It is hard to believe that this is our third release! Each month, we continue to grow organically As we plan for our holiday edition and 2023, please know that we are thankful for you! Your support over the years keeps us growing and glowing We will be forever committed to creating collaborative safe spaces for women of color
Paula Johnson Hutchinson CEO & Founder of The Stiletto Talks LLC Brands"Being in a cabin is a way to reconnect with self and the others."
Imagine peace and tranquility. Imagine a warm fire or looking out at a lake. Imagine burning all of your problems in a bonfire. Burn , baby burn!!!
While many may head to tropical islands, some need to get away from people. They require inner restoral. From couples to singles, cabins are for everyone.
Now we are not talking about the cabins from summer camp We are talking luxury or simplicity We are talking wood burning fireplaces and/or central heat We are talking Wifi or just bye bye from anyone that hits your phone up all day Burnout is real, so we have listed a few states to check out.
Colorado Arizona Washington Mississippi Tennessee Texas Georgia
Gaining clarity and connecting with yourself or that someone special may be just what the travel bug ordered Consider going ghost instead of being in the crowd
Healthyorange coloredveggiesforyourhealth.
Orangefruitsandvegetablesareinstyle!As healthiswealth,checkoutthesefacts.
01.Tofightagainstbreastcancerinanearly stadium 02.Toincreaseourbodyimmunitysystem
Due to the retinoic acid from vitamin A, that can be foundinsweetpotatoesandcarrots
The content of vitamin B6 found in carrots and pumpkins has a role in blood cell growth and protein metabolism. Moreover, this vitamin also helps our body's immunity system in producing antibodies to fightagainstanydiseases/illnesses.
Studies show that high levels of alpha and beta carotene can decrease or reduce the mortality risk causedbycardiovascular
Studies show that high levels of alpha and beta carotene can decrease or reduce the mortality risk causedbycardiovascular
Beta carotene is one of the antioxidant substances thatcanbefoundincarrots,potatoes,andpumpkins
Being a plant mom is a different experience. It is a different kind of love. Plants provide life lessons and we get to witness the highs and lows of it all
Oregano, chives and basil are great starter plants. Try growing some mint for tea. They generally fit in cozy spaces and every time you look them , you will remember to check them. You may dry them and store them. Don't forget you can save a few coins with your own growing her pantry.
Plants that do not require lots of maintenance
If you know that you are on the go, consider plants like cactus and aloe. Snake plants are good also because they require little water and care. Check with your plant provider and apps for proper care.
Start small
Plants are a vibe but there may be some work involved. If you know that your thumb is not green, start with one and work your way up. If your plant dies, do not get discourage. Get the courage to try again.
Voting time is here! While it may not be a presidential election, do not get it twisted...ALL ELECTIONS MATTER. You cannot let the internet street make your voice silent with a lack of engagement in your community. As you have seenthisyear,women'srightsisahotbutton.We mustmaintainourcrownandourvote.
Black women have played key roles in both running for elections and voting. We are not just voting, we are winning too. Staying connected to organizationsthathostforumstolearnmoreabutcommunitiesmayhelp inyourdecisionmakingprocessandidentifyingwhoisthebestcandidate for a position. Freedom and equality are strategic. Both must be maintained through activism and education. Remember that local elections may have more implications in your community than national one. Do not vote as a trend, vote as a right and a vital to in maintaining communitysustainability.
Circle Check 1 2 1 2. We see people bragging all of the time that they have experienced the same core circle for 20, 30 or more years. While this is great, it is not thecaseformany.Itisnotalwaysdototheirunderstandingoffriendshiporlove.Many arenotignoranttosupportingothers.Somehavetriedtomaintainfamilyrelationships whensignshaveshownthemthosemembersdonotconsiderthempartoftheircircle. Duetothesefactorsandafewmore,itiseasytobelieveoneisnotworthyofhealthy relationships
Let's go ahead and rip the bandage off so we can heal LET THEM GO! Blood and fair weather people will keep you second guessing yourself Trying to please them is impossible. Maybe you were wrong or it was them; it does not matter when you are healing. The point is you circle should be a reflection of whoyouare,whereyouaregoingandthelifeyouwanttoseemanifested.
