The Towerlight (May 1, 2018)

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TRUE TO THE BLACK AND GOLD Towson’s campus and community news source

May 1, 2018

Sole SGA executive ticket pursues equity over equality, pg. 7

Photo courtesy of Michael McDermott, Photo Illustration by Victoria Nicholson/The Towerlight


May 1, 2018



May 1, 2018

Editor-in-Chief Marcus Dieterle Senior Editor Jordan Cope News Editor Bailey Hendricks Asst. News Editor Mary-Ellen Davis Assoc. Arts & Life Editor Kerry Ingram Asst. Arts & Life Editor McKenna Graham Sports Editor Karuga Koinange Asst. Sports Editor Billy Owens

Senior Staff Writer Sarah Rowan




ENTREPRENEURSHIP @ Free and open to the public, tap into the entrepreneurial pipeline with innovators and entrepreneurs from TU. TU DEMO DAY

5 p.m., University Union, Potomac Lounge.


Staff Writers Desmond Boyle Jill Gattens Jessica Ricks Leah Volpe Keri Luise Rohan Mattu Muhammad Waheed Deb Greengold Sophia Bates Meg Hudson Albert Ivory Anthony Petro Mia Williams Assoc. Photo Editor Brendan Felch

Senior Staff Photographer Alex Best


7 p.m., Stephens Hall Theatre, ST 217.


Marcus Dieterle Brittany Whitham Lacey Wall Joe Noyes David Kirchner Tiffany Deboer Isaiah Freeman Lexi Thompson Isabelle Bartolomeo Proofreaders Alex Best Sarah Rowan General Manager Mike Raymond

The TU Department of Dance presents “Tapestries,” a collection of choreographic stories, concepts and ideas woven into an exciting evening of dance featuring the students of the TU Dance Company.


David Fisher Simon Enagonio

Amanda Jean Thomas Katerina Duerr

Celebrate May Day Rec Day with Punt, Pass and Dash on Burdick

MAY DAY REC DAY Field. Prove your football skills. No sports pass required to participate. - PUNT, PASS & DASH

2 p.m., Burdick Field.

Staff Photographers Jordan Cope



As the semester comes to an end, find ways to not feel overwhelmed and stressed.

11 a.m., Cook Library, Room 513.



Register by May 1 to get a taste of whitewater kayaking in Eastern Pennsylvania.



3 p.m., Burdick Hall.

Art Director Victoria Nicholson Webmaster Circulation Staff Shawn Halerz Dom Capparuccini Elssa Kenfack

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 (410) 704-5153 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Classifieds appear online and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2018 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

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@desbroman I love these far away shots and how it makes them look like the cryptids they are



@jmydaniel @TURogueBikes follow me I’ve got classified info for u

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May 1, 2018

With endless gratitude MARCUS DIETERLE Editor-in-Chief @marcusdieterle

My first two years at Towson were tough. I was a shy commuter student who rarely had anything keeping him on campus after classes were over for the day. I felt like I was stuck in a rut, and I knew something needed to change. So, at the beginning of my junior year, I marched up to The Towerlight office in UU309, filled out an application, and hit the ground running as a Towerlight reporter. I thought being part of this newspaper would be a good way to improve my skills as a journalist -- and it was. But it was so much more than that. The Towerlight welcomed me in with open arms at a time when I felt like I didn't belong. The people here (and the people who were here before) have become my family. While some people dread the end of the weekend, Mondays are the best part of each week for me because I know I will get to spend another production day with the people I love.

Student journalism is important. It's important to us, the journalists who learn and grow with every interview we conduct, every article we write, every photo we take, every video we film, every cover we design and every page we lay out. But it's also important to you, the readers. We seek the truth and report it so that you and your fellow Towson community members can be informed citizens making educated decisions. We do what we do because we care about this community, and we know you care about it too. We can’t publish The Towerlight without your support. Pick up a copy of our print edition every week. Donate to us ( youcanhelp). Support our advertisers if their products and services tickle your fancy, and tell them where you heard about them. Whether it's online or in line waiting for your Pazzelli’s pizza to be baked, share our stories -- your stories, Towson's stories -- so that more people can enjoy this wonderful newspaper. Here’s the point in this senior editorial where I list everyone I am thankful for so that I don’t have to run the risk

of sobbing as I express my gratitude in person (but also, crying is okay, guys). Thank you to my predecessors Sarah Rowan and Cody Boteler who saw potential in me before I was confident enough to see it in myself. You both helped me hone the bread n’ butter journalism skills and pushed me to think outside of the box. Thank you to Jordan Cope, my brother and righthand man. I’ve learned to count on you for anything and everything. Thank you to the rest of my mesmerizingly talented staff. At a time when I was scared to sit behind “The Big Desk,” you all showered me with support and constructive feedback to help me grow into the leader I am today. Thank you to my journalism professors who empowered me to seek out the best answers, even when they’re not easy to come by. Lastly thank you to everyone else who is part of the Towson community, who on a weekly basis picks up a copy of this newspaper that I care so much about. I care about you. This isn't goodbye, y’all. Just a "see you later." So, don’t be a stranger. Once a Towerlighter, always a Towerlighter.

A fast but enjoyable ride BILLY OWENS Assistant Sports Editor

Well, that was fast. My three years at The Towerlight — two years as a staff writer and one as Assistant Sports Editor — have gone by a lot faster than I expected. In case you don’t read the sports section, let me introduce myself: Hi, I’m Billy. I like watching and writing about sports, and I try to be funny on Twitter while also sometimes tweeting about tennis and D.C./Baltimore sports teams (follow me @billyowens174 for a daily chuckle). I also love dogs and cats, and I want one of each badly. I started at The Towerlight February of my sophomore year. I hadn’t written for any publication before, so I sheepishly waited a year and a half of college before forcing myself to fill out an application. My favorite sport is tennis, which I made sure to mention in my application. A few days later, I heard back from Jordan, who was Sports Editor at the

time, with my first story assignment. Guess which team I’d be writing about as part of our spring sports preview? Tennis! Over the past three years, I’ve been able to cover the Towson women’s tennis team and get to know a lot of the players, including the five seniors that will be graduating with me this spring. I’ve also developed a great friendship and professional relationship with the team’s Head Coach, Jamie Peterson. He’s not only been a rock-solid source for my tennis recaps, but he’s also been a tremendous help with two of my journalism classes over the years as well, which I’m extremely grateful for. I wish him and the team the best of luck in the future. When I was named Assistant Sports Editor last fall, I started expanding beyond tennis, writing recaps and previews for swimming and diving, gymnastics, golf and softball. I edited story submissions for the first time and eventually started working directly on our section’s print layout using software I had no idea how to use. I’ve since grown intimately familiar

