- “Born in Boise, Idaho to Jim and Gwen Liddell, I was the 7th child in the bunch. There are 10 children total: 8 girls and 2 boys. They are literally my best friends. Growing up in a farming community where the numbers were few but strong family values surrounded me, I learned to live and love life as it came. I am an

outdoors-y kind of girl and am always looking for something new to try. My favorite hobbies consist of sports, photography, cooking and music. I’m pretty sure watermelon bubblicious bubblegum is the best thing in the world and I can’t help it- I love to laugh. I graduated from Eagle High School in 2011 and am furthering my education here at USU Eastern. I am currently on the volleyball team as well as in the current student government. I’m excited for the future so bring it on! My goals for next year as the vice president of activities consist of involving the community more in our college life and livening up the campus. There are very few interactions with the community. As a town and a college, we need to support each other if we want any growth. This campus is somewhere where I want to be and I want other students to feel the same. We need to bring life back into USU Eastern through activities and tradition. I want next year to be a “risks” year. It will be trial and error but we need to figure out what works for our campus. We are going to start with a clean slate and make next year the best year we have seen yet.” It’s good to get to know the student body leaders. They are always open for suggestions for ways to improve campus. Let Liddell know what would make the dances for fun, let Yakovich know about any new ideas to support cultural diversity, and let Gochis know if the campus could use any changes to make life better for the students. The best way to support the leaders and the school is to get involved.

continued from page 1

thing?” commented incoming president Matt Gochis. All the newly elected officials bring something new to the table. Even incoming vice president over student services Pete Yakovich is a non-traditional student. He is married, has a child and is a city counsel member for Wellington. Will EUSA officials try to make him choose his family over his position? Wellington over USU Eastern? Why not let it play out and see the positives and negatives. Interim men’s basketball coach Brian Edelstein stated, “hopefully the amount of student fees to athlet-

Toilet paper missing paper had been stolen. To combat this, the janitorial staff paid $160 for 20 brass padlocks and eyes to connect them to the toilet dispensers in Dec. This

ics can increase to where the rest of the SWAC Conference is to give Eastern a chance to remain competitive. I think having them in this position will be positive because activities on campus activities are vital to building a strong culture of participation at USU-Eastern and athletes are one of the most visible groups on campus.” “ Both student government and athletics are a priority,” said student Emily Williams who has attended EUSA government meetings. “I can foresee a lot of whining coming from future EUSA members as these busy students are going

to be in leadership roles outside of EUSA,” said RA Matt Adams. “Everybody has lives. It’s going to be difficult. We’ll learn to deal with it,” stated Liddell. EUSA might be reformed to accommodate these newly elected leaders. “ It seems as though student government is already ran by two or three students, why not let others get more involved? This might force other students to step up. If more students step up it makes more students involved. This might not be a bad thing,” stated Eagle staff writer and baseball player Kyle VanAmen.

continued from page 1 measure was expected to save the college $300 each year. However, in recent weeks these locks have started to be broken and toilet paper is again being stolen. Brad King,

vice chancellor for administration and advancement, suggests, “Any information on the missing rolls and the vandalism to the locks should be reported to the campus police.”

Oil Express 780 W Price River Dr Price, UT 84501-2841

The three candidates who are finalists for the USU Eastern Museum’s curator of archeology will give presentations during the next two weeks in the museum at 155 East Main Street, second-floor classroom. The lectures are free and the public is invited and encouraged to attend. Dr. Timothy Riley presented a lecture titled, “Starch and Phytolith Clues to Past Subsistence Patterns Across the American West,” on Feb. 29, at 7 p.m. He focused on the reconstruction of subsistence patterns based on the

Seth Richards

staff writer s.richards@eaglemail.ceu.edu On the subject of people desecrating our beloved campus The residential halls of USU Eastern have fallen victim to drugs and tasteless cross-dressing. On Feb. 22, at 1 a.m., allegedly under the influence of drugs, a 26-year-old Wellington resident entered Tucker Residential Hall to get warm. Having finished a breakfast-atmidnight activity in Burtenshaw Hall, residential advisors Tammie Dokos and Chelsea Sorenson were putting food and cookware away in the Tucker lounge when a man, identified as Christopher James Farmer, followed them into the lounge. Farmer, who was allegedly under the influence of methamphetamine, was dressed in a woman’s pink and gray pinstriped business suit. He expressed a desire to get


warm in the lounge, and when asked to leave, he requested to use a phone. Tucker Residential Advisor, Matt Adams, offered use of his phone to Farmer and asked him to stay in the lounge while he, Dokos and Sorenson got it from his suite. Farmer followed them into Adams’ suite, where he pushed buttons randomly on Adams’ phone while Dokos and Sorenson called the police and Blaney Hanvey, residential life coordinator. Adams and his roommate, KC Smurthwaite, kept Farmer calm while waiting for the police to arrive. Price City Police were the first to arrive, while campus officer Cletis Steele returned from helping suppress the fire at the Kosmack home in Miller Creek with the Price City Fire Department. Hanvey arrived soon after. Police observed Farmer to have dialated pupils, rapid speech and animated actions when they

ously undocumented class of wattle-and-daub surface structures dating to Basketmaker III to Pueblo I times. Dr. David Yoder’s lecture is titled, “North Creek Shelter: A Record of Change on the Northern Colorado Plateau,” on Thursday, March 8 at 7 p.m. In his presentation, he will examine big changes in prehistoric artifacts, features, and behaviors from 9,000 years ago; all by discussing data from an archaeological site called North Creek Shelter.

arrested him for intoxication, being under the influence of methamphetamine, disorderly conduct and criminal trespass. Searched subsequent to his arrest, Farmer was found to have two Ambien tablets and was charged with two counts of possession of a controlled and scheduled substance. These charges were class-A misdemeanors with the enhancement of being in a drug-free zone. Adams, rather than be offended by the intrusion into his dormitory, was hopeful when speaking about Farmer. “I know a lot of people who have gotten into it [drugs],” Adams said. “So, hopefully he can take this opportunity to turn things around.” Officer James Prettyman, campus police and residential life, applauded those involved in this incident for their actions. He also requests of those inclined, “don’t come to our beloved campus stoned and intoxicated.”

continued from page 1

dark and safety is a concern at this time.