Your "circle" may not be a spouse or relative. It may not consist of your coworkersorhighschoolassociates.Yourcircletodaymayonlybethosethat speak your language It is normal , healthy and often, necessary to outgrow people. Review that circle and if it is not looking like it should, identify it what youneedandgettowork.Acircleshouldyieldapositivereturn.
Fall is a sign that cooler weather is on the horizon This means an increase in dry skin. Self care includes staying hydrated from within and on the outside. Maintaining moisture can be as smooth as....well butter!
While we know about familiar butters such as shea or cocoa butter, there are a few others that can hold their own as well. Mango butter is derived from mango seeds. It is filled with fatty acids that help to moisturize skin and hair. Carrot butter contains vitamins such as B, C, and D! Carrot butter may be added to other creams and lotions to help with hydration. Hemp butter is a risking star in that it contains vitamin K.
Do not leave out the custom blend crew! Sisters are studying and learning how to create a butter blend that is specific to their skin needs Butters are generally hypoallergenic ( check labels for allergies) and organic. check those labels and find one that will keep you silk smooth as the temperature drops.
Maintain your curls through the drier months! Here are a few suggestions:
Bonnets. Rubbing your hair all over your cotton pillow cases is not the business. It causes friction which may add to your frizz .
Trims . If you have worn protective styles or straitened your hair with lots of heat, it may be time for a trim. Curly hair can be tricky. Be sure to consider the skillful hands of a professional. Check your products. Check your labels on your products. Be sure that your curl custards, butters and creams are not expired
My mother was a nurse's aid. She learned the profession in high school. It was hard work, but she managed to make a life for herself. After 50 plus years , she finally retired. Six months into retirement, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She came to live with me in Arizona and chose to forego chemotherapy after becoming ill from it
As she knew her time was coming to an end, she created her own foundation. The foundation is designed to share the love to women who desired to go further their education but were never able to do so. Her foundation will launch in November on her birthday. What I learned from her is a minimum wage job does not equate to minimal living . She chose not to focus on death but instead focus on life. While her foundation is a physical legacy but her actions have left a mental roadmap that is etched forever.
Your Health is Wealth Have you heard the statement, “health is wealth?” Well if you haven’t, it’s a powerful truth that means your health determines the quality of life you will live You can have all of the money and material possessions in the world but experience limited enjoyment of them if you are not well When speaking of health, it is important to note that it not only refers to your physical well being, but includes one’s mental, spiritual and emotional well being. Within lies an interconnectedness that is most times overlooked. As women, it is easy for us to pour all that we are and have into those around us to assure they are well, while at the same time placing our very own well being on the backburner. This neglect is a massive recipe for destruction. If you find or have found yourself indulging in this recipe, let me give you a healthier one that will bless your entire soul. Three years ago I decided to “go vegan.” To say it has been the greatest lifestyle change I could have ever made, would be an understatement The amount of mental clarity, energy, and weight loss I've experienced both naturally and spiritually has been absolutely mind blowing! This lifestyle change was my way of pouring back into myself I decided to put my health first Although I had to unlearn 35 years of poor eating habits regarding meat, cheese and dairy products, “going vegan” has been well worth it! My recipe for a successful vegan lifestyle change includes great mental fortitude, preparation, discipline, consistency and focus No matter your age, I believe if you apply this success recipe to your life, you can do it too! Listen, I want you to be here for a long time and so do the people who love you Make the decision today to consistently pour back into yourself Things like eating healthy foods, drinking plenty of water, being mindful of your thoughts and taking control over your emotions, all add to the wealth and prosperity that God has designed for you. These actions produce the greatest wealth of all. When you eat better, you feel better, make better decisions, establish better relationships and produce at an even greater capacity. You'll see the fruit of your labor increase in your family, ministry and business. Yes, I know many are depending on you, but today I challenge you to choose you, take your health off the backburner and apply this recipe for success to your daily lives. You’ll be glad you did! Your health, is truly your wealth
