The Tower Jan-Feb 2014

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FEB. 13, 2014



Death class gains widespread fame


By Alexandria Addesso




Death in Perspective professor Dr. Norma Bowe has gained international recognition for the recently published book “The Death Class: a True Story About Life.” The book that follows Bowe’s death class and focuses on several student’s in particular, has received great reviews since it was released on Jan. 14 and turned Bowe into a local celebrity after being interviewed on MSNBC, PBS and NPR just to name a few, with a possible movie version of the book in the works. After reading a Kean student newspaper article about Bowe’s Death in Perspective class LA Times journalist Erika Hayasak contacted the professor and began sitting in on her classes. By September 2008 Hayasaki’s article on the class made it to the front page of the LA Times. Hayasaki continued to sit in on Bowe’s class for the next four years, with a tape recorder and notebook in hand, and ended up taking it herself before eventually writing the book. “Watch out for this lady she walks around with a tape recorder at all times,” said Bowe at a discussion, Q&A and book signing event held on Jan. 23 in the University Center’s Little Theatre, “even in bathrooms.” On the day of the event the theatre was packed with former Death in Perspective students from a wide variety of semesters of the 14 years

Bowe has taught the class at Kean. Although the class was offered at Kean, as well as other universities, before Bowe began teaching it, she added elements of philosophy, health, religion and biology. The most impactful addition to the class according to her students was definitely field trips. The field trips consisted of visits to funeral homes, cemeteries, hospices, prisons and the viewing of a live autopsy. When asked what was her least favorite of all the trips Bowe replied that it was the autopsy because of all the coordinating needed as well as all the young people she has seen on the table. However, for many of her students the autopsy has been the most influential trip. “This class has changed my life,” said Grace Campbell, a student who took the class last semester and had experienced ridicule throughout her life for being biracial, stated that after going on the autopsy trip and watching a middle-aged man who died from an overdose being cut open for examination, she realized that everybody is literally the same on the inside. Bowe cited the cemetery trip to be her favorite because it taught her students to no longer hold their breaths when they passed cemeteries. “Cemeteries took on a whole new meaning for me after taking this class,” said Hayasaki who then stated that she has been meaning to revisit a cemetery simply to sit and write.

“Watch out for this lady she walks around with a tape recorder at all times...even in bathrooms.”

Project ReAdmit helps college dropouts finish their degrees By Josephine Brown


WINTER SPORTS RECAP 12 + MORE Student Spotlight


The Dream Act


Career Coach Helen Naftali


Arts & Entertainment


Valentine’s Day Blues


Crossword Puzzle


Health Fitness Trends


Kean Sports

10 - 12

Photo: Alexandria Addesso

The Death Class: a True Story About Life book.

When Chantal Borgella started her college education in 2004 at Kean University, she did not anticipate that she wouldn’t graduate. But four years into her studies and only six credits from earning a bachelor’s degree in English and a minor in public administration, she dropped out of college. Borgella has accumulated 122 credits as a double-major student. “I was out of school for five years,” said Borgella. “I dropped out in 2008 due to financial reason. My parents could no longer afford to pay my tuition.” Many students like Borgella have had to endure one barrier or another in their quest to earn a college degree. While some are able to overcome the different challenges faced, others resign to their fate and never earn a degree in their intended major. Incomes, family background and societal barrier have somehow played a role in preventing students from realizing their educational goals. According to Complete College America, one out of two students seeking to attain a bachelor’s degree will not achieve it. Complete College America is a national nonprofit organization established in 2009. Its mission is to ensure an increase in “the number of Americans with quality career certificates or college degrees.” The organization intends “to close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations.” Borgella was able to return after five years of absence through the Project ReAdmit program created by Joy Moskovitz, assistant vice

aid is granted only to those eligible for it and requires satisfactory academic progress to be approved. While financial aid rejects students with failing grades, Project ReAdmit accepts them. Through the Academy Amnesty Policy, unacceptable grades of Project ReAdmit’s recipients are removed from their student record. These students are then allowed to take the course afresh. At the present time only College of Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as College of Visual and Performing Arts students, can participate in the Project ReAdmit

“I have brought people back from the 1980s to complete their college degree...” president of Academic Affairs at Kean. Project ReAdmit is a program aimed at helping former Kean students to return to school and complete their degree. The idea stemmed from a similar program featured in “Higher Education News,” a publication” that Moskovitz reads. The program’s outreach started at Kean in the fall of 2010, while readmission of its recipients began in the spring of 2011. “I have brought people back from the 1980s to complete their college degree,” said Moskovitz. “With Project ReAdmit, the credit does not expire. Only their statuses as students expire.” To be readmitted under this program, students must have earned at least 90 credits and been out of the school system for two years. Those serving in the military are also eligible.

Students under Project ReAdmit are not required to meet the current program requirements. Their transcripts are reviewed to determine which catalog year would move them closer to graduation. It could be the year of their original admission, or the current catalog year. Their completed courses are adjusted to fulfill their present degree requirements. Moskovitz retrieved the records of former students who met the readmission requirements, and these students were then sent notices through the mail. Borgella said she has never met Moskovitz, but did receive an email from her requesting that she return to complete her program. “She just emailed me one day in 2010 and stayed on top of me until my return for the fall 2013 semester,” Borgella said. The reapplication fee is waived under Project ReAdmit. Financial

program. “But I hope to include others, like the College of Business and Public Management, in the future,” said Moskovitz. She said that a total of 21 students have graduated since the inception of the program in 2011. Borgella intends to graduate in the spring of 2014. She currently works as an Assistant to a Public Relations Manager and Director at the Epic Record Label in New York. Borgella has expressed difficulty in juggling work and school. She is a full time employee as well as a student. “Being able to balance school and work is an obstacle in itself,” said Borgella, “but it teaches me time management.” Josephine Brown, an adult student, graduated in January with a degree in Communication.


February 13, 2014

February 13, 2014

Looking forward to educational opportunities: The dreamers have a place at Kean

Kean students speak on current Christie scandals By Marisa Gallagher

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been in the news lately for his possible knowledge of lane closures on the George Washington Bridge back in September as well as for accusations by the mayor of Hoboken of withholding Sandy relief funds. “I’m not sure he’s entirely to blame for what his aids did, he isn’t to blame for their actions if he was unaware the lane closures were intentional,” said freshman Erica Weiss, “he needs to take action to make sure something like this never happens again.” The GWB lane closures greatly inconvenienced many New Jersey and New York residents including Kean students. Anthony Gagliostro, a Kean student that works in Fort Lee, was one of thousands who sat in hours of traffic on the GWB. The mayor of Fort Lee, Mark Sokolich, felt the lane closures were a punishment for not endorsing the governor for re-election. After the lane closures caused rush-hour traffic to come to a halt

“He needs to take action to make sure something like this never happens again.” for several hours at a time and residential roads to become temporary parking spaces, the lanes were reopened days later by Port Authority who claimed the lanes were closed due to a conducting traffic

study, according to The U.S. Attorney is investigating the issue and has issued a long list of subpoenas to determine why the lanes were ordered closed. The media is reporting now that Dave

Student Spotlight:

By Kyle Lawrence

Photo: Marcia Calle

By Dominique Vinas

Bridgeway Partial Care intern, Marcia Calle.

“They teach you more about the field, as well as yourself.” She is now enrolled in a sixcredit class called “Practicum 1/11” that came along with this internship opportunity. Between the two universities, she takes both psychiatric rehab classes and psychology courses. “So far this has been a great experience,” said Calle. “Because I get to help people with certain disorders learn ways to cope with their issues, but at the same time they teach me more about the field, as well as myself.” Recordings with members about certain issues at Bridgeway, along with counseling reflective responses, are just some of the tasks that are given to Calle that bring the skills she learns from her courses to life. “This spring semester, I have two focus members who I work with one-on-one weekly to establish a recovery plan that helps each patient achieve their individual goals,” said Calle. Calle has a busy schedule this spring. Taking on 18 credits can be quite stressful for her at times, but when she is at Bridgeway, it is rewarding to know that she is touching and changing people’s lives every day. Calle is learning more about her field than she ever would have known before. Its one thing to learn from textbooks, but it’s a totally different ball game when you’re dealing with real-life situations. “A typical day at my internship consists of morning meetings with members and their counselors, about 15 per unit,” said Calle, who

is all about hands-on experience. This is where they discuss any questions the members have, and/ or concerns that the counselors may have regarding the patients. “It’s vital that as a team we establish a personal goal for the day for each member,” said Calle. There is no set criterion for the type of goal a patient has to have. It can be very little or big. Every member is different with regards to personality, disorders, and situations. Some goals consist of staying in groups, smoking less, or even just making someone else smile. “It’s always a good day when a goal is accomplished.” said Calle. One exciting thing that Bridgeway has to offer is their wellness unit, where they run different groups such as exercising, healthy eating, budgeting and hygiene. Calle expressed how amazing it is that even these people with mental illness still have drive to succeed, and she feels proud to be a part of their motivation and success. “One very awesome fun fact is we actually have a group of members who want to go to culinary school and actually make the food here at Bridgeway daily,” said Calle. This internship means a lot to her, because she gets hands-on experience as a counselor, which is something she aspires to do after graduation. The best thing to her is the fact that she gets to help these members better their lives. “I learn from them everyday,” said Calle, “and these experiences will help me be a much more effective counselor in the future.”