Brad King, vice chancellor for administration and advancement, wrote, “I don’t think there is any foul play involved, just an old lighting system. We will try hard to replace or repair those [lights] that go out when they are reported, and have asked for


regular monthly reports in order to pro-actively reduce the number that are out at any one time.” To keep the lights maintained, students are invited to report malfunctioning lights around campus to the facility maintenance office or campus security. Although the daylight hours are not as fleeting as they are in

the midwinter months, campus residents make nocturnal journeys more often than are generally observed in local residential neighborhoods. Students who elect to venture across campus in the night are invited to carry a heavy flashlight and bring a large friend lest they happen upon a nut.

continued from page 1

no charge to the family) and, either, returned to the family or placed in a common repository


at the Salt Lake City Cemetery. According to Chappell, the biology department of USU Eastern

is excited to have a new cadaver and the learning opportunities that come with it.

continued from page 2

a reasonable hour, and play nice with the other kids (and not knock down their snowman). It always helps to hear those reminders. I love going home and hearing those things from my parents, even if they are now speaking to my younger siblings instead of me. It helps me to understand that there is more to living than just acting for your own personal enjoyment. However, we should be to the point in our lives where we don’t need to hear those things everyday in order to act appropriately. Adulthood is a title that has pretty much been handed


recovery of plant microfossils from Earth ovens, groundstone and other artifacts, with strong consideration for the role of museum collections in this burgeoning field of paleoethnobotany. Dr. Brian McKee’s will present a lecture titled, “Invisible” Structures on the Virgin River: Earthen Architecture of the Ancestral Puebloans,” on Thursday, March 1 at 7 p.m. His lecture will highlight recent excavations along the Virgin River east of St. George Utah revealed a previ-

to us free of charge, yet there are some of us that are having a hard time qualifying for that title. Some people think that they are adults when they turn 18, or 21, or something like that. That is not how it works. You become an adult when you can prove that you can act like one. You might be lumped into the demographic of “Adults,” but until you start acting like one, you are just an old child. If knocking down somebody else’s snowman really brings you that much joy - please come and tell me, and I will be happy to make a snowman for the sole

purpose of you demolishing it (weather permitting, of course). If it really means that much to you, forgive me for my accusations, and I will do what I can to make it up to you. However, if your actions were merely an attempt at some fun, because you were bored at 11:30 p.m. on a Monday night, let’s try for some maturity next time. I’m not angry. I’m not trying to call anybody out. I’m just disappointed that our snowman was knocked down. It’s just a snowman. But even so, let’s just grow up a little bit, and act like the adults that we should be.

continued from page 2

waste of time, I would have been better off coming alone”. We know you may not mean it, but it’s the odd thing about actions speaking louder than words. Males, when you reject their offers at every turn without a moment’s hesitation, you send a message that, while probably not as harsh as their’s, can still be rather devastating. Your refusal to

Top Ten

accept their help can be seen as a refusal to allow them to grow or maybe even a refusal to allow the relationship to evolve. So what’s the solution? Simply talk it out. Make an arrangement that both of you can agree on. If one of you is in a bad spot financially, it may be a good idea to let the other pay for a while, or even better, would be an agreement that

continued from page 2

means lots of confidence, which is a must if your going to represent the student body. 10. He would be the first student-athlete to be president at EasternI know Gochis personally and I can tell you that he is the perfect student-athlete to take the job. He breaks the mold that EUSA has set for student leaders. It is time for a change.

USU Eastern Dining Services

Closes for spring break after lunch March 9, opens for breakfast March 19

not everything fun has a price tag attached to it. If neither of those works for you, there’s always the arrangement that you switch off every other date. Just remember, you’re dating this person because you genuinely like them, or at least your trying to find out if that’s an option. It may not be in your best interest to start off on the wrong foot either way.

Thanks to Jan Thornton for thinking of The Eagle staff on Valentine’s Day. We appreciate the chocolates!

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Tandy toothpaste Abigail Ericson & Joy Malone

sports writers A.ericson@eaglemail.ecu.edu J.malone@eaglemail.ceu.edu For this week’s sports feature, we decided to take a slightly different approach than a traditional interview. This week’s athlete is Tandy Thackeray, member of the USU-Eastern women’s basketball team, but instead of sitting down and interviewing her, we thought we would delve into the

online world and find everything there is to know about Thackeray via the popular social networking site; Facebook. Luckily, we are both skilled in the art of Facebook “stalking,” so the task did not prove to be too difficult. Our skills revealed to us a great wealth of information about our subject. This is what we found. Thackeray was born on July 11, 1993. She grew up in Etna, California- population 736. She graduated from Etna High School in 2011, and now finds herself at USU-Eastern. Her “about me” section reads, “I am at USU-Eastern playing basketball. I love sports, athletics in general, pretty much anything active. End of story!” Using high-level skills of presumption, we concluded that sports are extremely important to Thackeray. According to this statement, they are, in fact, the only thing that matters.

However, we believe she seemed to have left out something important. Thackeray has five siblings, and many of her posts are filled with comments from these siblings and her parents. One status update exclaims, “I love my mommy!” and another reads, “I love my bestest brother Mitch!” After perusing through many photo albums, we found hundreds of pictures of Thackeray with her family. One album contains photos of Thackeray surrounded by family members, all wearing home-made T-shirts, supporting her and the USU-Eastern basketball team. She appears to be a part of a close, loving family and although her “about me” doesn’t include a statement about her family, the love she has for them is evident. Apparently, Thackeray loves quotes. From scrolling down through her timeline, we found several inspirational messages

March 1, 2012 posted by Thackeray. Her favorite quotation is, “The things worth having do not come easy!” Another quote reads, “Every situation in life can be handled with a good plan.” From this information, we deduced that Thackeray is insightful and wise. Thackeray recently added her 866th friend on Facebook. Who might this special person be? Thackeray’s newest friend is The Eagle staff’s KC Smurthwaite. Not only does she have many friends, but many pictures as well. She has several photo albums, all filled with tons of pictures documenting the fun she has in her everyday life. Her latest album, “the.next. chapter”, includes 263 pictures exclusively from her time at USU-Eastern. She seems to be incredibly fun loving and cool. Although there are a lot of pictures on Thackeray’s page, one stood out among the rest. Instead of describing to you readers

Coach Vando’s friend brought me little kids toothpaste from BRAZIL! I’m freaking famous!

what it looked like, we decided to do you all a favor and merely include it in the article for all to see. Here it is: Thackeray definitely seems to get pleasure from the simple things in life. Watch out, Tandy Toothpaste just may be the next big thing.

What goes up must come down Golden Eagles down Spartans and Bruins; fall to Badgers David Osborne Jr. sports writer d.osborne@eaglemail.ceu.edu

The USU Eastern Golden Eagles are getting ready to closeout a season that has been filled with highs and lows. Although trials have come throughout the season including losing head coach Brad Barton and receiving sanctions from the NJCAA for violating rules, the team has continually put forth an effort and played with emotion. Although it has not been the best season for the Golden Eagles with a record of 4-9 in region play, they are in fifth place, with wins coming against Colorado Northwestern Community College three times and Salt Lake Community College once. On Feb. 17, 2012, the Golden Eagles hosted the CNCC Spartans from Rangely, Colo. After hosting Snow College and SLCC, visiting CSI and NIC and coming home with a 4-game losing streak playing CNCC, a one-win team was well deserved. The team started out hot, opening the game on an 11-0 run, then took their foot off of the gas and allowed CNCC back into the game. Head coach Brian Edelstein said, “We started out 110, thought the games was over and got out competed in the first half.” When the buzzer sounded at half time, the Spartans led the Golden Eagles, 35-32. When the second half started, the Golden Eagles came out re-energized and ready to compete. This time when the team put their foot on their gas they didn’t take it off and continued to rack up the points. The Golden Eagles outscored the Spartans 56-29, and when the final buzzer sounded, secured the win 88-64. “We got good ball pressure, didn’t give them anything easy, caused turnovers and turned those turnovers into points on our end,” commented Edelstein.

