SCF Annual Report 2014

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Connecting Our Community 2014 Annual Report

Our Vision To be Spartanburg County’s donor focused philanthropic organization committed to community leadership.

Our Mission The Spartanburg County Foundation is committed to improving the lives of Spartanburg County residents by promoting philanthropy, encouraging community engagement, and responding to community needs. 1


Table of Contents Connecting our Community A Message from the Trustees and President 3-4 Connecting to Social Environment 5-6 Connecting to a Legacy 7-8 Connecting to Community Initiatives 9-10 Connecting to Corporate Philanthropy 11-12

Connecting to Education 13-14 Connecting to the Future 15-16 Community Leadership 17-18 Board of Trustees / Staff / Trustees Emeriti 19-20 Committees / 2014 Community Highlights / Book of Memory 21-22 2014 Financial Highlights / Statement of Financial Position 23-24 Planned Giving Legacy Society 25-26 Funds Under Management 27-44 Grants Awarded 45-54 Gifts 55-74





Connecting Our Community... A Message from the Trustees and President The Spartanburg County Foundation has the unique ability to facilitate the building of new and impactful relationships among the people of our community. We know the value of bringing a philanthropic goal to fruition, of matching a pressing need with a generous spirit, and of convening thought leaders around a shared vision. It is our great privilege to serve as a thread in the connective fiber that holds this community together. This 2014 Annual Report celebrates the power of connectivity. The work of the Foundation is achieved when many people are willing to be connected, woven together for the common good. In this report, we seek to highlight the donors, organizations, and initiatives whose impact has changed lives and strengthened our community. We also want to thank the many people who have made contributions to the Foundation – our leadership team, financial supporters, staff, and volunteers. Because of each one of them, The Spartanburg County Foundation continues to be a strong and steady presence that has held and will hold lives, hopes, and dreams together for all those whom we call our neighbor. We are connecting our community.

Robert E. Gregory, Jr. Chairman of the Board

Kay E. Woodward Sixth Year Trustee

Troy M. Hanna President & CEO



Clockwise from left to right: The Shepherd’s Center; The Haven; H.A.L.T.E.R.; and Hope Center for Children



Connecting to Social Environment Improving the overall social well-being of Spartanburg County residents, through capacity-building grants to nonprofits, was the focus of the Foundation’s 2014 Fall Grant Cycle. Over $107,000 was awarded to twelve nonprofit organizations. The lasting impact this kind of support makes on the work of community leaders is immeasurable. “Funding for expansion of our brain training program has allowed the Shepherd’s Center and the SC Chapter of The Alzheimer’s Association in Spartanburg to create an enthusiastic community of seniors working together to improve and maintain their brain health. We are very excited to see the lifestyle changes in participants as they embrace all elements needed for maintaining brain health,” said Cindy Tobias, executive director of The Shepherd’s Center of Spartanburg, SC, Inc. Social Environment grants specifically focused on strategic planning, fundraising, technology, and organizational development. For organizations like Hope Center for Children, a grant meant the opportunity to improve its Family Strengthening program through evaluation and staff development. Because of the grant provided by the Foundation, Hope Center for Children was able to implement a group parenting education class at Arcadia Elementary School.

H.A.L.T.E.R., 2014 grant recipient, hosts therapeutic horseback riding programs six

Upon their graduation from the program,

days a week, serving 242 clients. Aimed at

“families actually asked to continue meeting,

providing new and meaningful experiences

even though their parenting course was

to handicapped residents, H.A.L.T.E.R. relies

complete, because the program and

on volunteers who provided nearly 4,000

interaction had been so helpful to them.

hours of service time in 2014. John Cecil,

They also offered to serve as mentors

parent of a H.A.L.T.E.R. client, said,

for the participants in the next parents’

“H.A.L.T.E.R. provides our daughter, Lake,

course,” said Chamlee Loscuito, executive

an enjoyable activity that she can actively

director of Hope Center for Children.

participate in which develops her physically

Because of these organizations’ willingness to connect to those experiencing pressing needs in our community, the lives of many are changed.

while building her confidence.” By attending to the needs of both its riders and their families, H.A.L.T.E.R. strengthens the quality of life for communities across Spartanburg County.



Connecting to a Legacy Brothers, George, Stewart, and Ned Johnson, understand the value of giving back. It is something that was instilled in them from a young age by their father and mother, Dr. and Mrs. George Dean Johnson. As young boys, the brothers can remember their parents modeling for them what it meant to invest in a community, giving of both their time and money. These principles stuck with the Johnson brothers and have influenced their own choices as adults. “If you hear it and see it, it becomes a part of you,” said Stewart Johnson. George Johnson said that his father, a trustee emeritus of the Foundation, taught his sons that the purpose of life is “not in what you acquire, but in how you spend your time.” A donor advised fund was established at the Foundation following the death of Dr. George Dean Johnson, honoring the philanthropic legacy of his wife and him. Believing that the Foundation and its trustees should have access to more unrestricted dollars in order to identify and meet the varied needs in Spartanburg County, the Johnson brothers in 2014 moved a significant contribution from their parents’ donor advised fund into the Community Fund. The brothers hoped that this might spark a desire in

November 2014 presented a unique opportunity for Foundation staff to give back by surprising five local nonprofits with “Just Because” mini-grants. Out of the Community Fund, $1,000 grants were offered to Brothers

others to contribute to opportunities for

Restoring Urban Hope, Inc., The Bethlehem

unrestricted giving.

Center, Stone Soup Storytelling Institute, Upstate Family Resource Center, and Greer

Ned Johnson said, “Giving to the unrestricted fund (Community Fund) at the Foundation is essential. No one knows better than they do what the needs of the community are and how to meet those

Community Outreach Center. Carrying balloons and a large check, staff members arrived on a bus at each location, ready to surprise each organization’s leadership with a needed and welcomed boost. “Having an undesignated gift come into our bottom line

needs. They need to be trusted to act

was huge for us,” said Kelley Ezell, executive

quickly. We trust them.”

director of Upstate Family Resource Center.



Clockwise from left to right: Mr. Ned Johnson, Mr. Stewart Johnson, and Mr. George Johnson

“If you hear it and see it, it becomes a part of you.” -Stewart Johnson To learn more about this, visit CONNECTING OUR COMMUNITY


Clockwise from left to right: Healthy Organization Institute; Nonprofit Connect; Grassroots Leadership Development Institute; Women Giving for Spartanburg



Connecting to Community Initiatives The Spartanburg County Foundation’s role as a community connector and facilitator is perhaps no more prominently evident than through its many initiatives. During 2014, the Foundation sought to inform, educate, and engage diverse groups of people to meet the needs of Spartanburg County. Nonprofit Connect and the Healthy Organization Institute worked to improve the capacity and effectiveness of nonprofit organizations in Spartanburg County. Two hundred and seventy-three nonprofit leaders and board members attended 11 Nonprofit Connect sessions. Twelve nonprofit organizations graduated from the Healthy Organization Institute. The Spartanburg County Foundation continued its work in convening Spartanburg County Government and numerous community partners to see Spartanburg become an “age-friendly community” through the Senior Wellness Initiative. Together, partners worked to create Very Special Places (VSP) Centers throughout Spartanburg County to promote a vibrant and engaged aging population. “It is very rewarding to see leaders, community organizations, and service providers working together on such a critical piece of Spartanburg’s future,” said Terry Cash, trustee of The Spartanburg County Foundation. In 2014, Women Giving for Spartanburg members were found focusing on their role

The Grassroots Leadership Development Institute (GLDI) emphasized growing the strength and impact of the Grassroots Leadership Alumni Association (GLAA) in

as WOW! Sisters. “WOW! Sisters pool their


money together to help people in our com-

maintain and nurture relationships among

munity because they love unconditionally.

graduates and offer continuing education

That’s what makes them WOW!,” said Cathy McCabe, chair of Women Giving for Spartanburg.

to keep leaders engaged and informed. The

The Spartanburg Community Indicators Project provided updates regarding key issues in the community, including Education and Social Environment. Citizen Scholars, designed to aid students in furthering their education, tackled this issue by focusing on the power of mentorship in encouraging students to achieve their academic goals.

The Alumni Association seeks to

Institute has graduated over 250 individuals. During 2014, membership in the Alumni Association rose to 102 individuals. “The GLAA has become an intricate resource to bridging the communication gap among leaders and agencies,” said Antiwan Tate, 2014 GLDI graduate. “A vital component to growing GLAA was identifying and connecting young professionals to current leaders to promote sustainability.”



Connecting to Corporate Philanthropy Contec, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of contamination control products for mission-critical cleaning in manufacturing environments worldwide. When Jack McBride and Jim Smith founded Contec, Inc. in 1988, they knew that one of the core values of their company would be work-life balance. With over 400 employees in Spartanburg County, they recognized the need to care for the well-being of their employees, as well as, the community they serve. “We chose to have a fund with The Spartanburg County Foundation because it allows us to donate money toward a self-directed fund when times are good, ensuring that money will be available when times are not so good,” said Jack McBride. “We also have funds available when unique opportunities arise, such as the Boys & Girls Club’s efforts to leverage greater federal funding with a one year period of local support.” Through their fund, Contec, Inc. supports countless nonprofit organizations and philanthropic efforts throughout Spartanburg County. Jim Smith said, “Our people live here and we want them to get involved in their community. We need to be involved in our community.” Each year, employees receive

Boys & Girls Club of the Upstate seeks to inspire

full pay, but are given one week away from

and enable all young people to realize their

work to go and make a difference in the

full potential as productive, responsible,

lives of others through a philanthropic

and caring citizens. They operate 11 clubs

project. “Employees have done everything

in five Upstate school districts, which bring

from build a house through Habitat for

educationally-focused youth development

Humanity or take a mission trip to the

to 1,100 students attending high poverty

other side of the world,” said Jack McBride. Contec, Inc. is continually looking for opportunities to engage the Spartanburg community. “There is always something we can do,” said Jim Smith. This generous spirit

schools. “Every donor, volunteer, and advocate makes our work possible. Jack McBride and Jim Smith do all three at a high level.

They think broadly and encourage

others, including me, to do the right thing for community progress. Today, we have two Club alumni at Harvard. It would not

makes Contec, Inc. a safe and happy place

be possible without strong corporate partners

for its employees, customers, and countless

like Contec, Inc.,” said Greg Tolbert, executive

community partners.

director of Boys & Girls Club of the Upstate.



Clockwise from left to right: Mr. Jim Smith, Mr. Avi Lawrence, and Mr. Jack McBride

“There is always something we can do.” -Jim Smith To learn more about this, visit CONNECTING OUR COMMUNITY


Clockwise from left to right: United Way of the Piedmont; Spartanburg County First Steps; United Way of the Piedmont; and Hope Remains Youth Ranch



Connecting to Education Many in Spartanburg County would agree that providing quality education to all people is the key to uplifting any community. The Spartanburg County Foundation chose to focus its 2014 Spring Grant Cycle on nonprofits making a difference in the area of Education across Spartanburg County. The Foundation awarded $100,000 to four nonprofit organizations. Education grants specifically focused on improving the quality, effectiveness, and access to education for Spartanburg County residents. Spartanburg County First Steps received a grant to fund its “What Matters Most” program, aimed at incorporating evidence-based research in a systems approach to improve child readiness for first grade. “The grant project, “What Matters Most”, allowed Quality Counts, a First Steps quality enhancement program for childcare classrooms in the county, to pilot the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) in five classrooms in Spartanburg. Current research shows that the key to a quality classroom is teacher- student interactions and is what really matters most in achieving positive learning outcomes for children birth to five,” said Carolyn Brooks, executive director of Spartanburg County First Steps. Through the Foundation’s grant, Hope Remains Youth Ranch was able to strengthen their ability to do equine psychotherapy within the schools. “Some students are non-verbal and others are

The Adult Learning Center, 2014 grant recipient, works with students throughout Spartanburg County to meet their educa-

significantly behind their peers with

tional and professional goals. Providing

language and cognitive skills. However,

certified teachers who work with students

something miraculous happens within

individually and in group settings, the Adult

these children when they interact with the

Learning Center creates an educational plan

horses,” said Beth Haun, principal of Anderson Mill Elementary School.

tailored to each student’s learning style. Steven, an Adult Learning Center student at Kelly Acres, stated, “It’s time for me to make

“From the bottom of my heart I say, ‘thank you,’ to the Foundation for believing in Hope Remains Youth Ranch and giving us

my own way.

These classes have given

me the skills and confidence to be successful.” Steven now has full-time employment and is looking forward to buying a home.

a chance to make a difference in the

“Lives are being transformed here because

community,” said Melanie Watt, executive

of charitable giving,” said Bill Brasington,

director of Hope Remains Youth Ranch.

director of the Adult Learning Center.



Connecting to the Future Bert and Katherine Barre believe in investing in the future. In 2014, they chose to establish a donor advised fund at the Foundation out of a love for the place they call home. “Bert and I both have family ties to community foundations. My parents have a donor advised fund at The Community Foundation in Richmond, VA, and Bert’s father, Wally, is a trustee emeritus of The Spartanburg County Foundation. We wanted to continue their legacies and create a structure that our children can continue for years to come,” said Katherine Barre. The Barres were looking to be more intentional around their charitable efforts and said that partnering with The Spartanburg County Foundation felt like a natural fit. The Foundation aids them in investing in the future of Spartanburg.

“Establishing a

donor advised fund allows us to efficiently utilize appreciated assets to fund our charitable goals for even the most modest gifts. In 2014, we had a unique opportunity to make a charitable contribution with an illiquid asset, and the team at the Foundation was very knowledgeable in facilitating the

The Pine Street Foundation was formed

gift,” said Bert Barre.

in 2009 by a group seeking to help ensure that Pine Street Elementary School has the

The Barres believe that the generosity of

resources needed to enhance the educational

its people is one of the things that makes

experience. Principal Anne Jeter said, “The

Spartanburg so special. Katherine Barre

Pine Street Foundation has made a huge

remarked, “We see it as our responsibility

impact in what we do at Pine Street Elementary

to give back and play a small part in Spartanburg’s compassion and vibrancy.” As a family with three young children,

School. We are fortunate to have angels like the Pine Street Foundation.” Many teachers have a running wish list of items they would like to purchase to support new ideas and

they hope to see their philanthropic

opportunities for their students. “The funds

spirit create a strong future for the

awarded by the Foundation help fulfill those

Spartanburg community.

teachers’ requests. This is an incredible vote of confidence from our parents, grandparents,

“We want to support all things that make Spartanburg a better place,” said Bert Barre.


and friends in the Pine Street community,” said Dr. Russell Booker, superintendent of Spartanburg School District 7.


Mr. Bert and Mrs. Katherine Barre

“We want to support all things that make Spartanburg a better place.” -Bert Barre To learn more about this, visit CONNECTING OUR COMMUNITY


Community Leadership Awarded a total of 1,866 grants in the amount of $9,982,589

Invested into building the capacity of

125 nonprofit organizations through

the Healthy Organization Institute and Nonprofit Connect






Awarded $483,193 in grants from the Community Fund, which included $207,080 in Responsive Grants to16 nonprofits in the areas of Education and Social Environment




Graduated 27 individuals from the Grassroots Leadership Development Institute and grew the Grassroots Leadership Alumni Association to 102 active members


Community Leadership Awarded $952,916 in scholarships from 236 funds directed by area high schools and colleges/universities

to award $3,176,952 to 270 nonprofits


Partnered with donor advised fundholders and supporting organizations


Led and partnered on 7 major initiatives and held more than 80 convenings, of which more than 3,900 individuals participated


Leveraged $1,639,665 through strategic partnerships and outside grants




2014 Board of Trustees

Robert E. Gregory, Jr. Chairman of the Board

Kay E. Woodward Trustee

John C. Stockwell Secretary

Andrew J. Falatok Treasurer

John S. Poole Vice-Chairman

Terry L. Cash Trustee

John E. Bauknight Trustee

Nancy Bain Coté was elected to the Foundation board upon the retirement of Robert E. Gregory, Jr., in December 2014. Since graduating from Converse College, Mrs. Cote´ has served the Converse College community as the Assistant Director of Alumni Affairs and an Admissions Counselor. Coté is a member of First Presbyterian Church and is active in the Spartanburg community as a member of the Charles Lea Center Foundation Board, the Junior League of Spartanburg, and the Mobile Meals Board. She and her husband, Paul, reside in Spartanburg. They have two children, Anna Coté Hall and Abigail Coté.

