The Towerlight (April 26, 2016)

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Towson’s campus and community news source

April 26, 2016

Students rally for University accountability, transparency and anti-racism, pg. 7 Photo by Sam Shelton/Photo illustration by Kara Bucaro/The Towerlight



April 26, 2016


1870 1880

1890 Dr. Maravene S. Loeschke, President, 2012–2014


Dr. Maravene S. Loeschke


became the 13th president of her alma mater in January 2012. She was seen as a mentor to students even during her presidency. In December 2014, Dr. Loeschke had to retire because of her health. The former Towson University president died a year later at the age of 68.











After being cast in a production of Thornton Wilder's "Our Town" in 1965, Dr. Loeschke soon became an English and Theatre major at what was then known as Towson State College, which had recently set up a theatre department. She became president at Towson, where she attended as a student, taught as a professor, chaired the theatre arts department and was dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication.

Dr. Loeschke, 2nd from right, as a member of the Glen Players, c. 1969.

The Center for the Arts is the cultural hub of campus and home to the College of Fine Arts and Communication.

Under President Loeschke’s leadership, Towson University saw enrollment grow to almost 23,000 students, its undergraduate degree program grow to more than 60 programs, and the completion of SECU Arena and the Towson University Northeastern Maryland campus in Harford County. President Loeschke established a student-centered administration; she focused on students and their commitment to making a difference. She urged both current students and alumni to use their lives for entrepreneurship and service to make the world a better place. The College of Fine Arts and Communication brings so many cultural events to Towson’s campus. The Center for the Arts building hosts more than 200 art, music, dance, theatre, film and communication events each year and bring in over 32,000 attendees to the college. The college offers a variety of programs for children and adults through the Asian Arts and Culture Center, Community Dance Center and the Community Art Center.

To be continued…

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Social Media

April 26, 2016

TOWSON TRENDING Week of 4/19 - 4/25

After frustration surrounding hate bias incidents on campus, the Black Student Union created #TheTowsonIKnow for students to express their anger and concerns with Towson on social media. At a unity rally on Friday, students, administration and faculty disucssed possible solutions.


#TheTowsonIKnow is so quick to send out crime alerts about POC’s, yet are silent when black faculty members are harrassed.


Yesterday I sat in Freedom square and admired the art, the vulnerability and the truth that was written on the walls #thetowsoniknow didn’t


#thetowsonIknow gave us Freedom Square so our “voices could be heard”... Are you even listening?



I’m so proud of every student organizer who organized #thetowsonIknow event, and I’m proud of every student who came and spoke up.


This is not something social media has dreamt up and spread. This is real and this is happening. Y’all ignore us. @TowsonU #TheTowsonIKnow


#TheTowsonIKnow created a culture where people like Matt Heimbach could thrive in his racism and create a White Student Union on campus.





April 26, 2016

Editor-in-Chief Carley Milligan Senior Editor Cody Boteler News Editor Sam Shelton Assist. News Editors Nilo Exar Sarah Rowan Arts & Life Editor Annie Sragner Sports Editor Assoc. Sports Editors Jordan Cope

The weird perspective of reporting

Assist. Sports Editor Tyler Beard Staff Writers Tim Anderson Kati Day Lauren Cosca Kristin Helf Ryan Permison Hailey Miller Tyler Young Christine LaFrancesca Alaina Tepper Alex Ziolkowski Bhavisha Dave Billy Owens Theresa Schempp Nick Mason Photo Editor Chris Simms Staff Photographers Cody Boteler Adrilenzo Cassoma Sam Shelton Carley Milligan Video Producer Sarah Chmieloweic Assist. Video Producer Stacey Coles

Students, faculty and staff— but mostly students—gathered in Freedom Square Friday for a “Unity Rally.” It was a response to what’s been happening on campus lately: The incidents involving a student and the black women working at the CLA Café. And then, even more recently, the drawing of a devil over messages drawn in Freedom square supporting the employees. I was there as an observer and photographer. And, as a straight, white man, an outsider—students were standing up and talking about systematic oppressions and injustices that I’ve never experienced and

will never have to experience. As things were winding down, I spoke with a Towson administrator who asked me if I realized the extent that students were being impacted by what had happened. I had to admit that, no, as a white guy, I didn’t realize things had been this emotional. Even as someone so far outside, though, it was a powerful experience. Any time people stand up and make themselves so vulnerable it’s meaningful. At one point, the only sound at Freedom Square was the sobbing of a student activist. The administrator who had stepped up to talk looked like he didn’t know what to say or how to transition into speaking. There was a slight echo. I’m still hearing the cries when I sit and think

about the rally for too long. I was glad to be there. I was glad to see students of color asserting themselves—and even more glad to see members of the administration and faculty listening to them. And I was glad to see the support from other students, standing in solidarity. It wasn’t my rally. It wasn’t for me. It was a show of support for the marginalized communities on this campus. That’s why, I think, it’s so hard for me to process it—because I’m an observer, not a participant. I can’t let myself pick one emotion and fixate on it. I have to take the whole thing and address it all as I reflect on what happened. It’s a spot that, as a student journalist, I’m still getting used to being in.

I don’t know what, if any, reforms will come from the discussion that’s been going on at Towson lately. But I’m glad I get to be here and watch some of it happen. Towson University is in its 150th year (more on that next week) and I can already tell that it’s going to be a big one. Moving forward, I hope that The Towerlight can continue to not only tell the community when these types of things are happening, but keep everyone informed about the issues behind these things. Just as it’s our job, as journalists, to hold institutions and people with power accountable, I hope that you, our audience, will hold us accountable—let us know when things are going on and, even more importantly, let us know if we’re dropping the ball.

Staff Videographers Tyisha Henderson Proofreaders Sarah Rowan Kayla Baines Alaina Tepper General Manager Mike Raymond Art Director Kara Bucaro Production Assistant Daniel Andrews

Small steps forward Action and reaction

Webmaster Hafiz Aina Circulation Staff Jasmine Edwards Nilo Exar Shawn Halerz

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 business: (410) 704-5153 editorial: (410) 704-5141

The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Cllassifieds appear onlline and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2016 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!

As you may have already heard, Harriet Tubman is going to replace Andrew Jackson on America’s $20 bills. But only on the front, and not until 2020. Before I go deeper into my analysis of this idea, let’s acknowledge the progress we as a country will be exemplifying by placing on the front of one of our most used bills of currency the first woman in over a century, and the first African-American, well, ever. For those who don’t know, Harriet Tubman, who was born in Maryland in the early 1820s, is known for escaping slavery and helping hundreds of others escape to Northern freedom by means of the Underground Railroad. She then aided the Union during the Civil War, and all the while fought for women’s rights. To sum it up, Harriet Tubman was heroic, iconic and undoubtedly incredible. Now let’s talk about Andrew

Jackson. He was born in 1767 and is best known as being our seventh president. He was also part of the founding of the Democratic party and was known as the “people’s president.” Though by “people,” I’d say they meant “white people.” Jackson signed and implemented the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which essentially forced Native Americans in some states out of their ancestral homelands. The decisions he made during his presidency, including this one, resulted in the Trail of Tears in 1838, one of the most inhumane and heart wrenching occurrences in American History. He also owned more than 150 slaves by the time he died, which creates the questiona: why are Tubman and Jackson sharing space on the $20 bill? One was a well known slave owner, and the other is perhaps one of the best known abolitionists. Why can’t we just remove Jackson completely? To read the rest of this column, visit

After a good heart-to-heart with a great friend of mine the other night, she handed me a little threaded doll that came in a tiny red draw-string bag. “It’s a worry doll,” she said. “Whenever you’re feeling nervous or troubled about something, whisper your worries to her, put her under your pillow and wake up with a clear mind.” I thanked her for her generosity and told her I would keep it in the chest-pocket of my coat for safe keeping. I haven’t tried it out yet, but the gesture led me to think about how the expression of our thoughts can affect the way they turn out. Although I doubt this doll can actually listen to my thoughts and banish them from my mind, it does allow a positive outlet for these emotions so that they can stop manifesting. Whenever tensions start to

thicken and blood begins to boil, there are either positive or negative expressions of these reactions. At a moment’s notice, we must decide which route we wish to take. One could possibly blow their lid and violently take out their frustrations on a nearby person, or they could furiously scribble every racing thought into a notebook page. One could lock themselves in their room and sob themselves to sleep, or they could call a friend and unravel before a listening ear. One could slam kitchen plates into thousands of sharp chunks across the floor, or they could fly a paintbrush across a canvas and turn the fire into art. The outcome of our frustration depends on which direction we send it. We can direct it toward other people and add more company to our misery, or we can direct it into something creative that we can share in a way that ends up being positive. To read the rest of this column, visit