not just with my duties as an assistant editor, but with all the wonderful people I work alongside in our office on Mondays. The relaxed, welcoming atmosphere and amazing camaraderie we share in that office on production days has been one of my favorite parts of college, and is something I’m going to miss dearly. It doesn’t hurt that our staff actually laughs at my deadpan sarcastic quips every once in a while, too. To the Towerfam — Marcus, Jordan, Bailey, Mel, Kerry, McKenna, Brendan, Sarah, Tori and especially Karuga — thank you all for making this tennis geek feel welcome as a fellow editor and encouraging me to grow as both a journalist and a person. You’re all wonderful people and you all have great futures ahead of you. Looking back, I’m eternally grateful that I submitted that application on that gray February morning. I can’t imagine what I would have done the past five semesters of college without it. Yo, hell yeah.

Forever and always in my heart JORDAN COPE Senior Editor @jordancope26

The day has finally come that I was dreading since the start of this academic semester: My last production day at The Towerlight. It took me until just now to realize how much I am going to miss, what I consider to be, my home away from home. I have been fortunate enough to be at The Towerlight all four years of my collegiate career, and I wouldn’t trade a minute of that time for anything in the entire world. Our unbelievably talented editorial board and staff helped me to grow and hone my craft as a journalist day in and day out. For that, I am forever indebted to all of you. And, while we take our work very seriously, there is never a dull moment on production days. The life and energy that is in our newsroom made Monday’s my favorite day of the week, something that I

never thought I would say. Above all, The Towerlight has bestowed upon me some my best friends on the face of this Earth. Everyone I was blessed to cross paths with in my time here will forever and always hold a special place in my heart. You’re all such beautiful, talented and amazing human beings. Although I am incredibly sad that this chapter of my life is coming to an end, I look forward to new adventures. I know that The Towerlight won’t miss a beat, and that our other two graduating seniors, Billy and Marcus, will be amazing wherever life takes them. To my Towerlight family that I am leaving behind, know that this isn’t goodbye. It’s a see you later. And also know that not a day will go by that I don’t think about all of the great times I’ve had in this newsroom, and how much I love each and every one of you. With every ounce of love in my body, Jordan


Alex Best/ The Towerlight The Towerlight’s editorial board members pose before the senior’s last production day in their current positions.


May 1, 2018


Trigger warnings as Trump v. Hawaii in SCOTUS told by a grieving son CONNOR McNAIRN Columnist

The U.S. Supreme Court has its hands full in the coming weeks, as it is set to decide a number of high-profile cases concerning LGBTQ rights, labor union operations, sports betting accessibility, and more. But this past Wednesday, as it heard oral arguments from the notorious Trump v. Hawaii case, immigration was at the forefront of the Court’s agenda. The Trump case stems from the president’s third version of a travel ban that targets predominantly Muslim states including Somalia, Libya, Syria, Iran and Yemen. While the president contends that this immigration proclamation will protect the safety of Americans, U.S. states such as Hawaii and Maryland have shot it down for its unconstitu-


tional and religiously discriminatory contents. Before the Court are a number of questions, ranging from the proclamation’s constitutionality to the president’s ultimate authority to issue such a broad order. In other words, does the president have the authority to issue such a sweeping halt on immigration, and is President Donald Trump’s ban too blatantly discriminatory against Muslim immigrants? In an attempt to answer such pressing questions, during the oral argument, the always-erudite Justice Elena Kagan proposed a similar hypothetical scenario within which a president issued a “Jewish ban” given his anti-Semitic leanings. Could a president, hypothetically, implement a ban of all immigrants from Israel given his anti-Semitic predispositions? Kagan’s

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thought exercise perfectly exposes Trump’s ban for what it actually is: a religiously and racially motivated attempt to unconstitutionally limit Muslims from residing and practicing their religion in the United States. Key considerations in this case are Trump’s previous campaign rhetoric and earlier moves to limit Middle Eastern immigration to the U.S. In December 2015, for example, then-candidate Trump called for a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the United States. Never before has a president built his campaign on fully eliminating the immigration of individuals who affiliate with one of the world’s most widely practiced religion. - To read the rest of this column online, visit


My father, Matthew Pipkin Sr., passed away on March 17, 2018, by my side as the sun kissed over the horizon in Annapolis, Maryland. Let me be clear: I have been nothing short of devastated by his sudden passing, and continue today to struggle to get back in an academic mindset for the remainder of the semester. With that said, I was approached by my psychology professor about material coming up later in the semester that related to the topic of death and grieving. While I did not need to make accommodations for the material, I deeply appreciated the kind gesture from the professor. Thinking of others in similar circumstances as myself, I can see the desire to have professors

give a trigger warning before presenting material that could detract the student from the learning process. However, it is important to take into account all potential consequences from our actions, and the reasons stated below have me issuing a word of caution against making this into a strict mandate for all professors. One of the signature initiatives brought by SGA President James Mileo and his administration is a motion to require all Towson University professors to provide trigger warnings before classes that contain material that could be viewed as “sensitive” to students. serve to give students a chance to take appropriate action to prepare themselves before it is to be presented. - To read the rest of this column online, visit

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May 1, 2018



May 1, 2018


TrueTU SGA ticket prepares for elections MARCUS DIETERLE Editor-in-Chief @marcusdieterle

