The Tower Oct. - Nov. 2012

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OCT-NOV 2012



Lucky Kean student receives free tuition at Homecoming giveaway



Political intrigue: kean’s 2012 Election coverage

debunking grad school myths








By Dasia Brown

As halftime came in Kean University’s Homecoming football game on Oct. 6, students waited anxiously throughout the audience as a name was drawn in Kean Xpedition’s Fall 2012 Homecoming Prize Package Giveaway. Tina Van Voorhies, a junior majoring in Biology, was filled with disbelief when she heard her name. “It didn’t register in my head that it was my face on the

told her to sit down, then when I told her she said that she had to stand up.” An active member of the Kean community, Van Voorhies is involved in the Human Rights Club, the American Chemistry Society Club, Operation Smile and is assistant secretary of Student Organization. “I think that every Kean University Student deserved to win the Kean Xpedition Grand Prize, I was just lucky to win.” During the pre-game tailgate, Kean Xpedition set up tables

“I think that every Kean University Student deserved to win the Kean Xpedition Grand Prize, I was just lucky to win.” screen, so at first I was sad because I thought I didn’t win,” said Van Voorhies. “Then when I heard my name called, I was so excited that I was speechless.” The prize package was filled with perks that included a $400 Barnes & Noble gift card, a reserved parking spot, a MacBook Pro and a check covering one semester’s tuition and fees. “My mother was so excited that she was silent on the phone,” said Van Voorhies. “I

to get students registered for their chance to be selected as the lucky winner of the homecoming prize package. Kean Xpedition, which is a part of the Kean Xchange program, was put together to get students more involved with the university’s opportunities and to offer students a social and cultural experience during their studies at the school. The program has been getting more students involved through online games and challenges where students have the

President Dawood Farahi & Winner Tina Voorhies receiving check.

chance to win prizes such as new computers, iPads, Kindles and free books. Free tuition, however, takes the cake. “It’s strange, people whom I do not know have been saying congratulations all the time,”

Photo by: Dasia Brown

said Van Voorhies on life after the big win. “A girl even asked to take a photo with me.” “During the photo all I could think was, ‘I am not a celebrity, I am just like every other student at Kean.’”


Research at Kean continues to thrive By Trevor Conlow

12 RUNNING BACK HAVING EXPLOSIVE SEASON + MORE Professor Turns Publisher 2 Relay for Life


Dressin’ for Your profession 8 Opa Gangnam Style Don’t Be Zombied Out

8 10

Kean Soccer-Final Stretch 11 Hot & Not - Kean Athletics 12 Oct/Nov Sports Schedule 12


While news about research projects at Kean University sometimes falls under the radar, a few are making a difference in the lives of students and communities at home and abroad. Dr. Daniela Shebitz, an assistant professor in the Department of Biological Science, is one such example. Shebitz is a plant ecologist who studies the effects of land management on plant diversity. Recently Shebitz and 10 Kean students from the School of Environmental and Life Science as well as several colleagues travelled to Costa Rica where they studied the effects of land management on biodiversity. “I study changes that occur as the forests return after the area was managed for agriculture,” said Shebitz. “My colleague, Dr. Bill Eaton, studies the changes that happen in below-ground diversity that correspond to changes that I see below ground. Dr. Feng Qi is mapping the site, and Dr. Codella studies insect diversity in these areas.” Through interviews with locals in Costa Rica, Shebitz learned of more than 60 plant species used for medicinal purposes. She one day hopes to help the local people grow these plant species to use them to treat illness. The dual benefit is that by teaching the locals ways of growing these plants on their own, income can be generated for the community without having to resort to plant depletion in the forests. It’s an outcome that can provide benefits

for the people and the ecosystems where they live. A little closer to home, Shebitz has been working with students to create a medicinal

his research on anti-inflammation. Vassiliou has been working with three students at Kean to improve on an anti-inflam-

The faculty and students who went to Costa Rica in 2010.

Photo by: Daniela Shebitz

“Dr. Shebitz learned of more than 60 plant species used for medicinal purposes that can help local populations.” plant garden in Elizabeth at the Old First Presbyterian Church that reflects the plants used as medicine in the late 1600 and 1700’s. The work, which began over the previous summer, is part of a medicinal botany course which will continue in the spring. Inside his office, Dr. Evros Vassiliou, an associate professor in the School of Natural Sciences, has biological calculations scribbled all over a dry erase board dealing with the questions he hopes to solve in

mation drug that would be similar to aspirin, a common over the counter drug, which has properties that can reduce the tendency for blood to clot and provide anti-inflammatory benefits. “It’s something which I’ve been working on for some time,” Vassiliou said. He hopes it will one day be a common alternative to steroid type drugs like cortisone or prednisone, which can have serious side effects for patients. “Several students have been

working on this project, and I’ve already come up with a name for the drug,” he said. When asked about what that name might be, Vassiliou smiled, and said: “That one is a secret.” Dr. Rongsun Pu of the Department of Biological Sciences, who was recently granted sabbatical leave in order to further her research on Primary Cilium, was thrilled to discuss her findings even to a reporter who admits he was a little puzzled by her work. “What do eyes, fingers, spinal cords and kidneys have in common,” Pu asked. “Cilium!” This was the topic in her recent keynote speech to student initiates of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the oldest collegiate honor society in the country. Pu discussed her work in Cilium research, a hair like structure on the outside of cells that are present on most cell types of vertebrates. During her sabbatical leave from Kean, Pu conducted research at Princeton University on the effects of Ciliopathy, a disease caused by malfunctioning Cilium. Pu found that since Cilium is present on most cell types of vertebrae, when cilium malfunctions, it can potentially cause defects such as extra fingers during development, kidney disease, and split spine. These are small examples of the many exciting projects taking place at Kean. A wide range of projects are taking place around the campus that encompass all the schools of study. More information on research going on at Kean can be found at www.keanxchange. com/research.


October 2012 | November 2012

October 2012 | November 2012

LeAnn Rimes brings country to Kean University

Dr. James Connor—author and professor By Melissa Jewels

Photo: Macmillan

Dr. Jamees Connor.

Dr. James Connor is a successful author and professor of English at Kean University. He has had five of his nine books published and now, in between authoring books and his professorship at Kean, he is embarking on a new endeavor as a publisher. Connor, who teaches World Literature and Creative Writing, writes both fiction and non-fiction. His published books, which are available on Amazon, include: “God’s Breath,” a collection of short fic-

mic Order Amid Religious War, Political Intrigue, and the Heresy Trial of His Mother,” nonfiction; “Pascal’s Wager,” a story of a man who invented probability; and “The Last Judgment: Michelangelo and the Death of the Renaissance.” Connor said Annie Dillard, Mark Twain, and Flannery O’ Connor are all writers that have inspired him. He describes these authors as “magnificent” and “descriptive.” Not only have their works inspired Connor tremendously, but they have also inspired his father who wrote science books, and

cital Hall with an acoustic performance on Oct. 26. The American singer is on tour from October 2012 to March 2013 to promote the release of her 12th studio album “Spitfire” this spring. Rimes said in an interview with New Castle News that she feels closer to her fans when performing for smaller crowds. “I get to focus more on singing with a smaller audience and it feels more one-on-one, like

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his wife, Elizabeth CravenConnor. Currently, Connor is editing two new books. His publishers include HarperCollins Publish-

LeAnn Rimes, the country/pop star who has sold some 37 million albums, will grace Kean Universi t y ’s Enlow Re-

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tion stories; “Silent Fire: Bringing the Spirituality of Silence to Everyday Life,” a non-fiction memoir; “Kepler’s Witch: An Astronomer’s Discovery of Cos-

By Sonia Aquije

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“Put your ego on the shelf and realize it’s not about you, it’s about your readers.”