April 26, 2016


Questioning free speech That time of the year I’m questioning how free speech actually is on campus. Not hate speech, or vulgarity, but verbal and visual protest against racism, rape culture, and hazing; three taboo issues that the campus community has failed to appropriately address. Sunday night, from 9pm to 2am, a few volunteers and I got together to voice our frustrations using the power of images and the community chalkboards in Freedom Square. A mural was planned out beforehand, drawn up, and then filled in using a color-bynumber technique. By 9am, all of our work had been completely erased. Nothing written or depicted went against the guidelines for the chalkboards that are clearly posted. The first image depicted a scene centered around the rumored ingredients of the alleged concoction that landed a TKE fraternity pledge in the hospital in early April: bleach, pickle juice, cat food, and alcohol, surrounded by red solo cups. Keys with pepper spray attached are also in the scene, symbolizing the very real threat posed against female students when predatory behavior is not only tolerated and expected,

waking up from your nap. It’s that point in the semester when you are too far away from spring break to reminisce as well as too far from It’s that point in the semester. summer to have anything to look forIt’s that point when you don’t know ward to. if the stress or the pollen will kill you It’s that point in the semester when first. even if you are looking toward summer, It’s that point when you don’t even you can’t see it over the pile of group smell your clothes to see if they’re projects and finals that are sitting in clean anymore, you just put on what’s front of sweet freedom. closest to you and go to class. It’s that point in the semester when It’s that point when you start you aren’t sure what to wear on a day researching what that will range from major you can change 60 to 80 degrees. to that will allow you It’s that point in to skip all the BS the semester when It’s that point in the classes (hint: there you spend more semester when, if are none). time in the library It’s that point in you can get through than you do breaththe semester when ing. It’s that point it, you can get finding a formal date in the semester through anything. becomes a scramble when spoonfuls to grab the best lookof peanut butter ing person near you. becomes breakfast It’s that point in because the last the semester when the weather says time you went shopping for food was “shorts,” but your pale hairy legs say before spring break. “pants.” It’s that point in the semester when It’s that point in the semester when the only groceries you’ve actually puryour to-do list is exponentially longer chased have been of alcoholic nature. than your attention span. It’s that point in the semester when, It’s that point the semester that if you can get through it, you can get makes you feel like taking a nap after through anything. ALI HINMAN Columnist


Photo by anonymous Towson student One of the murals drawn by an anonymous Towson student. but encouraged in certain situations.. Change was drawn being thrown into the scene from the upper left-hand corner, referencing the assault on the CLA Cafe staff member that happened last week. Written in the smoke that congregates in clouds at the top of the work, coming from a burning cigarette in an ashtray drawn in the lower righthand corner, was written “HAZED & CONFUSED.... WHY RAPE CULTURE & RACISM IS TOLERATED BY TOWSON”; a Led Zeppelin pun, followed by a statement that a whole lot of Towson students who worry about their own safety want to know the answer to. This wasn’t meant as an

attack on the administration; It was a confrontation of the student body of Towson as a whole. My goal was to start a conversation that so desperately needs to be held between students, faculty, and Towson’s administration about the reality of the campus experience, and the lack of safety and respect that women and students of color feel when aggressive and inappropriate behavior is tolerated. “WE’RE ARMED WITH VOICES” was written above an image that combined the handle of a gun with the speaker of a megaphone. To read the rest of this letter, visit

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Graduating Seniors: The Alumni Association and the Office of Alumni Relations would like to invite you to this year’s Graduation Station, your one-stop shop for all graduation materials and resources. Get ready for graduation with information about The Career Center, Alumni Association, Graduate School, Senior Philanthropy, Athletics and more! While you are there, enjoy free food provided by the Office of Alumni Relations. Stop by for giveaways and the chance to win great raffle prizes!

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April 26, 2016

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April 26, 2016



Students stan in

Towson University students communicated intense frustrations with the administration’s response to issues regarding recent bias incidents on campus during a unity rally in Freedom Square, April 22. The rally was organized just hours after an unknown person defaced writing on the chalkboards at Freedom Square. Prior to the defacement, the chalkboards showed direct quotes from and statements supporting the black female workers recently accosted by a white male in the College of Liberal Arts cafe. After, one of the boards displayed the words, “Satan Rules Towson,” with a drawing of a demonic figure, while the other board was smudged and displayed the Greek letters from two on-campus chapters. “That right there is a visual representation of what it is like as a black woman in America when your pain and your words and your experience can just be erased from the movement, from this university, from everything,” student activist Breya Johnson said. “They did not just erase words, they erased our experience.” After they were defaced, the Freedom Square boards displayed letters from both Chi Phi fraternity and Phi Mu sorority, both predominantly white organizations. According to Chief of Police Bernie Gerst, TUPD has commenced an investigation into the incident, and they have found images on the security cameras surrounding the chalkboards. Gerst stressed that TUPD will be using all available resources to make students feel safe. Inter-Fraternity Council Diversity Chair Cordell Easter said in an email that the defacement “was done by a different group of people who have no ties with Greek life whatsoever” and that the individual chapters are dealing with the incident accordingly. The rally was a renewal of an intense emotional upheaval built in the wake of the #OccupyTowson movement in November 2015. “So many times we’re silently carrying this burden on our shoulders, and we’re slowly crumbling,” student

activist Bilphena Yahwon said during an emotional exchange at the rally. “Nobody is paying attention because we don’t have proof. We can’t show you physically the harm that this is doing to us and unless someone is physically harming us, you don’t take it seriously.” Attending students expressed disappointment that Vice President for Student Affairs Deb Moriarty and Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs Santiago Solis were often the only members of the administration speaking about this issue on behalf of the University. Students also expressed frustration toward what they see as slow responses from the university to racially motivated bias incidents and in their efforts to protect Towson’s nonwhite students. Student activist John Gillespie asked black students to think beyond safety and asked white students to think beyond solidarity in the face of racially biased incidents. “As we stand here in solidarity, we have to understand that solidarity is not enough,” Gillespie said. “You have to actively engage in practices that destroy anti-black racism, institutional racism and systematic oppression that black people at this campus, black people in Baltimore and black people in this country face every single day.” The Black Student Union hosted an open forum April 20 to discuss solutions to the issues surrounding the incident at the CLA Cafe and the new hashtag #TheTowsonIKnow. The hashtag was created by the BSU as a way for students to voice their specific frustrations, concerns and reactions to Towson’s responses to bias incidents on campus. “...Not everybody experiences Towson the same way,” BSU member Russhell Ford said. “People used their own experiences to really voice how they felt Towson was going about the situation.” Sociology assistant professor Elyshia Aseltine, who is not tenured, spoke and said that there is a lot of fear amongst untenured professors to speak out on issues affecting campus, because they worry it will cost them their job. Towson’s promotion and tenure policies are in the process of being reexamined and revised.

