Issue 53 - July/August 2013

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Issue 53 - July/August 2013

Rendez-Vous by HARRY WINSTON





THETALK / July /August 2013





THETALK / July /August 2013





THETALK / July /August 2013




Dear Trend setters, There are those who set a trend , and others who carve history. When Harry Winston opened his first “Premiere Diamond Company” in 1920, he surely was setting more than a trend. In her iconic performance in the 50’s of “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” Marilyn sang “Talk to me Harry Winston, tell me all about it” and Harry is still telling us all about it, talking to each and every person’s sense of beauty and refinement. To mastery that transcends times and trends, we dedicate this issue. Till my next quirk, Zeina Mokaddam




This has been an exciting issue and the perfect send off before leaving for the summer. With the beautiful Harry Winston Feature and our exclusive Kardashian Interview; I am marking my seventh issue as another success with many more to follow. The experience is priceless and look forward to all the plans we have set for the rest of the year that i cannot wait to get back and start working on for all of you to see. Stay Tuned!

To me, no-one has summed up the essence and importance of a life welllived as much as Mark Twain when he wrote “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover”. We’d all do well to keep his message in our minds as we ponder how to spend the summer weeks ahead…

Chadi Moufied


I have been working on THETALK for three years now. I have witnessed many changes in terms of design and have found it an incredible journey to watch it blossom from what it was to the opulence it is now. Just as the magazine has grown, so have I and those around me. It seems that summer is the best time for change so let us embrace the season.

The long summer is officially here and I know many of us are travelling sometime within the next three months. I must admit that I’m one of the most curious beings I know and the best antidote to my curiosity is travel. Be it the different shapes of fluffy clouds, the new cuisines, the adventures, the new traditions or the religions and customs I come across, are all food to my curious soul. The nihilism of judgment in people’s minds even though they know nothing about you, there being no yesterdays on your journeys makes travel the ultimate moment of the now. Live it.

THETALK / July /August 2013





Contents July/August 2013


Local Features 20. Harry Winston 24. Sweet Heart Interview 30. Laila Alhanbali 60. Fawaz Al-Qanae 106. Kuwait Exclusives

56 20


International Features 28. Louis Vuitton 34. Her Style Icon 56. Kardashian Exclusive 66. His Style Icon 82. Street Styles 88. Fashion Feature Setting Health Travel



THETALK / July /August 2013

94. Travel Health

96. Maison Moschino

Reviews 102. Restaurant Reviews 110. Movie Reviews 108. Book Reviews



Trends 38. Her Trends 68. His Trends




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THETALK / July /August 2013



Main Feature

Harry Winston: The Jewel is in Kuwait

The legendary “King of Diamonds” and “Jeweler to the Stars” has opened its first salon in Kuwait at the exclusive Prestige District of the Avenues Mall. The 122-square meters houses Harry Winston’s most iconic collections, their innovative timepieces and of course, the breathtaking jewels that have set sparkles in our eyes at first glance since 1932. The fairytale began in the heart of New York City, the epicenter of excitement where the corporate and creative headquarters remain as a source of inspiration. 20

THETALK / July /August 2013

Charms Bracelet


here is no question that not only is Harry Winston an epitome of luxury; he has materialized the perfect expression for love. His fascination with the finest jewels elevates each piece with a clear passion and understanding of beauty. He sets the stage for signature Bridal glamour. The verification was instant of the incredible talent for diamond selection, using the best and presenting them in an optimum visual perfection. An example of this perfection is in the brand’s first full Bridal collection Belle by Harry Winston.

Harry Winston



Main Feature

He then went on to frost the stars with his handcrafted impeccable jewelry earning him the title of “Jeweler to the Stars” as he was favored by icons such as Katherine Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor. He was praised in the classic movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes in the song Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend when Marilyn Monroe sang “Talk to me, Harry Winston, Tell me all about it”. The Academy Awards saw many celebrities walking the red carpet in his masterpieces. Harry Winston was the first jeweler to lend jewelry to an actress as Jennifer Jones wore the classic Winston diamonds when she accepted an Oscar for Best Actress in 1943. There may be luck in wearing the diamonds as many celebrities held Oscars on the special night such as Halle Berry as she made history when she became the first African-American woman to win Best Actress. Some other names are Sophia Loren, Gwyneth Paltrow, Diane Kruger, Angelina Jolie and Madonna just to name a few.

The Hope Diamond

Belle by Harry Winston


THETALK / July /August 2013

Talk to me,

Harry Winston,

Tell me all about it - Marilyn Monroe

The Harry Winston brand encrusted watchmaking in 1989 when they decided to branch into timepieces, not compromising on the industries technical nor aesthetic quality. Their watches have held the wrists of even the most selective of stars such as Christian Bale and Robert Downey Jr. Harry Winston is not only part of History, he has changed the world of luxury and made a difference in many lives. In 1949-1953, the brand’s first exhibition of rare gems travelled throughout the United States. The “Court of Jewels” exhibition included the Hope Diamond and other legendary gems that saw many visitors that helped in donating proceeds to the March of Dimes. The Legendary Hope Diamond was then donated to the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. Today, the House of Harry Winston continues its legacy of creating exquisite jewels with unsurpassable style, and operates 28 salons worldwide, in locations across the globe in New York, London, Paris Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and now Kuwait.

The Ultimate Adornment Timepiece



Special hearts Interview

Special hearts Interview featuring Shaika Maryam al-sabah by Fatemah Almosawi


THETALK / July /August 2013

It was my great pleasure to have the

chance to interview Shaika Maryam Al-Sabah, head of media relations at KhairalKuwait Foundation. I had the pleasure of meeting her during the amazing campaign called “Colour a Life”. Volunteering and community service have always been part of Shaika Maryam’s life, especially during the ten years she spent living in the United States. Combining her experience and passion with ideas and support from her team, she designed unique campaigns in support of the orphans in Kuwait and aimed towards the improvement of their quality of life. Her sweet heart radiates with love and it took a lot of convincing from my part to get her to feature in this magazine. I find her an inspiration and I am sure readers will do as well. In this interview she was joined by Soud Al-Abdulmohsin, one of the team members responsible for the campaign. Tell me about your initiative and the idea behind it? We started a media campaign called “Colour a Life” to encourage families in Kuwait to adopt. In Islam it is not technically adoption, but more like foster care. It was a great success when in April last year we launched it throughTV and radio shows, and in malls including Marina Mall, SouqSharq, 360 Mall and Alraya. We used volunteers from Spread the Passion and Kayan volunteer group to hand out brochures and speak to the public about fostering in Kuwait, and to talk about the law that regulates adoption. The Kayanvolunteer group, lead by AnisaAljarAllah, were our partners in raising awareness of fostering. The rate of adoption went up from 11 in 2011 to 19 in 2012. At least there have been more and more people talking about it and more parents who have adopted. In the past people were more secretive about having an adopted child, they didn’t really publicize it. Perhaps one of the very well known parents is Safa Alfailakawi, she is a young adoptive mother who has a blog and has been talking very openly about it. She modernized adoption honestly. What is the story behind the name and logo? Colour a Life, when we started looking for a name we thought adoption is such a sensitive subject and grey area, we thought hard about what would change it dramatically from this

grey living environment in the institutionalized sense like in the orphanage? It is dreary, gloomy and grey and when you take a child out of this situation you add colour to his life and yours. We used that concept even in the TV ad, where the children start out being grey and once adopted transform to colour * What inspired you to start this initiative? Five years earlier we used to help out at the orphanage with refurbishment, bringing volunteers and taking the children out as part of the Khair AlKuwait foundation’s activities. This is what we do and when we started volunteering we realized that a lot of babies were coming in and people were uncomfortable with adoption and only few girls were adopted. We found some periods where people would be more accepting and other times when people were not willing to talk about it. So we wondered why. It is like how twenty years ago disability was taboo, and to have a child in a wheelchair going about was unusual, but today people are no longer embarrassed by it, they have races, fundraising, there are ramps for them and wheelchair access. If you go back in time disability was considered shameful and this perception changed, how? With media campaigns and awareness, public awareness. So we said we are not going to push people to adopt this is not the point. People have personal situations and we don’t want to push them. We are not going around asking people to adopt but rather making them aware that it is possible. You cannot imagine, while we were in the malls people would say, “really there is such thing in Kuwait?” Isn’t it weird that people don’t know that adoption has been possible since the 70’s? We are volunteers and we volunteered for an awareness campaign, so for that whole month we focused on the awareness campaign but as a result people did adopt and it is becoming more acceptable. So did you have any obstacles in achieving your goal? Bureaucracy delayed things because we had to get several approvals. Everything we do needs official permission, so it takes time to do things and the process is not always clear. Nothing really goes fast here. Other than that there were not any backlashes or negative comments, both of which we worried about. What distinguished you for success?

All of the people who worked on the campaign have worked in the orphanage. Anisa AlJarallah, for example, has been working with children for years and the other volunteers visit the orphanage on a regular basis, take them out, and go to them to teach them and they know the children by name. So they know what they are dealing with and love working on it. It is a team effort and we had a great team. What skills did you find most useful for your work? Social skills, definitely, it is not a technical issue, but rather a humanitarian one. It is a sensitive topic, very private, personal and often between couples to decide. So we really did not try to go personal and say to people, “yeah, why don’t you adopt?” We wanted people to be comfortable to ask questions and not go through their personal choices. We did not want to put people off. On a bad day what would you say to yourself for motivation to keep you going? Thank God I don’t have many bad days. Honestly I think if you think in negativity you will get it, and if you say positive things to yourself you will believe them, it is all in your head. You wake and you decide,“am I going to be successful today or I will fail” and when you think you will fail then you will. Everybody has good and bad days but you get over it when you have the people you love support you and you know what you are doing is right. Do you believe all dreams come true? If you want it badly enough, but I think your dreams and priorities change and you accommodate to that. So something you might have thought you wanted ten years ago might not apply and so you come with a new dream and a next dream and so on. I am thankful because I am living my dream; I have a healthy family, a loving relationship and amazing family and friends, what more do I want. I think this is real success on a personal one and not the material one. What do you think of volunteer work? I think honestly in Kuwait it is becoming a huge part of people’s life. I grew up in a house that appreciated volunteer work and growing up in WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM


Special hearts Interview

the US and going to high school there we had this value within us to the extent that you can’t graduate without a certain number of volunteer hours, so it is embedded. When I came back and found out that it was part of the curriculum in Kuwait but was removed in the 80s, I think, because parents were complaining that they did not want their children to carry garbage. I was very surprised. On the contrary I would be honoured if my children did so to clean their country; it is not something to be ashamed of. I think now that youth around twenty years old are more aware of that and take pride in volunteering and I must thank Loyac who changed people’s perception. They wanted to put people in internship to work in restaurants when it was not very popular, and now a lot of people accept that. You, for example, and Spread the Passion is a testament to the growing interest in volunteer work. We are realizing more and more that we are part of the community. I am happy when I see a hospital wing provided by a private donor, even though the government can afford it, but it means that people are investing in their country. It is a web and we are all connected and we must have that sense of unity and shared responsibility. What is your tip for people wanting to start their own initiative? Do something you are passionate about and not 26