Dashaun Wiggins led the attack for the Golden Eagles, scoring 23 points and bringing down 6 rebounds. Chase Flint added 9 points along with 6 assists, and Dominique Lawrence added 7 points including a monster dunk, filled up the stat sheet with 2 blocks (one landing in the bleachers) and two steals. Edelstein added, “Dom gave us really good defensive minutes and they couldn’t guard Neveij [Walters] and he had 19 points. Not to mention Chase Flint, he is just Chase Flint.” On Feb. 24, USU Eastern headed up Highway 6 to pay a visit to SLCC. After having a tough time against the Bruins in their previous two meetings, the Golden Eagles seemed that they had finally figured out how to beat the Bruins and they did it Salt Lake. In the first half, the team shot 50 percent from the field, including 41 percent from beyond the arc and 88 percent from the free-throw line. Even with playing that well, the Golden Eagles found themselves down 39 to 40. “We started out slow again, down by 15 at one point, but we fought back and found ourselves only down by one at the half,” said Edelstein. The second half the Eagles continued their hot streak that finished out the first half. USU Eastern was able to finish down the stretch which has been a problem in recent weeks. The team shot even better in the second half, hitting 51 percent from the field along with going 4-10 from behind the threepoint line. “We finally were able to finish down the stretch and that is a good thing,” said Edelstein, “We hit our free throws, rebounded really well and got strong performances from individuals but those were really big.” At the final buzzer USU Eastern found themselves on top 91-85. The Golden Eagles had five players in double-digits and were See Men’s on Page 5

Dashaun Wiggins, number 13, soars to the rim of the hoop in attempt for a layup at a game in the BDAC.

photo by Jessa Love Adams/the Eagle

The Comeback Kids! Baseball knocks out Utah State and Canadian-national champs Mike Gingell

associate editor m.gingell@eaglemail.ceu.edu

Never say die to this team. The USU Eastern men’s baseball do not give up and that was proven as three of their last four victories have come when the team was down for the majority of the game. The Golden Eagles faced Utah State University in a double-header on Feb. 18 and Prairie Baseball Academy (Canada) for a four game series on Feb. 24 and 25. In the first game against Utah State University Golden Eagle starter Kort Christoffersen struck out seven in five innings of work while only giving up three hits. The Golden Eagle offense sputtered at times, but managed six runs. The Golden Eagle defense was solid throughout the game and committed only one error. The offense was paced by Mason Moore, Hayden Basinger and Kody Christoffersen who each had two hits. USU Eastern defeated Utah State Univ. 6-0. In the second game the Golden Eagles came out roaring and loaded the bases early but failed to score in the first inning. Starting pitcher Tory Ulibarri threw five strong innings and only gave up one earned run. Eastern broke the game open in the sixth inning with home runs by Mason Moore and

Kody Christoffersen. The Eagles went into the seventh inning with a 6-2 lead. The Eastern defense struggled in the final inning by committing three errors. Utah State Aggies took a 7-6 lead. Nuho Kraja led off the bottom of the seventh by a deep fly ball that was caught by the Aggies defense. Eastern, who were down to their final two outs as Moore came to the plate was hit by the pitch. Matt Gochis came to the plate and hit a bases clearing double that tied the game. Golden Eagle hitters B.Kraja and Kd. Christoffersen drew walks to load the bases. Pinch hitter Denver Hansen hit a walkoff-single to win the game 8-7. Incoming EUSA president Matt Gochis commented, “ I knew I was not going to let my team down. These are my brothers. I was looking for one pitch and when it came I was ready. I was not going to let another team beat us in that situation.” USU Eastern then traveled to St. George to face the Canadian JUCO national champs in the Prairie Baseball Academy Prairie Dawgs. In the first game both teams took the lead several times in the game. Going into the final inning USU Eastern blew the lead as a costly error led to a Praire Dawgs score to tie the game. Eastern pitcher Colby Tidwell worked out of a jam to only allow one run to

the Prairie Dawgs in the inning. The game was forced to go to extra innings. In the eighth inning Prairie Baseball scored on a Steinke single. Although the Prairie Dawgs left two on base they scored the go-ahead run forcing Eastern to score or lose in the final inning. Eastern started the inning off with a ground out to third base by Denver Hansen. Reggie Gates came to the plate and struck out swinging which left the Golden Eagles to their final out. Nuho Kraja then came to the plate and hit a clutch single through the left side of the field to extend the game. On the next pitch Kraja advanced to second on a wild pitch. Eastern third basemen Kody Christoffersen hit a single through the left side of the field as well and scored Kraja to tie the game. Again Matt Gochis came to the plate with the chance to win the game. Gochis then drilled a full count pitch to the left-center field gap that scored Christoffersen on a close play at the plate to win the game 6-5. “ We never gave up. We are hard workers no matter what the odds are,” said Tidwell. The following two games were not friendly to the baseball team as the Prairie Dawgs took their wrath from losing out on the Golden Eagle pitching staff. USU Eastern lost 15-3 and 10-3 and gave up a combined 23 hits in both games. “ We came out flat and seemed

to lose our fire in those games. I am glad that we pulled it together in time to win another one,” said Head Coach Scott Madsen. In the final game of the series the Golden Eagles found themselves in a familiar place as they were losing 3-1 in the fourth inning. The Golden Eagles found offensive help with homeruns by Denver Hansen and a two-run homerun by Chance Abrath in the seventh to put Eastern back on top in the final inning. Closer Mason “ Big Nasty,” Moore shut the door on Prairie’s offense to secure an Eastern victory. The Golden Eagles might have been in tough situations but they definitely proved their worth as they pulled out four victories over the past two weeks. “ We had a full team effort this past weekend,” said Madsen. The Golden Eagles have proved clutch in late inning situations. “ Scott [Madsen] always says in situations that we have the chance to win the game you might have to gamble on the base paths, you will either be the goat or the hero. Those words kept ringing in my head in those late inning games,” said assistant coach KC Smurthwaite who coaches third base. The Golden Eagles (6-6) now open conference play at home March 1 and 2 against College of Southern Idaho. Admission is free for students with an ID.

photo by Sammie Fugate/The Eagle

Kyle King steps up to the plate at a previous game at the USU-Eastern baseball complex.