Sandy. Mulhearn is a current resident of Hoboken, and also manages a small business in the city that was also damaged by flooding during Super Storm Sandy. “I’m not much into politics, I liked him after Sandy,” said Mulhearn. “If I had to vote I would have probably vote for him.” As a Hoboken resident she spoke on the topic of the recent allegations Mayor Zimmer brought against the governor. “I think that she is bitter for not getting the funds,” said Mulhearn, “ and needed to blame somebody.” New Jersey 101.5 FM, whose motto boldly reads “PROUD TO BE NEW JERSEY” on its homepage, aired their monthly edition of ‘Ask the Governor’ on February 3. For those unfamiliar with the monthly-aired radio show, hosted by Eric Scott, it is an opportunity for listeners to submit a question to ask the governor through the radio’s web site, via text, email and by a toll free telephone number. Christie spoke on the Bridgegate scandal where he told listeners he had nothing to do with it.

Cougar radio station gets a reboot

Psychology major’s internship gives her life-changing experience Depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and drug addiction are just some of the emotional and physical battles that are seen at Bridgeway Partial Care in Elizabeth, NJ, on a daily basis. Partial care is a day program from nine to three, Monday to Friday that was designed specifically for people with mental illnesses. Marcia Calle, psychology and psychiatric rehabilitation major at both Kean University and Rutgers University has been given the privilege to put her skills to practice at this program.

Wildstein, a former Port Authority official and Christie ally, claims “evidence exists” tying Christie to knowledge of the lane closures. The governor says he did not know about the lane closures and had nothing to do with it. While the Bridgegate scandal continues to result in resignations, terminations and subpoenas, Christie faces more allegations. Dawn Zimmer, democratic Mayor of Hoboken, claims Sandy funds were unfairly withheld from residents and business owners whose properties were destroyed in the super storm. According to an article on Zimmer claimed, that the city of Hoboken was deprived of Hurricane Sandy relief money because she refused to give the ‘OK’ on a development project chosen by Christie. Despite all the scandals and allegations that circle Christie, some residents still have hope that Christie is innocent. Felicia Mulhearn, a senior public relations major, claimed to like Christie after the actions he took following

In the corner of the fourth floor of the CAS building, next to the Communication Office, there is the Kean Radio station, 90.3 WKNJ. Until recently, the station wasn’t used for much. It lacked equipment, staff and overall activity. However, that all changed when junior Phil Giannino stepped in. “When I first became program director it was kind of dead. It was like a ghost town,” said Giannino. “So I said, ‘hey, let me take it over.’ I was president of the television and radio program at Piscataway High School. I applied the skills I knew from there to reboot the station to what it is today. I revamped it to be the New WKNJ. It’s new because there are fresh people here. And we just recently changed it to Cougar Radio, because we’re the Kean Cougars.” The newly dubbed Cougar Radio has seen an increase in activity since Giannino took over with a new staff running things in a way that he describes is “like it is in the real world.” “I created a promotions position to get the station out there. I also created a news director and a music director, which was here, but the previous programs director did

The Dream Act signed this past month by Governor Christie in Union City, New Jersey is a big stepping stone for all undocumented students. Although, it has been met with challenges it has attained enough public support from both republicans and democrats alike. The Dream Act is a bipartisan legislation that was first introduced in 2001, since 16 states have passed laws providing the chance for undocumented students to qualify for higher education. On Jan. 16, 2014 Senator Patty Murray and Congressman Jared Polis confirmed their support for in State Tuition Equity (IN-STATE) in an effort to give the undocumented students the ability to pay for higher education at an in state tuition rate. Senator Murray believes every student living in the United States should have the same opportunity to attain an education. “All qualified students should have the same opportunities to get a college degree, regardless of their immigration status,” said Murray according to, “Undocumented students are no different than their classmates.” First Focus Campaign for Children is a bipartisan advocacy organization with a mission to serve

children and families through federal policy, budget decisions and surveyed public support for the Dream Act which resulted in an overall positive approval rate with a little more than half strongly favorable. According to the The National Immigration Law Center, the requirements to qualify for The Dream Act for undocumented immigrants is to attend an in-state school for a certain number of years, graduated from high school in that state and have signed an affidavit stating that they have either applied to legalize their status or will do so as soon as eligible.

“I believe the Dream Act being signed in New Jersey is the most idealistic of ways that gives those the opportunity of equality and enables them to become better every day.” For many students on the verge of graduating high school it is a harsh reminder that being undocumented means not attending college. However, universities like Kean offer a Spanish-Speaking program that was established in 1972 that enables its students to reach their highest potential with

their limited English proficiency. Danny Torres, a senior international business major and one of the peer counselors of the Spanish-Speaking program, is optimistic about the English as second language students. “This program is really helpful because it’s a one of a kind pro-

—Nelson Mandela

Photo: Kyle Lawrence

“I revamped it to be the New WKNJ. It’s new because there are fresh people here. And we just recently changed it to Cougar Radio, because we’re the Kean Cougars.” everything, and it shouldn’t be like that,” said Giannino. “One person shouldn’t be doing everything.” One of the students recently brought on by Giannino is sophomore Antonio Amorim. Amorim serves as the station’s pop culture director and describes himself as “a Perez Hilton, but funnier.” “I also train a lot of the new DJs that come on with the equipment, as well as help out with classes whenever the equipment goes awry,” said Amorim, who also hosts a pop culture program on Cougar Radio. “Wednesdays [3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.], it’s called Pop Talk with Antonio. We talk about an assortment of things, basically the top pop culture stories of the week,” said Amorim. “Who’s breaking up with who, who’s getting a divorce, and we do a segment about reality shows that are on right now. Back when ‘Big Brother’ was on we did a segment on that, since I’m

By Sonia Aquije

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Phil Giannino took on the responsibility of reviving an ailing radio station.

a huge ‘Big Brother’ junkie. And I also play top hits like Miley, Katy Perry, Gaga.” The station is also branching out to more niche groups. Brian Konchalski, former Editor in Chief for The Tower and current news director for Cougar Radio hosts a punk and ska block. “From 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. I play the best Punk and Ska I can find,” said Konchalski, but he balances his work as the news director too. “I have to find news stories, usually from The Tower, and reporting on local happenings in the area.” With all these changes being made, I had to ask Giannino what his overall goal for the station is. “I hope to get a bigger audience than what it is,” said Giannino. “We serve lots of areas in Elizabeth, Union, and Hillside, but we want to do more online than anything. And we’re pushing to start streaming by next semester on Android phones, and iTunes Radio

perhaps is in the future. We have talks with Tunein Radio.” “When I first came in here, it was my freshman year, spring semester, it was a chaotic mess,” said Amorim. “It was like a thirdworld country. And now it’s like a developmental country. It’s fun to see from then to now, to what it will become as the years go on, especially with the new school of communication starting. So hopefully that will bring WKNJ to new highlights.” Undertaking such a project has been a struggle for Giannino. It’s clear that Kean’s radio station is changing and evolving into something much more than it once was. Giannino’s leadership has done a lot, and he is optimistic to the students taking notice. “It’s just the process of doing it takes time. I hope to be bigger than what we are now,” Giannino said. “I hope to reach a lot of the campus, I want us to be known.”


gram; students take classes both in Spanish and in English,” said Torres. “The admission into the program requires a GPA of 2.8 doesn’t require SAT scores and they’re assigned advisors as well peer counselors to guide them.” Torres supports the Dream Act in New Jersey.

“I think that it will help them because now they have the choice of going to college and paying in-state instead of out-of-state-tuition,” said Torres. “I know it’s going to be hard for them but they have the opportunity to attend college now and not be afraid to apply.” Students like Shantal Villlagomez, a freshman sociology major, is part of the Spanish-Speaking Program at Kean and can relate to the challenges faced by undocumented students. She fully supports the Dream Act being signed in New Jersey. “Equality should be given to every student who desires to continue their education,” said Villagomez. “I believe the Dream Act being signed in New Jersey is the most idealistic of ways that gives those the opportunity of equality and enables them to become better every day.” As someone who moved from Ecuador to America she values what America offers. “By just giving those students the chance of having equal rights compared to those born in America would benefit them enough that they won’t have to worry about their legal status,” said Villagomez. “I realized there were so many educational opportunities here compared to my country.”

