The Towerlight (April 11, 2017)

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Towson’s campus and community news source

April 11, 2017

Men’s and women’s lacrosse both had strong showings this weekend, pgs. 18 & 20 Photo by Alex Best, Photo Illustration by Jordan Stephenson /The Towerlight



April 11, 2017


The Towerlight


April 11, 2017


Week of 4/11-4/15


Editor-in-Chief Cody Boteler Senior Editor Sam Shelton


News Editor Sarah Rowan Asst. News Editors Marcus Dieterle Bailey Hendriks Assoc. Arts Editors Taylor DeVille Kristin Helf Asst. Arts Editor McKenna Graham Sports Editor Jordan Cope Asst. Sports Editor Karuga Koinange Staff Writers Desmond Boyle Jesse L. Baird Natalie Bland



Events at Towson University TU Northeast campus

In celebration of National Library Week, Towson University in Northeastern Maryland is hosting an Edible Book Festival.

Lauren Cosca Amanda Carroll Mary-Ellen Davis Sydney Douglas Jill Gattens Sydney Engelhardt Billy Owens Nick Koski

Muhammad Waheed Keri Luise Sarah Van Wie Sierra Underdue Photo Editor Alex Best



Staff Photographers Matthew Awoyera Cody Boteler Jordan Cope

Joseph Hockey Joseph Noyes

President’s Address Stephens Hall Theatre, 4 p.m.

President Schatzel will update campus on the state of the University and her presidential priorities.

Stephanie Ranque Sam Shelton William Strang-Moya Brittany Whitham


Video Producer Stacey Coles

Stephanie Ranque

Interested students need to register online to tour a nearby incinerator with the Office of Civic Engagement and Leadership.

The Vagina Monologues Potomac Lounge, 7 p.m.


General Manager Mike Raymond Art Director Jordan Stephenson


Webmaster Lola Akinleye Circulation Staff Shawn Halerz Nilo Exar Abubakary Kaba Alicia DePasquale

Tweets from Uptown

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 (410) 704-5153

Please Recycle!


Field Trip: Incinerator Tour

Come watch this performance of the award winning play. Be prepared to gasp, laugh and be moved!

Proofreaders Kayla Baines

The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Classifieds appear online and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2017 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.


2:00 p.m-4:30 p.m.



Get free testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV.

Mark Dragon Simon Enagonio Maggie Friedman Brooke Glenn

Free STI and HIV Testing University Union, 3rd floor, 9:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.

Nicole Shakhnazarova Rohan Mattu Kevin McGuire Jessica Ricks


I want to go to the green turtle out Towson and sit up top and have drinks


jessi:” marisa go to towson tonight, we’re going to CVS. me: “you mean CVP”


Tonight was definitely lit though. #towson #torrent


Please preorder my book “101 Reasons Why Driving in Uptown Towson is the Absolute Worst.” Spoiler alert: reasons 1-50 are the roundabout @jessmeyer23



April 11, 2017

Reasons why we The price of “peacekeeping” may not want war DYLAN BRENNAN Columnist

Well, it seems my post-election period has just gotten serious again. Gone are the days of plucking out media bias and loony activists. Here are the days of impending war. I was finishing up a paper Thursday night, and, while I’m tabbing out to go to my email, I make my habitual check on CNN’s website. At first, I saw that their format had changed to giant blocky letters and one giant picture. That nearly always means something bad has happened. Then, I saw the words “U.S. Strikes Syria” in big, bold letters. Now you can very well argue that Syria is the source for most of the geopolitical woes of the past two or three years. It is from Syria we have the refugee crisis. It is because of Syria we have strained Russian relations. It is because of Syria ISIS has a strong foothold. Now while I see -- and hope everyone sees -- the recent gas attack on civilian targets by Assad that killed nearly 100 people, including children and babies, as a war crime and an atrocity, I don’t know how to feel about Trump’s reaction. Yes, Assad had it coming. Yes, that airfield that held the planes and probably the materials to carry out that gas attack had it coming. But the Syrian issue is not at all cut-and-dry. Syria is good buddies with Russia, and Russia doesn’t play around. Syria holds strategic and influential value to Putin and the Kremlin, and Russia has made

it a mission to take out the rebels fighting to topple them. They hide their motives under the guise that ISIS is supporting the rebels – which they are in some instances – but if you read in between the lines, they just want Assad in power. Trump’s launch of 59 Tomahawk missiles at the Sharyat airbase is not just an indirect threat toward Russia, it’s a direct one – there were Russians at that base, though the Department of Defense has claimed that the U.S. avoided targeting areas where Russian individuals were believed to be. Syria or the United States can declare war at any moment now. Both have made provocations to officially fight at this point in time. Now, just heed this: this is nearly note-fornote like the Iraq War. An evil Middle Eastern dictator who gasses his own people that the U.S. wants to take out of power. Do we not remember what we got out of that? We had a drained economy, countless of our own people killed, and set up a government in Iraq that was so weak it was toppled within a decade by organized thugs. And those same organized thugs are already in Syria. If Assad is taken out, who’s to say ISIS won’t steamroll the entire country? The only sure-fire way to prevent that would be occupying the country, and that would give us even more monetary woes and bad press to the rest of the world. And let’s not kid ourselves about the corporate vultures vying for mineral or oil rights if we did take over. Assad is easily in the top three current world leaders who most deserve to go, but if he falls, the ground beneath all of us will quake.

Now you can very well argue that Syria is the source for most of the geopolitical woes of the past two or three years.


I was really excited to write about the fact that Maryland has become the first state to guarantee reimbursement to Planned Parenthood facilities if they lose federal funding. And don’t get me wrong, this is a win that we have to celebrate. This is the most assured I’ve felt about women's healthcare since Donald Trump’s name became relevant again. But my excitement was quickly thwarted when I heard that the United States launched 59 missiles on Syria (literally) overnight Thursday. Some information I feel is important to know: Syria has claimed that at least six people were killed in the airstrikes, while the U.S. has stated that it did not target civilians and that this action was a response to a chemical attack which killed dozens (anywhere from 80 to 100) Syrian people. The United States assumed that the Syrian government was responsible for the chemical attacks and launched the missiles at military bases in order to intimidate them, I guess.