Foundation Staff

Troy M. Hanna President & CEO

Mary L. Thomas Chief Operating Officer

Cathy C. Scott Finance Assistant


Heather A. Ailstock Finance Associate

Ashley T. Whitt Grants Manager

Susan S. Mullins Director of Finance

Tara J. Weese Director of Grants & Initiatives


Bailey E. Nelson Director of Communications

James W. Shaw General Counsel & Assistant Secretary

“The Spartanburg County Foundation Board is unique in its mission, structure, size, and its close relationship with the staff. Consequently, my service on the Board was the most rewarding and satisfying of any board on which I have served.� -Robert E. Gregory, Jr., Chairman of the Board

Trustees Emeriti 1944-2014 Henry Nelson Snyder J. Choice Evins David W. Anderson Frank B. Vincent MacFarlane L. Cates W. Priestly Conyers, Jr. Clifford B. Hayes James A. Chapman Walter S. Montgomery Broadus R. Littlejohn James T. Wardlaw John M. Fleming, M.D. J.W. Gaston, Jr. Marshall C. Stone Benjamin O. Johnson Robert L. Dargan Stanley W. Converse Donald S. Russell Oliver C. Carmichael, Jr. Erwin N. Darrin Philip A. Buchheit Wyndham S. Clark Frederick B. Dent Paul M. Smith James A. Chapman, Jr. Neville Holcombe William G. Willard L. Perrin Smith George Dean Johnson, M.D. Robert B. Olney John C. Anderson Robert M. Hicklin Henry Gramling Walter J. Brown Percy C. Blackman Walter Demopoulos Stanley W. Converse Thomas A. Evins

1944-1949 1944-1945 1945-1950 1944-1951 1944-1952 1944-1953 1944-1954 1944-1955 1949-1956 1951-1957 1952-1958 1953-1959 1954-1960 1955-1961 1956-1962 1957-1963 1958-1964 1959-1965 1960-resigned 1960-1962 1962-1966 1961-1967 1962-1968 1963-1969 1964-1970 1965-1971 1966-1969 1969-1972 1967-1973 1968-1974 1969-1975 1970-1976 1971-1977 1972-1978 1973-1976 1977-1978 1978-1979 1974-1980

Walter S. Montgomery, Jr. Frank H. Cunningham Wallace W. Brawley William L. Jeffords J. Sidney Fulmer, M.D. Everett C. Clarkson Martha C. Chapman MacFarlane L. Cates, Jr. W.D. Bain, Jr. Edward P. Perrin John T. Wardlaw Harry R. Phillips, Jr. Richard H. Pennell W. Marshall Chapman John E. Keith, M.D. Elaine T. Freeman Kurt Zimmerli Joab M. Lesesne, Jr. Ben S. Willard Robert V. Pinson William Barnet, III Arthur F. Cleveland, II Marianna B. Habisreutinger Frederick B. Dent, Jr. Robert L. Wynn, III Robert H. Chapman, III Edward P. Perrin Betty J. Montgomery John A. Harrill, Jr., M.D. D. Chapman Johnston, Jr. Sally D. Foster H. Walter Barre Thomas E. Hannah Clay H. Turner Jennifer C. Evins Thomas R. Young, III Robert E. Gregory, Jr.

1975-1981 1979-1981 1976-1982 1977-1983 1978-1984 1985-1986 1981-1985 1979-1986 1980-1987 1981-1988 1982-1989 1983-1990 1986-1991 1986-1992 1987-1993 1988-1994 1989-1995 1990-1996 1991-1997 1992-1998 1993-1999 1994-2000 1995-2001 1998-2002 1996-2002 1997-2003 2002-2004 1999-2005 2000-2006 2001-2007 2002-2008 2003-2009 2004-2010 2005-2011 2006-2012 2007-2013 2008-2014




2014 COMMITTEES INVESTMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chris Cannon Andrew Babb Richard Letchworth Jack McBride Palmer Ball John Dargan Kay Woodward John Poole Andrew Falatok


The Community Fund is comprised of 54 unrestricted Funds. These Funds grew by

$1,318,000 during 2014.

In 2014, the Community Fund awarded 113 grants, totaling nearly $479,000. The Community Fund responds to the ever-changing philanthropic needs in Spartanburg County. Donors can contribute directly to the Community Fund.



Terry Cash, Chairman Kay E. Woodward John E. Bauknight, Jr. Cara Lynn Cannon Benjamin Snoddy

CITIZEN SCHOLARS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Fred Herren, Chairman Rusty Wright Chris Henderson Kriste Henderson Amy Kitts Andrew Falatok Winthrop Allen Carl Hinze Terry Pruitt Dot Sloan Meg Lee Nancy Holmes Terra Brannon Cathy McMillan Dean Norman Marian Norman George Price Betty Price John Dargan Todd Brown



SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Tom Moore Craig, Chairman Susan Polson Carrie Canada Gary Barnard GRANTS REVIEW COMMITTEE John Stockwell, Chairman Terry Cash John Bauknight Cara Lynn Cannon Todd Stephens

PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Steve Collie T. Charles Conrad, III Donna S. Murray Barney G. Gosnell Rick M. Higgins William O. Pressley, Jr. Bruce W. Schwartz J. William Strickland Alan M. Tewkesbury, Jr. Jon Youatt

The Book of Memory provides friends and family the opportunity to make gifts in memory of a loved one. These gifts become part of the Community Fund from which grants are made to support worthwhile charities in the community. The Book of Memory is on permanent display at The Spartanburg County Foundation. To make a gift in memory of your loved one, please contact the Foundation at (864) 582.0138.

SPARTANBURG COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE COMMITTEE Benjamin Snoddy, Co-chair Michelle Buhite, Co-chair Tom Evans James Hailstock Yossi Leibowitz Karen Jones Neal Charles Jackson Ned Morris Bob Mahaffey Jane Spann Alex Stevenson Audrey Hailstock Letitia Jones

NAMES INSCRIBED IN 2014 Horace B. Arthur David Dean Dawkins Rev. David Acrill Fort Thomas Ray Fuller Belle Darden Griffin Cleveland S. Harley



2014 Financial Highlights

Scholarships - 534 Grants - 1,300

Second highest year of contributions

2,800 Contributions which led

to $16 million total, of which $13 million is new money



ROI 3.2% and 10 year ROI 5.5%

Statement of Financial Position


Assets Cash Marketable Securities & Real Estate at Quoted Market Price Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation Other




143,222,754 4,436,854 810,686 153,227,024

2013 $



132,451,914 5,094,226 691,359 145,125,586

Liabilities & Net Assets

Accounts Payable Annuities Payable Net Assets




58,600,534 471,232 94,155,258 153,227,024


58,412,256 511,207 86,202,123 145,125,586





Statement of Activity Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets Investment Income Contributions Other Less: Grants Other Expenses

13,486,374 1,430,460

8,926,643 1,252,769






6,478,947 3,076,929 9,555,876


6,249,881 2,762,047 9,011,928







Increase in Unrestricted Net Assets

Annuity Gifts in Excess of Actuarial Liability

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets





Net Assets, Beginning of Year Net Assets, End of Year













Total Assets:

Note: Grants reflected per the Statement of Financial Position - $6,478,947- are net of payments from Agency Endowments of $872,365. Contributions of $13,486,374 are net of gifts to Agency Endowments of $1,052,156. The financial statements are audited annually. Copies of all financial statements, including 990’s and 990-T’s, are available by contacting the Foundation.



Planned Giving Legacy Society For donors who wish to benefit the Spartanburg County community through their estate, The Spartanburg County Foundation offers a Planned Giving Legacy Society. Whether it be through a will, qualified retirement plan, life insurance policy, trust or annuity, the Foundation works with donors every step of the way to explore giving options that will meet their charitable goals. To learn more about how you can include the Foundation in your planned giving, please call (864) 582.0138 or visit A.K. and Lois H. Caughman Fund

Fred Nash Fund

Alfred G. and Virginia R. New Memorial Scholarship Fund

Frederick G. and Alice S. Phillips Family Special Fund

Alma M. and T. R. Garrison Fund

G.B. Hodge, MD Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund

Altrusa “Birthday Bunch” Scholarship Fund Ann C.T. Brown Charitable Fund Anne A. Bain Fund Antoinette G. Brown Charitable Fund

Fulwood-Wright Fund George Evans and Cabell Carrington Mitchell Fund George K. Crow Planned Giving Fund Georgia Cleveland Memorial Fund Greg and Liberty Canzater Fund

Archie Hill Charitable Fund

H. Morgan Rogers and Anne W. Rogers Scholarship Fund

Arthur Frederick Willis Children’s Fund

Habisreutinger & Black Foundation

Balmer Family Trust

Harry H. Gibson Family Fund

Barbara J. Barnes Memorial Family Fund

Harry W. Sanders Fund

Betty Ann Moore Charitable Lead Unitrust Bramlett Family Fund

Harward J. Davis and Annie O. Davis Memorial Family Fund

Cane Creek Presbyterian Church of Union Affiliate Fund

James E. Bobo Memorial Family Endowment Fund

Cane Creek Presbyterian Church of Union Cemetery and Grounds Affiliate Fund

Jennifer Clark Evins Trustee Initiated Fund Jesse Franklin Cleveland and Betty Neiley Cleveland Fund

Carol C. and H. Walter Barre Trustee Initiated Fund

John and Kitty Keith Fund

Caswell Family Memorial Fund

John and Ruth Michener Family Fund

Charles and Mary New Scholarship Fund

John S. and Nora Beth Featherston Fund

Claude and Maxilla Evans Charitable Fund

John S. and Nora Beth Hull Featherston Fund

Donna R. and Walter M. Cart Fund

John T. Wardlaw Community Fund

E. Clifton and Clara M. Lancaster Fund

John T. Wardlaw Discretionary Fund

Elizabeth P. Powell Memorial Fund

Joseph Daniel Bobo Memorial Fund

Elizabeth S. Chapman Charitable Lead Unitrust

Jule K. and DeArmond E. Canaday Endowed Family Fund

Erwin N. Darrin Fund

Kittler B. Zibart Donor Advised Fund

Falatok Foundation Frances and Lester Eledge Endowment Fund Frank H. and Rosie C. Cunningham Fund Frank P. Cyrill, Jr. Family - Westside Library Fund Fred M. Epting and Sara W. Epting Fund

Leland L. and Nell B. Larrabee Fund


Lemuel Clingman Greene Scholarship Fund Leone Walker Woodard and Susan L. Woodard Children’s Fund Linda Sangster West Legacy Fund


Lou Ann and John A. Harrill, Jr. Trustee Initiated Fund

The Grace M. and Harry R. Phillips, Jr. Trustee Initiated Fund

Lucile M. Cart Cancer Fund

The Higgins Family Fund

Lucy Harper Grier Family Fund

The Jim and Janet Shaw Family Fund

Martha Cloud Chapman Charitable Fund

The John F. and Myrtice D. Osborne Memorial Family Fund

Mary A. Daniels and Grace B. Daniels/ Citizen Scholar Fund Mary Frances Grimes Fund Mary W. and John T. Wardlaw Trustee Initiated Fund Mary W. Walsh Charitable Fund Mary W. Wardlaw Community Fund Mary Wheeler Davis Fund for Promotion of the Arts Maude B. Holden Scholarship Fund Nancy Ameila Means Charitable fund

The Katherine Scruggs Memorial Fund The Kondal, O’Toole, and Steck Family Fund The Lucy Harper Grier Benevolent Foundation The Mitchell Scholarship Fund The Mr. E. Frank Watts and Dr. Mary E. Watts Dental Assistance Scholarship Fund The Nell and Newt Hardie Memorial Endowment Fund The Robert E. Gregory, Jr. Family Fund

Nancy Bain Coté Trust Fund

The Rosalie Memorial Music Fund of the First Presbyterian Church

Ned Brown Wingo Trust

The Spires Charitable Fund

Olney Education Fund

The W.L. Jeffords Family Special Fund

Paul Edward and Gail G. Medlin Conservation Endowment Fund

The Wally and Shirley Dalton Charitable Endowment Fund

Paul J. and Nancy B. Coté Donor Advised Fund R. P. Dawkins Scholarship Fund Randall, Lynn, and Russell Raines Family Fund Richard W. Dunn Charitable Fund Richard and Elaine Duncan Family Fund Ron and Rita Allison Fund Roy S. and Elizabeth P. Powell Charitable Fund

The Wildrick Family Fund The William A. and Annie Louise Murray Wallace Fund Theodore and Elizabeth Gage Special Fund (A) Theodore and Elizabeth Gage Special Fund (B) Thomas Samuel Means, Sr. Scholarship Fund Tom and Joan Barnet Fund Tom Moore Craig and Lena Jones Craig Trust Fund

Sally D. and Philip F. Foster Trustee Initiated Fund

Troop 1 Legacy Foundation Robert Atcheson Goldstein Memorial Fund

Sarah S. Butler CRUT 1 and CRUT 2

Virginia U. Russell Fund

Sarah Cannon Smith Spartanburg County Public Libraries Fund

Vivian B. and John C. Anderson Fund

Spartanburg County Anonymous Scholarship Fund

“Why Not” Fund

Spartanburg County Historical Association Endowment Fund Stanley W. Converse Fund Sue M. Fox Memorial Fund The Captain Pennell Society The Dr. Julian and Elizabeth Williams Scholarship Fund The Dr. Larry and Alice Heavrin Fund The Elton C. and Bernice N. Ferris Memorial Scholarship Fund

W. Mac and Carole Vann Davis Family Fund William Alton Crow and Mathilda K. Crow Family Fund William and Beverly Hiller Charitable Fund William B. and Mary D. Ferguson Fund Zimmerli Charitable Remainder Unitrust Zimmerli Charitable Remainder Unitrust Zimmerli Charitable Remainder Unitrust Zimmerli Charitable Remainder Unitrust Zimmerli Charitable Remainder Unitrust



FUNDS Funds Opened in 2014 Agency Endowment Funds

The Glen B. Boggs, II Fund for the Preservation of Historical Architectural Drawings

The Blanton Family Fund

Lisa and John Chapman Donor Advised Fund The Cecilia and Troy Hanna Family Fund

The Mary Lou Burch Trust

Betty James and Walter Montgomery Fund

The City of Spartanburg Police and Fire Strategic Plan Fund

Field of Interest Funds

Junior League of Spartanburg, Inc. Building Fund

Designated Funds

The George Biershenk Foundation Hub City Empty Bowls Project Fund Hub City Hog Fest Fund The Imagine That! Fund Live on the Green Fund Dora T. Martin Memorial Affiliate Fund Miss Jo’s Children’s Fund The Kirk H. Neely Spartanburg County Compassion Fund The Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Fund of Spartanburg County The James Reese Sounds of Diversity Foundation Fund The Susan Satterfield Weekday School Fund

Hub City Animal Project (HCAP) Fund

Scholarship Funds

The Lin and David Allio Carolina Foothills Artisan Center Scholarship Fund The Buddy Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund Chapman High School Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund Friends of Carver High School Scholarship Fund Dr. Alva Pack, III USC Upstate Scholarship Fund Taylor Enterprises, Inc. Scholarship Fund

Supporting Organizations The Ben M. Cart Foundation

The Spartanburg Community Band General Fund The Bob Thomas First Tee Fund Westminster Presbyterian Church Legacy Society Fund

Donor Advised Funds

Unrestricted Field

of Interest Funds John and Kate Dargan Trustee Initiated Fund

Katherine O. and Bert D. Barre Family Fund

Harriet Smith Harris, Philip Guy Harris, and Philip Guy Harris, Jr. Memorial Fund

Anna M. Black Charitable Foundation

The Emery L. Williams Memorial Fund



“The Charles Lea Center Foundation has nine special funds invested through SCF, which are the backbone of our foundation. SCF’s long-term investment strategies grow and protect our assets for the future. The money is readily accessible when we need it for grants.” -Cyndi Beacham, Executive Director, Charles Lea Center Foundation

Agency Endowment Funds

Cancer Association of Spartanburg and Cherokee Counties Fund (1971) Cedar Spring Cemetery Association Endowment Fund (2010)


Agency endowment funds help your nonprofit organization meet both current and future needs. The Foundation handles all investment and administrative responsibilities, leaving your organization free to pursue its charitable mission.

Central United Methodist Church Endowment Fund (2001)


125th Fund in Honor of Helen Fayssoux Kennedy (2010)


Adult Learning Center Reserve Fund (2012)


American Guild of Organists (Spartanburg Chapter) General Fund (2001)


American Legion Building Spartanburg County General Fund (2003)


Animal Allies, Inc. of Spartanburg County General Fund (2005)


Appnet Community-Based Network Fund (1997)


Back Country Revolutionary Heritage Project Fund (1998)


Ballet Spartanburg, Inc. Fund (1992)


The Thomas W. Bartram Honorarium Endowment Fund for the Bartram Trail (2010)


Beeson/Fogarty Endowment of The Charles Lea Center Fund (1994)


Bethlehem Baptist Church Cemetery Fund (1995)


The Bethlehem Methodist Church Cemetery of Union, SC Affiliate Fund (2013)


The Glen B. Boggs, II Fund for the Preservation of Historical Architectural Drawings (2014)


W. Marshall Chapman Arts Endowment Fund (1984) The Chapman Cultural Center Capital Endowment Fund (2001)

Charles Lea Center Foundation General Fund (1994)

$1,112,924.95 $100,634.44 $63,556.69

Christmas in Action Spartanburg General Fund (2001)


The City of Spartanburg Police and Fire Strategic Plan Fund (2014)


Cleveland Park Restoration Fund (1997)


Clifton Mill #2 Memorial Fund (2013)


H.W. Close and Marshall Chapman Boy Scout Endowment Fund (1988)


Converse Heights Neighborhood Association General Fund (2013)


Cornerstone Baptist Church General Fund (2008)


Cowpens War Memorial General Fund (2001)


Cross Anchor Ruritan Club Fund (1998)


Frank P. Cyrill, Jr. FamilyWestside Library Fund (2011)


Ethel Chase Davis Perception Court Fund (1972)


Depot Restoration Fund (1997)

$22,550.58 $71,133.01


District Seven Foundation Fund (2009)

James E. Buchanan Trust (1974)


Dorman High School Capital Fund (1998)

$45,463.23 $18,234.03 $12,237.36 $21,715.41


Children’s Security Blanket Fund (2005)

The BPW/SC Headquarters Legacy Endowment Fund (2009)



Children’s Advocacy Center of Spartanburg General Fund (1999)


Calvary Episcopal Church Cemetery Fund (1999) Camp for Kids Affiliate Fund (2013) Camp Mary Elizabeth Fund (1951) Camp Ponderosa Fund (1963)


Chapman Cultural Center Operating Endowment (2009)

Boys and Girls Clubs General Endowment Fund (2006)

The Mary Lou Burch Trust (2014)



Jean Erwin Fund (2004)


FENCE Endowment Fund (1998)


Fernwood Baptist Church General Endowment Fund (2005) First Baptist Church of Union, SC General Affiliate Fund (2008)


$2,846.47 $205,731.77


FUNDS German American Club Fund (1996)


First Presbyterian Church of Union, SC Building Fund (1993)


First Presbyterian Church of Union, SC Capital Endowment Fund (1993)


