The Towerlight (October 8, 2019)

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Towson’s campus and community news source

October 8, 2019

g ern followin c n o c t n e d stu .6 to address te-bias incidents, pg s n la p s it y on d ha communit assault an l e a h u t x d e e s t s a u d p cam sity up recent onThe Univer

Photo by Brendan Felch, Illustration by Victoria Nicholson/ The Towerlight







October 8, 2019

Nicotine Withdrawal Might Look Like... Anxiety Restlessness Irritability Insomnia Headaches Difficulty Concentrating Depression

Sweating Heart palpitations Muscle tension Tightness in chest Nausea Difficulty breathing


Tobacco21 laws begin Oct. 1st! Experiencing symptoms of withdrawal? TU can help! Contact Allison Seeley at or visit the link to learn more


October 8, 2019

Editor-in-Chief Bailey Hendricks Senior Editor Tim Klapac

News Editor Keri Luise Asst. News Editor Sophia Bates

Arts & Life Editor Meg Hudson Asst. Arts & Life Editor Grace Coughlan

Sports Editor Asst. Sports Editors Jordan Kendall



TOWSON @ojm226


do towson students know that tiger bombs are not actually a thing anywhere else but rec and turtle???? stop ordering them elsewhere, you look silly.

Why does uptown Towson have five different pizza places within three blocks of each other

Muhammad Waheed

Senior Staff Writer Mary-Ellen Davis

Staff Writers Alex Best

@mad_dawg25 I miss living at towson and going uptown every weekend

John Hack Jalon Dixon Suzanne Stuller Lurene Heyl Brooks Warren Aaron Thomas Marcus Whitman

Photo Editor Brendan Felch

Staff Photographers Amanda Bosse Owen DiDonna Nikki Hewins Ryan Moriarty Karl Reimer

@mads_schae Cool lookin student apartments in the middle of uptown in Towson now... jealous

Lacey Wall

Production Staff Ethan Tucker


General Manager Mike Raymond

Art Director Victoria Nicholson


Circulation Staff Jack Baker Anthony Capparuccini Scott Halerz Kirsten Tildon

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 (410) 704-5153 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Classifieds appear online and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2019 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!









8-12 8







Come out to this FREE succulent building workshop! Learn everything necessary to grow happy, healthy succulents. All supplies are provided! No experience is necessary!

Stand up and be an ally for #TogetherTowson. Join students, faculty, and administrators as we demonstrate what it means to be an ally.

Bring your humor and join the Campus Activities Board as Haha Davis headlines a three person comedy lineup. Doors opene one hour before showtime.

Univeristy Union PAWS, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Freedom Square, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

SECU Arena, 7:00 p.m.





Come out and have fun skating while enjoying music from the 90s- early 2000s.

The Tigers face the Albany Great Danes in a conference game. The first 1,000 students will receive a free t-shirt upon entry.

WVC Ballroom, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Johnny Unitas Stadium, 4 p.m.

Follow us @TheTowerlight!



October 8, 2019

America needs to do Love is hard, especially if you’re trans something about guns JASPER GRISWOLD Columnist

Ah, love. What an amazing, freeing feeling, except when it’s not. The entire process of falling in love - finding someone, dating, staying in a relationship - can be dangerous to different groups of people, notably transgender individuals. Dating can be scary when 30-50% of transgender individuals face domestic violence at some point in their life. This is higher than the 28-33% in the general population. And that doesn’t even scratch the surface of the problems with being transgender and trying to date. So you’re a young, attractive trans person about to create a dating profile. You wonder if you


should add the fact that you’re transgender to your profile. If you choose not to, you’ll have to tell the date later. This could work out well and they accept you, or it could get them to call you a liar for “hiding” it. If you do put it on your profile, it could make you lose a lot of matches. It could cause some people to match with you simply because you are trans, as they have a strange attraction to trans people. It could cause your profile to be mass-reported and removed. It could even attract someone that looks for

CLASSIFIEDS hw -general

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A.M. BABYSITTER HELP WANTED Looking for before school care 3 mornings a week for my 8- & 10-yr-old children; in Lutherville, MD. Must be comfortable with a large friendly puppy too! Excellent pay! If interested call Brenda: (410) 499-7321.

Solutions for

Puzzles on page 12

trans people just to hurt them or kill them, thus putting yourself in danger. TYRONE BARROZO So you match with someone, Columnist if you’re lucky enough to - 87.5% of cis people refuse to date trans people. Furthermore, 98.2% of straight Sam Jones, my column colleague, women and 96.7% wrote last week about the issue of straight men of gun control due to a comment refuse to date made by Democratic Presidential trans people. Candidate Beto O’Rourke in SepIf you didn’t tember during a primary debate. already tell “[…]We’re going to take your ARthe person 15, your AK-47,” exclaimed O’Royou matched urke when asked if he were to take with that away US citizens’ guns. you are trans, I’d be a little concerned for a you are faced flat-out blanket ban and confiscawith figuring out tion of arms simply due to its sheer the right time to tell radicalness in rhetoric tone and its them. The longer you obvious attempt to get a pop from wait, the more likely it is that they the live audience in attendance at will react negatively. And once the time. However, the idea doesn’t they do know, you’ll be faced with sound that bad to me. all sorts of questions. It worked for Australia which Intrusive questions about what also implemented a national gun surgeries you have gotten or will ban following a mass shooting in get, questions for them to test 1996 and the new policy, to clarify, how much of a “real” guy or girl banned certain semi-automatic riDUPLEX FOR RENT you are. Questions that make you fles and shotguns, imposed stricter 2 Bedroom - 1 desirable. Bathroom feel less than firearm licensing and registration $1250/Month. Central Now say you get toAir, dating and requirements, and instituted a Washer Dryer. Driveway, end up & with a nice ally Fenced and you mandatory buyback program for Yard. 2-Level Front Porch, have a goodDeck. relationship. You’re firearms where Australians with Wood not in Floors. danger, but the hardships illegal arms would sell their guns. Near Towson & Target. aren’t over. Walmart Let’s say you’re a And, as a result of the change, Call (410) trans guy,371-8989 and you’re dating a 640,000 prohibited firearms were pansexual cis guy. But he’s only sold to the government and, most dated women in the past, and he wonderfully, 60,000 non-prohibitisn’t interested in dating cis men. ed firearms were voluntarily surSo you wonder, does this person rendered. Statistically speaking, really see me as a guy at all? Australia saw a 20% decline in hoAnother issue is when the dysmicides from 1996 to 2007. phoria gets really bad and self-haI would be remiss to include the HELPER tred peaks. You’llWANTED wonder,Close “howto TU. brief period where, following the Lawn work, & ends.initial policy change, there was a could anyone love cleaning, me?” andodds push Flexible hours. Good wages. away the people that do. This af-Start slight increase in homicide a year ASAP. Please calland 410-321-0746. fects me personally, puts a later and peaking in 1999 while on strain on my relationship. the way to net decrease by 2007. Dating and getting into relaDespite all of that, the homicide tionships as a trans person is rate would go even lower, fluctumentally taxing, and at times, ating along the way, to reach a net dangerous. It is another of the decline of 23% by 2013. unexpected difficulties trans It may seem that with a lot of people face that others might debates concerning this issue, take for granted. specifically those held in America, But dating is not all terrible, it Australia has been the go-to examcan definitely be something genple for supporting a gun buyback der-affirming. program, but it’s important to note Even though there are many that it’s not the only place to have hardships related to getting into found success. For instance, Brazil, and being in a relationship as a country with a 30.5% homicide a trans person, I see it as totally rate as of 2017 according to the worth it - nothing compares to United Nations Office on Drugs and the euphoria I feel when my boyCrime, implemented two gun buyfriend calls me his boyfriend. back programs between 2003 and


