The Towerlight (Oct. 18, 2016)

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Towson’s campus and community news source

October 18, 2016

Photo By Jordan Cope, Photo Illustration by Jordan Stephenson /The Towerlight


October 18 , 2016




October 18 , 2016

Week of 10/18 - 10/22


Editor-in-Chief Cody Boteler Senior Editor Sam Shelton


News Editor Sarah Rowan Arts & Life Editor Assit. Arts Editors Taylor Deville Kristin Helf Sports Editor Jordan Cope


Staff Writers Lauren Cosca Nick Mason Sydney Douglass Desmond Boyle Alaina Tepper


Bailey Hendricks Theresa Schempp Mary-Ellen Davis Jessica Ricks Sarah Van Wie Amanda Carrol Nicole Shakhnazarova Rohan Mattu

Football Palooza Towsontown Feild 5:00-7:00 p.m. Come down to join fellow sudents and staff for tug-of-war, food, DOC the Tiger, football, and much more fun for this year’s homecoming week!

Marcus Dieterle Senior Staff Writer Nilo Exar Photo Editor Chris Simms Assist. Photo Editor Alex Best



Staff Photographers Cody Boteler Mark Dragon Sam Shelton Stephanie Ranque Video Producer Stacey Coles

Proofreaders Kayla Baines



Alex Best Tyisha Henderson Stephanie Ranque Sarah Rowan Alaina Tepper

Journalistic Objectivity in the Age of Trump University Union, Potomac 6:30 p.m. Hear from professionals--including Towson alum Brian Stelter--and their take on t several factors in the time of a politcal election, especially concerning Donald Trump and his campaign.

Towson Tigers vs. UNH Wildcats Johnny Unitas Stadium 3:30 p.m.

Social Media Etiquette Panel Stephen’s Hall, 310 5:00 p.m.

Learn new ways to be smart on your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media accounts in order to get a better chance at that future job.

Block Party on Bourbon Street West Village 7:00-10:00 p.m. Join in on the annual Towson Homecoming Block Party. This years theme will make you feel as though you are right in Burbon Street in New Orleans.





Come show you support and school spirit for the Tigers in this year’s Homecoming Game!

General Manager Mike Raymond


Art Director Jordan Stephenson


Webmaster Lola Akinleye Circulation Staff Shawn Halerz Nilo Exar Abubakary Kaba Alicia DePasquale

Towson Homecoming

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 (410) 704-5153 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Cllassifieds appear onlline and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2016 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!

On a scale of 1-10, how lit are you gonna be for homecoming? #Towson @trippy_tae12

I was considering going to Towson’s Homecoming but the last Homecoming game I went to as an alum was weak af.


Guess what Tigers? Homecoming has a GeoFilter for the week just for you! Help spread your excitement for Homecoming! @TU_Homecoming

What’s planned for homecoming at Towson on Friday




October 18 , 2016

The internet has Don’t live with the abuse spoken, Ken Bone Your relationship should help, not hurt Media investigate, pass judgement on debate icon DYLAN BRENNAN Columnist

Whatever your political leanings, you cannot disagree that one winner of the second presidential debate was Ken Bone: a man who was relatively unknown but suddenly became an internet sensation within two minutes of asking his question. The fact that his name was a very popular trend on social media even before the debates were over says a lot about the man. Who can say why he became so popular? Maybe because he was such a soft-spoken person? Maybe it’s because he looks like Ned Flanders if he was on “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.” Whatever the case may be, I’m disturbed to report that the same people who brought him to fame are now seeking to bring him to infamy -- and ruin his life. You see, if you get your name in the headlines, especially that fast, people on the internet will vet you whether you know it or not. Many people dug up Bone’s Reddit handle and tracked down everything he said since he joined. His comments over the past few years certainly aren’t as huggable and lovable as he may appear. The one most people seem to be roasting him for is his take on the Trayvon Martin shooting, which he called “justified.” But don’t let this make him sound like a racist, like many misleading media moguls would lead you to think. He has made explicit insults about George Zimmerman, saying he’s a piece of human trash and that the incident should never have gone that far to begin with. He’s also flip-flopped on his stances regarding certain social issues. He acted like a lewd pervert when referring to the hot-button Jennifer Lawrence nude photos, but has said heartwarming sentiments such as this: “Blaming a

victim or assigning a woman value based on how ‘used’ she is will never be anything but disgusting. Your value has not changed due his words, or any assault you have endured. You are still valuable.” There is the chance that maybe he wasn’t even being serious on some of these posts. It is Reddit after all, and some people sensationalize their comments just for attention. That’s not to say all of his political or social views are why people are making fun of him. Many of his personal -- and I mean personal -- things have been reported, such as his fetish for pregnant women. Has our media gotten so low that we take people who got less than fifteen minutes of fame and ruin their reputations forever? Who are we to make fun of this man just because he has a few unusual likes? Doesn’t he deserve privacy? I find it disturbing that within less than a week, the media or internet or whoever made him a star in the first place is now trying to ruin his life. This is an everyday American citizen going about his daily life whose only public accomplishment was asking a question to the future president. He isn’t the one running for president, so why do we have to analyze him with the same fine-tooth comb we drag our candidates through? And clearly he isn’t as bad as some would make him sound. Sure, he has opinions that may differ from yours, but he does deserve decent human dignity and respect. The media should think carefully before bringing personal information into the national spotlight. It seems like typical tabloid journalism (for which people have an endless appetite). I feel that these scathing criticisms of one citizen are completely unwarranted. He didn’t ask to be in the spotlight, and don’t think you’re any better than he is for him having opinions and interests you don’t agree with.

File photo by Chris Simms/ The Towerlight

Wellness peer educators cover the Beach outside Cook Library with 6, 677 purple flags Oct. 7 to represent students who will be affected by relationship violence.

Relationships are tricky. They’re complex, intimate and confusing. They can be calm and warm or wild and exciting or any sticky, sappy combination imaginable. No matter what the relationships in your life are (or have been or can be), they never have to be abusive or unhealthy. October, along with being the spookiest and best-smelling month, is Domestic Violence Awareness month. When we think of abuse, often the first form that comes to mind is physical. Whenever we see an abusive relationship depicted in film, it’s typically someone (usually a woman) being hit by someone (usually a man). Overtime, that’s kind of molded into our general idea of what abuse is. However, this is so far from the truth. Abuse isn’t any one thing. Abuse is controlling. Control manifests in your partner telling you what you can or can’t wear, who you can or can’t hang out with and where you can or can’t go. Think about things like catching your partner reading your text messages. Abuse is coercive. When your partner pressures you into doing something you don’t want to do or threatens you in any way, if your partner pressures

you to have sex after you have said no: these are abusive behaviors. Abuse is oppressive. If your partner talks down to you or tells you that you aren’t good enough. If they get angry with you because you didn’t answer their texts or if they belittle you for doing something that you like, it is abusive. It’s often difficult to identify an abusive relationship from the inside. While these are some examples of red flags that your relationship is unhealthy, the best way to determine if your relationship is right for you is to honestly think about how your partner makes you feel. If you find yourself crying over them or feeling low because of them more often than not, if your relationship is more stressful than it is fun, and if you refrain from doing something important to you because you’re afraid of how your partner will react, then that relationship isn’t healthy. A healthy relationship is one built on trust, respect and support. It’s a bond that allows for open communication, no restrictions and unyielding support. It should build you up and make you feel confident, like you’re capable of anything. You should never change yourself to fit another person’s desired mold. If you feel unappreciated, self-conscious, or afraid because of your relationship, it is time to move on. Admitting that your relationship