TrueTU is the only executive board ticket running in this year’s Student Government Association election. The ticket includes current Director of Diversity and Inclusion Russhell J. Ford for president, Assistant Director of Special Projects Rachel Veslany for vice president, Senator Naimah Kargbo for treasurer, Senator and Government Operations Chair Alexander Best for attorney general, and Director of Student Organizations Danvic CelebradoRoyer for chief of staff. Chief of staff is not an elected position, but instead is appointed by the SGA president. “Our goal is to utilize the Student Government Association by unifying diverse student leaders in order to represent and advocate for the entirety of the student body,” Ford said. “We plan to serve the needs of our peers and give back to our campus community as well as the Baltimore community, improving and enhancing our recognition of Towson University.” Ford highlighted her ticket’s diversity and the fact that she would be the first openly queer black woman to be SGA president. “Being marginalized, I know that my taking this role will provide meaningful representation for other students at TU,” she said. “Using this as a reason to remain committed to my personal goals, I’m more than dedicated in making sure other students feel heard and feel that they can relate to me on a personal level.” In addition to her role in SGA, Ford also serves as the vice president of the Black Student Union and diversity chair of the Mu Mu chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She said her roles have taught her how to manage

a large student organization and develop ways to enhance cultural competence. Ford said her ticket hopes to continue making Towson University a more diverse and inclusive campus through initiatives like increasing the number of gender inclusive bathrooms, having more scholarships for marginalized students and improving accessibility around campus for disabled people. “I think it’s important that instead of trying to focus on how we are all the same, we should shift this focus to embrace differences,” Ford said. “Meaning, to make efforts to encourage equity, rather than just equality.” Veslany said TrueTU wants to continue the current administration’s tradition of building its platform from the student body’s wants and needs. “We represent various identities, but at the same time we all are just a group of five students on a campus of over 20,000 students,” Veslany said. Best said the current administration has done their best effort to remain transparent, but that his ticket will continue to make information accessible to the student body. “It should not be a secret what SGA is doing, because we are the voice for the students,” Veslany said. “All students should have access to all the information necessary to educate themselves on SGA initiatives and events when they have questions or concerns.” That transparency includes making internal documents and records more easily accessible on the SGA website, holding student forums, and live streaming General Assembly meetings, Best said. “We are looking to do more forums and more student org involvement and collaborations,” he said. “We are also looking to bring emphasis back to active committees within SGA so students who are not affiliating

Photos courtesy of Michael McDermott

TrueTU is the only SGA executive board ticket running for 2018-2019. The ticket is made up of (left to right) Alex Best, Rachel Veslany, Russhell J. Ford, Naimah Kargbo, and Danvic Celebrado-Royer. with a student organizations can still be included and still have a voice.” Kargbo said the current SGA administration has used its funds appropriately and that she would hold next year’s administration accountable for financial decisions as treasurer. “One of the platforms for TrueTU is giving scholarships to marginalized students and ensuring that student groups get the proper funding they need to better not only themselves, but put on events that positively impact the Towson community,” she said. Polls will be open Wednesday and Thursday May 2 and 3 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students can vote online on Involved@TU. The last time Towson had an uncontested SGA election was in 2016 when students elected President Taylor James and her Forward ticket. The SGA Election Policy states that “there are no provisions for write-in candidates.” The senatorial candidates are: · Constance Achaleke

· ·

Elnatan Amare Kathryn Foreman

· Lewis Laury Jr. · Maman D. Ndiong · Keith Swint · Marlene Tubera There are 25 senate positions within SGA, but seven of those are reserved for freshman and transfer students and are appointed by the president in the fall semester. That leaves 18 open senate seats. There are also five open justice positions and no candidates running Veslany said she will work to recruit students interested in becoming senators. She said being a senator is an opportunity for students to represent their peers and accomplish initiatives that are important to them and can leave a positive impact on campus, like the SGA’s food insecurity initiative, which was brought to the forefront by SGA senators. “You have the ability to serve the students and the community, and the ability to make real change on campus,” Veslany said.

“I want students to know that being a Senator is a life changing and one-of-a-kind opportunity, and that being a Senator will not only teach you so many important skills and lessons, but it will also form you into a one-of-a-kind individual. The election commission will hold a second election to fill the 11 remaining senate seats and five justice seats, according to Coordinator for Student Organizations Chris Rindosh. This second election will operate on an abbreviated timeline. Petitions will begin May 4 and will be due by May 8 at 5 p.m. After the petition deadline, candidates will be able to campaign May 9 and 10. Voting for the second election will open on May 10 at 9 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. the same day, according to Rindosh. The election commission held a debate for the SGA candidates on April 30 from 8 to 10 p.m. in Chesapeake III. The debate did not occur in time for The Towerlight’s print deadline, but we will continue to provide updates online.



May 1, 2018

Speakers highlight diversity Annual symposium discusses social change

April 26: TUPD is investigating the report of a 1st degree assault at the University Union April 25: A commuter student reported damage to a vehicle. Investigation determined the damage to be previously existing, no crime took place in the Glen Garage. April 24: A wall charger left unattended was reported stolen in Cook Library. April 23: A commuter student reported a wallet stolen from a backpack at Cook Library. April 23: A resident student reported being shoved by another resident student in the Liberal Arts Building. April 23: A change machine was found open and the money held for safekeeping. This report was upgraded to a theft in the Center for the Arts. April 21: A guest entered the wrong dorm room after exiting the elevator on the wrong floor in Glen Complex Tower D. April 21: A resident student reported an identity theft to TUPD in Marshall Hall. April 19: A commuter student was issued a criminal citation for destruction of university owned property at SECU Arena. April 19: A commuter student entered the building unescorted against the direction of staff in Millennium Hall. April 18: A staff member reported that the contents of her purse stolen from her office at 7400 York Rd. April 17: A faculty member reported unwanted contact from a known non-affiliate in Smith Hall. April 17: A commuter student reported the theft of jewelry in Burdick Hall. April 17: A table set up for an event was reported stolen in the Glen Garage. April 16: A resident student reported continuing unwanted contact from a known subject at the Public Safety Building. April 15: A guest of the Marriott Conference Hotel was found intoxicated and naked near the parking garage elevator. The subject was arrested for indecent exposure. April 13: A commuter student reported fraudulent transactions on a lost Onecard.

The Towerlight’s “Police Blotter” is a representative sample of crimes occurring on and off campus. The blotter is not intended to be all inclusive. For a list of all crime reports, visit

Courtesy of Muhammad Waheed

Amber Johnson, an award-winning scholar, artist and activist, was the keynote speaker of the mass communication and communication studies department’s annual spring symposium.