I am not well-versed in acts of war and destruction, but it is baffling to me that our response to tragedy and violence against humans is to incite MORE tragedy and violence against those same humans. Humans who, by the way, we won’t allow to seek refuge in our country. The people in Syria came to the United States, begging us to help them by letting them in, and we said, “No, but we’ll fire 59 missiles your way.” That’s like someone coming up to me with a broken arm, asking me to call them an ambulance, and me saying, “No, I won’t call an ambulance, but I’ll light your house on fire.” What scares me is that this happened so quickly. Between the Tuesday, April 4, chemical attack and Thursday’s retaliatory missile strikes, Trump only took a few days to formulate the U.S. response. I put more time and thought into which concealer I want to buy than our president put into deciding whether or not to launch missiles at another country. That’s not an exaggeration. That’s just a fact. I spent over a month researching concealers once. In addition, according to the U.S.

Navy, each Tomahawk missile cost $569,000 in 1999. In today’s economy, that’s about $832,000. That’s just for one. Multiplied by 59, that’s roughly $49,088,000 spent on a decision that will have lasting consequences. But, y’know, we’re too broke to afford universal education or healthcare. I’m just so disgusted with Trump’s priorities. He’s a bully who has been given the ability to shove his power in the faces of others through violence, and that’s just what he’s going to do. He doesn’t want to help anyone. He just wants to prove to the world that he isn’t a joke, which, let me tell you, seems a little late. I’m holding on to the glimmer of hope that the state of Maryland gave me this week, because it showed me that when good people band together, positive progress will happen. While I am shaken by the destabilization that the airstrikes have caused, I’m not giving up on change. Now is when we need to push more than ever. Right now, the rest of the world thinks that Trump is speaking and acting for us all. Let’s show them that he does not speak for us, we do not condone his actions, and we will resist.


Towerlight editorial board members Bailey Hendricks, Taylor DeVille, Cody Boteler and Sarah Rowan proudly pose with awards noting the The Towerlight as one of the Mid-Atlantic region’s top three non-daily college newspapers.


April 11, 2017


Ask the deans

Seeking Treasures

Posting won’t solve everything Continue your education Get up, get out and make a difference

File photo by Cody Boteler/ The Towerlight

Then-student Vanessa Agbar and supporters speak out against racial injustice and marginalization during last year’s Unity Rally in Freedom Square. MARRA TRIPODI Student

Posting on social media is just spamming your friends’ feeds and having them scroll past it between lectures. Complaining to friends just fills their ears with noise. Reading the news is a temporary reality-check into what is going on half way across the world. As a senior at Towson, I know many students who care about particular issues like the environment, feminism and food justice. Social media is one outlet, but the credibility or impact of a tweet/status loses power because anyone and everyone can make an account. Whether you are left, right, north or south or some newfound political identity the mainstream media hasn’t caught onto, is there a difference between being politically aware and being politically active? When was the last time you went to a town or SGA meeting? When was the last time you attended a guest lecture? When was the last time you stood up for a person bullied for their race, political affiliation, or ideology? Discussing politics and writing

papers is a good start, but as the saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Sacrificing your Saturday morning to protest is stronger than simply tweeting your arguments. This month is filled with opportunities to let your voice be heard – at the March for Science, People’s Climate March and much more. I directly encourage the Towson community to educate themselves on BOTH sides of a political issue.

Not just one. Efforts to understand where all parties are coming from in turn generates a respectable attitude toward their opinions. Agree to disagree. Just because their ideologies are different doesn’t mean they’re any less important than yours. Please get out there – vote, organize, protest, read, educate and do more than just post an article – as I am doing now.

File photo by Cody Boteler/ The Towerlight

Student activist Bilphena Yahwon speaks out during last April’s Unity Rally on campus.

JANET DELANY Dean, Graduate Studies

2.75, 3.0, 2.4, 10, 11, 66, 76, 1800, 3145, 12000, 6M. What do these numbers have in common? Why are they important? Are they the combination to treasure? Are they a passcode to a portal? In some ways. All relate to graduate education. The treasure is the lifelong personal and professional benefit of graduate education. The portal is the pathway to that education. When you were in high school, it is likely that someone helped you dream about and create a pathway to college. That person may have been a family member, friend, counselor, coach or educator. Yet few undergraduates benefit from someone helping them to envision the treasure of graduate education or to find the pathway to it. So why might you be interested in pursuing graduate education? Consider its value to you to obtain the job you desire, or advance in your career. A graduate degree often is the point of entry if you are interested in professional fields such as health and science. A master’s degree may be necessary to advance to leadership positions in government, business and nonprofit organizations. Currently, 10 percent of working adults hold master’s degrees, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Given that six million more people with graduate degrees are needed to meet the workforce expectations in the United States within the next few years -- per the Georgetown University Center on Education and Workforce -- earning a graduate degree enhances your career opportunities. Technology is the primary factor fueling the demand for people with advanced knowledge, according to 2012 data from the Council of Graduate Schools. People with graduate degrees earn a median of $12,000 more per year than those who have bachelor’s degrees. Their unemployment rates are lower -approximately 2.4 percent for those with a master’s degree and 1.5 percent for those with professional degrees, according to the BLS. They also enjoy higher levels of health and and are major contributors to the social and economic well-being of their communities.

Also, consider the value of graduate education in your quest for knowledge. Are you an inquisitive and creative person? Whether you’re motivated by your personal ambitions or by family and community expectations, graduate education is a marketplace where you can share your ideas, generate knowledge, create possibilities and develop advanced skills to address society’s complex challenges. The mission of graduate education at Towson University is to prepare ethically and globally-minded professionals to be leaders in their fields. The University has 76 post baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral programs for you to consider. All require at least a 3.0 GPA to apply. Some have a higher GPA requirement and some will admit students conditionally with a GPA of 2.75. Admission requirements vary by program; you can find them on the program web pages. You also can investigate graduate education offerings at more than 1,800 other universities in the United States. Are you concerned about incurring more education debt? Of the 3,145 graduate students currently at Towson University, 66 percent are earning their degree on a part time basis while working and taking care of other responsibilities. Some of these students receive educational funding from their employees. Other students seek loans, assistantships, and fellowships to assist with the cost. The tuition at Towson University is economically competitive compared to that at other institutions. Data published by the Federal Government indicate that graduate students are least likely of all student groups to default on the student loans because of the income they earn post-graduation. Where might you find someone to help you envision the possibility of graduate education? Consider talking to your faculty advisor, or contacting the director of the graduate program that interests you. Their names are listed on the Towson website through the graduate studies option listed in the academics category. Also, send an email to, stop by the Graduate Studies or Graduate Student Association Office or make an appointment with the Career Center.



