The Towerlight (January 29, 2019)

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Towson’s campus and community news source


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January 29, 2019

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Photos by Brendan Felch, Illustration by Victoria Nicholson /The Towerlight

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January 29, 2019



At Towson University, we create opportunity where it doesn’t exist. We are bigger, braver and bolder than ever. It’s time our identity reflects TU’s extraordinary momentum.



January 29, 2019

Editor-in-Chief Karuga Koinange Senior Editor Bailey Hendricks News Editor Mary-Ellen Davis Asst. News Editor Keri Luise Arts & Life Editor Kerry Ingram Asst. Arts & Life Editor Alex Helms Sports Editor Tim Klapac Asst. Sports Editors Muhammad Waheed Jordan Kendall Staff Writers Jessica Ricks Meg Hudson Sophia Bates



Suzanne Stuller Cyan Thomas Aaron Thomas Marcus Whitman

Staff Photographers Simon Enagonio Lacey Wall Lexi Thompson Isaiah Freeman Owen DiDonna Nikki Hewins Tiffany Deboer

Art Director Victoria Nicholson Webmaster Circulation Staff Scott Halerz Dom Capparuccini Elssa Kenfack



Psycology Building, Room 408, 2 p.m.



Have you been thinking about studying abroad? Attend our Study Abroad Group Advising Meeting to learn about the next steps. This group advising meeting tells you everything you need to know about the study abroad process including how to search for programs, how to apply, financial aid and scholarship basics and course, grade, and credit transfer.

The center, an extension of the Department of Art + Design,

COMMUNITY ART Art History, Art Education, offers classes, summer camps, CENTER REGISTRATION special art events and community education dedicated to OPEN FINALS providing diverse communities opportunities to engage in the

Online at, 9 a.m.


General Manager Mike Raymond

Network with fellow CBE alumni and friends and enjoy HOOPS & HAND- the TU men’s basketball game vs. Northeastern, hosted by the CBE Advisory Board. SHAKES

SECU Arena Multipurpose Room, 6 p.m.

Glenn Kaplan John Hack

Asst.Photo Editor Brittany Whitham



Anthony Petro Albert Ivory

Photo Editor Brendan Felch


creative process.



Join the Towson women’s basketball team on Friday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. for two important conference games. Government employees: bring your government ID for two free tickets to al home basketball games this weekend, women’s and men’s.




The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Classifieds appear online and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2018 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!

TU students and faculty present handmade ceramics, jewelry, glass and more.

Ceramics Studio, Center for the Arts, Room 3012, 3 p.m.

SECU Arena, 2 p.m.

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 (410) 704-5153


@jordandvxx @ Towson this break is too long. I went to my little brother’s basketball game & one of his teammate’s parents asked me if I was in school because she’d seen me so much lately. @MonsterMikee Back to Towson Friday is crazy, this had to be a shorter break



WINTER BREAK @brvnettee_babee

We’re still on winter break and I just got an email about homework I need to do prior to class. HOMEWORK. #towson @queen_lauren_ Yo Towson’s break is OC long I thought that I went back this Monday but I actually go back the 28th lord Jesus idk what to do w myself



January 29, 2019

Gov. shutdown drags on

Leaves many employees without work, paychecks BRIAN SMITH Columnist

For over 32 days, many Americans have woken up without certainty and without pay under President Donald Trump’s leadership. The Trump shutdown compromise seems to be in grave danger as the GOP continues to push non-starter offers to reopen the government during a crippling shutdown. To evaluate how this started, it can be traced back to a meeting between Trump and Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in the White House on Dec. 11. During this meeting, Trump himself said that he would personally shut down the government if he did not get his wall funded by $5.7 billion in taxpayer money, despite promising Mexico would pay for the wall during his campaign. Days later, both the House and Senate passed a bipartisan bill that would keep the government open; however, Trump refused to accept this effort simply because both

Republicans and Democrats refused to fund his wall and continued the debate. In the following days, Republicans changed their tune as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stated publicly that he refused to put any bill that would end the shutdown to a vote without Trump’s approval. Luckily, there was a glimmer of hope as a bipartisan effort to give back pay to furloughed workers passed in both chambers with a unanimous vote in the senate and a vote of (411-7) in the House. While this was a start, it still meant that nearly 800,000 workers would continue working without pay which Trump once deemed acceptable because “Most of the people not getting payed are Democrats.” Once again Trump changed his demeanor by Jan. 20 when he tweeted “To all of the great people who are working so hard for your Country and not getting paid I say, THANK YOU YOU ARE GREAT PATRIOTS!” After rejecting each attempt by Congress to

put this shutdown to an end, Trump then offered a non-starter proposal by once again taking aim at dreamers as he offered to extend temporary protective status for those whose parents brought them to the U.S. as children. Not only is this destructive to those who are perusing a productive life toward the American dream, but it is also rather ineffective given Trump’s DACA appeal won’t be heard at the Supreme Court for at least another year. All this deal offers is more divisive rhetoric fueled by taking DACA recipients hostage and flinging more people into grave uncertainty. Instead, the solution to ending this shutdown is to simply support what gained bipartisan support in the first place. This includes fully funding and reopening the government to put those 800,000 workers back to paid work and saving the politics for later. Both Democrats and Republicans have supported funding border security. - To read the rest of this column online, visit

Longest shutdown in history CONNOR MCNAIRN Columnist

Though large swaths of his supporters seem to have forgotten, the president quipped on Dec. 11, “I am proud to shutdown the government for border security… I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down.” According to President Donald Trump and many Republican members of Congress, security along the U.S.-Mexico border is unachievable without a wall of separation built high enough to keep out Mexican and Central American immigrants. A famous campaign promise, the border wall has of late been at the center of a contentious and highly

damaging government shutdown – one that has now spanned a month, setting a record over those prior. Eight days after Trump owned the shutdown (during a bizarre live television feud with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer), the Senate fulfilled its legislative duties and unanimously passed a temporary spending bill, effectively kicking partial government funding down the road for another two months. In fact, before the Senate passed the Dec. 19 spending bill, Congress received assurances from the White House that President Trump would be willing to sign a temporary spending measure without his desired

$5.7 billion for a border wall. When the time came for Trump to follow through, however, he recoiled, rendering seven government agencies unfunded and leaving nearly a quarter of the government shut down. Of course, in the U.S., a bill does not always need the president’s blessing to become law. While Trump was unwilling to sign the unanimous Senate bill, had then-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy forced a vote in the House of Representatives on the bill, it is likely the temporary legislation would have made it to Trump’s desk. - To read the rest of this column online, visit