Students at the rally also expressed frustration with Housing and Residence Life, and said that the department is not doing enough to protect on-campus residents of color. “I know our professional staff, student leaders and student staff think long and hard about how to create strong, welcoming communities,” Director of Residence Life Ron Butler said. “Obviously there’s instances and experiences that you’ve had where we’ve failed. We’re going to do better.” Butler said that if by the end of the fall semester students still feel that Housing and Residence Life has not taken the steps that students need to feel safe he will resign his position. Member of a newly-formed ally organization, Towson University White Allies for Radical Solidarity group, or WARS, Nora Holzinger said that the group formed to address the University’s failings in responding to issues of hate and bias on campus. The mission of the group is to create a network of students interested in direct action and community building for the benefit of students of color, the LGBTQIA+ community and the underrepresented groups and organizations at Towson and in the Baltimore area. “When we heard about the CLA Cafe incident, it was sort of like a ‘home turf’ incident,” WARS member and SGA vice presidential candidate James Mileo said. “You can’t come into this space and disrupt it in such a manner, especially when it’s about racial inequality.” Holzinger stressed the need for Towson to protect and value students of color and for white students to be vocally anti-racist. “It is time for white people to stop talking over black people,” Holzinger said. “It is time for white people to stand alongside black students in solidarity. As students we need to stand together regardless of our differences in order to enact change. White silence is violence.” During the rally, University President Kim Schatzel commended everyone for coming together. “I think having the campus here is a symbol of the fact that this is a united campus that will not tolerate hate behavior or hate speech,” Schatzel said. In an April 20 campus-wide email,

Photos and banner image by Sam Shelton/ The Towerlight Students participate in an interfaith prayer circle initiated by student Josephine Hill following the April 22 rally. Schatzel outlined efforts to improve the transparency, effectiveness and responsiveness of the university’s Hate/Bias Response Team based on specific suggestions from the Social Justice Collective. One of these efforts included placing Solis in charge of reviewing the hate/ bias incident reporting process. “It is important for us as an institution, as an administration, to recognize that we have made some mistakes, that some of our systems are broken and we’re trying very hard to fix those,” Solis said. “I am here to put a face on that process.” According to BSU public relations chair Joshua White, BSU has taken steps to work with both administration and the Student Government Association to voice student concerns

over the past weeks. SGA presidential candidate Taylor James emphasized that SGA will continue to support the BSU. The SGA was required to attend the April 20 BSU forum. They have worked to station a security guard outside the BSU office and are currently in the process of lobbying the administration to include hate/bias reporting on syllabi. “I would want to see Towson become a place where we’re so firm in our beliefs that [racism] has no place here and that we’re not accepting of it, so that no one with that mindset would even want to be here because they see how united we are against it,” James said. “We will just not accept it. We will not tolerate it.” --Cody Boteler contributed to this article.



April 26, 2016

TU feels ‘the Bern’ at on-campus Bernie Sanders rally Drivers traveling along Cross Campus Drive and York Road honked and waved at students marching in support of presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders Friday. The march was organized by the Towson for Bernie Focus Group with help from Sanders’ national campaign and Maryland Students for Bernie Sanders, to get students interested in voting before Maryland’s primary election on Tuesday, April 26. “It’s a march, so it’s kind of a hard thing to organize, especially on a college campus,” senior Filippo Bustamante, who helped organize the march, said. “We wanted to set up a whole bunch of events that would show pretty much Towson students that there is a huge support for Bernie Sanders here.” Bustamante, carrying a megaphone, led the crowd behind him in a series of chants as they marched including, “feel

Photos by Stephanie Ranque and Sam Shelton/ The Towerlight Students march in support of Sen. Bernie Sanders April 22 and pose with Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard at Freedom Square April 21. the Bern,” “black lives matter,” “banks got bailed out, we got sold out” and “love trumps hate.” The crowd carried banners and signs, and waved streamers as they made their way around campus. They walked up the International Walkway to York Road, and then to the corner of York Road and Cross Campus Drive. They traveled down

Cross Campus Drive, onto Osler Drive, crossed the West Village Bridge and circled West Village. Finally, they returned to main campus and walked by Burdick Field and the University Union before they returned to Speakers Circle where they had initially congregated. As they walked they received both support and resistance from observers. Some responded with “Feel the

Bern” while others yelled “Trump,” and one made a rude hand gesture at the marchers. When they returned they took a group photo before moving to Freedom Square where they joined the rally for unity that was taking place at the same time. “The whole [Bernie] campaign essentially is ‘not me, it’s about

us’ and just directly speaking on #TheTowsonIKnow the hashtag that is spreading … I think the students have to essentially stand up,” Bustamante said. “When you look at the general scheme of things this is a smaller incident but it can transcend itself over the whole United States.” --To read the rest of this article online, visit

Schatzel reflects on first 90 days Gov. Larry Hogan

visits campus

Towson University President Kim Schatzel cited communication strategy initiative TU Matters to Maryland and the creation of a chief inclusion and institutional equity officer position as two of her priorities moving forward during an address in Stephens Hall April 21. She said that the new inclusion officer will be hired and in place at the University by early next year. Their job will be to “provide leadership and strategic vision” for diversity, cultural competency and inclusion efforts, according to Schatzel. The process for hiring this individual will include open forums for student and faculty input. Schatzel also said that the University’s hate/ bias reporting system is under heavy review. “When the call comes to participate, I ask for everyone to make it a priority,” Schatzel said. TU Matters to Maryland will retell Towson’s story and build a stronger foundation for the University’s future success. The program will commence in the fall and begin with an identity audit, which will analyze and collect data on how Towson is perceived. The initiative will take at least two years to complete, according to Schatzel. Schatzel, whose term began in late

Cody Boteler/ The Towerlight Gov. Larry Hogan speaks with students in Smith Hall April 19 following an appearance in professor Richard Vatz’s persuasion class. Chris Simms/ The Towerlight Towson University President Kim Schatzel shares what she sees for the future of the University during an April 21 address in Stephens Hall. January amid hazardous winter weather conditions, has conducted eight town hall-style meetings with students and faculty since she assumed the presidency. In these meetings, which she, a former marketing professor and business professional, refers to as “focus groups,” attendees were encouraged to share any complaints or compliments they have for the University. During her address, Schatzel said that she received over 140 verbal questions and 82 written comments from students and faculty. In these, Schatzel

noticed themes involving needed support for transfer and graduate students, problems with the academic advising system, existing enrollment models and a lack of campus inclusiveness. And, she said, “Everyone complained about the parking.” Schatzel encouraged all community members to attend the April 26 Towson University Showcase from noon to 2 p.m. in Johnny Unitas Stadium’s Minnegan Room for more information on upcoming efforts to tie TU and the Baltimore community.

Gov. Larry Hogan visited Towson’s campus last week to speak with professor Richard Vatz’s persuasion class and other invited guests. Hogan touched on his experience as a relatively-new governor—highlighted by the fact that he was speaking on the one-year anniversary of Freddie Gray’s death. The “riots,” as Hogan called them, broke out in Baltimore just 90 days after Hogan took office. “I was there that night, as the

city was still in flames,” Hogan said. “The next morning I was there, as the sun came up, at North and Penn where the CVS, where you saw that on CNN every night. I was there, still smelling the smoke. I was hugging neighbors who were crying, and who were sweeping out their burned out stores and homes.” And, Hogan said, he was diagnosed with cancer two months after the unrest in Baltimore. The governor was met with cheers from the audience when he reminded the audience that he was “100 percent cancer-free.” --To read the rest of this article online, visit


April 26, 2016


Educator talks training teachers Class plans panel on spreading messages Towson University continued its 150th Anniversary Speaker Series Monday, April 18 with professor and public education commentator Pedro Noguera, who discussed preparing teachers for urban school settings through “commitment and cultural competence.” “Many of our schools are doing it all wrong,” Noguera said. “We’re relying on passive learning, but that’s not how [students] learn.” Noguera said that teachers are not prepared in being culturally competent with their students and are put into the education system untrained but expected to understand what their students need. “What we’ve done in education is that we’ve assumed that we can blame teachers, and there’s very little evidence that that’s going to work,” Noguera said. “How to perfect a teacher is through art and skill, and that takes time.” Noguera presented a plan and keys for success for future teachers who will be working in urban

schools. He also stressed the importance of changing schools in favor of hands-on learning over standardized tests. “If we only focus on the deficits, we reinforce the deficits,” Noguera said. “We see the kids through their test scores instead of how they learn.” Noguera suggested that new teachers be shadowed and put into easier classrooms, instead of more challenging ones when they’re still new to the workforce. “We don’t put brand new doctors in the top hospital and expect them to do open heart surgery,” Noguera said. “They’re monitored by more experienced staff, and the preparation of teachers should look just like that.” At Towson, the College of Education mirrors what Noguera said during his speech. Education majors specialize in different subjects each semester, and become student teachers in local schools during their senior year. During student teaching, they are put into real classrooms to

shadow teachers, learn to be attentive to the students and teach some of the curriculum as well. Graduate Reading Program Director Gilda Martinez-Alba said that she thinks the College of Education is “on the right track,” because many of the concepts Noguera spoke about have also been discussed within the program. “A major takeaway was the emphasis on motivation which I always try to emphasize in my classrooms, so I was just very happy to hear that he thinks the same thing,” Martinez-Alba said. Robert Blake, elementary education department chairman, said that he agrees with Noguera about reinforcing the idea of engaging students. “You will find that many of the faculty and staff in the college of education speak the same thing he does in terms of what we’re trying to get done,” Blake said. “Sometimes it’s difficult to achieve, but it’s really what we’re striving for.”