April 11, 2017


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April 11, 2017


It’s On Us encourages bystander intervention One in five women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. SGA Director of Health and Wellness Missy Ronan and Towson University at large are trying to drastically reduce those figures with the It’s On Us Week of Action and other events and initiatives to combat sexual assault. Various Towson student groups and organizations banded together to raise awareness for sexual violence, and to support survivors of sexual assault and rape, during the It’s On Us Week of Action. The Week of Action, spanning April 3 through April 7, kicked off Sexual Assault Awareness Month with events and interactive activities across campus to engage students in an ongoing conversation about sex, consent and sexual assault. Ronan said she likes to believe the student body has a general understanding of what consent is and that society now needs to move towards operationalizing that definition. “Everyone is welcome to the table to change the culture, and everyone has a place in how to change the culture, and everyone can participate in

how to change that,” she said. Ronan believes a large part of supporting survivors of sexual assault is giving agency back to the survivor. “I think the first step is changing the connotation that survivors are necessarily ‘victims,’ and understanding that some survivors do not identify themselves as victims because of the situations that they’ve experienced,” she said. Ronan said situations can be tricky with institutions like Towson, which must follow certain steps for reporting instances of sexual assault under Title IX. However, at an individual level, Ronan believes it is important to give the choice back to survivors. It’s On Us is a nationwide campaign to combat sexual violence. In November 2016, Towson University became an It’s On Us Campus Innovation Partner School, working with a network of other partner schools to end sexual assault on college campuses. Monday, April 3, was the International Day Against Victim Blaming. Towson’s Sexual Assault Peer Educators (SAPE) partnered with the Wellness Peer Educators and Student Government Association (SGA) to host a tabling event in the University Union lobby from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Towson community members were encouraged by organization members to take the pledge to help end sex-

Marcus Dieterle/ The Towerlight Sticky notes display messages written in solidarity with survivors of sexual assault at a tabling event in the Union April 7. It’s on Us Week of Action, sponsored by SAPE and SGA, ran from April 3 to April 7. ual assault. The event also featured interactive activities, questions and giveaways to get students engaged in sex-positive conversations. On Tuesday, April 4, the SGA collaborated with the Office of Civic Engagement to educate students on legislative updates related to sexual

assault, sexual violence and sexual health policies in the Paws Pavilion from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. While attending Tiger Pride Day in March, Ronan said the SGA lobbied for a bill related to sexual assault. She said current laws in the state of Maryland make it almost impossible

to prosecute sexual assault if there are no signs of physical assault, such as bruising. According to Ronan, if the bill passes the Maryland legislature, it will eliminate that oversight. -To read the rest of this article online, visit

MSA offers fast facts on Ramadan TU among top 100 During Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar celebrating the Quran being revealed, Muslims typically fast from sunrise to sunset for 30 straight days. But Friday, April 7, members of the Towson community got a taste for the tradition without needing to commit to the entire month-long ordeal. Last week’s Islam Awareness Week, hosted by the Towson Muslim Student Association, led up to a Fasta-thon dinner, wherein participants broke a day-long fast with a large community meal Friday night. Attendees learned about Ramadan, which will begin in late May, and discussed the reality of the Muslim faith, which has become highly stigmatized in the United States and other Western nations. “Intolerance is due to ignorance,” MSA President Osama Hassan said.

“As a public service, we need to spread awareness.” Guest speaker Robert Tappan, a professor of religious studies at TU, talked about the background of Ramadan and the challenges and joys that are involved.

Intolerance is due to ignorance. As a public service, we need to spread awareness.” OSAMA HASSAN MSA President

He said he hoped to expand religious literacy among students and the general population, as the number of American Muslims increases. “It’s crucial for us to know what our neighbors are doing,” Tappan said. “I hope they will have a better

understanding of what their friends and peers face during Ramadan.” Islam Awareness Week opened up a dialogue about Muslim faith in the midst of a political climate that has been concerning for many Muslims and Muslim-Americans. Other events included Hug a Muslim Day and Hijab Day. During Hijab Day, Towson community members could try on a hijab and partake in calligraphy lessons. A Jummah prayer took place Friday afternoon. The Jummah prayer is a congregational prayer held every Friday afternoon by practicing Muslims. “I’m passionate about teaching others about Islam and what it means and what I believe in,” Hassan said. Notre Dame of Maryland University senior Sarah Arafat is a member of her institution’s MSA. Towson, she said, holds great events. “I think it’s important to share and support different Muslim groups,” Arafat said.

U.S. public colleges

Towson University placed 97th out of 499 four-year public institutions across the country in a report of the top public colleges and universities in America published by Buffalo Business First April 4. Towson moved up in its rankings since last year, when the school placed 109th. According to Buffalo Business First project editor Scott Thomas, the goal of the report was “to identify the public universities and colleges that offer the best educational experiences to their students.” Towson has an admissions rate of 73.4 percent, a retention rate of 85.7 percent, and a four-year graduation

rate of 44.9 percent, according to the report. According to Thomas, Towson is ranked 12th out of Maryland’s public colleges and universities, and the University of Maryland, College Park is ranked 1st. “I see how [Towson] earned [a spot in Business First’s national report of the nation’s top 100 public colleges] because they’ve made so many improvements, like with all the new buildings and construction, so I can see how that’s definitely pushed us over,” freshman Madelin Hill said. “I also think it’s getting more competitive to get into Towson, like the overall GPA is going up, so I can see how that’s definitely affecting [Towson] becoming more elite.” -To read the rest of this article online, visit



April 11, 2017

Want to accomplish something?