isn’t healthy can be damn hard. Your mind is telling you to get the heck out, but your heart hasn’t quite gotten the memo yet. But look, if it doesn’t make you feel good, it isn’t worth your time, your love, or your health. Seriously. Never settle, and never let the impending doom of temporary heartbreak stop you from finding your happiness. Trust me, a few weeks, a couple bottles of wine and about a dozen bags of potato chips can mend a heart like no other. Those weeks are tough, I know. But you are strong and you can do it. You owe it to yourself to be happy, whether that means spending some time alone or finding a partner who truly loves you and wants the best for you. If things escalate or you worry that safety or your health are in danger, don’t hesitate to take action. A good first step can be blocking their means of contact with you. Block them on social media and block their telephone number. If that doesn’t end it, you can get a peace order from the court and get the police involved. I mentioned Turn Around as being a great source for survivors of sexual assault, and it’s also a great source for survivors of relationship violence. Their 24/7 hotline can be reached at 443-279-0379. It is okay to ask for help, and it is okay to put your happiness first.


October 18, 2016


Spooky stories from Towson’s Greek Life It’s October, and I’m incredibly excited for Halloween, so I’ve gathered some very creepy stories from Towson’s Greek community. Let’s get spooky. I’ll start out with one of my own paranormal experiences. There’s Something in the Corner: “It was my freshman year of college. I was asleep in my dorm and woke up to a tight feeling in my chest. My eyes were open, but I couldn’t move my body. It felt like every muscle in my body was paralyzed. Then I felt a very evil presence in my room. I looked across the room to the door and saw a tall, dark figure standing in the corner. I started screaming (or so I thought) and closed my eyes until I was able to fall back asleep some how. When I woke up, I told my roommate about my experience and asked if he had heard me screaming. He said he didn’t hear me at all.” - Brian Whitt, Alpha Epsilon Pi Thanks, Grandma: “So my grandma (dad’s mom) died September of my senior year of high school and after she died, I got her car. It was an ‘08 Honda CRV, so it was pretty new and in really good shape. Whenever I drove it at night, the headlights would sometimes be weird and wouldn’t turn on. We took it in and they ran a bunch of tests on the car but couldn’t find anything wrong with it. We joked that my grandma was haunting the car, but I didn’t actually take it seriously. So one night I was driving back from my friend’s house and the lights just randomly shut off. It was pouring and pitch black outside, and I was on a really dark, winding road, so I pulled over. It was super creepy, but just for the heck of it I decided to talk to my grandma and ask her to turn the lights back on because I was afraid and needed to get home. AND THE LIGHTS TURNED RIGHT ON.” - Perri Burka, Alpha Gamma Delta

You Don’t Mess with a Girl’s Dog: It occurred months ago, but I still think about it sometimes when I’m alone in my house and hear a noise. I had a ton of friends over one summer night, and at some point someone noticed the cheap Ouija board my sister bought from Target. We used it for a while without anything particularly strange hap-

pening. We had several conversations, but there was one that really freaked me out. From the moment we began talking to the spirit, something instantly felt wrong. It felt like there was a presence in the room, like we were being watched. As much as we felt the presence, I believe that my dog felt it even more. As we were using the board, he

jumped up from where he was sitting and ran to our glass sliding door. He began barking ferociously and looked extremely upset. I tried to calm him, and looked outside at my backyard, but absolutely nothing was there (he usually barks at deer or squirrels.) Half-joking, I asked out loud to whoever we were communicating with: “Can my dog see you?”

Instantly, my dog started whining, making the noises that he makes when he is in pain. I shouted “GOODBYE” to the spirit and packed the board away. You don’t mess with a girl’s dog. I haven’t used an Ouija board since. Anyway, enjoy the rest of these supernatural tales from Greeks! Happy almost Halloween, Towson!

Join the Office of Information Security for a

SPECIAL CYBER SECURITY EVENT October 31 | West Village Commons Ballroom | 12:30–4:30 p.m. 12:30 Security Awareness Event Kicks Off: table vendors & security showcase

12:45 Demonstration #1: Live Attack/Defend by James Crumpler ’16, NSA

1:30 Speaker: FBI Supervisory Special Agent Daniel Gray – Recognizing and Combating Cyber Crime

2:35 Demonstration #2: Linux Exploitation by James Crumpler

3:00 Live Hack performed by TU Computer Science students and Professor Mike O’Leary

4:00 Final prize giveaway, table vendors & security showcase

Prizes, including a pair of Ravens tickets and TU merchandise, to be given away throughout the event. Refreshments will be served. Visit for event and schedule details.

Follow TowsonInfoSec for security tips all month long.

Edward V. Badolato Distinguished Speaker Series


October 18 , 2016



October 18, 2016


TKE hazing: first student tried gets probation One of the men charged with hazing and reckless endangerment in an off-campus incident last semester was placed on probation before judgment after a bench trial Monday, Oct. 17. The defendant, Evan Palmer Francis, 21, chose not to address the court. His defense attorney, David Greenbaum, said that Francis was in charge of “risk management” for Towson’s chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon and he was present at an “initiation” March 31. The reckless endangerment charge was dropped. Francis faced up to 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $500 for hazing, which is a misdemeanor in Maryland. Judge Lisa Phelps ordered, in addition to his probation, that Francis have “no contact whatsoever” with the victim, Michael Nanan, 19, so that Nanan could “heal and move on.” When Nanan addressed the court in his victim impact statement, he said “I’m just not the same person I used to be.” Nanan, who apologized for how nervous he was addressing the court, said he used to be outgoing and known for playing rugby.

“I went to bed as the rugby guy,” Nanan said. “I woke up as ‘Bleach Boy.’ My whole life has changed completely. I can’t hang out with my friends.” Nanan said he had to move off-campus because he didn’t feel safe in his residency anymore. “I walk with my head down now,” he said. Greenbaum said that Francis has already completed over 60 hours of community service, is seeking counseling and intends to complete his psychology degree at some point. Francis, the defense said, was suspended from Towson. According to facts submitted to the court and agreed upon by the state and the defense, the events unfolded as follows: At an initiation ritual for Tau Kappa Epsilon on March 31, 2016, pledges were at an off-campus residence. Pledges were made to “perform strenuous exercise” and “recite knowledge of the fraternity.” According to Assistant State’s Attorney Karen Pilarski, when someone got a question wrong, any pledge, but “especially” Nanan was made to drink a “red, oily substance” out of a spray bottle. Francis was present, but was not actively giving any of the pledges the substance. According to the defense, Francis gave some of the pledges water.

Courtesy of Baltimore County Police Department Alexander James Cantor’s trial was rescheduled. Evan Palmer Francis was given probation before judgement. The Towson chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon has been suspended until the end of summer 2021. “Perhaps as risk manager he should have stopped this,” Greenbaum said. “But he didn’t.” Later, Greenbaum added, “He does not fit what you think of when you think of hazing.