New Jersey’s blood supply levels drop alarmingly low By Keanu Austin

New Jersey’s blood supply levels were severely low in January, according to the Central Jersey Blood Center in Shrewsbury Township. January being a slow month for blood donations because of holidays and winter weather is par for the course, but the Central Jersey Blood Center says that the blood shortage for this year’s National

month,” said Daisha Davis, a service specialist in the Center for Leadership and Service. “You’re allowed to give one pint every fifty six days.” Each blood drive in the previous semester had approximately 100 donors. “The turnouts for the previous semesters’ blood drives were really good,” said Meghan Tell, another service specialist in the Center for

“Most of the blame for the blood shortage that is affecting the nation lies with January’s snowstorm, which caused a mass cancellation of scheduled blood drives.” Blood Donation Month is the most severe in recent history. Most of the blame for the blood shortage that is affecting the nation lies with January’s snowstorms, which have caused a mass cancellation of scheduled blood drives. “Lots of blood drives were cancelled in the New Jersey area,” said Mikki Clark, a New York Blood Center representative. The snowstorms, which have continued into the beginning of February, have become so relentless and hindered donation efforts so greatly that the New York Blood Center had to cancel more than 100 blood drives. Similarly, the American Red Cross was forced to cancel its own scheduled blood drives in as many as 26 states, according to the organization’s blog. Kean University’s Center for Leadership and Service was successfully able to hold a blood drive on campus on Jan. 28 with the help of New Jersey Blood Services, which is a division of the New York Blood Center. “We hold a blood drive every

Leadership and Service. “You can give a whole blood donation or use our new method to give an Alyx donation,” said Aisha Hussain, a donor relations associate with the New York Blood Center. A whole blood donation is the standard type of blood donation in which a donor can give a pint of blood every 56 days. An Alyx donation, collects twice as many red blood cells than a whole blood donation. Alyx donors can donate every four months and are given saline solution to replace the volume of red cells collected during the automated procedure. The Center for Leadership and Service is holding its next blood drive on Feb. 20, and Kean Ocean Campus Life held a blood drive on Feb. 3. New Jersey Blood Services advises donors to plan to spend about an hour at the blood drive. Apart from the actual drawing of blood, the donation procedure involves providing sufficient proof of identification and information about your medical history.


February 13, 2014

February 13, 2014

Career coach Helen Naftali shares her tricks of the trade By Keanu Austin

As a career coach, Helene Naftali guides people toward success, but her definition of success has little to do with how many zeroes are in a paycheck. Naftali subscribes to the idea that to be successful is to be happy. Naftali gave a presentation on her self-published book, Own Your Zone!, to a journalism class at Kean University, where she discussed what it means to discover a career that fulfills you, which she described as something akin to having an epiphany. “Owning your zone is when you determine beyond any doubt that you’re on the right path,” Naftali said. Owning your zone, Naftali continued, is about discovering your unique gift that helps you to define your natural talents. For Naftali, her natural talents led her to career coaching. “I have the ability to uncover people’s blind spots,” Naftali said. “My zone is tying my gift into

Helene Naftali.


a master’s degree in social work. During a class activity, she learned she loved to facilitate and help fellow students. It was her natural gift—her zone. How do you find your zone? One way, she said, is to value what the people who know you well have to say. “We can’t be objective about ourselves,” Naftali said. Asking others what they think about us, Naftali said, can result in us learning things we never knew

“Naftali gave a presentation based on her selfpublished book, Own Your Zone!, to a journalism class at Kean University recently where she discussed what it means to discover a career that fulfills you.” helping people out.” Naftali discovered her own zone after many years working in finance—a career that enriched her, but left her less than fulfilled. In mid-life, she returned to college for

about ourselves. This information can lead people to the right career for them, she said. Naftali’s book, which she describes as a wake-up call to parents, students and educators, has

Is the new freshman residence hall really new? By Annalise Knudson

Students dream of dorming at college, even at a commuter college such as Kean University. Especially with the newly constructed dorm buildings, interested students saw the New Freshman Residence Hall (NFRH) as a luxury compared to the older, standard dorm buildings. Living as a first year resident student at Kean, housing has had its benefits and consequences. Some students found themselves in a difficult situation when elevators were breaking often over a short period of time. Signs were placed on the elevator doors with the words, “Elevator Temporarily Out of Service.” “I would have to leave to go to my class 10 minutes earlier to wait for the elevator for 5 minutes,” Ashley

the goal of setting students on the right path as early as college. Students need to know more about themselves, which will lead them to the right academic major, courses and activities. “Our students are floundering as they navigate the maze of college to career!” the back cover of the book reads. “If we want them to lead happy, productive and successful lives, they need to start with a process of self-discovery and dig deep to find out who they really are.”

in the laundry room, it is always overcrowded and people remove clothes from washers and dryers the second they end due to their annoyance and desperation. A sign was even posted on the door to the laundry room to go to the New Upperclassmen Residence Hall to do laundry, when only 2 washers and dryers were operating correctly. “It’s annoying because they are constantly out of order or ‘down for maintenance’ and within a few days, they’re down for repairs again,” resident Alexis Fegley said. Resident students are angry that they are paying much more money for the new residence halls instead of the older dormitories. With Whiteman and Dougall at a price of $4,136.00 a semester, the NFRH is $4.994.00 a semester. Many students do not want to stay in the

“Make college count,” is a line that came from Naftali several times throughout the lecture, emphasized with gestures. Naftali’s book is all about giving her readers what she says is the clarity and


Go wifi or go home

Facilities, Ronald Mompoint, confirmed what has been the cause of the problems with both the elevators and the washing machines. Explaining that the buildings, as well as the elevators, are only four-years-old. The elevators are fairly new and being used at all times of the day, every single day. With circumstances such as vandalism by residents, as well as elevators being a moving machine that cannot always be working correctly, the elevators need to be constantly repaired. “We make sure we call maintenance and they come ASAP. They fix the problem in two hours. If a part is broken, it may take up to two days to deliver,” said Mompoint. “These elevators are going up and down everyday.” Kean’s Residential Student Ser-

Wireless Connection on Computer. By Tim Awojobi

Students, faculty, staff, even parents, have been making complaints regarding the wireless connection once stepping foot on campus. “The wireless connection needs to be faster,” said Mya Pierre a freshman biology major. “I’m not able to receive connection everywhere on campus.” Many colleges and universities have what they call, “access

Repairman works on a broken elevator in the New Freshman Residence Hall (left); A sign marks a broken elevator (right).

Photos: Annalise Knudson

“I would have to leave to go to my class 10 minutes earlier to wait for the elevator for 5 minutes.” Solla said, a freshman who lives in NFRH. Solla lives on the eighth floor, making it difficult for her to take the stairs on a daily basis. Not only has there been a problem with the elevators, but also students cannot even do their laundry without at least half of the washers and dryers broken. From her experience

dorms next semester because of all the problems the dorm’s building is having. Between electricity sometimes not working for no reason, or no hot water available, students continue to complain about the New Freshman Residence Hall. When contacting the Residential Student Services, the Managing Assistant Director For Residential

confidence they need to make a difference. “Sixty percent of kids are taking five to six years to graduate,” Naftali said. “Seventy percent of people surveyed by Gallup [a research and analytics organization] are disengaged with their work.” Naftali concluded the presentation with career tips, which included job shadowing various careers and doing internships. When seeking to job shadow, she advised that students request the opportunity to observe a person as he or she works for as little as one day. If the person declines, Naftali said to make an alternate request, in which you ask for 20 minutes of that person’s time to ask about his or her field of work. Job shadowing can save students from doing an internship in a career that they might find is not for them. Internships, Naftali said, should only be done in a job you are absolutely certain you want to do. Otherwise, she said, it is a waste of time.

vices is trying to resolve its complications with the elevators and washing machine malfunctions in the New Freshman Residence Hall. Students will face the problem of broken elevators as they decide whether or not it is worth it to climb the flights of stairs up to their rooms.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. —Aristotle

Photo: Tim Awojobi

residence halls, I automatically lose my connection. It sucks!” In the OCIS department, calls and emails are received daily regarding the lack of wireless connection on campus. As a student, it is normal to want an easily accessible connection to do work or even check important emails. Parents, whether they are paying for their child’s tuition or not, expect their children to be able to complete their assignments and use their

“The wireless connection needs to be faster,” points”. Usually, this refers to multiple wireless connections that are installed for personal access in a certain location. At Kean University, there are two major connection access points: “KUAIR-OPEN” and “KUAIRBN.” Now here’s one of the surrounding problems. “KUAIR-OPEN” is mainly available to students on the main campus itself. When using this connection, students can only be accepted with proper identification and a valid password . Many students have complained that each and every time they open their browser, they constantly have to put in their username and password multiple times. “When I’m in my dorm, I get perfect connection, and I don’t have to sign-in all the time,” said Madison Curcuru, a sophomore Special Ed major, “but as soon as I leave the

mobile devices without worrying about the internet shutting down. “At times, the internet tends to lag, which can interfere with the lessons that the professors are teaching us,” said Psychology Major Towana Daly. “There was one time when I was trying to present a video to the class and in the middle of the presentation, the internet shutdown on me, which affected my presentation.” With college tuition rates being at an all-time high for many years now, including a technology fee, it is not outlandish for students to expect working connectivity. The OCIS computer services department declined to comment on the topic. Students who are still having a problem connecting to the wireless connection are encouraged to contact OCIS with their concerns.