Then get a good playlist. April 9: At Tower B, a resident student had her identity compromised for unauthorized online purchases. April 9: At Bill Bateman’s, a non-affiliate was transported to a local hospital for a drug overdose and issued a denial of access to campus for CDS violation. April 5: At the Liberal Arts Building, a professor had their computer taken after placing it on the lecture stand during class. April 3: At the Psychology Building, a resident student had his wallet taken after leaving it unattended. March 30: At Tower A, two resident students were cited for an alcohol violation. March 29: In Carroll Hall, a resident student was assaulted by a commuter student during an argument. March 28: At Millennium Hall, a resident student assaulted another resident student in their dorm room. March 28: At 7400 York Road, a non-traditional student sent numerous unwanted phone calls and emails to staff members. March 25: At Newell Hall, a student had his bike taken from a secured rack. March 19: Towson University is investigating an anonymous report of a possible hazing incident that allegedly occurred somewhere on campus.

If you want to do something and have a good Spotify playlist then, according to Jay Jacksonrao, CEO of The Next Phase Studios, there’s nothing you can’t do. Jacksonrao spoke to the crowd at last week’s Entrepreneurship Unplugged. Jacksonrao, who founded TNP Studios in 2011, won the Maryland Institute College of Art’s Up/Start Venture competition last year, and received $30,000 in prize money. His studio, which produces podcasts covering everything from politics to gaming, has listeners in over 180 countries and was also covered on the movie review site, for TNP’s Black on Black Cinema podcast. TNP had humble beginnings, starting with just Jacksonrao and his friends launching a podcast called The Nerdpocalypse. “We [podcasted] totally as a hobby,” Jacksonrao said. “It was kind of fun talking about nerd stuff, because we’re giant nerds.” From there, the virtual floodgates opened. TNP created their Black on

March 17: At Burdick Hall, a commuter student had her property taken after leaving it unattended. March 16: At Lot 26, TUPD is investigating the destruction of a non-affiliate’s car window. March 14: At Millennium Hall, a resident student was cited for a CDS violation. March 11: At Lot 14, a resident student was cited for a false ID and alcohol citation. March 10: At General Services, a commuter student was charged with theft of a state vehicle.

The Towerlight’s “Police Blotter” is a representative sample of crimes occurring on and off campus. The blotter is not intended to be all inclusive. For a list of all crime reports, visit

“If you care about the idea and you are passionate about the idea, you can do it,” Jacksonrao said. “Just keep going.” Jacksonrao touched on the “Trough of Sorrow,” which was coined by the startup modeler Y Combinator’s Paul Graham. Forbes defines it as a “deep period of malaise that can sometimes follow a significant setback, at a time when you most need to be focused [on your business.]” Sophomore Esther Onafeko said she was impressed by Jacksonrao’s commitment to his new business. “I liked when he was talking about staying passionate,” Onafeko said. “I think that is where a lot of entrepreneurs come short, and they just focus on the money.” Junior Brianna Volatile, who runs the lifestyle blog thebrunettediaries. com, looked to Jacksonrao’s podcasts for the next step in her own startup. “I’m thinking about starting a podcast for my own business geared towards young women and their lifestyle,” Volatile said. “He was very informative and answered a lot of my questions.”

This discovery could improve your health

March 19: At the University Union, a theft was marked unfounded when a non-affiliate found his phone at home. March 17: At Tower A, a resident student was cited for a CDS violation.

Black Cinema show, Dense Pixels, a gaming podcast, and Look Forward, a domestic and foreign politics show. As with most startups, Jacksonrao and his friends started their business with little funding, which proved a problem when it came to marketing their shows. “Our marketing budget was like $40 a week, if that,” Jacksonrao said. Instead of heading right to venture capitalists for funding, Jacksonrao and the co-founders turned to a low-dollar, but effective way of generating recognition and revenue: social media. “We [advertised on] Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, as hard as we could, for as long as we could, without spending a dime,” Jacksonrao said. “We tried everything we could to spend as little as we could because, at the time, we were making no money.” The advertising paid off, however, and now TNP Studios not only offers free content, but offers a paywall, where listeners who want more exclusive content pay a small fee to access it. Jacksonrao also stressed to students the importance of persevering when times get tough if they launch a startup.

The discovery of aquaporins, which are essentially water channels in cells, could lead to significant improvements to environmental, agricultural and physiological health, according to Nobel laureate Peter Agre. Agre, who won the 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, spoke about his discovery of aquaporin water channels and their many applications on April 6 at Smith Hall. Agre explained that water plays a key role on the molecular level. Humans, like all other living things, are primarily comprised of water -- it makes up about two thirds of our body mass. Experiments in the 1970s led to the conclusion that there must be water-selective channels in the membranes of cells. However, no one could identify them precisely, so many scientists were skeptical about the existence of water channels. It wasn’t until 1992 that Agre

and his team discovered the first aquaporin. He said that this kind of discovery is just what scientists look for: “discoveries which are of interest and have the possibility of even being useful.” His team, along with several other laboratories, worked to discover more of these aquaporins. Agre divided the aquaporins into two subsets: the classic aquaporins and aquaglyceroporins. One of the aquaporins he described was AQP4, which was found in a variety of tissues including the brain. “If we could develop inhibitors to AQP4 to prevent brain edema from forming, I think that would have significant health improvements,” Agre said. Another aquaporin, AQP5, was found to be present in secretory glands. This was very attractive to chemists working for skin care product companies, who attempted to get Agre to work with them. AQP0 was found to be present in the lens of the eye, according to Agre.

He said it was also discovered that “mutations in the gene encoding the lens homologue leads to congenital lens cataracts in small children.” Agre told the audience that he thinks aquaporins will play a significant role in agriculture and clean drinking water. He believes that further advancements could even lead to the development of drought-resistant crops. While speaking about the Nobel prize he received for his discovery, Agre said, “the reality is, the work is done by teams. So, I really think it should be viewed as a reward to a community.” Overall, he believes that the real value of the Nobel Prize is the support for the scientific community. After the Nobel, Agre’s team started working on malaria. “There are so many dangers of the world,” he said. “And I think science is the opportunity [to solve these problems], and it’s the opportunity I encourage you to pursue.”