Cody Boteler/ The Towerlight Evan Palmer Francis received probation before judgement during an Oct. 17 bench trial atthe Baltimore County District Courthouse. The trial for Alexander James Cantor has been postponed for unknown date.

His lack of action is what brought him to court.” Nanan became sick at the off-campus house where the initiation was taking place and was driven back to his on-campus residence, where he continued to be sick. His mom was called, and she took him to St. Joseph’s Hospital. Nanan was hospitalized under the care of a gastroenterologist from April 1-April 6. Pilarski said that Nanan continued to see the doctor as an outpatient until June 28, and that he still needs to take antacids when he eats certain foods or exercises. According to Pilarski, the physician said that Nanan had “moderate to severe burns” along his digestive tract that were consistent with “ingesting a caustic substance.” Pilarski said that interviews with other members of the fraternity revealed that the substance the pledges were made to drink wasn’t chemical, but a “food mixture” that included chili powder, vinegar and hot sauce. “It was a terrible risk that Mr. Nanan faced as a result of your actions,” Judge Phelps said to Francis. However, Phelps agreed with characterization presented by the defense. She said she trusted Greenbaum’s representation that this action “would never happen again.” Alexander James Cantor, also 21,

is the other man who was charged in connection with this incident. His trial, scheduled for Oct. 17, was postponed because a witness was not available. A new trial date for Cantor has not been set. News of the incident first broke last semester when the victim’s family contacted local media outlets. Towson University learned of the incident when a media outlet called asking for comment. Towson began investigating the incident early on the morning of April 4, and Baltimore County Police joined in the next day. Towson’s chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon was charged by the University April 4, and was suspended April 28, 2016. As rumors spread, Towson’s Inter-Fraternity Council asked students in Greek life to not wear their letters and to tell members of the media that they were not “at liberty” to discuss the events. According to Matt Lenno, director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, it’s regular for Greek organizations on campus to have someone who is in charge of risk management, but it’s not something that’s “required” by the University. Towson’s chapter of TKE is suspended through the end of summer 2021.



October 18 , 2016

TU on track to meet tenure goal NAACP panel opens Executive Vice President Timothy Chandler, then serving as interim president, signed a document listing 12 goals that the University would work to meet by certain deadlines. Many of those goals have already been met, but in an interview with The Towerlight, Chandler said the work is not quite done. “We’ve completed [some items on the list],” Chandler said. “But that doesn’t mean there are not ongoing things.” Since the sit-in of the President’s Office in the Administration Building last November, Towson got a new president, Kim Schatzel, who has reaffirmed an institutional—and often times personal—commitment to diversity. One visible sign of that commitment is the ongoing search for administrative position that TU is looking to fill—the Vice President for Inclusion and Institutional Equity. Chandler said bringing that

new position to Towson will send a big message. “It says, ‘Here, this isn’t just a director of diversity, this is a vice president. This is someone who’s going to be responsible all across the campus,’” Chandler said. “But it also says that individual will be charged with developing a plan that goes way beyond this [list of demands].” The first item on the list was, “Increasing the tenured and tenure-track black faculty and retaining them by 10 percent by 2018.” At TU, there are 26 tenured or tenure-track black faculty—about 4 percent of all tenured or tenure-track faculty. Increasing that total by 10 percent means hiring three faculty members. Chandler said that the University may be on track to meet that goal well before the deadline of Fall 2018, though it’s not easy. “If you look at the student body, it continues to diversify naturally. The faculty body, it’s much, much more difficult. It’s a very slow process,” Chandler said. Another difficulty, Chandler said, is stature in academe. Institutions

all across the country are trying to diversify their faculty body. “And I hate to say it, but we’re not the highest-paying place in the country,” Chandler said. “We’re not the most prestigious in terms of name. You know, we’re not Harvard, and so it’s difficult. But we are a particular type of institution that people value greatly.” He said, though, that TU may meet the 10 percent increase demand soon. “I’ve interviewed three candidates for the new chair of the marketing department, and they’ve also been able to hire another assistant professor in marketing,” Chandler said. He added that the department has already made offers to minority candidates. A full list of the work that Towson University has done and is doing to recruit and retain black faculty is available online. “We are a particular type of institution that people value greatly,” Chandler said. “We’re doing better, but we’ve still got lots more to do. This is something that you’ve got to be unrelenting about.”

Greek Life trains diversity chairs Ninety-five percent of Greek life councils and chapters now have a diversity chair to promote diversity and interaction with multicultural organizations, according to Towson’s online Diversity Initiatives Progress Report. This comes as a result of the November 2015 #OccupyTowson sitins, when then-Student Government Association President Kurt Anderson and then-Interim President Timothy Chandler pledged to address a list of 12 student demands. Among those initiatives, the administration pledged to advocate for the implementation of diversity chairs in Interfraternity Council fraternities and Panhellenic Association sororities. The IFC and PHA councils, as well as all of their chapters, have diversity chairs, according to Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life Matthew Lenno. Lenno said that the diversity chairs will help “build better relationships and bridges with the other diverse councils on campus,” like the National Panhellenic and United Greek councils, which govern historically black

and other multicultural Greek bodies, respectively. Diversity chairs will act as liaisons to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, collaborate with other chapters and councils and train their own chapters to confront diversity issues, Lenno said. The IFC and PHA diversity chairs were selected by application, but chapter diversity chairs are typically nominated and voted upon by members of their chapter, according to PHA Diversity Chair Mary Rose Pedron. Towson is not allowed to force chapters to adopt diversity chairs because individual chapters adhere to their own national bylaws. However, all of Towson’s Greek Life organization chapters have supported and participated in the diversity chair process thus far, according to IFC Diversity Chair Cordell Easter. Associate Vice President for Student Affairs for Diversity Santiago Solis met with Lenno and Carly Heasley, the coordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Life, during the spring semester and over the summer to develop diversity chair training modules. “The on-going collaboration between Fraternity and Sorority Life and the Center for Student Diversity

has been wonderful… I think we’re making great progress,” Solis said. The chairs were trained by Lenno, Heasley, Easter and Pedron. Starting next semester, new member orientations and Greek summits will include a module on identity and inclusion, Lenno said. He said that chapters will also be required to execute social justice programming on their own next semester in order to demonstrate what they have learned. The fraternity and sorority presidents Lenno has talked to have responded positively to the diversity chairs, particularly the peer education model of training, he said. Pedron, a senior mass communication and psychology double major, said she has been pleased with the diversity chairs and is looking forward to seeing how the program grows and improves. “I would describe the diversity chair process as an incubation period so far,” Pedron said. “I think the most overwhelming thing to think about the whole process is that what we have right now will [set] a precedent for the future.” -To read the rest of this article online, visit

interracial dialogue

Bailey Hendricks/ The Towerlight Students participate in the Towson NAACP panel discussion, hosted as part of a two-day “Race Dialogues Project” on campus last week.