New year, fresh start BAILEY HENDRICKS Senior Editor @imsimplybailey

As you’re reading this, it is finally the start of the spring semester and almost a whole month of 2019 has already passed by. I happily embraced the start of a new year as I welcomed new beginnings and a fresh start. The year of 2018 came with a lot of ups and downs, challenges and roadblocks in my personal and academic life. I took more challenging classes and considered if the career path I was going down was the best for me. Most importantly, I navigated who I was and who I wanted to be. I have never been one for change. I’m the type of person who has a closet full of clothes, but sticks with my one or two go-to outfits, usually. I eat the same kinds of foods on a day-to-day basis, I am a huge fan of routine, and have the mind-set of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Well, some parts of my life in 2018 were broke - and it was time I fixed them. I’ve come to learn that not only is change inevitable, but it comes with time and can actually be a very good thing. As last semester was my most challenging one to date, one change that helped me was home improvement. Sitting in my living room watching yet another episode of Sex and the City, I decided that my desk should be on the opposite wall, that I needed a new

comforter, to hang pictures in my bathroom, to re-paint my dresser, to hang up some curtains in my bedroom, and to replace the dingy shower head that comes with my apartment complex. For someone who doesn’t like change, a simple rearrangement of furniture can be just the right amount of update to add new inspiration and freshness into my life. Not to mention, it’s empowering to be able to hammer nails into the wall to hang a picture straight and to use a wrench and all my own strength to replace my shower head. Another change that happened recently - I decided to not work during winter break. Ever since I was old enough to get a work permit, I’ve been working in some capacity during every break I ever had. After an emotionally exhausting fall semester, I decided for my own betterment and for a clearer mind, I should unapologetically take a month to myself - to spend more time with my friends, my family, my wonderful, kind, caring, redheaded boyfriend, and my cat, Hazel. I also took this time to do some self-reflection as well. I needed to feel inspired again, and I’m happy to say that I now do. It’s important to do check-ins with yourself and evaluate how you are doing and how you could improve yourself. I’m going into 2019 and the spring semester with a clearer head, a fresh start, a wonderful support system, healthier (weighing 25 pounds lighter) and most importantly, I’m going into this semester feeling happy and like

Brexit is a disaster CONNOR MCNAIRN Columnist

In February 2016, then-British Prime Minister David Cameron announced that on June 23, the people of Britain would, by process of referendum, have the opportunity to determine whether Britain would remain in or leave the European Union (EU). The EU, though formally created in 1993, is the product of a decades-long struggle (beginning at the conclusion of WWII) endured by European states to better integrate their respective political and economic backgrounds into a more cohesive Europe. Cameron, though Prime Minister and

the announcer of the referendum date, was not necessarily in favor of holding the referendum in the first place. But high-ranking MPs, in favor of a more independent Britain, pushed Mr. Cameron toward issuing a referendum. In essence, Brexit can be analyzed from a relatively simple perspective. For those who wish to remain in the EU, the costs of remaining, which include abiding by EU-established immigration policies, economic procedures, budgeting and others do not outweigh the benefits of membership. - To read the rest of this column online, visit


January 29, 2019

What’s the deal with food waste? PORTIA BHARAYH Columnist

Do you ever wonder what happens to the unsold produce at the supermarket, or all the extra Starbucks pastries still behind the glass at closing time? How much food is left uneaten? In the first article of this two-part series, we are discussing food waste. Let’s start off with some rather bleak statistics: Americans toss out an average of 150,000 tons of food per day - that is equal to about a pound per person (curiously enough, people who consume a diet richer in fruits and vegetables tend to waste more food). Environmentally speaking alone, food waste is a major issue. It is the largest source of material entering landfills, where there is limited oxygen throughout the heaps. When food decomposes without oxygen, it will produce methane - a greenhouse gas roughly 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide. If all the wasted food were

The Division for Student Affairs offers the

Student LIFE Line

grown on one farm, it would occupy 30 million acres of land and use 4.2 trillion gallons of freshwater. Seeing as how land and freshwater are resources high in demand, it’s safe to say that misusing them shows a huge lack in efficiency. With nearly 50 million American families living with food insecurity, production and sale efficiency must increase if the gap is to be closed. But not all food waste occurs at the individual household level. A lot of the produce grown never even makes it to the supermarket - it is left in the fields to rot or fed to cattle. Why? Because people don’t like ugly fruit. Workers in the production service (like farmers and packers) realized that produce with even minor blemishes or deformities - that don’t affect quality - consistently get overlooked in the market. There’s no point in wasting time and labor to package and transport those goods, so they are simply counted as a loss. - To read the rest of this column online, visit

ADHD in college SAMUEL SMITH Columnist

The date is Jan. 8 - only four days after my 19th birthday. I’m sitting in a psychiatrist’s office, which is decorated with Red Sox merchandise. I’m fidgeting with one of my handful of fidget toys and bouncing my leg. It’s not nerves. I’ve always been like this. From jumping out of my seat as a little kid to pacing and fidgeting as an adult, I’ve always needed to tinker, to play more than my peers. I’ve always been hyperactive, forgetful, impulsive and inattentive. Mom always called these my quirks. There was nothing wrong with me, I was just quirky. I understand her good intentions, but as my grades were suffering due to my inattentiveness, and my impulsivity was having an

effect on every aspect of my life, it was time to do something about this. I watched my psychiatrist flip through my school records from high school and middle school, and the survey my mom, myself and my girlfriend all had to fill out about me. “Yup. Looks like you’re combined type ADHD. “You’re hyperactive and inattentive,” he finally said. I finally had an answer! I stopped fidgeting for half a second. I then kept fidgeting as I listened to him describe the symptoms and the treatment options, along with what Disability Support Services could do to help me. *** Something my psychiatrist mentioned is having a toolbox of sorts, a collection of coping mechanisms. - To read the rest of this column online, visit

This telephone line assists students with any question they may have about the University. LIFE Line is staffed and ready to assist callers Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. After these hours, a voice mail message can be left and will be responded to on the next business day. You can also contact us with your questions via e-mail at

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January 29, 2019

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January 29, 2019


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January 29, 2019



January 29, 2019


Transfer Services Towson names police chief Center opens at TU MARCUS WHITMAN Staff Writer

The Transfer Services Center, a new division within University Admissions, will be launching this semester to provide a dedicated space for prospective students to get course evaluations and advising before they enroll at Towson University. As part of Towson University President Kim Schatzel’s TIGER Way initiative, the Transfer Services Center will continue to help expand areas of the university transfer programs for the benefit of the students, faculty, staff and community. Led by University Admissions Associate Director Alicia Arkell-Kleis, the program will be designed to help make the transfer process easier for students. “Many of us on the transfer team have been working with students for many, many years, so we are excited that President Schatzel has put this as priority for us, for the University,” ArkellKleis said. The center, which will be located on the third floor of the Enrollment Services building, will have transfer evaluators and an academic advisor in order to act as a resource center for incoming students. “It’s really more of a comprehensive set of services, an array of services that we are trying to provide,” Arkell-Kleis said. “Many of the services will be virtual.” Arkell-Kleis explained that students would be able to interact with the site by doing things like scheduling appointments. According to Sean Welsh, Towson’s Director of Media and News, students come from a variety of places with different needs and interests. “Any expansions to the services we provide to students joining TU are with the students in mind, first and foremost,” Welsh said. “We pride ourselves as an

institution with helping them find a rewarding experience here at TU.” Welsh added that there are other support programs already in place to help transfer students become familiar with TU such as the Transfer Mentor Program. “We offer the Transfer Mentor Program, which is a volunteer initiative that our faculty and staff participate in to provide our non-traditional students a familiar face to help them adjust to life at TU,” Welsh said. The conversion of the former Marriott property into the Residences at 10 West Burke Avenue was another step towards helping transfer students experience the “robust on-campus lifestyle that our resident students enjoy,” Welsh said. Word is spreading about Towson’s willingness to accommodate transfer students. Gurudeepak Marwah, who will transfer to Towson University for the spring 2019 semester, heard great things about Towson University that spurred his decision to change schools. “I heard a lot of good things about the education, and all my friends go here and told me a lot of good things,” Marwah said. Marwah also found the transfer process seamless. “The process was very helpful, and very well organized and simple,” he/ she said. Though she has not yet had much contact with the transfer center, College of Health Professions Advisor Lauren Zanta said she feels the program is a great idea. “As the central advisor for the College of Health professions, I work closely with the Central Academic Advising office,” Zanta said. “A lot of students are looking for help. I am hoping that the new Transfer Services Center will be able to help with that.”