Connor said writers need outside opinions on their work. “Don’t trust your own feelings,” he said. “Have someone else read it.” Connor also stressed the importance of taking yourself out of your work and focusing on your audience. “Write for someone else, not for yourself,” Conner said. “Put your ego on the shelf and realize it’s not about you, it’s about your readers.” In order to become successful at writing in general, Connor said: “read constantly and never stop learning.” Once Dead City Press Publishing is up and running, Connor will eventually be looking for editors. Any questions or comments for Connor can be reached at jamc1951@gmail. com. Connor also has a website that describes his writings and himself at

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ers Inc., Crown Publishers and Palgrave MacMillan. In addition to his busy schedule as a teacher and author, Dr. Connor is working on launching his own publishing company, entitled “Dead City Press.” Connor describes his publishing company as “an old style press for a modern world.” The company, according to Connor, will focus on electronic publishing of books and short stories including thrillers, mysteries, fantasies, history, urban fantasy, science fiction and romance. Authors will receive 50 percent of the book profits. In addition to publishing, services such as book design and selfpublishing are available. When it comes to giving advice to any aspiring writer, Connor had much to say about the importance of words. “Fall in love with words,” said Connor. “Find double meanings in everything and language will become richer. Everything else will fall into place.”

Byron Halsey, an AfricanAmerican man, was convicted of murdering two children and although the prosecution pushed for the death penalty at the time, he was sentenced to life. Years later, it was discovered that Halsey was, in fact, innocent. Had he been sentenced to death he would have been wrongfully killed. The story was told by state Sen. Raymond Lesniak (DUnion), who was the honored speaker on Oct. 9 in Wilkins Theatre, invited by the International Amnesty Organization and the Kean Elite Media and Production Association to discuss the fight he led to end capital punishment in New Jersey. To commemorate the event, a montage of inspirational videos promoting the powerful message of human rights played in the background in preparation for Lesniak’s appearance. Alex Vasquez student Area coordinator of the Amnesty International Organization, introduced Lesniak, noting his accomplishments, including an international human rights award at Le Memorial de Caen,

the D-Day and Human Rights Museum in Normandy. “Senator Raymond Lesniak fought to end one of the last forms of human injustice,” Vasquez said. Lesniak told the audience that the death penalty is racially prejudiced. He also said the appeal process in death penalty cases is onerous and causes additional grief for the families of murder victims. Many people questioned Lesniak’s motive for petitioning against the death penalty. In order to answer that question he raised one of his own. “Who deserves to die?” “I realize that the death penalty is not a hot button issue in New Jersey and never was,” Lesniak said. In fact, he noted that no one since the 1960’s had been executed under the death penalty. Still, he said the death penalty is an important issue. Since the death penalty was abolished in N.J. several other states have also ended capital punishment. Lesniak also noted his advocacy for other human rights including alternatives to incarceration, same sex marriage and affordable education. Furthermore, he noted his support for health care and animal


State Senator speaks about ending the death penalty By Xirena Wormley

Overall, Lesniak declared “Human rights has a lot of nuances that permeates every aspect of life.” During the question and answer part of the session, Lesniak was candid about his personal views of fellow politicians. Of the governor, a Republican, Lesniak said:“Chris Christie is listening to the creed of take care of yourself and don’t worry about every-

Senator Raymond Lesniak.

“Human rights has a lot of nuances that permeates every aspect of life.” rights. He explained why it is important for everyone to stand up for the human rights they believe in by voting with their conscious. Loosely quoting Martin Luther King’s idea of social justice, he said: “The arch of the universe is long but it bends towards justice.” He reminded the audience that once women were not allowed to vote. “We have come a long way but we have a ways to go,” Lesniak said.

one else.” He reiterated his support for President Obama and urged students to get involved, stating “politics can be fun.” Students were particularly interested in his views on the cost of higher education, especially in New Jersey which has among the highest tuitions in the nation. Lesniak noted he supports the upcoming school bond act. The $750 million bond issue is on the November ballot and if passed, would be used for construction projects on public college campuses.


Alaska (1957) Connecticut** (2012) Hawaii (1957) Illinois (2011) Iowa (1965) Maine (1887) Massachusetts (1984) Michigan (1846) Minnesota (1911) New Jersey (2007) New Mexico* (2009) New York (2007)# North Dakota (1973) Rhode Island (1984)*** Vermont (1964) West Virginia (1965) Wisconsin (1853) ALSO Dist. of Columbia (1981)

Source: Death Penalty Information Center. states-and-without-death-penalty

you’re in my living room hanging out with me,” Rimes said in the interview. “There’s a real connection with my fans when you come to a show like this because I feel like they really get to know me.” Rimes has been in the music business since 1996 with the release of her first album ‘Blue’ at the age of 13, and has sold over 37 million albums since. With Billboard hits such as “How Do I Live” and “Big Deal”, the two-time Grammy winner was the youngest to win the award in 1997 at age 13. With three Academy of Country Music Awards, and a Country Music Association Award, Rimes is accomplished, contemporary and ever-evolving. “‘Spitfire’ is a special record to me and I feel like with each single we’ll be rolling out a story, not just singles,” said Rimes in a statement quoted in the Boston Music Spotlight. “I hope we created and wrote a story of your life, something to hold dear to your heart. I hold each and every song deep in my soul.” Lindsay Gambini, executive director of Kean theater management and programming, is

Should I go to graduate school, especially in this difficult economy? How am I going to pay for it? What if I am unsure about my future? These are just a few of the many questions that cloud the minds of college students everyday. To help ease the bewilderment of prospective graduate school applicants, Educational Testing Service (ETS) held an online press conference in September and shared details about recent improvements to the Graduate Record Examinations, known as the GRE, while clearing up some popular myths about graduate school. Like the SAT for undergraduate programs, GRE scores are required for entrance into many graduate programs. The event was led by Dr. Donald Martin, a higher education admissions expert and contributor to U.S. News & World Report, and Dawn Piacento, Director of GRE Communications and Services at ETS, the company that administers the GRE.

MYTH #1: Graduate school is out of my reach. Financing your graduate education is feasible. According to Martin, scholarships and grants are available through local, state, and federal departments of education, civic organizations, and religious organizations. Also, work-study programs are available and provide students with the opportunity to work at the insti-

not be afraid to negotiate and never stop asking for assistance once enrolled. MYTH #2:My undergraduate GPA is not strong enough. I won’t get into any good programs. Most graduate and business programs use multiple criteria in admissions decisions. Submit the most effective letters of recommendations possible. The letters must reflect good

“Most graduate and business programs use multiple criteria in admissions decisions.” tution or get paid to aid faculty members for pay. Once admitted, take the initiative and be ready to ask about financial aid. Be sure to accurately complete all forms and applications by the deadline. A student’s financial aid reward can be readjusted. Do

character and a strong work ethic and not rely solely on the merit of the person making the recommendation. Martin shared a story where an applicant was once rejected after he submitted a generic and completely impersonal letter of recommendation written

by former Vice President Al Gore. A recommendation from Gore means absolutely nothing if the letter does not reflect on the prospective student’s positive attributes through personal experience. In addition, submit the strongest essays and GRE scores. Be professional and genuine during the interview, he advised . Admissions emphasize that applicants be his or her true self. To be admitted, one must stand out. Universities are looking for diversity, not more of the same. MYTH #3: GRE scores are just good for graduate schools. If I decide business school is right for me, GRE scores won’t help. GRE scores can be applied to various types of higher education programs, including masters, MBA, specialized masters degrees, Ph.D and fellowships. Actually, 85 percent of the U.S. News and World Report’s Top 100 schools do accept GRE scores for MBA programs, according to Piacento. Studnets should note that the GMAT, which is adminis-

tered by another company, is often required for entrance to graduate business schools. Students should check with prospective schools to determine which scores they require. The revised GRE Test costs $175 and is about three hours and 45 minutes. There are six sections, one of which is an unidentified/unscored section. The computer-generated revised exam includes: Preview and review capabilities within a section A “mark and review” feature to tag questions, so you can skip questions and return to them later in the section The ability to change/edit answers within a section An on-screen calculator for the Quantitative Reasoning section New answer formats, including tasks such as numeric entry and highlighting a sentence in a passage to answer a question To learn more about the test, check To see the complete list of graduate and business schools accepting GRE test scores, visit

optimistic Rimes will deliver nothing less than excellence. “We try doing shows at Enlow that aren’t strictly classical chamber music,” said Gambini. “We try to do a classical crossover or a little bit of a bridge, but for the musicians we do choose for that purpose-they need to be very fine musicians and on top of their game. She

“We’ve done Jazz and blues, so it’s something new; different.” is an amazing talent and has received lots of awards.” This isn’t Kean’s first big star to perform at Enlow Recital Hall, but is the first artist whose music has roots in country. “We’ve done jazz, blues, so it’s something new; different,” said Gambini. “Last year we did

John Legend, which appealed to the students more, but we try to bring those types of people even in different genres. We’ve never really done anybody that leans towards country so there’s a chance to do something new.” Booking an artist takes diligence, luck and perfect timing. “A lot of booking has to do with luck and routing and I happened to notice that she had an open date between Massachusetts and one in Virginia therefore we can negotiate a better fee and actually get her,” said Gambini. “It’s partly luck and logistics and the desire to do something new.” This particular artist isn’t only aimed for students but also outside of the Kean University community. “We are pursuing more of an outside audience; we are running radio ads on WQXR,” said Gambini. Tickets range from $55-$75 and can be purchased in person at Kean University’s Wilkins Theater Box office or by calling Kean Stage Box Office at 908.737.7469, or online at

Third Eye Theory captivates young minds with the art of music By Fatimah Sanford

The “third eye” is known to control insight, creativity and the ability to perceive the reality of an individual. This term is also said to be a gate that leads to inner realms, higher consciousness and most importantly, the truth. Using a diverse mix of classic and urban hip-hop, a group called “Third Eye Theory” uses everything from insight, intuition and imagination to take your mind as far as possible using the art of music.