“The Race Dialogues Project,” sponsored by the Towson University Chapter of the NAACP, was a two-day event aimed at fostering a healthy dialogue about cultural competency and racial tensions, according to chapter president Destini Collins. “We just want to get a dialogue going between different groups of people from different backgrounds,” Collins said. “To be honest, to put it in blatant terms – black people want to know what white people think, and white people want to know what black people think.” Day one of the project started with a “privilege walk” in which participants started on the same line and took a step forward or backward depending on the question. For example, white males were asked to step forward, while a later round asked those who took out loans to pay for their college education to take a step back. Assistant professor Miho Iwata led a debrief session afterward and explained that this activity gave participants self-awareness and awareness of others -- and that it showed that people come from different amounts of privilege and challenges. Assistant professor Jessica Shiller gave a keynote speech, where she talked about her experience as a public school teacher in the Bronx. According to Shiller, public schools are the only things that

force people to be exposed to different races. A demonstration by NAACP presented the toxic nature of micro-aggressions, using examples like “You’re pretty for a dark-skinned girl,” and “Can I touch your hair?,” which led into a panel discussion with audience participation. The panel included White Allies for Radical Solidarity student members Feriell Hayton and Greg Frailey. WARS formed after the #OccupyTowson sit-in in 2015. Other panelists included students John Gillepsie, Breya Johnson and Jordyn Jones. Audience members were invited to read aloud the NAACP’s call to action as a group and stamp their hands in paint on a poster to affirm their commitment to helping make the world a better place. “It was very interactive and very fruitful, interesting dialogue,” NAACP headquarters Health Programs Specialist Tabatha Magobet said. “It was really great to hear different people’s perspectives.” Collins thought that, overall, the event went well and said that she was surprised by knowledgeable comments from the audience. “The [audience members] were very knowledgeable, they were really vulnerable, and they were really open in sharing their experiences,” Collins said. “It felt as intimate as I thought it would be. I’m really proud of Towson for this. “I’m really happy to go to a school that allows dialogue like this to happen in such a free space. I’m really proud.”


October 18, 2016

MD Rep. talks gender parity Congresswoman Donna Edwards, who represents Maryland’s 4th Congressional District, said that she will vote for Democrat Chris Van Hollen to be Maryland’s next senator, despite a contentious primary election. And, perhaps as expected, Edwards said she’d be voting Hillary Clinton for president. Edwards, who described herself as an “accidental politician” during a visit to campus last week, told students that she is confident in Clinton because she is “the most qualified person who has ever run for president.” “This is your generation,” Edwards said. “You are going to determine all of the things that are going to set us on course for the rest of this century. I think that if anyone should have a say in how it happens and how it happens, then it should be you.” This comes after Edwards lost the race for a Maryland Senate seat to

Van Hollen, the representative for Maryland’s 8th Congressional District. As Edwards prepares to leave her office in January, she is also planning a solo, three-month camping trip to all of the country’s National Parks to celebrate the service’s centennial. To Edwards, who made similar trips with her family growing up, this trip will come as an opportunity to see the country and its people in a different way. “One of the things that I’ve learned growing up… is I fundamentally believe that most of us are just alike, and that the things that we identify as differences really aren’t differences at all,” Edwards said. “I know that that’s going to be part of my rediscovery as I travel around the country, and it is what has influenced me the most in terms of my thinking in the Congress.” Edwards came to Towson Oct. 12 to speak to students about overcoming the odds to become a congresswoman in a predominantly white male political system. Only 19.4 percent of the House of Representatives is female, while the population of the United States is 50.8 percent women. If Van Hollen is elected to the

senate, which many polls suggest he will, Maryland will have an all-male delegation to Congress. “If we continue on the same pace that we are, it will be like 2080 or something before there is an equal amount of men and women in the Congress,” Edwards said. “That’s really just not good enough. As a result, that means that there are lots of things that are very male about the institution, even though there are in-roads that are being made by women.” Edwards made the point that when different people with a different set of experiences work together in any institution, the decision-making of that group is different. She said that certain issues an all-male institution would put as a priority may not be a priority if there was more balance in gender and race within the group. Edwards still said that she believes in Congress and its future. She said that the institution may have some bad ideas, but not bad people, and that different political parties can work well together on important issues. -To read the rest of this article online, visit

#HashtagLunchbag hits TU

Students pack lunches for those in need Towson’s Center for Student Diversity teamed up with humanity service project #HashtagLunchbag to make and distribute healthy lunches to those in need in the Baltimore area on Oct. 15. Each lunch contained a turkey and cheese sandwich, a water bottle and an inspirational note to remind those receiving the lunch that someone is thinking of them -- that they haven’t been forgotten. After assembling over 100 lunch bags and writing over 100 inspirational letters, the small group of participants loaded up a university van with bins full of decorated paper bags and headed into Baltimore to hand out the lunches. #HashtagLunchbag Baltimore assistant manager Christopher Brown, CSD graduate assistant Johanna Ramirez and CSD graduate assistant Yvette Bean led the group. Brown said that a flyer was the original reason he started volunteering with the organization.

Oct. 12: In Barton House, a resident student was cited for CDS violation. The report was cleared by arrest. Oct. 11: In the Glenn Woods, a resudebt student was cited for CDS violation. The report was cleared by arrest. Oct. 10: At Burdick Hall, a commuter student had clothing taken after he left it unattended. Oct. 9: In Marshall Hall, a student was cited for posession of false ID and alcohol violation. The report was cleared by arrest. Oct. 8: At the University Union, a commuter student had money taken out of his wallet after leaving it unattended. Oct. 8: In Paca House, a resident student was referred to OSCCE for false ID. The Towerlight’s “Police Blotter” is a representative sample of crimes occurring on and off campus. The blotter is not intended to be all inclusive. For a list of all crime reports, visit

HEY TIGERS! Earn your stripes and some extra credits.

Montgomery College Winter Session Online courses begin December 19. Full winter session begins January 3. 240-567-1090

Mary-Ellen Davis/ The Towerlight Students show the lunches they made Oct. 15 with #HashtagLunchbag. “I was running late for church one day, like, really late,” Brown said. “I figured why go if I was only going to be there for 10 minutes, and I had seen the flyer for an event and decided to go.” Brown started with volunteering at every event he could, and eventually got promoted to social media manager and later assistant manager. The #HashtagLunchbag program

was founded in Los Angeles by Ajay Relan, Will “JDubb” Smith and JD McElroy in December 2012. After putting together the lunch bags, the group “hit the streets near the Santa Monica Pier and Venice Boardwalk looking for anyone that could use a meal,” according to the program’s website. -To read the rest of this article online, visit

Montgomery College is an academic institution committed to equal opportunity.