The legendary Globetrotters play ball at Kean’s Harwood Arena By Shelsie Ducheine

How often is comedy, athleticism and theatre, all included together in one event? Rarely ever, you would assume, but when the Harlem Globetrotters visited Kean University on January 30, they did just that. Not only did they provide an audience with trick moves and slam dunks, but they kept their audience laughing and have been doing so for some time now. The Harlem Globetrotters originated in 1926 in Chicago by a man named Abe Saperstein. He formed this small basketball team, which was then named the Savoy Big Five, in hopes of bringing attention to a nightclub, but things did not go as planned. Instead the talent being promoted on the team brought more attention and people across the country were intrigued. Vastly, the team expanded and was renamed the Harlem Globetrotters. Soon after they signed Reece “Goose” Tatum, a man who developed comedy movies, to change the direction of the team. That is when the combination of theatre and basketball was first introduced. Since then the Globe-

trotters have been extremely successful. It’s been more than 85 years later and Harlem Globetrotters are still trotting. They showed Kean students and their families just what they have been representing for years. Hardwood Arena was packed with people on Thursday night and the event kicked off with dance competitions and entertainment from “world known” mascot Globey. Children were pulled out of the audience to participate, one of whom who beat Globey in a one on one battle. Steven Cleary, a 7 year old boy who was amongst the children expressed his excitement. “I’ve never been to something like this,” Cleary said. “I like to dance and I love basketball. It’s perfect. “ The Globetrotters weren’t shy about dancing either. Multiple times during the middle of the game, they would break out in choreographed dances. They sang, cracked jokes, but none of it overshadowed the athleticism and basketball talent of which the players were capable of. There were shots thrown way past half court, swift


dunks were slammed, and some shots were made without without even looking. Although the show was generally directed towards a younger crowd, students at Kean were impressed just as much. One of those students was Jasmin Coy, a Senior Communications major. “Some of the things they were

doing I’ve really never seen before,” said Coy. “I wish I brought my nephew. I know he would have loved this just as much as I did.” The team as most would imagine was primarily men, but the girls in the crowd had someone to look up to as well. T-Time Brawner, the female of the team, was just as tal-

ented and able to keep up with the boys. She dribbled the ball while sliding on the floor, and did it all with her hair down. The Harlem Globetrotters seemed to leave a big impression at Kean and plan to keep doing so all over the globe.

February 13, 2014

By Adilene Rodriguez

Vinyl, music’s resurrecting savior given special releases from independent artists and offer special prices on merchandise in stores. Scotti, whose store was one of the very first participating stores, recalls the difference from the first time participating on Record Store Day to now. “The first year we did it, it was modestly successful, but this past Record Store Day was the best gross sale we’ve ever had through all our history,” Scotti said. “We did a months’ worth of business in one day.” Although the majority of vinyl was being put out through independent labels and artists, the rise of vinyl sales has peaked the interest of major record labels. Major music labels with some of music’s biggest pop stars have released their available albums in vinyl format. Some of those artists include Daft Punk, whose newest album, “Random Access Memories,” was

Vinyl music is back in style.

Photo: Petr Kratochvil

Lodged in between a ski apparel store and a movie theater in downtown Summit, stands Scotti’s Record Shop, the last remaining Scotti’s Record Shop of what was once a chain of five. With posters and records displayed all over the walls, crates filled with new and used records from all different types of genres, and music playing softly in the background, Scotti’s is the epitome of a traditional record store. Despite having just one record store left, owner and manager, Gary Scotti says business is doing great and has what he says is the only format of music that is growing to thank, Vinyl. Nielsen SoundScan, a music sales tracking system, released its annual statistics report for 2013 that showed digital music sales declined 6 percent from the year before. This brought sales for digital music to the lowest it’s ever been since iTunes launched in 2003. While the report also showed CD sales went down 14.5 percent, The Nielsen SoundScan report showed that vinyl sales were up 33 percent, marking a 17-year high in sales for vinyl. And with a product in high demand and only a few places to shop, record stores are also seeing a wave of new clientele. It was around 11 in the morning, Scotti’s Record Shop had only been open an hour, but already people were coming in and out of the store. When asked whether he thinks record stores will also make a comeback, Scotti smiled and replied, “I think they already have.” Although Scotti’s Record Shop sells DVDs, CD’s, and Beats headphones as well, its main revenue comes from vinyl. “It’s the only format of music that is growing,” Scotti says. Another way record stores are bringing in customers is with the help of Record Store Day. Founded by record store owners and employees to promote the importance and culture of record stores, Record Store Day is held on every third Saturday of April since 2008. Record Store Day participating stores are


“The Nielsen SoundScan report showed that vinyl sales were up 33 percent, marking a 17-year high in sales for vinyl.” the best-selling vinyl of 2013. In a recent article, The New York Times reported that, “about a dozen [vinyl] pressing plants have sprouted up in the United States,” due to the high demand of vinyl. John Bennett, a production manager at a Brooklyn vinyl pressing plant called Brooklynphono, admits even though the pressing plant always had a good business pressing vinyl for DJ’s and house music artists, he has seen a significant amount of growth and variety in production over the past few years. “We put out all kinds of stuff. For DJ’s, house music, indie rock, and classic rock ‘n’ roll reissues,” Bennett said. “We’re all over the place but we mostly work with independent labels.” Some of the labels Brooklynphono works with are Norton Records and Sacred Bones, an independent record label named one of the 50 best indie record labels in the United States by Billboard, and who has released the work of director and musician, David Lynch. The plant also produces Record Store Day releases for a majority of their clients. Bennett, who has a vinyl collection of about 500 records, says although digital music is still one of the biggest ways to get music, nothing compares to vinyl records. “No one collects MP3s,” said Bennett. “People like having stuff, they want objects and vinyl is the best format to get the full experience of music.” Scotti too believes that being able to preserve vinyl records is one of its most important qualities and has high hopes that this generation will help restore the importance of vinyl. “This generation right now is really appreciating that, they’re getting dad’s records out and it becomes a parent-child connection,” Scotti said. “You’ll never pass down your hard drive to your kids; you will pass down your record collection.”

Hurtjohn: an art movement It started at the age of 5 when 22-year-old John Hurtado started his lifelong career of writing and since that time, he hasn’t stopped. Reading through his work, it becomes clear that he feels about writing the same way he feels about breathing, a necessity. Hurtado enjoys writing about what

wrong term for what he and his team are doing now. They are showcases. Hurtado works with his Hurtjohn team who makes everything possible alongside him, and even features hosts specialized for the job in his events, including Kean student Dariany Santana.

“My ultimate goal is to touch people and be a connector.” he feels, turning that into social analyses, and in effect looking for the connection within us, as ourselves, and as a whole. “The connection that is within us humans and our interactions that so many times feel practical, but are actually a confluence of intertwining decisions and energies,” Hurtado said. “I like to write about that.” Hurtado started hosting open-microphone sessions to explore the talents and minds of others who wanted to express themselves as he did. He said, however, that open mics are the


By Tatiana Snead

“We provide opportunity,” Hurtado said. “Our job is to find the best artists in the tri-state area and house them in our convention while branching out the best art we have to offer in this coming generation, my ultimate goal is to touch people, and be a connector.” A whole world of different minds gather at these showcases to provide the true essence of what art is today. Art galleries, live performances, videos, dancing, singing, rapping and poem recitals are some of the featured arts at these events, making it extremely varied and open to any kind of

“The urban fashion site is, above all else, a promotional platform for independent fashion brands and labels on the rise.”

delivering strong and developed performances. As Northup, Ejiofor is excellent, as his character deals with the nightmares surrounding his ordeal and everything encountered. As Edwin Epps, Fassbinder is simply outstanding. While his character is a barbaric horrendous individual, Fassbinder seizes the role and creates a masterful interpretation of the cruelest of human actions. Nyong’o is similarly superb as Patsey, lusted after by Epps and abused by Epps’ wife (Sarah Paulson), while trying to cope with the world around her.