KERI LUISE Staff Writer @keri_luise

Speakers at the mass communication and communication studies department’s spring symposium on April 27 highlighted diversity, social justice and communication across differences. The symposium is held annually but communication studies professor Michaela Frischherz said this year’s event was different as it signaled the upcoming separation of the mass communication and communication studies departments. This fall, the two majors will become their own departments. “It’s sort of backed up by all the energy of the new and exciting things that are happening within the program; becoming a new department, becoming more visible to the larger Towson University community,” Frischherz said. The symposium, which was titled “Showing Up, Making Space, and the Political Imagination of Diversity,” focused on the themes of social justice and diversity to try to tackle the difficult discussions around those topics. “Communication scholars and teachers are committed to figuring out how to do this thing called communication across difference, and difference is really the key there,” Frischherz said. “So communication depends on different people communicating with one another. We think that diversity is sort of at the center of that discussion, the challenges of it and also the sort of celebration of it.” The symposium had several speakers, including the keynote speaker Amber Johnson. Johnson is a scholar, activist,

artist and award-winning Assistant Professor of Communication and Social Justice at St. Louis University. Their research focuses on identity, protest, social justice, how individuals perform identity and the impact social media has on issues of authenticity, representation and credibility. Johnson’s speech, “The Revolution Requires Forgiveness, Imagination, & Fun” centered on the idea that solving social injustice is the start to engaging in any change. Junior communications studies major Esther Onafeko appreciated Johnson’s focus on bringing forgiveness into people’s lives beyond the classroom. “I really liked how [they] said [they] didn’t want it to stop there and [they] wanted to take it outside of the classroom so that other people could get the opportunity to forgive in order to move towards a more peaceful society,” Onafeko said. Johnson also had a ‘Radical Forgiveness Pop-Up’ in Freedom Square after their speech to highlight the misconceptions and pathways to forgiveness. At the pop-up, there were signs that demonstrated some of Johnson’s beliefs on forgiveness. “Forgiveness is rising toward a higher state of understanding that includes empathy for all living things,” one sign read. “It is accepting the realities of societal conditioning and physical determinism as they shape the actions of both yourself and others.” Students were also able to participate in making a forgiveness quilt at the pop-up. They illustrated their asking for forgiveness from their biases and prejudices on quilt material and added it to the quilt. Towson student Safiya

Jennings also presented at the symposium with her speech “#TransFolksAreNotJokes: Black Transwomen and Vulnerability to Violence.” “There is anti-trans violence in the criminal justice system and is most significantly illustrated with the trans panic defense,” Jennings said. “This defense blames the victim. If a transwoman and a cisgender man met, and he found out she was trans and was so upset, he could use that emotional reaction as a justification for committing murder. This defense appeals to stereotypes of transwomen as abnormal and sexually deviant.” Jennings said that how men are raised to fit a mold for masculinity can result in opposition and even violence toward non-masculine behavior. “Through the process of masculinity, boys are taught that being a man means being not like a woman, and that also means not being gay,” Jennings said. “Because of this socialization process, many black men experience same sex anxiety. The deeper problem is that they’re encouraged and allowed to act on an internal discomfort that they feel or to act on the fear they have being perceived as non-masculine in demeaning and violent ways.” Independent scholar, Kahleeka Perry spoke at the symposium, presenting her study called, “A Critical Cultural Study of Lived Experiences and Societal Implications of the 21st Century Natural Hair Movement.” Perry said people, especially those in the African American community who keep their natural hair, are ostracized and punished. - To read the rest of this article online, visit


May 1, 2018


Relay for Life supports cancer survivors, families JASON THOMPSON Contributing Writer

Towson University community members raised money to fund cancer research and support people with cancer and their families on April 5 at Relay for Life, the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. The overnight relay began at 3 p.m. on Saturday and continued throughout the night into the early morning hours of Sunday, eventually coming to an end at 3 a.m. “I just like walking and talking with everyone,” Towson alumna Maria Campbell said. “The stories I hear about those that have fought cancer are really something, and that’s what it’s all about.” Relay for Life has become a Towson tradition since the University first hosted it in 2008. “The relay is 12 hours long and it is done in teams, so there is always one person on the track,” student volunteer and math major Lily Fontinell said. “While you are walking, there are activities and food in the center of the track for the

other teammates. The first Relay for Life wasn’t a relay at all, but rather the feat of one colorectal surgeon named Gordon Klatt in Tacoma, Washington. “It began with a doctor that ran around a track for 24 hours to raise funds for cancer research,” Fontinell said. “The next time he ran, nurses and other health professionals came with food and set up tents in the middles of the track to sleep in.” According to the Relay for Life website, participants in this year’s relay at Towson raised over $26,000 to help struggling families and fund groundbreaking research in new ways of diagnosing, preventing and treating cancer. Emily Miller, event coordinator for Relay for Life, said the money raised during the relay can help ease the financial burden for cancer patients and their families. “A lot of people don’t think about the traveling some families have to do to get the care they need,” Miller said. “To help these families travel to hospitals that can provide them the treatment necessary, the

American Cancer Society began paying for travel costs and built lodging areas close to hospitals so families can stay together. All the funds go toward the American Cancer Society, and it feels great to help and be part of the organization.” According to the Relay for Life website, the first lap of the relay is for

cancer survivors and those currently battling cancer. The following lap is for health professionals and caregivers that have provided support to those struggling. The website also says that as time passes and sun begins to set, the darkness is symbolic of the fear that cancer patients feel when diagnosed. During

the dark hours of the relay, luminarias are lit in remembrance of those lost, and to show those who have been affected that they are not alone. When the relay came to an end, volunteers were recognized and everyone was reminded that Relay for Life will not end until the battle with cancer is won.

Photo by Jason Thompson/ The Towerlight

Towson University hosted the Relay for Life to support those diagnosed with cancer and their families, and to raise money for the American Cancer Society Sunday. The event was 12 hours long.