First Presbyterian Church of Union, SC Mary Fant Jeter Memorial Fund (1993)


First Presbyterian Church of Union, SC Memorial Fund (1993)

Glenn Springs Academy (Spartanburg Boys’ Home) Endowment Fund (1987)


First Presbyterian Church of Union, SC Mt. Vernon Presbyterian Fund (1993)

Grace United Methodist Church Cemetery Affiliate Fund of Union County, S.C. (2005)



Grace United Methodist Church General Affiliate Fund of Union County, S.C. (2005)


First Presbyterian Church of Union, SC William Coleman Benevolent Fund (1993)


First Responders Memorial Monument at Barnet Park (2012)


First Tee of Spartanburg, Inc. Special Fund (2003)


A. Tony Fisher Spartanburg Public Safety Education and Professional Development Fund (2013)


The Wanda L. Fowler Middle Tyger Community Center Fund (2012)


Friends of 7 Special Fund (1999)


Friends of the Boiling Springs Library Fund (2011)


Friends of the Chesnee Library Fund (2002)


Friends of the Cowpens Library Fund (2011)


Friends of the Inman Library Fund (2011)


Friends of the Landrum Library Fund (2002)


Friends of the Middle Tyger Library (2004)


Friends of the Pacolet Library Fund (2010)


Friends of the Spartanburg County Guardian Ad Litem Special Fund (1998)


Friends of the Spartanburg County Public Libraries Used Bookstore Fund (2012)


Friends of the Spartanburg County Public Library Book Fund (1990)


Friends of the Spartanburg County Public Library Capital Improvements Fund (1990)

Gilman S. Hooper Endowment of The Charles Lea Center Fund (1994) Girl Scout Endowment Fund (1985)

Greater Spartanburg Ministries Endowment Fund (2001)

$239,604.60 $32,390.23 $2,354.35


Lucy Harper Grier Family Fund (2012)


H.A.L.T.E.R. General Fund (2001)


Bob Breitweiser Habitat for Humanity Fund (2011) Happy Hollow Park Fund (1995) Hatcher Botanical Garden Endowment Fund (1987) Hatcher Garden and Woodland Preserve Fund (1997)

$68,304.95 $9,943.89 $501,164.10 $47,920.98

Hatcher Garden and Woodland Preserve General Real Property Fund (2006)


The Hatcher Garden Preservation Fund (2012)


Josephine L. Hatcher Special Projects Fund (1999)


Healthy Smiles’ Jack Keith Society Fund (2011)


Healthy Smiles of Spartanburg, Inc. General Fund (2010)


Helping Hands Ministries of Woodruff Area General Fund (1999) Friends of Hollywild Animal Park General Fund (2001)

$33,728.15 $5,444.20

The Hope Center for Children Fund (1985)



HOPE VI Partnership Fund (2004)


Friends of the Spartanburg County Public Library Staff Development Fund (1995)


Dannie Horne T.O.T.A.L. Ministries Fund (1996)


Friends of the Westside Library Fund (2002)


Friends of the Woodruff Library Fund (2002)


Hospice of the Carolina Foothills General Fund (2011)


The Garden of Hope & Healing Endowment Fund (2011)



Hub City Writers Project Fund (1995) Charley S. Hughes Mission Fund (2011)


$307,284.90 $27,291.97

FUNDS Inman Rotary Club General Fund (1999)


Innovative Rural Development Community Fund (2013)

Nazareth Presbyterian Church Sanctuary Fund (1988)



Anne Irwin Memorial Fund (1993)


New Day, Inc. of Spartanburg Endowment Fund (1993)


Sarah Fant Jones Organ Maintenance Fund (2012)


Junior Achievement of Upstate SC, Inc. General Fund (1992)


Junior Achievement of Upstate SC, Inc., SC Business Hall of Fame Fund (1994)


Junior League Fund (1987)

New Hope Baptist Church Cemetery Fund (1997)


New Hope Baptist Church Family Center Fund (1996)


New Hope Baptist Church General Fund (1997)



Junior League of Spartanburg, Inc. Building Fund (2014)

Connie M. Nixon Boys and Girls Clubs Fund (1995)



Landrum Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund (1986)

Oakwood Cemetery of Spartanburg, Inc. (1983)


The Landrum Presbyterian Church General Fund (2012)

Oryol Art Associates Upstate Region Partnership Fund (1997)


Palmetto Council Camp Maintenance Fund (2006)


Piedmont Interstate Fair AssociationJ.D. Foster Memorial Fund (1992)


Piedmont Science Fair Fund (1990)


Leland L. and Nell B. Larrabee Endowment of The Charles Lea Center Fund (1994)


The Francis Lee Endowment Fund for the Dev. of Human Resources (St. Paul United Methodist Church) (2005)


Library Endowment Operations Fund (2013)


ary G. Lominack Endowment Fund M for Professional Staff Development (1994)

$827,028.12 $4,077.70

Piedmont Sertoma Enterprises Fund (1993)


Price House Fund (1982)



Dr. Jerrie Lucktenberg Concertmaster Chair Endowment Fund (2004)

Priority Metrics Group Community Fund (2002)



The John DeWitt McCollough General Fund (1999)

egional Museum of History R Decorative Arts Endowment Fund (2005)



The Mary M. Robbins Stained Glass Window Fund (2011)


William W. and Ruth C. Robinson Memorial Fund (1998)


North Spartanburg Rotary Club General Fund (1999)


Spartan West Rotary Club General Fund (1999)

$14,883.80 $13,902.76

The Ruth Joan Millard Memorial Award Fund (2004)


Daniel Morgan Statue Maintenance Fund (1988)


Mount Moriah Baptist Church Fund (2013)


Nativity Capital Endowment Fund of Union, SC (1998)


Nazareth Cemetery Fund (1975)


Rotary International Peace Park, Spartanburg, S.C. General Fund (2001)

Nazareth Presbyterian Church Cemetery Fund (1988)


Rotary International/ District 7750 Fund (1990)

Nazareth Presbyterian Church Ministry Fund (1994)


Nazareth Presbyterian Church Programs and Projects Fund (2008)


Sarah F. Russel Library Material Fund (2007)


SAFE Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition Fund (1986)


$11,557.05 $3,388.27


FUNDS Mary V. Davis Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Fund (1999)


SCCF Frederick B. Dent Downtown Campus Library Endowment Fund (2013)


Seay House Endowment Fund (2005)


Endowment of the Senior Centers of Spartanburg County, Inc. (1987) Endowment Fund of the Shepherd’s Center of Spartanburg (1985)

$118,224.23 $120,850.13

The John McClellan Smith Family Memorial Fund (1999)


Sarah Cannon Smith Spartanburg County Public Libraries Fund (2013)


Spartanburg Music Foundation Endowment Fund (1986)


Spartanburg Music Foundation Fund (1961)


Spartanburg Philharmonic Fund (1961)


Spartanburg Repertory Company Virginia Ariail Rouse Fund (1989)


Spartanburg Science Center Endowment Fund (2007)


Spartanburg Soup Kitchen Endowment Fund (2007)


St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church Properties Endowment Fund (1993) St. Luke’s Free Medical Clinic Fund (1993)

Confidential $344,277.67

South Carolina Foundation for Disabled Athletes Fund (1993)


Spartanburg Animal Welfare League Building and Endowment Fund (1988)

St. Matthews Episcopal Church Norman Tyler General Endowment Fund (2008)


Trinity UMC Building Maintenance Endowment Fund (2000)


S partanburg Animal Welfare League, Inc. Fund (1986)


Troop 1 Legacy Foundation General Fund (1999)


The Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce Special Fund (2005)


Spartanburg Area Conservancy, Inc. (SPACE) Fund (1993)


Spartanburg Area Conservancy, Inc. (SPACE) Stewardship Fund (2006)


Spartanburg Bar Association Law Library Material and Collection Fund (2008)


Spartanburg County Blueways Fund (2012) Spartanburg County District One (1996) Spartanburg County Historical Association Endowment Fund (1987)

$5,988.04 $14,852.78 $153,677.51

Spartanburg County Museum of Art Acquisition Fund (1998)


Spartanburg County Museum of Art George Ernest Burwell, Jr. Fund (1997)


Spartanburg County Regional Museum of History Endowment Fund (2000)


Spartanburg County School District Five SCALE Fund (2001)


Spartanburg Little Theatre General Fund (2011)


Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium General Fund (2002)



Troop 3 (Nazareth Pres.) Boy Scout Endowment Fund (2000) Troop 22 and Pack 22 Legacy Fund (2010) Tyger River Park Fund (2010) The Union Community Foundation General Affiliate Fund (2006) Union County Animal Shelter Affiliate Building Fund (2011)


$27,208.01 Confidential $4,026.86 $1,322,900.92 $4,551.86

Union County Carnegie Library Endowment Affiliate Fund (2009)


Union County Carnegie Library Friends of the Library Fund (1996)


Union County Health Care Foundation Affiliate Administrative Fund (2005)


Union County Health Care Foundation Affiliate Project Fund (1995)


Union County Historical Society Museum Building Fund (1996)


Union Rotary Club Fund (1990)


Union-Laurens Commission for Higher Education General Fund (2000)


Upstate Forever Spartanburg County General Fund (2005) Timothy Adam Vann Teen



FUNDS Services Fund (2011)


Walker Foundation General Endowment Fund (1999)


The Walker Foundation Technology Fund (1995)


Dr. W. A. Wallace Staff Wellness Fund (2013)


Wallace Thomson Hospital Adult Volunteers Fund (1996)


Walnut Grove Plantation Fund (1970)


Walnut Grove Plantation Nature Trail Fund (1989)


Winifred B. Walsh Genealogical and Local History Fund (2007)


The Warbirds, Inc. Museum Fund (2000)


Waters Family Cemetery Fund (1987)


Wellford Cemetery Association Fund (2004)


WestGate Training and Consultation Network Endowment Fund (2007)


Westminster Presbyterian Church Capital Fund (2010)


Westminster Presbyterian Church Maintenance Fund (1999)


Whiteside Fund (1992)


YMCA Family Center Endowment Fund (1991)


Designated Funds

By opening a designated fund, you can support a specific nonprofit organization – a senior center, museum, or any qualifying nonprofit charitable organization. The Foundation will invest your gift for long-term growth and issue grants to your favorite nonprofit on a regular basis. “Why Not” Fund (2013) Ron and Rita Allison Ed Allen Citizen Scholars Fund (2013) Vivian B. and John C. Anderson Fund (2008)

$167,055.02 Planned Giving $17,418.51 $291,597.44

The Anderson Mill Historical Fund (2006)


Arcadia Masonic Lodge General Fund (2002)


Barbara J. Barnes Memorial Family Fund (2003)

Planned Giving

Barnet Children’s Library Endowment Fund (1996)


Barnet Park Community Fund (2000)


The Barre-James Fund (2005)


J.N. Berry Sunday School Class Local Missions Fund (1999)


Bethany Baptist Church Anonymous Fund (2002) The George Biershenk Foundation (2014)

Confidential Planned Giving

The Charlotte Jennings Boggs Fund (2013)


The Teresa Marie Brady Memorial Endowment Fund (2010)


Bramlett Family Fund (1994)


Charner William Bramlett Memorial Fellowship Fund (2008)


Ann C.T. Brown Charitable Fund (2000)

Planned Giving

Dennis L. Bruce Author Series Special Fund (2000)


Charles and Sarah Bryant Camp Scholarship Fund (1989)


Faye C. Campbell Fund (1992)


Jule K. and DeArmond E. Canaday Endowed Family Fund (2011)


Cane Creek Presbyterian Church of Union Affiliate Fund (2008)


Cane Creek Presbyterian Church of Union Cemetery and Grounds Affiliate Fund (2008)


Greg and Liberty Canzater Fund (2011)

Planned Giving

The Carolina Foothills Artisan Center Endowment Fund (2013)


Carolina Miracle League Development Fund (2002)


Carolina Pediatric Alliance Sponsorship Fund (2000)


B. Frank Carruth Landrum Community Memorial Fund (1998) Caswell Family Memorial Fund (1999)

$242,220.28 Planned Giving

Chapman High School General Fund (2006)


Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Mission and Church Fund (2012)


Citizen Scholars Annual Operation Fund (2009)




FUNDS Civitan Club of Spartanburg Endowment (2011)


College Town Consortium General Fund (2009)


Colon Cancer Solutions of the Carolinas Fund (2007)


Dorothy and Euta Colvin Family Fund (1996)


Converse Heights Tree Fund (2005)


John H. Costello Music and Public Service Award Fund (1995)


Tom Moore Craig and Lena Jones Craig Trust Fund (1961)


Claude and Maxilla Evans Charitable Fund (1996) First Presbyterian Church Weekday School General Fund (2009)

$360,069.68 $8,325.87

W. G. Foster Camp Scholarship Fund (1996)


John W. and Carol G. Fowler Educational Assistance Fund (1994)


Sue M. Fox Memorial Fund (2004)

Planned Giving

Gay Cecil Frick Cholangiocarcinoma Research Fund (2001)


Holly Crain Memorial Orchestra Scholarship Fund (1995)


Friends of Fairforest Presbyterian Cemetery Affiliate Fund (2012)


Cross Keys House and Property Maintenance Affiliate Fund (2006)


Friends of Spartanburg High School Summer Reading Program Fund (2007)


Clarence H. Crow Bible Distribution Fund (1994)


Friends of the Westside Library Damaris Huff Memorial Fund (2006)


George K. Crow Planned Giving Fund (2007) The Wally and Shirley Dalton Charitable Endowment Fund (2005) Mary A. Daniels and Grace B. Daniels/ Citizen Scholar Fund (2000)

Planned Giving

Theodore and Elizabeth Gage Special Fund (A) (1999)

Planned Giving


Theodore and Elizabeth Gage Special Fund (B) (1999)

Planned Giving


W. Mac and Carole Vann Davis Family Fund (2000)


Mary Wheeler Davis Fund for Promotion of the Arts (1989)


Harward J. Davis and Annie O. Davis Memorial Family Fund (2003) R. P. Dawkins School Improvement Fund (1997) A Dickens of a Christmas Fund (2011) Frances Downard Memorial Award Fund (1992)

$316,780.39 $44,807.71 $1,892.92 $44,669.09

Downtown Spartanburg Sertoma Club (2005)


The Bill Drake Community Events Special Fund (2001)


Duke Power/Spartanburg County Libraries Math & Science Materials Fund (2002) Richard and Elaine Duncan Family Fund (2009) Frances and Lester Eledge Endowment Fund (1996) Episcopal Church of the Nativity Affiliate Cemetery Fund (2013)



Harry H. Gibson Family Fund (1990)


The Dr. C. Tyrone Gilmore Community Fund (2013)


Girls On The Run Program of Spartanburg General Fund (2007)


Glendale Lecture Series Fund (2009)


The Glendale Shoals Community Improvement Fund (2013)


Glendalyn Circle Beautification Fund (1997)


The Glenn Springs Old Allen Store Restoration Fund (2009)


The Glenn Springs Presbyterian Church Restoration Fund (2007)


The Robert E. Gregory, Jr. Family Fund (2001)


Griffin Legacies (2009) Mary Frances Grimes Fund (1996) The Nell and Newt Hardie Memorial Endowment Fund (2011)

$6,171.60 $109,234.11 Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Robert C. Hardin Memorial Camp Scholarship Fund (1990)


Planned Giving

Jeanne S. Harley Antique and Art Material Fund (2007)


The Tristan V. Harrill Special Fund (2011)




FUNDS The Jeff D. Hall Hatcher Garden Beautification and Plant Education Fund (2009)


The Haven, Inc. Helping the Homeless Fund (2010)


The Hawkins Foundation Fund (2005)


Healing Heart Fund (2002)


Healthy Organization Institute Fund (2013)


The Dr. Larry and Alice Heavrin Fund (2013)

Planned Giving

William and Beverly Hiller Charitable Fund (1993)

Planned Giving

Susan Patricia Hodge Memorial Fund (1995)


George Dan’l Hoffman Fund (1995)


Hub City Empty Bowls Project Fund (2014)


Hub City Hog Fest Fund (2014)


Hub-Bub General Fund (2008)


The Imagine That! Fund (2014)


Inman Community Development Fund (2000)


The W.L. Jeffords Family Special Fund (2000)

Planned Giving

Mignon S. Jeffords Memorial Fund (1997)


Reverend Edmund P. Joyce C.S.C. Memorial Fund (2013)


Junior League of Spartanburg/ Mary Flowers Scott Smith Fund for Abused Women (1994)


Junior League of Spartanburg/ Thomas J. Troup Educational Endowment (1999)


The Bob Justice General Fund (2004) John and Kitty Keith Fund (1992) Kiwanis Club Service Projects Fund (2013) Lucile F. Kohler Fund for The Spartanburg Art Museum (2010) Carolyn B. Landrum Children’s Programming Fund (2008) Landrum High School General Fund (2006)

$4,311.01 $10,191.60 $5,193.47 $104,705.46 $14,753.95 $1,023.64

The Roy Lane Spartanburg Community Memorial Fund (2001)


Brian Lawrence Memorial Fund (1999)


Leadership Spartanburg Alumni Association Fund (1998)