THETALK / July /August 2013

a fad or just a new wave. If you are passionate enough about something then you will find likeminded people who will give you support. It is clear when someone does something because it is a fad and soon they will give it up after a couple of months, while others who work for years and years and not give up do so because of their passion and love of what they do. Last word or wish? I would like to thank everyone who helped in the campaign, every single one. The Colour a Life campaign was by Soud and I and we partnered with Anisa. Coming up we have a very exciting project that we have been working on for years. It is to rebuild the orphanage and we have received a lot of personal contributions but not corporate yet. All the houses and the materialswere privately funded. Everyone working on the project is a volunteer, the design was made by SSH design house, they are internationally recognized and they did it for free, it is a beautiful design. Last Ramadan we had another campaign with IKEA for the whole month, we did a registry for the furniture and the person working on this was Rakan Alghanim. He worked on registering the furniture for the new houses such as bedding and furniture, so people could buy something as small as a pillow up to a furnished room or a whole house. It was a huge success and we furnished eight houses

in total. Thanks go to Rakan, who also got us a contribution to cover the whole play area walls to be painted with idea paint, where children can draw on the walls.I want to also mention Fowzi AlRuwaishid, he oversees the building in the orphanage, he is there almost daily as the project manager and I would like to thank him. Everything is a group effort. No one individual can take credit for everything and it is amazing when you see people wanting to volunteer and help. So, I would like to thank everyone and wish that more and more people would give their time and effort in doing what is good for the community. To find out more about KhairAlKuwait foundation you can visit: This interview was conducted and written by Fatemah Almosawi, founder of Spread the Passion, a not for profit organization with the main aim of spreading awareness about the value of volunteer work under the slogan “Make giving part of your living” by connecting volunteers to volunteering opportunities. To find out more, follow @ spreadpassion on instagram and twitter. If you have an initiative that you want to be featured please contact her via email: fate@


New Look and me. Catching up on New Look and me. the week’s events.

Catching up on Maxiweek’s dress the events. KD 13.500



Louis Vuitton Feature

Louis Vuitton: Beyond the Monogram

Louis Vuitton invited THETALK for an

exclusive viewing of their Autumn/Winter 2014 Collection in Dubai. The event began with an exquisite dinner at La Petit Maison with a select group of media from the GCC and MENA area. The next day was a ‘come at your own leisure’ viewing of the Louis Vuitton collection where we had the luxury of a one-on-one interactive experience.

hotel room. The three iconic bags; the Pochette Accessoires, the Lock-it and the Speedy have been reconstructed with softer and suppler fabrications to emphasize their more sensuous and feminine aspects. We could not resist looking through the-Pre Fall 2014 collection and modeling some on. Our favourite was the W Monogram Velours Bag in Pistachio; uplifting for the season.

The Louis Vuitton Autumn/Winter 2013 Womenswear collection was inspired by the vintage Liz Taylor movie Butterfield 8; taking silk slips and pajamas to another level with velvet, lace and embroidery and turning them into day wear. The idea behind the collection was the attitude of getting dressed up only to find the most glamorous destination is one’s own

However, the colours are subdued this season as well as the Louis Vuitton branding. The “PARNASSEA” bag gives you the choice of either having a classic open bag as unbranded, or a closed bag with the LV logo. However, the rest of the collection steered clear of logos and monograms and focus mainly on the cuts and fabrics. “This season the focus of the collection


THETALK / July /August 2013

is on the luxurious quality and treatment of the materials produced by the savoir-faire of Louis Vuitton ateliers. The house’s Monogram and Damier canvas are nowhere to be seen on the catwalk” said Marc Jacobs. The Menswear collection was themed on a journey to the Himalayas and featured the collaboration of the Chapman Brothers. The two Englishmen are famous for their work with patterns and motifs which is evident in the minks and cashmeres within the collection. It is the direction of Kim Jones that drove the Ready-To-Wear Menswear collection towards functionality. The combination of materials along with Marc Jacobs’ design influences created a broader spectrum in terms of functionality. In

the tradition of the French fashion house, the Lock-it, one of the brand’s iconic bags, has been reinvented with over-sized dimensions for men. The bags also include backpacks in keeping with the excursion theme. Also along with the theme comes tracking boots with contrasting laces. The colours are richer and more muted

such as the Burgundy Epi Leather Weekender bag and the sheered mink slippers. Overall, Fall 2014 has set many new trends up for experimentation. Trips may now be planned without any woes over compromising on fashion; we can be more adventurous with a

lot less packing and a lot more glamour and our skin and eyes will be tantalized with the colours and fabrics. The trip was a looking glass into a very chic and modern 1950’s upcoming season that we greatly look forward to.



Local Designer

Laila Al-Hanbali Laila is an established designer and horse-rider with an array of talents and ambitions. Out of all brands, Kim Kardashian chose to wear one of Laila’s unique and intricate designs whilst attending a dinner here in Kuwait. We had the pleasure of spending time with the Syrian beauty and finding out more about her‌ So softly spoken and humble about her beauty, we question if she is even aware of just how stunning she is! Not only in looks but in her presence, her personality!


THETALK / July /August 2013



Local Designer


THETALK / July /August 2013

T When did you begin your venture into designing your clothing lines? I started designing three years ago. What initiated your interest in designing? I used to look around for vintage clothes, anything vintage really. I love everything old; clothes and furniture. So I would constantly be remodeling old vintage pieces, I would change it to suit me. Then everywhere I would go, people would admire the mix of old and new and would ask me to make them something so after awhile I decided to make a small exhibition, and this is where I started. I mixed old and new fabrics in my own designs and people loved it. Where would you find vintage pieces? When I travel, from everywhere I go, Syria, Turkey, from Europe, everywhere. I’m in love with old fabrics and they are so different from place to place so I have to go everywhere and explore every resource to find the variety of great fabrics that I want and need. There are different fabrics, prints, patterns, threads, it is very interesting to me, and I really enjoy it. Are you interested in new trends? Yes, I always like to look and see the new things happening in fashion in order to get inspiration. I follow what the colours of the season are and what is going on, but always have my own way of designing it. I keep many things in mind and find inspiration from different places and things. I look to men’s fashion a lot and I have riding in mind, these things play a part in my designs regardless of the trends. Would you consider opening your own store? Yes, that is the plan, but I need time. Which designer do you look to? It changes from season to season except for Balmain. I fall in love with every single collection. How do you describe your style? My designs are very me, it is very fitting to my style. Then I shop everywhere from Dior to Zara and of course Balmain. I choose what fits my designs. So you design and everything else follows? Yes, exactly! I have different lines not only Vintage. I have many categories. Harvey Nichols and Designer’s Lounge get exclusive pieces. The clientele is different in each location so it is about fitting the customers. WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM


Local Designer


THETALK / July /August 2013

Before designing what were you doing?

*Such a trooper!

I am a professional show jumper. I studied nutrition but I chose to work with horses. So I trained horses professionally besides training and riding my own horses and competing in competitions. However I have stopped training other horses in order to focus on designing and my own horses which is a true passion of mine as I have been riding for fifteen years now.

When you studied Reiki? Was it specific for horses or it was meant for people?

In what way would you train the horses? I train the younger generation to ride them and I also train the horses themselves. I have studied Reiki and massage for horses. So I can feel their bodies, the stress points and to treat them accordingly. When the horses jump or run of course their whole body needs to recover, but I make sure that the right places get the proper care and attention. It is a great feeling to get close to a horse and to understand it and know where it is hurting and to release the tension for it, it really feels amazing to have that kind of connection with such an incredible animal.

I studied Reiki and massage therapy for humans but then took specialty courses for horses. Oh so people must really bug you! Asking for messages and health tips! Tell us more about Reiki! It is the exchange of energy. I release the bad energy and replace it with good energy from myself. With horses you know the bad energy is released when they begin to shake. Incredible! But I had to stop for other horses since I have other priorities such as my 7 year old son and my designing and of course, my own horses. All are demanding of attention.

Since it is summer give us health tips?

Do you take your son with you when you travel?

Drink lots of water of course, but also spray water on your face, it definitely needs extra hydration, inside and out! Carrot juice for a great tan, it is healthy and gives you a glow.

Yes! He enjoys travelling and I love to include him in everything.

*We would like to pat ourselves on the back for our health feature last month which featured the very same advice. Thank you! So tell us how often do people bug you with health questions like we just did? *She laughs* All the time! I constantly get asked “how many calories is this?” But it is fine since I have the knowledge and love to help. But I always have to advise the same thing because no matter how many times you say it people do not drink enough water especially in Kuwait with the weather it is essential to drink 6-8 glasses. Do you manage to drink that many? Of course! Especially from riding in this weather, I become very dehydrated.

Do you have any side hobbies? If you manage to have the time! Yes I ride motorcycles. I earned my license recently, I really enjoy that! How was it meeting Kim Kardashian? It was a great experience of course; she is a very nice person. It was very simple; I just offered a few options for her to wear at the dinner she attended here in Kuwait. She loved the idea of wearing something vintage in a modern style, so she chose one, loved it and wore it. She is really lovely. Are you in touch at all? Only on Instagram. You can follow Laila Al-Hanbali on; Instagram: laila_alhanbali

You still ride in this weather?

Facebook page; Elegant by Laila Al-Hanbali

I cannot ignore the horses during summer. They need their exercise all year round. If they don’t exercise every day their muscles will be affected and they will be depressed.

You can find Laila’s designs in Harvey Nichols; The Avenues, Pop-Up; 360 Mall, Designer’s Lounge; Salhiya Complex.



HER style icon

The Master of reinvention Madonna


THETALK / July /August 2013


he age written in a passport will not really matter when you look 20-something while in reality, the actual age is 50-something. Ladies and Gentlemen, that rule applies to Madonna. Ending her tour at Dolce & Gabbana and the Cinema Society’s, Epix’s Madonna: the MDNA Tour, the celebrity icon showed up elegantly. She wore an outfit inspired by the 1930;s star Marlene Dietrich in “Morocco” with the full circus ringmaster Tom Ford suit completed with a top hat and red lipstick. The Paris Theatre in Manhattan has a historical meaning because it is where Dietrich dressed glamorously for the Paris Theatre opening in 1948. Madonna expressed her utmost relief for ending her MDNA Tour at the Paris Theater. It appeared that the tour had been rigorously exhausting. She mentioned that the extraneous work has put her “in a mess” thus, she was spotted crying causing several people coming in the dressing room to console and pray for her. Despite all the crying, great success was palpable. Madonna wrapped

up the tour in late December in Cordoba, Argentina, after performing 88 sold out shows in front of 2.2 million fans worldwide. In addition, the tour made a gross profit of $305 million and was named the highest grossing tour of 2012. Ending such successful World Tour, the Material Girl announced her second project with the New York photographer and artist Steven Klein. Both artists are collaborating on this project for further education of women struggling for their civil rights in this era. When asked if there will be a song coming with the project, teasing the audience she said “I am not telling, it’s a secret.” The reason why this world tour in particular was special to her is because her son, Rocco, participated as a backup dancer on stage. A celebrity and fashion icon with a history overflowing with successful accomplishments, Madonna is also a mother of four: Lourdes, Rocco, David, and Mercy. Lourdes and Rocco were also spotted at the Paris Theatre providing their utmost support to their beloved mother.