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10 May 1, 2018


May 1, 2018


12 May 1, 2018

Arts & Life

App gives free luxury items KERRY INGRAM Associate Arts & Life Editor @glaminista08

Guys, I’ve been holding on to a little secret for some time now, and I think I’m finally ready to share it. Surprise. It’s an app. Back in February, my knack for blogstalking and being all-up-in-celeb-business earned me the discovery of the app called “Suprize”, dedicated to giving out exclusive freebies to anyone willing to download it. When I first heard about the app, I was expecting for it to be one of those scams that makes you fill out monotonous surveys in order to win points that then could maybe get you something for free. However, I was more than wrong and twice as impressed. “Suprize,” which according to

Refinery29 was curated by friends of celebrities Ariana Grande, Drake, and Justin Bieber, uses an easy gaming system in order to determine winners for designer and luxury products they receive as being part of the A-list crowd. Prizes range from hats and clothing by Supreme, to KKW cosmetics, to even things like Gucci wallets and Yeezy kicks. Upon downloading the app, users are shown a countdown clock for the next time a prize will drop, as well as a hint as to what the product will be. Users can get notified five minutes before a drop, in which they can then wait to play a short game in order to compete for the prize. What’s the game? Users must be able to spot the emoji that is different out of a screen full of the same emojis. There are 60 seconds to complete the game, and the person who is the fastest wins

the prize. Since owning the app, I’ve gotten notified about prize drops at least three times a day, and the products are always worth pausing your daily routine for. And the best thing about the app? It’s completely free to download, and requires no true personal information to be entered until you win (in which you would then have to provide your name, address, and form of contact information in order to receive your prize). Although the app seems great, some believe it too good to be true. Reviews on Apple’s App store range from praise to apprehension, with some questioning whether “Suprize” is actually a scam. However, the range of comments from winners left in the reviews and on social media showcase that the app seems to be more than legitimate. To increase in the app’s fairness, users are only able to win one prize every 72

D.I.Y. Fenty’s new body lava KERRY INGRAM

Associate Arts & Life Editor @glaminista08

Dear Rihanna, please stop coming for my edges. If you’ve read any of my Trendy Tiger articles of semesters’ past, you know my feelings about Rihanna’s Fenty products. She does her thing, okay. As someone who wasn’t a huge Rihanna fan music-wise, I was skeptical about the hype surrounding her product launches, but quickly learned just how impressive her products were. Now that the summer is creeping up on us, Rihanna came out with a brand new launch, and from her preview videos on Instagram, she appeared to be playing zero games. That is…with the exception of one product. Let me first start off by speaking on her body launch. In early April, Fenty Beauty launched her Body Lava and Glitter Pom Pom, two products meant to give your skin some serious glow during the summer season. The hype was real, with fans freaking out on Instagram, and later, men making hilarious parodies of her launch video.

When it was time for these two products to come to Sephora, I was frightened, a) for my wallet and b) for my sanity as a Sephora employee. With both products being over $40, I expected the absolute best. I got about half of that. Fenty’s Body Lava, the limited edition liquid body illuminator that retails for $59, went fast, and for good reason. The product smells of a beautiful vanilla scent, with just the right amount of sweetness, and it makes your skin look like that of a goddess. Although it does have a larger amount of actual glitter than I would typically want, this product looked amazing on a multitude of skin complexions, and I can definitely see it being a hit over the summer. As for the Fairy Bomb Glittering Pom Pom, that’s a whole other story. The pom pom, which retails for $42, is legitimately a huge puff-ball with glitter in the center. Users are advised to bounce the puff on the skin to release the shimmer and leave the body glowing. Let me just say: Rihanna was smart with the packaging and trying to sell this overall gimmick, but this is a waste of money. Point, blank, period. I tried this product out in store, and felt absolutely ridiculous hitting myself

with a puff-ball, only to receive what looked like dollar-store arts and craft glitter. I looked like a fairy sneezed on me. To make matters worse, a YouTube video by Beauty News came out less than two weeks later, in which the pom pom was cut open in order to see how much product was inside. The verdict? The $42 pom pom is filled with 95 percent cotton. The other 5 percent belongs to a flat cotton-round covered in glitter. I was so shocked, all I could do was laugh after seeing this. I don’t think the product would seem so questionable if it wasn’t so expensive. A glitter pom pom for $10? Maybe. $42? Absolutely not. And that is why I am going to give you the quick rundown on how to make your own body highlighter (because if you’re reading this and are a college student, you shouldn’t be shelling out over $40 for a highlighter anyways, unless you’re crazy like I am). All you need for this hack is: 1. A loose glitter highlighter (you can get this from the drugstore; I recommend Makeup Revolution’s Pearl Lights Loose Highlighter) 2. Johnson’s Baby Oil 3. A bottle to store the product in (bonus points if you can find one

Courtesy of Suprize App

Suprize teases its users with hints about products that may drop through “boomerang” images, like this one of a Supreme logo. hours (so choose your battles wisely, ladies and gents). To my own dismay, I have not been fast enough to win a prize (I once played and was 2 SECONDS slower than the winner of a Supreme cap; I was lowkey

livid), however that hasn’t stopped this college kid from playing every single time a new drop launches. I recommend downloading the app. I promise it’ll become more addictive than Candy Crush.

with a pump) Now literally all you have to do is mix the baby oil with the highlighter (start off with less highlighter and add lightly until you reach your desired amount), and shake it up in the spare bottle you’re going to store it in. Apply this mixture onto your skin and bam. You now have a summer worthy glow

for less than $15, and can easily convince others your glow is that of mother nature. Although Rihanna usually does her thing, sometimes it’s the cheap way out that’s a better option. So get ready to glow, my friends, because now it’s something that’s achievable, affordable, and not so limited.

Courtesy of

Rihanna’s “body lava” illuminator went viral soon after she first teased videos on Fenty’s Instagram account,and has since sold out.

Arts & Life

May 1, 2018


LKT to host “72 Fest” contest

15 teams prepare for annual film festival JESSICA RICKS Staff Writer

With only 72 hours to create a film, Lambda Kappa Tau is putting its filmmaking chops to the test during their annual 72 Fest from May 3 to May 5. LKT is a co-ed media production society that was founded at Towson University in 2008. LKT Alumni Relations Chair Corey Johnson said 72 Fest participants will divide into teams of five -- not including actors -- and will have to write, record and edit a film. “There will be special criteria that the teams have to follow when making the film,” LKT Co-Production Chair Lauren Flynn said. “We will have a special screening the following week for all of the films made.” At the end of the 72 hours, a

panel of electronic media and film majors judge the films and give out awards to the filmmaker teams, such as “Best of the Fest,” “Best Sound,” and “Best Writing.” According to LKT’s website, the group aims to give media students experience outside of the classroom. Johnson shared how he expects this year’s 72 Fest to be the biggest one yet because LKT has pushed its marketing around campus. “The new class that has just been introduced into LKT is very production-oriented,” Johnson said. “I think a lot of them will be creating teams [for this festival].” The festival is just one of many that LKT hosts throughout the semester. The group is also known for its 48 Hour Film Fest which imposes a similar time limit on its participants, Halfway There Film Festival which occurs mid-semester, and Shadow Week & Weekend

which allows members a real on-set experience through an outreach program. LKT is also known for its creative philanthropy efforts. In the past, the group has held a Challah4Hunger event in which they baked challah bread to raise money for social justice causes, as well as their Peanut Butter and Jelly Drive where they made sandwiches for homeless people in Baltimore. 72 Fest isn’t limited to just EMF majors. LKT includes students from an array of disciplines, from psychology to environmental science and more, and allows anyone to try their hand at creating a film and meeting new people in the process. “This allows people who have a common interest in film and creating media to collaborate for a weekend and create a cool video,” Flynn said. “There are people who aren’t film majors who are interested in it and I