Lawrence Cortes, and his two cousins, Matthew and Jeffrey Palao are the members of The Third Eye Theory. However, these young scholars have their own interpretation of what their Third Eye Theory is. Even though theory is derived from the Ancient Greek word theoria meaning to look at, behold or be aware of, in modern terms a theory is an idea purposed by one and is constantly trying to be disproved by others. “Art should be something that requires some type of thought, knowledge or feel-

ing. Whether you’re making music or a t-shirt, it should be something that means something to you.” said group-member, Lawrence Cortes, a junior Biology major at Kean. This “Third Eye Theory “ group started as an idea with an open mind and eyes to their future. They are bringing their dreams to reality by turning their thoughts into action. Third Eye Theory captivates your ears using popular instrumentals and remixes from wellknown producers like Madlib, Flying Lotus, MF Doom, and

Find the graduate program that’s right for you.

Third Eye band members.

Nujabes to encourage their listeners to open up and become the “real” you. Coincidentally, you might have even seen their stickers posted around Kean campus

the group members prefer to call it. “Too many people think in constraints with what they should and shouldn’t do. We just try to forget about all that

“Whether you’re making music or a t-shirt, it should be something that means something to you.”

Debunking myths surrounding graduate school By Christine Moukazis


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with the third eye Chakra and pyramid with the words “Third Eye Theory” labeled on it if you have walked near the fences by Hennings, or even as far as the signs on the way to the VaughnEames parking lot. “Third Eye Theory” is not only using their music to influence their desired audiences, they have got their hands in just about everything when it comes down to marketing themselves. They have their music, a clothing line, their own stickers, along with some pretty awesome pictures and videos. With all these features, “Third Eye Theory” is sure to appeal to more than just your ears. All of these things are what they use to embrace their ingenuity, or “weirdness”, as

and just do us. When you get to that stage where you can just let your creativity flow without being restricted with what everyone else might think of you, your art becomes more original and more you.” Lawrence stated. Third Eye Theory has definitely got their work cut out for them. Amidst all the photo and video shooting, along with sharing music and blogging about their hype, there is no doubt that these guys are on their way up. In addition, they hope to get a site set up to assist them with blogging and to have their products available online. Do not be afraid to open that third eye and check out Third Eye Theory!

October 2012 | November 2012

October 2012 | November 2012

music Elle and Wale can get a refill at Kean any day “She always had this incredible gift that never really got out so I always keep her with me as inspiration,” said Elle, whose grandmother was also a Kean graduate from the 1960’s, in a time where inter-racial couples were frowned upon. Her grandmother was Swedish so therefore, she was kicked out of school for dating a black man. “I don’t care”, Varner said, “my current single, the inter-racial couple, a lot of that was inspired by my grandparents.”

Photo by: Aaron Menan

Elle Varner, left, and Wale, right. By Aaron Mena

In a sold out show provided by Kean University’s very own Student Organization, hip-hop artists Wale and Elle Varner performed at Kean’s Wilkins Theater on Oct. 4th. The show began at 9:15 p.m. with the crowd erupting into cheers and screams as Varner took the stage for the opening act. She performed tracks off her recent album entitled “Perfectly Imperfect,” and her radio hit “Refill.” In a brief interview with Elle she explained how her grandmother was an exceptional singer and piano player, but she ended up getting married and raising a family. This led her talents to never be seen or heard by audiences and it influenced Elle to pursue her own musical talents.


“These artists arrived at the Homecoming festivities with the bass rocking and the crowd jumping.” Wale immediately followed her performance as he took the stage with an uproar of love from the fans in Wilkins Theater. He began his performance with tracks off his recent album including, “Ambition,” “Sabotage,” “Slight Work” and “That Way.” Wale was also featured on the “Refill Remix” by Elle Varner, but unfortunately a duel performance never occurred that night. He has been all over the radio and charts since his change from Interscope Records to the Maybach Music Group, a growing label consisting of popular artists like Rick Ross, Stalley, Meek Mill and Wale. In a very memorable night, these artists arrived at the homecoming festivities with the bass rocking and crowd jumping. They could certainly come back to Kean for a refill.

Kean football storms past Western Connecticut By Raymond Gurbisz The Kean University football team put on a thrilling show in their 58-7 blowout win over Western Connecticut State University, giving fans and students who attended something to enjoy during the Cougars’ homecoming game. The Cougars have won their last three games after dropping the first two of the 2012 season. At 3-0 in conference play, the Cougars kept their hot streak alive by giving the Colonials their fifth straight loss of the start of the season. Star running back Darius Kinney rushed for over 200 yards for the third straight week, while also punching in two touchdowns. Junior quarterback Christian Bailoni completed 10 of 14 passes for 171 yards, three of those going for touchdowns. The Cougars were on the board early, jumping to a 6-0 lead when junior Sean McKee scored off a 36yard touchdown run. But the Cougars failed to convert on the extra point. The Colonials quickly answered with a touchdown of their own, getting the ball all the way down to one-yard line and pound-

ing it across the goal line with junior Octavius McKoy. Down 7-6, the Cougars put the ball in Kinney’s hands, as he ran in a five-yard touchdown, concluding a six-play 54-yard drive to end the Colonials’ only lead of the game. The remaining time left in the first half seemed to go all in the Cougars’ favor. The Cougars scored three more times to make it 31-7 before halftime. McKee took one into the end zone for a second time off a 10-yard run, putting the Cougars up 21-7. Kinney then caught a 32yard screen pass from Bailoni for a touchdown, a drive that was set up by an interception by senior Chris VanFechtmann. Junior kicker Bill Cullen tacked on a 45-yard field goal that sailed through the uprights with just over a minute left in the second quarter. The Cougars carried their momentum into the second half, not allowing the Colonials to put any more points on the board. Junior Chris Johnson wound up scoring two touchdowns in the second half, while senior teammate Louis Haynes caught a 52-yard touchdown ball from Bailoni. Kinney also

broke an impressive 87-yard touchdown run in the third quarter. The Cougars have to be happy after their large-margin homecoming win. The 58 points marked the most in a single game for any Kean football team since 1992, when the team put up 70 points in a victory over Salisbury. Aside from the offense, the Cougar defense should also be satisfied with their efforts in the homecoming win after forcing

the Colonial offense to make four turnovers. It will be interesting to see if the Cougars’ offense can keep rolling. One thing that is certain for the Cougars, however, is that if the offense can keep up their current play, things certainly will come a lot easier against the tough upcoming opponents.


Kean hosts first annual Relay For Life



By Andrea Parr

A test, a beat, a dash, with these three words Lindsay Zaccardi captivated the room at Kean University’s first Relay for Life on Oct. 7. Attending as a cancer survivor, Zaccardi, a junior at Kean, gave one of the opening speeches on living with cancer, the importance of friends and family and her three life motivators. The first, a test, was taught to her by a friend. At night when you lie down and rest your head on your pillow, take a moment to reflect on all the good things that have happened to you, she said. The second, a beat, refers to the beat of your heart. As Zaccardi described, your heart is your battery and as long as you can feel its beat, no matter how bad the day, you are still here.

Homecoming Fiesta attracts much attention

“Make your dash worth it. Smile as big as the sun, laugh as loud as fireworks.”