The Comm442 conference meeting and management class hosted “Find Your Voice: COMMunity Engagement & Activism” in Van Bokkelen Hall Friday, April 22. Speakers included Howard University professor Tia Tyree, Morgan State professor and Strategic Communication Department Chairperson OluwaTosin Adegbola and Towson alumni Adam Jackson, CEO of the grassroots organization Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, and social justice volunteer Doug Rose. Members of the Black Student Union, Student Government Association and Director of Civic Engagement & Leadership Chris Jensen also spoke. The event focused on discovering individualism and effectively expressing oneself through various forms of media. The class worked on this project for most of the semester under their professor Marcella Lightfoot. Student Chelsea Bozzo

said that the class split into multiple specialized groups. Jensen explained that his office was created by students. “When you have passion, you can start things on campus,” he said. Tyree spoke of activism, public relations and ways to spread public awareness. She said that it is ideal to have the right person tell the right story when vocalizing and that it is important to have a voice sound authentic and real. “Peers are more influential now than CEOs,” Tyree said. Open houses, brochures, speeches, celebrity visits, programs and video were listed as ways to spread information. She recommended using more than just social media to reach out and “make noise and make news.” Jackson became involved in activism when he witnessed racism on both an individual and institutional level. LBS carried over from an organization that was on campus at TU. -To read the rest of this article online, visit

Student Award Winners

Towson University Department of History 2016 The Sanders Senior Prize Ms. Sydney Davis John Carter Matthews Memorial Scholarship Mr. Gregory Dembeck Ms. Miriam Hanks Mr. Matthew Honig Mr. Matthew Moriarty Mr. David Sim Ms. Shelby Zimmerman Douglas D. Martin Sr. History Award Mr. Henry Smith Mary Catherine Kahl Prize Mr. Gregory Dembeck

The Distinguished Presidential Scholarship in History Ms. Shelby Zimmerman Arnold Blumberg Prize for Outstanding Achievement in European History Ms. Amanda Dotterer Disabled American Veterans Prize Mr. Gregory Dembeck Dr. Garry Van Osdell Award Mr. Joshua Anderson Mr. Efrem Evans Ms. Maria Zlotescu

Awards are open to History majors. The competition for awards next year will begin soon. Visit for more information.



April 26, 2016

AVP of housing & residence leaves after 19 years Jerry Dieringer accepts new position at Johns Hopkins University Assistant Vice President of Housing & Residence Life Jerry Dieringer has left Towson University after 19 years of service to accept a position as associate dean at Johns Hopkins University. The Towerlight got to speak with Dieringer, whose last official day with the University was April 20, during his April 19 farewell reception in the West Village Commons.

What led you to Towson? Well, I’ve held varying positions in student affairs, many of them in housing or residence life. I was at a school in Virginia that was rural and a little bit smaller, and I was looking for an opportunity to be in a big city, and Towson was designated to grow. Of course we’ve had tremendous growth since I’ve been here, from 15,000 students to almost 23,000, and on-campus housing has gone from 3,000 to 5,200 come this fall. It’s been a great opportunity.

What’s been your favorite part of working at Towson? The students. Absolutely working with engaged leaders and students as they learn their way, and watching a freshman come in and then when they’re a senior cross the stage and see what’s changed. That’s been my favorite part.

What’s been the most difficult part of working at Towson? I think we’ve been good planners, but the resource management has always challenged us. We’ve built seven new residence halls and we’re renovating three, and that has been a great opportunity and there have been challenges with that because resources haven’t always been available when we needed them. We’ve managed and we’ve done well.

What do you think you’ll miss the most when you leave? Both the students and, of course, all of the great people I’ve worked with. After 19 years, I know so many and they’ve been friends and great colleagues, and it’s just been a fabulous opportunity. The collegiality is tremendous here.

What are your future plans? I’m going to Johns Hopkins to go over housing, dining, residential life and conferences, which includes their union. So, I have a greater impact on student life, and I’m looking forward to that.

Are you doing anything fun in between leaving Towson and starting at Hopkins? I am. I’m taking three and a half weeks off and travelling to Asia and Europe.

What are you going to do there? Bangkok, Singapore, and then London, Lancaster City, Liverpool, Dublin and Belfast. Time and money, and I finally have some time. I’ll make the money work.

How do you hope Towson will continue to grow after you leave? I have no doubt that things will continue to go well. The programs and the opportunities our students have for leadership, and I know that’s going to happen. The leadership opportunities for our students and the educational opportunities are going to be the most important.

Who’s taking over your position? There’s a search right now, and sometime this summer I understand they’ll be announcing who. Sometime by the end of the summer or the beginning of the semester they’ll be announcing who it is. So I have no idea. - Compiled by Sarah Rowan

This week’s Jobs story:

TU Incubator preps for business competition finale The TU Incubator, Towson University's business incubator and entrepreneurial resource, will announce the winners of its sixth annual Business Plan Competition Wednesday, May 4. Split into two categories, one for outside businesses and one for area college students, for the second time since its inception, the competition drew a record 52 entrants this year. The pool of finalists has since been narrowed to nine participants, who will deliver full presentations of their businesses to a panel of judges, before giving a two-minute “lightning presentation” to the finale audience May 4. “It is a quick overview snapshot of their company and what they do,” Incubator Program Manager

Stephanie Chin said. Chin said that having two groups encourages students to register when they may be otherwise intimidated to compete against existing or experienced businesses. The student category finalists are Agoge Automation, which is geared toward improving efficiency in the restaurant industry, vehicle repair space Moe’s Auto, BHEST Medical, aimed at helping surgeons operate, student-run non-profit, and Sureshunt, which aims to create an improved shunt catheter. The professional business category consists of brewing technology company MoJoe Brewing Co., education technology company Communication APPtitude, Mobtown Fermentation, Vizier Grooming Brands and jang*go, a mounting system for phones and tablets.

Chin said that the competition is open to contestants and ideas of any level, from the early stages to already generating money. She also said any industry is welcome, and said that many other competitions have a narrower approach as to what forms of business may apply. Starting in February, the competition begins with executive summaries from the contestants. Full business plans and presentations are laid out around the competition’s midpoint, and the competition ends in May. Eight businesses are currently located in the Incubator building, which is under the Division of Innovation and Applied Research. Winners in both categories will receive a 90-day TU Incubator membership valued at $5,000, which includes office space, mentoring and other advisory services, a cash

prize and other assorted prizes. The TU Incubator helps provide resources to startup ventures. They also host various speak-

er series, workshops and events. Information on the competition eligibility and criteria can be found at

Nick Mason/ The Towerlight Members of the Towson University Incubator Team prepare for the upcoming Business Plan Competition finale on May 4.