Smurf Turf:

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

March 1, 2012

Smurf Turf: Baseball representing more than the school

page 5

Season slump...

KC Smurthwaite editor-in-chief kc.smurthwaite@eaglemail.ceu.edu It’s that time again where you pull out the latest version of “The Eagle,” and open up to Smurf Turf (which we all know is the reason we read the paper right?). This time Smurf Turf is not going to take on the new hype of Jeremy Lin, college football or even plead for my future wife to show up. This one isn’t coming from the Smurf, it is coming from Coach Smurthwaite. Yeah, writing is a side job and the day job includes coaching 20-plus guys in baseball. I love it. Sometimes they get a bad reputation because of a few players or because they are athletes. In this story--it does not matter. On Jan. 6, 2012 USU Eastern’s head baseball coach Scott Madsen welcomed a new baby girl into the world. Usually a joyous experience for any family-driven man like Scott, but this experience came at a cost. Chelsey Denice, his baby girl, was born three months early. On the baseball diamond you wouldn’t guess that his mind is in a hospital intensive-care unit in Salt Lake City, Utah, but it is. Every weekend after our games or camps, he is at the hospital where his Chelsey is. Now as you think about baseball players at Eastern, you might think about some colorful adjectives. but I guarantee that you’re wrong. The players did the best thing they could do for Scott, and that is bring Chelsey to him. You might see the players wearing new funky hats that if you’re a baseball fan, you might recognize the logo on the front as an Oriole. This hat has inscribed on the back “ Chelsey D,” in honor of both Chelsey and her father Scott Madsen. The players each paid out of their own pockets for these hats. An act any poor college student might think twice about it, but there was no hesitation when the idea was presented. The hats were done without the Madsen family knowing. We all wear these hats in practice, games and around campus to show that even if Coach Madsen is at practice, games and around campus, his little girl is with him. Sometimes athletes represent more than the team name on the jersey.

The mental aspect of sports, life Alexandro Church sports writer a.church@eaglemail.ceu.edu

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are principles that this country was founded on. These principles are key factors in people achieving the ideal lifestyle and realizing their dreams and goals. As we go throughout our lives, chasing dreams and setting goals, there will be ups and downs that come with everyday challenges. Achieving these goals will vary on the person, sometimes achievement will come in a group and sometimes as individuals. Other times the failure to realize one’s goals will result in tremendous growth and development and ultimately greater happiness. Athletes, whether recreational or professional, will get a taste of struggle, become affiliated with see sports and life page 7

photo by Sammie Fugate/The Eagle

Priscila Santos leads the nation in scoring for NJCAA. She plays her last home game this weekend in the BDAC.


continued from page 4

once again led by Wiggins with 21 points going 2-3 from behind the arc and hitting 11-11 from the charity stripe along with bringing down 8 rebounds. Flint once again had a good game scoring 13, bringing down 8 boards and dishing out 4 assists. Walters once again played an incredible game and with 18 points, 2 blocks and 4 boards. On Feb. 18, the team headed to Ephraim to take on the Snow College Badgers. Once again it was slow going in the first few minutes. But the Golden Eagles fought back and played a great first half, shooting 41 percent from the field, almost 40 percent from beyond the arc and 7-9 from the charity stripe. At the end of the half, the Golden Eagles were up 40 to 38. Edelstein said, “We started really slow but we didn’t panic. We bore down and got some stops.” The second half was some more of the same story, the Golden Eagles shooting really well at 63 percent. But the Badgers played a little bit better outscoring USU Eastern 50 to 42. “At the end of the game we missed big stops and big shots. We came really close, but it is hard to beat a team

that shoots close to 50 percent from three throughout the game, let alone over 60 percent from three in the second half,” added Edelstein, “The schedule finally hurt us, Snow played CNCC the night before and we had to play SLCC. They got to rest their good players and we had to fight to the very end.” The Golden Eagles had four players in double-digits and again Wiggins led the team with 17 points. Mckay LaSalle and Demetrus Richardson had 16 points apiece and Flint had 12 points. Flint added 8 rebounds and 4 assists to the stat line. The team shot 50 percent overall from the field and shot 75 percent from the charity stripe. This weekend Friday March 2, the Golden Eagles host the College of Southern Idaho and on March 3, the Golden Eagles will play the last game of the 2011-12 season on their home court against North Idaho College. Edelstein said, “Against CSI it always comes down to one or two possessions, it depends on who plays better in the final minutes. As for NIC we have gone into overtime and triple-overtime against them, it should be a great game.”

Katie Bigelow

sports writer k.bigelow@eaglemail.ceu.edu Round three of conference games started off well for the Utah State University-College of Eastern Utah Eagles, but tough away games left them 1-2 the past two weeks. In Eagle territory, the ladies played Colorado Northwestern Community College, then they took their final away games at Salt Lake Community College and Snow College. Against CNCC on Feb. 17, the Lady Eagles started 5-0 on the Spartans. Head Coach Dave Paur said, “I thought we looked very energetic. We were rested and played with confidence.” USU Eastern held a strong 37-25 lead at half time. The Eagles maintained that lead the rest of the second half, ending the game 76-49. Priscila Santos had 33 points with Hailee Parry and Caitlin Nelson 13 and 12. The team had 13 steals and 20 assists. On Friday Feb. 24, the Lady Eagles battled with the Lady Bruins. “We went into the game with confidence. We played hard and executed the defense.” The score went back and forth until SLCC was up by 1 at half time, 24-25. “In the first half, SLC C was 1 for 2 from the foul line.” During the second half, things changed for the Eagles, leaving them outscored by only 3, 29-32 and losing the game by 4, 53-57. “In the second half we had an 11-point lead. I thought the game was called different in the second half. Salt Lake had tough defense. Any team could have won in the last few minutes. We couldn’t get a couple shots to drop. They got foul shots that did,” said Paur. The lead of the game changed 15 times. Santos had 21 points with Abbie Kay and Nelson 17 and 10. The team had 14 steals. Saturday was another rough day for the Lady Eagles. They played Snow on their home court. “I thought for 30 minutes we played a very good game. I thought we ran out of gas with 10 minutes to go,” Paur said. The Eagles were down by one at half time 26-27. The second half ended the game 4361 Snow victory. “Physically we were drained, we had to play Salt Lake and it as a battle. Snow had beat Colorado by 20. We had an emotional game, losing to North Idaho by only a few points and then to Salt Lake by just a few points were drained. It mentally put us out of the Snow game.” Santos had 16 points and Nelson 15. The last two home games are on Saturday March 2-3 against College of Southern Idaho and College of North Idaho. The SWAC conference is still up in the air of who will be seated 3 or 5. USU Eastern must get a sweep this weekend at home to help gain a high spot in the standings.