2009 which saw the collection and destruction of over 1.1 million firearms and an 8% decrease in homicide between 2003-2006. It’s also mentioned in Jones’ article that the aforementioned decline in homicide rate in Australia could not be directly linked to the buyback program and that the decline was imminent prior to the mass shooting which incited change in the first place. I find it rather hard to believe that the buyback program was, at the very least, just a small contributor to the decline in some way. Don’t just take my word, David Hemenway, director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, co-authored a paper in 2011 that reviewed studies on the effect of Australia’s buyback program on firearm deaths and found that there was strong evidence to support the notion that the law was still an objective change for good. While there was no explanation or enough evidence to claim that the law had direct effect on homicide rates, there was a notable decrease in suicide rates with the new law and, surprisingly, no more gun massacres. Meanwhile, in the US, rather than taking any action to prevent or, at the very least, reduce the likelihood of another mass shooting, we’re all bickering about the issue and doing nothing. I wish that I could tell you that my best friend remembers his first date with his wife because it just so happened to be the day of the Sandy Hook massacre. And while you could get the occasional white knight with a gun who’ll save a few people by drawing quicker than the killer, I’d rather save that nonsense for the spaghetti westerns. So quit dancing around the issue and do something to alleviate this completely preventable stress and tension. Implement universal background checks, enact stricter regulations, implement a bullet tax—do something. We’re not progressing as a nation when officials pretend to care for an extra media boost and then continue to let the NRA grip them in a vise. Oh, and let’s not forget that this is America we’re talking about, a country that averages more than 36,000 gun deaths per year. When people kill people, it’s usually with a gun.


October 8, 2019

What a difference an education can make MIRANDA MOWREY Columnist @mirandamowrey

Right now, you are probably reading this column as you wait for your next class. You’re probably dreading class, right? You’re probably wishing that you could be lounging on your bed with a bag of chips and reruns of “Jersey Shore” killing your brain cells one “Cabs are here!” at a time. Access to education has become such a norm to us that it is hard to believe that across the globe, 130 million girls aged 6 to 17 have no access to education at all. To put it into perspective, more girls are being denied their right to learn than the number of Instagram followers Kendall Jenner has. Half of these girls live in Sub-Saharan Africa and will never see a classroom in their entire life. Women’s rights issues such as maternal mortality, HIV/AIDS, honor killings, economic inequality, gender-based violence, child-marriage, sex trafficking, are human rights issues at their core. It is nearly impossible to tackle these Goliaths all at once – but the education of women has proven to mitigate the effects of these injustices. Reducing the Spread of HIV/ AIDS As the rate of HIV/AIDS among women is rapidly increasing, it is chilling to observe that African countries with the highest prevalence of HIV are showing a decrease in their children’s participation in formal schooling. According to UNICEF, HIV positive women are less likely than HIV positive males to receive family support and resources and are more likely to be withdrawn from school than their male classmates. When a woman is educated, she is more likely to use condoms and less likely to engage in casual sex, leading to a drop in the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. And most importantly, a woman free from the bounds of

a life-threatening disease will be able to continue her education. Diminishing Maternal Mortality Rates Author of the award-winning book “Half the Sky,” Nicholas Kristof, writes, “The equivalent of five jumbo jets worth of women die in labor each day...That should be an international scandal.” 99% of maternal deaths occur in low-income countries and almost 75% are avoidable with proper medical treatment. Women with no education have 2.7 times the risk of dying during childbirth compared to women with more than 12 years of education. These numbing statistics emphasize that fighting for women's access to education is essentially fighting for a woman’s life. Ending Sex Trafficking and Child Marriage When a woman is educated, she is less likely to marry at an early age and more likely to take part in healthy relationships. They tend to have fewer, healthier children and have the ability to earn up to 20% more with each additional year of schooling. Women in desperate economic situations are more likely to become victims of sex trafficking because sex traffickers find it easiest to manipulate vulnerable individuals. Thus, the ability to make a decent living is essential in reducing the risk of being trafficked. Caroline Floyd is the program director for Circle of Sisterhood at TU, an organization that works to build schools for women in underserved areas. Floyd explains the importance of this movement: “My education has given me confidence, friendships…it’s allowed me to discover new passions,” she said. “It’s enabled me to make smart choices. Women around the world deserve these experiences too.” Education is the catalyst for solving the injustices happening globally and creating environments of equality that women can blossom from. “Most of the world’s illiterate adults are women,” Floyd said. “If they have access to an education, how many doors will open up for them?”