“Featuring a strong cast of actors and a fascinating historical tale, director Steve McQueen brings to the screen the story of one man’s survival against the cruelest of American institutions.” Already a strong visual filmmaker, McQueen continues this tradition with his directorial style in this release. His camera work is flawless, capturing the onscreen action and creating a strong visual atmosphere that allows for the viewer to be drawn further into the setting. At the same time, John Ridley’s screenplay is exceptionally well-written, with all of the characters and their motivations being strongly conveyed, while moving at a measured pace. While the narrative does feature several brutal and violent sequences, this proves to be quintessential to the storyline as they demonstrate the cruelty

The Raritan Gallery Weekender Style Series.


and brutality of slavery and its impact on those involved. Overall, “12 Years a Slave” is an excellent film that delves into American history at its cruelest and succeeds. With several exceptional performances, strong direction and a well-conceived script,

this is essential for any filmgoer looking for something worthwhile and compelling in theaters. Final Rating: 10/10.

what he does with his writing and showcases. Videos of past performances are on the site, giving athome artists a chance to get inspired. Hurtado has also placed a collection of some of his writings on the web site with stories, poems, and personal pieces that can give courage for others to do the same. Following his passion, Hurtado studied Journalism here at Kean. Accompanying his studies, he also worked for The Star Ledger for 7 years. The experience at the newspaper for Hurtado was very educational and what he described as a “mentorship.” But it was when he was laid off from the Ledger that the next chapter of his story began. The chapter called Hurtjohn.

Union, N.J. Attention fashion community, clothing brand and label owners of Kean University, up-and-coming fashion blog, The Raritan Gallery, is unquestionably capturing the attention of the college community in New Jersey and other parts of the country. Founded by Damani Adadevoh and Shawn Harris, the blog has made its way off the Internet and has landed two magazine features. Recently, TRG was featured in Black Voice Carta Latina (BVCL), a Rutgers University based magazine. Photos from the Raritan Gallery blog were also featured in, The IN; a publication run by Charleston Magazine. The Raritan Gallery is a photographic and visual project that was founded in February 2013, and was created based off of Adadevoh’s desire to channel his thoughts and ideas about fashion. Once Harris suggested placing these very thoughts and ideas onto a blog, these two young men began to put their ideas into action. “The urban fashion site is, above all else, a promotional platform for independent fashion brands and labels on the rise,” Harris said. “Adadevoh and his team provide professional services including, but not limited to: product photography, visual promotion, product placement, Lookbook curation, and marketing consultation.”

A horrific era in American history, as depicted by Steve McQueen

thup finds himself shackled and sent for sale in the South. Named Platt by his seller, he finds himself at the home of William Ford (Benedict Cumberbatch). Yet when he strikes one of the owners, Northup is sold to slave owner Edwin Epps (Michael Fassbinder). An aggressive man, who views slavery as Biblically conditioned, he regards his slaves with contempt, excluding a young woman named Patsey (Lupita Nyong’o). Faced with an uncertain future and the worst realities imaginable, Northup must reach his family, however possible. Acting-wise, all of the respective cast members are exceptional,

artist there is. “We are really artists holding a paintbrush that is the tool, an amplification of our already maintained inheritance, our mind,” said Hurtado. “With technology’s capabilities, we can do, and achieve what no one could’ve done before.” The variety of different art forms proves his statement true. Technology makes not only new, innovative, and poetic short films, but also brings people together in a wider spectrum which Hurtado has achieved. With these new technologies, Hurtado believes a new “Renaissance” can happen with the minds of today that have never come to light before. Hurtjohn is a web site and archive ( This is where Hurtado paints the picture of who he is and

The rise of the Raritan Gallery

By Bryan C. Kuriawa

Based on the prominent 1853 autobiography and a strong contender at this year’s Academy Awards, “12 Years a Slave” is one of the finest films to come of out of 2013. Featuring a strong cast of actors and a fascinating historical tale, director Steve McQueen brings to the screen the story of one man’s survival against the cruelest of American institutions. Born a free man, Solomon Northup (Chiwetel Ejiofor) makes his living as a fiddle player in New York State. Contacted by two businessmen to go on a musical tour, Nor-


Art: Ke vin Za ki



February 13, 2014

By Jennifer Delighe



Photos: Aaron Laserna

Some of the independent fashion brands and labels that have been featured on the blog include Trash City, a few cameo features of an up and coming brand called Qilonyc, and Herds of the Fathers, a leather accessory company based out of Rutgers. Harris stated that the selection process for being featured on the blog is more lenient than it is difficult. TRG strives to be the go-to site for aspiring brands and labels, by aiding as many as possible in accomplishing their goals through promotional means, while these brands and labels in turn help the blog and its members complete their goals as well. During an interview with Harris, he stated that each of the members of TRG all aspire to be something as their careers push forward. “We all have our own personal projects where we succeed in certain fields. We have photographers whose work has been seen on numerous blogs and websites, as well as Lookbook for fashion brands,” Harris said. “Collectively for The Gallery, we haven’t hit that many milestones as an entity, but every day we progress and move forward making new connections and assets along the way. I think the best thing though is that we are creating a buzz for The Gallery as a whole around campus and around parts of the country, so the more publicity the better.” Be on the lookout for RGv3, the site’s integration with, which is another up-and-coming fashion blog that is creating buzz for itself. In addition, the blog’s e-store is almost completed, which will be filled with TRG products consisting of Raritan Gallery shirts and hockey jerseys. Adadevoh and Harris also plan on making a fashion culture series, which mimics their Weekender Style Series featured on the blog, but it will only consist of photos that depict vivid characteristics of culture and fashion. Harris is also implementing the idea to create a “life and times of Shawn and Damani” video series where they say inspirational words of wisdom while explaining more about the blog and themselves. You also can watch for new brands and features on the blog from local artists or designers in the upcoming months. If you are interested in being featured on The Raritan Gallery blog, visit their web site at

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. —Winston Churchill


February 13, 2014

February 13, 2014



Can sustainability be sustained?

THE TOWER Department of Communication Kean University Center for Academic Success 1000 Morris Avenue Union, NJ 07083 Telephone: (908) 737-0460; Fax: (908) 737-0465 Email:;

Do you have the Valentine’s Day blues?


By Christy Petillo

February 14 is Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is dedicated to couples celebrating the fact that they are madly in love. Many of my friends will be courted by their boyfriends to elegant restaurants, and spoiled with gifts. Girls always look forward to this day, with the anticipation that their boyfriend will plan a romantic evening, or show up on there doorstep with a huge teddy bear and box of chocolates. However, I can’t help but notice that our generation seems to be a little more cynical towards committed relationships. Nowadays everyone is concerned with partying, going to clubs and bar-hopping. Valentine’s Day doesn’t seem to have the same impact on our generation as it did many years ago. The youth-of-today seem more concerned with living their lives and having no strings attached. Granted, this perspective can be understood. As a young, single female, my main focus is graduating from college, and creating fun memories with my friends. But years ago, couples had no problem declaring their love for one another. You weren’t considered ‘whipped’ if you treated your partner special. Now, if you devote too much time or respect to your boyfriend or girlfriend, your friends may criticize you. Furthermore, with social media websites such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, maintaining a relationship without the threat of jealousy or doubt in your partner is difficult. Everything you do can be seen by your boyfriend or girlfriend. Every picture you like, every comment you

leave, every person you follow, every friend request you accept. This often leads to arguments and distrust within a relationship. Once your partner has become suspicious of you through your activity on social media, the real downward spiral begins. Normally it is through this suspicion that the question no boyfriend or girlfriend ever wants to hear comes up, “Can I see your phone?” Unfortunately, this question can make or break a relationship. If your partner responds, “no,” then the assumption is they have something to hide, and are cheating. However, even a “yes” response can prompt a fight. If your partner comes across a text message with a ‘certain someone,’ this can surely result in a huge argument. Due to social media, partying and living life with no strings attached, our generation tends to give relationships a negative connotation. Of course, this isn’t to say that some people out there aren’t in committed relationships with someone they love. The moral of the story here is that our generation has become afraid to fall in love. People are afraid that their partner will cheat on them, lie to them and hurt them. People are afraid that if they meet someone they really like, they might be disappointed or their heart might be broken. Others are afraid of being in a committed relationship because they feel it is a death sentence to their social life. The thought is, that having a boyfriend or girlfriend will prevent you from going out with your friends and having a good time. Our generation is so cynical towards relationships that Valentine’s Day has become taboo. If you have someone special in your life, you’re considered to be very lucky. For those lucky few who are in a happy relationship, they post pictures on Instagram showing off the beautiful bouquet of roses they’ve received. But for many singles, this Valentine’s Day may be spent with friends, or even alone – even if they are in a relationship. Call me a romantic, but I long for the days when men and women were in love with love.

The Tower is an independent, laboratory newspaper of Kean University’s journalism option in the communication major program. It is published monthly through the regular academic year and supported by advertising and the Department of Communication. The Tower is not responsible for claims made by its advertisers. The Tower is a public forum and is free from censorship and advance approval of content by the university administration. The Tower staff is responsible for its content.





OPINION PIECES AND LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Tower welcomes guest columns and letters to the editor from any source. Such material should be submitted to or left at The Tower’s offices. To verify sources of written material, submissions must include the writer’s name and contact information. Students should include their class (sophomore, graduate, etc.) and major. Faculty and staff should include campus title or position. On request, names may be withheld from publication if The Tower staff determines there is a legitimate reason to do so, but no anonymous letters will be accepted for publication. The Tower reserves the right to edit, and refuse publication of any submission.