Setting Her Trends



THETALK / July /August 2013



Setting Her Trends

Alexander McQueen The brand continues to bring incredible collections to us each season. The new collection has uniquely incorporated bees and beehives with gold accents with strong yellows. Walking into the Alexander McQueen store in Thuraya Mall, Salmiya is an experience as you look through the older and brand new collections and explore the beautiful designs of the clothes, shoes, accessories and jewelry. For this summer, we have chosen specific pieces that stand out on their own and are easy to incorporate into this season’s trends and colours.


THETALK / July /August 2013



Setting Her Trends

TOD’S WOMEN’S COLLECTION SPRING/SUMMER 2013 The Tod’s Women’s Collection for spring/summer 2013 represents the perfect balance between tradition and innovation, and between craftsmanship and modern design. The ability to work with the highest quality leather to create pieces with timeless appeal and elegance, while also pushing the envelope of creativity: this lies at the very heart of Tod’s and comprises the DNA resonating throughout this collection. Colourful and rich in refined details, Tod’s Spring/Summer 2013 sees the return of iconic favourites as well as the introduction of exciting new styles.


THETALK / July /August 2013

THE BAGS The D-Bag, the iconic bag of the brand, comes in beautiful daytime options with a sophisticated and soft structure, in a variety of luxurious dégradé python skins. There is also a special Couture edition of the D-Bag in precious skins, which emphasises the artistry and craftsmanship involved in making this style, confirming its status as a modern-day object of desire. A new bag design features a buckle that recalls an elegant door key; there is a classic handbag and a shopping tote in this new chic family of bags, which come in blue, white and yellow leather. MATERIALS Python, sheer and calfskin leather. THE SHOES The Ballerina is a key model for the season, now imagined with an artisanal fine wedge. The look is elegant and feminine, while suggesting a casual, urban, contemporary spirit. There is a selection of models characterized by the use of a wide spectrum of fun summer colours, with the wedge always playing an intrinsic role. These everyday shoes are made using only the highest quality leather. There are also flat sandals and heels in a treatment that recalls saddlery, “croco” loafers with coloured soles, colourful striped slippers, and platform heels in a new style.



Setting Her watch Trends

OMEGA Ladymatic more lustrous with a golden combination OMEGA has introduced a new selection of luxury watches to its Ladymatic collection – stylish timepieces featuring the combination of 18K red or yellow gold and stainless steel. OMEGA’s Ladymatic has long been at fashion’s forefront with its feminine design and state-of-the-industry mechanics. Now, with new models featuring stainless steel and 18K gold, the collection has become even more eyecatching. The dramatic dial, available in deep brown or pure white mother-of-pearl, is decorated with an enchanting supernova pattern and set with 11 diamond indexes in 18K gold holders. The polished hour, minute and seconds hands are also crafted from 18K gold. A domed scratchresistant sapphire crystal treated with anti-reflective treatment on both sides protects the unique dial. The bicolour Ladymatic is presented on an 18K red or yellow gold and stainless steel bracelet, or on a graceful satin-brushed white or brown leather strap.


THETALK / July /August 2013

La Strada

The line and the spirit of Fellini In tribute to the legends of the 1950s Italian cinema and to the timeless beauty of women, Chopard reinvents La Strada, a collection epitomising elegance and voluptuous charm. La Strada: the extraordinary evocative power of these words singlehandedly conveys the birth of a legend, that of filmmaking according to Federico Fellini. This was the film that made the director a household name and earned him his first international success. Fellini stands for a kaleidoscope of images now ingrained on the collective consciousness: the glamour of the Fifties, the magic of light sublimated by black and white, the strength and the timeless beauty of women. Fellini also spells a singular approach to dramatic composition, based on poetry, fantasy, the infinite power of love, as well as eternal beauty confronting the world and its prevailing chaos. These are the very values that have pervaded the spirit and the aesthetic of the House of Chopard right from its origins. Symbolising Italian neo-realism, La Strada is a film imbued with lyricism and a luminous life force that remains undimmed by the brutality of the world. Federico Fellini’s beautiful wife, Giulietta Masina, literally lights up the screen, suffusing the film with her vibrancy, her charisma and her elegance in the face of adversity. A keen film-lover, Caroline Scheufele, Chopard’s Co-President and Artistic Director, explains: “Chopard has always been keen to support and accompany actors and actresses, and we wished to pay tribute with La Strada to the producer who perhaps did the most to put women in the spotlight. In designing this model, I found myself entranced by all these cinematographic images… Looking at a film reel inspired me for the lines of La Strada. This collection is a tribute to black and white movies, to Fellini’s film-making, and to the timeless appeal of cinema.” Chopard once again testifies to its intimate ties with cinema by celebrating this masterpiece in the history of the silver screen. The complete collection of watches and jewellery inspired by it embody the unique grace and spirit of La Strada. The newly designed supple and cambered curves are a tribute to eternal femininity, echoing the legendary statuesque figures of the 1950s and the distinctly “couture” spirit that defined the era. The pure, geometrical lines of the case evoke the graphic symmetry of a film reel. It smoothly embraces the wrist, while the round and exquisitely crafted mesh bracelet highlights its inimitable femininity. The watches driven by quartz or mechanical movements come in a wide array of variations: white, rose or yellow gold; gem-set or polished, as well as in full-pavé versions. The jewellery line reflects this unmistakable sensuality and offers the same perfectly balanced lines symbolising elegance and femininity. It comprises a range of pendants, rings and earrings, composing a complete line radiating an aura of immemorial majesty.



Setting Her Beauty Trends

ANGELICA Little time to spare? A QUICK FIX FOR INSTANT HYDRATION There are little things you can do for your skin that make a big difference. Every woman dreams of that morning glow-plump, dewy skin and a radiant complexion. And the key to that is HYDRATION. Injecting moisture into your skin is not only an absolute necessity, it is also the key function of the Angelica range, which combines organic angelica essential oil and angelica water to rehydrate and revitalize the skin with long lasting results. This year, L’OCCITANE introduces two new novelties that are very qualitative and affordable.

ANGELICA FACE SOAP - An extra gentle foaming cleanser. Rich in glycerin, it respects the skin’s natural balance, for a radiant complexion and fresh-feeling skin. Formulated with angelica essential oil and organic angelica water, our formula hydrates and protects skin. Apply with cool, fresh water in the morning for an invigorating wake-up for the skin and with warm water in the evening to relax and soothe the face.


THETALK / July /August 2013

ANGELICA FACE MIST – In a limited-edition design The Angelica Hydration Face Mist instantly refreshes and hydrates the skin. Use at any moment of the day: in the city, on an airplane, at the beach, or after exercising. This mist can be used after the Angelica Cleansing Gel to complete your daily cleansing routine. The Angelica Hydration Face Mist can also be applied to achieve a long-lasting makeup finish.

LUXURY FROM ROOTS TO TIPS No need to ask, she’s a smooth operator…. Bamboo Smooth Pure Kendi Treatment Oil Get ultimate frizz control and smooth hair that shines. Instantly absorbing Kendi Oil with strengthening Organic Bamboo can be used as a treatment or style-primer to reduce frizz, impart intense shine & protect color while providing vital nutrients. Best for thick and coarse hair types.

Repair and care... Caviar Repairx Micro-Bead Fill & Fix Treatment Masque A deeply reparative treatment masque with water activated micro-beads that deliver Strand-Building Proteins.. Clinically proven to reduce breakage by 95%. 90% of women reported their hair was repaired in just one use with improvements in: Strength, FrizzControl, Softness & Shine

The mother of all masks TEN Hair Masque Contains an exquisite and rich blend of ten unique ingredients. Enzymetherapy®: A proprietary enzyme delivery system that promotes keratin formation and stronger strands and protects colored hair from UVA & UVB rays and prevents color fade and wash-out Ingredients: African Cacao Extract®, Hyaluronic Acid, French Champagne Quality Grape Seed Oil, Bulgarian Evening Primrose, Moroccan Quillaia Bark, Arnica Flower and Arabian Frankinscence. Need a lil Rescue? Caviar Overnight Hair Rescue Caviar Overnight Hair Rescue by Alterna is a deeply penetrating overnight treatment for severely damaged hair that repairs while you sleep

That’s just so texture-ous! They say a window to a woman’s soul is through her eyes. We beg to Caviar Repairx Re-Texturizing ProLove Instant Chemistry? differ. Nothing screams beautiful louder than healthy and silky hair tein Cream that’s styled to perfection, and shines with a sexy gloss to match. A deeply restorative treatment for Caviar Repair RX Instant Recovery coarse, brittle strands. Strand-Building Shampoo & Conditioner Katie Holmes is the face of Alterna. She represents the brand along Proteins repair damage caused by Caviar Repair RX Instant Recovery with renowned international platform artist, styling and cutting heat and chemical styling. Hair is left Shampoo & Conditioner by Alterna is genius, Michael Shaun Corby. run-your-fingers-through-it smooth. a restorative, sulfate-free shampoo Clinically proven to reduce breakage and conditioner duo that transforms by 95%. 90% of women reported their severely damaged hair, intensely nourhair was repaired in just one use with ishing and repairing each strand. improvements in: Strength, Frizz-Control, Softness & Shine. WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM 47

Setting Her Beauty Trends



Limited EditionDelicately exotic.This white flower captures the dualityof apricot counterpoised with supple leather.Luminous petitgrain and luscious peachand orange flower ripple overvoluptuous cashmere wood.

COLOGNE INTENSE Golden Saffron. Spiced with pink pepper and the heat of incense. Striking against the creamy warmth of pale woods. A vivid statement.

Tasting NotesTop: PetitgrainHeart: Osmanthus BlossomBase: Cashmere Wood

Tasting NotesTop: IncenseHeart: SaffronBase: Blond Wood

Fragrance Combining™Layer with Blackberry & Bay to add a tart verdant depth.Or Nectarine Blossom & Honey to amplify with a sophisticated sweetness.


THETALK / July /August 2013

Fragrance Combining™Layer with Oud & Bergamot for a warm, sensual woody scent. Or Blackberry & Bay to create vibrancy and spice.