October 18 , 2016




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October 18, 2016

Student film speaks out


“Marci’s White Rabbit” tackles gun violence, domestic abuse TAYLOR DEVILLE Assistant Arts & Life Editor @artvandelady

In senior filmmaker Danielle Gibson’s short film “Marci’s White Rabbit,” a young girl struggles to find inner peace in the turmoil of her abusive household. “It’s not something I have specifically gone through, but I think it’s something that people need to hear,” Gibson said. “I’m trying to do it justice.” A former Towerlight editorial board member, Gibson began writing the script three years ago for her screenwriting class. It began as one scene based on a childhood memory of Gibson’s—having a gun pointed at her by another child because they thought it was a toy. “I don’t really like guns, especially guns with children. I wanted to make a statement about that, and it kind of

took on these other themes,” Gibson said. “When people watch it I definitely expect them to have a reaction, whether or not they like it or they feel for the character, or they’re confused or angry, it’ll get people to talk. The imagery, I hope, reminds people of situations where there’s gun violence and a kid ends up dead.” Besides gun violence, Gibson addresses emotional issues like domestic abuse, mental illness and loss of innocence. Gibson insists, though, that she avoided portraying played-out stereotypes. “The dad is really abusive to the mom, but the mom’s not a doormat,” she said. “It makes a statement about how we actually listen to children and if we take them seriously or not. I think a lot of people can relate to that.” The film stars Towson freshman Ann Marie Taglavore as Marci’s stepsister Maddie and 14-year-old Sydney Landers as Marci. Gibson is enthused about

Courtesy of Danielle Gibson

Ann Marie Taglavore (left), Sydney Landers (right) play stepsisters Maddie and Marci in “Marci’s White Rabbit.” being able to cast people of color in her movie and likes that Marci’s diverse family is similar to her own, as Gibson calls them, “Crayola box family.” “I always wanted to cast minorities in film, because a lot of minorities are portrayed as stereotypes,” Gibson said. “It really meant a lot that we found someone who was amazing for the role. In the story, it doesn’t matter what [ethnicity] they are, but it’s still important that they’re cast as these characters.” Although Gibson admits that the script was emotionally taxing to write, she is moved by the passion that her

team, Producer Allie Lotz, Assistant Director Alex Merzer, Towerlight contributor and Director of Photography William Strang-Moya and the cast have shown for the film. “Everyone is putting as much energy into it as me. Everyone is really excited and it really means so much that they do because… you’re putting yourself out there in your script, and you’re trying to get other people to believe in it while you might not believe in it yourself and when they do, I just… I want to cry.” Gibson said. Gibson’s next project will be a per-

sonal piece titled “Revelations,” that addresses anxiety, vulnerability and not feeling comfortable in her own skin as a woman of color. She plans to submit “Marci’s White Rabbit” to WAMMFest, Maryland Film Fest and international festivals that feature the work of women and minority filmmakers. “Marci’s White Rabbit” will premiere at the end-of-semester film screening in Van Bokkelen on Dec. 16. Interested parties can help Gibson reach her goal of $2,500 by donating to her GoFundMe page at

something real of it. And it gets her involved with a criminal investigation that hopelessly entangles not just her, but almost everyone she knows. To compare this book to “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn is, in theory, appropriate. The characters are all equally unlikeable, the narrators each as unreliable, and even the premise is the echo of one we’ve heard before: a girl goes missing, one in a seemingly stable and loving relationship, and suddenly everyone is a suspect. This is where the similarities end. “Gone Girl” was a beautifully woven and torturously intricate story. “The Girl on the Train” is not quite. Now that I’ve addressed all the publicity it’s gotten, in which it’s claimed to be the next “Gone Girl,” I want to talk about why it’s not. Close, but not quite. “The Girl on the Train” threw me for a loop. Several times throughout the novel, I had to stop and wonder if I was allowed to dislike Rachel. Her

drinking habits proved to be an annoying excuse for her behavior, and I hesitated to frame her as such a pathetic and self-pitying character because I can’t say I’ve ever been an alcoholic, and thus can’t reassure myself that this is how alcoholics really feel. If it is, then this narrative is more a commentary on the hardship of alcoholics than anything else. This element proved to be such a dominant theme that it was more than distracting and more than served its purpose. Yes, it was vital to the plot, but it felt overdone. It felt like Rachel wasn’t just addicted to drinking--she was forced into it by the plot. The writing of the story itself was pretty well done—disturbing language for disturbing scenes, a general feel of discomfort throughout the whole novel—but the plot and the events that made it up often felt synthetic or forced. --Read the rest of this column online at

The buzz on bees Who is the girl on the train? SARAH HILL Contributing Writer

Buzzing, furry, yellow, striped, stinging – all words commonly attributed to bees. But according to wildlife biologist and photographer Sam Droege, there really is no “typical” bee. “We tend to think of bees as one unit, but they have needs that are tied to biodiversity,” Droege said. “There’s a notion that any old flower will do, but it’s much more complicated than that.” Droege, a Hyattsville native who visited Smith Hall Oct. 11 to discuss pollination and bee conservation, went on to highlight the complex relationship between bee and plant. Often, the species of bee has everything to do with what types of flowers it can obtain nutritious pollen from. According to Droege, there are 4,000 species of bees in the U.S., and 430 of those reside in Maryland. An estimated 400 species have yet to be discovered, he said. In addition, 50 percent of bees are highly specialized, meaning they

must function in specific ways to sustain themselves. The focus of Droege’s life’s work is to record as many “undiscovered” bees as possible, as the science world is behind the curve in identifying these winged creatures. In the seminar, he displayed high-quality photos of bees taken from a microscope, at one point showing a species of bee that is the size of a grain of rice with a tongue as long as its body, adapted to get pollen from a native flower in the Atacama Desert. Aside from describing the intricate functions of bees, Droege explained ways in which society can modify regular practices, such as landscaping, in order to bolster declining bee populations. Maryland has been failing at this, with 61 percent of colony losses in Maryland beekeepers’ hives in 2015 alone. By eliminating traditional landscaping, such as regular lawn mowing, and creating organized yet aesthetically-pleasing yards suited for bee pollination, everyday people can form more harmonious relationships with their buzzing brethren.


“She made a mistake. It happens. We are none of us perfect.” Book: “The Girl on the Train” Author: Paula Hawkins Genre: Psychological thriller Rating: Four stars Warnings for book: sexual themes, violence, alcoholism Rachel Watson is the girl on the train: a thirty-something-year-old woman entrenched in her own misery. She is in love with a man who is no longer hers, with a life that is no longer hers, and now, with a couple she has never met. Or rather, the idea of them. In her mind, as she passes them twice daily on her commuter train ride into London, she invents identities for them—names, stories, lives—and imagines their happiness as if it can work as a substitute for her own. And she drinks. A lot. And then one day, Rachel sees something that changes everything for her. It didn’t have to, but in her pathetically wretched mental state, she makes



October 18 , 2016

Dark comedy, diverse cast

“Leadbeater” defies stereotypes KRISTIN HELF Assistant Arts & Life Editor @kristinelise_