EMF students win $8,500

April 11, 2017


CLASSIFIEDS help wanted FEMALE PERSONAL ASST. Help mom of older girls & cat w/ errands & organizing. $14/hr + gas $$. 15-minute-drive, 695x22. Please call 410-336-9515 and leave message. MOSQUITO SQUAD Seeking hard working, dependable technicians to work outside and service properties for mosquitoes. No prior certification necessary. Great seasonal opportunity. Mosquito Squad of Baltimore Send resume to: HIRING DRUPAL ENGINEER $50 Per Hour. Project-Based. Email:

Courtesy of Brooks Barry A video by Towson EMF student Brooks Barry took home the grand prize in the video category of an anti-car theft public service announcement competition. Towson EMF students won a total of $8,500.

Towson University Electronic Media and Film students won a total of $8,500 for projects submitted to an anti-car theft public service announcement competition. The competition is hosted by the Maryland State Police, the Maryland/ DC Vehicle Anti-Car Theft Committee and the Maryland Vehicle Theft Prevention Council. According to Adam Schwartz, a lecturer in Towson’s EMF department, the competition has been around for eight years. Schwartz oversaw this year’s projects and the directed study course for the video students. Elena Russo, deputy director of media communications for the Maryland State Police, said Towson has competed in the competition since its inception. This year, TU was joined by competitors from the College of Southern Maryland. In past years, students from Bowie State University and Prince George’s Community College have also competed, according to Russo. Brooks Barry, the grand prize winner in the video category, used the car thief in his video to communicate statistics related to vehicle theft, ending the video with the punchline “I know the facts, do you?” Barry said the longest parts of the process were coming up with an idea, writing the script and scheduling the project; after that, the actual video shoot only took about two days. Other than the specific 30-second

time frame, periodic deadlines and a requirement that any music must be copyright-free to be broadcast on air, the competitors were given full creative license over their projects. Before winning, Barry didn’t know how much money the competition sponsors were going to award. “[The presenter] was handing me the check and told me, ‘that’s $2,000,’ and my jaw dropped,” Barry said. Barry said he saved some of the money for school and bought a new computer to work on more videos. While he has never been the victim of car theft - nor does he condone it - he said he stole a friend’s car once as a prank. “I did steal my friend’s Cadillac once and took it for a joy ride,” he said, laughing. “That was amazing. So… lock your doors.” Senior EMF major Sam Teasley, along with group members Jared Brazil, Casey Smith and Tyler Barnes, were part of one of the winning audio groups. Teasley’s group and the other winning audio group – comprised of Michael Caddigan, Nigel Truesdale, Katherine Ruggiero and Kayla Mehok – shared the grand prize for the audio category, with each group receiving $1,500. Years ago, Teasley said he earned a degree in Biology and Chemistry at Towson, but didn’t feel fulfilled in his chosen field after entering the workforce. That’s when he returned to TU to chase his passion for media and pursue his EMF degree. While Teasley said this is the first time he has received money for his creative work, he hopes this will be part of a continuing trend.

The Maryland/DC Vehicle Anti-Car Theft Committee, of which Russo is a member, judges the projects based on creativity, content, theme and quality. “I think what stood out the most this year was the incredible acting of some of the talent, not just in the video but also in the audio pieces,” Russo said. Russo, who is also an adjunct professor at Towson, said she and the sponsoring organizations hope students will be able to use the pieces that they produced for the competition as part of their demo reel as they enter the production industries. This year’s grand prize winning projects from Towson will be broadcasted on WBAL; projects from the College of Southern Maryland will be broadcasted at Department of Motor Vehicles’ locations. Runners up will be used on the Maryland State Police’s YouTube channel and Facebook page, according to Russo. Schwartz said experiences like this competition are great for honing students’ skills, and it allows them the opportunity to see/hear their work aired for actual audiences. He also highlighted the importance of working on professional assignments, meeting deadlines and adhering to clients’ specifications for projects. “Winning money is a wonderful short-term prize, but their radio spots and television spots are going to air on local television [and radio] and there’s nothing better for a résumé than already having done professional work that has aired,” Schwartz said. “I’m just so happy for them that they get a chance to have that.”


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12 April 11, 2017



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Arts & Life

April 11, 2017


“In The Blood” examines poverty, misogynoir Student production revamps “The Scarlet Letter”

Courtesy of Jay Herzog

(Top left) Chilli, played by Isaiah Harvey, proposes to Hester (Sydney Pope). The Welfare Lady (Natalie Dent) delivers a monologue (Bottom right). TAYLOR DEVILLE Associate Arts & Life Editor @artvandelady

Although Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter” is a late-nineteenth century account of shame, sin and rampant misogyny in the 1600s, it might not come as a surprise (to women, anyway) that its themes are still prevalent today. Instead of a puritanical Massachusetts colony, imagine the vacant streets under an overpass in New York City. Replace the stoic, isolated Hester Prynne and her unruly daughter Pearl with a long-suffering black mother (named “Hester, La Negrita”) living in abject poverty, going hungry for days so she can feed her five children. Directed by senior acting major Mani Yangilmau, “In The Blood” is a 1999 play by Suzan-Lori Parks that ran from Thursday to Saturday in the Center For the Arts. The show offers (with increasing political relevance) critical commentary about the cycle of poverty, particularly as experienced by black women in an institutionally racist country. Misogynoir, a term coined by black feminist Moya Bailey, refers to the intersection of racial and gender prejudice that black women face. This is the first two act show that Yangilmau has directed. Being her favorite show, she’s wanted to direct it since reading it during her first semester at Towson. “[I] became enraptured by Suzan-Lori Parks’ highly poetic