Setting New Trends

THE EXQUISITE NEW DIOR STORE IN KUWAIT The Dior Women boutique stands out with its floor-to-ceiling, double layer glass façade that emulates fine feminine fabric in the houses iconic Dior ‘Cannage’ print. The interior emulates the design concept of Dior’s legendary boutique on 30 Avenue Montaigne in Paris by Peter Marino, combining 18th century details blended with modern elements to achieve a feminine and glamorous aesthetic that reflects the traditional and contemporary elegance of Dior, offering a luxurious environment for Dior clients. This boutique has been created to evoke the atmosphere of a luxurious contemporary apartment, showcasing women’s ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes, accessories and timepieces collections. Entering the boutique, clients are welcomed by handbag and leather goods collection, with a constellation of lights across the ceiling. The luxury marble flooring inspired by Dior’s signature “Cannage” quilting pattern reflects the quintessence of French aesthetics. The ground floor features a dedicated space for Timepieces and one for Fine Jewellery, where the luxury ambiance and exquisite décors are meticulously juxtaposed to orchestrate a charming environment for customers to admire the stunning creations. Next is the upper level where the ready-towear & shoes salon awaits. The ready-to-wear space gives visitors a feeling of being invited to Monsieur Dior’s private salon with a beautiful Swarovski crystal chandelier across the ceiling and an oval mirror of Laurent Chauvat above the traditional marble fireplace of Dior. The new Dior boutiques offer a sophisticated environment, reflecting Dior’s house codes of heritage, timeless elegance, luxury and innovation. 52

THETALK / July /August 2013


Actress Angelina Jolie wearing a black silk cocktail dress with ton-sur-ton chiffon inserts and draped neck, while celebrating her birthday with her family at Kuchi restaurant in Berlin. The actress is currently in Europe with her partner Brad Pitt promoting his new film “World War Z” directed by Marc Forster which is now released in theatres. WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM


Kardashian Exclusive

Kardashian Kollection – Exclusive Interview Spring / summer ‘13 sees the return of the Kardashian Kollection exclusively at Dorothy Perkins. Following the success of the autumn / winter ‘12 line, the new collection mixes tailoring and separates to create a capsule wardrobe that is perfect for the summer season. We got the exclusive interview with the glamorous Kardashian sisters to tell us all about the collection and more.


THETALK / July /August 2013

What were the influences for your SS13

collection for Dorothy Perkins? We’re inspired just about everywhere and are always coming up with new ideas. Being lucky enough to have the chance to travel to different places and experience so many diverse cultures has really helped us creatively. We also pay attention to runway trends and street style. What sort of woman do you have in mind when designing the clothes? One of the most important things about our line for Dorothy Perkins is that we design pieces that will work for all types of women, no matter their shape or size. Not only is our collection affordable, but it’s also trend driven with pieces that are easy to mix and match to fit a wide range of women and their unique styles. Khloe, describe your style... I more of a jeans girl than Kim and Kourtney. I do love dressing up, but honestly feel the sexiest in a great pair of denim and a t-shirt. Kourtney, what is your personal favourite spring/ summer look? I’m into soft, feminine pastels for summer. The ombre pastel pieces we designed for Kardashian Kollection are perfect for Spring and easily transition into Summer. Khloe, who is your fashion icon? I take inspiration from a lot of women. I love Rosie Huntington-Whiteley’s style, but as it’s so important to remember to dress for your body, I always take inspiration and then make it my own.

our own skin and that the most important thing was to feel confident in whatever we’re wearing. She instilled my love affair for fashion—it’s in my blood. You’ve all got such different senses of style whose style influenced the range most, or was it a mixture of all three of you? Khloé: We are all extremely involved from start to finish. We do have different tastes but I think that’s what makes our brand stand out from the rest because we cater to such a wide variety of women. Kim: I love talking through different ideas and inspirations with Khloe and Kourtney. We don’t always agree, but we have so much fun designing together and working through different concepts. You’re no strangers to getting dressed up, having attended a lot of red carpet events and parties, what tips would you give girls on getting dressed up for a wedding? Khloe: I’m such a romantic at heart and love weddings. Wear something that makes you feel beautiful, but never try to outshine the bride. Having a great time and celebrating with your friends is all that matters. Kourtney: I agree with Khloe, it’s a day where all attention should be on the bride. Choose something simple that you’re going to feel comfortable in and avoid wearing white. What trends have you seen that would make a great wedding guest outfit?

Kourtney, what did your mother teach you about fashion?

Kim: Try a new print or a feminine floral for a spring wedding and don’t forget the right accessories complete any look. Kourtney: I love the revival of the tailored suit jacket with matching shorts. This look could work for a more laid back spring wedding--the shorts are a fun alternative to a pantsuit or dress.

My mom has had a love for fashion as long as I can remember. She taught us to be comfortable in

You can only take one piece on holiday with you which one do you choose? WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM


Kardashian Exclusive

Kourtney: For a beach getaway a great printed kaftan is a staple – you can easily dress them up or down with the right accessories. Khloé: For me, going on vacation is all about being comfortable and relaxed. I always pack a really versatile shirt, like the Kardashian Kollection white crew neck blouse from our new collection, and pair it with shorts for day and a cute skirt for night. What fashion advice would you give Kylie and Kendall? Kim: I don’t think they need our advice-they always look amazing. They have the kind of bodies that can pull off any look and it’s so fun to watch their style evolve. Khloé: I love that they have so much confidence at such a young age. They have an amazing sense of style and take risks which is what fashion is all about. Kourtney: They have so much fun with fashion and I love that about them! To Kim… How has been pregnant changed your style? I’m having a lot of fun dressing my bump and experimenting with new styles. I’m loving this time in my life. What’s your favourite maternity look so far? Now that I’m really showing it’s cute to wear tight dresses that accentuate my bump. You’ve been given a really hard time in the press for your maternity wardrobe, here at LOOK we think you look fab and have been rocking your pregnancy wardrobe with flair and ease. Do you think you’ve mastered maternity dressing now? You know what, you’re never going to please everyone all of the time, so I try to focus on the positive and not the negative. The further in to pregnancy I get the more confident I’m becoming when it comes to my pregnancy style. 56

THETALK / July /August 2013

Have you been stocking up on baby clothes already? What are you favourite baby labels? It’s fun to shop for the baby, but we haven’t gotten too many things so I don’t have any favorites just yet, but there are a lot of cute things out there! What’s the inspiration behind this SS13 collection? We took inspiration from a lot of things; from pieces in our own wardrobes, to things we’d seen on the catwalk and on people in the street. Our goal has always been to design an affordable line that would look great on women of all shapes and sizes, and that was a reflection of our own fashion sense. The new Kollection has some great new prints and everything is very feminine with flattering cuts and shapes. Being largely based in LA – is there an LA vibe to the summer pieces? Khloe: We’re proud West Coast girls, but we love the way women in London dress and I think that eclectic vibe definitely inspired our new



Kardashian Exclusive

Kardashian Kollection for Dorothy Perkins. Kim: I totally agree. I think the new pieces are perfect for summer no matter where you are in the world, whether that’s LA or London! I can people wearing our new kaftan pieces on beaches on vacation and on the streets in NYC. A lot of high street brands and collaborations have started mixing with high end labels on the fashion week schedule, is this something you’d like to do? Would you like to have a runway show? Kourtney: It would be a huge dream come true to see our collection go down the runway, so maybe in the future, who knows!? I think it would be something we’d really have to take time off of our busy schedules to focus on, since it’s a huge production, and so far we just haven’t had time. Do you enjoy the creative process of designing? Khloe: That’s our favourite part - we love coming together and discussing our ideas! We are all very honest about what we want and what we feel works for our collection. We are so blessed to be able to collaborate with each other and it’s so fun to see how the ideas evolve when we work together. Three minds are better than one! What about British style inspired this collection? What do you like about British style? Kourtney: Our line for Dorothy Perkins is definitely designed with the British girl in mind. British girls style things in a completely different way that girls back home. You could give a girl in LA and a girl in London a couple of pieces from the collection and tell them to accessories and create a complete out fit and they would be totally different. Maybe it’s the weather, but I’ve noticed British girls are really great at layering different pieces and mixing things up. The new collection incorporates a lot of separates and tailoring, so our UK girls can create a look that is unique to them! I’m excited to see how everyone in the UK wears it!


THETALK / July /August 2013

What are your capsule wardrobe essentials for the following summer scenarios: wedding, festival and a beach holiday Khloe: Florals and pastels are great for summer weddings. I love festival because you can be really fun and creative. Anything goes! A great printed dress or a pair of ripped denim shorts paired with a casual tee! For a beach holiday it’s a must for me to have a great kaftan - I love the graphic monochrome on our Kollection at Dorothy Perkins this season! Kourtney: I love the bohemian look so I’d channel this into a festival look - a great floaty dress that’s easy to wear but still looks stylish! I agree with Khloe on my beach holiday item – the kaftan is a great beach-to-dinner essential! Kim’s pregnancy style has been getting a lot of attention, how do you balance your signature style with your new curves? Do you have any tips? Kim: During the early stages of my pregnancy I was more focused on concealing the weight gain than I was about dressing the bump, but once I really started to show I have been loving maxi dresses! I’ve ever borrowed a couple of looks from Kourtney because I loved the way she dressed when she was pregnant. Is a maternity line something we can expect in the future? Khloe: Who knows what the future may hold! We’re always open to new opportunities so you never know. How have you adjusted your style to accommodate your pregnancy bump? It’s been a challenge but I’ve just tried to find different looks that work for my body. I found the most amazing maternity jeans that are honestly the comfiest thing ever. I love fashion and I didn’t want to stop dressing in

pieces that I loved just because I was pregnant. It’s been an interesting journey, but I definitely feel more comfortable at this stage of my pregnancy than I did in the beginning. Right now I’m loving maxi dresses and stretchy fabrics. Which designers do the best maternity wear? I don’t really have any maternity clothes—I still wear pieces from designers I would normally wear, but in bigger sizes to allow room for my bump. I do like maternity leggings and jeans, though. What advice did Kourtney give you about dressing your bump? Kourt’s best advice was just go for things you feel most comfortable in. Some days all you want to do is lounge around in your sweats, but you have to go to work, so being comfortable is so important. For long days I try to avoid anything too restricting. What do you miss wearing now you’re pregnant and what do you look forward to wearing again once you’ve had your baby? I obviously miss wearing the more daring pieces in my wardrobe but being pregnant is such a blessing so I’m just living in the moment and embracing my bump the best I can. Your favourite piece from the Dorothy Perkins collection? I love the white bodycon dress with the sweetheart neckline - it’s definitely a favorite of mine. I also love the PU black circle skirt as you can wear it in the day but also out for dinner in the evening. Style icon? I’m obsessed with old school Hollywood glam! I love Elizabeth Taylor, Sofia Loren, Ava Gardner and Veronica Lake. My mom also inspires me. She has passed down so many beauty and style tips over the years, and of course come incredible vintage pieces! WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM


LOcal Trend Setters

Number one flagger in kuwait Fawaz Al-Qanae A success story! Fawaz went from an Average Joe to a Fitness Pro, setting out extreme, physically challenging goals and not only reaching them but also outdoing them. We had the pleasure of learning more about his inspiring journey.