Courtesy of

Former Lambda Kappa Tau team, “Creamed,” takes a break amidst the 72 hour challenge of creating a film during Towson’s 2017 festival. hope they come out for this and have the chance to create something awesome. Johnson said he has gained a lot from participating in the film festival. During his first one in 2016, he and his friends created a film called “Creamed Potatoes,” which is still available on YouTube. Since then, they’ve created their own production company called Creamed Productions and have made over 15 films.


“This is an opportunity for people to gain really valuable experience in a low pressure setting and gain aspects of real world production, like time management, scheduling, and what we can accomplish with what we’re given,” he said. “It’s a great way to meet people and network.” The event is still open to all Towson students to attend and participate in, and teams can sign up as a group at

14 May 1, 2018

Arts & Life

Avengers film awes viewers LUKE PARKER Columnist

Marvel has spent 10 years, and produced 18 movies, to get to this moment. Fans have likewise waited 10 years, and bought tickets to 18 movies to get to this moment. “Avengers: Infinity War” is finally here – at least the first half of it is – and while the film may not trump the astronomical expectations cast by its loyal following, it at least meets them. Reaching across the entirety of the company’s renowned cinematic universe, “Avengers: Infinity War” celebrates the decade by bringing together the biggest roundtable of super-powered knights you will ever see in your lifetime. And for a film that spans nearly two and a half hours, has 10 years of material to congregate, and nearly 100 different characters to exhibit, it hangs together about as well as it could. However, there are a lot of mov-

ing pieces here, and though directors Joe and Anthony Russo – who have been accepted into the Marvel collective after their work at the helm of the two previous “Captain America” adventures – manage to juggle their extensively expanded lineup, “Infinity War” unsurprisingly struggles to tell a complete story. This is not to badger at the script, which is, in fact, surprisingly smart, but only to suggest that there is too much to be told and not even a 150-minute epic can do it complete justice. Though it is to be expected with this kind of set up, the greatest sacrifice this extra weight puts on the film is the disproportionate screen time between the characters we are all used to seeing run the show. In fact, one of the biggest surprises is how sparingly the Russos use Captain America (Chris Evans), their usual protagonist. At first, even the characters themselves seem to have problems working with one another; many of their initial interactions feel like a bombardment of clashing egos, rather than the beginning of a func-

tional partnership. The original “Avengers” picture brought together six beings dedicated to saving New York City from a comparatively simple villain (Tom Hiddleston reprises his role as Loki here, Thor’s adopted brother). Now set on a battleground that expands far beyond Earth and deep into the stars, the reason for this major, intergalactic collaboration is the looming presence of Thanos (Josh Brolin), who, until now, has only made minutes-long appearances throughout the MCU. The Mad Titan is in search of six ultra-powerful Infinity Stones which, when placed inside his gigantic gauntlet, will allow him to wipe out half the population of the universe, thus restoring its “balance;” Brolin and co-writers Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus do an excellent job creating a complex villain out of a CGI animation worthy of facing Earth’s mightiest guardians. It does not take long, however, for the film to establish just how serious of a threat Thanos is, and as the battle progresses, many of our heroes

Courtesy of

Marvel’s latest film, “Avengers: Infinity War,” brings nearly 100 MCU characters together, in the hopes of defeating Thanos (Josh Brolin). actually wish that they had not picked this fight – Tom Holland’s SpiderMan, who abandons a school field trip to join the battle, and who eventually gets beaten to a pulp, says “I should have stayed on the bus.”

Though many of the individual films showcased a villain that required more than one of the MCU characters to defeat, the conglomerate’s entire bench of superheroes, including Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman), and Thor (Chris Hemsworth), among others, struggle to detain Thanos for even a minute, let alone defeat him. He has the brute strength of the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo, who gives Bruce Banner more screen time than ever before), and the wit of Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), one of the only characters able to counter his destructive power. By the end of the film, having gone through the painstakingly shocking finale, “Infinity War” casts a shadow of hopelessness I’ve never before experienced in a comic book movie. This atmosphere counteracts the comedic elements these MCU movies have been associated with; rather than complementing the movie like it has done in the past, the joking in “Infinity War” clashes here. Though Chris Pratt and the Guardians of the Galaxy provide most of the relief, watching the characters who used to equip their jabs with one-liners solemnly remain silent exemplifies the seriousness of the situation. - To read the rest of this column online, visit


May 1, 2018




16 May 1, 2018


do what you love, love what you do MIA WILLIAMS Staff Writer

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Senior center fielder Kendyl Scott is a key piece of Towson’s softball team, and a prime example of someone with a genuine love for the game. Growing up as an only child in Southern California, Scott’s love for softball developed at an early age. “From the moment I could pretty much stand on two feet, my dad had a little glove on my right hand, and a tennis ball in my left,” Scott said. From that point on, her love for the sport blossomed. Scott is a force to be reckoned with on the field. Nationally, she’s ranked second in batting average (.497), total bases (130) and hits (78). She is ranked fourth in doubles (20) and toughest to strikeout (53.0), and fifth in doubles per game (0.43). Though her passion is softball, she describes herself as someone who could never take a break from sports. In middle school, Scott played an array of sports from flag football and basketball, to volleyball and soccer. Scott continued with basketball, volleyball and softball in high school. During her senior year, Scott was named captain of the softball team. Scott never imagined that she would end up at Towson. However, when she came to Towson on an unofficial visit, she instantly knew it was where she wanted to be. “I automatically loved the school,” Scott said. “I loved the campus, the girls really welcomed me and it felt like home.” When Scott was being recruited by colleges, she knew she had to think carefully about which school she would attend. “College softball is said to be the best four years of your life,” Scott said. “The top thing people tell you is to pick a school where you are going to have the best four years of your life.” Looking back, Scott feels she made the right decision. “[These] four years have really molded me into something that I am truly thankful for,” she said. Scott hit the ground running upon her arrival at Towson. She played 57