and violent portrait of the world,” Yangilmau said in an email. “Hester is a black woman and her experiences should be acknowledged as such, which is an incredibly important story that isn’t emphasized in American theatre enough.” Written in the same structure as a Greek tragedy, Hester, portrayed with a haunting and stunning performance by Sydney Pope, struggles to make ends meet as she raises her fatherless children. The family is homeless, living in an alley under an overpass. The cast of six play 11 characters, with the actors who play Hester’s children also taking on the roles of the various people who offer to “help” Hester -- Reverend D., the preacher who fathered Hester’s youngest son Baby (both played by Willem Rogers); Amiga Gringa, Hester’s prostitute and drug-addicted friend (Melissa Spangler, who also plays Hester’s daughter Beauty); The Doctor, an erratic, seemingly homeless practicing physician (Tyrel Brown, who also plays Trouble); the downright evil Welfare Lady (played compellingly by Natalie Dent, who plays the young Bully) and Chilli, the father of Hester’s eldest and favorite son, Jabber (both played by Isaiah Harvey). The actors proved their skill as Hester’s children, seeming to regress in age in their performances. Dent in particular shows her range as she goes from the silly, antagonizing sister Bully, to the cruel, hateable Welfare Lady. Only having about five weeks of rehearsal time, Yangilmau worked with the cast to prepare them for the emo-

tional strain of their roles, and the play’s subject matter. “There was a lot of intense script analysis paired with physically taxing movement rehearsals,” Yangilmau said. “Most of what I did was try to coax them out of their comfort zones - stretching their physical and mental boundaries to realize that they had the skills and talent to access these incredibly tough characters in safe ways.” “Everyone handled really difficult material very well,” freshman acting major Alyssa Bell said. “It was really gorgeously staged. There are so many moments that just looked so good, I wanted to live in them longer.” The technical aspects of the show, directed by scenic designer Sam Martin, absorbed the audience into Hester’s world. The minimalist set -- a gray slab of concrete, chain link fence and small tent -- felt appropriately desolate. Sound designer Tim Neil created rhythmic intensity alongside the colorful lighting design (at its peak when it backlit ominous silhouettes) by Thomas Gardner. Although they seem to have an interest in helping Hester, supporting characters deliver monologues revealing how they all used her for their own gratification (sexual or otherwise). Amiga Gringa sells Hester’s belongings and spends the money on drugs. The Doctor disturbingly insists that he sterilize Hester. Chilli proposes to Hester before immediately abandoning her upon realizing she has more than one child. The Welfare Lady verbally

and emotionally abuses Hester. The Reverend promises to financially support Hester, only to take advantage of her sexually and then refuse to give her money on the basis that she’s a “slut.” It’d be overly-simplified to describe “In The Blood” as an adaptation of “The Scarlet Letter.” Yes, the protagonists share a name, and the shows are thematically similar (including the “A” motif, as Hester La Negrita, who is illiterate, practices writing it over and over again). Beyond that, Parks sought (through much of her writing) “to locate the ancestral burial ground” of unrecorded black history, and to “dig for bones, find bones, hear the bones sing, write it down” (as described by herself in her essay “Possession”). “In The Blood” makes visible some of the most scorned members of American society -- single, impoverished black mothers. Filled with moments of brutal insight, often through Hester’s own reflections on her life and the world around her, the show doesn’t do much to spare the audience -- or the characters -- from the cold, dark reality of Hester’s situation. “There are also a lot of intersectional issues [in the show] that many people experience across races,” Yangilmau said. “Religious oppression, governmental corruption, partriarchal violence, the failure of the healthcare system, and the downfalls of capitalism were all things [Parks talked] about in the early 90’s, but

are still scarily relevant today with our current presidency.” At the end of the show, Hester’s increasingly tenuous hold on her sanity snaps. Rejected by the Reverend who deemed her a “slut,” Hester returns to her children without hope. Jabber repeatedly yells that word (which he learned from graffiti written over Hester’s home) at his mother, as children are wont to do with bad words. Hester screams, beating him to death as blood rains down onto his body from the ceiling. Her children scatter during the violence, leaving Hester to stare in horror at what she’s done. She paints an “A” on her face in Jabber’s blood as masked actors, representing society, yell judgements about how she deserved the misfortune she brought upon herself. “I’ve read the play before so I knew what was going to happen at the end, but it still took my breath away,” junior theatre studies major Divinia Shorter said. “It was really intense to watch.” Yangilmau connects the play with the current political climate. “I hope that this play makes people uncomfortable,” she said. “Now more than ever should we be critical of our society and focus on coming together instead of dividing ourselves. We are coming up on terrifying times with violence against ‘others’ being justified. If there is anything we can do to prevent more pain and suffering on this Earth, we should be willing to sacrifice all.”

14 April 11, 2017

Grilled cheeses, “Gouda” causes SARAH VAN WIE Staff Writer

As the butter on the outside of a whole wheat sandwich sizzles in a panini press, bright, yellow American cheese slowly drips down the bread’s sides. Before long, a grilled cheese sandwich is ready. New Towson club FeelGood wants two things: to raise money for nonprofit organizations and for teeth to sink into crispy, smooth and hot grilled cheese sandwiches. FeelGood is a national organization that was founded in 2005 at the University of Texas in Austin. The group raised $10,000 by selling grilled cheese sandwiches on campus -- within just their first year. Since then, FeelGood has grown to over 25

chapters spread throughout America and has collectively raised $1.82 million for the non-profits they partner with. At Towson, these (literally) potentially life-saving grilled cheeses only cost about $3 each. Sophomore Hallie Beck, founder and president of Towson’s FeelGood chapter, discovered the organization from an advertisement online and was immediately impressed by its concept. Last semester, she began working with Towson’s coordinator of student organizations to start a chapter at Towson, and it officially launched this semester. The group has had one pop-up event on campus so far -- where they raised money by selling grilled cheese sandwiches for the nonprofits Hunger Project and Water for People.

Arts & Life These nonprofits send food and water to poverty-stricken countries and teach the people there sustainable farming, business and education skills to help them advance in society. “I believe people should join FeelGood because it is an easy, acceptable way to make a whole world impact,” Beck said. “It is hard to find the time to do community service off-campus, but since we’re are on-campus it’s much easier to get involved. And we’re fun people withgrilled cheese.” FeelGood is still trying to work out a fundraising schedule. They were told that they have to limit the number of grilled cheese fundraisers due to conflicting guidelines. Even though most FeelGood chapters run strictly off grilled cheese fundraising, Towson’s chapter is going to host other fundraisers once a week in the Union, at Cook Library and around other outside areas. “I’m big into service organizations and this club connects to my aspect, but I really just want to help oth-

ers,” sophomore and FeelGood member Victoria Bazuzi said. “And I like grilled cheese.” Paint nights, cheese-themed bake sales, dinners and more are on FeelGood’s agenda, as well as a few grilled cheese delis for fundraising.