Player Highlight


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page page 64

March 1, 2012

Alumnus’ work featured in gallery

The work of Gilmore Scott is featured in this month’s Gallery East Exhibit. Scott is an alumnus of College of Eastern Utah.

photos courtesy of art department

My images and subjects are interpretations of how I view my culture Price—Montezuma Creek artist and College of Eastern Utah alumni, Gilmore Scott is doing what he knows and loves. With a skillful hand and brush, he paints the beauty of the sacred lands and beings that inhabit his homeland. His bold, colorful paintings are reflection of the people and places that inspire him. “My palette of colors are strong, bold and simple,” says Scott. “My images and subjects are interpretations of how I view my culture, my Dine (Navajo) heritage.” Scott incorporates sacred motifs that are part of this native heritage. “My subjects,”

he says, “are the high Southwestern landscapes, traditional basket, our traditional homes known as ‘hogans.’ I also like to paint geometric designs that our Dine rug weavers are known for. I have also incorporated the open vistas of the plains and landscapes. These are just a few subjects which inspire my imagination.” Scott’s paintings are featured in an exhibit at USU Eastern’s Gallery East. The Colors of Beauty: The Paintings of Gilmore Scott is on exhibit at Gallery East from Feb. 23 through March 15, 2012.

Scott studied art at the College of Eastern Utah and Utah State University. Just short of earning his degree, Scott began working as a wildland firefighter. After nine years with the U. S. Forest Service, Scott has returned to what he loves—his artwork. Scott has won numerous awards for his paintings, including: first place for painting at the 2010 Mesa Verde Indian Art Market, Judges Choice Award for watercolor at the 18th Southwest Indian Art Fair, Arizona State Museum in Tucson, and first place for water based paint

at the 25th Anniversary Red Earth Festival in Oklahoma City, Okla. A reception and gallery talk will be held on Friday, March 16 from 7-9 p.m. at Gallery East. Students, faculty, and interested visitors are welcome to attend. Gallery East is open Monday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The gallery is closed Fridays, weekends, and holidays. The exhibit is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the gallery at: 435-613-5327; or contact Carmack at: 435-613-5241 or noel. carmack@ceu.edu

Exercise equipment refurbished in BDAC Valeria Moncada news editor v.moncada@eaglemail.com

photo by Valeria Moncada/The Eagle

Upward Bound students refurbished some of the exercise equipment in the BDAC.

As students enter the weight room in the BDAC, they might notice that some of the equipment looks like it’s new. Upward Bound students made this possible for USU Eastern by refurbishing some of the old equipment. Upward Bound is a four-year program that helps high school students become prepared for college; it’s for students from 9th-12th grade. It’s also a grant program that’s based on how many students graduate. The program provides tutoring for students at high schools; it also exposes the students to leadership rolls. Joel Garff came up with an idea to help out the community. He decided that the students in Upward Bound, the advisors; Meagan Woods, Justin Orth

and his wife Julianne, would come together to help with the project. Garff decided to organize the project in order to rank higher in his Eagle Scouts. The project was to refurbish the workout equipment in the BDAC. His goal was to organize the project, improve the community and along with it came free labor. “I learned how to be a better leader, organize things, and manage time. These are very important life skills, and I feel that it’s a life long thing,” Garff said. The whole idea for the project came from Justin Orth, the director of Upward Bound. It was started in November 2011, and finished in February 2012. About 20 people helped with the project. Julianne Orth donated most of the materials and put in a lot of her time to help as well. “The project turned out great, and the school and community both benefit from it,” Garff added.

What is the 411 on 311? Nathan Manley

staff writer n.manley@eaglemail.usu.edu What is 311? It’s not what but who is 311 you should be asking. The fearsome five-some have a style all their own and are defined by no musical genre. An eclectic mix of jazz fusion, rock/rap, reggae, funk and even metal at times creating an unmistakeable sound. They have roots originating in Omaha, Neb. are now based out of Los Angeles and although their style has evolved, they’ve always stayed true to their musical selves. Like most rock bands it all started in high school and for 311 it began the same way when drummer Chad Sexton met guitarist Tim Mahoney in jazz band. Across town at different schools singer/ songwriter Douglas “SA” Martinez met bassist Aaron “P-Nut” Wills. Knowing both sides Nicholas Hexum introduced everyone forging the group when all members were attending college and the

great songwriting. As a whole it’s the best album created. Basically the next three albums “From Chaos,” “Evolver,” and “Don’t Tread rest as they say is history. In their first two recorded albums On Me,” are just extensions of “Soundentitled “Music” & “Grassroots,” both system,” in terms of quality while still are heavily oriented towards blues fu- maintaining creativity as the number sion rock. Songs like “Nix Hex” “My one priority. But in the next full album Stoney Baby” and “Lucky” display a “Uplifter,” they acquired an entirely difheavy influence of 70’s funk guitarists, ferent feel. Produced by longtime friend whereas “8:16 a.m.,” “Taiyed,” “Six,” and producer of Metallica’s work, Bob pay homage to such jazz gurus like John Rock, helped them move forward once Schofield. All of these songs are coupled again. The rock songs are heavier, the with funky walking bass lines and genius ballads are deeper, and the reggae songs have more meaning. But the amazing syncopated, salsa, and offbeats. The next three albums were personally thing is that he draws out 311’s natural coming to age albums for me. Their energy throughout the entire album. 311 released their tenth album last very rockin’ yet very raw self-titled is home to my all time favorite 311 summer titled “Universal Pulse” and diddy “Sweet”. The next in line is a long because I might do an extensive review experimental(and almost double album) of just this album in the future I don’t “Transistor,” takes you on a very unique wanna go into much detail, but I’ll say musical journey. And “Soundsystem” that 311 doesn’t let us down and it actuis the album in which personally I be- ally debuted at #7 on Billboards Top 200 lieve 311 really came into their own. It list. But take it from me that 311 is an encompasses everything about the five- awesome musical group who is diverse some. Great melodies, unmatched guitar in their writing and has developed much harmonies, soaring solos and just overall depth in their writing style.

Members of the band: 311.

Celiac disease trend accommodated at dining services “Gluten-free food” offered in the cafeteria to accommodate students with the disease

Mike Gingell

associate editor m.gingell@eaglemail.usu.edu

photo by Sammie Fugate/The Eagle

Josh Cooper shows off new gluten free food

With more students being diagnosed with Celiac disease, USU Eastern’s dining director Becky Archibald, decided to offer some “gluten-free food” in the cafeteria this year to accommodate students with the disease. Celiac disease is found more and more common in

today’s world in ever an increasing frequency. It can be a hereditary digestive disorder involving intolerance to gluten, and can cause a loss in energy, acne, gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, diarrhea, cramping, and constipation. This disease can appear at any age. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye and countless other products like bread and pasta that contain those grains. When they con-

sume gluten, someone with Celiac disease slowly damages their intestines, preventing the absorption of vitamins and minerals which will cause health problems slowly. Only about one percent of Americans suffer from Celiac disease, according to a study done by CNN in 2011. This number of gluten-intolerant people is increasing, so glutenfree products are becoming more popular and necessary.