Disney causing streaming overload KAYLA HUNT Columnist

Is cable even a thing anymore? With over-the-top (OTT) services growing, more people are able to access their favorite TV shows and movies at their convenience. Netflix has long been known to be the dominant video OTT service. However, the competition is steadily increasing and individuals are gaining the choice of how they consume their content. Hulu, Amazon Prime, and HBO Go are examples of emerging streaming services that are gaining popularity. We also can’t forget streaming devices such as Roku and Amazon Fire TV Stick. One of the newest OTT media services that will be launching in November is Disney+, a streaming service from The Walt Disney Company. Disney+ will include movies and shows from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic. According to AdWeek, Disney has recently banned Netflix from being able to advertise on their entertainment networks such as ABC, Freeform, and FX. However, Disney is still allowing Netflix to advertise on ESPN and other sports-related networks. Disney+ is anticipated to be in direct competition with Netflix. Disney has been heavily promoting their upcoming streaming service and has been highlighting some of their key features, including a bundle option with Hulu starting at $12.99, which is Netflix’s current standard subscription rate. According to Digital Trends, Disney+’s total lineup for their television shows and movies is less compared to what their competitors, Netflix, Hulu, etc. offers. However, Disney+’s key positioning in this whirlpool of video OTT options is that viewers will be able to have access to their favorite animation movies and TV shows and won’t be available on other platforms. I conducted a poll on Twitter and asked my followers if they plan on subscribing to Disney+ when it launches, 73% said no

and 27% responded yes. With many streaming services becoming available, it can be hard to decide which ones are worth subscribing to or not. There are different factors that can play a part in the decision, including price, features, and available content. Disney’s decision to enter the streaming world means that it will become even more difficult to keep track of where

you need to go to watch your favorite movies and shows. What was once the cheaper alternative to cable is quickly becoming a hassle to follow. M a y b e Disney will just buy out e v e r y streaming service and become a streaming monopoly? We’ll find out soon enough but I’m not paying anymore money to Disney just so I can watch Nightmare Before Christmas this Halloween.



October 8, 2019

Taking action, moving forward Schatzel responds to student concern addressed during forum BAILEY HENDRICKS Editor-in-Chief @imsimplybailey

Universit y ad mi nistrators updated the community on their plans to address student concern following the Oct. 1 emergency forum where recent sexual assault and hate-bias incidents on campus were discussed. Two days after the forum, Schatzel sent out a campus-wide email describing actions the University has taken since students raised their concerns. “Over the past 48 hours numerous members of our university community have been consulted and conferred with—including The Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity, Office of the Provost, TUPD, Student Affairs, Student Government Association—to ensure we have captured the concerns and calls for action that resulted from the forum,” Schatzel said in the email. Schatzel said that “two areas of immediate and greatest priority were to increase campus security/safety and to increase Un iversit y mental healt h resources and efforts to support student wellbeing.” A Towson student was arrested Sept. 22 after allegedly raping another student in Marshall Hall, according to Baltimore County Police officials. On Sept. 29 a male “grabbed a woman’s breast in the University Union” around 8:43 p.m., according to the Towson University Police Department. And a hate-bias incident occurred at a Towson home football game Sept. 7, according to videos circulating social media. One change is increased police patrols, including foot patrols. The University has authorized seven additional positions to be added to TUPD staffing. “The recruiting and hiring of those seven additional positions have already begun and we plan to have it completed within 45 days,” Schatzel said. The hours for the SafeRide Shuttle will also be extended starting next week.

A blue light security pole was installed in front of the 10 West

at its timing and transparency. “I think it was a little bit too

topics as they pop-up,” Palmer said. “This idea came directly

ing to Schatzel’s Sept. 30 campus-email inviting the TU com-

Burke Avenue residence hall on Wednesday in direct response to student concern about the lack of a blue light at this location during the Oct. 1 forum. The University has also authorized the hiring of four additional counselors for the counseling center and “will be looking at additional staffing and other resources needs in the upcoming weeks,” according to Schatzel’s campus-wide email. “The need for more counselors, more counselor diversity, increased support groups and peer-to-peer support were all frequently mentioned as priorities,” Schatzel said. Students at the forum suggested a need for more education about sexual assault prevention, consent and bystander training for students throughout all years of college, not just at freshman orientation. “Work on this goal has already begun and the University plans to start implementing in the spring semester,” Schatzel said. Schaztel’s email also indicated that work has begun on improving University communications about sexual assault and other criminal events on campus and the inclusion of trigger warnings, when needed. Trigger warnings were included on an Oct. 4 TUPD timely warning email about an off-campus unarmed robbery. Provost Melanie Perreault and the Division of Academic Affairs will be hosting a conference in January for faculty. Issues of mental health, anxiety, and the well-being of students will be the topic of the conference in response to student suggesting the need for more faculty training on these topics. Students also requested additional training and education of Housing and Residence Life staff related to issues of sexual assault and mental health. “This request and the resources needed to support it are also currently being reviewed,” Schatzel’s email read. Following the forum, some students expressed disappointment

late in terms of trying to get a large amount of people there,” said sophomore Dylan Hong, a business major. “I guess giving more time ahead would have been more beneficial.” Sophomore Emma Rot h wondered how much time the University put into the planning. “I think it should have been widely announced, widely promoted,” she said. “I think they need to do more. I think it was put together shabbily.” The day after Tuesday’s forum, students received an email inviting them to a “pop-up forum,” which was suggested by a student. However, many students received the email as the event was ending or hours after the event occurred. Director of Communications and Media Matt Palmer said the University is going to revisit the way students are notified of pop-ups. “We’re planning to host more impromptu conversations around campus to listen to what our community has to say on

from students and we think it is a great one. We’ll continue to revisit the formats, notifications, times, locations and topics to capture as many perspectives as possible.” Schatzel said she agrees with the community that there is an urgent need for change. “We are committed to moving quickly and taking immediate steps on the highest priority items...” she said in the email. “Tuesday’s forum is only the beginning of our collective work to prevent such terrible events from occurring at TU and improving the quality of life here.” Students had filed into the crowded Chesapeake Ballrooms in the Union for the forum Oct. 1 to discuss multiple recent sexual assault and hate-bias incidents. The forum, hosted by Towson Universit y President Kim Schatzel in collaboration with the Student Government Association, was held so “our community can come together, listen, discuss, and support each other,” accord-

munity to the event. Schatzel’s Presidential address, originally scheduled for Thursday was postponed “to ensure my focus is there, on Tuesday and the steps that come afterward,” according to Schatzel’s campus-wide email. “Tonight is the beginning of listening more,” said Schatzel “One sexual assault, one sexual harassment, one hate-bias. One is too many to occur.” Leah Cox, the Vice President for Inclusion and Institutional Equity established the tone for the night by asking students to be respectful of those who may share stories on sensitive topics. “This is a campus community conversation that we want to have,” she said. “And so, we want everyone attending to feel comfortable, that they will be heard, that they can share, that we are going to listen, and that you will share respectfully.” - Alex Best and Mary-Ellen Davis contributed to this article. - To read the rest of this article online, visit