“I thought it was cool that you can make a grilled cheese and impact a whole community,” said Mark Davie, treasurer of Towson’s FeelGood chapter. --Read the rest of this article online at

Sarah Van Wie/ The Towerlight

TU’s new FeelGood club makes grilled cheese sandwiches to raise money for the Hunger Project and Water for People nonprofits.

Arts & Life

April 11, 2017

“Caraval” is a wild night at the circus MCKENNA GRAHAM Assistant Arts & Life Editor

Title: “Caraval” Author: Stephanie Garber Genre: Young Adult Fantasy, Suspense/Thriller Rating: Four stars Warnings: Physical abuse, suicide “Caraval” is the newest Young Adult fantasy to take our generation of the literary world by storm, so it’s only natural that I wanted to see what it was like for myself. It’s highly regarded as a fantastic story with beautiful characters, artistic writing and a page-turning plot. I picked it up with high expectations. For a YA book, it was everything it should’ve been and more. It was a flawless rendition of everything the genre holds in high esteem -- young and naïve girl is forced out of her comfort zone by extenuating circumstanc-

es and is aided by an equally gorgeous and dangerous boy in her efforts to right the world. More specifically: Scarlett Dragna has lived with her sister, Donatella, on a tiny island governed by her abusive father for her whole life. For years now, she’s written to an enigmatic and almost mythical ringmaster named Legend, who runs an annual performance of magic on a mysterious island, begging him for tickets to see the players of his performance/game. Seven years after she begins writing to him, he replies. Scarlett is now engaged to be married to a man she’s never met and plans to marry him only to keep herself and her younger sister safe from their father, but Caraval Master Legend has other things in mind for them. He sends Scarlett three tickets to the performance -- one for her, one for her fiancé and one for her sister. --Read the rest of this column online at

Anything but a drag

William Strang-Moya/ The Towerlight

RuPaul’s Drag Race season 8 finalist Chi Chi DeVayne (pictured here, left, with Baltimore drag queen Brooklyn Heights) came to TU on Thursday and performed at In The Life’s drag show.


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Arts & Life

April 11, 2017

Students, community walk out of darkness JESSICA RICKS Staff Writer

At an Out of the Darkness Walk Saturday morning, Towson community members banded together to foster awareness of depression and suicide in partnership with the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention (AFSP). While organizers aimed to raise $3,000 for the cause, the group raised over $7,000. “Depression is definitely one of our top concerns,” Counseling Center psychologist Leigh Ann Carter said. “That’s why we like having walks. These events make it visible and make people aware of the available resources.” Members of Towson University and the surrounding area met on the lawn outside of the Towsontown garage to register and show their support by wearing an assortment of colored necklaces representing the loss of loved ones to suicide, experience with suicide and depression or general support for those in that situation. The health and counseling centers partnered with AFSP to bring the event back to Towson after a several year hiatus. AFSP holds walks for suicide prevention at various campuses including Johns Hopkins, the University of Maryland, College Park and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

“One thing that really struck me was seeing how many are affected,” Counseling Center psychologist Lauren Drinkwater said. “So many people were wearing beads to show their loss, recognize struggles and understand their impact.” Carter addressed the crowd and several students shared their stories, personal and secondhand. Following the speeches, the crowd set out on the walk around the entirety of Towson’s campus. “I feel like everyone suffers from depression in some way at some point,” senior nursing major Maggie Kemper said. Her friend Nick Thieme was one of the many people at the walk who struggle with depression in their daily lives. “I have bipolar II, it’s more depressive than manic,” Thieme said. “It’s different every day depending on how I’m cycling. It makes it harder to do things you like, and it makes hard things harder.” Jenifer Arthur, a junior psychology major, was volunteering at the event as a Healthy Minds Peer Educator. She said she’s had to talk many of her friends out of suicide and emphasized the importance of self-care on the part of someone in that situation. “It’s very emotionally draining,” she said. “It’s good to help someone, but self-care on your part is important too.”

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18 April 11, 2017


Towson downs elon in caa matchup

File photos by Stephanie Ranque/ The Towerlight

Junior midfielder Kaitlyn Montalbano attacks the cage in a game against Florida at Johnny Unitas Stadium. Montalbano recorded one goal on three shots in Towson’s loss (Above). Junior midfielder Emily Gillingham looks over her options in Towson’s match against Florida. Gillingham registered one shot in Towson’s 13-6 loss against Florida (Below).

KARUGA KOINANGE Assistant Sports Editor

Towson earned a 19-7 victory over Elon Sunday afternoon at Johnny Unitas Stadium. The Tigers had four players record hat tricks, and senior attacker Samantha Brookhart tied the school and conference single-game assists mark Sunday afternoon, during a 19-7 victory over Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) opponent No. 19 Elon at Johnny Unitas Stadium. Head Coach Sonia LaMonica applauded the team’s performance, stressing that it was a complete victory. “It was important to make a statement for ourselves and not for anybody else that we’re better than what we’ve been showing at times and that you have to play until the end,” LaMonica said. “You can’t get comfortable.” Elon scored the first goal of the game, but Towson responded with three straight scores to take a 3-1 lead with 21:27 to go in the half. The Phoenix came back with back-to-back goals to tie the game 3-3. However, the Tigers delivered

another three-goal spurt to take a 6-3 lead with 11:39 to go in the half. Elon scored two of the next three goals, making it 7-5 with 2:07 left on the clock, but free position goals from sophomore attackers Natalie Sulmonte and Carly Tellekamp sent Towson into the half with a 9-5 lead. Towson did not let up in the second half, tallying the first three goals of the period as the home team took a 12-5 lead with 26:59 left in the game. Junior midfielder Kaitlyn Montalbano scored the first two goals of the second half and posted her second straight hat trick. Elon scored with a free position goal, but Towson responded with a 7-0 run to seal its victory. LaMonica pointed to strong performances from Brookhart, who recorded six helpers, and Montalbano as key factors in the win. “As a group they’re just getting better and better,” LaMonica said. “That chemistry develops as the season goes on so I think we’re seeing some more connection between Sam and Monte and other people as well.” Towson also had strong play from both of its goalkeepers. Sophomore