April 26, 2016



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The Towerlig



April 26, 2016

Movie Review: The Jungle Book

No monkeying around


When Disney announced that there was going to be a live-action “Jungle Book” remake, most fans of the original classic were suspicious of whether it would live up to the expectations. After its opening weekend, however, there is no debate: the new version does justice to its predecessor. “The Jungle Book” details the struggle of a young boy named Mowgli, who lives in the jungle under protection of a wolf pack. He tries to find his identity either as a “man-cub” who will forever live in the jungle, or simply as a man— which all jungle animals fear. Mowgli doesn’t want to abandon the jungle where he was raised, but he must make a decision after Shere Khan, a feared and vicious tiger, threatens the safety of the wolf pack

in which Mowgli was raised. Mowgli leaves the pack and begins the difficult endeavor of finding his place in the world among vultures, elephants and dangerous orangutans. Help comes not only from his guardian, Bagheera, but also from a new friend Mowgli meets along the way: a bear named Baloo. Together, Baloo and Bagheera watch over Mowgli as they urge him to find his own people before the spread of fire known as man’s “red flower,” or the wrath of Shere Khan. Between its classic Disney songs, lovable characters, and the harmonious mix of nostalgia and reality, this movie won over audiences and critics alike. In today’s world of CGI, it made a seamless transition from colorful sketches to authentic representations of animals and their environment.

Those who know the original story will be fulfilled as they watch the same story come to life, expanded to give each scene its own importance, and listen to their childhood songs reborn. “The Jungle Book” has received raving reviews, earning a perfect 100 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, and pulled in a large sum at the box office—its opening weekend totaling $103 million in the U.S. alone. With a star-studded cast along with it, this movie was bound to raise the bar in live-action Disney movies. After hearing of its stellar execution, I knew I needed to see this movie. Whether it was the thorough story or the extremely vivid scenery, my expectations pale in comparison. “The Jungle Book” is visually stunning and terrifyingly beautiful, and in accord with Rotten Tomatoes, I give it a solid 10/10 stars.

Courtesy of

“The Jungle Book” featuring Neel Sethi as Mowgli and Bill Murray as Baloo is now playing in theaters.

Animation comes to life Star-studded cast revives 90s Disney classic CAITLIN MOYNIHAN Columnist @cmmoynihan

When I first heard that there was going to be a live-action remake of “The Jungle Book,” I was immediately apprehensive. How would it work? Would the animals be real or CGI? Would they be fun-loving or scary? Would it read more like a Disney film or a Tim Burton creation? I wasn’t the only one who had these thoughts, and there were tons of doubters before there was any concrete evidence of what the movie would be. But ever since the first trailer hit YouTube, people haven’t been able to shut up about it, in the best way possible. With a stellar voice cast of Scarlett Johansson, Ben Kinglsey, Bill Murray, Idris Elba, Lupita Nyong’o and introducing Neel Sethi as Mowgli, it was structured for success. As someone who loves the Disney storybook adaptation of the movie, in addition to the trailer being dark and jumpy, it intrigued and scared me at the same time. I didn’t think about the possibility of it not being an exact remake, although looking back, it would have been improbable for me to think that.

This new movie wouldn’t be an exact remake, but more of an extension of the story that Disney laid the ground-work for— similar to what “Maleficent” achieved. It would provide more information and bring in a different perspective of the already loved movie. Over the past three years, Disney has been taking more risks and becoming more creative in its content. The company is branching out and trying new things and is distinguishing the difference between their materials in a more dramatic way. They are realizing that those of us who grew up watching the animated musicals are adults now. And while many of us are still children at heart, we want an upgrade and they’re listening and delivering. “The Jungle Book” is no different and while it may not be suitable for a child under the age of ten, I highly suggest everyone go see it. Not only does it let the audience reminisce about the story they already know, but it also introduces new levels and layers to the characters without losing the magic. This movie is going to be a CGI game-changer and has raised the bar on expectations. It’s funny, surprising and will definitely leave you wanting more.


April 26, 2016


Freshly folded

Local crepes merge sweet & savory flavors SIERRA UNDERDUE Columnist

If you’re ever seriously craving a crepe like I was one fine Wednesday morning, go to Sofi’s Crepes. For those of you wondering what a crepe is, it’s basically a very thin pancake that you fill with sweet or savory fillings. Now you may also be wondering well, who’s Sofi? Sofi was actually a loyal dog that suffered severe spinal damage the last two years of her life. In spite of this, she continued to be joyous and playful in spirit and the restaurant was named in her honor. Sofi’s is a hole-inthe-wall, Zagat-rated small café-like spot in Belvedere Square. It’s kind of easy to miss because it’s small and crowded among several other businesses on one strip. There are franchise locations around the region. Inside it’s a nice and comfortable size with a few tables here and there. It’s big enough to fit maybe 20 people at a time. There are a few pieces of artwork hanging up created by local artists, which is pretty cool. It was also clean and well-kept, which is a plus. There was only one employee working when I went, so I imagine maybe

two or three are there tops, but the one employee was very patient and friendly as I took a while to figure out what I wanted. There are so many things to choose from! The set menu is really extensive and broken down into two categories: sweet and savory. I was originally going to go for a savory bacon, eggs and cheese topped with maple syrup, but I was really in the mood for something sweet so I created my own and did a banana and honey filling. It was so good! The crepe itself was very soft and fluffy with a slight crisp on the outside. The bananas were really fresh and the honey added a nice sweet compliment. The only qualm I had with it was the fact that the honey kind of took over and nearly soaked the crepe into a gooey mess. However, I also had the pleasure of trying The Motz, which is a crepe filled with Mozzarella, Fresh Basil, and Tomato with cracked pepper and olive oil, which was phenomenal. I would highly suggest it. Since Sofi’s is located in a not-sonice area, they are prone to robberies and do not accept cash, so make sure you go with a card in hand. Sofi’s is definitely another place I will be visiting again!

Courtesy of

Sofi’s Crepes located on 5911 York Road offers customers their choice of sweet or savory crepes.

Finding success on Vine JEREMY GOLDBERG Contributing Writer

Since joining Vine, the social media app for creating and sharing six-second videos, in 2013, junior electronic media and film and public relations major Matthew DeHoff has created an online footprint for himself that is rapidly growing. DeHoff’s interest in comedy and creating videos started as a middle school hobby, inspired by the hit YouTube channel Smosh. He started out recording homemade sketch comedies with his friends using his mom’s old camera and posting them to YouTube. Today, he is a full-time college student and a recurring content creator on Vine with over 100,000 followers and over 87 million views of his videos. DeHoff is known by his friends and fans for the wacky comedy he pursues in his videos—sometimes making no sense at all—and the eccentricity of the characters he creates. DeHoff displays a wide spectrum of absurdity and creativity in his humor that frames his videos and his mind. “A year and a half ago, I did these ‘Billy’ Vines and it evolved into my alien character and, I mean, I guess there’s the one where I f--ed a vacuum,” DeHoff says. “I also made these Vines based on the X-Files. I kind of laugh at my Vines after I do them, but I tend to create stuff that I’m just like ‘this is so f--ing stupid, but it’s hilarious.’” With the new online community and fan base he has established with his videos, he is nothing but humble for the opportunities Vine has given him as an outlet to express his comedic imagination and spontaneous creativity. “I make sure my growth does not affect my creative process because I want to keep going and keep gaining new followers,” DeHoff says. “Sometimes, when people gain 40K [followers], their ego takes over and they’ll make s----y Vines. I never thought it was possible for me to get to this point and it’s crazy.”

Courtesy of Matthew DeHoff

Beyond the camera on his phone, DeHoff shows an undying passion for acting and film production. In his past two years at Towson, he has starred and worked on multiple local, student short films that have won awards at Towson film festivals where he received honorable acclaim for his performances. DeHoff is also an active member of the media-production society Lambda Kappa Tau. By integrating himself with students of similar passions, the amount of opportunities to collaborate with the other members seems endless. Networking with fellow undergraduate members and alumni, he has seized multiple opportunities to thicken his acting portfolio, taking on new roles in feature films while receiving additional offers to prepare him for the next ones. Additionally, DeHoff writes and directs his own films, with help from members of LKT, simply for the fun of it. “I’m acting in ‘Campus Police’ by Ryan Konig, a friend of mine, which is going really well,” DeHoff said. In addition, he was also recently cast in the film “The Sisterhood of Girls Who Won’t Date Me,” a feature-length film written and

directed by Towson alumnus Max Radbill. As a result of an ambitious approach to following his dreams, DeHoff has gained knowledge in his field of interest while producing an abundance of content. Whether through social media, in or out of the classroom, DeHoff seems to be on the right path to achieving the life he has dreamed of. He kindly shares a few words of wisdom for his fans and those with similar ambitions in acting and filmmaking. “My advice is that content is everything and that you shouldn’t over-promote yourself,” DeHoff said. “If the content is good, then people will see it, and it will get shared around.” DeHoff also encourages others to keep creating art regardless of schedules or circumstances. “There’s always this war with art that people have if school is taking over or they’re just too busy,” DeHoff said. “You got to just fight through that and create no matter what the situation is. As long as you’re creating content, you’ll get better and better and that snowball will keep rolling and rolling.”