On the campus of USU Eastern, there are a few students that suffer from gluten intolerance and therefore have a special diet in order to stay healthy. Archibald knows of six people on campus who have the need of gluten-free products. She stated that there may be others and if they need gluten-free food, to contact her so that she can help them with their diets. She said the food services has gluten-free

products including bread, tortillas, oatmeal, cereal, and deserts such as cookies, cakes and brownies. “These gluten-free products do cost a little more, but will not change the price of meals,” stated Archibald. She expects the need of glutenfree products to rise and that they will continue to give the service they provide and work at making gluten-free products even more available.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

March 1, 2012 February 12, 2009

page 97 page

School of Scandal closes Eastern’s theatre season The virtuous are rewarded and the wicked punished Eastern Utah Theatre professors are thrilled to present Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s sentimental comedy, The School for Scandal adapted for contemporary audiences by Lewis John Carlino. This oft produced 18th century play is both a popular comedy and a superb example English drama of the time. The play satirizes the social conventions and norms of the times and reaffirms middle class morality: the virtuous are rewarded and the wicked punished. Students in USU Eastern’s understanding theatre class are required to read the play so we thought it was time to present it,” said Dr. Corey Ewan, director. “This play really kind of scares me. The production style is very different from what I am used to. I have to move out of my comfort zone and trust that I can do the play justice and make it a successful production for the student actor’s in the play and the community as well”. The School for Scandal tells the story of Sir Peter Teazle, a middle aged, wealthy bachelor, who has recently married a pretty young lady from the country. Suddenly thrust into London’s high society, the young and frivolous Lady Teazle finds herself a willing member of a vicious, scandalmongering circle who pass their time maligning friend, foe and family alike. The leader of this group is Lady Sneerwell who is in love with the young, romantic, self-indulgent

photo courtesy theatre department

(L-R) Wilford Woodruff, Bethany Woodruff, Tyrell Clement and Annie Morey rehearse for the upcoming production of “School of Scandal” opening March 29 in the Geary Theatre.

Charles Surface is trying to come between him and Maria, Sir Peter’s ward. Joseph Surface, Charles’ villainous older brother, has plans for Maria, or rather her fortune and so joins Lady Sneerwell in her campaign of slander and deception in an attempt to achieve his

own aims. Add to this, Sir Oliver Surface, Charles’ and Joseph’s wealthy uncle whom they have not seen since they were small children; suddenly arrived from India who devises a test to determine their true character. Other intrigues, plots and sub-

plots abound until the play’s end. A complicated story to be sure and one filled with witty dialogue and humorous situations, Ewan quipped. The cast is made up of students seen in previous productions and a few new faces. They are eager

and excited to bring this classic Late-Restoration Comedy to the Geary Theatre stage. Dates for the production are March 29 through April 7, with Sunday, April 1 and Wednesday, April 4 dark (no show). Curtain rises at 7:30 p.m. Come and join

us for Eastern Utah’s premiere of The School for Scandal and see if you are a gossip or a victim of the “envenomed tongue of slander,” Ewan said. Anyone who has been to high school will recognize these supposed upright and pious characters.

Social apps create privacy breakdown for smartphone owners Shadayah Jones staff writer s.jones@eaglemail.usu.edu

A new scandal developed in the world of technology. It was discovered that the social network, Twitter has admitted to copying the address books from individual’s smartphones and saving them to their server without the permission of the owner. BBC News made a report on this outrage.

This indignity became known when an app developer in Singapore noticed that his contacts were copied from his iPhone address book without his consent when he was using the social network, Path. The CEO of Path apologized and stated that Path would ask users to share their contact information, but he also said that it was an “industry best practice” to download the address book information. It was reported that iPhone

apps from Facebook, FourSquare, Instagram, Foodspotting and Yelp have also accessed the address books from smartphones without the permission of the owner. It was reported that all social networks would use the data from the smartphones to identify friends who are using the same network and notify the user. By doing this, the network would need to get the permission from the user first, but that was not always the case.

Locks of Love celebrates 10th year on campus Free cut, style and manicure with hair donation USU Eastern’s cosmetology department’s tenth annual Locks of Love will take place on Saturday, March 3 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
 in the old SAC Building. This year’s theme is “Hair Raising Hearts.” Last year the student cosmetologists cut 900 inches of hair with 53 people participating in the event, including 19 children who had at least 10 inches of hair cut and donated to the program. Melanie Huff (435.650.8297) spearheads the project for the cosmetology department. This program provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under the age of 18 suffering


from long-term medical hair loss.
 Huff said the hair is made into a wig that can cost between $3,500-$7,000. The wigs are donated to children free of charge or on a sliding scale, based on financial aid.
 Besides cutting hair, there will be food, fun, pampering and hope given to all the participants.
Raffle tickets and door prizes will be awarded. According to the Locks of Love website, the wigs provide self-esteem and bring confidence back to the children. It helps enable them to confidently face their world and peers.

USU-Eastern BDAC MARCH 24, 2012 Doors open at 6:30 Battle starts at 7:00 $5 per person at the door

The data being retrieved included names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses and according to the Los Angeles Times, the data taken was stored for about 18 months. Twitter representatives said that they will update the app and make the privacy policy more clear to its users. The networks have said that they will be making changes to their apps and will notify the user before importing many data.

The Path company has realized the mistake they made. Path chief executive David Morin said, “we made a mistake…through the feedback we’ve received from all of you, we now understand that the way we had designed our ‘Add Friends’ feature was wrong.” Path has not deleted all of the data that was collected off their servers and have updated their app to ensure users privacy.

from BBC News at www.bbc. co.uk/technology-17051910.

This information was taken

Sports and life continued from page 4 adversity, and understand upsets. The truly successful athletes keep these relationships at the acquaintance level and never become friends rather they stay focused on what matters taking each play, each shot, each at bat in perspective. Understanding one’s progress and capabilities will provide fuel for more success and further triumph. These skills can then translate in to a better life skills for the said athlete whether in the classroom or in the meeting room the consistency learned in their sport of choice will help them to be a better student and business partner. The hard work and sweat it takes to become a great athlete will sharpen the mind and add to the character of a person. This will continue

in family relationships, with the attention and hard work it takes to raise children, to provide for a whole family or simply to look past the faults of others. Those who continually push and pull to get to the top are the ones who will be most consistent over time. Instead of laying down and surrendering they are fine tuning their skills by taking a step back and then sprinting forward. There is patience needed in sports a certain resiliency needed to always be looking a the silver lining. When its 110 degrees outside and you love it because you’re doing what you love or it’s 12 degrees outside and you feel the same way that can be taken in to life as long as you are continually doing

something that you are convinced that you love. It is in the trenches that we will learn the most about ourselves keeping a positive attitude when we fail, working harder when we can’t go any further, and being united in the midst of so much adversity. The responsibility and accountability it takes to become a successful athlete will help a man or woman have a better quality of life and help them to move up the ladder in society much faster than those who play the blame game. Whether on the court with friends or the gridiron with brothers the mental game of sports is a microcosm of the mental game of life.