To Forgive or not to Forgive…. The New Wave Student Loan Forgiveness As the pandemic struck, many of our lives changed. One major change was the halt of payments for student loan borrowers. This was a short term relief for borrowers struggling to pay everyday bills as well as student loan debt. However, August 24, 2022, the Biden Harris Administration announced a Student Debt Relief Plan that includes one time student loan debt relief targeted to low and middle income families. If you are someone who has student loan debt or the parent of a student with student loan debt, now is a great time to get information of how the Student Debt Relief Plan can help your family. Things you need to know: The application for forgiveness will be available in early October. There is no date listed, therefore checking the Department of Education website is highly recommended. Are you eligible? You're eligible for student loan debt relief if your annual federal income was below $125,000 (individual or married, filing separately) or $250,000 (married, filing jointly or head of household) in 2021 or 2020. $20,000 in debt relief: If you received a Pell Grant in college and meet the income threshold, you'll be eligible for up to $20,000 in debt relief. $10,000 in debt relief: If you did not receive a Pell Grant in college and meet the income threshold, you'll be eligible for up to $10,000 in debt relief. The following types of federal student loans with an outstanding balance as of June 30, 2022, are eligible for relief:
• William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program loans
o Subsidized loans o Unsubsidized loans o Parent PLUS loans
o Graduate PLUS loans
• Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program loans held by ED or in default at a guaranty agency
• Federal Perkins Loan Program loans held by ED
• Defaulted loans (includes ED held or commercially serviced Subsidized Stafford, Unsubsidized Stafford, parent PLUS, and graduate PLUS; and Perkins loans held by ED) \Consolidation loans are eligible for relief, as long as all of the underlying loans that were consolidated were first disbursed on or before June 30, 2022 For more information and a list frequently asked questions, you can visit the Department of Education website at: https://studentaid gov/debt relief announcement/one time cancellation
By Charlsie JacksonEvery year there are buzz words that are used to describe trends in corporate America. In 2021, post Covid shutdowns, we heard a lot about “The Great Resignation.” Employees of all industries and levels were burned out from navigating through a pandemic and adjusting to a new normal. People chose to take a break from working all together or chose to take opportunities that fit their new way of life. Others became acclimated to working from home and when it was time to return to the office, they sought out jobs which would allow them to remain home Employees who decided to stay with their employers took notice of companies’ fears of losing people and made demands for better compensation, better hours, etc. in order to stay. Because Black women make $.58 to every $1.00 their white male counterparts made, a majority of Black women could not afford to spontaneously leave their source of income. In a Pew Research Center report highlighting who quit in 2021, “Black people (18%) and women in general (19%) were far less significant drivers of the Great Resignation than younger adults: workers ages 18 29 (37%), those without a bachelor’s degree (42%) and in lower income brackets (25%) Of those in lower income brackets by gender: 18% men and 19% women, By Race: White 17%, Black 18%, Hispanic 24%, and Asian 24%.” In 2022, the newest trend is “quiet quitting” and more employees are adopting this way of operating, but Black women have been quiet quitting for years. Quiet quitting means to cease going above and beyond at work; doing enough to keep one’s job, but not leave. It happens when employees realize that their extra hard work is not paying off. It is discouraging to feel like no matter how hard a person works, a raise or promotion is non existent This isn’t about entitlement, not contributing to the business, or even having a “bad attitude” it is about equal pay and career growth for equal or above bar work This is the experience of Black women in corporate America for years if not decades. “Black women are less supported by their managers and will less likely be recognized for pay increase and promotion. For every 100 men promoted to manager, only 58 Black women are promoted, despite the fact that Black women ask for promotions at the same rate as men”, reported by McKinsey & Company. This fact is a large part of why Black women are exponentially growing as the largest group of entrepreneurs and have side hustles Executives will try to lead employees to believe that quiet quitting can result in firing, but this is not true; if it does, such actions can result in an EEOC complaint. Not working outside of your set hours per day or week is not job abandonment or insubordination. It is doing the work that is expected in your allotted work day and then allowing yourself the grace to end your day accordingly without permission or announcing your departure. It is setting boundaries.