THETALK / July /August 2013

What began your interest in fitness? I was overweight. I was always thin but after adopting the typical Kuwaiti husband and father lifestyle I stopped one day to look at myself and realized I was just a bit over a hundred kilos. In 2008 I made a conscious decision to do something about it and began really focusing on health and fitness as a lifestyle. What were the steps you took to lose the weight and get into shape? It is of course a combination of working out and a good diet. When I first started I began with a

health center that sends you the meals. I was very aware of calorie-counting which did not help me, I do not believe in them now. It is good to watch your calories but it is about the quality more than anything. Yes, I am allowed a little bit of rice but that rice will turn into sugar in my body which turns into fat cells which is going to make me crave more sugar which means you will eat more. Now I go by the Paleo Diet; they call it the caveman diet. The idea behind it is that you eat a lot of meat and good carbs, which means no processed carbs like bread and pasta. You get the good carbs from vegetables and nuts. That

is basically what I live off of. How do you stop a sugar craving? It is different for everyone but with me I have 85% cocoa dark chocolate. If you have a small piece with black coffee that usually helps, I don’t crave sugar after that. Besides Paleo, do you detox or follow any other diets? I go on a 21 day no sugar no carb diet, I mean none whatsoever. And then I will go back to Paleo with the one hour cheat a week, where WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM


LOcal Trend Setters

I eat everything I want. At first you abuse that one hour, and then you just want to have a wholewheat burger so that it is easier on your digestion but you are still having a treat.

The right way to do it is that you have to train your metabolism like you would any muscle in your body. You have to train it every few hours by eating the right things that strengthen it.

For those who cannot live by the extreme of Paleo, what would you suggest they do about their eating habits?

Do you know what a Burpee is?

The general guideline is to try and eat clean, make the better choice in the sense of replacing food you normally eat with better alternatives. If you are going to have sugar go with more natural sources rather than processed.

A Burpee is one of the hardest things CrossFitters do. It is basically a combination of a push-up and a jump. If people understood that it takes a hundred of those to burn off one can of soda they would think twice before having it and anything else that does not add nutritional value to your diet.

However, do not abuse the fact that because it is natural you can have more. Be smart, do not eat and sleep straight away and of course drink lots of water.


THETALK / July /August 2013


So with the health center I adopted the smaller, controlled meals concept but lacked the quality.

It is of course better than fast food but still wasn’t what I needed for optimum health. So as I began exercising, I would research better ways to have a flat stomach and leaner muscles and understood that 90% is all about the food you eat. If you go to the gym six times a week but you don’t eat right, there is no chance you will get a six pack, even if it is five hours a day. If you eat food that stores fat, you will always have that stubborn fat that just won’t go. You cannot outrun food! - *We loved this! Words to live by! Then from there I began adjusting my food until I reached the Paleo diet and became more educated in fitness. I began CrossFit, gymnastics, Muay Thai, boxing and all these other things that make you understand your body and how it works and how much you can push yourself past what you think your body can handle.



LOcal Trend Setters

How often do you workout? I workout five or six times a week for about an hour. I don’t believe in many hours, I would rather do one hour intensive a day, sometimes I will stay two or three. Looking back at before and after what has changed for you the most? Everything! My energy level is completely different, my perspective is completely different. The discipline works into your work ethic and in everything you do. It is just amazing!


THETALK / July /August 2013

Tell us about your incredible flagging skills! **Flagging, Also known as The Human Flag: The ability to use a pole to lift oneself parallel to the ground, imitating a flag. Flagging was the first goal for me! When I saw that move I instantly wanted to do it. It was a gateway for me, in order to control a lot of muscles and as a gateway into the fitness community; where people show they have arrived at a certain level. Tell us about when you first saw it and how you arrived to it today!

I first saw it when I was browsing through YouTube. You know how it is when you go on to see one video then you end up watching random ones and I ended up watching series of flaggers. I researched it and expressed the goal to my personal trainer and my sister and brother. They knew it was a very difficult move but in three weeks I was balancing up holding on to a pole. It took only three weeks? From when I actually worked towards it yes, but I dwelled on it for a few months before I actually took action to do it.

Once you reach one goal you have to set another. I have so many at this point but you have to pace yourself and research and understand the steps to get there. Did others around you get affected by your change of lifestyle? My entire family got affected by this change I pursued. My wife has gone Paleo. Out of siblings of five, four of us are working out at the same gym. Even my children are now more aware of what is healthy. You have to make them aware. Children are so smart and are like sponges, they soak up information.

So they are now conditioned to want a burger from what they perceive as a healthy place rather than McDonald’s when the rare mood strikes them. They don’t even like fries any more. They want to eat fruit and vegetables. They imitate the adults around them; especially when they see the positive change in them and the great results. But of course they have to eat their carbs at their age. How old are they?

We love what Fawaz is doing. He is an incredible inspiration. Vegans will hate him but we absolutely love him!

My daughter is 9 years old. She actually does CrossFit twice a week. So does my son who is 5. *Putting us all to shame!

You can follow him on his Instagram: @fitnessfreakq8 to get the latest inspirational posts! WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM


EDITOR’S his styleLETTER icon

The Perfect Man Tom Ford


om ford is the epitome of the perfect man. Born in Austin, Texas, his southern hospitality and manners have been instilled in him throughout his life and even counts them as rules to live by. Regardless of the fact that he is very out spoken and honest, what he has to say is never offensive to others around him since he holds his ethics and morals close to his heart and advises others to never judge based on race, sexuality nor be pretentious towards others. “If my parents had discouraged me, I would have turned out very differently. They raised me in an open-minded, liberal environement.” His valued respect to others is why many people magnetize towards him; something rare in a self proclaimed introvert. His ideology of a perfect gentleman cannot be deprecated. An example of his seriousness towards life and relationships is his long term commitment with his partner since 1986. They have a son together and have gone through many trials and tribulations including a fight against cancer, all throughout becoming closer and more in love than ever with no signs of domestic disturbances. Tom ford was working towards architecture when he awoke with the fashion influence of his mother and grandmother kicking in and unable to deny his true passion, he chose to change his career and ventured into fashion. His first initial job was as a fashion designer at Gucci at a time when the company was close to bankruptcy. “I think the 1970s will always be the decade for me. Obviously I grew up in that era, but the beauty standard was touchable, kissable.” It took him less than two years to move up as creative director of the company and made Gucci the company it is today. When he left, he went through what he labeled as a “midlife crisis”. Having used Gucci to express his creativity he had no outlet and spent his time at his ranch and stayed close to nature until he was reenergized and began his new project; his own self-titled label. “I am happier at my ranch in the middle of nowhere watching a bug carry leaves across the 66

THETALK / July /August 2013

grass, listening to silence, riding my horse, and being in open space. So I have some sort of security that if I lost everything in my life, I would be very happy with the simple things because they are the ones that are important.” Quickly gaining positive attention for his extremely sexualized advertisements, the Tom Ford label became a fashion favourite. His ability to make the most daring editorials classy and sophisticated, he reassured the industry that he is only getting better. “As a fashion designer I was always aware that I was not an artist, because I was creating something that was made to be sold, marketed, used, and ultimately discarded.” Besides being an incredibly successful fashion designer he can also add director to his long list of accolades. He directed the movie, A Single Man, starring Colin Firth as the lead which led him to receive an Academy Award nomination as well as a Golden Globe, Independent Spirit Award and Screen Actors Guild Award nominations and went on to win the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role. Tom Ford himself was nominated for two Independent Spirit Awards. He is behind

the camera in most of his photo-shoots for his ads and editorials. If not him it is the world renowned photographer Mario Testino; another example of his exquisite taste. When seeing an editorial in Vogue or whichever high-end magazine it may be, it is always apparent when it was made by him without looking closer to check. He has a style unlike any other creative. His sexual style and dramatic colours are staples in the Tom Ford brand. If he has to be summed up in one word, it would be class, pure class. Tom Ford plans to make his brand the leading fashion brand internationally. We cannot see why not. If his brand promotes his ideologies internationally, then the world would be a better place. “We have the Terminator as governor, and we had an actor as president, so why shouldn’t we have a fashion designer as a senator?”



Setting His Trends

iVintage iVintage was a simple idea between two friends which soon after became a reality. iVintage was established in fall 2011, Reem Al-Tahous and Azmi Ezzo, the owners and sole investors of the brand decided to experiment and test the market. Thankfully to their surprise and as demand increased, it turned into a deeprooted business. They have invested their time and effort to make it as successful as possible and their ambition to do so keeps on growing. iVintage is a retro/vintage inspired eyewear brand that is also in link with the latest fashion trends.

Location; Q at The Yard - Shurooq Tower - Jaber AlMubarak Street, Sharq - opposite Dasman Complex @ivintagekw 68

THETALK / July /August 2013



Setting His Trends

Summer Styles for Any Vacation! Borsalino at

Lanvin at Favourbrook at

Loro Piana at

NN.07 at

Assouline at

Bottega Veneta at Bottega Veneta at

SWIMS at 70

THETALK / July /August 2013

Globe-Trotter <Limited Edition> at

Rivieras at

Brioni at Alexander Olch at

Favourbrook at

Slowear at

Pierre Hardy at


Miansai at

Gucci at



Setting His Trends

Paul Smith Shoes & Accessories at Thom Browne at

Acne at Etro Woven at

Smythson at

J.Crew at

Wooyoungmi at

J.Crew at

Etro at


THETALK / July /August 2013

Wooyoungmi at


Paul Smith Shoes & Accessories at Bowers & Wilkins at Rag & Bone at

Folk at

Ray-Ban at Oliver Spencer at

J.Crew at Belstaff Dorchester at Hartford at

Dolce & Gabbana at

Rag & Bone at



Setting His Trends

Borsalino at

White Mountaineering at

Oliver Spencer at

Givenchy at Thom Browne at

Sunspel at

Junya Watanabe at

John Lobb at 74

THETALK / July /August 2013

Etro at

Sperry at

J.Crew at

Luis Morais at

Alexander McQueen at

Borsalino at

Alexander McQueen at

Band of Outsiders at

Thom Browne at White Mountaineering at

Rivieras at

Hentsch Man at



Setting HIS watch Trends

Elegance Aboard The special Concorso edition of the Lange 1 Time Zone is heir to a remarkable tradition. This timepiece seems to feel exceptionally at ease in the company of precious automotive icons. It certainly cuts a good figure both at the wheel of a 100-year-old Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost Austrian Alpine Trials. There’s something that the time-zone watch with the prominent outsize date does not reveal at first sight: it is heir to a tradition that dates farther back than the history of the automobile. Cutting a good figure at the wheel of a 1913 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost Austrian Alpine Trials Car: the special Concorso model of the Lange 1 TIME ZONE.