DISPLAY AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Deadline for space reservations for display advertising is two weeks before the publication date. Ads submitted after that may be used on a space-available basis. All ads are run-of-the-paper unless an extra fee is collected for a paid position. Deadline for art work and copy is one week before the publication date. Classified advertising can be submitted up to the Thursday before publication as long as the payment is made at the same time. Call (908) 737-0461 or email for a rate card.

1. 4. 8. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. 20. 23. 25.

Raucous flier Crones A little lower Be in hock Blue-pencil At all times Cheerily Refer to Husky burden Center Scenery chewers Riot In conflict with, with “of” 27. Drops on blades

28. 31. 33. 35. 36. 38. 39. 41. 42. 45. 47. 48. 52. 53. 54. 55.

Go on and on Collar folds Peek Smelter input “___ la la!” Hardly worth men tioning Asian starling ___ milk Went back and forth Back Ostrich-like birds Chests of drawers Concert equipment Munitions Seek the affection of Pink-cheeked

56. 100 centavos 57. Crux DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 16.

Nudge Leave widemouthed Japanese capital Cure Freud contemporary Richly embellished Pig’s digs Rhodes of Rhodesia Keen Reply to “Shall we?” Guitar part It’s debatable

As humanity grows, the world shrinks. As our population and our technology expand to new heights, what will become of our environment? How can we use our environment without harming it? How will we sustain our civilization for posterity? These are the questions a sustainability major has to try to answer. Sustainability is a branch of science that focuses on how we as a civilization can further our endeavors without harming the resources that sustain us. It is gaining momentum across the nation, and Kean is no exception. In 2011, Kean joined the global call to arms for a more sustainable society. There are 34 officially declared sustainability majors at Kean and as many as 40 undeclared. This January saw two graduates: one is now working with Bayshore Recycling, and the other is working with Verizon. There are at least seven more sustainability major students expected to graduate this spring. However, this branch of science is still finding its footing at Kean. It has been hit hard by large-scale budget cuts, class cancellations and the revoking of a bid for tenure by Dr. Nicholas Smith-Sebasto, executive director of the Center for Sustainability Studies. As a result, there is still one looming question: can sustainability be sustained? Dr. Paul Croft, the executive


crossword puzzle


By Roman Gerus

19. 20. 21. 22. 24. 26. 28. 29. 30. 32. 34. 37. 39. 40. 42. 43. 44.

Whimpers Ring A long way off Brood Implore Bridges in movies Bite like a beaver Bad spots? “All ___ are off!” Junior, e.g. Sharp Zimbabwe’s capital Not well-groomed Directs Juicy fruit Bullets and such Coffeehouse orders

46. 48. 49. 50. 51.

Too Phone bug Part of B.Y.O.B. “___ rang?” Weep

Answers: Page 11

© Lovatts Publications Pty Ltd To purchase more puzzles visit our website

Photo: Roman Gerus

“Numerous classes in the sustainability and environmental science program have been cut this past fall semester alone.” director of the School of Environmental and Sustainability Sciences, believes so. He believes that the program is still “orienting itself,” and that the trend of class cancellations, budget cuts and layoffs is not unique to the sustainability and environmental science programs. “The geology department, for example, is a much larger depart-

ment and there could be many more students dropping it than in sustainability, but because the sustainability department is much smaller, it is more noticeable,” said Croft. However, there is still the everpresent problem of class cancellations such as: SUST* 2000, 2006, 2007 and 3000. Numerous classes in the sustainability and environ-

mental science program have been cut this past fall semester alone. “Revisions have been made, some classes are not required anymore or don’t exist,” said Croft. As a result, many classes have been substituted and others have become electives. Despite some setbacks, it is still believed that sustainability will survive and, ultimately, thrive.

There is a projected growth rate of at least 10 to 15 percent in the sustainability sector within the next ten years and projections of up to 60 percent beyond that. Even with these various obstacles, contributions by the sustainability program to the Kean University community are evident. Within the past few years, a largescale composter digester has been installed at Kean. Various crops are grown from the composted soil and are used in the cuisine at Ursino restaurant behind the STEM building. Success in the program also depends on expansion into larger fields and communities. “We’re trying to reach out to community colleges and institutions, such as Busch College with its Sustainability program,” said Croft. The program is seeking partnerships with community and fouryear colleges to offer sustainability courses. The Sustainability department is also proposing a program in Elizabeth to aid in post-Hurricane Sandy restoration. Sustainability does not stop at the local level, however. It transcends national boundaries. There is currently a plan for a Kean sustainability program in Wenzhou, China by 2016 with a program already underway at a college Kean works with in Wuhan, China.

Fitness trends predicted for 2014 By Dr. Josh Palgi

We customarily greet every new year with optimism, getting organized, going on a diet, cleaning out the kitchen cupboards and joining a gym. With the turning of a new year most of us believe, or at least hold out the hope, that something good will happen. The steps we take to better health include: t t t t t

Walking on the top of the list Strength training- use barbells or stretch bands Smart nutrition- eliminate red meat, trans fat and add grains Emotional connections—stay close to friend and family Stress and keep control— meditate and get seven to eight hours of sleep

American college of Sports Medicine (ACSM) is the largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world. ACSM is dedicated to advancing and integrating scientific research to provide educational and practical applications of exercise science and sports medicine helping people worldwide live longer and healthier lives. Medicine and science in sports and exercise is the official journal of the ACSM. Given the hectic, stressful lifestyle of millions of Americans, it is no wonder that enjoying life more has become a popular resolution in recent years. It is an important step to happier and healthier you, and get out and try something new is an important one. Recently ACSM experts examine what’s hot and what’s not in the health and fitness industry. The survey, now in its eight year was completed by 3,815 health and

fitness professionals worldwide (many certified by ACSM) and was designed to reveal trends in various fitness environments. Thirty eight potential trends were given as choices and the top 20 were ranked and published by ACSM. The survey results were released in the year. The top ten fitness trends predicted for 2014 are:

other essential components are aerobic exercise and flexibility.)

1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): HIIT, which involves short bursts of activity followed by a short period of rest or recovery, jumps to the top of this year’s list. These exercise programs are usually performed in less than 30 minutes.

6. Personal Training: More and more students are majoring in kinesiology, which indicates that they are preparing themselves for careers in allied health fields such as personal training. Education, training and proper credentialing for personal trainers have become increasingly important to the health and fitness facilities that employ them.

2. Body Weight Training: This is the first appearance of this trend in the survey. Body weight training uses minimal equipment making it more affordable. Not limited to just push-ups and pullups, this trend allows people to get “back to the basics” with fitness. 3. Educated and Experienced Fitness Professionals: Given the large number of organizations offering health and fitness certifications, it’s important that consumers choose professionals certified through programs that are accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), such as those offered by ACSM. 4. Strength Training: Strength training remains a central emphasis for many health clubs. Incorporating strength training is an essential part of a complete physical activity program for all physical activity levels and genders. (The

5. Exercise and Weight Loss: In addition to nutrition, exercise is a key component of a proper weight loss program. Health and fitness professionals who provide weight loss programs are increasingly incorporating regular exercise and caloric restriction for better weight control in their clients.

7. Fitness Programs for Older Adults: As the baby boom generation ages into retirement, some of these people have more discretionary money than their younger counterparts. Therefore, many health and fitness professionals are taking the time to create age-appropriate fitness programs to keep older adults healthy and active. 8. Functional Fitness: This is a trend toward using strength training to improve balance and ease of daily living. Functional fitness and special fitness programs for older adults are closely related. 9. Group Personal Training: In challenging economic times, many personal trainers are offering more group training options.

Being active and healthy is the new big trend!

Training two or three people at a time makes economic sense for the trainer and the clients. 10. Yoga: Based on ancient tradition, yoga utilizes a series of specific bodily postures practiced for health and relaxation. Includes Power Yoga, Yogalates, Bikram, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Kripalu, Anurara, Kundalini, Sivananda and others. The full list of top 20 trends is available in the article “Now Trending: Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2014.” Fun workouts are always trending because they help take people’s minds off the fact that they are ac-


tually working out. Always remind yourself you are setting a lifestyle pattern that will keep you happy and healthy for the rest of your life. If one day you feel like you have fallen off the path, its only one day in the whole scheme of things. Chances are, the more you incorporate healthy habits, the more likely you are to stick with them. You will feel better, have more energy, look better, be happier and you’ll live up to your full potential each and every day. Happy & Healthy 2014! Dr. Palgi is a professor in Kean’s Physical Education, Recreation & Health Department

I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed. —Michael Jordan

February 13, 2014



February 13, 2014

With a resume that includes an NCAA Division III National Championship and a plethora of conference, regional and regular season titles, Kean baseball head coach Neil Ioviero’s philosophy on winning is somewhat surprising. “One of the keys to our winning is that we focus on everything besides winning,” Ioviero said. “We focus on showing up on time, acting the right way, going to school, being good teammates, showing up for workouts, everything that leads up to having good kids who know what to do when the game starts. We don’t focus on the winning part of it too much; it’s more of the process that you have to do to get there.” That process has paid off for the Cougar baseball program. The team is coming off its sixth regional title in seven years and its third straight NCAA National Championship Tournament appearance. Ioviero, the most successful coach in Kean sports history, is excited to continue the winning tradition in 2014. His club enters the season ranked third in the nation and, as usual, the bar is set high for success. “We talk about getting 30 wins, winning the conference tournament, getting to the World Series and winning a national championship,” Ioviero said. “It’s a lot of

Photo: ???????