In early November, senior electronic media and film major Tyler Peterson and his production team will begin shooting “Leadbeater,” a short film they’re making about a story that needs to be told, according to the film’s producer Jeb Burchick. “Leadbeater” follows a group of friends during their senior year at a Baltimore art school who, during the course of their friendship, have all begun to fall in love with one another. When lead character Laurel, played by junior acting major Molly Cohen, turns 21, their relationships come to a head. “It’s something that not necessarily the department or Towson has really seen before,” Burchick, also a senior and EMF major, said. “[We] just kind of want to go out of the box and this is a territory that hasn’t necessarily been covered in years past.” The cast is made up entirely of LGBTQ+ characters, but that doesn’t define the film or the characters themselves.“Various sexualities are explored in the film but I kind of

want to deviate from labeling what they are,” Peterson said. “I wanted to make a film where the sexualities don’t matter, they’re just another part of that character and the way they live their lives.” Burchick agrees that it’s important for characters to represent minority groups, but not to let that define their entire identities. “When you see LGBT+ characters in film, it’s usually because something really depressing is happening. People are dying or something,” Burchick said. “These are a lot of characters that are special in their own ways, that aren’t pigeonholed into just their sexuality. They’re interesting and developed characters, and that’s just one part of it, like you see in the real world.” Peterson describes the group of friends depicted in the film as “millennial beatniks,” to replace the outdated and over-generalizing stereotype of the hipster. The film also redefines “Leadbeater’s possum,” an endangered animal in Australia and Laurel’s spirit animal -- and an adjective that she uses to describe herself. “We’re giving ‘Leadbeater’ its own term,” Peterson said. “Laurel calls her-

Review: Deepwater Horizon

“Deepwater Horizon” depicts true tragedy MATT MCDONALD Columnist

Mark Wahlberg stars in the new disaster movie “Deepwater Horizon,” which depicts the tragedy of an oil rig exploding in the middle of the ocean. While it is short and fast-paced, it certainly does not hold back. “Deepwater Horizon,” co-starring Kurt Russell, John Malkovich and Dylan O’Brien, portrays the events of April 20, 2010, when BP worker Don Vidrine (Malovich) gives orders to start drilling for oil despite obvious structural flaws. Under too much pressure, the whole rig bursts with mud, eventually leading to even more brutal consequences. This is yet another movie where, even though the audience knows exactly what is going to happen, it is still shocking -- and at some points down-

right cringeworthy -- to witness. There are a myriad of moments in this movie that made me look away or tense up purely because of the extreme realism in the injuries and explosions in general. Its use of close-ups makes it uncomfortable at times and almost suffocating at others. The movie has no boundaries in what it will show or imply, and that makes it all the better. The movie did not seem to have too much of a complete story -- it was mostly just a continuation of explosions and falling debris -- but like I mentioned in my review of “Sully,” it is a true story and so is not as accountable. It does, however, allow you to focus on characterization more, and I would say the characters in this movie are middle of the road. --Read the rest of this column online at

Courtesy of Tyler Peterson

Molly Cohen plays Laurel in “Leadbeater,” a student film set against the backdrop of Baltimore. self a Leadbeater, but it’s not necessarily ‘I’m a possum,’ but like, ‘I’m this artsy student who’s in love with their best friend and is dealing with all these things.’” Burchick says that the film’s overarching themes of identity and mental illness were his main inspiration in joining the “Leadbeater” production team. Peterson says he was heavily inspired by the music he was listening to while writing the script, mostly indie synth-pop bands like Beach House, Tame Impala and Wye Oak, along with Baltimore-based indie band Reagan Cats, who will provide the

bit of Hannah from ‘Girls’” in her depiction of Laurel, in addition to characters from the TV and film of the 1990s, like the women of ‘90s television staple “Twin Peaks.” Cohen, along with several other cast members and most of the production crew, is a member of Towson’s media production society Lambda Kappa Tau. In addition to support in the form of money and labor from LKT, Peterson and his crew have received support from Towson faculty, including film three professor Joseph Kraemer and EMF professors Marc May and Jena Richardson.

soundtrack to the film. Cohen hopes to channel “a little

“Leadbeater” and the other film three student films being made will

be screened in Van Bokkelen in December. According to Burchick, “you’re going to be seeing a lot of blood, sweat and tears put into these movies,” as well a variety of genres, from horror to comedy. “All of the films this semester are female-led which is interesting, I think that’s a good move,” Peterson said. “We’re creating a new mainstream of what should be, how films should be represented. It’s a very eclectic mix this semester.” Interested parties can donate to the “Leadbeater” project at www. indiego

Noche de los Muertos

Alex Best/The Towerlight Students grab food at the Latin American Student Organization (LASO) “Noche Latinas: Noche de los Muertos” celebration, which included dancing, performances and free food on Saturday.


October 18, 2016

“Bluest Eye” play fights Eurocentrism SIERRA UNDERDUE Contributing Writer

“It’s time to heal our women, kill for our women, be real to our women,” is the opening chant of Towson’s staged rendition of “The Bluest Eye,” a theatrical adaptation of Toni Morrison’s acclaimed novel of the same name. “I felt that The Bluest Eye was extremely pertinent to today and specifically to the dialogue that needed to happen on campus in regards to race relations, so I suggested ‘The Bluest Eye’ and the faculty went for it,” Director Tavia La Follette said. Set near the end of the Great Depression, “The Bluest Eye” follows the story of 11-year-old Pecola Breedlove, played by Leshea Johnson, and her struggle with self-identity and acceptance. Narrated through her friend Claudia, played by Tamara James, and her sister Frieda, played by Catherine Ejiogu, “The Bluest Eye” highlights Pecola’s struggles to accept her beauty and worth. The play begins with a clip of actress Shirley Temple, who talks about how people should strive to help those who are hurting. “In the grand scheme of things, we live in a Eurocentric world, so everything is geared toward white people,” James said. “We only have a small little set of things and even in that subset, we are already typecast… How do we break out of the boxes people have already created for us? It was nice having that conversation and open dialogue.” The play follows a chronological storytelling sequence of Claudia’s memories. The audience is given insight and understanding to Pecola’s upbringing and past life experiences

through a series of flashbacks and foreshadowing that all lead to a tragic end. Pecola grows up being constantly told how ugly she is. She often witnesses her parents fighting violently, and is raped twice and impregnated by her father. Having never been shown love, she constantly wishes for blue eyes in the hopes that this will finally bring her the love and attention she so desperately wants. “Everything that happens in the show is still happening today in many different communities, in many different societies,” Johnson said. In the end, Pecola believes she has blue eyes, because she has been driven to madness. She loses herself and the people around her. “I think it would be too much to ask the audience to understand and be able to relate to us because when people see the show right off the bat, they think, ‘It’s a black people show, so why should we care?’” Johnson said. “But it’s not just a ‘black people show.’ Yes, it was written by a black author and the cast is black, [but] it’s the meaning behind the story, just knowing it could happen to anyone, to any family: black, white, [Latino], Asian.” “The Bluest Eye” forces audiences to think about conceptualized beauty for black women and women abroad, as Hollywood often negatively impacts their self-image because of its promotion of Eurocentric ideals of beauty. Pecola’s struggle to accept and love herself is a constant reminder of the daily struggles that women of color continue to face. “The Bluest Eye” will run at the Main Stage Theatre in CFA until Oct. 22.


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Stephanie Ranque/The Towerlight

Actresses perform in “The Bluest Eye” during the show’s preview Thursday.


16October October 2016 16 18 18, , 2016

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October 18, 2016


big swims for first wins

Joe Noyes/ The Towerlight

A Towson women’s swimmer competes against Georgetown at Burdick Pool this weekend. The women’s team edged out a close 158-142 victory over the Hoyas for its first win (top). A Towson women’s diver takes the board at the teams most recent meet against Georgetown. The women’s diving team helped the team earn crucial points in the victory (bottom).