By Dominique Vinas

It was like Cinco de Mayo in October this homecoming! The fiesta began on Oct. 5 with the pep rally in Hardwood Arena. The staff of the Student Organization organized the event to show spirit for all of Kean’s sports teams. “It’s our job to engage the crowd and get them hyped and ready to go,” said sophomore and Student org. member Shaneka Thompson. The show started promptly at 6 p.m. with Kean’s cougar mascot leading the students into the arena itself. Once introduced, the football team joined in song with their coach in preparation for Saturday evening’s game. Kean Dance Team, dressed in vibrant clothing, conducted a subsequent dance which enlisted a high audience approval. Each campus resident hall came out to show their “fiesta” themed posters, all of which showcased student creativity. “It’s really exciting to see everyone in school spirit,” said sophomore Melissa Thomas. “I’m glad I could contribute to all the fun, it was worth waking up early to set up for the show.” The crowd was very pleased with the DJ’s selections, as he played various songs to get the crowd rallied up, such as the popular South Korean song “Gangnam Style.” Then, the crowd proceeded out to the field for a surprise show. Everyone was on the bleachers; it was pitch dark outside when fireworks soared through the sky, all of varying colors for audience enjoyment. “The experience was so much fun,” said

Photo by: Dominique Vinas

freshman football player, Kalyph Hardy. “I heard everyone saying it was going to be lots of music, dancing and raffles, so I went into it open minded and it was a lot of fun.” The following day, festivities started as early as 10:30 a.m., with students being given tickets for free food and games after registering. Continuing with the Fiesta/Mexican theme of the previous day, the Inca dancers performed a native Aztec dance, all dressed in costumes with maracas and sombreros. There was a table set up for Liberty Hall; they had apple picking and free tours going on open to all. There were art galleries in CAS building and the library, Relay for Life sign up and an Alumni tent where they all gathered and mingled. There were booths for every kind of food including, funnel cakes, pizza, smoothies, salsa tasting, Italian sausage, an empanada man

truck, and roasted corn. In addition there were varying examples of Spanish cuisine at different booths. Kean Xpedition had a table with free pens, flash-drives and t-shirts, and students were all encouraged to sign up to win one semester of tuition and fees paid for as the Kean Xpedition grand prize. There were game booths all around, such as krazy kans and the water gun race, with prizes such as stuffed bears and monkeys with Kean t-shirts on them. One of the main attractions of the tailgate festival was the “Cowboy on Stilts,” standing at 9 feet tall, from Maplewood, NJ. Children stared in amazement as he made his way gracefully around the parking lot. “I’m having a real good time,” explained Crazy cowboy Kevin. “I love my job. It’s a great feeling knowing I can add to the fun.”

“You’re alive and your battery is still going,” said Zaccardi, who is majoring in Communication and hopes to become a motivational speaker. The third and final, a dash, first came to her while thinking about what you see when looking at a gravestone. Every gravestone features three things, a name, a birthdate, and the date of death. Zaccardi started to think about what comes between those two dates, the dash. That little mark signifies everything in between, all the good and bad times in a person’s life. “Make your dash worth it,” said Zaccardi. “Smile as big as the sun, laugh as loud as fireworks.” Reflecting on her life since getting cancer, Zaccardi spoke of the shared experiences of her family and friends. With all her friends in attendance, she described them as being family after all they have gone through with her.

Rain or shine, Relay for Life at Kean

Relay For Life wheel barrel contest.

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“You feel like your family is going through it too,” Zaccardi said. “Everyone is affected.” The idea to bring Relay for Life to Kean first came about a year ago by Kayla Lott, a 2012 Kean graduate. As a member of the Graduate and Part-time Student Council (GPSC), Lott picked Relay for Life as her one major project of the year. “I would always see students going to other schools and I thought ‘why can’t we have one?’” said Lott. “I wanted one too.” As a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Lott knew of at least one girl being affected by cancer Relay For Life participant Kayla Lott. every year. Working with the GPSC and the Student Organization (SO) a team was put together to bring Relay for Life to the Kean campus. Initially, the group planned to host the event in April; however the process took longer than expected. Lott and the original team graduated in May, but the new members of SO and GPSC continued on their work to complete the project. SO hopes that the event will continue as an annual occurrence at Kean. This year more than 200 participants preregistered in 49 teams, with more joining the day of the event. Despite the rain, the atmosphere was high in Harwood Arena. With games, crafts, a DJ and dancing, there was plenty to do even when taking a break from walking. “To comeback a year later and see this vision come together, it’s pretty great,” said Lott on attending and speaking at Relay for Life as a Kean alumnus. Photo by: Andrea Parr



Photo by: Alexandria Addesso

By Alexandria Addesso

Rain wasn’t an issue for the runners competing in Kean’s Relay for Life to benefit the American Cancer Society on Sunday, Oct. 7. Although the marathon event didn’t take place at Alumni Stadium Track where it was originally planned, it had just as big of a turn-out at the Harwood Arena, despite its early commencement. “Eight a.m. on Sunday morning is a great feat for college students,” said Devshree Khachane, a member of the event committee, “[Kean] students have so much passion for what we do.” The main relay event, which featured teams of members of the Kean University community, went from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. with no less than one member of each team running, jogging, or walking at all times, according to the rules. Each team must fundraise prior to the event, the official Relay for Life website suggests bake sales, homemade crafts, and donation cards. “It’s been a lot of fun,” said Jessica Halasz, a graduate student participat-

ing as part of the Graduate Honors Society’s team. “Time goes a lot faster than I thought it would.” Halasz had been there for the duration of the event and was personally affected by cancer through the loss of her grandfather in 2011. Happening simultaneously were smaller contests such as hula-hooping, leap frog and wheel barrow races, as well as a free-throw competition all hosted by Kayla Lott, one of the two main organizers of the event as well as the reason it was taking place at Kean. Lott and Mindy Bandeira, the other main organizer, were both members of the Graduate and Part-time Student Council, which co-ran the event with Student Organization, before they graduated last May. Lott chose Relay for Life as a council project in 2010 and has been working on organizing it since then. “Cancer is something that doesn’t discriminate,” said Lott. “We wanted to do something huge on campus. I‘m happy how it turned out, I spent the whole summer working on it.” Said Bandeira: “We raised over $10,000 for the American Cancer Society today.” Aside from the multiple competitions taking place, there were also tables of food, refreshments and other activities sponsored by Greek Life, Student Organization and other groups of the Kean community. One of the tables ran by the Writing Center featured a word wall that charged 25 cents to put up a sticky note of your thoughts. “Relay for Life is about fighting cancer and celebrating those going through it,” said Lynn Philippe, a junior at Kean as well as a tutor at the Writing Center. At 8 p.m., after the relay had ended, the organizers began the lighting of the luminarias, which are small paper bags with candles inside. The whole day luminarias lined the gym floor along the path those taking part in the relay ran or walked. Each luminaria was inscribed with the names of those who had lost the fight with cancer that were part of the Kean community or loved ones of those participating.



October 2012 | November 2012

October 2012 | November 2012

Election 2012 simplified Every four years a huge political line gets drawn down the middle of our country and we become red and blue states again. The two men vying to be the next President of the United States both say they have a better plan for the country and it’s up to the voters to decide which. In the blue corner we have President Barack Obama, the man who didn’t exactly live up to our expectations but hope that we continue to believe. And in the red corner we have former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a man who some believe will say anything to win this campaign. Most of us can’t afford to wait for Anderson Cooper to “Keep ‘em honest,” or for Bill O’Rielly’s “Talking Points.” Hearing through all the political noise can be exhausting and seem trivial when one side tells to one thing and the other side tells you something else entirely. So who are they really and who is the best for us? Will Obama steam forward and fulfill all his promises to become the man we hoped him to be when he was originally elected. Or will Romney be just the type of Wall Street kinda guy this country needs in tough economic times to turn this ship around. The only thing that is for certain is that the voters decide and with that in mind we have put together a side by side comparison for a quick look at each candidate’s position. — Lee Burrell and DeWayne Harper

Comparing the top issues “So who are they really and who is the best for us?”


Romney acknowledges that the President inherited a bad situation. But, he also says the president had four years to fix the problem and he hasn’t succeeded. He says we’ve had growth, but it’s been too slow. Romney says under his plan he will speed up the recovery by unleashing the free-market by getting rid of crippling regulations and will create 12 million jobs.

Obama is Pro Choice

Romney is Pro Life, with exceptions for rape, incest and saving the life of the mother.