R. E. and Marion W. Littlejohn MBMH Employees Discretionary Fund (1996) Live on the Green Fund (2014)

$71,521.16 $1,305.63

Rudolph E. Mancke, Sr. Fellowship of Christian Athletes Scholarship Fund (2002)


ora T. Martin Memorial Affiliate Fund (2014) D $1,975.82 Marion L. McMillan, Jr. Family Fund (2001) $9,930.02 Paul Edward and Gail G. Medlin Conservation Endowment Fund (1998) $2,384.66 Miss Jo’s Children’s Fund (2014) $19,506.68 George Evans and Cabell Carrington Mitchell Fund (1995) $182,941.91 Walter Scott Montgomery Boy Scout Troop 1 Fund (Church of the Advent) (1996) $10,255.84 Walter S. Montgomery Commons (1978) $280,092.60 Walter Scott Montgomery Junior Achievement of Spartanburg Special Fund (1996) $49,971.56 Walter Scott Montgomery Palmetto Council Boy Scouts of America Fund (1996) $50,199.96 Walter Scott Montgomery United Way of The Piedmont Special Fund (1996) $49,971.56 The Carlos D. and Cynthia E. Moseley Archival Preservation Fund (2011) $26,499.03 The Carlos D. and Cynthia E. Moseley Exhibition Fund (2011) $13,249.51 Nazareth Presbyterian Church Seminary Scholarship Fund (2008) $26,060.47 The Kirk H. Neely Spartanburg County Compassion Fund (2014) $6,098.72 Northside Child Development Center Fund (2013) $1,050,132.00 Oak Creek Plantation Lake Owner’s Association General Fund (2006) $12,887.38 The Robert Lawrence Odom Memorial Hosta Garden Endowment Fund (2009) $1,640.29 One Hundred Club Fund (1956) $144,647.12 Eleanor G. Oppenheimer Barnet General Fund (2001) $29,927.23 Orthopaedic Associates P.A. General Education Fund (2004) $16,806.85 The John F. and Myrtice D. Osborne Memorial Family Fund (2003)

Planned Giving

Pacolet-Glendale Blueway Special Fund (2011)




FUNDS Palmetto Council, Boy Scouts of America General Fund (2006)


The Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Fund of Spartanburg County (2014)


Partners for Active Living General Fund (2010) The Captain Pennell Society (2009) Frederick G. and Alice S. Phillips Family Special Fund (2000) The Grace M. and Harry R. Phillips, Jr. Family Fund (1999)

$65,836.71 $1,415.63 Planned Giving $17,855.12

Spartanburg Academic Movement Fund (2009)


The Spartanburg Cares Fund (2007)


The Spartanburg Community Band General Fund (2014)


Spartanburg Community Indicators Project Fund (2004)


Spartanburg County Behavioral Health Collaborative Fund (2012)


Spartanburg County Foundation Music Awards Fund (1995)


Roy S. and Elizabeth P. Powell Charitable Fund (1992)


The Spartanburg County General Welfare Fund (2006)

Roy S. and Elizabeth P. Powell Mobile Meals Fund (1998)


Spartanburg County Local Emergency Planning Committee Fund (2013)


Spartanburg County Medical Society Fund (1956)


Josephine Prall Spartanburg Animal Welfare Memorial Endowment Fund (2000) Caroline Virginia Pulliam Mitochondrial Special Fund (2005) Jackson S. Dunbar RAINBOW Fund (1998) Randall, Lynn, and Russell Raines Family Fund (2004) The J. Guy Rankin Children’s Relief Fund (2000) The James Reese Sounds of Diversity Foundation Fund (2014) The Rosalie Memorial Music Fund of the First Presbyterian Church (2006) The Susan Satterfield Weekday School Fund (2014)

$22,148.38 $698,874.42 $2,369.34 Planned Giving $36,872.10 $1,700.27 Planned Giving $10,172.48

SCCF M. L., Jr. & Marguerite M. Cates Faculty/Staff Development Endowment (2000)


SCCF Nursing Scholarship Fund (2008)


SCCF Wallace Eppes Johnson Curriculum Enhancement Fund (2003) The Jennifer R. Schaper/ Spartanburg Day School Memorial Fund (2002) The Katherine Scruggs Memorial Fund (2006) Senior Wellness Initiative Fund (2013) The Jim and Janet Shaw Family Fund (2011) The Florine Cates Simpson Calvary Episcopal Church Memorial Cemetery Fund (2005) Society of St. Paul the Apostle Fund (2012) Southside Unity in the Community Special Fund (2003)


$30,750.97 $2,008.33 Planned Giving $12,621.66 Planned Giving $25,984.80 $42,283.44 $1,094.89


Spartanburg County School District Three Children’s Assistance Fund (2002)


Spartanburg County Sheriff ’s Office Chaplain’s Benevolence Program Fund (2002)


Spartanburg County Youth Anonymous Fund (1997)


Spartanburg County Youth Sports Bureau Special Fund (2002)


The Spartanburg Entrepreneur Incubator Fund (2011)


Spartanburg High School Athletic Department Endowment Fund (2002)


The Spartanburg High School Baseball Fund (2006)


Spartanburg High School Community Services Fund (2004) Spartanburg Preparatory School Fund (2009) Spartanburg Young Professionals (SYP) General Fund (2006) Spartanburg’s Music Trail Fund (2006) The Spires Charitable Fund (2008)

Confidential $23,470.96 $2,200.11 $12,411.84 Planned Giving

A Spot of Pride Beautification Fund (2000)


A Spot of Pride Beautification Reserve Fund (2009)


Springdale Lane Beautification Fund (2002) Thomas Mason Stokes Perpetual Care Fund (2000)


$4,799.18 $20,313.81

FUNDS The Brenda Helton Story Fund (2009)


Strengthening Voices-Grassroots Leadership Development Fund (2003)


Swiss American Community Fund (1999)


Spartanburg Area IMA Ruby Taylor Memorial Scholarship Fund (1987)


Mary L. Thomas Award for Civic Leadership and Community Change Fund (2006)


The Fred J. Thomas Community Fund (2003)


The Bob Thomas First Tee Fund (2014)


Robert R. Thomas Science and Education Fund (1996)


Elsie G. Tinsley Memorial Fund (2006)


The Trees Coalition General Fund (2008)


Troop 1 Legacy Foundation Robert Atcheson Goldstein Memorial Fund (2007)


Rev. Dr. Clay H. Turner Endowment for St. Luke’s Free Medical Clinic Fund (1998)


The Reverend Clay and Jane Turner St. Luke’s Free Medical Clinic Endowment Fund (2006)


United Way Special Endowment Fund (1983) The William A. and Annie Louise Murray Wallace Fund (1993)

$16,313.04 Planned Giving

Mary W. Walsh Charitable Fund (2006)


Sallie Lybrand Ward Fund (2004)


John T. Wardlaw Community Fund (2013)

Planned Giving

Mary W. Wardlaw Community Fund (2013)

Planned Giving

John T. Wardlaw Discretionary Fund (2007)

Planned Giving

Vera W. and Roy Waters School District Six Memorial Music Fund (2001) The Phillip Watters Foundation Fund (2007) The Sarah Weinert Memorial Assistance Fund (2007)

$5,150.18 $31,486.32 $6,095.07

West Main Artist Cooperative General Fund (2009)


Westminster Presbyterian Church Anonymous General Fund (2002)


Westminster Presbyterian Church Legacy Society Fund (2014) The Westside Library Frank P. Cyrill, Jr. and Earlene G. Cyrill Material Fund (2006)


Westside Neighborhood Association General Fund (2005)


Elizabeth Ormand White Children’s Books Endowment Fund (1997)


The Wildrick Family Fund (2009)

Planned Giving

George A. Withers, Jr. Camp Scholarship Fund (1992)


Women Giving for Spartanburg Fund (2007) Leone Walker Woodard and Susan L. Woodard Children’s Fund (1999)

$256,588.71 Planned Giving

MCA Special Endowment Fund (1983) Y


Donor Advised Funds By opening a donor advised fund, you retain ongoing involvement in the use of your gift. With a donor advised fund, you work with our professional staff to identify ways to use dollars from your fund to address the issues you care about most. Jay Alexander and Cornelia Alexander Family Fund (2011) Heather N. and Winthrop C. Allen Family Fund (2011) Anderson Family Fund (1994) Thomas G. Armstrong and Patricia A. Armstrong Donor Advised Fund (2008) Marion L. Arnett, Jr. and Mary C. Arnett Family Fund (2006) Thomas and Cecilia Arthur Family Fund (1995) Anne A. Bain Fund (1994) Tom and Joan Barnet Fund (1994) Katherine O. and Bert D. Barre Family Fund (2014) Thomas and Marianne Bartram Memorial Fund (1998) Joellappell Bauknight Family Fund (2013) Frank M. Beer and Dorothy M. Beer Family Fund (2007) Kent A. Beeson Memorial Fund (1999) Anna M. Black Charitable Foundation (2014) The Blanton Family Fund (2014) Russell and Sheryl Booker Family Fund (2013) James and Carol Bradof Fund (1999) Lucien & Evelyn Brailsford Donor Advised Fund (2000)


Sheila and Bob Breitweiser Family Fund (2010)



FUNDS Jesse and Margaret Bridges Family Donor Advised Fund (2009)

George D. Fields, Jr. and Mildred A. Fields Family Fund (2013)

Susan A. Bridges Family Donor Advised Fund (2010)

Miller Foster Family Fund (2000)

Bristow Foundation Family Fund (2013)

e J. Robert Freeman, Jr. Memorial Fund (1997) Th Fulmer Fund (1988)

W. Reed Brown and Suzanne Wynn Brown Family Fund (2008) The Buchheit/Babb Family Fund (2007) Ernest and Elizabeth C. Camp Family Fund (2007) Jule K. and DeArmond E. Canaday Donor Advised Fund (2002) William Z. and Joy S. Cannon Family Fund (2003) Lucile M. Cart Donor Advised Fund (1988) Donna and Walter Cart Fund (1996)

Fulwood-Wright Fund (1997) Ted and Nancy Gage Family Fund (1998) Theodore and Betty Gage Family Fund (2000) William W. and Frances L. Gaston Family Fund (2006) Gignilliat Special Fund (1986) Nancy M. and Henry C. Giles Family Fund (2001)

Lisa and John Chapman Donor Advised Fund (2014)

John Graham Fund (1996)

W. Marshall Chapman and Elizabeth S. Chapman Donor Advised Fund (2005)

John & Ellen Gramling Family Donor Advised Fund (2000) The Julian Paul Green Memorial Family Fund (2007)

The Chapman Family Fund (2002)

Robert E. Gregory, Jr. and Marie H. Gregory Donor Advised Fund (2008)

Harrison S. Chapman Fund (2003) Morris B. and Harriet S. Chesney Fund (1995) Jesse Franklin Cleveland and Betty Neiley Cleveland Fund (1991) The Linda K. Cobb Charitable Fund (2009) William R. Cobb Fund (2009) The Coker Fund (2010) Charles and Susan Conrad Family Fund (2013) Contec, Inc. Charitable Fund (2010) Dillard W. and Patricia H. Copeland Family Fund (2006) Paul J. and Nancy B. CotĂŠ Donor Advised Fund (1989) William Alton Crow and Mathilda K. Crow Family Fund (2007) Kate and John Dargan Fund (1997) The Richard W. and Billie Hasty Dunn Memorial Family Fund (1986) J.D. Edwards Family Fund (1994) The Ellis Family Fund (2010) Ellis-Lehner Fund (1998) Thomas A. and Elizabeth S. Evins Memorial Fund (1991) Andy and Lynne Falatok Fund (1997) Christopher and Meghan Falatok Fund (2012) John and Claudia Faris Family Fund (2012) Faris Fund (2009) John and Nora Featherston Donor Advised Fund (1991) John S. and Nora Beth Featherston Fund (1992) Mary D. and William B. Ferguson Memorial Family Fund (1999)


Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Gregory, Jr. Fund (1997) Joe and June Griffin Donor Advised Fund (2007) The Cecilia and Troy Hanna Family Fund (2014) John A. Harrill, Jr. and Lou Ann F. Harrill Family Donor Advised Fund (2002) The Heidi Fund (2008) The Henderson Family Fund (2013) Robert Hicklin, Sr. Fund (1994) The Higgins Family Fund (2006) Trey and Missy Hill Charitable Fund (2007) Charles J. Hodge Family Fund (2001) John A. and Laura F. Hodge Family Fund (2012) Mabel H. Hospital Donor Advised Fund (2007) William W. Howell, Jr. and Rebecca C. Howell Family Fund (2004) The Henry D. Jacobs, Jr. Family Fund (2002) William A. and Sallie B. James Family Fund (1998) The Melissa and Stephen Johnson Family Fund (2011) Betty and George Dean Johnson Fund (1994) Donald C. Johnston, Jr. and Ann M. Johnston Family Donor Advised Fund (2002) Dorothy C. and Julian C. Josey Fund (1997) B.F. Kennedy Donor Advised Fund (1996) The Kondal, O’Toole, and Steck Family Fund (2013)


FUNDS The Lego Family Fund (2009) Joe and Ruth Lesesne Donor Advised Fund (2011) Jack A. Linder, Sr. and Carolyn G. Linder Family Fund (2004) R. E. and Marion Littlejohn Fund B (1997)

Charlotte S. Verreault and John F. Verreault, III Family Fund (2008) The Visk Family Fund (1998) VSP Foundation, Inc. Donor Advised Fund (2010)

R. E. and Marion Littlejohn Fund P (1996)

The Willard G. Wade Family Fund (1999)

The William Sinkler Manning Memorial Donor Advised Fund (2001)

Wardlaw Trust Fund (1978) Linda Sangster West Donor Advised Fund (2007)

Zerno Martin Family Fund (2009)

Elizabeth M. White Donor Advised Fund (2012)

The Melissa and Ken Martin Fund (2013)

Ruth Cate and Chuck White Family Fund (2011)

William C. and Wendy S. Mayrose Family Fund (2006)

The Ben S. and Kathy C. Willard Family Fund (2006)

Sean and Gretchen McEnroe Family Fund (2011)

John and Jean Williams Donor Advised Fund (1997)

Ed and Gail Medlin Donor Advised Fund (1993)

Harry and Betsy Williams Fund (1986)

John and Ruth Michener Family Fund (1997)

Donald P. & Vicki E. Woodward Donor Advised Fund (1999)

William E. and Betty S. Monroe Family Fund (1997)

Thomas R. Young Fund (1998)

Laura and Scott Montgomery Family Fund (2010)

Kittler B. Zibart Donor Advised Fund (1994)

Betty James and Walter Montgomery Fund (2014) The Moore Family Donor Advised Fund (2013) Douglas B. and Maxine F. Nash Family Fund (2007) Walter and Joy Oates Family Fund (2010)

Field of Interest Funds

The John and Lynne Poole Family Fund (2010)

Through a field of interest fund, you can target gifts to the cause most important to you – arts, health services, education, neighborhood revitalizations, youth welfare, and more.

Elizabeth P. Powell Memorial Fund (1999)

Kevin Malcolm Alexander Fund (1972)


William Price Fund (2000)

Amos & Babs Memorial Fund (2002)


Charles Ray Robbins and Mary M. Robbins Family Affiliate Fund (2008)

James E. Bobo Memorial Family Endowment Fund (2004)

Jack B. and Donna S. Robinson Family Fund (2012)

Joseph Daniel Bobo Memorial Fund (2009)

Patt and Tom Rocks Charitable Fund (2009)

Ben M. Cart and Ella M. Cart Child Abuse Fund (1997)

Vitthalbhai H. Patel Family Fund (1997) Richard H. Pennell Fund (1986) Anne Porchér Z. and Edward P. Perrin Fund (1986)

Jon Emmett and Virginia H. Shuler Fund (1989) Gerald and Mary Helen Smith Family Fund (2012) The Louis and Carter Smith Family Fund (2006) L. Terrell Sovey, Jr. Family Fund (2011) SSS Management Corp. Foundation General Fund (2002) The Tiller Family Fund (2005) Upstate Carolina Radiology, PA Charitable Fund (2008) Drs. John C. Stockwell and Diane C. Vecchio Donor Advised Fund (2011)

Coalition for Active Youth Fund (2007) Nancy Bain Coté Trust Fund (1990) The Council for Community Empowerment General Fund (2005) W.O. Ezell Beautification Fund (1979) John S. and Nora Beth Hull Featherston Fund (1995)

$249,761.01 $5,237.25 $228,464.23 $4,402.30 $29,933.75 $4,272.31 $33,721.45 $1,659.95

Hub City Animal Project (HCAP) Fund (2014)


J M Smith Foundation, Inc. General Fund (2007)


E. Clifton and Clara M. Lancaster Fund (1996)




FUNDS Charles W. Locke, Sr. Memorial Family Fund (2012)


Palmetto Men’s Club General Fund (2002)


The Spartanburg County OST Youth Fund (2000)


The Brian Wofford Community Outreach Fund (2012)



$19,207.30 $13,258.84 $7,194.81 $13,470.94

Bobby Chapman Junior Golf Foundation Fund (1995)



Citizens for a Better Tomorrow School District #3 Fund (1993)



Civitan Club of Spartanburg Scholarship Fund (1998)

By opening a scholarship fund, you can invest your gift in the community’s future, all with the guidance and personal services from your community foundation. You determine the criteria students must meet to receive the scholarship you establish. With your assistance, students can achieve their academic and career goals.