April 26, 2016

Students celebrate start of spring

Meaningful media

making this decision. It’s very deliberate and a lot of it is tied to money. Even if it isn’t inherently racist or sexist, which we can’t always tell if it is, still perpetuates these ideas.” Media and Diversity Engagement One video in particular that Perez (M.A.D.E), is a relatively new club on showed at their last meeting was campus devoted to the transparency titled, “What is Being Gay (According of social issues and representation on to the Media)?” which highlighted all media platforms. Having formed the various misconceptions and stejust last semester, M.A.D.E has been reotypes placed on the gay commuworking to find their footing and nity throughout years of films. make a positive impact on Towson “There used to be a rule for film students. that you couldn’t show an LGBT Junior and president of M.A.D.E character in a movie unless they Danielle Gibson (a former The died at the end,” Towerlight contribuGibson said. “This tor) is an electronic was to show that this media and film major You feel like you’re was morally wrong. who is passionate about bringing marwatching the same That was the mentality: this is why the ginalized voices to the movies over and villain has to die, front of film and about over again, with so people wouldn’t bringing social issues to light through the the same actors. It be convinced to do cinema arts. Gibson became very clear that.” On April 28, hopes that their voice that someone is M.A.D.E will be on campus will inspire students to join. making this decision. hosting their “Work in Progress” screen“This is our first It’s very deliberate ing. This event was semester being SGA and a lot of it is tied organized to support affiliated,” Gibson students with their said. “I’ve heard from to money. word of mouth that GABRIEL PEREZ media work and to Vice President of M.A.D.E. offer critiques and people are aware of it.” advice in order to Gibson not only enhance or further the production of wants to educate students about their pieces. media diversity, but also to inspire “We want film students who are students to spark their own converworking on any type of media to subsations about media platforms. mit their works, finished or not, in “It isn’t just for women and order to get judgment- free criticism minorities, it’s for everyone.” Gibson from their peers—constructive critisaid. “In [vice president of M.A.D.E] cism,” Perez said. “We know the real Gabriel’s words, we don’t want to be world isn’t like that at all, so we want a group of minorities complaining to provide that kind of safety net.” about everything else. We just want Having just begun their movement to spread awareness and let people to improve media both on campus have a voice for themselves. Just to and elsewhere, M.A.D.E is taking the have a safe space to share all this. If initiative to have conversations about it goes un-talked about it’s just going diversity. To join their conversation, to continue.” M.A.D.E meets every Wednesday Senior and vice president of from 5-6 p.m. in room 201A in the M.A.D.E Gabriel Perez is also an Media Center. EMF major and has been interested in film since his first job interacting within a cinematic environment For more almost four years ago. information, visit “Movie theaters that show only mainstream film, maybe one or two their Facebook independents but mostly mainpage: M.A.D.E stream, after a while they get depressing,” Perez said. “You feel like you’re (Media & Diversity watching the same movies over and Engagement) over again, with the same actors. It became very clear that someone is CHRISTINE LAFRANCESCA Staff Writer @LaFrancesca27

KRISTIN HELF Staff Writer @kristinelise_

Despite the gray sky and occasional showers on Saturday morning, over 100 students showed up on Newell field to participate in University Residence Government (URG) and South Asian Students Association’s (SASA) fifth annual Holi festival. “Last year it snowed, and we had about 150 people show up,” SASA member Chanda Kumar said. “As long as we have any sort of turnout, we’re happy.” Holi, otherwise known as the festival of colors or the festival of sharing love, is a yearly celebration in India that welcomes the arrival of spring. The festival has Hindu origins, but the event invited students of all religions to come out and partake in the color run. “Everyone basically starts in a line and we’re just going to send them out and there’s a route,” sophomore business major Suki Sandhu said. “At different stations, we have people throwing color. They’re going to come back and it’s going to be a big color toss-up.” For URG, it’s important that students get a taste of the different cultures that coexist at Towson. “My position is to help bring awareness to different student groups and cultural organizations that people may

Alex Best/ The Towerlight

Students get dusted in colored powder while running past Linthicum Hall during the Holi festival last Saturday. not be aware of,” member of URG Kevin Reynolds said. “There are a lot of cultures and ethnicities at Towson that people aren’t directly aware of, and they bring so much to [the school]…it helps improve the resident experience and just diversify everyone.” Students ran all over campus from Newell Field to Burdick Hall and all the way to Towson Run until they finished in front of Stephen’s Hall. In Holi tradition, event coordinators threw colored powder on the students as they ran by until everyone’s white Holi T-shirts were decorated in pinks, reds, blues and yellows. At the end, runners celebrated by tossing up colored powder on the lawn

in front of Stephens Hall. The picturesque nature of the event inspired many students to take part. “[My friend] went last year and I saw pictures, so I was like, ‘oh, I gotta go!’” sophomore Kennedi Thomas said. By the time the run was over, the clouds had disappeared from the sky and the sun was shining bright over campus. “[Holi celebrates] the spring colors and flowers to welcome in the new season,” Kumar said. “So it’s a really important event for us. It’s really fun and everyone goes crazy back in India, so we just wanted to bring that here and represent our culture.”

prolific musicians of our time, Prince did it all: funk, R&B, rock and roll. He was a virtuoso instrumentalist, a brilliant bandleader and an electrifying performer.” Obama closed the statement with a quote from the musician: “A strong spirit transcends rules.” Here are some of my favorite Prince quotes that celebrate the life and legacy of one of the top innovators in music. “As human beings we suffer from an innate tendency to jump to conclusions; to judge people too quickly and to pronounce them failures or heroes without due consideration of the actual facts and ideals of the period.” “Despite everything, no one can dictate who you are to other people.” “I don’t see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They won’t pay me an advance for it

and then they get angry when they can’t get it.” (Just including that one because I’m sad I can’t access Prince’s music through my phone…Time to raid my parents’ CD collection.) “Cool means being able to hang with yourself. All you have to ask yourself is ‘Is there anybody I’m afraid of? Is there anybody who if I walked into a room and saw, I’d get nervous?’ If not, then you’re cool.” “As long as I do not take myself too seriously, I should not be too badly off.” “I don’t really care so much what people say about me because it usually is a reflection of who they are. For example, if people wish I would sound like I used to sound, then it says more about them then it does me.” “Why party like it’s 1999 when you can party like it’s your birthday?” And finally, a quote about Prince by Eric Clapton, according to multiple reports: When asked what it was like to be the greatest guitar player alive, he said, “I don’t know. Ask Prince.”