THETALK / July /August 2013

Rendez-Vous Celestial by JaegerLeCoultre: creative freedom

The new timepiece by Jaeger-LeCoultre has a rendezvous with the sky. It offers an authentic anthem to the creative freedom that has inspired the Manufacture in the Vallée de Joux since 1833. Paying tribute to artistic crafts, its elegance is inextricably bound up with its mechanical excellence. Created in complete harmony with traditional horology, it illustrates 180 years of history, expertise and technical perfection. The Rendez-Vous Celestial by Jaeger-LeCoultre is an invitation to embark on a galactic voyage and a vivid reminder that, 180 years ago, it was beneath the same star-studded sky that Antoine LeCoultre gave rise to what would become the Grande Maison in the Vallée de Joux. The sky has always aroused a sense of amazement and represented a vast field of study for the watchmakers of the Vallée de Joux. The founder of Jaeger-LeCoultre, Antoine LeCoultre, was constantly impressed by nature and by the heavens above and their constellations. This brilliantly inventive individual dedicated his entire life to the quest for perfection, while devoting particular attention to the elements. It is in tribute to his inventive spirit that Jaeger-LeCoultre created the Rendez-Vous Celestial. The fascinating décor of the timepiece proves that the founder’s innovative

spirit and creative freedom continues to impel the men and women of the Grande Maison in the Vallée de Joux. In this region where human beings are caught up with the magic of nature, the artisans at Jaeger-LeCoultre organise the measuring of days, hours and minutes that impart their cadence to daily life. They rise to the most amazing challenges by creating iconic watch products conveying the values of authenticity, excellence and refinement. Nestling in its 18-carat white gold case, the watch reveals the full force of charm by a ricochet effect. Like a luminous echo, diamonds dance across the sides of the case all the way to the crowns and the bezel, before unfurling like a diadem above the numerals. The dial succumbs to the beauty of rare crafts while preserving the impeccable readability of all the functions. The collection’s characteristic hour numerals feature a contemporary shape stretching across the curve of a crescent that is hand-guilloché according to the ancestral tradition of this decorative art, and coated with a transparent blue lacquer. The hour arc tops a disc providing a spectacular vision of the sky with the constellation appearing on a precious lapis lazuli plate. Offering a delightfully lyrical touch, the designers of the model have chosen to incorporate a shooting star. WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM


Setting Grooming Trends

MAN’S TRUE NATURE TRADITIONAL SHAVING PRODUCTS WITH ORGANIC CADE ESSENTIAL OIL A secret shared by the shepherds of Provence… For generations, a secret held by the shepherds has been handed down from father to son. It tells of the extraordinary properties of Cade essential oil, extracted from plants that grow wild across the Mediterranean scrubland, which effectively protects the face against the Mistral wind and the burning Provencal sun. L’Occitane Cade wood is gathered in the wild, from the Provencal scrubland, by our own wood gatherer, Jean-Louis Delfour.

ONE NEW CADE PRODUCT TO COMPLETE THE RANGE Following in the purest age-old traditions of Provence, the L’Occitane Cade collection has been specifically designed to provide expert skincare dedicated to men’s skin, which has to cope not only with harsh environmental elements every day, but also – and above all – with burning sensations caused by shaving. This year, one new product completes the Cade ritual, to give a gentle shave and to keep men’s skin looking young and feeling great. The new Rich Shaving Cream is enriched in purifying CADE wood organic essential oil and in hydrating vegetable-based glycerin; it turns into a generous lather for a true daily care moment. It leaves the skin soft, hydrated and smoothed.


THETALK / July /August 2013

LOCCITANE PARTNERS WITH PLISSON - FOR A LUXURIOUS SHAVING EXPERIENCE L’Occitane has partnered with Plisson brand to sell their shaving accessories for a limited period, in L’Occitane boutiques for men who want to enjoy a luxurious and sophisticated shaving experience.


In collaboration with Art & Fragrance, the British luxury automotive brand Bentley presents its first fragrance for men - BENTLEY FOR MEN Only absolutely top brands play a role in today’s luxury goods’ world. There is a small elite club of brands that hold sway with their unique approach to life and the outstanding quality of their products. A major name in this exclusive circle is the British brand icon Bentley Motors – indisputably the best in its class for decades. In 2013, Bentley is for the first time presenting a premium fragrance: Bentley For Men – a fragrance that meets the very highest requirements and is sure to cause a sensation in the perfume world.

invigorating bergamot and green bay leaves. The heart notes reveal the timeless elegance and sensual feel of brown leather. The perfumer has enhanced these leather notes with natural rum essence to give the composition incredible fullness and an elegantly addictive character. Clary sage and cinnamon then unfold, further heightening the finesse and uniqueness of the whole fragrance.

Fine wood notes distinguish the base of the perfume. “I chose cedar because of its powerful unadulterated scent and patchouli for its sensual depth and natural elegance,” says Nathalie Lorson.

Bentley For Men was created especially for cosmopolitan, self-confident, individualistic, and at the same time highly success-oriented men who are only satisfied with the very best. Inspired by the finest leather, exquisite woods and refined design. The top French perfumer Nathalie Lorson, from Firmenich, is behind the creation of Bentley Fragrances. She has skilfully transformed the quintessence of the legendary automobile brand Bentley into a superb and unmistakable fragrance experience. To do so, she has indulged in the finest perfume raw ingredients and clearly absolute must-haves for Bentley’s debut fragrance: wood and leather – best known from the luxurious handcrafted interior of Bentley cars. Bentley For Men’s top notes offer an exhilarating cocktail of spicy and aromatic essences. The dark, throbbing power of black pepper meets WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM



The Street Styles Collective We have rounded-up the latest international street style inspirations from Fashion Weeks around the world that can be applied perfectly for the coming months. Adding some edge and whimsy, these fashionistas have found new ways to keep things interesting!

A Fashion Week guest wearing Isabel Marant pants and an IRO coat.

Spotted! Fashionista outside of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Istanbul, Turkey carrying a Prada bag.

Fashion week guests wearing (Left) Mehtap Elaidi coat, ipekyol pants and Ray Ban glasses and (Rght) Que top/pants and ipekyol shirt are seen during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Istanbul.

Close- up of Inci shoes and Penti socks seen during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.


THETALK / July /August 2013

Cemil ipekci shoes worn with purple tights.

Director of Fashion at IMG Dogus Banu Bolen is spotted during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Istanbul Fall/Winter 2013/14 at Antrepo 3.

Model Kate Peck at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia Spring/Summer 2013/14 at Carriageworks on April 10, 2013 in Sydney, Australia.

A fashion week guest is seen during MercedesBenz Fashion Week Istanbul Fall/Winter 2013/14 at Antrepo 3, in Istanbul, Turkey. WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM



Buyer Erem Kargul wearing Paris Teas Store is seen during MercedesBenz Fashion Week

The former cruise ship The Duke of Lancaster sits in its dry dock adorned with graffiti in Flint, Wales. The ship locally known as the fun ship has been covered with graffiti by international street artists. The art project is organised by a local group named Dudug.

A fashion week guest wearing Tuvand Biyikcinar dress and Fendi bag is seen during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.


THETALK / July /August 2013

Artists have travelled across Europe to put their own style of graffiti on the 1950’s ship. It is hoped that in the future the ship and its dock will become a haven for outdoor sculpture and street art.

A model poses backstage ahead of the Maticevski show during MercedesBenz Fashion Week Australia Spring/Summer 2013/14 at Carriageworks in Sydney, Australia.

A fashion week guest is seen during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Istanbul Fall/Winter 2013/14 at Antrepo 3 in Istanbul, Turkey.

Ruby Wall wears a shirt, jumper, skirt, shoes and socks by Gorman, bag by Celine and a ring by YSL on day seven at L’Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival on March 24, 2013 in Melbourne, Australia. Designer Deniz Berdan wearing Alaia shoes, DB Berdam top and pants, Alexander Wang bag, Ruget Priest jacket and Retro Future sunglasses is seen during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM



Melda Ennekavi and Marie Claire editor Deniz Tolioz wearing Twist are seen during MercedesBenz Fashion Week Istanbul Fall/Winter 2013/14 at Antrepo 3 in Istanbul, Turkey.

A fashion week guest wearing H&M dress and Doje Paris jacket is seen during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.

A fashion week guest is seen during MercedesBenz Fashion Week Istanbul Fall/Winter 2013/14 at Antrepo 3 in Istanbul, Turkey. 86

THETALK / July /August 2013

A fashion week guest wearing Nine West shoes, Homestore bag, Chanel jacket and Gucci sunglasses is seen during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.

Actress Reese Witherspoon attends the ‘Mud’ Premiere during the Annual Cannes Film Festival at Palais des Festivals in Cannes, France. Charlotte Brock wears sunglasses by Prada, a blazer by Kookai, shirt and pants by Gorman, shoes

A fashion week guest wearing My Best Friend skirt, Balenciagashoes, Ozgur Masur top, Top Shop accessories and Kzeniya bag is seen during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Istanbul Fall/Winter 2013/14 at Antrepo 3 in Istanbul, Turkey. A fashion week guest wearing Valentino shoes, Cos top, Zara pants and Fendi bag is seen during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. Model Didem Soydan is seen during MercedesBenz Fashion Week Istanbul Fall/Winter 2013/14 at Antrepo 3 in Istanbul, Turkey. WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM



amFAR amfAR: The Foundation for AIDS Research, hosts some of the biggest fashion events. Celebrities and high rollers from around the world unite to support the incredible cause, which in turn brings many style inspirations. This years New York Galas were hosted from Cipriani Wall Street to The Plaza Hotel with many dinners and after-parties in between. Models, Hollywood stars and designers were dressed to perfection and we had the hard task of narrowing them down to just the crème de la crème.

Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn.

Virginie Courtin-Clarins and Claire CourtinClarins.

Model/Author Crystal Renn.

Carol Alt.


THETALK / July /August 2013

Julia Restoin-Roitfeld.

Wedding dress inspirations

(Left-Right) Antonine Peduzzi and Luisa Orsini.

(L-R) Models Renata Maciel, Ana Beatriz Barros, Jeisa Chim Actor Cuba Gooding, Jr.

Zac Posen and Emilia Clarke.




(Left-Right) Sofia Sanchez and Alex de Betak.

Model Jeisa Chiminazzo.

Model Frida Gustavsson.


THETALK / July /August 2013

Fashion Editor Giovanna Battaglia.