Cast your vote: Massage Chair or Stress Relief Week e-mail Jan.thornton@usu.edu

Shop at the

Bookstore in the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center today! Open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

February page 8 12, 2009

page 7 March 1, 2012

USU Eastern’s new labeled library study rooms Check one out now, either for single or group studying

Brassaw plans to add more features to library by fall 2012

Nathan Manley

staff writer n.manley@eaglemail.ceu.edu Throughout someone’s career, no matter their profession, a standard merger is oft times perceived as having a negative impact regardless of any motivating factors. Much of the faculty and students at USU Eastern witnessed frequent connotations of such a merge come to life after the union with Utah State University. Particularly those affected by the reorganization of student services. While some involved within various departments fear a similar outcome of imminent changes, not everyone views the integration as adversely. I spent a morning with Lori Brassaw, the director of USU Eastern’s Library, and found that she has a unique positive outlook

on the union of the two schools. Brassaw is under the opinion that our family members in Logan only want what’s best for everyone by helping us move forward. Dean Richard Clement has been working with Brassaw to help model our library after the Merrill/Cazier Library located on USU Logan’s campus. Dean Clement has been “more than gracious during the transition,” says Brassaw. Many of the exciting changes over the past year are to get more students into the library to utilize the growing resources they have to offer. Brassaw is aware of the growing demand for isolation needed to study, by themselves or together in groups. So she has built three new study rooms(which are now labeled) for either single or group use, groups taking precedence. You have the option of checking out each room in advance for a two hour max, or if you’re feeling brave by taking your chances on a walk in basis. All the rooms are equipped with tables and chairs, plenty of outlets for laptops, and whiteboards. And after working with student government, they plan

on using smartboard technology in each room. Now that we’ve entered the digital age, USU and Brassaw agree that it is absolutely necessary to continually upgrade our resources. Dean Clement sent us dozens of new pc’s, some went into the computer lab while others were placed directly on the main floor. Projectors have been added to certain rooms as well as a new microfilm machine that can email directly. By Fall 2012 semester Brassaw hopes to add many other features to the library. She wants to hopefully put in new booth style or modular seating with blinds for privacy, similar to Merrill/Cazier Library. She wants to put in a new all in one photocopy/scanner machine for student use. She also wants to accommodate more students and their growing demand for Macs in the library. She’s utilized student fees by staying open nearly 600+ hours more than the previous year. Ultimately, Brassaw is aware of the students needs, wants and desires to help us succeed. Everything she does is motivated by getting more students into the library.

photo by Sammie Fugate/ The Eagle

USU Eastern students taking advantage of their time at the library.

Up the Down Staircase at the USU Eastern Library Seth Richards

staff writer s.richards@eaglemail.ceu.edu

Eric Hansen using the computers in the USU Eastern library.

photo by CJ Evans / The Eagle

On April 27, staff of the USU Eastern Library will give a presentation to other professional Utah librarians at the annual Utah Library Association conference held in Salt Lake City at the Salt Palace Convention Center. It is an honor for USU Eastern that their Library Staff has been selected to represent the school at this important statewide conference. The theme for the conference this year is “From Telegrams to Tweets: 100 Years

The Alchemyst: filled with a creative mixture of myths, Gods and magic




March 29, 2012 10:00 am—2:00 pm

& Concept to Company Contest 2:00—4:00 pm


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March 3:

WBB vs. CSI @ 5:30 p.m. MBB vs. CSI @ 7:30 p.m. WBB vs. NIC @ 3:00 p.m. MBB vs. NIC @ 5:00p.m.

sponsored by

USU Eastern & Grow Utah Ventures

LOCATION: USU Eastern Student Center 451 E. 400 N. Price, UT (435) 613-5266 Event Partners: • Dept. of Workforce Services • USU Eastern • Price City • Carbon County Chamber of Commerce • Grow Utah Ventures • BTAC • Carbon County Economic Development • BEAR • SBDC

March 2-3, 2012 Last home games of the Season! March 2:

arrived at the Eastern Library to act in video clips being filmed for the presentation. Directed by Aimee Lauritsen, public services manager, and filmed by Troy Hunt, associate professor of communications, students walked up and down the library staircases as well as used computers on the main floor. Student participation was voluntary; however, all those who helped received free ice cream thanks to a donation from USU Eastern Food Services. Also, special thanks to Becky Archibald and Terry Johnson for their valuable assistance.

Onsite Recruitment!

Map o

Most of the original Elder’s thought of humans as no more than slaves or food. These Dark Elders where beaten and no longer rule on Earth. The human race has forgotten about Elders and magic, turning a blind eye when they see something that they can’t explain. The Codex, which Nicholas has been able to study for hundreds of

Hakate’s realm. Because her world is attacked Hakate is only able to staff writer awaken Sophie’s powers. Dr. Dee b.maynes@eaglemail.ceu.edu and the two Dark Elder’s Bastet and the Morrigan succeed in sending What do you get when you mix Hekate into the Underworld and ancient myths, gods and magic Dr. Dee uses the sword Excalibur together? The Alchemyst is the to destroy her realm. first book in the series called The Nicholas, Scathach, Sophie Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas and Josh are able to escape. They Flamel. go to the Witch of Endor. The book begins with the The Witch of Endor is story of 15-year-old twins, Scathach’s grandmother Sophie and Josh Newman. and they know she can be They are in San Francisco trusted. They go to the for the summer while their Witch of Endor so that parents are on an archeoSophie can be trained, as logical dig. Josh works at the witch is the master of a bookshop owned by Nick air. The Witch of Endor Flemming and Sophie works does even more. She gives across the street at the coffee Sophie all of her memories shop with Nick’s wife Perry. as well as her knowledge Dr. John Dee arrives at of power over air. the bookstore in an attempt Josh, who is feeling to steal a book called the very jealous, because Codex from Nick Flemming. his power hasn’t been Dr. Dee has the distinct awakened, goes off by smell of sulfur around him himself. Dr. Dee finds as he performs magic. Dr. him and very convincDee succeeds in taking the ingly tells Josh why Codex but Josh is able to he should come with tear the last two pages from him. He tells Josh that it. Nick Flemming tells Josh Nicholas Flamel is the that he is really Nicholas The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal real evil person. Josh is Flamel of old. Nicholas Flamel nearly convinced when a Though Nicholas Flamel battle between Nicholas is over 650 years old, he doesn’t look a day over 50. The years, tells of a prophecy of twins and Dr. Dee begins. Even if Josh doesn’t go with secret to his immortal life was that will either fight together for in the book that Dr. Dee stole. humanity or fight against each other Dr. Dee right then, what he said Nicholas’s wife, whose name is and destroy the world. Nicholas sticks with him. Who is to be trusted? Nichoreally Perenelle, came to the aid of believes that Sophie and Josh are las, who says he is protecting her husband, but because she used these twins. Their powers must be Awak- them, though they seem to be a great amount of energy when she used magic, Dr. Dee captured her ened or the magic within them must in even more danger. Or Dr. be brought out. Nicholas, Scathach, Dee, who promises to get Josh’s as well as the book. Nicholas tells Josh and Sophie Josh, and Sophie seek refuge with powers awakened and paints a that they are in grave danger and Hekate, an Elder that never saw glorious future. The book is continually dealing with the dimust leave at once. Nicholas humans as slaves. Nicholas hopes that Hekate lemma of who can be trusted and takes them to an old friend named Scathach. She is a Next Genera- will be able to awaken the twins who can’t. Can you trust your tion Elder, which means she is a powers. Dr. Dee hears of this and gut, or is it lying to you just like recruits two Dark Elder’s to attack everyone else seems to be doing? daughter of the Elders of old.