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

The new Transfer Services Center, opening this semester, will be moving into the third floor of the Enrollment Services building.

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

The Public Safety Building, located across the street from Burdick Hall, houses the office for the Chief of Police. As chief, Herring hopes to increase department transparency to ckeep building community trust. MARY-ELLEN DAVIS News Editor @Mel_Davis_1998

Towson University recently announced that it has named the new Chief of Police following a national search to fill the role of the campus’ public safety official after the retirement of TU’s last chief. Bernard Gerst, Towson’s previous chief of police, retired in July of 2018 after serving the university for 17 years. Col. Charles “Joe” Herring, who had been acting as the interim chief, will be taking over the role as chief. “I was, obviously, pleasantly surprised and excited to have the role,” Herring said. “I’ve been here for 17 years, and I enjoy working with the community and look forward to continuing in that role.” Herring, who has been a member of the police force for 42 years, is in charge of overseeing day-to-day operations of the different departments under him. “I have two bureau commanders, which are captains, and a division commander who’s a lieutenant,” Herring said. “Then, also under the office of public safety I have environmental health and safety which has its own director and staff.” Herring will also oversee the Access Control and Emergency Preparedness departments in his role as chief. “The men and women here that make up the police department are 100 percent dedicated to this campus,” Herring said. “I watch them everyday, and I watch them sacrifice and put the campus in front of their personal needs.” As the interim chief, Herring worked alongside campus leadership as a member of the President’s Council, and will continue to do so as the Chief of Towson’s Police Department. “When I arrived, I added the

TU Police Chief to the President’s Council, seeing a need for this important public safety perspective in conversations and decision making,” Towson University President Kim Schatzel said in a statement. “And as chief, Col. Herring will continue to serve in this capacity.” Before his time with the TUPD, Herring spent 21 years serving with the Baltimore County Police Department, along with other departments. Though his role was more along the operations side, he feels his experiences with BCPD helped prepare him for his role at Towson by giving him experiences to draw upon. “I try and learn something every day and certainly I’ve been in the profession now for about 43 years,” Herring said. “I’ve been fortunate enough to learn quite a bit and hope to continue learning.” During his time as chief, Herring plans to continue improving the

transparency of the police department while he serves as chief because he feels it is an important factor in building trust between officers and the community. “I believe the department always was transparent but I want to increase that as much as I can,” said Herring. “I want the public to understand what we do, how we do it and why we do it.” Juior and Nursing student Alison Keelan hopes to see the department improve the quality of incidence reports. “I want to see incident reports with more people thouroghly questioned all the way through,”said Keelan. Herring also promotes an open door policy in the hopes that Towson community members feel they can always reach out if they need to. “I’m really happy to continue to serve the community here, and I’m happy to sit down and talk to anyone,” Herring said.

Courtesey of Towson University

Col. Charles “Joe” Herring will take over the roll of Chief of Police for TU’s Police Department after Bernard Gerst’s retirement.

10 January 29, 2019

A Towerlight timeline

Grant to help establish cyber education center The Towerlight looks back at 2018 news KERI LUISE Assistant News Editor @keri_luise

Towson University was awarded a $500,000 grant from the Maryland Department of Commerce through the Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative (MEI) to create a cyber education and research center on campus. This is TU’s first E-Nnovation grant, which will be combined with a significant private contribution to establish the Towson University E-Nnovation Endowed Professorship. MEI, now in its fourth year, is a Maryland state program created to enhance basic and applied research in scientific and technical fields at the state colleges and universities. Towson was one of four Maryland schools to be awarded funds from this $6.7 million endowment for new research professorships. Others included Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), The University of Maryland, College Park and Washington College. In the Department of Commerce’s press release, Acting Secretary Kelly Schulz said that Maryland Commerce is proud to support the work being done at state institutions. “Maryland’s Colleges and Universities are responsible for the groundbreaking research and discoveries that help make Maryland a top-ranked state for innovation,” Schulz said. Towson University senior cyber security program Daniel Elice believes the grant will continue to help Towson better its program by allowing the university to purchase state of the art equipment and provide for faculty and staff to continue program growth. “Cyber security is constantly evolving and the grant will allow TU to stay up-todate with the new threats we face each day, and to better prepare students for the workforce,” Elice said. This MEI professorship grant

award will provide critical resources to an exceptional faculty member in TU’s Department of Computer and Information Sciences (CIS) who will lead the creation of a world-class Cyber Education and Research Center. It will also help fund The Center for Cybersecurity Education and Research, which will be aimed at working to pursue novel solutions to the cyber challenges of today and tomorrow, encourage innovative lines of research and discovery, develop solutions to the cyber workforce crisis, and engage in opportunities for technology commercialization. “The new center for cyber security education and research will allow our students and professors to stay on the cutting edge of cyber security,” said Mazlow Cohen, President of the TU Software Engineering Club. Sean Welsh, Towson’s director of media and news, said that TU has one of the first four ABET-Certified cyber security programs in the world and that the grant will “help us continue to provide top-notch education for a field in need of talented graduates. Despite coming in as a freshman with no prior computer programming or cyber security experience, TU’s cyber security program has prepared Elice to be an active member in the workforce after college. “As a senior now, I feel that the cyber security program taught me exactly what I need to know as I prepare for my first job after graduation,” Elice said. Cohen also believes that Towson’s Cyber Security program has prepared students for successful careers, and feels that the university has emerged as a leader in the cyber security space. “I think even with our cyber security program’s success, the cyber security field is evolving every day,” Mazlow said. “Our cyber security program will need to anticipate the trends so that we can prepare our students for the cyber security of the future.”

Courtesey of Towson University

A $500,000 MEI grant will help TU build its cyber security program.