Sarah S. Butler Horticultural Scholarship Fund (1994) J.F. Byrnes High School Coca-Cola Scholarship Fund (1999) Elizabeth Ward Cannon Jesse Boyd Scholarship Fund (1987) Cannons Campground Ruritan Club Scholarship Fund (2006) Michael Boyd Canupp Memorial Scholarship Fund (1997) Robert M. Carlisle Memorial Scholarship Fund (1953) B. Frank Carruth Memorial Scholarship Fund (1998) Ruth B. Caudle Scholarship Fund (2008) Chapman High School Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund (2014) Chapman High School/Landrum High School Nursing Scholarship Fund (2007)

Scholarship Funds

Adult Learning Center Scholarship Fund (1997) The John Mark Alexander Memorial Scholarship Fund (2012) The Lin and David Allio Carolina Foothills Artisan Center Scholarship Fund (2014) Alpha Phi Alpha Chapter Scholarship Fund (2000) Altrusa “Birthday Bunch” Scholarship Fund (2010) Mildred H. Alverson Memorial Scholarship Fund (2008) Jack K. and Margaret J. Barnes Scholarship Fund (1998) William Barnet & Son, LLC Scholarship Fund (2011) Mary Alice Lanford Barnett Memorial Scholarship Fund (2002) Kent A. Beeson Memorial Scholarship (2004) Bird Christian Scholarship Fund (2001) Cathy Bird Memorial Scholarship Fund (2009) Black Tie Scholarship Fund (2002) Boiling Springs Junior Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Fund (1992) Spartanburg Breakfast BPW Club Scholarship Fund (2000) The Buddy Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund (2014) The Helen T. Bruce Memorial Scholarship Fund (2001)

The Jackson C. Bundy Spartanburg Art Museum Scholarship Endowment Fund (2011) The Ben Burfete and Workman Cantrell Memorial Scholarship Fund (2001)

$14,463.30 $57,496.16

$94,565.44 $59,310.26 $43,237.81 $35,830.00 $1,864.89 $640,686.67 $26,941.51 $256,581.28 $12,806.20 $154,258.68


Cammie Fludd Clagett Scholarship Fund (1990)


The Helen V. Cole/Butler Scholarship Fund (1999)


The Joseph L. Cooke Memorial Scholarship Fund (1996)



Covenant Presbyterian Church Scholarship Fund (1997)



Coyle Scholarship Fund of Buford St. UMC (2001)



The Croft Rescue Squad 18 Scholarship Fund (2011)



Chad A. Czechowski JROTC Scholarship Fund (2006)

$29,836.13 $81,869.17 $34,643.61 $16,104.71 Confidential



“The Spartanburg County Foundation funds many of the scholarships we offer to students at Dorman High School. We know that our students can depend on having their scholarships fully funded because of the fiscal responsibility and professionalism provided by The Spartanburg County Foundation.” -Ken Kiser, Principal, Dorman High School

Hilard H. Dawkins Memorial Scholarship Fund (1992)


R. P. Dawkins Scholarship Fund (1996)


Dorman (All Sports) Booster Club Scholarship Fund (2000) Dorman Band E. Todd Watson Scholarship Fund (1994) Dorman Band Josie Turnage Scholarship Fund (1996) Dorman High School Achievers Scholarship Fund (2002) Dorman High School Allen O. Clark, Sr. Scholarship to Wofford College Fund (1996) Dorman High School Alumni Scholarship Award (1996) Dorman High School Anonymous Scholarship Fund (B) (2002) Dorman High School Chartwells Scholarship Fund (1996) Dorman High School Coca-Cola Scholarship Fund (1999) Dorman High School Daniel Scott Seay Memorial Scholarship Fund (1996) Dorman High School Mary Frances Gosnell Scholarship Fund (1996) Dorman High School Michael Scott Adams Memorial Scholarship Fund (2003) The Ryan Sims Dorman High School Scholarship Fund (2002) Dorman High School Weldon Wyatt Endowment Fund (2003) Paul M. Dorman Scholarship Fund (1996)

$58,530.00 $15,658.24 $28,683.90 $48,795.63 $3,776.64 $33,345.24 Confidential $10,893.21 $128,673.49 Confidential Confidential $41,118.85 $103,064.06 $1,710,372.44 $32,423.79

Fred M. Epting and Sara W. Epting Fund (1987)


Jim Everhart Special Scholarship Fund (1998)


Fairforest Middle School PTO Scholarship Fund (2003)


Faris Scholarship Fund (1993)


Faucette Family Fund (1998)


The Elton C. and Bernice N. Ferris Memorial Scholarship Fund (2000) First Presbyterian Church of Union, SC Sloan Scholarship Fund (1993) The Marguerite Alman Foster

Annual Scholarship (1998) J. Howard & Blanche Chapman Foster/ Bethel United Methodist Church Scholarship Fund (2002) Friends of Carver High School Scholarship Fund (2014)


$15,535.50 $1,891.65

L.E. Gable Middle School P.T.O. Scholarship Fund (1999) $3,358.10 The Moody Garner Memorial Scholarship Fund (1999) $38,398.87 Mason Gaston Memorial Scholarship Fund (1998) $31,063.73 Marche Gault Scholarship Program Fund (1997) $88,089.64 Casi Kathleen George Memorial Scholarship Fund (2000) $92,385.77 German American Club Scholarship Fund (1997) $19,112.00 Edwin Gerschefski Memorial Scholarship Fund (1993) $14,156.11 Lemuel Clingman Greene Scholarship Fund (1992) $7,926.71 The Gail Swofford Hackett Scholarship Fund (2011) $26,330.37 The Hammett Memorial Scholarship Fund of Buford St. UMC (2001) $79,373.21 Frederick G. and Martha B. Harris Fund (1997) $109,145.77 Gordon B. Helmers Professional Education Fund (1995) $86,064.16 Jane Hicks ASTRA Scholarship of Altrusa International of Spartanburg Fund (2005) $36,334.65 Paul High American Legion Post 45 Baseball Scholarship Fund (2001) $5,075.82 H. E. Hipp Memorial Scholarship Fund (1998) $8,509.60 Charlie Hodge Spartanburg High School Scholarship Fund (2003) $5,381.56 G.B. Hodge, MD Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund (2009) $28,197.54 Eva S. Hoffman Scholarship Fund (1990) $45,441.29 The Alex Holbein Memorial Scholarship Fund (2007) $20,366.61 Maude B. Holden Scholarship Fund (2012) $1,589.91 “The Hope for Union High,” Scholarship Affiliate Fund (2010) $14,824.57 John David Hortman Scholarship Fund (2012) $17,825.22


Mabel H. Hospital SDS Scholarship Fund (2013)



Dr. William L. Howell, III and Shirley M. Howell Scholarship Fund (2002)


Charles H. Humphries, Jr. Scholarship Fund (1971)




FUNDS Gaffney High School Melissa Ann Huntley Memorial Scholarship Fund (2001)


Toy A. Hyder Memorial Scholarship Fund (2002)


The Helen W. Hyett Memorial Scholarship Fund (2001)


The iRecycle Fund (2010) The Marisha S. Jeter Memorial Scholarship Affiliate Fund (2011) Benjamin O. and Mallie B. Johnson Legal Education Fund (1965) Kiwanis Educational Fund (1987) James “Pee Wee” Lambert Scholarship Fund (1994) H. Gene Lee Memorial Scholarship Fund (1999) Jack A. Linder, Sr. and Carolyn G. Linder Broome High Scholarship Fund (2002) The Honorable C. Bruce Littlejohn Memorial Scholarship for SMC Paralegal Students (2000) The Betty Strider Locke Music Scholarship Fund (2010) The Cliff Malpass Memorial Scholarship Fund (2001) James Mancke Scholarship Fund (1994) Shara Mason Memorial Scholarship Fund (2006) Janna Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund (1999) The Mitchell Scholarship Fund (2009) Nancy M. Moore Memorial Scholarship Fund (1998) Morgan Corp. Employee Scholarship Fund (2010) Katherine Marie Morgan Memorial Scholarship Fund (1999) Daniel Morgan ROTC Fund (1989) Music Club of Spartanburg Lynne Moore Salmon Scholarship Fund (1996) Music Club of Spartanburg Paul Calvert Thomas Pre-College Scholarship Fund (1990) The Music Club of Spartanburg (1986) Doug Necker Memorial Scholarship Fund (2000) Alfred G. and Virginia R. New Memorial Scholarship Fund (1998)

$11,219.20 $22,974.56 $265,344.76 $107,444.45 $5,685.91 $13,814.66 $105,304.93 $1,963.98 $50,096.22 $1,539.53 $31,818.29 $12,432.84 $3,089.10 $1,563.28 $96,347.13 $649,098.39 $3,474.83 $38,253.61 $11,565.72 $13,000.48 $41,182.63 $32,227.22 $6,068.92

Charles and Mary New Scholarship Fund (1990)


Vendetta M. Nicholson Scholarship Fund (2000)


The Oakbrook Preparatory School Scholarship Fund (2000)


Dr. Alva Pack, III USC Upstate Scholarship Fund (2014)



The Louise M. Parris Dorman High School Scholarship Fund (2007)


Kay Killingsworth Parris Scholarship Fund (1988)


Jon H. Poteat Scholarship Fund (1997)


The Stuart Harrison Price Memorial Scholarship Fund (2005)


M.D. Putnam Annual Scholarship Fund (2000) Harold D. Raeford Memorial Scholarship Fund (2003)

$8,873.40 $18,486.10

e Yvonne Ravan Memorial Scholarship (2004) Th $7,164.96 H. Morgan Rogers and Anne W. Rogers Scholarship Fund (1996) $137,306.12 Emil Rusch Memorial Scholarship Fund (1999) $19,531.20 Jeremy A. Sailem Spartanburg High School Scholarship Fund (2010) $20,775.71 SCCF Benjamin D. Snoddy Scholarship Fund (1999) $10,574.06 SCCF BMW Scholars Program (2012) $5,674,360.34 SCCF Boyce Hensley Achievement Award Fund (1999) $9,214.05 SCCF Brazilian Friends Scholarship Fund (1992) $10,248.76 SCCF Bruce Harris Memorial Scholarship Fund (1998) $10,917.90 SCCF Charles R. Sanders Scholarship (1993) $11,182.52 SCCF Chris Duerksen Memorial Scholarship Fund (1996) $32,742.93 SCCF Debra Ann Kay Memorial Scholarship Fund (1995) $17,361.91 SCCF Eleanor J. and James P. Ledbetter, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund (1992) $21,641.85 SCCF Foster and Ruth Gray Chapman Single Parent Achievement Award (2001) $92,214.97 SCCF HVAC Scholarship Fund (1992) $18,241.25 SCCF Jack A. Powers Presidential Achievement Award Fund (1996) $10,507.08 SCCF James Wood Memorial Fund (1992) $8,756.06 SCCF Joe R. and Joella F. Utley Endowment Fund (1995) $10,160.29 SCCF John Alden Squires Memorial Alumni Scholarship Fund (2000) $10,591.77 SCCF John B. White Scholarship Fund (1992) $9,093.88 SCCF John C. Johnson Memorial Scholarship (2004) $27,707.01 SCCF John S. Featherston Memorial Scholarship Fund (1992) $75,166.06


FUNDS SCCF Leroy Sellars Memorial Scholarship Fund (1999) SCCF Mildred Harrison Dent Memorial Scholarship Fund (1998) SCCF Piedmont Interstate Fair Horticultural Scholarship Fund (1997) SCCF Shirley M. Tillotson Memorial Scholarship Fund (1998) SCCF Spartanburg County Medical Society Health Careers Scholarship Fund (2001) SCCF Spartanburg Lions Club Scholarship for the Blind Fund (1997) SCCF Tech. Scholars Scholarship Fund (2011) SCCF Todd Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Fund (1998) SCCF Vic Bailey Ford ASSET Scholarship/Resource Fund (1997) SCCF Wil Myers Scholarship Fund (1990) SCCF Workman Cantrell Memorial Culinary Arts Internship Endowment (2001) Scholastic Sportsmanship Foundation Scholarship Fund (2008) Dr. and Mrs. B. T. Sears, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund (2003) SEW-Eurodrive, Inc./Byrnes High School Athletic Scholarship Fund (2006) The Eula Sherman Scholarship of Altrusa International of Spartanburg Fund (2001) William Russell Sloan Scholarship Fund (2012) Small-Fry Scholarship Fund of Cherokee County (1997) Frances Elizabeth Sitton Smith Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund (2003) Ellen Hines Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund (1998) The Jennifer Leigh Smith Memorial Swimming Scholarship Fund (1998) Dr. Gwendolyn M. Smith Scholarship Fund (2002) Clinton Richard Smith, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund (2003) The Coach Snipes Memorial Scholarship Fund (2009)

$9,819.68 $34,013.01 $10,277.55 $12,782.52 $9,487.97 $17,233.04 $12,096.80 $12,314.20 $6,493.20 $80,087.23

Spartanburg County Anonymous Scholarship Fund (1998) Spartanburg County Clemson Club Scholarship Fund (1997) Spartanburg County Dist. 5 Dietrich Gaston Memorial Scholarship Fund (1998) Spartanburg County District Five Food Services Scholarship Fund (1997) Spartanburg County District Seven Orchestra Scholarship Fund (William R. Scott) (1997)

Confidential $10,638.56 $1,276.68 $34,562.13 $22,526.10

Spartanburg County Livestock Producers’ Association General Fund (1997)


Spartanburg High School ACT/Ella Poats Scholarship Fund (1989)


Spartanburg High School Alex Hopps, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund (1991)


Spartanburg High School Andrew Allen Scholarship Fund (1987)



Spartanburg High School Business Education Scholarship Fund (2003)


Spartanburg High School Chapter of the National Honor Society Scholarship (1994)


Spartanburg High School Chapter of the National Beta Club Scholarship Fund (1990) $15,150.64


Spartanburg High School Charles I. Blackburn Memorial Scholarship Fund (1990)

$37,963.72 $11,799.43

Spartanburg High School Class of ‘44 Scholarship Fund (1984)

$48,995.25 $56,553.50 $41,692.05 $29,826.48 $8,087.81 $56,653.17 $32,633.70

Spartanburg Academy for Innovative Youth Scholarship Fund (2011)


The Spartanburg Christian Academy Scholarship Fund (2013)


Spartanburg High School Class of ‘45 Scholarship Fund (1995) Scholarship Fund (1995) Spartanburg High School Class of ‘47 Scholarship Fund (1999) Spartanburg High School Class of ‘48 Scholarship Fund (2000) Spartanburg High School Class of ‘54 Scholarship Fund (1999) Spartanburg High School Class of ‘60 Scholarship Fund (1995) Spartanburg High School Class of ‘62 Scholarship Fund (1987) Spartanburg High School Class of ‘65 Scholarship Fund (1996) Spartanburg High School Class of ‘70 Scholarship Fund (1992)


$2,205.45 $25,721.24

$18,567.21 $161,284.46 $18,021.16 $18,886.80 $16,172.58 $13,818.20 $21,090.47 $19,628.73 $16,927.01 $24,198.28 $13,431.54


FUNDS Spartanburg High School Class of ‘71 Scholarship Fund (2001) Spartanburg High School Class of ‘72 Scholarship Fund (2002) Spartanburg High School Class of ‘75 Scholarship Fund (1995) Spartanburg High School Class of ‘79 Scholarship Fund (2009) Spartanburg High School Erik Hudson Neely Memorial Scholarship Fund (2001) Spartanburg High School General Scholarship Fund (2002) Spartanburg High School Jesse D. Workman Memorial Scholarship Fund (2003) Spartanburg High School Joseph G. McCracken Valedictory Scholarship Fund (1991) Spartanburg High School Joseph P. and Edna B. Clarke Memorial JROTC Scholarship Fund (1994) The Spartanburg High School JROTC Scholarship Fund (2009) Spartanburg High School McCracken Junior High Beta Club Scholarship Fund (1993) The Jacqueline M. Blackburn Spartanburg High School Memorial Scholarship Fund (2007) Spartanburg High School Michael Delton Holmes Memorial Scholarship Fund (1989) Spartanburg High School Thomas L. Willis Scholarship Fund (1996) Spartanburg Rotary Club Scholarship Fund (1984) Walter Spry Memorial Scholarship Fund (1954) St. Paul United Methodist Church Youth Scholarship Fund (1995) Jerry D. Steadman Scholarship Fund (1995) Taylor Enterprises, Inc. Scholarship Fund (2014) The Bud Teaster Scholarship Fund (2001) The Doris and Claude Tidwell Spartanburg High School Scholarship Fund (2002) Union-Laurens Commission for Higher Education Scholarship Fund (2001) Clifford M. Walden & Stephen A. Walden Memorial Scholarship Fund (1998) Cornelia Greer Walker Scholarship Fund of the Union Music Club (1997) Billy G. Watson Scholarship Fund (2006)



The Mr. E. Frank Watts and Dr. Mary E. Watts Dental Assistance Scholarship Fund (2008)


Ada West and Edward T. Spires (S.H.S.) Memorial Scholarship Fund (2008)



Susan Y. West Memorial Art Scholarship Fund (2004)



Ruby Hawkins West Memorial Scholarship Fund (2002)


$7,466.74 $22,544.25

The Melba J. Wheeler Memorial Scholarship Fund (1999) Jeffrey Scott Whitt Memorial Scholarship Fund (2009)

Planned Giving

$22,608.37 $56,755.20


Ada Gossett Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund (2003)



Zane Thomas Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund (2005)



The Dr. Julian and Elizabeth Williams Scholarship Fund (2008)


The Lee Wofford Memorial Scholarship Fund (2008)



Woodruff High School Athletic Alumni Association Scholarship Fund (2000)


eldon Wyatt Scholarship Fund (1999) W YMCA Black Achievers Scholarship Fund (2001)

$29,952.55 $4,835.42

$13,586.63 $7,676.10 $4,418.57 $81,437.06 $130,054.56 $2,409.22 $10,063.73 $34,653.03 $5,803.95 $17,204.91 $153,937.96 $54,820.21 $12,810.16 $28,383.64

Planned Giving

Supporting Organizations A supporting organization provides an excellent alternative to a private foundation with only a fraction of the administrative responsibilities. You stay involved, selecting board members and making grants to support your favorite causes, while enjoying the favorable tax treatment of a public charity. Bain Foundation (1996) Balmer Foundation, Inc. (2001) The Barnet Foundation Trust, Inc. (1997) Judy Bradshaw Children’s Foundation (1998)


FUNDS The Ben M. Cart Foundation (2014) Falatok Foundation (2008) The Lucy Harper Grier Benevolent Foundation (2003) Habisreutinger & Black Foundation (2001) The Noble Tree (2001) Tena and Fred Oates Foundation, Inc. (1998) The Perrin Foundation (2000) Zimmerli Foundation, Inc. (1994)