games her freshman year and was one of six players with a batting average over .300. During her sophomore year, Scott was named to the all-CAA tournament team and ranked fourth in CAA for stolen bases. Later in the year, Scott was one of 16 players selected to the British national softball team, where she played in the Women’s Softball World Championship in Surrey, Canada. Scott goes into each game with the mentality of giving her best, or as she puts it, “balling out.” “She brings a leadership presence to the team by how well she does,” said senior pitcher Olivia Baltazar, who has played with Scott since they were freshmen. “She’s always humble and never talks about her own accolades, even though she is one of the best players on our team and in the conference.” Though Scott rarely discusses her achievements, she speaks frequently about the positive impact her family, coaches and teammates have had on her. Scott said her coaches have created a positive environment for her to achieve. “The coaches have always driven me to exceed my potential and that really motivated me to get better, which is awesome,” she said. Scott’s teammates feel her work ethic has a positive effect on how they play. For junior Nicole Stockinger, Scott serves as a role model. “Coming in as a freshman and playing outfield next to her, she [has been] a role model for me personally,” Stockinger said. “Her passion and love for the game definitely [has] a big impact on the team.” Scott is extremely close to her family. Her mom and her dad are usually the first people she calls after a game. “I have no siblings, so my mom and dad are my world,” she said. “They are my rock.” Scott is a sports management major, and upon graduation will travel to Japan with the Great Britain national softball team in late July for the 2018 Women’s Softball World Championship. She then plans to attend graduate school to pursue her master’s and hopes to become a graduate assistant coach. - To read the rest of this story online, visit


May 1, 2018


18 May 1, 2018


huskies power past tigers in Caa bout Northeastern registers 47 runs in sweep of Towson at Friedman Diamond Field JILL GATTENS Staff Writer

Offensive firepower from Northeastern propelled the team to a three-game sweep of Towson this weekend at Friedman Diamond Field in Brookline, Massachusetts. The Huskies (26-13, 12-3 CAA) scored 47 runs against the Tigers (12-31, 5-10 CAA) over the course of the the series. It was a tight battle in the series finale Sunday, but Northeastern topped Towson 2-1. The Huskies got on the board in the bottom of the fourth inning when a leadoff walk came around to score on a passed ball. The Tigers tied the game in the top of the fifth inning when senior catcher Tristan Howerton scored on a bases-loaded walk. The Huskies regained the lead in the bottom of the fifth inning on

an RBI single and held on to win the ballgame. Senior pitcher Alex Cuas suffered his fourth loss of the year after allowing two runs on three hits in five innings of work. “It got completely away from us,” Head Coach Matt Tyner said. “They were the better team, and it showed.” In Saturday’s game, the Tigers could not overcome another offensive explosion from the Huskies. In the top of the first inning, Towson got on the board as senior infielder Billy Lennox tripled and later scored on a single from senior outfielder Colin Gimblet. The lead didn’t last long, however, as Northeastern answered in the bottom half of the inning by scoring nine runs. The Tigers responded by plating three runs in the top of the second when junior infielder Richie Palacios drew a bases-loaded walk, and Lennox delivered a two-run dou-

ble to cut into the Huskies lead. Northeastern continued to overcome Towson as the team’s lineup showed its offensive dominance. Northeastern scored 14 runs over the next five innings. The Tigers got on the board again in the top of the ninth inning when junior outfielder Craig Alleyne and Lennox drew bases-loaded walks. However, it was too little, too late, as the Huskies went on to secure a 23-6 victory over the Tigers. Senior pitcher Michael Adams (3-5) took the loss. He allowed nine runs on six hits in one-third of an inning. “Everybody is giving their best shot in the lineup,” Tyner said. “It’s just not happening for some.” In Friday’s series opener, the Huskies offense exploded in a 22-2 route of the Tigers. The Huskies jumped on the board in the bottom of the first inning with a solo home run, but the Tigers tied the game in the top of the

fourth inning when Gimblet singled to score Palacios. The Huskies took the lead back in the bottom of the fifth inning after a throwing error allowed three runs. Northeastern put the game out of reach for good by plating 18 runs in the last three innings of the game. Senior David Marriggi suffered his fifth loss of the season. He allowed seven runs on six hits over five innings of work. Wednesday, Towson was blanked by University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 13-0 at Alumni Field in Baltimore. The Retrievers pushed across 12 runs in the third inning, collecting seven hits and six walks. The game was ultimately called in the bottom of the eighth inning because of rain. Junior pitcher Joe Enea (0-3) took the loss. He allowed six runs in just one-third of an inning. Towson will host George Washington and George Mason in two midweek games on Tuesday

and Wednesday, respectively. The team will then host CAA opponent College of Charleston May 3-5. First pitch of game one is set for 3 p.m. Friday. “With great pitching performances from Dave, Mike and Alex, it puts us in a position to win the series,” Tyner said. “We are in no way out of it.”

NEXT@ 5/01 HOME 3:00pm

tigers bit by cougars in weekend losses BILLY OWENS Assistant Sports Editor

When a team gels and gets on a hot streak, it’s a sight to see. But the worst thing about a winning-streak is that it will inevitably end. Towson finally felt the sting of defeat as the team had its 10-game winning-streak snapped by Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) foe College of Charleston at Patriots Point Athletics Complex in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, this weekend. Sunday, the Tigers (39-13, 12-6 CAA) fell 1-0 to the Cougars (29-22, 8-10 CAA) in the rubber game of the series. The game’s lone run came in the bottom of the seventh inning for