This weekend, the men’s team defeated the Georgetown Hoyas 171-126, while the women’s team edged out a 158-142 victory, earning Towson its first victories of the 2016 season. “We have a very challenging fall schedule so to get a team victory is phenomenal,” Head Coach Jake Shrum said. “It took a lot of people to step up and have great swims to pull out these wins.” Sophomore Emily Wilson won the three-meter boards with a career-high 265.20 points and won the one-meter boards event with 261.82 points. Sophomore Kelsey Jehl finished second behind Wilson in the one-meter event with 261.45 points. “For the girls, the divers got us off to a great start,” Shrum said. “Emily Wilson was fantastic on both boards. Kelsey had to deal with some adversity on three-meter, but came back really strong on one-meter, showing a ton of mental toughness.” Junior Caitlin Manthe won the 100-yard freestyle event with a time

of 53.35, while junior Jacy Icard captured a victory in the 200-yard backstroke with a personal-best time of 2:06.01. Sophomore Tasha Reidenbach won the final individual event of the day, the 400-yard individual medley, with a time of 4:38.51.

We have a very challenging fall schedule so to get a team victory is phenomenal. It took a lot of people to step up and have great swims to get pull out these wins. JAKE SHRUM Head Coach

“We had some really great swims resulting in wins in the second half of the meet,” Shrum said. “Caitlin Manthe in the 100 freestyle, Jacy Icard in the 200 backstroke, and Tasha Reidenbach in the 400 IM.” On the men’s side, freshman

Ryan O'Leary won the 100-yard breaststroke with a personal-best time of 58.28. Sophomore Stefan Keller won the 200-yard breaststroke in 2:09.07, and O'Leary followed in second place with a personal-best time of 2:09.09. Sophomore Will Dougherty led the Tigers to a sweep of the 1000yard freestyle with a personal-best time of 9:35.32. Sophomore Jack Saunderson won the 100-yard backstroke in 51.98, beating his previous best of 55.02. “On the men’s side, Ryan O’Leary, Stefan Keller, Will Dougherty, and Jack Saunderson continue to have great falls,” Shrum said. “Even with those wins, it was our depth in each event that allowed us to pull away from Georgetown.” Following this past weekend’s victories at Burdick Pool, the Tigers look to add to the win column with a road matchup against local rival University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Saturday at 1 p.m. “It was a step forward from the Penn State meet in terms of a total team performance,” Shrum said. “Now we need to continue to find ways to take the next step over our next run of meets.”



October 18 , 2016

looking ahead home cooking for tu Delaware State, two others fall at SECU Tigers take 16th at Penn State Nationals KATRINA LE Staff Writer

ANNETTE ARCENEAUX Contributing Writer

Towson placed 16th out of 19 teams Friday in the Women’s 6k event at the Penn State Nationals, earning three wins in the competition between three nationally ranked teams. “These were great teams and probably the best competition we’ve ever faced in cross country head-to-head,” Head Coach Mike Jackson said. The Tigers were led by junior Allison Marella, who finished 79th out of 234 with a time of 21:50. Senior Megan Knobloch placed 86th with a time of 21:56, while sophomore Hannah Walter placed 97th at 22:09. Following the top three Tiger finishers was junior Colleen Cook, who placed 111th with a time of 22:30. Sophomore Abby Gauthier placed in 114th with a time of 22:37, making her the first of three Tigers to score 6k personal bests. “We’re very excited about Abby

stepping up,” Jackson said. “We’re really excited about how she’s progressed and continues to fight throughout the year.” Freshman Erica Israel followed only a second behind Gauthier with a personal best of 22:38. Junior Emily Johnson rounded out the event for the Tigers, placing 123rd with a time of 22:56. “If you stay healthy, you have a chance to get out and compete,” Jackson said. Freshman Ally Coghlan recorded a personal best with a time of 23:12. Sophomore Shelby Bobbie followed with a time of 23:34, while sophomore Megan Lindstrom finished with a time of 24:03. Junior Kara Mueser placed in 221st at 24:55. Freshman Kaylee Ryan came in 223rd at 25:34, and Jenna Donohue came in 224th with a time of 25:52. Hosted by Penn State, the competition marked Towson’s last regular meet of the season. Towson will compete in the CAA (Colonial Athletic Association) Championships Oct. 29 at the University of Delaware.

Following two consecutive losses on the road, Towson shut out William & Mary, James Madison and Delaware State 3-0 at home at SECU Arena. “I’m really proud of myself and my team for winning three-sets-tonone in a conference like the CAA,” senior outside hitter Jessica Lewis said. “We’re taking care of the ball a lot better and covering the floor a lot more now.” On Sunday, the Tigers hosted and defeated the William & Mary Tribe. Back-to-back kills by sophomore outside hitter Carola Biver and Lewis extended the Tiger’s lead to 19-10 in the first set. Sophomore right-side hitter Jocelyn Kuilan closed the set with a kill to give Towson a 25-13 win. Towson opened the second set by scoring seven of the first eleven points. A 5-2 run later followed, making the score 22-15 in favor of Towson. Towson won the second set 25-16. The third set was a closer battle for the two teams as they fought through eight ties and three lead changes. The Tribe went on a 10-2 run to take a 17-13 lead, but the Tigers

were quick to respond by scoring eight of the next ten points to take a 21-19 lead. Lewis closed the set with a kill, helping the Tigers to a 25-22 victory. Senior middle blocker Lindsay Flaherty became the sixth player in Towson history to record 400 career blocks. “It’s an unbelievable feeling,” Flaherty said. “I couldn’t have done it without my coaches and teammates. I give all the credit to them.” Friday, Towson hosted James Madison, where Biver delivered back-to-back kills to give Towson a 6-3 lead in the first set. Towson then went on an 8-0 run, with sophomore libero Anna Holehouse serving seven of those eight points and Lewis knocking down four kills. Lewis later delivered the final kill of the set to give Towson a 25-18 win in the first. The Dukes opened up the second set with a 14-13 lead, only to be outdone by the Tigers. The Tigers went on a 5-0 run to take an 18-14 advantage. The Tigers scored three of the final four points to claim a 25-16 set win. Biver came out strong once again in the third set as she tacked on three straight points including a service ace to give Towson an 11-6 lead.

The teams fought back and forth until the Dukes managed to pull within one point of the Tigers at 14-13. The Tigers then responded with a 6-2 run and a 20-15 lead. Sophomore right side hitter Jocelyn Kuilan closed out the Towson victory with a kill, making the score 25-19 in the final set. Towson defeated Delaware State Tuesday. They won each set in large deficits. Towson opened up the first set by scoring 14 of the first 18 points. They followed a 14-4 lead with a 7-0 run to extend their advantage to 21-5 and ultimately claim the set 25-8. Freshman outside hitter Anabella Pope crushed a service ace and a kill to give Towson a 7-1 lead in the second set. Pope was followed by freshman outside hitter Annie Ertz who delivered back-to-back kills and two service aces to make the score 16-5. Towson wound up taking a 2-0 lead in the match after a 25-9 win in the second set. In the third set, freshman outside hitter Callan Holmes opened with two kills to give the Tigers a 6-1 lead. The Tigers later went on a 7-0 run that extended the lead to 22-5. The Tigers closed out the match with a 25-6 win.