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

The Oct. 1 forum, held in the Chesapeake Ballrooms, was announced by TU President Kim Schatzel after on-campus sexual assault and hate bias incidents occured to address resulting student concern.


October 8, 2019


DSS name change emphasizes TU accessibility GRACE HEBRON Contributing Writer Accessibility and Disability Support Services (ADS) was introduced by Towson University as the new title for its Disability Support Services this month. The department currently assists more than 2,000 students with disabilities or temporary impairments. The name change, due, in part, to President Kim Schatzel’s priority to make TU a diverse and inclusive campus, also sees ADS’ move from within TU’s Division of Student Affairs to the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity. “We wanted to emphasize accessibility as well as disability,” said ADS Director Susan Willemin, who noted that in addition to accommodating the needs of students with disabilities, ADS hopes to collaborate with TU to remove educational accessibility barriers on campus by implementing

Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a framework for teaching and learning that helps give all students an equal opportunity to succeed. “Universal Design for Learning is a way of developing flexible learning environments to accommodate a broad range of learners,” said Willemin. Willemin noted that the strategy will help reduce the need to retrofit parts of a student’s learning environment with accommodations after their course is underway. “This will foster more learning environments that can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by a diversity of learners,” she said. Students can expect to receive the same services, but with an added focus on accessibility, which Willemin hopes will make the ADS seem more approachable. “I think using only the word ‘disability’ in our name may have led some people to believe that our ser-

vices are only for those with visible and/or more severe conditions,” Willemin said. “However, we serve far more students who have less serious and invisible conditions.” This includes students with auditory, visual and learning disabilities, who Willemin said, in recent years, have come to ADS with electronic accessibility concerns. Many of these involved adapting online text for students with low vision and providing video captions for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Senior Electronic Media and Film major, Ryan Permison has Asperger’s syndrome, a condition on the autism spectrum. He began receiving services from ADS when he came to Towson in 2012. “I need extra time on exams and it’s nice to have that as a safety net during each semester,” said Permison. Permison added that taking exams can be very stressful for him, and knowing he has extended time takes off some of the pressure.

Gotcha leaves campus BAILEY HENDRICKS Editor-in-Chief @imsimplybailey Gotcha Bikes announced Friday that they will no longer be providing services to Towson University’s campus, effective immediately. The company indicated its inability to provide enough bikes for campus as one of the reasons it ceased operations on campus. There are currently no plans at this point for the University to get a new bike share program, according to Matt Palmer, Towson University Director of Media and Communications. Gotcha plans to cease operations “as part of a larger movement to withdraw altogether from smaller markets and scale back in larger markets,” according to an Oct. 3 announcement in the Towson campus-wide daily email newsletter “TU Today.” “We’re disappointed that our pilot bike share provider is ceasing operations on campus,” said Pam Mooney, director of parking and transportation at TU. “We’re committed to finding alternative transportation that is both accessible and without technical chal-

lenges for our students, faculty and staff.” TU junior and music performance major Mike Wadsworth, didn’t see the bikes as very successful on campus. “Our campus, it’s kind of small, there’s not really space for people that are just walking and also bikes on the sidewalk and walking areas really,” Wadsworh said. “I think it’s good to have it, but at the same time there’s not really a place for both of them to exist.” Gotcha partnered with Towson after a contract with SPIN bikes ended due to them switching focus from bikes to scooters. Gotcha started out the fall semester with a soft-launch of less than 30 bikes, with initial plans of putting 100 bikes on campus. “The company was unable to supply more bikes to campus beyond the initial pilot as planned when the academic year began,” the Oct. 3 announcement read. The Gotcha bike share company also sent a letter to the University Office of the General Counsel explaining the company’s early termination of their contract. The company said they will

refund students who have purchased subscriptions or have outstanding balances on their accounts. “Gotcha agrees to fully refund any unused funds to Towson University students,” CEO of Gotcha Sean Flood wrote in his letter to the University. Gotcha also noted that vandalism was not the reason for the company’s decision to terminate the contract early. “Gotcha would like to clarify any misinformation that implies that vandalism was the basis for Gotcha’s decision to terminate the contract precipitously,” Flood wrote. “The request to end this agreement was made at Gotcha’s initiative due to business needs. Flood said the company will remove the bikes from campus at a “mutually agreeable time” that is “least disruptive to the University.” “I feel like I never saw anybody use [the Gotcha bikes] either,” Wadsworth said. “I don’t know if it was the fact that the bikes were just too expensive to rent or what it was or if they’re just not in good spots to be rented.”’ – Mary-Ellen Davis contributed to this article.

Permison also uses a smart pen provided by ADS, a device that allows him to record audio from lectures and revisit them later. “The special notebook has ways of you going back to certain parts of the lectures and you can hear specific parts of it when you have trouble understanding something the professor talked about,” he said. In her time teaching at Towson, mass communication professor and author Beth Haller has seen the important role of ADS in helping students like Permison make the most of their education. The author of “Representing Disability in an Ableist World: Essays on Mass Media,” Haller hopes to see increased accessibility beyond the classroom setting. “Better access means more interaction and communication across the campus because disabled students (and faculty and staff) can get to any place everyone else is,” said Haller, who noted that accessibility can pose

a problem when there are physical barriers making it difficult to navigate a public space. Willemin said that physical accessibility concerns over the years have involved providing classrooms with wheelchair ramps and ensuring that buildings on campus have automatic door openers. Haller noted, in addition to this, the challenges that TU’s geography can pose in terms of physical access. “Towson’s campus is more than 300 acres and very hilly so it can be a problem for students with mobility disabilities or chronic illnesses that make it difficult to walk long distances,” she said. Willemin hopes that with it’s new name and location, that ADS will continue to be a place where all students come to thrive. “We strive to create a fully accessible environment where students of all abilities have an opportunity to develop their full potential, here at Towson,” she said.