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

The new science complex started to rise from the ground next to the 7800 building after its ground breaking ceremony in April 2018. Enrollment and Diversity Increase 2018’s freshman class was the largest, most diverse incoming class in Towson’s history. Of the 12,767 applications, 9,436 people were admitted and 3,012 of them enrolled. 46 percent of the incoming class was comprised of racial and ethnic minorities, and about 19 percent of the 2018 freshmen were first-generation college students. The average weighted GPA of the freshman was a 3.61, making them one of the most academically prepared classes as well. There were also approximately 2,200 transfer students making their way onto Towson’s campus, along with 750 graduate students. In total, there were roughly 22,750 students enrolled at Towson in the fall of 2018. Campus Construction At the beginning of 2018, one of the many construction landmarks came to a close. Burdick Hall was finally done being renovated. It was followed by the completion of the Residence Tower renovations being finished. These projects were just the beginning of something bigger. In 2018, ground was broken on the new science complex, which can be seen rising from its hole next to the 7800 building along York Road. The building will have many different types of classrooms and collaborative student spaces, as well as a rain garden, planetarium and observatory. The first phase of the University Union renovations also began in 2018. This phase will look to add an expansion onto the existing portion of the Union, and is set to be completed in the fall of 2020. The second phase, to be completed in 2021, will include a complete renovation of the existing space. When it is completed, the Union will include a 300 seat theater, and new dining options such as Dunkin Donuts. The former Marriott building was

also renovated and turned into housing for transfer students. Going into 2019, students can expect even more activity on campus, as Glen Dining Hall has been closed for renovations while other projects continue. Announcement of New Branding In 2018, Towson University President Kim Schatzel announced that TU will be getting a logo makeover. The new brand mark is the first in over 20 years, and is part of her “TU Matters to Maryland” initiative. Schatzel hopes that the new look will help tell a new Towson story to those in the community; one that says the university is no longer just a small, largely commuter, teacher preparation college, but something much more. The logo can now be seen on the Towson website, and will be moving onto apparel and into email signatures a little later in 2019. AEPi Brothers Assault In April of 2018, members of the Jewish Fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi, were allegedly assaulted and harassed near campus while walking back to one of the victims homes from uptown Towson. The fraternity members had been called anti-semitic slurs, and were physically assaulted after being fol-

lowed. The suspects reportedly punched the first victim in the face. After calling 911 and yelling for help, the victim’s roommate came outside and attempted to separate the altercation before also being punched. The suspects, according to police reports, were “highly intoxicated” and “uncooperative.” Schatzel addressed the event with a statement on TU’s website, saying that “hateful conduct is inexcusable and will not be tolerated at Towson University.” Tree of Life November of 2018 began with a candlelight vigil in memory of those lost in the Pittsburgh Massacre that took the lives of 11 people in the Tree of Life Synagogue. Hosted by TU Hillel and Chabad House, the vigil began with a lighting of candles which was quickly followed by speeches from various members of the community, including Rabbi Mendi Rivkin. “The answer to hate, the answer to darkness, is to add more light,” Rivkin said in response to the incident. Hit and Run 2018 ended as Towson community members mourned the loss of Mzimazisi “Mzi” Ncube at a candlelight vigil. The TU student was killed in a hit and run accident. A sophomore pre-accounting major and new member of the Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity, Ncube transferred to TU from West Virginia University. Ncube was struck by a vehicle while crossing North Charles Street. The car sped away, and Ncube was struck by another vehicle. The second driver stopped and called 911. Ncube was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Police later identified the suspect as Bahadur Gurung. -Compiled by Mary-Ellen Davis

File photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

The 2018 semester closed as Towson mourned the loss of Mzimazisi “Mzi” Ncube at a vigil after he was killed in a hit and run accident.


January 29, 2019


14 January 29, 2019

Towson’s Best

Towson’s Best Best on-campus bathroom: Liberal Arts One of the newer buildings on campus, the Liberal Arts building, which opened in 2011, has some of the nicest bathrooms on campus. With there being bathrooms on all levels of the five-floor building, there is a high chance the bathroom will not be crowded. The Liberal Arts bathroom stalls also close, not leaving a crack of light between you and the outside world. They also have nice Dyson hand-dryers and are located in a convenient spot of camBrendan Felch/ The Towerlight pus close to the library and the University Union. The Liberal Arts building boasts the best bathrooms on camIf you’re looking for a nice, clean, less-crowded pus, containing restrooms on all five floors of the building. place to do your business, the Liberal Arts building is likely your best bet!


Best fast food: Chick-fil-A When it comes to getting a quick bite to eat on campus, students can rely on the Chick-fil-A station, located within University Union’s Susquehanna dining area. The station currently has limited food choices, serving only chicken sandwiches, nuggets and fries (each with different size options), however the speed and quality of the food makes it a popular choice for students here at Towson. The station has a grab-and-go method, where rather than waiting for specific orders to be placed, Chick-filA’s staffers just continuously make food, placing them on warmers for students to grab as they desire. This is definitely the place to go on campus when you’re short on time yet want something warm and ready-made. Bonus points for the Chick-fil-A sauce you can pick up at any of the registers as you check out.


Best place to Best ongoing construction project: Union park: Union

Often thought of as the university’s living room and the heart of campus, students are most excited for the expansion and renovation of the University Union out of all ongoing construction projects. Students look forward to a more open, inviting, spacious layout of the Union, providing more room for less crowded places to chill and hang out in between classes and more opportunities to grab a quick bite to eat. There will be a new food market in the new and improved Union with food venues like Chick-fil-A and Dunkin Donuts. The 85,000 square feet expansion of the Union is expected to be completed in the fall of 2020 and renovations are slated for completion in fall of 2021.

Best residence hall: Millenium Are you tired of living in the traditional dorm, but aren’t ready to move off campus? Check out Millennium Hall. These on-campus apartments are sure to have you sleeping comfortably in no time. These apartments come fully furnished, and everyone gets their own bedroom. Though your bathroom may not be totally private since you have to share with your housemates, the fully equipped kitchen totally makes up for it. With a fridge, dishwasher, microwave and full size electric stove and oven, you no longer have to worry about a meal plan. That is, if you don’t want to. Meal plans can still be convenient if you live in Millenium, especially if you’re looking to try out that omelette station in West Village. Millenium also has study lounges on each floor, and laundry facilities on site. We also can’t forget that it is, like all residence halls on campus, OneCard secure.

Best shuttle route: Black Let’s face it. We’ve all had days where we walk all the way across campus and end up completely wiped out from the hike. Instead of walking between buildings, which can also be a trek depending on where you’re headed, you can simply hop on the shuttle. Which one’s the best? TU’s Black Express Route. Though the Gold Route also goes around campus, the Black Express Route only goes around the core of campus, dropping you off at the stop closest to your next destination without taking you to the stadium and through West Village. It is by far the fastest way to get from place to place if you don’t want to walk, if it’s raining or simply too darn far to make it to your next class on time by any other method. Next time you’re in a hurry, hop on the shuttle and make your way across campus in time for that class you simply can’t miss again.

Out of all the places to park on campus, the Union Garage is the one location that you’ll have the best chance of getting relatively convenient parking. Located in the center of campus, this garage holds two entrances, with both leveled and rooftop parking. Although students cannot park here without a “CORE” parking permit (which is only obtainable if you have at least 30 credits under your belt), the garage allows those who park there to have a fair walking distance from either end of campus. Additionally, it’s attachment to the University Union makes it more convenient for students who frequent that building. The Union Garage does fill up near the middle of the day, however, the frequent flow of students arriving and leaving campus allows for there to be a better likelihood of finding parking here.