Remembering a musical icon KRISTIN HELF Staff Writer @kristinelise_

Another day, another irreplaceable performer lost. The cause of death of the artist formerly known as “the Artist Formerly Known as Prince” was not immediately known, although he had cancelled an April 7 appearance in Atlanta because of what was thought to be the flu. Authorities found Prince unresponsive in the elevator of his Minnesota home/ recording studio the morning of April 21. At 10:07 a.m., at only 57 years old, Prince was pronounced dead. In a recent statement, President Obama mourned the loss of an icon: “Few artists have influenced the sound and trajectory of popular music more distinctly, or touched quite so many people with their talent. As one of the most gifted and


April 26, 2016



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April 26, 2016



April 26, 2016


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Turn to page 20 for answers to today’s

April 26, 2016

Check out Towerlight’s Newest Columns!

tigers suffer defeat Towson falls on the road to CAA rival Charelston JORDAN COPE Associate Sports Editor @jordancope26


SARAH VAN WIE Staff Writer @SarahVdubs

Towson suffered a series loss to Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) rival Charleston this weekend in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. “It was a very competitive series,” junior infielder Caroline Reid said. “They are a good team and they played us hard.” Sunday, the Tigers (30-13, 7-7 CAA) fell to the Cougars (28-21) 3-2. The College of Charleston struck first in the bottom of the second inning when sophomore third baseman Taylor DuPree hit an RBI single up the middle of the diamond. Later in the inning, the Cougars extended their lead to 2-0 when

senior center fielder Rebecca Mueller hit an RBI single to center field. However, the Tigers battled back and tied the game 2-2 when sophomore shortstop Brook Miko hit a two-run home run in the fourth inning. In the bottom of the fifth inning, the College of Charleston scored what proved to be the game-winning run on an RBI single from senior first baseman Chandler Frisbie. Senior Ambar Hickman suffered her fourth loss of the season while senior Valerie Cassell was credited with her sixth victory. Saturday, Towson defeated the College of Charleston 3-2. Miko put the Tigers on the board in the first inning thanks to an RBI single to center field that scored sophomore center fielder Kendyl Scott. However, the College of Charleston battled back in the fifth inning and took a 2-1 lead over



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with the number in the top-left corner. KenKen® is a registered trademark of Nextoy, LLC. ©2014 KenKen Puzzle LLC. All rights reserved. Dist. by Universal Uclick for UFS.


File photo by Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

Senior pitcher Ambar Hickman pitches in a home game last year.

Towson after an RBI single from freshman shortstop Kelly Sinclair and DuPree stole home. An inning later, the Tigers took a 3-2 lead on a RBI single from junior first baseman Holiday Cahill and a sacrifice-fly from sophomore third baseman Daria Edwards.

It was a very competitive series. They are a good team and they played us hard. CAROLINE REID Infielder

Hickman was credited with her 11th win of the season after tossing a complete seven innings and allowing only two runs on seven hits. Friday, the Tigers fell to the Cougars 6-1. The College of Charleston jumped out to an early 5-0 lead over Towson in the second inning and never looked back. The Cougars extended their lead to 6-0 in the fourth inning thanks to an RBI single up the middle from Cassell. Towson’s lone run of the game came on a fielder’s choice to shortstop from sophomore catcher Shelby Stracher that scored freshman designated hitter Nicole Stockinger. Sophomore Megan Dejter was tagged with her eighth loss of the season while junior Samantha Martin earned her 13th win on the year. Towson will return home to the TU Softball Complex where it will look to rebound in a two-game midweek series against Villanova before welcoming CAA rival Delaware for a three-game series beginning Friday. “We only have two more series to solidify a spot in the [CAA] tournament,” senior Courtney Johnson said. “So it’s going to be a grind these next two weeks.” Following its series against Delaware, Towson will battle CAA rival UNC Wilmington to conclude its 2016 regular season.



Tigers downed by rival dukes

File photos by Mark Dragon/ The Towerlight

Sophomore midfielder Kaitlyn Montalbano carries the ball and surveys the field in Towson’s game against Pennsylvania at Johnny Unitas Stadium earlier this season (above). The Towson women’s lacrosse team congregate in a huddle during a stoppage of play in a game against Pennsylvania at Johnny Unitas Stadium earlier this season (below). DESMOND BOYLE Staff Writer

Towson lost its number one seed in the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) after falling 11-9 to James Madison Sunday afternoon at Johnny Unitas Stadium. “We had some uncharacteristic mistakes, some uncontested errors that you can’t afford to have against a team like JMU.” Head Coach Sonia LaMonica said. The game started off well for Towson, as redshirt junior Michelle Gildea shot high from close range in the opening seconds. After two separate fouls on James Madison defenders Towson scored its first goal of the game as Emily Gillingham scored her 18th goal of the year from a free position shot. However, the Dukes quickly equalized after the Tigers failed to clear a turnover and senior attacker Brooks Lawler scored unassisted from close range to level the score inside of 4 minutes. Redshirt junior attacker Alyssa Ferro then scored two straight goals for Towson after receiving assists from the edge of the area from Gillingham and freshman midfielder Natalie Sulmonte.

James Madison then scored three straight goals starting with a scrappy rebound attempt from Kristen Gaudian after Towson’s freshman goalie Angie Benson made two saves but the second parried right to Gaudian who fired home from close range. Betsy Angel then tied the game up with a shot from the right hand side before Gaudian weaved through the middle of the Tigers defense and gave the Dukes a 4-3 lead with 17 minutes left in the half. Towson tied the game 4-4 after a pass from the right side from Samantha Brookhart to Kaitlyn Montalbano with sixteen minutes to go. Gildea then scored a goal from a free position from the right side to give the Tigers a 5-4 lead with 15:30. The Dukes then scored two goals in a row to take a 6-5 lead, the second goal came from Jaci Gordon as the senior midfielder collected a ground ball and blazed right through the middle of the Tigers defense before scoring. Ferro then completed her second career hat trick after scoring a one-timer goal while being hacked in the middle of James Madison’s defense as she received a pass from Brookhart. Gordon then scored the final goal of the half with nine

minutes left. Sulmonte helped Towson equalize on an unassisted goal just four minutes into the half. Brookhart then gave Towson the last lead they would hold in the game after scoring from the left side of the field. James Madison went on to score four of the last five goals in the game over the final 20 minutes. The scoring streak was sparked by Taylor Guess who weaved through the middle of Towson defenders to equalize at eight with

17 minutes to go. A free position goal from Betsy gave the Dukes he lead before sophomore Katie Kerrigan scored a goal from a nearly impossible angle from the left side of the net. Trailing 10-8 with 10 minutes to go, Towson crucially won the face off and after a James Madison foul Montalbano scored five hole from the left side of the field on a free position. Gordon closed out the scoring with an unassisted drive through the

middle of the field. A penalty on senior defender Emily Roth for two minutes helped James Madison close out the game by passing around Towson's defense until the final horn. Benson finished the game with five saves but suffered her third loss of the season. Towson wraps up its season on against the University of Connecticut at home Sunday at noon before entering the CAA playoffs as a number two seed.



April 26, 2016

a drama straight out of hollywood DESMOND BOYLE Staff Writer

Kobe Bryant’s outstanding 60 point performance in his last game offered entertainment to basketball fans everywhere and temporary relief to fans who have watched their favorite team collapse over the last four seasons. The Los Angeles Lakers are clearly in need of a solid rebuilding plan with the core of their title winning team all gone. The only problem is that the first building block of this plan may alienate any talented players joining the team. One of the most bizarre scandals in the sports world unfolded this past month after Lakers point guard D’Angelo Russell, recorded a video of teammate Nick Young discussing women other than his fiancée, 25 yearold rapper Iggy Azalea. Russell issued an immediate apology to Young and denied knowledge of how the video was released to the public. This scandal is going to affect the

Lakers way beyond just hurting the chemistry between these two players. As point guard, Russell needs to develop a trust with each player on the court to have an effective ability to distribute the ball around the court and control the offense. Developing this trust now looks like an impossible task for the former Ohio State star. In the days following the incident, Lakers players reportedly shunned Russell by not speaking to him at all off of the court. One player reportedly walked away when Russell tried to sit down next to him at a team lunch. While the team’s chemistry suffered at the end of the season, it didn’t cost the Lakers much, because the team was nowhere close to finishing in a playoff spot. The Lakers wrapped up the 2015-2016 season with a franchise-worst 17-65 record, which

prompted the team to fire head coach Byron Scott this past weekend. Whoever the Lakers hire to replace Scott will be faced with a major question. The team will probably have the most cap money to spend in the league following the departures of big salary earners like Bryant, Dwight Howard and Pau Gasol. The dilemma for the new coach will be whether or not to keep Russell and risk not being able to lure talented free agents like Kevin Durant or Andre Drummond, or to take a cap hit and cut Russell loose. Russell has undeniable talent that he showcased in bits and pieces this past season, which is why the Lakers drafted him third overall this past year as one of the first pieces of the new team’s core. But now, the Lakers may have to start rebuilding all over because of a twenty second long video.