Brady Maynes

of Connecting Utah Librarians.” The Library Staff will incorporate ideas from the 1968 movie, “Up the Down Staircase” directed by Robert Mullian into their presentation. The staff plans to demonstrate how academic libraries, specifically how the USU Eastern Library transitions from a traditional-print materials library to a modern library complete with electronic resources and modern equipment while keeping traditional print resources available for USU Eastern students, faculty and staff. Last Wednesday at 6 p.m. several USU Eastern students

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

March 1, 2012 February 12, 2009

page 9

Newly completed administration building sets tone for blossoming Blanding campus nities. It includes 12 individual office spaces, two conference rooms, workspace and reception areas. The larger of the two conference rooms will accommodate mediumto-large meetings, and will be made available to community groups to schedule for use. It took the college more than three decades to get to this significant point and the creative thinking of many individuals across state and regional entities. On June 8, 1982, the Gibbons family transferred the property to the San Juan Foundation as a sale for $80,000, but also “by gift.” Subsequently, the property was transferred to USU Eastern (then College of Eastern Utah) under the management of Utah’s Department of Facilities and Construction Maintenance (DFCM). For the past three decades, the Gibbons home has served as the college’s administration building, despite the fact it was never designed to be a college building. Nevertheless, it has served an important function during these formative years of the college, Denton said. “While the Gibbons home is a monument to the original sale and gift of property, it is an aging building,” Denton said. “The residence has presented significant maintenance challenges, requiring the college and DFCM to make significant investments throughout the years.” In Master Plans approved by Blanding Campus administration and by DFCM, the College has sought to create a more effective solution for administration. The 2004 Master Plan stated that “current administration use of the residential building will be relocated and the residential style building demolished.” The most recent Master Plan, approved in 2008, shows a parking lot where the Gibbons Home now stands. It was during that same

year that the college submitted a large request for funding to upgrade the Gibbons Home for energy and ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, purposes. DFCM officials, however, were reluctant to continue investing in the aging structure. Peterson said DFCM then provided a creative solution to their dilemma by recommending that USU Easter n consider deferr i ng i mprove ments at its Price a n d Bl a n d i ng campuses from 2009-2010. The $700,000 saved could then be used to build a new building. College officials reluctantly agreed knowing that the two-year deferment would mean a painful delay of much-needed projects for utilities, lighting and photo courtesy USU PR Utah State University College of Eastern Utah Administration Building in Blanding, Utah. parking. On the other hand, they fall of 2011 when contractor bids needed to supplement DFCM’s Peterson said. “We’re grateful for recognized that this austere ap- were received. The lowest bid was funding. Construction was finally the can-do attitude and creative proach would make possible for $200,000 more than available able to proceed. solutions that have culminated in USU Eastern to build the new funds. It necessitated yet another Portions of the Gibbons Pa- this beautiful new administrative administration building without creative solution, Peterson said. vilion will be constructed with building.” going through a lengthy facilities Peterson thanked the Gibbons While being fully aware of leg- salvaged stone from the Gibbons approval process, Peterson said. islative language separating Price Home. The concept calls for an family, the San Juan Foundation, The DFCM’s plan was ap- campus funding from Blanding outdoor barbeque and seating. the County Commission and local proved in March 2010 by Acting campus funding, Peterson said “The Gibbons Pavilion, as leaders, as well as campus leaders President Mike King, Facili- he sought and received approval proposed, will create a campus in both Blanding and Price. ties Director Sheila Burghardt, to use dollars from the sale of the venue that is designed by Native “The collaborative efforts and Campus Administrator Guy former College President’s Resi- American students for use by all of these entities have made the Denton. Despite this progress, dence in Price. The sale of that students, in harmony with the Blanding Campus what it is today,” another setback occurred in the home provided the final $200,000 vision of the Gibbons family,” he said.

Prices and participation may vary. ©2012 McDonald’s.

BLA N DI NG — The just completed Utah State University – College of Eastern Utah Administration Building is the culmination of creative solutions and innovation that truly distinguishes this can-do USU Eastern campus of 400 students. “Our new administration building adds to our vision of a campus with modern facilities that compare favorably with facilities located at the best universities in the nation,” said Guy Denton, director of USU Eastern Blanding. “This administration building helps set a tone for our campus, supporting concepts of quality instruction and learning.” The completion of the new 5,070-square-foot building, especially during such a challenging economic period, is a tribute to the leadership and vision of many individuals that stretches back to 1982, said USU Eastern Chancellor Joe Peterson. “We’re excited to see this wonderful addition to the Blanding Campus,” Peterson said. “It helps us develop a top-notch educational setting that continues to attract students and educational professionals to Southeast Utah. This new building is yet another venue for the college to invite the community onto campus.” In recognition of the new building, Peterson announced plans today to construct the “Gibbons Pavilion” in honor of the DeMar and Alberta Gibbons family, the original property owners on which the new administrative building stands. “It will be a gathering place that will serve students, particularly Native American students, and recognize the 1982 sale and gift of the Gibbons property,” Peterson said. The College will sponsor a contest to design the Pavilion open to all Native American students. The new administration building is a well-appointed structure with professional spaces and ame-

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

page 10 10

March 1, 2012

Layout by Daylan Jones Photos by Sammie Fugate and Val Moncada

eagle photo of the week

USU Eastern’s Dr. Tyson Chappell took this photo of the Carbon Power Plant located north of Helper on US-6. If you have a photo that you want included on this page, please e-mail The Eagle.

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