January 29, 2019

Towson’s Best


Towson’s Best

Best men’s head coach: Rob Ambrose A man who preaches loyalty to Towson University, Head Football Coach Rob Ambrose entered his tenth season believing his team was far better than the tenth place conference preseason prediction they were given. Ambrose proved the “experts” wrong when the Tigers raced out to a 6-1 start to the season as Towson climbed into the top-10 national rankings. Led on offense by redshirt junior quarterback Tom Flacco and redshirt junior running back Shane Simpson, Towson had the most efficient offense in the conference and reached the playoffs for the first time since 2013. Ambrose isn’t lacking in passion for Towson and you see that in his players’ rendition of the “Hail Towson!” after victories and during the playoff selection special this past season. A former player and assistant coach at Towson, Ambrose sets a high standard for commitment.


Best venue: SECU

One of the newest buildings on campus, SECU Arena opened in the fall of 2013 and is the home of Towson’s volleyball, gymnastics and men’s and women’s basketball programs. With a seating capacity of 5,200, SECU Arena is also the perfect venue for hosting concerts and commencements. The entire venue is Wifi accessible, boasts two ATMs, a hospitality room which hosts boosters and donor before basketball games, a multipurpose room and a modern videoboard system that makes viewing events here a must if you’re at Towson. The bathrooms are always clean and provide both hand dryers and paper towel dispensers which shows the university’s efforts toward a greener campus and their desire to ensure every visitor to SECU Arena is satisfied. With numerous parking lots within a short walking distance to the arena, fans don’t have to worry about a difficult commute in or out of SECU. As the rest of the campus undergoes construction over the next few years, look to SECU Arena as an example of the future of Towson University.

File photo by Alexis Brown/ The Towerlight

Redshirt junior quarterback Tom Flacco was named 2018 CAA Offensive Player of the Year.

Best male athlete: Tom Flacco

In his first season as starting quarterback for the Tigers, redshirt junior quarterback Tom Flacco helped to spark an offense that finished the regular season first in the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) in passing yards and scoring. Flacco finished the season with 3,251 yards and 28 touchdowns passing along with 742 yards and four touchdowns rushing. Flacco was named CAA Offensive Player of the Year and finished fifth for the Walter Payton Award for National Player of the Year. The younger brother of Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco, Tom has gained local and national attention for his strong season that helped Towson reach the playoffs for the first time since 2013.

Best local team: Wash- Best female athlete: Kionna Jeter ington Capitals The Washington Capitals captured their first Stanley Cup Championship in June and the impact of their success is seen on campus every day. During their playoff run in the spring of 2018, countless students could be seen roaming campus wearing Caps jerseys, shirts and hats. Football reigns supreme in Baltimore so when Ravens season ends, there is a desire for fans to turn to a sport before baseball season begins, and that is where the Capitals come in. Having reached the playoffs in 10 of the last 11 seasons, the Capitals have been a consistent team of success while the Orioles and Ravens have gone through peaks and valleys over the last decade. Their energetic captain Alex Ovechkin continues to lead the league in goal scoring despite being in his mid-30s. Winger T.J. Oshie is a fan favorite after his heroic performance for Team USA in the 2014 Olympics. The Capitals also have a slew of younger players such as Evgeny Kuznetsov, Andre Burakovsky and Jakub Vrana who can ensure that this team will continue their winning ways for years to come with hopes of more Stanley Cups on the way.

Kionna Jeter has made a monumental impact for Towson, averaging 21.8 points per game on a staggering 46 percent shooting from the field. Oh, and she’s only a redshirt sophomore. Jeter joined the Tigers in June after a strong season at Gulf Coast State College in Panama, Florida

where she averaged 19.8 points per game, 6.9 rebounds and 2.1 assists. Head Coach Diane Richardson described her as a “prolific scorer” heading into the season and she certainly hasn’t disappointed, scoring a season-high 32 points in just the third contest of the season.

Jeter’s high production has helped the Tigers achieve an 11-6 record so far this season, already marking an improvement from the team’s nine wins last year. She has also made a strong impression on the defensive side of the court, averaging over three steals per game this season.

File photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Redshirt sophomore guard Kionna Jeter is averaging a team-high 21.8 points per game.

16 January 29, 2019

Towson’s Best

Towson’s Best

Best place to study: Cook Library Finding a quiet and calm place to study on campus couldn’t be easier, thanks to Cook Library. The facility has various study spaces to choose from, depending on a person’s needs. Located in the main entrance to Cook Library is Starbucks, where students can study while listening to smooth jazz and indulging in the latest seasonal coffee flavors. This location is most useful for those studying in pairs or groups, since the expectation of silence is low. The library has lobby areas on each floor that contain tables students can gather at. These tables have outlets attached, making these areas ideal for those using their own technology. The actual book areas of the libraries also house tables for group meetings, and each aisle is also lined with individual computers and desks for those looking to study solo. For more silence, students can seek out the individual study cubbies located on the bottom levels of the library. For those who need additional resources, closed-off group study areas are available on each floor of the library as well, where each group cubby contains a Mac computer, white board and meeting table.

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Greene Turtle is open seven days a week from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m., offering a convenient late night bar.

Best bar: Greene Turtle Yes. Absolutely. The Towerlight agrees. Greene Turtle is within walking distance (which is SO important. Don’t drink and drive!) and close to other fine Towson establishments (which we’re just not gonna name right now). Turtle has a killer rooftop bar (with heat lamps and fire pits) that lets you enjoy a crowd without feeling crowded, because of the open air. Yeah, going to a bar is a little pricey. But Turtle has a hilarious “Turtle Bouncers” Twitter, some cool Towson-specific shirts and the great, but risky, “Twofer Tuesday.”

Best Chinese food: Best academic build- Towson Best ing: Liberal Arts One of the newer buildings on campus, the Liberal Arts building, which opened in 2011, has some of the nicest bathrooms on campus. With there being bathrooms on all levels of the five-floor building, there is a high chance the bathroom will not be crowded. The Liberal Arts bathroom stalls also close, not leaving a crack of light between you and the outside world. They also have nice Dyson hand-dryers and are located in a convenient spot of campus close to the library and the University Union. If you’re looking for a nice, clean, less-crowded place to do your business, the Liberal Arts building is likely your best bet!

Best dining hall: WVC Let’s give a big round of applause to West Village Commons (WVC). Despite all the renovations made to Newell Dining Hall and Au Bon Pain’s delicious assortment of sandwiches and salads, WVC was voted the best dining hall on campus. Some of you may be wondering how, but let’s be real here, with an open layout, big windows and a multitude of made-to-order food stations, it’s no surprise that it’s the first place winner of best dining hall of 2019. Some of WVC’s other amazing features include an all day omelette bar for those of us who don’t like to eat breakfast in the morning and a pretty sweet salad bar for people looking to get in their greens (or pasta salad because that counts as salad too). And let’s not forget the dessert bar. That thing is always loaded with some of the best treats around.