Unrestricted Field of Interest Funds An Unrestricted Field of Interest Fund ensures that your gift meets a broad range of ever-changing community needs both now and in the future. The Foundation evaluates all aspects of the community’s well-being (arts and culture, community development, education, environment, health and human services) and awards strategic grants to high-impact projects and programs. Jim D. and Johnnie G. Adams Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) $61,755.38 William Stuart Allen Memorial Fund (2003) $86,038.14 Arkwright Foundation Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) $16,366.49 Rose and Vic Bailey, Jr. Trustee Initiated Fund (2013) $10,665.62 Bain Foundation Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) $31,179.59 The Balmer Foundation, Inc. Trustee Initiated Fund (2011) $261,774.27 The Barnet Foundation Trust, Inc. Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) $11,808.50 Carol C. and H. Walter Barre Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) Planned Giving Lucile M. Cart Cancer Fund (1961) $353,656.78 A.K. and Lois H. Caughman Fund (1992) $73,851.76 The Martha C. Chapman Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) $12,376.69 Morris B. and Harriet S. Chesney Trustee Initiated Fund (2011) $25,323.13 Georgia Cleveland Memorial Fund (1986) $219,239.94 Stanley W. Converse Fund (1972) $80,897.85 Frank H. and Rosie C. Cunningham Fund (1989) $87,134.71 John and Kate Dargan Trustee Initiated Fund (2014) $103,539.48 Erwin N. Darrin Fund (1962) $27,849.07 Jennifer Clark Evins

Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) Planned Giving illiam B. and Mary D. Ferguson Fund (1986) W $239,943.05 Miller Foster Family Trustee Initiated Fund (2011) $39,499.08 Sally D. and Philip F. Foster Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) Planned Giving Founder’s Fund (1993) $7,443.01 Alma M. and T. R. Garrison Fund (1992) $1,933,153.42 Greenewald Family Fund (1990) $84,434.18 Robert E. Gregory, Jr. and Marie H. Gregory Trustee Initiated Fund (2013) $11,495.81 Tracy and Thomas E. Hannah Trustee Initiated Fund (2013) $10,443.25 Lou Ann and John A. Harrill, Jr. Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) Planned Giving Harriet Smith Harris, Philip Guy Harris, and Philip Guy Harris, Jr. Memorial Fund (2014) $154,503.53 Inman-Riverdale Foundation Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) $16,793.36 The J M Smith Foundation, Inc. Trustee Initiated Fund (2011) $261,835.60 Betty and George Dean Johnson Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) $130,018.85 The Donald C. Johnston, Jr. and Ann M. Johnston Trustee Initiated Fund (2011) $13,166.29 Leland L. and Nell B. Larrabee Fund (1977) $35,757.06 The R. E. and Marion Littlejohn P Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) $59,042.31 Teresa Loving Fund for Children with Disabilities (2011) $14,844.28 Thomas Samuel Means, Sr. Scholarship Fund (1995) $261,072.69 Betty James and Walter S. Montgomery, Jr. Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) $16,864.14 Fred Nash Fund (1976) $51,354.86 Northside Development Corporation Trustee Initiated Fund (2011) Confidential Olney Education Fund (1979) $77,880.81 The Grace M. and Harry R. Phillips, Jr. Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) Planned Giving John and Lynne Poole Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) $12,192.33 The Powell Family Fund (2009) $225,810.90 Virginia U. Russell Fund (1971) $39,775.48 Harry W. Sanders Fund (2006) $106,497.12 Shepherd Johnston Memorial Fund (2000) $37,664.43 Mary Ellen Suitt Trustee Initiated Fund (2013) $86,932.88 The Reverend Clay and Jane Turner Trustee Initiated Fund (2012) $19,763.72 MCONNECTING ary W. and John T. Wardlaw OUR COMMUNITYPlanned Giving 44 Trustee Initiated Fund (2012)


2014 Grants from the Community Fund & Trustee Initiated Funds

For those who wish to leave a legacy of influence that will benefit Spartanburg County for years to come, there’s no better avenue than the Foundation’s Community Fund. Comprised of many gifts and estates, these unrestricted funds are available to the Board of Trustees for discretionary grantmaking. By constantly monitoring local issues, measuring community indicators, and making numerous site visits, the Foundation’s Trustees are able to award grants to local organizations to meet the ever-changing needs of the community. Please visit to learn more about giving a gift of any amount to benefit Spartanburg County through the Community Fund.

Civic Health

SCANPO SCANPO 2014 Conference Sponsorship SCANPO Summit Scholarships

AFP-Piedmont Chapter 2014 National Philanthropy Day Luncheon


rts Partnership of Greater Spartanburg, Inc. A 2014 Spartanburg Soaring


uction for a Cause A Auction for a Cause


Bobby Chapman Junior Invitational 20th Year Anniversary Celebration


hapman Cultural Center Operating Endowment C Retiring Trustee Grant


City of Spartanburg 27th Annual Unity Week Celebration Martin Luther King, Jr. Unity Week Celebration

$1,000 $1,000

First Presbyterian Church P ass Thru


ampton Heights Neighborhood Association H Spirit of Christmas Past Home Tour ealthy Organization Institute Fund H Interfund Transfer Kate and John Dargan Trustee Initiated Fund Retiring President Trustee Initiated Fund usic Foundation of Spartanburg, Inc. M Music Foundation Youth Concert




S tone Soup Storytelling Institute Just Because Grant


The Kirk H. Neely Spartanburg County Compassion Fund Interfund Transfer


e Lake Summit Foundation Th Pass Thru e Rotary Club of Spartanburg SC Th Piedmont Region III Science Fair Spartanburg Sings SC Upstate Foundation U Piano Battle

$525 $250 $1,000 $1,000


$7,500 $100,000 $1,000

orth Spartanburg Rotary Club General Fund N Habitat for Humanity House Palmetto Council, Boy Scouts of America General Fund Retiring Trustee Grant

S partanburg County Behavioral Health Collaborative Fund

$500 $550


Economy Northside Development Group Component Fund Distribution




Total Grants from the Community Fund and Trustee Initiated Funds: $478,960

Education dult Learning Center, Inc. A ALC brings opportunities through education to Kelly Acres istrict Seven Foundation Fund D DLI Stem Project for Mary H. Wright ope Remains Youth Ranch H Marvelous Mini’s

$25,000 $1,000 $25,000

ub-Bub H Hub-Bub Board Retreat


J oy Academy Joy Academy Summer Camp


iwanis Club of Spartanburg K Math Medallion Program


Mary A. Daniels and Grace B. Daniels / Citizen Scholar Fund Interfund Transfer


almetto Council Boy Scouts of America, Inc. P Annual Palmetto Council Holiday Gala


roject HOPE Foundation P Woodruff Home S partanburg County First Steps What Matters Most Spartanburg County Foundation The Spartanburg County Foundation Scholarships Spartanburg County School District Five TSA National Conference in Washington DC S trengthening Voices--Grassroots Leadership Development Fund Interfund Transfer

$1,000 $25,000 $60,500


The Glen B. Boggs, II Fund for the Preservation of Historical Architectural Drawings The Glen B. Boggs, II Fund for the Preservation of Historical Architectural Drawings $250 e Rotary Club of Spartanburg SC Th Region III Science Fair


nited Way of the Piedmont U United Way Born Learning Trails



Natural Environment Hatcher Botanical Garden Endowment Fund Office Roof Repair


e Spartanburg Area Conservancy Th Restoration and Upgrades to the Cottonwood Trial


e Trees Coalition General Fund Th Interfund Transfer Upstate Forever 5th Annual Forever Green Awards Luncheon Spartanburg office operations

$250 $250 $1,000






2014 Grants from the Community Fund & Trustee Initiated Funds

Public Health

Social Environment

Healthy Smiles of Spartanburg Inc. 8th Annual Laugh for a Child The 9th Annual Laugh For A Child

$1,000 $1,000

ub City Farmer’s Market H Hub City Farmer’s Market at Jesse Bobo Elementary School $1,336 iedmont Care, Inc. P Piedmont Care’s Milestone Party: 20th Anniversary & 10th Jam for Care $500 S partanburg Regional Healthcare System Foundation ThoroughCare Software Fund


St. Luke’s Free Medical Clinic, Inc. General Support for Saint Luke’s Free Medical Clinic e ALS Association Th The ALS Association Ice Bucket Challenge e Charles Lea Center Foundation, Inc. Th Pass Thru e Children’s Security Blanket Fund Th Capacity Building e Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Fund of Th Spartanburg County Fund Parkinson Disease Awareness SC Upstate Athletics U Promoting Awareness of USC Upstate’s Athletic Program

$250 $500 $100 $2,500





Amerihealth Mercy Foundation First Choice Fit Playground at C.C. Woodson Community Center $2,500 Book of Memory Fund In Memory if Martha Cloud Chapman


rothers Restoring Urban Hope, Inc. B Just Because Grant


Butterfly Foundation Monarch Grand Opening and Celebration


hristmas in Action-Spartanburg C Let’s Get Connected


ivinity Care Facility D Divinity Care Operation Organization


irst Presbyterian Church F CAST Camps


reer Community Outreach Center, Inc. G Just Because Grant


H.A.L.T.E.R. Growing, Managing, Improving Service


abitat for Humanity of Spartanburg, Inc. H Habitat Spartanburg & eTapestry: Building More Homes Together $10,000 ope Center for Children H Tinis and Tapas: A Night at the Oscars


ub City Empty Bowls Project H Challenge Grant for Hub City Empty Bowls


ary Black Foundation M Voluntary Nonprofit Public Safety Contribution


Middle Tyger Community Center Defining the Future of MTCC


orthside Development Group N Component Fund Distribution



2014 Grants from the Community Fund & Trustee Initiated Funds

acolet-Glendale Blueway Special Fund P Pacolet River Gateway Design almetto Council Boy Scouts of America P Women for Scouting Event Richard Michael Campbell Veterans Nursing Home Spartanburg County Veterans’ Christmas Gifts

$10,000 $500


S afe Homes - Rape Crisis Coalition Domestic Violence Awareness


S enior Centers of Spartanburg County Technology S enior Wellness Initiative Fund Interfund Transfer Spartanburg Interfaith Hospitality Network 3rd Annual Spring Fundraiser S partanburg Terrace Tenants Association An Evening of Talent Expressions

e Kirk H. Neely Spartanburg County Th Compassion Fund Interfund Transfer


e Shepherd’s Center of Spartanburg, SC, Inc. Th Brain Fitness and Our Growing Population of Senior Adults


e Spartanburg County Foundation Th Community Fund In Memory of Harrison S. Chapman



e Wanda L. Fowler Middle Tyger Community Th Center Fund In Honor of Wanda L. Fowler



pstate Family Resource Center U Just Because Grant


$250 $500

Temple Education Ministries H.O.P.E. Soup Kitchen - Outreach


e Beach Ball Foundation Th What Not to Spend Fashion Show


e Bethlehem Center Th Just Because Grant


The Charles Lea Center Foundation, Inc. Charles Lea Center Foundation Pooled Fund Trust


The Emery L. Williams Memorial Fund I nterfund Transfer


rban League of The Upstate, Inc. U 2014 Whitney M. Young, Jr. Humanitarian Award


Veterans Gifts Spartanburg County Veterans’ Christmas Gifts



e Glendale Shoals Community Improvement Fund Th The Glendale Shoals Community Improvement Fund $1,000 e Haven, Inc. Th Project Strengthen






Arts Partnership of Greater Spartanburg, Inc. Ballet Spartanburg Bethlehem Baptist Church Bless Back Worldwide BPW of SC Breakfast BPW of Spartanburg Calvary Episcopal Church Campaign for Cange Candler School of Theology Cane Creek Presbyterian Church Carolina Foothills Artisan Center Cherokee Historical & Preservation Society Chicks Advocating Regional Music and Artists Christ Episcopal Church Converse College Cross Anchor Ruritan Club Cross Anchor Yarborough Chapel United Methodist Church Cuttyhunk Union Methodist Church Denton Bible Church Easley BPW Episcopal Church of the Advent Fellowship of Christian Athletes First Baptist Church - Rutherfordton First Baptist Church of Spartanburg First Presbyterian Church Gaffney BPW Girl Scouts of SC - Mountains to Midlands, Inc. Girls On The Run Grace United Methodist Church Gramling United Methodist Church Greenville BPW Greenville Women Giving Greenwood BPW Hampton Heights Neighborhood Association Hub City Writer’s Project Fund Hub City Writers Project, Inc. Hub-Bub Impact Sports International Kanuga Conferences, Inc. Keep The Change, Inc. Lake Junaluska Assembly Inc. Live on the Green Fund Mary L. Thomas Award for Civic Leadership and Community Change Fund Morningside Baptist Church Music Foundation of Spartanburg, Inc. New Hope Baptist Church


2014 Grants from the Component Funds & Donor Advised Funds

$144,223 $1,850 $750 $500 $2,261 $500 $600 $8,500 $250 $32,300 $2,722 $700 $1,000 $1,500 $6,676 $700 $750 $200 $1,000 $500 $9,350 $20,409 $10,000 $94,000 $65,142 $500 $2,250 $500 $96,000 $2,600 $500 $1,100 $500 $2,500 $1,500 $5,560 $550 $1,000 $1,000 $6,000 $6,500 $5,000 $1,000 $3,050 $37,701 $27,923

ewberry Opera House Foundation N $200 Oakwood Cemetery Perpetual Care Association $5,000 Oxfam-America Inc $100 Palmetto Council Boy Scouts of America, Inc. $7,155 Peace Center for the Performing Arts $250 Piedmont Sertoma $10,000 Southside Baptist Church $10,000 Spartanburg Art Museum $4,424 Spartanburg County Historical Association, Inc. $8,900 Spartanburg County Public Libraries $7,300 Spartanburg County Sheriff ’s Office $2,000 Spartanburg Little Theatre General Fund $9,275 Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium $2,683 Spartanburg Philharmonic Orchestra $1,000 St. Paul United Methodist Church $20,424 Temple B’nai Israel $12,800 The Group of 100 $1,000 The Advent Foundation $50 The Artists Guild of Spartanburg $500 The Barre-James Fund $2,000 The Bobby Chapman Junior Golf Fdn. Fund $1,800 The Carter Center, Inc. $100 The Group of 100, Inc. $3,150 The J.N. Berry Sunday School Class $4,905 The Lake Summit Foundation $1,200 The Rotary Club of Spartanburg SC $6,397 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International $1,000 The Salvation Army $1,000 The Shepherd’s Center of Spartanburg, SC, Inc. $50 The Spartanburg County Foundation Community Fund $6,750 The Spartanburg Little Theatre $3,600 The Union Community Foundation $1,000 Town of Cowpens $873 Troop 1 Legacy Foundation General Fund $751 Union County Historical Society $10,390 United Way of the Piedmont $4,491 USC Upstate Foundation $1,000 Warbirds, Inc. $1,000 West Main Artist Cooperative, Inc. $500 Westminster Presbyterian Church $154,644 Wofford College $16,183 Women Giving for Spartanburg Fund $1,125 YMCA of Greater Spartanburg $1,216 Young Life Catawba Valley $500 Young Life of Spartanburg $200 Youth Sports Bureau, U.S.A. $3,500



Total Grants from the Component Funds and Donor Advised Funds: $5,698,924



Northside Development Group Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce The Charles Lea Center Foundation, Inc.


$4,250 $1,000 $25,156


Adult Learning Center Scholarship Fund $1,000 Adult Learning Center, Inc. $23,441 Amazing Grace Preschool & Children’s Therapy Center, Inc. $10,000 Anderson University $6,511 Arizona State University $1,000 Art Institute of Pittsburgh - Online Division $1,000 Art Institutes International - Minnesota $1,000 Art Institutes International Minnesota $1,000 Auburn University $1,500 Barnard College - Columbia University $500 Baylor University $1,500 Bennington College $1,000 Blinn Community College $1,000 Bob Jones University $3,399 Boiling Springs High School $1,428 Boston University $300 Boys and Girls Club of the Upstate $4,500 Brigham Young University $3,125 Brown Mackie College $500 Buford Street United Methodist Church $6,000 Calhoun Community College $1,000 Carson-Newman College $3,000 Catawba College $500 CCBC $1,000 Cedarville University $1,000 Centre College $2,500 Chandler/Gilbert Community College ($500) Charleston Southern University $2,500 Christ School, Inc. $600 Claflin University $3,000 Clemson University $59,166 Clemson University Foundation $1,000 Clinton Richard Smith, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund $100 Coastal Carolina University $1,000

Coker College Co-Lin Community College College of Charleston College of William and Mary Colorado State University Columbia Theological Seminary Concordia College Converse College Dallas Baptist University Dalton State College District Seven Foundation Fund Dr. Alva Pack, III USC Upstate Scholarship Fund Dutchess Community College East Carolina University East Hill Flying Club ECPI - Medical Careers Institute Emory & Henry College Erie Community College, South Campus Erskine College Fashion Institute of Technology First Tee of Spartanburg, Inc. Florida Southwestern State College Florida State University Foothills Civil War Roundtable Fort Hays State University Fractured Atlas Productions, Inc. Francis Marion University Friends of the Spartanburg County Public Library Full Sail University Furman University Gaffney High School Gardner Webb University Georgia Southern University Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc. Glenn Springs Academy Great Bay Community College Greenville Technical College Hagerstown Community College Hampshire College Hartford Community College Harvard University Henry Ford Community College Hillard H. Dawkins Memorial Scholarship Fund Hope Center for Children Howard Payne University Hub City Writers Project Hub City Writers Project, Inc. Indiana University- Perdue University IT Technical Institute ITT Technical Institute Ivy Tech Community College


$2,000 $1,000 $8,792 $1,500 $2,000 $3,488 $1,000 $63,789 $1,000 $1,000 $50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 $1,000 $600 $1,000 $750 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 $1,000 $5,000 $3,125 $125 $1,000 $1,750 $616 $2,298 $1,000 $10,000 $200 $1,000 $500 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $700 $1,000 $40,000 $0 $1,000 $200 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $3,000 $1,000