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contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 through 6 (challenging) without repeating.

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File photo by Kara Bucaro/ The Towerlight

Towson outside hitter Jessica Lewis hits the ball in a game against CAA rival James Madison last fall at SECU Arena. This week, Lewis helped Towson secure three victories to give the team 18 wins this year.


October 18, 2016

losing streak continues The Big Green defeats the Tigers 20-17 Emily Wilson

Swimming & Diving

Courtesy of Dartmouth Athletics

Redshirt sophomore quarterback Ellis Knudson carries the ball in Saturday’s game against Darmouth. Knudson finished the game with 29 completions, 305 yards and one touchdown in Towson’s 20-17 loss. down of the game. The Big Green constructed a 10-play, 57-yard drive that Sports Editor was capped off with a four-yard touch@jordancope26 down run from sophomore running back Vito Penza, to take a 10-7 lead. Dartmouth extended its lead Towson dropped its final non-conferover Towson later in the second ence game of the season to Dartmouth quarter with its second field goal 20-17 Saturday, despite recording 470 of the afternoon, making it a 13-7 total yards of offense. game going into halftime. “They gave us all we could hanIn the second dle,” Head Coach half, the Tigers made Rob Ambrose said. it a three-point game “We made way too They gave us all we when freshman kickmany mistakes could handle. We er Aidan O’Neill put and way too many mistakes against made way too many through a 27-yard field goal attempt. a quality football mistakes and way too However, the Big team like that.” The Tigers (1-5, many mistakes against Green extended their 0-3 CAA) took a a quality football team lead to 20-10 on the ensuing drive thanks 7-0 lead over the like that. to a trick play, where Big Green (3-2, ROB AMBROSE senior running back 0-2 IVY) in the Head Coach Abrm McQuarters middle of the first found sophomore quarter, when redwide receiver Drew Hunnicutt for a shirt sophomore quarterback Ellis 23-yard touchdown pass. Knudson found senior wide receiver Towson cut the Dartmouth lead Christian Summers for a 15-yard to three points with under two mintouchdown pass. utes remaining in the third quarBoth teams played tight defense in ter when freshman running back the first quarter, but Dartmouth put Deshaun Wethington capped off a through a field goal with under three three-play, 11-yard drive with a oneminutes left to make it a 7-3 game yard rushing touchdown. going into the second quarter. With just under 10 minutes left in Midway through the second quarter, the Big Green scored their first touchthe game, Towson drove into field goal JORDAN COPE

range despite starting the drive from its own one-yard line. However, O’Neill’s 22-yard field goal attempt was blocked and the score remained 20-17. The Tigers had one more chance to try to tie the game with 33 seconds left, but a 56-yard field goal attempt from O’Neill was blocked. “Without watching the film, the first one I thought was us not getting it done,” Ambrose said. “The second one you knew you were gambling to begin with and it was a matter of the higher percentage for a chance.” Towson will look to snap a fourgame losing streak and pick up its first conference victory of the season Saturday at Johnny Unitas Stadium against rival New Hampshire. Kickoff is scheduled for 3:30 p.m.

Sophomore diver Emily Wilson won the one-meter diver with a score of 261.82 points and the three-meter dive with a career-high score of 265.20. Wilson’s performance led Towson to its first victory of the 2016 season.




October 18 , 2016

Helping hands Goalkeeper Taylor Sebolao has led Towson to continued success over the past two seasons Jordan Cope/ The Towerlight

Redshirt junior goalkeeper Taylor Sebolao looks out onto the field of the Tiger Soccer Complex. Sebolao has been the Tigers starting goalkeeper for the past two seasons. In 2015, Sebolao made 115 saves and recorded a 1.29 GAA. This season, Sebolao has recorded six victories, posted a 1.43 GAA, registered 85 saves and has posted five shutouts.

JORDAN COPE Sports Editor @jordancope26

Towson goalkeeper Taylor Sebolao holds the right post of the goal frame. Against conference rival Delaware, Towson holds a slim 1-0 lead with 12 minutes left in the game. The Blue Hens take a shot from the left wing, but Sebolao steps up and snatches the ball with her mitts to secure victory for the Tigers. “It takes a lot of mental strength to be a goalie,” Sebolao said. “I think since freshman year I have really matured a lot in that aspect of the game, realizing it has to go through 10 players before it goes to me. I also have really supportive coaches and teammates that help me.” Sebolao has been making important saves as the Tigers’ starting keeper for the past two seasons.

This season, she has recorded six victories, posted a 1.43 GAA and has made 85 saves in 16 games. Sebolao has also recorded five shutouts this season, against St. Johns, Temple, George Washington, Delaware and UNC Wilmington. However, Sebolao has her sights set on bigger goals. She hopes to help lead the team back to the conference playoffs, a feat that has only been accomplished once in program history. “I think just getting into that [2014 playoff] game for a few minutes just showed what I wanted to do if I got the starting job,” Sebolao said. “I think that’s our goal every year. We obviously want to host a game, but just getting to the tournament I think is in reach now.” Sebolao had to wait her turn before contributing to the team’s success. In her first two seasons, she watched goalkeeper Erin Quinn from

the sidelines. “Quinn was an awesome teammate,” Sebolao said. “She really helped me to develop my game by allowing me to push her at practice

When I first walked onto campus I wasn’t sure if I was even going to last all four years. I think I have definitely grown as a person and my soccer talent wise. TAYLOR SEBOLAO Goalkeeper

and learning from her techniques.” In her first game as Quinn’s successor, Sebolao allowed only one goal

and made 10 saves against Bucknell. Sebolao only got better as the season progressed. She made 118 saves that year, which ranks sixth in a single season in program history. She also finished with a 1.23 GAA, tying Quinn for ninth-best in a single season. While Sebolao has seen success in her career at Towson, she was not always a soccer player. Sebolao did not start playing until her freshman year of high school, and even then she considered herself to be a basketball player. Sebolao played guard at Scotch Plains Fanwood High School in Scotch Plains, New Jersey, for the Raiders. In high school, Sebolao scored 1,000 career points and received firstteam all-county honors twice. She also earned second-team all-county honors as a sophomore. “Taylor was an unbelievable athlete,” Scotch Plains Fanwood Athlete Director Ryan Miller said.

“Her ability to take over games was unbelievable. She was the kid you wanted to have the ball and we have not found anybody like her since she has graduated.” Soccer Head Coach Greg Paynter approached Sebolao at one of her basketball games. “Greg came to one of my high school basketball games and honestly put all of his eggs in a basket and just rolled the dice with me,” Sebolao said. “I guess it paid off.” Although Sebolao is approaching the end of her career as a redshirt junior, she wants to make the most of her time as starting goalkeeper. “It’s been awesome,” Sebolao said. “When I first walked onto campus I wasn’t sure if I was even going to last all four years. I think I have definitely grown as a person and my soccer talent wise. Other than that it’s just been a fluster of emotions. It’s just been a rollercoaster.”

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