Best place to work out: Burdick


Apparently, Towson Best really is Towson’s best! Towson Best Chinese food has a wide variety of options including sushi, fried rice, chow mein, vegetarian-friendly options and more! Conveniently located on York Road, Towson Best is only a four minute drive from campus, allowing for quick delivery or carry out. You can even order online! Towson Best is a student-selected favorite for some fresh hot chinese food to be delivered to your dorm for a nice dinner before a long study sesh!

Best Mexican food: Chipotle

Towson Tigers love Chipotle! From their classic burritos and burrito bowls to quesadillas and tacos, your Mexican food cravings will be cured with a quick trip to Towson’s Chipotle locations. Luckily, Towson students have two Chipotle locations each less than a mile away - one on Goucher Boulevard and one on York Road, so fresh and healthy burrito bowls will only ever be at arms’ reach! Just remember, the guacamole is extra!

Best pizza spot: Lotsa What can I say? Lotsa is popular. If you ask, most people will tell you to get your pizza from Lotsa. Located Uptown right down the street from The Green Turtle (but on the opposite side), it’s perfect for any occasion. Got a date? Take them to Lotsa. Had a drink or two and are craving pizza? Lotsa is right there. Looking to stay in but don’t know what to get? Order Lotsa. It’s the answer to everything. Signature classics like the Bianca or the Carnivore are sure to get your mouth watering, and if they don’t there’s no reason to fret. You can build your own stone-fired pizza from a wide array of pizza doughs, sauces and toppings. Heck, they even have a gluten free

Now that the new and improved version of Burdick has been open for a year, we can officially say that students like it more than other gyms in the area. Yeah, there have been hiccups along the way, like that time it flooded, but all in all it’s a pretty great place to get those gains. There’s no shortage of cardio machines, the weights are spread out across the entire first floor making it easy to pick what you want to work on and most of the second floor is dedicated to fitness studios and dynamic training areas. But wait, there’s more! It also has a bottom floor with a heavy bag room and a cycling studio. On top of that, the bottom floor is home to the different courts where members of the Towson community can be seen playing sports like badminton and volleyball. And all the basketball courts are still there, tucked away behind the locker rooms.


Best breakfast spot: THB

If you’re looking for a breakfast place with variety in food and drinks, look no further than Towson’s Hot Bagels (THB). THB stays true to its name, offering a bevy of bagels, sandwiches, salads and even muffins. I strongly recommend an egg and cheese bagel sandwich. Not only are they warm and filling, but they’re pretty sizeable too so you can save them for lunch. The store, located near the roundabout at the center of Towson, provides comfortable seating as well and is a great casual dining spot. If you’re in the mood for a drink to boost your day, you can enjoy one of THB’s caffeinated beverages too.

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight Burdick Hall has a fitness center, open over 100 hours per week.


January 29, 2019


18 January 29, 2019

Arts & Life

TU’s effect on the film industry MEG HUDSON Staff Writer

Towson University alumni are taking the film industry by storm. Projects such as “The Haunting of Hill House,” directed by former TU student Mike Flanagan, have earned their fair share of attention within the past year. However, it is “Butterfly Kisses,” starring alum Rachel Armiger, that has seen the most recent success. The film, which debuted in October of last year, is a horror film that takes a look at a film-

Armiger has found success through years of consistent persistence. After her time at Towson, Armiger moved to Los Angeles, where she freelanced, working on various projects coast to coast. “It's kind of the nature of the industry,” Armiger shared. “I think eventually I’ll want a regular job, a nine to six at a studio or something, but for now I think freelance is the smart decision to meet more people and work on a lot of cool projects.” Armiger’s life in Los Angeles is quite the juxtaposition to her previ-

camera” to improve upon her understanding of the production world and better herself as an actress. She was originally a theatre major at Harford Community College, where she participated in more “backstage” work. “It just turned out that I liked [theatre production] and ended up working a little bit more behind the camera,” Armiger said. “I like that it gives you a lot more freedom and creativity, at least in my perspective.” When deciding which university would be best for pursuing her newly found interest in filmmaking,

Make sure to let people know what it is that you want to do... whatever it is, it’s the only way that people are able to help you if they see an opportunity come up.”

RACHEL ARMIGER, TU EMF ALUM maker’s discovery of tapes from a creepy student film project. Armiger starrs as the student who conducted the film project, leaving behind a string of mysterious and frightening tapes she made in trying to conduct her own case on a peeping Tom story. Since it’s premiere, “Butterfly Kisses” has obtained various notable mentions from stations like WJZ. Success, however, does not come simply. Dedicated to her work,

ous time in Jarrettsville, Maryland. She shared that coming from a small town to a well-known city was definitely something new and exciting, and that despite the huge change, she’s grown to love the west coast. “It’s actually going to be three years in a few days,” Armiger said about her time in California. “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Starting off in the theatre world, Armiger only ventured “behind the

Armiger shared that Towson was the most obvious choice. “To me, at the time, and probably even now, I feel like it’s the film school of Maryland,” Armiger said. Towson seeks to engage students and share media via unconventional methods, an attractive quality to the modern film enthusiast. While at Towson, Armiger shared that her teachers served as a driving force behind her immediate

Courtesy of Rachel Armiger

Armiger gets direction and prepares for one of her individual scenes in “Butterfly Kisses.” The film, which premiered in October 2018, served as Armiger’s first official film credit as an actress.

Courtesy of Rachel Armiger

Armiger takes a break from working the carpet at the Screen Actor’s Guild Awards (SAG) in California to pose for a photo op. success post-graduation. “One was my professors was Ana Cetina,” Armiger said. “She was my audio teacher, and she was really awesome. She actually gave me one of my first internship opportunities in video; she was always very supportive.” Armiger also shared that Professor Rhett Murphy and current EMF chairperson Michael Angelella always supported her writing. “She was one of the most fully-engaged and joyful students I've ever had in EMF,” Angelella said. “Right from the start, I saw the fire inside her. She soaked up everything I could teach her about storytelling and scriptwriting, and wrote scripts that showed great promise. You could tell she was determined to make her way in this field, and to smile and have fun while doing it.” Murphy believed in Armiger’s skills so much that he offered her a job at his own business. “I own a commercial production and post-production company, RedWhoosh Productions,” Murphy said. “I knew Rachel was looking for some hands-on-camera experience, so I hired her to work on some jobs with me. She’s a real talent. I knew she would be destined for bigger and more creative things in that narrative filmmaking world.” Having graduated in 2014 as an electronic media and film major from Towson, Armiger has been able to maintain a surprising consistency of work, even currently being a part of another production, with possible future projects “in the pipeline.” “It’s what I love doing so hon-