“We chose The Spartanburg County Foundation to invest the SCC Foundation funds because the investment profile, risk tolerance, and asset allocation, reflect our values of good stewardship.� -Sam Hook, Executive Director, Spartanburg Community College Foundation (SCCF)

J . Sargeant Reynolds Community College Jackson College Jeremy A. Sailem Spartanburg High School Scholarship Fund Jesse Bobo Elementary School John De la Howe School Foundation Johnston Community College Kansas State University Kent State University Lander University Lansing Community College Limestone College Lincoln Memorial University Louisiana Tech University Lyndon State College Macomb Community College Marquette University Mary A. Daniels and Grace B. Daniels / Citizen Scholar Fund McCarthy/Teszler School Meeting Street Academy Mesa Community College Mid Michigan Community College Midlands Technical College Mississippi State University Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Newberry College Norris Public Library North Carolina A & T University North Carolina State University North Greenville University Northeast Mississippi Community College Northeastern University Northwestern Michigan College Oakbrook Preparatory School Oakton Community College Oklahoma City Community College Palm Beach Atlantic University Philadelphia University Piedmont Science Fair Fund Pine Street School Foundation Pittsburgh Technical Institute Presbyterian College Randolph Community College Redlands Community College Reidville Presbyterian Church Roger Williams University Salem Academy Sam Houston State University San Jacinto College South Campus Savannah College of Art & Design


$1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $500 $100 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $7,249 $1,000 $2,664 $7,500 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $500 $7,000 $6,945 $500 $500 $1,000 $2,844 $1,000 $200 $4,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $3,272 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $113,305 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $10,000 $2,550 $1,000 $19,519 $1,000 $1,000 $5,254 $500 $2,100 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000

S avannah Country Day School, Inc. $500 Savannah Technical College $1,000 SC School for the Deaf & the Blind $57,350 SC Test Prep $150 Seattle University $1,000 Sewanee: The University of the South $1,500 SHS Booster Club $500 Solanoa Community College $1,000 South Carolina Bar Foundation, Inc. $1,000 South Carolina Medical Association Foundation $2,500 South Carolina State University $3,000 South University $1,000 Southeastern University $1,000 Southern Cresent Technical College $1,000 Southern New Hampshire University $2,000 Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc. $200 Southwest Applied Technology College $1,000 Spartanburg Academic Movement $152,500 Spartanburg Community College $5,000 Spartanburg Community College Foundation $253,242 Spartanburg County Anonymous Scholarship Fund $1,000 Spartanburg County Public Libraries $500 Spartanburg County School District Seven $25,000 Spartanburg County School District Six $15,556 Spartanburg County School District Three $22,529 Spartanburg Day School $76,457 Spartanburg Methodist College $52,888 Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Foundation $1,000 Spartanburg School District Seven $4,500 Spartanburg School District Six $9,898 Spartanburg Science Center $1,000 St. Leo University, Inc. $27,000 St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School $4,238 Sweet Briar College $500 Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Knoxville $1,000 Tennessee Technology of Applied Technology $1,000 Texas A&M University $1,000 Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology $1,000 The Albany Academy $500 The Bethlehem Center $47,850 The Bobby Chapman Junior Golf Fdn. Fund $1,000 The Charles Lea Center Foundation, Inc. $16,850 The Charles Lea Center Inc. $4,157 The Citadel $3,000 The Citadel Foundation $500 The Culinary Institute of America $1,250 The ETV Endowment of SC, Inc. $4,581 The First Academy $500 The First Tee of Spartanburg & Cherokee Counties Inc. $6,300 The iRecycle Fund $7,000


2014 Grants from the Component Funds & Donor Advised Funds e Rivers School Th The Spartanburg County Foundation Community Fund The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Tri County Technical College Tri-County Technical College Trinity College Tulsa Community College - NE Campus Tulsa Technology Center Riverside UNC Charlotte Union County Carnegie Library United States Air Force Academy United States Military Academy United Way of the Piedmont University of South Florida University of Akron University of Alabama University of Central Florida University of Georgia University of Houston-Downtown University of Indianapolis University of Louisville University of Maryland University of Mississippi University of New Orleans University of North Alabama University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina-Pembroke University of South Carolina University of South Carolina Educational Foundation University of South Carolina Sumter University of South Caroline School of Medicine University of Tampa University of Texas at San Antonio University of West Georgia Foundation USAO USC Union USC Upstate USC Upstate Athletics USC Upstate Foundation Vanderbilt University Virginia Tech Vista College Wake Technical Community College Walker Foundation, Inc. Washington & Lee University Washington and Lee University Webster University West Georgia Technical College

$1,000 $2,464 $1,000 $1,100 $8,500 $250 $1,000 $955 $1,000 $500 $1,000 $1,000 $420 $2,000 $1,000 $3,000 $1,000 $500 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $56,914 $6,899 $500 $5,000 $1,000 $2,000 $5,000 $1,000 $3,950 $62,719 $340 $18,750 $900 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 $54,765 $500 $2,000 $500 $1,000


est Virginia University W Western Michigan University Wingate College Winthrop University Wofford College Women Giving for Spartanburg Fund Youngstown State University

$1,500 $1,000 $1,000 $8,413 $159,170 $18,875 $1,000


Natural Environment Buzzards Bay Coalition, Inc. Cherokee Historical & Preservation Society Civil War Preservation Trust Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation Cuttyhunk Historical Society Environmental Defense Incorporated Friends of Croft Grace United Methodist Church Hatcher Garden and Woodland Preserve Fund Hatcher Garden and Woodland Preserve, Inc. Lake Junaluska Assembly Inc. Landrum Cemetery Perpetual Care Association National Trust for Historic Preservation National Wildlife Refuge Association Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. Oakwood Cemetery of Spartanburg, Inc. Palmetto Conservation Foundation Riverbanks Zoological Parks Society South Carolina Nature Conservancy South Carolina Wildlife Federation Spartanburg Area Conservancy, Inc. (SPACE) Fund Spartanburg County Historical Association, Inc. The Hatcher Garden Preservation Fund The Lake Summit Foundation The National World War II Museum The Nature Conservancy of South Carolina The Noble Tree The Palmetto Trust for Historic Preservation The South Carolina Historical Society The Trees Coalition General Fund Town of Gosnold Trees Coalition

$200 $5,000 $500 $250 $500 $924 $1,500 $5,000 $14,580 $27,128 $0 $8,000 $924 $3,191 $100 $1,650 $2,400 $924 $500 $135 $13,797 $1,500 $24,050 $500 $250 $1,000 $1,250 $500 $600 $1,200 $10,000 $5,250



GRANTS nion County Historical Society U Upstate Forever USC Upstate Foundation Wilderness Society

2014 Grants from the Component Funds & Donor Advised Funds $500 $6,500 $500 $200


Public Health lzheimer’s Association, South Carolina Chapter A $200 American Cancer Society $100 American Cancer Society, South Atlantic Division, Inc. $50 Cancer Association of Spartanburg & Cherokee Counties, Inc. $4,575 Doctors Without Borders, USA, Inc. $200 Emory University $5,000 Girls On The Run $4,700 Girls on the Run of Spartanburg $2,500 Hawkins Foundation $550,000 Healthy Smiles of Spartanburg Inc. $5,350 Healthy Smiles of Spartanburg, Inc. General Fund $500 Heartland Hospice Memorial Fund $10,000 Heathly Smiles of Spartanburg, Inc. General Fund $2,982 Hospice of the Carolina Foothills $1,000 Lahey Clinic, Inc. $200 Mary Black Memorial Hospital Auxiliary $300 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center $1,000 Mental Health America of Spartanburg County $250 Middle Tyger Community Center $20,000 Muscular Dystrophy Association Operations Center $100 Partners for Active Living $500 Piedmont Care, Inc. $100 Planned Parenthood Federation of America $100 REACH Upstate $10,000 Shriner’s Hospitals for Children $12,000 Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Foundation $67,579 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital $600 St. Luke’s Free Medical Clinic, Inc. $33,231 Susan G. Komen for the Cure $200 Susan G. Komen for the Cure SC Mountains to Midlands Affiliate $500 The Charles Lea Center Foundation, Inc. $30,000 The Community Healing Arts Program $200 The Hawkins Foundation, Inc. $51,000 The Salvation Army $200 Union County Health Care Foundation, Inc. $40,000


nion of Concerned Scientists, Inc. U United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Inc. Wilkins Parkinson’s Foundation YMCA of Greater Spartanburg

$200 $40,000 $5,500 $7,000


Social Environment Alee Temple Morris Slotin Fund American Red Cross American Red Cross - Piedmont Chapter Amnesty International USA Animal Allies, Inc. Arcadia Masonic Lodge Bellview Baptist Church Betty and George Dean Johnson Trustee Initiated Fund Boy Scout Troop 3 Boys and Girls Club of the Upstate Bread for the World Institute Butterfly Foundation Camp Bob Hardin Campaign for Cange Carolina Poodle Rescue Central United Methodist Church Christian Freedom International Christmas in Action-Spartanburg Church of the Good Shepherd Church World Service, Inc. Citizen Scholar Annual Operation Fund City of Woodruff Common Cause of South Carolina Educational Foundation Connie Maxwell Childrens Home Conservation Voters of SC Education Fund Cross Anchor Yarborough Chapel United Methodist Church Cuttyhunk Yacht Club Inc East Lake Foundation Episcopal Church of the Advent Epworth By The Sea Epworth Childrens Home Faith Home, Inc. Faith, Hope & Love Christian Ministries Fellowship of Christian Athletes


$500 $1,000 $18,000 $200 $3,000 $5,000 $10,000 $100,000 $945 $6,500 $100 $3,000 $835 $2,500 $50 $9,000 $10,000 $5,250 $1,500 $100 $137,000 $2,500 $924 $10,000 $200 $4,516 $300 $250 $34,014 $5,000 $1,000 $10,000 $19,200 $6,000

2014 Grants from the Component Funds & Donor Advised Funds FENCE, Inc. First Baptist Church of Spartanburg First Presbyterian Church Foothills Humane Society Girl Scouts of South Carolina Mountains to the Midlands, Inc. Globalbike, Inc. Goodfellows, Inc. Grace of God Rescue Mission Gramling United Methodist Church Green Pond Baptist Church H.A.L.T.E.R. Habitat for Humanity of Spartanburg, Inc. Helping Hands Ministries of the Woodruff Area Hope Center for Children Hope Remains Youth Ranch Hub City Animal Project (HCAP) Fund Hub City Empty Bowls Project Fund Humane Society of Cherokee County Innovative Rural Development Corporation Innovative Rural Development Corporation Fund James W. Hudgens Mobile Meals and Spartanburg Philharmonic Orchestra Fund Kate and John Dargan Trustee Initiated Fund Lake Junaluska Assembly Inc. Lead Like Jesus LifeHouse Recovery Connection Main Street United Methodist Church Mary Black Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Meals on Wheels of Cherokee County Middle Tyger Community Center Miracle Hill Ministries, Inc. Mobile Meals of Spartanburg, Inc. Nazareth Presbyterian Church New Day, Inc. of Spartanburg New Hope Baptist Church NOPE Task Force, Inc. Northside Development Corporation Northside Development Group OpenDoors of Asheville Operation Restoration Padgett’s Creek Baptist Church Palmetto Council Boy Scouts of America Piedmont Agency on Aging Piedmont Care, Inc. Planned Parenthood Federation of America Public Citizen Foundation, Inc. Safe Homes - Rape Crisis Coalition Salvation Army Community Center San Diego Rescue Mission

$2,987 $90,500 $56,287 $1,500 $1,750 $100 $100 $1,000 $1,000 $10,000 $1,000 $400 $8,560 $42,600 $2,500 $3,000 $200 $1,500 $7,500 $2,500 $250 $1,000 $6,383 $500 $100 $5,300 $728 $500 $7,500 $100 $75,953 $16,580 $700 $30,258 $500 $250 $250 $2,000 $25,000 $1,000 $39,413 $100 $1,000 $100 $924 $1,000 $3,750 $100


S elma Baptist Church $10,000 Senior Centers of Spartanburg County $55,000 South Carolina Christian Action Council $100 Spartanburg American Legion Post 28 $1,000 Spartanburg County Sheriff ’s Office Chaplain’s Benevolence Fund $3,000 Spartanburg County Sheriff ’s Office $31,000 Spartanburg Humane Society $26,019 Spartanburg Interfaith Hospitality Network $1,000 Spartanburg Lions Foundation $2,150 Spartanburg Soup Kitchen $2,296 Special Olympics South Carolina $500 St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church $1,182 St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church $2,000 Temple B’nai Israel $7,500 The Ben M. Cart Foundation $635,061 The Bethlehem Center $100 The Carter Center, Inc. $200 The Charles Lea Center Foundation, Inc. $1,975 The Children’s Advocacy Center of Spartanburg, Inc. $13,904 The Diocese of South Dakota $1,138 The Emery L. Williams Memorial Fund $2,000 The Group of 100, Inc. $1,000 The Haven, Inc. $1,500 The Heritage Foundation $500 The Lake Summit Foundation $1,350 The Oakdale Cemetery Company $200 The Oliver Gospel Mission $1,161 The Salvation Army $6,000 The Spartanburg County Foundation Community Fund $8,438 The Union Community Foundation General Affiliate Fund $1,356 Thomas and Cecilia Arthur Famliy Fund $15,000 Thomas E. Hannah Family YMCA $1,000 Thornwell Home for Children $10,000 TOTAL Ministries $19,850 Union County Council on Aging $500 Union County Meals on Wheels $500 Union Presbyterian Seminary $500 United Way of the Piedmont $59,850 USC Upstate Foundation $26,750 West Main Artist Cooperative, Inc. $4,000 Western North Carolina Alliance $3,191 Westminster Presbyterian Church $18,780 Wounded Warrior Project $250 YMCA of Greater Spartanburg $250 York Place $500



GIFTS It is only through the generosity and support of the community that The Spartanburg County Foundation is able to make a positive impact on Spartanburg County. Thank you to all who contributed to the Foundation in 2014. 125th Fund in Honor of Helen Fayssoux Kennedy Spartanburg County Public Libraries Adult Learning Center Reserve Fund Adult Learning Center, Inc. Adult Learning Center Scholarship Fund Spartanburg Rotary Club Scholarship Fund Advent Fund Mr. and Mrs. George C. Todd, Jr. The John Mark Alexander Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. John C. Alexander Ed Allen Citizen Scholars Fund Ms. Marguerite D. Dixen The Gibbs Charitable Foundation Ms. Ann H. Karegeannes Ms. Susan Price Ms. Eileen N. Rampey Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. John F. Townsend Heather N. and Winthrop C. Allen Family Fund Mr. Winthrop Allen The Lin and David Allio Carolina Foothills Artisan Center Scholarship Fund Carolina Foothills Artisan Center Altrusa “Birthday Bunch” Scholarship Fund Ms. Edith S. Jones Mrs. Glenna Luca Mrs. Gayle Magruder Mrs. Irma Massengill Ms. Jean Sydnor Ms. Beverly Thomas Mrs. Catherine H. Thompson American Guild of Organists (Spartanburg Chapter) General Fund The American Guild of Organists Spartanburg Chapter Ms. Sylvia Jennings Amos & Babs Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Glen B. Boggs, II Arkwright Foundation Trustee Initiated Fund The Arkwright Foundation Thomas and Cecilia Arthur Family Fund Anonymous


Bain Foundation Bain Foundation Mr. W.D. Bain, Jr. Barbara J. Barnes Memorial Family Fund Ms. Barbara J. Barnes The Barnet Foundation Trust, Inc. Mr. William Barnet, III Tom and Joan Barnet Fund Mr. Thomas Barnet Katherine O. and Bert D. Barre Family Fund Ms. Katherine O. Barre The Barre-James Fund David W. Reid Playhouse Fund The Spartanburg Little Theatre Thomas and Marianne Bartram Donor Advised Fund Marianne Bartram Trust Kent A. Beeson Memorial Scholarship Mark III Properties Bethlehem Baptist Church Cemetery Fund Estate of Robert H. Walden The George Biershenk Foundation Mr. Tommy Biershenk, Jr. Anna M. Black Charitable Foundation Anna M. Black Charitable Foundation The Blanton Family Fund Mr. Louie W. Blanton Mr. and Mrs. Louie W. Blanton Joseph Daniel Bobo Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Don Beddie Ms. Janet E. Beddie Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray Bobo Mr. Austin Bobo Ms. Bernice M. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. James L. Crenshaw Mrs. Margaret DeRosa and Ms. Jan Easler Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Hall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Steven Hinds Ms. Pam Larsen Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. McChesney Mrs. Wanda Moore Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robinson


Mr. E. Judson Wolfe The Charlotte Jennings Boggs Fund Mr. Cameron Boggs Mr. William B. Holt The Glen B. Boggs, II Fund for the Preservation of Historical Architectural Drawings Mr. and Mrs. Glen B. Boggs, II The Spartanburg County Foundation Spartanburg County Public Libraries Boiling Springs Junior Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Fund Boiling Springs Jaycees Book of Memory Fund Boiling Springs High Class of ‘51 Mrs. Priscilla Byfield The Spartanburg County Foundation Russell and Sheryl Booker Family Fund Dr. and Mrs. Russell W. Booker Spartanburg School District Seven Principals Spartanburg Breakfast BPW Club Scholarship Fund Breakfast of Spartanburg BPW Club The BPW/SC Headquarters Legacy Endowment Fund Ms. Barbara J. Barnes Ms. Cheryl Somerset James and Carol Bradof Fund Dr. and Mrs. James E. Bradof Judy Bradshaw Children’s Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Armstrong Mrs. Carroll Easterling Charner William Bramlett Memorial Fellowship Fund Dr. Betty Jane Bramlett Susan A. Bridges Family Donor Advised Fund Anonymous Ann C.T. Brown Charitable Fund Estate of Ann Brown W. Reed Brown and Suzanne Wynn Brown Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. W. Reed Brown