Angie Benson started the game in goal for the Tigers and made four saves before giving way to freshman Kiley Keating, who made five saves in relief work. “[We] really started with our great play defensively from Angie in goal and Kylie, then up through the

defense, just a solid defensive effort and overall a great performance,” LaMonica said. The Tigers also benefited from strong play from their two freshman defenders, Sami Chenowith and Olivia Conti. Chenowith led the defensive efforts with four caused

turnovers and two ground balls. “They’re great players and they’re demonstrating that,” LaMonica said. “They’ve got a lot of confidence now and that makes all the difference.” Towson is back in action Sunday, April 16, when the team heads to Hofstra for a 1 p.m. game.


April 11, 2017

tu swept by no. 13 JMU


USTORE ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Samantha Brookhart Women’s Lacrosse

Jordan Cope/ The Towerlight

Junior outfielder Dylan Jarvis digs in for her at-bat in game one of Saturday’s doubleheader against JMU. WYNNE KIRCHNER Staff Writer

Towson was swept in a threegame series against Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) rival James Madison this weekend, falling to 13-20 on the season. Sunday, the Tigers fell to the Dukes 15-5. Despite a 2-2 ballgame going into extra innings, the Tigers allowed a 13-run eighth inning and could not recover. Junior pitcher Megan Dejter tossed 7.2 innings, allowing only two earned runs while striking out four batters. Junior center fielder Kendyl Scott led the Tigers’ offense. She collected four hits in four at-bats and scored three runs. Towson also dropped two games in a doubleheader against James Madison on Saturday at the TU

Softball Complex. The Tigers fell short in game two of the doubleheader and were shutout by the Dukes 7-0. Sophomore right fielder Nicole Stockinger got the only hit for the Tigers, while Dejter pitched five innings, allowing four earned runs on nine hits. The Tigers also fell short to the Dukes in the first game of the doubleheader on Saturday, falling 15-3. Scott had another strong performance at the plate, she collected a hit and two RBI’s. Junior catcher Shelby Stracher also contributed., she recorded two hits and an RBI in the game. Freshman pitcher Julia SmithHarrington had a tough outing. She allowed 13 earned runs on 12 hits in only two innings of work. “I think [James Madison] is a good team,” Head Coach Lisa Costello said. “I think we need to come out with the

same attitude, effort, and intensity that we came out with today. If we can do that all three games, maybe the series gets flipped.” Towson has another doubleheader scheduled for Tuesday against Norfolk State. The team will then travel to Elon for a three-game series over the weekend.

Junior attacker/midfielder Samantha Brookhart tied a school record and a CAA single-game record with six assists in Towson’s 19-7 victory over Elon Sunday at Johnny Unitas Stadium.

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I think we need to come out with the same attitude, effort, and intensity that we came out today. If we can do that in all three games, maybe the series gets flipped.


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20 April 11, 2017


tigers march past minutemen

Mark Dragon/ The Towerlight

Senior midfielder Mike Lynch drives to the net against the Minutemen at Unitas. Lynch finished the game with two goals and two points in the Tigers 11-8 victory (Above). Junior goalkeeper Josh Miller warmsup in goal before the Tigers match against the Minutemen. Miller earned his fifth win of the season and made six saves in the game (Below). DESMOND BOYLE Staff Writer

Towson picked up an 11-8 win over Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) opponent University of Massachusetts, Amherst Saturday at Johnny Unitas Stadium thanks to a six-goal second quarter. The Tigers opened by scoring the first six goals of the game. During that run, five different Tigers found the back of the net. Sophomore midfielder Jon Mazza got the run started for Towson with an unassisted goal from the edge at 6:32 in the first half. The Tigers doubled their lead during a man-up opportunity with two minutes left in the first quarter. Senior attacker Ryan Drenner registered his first of four assists when he found redshirt sophomore Dylan Kinnear in front of the crease. Kinnear buried the shot for a goal. Kinnear scored again just under a minute into the second quarter to give Towson a 3-0 lead. This time, senior attacker Joe Seider picked up the assist. “We were worked all week on drift play,” Seider said. “We moved the ball well, we drifted well, we took the right

shots on the right locations on that goalie. The scout defense’s preparation really helped us through that.” The Tigers went on to score three goals in four minutes to take a 6-0 lead over the Minutemen. Seniors Matt Wyllie and Mike Lynch scored with 13 and 10 minutes, respectively. Junior midfielder Cole Robertson capped off Towson’s run with just over nine minutes to play in the first half. However, junior attacker Gianni Bianchin scored an unassisted goal to put the Minutemen on the board. The Minutemen scored two more goals in the half, both coming from redshirt senior midfielder Dan Muller. Before the end of the first half, Drenner set up two more goals for Towson. Drenner found Lynch for his second goal of the day before connecting with Seider with just under 1:30 remaining in the first half. Towson’s offensive attack allowed the team to take an 8-3 lead into the second half. In the second half, senior midfielder Brian Bolewicki gave the Tigers a 9-4 lead with a behind the back shot that went into the upper 90 of the net. The Minutemen scored on a man up opportunity to make it a 9-5 game with 6:48 left in the third quarter, but

Seider netted his second goal of the game to put the Tigers on top 10-5. In the fourth quarter, the Minutemen pulled within three goals of the Tigers with eight minutes left to play. However, sophomore midfielder Zach Goodrich added an insurance

goal for Towson by scooping up a ground ball and firing a shot into the back of the net. Goodrich’s goal proved to be enough and the Tigers defeated the Minutemen for their second victory in conference play. “I was happy to see our guys start a

game capitalizing on our shots,” Head Coach Shawn Nadelen said. “We gotta continue to work on playing a complete game with that.” Towson’s next game is another CAA contest. The team will hit the road to face Delaware this Saturday at 7 p.m.

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