estly, when I’m not working, I just can’t wait to get on the next project because I’m somebody that just enjoys working,” she said. Armiger revealed that “Butterfly Kisses” was actually an older project of hers, having filmed it in 2015. According to her, “things just take a little more time to edit and lock down” in the Indie film industry, which is why the film wasn’t released until three years later. Despite her success as an actress, Armiger has since shifted gears from acting to producing. “Given the opportunity I would probably do some more acting, but at the moment it’s just not my main focus,” Armiger said. With 2018’s many social movements, from Me Too to Time’s Up, pay and gender inequality remain issues often discussed in connection with the film industry. Armiger says that she considers herself very lucky to have personally not experienced any inhibiting situations. “I have had a lot of people willing to help me out, and just support me, and just give me opportunities on different projects,” Armiger said. “I think that’s a really nice thing, and that’s what I love about the film community.” Having been a part of the film industry for four years post graduation, Armiger offered up some advice to current EMF students as they venture into the working world. “Make sure to let people know what it is that you want to do,” Armiger said. - To read the rest of this article online, visit

eArts & Life

January 29, 2019


This season’s bringing 80s back KERRY INGRAM Arts & Life Editor @Glaminista08

Happy spring semester, TU Tigers! I’m sure you’re tired of hearing the same clichés that come with the start of a new semester/year/lifestyle, so I will spare you the “I can’t believe it’s already…” for another time. “New” years and “new” semesterly schedules are not really new after all. They are regular things we anticipate, and they each are things we have some vague idea about, prior to them actually occurring. A new year equals another 365 days to attempt to reach a goal and not eff up anymore than we have already. A new semester means getting back into gear for studying and hanging out with college friends. Despite this, both still bring excitement and anticipation for what’s to come. The same can be said for this season’s fashion and beauty trends. spring 2019 is all about bringing modern twists to old favorites, and I’m excited to see how that translates as the months go on. Below is my compilation of the top 10 trends for college that I think will make for another stylish semester at TU. FASHION: -Yellow: This color is continuing it’s takeover! Yellow has been the go-to hue for adding brightness to any outfit, and I personally think it’s one of the few colors to actually make you feel just as bright. From makeup to casual tees, yellow is the color to continue donning, so you can look just as sunny as the spring weather we’re looking forward to. -Biker shorts: One of the most embarrassing facts about me is that at the ripe age of 22, I still have never ridden a bike (insert cringe emoji here). My lack of normal experiences isn’t going to keep me from rocking this trend, however. Biker shorts are the best of both worlds - they allow you to style outfits that are cute and trendy without you having to showcase half your anatomy in the process. Getting them in solid colors amps up their usefulness - when in doubt, pair these babies with a loose-fitted tee and stylish sneakers and you’ve got yourself a foolproof outfit. Just stay away from denim biker shorts; “jorts” are still the haunting ugly trend of years past.

-Neon: Fashion has been making many nods to the 90s for a while, and now it’s getting inspired by a different decade. 80s neon is back and popping, with fluorescent and slime-like colors being found in modern-day silhouettes. This trend is definitely not for the faint at heart, but I can see it being a fun prequel to summer 2019, as the temperatures start to get warmer. -Ruching: Finally, we’re having fun with fabrics. Ruched dresses and tops are going to be a big occurence come spring. This trend, although a good one, could make or break an outfit. I recommend straying away from ruching found in cotton shirts and striving for more upgraded fabrics, like chiffon or tulle. -Snake print: When I was little, I went shoe shopping with my dad and begged him to get me a pair of snake-printed ankle boots. I thought they were the most stylish, adult-like thing ever and my little murmured heart wanted them to the point where I felt like any other shoe was a waste of my time. I can’t say I got those shoes (it was a very upsetting shoe-shopping trip), but I can say I was ahead of my time. Snake print is the latest animal print to make waves in fashion, and when done tastefully, it’s actually pretty cool. If the idea of repping reptiles scares you, stick to accessories like a loose scarf or bag...or ankle make it more wearable. BEAUTY: -90s hair accessories: The 80s may be taking over our closets, but the 90s are still here to take over our hair! 90s hairstyles are still trending, but it’s the hair accessories that will be stealing the spotlight this spring. From scrunchies to butterfly clips, the 90s are still all that (at least as far as our hair goes). -Glossy lips: I’M SHOOK ABOUT THIS! Once again, the beauty community is collectively putting matte lipsticks in the passenger’s seat while gloss takes full control of our pouts. Lil’ Mama said it best - lip gloss is, in fact, poppin’. -Soft contour: Rather than doing full-beats this season, makeup is taking a more natural approach. Soft contouring and less complexion products are going to be the look this spring, which I’m 100 percent behind. Ditch the heavy foundations, creams and

bronzers and let your skin truly flourish this semester. -Shimmer over glitter: If you’ve been reading Trendy Tiger for a while, you know how I feel about glitter. It’s one of the few things I could never get enough of! Despite this, I’m really interested in the more muted makeup trend of shimmer that’s happening this season. Shimmer allows you to still have a glowy and glam look, but without being too bold. Anything this universal is sure to be a trend worth wearing. -Unconventional eyeliner: On the flip side, eyeliner is going to be the boldest people get with their makeup this season. From odd shapes to bright colors, the way we define our eyes will tell a lot about how far we’re willing to go towards more futuristic looks. This won’t be a trend for an 8 a.m. class, but it could work for a night out in Towson.

Courtesy of

Fashion Nova, an online retailer, offers an assortment of neon and biker-style clothing, making these trends more accessible.

January 2019 15 January 29, 29, 2019 20

Puzzles Puzzles

Crossword Sudoku

? ?

See page 22 for answers to this week’s




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January 29, 2019


Hot Shooting sparks comeback for TU Towson outscores CAA foe Delaware 42-26 in second half to snap losing streak TIM KLAPAC Sports Editor

A tale of two halves turned into a tale of two free throws as Towson pulled off a 64-63 comeback win over the Delaware Blue Hens after Delaware sophomore guard Ryan Allen missed two free throws with 1.1 seconds remaining. The Tigers (6-14, 2-5 CAA) trailed the Blue Hens (13-8, 5-3 CAA) by as many as 18 and went into halftime down 15 before catching fire in the second half. “Our shot selection was bad in the first half so I thought our guys did better the second half in spacing and sharing the ball and get-

ting good shots,” said Head Coach Pat Skerry. “Your energy increases and good things start to happen.” Junior guard Brian Fobbs led the Tigers with 13 points and seven rebounds. Towson’s bench fueled the rally, outscoring the Blue Hens 23-15.Junior guard Tobias Howard added 10 points as well. “He had a really good second half for us and I was impressed with his defensive energy,” Skerry said. “He really helps elevate our team.” In the second half, it felt as if Towson couldn’t miss as the Tigers shot 69 percent from the field while Delaware only managed to shoot 32 percent. Senior forward Alex Thomas

played the role of hero in this game as his jumper with 22 seconds left put Towson ahead for good. Thomas, one of only two seniors on the team, has been battling an injury that forced him to miss the last two games. “Alex was instrumental on Saturday night,” Skerry said. “It’s a rallying cry when a guy plays through injury like he did.” This was Towson’s seventh straight win over the Blue Hens and ended the Tigers’ six-game losing streak. The Tigers look to build upon this win in their next contest at home against Northeastern Thursday night at SECU Arena. Game time is set for 7 p.m.