Says he has evolved on the issue and recently came out for the legalization of gay marriage.

Believes in the biblical description of marriage being between a man and a woman. Does not support gay marriage, or civil unions ‘that are identical to marriage.’

Says he will wind the war down by 2014.

Agrees with the president’s 2014 timeline.

Has killed 15 key-al-Qaeda operatives including their leader and orchestrator of the 9/11 attacks Osama bin Laden.

Acknowledges the President’s achievements with the war on terror. Says while Russia is our number one “geo-political foe” a nuclear Iran is at the top of his list as far as imminent threats.


Obama passed the most sweeping healthcare reform bill since FDR, which was upheld as constitutional by the Supreme Court. He also wants to expand access to healthcare and lower costs. Under the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies can no longer cap or cancel coverage at their own discretion. The act also provides access to preventative care without copays or deductibles.

Says he will issue an executive order that will allow the federal government to issue waivers to the 50 states, so that they can opt out of the Affordable Care Act. Then, with the help of Congress, he plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Romney says he will give the states back the power to care for their sick.


Obama says that the richest among us don’t pay their fair share and millionaires’ taxes are less effective than that of middle-class families. The President says his tax plan will reduce the deficit by more than 4 trillion dollars over the next decade, including 1 trillion in spending cuts he signed into law last summer as part of a deal with Congressional Republicans.

Romney says he wants to have an across-the-board 20 percent tax cut in marginal rates and make it permanent. He also wants to cut the corporate tax rate to 25 percent and says he will close loopholes for corporations.


Says he wants to end government subsidies for oil companies and invest in clean sources. The President has increased domestic production of natural gas and wants to safely develop an abundant source on energy for the country. He sites that US oil production is at a 14-year high under his administration and says he will cut net oil imports in half between 2008 and 2020.

Says that on his first day as president, he will approve the Keystone Pipeline and establish a new regional agreement to facilitate cross-border energy investment.

Economy Abortion

Afghan War

What does Kean care about?

Students where asked “are you voting this election?” and “What issues are important to you?”

“Yes I am voting. There are millions perhaps billions of people that don’t have the ability to elect people in their government. It is also essential for a functioning liberal democracy to have people vote… Knowledgeable in foreign policies, understands the plight of the working class, one who is willing to confront congress (especially a do nothing congress).” —Senior Jeffery Zang, Political Science

“I am choosing not to vote… Well one who doesn’t cut taxes on education. One who would support the middle class families and tax rates.” —Sophomore Cristian Salvatierra, Biology

“Yes I am voting. I’m voting because it’s my right as a human being to vote… College issues are important to me, and worldly issues as well when it comes to voting and determining who I want to win this presidential election.” —Junior Candice Mckiver, psychology

“Does it really matter who you vote for when the things that matter the most are never brought to life by either candidate… Most people would say the economy, I tend to differ. I am more optimistic, I think we will recover. I think the most important issue(s) is government’s inability to function. We need a government that is reformed and well structure to tackle down any issue of today or the future. We cannot keep living in a country where our leaders care more about getting elected and passing legislation of those who help them financially. We need a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.” —Senior Alejandro Vasquez, Political Science

“Yes because I should practice my right to vote… The first thing that’s very important is marriage equality. I want everyone to have that sole right to be married. Healthcare that’s also a great issue, I would want essentially universal health care and to make abortions easier for women to have. To not make it difficult for women to choose to have them; not make it a process.” —Senior Kaitlyn Lynch, History and Special education

“I am not voting this year, because I forgot to ask for a mail in ballot and I don’t want to drive home to vote… One of the major issues for determining who to vote for is women’s rights to choose what’s right for them. I’m also looking at the candidates’ views on gay rights and higher education.” —Junior Sandra Burns, Psychology and Communication

“Yes I am because voting is an important part of my duties as a citizen… I want to vote for a candidate who’s interested in keeping peace (anti-war) and someone who can bring our nation out of debt and into prosperity.” —Sophomore Bobby Jae Filoramo, Accounting

“I will be voting this election because it will be my first opportunity to vote and I feel it is important to be involved in the direction of our country… The issues that are important to me in this upcoming election involve the economy so there are future jobs after graduation, education, and what methods or ideas does each candidate feel is most effective in paying the debt owed to China.” —Sophomore Joshua Martin, Computer Science


Obama said when he came into office he inherited the worst economic situation since The Great Depression. The country waslosing hundreds of thousands of jobs every month. Obama has had 30 consecutive months of job growth. Unemployment is below 8 percent now at 7.8 percent.

Gay Marriage

“Yes I am voting. As they say it’s your duty as a citizen. Also, you can complain about it, like hey I had a say in this… The economy because I want to make sure I have a job and provide for whatever future family I may have. Health care is also pretty big, like I know the whole birth control and insurance companies. I personally think if you’re not a woman how would you know what’s good for me. Also, if you say you’re going to clean up the mess I expect you to hold to it. My big thing is keeping up with your promises.”—First semester transfer Caroline Porrovecchio, Speech language Hearing sciences


War on Terror

Fact Checking The Tampa Bay Times runs the Pulitzer Prize winning website, each candidate’s statements are cataloged, checked and then rated on a Truth-OMeter. Below are the files compiled by the website staff for each candidate, because when a Romney pollster infamously said “We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers” these men and women were going to do it anyway.’

October 2012 | November 2012


By Iman-Jazelle Bond

Dressin’ for your profession

Photos: Ann Taylor

Professional Styles By Ann Taylor.

“My profession is acting, so we get costumes.” As we get older our style changes. Becoming young adults, we start to dress the way we want to, in a style that defines us. But do we dress well enough to prepare ourselves for our careers? Most Kean students do not really see a need to change. Eileen McGrath, a senior Education major, says that she will dress more appropriately once she gets more into her internship and further into her career, while Eun Y “Sarah” Cho, a sophomore Music Education major does not think her style will change. “A teacher typically wears dress pants and a nice shirt or a blazer,” said Cho, who added that that described her almost everyday style, minus the dress pants. The style of a school teacher is basic and simple, but it doesn’t have to be boring. “J. Crew and Ann Taylor are two affordable retailers that supply the pieces to create the perfect teacher outfit,” says Emily Africano Hotz of The designers also offer teacher discounts. You can mix and


match styles and patterns and still be work appropriate. “My profession is acting so we get costumes,” said Natalie Bailey, a senior Theater major. As an actress, you must always make a great first impression by dressing professionally; it is part of your image. Going to an audition, make sure you know what role you are going for. If you’re auditioning for a role of someone from the Adams Family, you would not wear anything bright pink or floral. However, if it is a “cattle call” audition, wear something to make you stand out. Jen Aleverz-Otero says she sort of already dresses for her profession. She may wear sweats at times, but for the most part, she does “try and maintain a professional image at all times.” The top five items a woman must always have in her wardrobe are a little black dress, a black skirt, black pants, a white blouse and a simple pair of black flats or heels. These five items are simple, can be paired with anything and can be worn to interviews and daily on the job. They can also be worn by a woman of any profession. Accessories are not necessary, however if you must, a little goes a long way. A watch for your wrist, pearls for your neck and studs for your ears. Going into our professions, we must begin to brand ourselves. We must stand out from others and part of that is how we dress. Never try to over dress to just to get the job. Be conservative, clean, polished and more importantly, be yourself.


October 2012 | November 2012

By Nick Mojica




The best video games to play on Halloween With Halloween just around the corner, many students will be curled up watching scary movies by themselves or with friends. While watching marathons of the legendary Halloween and Friday the 13th franchises are an excellent way to spend your Halloween, I am here to give you another great option of things to do. There are plenty of video games out there that will give you the thrill and horror you are looking for on a Halloween night. I will detail some of the scariest, most family friendly, the best multi-player games to play and more. Scariest Game to Play – Resident Evil 4 (Playstation Network, Xbox Live Arcade, Wii) There are tons of scary video games out there, but I had to narrow it down to one and if I had to pick one of the scariest games, it would have to be Resident Evil 4. Resident Evil 4 is far scarier than its successor and has that survivorhorror feel to it. In this the sixth installment of the franchise, you play as Leon S. Kennedy, who is on a mission to rescue the President’s daughter in a European village. While the game did come out in 2005, Capon recently released an

HD upgrade for the PS3 and Xbox 360. The game is available on the Playstation Network and Xbox Live Arcade.