“We’re literally trying to win the College World Series every year.” pressure, because we’re literally trying to win the College World Series every year.” Despite graduating NJAC Player of the Year and third team AllAmerican shortstop Nick Ramagli, the 2014 Cougars squad is full of players who Ioviero is confident will provide veteran leadership and poise. After starting five freshmen last year, the coach has the luxury of fielding a team that is both young and experienced this season.

“Joe O’Connor is one of the top players in the league,” Ioviero said. “You have Matt Meleo and Shane Alvarez in the center field and designated hitter spots, those guys are really good. Ryan Kelley is an excellent player for us in right field; Tyler Smarslok is a National Gold Glove winner, so he’s defensively the best second baseman out there, and Andy Lopez is one of our top players.” On the mound, Ioviero will count

Acker sets sights on regionals and beyond for softball By Carl Stoffers

The Kean University softball team will take the field in 2014 looking to build on last season’s strong showing in the NCAA Division III Championship Tournament. It marked the squad’s third appearance in the tournament in the last four seasons and that success has led to high expectations in Union. “I think right now, where the program is, we want to get into regionals,” said head coach Margie Acker. “We want to be competitive enough against all regional opponents so that, whether we win our conference or not, we will get a bid to the regionals. Getting to the conference tournament isn’t good enough anymore, the regional tournament is what we want to get to.” To achieve that goal, Acker will rely on a familiar face heading

“Getting to the conference tournament isn’t good enough anymore, the regional tournament is what we want to get to.” into this season. Junior pitcher/ infielder Courtney Yard, who hit .301 while registering a stellar 1.34 ERA last year, will be counted on to turn in another outstanding season in 2014. “Courtney Yard has been our number one pitcher since she was a freshman,” Acker said. “She’s

Kean’s lacrosse looking forward to 2014 season

Ioviero has high expectations for Kean baseball By Carl Stoffers

going to be the key to our success both defensively, on the mound and offensively at the plate. She does it all.” The Kean hurlers, who recorded an impressive 1.90 ERA last season while tossing ten shutouts (nine by Yard), return virtually the entire staff in 2014, making pitching a

strength of the club. “We’re a well-rounded, balanced team,” coach Acker said. “But I think our pitching is our strength, as it has been in the last couple years. The key will be to score some runs to back Courtney on the mound.” Kean ranked second in the New

Jersey Athletic Conference in runs scored in 2013, and Acker will look to her veterans to provide offensive production this season. “Megan Cegielski and Sandra Binkiewicz, they play a huge part in our success,” Acker said. “Kelly Moorehead is a returning shortstop, she’ll play a key part.” In addition to that talented group of seniors, Acker is also counting on a new addition to contribute in 2014. “We have a freshman named Emily Sabo who we think is going to be a dynamite player in the conference,” the coach said. “She’s fast, she’s a great infielder, so she’s going to play a huge part in what we do.” Coach Acker sees a few spots on the roster, primarily in left field or center field, that are unsettled as the team prepares to start the season. Lending credence to the old baseball adage that you can never have enough good pitching, she is also on the lookout for someone to bolster her already strong staff by the time Kean opens the 2014 campaign in Virginia Beach, Va., on Feb. 28. “We need someone to step up and play in the outfield,” she said. “We have two returning outfielders, so we need someone to step up and take on that role, whether it is center field or left field. We’re looking for someone to help out with pitching duties, and we have some returning pitchers that we’re looking at to step up.”

on right-hander Charles Thielmann to anchor a staff that lost its ace, Kevin Herget, who was drafted by the St. Louis Cardinals last spring. “Charles Thielmann’s a force, he does a lot of good things for us on the mound,” the coach said. “Nick Zucchero is a veteran guy who’s really good, then we have Michael Daley and Casey Carothers, transfers from community college, who we think are going to be good on the mound.” Despite the continuity of most of the roster, the Cougars enter 2014 with two starting positions up for grabs, and Ioviero is waiting to see who steps up to complete the lineup at catcher and shortstop. “We have to find out who’s gonna play shortstop, then there’s our catchers,” Ioviero explained. “All three are really good in their own way and getting that solidified would be a big help.” As for his outlook on the team’s strengths in 2014, the coach was adamant that there isn’t one area that he’s looking toward to carry the squad. “The strength of this team is that there’s no one strength of the team,” he said. “We can put a lot of guys out there and still find ways to win games. The sum of the parts is the strength, we’re not relying on one or two people here.”


By Gerald Lima

Mens The Men’s Lacrosse team looked strong throughout the entire season last year, ending up with the most wins in school history with a record of 15-3, and the seventh best record in the nation. The Cougars reached the Skyline Championship game, but came up short losing to its conference rivals Montclair University 16-7.

“A lot of bugs to be fixed and a little bit of concern,” said Sheiner. “Seniors have been through the program already, so hopefully we can succeed from that.” The words that Sheiner kept referring to were “cautious” and “optimistic.” He made it clear that he wants to have a good season, however he is trying to do it step by step. “We are a unique team (with) a lot of good senior leadership among us,” Sheiner said. “We are young and old. We are a very di-

“The mentally tougher team will be the team that will be good throughout the course of the year.” Head Coach Shelly Sheiner is entering his 11th season with the Cougars, and is looking forward to a very cautious optimistic season. “My focus is preaching the defense, All- American and All- Conference middle field,” Sheiner said. The Cougars had three All-American players last year, including Nicholas Cestaro, Richard Cheifitz, and Zach Williams. Although some seniors may be gone from last year, Sheiner will need other players to step up in bigger roles. “Younger guys will need to step it up,” Sheiner said. “Including four sophomores, Anthony Carpenter, Anthony Perrotta, Matt Speciale, and Mike Cestaro. The key to our success is to play more minutes.” The Cougars attack, middle, and defense all look solid according to Sheiner for this upcoming season, yet there is still concern.

Crossword answers from page 8

verse team, which can also give us an edge because we have veteran players, whom the younger players can look up to.” Sheiner doesn’t seem to have been bothered by the weather these past days. The Cougars still have practice when they can, and still prepare, even if that means practicing outside in a half-plowed field or inside the gym. “Preparation is huge physically and mentally,” Sheiner said. “I feel as we are all on the same boat with the weather. There is no advantage, but as a team we need to be focus and not let distractions get to us. The mentally tougher team will be the team that will be good throughout the course of the year.” The Cougars will host their first game of the 2014 season against Castleton State College on February 22 at 2 pm.

Women’s Lacrosse preparing for the upcoming season

Womens The Women’s Lacrosse team hasn’t had a winning record in four years until last season under first time head coach Jordan Trautman. After having a record of 13-6 last season, Trautman is looking forward to another successful year. “It was very exciting,” Trautman said. “We had a really special group of kids and this is my first head coaching job and they sort of made everything easy for me. It is a team that will always be special to me as a first time head coach.” Senior captain Ciara Mastrodomenico is ready for another season, and has her mind on winning it all. “We had a new head coach and it was actually a big turning point for our program. She really turned the program around,” Mastrodomenico said. The Cougars are getting prepared for another season, and have

Photo: Gerald Lima

an optimistic mindset toward its every goal. “I’m expecting to go all the way. We are going to grind out every game and hopefully go all the way,” Mastrodomenico said. Senior captain Julie Knodt sees a lot of potential in the team for this upcoming season as well. “I think we can definitely win ev-

cer and basketball. We have a really high level of athleticism coming into this season.” However, Trautman believes the most important aspect is playing well as a team. “The best part about this team is that we are doing it together,” Trautman said. “The way we are going to be most successful is by doing it as a unit.” The Cougars had its first full offseason under Trautman, beginning back in September. “The kids worked their tails off this fall,” Trautman said. “Coming into this season, this is probably the best shape some of these kids have been in.” Marisa DeAngelis and Meghan Scheneck both suffered ACL injuries last season and are working hard to get back into shape. “We are working on things with them and giving them the reps they need,” Trautman said. “They are probable starters for us.” The Cougars are looking stronger this season and Trautman be-

“I think we can definitely win every game and every opponent we come up against...” ery game and every opponent we come up against,” Knodt said. The Cougars lost some key starters last year, but according to Trautman the team looks strong and dedicated. “I’m really excited about this season,” Trautman said. We have a good number of upper-classmen, strong players coming back as well as a lot of newcomers some coming from other sports such as soc-

lieves this is a huge advantage for the team, giving them a competitive edge. “I can push the kids a lot more to do things on the field,” Trautman said. The Cougars will start off the season with an away game at Lycoming College February 26 at 3 pm.