Verizon service improves ALEX BEST Staff Writer

Towson University has new and improved campus-wide cell coverage thanks to a new antenna system installed over the summer and completed Aug.1. The project, which was spearheaded by the University’s Office of Technology Services, improved cellular data coverage when using Verizon’s cellular service, both in buildings on campus and outside in common areas. “Verizon was the university standard for faculty and staff issued phones so we began there,” said Office of Technology Services Associate Director for Infrastructure and Planning Eric Cannizzo. “Verizon was the only [carrier] willing to come in and replace the existing equipment.” Buildings with improvement include Carroll and Marshall Halls, Barton and Douglass Houses, West Village Garage and Commons, the Office of Public Safety, Cook Library, the College of Liberal Arts, SECU Arena, and the Field House. According to Cannizzo, who oversaw the project, the university is actively negotiating with other car-

riers such as AT&T and Sprint for improved coverage, but the timeline is largely contingent on the carriers willingness to come onboard if a contractual agreement can be met. The initial physical work on the project began early in the spring and was completed in approximately five months. The physical aspect of the project involved the installation of distributed antenna system to replace the singular, solar powered antennae that was in use previously. According to Cannizzo, the distributed antenna system distributes cellular signals between a signal source and antennas around campus, in locations that need it the most, thus providing better coverage in areas on campus with poor or no coverage. Some students have noticed subtle differences, now opting to use their data on campus more often when Wi-Fi connection is unreliable or slow. “I haven’t noticed any big differences from last year,” said mass communication major Jada Bruce, a Verizon user. “Most of the time I disconnect from the Wi-Fi though because my network moves faster. But then sometimes when I am on data it is still a little slow compared to when I am off campus.” - To read the rest of this article online, visit

10 October 8, 2019

Arts & Life

TU’s “Straight White Men” Puppies and pizza SUZANNE STULLER Staff Writer

Courtesy of TU Theatre

TU’s production of “Straight White Men,” was directed by theatre studies student, Keché Arrington. The production took place on the Ruth Marder Studio Theatre stage from Oct. 2 to Oct. 4. ASHLEY DE SAMPAIO FERRAZ Contributing Writer

With more and more people demanding change, privilege and personal identity are two topics which are often on the forefront of discussion these days. Not only are these timely topics, but they are also the issues Keché Arrington, a junior Theatre Studies major, and the director of Towson University’s production of “Straight White Men,” wanted to bring to light for audiences to learn from and discuss, especially after seeing the show. “Straight White Men” by Young Jean Lee was presented onstage on Oct. 2 through Oct. 5. in the Ruth Marder Studio Theatre. The play is about three adult sons gathering at their father’s home to spend Christmas together. While their silly, childish antics are entertaining, it soon becomes clear that the three brothers, Matt, Jake, and Drew, are at very different points in their lives. Holiday plans are soon interrupted when they begin to question their identities and roles in a society that typically tends to mainly cater to people like themselves. “I think the message is that if you have no opinion on something, then you’re just siding with the wrong side,” Arrington said. “If you’re not trying to create change, change isn’t going to happen.” As the play goes on, the brothers find themselves divided, as each has his own idea

of how to handle the privilege that they were born with. Matt slowly draws himself away from the others, and, although Drew is mainly concerned for Matt’s mental health, Jake is convinced that Matt is underperforming to allow someone else to step into his privilege. Zach Ruchkin, a transfer student and EMF major, played Matt in this production. He gave his personal view on Matt’s choices and how they come to affect Matt’s family in bigger ways than expected. “Matt’s character specifically chooses not to use the privilege he was born with, and that’s a struggle for, I think, the entire rest of the cast,” Ruchkin said. “In terms of general things that I see, it definitely seems to critique masculinity a little bit. In terms of Matt’s choice to be a kind of feminine character, to take the place of [the boy’s] mom who passed away.” The other characters struggle with Matt not living up to the potential they believe he possesses. Ruchkin, however, believes Matt found happiness while living this simple life, and the difficulty with his family mainly stems from the fact that they refuse to listen to him. “I personally think he’s happy, I think he finally feels fulfilled, he finally feels useful in what he’s doing, and the irony of it is that nobody else in his family thinks that’s true, and they don’t want to listen to what he has to say,” Ruchkin said. “Not one time is Matt given the opportunity to

really explain everything.” Holly Adelhardt, a junior Theatre Design and Productions major, was the scenic designer of this production. She offered her own insight as to what the overall message of “Straight White Men” is. “There was a major presence in the show, with [the characters] constantly saying that there was an issue with Matt, but nobody actually took the time to listen to what he had to say,” Adelhardt said. “I think that’s something that’s very prevalent in society; with people arguing with some of the minority groups that are trying to speak up, but no one’s actually listening.” Adelhardt also shared what she hopes audiences will gain from watching the show. “I kind of hope that people take away that they need to sit back and listen, instead of always placing ideas in other people’s mouths,” Adelhardt said. Arrington shared their purpose in choosing “Straight White Men” as the project they wanted to take on, and bring to Towson’s stage. “I’m not really afraid to offend people with the show, but I’m also not trying to alienate anyone,” they said. “I don’t want people to think that they are the villains in their own lives, I don’t want people to feel like the show was a personal attack on straight white men, I think it was just more so an evaluation of how people like this are created and what happens when you have all this power and aren’t doing anything with it.”