File photo by Liam Beard/ The Towerlight

Junior guard Brian Fobbs throws up a floater in a game earlier this season. Fobbs leads the team in socring with 16 points per game.

Tigers return home atop conference Jeter and Mayo lead the way as Towson holds first place for first time in history BROOKS WARREN Staff Writer

The Tigers made history last week as they achieved their best start ever in conference play with victories over Hofstra and College of Charleston before a loss at UNC Wilmington ended their six-game winning streak. Redshirt sophomore guard Kionna Jeter continues to lead the Tigers (11-6, 5-1 CAA) in scoring as she has brought her average up to 21.8 points per game. Jeter dropped 29 points against Hofstra (6-12, 0-6 CAA) as the Tigers used a 24-8 first quarter advantage to coast their way to a 92-68 victory. She was one of three Tigers in double figures as redshirt junior guard Qierra Murray and junior forward Nukiya Mayo contributed 14 and 11 points respectively. Towson earned its sixth straight win in a back-and-forth battle at

the College of Charleston (5-11, “They’re starting to understand 1-4 CAA). that as a team, everybody contributes The 77-61 victory gave Towson whatever way it is,” Richardson said. lone possession of first place in “Together, we can do this and we’ve the conference for the first time in been seeing that from them.” school history. Redshirt senior “It says that we’ve center Maia Lee worked hard and They’re starting to stepped up with they knew that if eight points and 12 understand that as rebounds, includwe put in the work,” said Head Coach a team, everybody ing four offensive Diane Richardson. contributes whatever rebounds. “We got better and The Tigers held way it is. better with our cona seven-point edge fidence.” Diane Richardson after three quarters, Head Coach Jeter’s 26 points, but the Seahawks along with Mayo’s 19 outscored them points and nine rebounds, helped the 21-10 in the fourth. Tigers overwhelm the Cougars in the Despite the loss, Towson remains fourth quarter as Towson outscored in a tie for first place in the CAA Charleston 27-12 in that period. standings along with James Madison The winning streak came to an Next, the Tigers return home to end in a tough road loss to UNC SECU Arena for two games as they Wilmington (11-5, 4-1 CAA) despite face Elon on Friday and William & a combined 48 points from Jeter Mary on Sunday. Game time against and Mayo. Elon is set for 7 p.m.

File photo by Brendan Felch /The Towerlight

Redshirt sophomore guard Kionna Jeter storms up court earlier this season. Jeter has eclipsed 25 points in three straight games.

22 January 29, 2019


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January 29,2019

tu tigers Find takes Their Form Third Tigers prepare for final meets before CAA Championships

JOHN HACK Staff Writer

The Tigers started their 2019 season with a third place finish Friday night at SECU Arena. Towson competed against William & Mary, North Carolina State, and Cornell. The squad started off on the vault and scored a 47.750 after the rotation. The next event for the Tigers was the bars, where they placed an added score of 96.125. The third event was the balance beam, which is where the Tigers took a few stumbles but were able to keep their focus until the meets end. After an exemplary floor exercise routine, Towson received a final score of 191.950. N.C. State scored a 194.600, William & Mary had a 192.625 and Cornell placed last with a score of 191.450. Head Coach Vicki May was proud of her team’s performance to kick off the season, considering the team’s youth and limited experience. “Over 60 percent of our routines are brand new,” May said. May added that she expects the team’s confidence to grow throughout the season as the Tigers continue to add routines into their lineup. Next, the Tigers face off against West Chester University on Feb. 3. Game time at SECU Arena is slated for 2 p.m.

NEXT@ 2/3 HOME 2:00pm

CYAN THOMAS Staff Writer

The Tigers overpowered the Delaware Blue Hens 382-198 Saturday afternoon at Rawstrom Natatorium, combining for 12 first place finishes in a sweep. The men took home first place in the 100-yard backstroke (50.01) and the 100-yard butterfly (47.35) thanks to senior Jack Saunderson. Senior Richard Keller took first in the 400-yard IM with a time of 4:08.29 while senior Andrew Snyder came in second with a time of (4:12.93) Freshman Devin Gaul led the diving portion with victories in both the 1-meter (189.60) and 3-meter (214.00) dives. “These performances are a springboard to championships in February,” said Head Coach Jake Shrum. “It speaks highly of them that they are able to perform like this.” The women continued the dominant performance as junior Meghan Jones (10:32.38) and freshman Meagan Clark (10:34.23) took first and second respectively in the 1000-yard freestyle. Towson swept the 200-yard backstroke as senior Haley Sutton (2:06.02), freshman Gabby Cervone (2:06.76) and freshman Elise Devlin (2:06.94) took the top three positions. “It’s always a big momentum boost when that happens,” Shrum said. “That one was special because Elise and Gabby will compete in this event in the future.” The women had an impressive senior day while the men faltered against Drexel on the team’s first meet of 2019 on Jan. 12 at Burdick Hall. The men lost 169-127 while the women came out victorious with a matching 169-127 score. Coach Shrum was anxious to get back to the regular routine with the team. “At this point our focus is getting

our kids ready for their championship meets,” Shrum said. “First meet coming out of winter break is always tough. We’ve only been back on campus for less than two weeks and shift our training during that time.” For the women, junior Annemarie Schnoor made her mark with wins in the 50-yard freestyle (24.03) and the 100-yard freestyle (51.74). Freshman Meagan Clark clinched the 1000-yard freestyle (10:41.99) while junior Sarah-Margaret Locke captured wins in the 200-yard freestyle (1:54.25) and the 500-yard freestyle (5:07.06). Juniors Meagan Cowan and Jacki Schoening each took two wins for the Tigers. Cowan won the 200-yard butterfly (2:05.80) and the 200-yard individual medley (2:09.00), while Schoening was successful in the 100yard breaststroke (1:03.69) and the 200-yard breaststroke with a time of 2:22.18. Junior Maddi Mangum won the 100yard butterfly (56.04) and senior Emily Wilson rounded out the team with two wins in the 1-meter dive (274.05) and the 3-meter dive (292.43). For the men’s team, juniors Matt Essing, Ryan O’Leary and Owen Robinson along with senior Jack Saunderson won the 200-yard medley relay with a time of 1:31.13. Saunderson and Essing took two solo wins each. Saunderson won in the 100-yard butterfly (47.68) and the 200-yard butterfly (1:46.38). Essing clinched the 50-yard freestyle (20.72) and the 100-yard freestyle (47.42). Sophomore Will Canny also won two events. Canny won the 1-meter dive with a score of 277.65 and the 3-meter dive (310.85). “Will Canny stepped up the biggest, defeating last year’s CAA Diver of the Year on both boards which made the men’s meet much more competitive than last year,” Shrum said. The Tigers next meet is the JMU Diving Invitational on Feb. 2 and 3 in Harrisonburg, VA at the Savage Natatorium.


Crystal Johnson Indoor Track & Field

Freshman Crystal Johnson has started 2019 in grand fashion. After tying the school record in the 60-yard dash at the Navy Lid Lifter in December, Johnson beat the record with a time of 7.57 seconds on day one of the Virginia Tech Invitational on Jan. 11.





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