Charleston off an RBI single. Towson’s senior center fielder, Kendyl Scott, raised her batting average to .497 following Sunday’s game. It is the second-highest batting average in the nation. Game three was full of missed opportunities. The Tigers went 0-for-10 when they had runners in scoring position in the contest. Senior Megan Dejter (21-5) was the losing pitcher. She had her seven-game winning-streak snapped by allowing the game’s only run through six innings of work. Saturday, Towson and Charleston split a doubleheader to open the weekend series. The Tigers pulled out a 3-2 win in game one, but the Cougars came back to even the series with a 15-7 win in game two. The Tigers set a new single-season record for wins

with their victory in game one. In game one, the Tigers plated the first two runs in the top of the third. Senior infielder Brook Miko hit an RBI double to score Scott, which was followed by junior utility Nicole Stockinger’s sacrifice-fly that scored senior infielder Daria Edwards. Charleston narrowed the gap to 2-1 in the bottom of the third, but Towson continued its strong offensive showing in the top of the fourth when sophomore infielder Madison Wilson singled to score junior infielder Kaylen Minnatee. The Cougars added another run in the bottom of the fifth, but the Tigers held on to win. Dejter pitched her 70th complete game of her career in game one, keeping Charleston to just two runs on 10 hits while striking out three. In game two, the Tigers took

an early lead with a five-run first inning. Wilson and Scott reached home off a Miko RBI that the shortstop committed an error on. Minnatee then singled to score senior catcher Shelby Stracher and Miko, and junior outfielder Kendall Arcia hit a fly ball to center to score Stockinger. Towson plated another run in the top of the second inning off an Edwards single that scored freshman catcher Riley Thies. Charleston immediately responded, however, with a run in the bottom of the second to get on the board. The Tigers’ next run was the last of the game, as Arcia singled to score Stockinger in the top of the third. The Cougars battled back with four runs in the third, eight in the

fourth and two in the fifth to seal the win. Senior Olivia Baltazar (4-3) took the loss after conceding eight runs on six hits in just over an inning of action. Wednesday, Towson convincingly defeated Delaware State (11-29) in both games of a doubleheader with 14-4 and 10-1 victories, respectively. On the way to victory, Towson tied its school record for single-season wins. The Tigers recorded seven home runs over the course of the two games, with Scott, Stracher and Stockinger hitting two each. The team will close out its regular season schedule with a weekend series at home against CAA opponent, and No. 24 Hofstra. First pitch of the opening doubleheader is set for noon Friday.


May 1, 2018


t jmu downs towson



Towson women’s lacrosse failed to extend its winning streak to double digits, as the team fell 17-16 in a tough overtime loss to Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) rival James Madison Saturday afternoon at Johnny Unitas Stadium.

The Dukes (16-1, 6-0 CAA) led for most of the contest and took a commanding 12-7 lead early in the second half, but the Tigers (14-3, 5-1 CAA) rallied late in the period to send the game into overtime. James Madison got the first possession to start overtime and had the opportunity to notch a goal, but senior defender Tianna Wallpher caused her second turnover of the game to halt the scoring attempt.

On Towson’s next defensive possession, sophomore goalkeeper Kiley Keating made an impressive save with just two seconds left in the first half of overtime. The Tigers got possession to open the second half of overtime, but committed a costly turnover and the Dukes capitalized with a quick goal to secure the win. - To read the rest of this article online, visit


Luke Fromert Men’s Lacrosse

Redshirt freshman attacker Luke Fromert registered one goal, one assist and two points in Towson’s 8-7 victory over Fairfield Saturday at Johnny Unitas Stadium. Towson’s win clinched the team a spot in the 2018 CAA Tournament.

20 May 1, 2018


Tournament Bound File photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Long stick midfielder Koby Smith dashes down the field at Johnny Unitas Stadium. In Saturday’s game, Smith put a shot on goal in the team’s 8-7 victory over Fairfield. Towson’s victory clinched the team a spot in the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) Tournament. Towson will take on Delaware in the first round Thursday at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


Win, and you’re in. It’s one of the most pressure packed situations you can be in as a team, but this weekend the Tigers showed it’s a moment that they relish. Towson men’s lacrosse picked up a tight 8-7 victory over Fairfield Saturday morning at Johnny Unitas Stadium to clinch a berth in the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) tournament. “We knew what was at stake, and these guys stayed positive and poised in difficult times,” Head Coach Shawn Nadelen said. “We were able to earn that win, so I’m real proud of these guys.” This win also came on senior day,

meaning the eight seniors on the roster could have a chance to hoist a CAA championship trophy to close out their careers. The Tigers (6-7, 3-2 CAA) came out of the gates firing as redshirt sophomore Matt Sovero found the back of the cage just two minutes into play. The midfielder has had a strong second half of the season, scoring eight times in the last five contests. Junior midfielder Grant Maloof ripped in back-to-back goals midway through the first quarter to give Towson a 3-0 lead going into the second. The team followed its season-long mantra of sharing the ball, as three different Tigers recorded assists in the period. The Stags (4-11, 1-4 CAA) got on the scoreboard early in the second as

junior attacker Colin Burke flipped in a shot from close range. They stormed back to tie the game with two quick goals a few minutes later in the quarter. With the Tigers struggling to get anything going on offense, Fairfield took the lead as sophomore midfielder Travis Ford scored a goal from well beyond the cage. Senior attacker Joe Rodrigues followed with a long-distance goal of his own to give the Stags a two-point lead. Fairfield took advantage of Towson’s eight turnovers in the second, keeping the pressure on the opposing defense with 14 shot attempts throughout the period. “We’d love to decrease [turnovers] like we know we can,” Nadelen said. “We have to continue to play cleaner, stay aggressive and disciplined.”

The Tigers finally showed some life on offense as junior attacker Timmy Monahan punched in a tough angle goal just a few seconds before halftime to cut the deficit to one. Towson got back to sharing the ball around on offense in the third quarter with quick passes and good ball movement. “We’ve been in a lot of tight games so there was no panic,” redshirt senior attacker Jean-Luc Chetner said. “I thought we did a great job offensively of moving the ball in the second half and we grinded one out.” The Tigers put in back-to-back goals during the third, both scored and assisted by different players, to regain the lead. The Stags responded with just over three minutes left in the period as

Rodrigues scored off a feed from junior midfielder Jack Brennan to knot the score at six apiece heading into the fourth quarter. Fairfield retook the lead early in the fourth as sophomore attacker Dylan Beckwith bounced in a shot to give his team a 7-6 advantage. Chetner answered back for Towson with a quick goal off a timely pass from redshirt freshman attacker Luke Fromert. Fromert continued his strong play with a goal to give the Tigers an 8-7 lead with just over three minutes left to play. He was hounded by defenders, but managed to retrieve a low pass from Chetner near the goal and flip the shot in while on the ground. - To read the rest of this article online, visit

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