The Military and Veterans Center and Student Affairs excited Towson students by inviting a service dog to the Psychology Building on Oct 1. Lily, the German Shepherd service dog at the event, was trained by Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs Inc., a national non-profit organization based in Williston, Florida. “We don’t have any of our dogs in Maryland and we wanted to get the word out of what we do, who we are, and how we can help veterans,” said Joanne Werner, a dog trainer for Guardian Angels. Werner works mostly in the Pittsburgh region, where she helps spread the word about Guardian Angels at local events. She also works personally with recipients of a Guardian Angel service dog to train their dogs. Lily, the service dog, currently aids a military veteran who struggles with night terrors. “This veteran is on a lot of medication, so he needs to be woken up sometimes, or else he’ll just sleep through the day,” said Werner. “She’ll make sure he’s up. He has diabetes so she alerts him when he has high or low blood sugar. And for years, before he got her, he wouldn’t go out in public, but she gives him the strength to go out.” Pizza was offered from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Large groups of students entered the Military Center eager to enjoy the food and to meet Lily.

“This has been the most people I’ve seen in our center before,” said Jordan Apollo, a senior at Towson. “If we do this same thing next semester around the same time, I believe there will be a lot more people.” Dario DiBattista, the director at the Military and Veteran Center, believes this event is a great opportunity to increase awareness about the Veteran Center on campus. “From what I’ve heard, people think of the student veterans on campus as being kind of tribal,” said DiBattista. “I’ve talked to people such as friends who work here, and professors, who were unaware there even was a Military and Veterans Center. I thought this was a great way to amplify its existence, create an ambassadorial, good will experience, and open it up for everyone to come through.” DiBattista thought the “Puppies and Pizza” ads would help encourage students to come to the event. “My friend sent me a flyer about this event,” said Dahra Weiss, a freshman at Towson. “I saw there were dogs and pizza, and I really miss my dog at home. When people see this flyer they want to come and learn more. This will get them more involved on campus.” The Military and Veterans Center hopes to do this event next year to raise more awareness about their purpose on campus. After seeing more engagement this week, they hope to get even more students to come next year. You can visit Towson’s webpage to learn more about student veterans and upcoming events at the Military and Veteran Center at

Suzanne Stuller/ The Towerlight

The Military and Veterans Center and Student Affairs collaborated to bring pizza and puppies to students last Tuesday.

Arts & Life

October 8, 2019


Latinx celebration

Make a strong argument IAN PINKERTON Columnist

Courtesy of Evelin del Prado

Towson University’s Latin American Student Organization (LASO) celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month at the Parade of Latino Nations. NORMA SORTO Contributing Writer

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the first-ever “Parade of Latino Nations & Community” was held in Baltimore on Sept. 29. Hispanic Heritage Month is the period from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 in the United States to recognize the contributions of Hispanic and Latinx Americans to the country’s history, heritage, and culture. For most Latinx families, celebrating their traditional culture is not difficult. For them it’s a lifestyle that is deeply embedded in their soul. However, celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month is an important opportunity to learn about the history of their ancestors and Latinx contributions to U.S. history. It is important for Hispanic and Latinx Americans to be represented because it allows the Latinx community to feel connected with their history and culture. The sounds of Latin music filled Highlandtown, a town neighboring Patterson Park, with a growing Latinx community. Nuestras Raíces Inc, a non-profit community cultural organization, came together to celebrate the Latinx culture by coordinating 40 folk dance groups, marching bands, schools, 50 rodeo horses and decorated floats to represent the Latinx culture. Latinx students from Latin American Student Organization (LASO), a student organization at Towson University, were there to represent both their school and their heritage. The event was easily accessible for students via a charter bus. Throughout the parade, students were heard yelling “Latinos get

degrees,” a statement that shows how prideful TU students are about pursuing a college level education. Ana Reyes, a sophomore at Towson University, was proud to see her school participate in the parade to represent the Latinx culture. “I’m very happy about that,” said Reyes. “It shows that there’s a lot of progress going on in schools especially a PWI (predominantly white institution) and it shows that we are being embraced and that we are being heard and seen.” Vanessa Gonzalez-Wright, Assistant Director of Student Development & Diversity at Towson University, coordinated the event. “I was really excited, and it made me happy because a lot of people came up to us and mentioned how grateful they were that a university was there representing college students,” said Gonzalez-Wright. “A lot of people in that community have young children, young families and for them to see college students that look like them that were Latinx was really awesome and you can tell that people were happy that we were there.” After the parade, there was a community party in Patterson Park, where local vendors came out to support the community by selling food from different countries, traditional clothing, jewelry, and artworks. There were different latin cuisine including pupusas (a traditional El Salvador dish), tacos, panes de pollo, elote (corn), and etc. “I do hope to see another one,” said Ashley Compean, a junior at Towson University. “It’s the first one and it’s also a learning experience. So for next year, we can find ways to improve it, to make it better, to incorporate new things, and more fun.”

As humans, we tend to be stubborn about our beliefs. After all, it’s human nature to hold onto an opinion. Because of this, formulating a strong, convincing argument can be exceedingly difficult. Like with most things in life, you have to work hard and practice in order to refine and develop proficient argumentative skills. Consequently, because of this very reason, it’s easily lost in the maelstrom of both the social

and academic priorities that come with college. This article serves to highlight useful rhetorical strategies that help strengthen arguments as well as common mistakes that greatly weaken arguments. But why is a strong argument important? It’s simple: weak arguments are ineffectual; they aren’t convincing enough. If someone writes in a paper claiming that audiobooks are bad, it can be waived off as a personal opinion, but if someone were to write that audiobooks are bad and back it up with substantial rhetoric and cogent style, it could be

the most convincing argument against audiobooks to ever exist. It all depends on what elements were considered when it was written. It is important to always keep this in mind when constructing an argument. Here are eight fallacies that can lead to the demise of any argument if utilized: Ambiguity- The Ambiguity fallacy is when the writer utilizes double meanings or ambiguous and unclear language in order to confuse the reader and misrepresent the reality of an argument. - To read the rest of this column online, visit