Best Action Game – Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare (PS3, Xbox 360) Red Dead Redemption was one of 2010’s best games. An open world, third person shooter, ala Grand Theft Auto, but set in the Old West, Undead Nightmare puts you in control of John Marston as you search to find the cure for a zombie plague that has taken over the town. If you already own Red Dead Redemption, you can download Undead Nightmare as an add-on. If you don’t own this game, Undead Nightmare is available as a standalone and also comes with the two other downloadable content packs released: Legends and Killers and Liars and Cheats. While RDR: Un-

dead Nightmare is not one of the scariest games to play; it does feature zombies and who does not love to kill the undead? Best Family Friendly Game – Costume Quest (Playstation Network, Xbox Live Arcade) No game on this list fits the theme of Halloween better than Costume Quest. Costume Quest is an adventure role-playing game that takes place on one Halloween night. You take control of a young child who, while on a night of trick-ortreating, their sibling is kidnapped by monsters. Throughout the game you collect candy corn, costumes (that you can put on your character) and cards that you trade with other kids throughout the town. The best part of Costume Quest is the battles, which are turn-based, meaning you select your attack, but during the battles the kids become giant versions of the costumes they are wearing. It is really something you have to see to enjoy. In a game that features robots, knights and unicorns, what more is there to ask for? Best Multiplayer Game to Play – Call of Duty: Black Ops (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii) Specifically, Zombie Mode. Black Ops’ Zombie Mode lets you hook up with three of your friends as you

A look into cinema: Halloween horror edition

take on continuous hoards of zombies. After each round, you can use the money you accumulated while

killing zombies and buy new statistic upgrades and guns. Zombie mode is included in the game, but there are also downloadable mappacks that have come out. These packs add new levels, weapons, perks and characters. The Escalation Map pack includes new celebrity characters. Available within are real-life actors, Danny Trejo, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Robert Englund and Michael Rooker.


By Bryan C. Kuriawa

With Halloween approaching, audiences may be interested in what films can possibly create a little scare on a quiet autumn night. In the realm of horror cinema, the options are endless, and can often be quite challenging for those interested in potential thrills. As a result, for this edition of Look into Cinema, we shall spotlight a classic courtesy of director George Romero and preview this month’s most anticipated horror feature. By Darian Maduruh

Gangman Style by Psy I cannot believe it; I cannot actually believe that there is a song in 2012 that’s even cheesier, even catchier and even more of a novelty than “Call Me Maybe.” Who could have possibly predicted that the South Korean rapper known as Psy would have come to dominate radio airwaves and YouTube in the beginnings of the fall season? Born Park Jae-Sang, Psy has been in the music business for over a decade, He released his first album, “Psy…From the Psycho World!” in 2001. The song “Gangnam Style” is featured on his sixth album, “Psy’s Best 6th Part 1,” and was released as a single back in July. Since then, it has had over 330 Million views on YouTube. It has been covered by the band Maroon 5, and has celebrities like T-Pain (one of the first artists to mention the song on his twitter) and Britney Spears talking about it. But why? Why is this song so popular? Why has this song seemingly taken the world by storm? And I do not mean that in a figurative sense…. this song has people all over the world bumping the track in their cars and homes. It helps that this song is an upbeat electro pop song….in an era of upbeat electro pop songs. To be honest, production wise,

Probably the most important factor of the song’s popularity is its music video. It is over the top, colorful, silly and filled with dancing; and not just regular, plain old dancing. There is horse dancing, little kids imitating Michael Jackson’s iconic moves (a 5

“this song has people all over the world bumping the track in their cars and homes.” it is pretty much your garden variety techno song in 2012. Yet, what makes this song special is probably Psy himself, even if most people do not understand a word he is saying….well, except for when he says “Heyyyy sexy lady,” and of course “Oppa Gangnam Style.” Still, even though you cannot understand his native Korean tongue, the words manage to become catchy. Recently, in an attempt to figure out the mystery behind this song, I went to and read an English translation of the lyrics. Apparently, “Gangnam Style” refers to Gangnam, a place of wealth and high class living in Korea. The lyrics also detail Psy’s search for an ideal lady, one who knows when to be classy, but also knows when to let loose. Basically, even the lyrics are like a garden variety techno song in 2012. Still, it is Psy himself who helps to make this track stand out.

year old boy named Hwang Min Woo a contestant on “Korea’s Got Talent”), dancing through a snowstorm, side dancing and more types of dancing that I’m sure are mixed in as well. The video also features an appearance by Korean pop sensation, Hyuna. All I can really say is that on paper, this song should not have ended up being this popular. It is bizarre and only seemed like it would be a smash in its native country. Somehow, through sheer charisma and a contagious fun, loving spirit, Psy has managed to warm the hearts of people all around with his hit song (seriously!). There is no doubt that Psy will end up a one hit wonder in America and other countries, and that people will eventually throw this song in the bin with other classics such as “Who Let the Dogs Out” and “Mamba No. 5.” Still, try to enjoy this crazy, fun song while you can, before everyone decides its popularity is nonexistent.

Dawn of the Dead (1979) MUST SEE Ten years after shocking America with his debut, Night of the Living Dead, writer/director George Romero returned to the genre in the form of Dawn of the Dead. At an unspecified point following the reanimation of the deceased, the United States has progressed into chaos as officials prove unable to stop the outbreak. As the situation becomes direr, a young pilot, Stephen (David Emge) and his reporter girlfriend, Fran (Gaylen Ross) along with their two friends (Scott Reinger and Ken Foree) escape via helicopter. Arriving at a shopping mall in the countryside, the group finds the place fully equipped, yet populated with zombies. Realizing that this location provides the best shelter, and considering Fran being several months pregnant, the group proceeds to remove all zombies and seal off the building. Acting-wise, the cast members are all largely successful with their performances being well composed in bringing the on-screen characters fully to life. As the level headed Peter, Ken Foree of T.V.’s Kenan and Kel, is excellent, appearing as an individual less concerned with the mall, and more with the group’s psyche. David Emge and Gaylen Ross are both successful, with Emge appearing as a leader, only to transform into a materialist, while Ross’ character becomes self-reliant. As Peter’s friend Roger, Scott Reinger is entertaining, taking all that occurs in the group as fun until it transforms into something deadly. Production-wise, director George Romero is excellent, creating an atmospheric tone to his surroundings. His camerawork is direct and manages to develop an isolated, yet dynamic nature, especially during the second half where our protagonists are removed from the rest of the world. On a supporting note, the progressive rock score by the Italian band Goblin proves to be a deciding edge in terms of atmosphere and an action-based environment. In regards to the film’s faults, Romero’s screenplay, while well-balanced, does have its own difficulties, in terms of creating complete character development over the course of the narrative. Overall, an excellent horror film which will leave audiences both thrilled

and entertained while fearing a potential zombie apocalypse. Paranormal Activity 4 Better off renting For the past three years, audiences have come in droves to the Paranormal Activity films, transforming it into the most prominent horror franchise of the decade. Yet such prominence can’t hide the reality that such a series seems to be the only thing in modern horror, outside of remakes and retreads. In this entry, a family consisting of Alice (Kathryn Newton), her mother, and her mother’s boyfriend moves into a new home. Yet when a young mother named Katie and her son Robbie move into a nearby house, things

“It appears that ghosts have become the prominent entertainment media...” begins to change for the unknown. It appears that ghosts have become the prominent entertainment media with television networks such as Sci-fi and Biography developing various programs involving the supernatural. As a result it could be assumed that this series is tapping into a broad demographic all interested in the subject at hand. In truth, this series has catered to a teenage audience who believe the R-ratings each entry commands a sense of adult horror. This largely is the result of various modern horror films featuring a PG-13 rating, in an attempt to avoid alienating older demographics beyond teenagers. As for Paranormal Activity 4, its trailers lack the interest or energy that could be maintained in horror entries. Yet, there is still an audience for these films, and therefore this entry will be sighted for rental, only curious patrons should venture towards their local theaters.