February 13, 2014

Kean’s winter sports recap



Photos: Mak Ojutiku

Ali Mix going up against the competition (left) and laying up a shot against Rowan (right).

By Mak Ojutiki

Winter Break has come to a close here at Kean, and we’re all back to class. While you were enjoying your break, Kean’s sports teams were hard at work. The Winter sports season has been going on for three months now and all of the teams have experienced some up and downs, so there’s quite a lot to talk about. Here’s a recap of how all the teams have fared so far. Men’s Basketball Kean’s Mens Basketball team started off its season in a good way. Led by long time head coach Robert Kurzinsky, the Cougars home opener saw them win handedly against Swarthmore College. Two Cougars put up 20+ points in the win. Sophomore guard Tom Soulias had 24, while Senior guard Ali Mix scored 22. Mix and fellow Senior guard Mike Burton have been the cornerstone of the team. “Burton and Mix make up a very formidable back court combination in our league. I could not ask anymore from either one,” Kurzinsky said. “Their numbers speak for themselves.” Burton and Mix are the top two leaders in just about every offensive statistic for the team. Mix leads the team is point per game (17.5), assists (69), and steals (41). Burton is second best in all the same categories, (15.1), (52), and (26) respectively, and first in free throw percentage (.904). Kean’s next game, against Stevens Institute of Technology, saw them pull of a dramatic come from behind 70-68 victory. Down 21

points with just over 6 minutes in regulation, Kean went on a 28-5 run that was capped off with a go ahead three pointer by Burton with 7 seconds to go. Since then, the team has been periodically alternating wins and losses. Despite its lack of a substantive winning streak, the team has had a good amount of success. During a 71-50 rout over the Gothic Knights, sophomore Mike Diamond made an impressive first half buzzer beater from behind the half court line. The play went on to be featured in ESPN Sportscenter’s January 5th’s edition of Top Ten plays. “I certainly think the guys enjoyed seeing Mike on Sports Center.” said Kuzinsky. “We had a few

culture. “We strive for daily improvement,” Kurzinsky said. “We focus on the task in hand and prepare to get to 1-0 each night out and when the clock strikes midnight we are 0-0 and focus on the next task. Remain committed to that formula and see where it takes us.” The team has an 11-9 overall record and 7-6 mark in NJAC which gives them the fourth place spot in the conference. Men’s Volleyball Coming off two impressive seasons, expectations are high for the Kean’s Mens Volleyball Team. The team was ranked 13th in a pre-

“We strive for daily improvement, we focus on the task in hand.” recruits comment on it as well.” Another player of note is forward Mike Summerer. He won the New Jersey Athletic Conference Rookie of the Week award two weeks in a row. The 6-foot-4 freshman shot 60 percent from beyond the arc on the week he won his first award. Summerer, who tore his ACL last year, had to work hard to even get onto the court. “He’s a warrior with a strong desire to win.” says Kurzinsky. “We expect Mike to continue improving down the stretch and to transition into a strong leadership role moving into next year.” When asked about his expectations for the team, Coach Kurzinsky said that he hopes the team remains committed to its current

season poll by the American Volleyball Coaches Association. With two Skyline Conference championships and a Division III Championship appearance recently, it would be hard not to have high expectations. The team has gone through a major change though with former assistant coach Charlie Ginex being promoted to the head coach position. The season started with a home opener against Division 1 school Rutgers-Newark. The Cougars started off strong, leading for most of the first set, but Rutgers managed to come back and win it 2522.The second stanza played out similarly; Kean held on to a one point for most of the set until Rutgers went on a 7-0 run that lead to

the Raiders winning the set 25-19. The third set was a closely contested battle but Rutgers pulled away at the very end to give them a 2523 win that gave them the match victory. The Cougar’s fared better in their following game. Coach Ginex got his first head coach collegiate win in a 3 set to 1 win over Hunter College. Junior Bez Arslani lead the team in kills with 22 and had a .514 kill percentage. The Cougar’s next outing was a double header against two ranked teams, No. 14 Elmira College and undefeated No.3 Juniata College. Kean lost the first match to Elmira in five sets and lost the second to Juniata, the hosting college, in three. The Cougars put up a valiant effort against Elmira though, as Arslani lead both teams in kills with 21. Their latest effort saw them fall to No. 9 ranked NYU. The team lost in three close sets. Junior Ed Jedziniak led the team with eight kills. The team currently has a 3-5 record and has not yet started conference play. Women’s Basketball Kean’s women’s basketball team is in a bit of a transitional period. Head coach Mandy King is in her second year at the position. Her first year, which was last year, saw her take the helm of a team that was dealing with multiple sanctions dealt out by the NCAA, one of which was a postseason ban for the 2012-2013 season. The team was only able to go 5-18 that year. This year though, things seem to be looking better for the team. The season started off a bit

rocky; despite a nine point, 22 rebound performance from sophomore Jazmine Davis, the Cougars dropped its first game of the season 59-42 to Swarthmore College. However, the team fared better in its home opener. Davis once again came close to a double double performance in a game that saw the Cougars win 86-53 against Baptist Bible College. Davis had nine assists and 11 rebounds while Senior Simone Smith posted a game high 23 points. The win gave the team its first victory of the season and it started off a four-game winning streak. The streak gave Kean two wins over NJAC teams. Junior AnnaRose Pierre scored 23 points in a 87-82 win over Stockton College and Smith tallied 17 points, seven rebounds, and three blocks in a dominant 88-54 win against Ramapo. After going on a 2-5 run that included losses to The College of New Jersey, Rowan University, and William Paterson University, the team bounced back with a fourgame winning streak with all four wins coming against NJAC teams. One of those wins was against Montclair State, who was ranked 10th nationally at the time and is the first place team in NJAC. It was a close and thrilling game that saw Freshman Jaquetta Owens tally 11 assists and 26 points. It was also Montclair’s first loss in regular season NJAC action since February 1, 2012. The team’s most recent effort was against a 67-53 loss to fellow NJAC team Rowan. The Lady Cougars have an 11-9 overall record and are 8-5 in conference play.

The aftermath of Super Bowl XLVIII By Dan Canova

Super Bowl Sunday at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey seemed more like an April day at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. The weather and the game itself threw a curveball into the dirt, and all 111 million NFL fans watching all over the country chased it, and missed. If I were to tell you the final score of Super Bowl XLVIII, would be 43-8, and Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning would complete

country were predicting freezing temperatures, blizzards, snowstorms, rain, and sleet. Once again, they were all wrong. Not unlike a Spring day in the Bronx, the weather was 49 degrees at game time with some clouds; it had no impact on the game whatsoever. Now the game. The NFL welcomed Hall of Fame quarterbacks from the New York Giants and Jets, Phil Simms and Joe Namath at midfield for the coin toss. “Broadway” Joe Namath had the same attire on as he wore

“The weather and the game itself threw a curveball into the dirt, and all 111 million NFL fans watching all over the country chased it, and missed...” 34 passes, which would end up being a Super Bowl record, and if Seahawks running back, Marshawn Lynch was held to only 39 yards on 15 carries, who would you think won the game? The Broncos right? Well you and I are both wrong. For two weeks leading up to the game, meterologists all over the

on the sidelines as an NFL quarterback for the Jets back when they were a relevant franchise-his “Broadway Joe” fur coat. If you watched Namath’s coin toss, you knew this game was going to be bizzare. Namath flipped the coin in the air, not even allowing the visiting Seahawks to call


heads or tails. Head referee, Terry McAulay intercepted the coin in mid air-much like Derek Jeter snagging a line drive headed for the outfield-and Namath was allowed a “do over.” The Seahawks selected tails and won the second coin toss. They chose to kick to start the game,

and from then on everything went in a downward spiral for the Denver Broncos and Peyton Manning’s legacy. At the very first snap of the game, while Manning was making adjustments at the line of scrimmage, center, Manny Ramirez (no not the Manny Ramirez Yankees

fans feared stepping up to the plate in New York) snapped the ball over Manning’s head, into the Broncos defending endzone, and the Seahawks had two points in 12 seconds; the fastest scored points in Super Bowl history. Manning went on to throw two interceptions in the game, one returned for a touchdown by Seahawks linebacker and Super Bowl MVP, Malcolm Smith, and the Seahawks defeated the best offense in NFL history, winning the game 43-8. Seattle dominated on every phase of the game; offense, defense, special teams, and even its fan base. The physicality of the number one defense in football was too much for Manning’s number one offense. No one in their right mind expected that. This was pre-proclaimed one of the “Greatest Super Bowls Ever.” But just like an April day at Yankee Stadium, the Broncos swung for the homerun and missed, and the Seattle Seahawks led by Richard Sherman, Kam Chancellor, and Earl Thomas from the “Legion of Boom” threw a picture perfect game like Don Larsen, David Wells, and David Cone.

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