ROARING REVIEWS “Clown prince” of cinema TYRONE BARROZO Columnist

In short, Todd Phillips’ “Joker” can be best summed up by a quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox: “Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep, and you weep alone.” With that said, “Joker” was a bleak, nihilistic, psychological thriller and a good time. I walked to the theater not expecting much. I’m a relatively casual comic book nerd who has supported both Marvel and DC properties in their theatrical endeavors, so I was curious as to what Phillips would bring to the table with this villain origin story. I was expecting elements drawn from Brian Azzarello’s “Joker” graphic novel and Frank Miller’s comic, “The Dark Knight Returns,” given the recent uproar and cries

of controversy following after the release of the film with Robert De Niro’s character, I was suspecting those parts of the film to draw from that scene in Miller’s story (fellow comic book fans and highly proficient Googlers know what I’m talking about). After my viewing, however, there was a satisfying tremble of shock and awe that rumbled through my body. Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal of Arthur Fleck’s abnormal psychology, eroded by an environment plagued by vice and entropy, takes the viewer through an emotional rollercoaster. Simply put, the film is a compelling and haunting character study of a mentally unstable individual that would work just as effectively without the DC property. The movie has more in common with Martin Scorsese’s “Taxi Driver” than it does with “Avengers: Infinity War.” In addition to Phoenix’s

hard-carry of a performance, there are many other aspects of the film that are worth applauding. For instance, the score by Hildur Guðnadóttir also shines into the forefront with an ominous drum and sorrowful strings which reflect not only the filthy and deprived aesthetic of a Gotham City but the aforementioned transformation of Fleck into an unstoppable agent of chaos and mayhem. Lawrence Sher, long-time collaborator with Phillips on “The Hangover” series and cinematographer for “Joker”, also managed to make scenes stand out just a little bit more by visually maintaining the dark and ominous tone of the film so well. Because of that, Phillips and Sher were able to do a lot of things such as transition from visceral terror to gallows humor and then continue to push the plot forward. - To read the rest of this column online, visit

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October 8, 2019


Tigers move to top of conference

Amanda Bosse/ The Towerlight

Senior setter Marissa Wonders (left) and junior defensive specialist Camryn Allen celebrate a strong performance in Towson’s victory over Northeastern on Friday, Oct. 4. The Tigers swept the Huskies as well as the Hofstra Pride on Sunday to extend their winning streak to eight matches. TU’s 4-0 start in the CAA is its best conference start since the 2012 season.

KAYLA WELLAGE Contributing Writer

Towson won its fourth straight conference game after defeating the Hofstra Pride 3-0 on Sunday, Oct. 6. The Tigers now have an eight-game winning streak and they are currently the top team in the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA). The first set began with a point for the Pride after an attack error by senior outside hitter Annie Ertz. Towson (14-2, 4-0 CAA) kept committing errors throughout the set. Eight of the points that Hofstra (8-7 1-2 CAA) earned in the first set were a result of Tigers errors. “I try to focus on the next play,” senior outside hitter Olivia Finckel said. “We’ve been working on it as a team. We kind of just flush our mistakes and focus on the next point.” Towson went on a 5-0 run in-

cluding two aces by Ertz and two errors from the Pride. Hofstra got a few kills, but the Tigers responded with the final three points of the set and a final ace by junior defensive specialist Camryn Allen. Towson won the first set 25-15. In the second set, the Pride took an early 6-2 lead before the Tigers came back. Hofstra started making errors which allowed Towson to break the tie. The Pride responded and took back the lead, but the Tigers came back after kills from Ertz and freshman middle blocker Lydia Wiers. Hofstra took a timeout and senior setter Marissa Wonders said it benefited Towson. “We were playing a little sloppy and the coaches called a timeout. We got some tough love from a few of our teammates,” Wonders says. “We had to pick it up and I think we stepped on the gas pedal and started playing infinitely better.” After the timeout, the Tigers

scored eight of the final ten points in the set, and won the second set 25-15. In the third set, Towson took an early 5-2 lead before both teams went back and forth until Hofstra scored six unanswered to take the lead 12-11. The Tigers regained the lead and kept it for the remainder of the set, and despite a late comeback took the final set 25-21. Towson defeated the Northeastern Huskies (7-8 1-2 CAA) 3-0 on Friday, Oct. 4. The game began with a kill by senior middle blocker Slyvia Grassini. The first combined points of the game came from kills. After the Tigers took a 6-3 lead, Northeastern tied the game at 7-7 after two kills and an error by senior outside hitter Olivia Finckel. “We have a lot of versatility and anyone you put on the court can be a threat,” Finckel said. “We have a lot of people that can get the job done.” Towson responded with three

kills and an ace by sophomore outside hitter Emily Jarome. The Tigers scored five unanswered to take a 12-7 lead. Northeastern kept the set close, but Towson scored the final three points to win the set 25-21. The second set began with errors from both teams. The Tigers earned their first three points by Huskies errors. The Tigers took a 9-2 lead after two aces by Allen and three combined kills from Ertz and Wiers. After a few points going back and forth, Towson went on a 10-4 run to end the set. The Tigers won the third set 25-12 despite four errors and allowing seven kills. The third set was more competitive than the previous; however, Northeastern’s best runs were only two consecutive points multiple times. Towson led by as much as seven points midway through the set, with a 14-7 lead the Tigers scored four unanswered to increase their lead to double digits

after three consecutive errors from the Huskies. Northeastern scored three of the last five points, but the Tigers won the set 25-15. “We focus a lot on our culture and our team dynamic,” head coach Don Metil said. This was Towson’s first win vs the Huskies at SECU Arena since 2015. “Everyone gets along really well,” Wonders said. “None of us want to see anyone fail.” The team is facing Elon University on Sunday, Oct. 13. This game features two of the top three teams in the CAA, and Metil is aware of the challenge ahead. “We take each week at a time,” Metil said. “We’ll see what we need to apply to get a victory.” The Tigers will travel to Williamsburg, Virginia to play against the William and Mary Tribe at the Kaplan Arena on Friday, Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. followed by Elon on Sunday, Oct. 13 at the Schar Center in Elon, North Carolina at 2 p.m.