October 2012 | November 2012

October 2012 | November 2012


By Daniel Reyes

By Dasia Brown

This is an historic election. Last election was historic too, but so is this one and so will the next one. Why is that? Well, my fabled friend who is still asking me the good questions, every presidential election is historic. Every election determines the outlook of this

Nothing is more important to a democracy than a well-informed electorate.” country for the next four years, barring some kind of sex controversy. These debates are showing a growing trend among students that is absolutely promising. People are talking about it, people are caring. Of course, we have people who put up smug Facebook statuses like “OMG I

hate politics!!! Unfriending anyone posting about it!!” But we also have people talking about the issues, whether it is online, in person or in the classroom. To pull a quote from HBO’s “The Newsroom,” the reason paying attention to it all is important is because there is a “simple truth that nothing is more important to a democracy than a wellinformed electorate.” The more we turn a blind eye to the world around us, the easier it is to be taken advantage of. It’s the job of elected officials to pass laws; it’s our job as citizens to keep those officials in check. Our country is growing more and more polarized, that much is obvious. I’ve sat in classes where a political discussion dissolves into hurling names across the room. Politics may not be your cup of tea, but it’s fundamentally important to at least be familiar with it. That’s the reasoning behind our political spread together in this issue. We hope you read it, because like the quote stated above, it’s important to know. Daniel Reyes Editor-in-Chief of The Tower

Don’t be zombied out on Halloween, be the center of the party! One thing that is always anticipated when the fall arrives are the holidays that come along with it. Halloween has always been one that almost everyone loves, full of eating free candy till your stomach hurts, dressing as someone else for a change and, of course, parties. You might be thinking “hold on wait a minute, Halloween is for babies,” but it’s not if you follow some of these helpful tips to take you from being zombied out to being the center of the party. Trick or treating may not be the thing to do, but you can make it so that your

Whatever theme you decide to go with, the decorations should follow as well. So if you decide to do a “Twilight” movie theme, you can have your decorations consist of werewolf and vampire items. Play some Halloween games as well to make your party different from the rest. You can play a round of hide and go seek in the dark to get your friends involved, but add a scary twist by placing skeletons in the closets and other spooky things in places where people may hide. Halloween game ideas for your party

“Party till you drop, but never be a zombie out on Halloween.” party brings a little of your childhood memories back even for the college student who feels like they’re “too old.” To do that you can incorporate some of the favorite Halloween candies such as candy corn, marshmallow eye balls and other creepy candies in your foods. Instead of making regular candy apples, put some gummy worms inside the apple and add Oreo crumbs to the outside to give it an old spooky appearance. Make cupcakes with candy vampire teeth as decorations, or make them look like pumpkins with orange frosting. Candy bags can also serve as the trick or treat substitution. Serve fun “mocktails” for underage friends in the color of red for blood and cocktails for those older with the same idea or even find a way to color them black. Let your party have a theme. It can be from making everyone show up as a character from your favorite scary movie to making it a Dracula party.

can also be found online where you can find rules for “Lie Detector Game” and “Kings”. The most important factor to making you the center of the party will be the choice in costume. Make sure that your costume is the best because you are the host, keep in mind for the ladies not to be too revealing. Halloween does give you the chance to dress as something you normally would not, but do keep in mind what you wear and how you wear it. So have that spooky creepy party that all your friends will enjoy and always remember to be safe as well. Party till you drop, but never be a zombie out on Halloween. If you have any questions or concerns about anything that you would like advice about please send an email to You’ll be advised the best way is with truth, remember that it’s strictly anonymous!

Nancy Thompson Library Events Video Games in Education Lecture Video Games in Education? It’s not such a crazy idea. Come join us for a brief presentation on the use of video games in academic environments. Hands-on gaming will be available for students and faculty alike. Come share your stories of glories past! Monday, November 5, from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nancy Thompson Library, Room 116 Ghost Stories Reading The Nancy Thompson Library will host a celebration of the stories that scare and surprise us. Join us for an evening of traditional storytelling with the lights dimmed. Pajamas and teddy bears welcome. Bring your own stories. Monday, October 29, from 10 p.m. to Midnight Nancy Thompson Library, Room 116

Kean University Center for Academic Success 1000 Morris Avenue Union, NJ 07083 Telephone: (908) 737-0460; Fax: (908) 737-0465 Email:;

The Tower is an independent, laboratory newspaper of Kean University’s journalism option in the communication major program. It is published monthly through the regular academic year and supported by advertising and the Department of Communication. The Tower is not responsible for claims made by its advertisers. The Tower is a public forum and is free from censorship and advance approval of content by the university administration. The Tower staff is responsible for its content.

Editor-in-Chief: Daniel Reyes


Should I take dietary supplements?

Department of Communication

By Dr. Josh Palgi

Managing Editor: Lee Burrell News Editor: Nicole La Capria

A dietary supplement is a product taken by mouth that contains a “dietary ingredient” intended to supplement or enhance the diet. Supplements help ensure that you get adequate amounts of essential nutrients or help promote optimal health and performance if you do not consume a variety of food, as recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. More than 50 percent of adults in the United States take some sort of dietary supplement. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), multivitamins are the most commonly used supplement. The “dietary ingredients” in a dietary supplement may include: vitamins, minerals, herbs,

Features Editor: De Wayne Harper Arts & Entertainment Editor: Justine Clini Sports Editor: Ryan Gaydos Copy Editor: Bryan C. Kuriawa

and is regulated by the FDA, and Health Canada. Is it safe to take dietary supplements? FDA regulates dietary supplement and dietary ingredients under a different set of regulations than those covering “conventional” food and drug products (prescription and overthe counter). Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, the dietary supplement or dietary ingredient manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that a dietary supplement or ingredient is safe before it is marketed. FDA is responsible for taking action against any unsafe dietary supplement product after it reaches the market. Generally, manufactures do not need to register their products with

“More than 50 percent of adults in the United States take some sort of dietary supplement.” plants (such as gingko, biloba, ginseng, exhinacla) or enzymes. Dietary Supplements can be extracts or concentrates, and may be found in many forms such as tablets, capsules, soft gels, gel caps, liquids or powders. Congress defined “Dietary Supplement” in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act in 1994. Many terms are used when referring to either the amount of particular nutrients (such calcium or vitamin D) you should get or the amount that exists in a food or dietary supplement. The two most common are the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) and the Daily Value (DV). The RDA is the intake level of a nutrient that is considered to be sufficient to meet the requirement of 97-98 percent of healthy individuals in every demographic in the United States. The RDA is used to determine the Daily Value (DV) of foods, which is printed on nutrition facts labels in the United States and Canada

FDA nor get FDA approval before producing or selling dietary supplements. Eating a healthy well-balanced diet should provide you with all of the individual nutrients you need, but if you’re considering taking dietary supplements you must be a safe and informed consumer. Let your health care professional advise you on sorting reliable information. Contact the manufacturer for information about the product you intend to use Be aware that some supplement ingredients, including nutrients and plant components, can be toxic. Also, some ingredients and products can be harmful when consumed in high amounts, when taken for a long time, or when used in combination with certain other drugs, substances, or foods. Do not self-diagnose any health condition. Work with health care professionals to determine how best to achieve optimal health. Do not substitute a dietary supplement for

a prescription medicine or therapy, or for the variety of foods important to a healthful diet. Do not assume that the term “natural” in relation to a product ensures that the product is wholesome or safe. Be wary of hype and headlines. Sound health advice is generally based upon research over time, not a single study. To help consumers in their search to be better informed, FDA is providing the following sites: •




/food/dietarysupplements/ consumerinformation.ucm110567.htm

/food/dietarysupplements/alerts/ ucm111110.htm

/food/labelingnutrition/labelclaims/ ucm111447.htm

/food/dietarysupplements/ consumerinformation/ucm110567.htm

/food/dietarysupplements/labelclaims/ ucm111447.htm

/food/labelingnutrition/labelclaims/ ucm111447.htm

/safety/medwatch/HowToReport/ ucm085569.htm

/safety/MedWatch/HowToReport/ ucm053074.htm

/Safety/ReportaProblem/Consumer ComplaintCoordinators/default.htm

Dr. Palgi is a professor in Kean’s Physical Education, Health and Recreation Department.

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“In America the President reigns for four years, and Journalism governs forever and ever.”—Oscar Wilde


editor’s note

Debates showing promise in Generation Y




Men’s and Women’s Soccer—the final stretch

Photo: Kean Athletics

Justin West

CORRECTION In a story on page 5 in the September issue of The Tower, information about endorsements was incorrectly reported. The statewide council representing the Kean Federation of Teachers endorsed Upendra Chivukula for Congress in the 7th District. Also, it was incorrectly reported that the KTF’s “own self study” discovered that Kean University was non-compliant with Middle States’ standards 7 and 14. The self-study was conducted by the university, not by the KFT. The Tower regrets the errors.