Courtesy of The Towerlight

Lakers forward Kobe Bryant receives an ice treatment this season.

Senior Day!

Support your Tigers in their final home game of regular season!

SUNDAY, MAY 1 · 12 P.M. VS.



April 26, 2016

TU Concludes Season BILLY OWENS Staff Writer @billyowens174

Towson ended its season with a 1-4 loss to James Madison in the quarterfinal round of the 2016 Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) Women’s Tennis Championship at the Wake Forest Indoor Tennis Complex in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Friday afternoon. The Tigers entered the intraconference tournament as the number six seed, while the Dukes were the number three seed. This was the Tigers second consecutive season as the number six seed in the CAA tournament. This was also the second meeting between the two teams this season, as James Madison posted a 6-1 win over Towson Jan. 31. “It was a totally different match,”

Head Coach Doug Neagle said. “With Friday’s match, we had a definite chance, and we were in there across the board.” Due to rain, the match was played at the Wake Forest Indoor Tennis Complex instead of the Jimmy Powell Tennis Center in Elon. Additionally, play began with singles matches, rather than doubles. James Madison took an early 3-0 lead over Towson, as Timea Guibe defeated Nicole Shakhnazarova 6-0, 7-5 at number one singles, Emma Petersen defeated A.J. Gomer 6-4, 6-1 at number four singles, and Rebecca Harris defeated Renate van Oorschodt 6-2, 6-4 at number six singles. The Tigers started closing the gap, as Lucy Williams defeated Rachel Nelson 7-5, 6-4 at number two singles to bring the match score to 3-1. It wouldn’t be enough, though, as the Dukes clinched a spot in the tour-

nament semifinals with a 6-2, 3-6, 6-3 win by Dylan Owens over Sophie Lesage at number five singles. The remaining match at number three singles was called early as a result, with James Madison’s Kimmy Herrock leading Barbora Vasilkova 6-2, 3-6, 4-3. “They’re a tough, well-coached team,” Neagle said. “They were disciplined.” James Madison went on to defeat number two seed Elon 4-1 in the semifinals Saturday, but were defeated by number one seed and reigning CAA champion William & Mary 4-1 in the final Sunday. Towson finished the spring 2016 season with a 13-9 overall record and a 3-4 regular season record against CAA opponents. “It was another positive season,” Neagle said. “We can really build from this one, and be more fit, confident and hungry, come the fall.”

towson falls to uncw CHRIS WELLS Staff Writer @cgwells00

Towson lost its final game of the series Sunday 11-4 against Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) rival UNC Wilmington (27-9, 8-2 CAA). The Tigers (14-27, 5-7 CAA) were tied at two apiece through four innings, but a hot fifth and sixth inning resulted in nine runs for the Seahawks. Despite freshman Richie Palacios’ fourth home run of the season in the ninth inning, the lead was too much to overcome. Palacios went 1-for-4 at bat including two RBIs. “There’s really nothing he can’t do on the baseball field,” Head Coach Mike Gottlieb said. “He has surprising power for his size, he runs well and he plays the game aggressively in all aspects.” Sophomore David Marriggi (1-4) suffered the loss after allowing seven runs on seven hits in 4.2 innings of play. Hitting was at a minimum for Towson in defeat, only recording four hits.

Sunday marked the Tigers ninth loss in a row. “I don’t like to admit it but we ran into a juggernaut,” Gottlieb said. “They’ve been running everyone over, we were competitive but the box score doesn’t show that.” Saturday Palacios stole two bases in defeat bringing his total to 29 on the year, good enough to tie the single-season stolen base record. He went 1-for-3 at bat and recorded two runs. The record-tying day resulted in the Seahawks victorious with a final score of 6-2. Junior Chris Henze had a strong day going 2-for-4 at bat including two RBIs. After 5.1 innings on the mound, Junior Kevin Ross (2-5) gave up four runs on seven hits in defeat. Friday the seventh inning would prove to be the final blow the Seahawks needed to prevail victorious as they earned five runs to put the game out of reach. The final score was 7-2, but freshman pitcher Skyler Morris (2-2) was impressive in spite of the loss. Morris only surrendered two

runs on four hits in six innings. “I have no consideration for his age,” Gottlieb said. “He’s college eligible, his arm works, he throws strikes. The scoreboard doesn’t show age.” The Tigers hitting issues resurfaced only recording six hits, three of which came in the ninth innings while trailing. Henze led the offense Friday with two hits and one RBI. Towson continues action Wednesday against Delaware State at Schuerholz Park at 3:30 p.m. “I like to think we’ll continue to be competitive down the stretch and win some games,” Gottlieb said. “Wilmington is head and shoulders above the rest in the league, but there is no clear cut number two team. We’re capable of being that team.” Following its game against Deleware State, Towson will host CAA rival College of Charleston for a three game series. The Cougars are 22-17-1 on the year with a 6-6 record in conference play. The series will start Friday, April 29, at 3 p.m.

Spencer Parks

Men’s Lacrosse Senior attackman Spencer Parks recorded three goals, two assists and five points in Towson’s 18-11 victory over Fairfield on Senior Day at Johnny Unitas Stadium, Saturday.




April 26, 2016

tigers topple stags on senior day

File photos by Mark Dragon/ The Towerlight

Redshirt junior midfielder Brian Bolewicki carries the ball up the field in Towson’s matchup against CAA rival Drexel earlier this season at Johnny Unitas Stadium (above). Members of the Towson men’s lacrosse team celebrate in a group huddle after scoring a goal against CAA rival Drexel earlier this season at Johnny Unitas Stadium (below). TYLER BEARD Assistant Sports Editor @tylerbeard2

wNo. 12 Towson set a season-high in goal on Senior Day and defeated Colonial Athletic Association rival Fairfield 18-11 at Johnny Unitas Stadium Saturday. “I’m excited about the way our team came out of the locker room to start the game, especially facing off and offensively,” Head Coach Shawn Nadelen said. “We were really dialed into our shots and getting shots on the cage, really challenging their goalie.” The Tigers’ (11-2, 3-1 CAA) win over the Stags (7-7, 3-1 CAA) put them in a three-way tie for first place in the CAA and back in the win column after last week’s loss to the Blue Hens (5-9, 2-2 CAA). “We definitely had a bad taste in our mouth after that Saturday,” senior attackman Spencer Parks, who finished with three goals against the Stags, said. “All the guys on Sunday were talking and eager to get back to work on Monday. Over the course of the week, we had a tough week of practice, and I think we played today the way we should be playing and I think it showed on the field today.”

Towson trailed 2-1 early, but a 9-0 run put the team ahead 10-2 before the end of the first half. The run included four goals from junior midfielder Mike Lynch, who had five goals in the first half alone. “I like to credit my teammates, honestly,” Lynch said. “People like Spencer and [Ryan] Drenner dodging and drawing two. I mean, I’m just sitting there ready to shoot and I try to get it on net.” The Tigers kept a consistent lead in the third quarter until the Stags went on a 4-0 run and cut the lead to 15-10 in the fourth quarter. However, junior attackman Drenner scored with fewer than five minutes to stop the bleeding and help put the Stags away. The game ended with redshirt senior goalie Tyler White lobbing a shot from his goal that ended up hitting nothing but net on Fairfield’s cage. The refs came together and counted the shot, which gave White his first career goal. “The biggest thing for us is that it was Tyler and that’s why we were fighting for that goal,” Nadelen said. “It’s Tyler last home game, who’s meant so much to our program.” White also finished the game with five saves. The win allows Towson to control

its own destiny for home-field advantage in the CAA Tournament if the team wins against the Hofstra Pride (9-4, 3-1 CAA). A victory against the Pride will allow the Tigers to host the CAA Tournament May 5 and May 7 at

Johnny Unitas Stadium. Towson takes on Hofstra in its last regular season game Saturday at 1 p.m. The Pride are led in scoring by junior attackman Josh Bryne who has 28 goals this season.

Hofstra is coming into the matchup with Towson having won three straight games. The Pride defeated Delaware at James M. Shuart Stadium in Hofstra, New York, before earning two gritty road wins against Drexel and Massachusetts.

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