Lance LePere and model Karlie Kloss.

Wedding dress inspirations

Model Eniko Mihalik.

Guest attends the amfAR Gala after party in celebration of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week at SL in New York City.

Guests attend the amfAR Gala after party in celebration of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week at SL in New York City.

(Left-Right) Christine Teigen, John Legend, Anne Vyalitsyna.

Dan Caten of Dsquared2 with Jennifer Lopez




Model Candice Swanepoel (Left) and designer Olivier Theyskens.

Designer Kenneth Cole (Left) and Miss Universe Olivia Culpo. 92

THETALK / July /August 2013

Guests attend the 2nd Annual generationCURE Solstice Benefiting amfAR at STK Rooftop in New York City.

Models Jordan Stenmark and Zac Stenmark walk the runway.

Wedding dress inspirations

A model walks the runway.

Model Lindsey Wixson.

General view of atmosphere at the runway show during the 4th Annual amfAR Inspiration Gala New York at The Plaza Hotel.

Mia Moretti performs during the 4th Annual amfAR Inspiration Gala New York at The Plaza Hotel in New York City.

A model walks the runway during the 4th Annual amfAR Inspiration Gala New York at The Plaza Hotel in New York City. WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM



Travel Health Travelling can cause minor illnesses in all of us. Whether it is jet-lag, a short-term flu or a full on one, it is very easy to come down with a little something from the germs that circulate airports, planes, etc. Follow these tips and reduce the risk of being affected by the forced conditions and enjoy a more relaxing, stress-free journey! Practice Good Hand Hygiene Pack an alcohol-based hand sanitizer in your carry-on and use it early and often (after getting seated, before and after eating and drinking, and when you return from the rest room.) This step alone will reduce your chance of getting sick by 50%. Wipe Your Worries Away Bring along sanitizing wipes and clean your tray and any surrounding surfaces that you may contact. Be wary of the bathroom Airplane bathrooms are some of the germiest places around. Wash your hands afterwards, use a paper towel to open the door when you leave, and then slap on hand sanitizer when you’re back in your seat. Arm your immune system Ginseng is a promising botanical product used to ward off flu. Populations that take it appear to have a lower incidence of viral spread. Try to be well rested and have any chronic conditions well under control before you travel. Aim the air Make a fist with your hand and place it directly over your chest, then aim the air vent to blow onto it. That will give you the best airflow to protect you from being exposed to an infection. Stay hydrated Drinking lots of water will not only help your membranes to stay moisturized, but it will help keep you from developing potentially fatal blood clots in your legs, which crop up because staying immobile in a tiny space slows circulation. Also get up and walk the aisle at least once an hour.


THETALK / July /August 2013

Grand Cinima




Revisiting the refurbished Maison Moschino With its historical aura displaying Italy, where lovers once used to wave their handkerchiefs to express their distress of their distance, Maison Moschino is the great escape for anyone on the weekends. Its contemporary renovation saw the addition of 65 hotel rooms, junior suites. Their decorations still compose the essence of the fairy tale theme, taking all its guests back in the time of true love. The splendid spaces create an inspirational sensation for the mind and tranquilized feeling for the body. This allows people not only to sleep comfortably, but have wonderful dreams. The exterior design looking like a western home creates a welcoming and a belonging feeling for guests.


THETALK / July /August 2013




Remember the fairytales that you read during your childhood? Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Alice in Wonderland? Visiting Maison Moschino will revive all these stories just by stepping into your room. Maison Moschino rooms are designed to include all these fairytale manifestation that would revitalize your childhood memories.

choosing Alice’s room, you will have the chance to relive Alice in wonderland’s experience just by looking at the exquisite designs. Other rooms such as The Ribbons, “ZZZZZ”, Life is a Bed of Roses, Luxurious Attic, Ivy, Half a Room, Shadows and Clouds are all rooms that provide the fantasy theme that will take your imagination to unlimited places.

If you choose Little Red Riding Hood room, make sure you do not mistake the wolf at the wonderfully decorated bed as the “grandma.” Also, if you choose the Ball gown room you will find your bed decorated in an innovative way just like Cinderella’s dress when she saw prince charming in the Ballroom. In addition, when

The nature surrounding the hotel is another incentive for the relaxation process. The natural scenery encourages outdoor activities such as teacup tables, forest bedposts, rose petal covered bedspreads. All this enjoyment can be practiced while looking at the clouds in daylight and the stars at night.


THETALK / July /August 2013

Giving up on the cliché culinary ideas, the infamous Italian gourmet cuisines at Maison Maschino are deliciously innovative and creative. The new chef, Andrea Zanin, creates exclusive gourmet that portrays the Maison Maschino style. He has created an exclusive collection of food that serves everyone, even those who are very demanding. The Zanin restaurant provides special gourmet package filled with exquisite food. The restaurant menu is inspired from the Venetian tradition, a style in Venice principally during the 15th and 16th centuries. Another reason why anyone will enjoy the Zanin restaurant is its special soothing, lively and fashionable surroundings situated not far from one of Milan’s famous streets, Corso Como Street. For an experience of food indulgence with a loved one, obtaining the package “The Special Package We Love Gourmont” that includes rich buffet breakfast, sweet surprise in room, dinner for two and free access to spa is a must. It will create a memory imbedded in the mind forever.




Speaking of spa, do you know what makes it very exceptional? It is not the 12 different types of massages, not the five different facial treatments, not the classical manicure. It is the exterior ambience that enhances the relaxation process for the 18 spa treatments. Designed by the famous fashion and interior designer Alessandro Agrati, the elegance of the Culti Spa is palpable and appealing to the eye. With its boasts high ceilings, grey leather daybeds, wooden floors and rosily lit corridor, the spa’s ambience will increase the relaxation experience of the treatments based around the beauty-aiding Brittany sea waters which are rich in minerals and trace elements.


THETALK / July /August 2013

NEW Peugeot 301 Sedan NEW Peugeot 301 Sedan Strong on the outside, generous on the inside. Strong on the outside, generous on the inside.

NEW Peugeot 301 NEW Peugeot 301

Hisham: 96687172 Osama: 97775282 Hisham: 96687172 Tharwat: 50611284 Osama: 97775282

Restaurant Review

The Gaucho Grill The Gaucho Grill has been the ultimate destination for the perfect steak in Kuwait since it opened in 2004 at The Palms Beach Hotel and Spa. The Argentinean cuisine brand now has a second location at Grand Avenue - The Avenues giving us the luxury of choice between the two locations. The one at The Palms is the perfect setting for an intimate dining experience; one that encourages a bit of extra dressing up for. The one at The Avenues has stayed true to the Gaucho style but being at the heart of a shopping paradise, it is more of a relaxed stop for a dinner or lunch at the end of a shopping marathon. The


THETALK / July /August 2013

food has always been exquisite, so we already knew what to expect before heading to dine there and we skipped a meal or two for extra stomach space. However, The Gaucho had a few surprises for us: new additions we were given the chance to preview. The La Tierra drink was so refreshing and delicious, and the Nada Colada was an absolute dream. They have such a lovely array of juices, you need a few visits to really try and enjoy them all. For starters, we had the Trio of Ceviches to sample three seafood dishes at once. We recommend this to everyone so that you know which one you prefer and order it alone the next time. Their Pan Seared Tuna Salad will convert anyone into a fan while The Gaucho Burger is for meat lovers who want a rich flavour of meat embedded in a soft bun. The Grand Pariada is a selection of their famous homemade sausages presented beautifully on a wooden board along with three uniquely delicious sauces. This dish is the best for a fun sharing experience. Also fun to share is the Savoury Empanadas; it is easy to order different fillings for the pastries to try and discuss favourites. A dish that is not for sharing however, is the Argentine Steak. It is so good,

you wouldn’t want to share it with anyone. Gaucho Grill steaks come only from young steers that have feasted on the lush, rich grass of the Argentinean pampas. Their meat is so tender it has been likened to something between veal and beef. The journey from pampas to table allows the meat to age for four to six weeks, a process that makes it more tender still. All beef comes from Argentina and is Halal Certified. Only free range, grass fed, Argentine Black Angus breeds make The Gaucho grade. In the restaurant, the meat is cut to order, salt and chimichurri oil are added, it is flash grilled and turned only once. Part of the fun of dining at The Gaucho Grill is choosing your steak’s cut, weight, sauce and sides. The staff is always more than glad to guide you through the process of doing that as you gaze at the cuts presented on a wooden board.The sides are intensely rich choices of sweet potato baked to perfection, salads with incredible dressings and many other choices that all deserve attention, most of all the Humita which is a corn concoction cooked in a corn husk that provides an enjoyably flavourful experience. Even with the skipped meals, we were stuffed

and sinking into our chairs with what we thought no room for more. And then dessert arrived! First, the Apple Cinnamon Empanadas! The pastry was so delicate, the apples bursting with flavour and the cinnamon was the perfect amount to bring everything together to give the comfort of a traditional apple pie but in a very fine dining interpretation. Then, The Gaucho Dessert Sampler presented a trio of genius versions of classics; a Dulce De Leche cheesecake, a traditional Argentinean mille-feuille and a chocolate and hazelnut truffle with that homemade richness and freshness and deliciousness. We can go on and on! You can also have your private or special functions at The Gaucho Grill, or bring the exclusivity of this cuisine to your home through their catering service. WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM


Restaurant Review

Noodle Factory Perfectly located a short walk from The Avenues cinema, Noodle Factory is hard to miss with their casual chic atmosphere. We were seated at a special table that nestles right under an upside down noodle bowl with chopsticks that make a base for the Noodle Factory sign. But wherever you choose to sit, you will lose concentration on anything but the food once your orders hit the table. Well, that is what happened to us.We went in to try the new dishes introduced to the already incredibly yummy menu that has gained many loyal customers in six years. We kept admiring the restaurant’s design as we sipped on the refreshing drinks. Our favourite from the cocktails was The Avenues, named after the mall, and the Green Dragon is a definite must try! However, once the starters were at arm’s length, we became totally oblivious to our surroundings. We made a perfect start with the Miso Soup; the fresh Tofu smoothes through the bold flavours of the Miso and the seaweed is the softest we have tasted. We had all three of the new Dim Sums; the Seafood Sui Mai, the steamed Crystal Prawn Dumplings and the Chicken Sui Mai. We could


THETALK / July /August 2013

not decide on a favourite from them though, we advise ordering all three and sharing, that way you get to try one of each of these gems with their intensely rich plum sauce. We devoured the Thai Pandan Chicken which is marinated, wrapped in aromatic Pandan leaves and fried to crisp perfection. The chicken was juicy and rich with flavour; attributes found in all the dishes. The Green Chicken Curry is a classic but of course we couldn’t resist having it again; we were already stretching our stomachs anyway. The Crispy Duck Salad includes a generous amount of watermelon and pomegranate; perfectly fresh for the season and satisfying with the inclusion of the dressing and roasted cashew nuts. The Singaporean Laksa was one of our favourite dishes, in terms of seafood. It is a combination of many types of seafood made into a perfectly balanced noodle soup. The desserts were the perfect end to our PanAsian escape. The Chilled Coconut Delight was unusual and atop the coconut cream bliss was Pandan Leaf ice cream. The unique and

exotic flavours spark curiosity, excitement then addiction. The Passion Fruit Brulee with Mango Sorbet was divine.One thing we did not forget though was our “Thank yous” to the energetically sweet staff who were very attentive and knowledgeable about the brand and dishes, another reason on top of the many to go back to Noodle Factory.