The Men’s and Women’s soccer clubs know that the month of October is very important to the overall success of their seasons. It’s the stretch run to the end. Each game becomes more important as the conference matchups come to focus. Coach Brian Doherty of the women’s team and coach Tony Ocrimenko have their teams prepared and ready to go as a tough schedule approaches. The men’s team is currently 7-4 and getting ready to chase a conference championship. Their top goal scorer so far on the season is Erickson Simeon with five goals. Right behind him is Luis Velasquez with four goals scored. Ocrimenko preaches that playing together as a team will fully maximize their potential. He says: “Keep playing as a team and keep working hard. Don’t leave anything on the table.” “We need to cut back on our mistakes

but I feel very positive about this group. We need to kick it up a notch. Things will be demanding with a lot of hard work,” said Ocrimenko. Ocrimenko highlights some specific games that added to the development of the team. “We played well against Ramapo. We moved the ball well and controlled the tempo. The boys bonded well as a group,” he said “We had a downer against Stockton College but bounced back against Camden. We regrouped and beat Jersey City.” As the team prepares for a few national tournaments, they will have to use these concepts that Ocrimenko has implemented such as hard work and dedication to become successful. For the stretch run to a conference championship, there are four divisional opponents left. Standing in their way is Montclair State University, The College of New Jersey, Rowan University, and William Patterson University.

Coach Doherty on the women’s side has a similar approach as coach Ocrimenko. Currently standing with a 9-1-1 record, the team feels very confident going forward. The top goal scorer on the women’s side is Carly Seidel with 11 goals, followed by Deanna Columbia with six goals scored. On the teams progress so far Doherty says, “Were progressing great and getting better every week. All the players and staff are working hard and it will pay dividends.” Doherty believes the team should stay consistent in what they are doing. “Keep doing what they are doing now and raise the level of play,” he says. September 19th they play their first conference opponent at home against RutgersNewark, followed by Rutgers-Camden, Ramapo College and others. Doherty states: “They are all important games but we have a big conference schedule coming up.”

October 2012 | November 2012



Darius Kinney quietly carries the Kean Cougars By Dan Canova

Photo: Kean Athletics

How quickly things change. After starting the young season 0-2, and what looked to be a disappointment, the Kean Cougars have now moved to above .500 with a 3-2 record, and are back on par for the season. Senior running back, Darius Kinney has quietly been the reason for Kean’s success as of late. “Darius has made huge strides in the past year and a half within our program,” Head Coach Dan Garrett said. “I have watched him mature into a se-

We have to have an inner excellence in our process and preparation every day” nior leader and his work ethic on and off the field has improved his football ability on the field.” After four games played,

Kinney has 833 rushing yards on only 95 attempts with six touchdowns. In game one of the threegame win streak, Kinney carried the football 23 times for 207 rushing yards. “His performance was exactly what we needed. He was the spark on offense and came up with some big plays when we needed him,” said Garrett. Coach Garrett pulled Kinney off the pedestal. “I grade him a C+,” Garrett said. “Only because that is what I have been expecting to see- I know what his abilities are. I know he can be and do better than what we saw last weekend. I liked how he was seeing the holes, running hard downhill, finishing runs and reading the defense- and the [offensive line] was doing a great job moving people around and creating gaps for [Kinney] to hit. They were getting a tremendous push on the Brockport [defensive line].” Kinney took to heart that his

coach believed his effort was only a C+ because in the next game against Morrisville State College, Kinney led Kean to a 51-28 win. Kinney had 22 carries for 242 yards, which is now his career best for rushing yards in a single game. Kinney’s spectacular performance has earned him honors for NJAC Offensive Player of the Week. He now leads the NJAC in rushing with 801 yards. Looking ahead into October, Kean has 4 matchups within the NJAC Conference. “Every game remaining is a conference game, and in this conference you have to prepare to win each week. You cannot look past someone, you have to take care of one week at a time,” said Garrett. “Our goal is to get to 1-0 this week. I told the team, that the last time I checked we are the defending NJAC Champions and each week we defend that.”

Who’s hot & who’s not in Kean athletics Sports Schedule October 17: Men’s Soccer @ NYU 19: Women’s Volleyball vs. Bates Men’s Soccer @ Rowan Women’s Volleyball vs. Baptist Bible 20: Women’s Volleyball vs. Hamilton Women’s Tennis @ Rutgers Camden Field Hockey vs. Rowan Women’s Volleyball vs. US Merchant Marines Football @ TCNJ Women’s Soccer vs. Rowan 21: Men’s Soccer vs. Rochester 23: Women’s Volleyball @ City College of NY 24: Women’s Soccer @ William Patterson Field Hockey @Montclair State Men’s Soccer vs. William Patterson 25: Women’s Volleyball @ Stockton 27: Women’s Volleyball vs. Rosemont (@Langhorne, PA) Football vs. Cortland State Women’s Volleyball @ Cairn Field Hockey vs. SUNY New Paltz

November 03: Football @Rowan 10: Kean vs. Montclair State 16: Women’s Basketball vs. Eastern Mennonite @ Wingate Invitational 16: Men’s Basketball vs. Juniata College @ Coaches vs. Cancer Tournament 17: Women’s Basketball vs. TBA @ Wingate Invitational Men’s Basketball vs. TBA @ Coaches vs. Cancer Tournament 20: Women’s Basketball @ Stockton Men’s Basketball @ Stockton 28: Women’s Basketball @ Ramapo Men’s Basketball @ Ramapo

Photo: Kean Athletics

The 10-2-2 Women’s Soccer Team. By Thomas Antonelle

WOMEN’S SOCCER The Women’s Soccer team, who’s currently on a six game winning streak and 9-1 overall, hasn’t skipped a beat. They will look to rely on their immense skill with no help from home field advantage as four of their next seven games are on the road. Boasting a perfect 4-0 record in conference play, the team’s only loss came from a game in neutral territory during the Stevens Engineering Cup in the beginning of September. Heavy hitters on offense, including senior Carly Seidel and Julianna Natale, are only a couple players who have stepped up. Samantha Blair, freshman goalkeeper, has been stellar for the Cougars all season, having only allowed three goals against. WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL Playing with a chip on their shoulder, the Cougars are sitting on a three-match win streak as they play their next two games at home. With 11 of the next 16 games being played at home, they will attempt to only make changes to the wins column. The Cougars will participate in the Kean Invitational from

Oct. 12-13 and the Cougar Classic from Oct. 19-20. Kean will look to finish off those tournaments with an 8-8 record. FIELD HOCKEY Coming off three consecutive losses, the team is looking for key players to step up in the coming month. The Cougars, with a 4-7 record overall, had a stroke of bad luck as they lost three games in

In their latest victory, junior Debra Dress won at both second singles and doubles and rookie teammate Samirah Jackson followed her lead with wins at fourth singles. On a current win streak consisting of two games, the squad will play in the NJAIAW Tournament on Oct. 6 in Madison, NJ. Only three home games remain for the Cougars, who are sporting an almost perfect record on their home court.

far this season. Junior, Tyler Callahan has stepped up with strong play in all of his performances to date, with a shutout in Kean’s recent win against Ramapo. FOOTBALL After a very disappointing start to the season, the football team has managed to claw their way in with three straight victories. At 3-2 overall, the Cougars

The arrival of October has proven to be a new start for many Cougars who look to turn over a new leaf. overtime on the road this season. Freshman goalie, Katie DiCarlo, must step up as one of the leaders to give this club some kind of spark. With eight games remaining on the season, it should be enough time for the Cougars to show their true talent. WOMEN’S TENNIS The women’s tennis team, who is 6-2 overall, is sitting at the .500 mark in conference play.

MEN’S SOCCER The men’s soccer team has finished up the month of September strong with two victories. At 7-4 overall, the squad is approaching an equally aggressive schedule for the month of October. The Cougars, whose play is solid, both on the road and at home, will split their remaining eight games of the season. Goaltending has proved to be one of the secret weapons so


may have remembered their recipe for success. With only two home games left this season, the team will look to remind the nation that last year was no fluke. Darius Kinney, senior running back, has had standout performances the last three games with 801 rushing yards and six touchdowns.

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