14 October 8, 2019


Washington continues to be a dumpster fire TIM KLAPAC Senior Editor @pacofkla

On Monday, Oct. 7, following their 33-7 loss to the New England Patriots, their fifth straight loss to start the season, Washington relieved head coach Jay Gruden of his duties. Gruden had been the coach since 2014, finishing his tenure with a record of 35-49-1. Gruden’s dismissal is another moment in the dark history that this franchise has endured under Dan Snyder’s ownership. Since purchasing the franchise in 1999, Snyder has overseen five playoff appearances, including two playoff victories, three division titles, seven head coaches, and the most important stat, zero appearances in the NFC Championship. During this time, the Baltimore Ravens have captured two Super Bowl titles, two division rivals, the New York Giants and Philadelphia Eagles, have combined for three championships. Washington’s most productive player in recent years, offensive lineman Trent Williams, is refusing to report to the team because

of concerns regarding the team’s medical staff. Williams doesn’t trust the team to keep him healthy and would rather not play than risk his body another game. The quarterback issue surrounding the offense has been a conversation since the team selected Dwayne Haskins in the first round of the NFL Draft in April. Case Keenum was named the starter for week 1 and struggled mightily before being benched for Haskins in week 4. Colt McCoy, who just healed from a broken leg suffered last season, started the loss to the Patriots and didn’t play much better. Washington continues to finish near the bottom of the league in fan attendance, placing in the bottom five in stadium capacity each year since 2013. Last season’s attendance averaged 61,028 fans, which was one of the lowest in the NFL. Every game at FedEx Field this season has essentially been a road game for Washington, with more fans sporting the visiting team’s colors than burgundy and gold. Personally, I have multiple friends who have chosen to not renew their season tickets. Fans are showing their frustration with the on-field performance, but the issues off of the field have

Sports Club Spotlight Women’s Ice Hockey

Jason Hensley/ The Towerlight

turned Washington into a punchline in the NFL. After hiring Scot McCloughan, who was the architect of the Seattle Seahawks championship team, Bruce Allen, the team’s president, clashed with McCloughan and this resulted in McCloughan’s departure. The controversy surrounding the team’s name and mascot, and Snyder’s refusal to consider changing either, shows his inability to see how out of the loop he really is. Snyder has expressed interest in leaving Landover, Maryland and moving the team back into Washington, D.C. but the logistics are a different issue entirely. If fans are no longer attending games, the appeal of moving the team back into the District, where traffic is already a nightmare, would be a great way to alienate fans even more. With the old RFK Stadium being torn down soon, memories of Washington’s football history have brought more attention to the disappointing seasons a once-devoted fan base is being forced to deal with. Whomever Washington chooses to hire as their next head coach will need to understand they are inheriting one of the most self-sabotaging franchises in sports. Good luck. The Towson Women’s Ice Hockey team opened the season by ending a long losing streak over the weekend. “Last season we were 0-14, so this is the first win in two years,” junior forward Kelsey Leone said after the game. Sophomore Wing Lily Warshaw had a hat trick to lead the Tigers to a 12-5 win over the George Washington University Colonials. Head coach Jessie Rushing stressed the importance of starting the season off with a big win. “It went incredible for our first game of the season.” she said. “We just want to keep it up, get better every game.” The Tigers next home game is at Ice World in Abingdon, Maryland, approximately 30 minutes from campus. They will face Montclair State University on Saturday Oct. 12 at 10:50 a.m. - Compiled by Jason Hensley For more information on Women’s Ice Hockey, visit - To read the full game recap online, visit

This week’s opponent: Albany Great Danes

File photo by Karl Reimer/ The Towerlight

Kickoff at 4 p.m. at Unitas Stadium JORDAN KENDALL Asst. Sports Editor @jordankendall54

After two consecutive losses, No. 9 Towson returns home to face the Albany Great Danes. Albany (3-3, 1-1 CAA) comes off a loss to Richmond 23-20 due to 13 unanswered points by the Spiders. Coming out of the bye week, head coach Rob Ambrose is hoping to get his team back on track in practice. “The focus was an attempt to get a little bit healthy, take a break, and get re-centered as to our “why” so to speak,” he said. “Get the young guys some work and get our grades right.” The Great Danes are currently third in the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) in scoring with 196, 36 more points than the fourth-place Tigers (3-2, 1-1 CAA). Albany’s defense gives up the fourth-fewest points in the conference, averaging 23.3 points per game. Redshirt freshman quarterback Jeff Undercuffler is third in the CAA with 1,501 passing yards and leads the conference with 18 touchdowns. Undercuffler averages just over 250 yards per game, slightly better than redshirt senior quarterback Tom Flacco has for Towson. “Try to get a little pressure on him, he’s an extremely talented passer,” Ambrose said. “He has a wide array of weapons which he can use from a distance. This is [Albany’s] offensive strength right now” Junior running back Karl Mo-

for leads the CAA with 535 rushing yards on 106 carries. He averages 89 rushing yards per game for Albany. Senior wide receiver Juwan Green is second in the CAA with 38 receptions for 546 yards and a league-best eight touchdowns. Senior wide receiver Jarah Reeves is third in the conference with 36 receptions and his 422 receiving yards are seventh-best in the CAA. On defense, the Great Danes have four players in the CAA top-12 in tackles, including two of the top three. Redshirt junior linebacker Levi Methany leads the conference with 56 tackles. Redshirt sophomore safety AJ Mistler has 51 and is third in the CAA with 26 solo tackles. Redshirt sophomore linebacker Danny Damico has 44 tackles, and graduate safety John Wynn has 41. The last time the Tigers faced the Great Danes was last season in Albany. Towson won 56-28, never trailing in the game. The Tigers out-rushed Albany 217-94 and gained 538 yards of total offense. Towson gained 14 more first downs and took advantage of red zone chances going 6-8. The Tigers offense ran 24 more plays and held the ball for 13 more minutes. The Tigers will face the Great Danes on Saturday, Oct. 12 at Johnny Unitas Stadium. Kickoff is scheduled for 4 p.m. “We want to be efficient, want to get back to where we are,” Ambrose said. “I hope that [the fans] are loud and contributing to a great game vs. Albany.” The first 1,000 students to arrive will receive a free t-shirt.


October 8, 2019



The Towerlight

ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Jordan Cornelius Women’s Golf Sophomore Jordan Cornelius turned in a strong performance in the Starmount Forest Fall Classic in Greensboro, North Carolina last week. Cornelius finished tied for second in the individual leaderboard while the Tigers finished tied for third overall.



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