Kuwait Exclusives

La Strada by chopard Chopard once again testifies to its intimate ties with cinema by celebrating this masterpiece in the history of the silver screen. The complete collection of watches and jewellery inspired by it embody the unique grace and spirit of La Strada. The newly designed supple and cambered curves are a tribute to eternal femininity, echoing the legendary statuesque figures of the and the distinctly “couture” spirit that defined the era. A keen film-lover, Caroline Scheufele, Chopard’s CoPresident and Artistic Director, explains: “Chopard has always been keen to support and accompany actors and actresses, and we wished to pay tribute with La Strada to the producer who perhaps did the most to put women in the spotlight. In designing this model, I found myself entranced by all these cinematographic images… Looking at a film reel inspired me for the lines of La Strada. This collection is a tribute to black and white movies, to Fellini’s film-making, and to the timeless appeal of cinema.”

The Body Shop launches new concept BEAUTY WITH HEART at 2nd Avenue - The Avenues BEAUTY WITH HEART is the name of the new beauty movement which challenges convention and pushes the boundaries of beauty. It aims to create a community of individuals who are united in their belief that beauty is more than skin deep. The theme, BEAUTY WITH HEART is the combined power of Looking Good, Feeling Good, and Doing Good. Looking Good as a result of The Body Shop products that are powered by nature and rich in the highest quality ingredients. Feeling Good as a result of the textures and fragrances that burst out of The Body Shop products onto the skin, in combination with the knowledge that the products come from an inherently ethical brand and our positive Activate Self Esteem stance. Doing Good through engaging with a brand that takes concrete actions to help others through its Community Fair Trade programme, its campaigns, its commitment to animal welfare and its endeavour to Protect the Planet. hop to a whole new generation of beauty centric, values-savvy individuals. 106

THETALK / July /August 2013

THE LAUNCH OF BENTLEY FRAGRANCE IN BENTLEY SHOWROOM KUWAIT The top French perfumer Nathalie Lorson, from Firmenich, is behind the creation of Bentley Fragrances. She has skilfully transformed the quintessence of the legendary automobile brand Bentley into a superb and unmistakable fragrance experience. To do so, she has indulged in the finest perfume raw ingredients and clearly absolute must-haves for Bentley’s debut fragrance: wood and leather – best known from the luxurious handcrafted interior of Bentley cars. Bentley For Men’s top notes offer an exhilarating cocktail of spicy and aromatic essences. The dark, throbbing power of black pepper meets invigorating bergamot and green bay leaves. The heart notes reveal the timeless elegance and sensual feel of brown leather. The perfumer has enhanced these leather notes with natural rum essence to give the composition incredible fullness and an elegantly addictive character. Clary sage and cinnamon then unfold, further heightening the finesse and uniqueness of the whole fragrance.

Djihan launches her jewellery collections at Harvey Nichols Kuwait Djihan Alama, Lebanese jewellery designer and ethereal Middle Eastern beauty, has officially launched her collections at Harvey Nichols Kuwait. In a recent grand event, Djihan gave an elaborate introduction of her glamorous collections to distinguished guests while personal shoppers and models showcased the designs. The stunning creations of Djihan, who is married to superstar Ragheb Alama, now adorn the most prominent people around the Middle East, including Kuwait. They are also appreciated by international celebrities. Over the years, these creations have graced many celebrities including Grammy Award winner Katy Perry, Miranda Lambert, Colbi Caillat, Anouchka Alain Delon, and actress Missi Pyle, who wore a Djihan black diamond ring and earrings for her red carpet appearance at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival. The selection available includes the “Unlock My Heart,” “Charming,”“Cheerful,” “Petals,” and “Chocoholic” collections. The intensely creative designs – featuring black and white diamonds set in gold and rose gold – have enticed high-profile clientele and continue to draw fashion-savvy shoppers to the stylish, exclusive atmosphere of Harvey Nichols Kuwait. WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM



Travel Books On the Road by Jack Kerouac This book should come with a health warning aimed particularly at those in their formative years: proceed with caution; you may never be able to settle in one place again. And you might take up hitch-hiking. On The Road features a series of trips made by Kerouac and his Beat Generation friends across America in the years after the Second World War. Through the eyes of narrator Sal Paradise (Kerouac himself) the reader is transported from New York to Denver to San Francisco and LA. Along the way there’s jazz, poetry and drugs. And there’s Dean Moriarty, whose incredible thirst for life (and women) gives the book its extraordinary momentum. “The only people in life for me are the mad ones... the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles,” says Sal of his explosive travelling companion. And with those words, a thousand trips were launched..

Coasting by Jonathan Raban Coasting tells the story of the author’s 4,000mile journey around Britain in a 32-foot ketch, using only a compass for navigation. The story, like the voyage, digresses into personal memories, while the book is a metaphor for Raban’s own life. “For years I coasted from job to job, place to place, person to person. At the first hint of adverse weather I hauled up my anchor and moved on with the tide,” he said.


THETALK / July /August 2013

As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning by Laurie Lee Laurie Lee’s lyrical account of his voyages as a young man in the 1930s is a masterpiece in English travel writing. Lee, who also wrote Cider with Rosie, describes his departure from a sleepy part of the Cotswolds, to London then Spain, armed with little more than an adventurous spirit and a violin. Exhilarating, whimsical and poetic, it captures a fascinating moment in time.

Travels with Charley: In Search of America by John Steinbeck In 1960 John Steinbeck and his gregarious French poodle Charley set out in a converted pickup truck to tour the USA. The result is Travels with Charley in Search of America, an absorbing and beautifully written account of the landscapes and people he encounters along the way. His bleak evocation of events and attitudes in the deep south reveal just how much America has changed in the past 49 years.

Notes From a Small Island by Bill Bryson Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell Part political history, part autobiography, part travelogue, George Orwell’s description of the role he played in the Spanish Civil War gives one of the most vivid English-language accounts of Barcelona at that turbulent time. It also proved agonizingly prophetic. After a being hit by a bullet (of which Orwell gives a searing account), the author returns home, where he says the inhabitants are “sleeping the deep, deep sleep of England, from which I sometimes fear we shall never wake till we are jerked out of it by the roar of bombs”. The book was first published in 1938.

Bill Bryson’s farewell journey across the length and breadth of Britain is delivered with a combination of irreverent humour and touching nostalgia, while offering insights into our modern society. The list of Britain’s more bizarre place names and Bryson’s unerring antipathy towards some of the country’s less glamorous outposts are particularly amusing.



movie RevIEws

movies showing this month


July 4

Aug 1

Aug 8

Aug 8

Aug 22

The Bling Ring

The Smurfs 2


Despicable Me 2


Director: Sofia Coppola Starring: Katie Chang, Israel Broussard, Emma Watson Synopsis: Inspired by actual events, a group of fame-obsessed teenagers use the internet to track celebrities’ whereabouts in order to rob their homes.

Director: Raja Gosnell Starring: Neil Patrick Harris, Hank Azaria, Jayma Mays Synopsis: The Smurfs team up with their human friends to rescue Smurfette, who has been kidnapped by Gargamel since she knows a secret spell that can turn the evil sorcerer’s newest creation - creatures called the Naughties - into real Smurfs.

Director: Neill Blomkamp Starring: Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Sharlto Copley Synopsis: Set in the year 2159, where the very wealthy live on a manmade space station while the rest of the population resides on a ruined Earth, a man takes on a mission that could bring equality to the polarized worlds.

Director: Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud Starring: Al Pacino, Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig Synopsis: Gru is recruited by the Anti-Villain League to help deal with a powerful new super criminal.

Director: Kimberly Peirce Starring: Chloë Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore, Judy Greer Synopsis: A sheltered high school girl unleashes her newly developed telekinetic powers after she is pushed too far by her peers.


THETALK / July /August 2013

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(June 22-July 22)

Horoscopes VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 23) There will be a sequence of comings and goings at your house during this summer 2013. Old buddies will come back, and you will reduce getting in touch with someone you believed would be around permanently.


(July 23-Aug 22) On the twenty third your optimum individual satisfaction will begin. Looks like a super-fun type of interval. No one knows how to have fun better than a Leo. The only risk from a wellness viewpoint is overdoing factors. There is always a cost to be compensated for this.


(Oct. 24-Nov. 22) The financial interest will be powerful this summer 2013 and there’s the prospect of some choices or activities relevant to a company, financial loans, investment strategies, insurance, resources, etc.


You should continue keeping away from controversy connected with high placed people. Ego would remain high, while there could be issues about competition with people close to you. Anger & diet should be controlled within this month.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) Your career is getting you in a new route, it seems, even though you are pleased with where you are. Leave it to the galaxy to demonstrate to you the way a new and more pleasant career, one that you may not have predicted.

PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) This month will turn out to be an exciting month for the Pisceans. The 2013 forecast for Pisces predicts that you will find happiness this month in love, career and family. Money may be a bit tight but progress in work is guaranteed. Career prospects will improve this month.

TAURUS (Apr. 21-May 21) You have already been particularly innovative in the last several weeks, and this is a welcome comfort. But the fact is that many Taurus people might not know what to do with all of these concepts.


(Sept. 24-Oct. 23) Do not let pressure get the best of you. Disappointed by the influxes from Uranus and Neptune, you will have to be careful of your energetic or impractical responses which could unsettle your close relatives’ lifestyle. The fact you regularly battle the views of the individuals around you will not help either.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) Hyperactive, you will have to channel your sometimes too extreme efforts. Your delicate side could give you bad guidance. The sky will not always be on your part as far as performance is involved, but hold up your phone and contact individuals. ARIES

(Mar. 21-April 20) You will do well to strategize your moves this 30 days, it is looking beneficial and you’ll find out and obtain much from new encounters. The further you journey the better it will be for your own satisfaction.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21) There will be amazing minutes to discuss within a couple or the family. Venus is parading in your indication, experiencing Jupiter’s company, featuring balance and pain. This will be a particularly effective period considering all the effective actions that should see the light.


(Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

New sources of income will become possible for you. There would be chances that a new business is set up this year, which will fetch you very good returns. If you find a suitable partner from within your circle of friends then that would be a very good option for you to pursue. WWW.THETALK-ONLINE.COM


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