Cooking for Family, It’s a Balancing Act! Though not so easy to perfectly manage, being a mama alone is an exceptionally beautiful experience very much cherished by every woman on the globe. A key component in succeeding to be an amazing mama and wonderful woman who sustains a healthy and happy home is realizing and taking advantage of the magical powers of always serving the perfect dish, in other words ‘‘Becoming a great mama chef’’. However, to do this, liken the words of Betty Wright, be a cook in the kitchen. First and foremost, we must take care of ourselves Invest in yourself by scheduling some time or a day, if possible, just for you That’s the secret sauce! The food we eat plays a vital role in our mood and our general sense of well being Investing more of our time and focus on ensuring that we eat healthy while practicing good cooking habits can bring enormous happiness to our homes. The power of healthy food which provides us and our families with the daily nutrients we need is very much underrated and often linked with boredom especially in this era which has seen the production of thousands of chemical food and energy supplements. Cooking is an art and if you have very little knowledge, seek sufficient assistance from a passionate professional caterer, by doing so, you will successfully make your kitchen a place of bonding and solace. The tight schedules and daily workloads of some entrepreneurs, executive, working and even stay at home mamas give them the impression that becoming a great chef at home is impossible. Achieving this doesn’t necessarily require that all your time is spent in the kitchen. For example, the constant need to regularly visit the grocery store for fresh food ingredients even before preparation may be eliminated with the possibility of getting quickly delivered ready to eat table meals, grocery delivery services or joining a culinary club such as Empowered Lifestyle Cooking Club that I facilitate Any of these services will give you time for self care. Food preparation can also be a used as a great social tool for normal family dishes as well as events like Thanksgiving, birthdays, etc. With a few cooking classes, cooking parties, or cooking demos, you can grab winning kitchen tips while enjoying every experience. Hiring a great caterer to assist while you partake in group cooking for events will go a long way to make the preparation for the events as enjoyable if not more than the event itself. A few of the tips which can be employed to make you a great mama chef and the numerous benefits are outlined below. CLEANLINESS: The golden rule for a great mama chef’s kitchen is ensuring EVERYTHING is always clean. This would potentially extend towards every other section of the household, guaranteeing good health. Hire a cleaning company to alleviate stress and reclaim your time. This is an act of self care and it’s not selfish TIME MANAGEMENT: Cooking in small quantities and throwing a few varieties can effectively keep your children interested in cooking and meal hours You don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen while kids are hungry and becoming impatient Cook what’s needed for the specific dinner time and schedule a day to cook in larger quantities for leftovers. FAMILY BONDING: Engaging other family members in friendly kitchen activities builds strong bonds. Ask your kids to help with preparation or setting the table. Giving them a job to do as part of the family meal process foster a sense of achievement and positivity around the kitchen table. RECIPES: Use cookbooks and online recipes as a guide. Sometimes we get stuck on what to cook. Everyone is asking “what’s for dinner” and you may seem clueless but use the resources in your home. If you do not already have a collection, its time to go shopping for some cookbooks. Understanding and knowing your family dynamics is important. You know what’s best for you and your family. Knowing the specific likes of your household can be very helpful in striking the perfect balance between choosing what’s most nutritive and best for the different meals of the day It’s important to purchase and make accessible the various small kitchen equipment and tools necessary to facilitate all the processes involved in food preparation. Remember to work smarter and not harder. You were graced for all that you do. Love yourself through the journey. Motherhood is challenging yet it is such a beautiful experience. Ask for help when needed, because your family needs you to be your best. To learn more about professional chef services that can assist you in luxe lifestyle of family meals and still create time for self-care visit www.dianakitchentable.com
As2023rollsinsoon,thepriceshavenotcomedown.Withuncertaintyintheair,itmay be wise to start thinking about your budget. Pull those bank statements out and the bills.Laythemalloutandseewhereyourmoneyisgoing.
If you have transitioned to being self employed during the Great Resignation , you maynotbefamiliarwithtaxbenefits Talkingtoaprofessionalmayhelpyoutobetter understand how to stay organized for your structure. Be sure to check out their credentialsbeforegettingintosomeaspersonalasfinance.
Onceyouhavegottentheteaonyourfinances,setyourbudget.Theyonlyworkifyou stayconsistent Updatethemasneededandifyoufalloutofroutine,considergetting backon. Remembertolayeverythingout,seekadviceandcreateaplanyoucanlive with