GIFTS The Buddy Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund Ms. Elizabeth W. Brown The Jackson C. Bundy Spartanburg Art Museum Scholarship Endowment Fund Mr. Christopher J. Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Dan B. Young The Mary Lou Burch Trust Landrum Presbyterian Church The Ben Burfete and Workman Cantrell Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Deirdre Workman Camp for Kids Affiliate Fund First Presbyterian Church Faye C. Campbell Fund Boiling Springs High School Jule K. and DeArmond E. Canaday Donor Advised Fund Rev. DeArmond E. Canaday Cane Creek Presbyterian Church of Union Affiliate Fund Waters Corporation Elizabeth Ward Cannon Jesse Boyd Scholarship Fund Ms. Mary Z. Cannon Cannons Campground Ruritan Club Scholarship Fund Cannons Campground Ruritan Club Mr. and Mrs. Danny T. Phillips Robert M. Carlisle Memorial Scholarship Fund Ms. Elizabeth Avery Beeson Carolina Miracle League Development Fund Inman Lions Club The Ben M. Cart Foundation Ben M. Cart Donor Advised Fund Cedar Spring Cemetery Association Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Mobley Sea Island Craftsmen, LLC The Chapman Cultural Center Capital Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Burnham Uhler, II Chapman Cultural Center Operating Endowment The Spartanburg County Foundation Lisa and John Chapman Donor Advised Fund Mr. John S. Chapman

W. Marshall Chapman and Elizabeth S. Chapman Donor Advised Fund Anonymous Harrison S. Chapman Fund Mrs. Harrison S. Chapman Southeastern Wealth Consultants, LLC Chapman High School Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund Supporters of School Dstrict One Bobby Chapman Junior Golf Foundation Fund Anonymous A A A Supply, Inc. Advance America The Arkwright Foundation The Barnet Company Berbank Party Rentals BMW Manufacturing Co., LLC Mr. Charles J. Bradshaw Mr. Robert A. Brannon Mr. Dan C. Breeden, Jr. Mr. Walter Miller Brice Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brice, III Mr. James V. Burchfield Carolina Alliance Bank Mr. John S. Chapman Ms. Martha Chapman Mr. Norman Chapman Mr. Robert H. Chapman, III Mr. J. Derham Cole Colonial Trust Company Contec, Inc. Converse and Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crowley Mr. and Mrs. E. Patrick Crowley Mr. F. Michael Crowley CWS Insurance Dr. John F. Dunbar, Jr. The Richard W. and Billie Hasty Dunn Memorial Family Fund Mr. John L. Easterling, III Dr. and Mrs. William C. Elston First Citizens Bank Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher Foster Towson & Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Galloway, Jr. Gibbs International, Inc. Mr. J. Brittain Glenn

Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Gowdy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Habisreutinger Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hamrick Mr. W. Carlisle Hamrick Dr. John A. Harrill, Jr. Mr. Robert Cates Hayes, Jr. Health Care Corporation Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Henderson Heritage Classic Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Hill, Jr. Hodge & Langley Law Firm, PC Hodge Carpets, Inc. Holland & Usry, PA Mrs. Gwendolyn Howell Mr. Joseph W. Hudson Hughes Commercial Properties, Inc. Inman-Riverdale Foundation J M Smith Foundation J M Smith Corporation Mrs. Sarah C. Jackson Mr. William F. James, III Mr. and Mrs. George Dean Johnson, Jr. Johnson, Smith, Hibbard and Wildman Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kimes Mr. Happ Lathrop Mahon and Ryan Investment Management, LLC Mr. Richard M. Mahon Mary Black Health System Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Mauney McAbee, Schwartz, Halliday & Co. Mr. and Mrs. William V. McCrary, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. McGirt McMillan Pazdan Smith, LLC Mr. E. Lewis Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. George McCall Morehead Mr. and Mrs. William C. Neal Nease & Higginbotham Orthodontics, PA Palmetto Eye & Laser Center, LLC Palmetto Men’s Club General Fund Pfizer Foundation Volunteer Program Mr. Timothy R. Pope Mr. and Mrs. L. Perrin Powell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Quick Re/Max Realty Associates



GIFTS Redland, LLC Republic Services, Inc. Response Packaging, LLC The Rountree Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rush Mr. and Mrs. George S. Rutledge Mr. D. Randolph Satterfield Mr. and Mrs. D. Randoph Satterfield Saybrook Investments, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Schiff Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lee Setzer Mr. James W. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Darwin H. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smith Mr. and Mrs. James S. Smith Mr. Ron G. Smith Mr. Stephen H. Smith SCBT Wealth Management South Carolina Junior Golf Foundation Southeastern Wealth Consultants, LLC The Spartanburg County Foundation Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Stone Lighting Mr. Edward R. Tallon Mr. Steven H. Teaster Total Records and Information Management, LLC Mr. W. Burnham Uhler Mr. and Mrs. Burnham Uhler, II Mr. and Mrs. Mark Van Geison W. Lewis White Company, Inc. Wade’s Restaurant #7361 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Mr. and Mrs. John B. White, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. White White Oak Management, Inc. Wilkes Law Firm, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Willard Mr. Woodrow W. Willard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Wright Young Office Environments, Inc. Thomas R. Young, Jr. Fund Mr. and Mrs. William O. Young Charles Lea Center Foundation General Fund The Charles Lea Center Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Burnham Uhler, II


Children’s Advocacy Center of Spartanburg General Fund The Children’s Advocacy Center of Spartanburg, Inc. Ms. Dateria C. Johnson Spartanburg School District Seven Principals Children’s Security Blanket Fund The Spartanburg County Foundation Citizen Scholar Annual Operation Fund Mary A. Daniels and Grace B. Daniels / Citizen Scholar Fund Citizens for a Better Tomorrow School District #3 Fund Cannons Elementary PTO Cooper Standard Automotive Mr. and Mrs. James Earl Dunagin Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Johnson The City of Spartanburg Police and Fire Strategic Plan Fund Milliken Foundation Clifton Mill #2 Memorial Fund The Stringer Foundation Inc. H.W. Close and Marshall Chapman Boy Scout Endowment Fund Mr. Wade C. Crow Dr. and Mrs. Larry A. Heavrin Dr. and Mrs. Boyce M. Lawton, III Palmetto Council Boy Scouts of America Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Schaefer Mr. Andrew D. Strasburger William R. Cobb Fund J M Smith Corporation The Helen V. Cole/Butler Scholarship Fund A.B. Enterprises Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Johnny N. Jackson Ms. Lula Nesbitt College Town Consortium General Fund City of Spartanburg Converse College Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic Spartanburg Community College Spartanburg Methodist College USC Upstate Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine Wofford College


Community Fund Anonymous Advance America America Fujikura Thomas and Cecilia Arthur Family Fund Balmer Foundation, Inc. Bank of America Bank of America Merrill Lynch William Barnet and Son, LLC BMW Manufacturing Co., LLC James E. Bobo Memorial Family Endowment Fund Sarah Butler Mrs. Donna R. Cart Central Carolina Community Foundation Jesse Franklin Cleveland and Betty Neiley Cleveland Fund The Coffee Bar Coggins Flowers and Gifts Contec, Inc. Converse and Company, Inc. Dr. Charles Keith Cox Mrs. Nancy Rainey Crowley Ms. Margaret J. Cunningham Kate and John Dargan Donor Advised Fund Duke Energy Dr. John F. Dunbar, Jr. The Ellis Family Fund The Andy and Lynne Falatok Fund Farmer’s Table Miller Foster Family Fund Fulwood-Wright Fund GLDI Class of 2014 Mr. and Mrs. Tandy C. Gosnell, Jr. John Graham Fund Graham’s Ice Cream Company Inc. Mr. and Mrs. D. Benjamin Graves Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Gregory, Jr. Fund The Cecilia and Troy Hanna Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Troy M. Hanna The Hawkins Foundation Fund Mr. Eric Hayler The Robert Hicklin, Sr. Fund The Higgins Family Fund J M Smith Corporation William A. and Sallie B. James Family Fund Mr. Caleb Jennings

GIFTS George L. Johnson Insurance Co. Mr. J. Michael Kohler, Jr. The E. Clifton & Clara M. Lancaster Fund Mr. and Mrs. William Lowndes, III Zerno Martin Family Fund Mary Black Health System McAbee, Schwartz, Halliday & Company Ms. Jacqueline A. Ballenger McCown Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. McGuffin Milliken & Company Moe’s Southwest Grill Monsoon Noodle House Dr. and Mrs. Dan W. Olds Outback Steakhouse Mr. Charles B. Palmer Parker Poe Adams and Bernstein LLP Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Perrin Phifer/Johnson Foundation Polydeck Screen Corporation Mr. and Mrs. John S. Poole The John and Lynne Poole Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. William O. Pressley, Jr. Mrs. Sally M. Quantz Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Robbins The Rotary Club of Spartanburg SC Mr. and Mrs. Jason L. Rumfelt Security Finance Corporation of Spartanburg Mr. Antoine Shaw Mr. James W. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shelor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Danny R. Smith SCBT Wealth Management SCBT, NA The Spartanburg County Foundation Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Burnham Uhler, II United Way Association of South Carolina United Way of Greenville County, Inc. United Way of the Piedmont, Inc. VSP Foundation, Inc. Donor Advised Fund Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Wildman John and Jean Williams Donor Advised Fund Willy Taco Thomas R. Young, Jr. Fund

YourCause, LLC Contec, Inc. Charitable Fund Contec, Inc. Stanley W. Converse Fund Mr. Walter C. Converse Paul J. and Nancy B. Coté Donor Advised Fund Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coté Frank P. Cyrill, Jr. Family Westside Library Fund Mrs. Earlene G. Cyrill Chad A. Czechowski JROTC Scholarship Fund Ms. Martha Salcetti Mary A. Daniels and Grace B. Daniels/ Citizen Scholar Fund The Barnet Foundation Trust, Inc. The Judy Bradshaw Children’s Foundation Ellis-Lehner Fund Episcopal Church of the Advent The Lucy Harper Grier Benevolent Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Herren Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hinze CW & Dorothy G. Love Foundation The Spartanburg County Foundation Spartanburg High School Spartanburg Rotary Club Scholarship Fund Mr. Brand Reid Stille Mr. and Mrs. John F. Townsend Mr. Barry D. Wynn Kate and John Dargan Fund Mr. John H. Dargan Mrs. Kate Dargan John and Kate Dargan Trustee Initiated Fund Thomas and Cecilia Arthur Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Glen B. Boggs, II Judge Robert F. Chapman Mrs. Elaine T. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Troy M. Hanna Ms. Susan S. Mullins The Spartanburg County Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George C. Todd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wynn, III Mary Wheeler Davis Fund for Promotion of the Arts Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland W. Davis

Hilard H. Dawkins Memorial Scholarship Fund Estate of R.P. Dawkins R.P. Dawkins Scholarship Fund Estate of R.P. Dawkins Mr. Delbert Means R. P. Dawkins School Improvement Fund Mr. Delbert Means Depot Restoration Fund City of Spartanburg District Seven Foundation Fund Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Atchison, Sr. The Barnet Foundation Trust, Inc. Russell and Sheryl Booker Family Fund The Spartanburg County Foundation Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Foundation Spartanburg Sanitary Sewer District Spartanburg School District Seven Principals Spartanburg Water System Dorman (All Sports) Booster Club Scholarship Fund Dorman All Sports Booster Club Dorman Band E. Todd Watson Scholarship Fund Ms. Barbara Bloom United Way of the Piedmont Dorman Band Josie Turnage Scholarship Fund Caroline B. Keaton and Jane K. Turnage Dorman High School Daniel Scott Seay Memorial Scholarship Fund Ms. Rhonda T. Norris Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wood Dorman High School Michael Scott Adams Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mistr Mr. and Mrs. James M. Spry Mr. John W. Wyatt Paul M. Dorman Scholarship Fund Ms. Margaret S. Culclasure Miss Sue Morgan Episcopal Church of the Nativity Affiliate Cemetery Fund Episcopal Church of the Nativity Fred M. Epting and Sara W. Epting Fund Dr. John M. Bullard



GIFTS Music Club of Spartanburg Mr. and Mrs. W. Keith Parris Spartanburg District Six, Elementary Music Staff Jim Everhart Special Scholarship Fund Inman-Riverdale Foundation W.O. Ezell Beautification Fund Dr. Lynn E. Ezell Falatok Foundation Andrew John Falatok Trust Andy and Lynne Falatok Fund Andrew John Falatok Trust John and Claudia Faris Family Fund Mr. John P. Faris Faris Scholarship Fund Oilmen’s Equipment Corporation John and Nora Featherston Donor Advised Fund Arts Partnership of Greater Spartanburg, Inc. Dr. John S. and Nora H. Featherston George D. Fields, Jr. and Mildred A. Fields Family Fund Dr. George D. Fields, Jr. First Baptist Church of Union, SC General Affiliate Fund First Baptist Church of Union, SC W. G. Foster Camp Scholarship Fund Mr. John R. Foster, Jr. Mr. John R. Foster, III J. Howard & Blanche Chapman Foster/ Bethel United Methodist Church Scholarship Fund Bethel United Methodist Church The Wanda L. Fowler Middle Tyger Community Center Fund McMakin Farms, Inc. The Spartanburg County Foundation The J. Robert Freeman, Jr. Memorial Fund Mr. J.R. Freeman, III Gay Cecil Frick Cholangiocarcinoma Research Fund Mr. and Mrs. Randall K. Chambers Ms. Jean Cecil Frick Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Frick Ms. Minta P. Warren Friends of Carver High School Scholarship Fund Mr. Russell W. Booker


Dr. Gloria Boozer Dr. Glory Harrison Boozer Ms. Traci R. Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Stewart W. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Evans Ms. English Gibbs Dr. and Mrs. C. Tyrone Gilmore Ms. Cynthia D. Jeffers Mr. and Mrs. Mitchelle Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Littlejohn, Jr. Mr. Harold McClain Ms. Sharon D. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Caveril Pryce Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reeder Mr. and Mrs. Julius Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Albert V. Smith The Spartanburg County Foundation Mr. James Talley Ms. Elaine Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Wheeler Friends of the Middle Tyger Library Friends of the Middle Tyger Library Friends of the Westside Library Damaris Huff Memorial Fund Westside Friends of the Library Fulmer Fund Dr. and Mrs. J. Sidney Fulmer Mr. and Mrs. James S. Fulmer, Jr. Fulwood-Wright Fund Ms. Elsie R. Wright L.E. Gable Middle School P.T.O. Scholarship Fund Gable Middle School PTO German American Club Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray, Jr. United Way of the Piedmont Nancy M. and Henry C. Giles Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Giles Gilman S. Hooper Endowment of The Charles Lea Center Fund The Charles Lea Center Foundation, Inc. The Dr. C. Tyrone Gilmore Community Fund Ms. Linda V. Booker Mr. Eddit M. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Truman Brightman Ms. Beatrice Sears Bruce City of Spartanburg


Mr. Kenneth F. Douglas FDR, Inc. Mr. A. Tony Fisher Gentle Dental Care, PA Mr. Al Tony Gilmore Mr. Curtis Gilmore, Jr. Mr. Johnie C. Goodlett, II Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Derrick L. Hightower Mr. Sheldon Knuckles Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Littlejohn, Jr. Mr. Fred Logan Looking Ahead Inc. Mr. Don Martin Mr. and Mrs. Octavio Miro Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Nell Ms. Addie L. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pauling Mr. Chadrick L. Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Willie Ross, Jr. Scholastic, Inc. Mitch Slade Law Office, PA Spartanburg County School District Seven Mr. Leonard J. Starks SwaimBrown Wealth Management LLC Mr. James Talley Mr. Stafford L. Thompson, Jr. Mr. Jeff Tillerson Mr. Melvin L. Williams, Jr. Glendale Lecture Series Fund Santee Cooper The Glendale Shoals Community Improvement Fund Mr. and Mrs. Curtis P. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cogdell Glendale Improvement Group Mr. John Lane & Betsy Teter The Spartanburg County Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wynn, III Glendalyn Circle Beautification Fund Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Brawley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Yann Desailly-Chanson Mr. and Mrs. Brooks M. Crenshaw Mr. and Mrs. Coy L. Eaton Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Frick

GIFTS Mrs. Charlotte Gee Mr. Joel C. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Stewart H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Lee V. Manatis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McMeekin Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Moore, Jr. Dr. W. Harold Nixon Phifer/Johnson Foundation Mr. James M. Pickens The Betty and James K. Stone Foundation Dr. and Mrs. James R. Story Mrs. Katherine P. Thomason Dr. and Mrs. Ricky D. Wolfe The Glenn Springs Presbyterian Church Restoration Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Thurman W. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Barnett Mr. Donald W. Bishop Ms. Rebecca Bray Judge and Mrs. E.C. Burnett, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnette Mr. Wendell Cantrell Mr. and Mrs. Wendell G. Cantrell Carolina Crisis Software, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Dunleavy, III Mr. and Mrs. Marion C. Eubanks The J.F. Floyd Mortuary Fowken Farm, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gaskins Mr. and Mrs. Lee O. Gaskins, Jr. Glenn Springs Preservation Society Ms. Diane J. Glime Ms. Nancy Hance Mr. and Mrs. Tommy B. Hance Mr. Ben C. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Horton Ms. Cathy M. Humphries Mr. and Mrs. William A. Irving Ms. Margaret Barnado Jennings Dr. John E. Keith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. L. Chester Lawson Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Littlefield Mr. Ricky McAbee

Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. McClure Mr. and Mrs. C. Hearon McCravy, Jr. Mr. David H. Miller Ms. Jeanette S. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Moretz Neely’s Windows Doors and More Mr. Terry D. Olson Mr. Leonard Orders, Jr. Ms. Deloris L. Peake Mr. and Mrs. William J. Peeler Mr. and Mrs. B.E. Pettit Piedmont Delivery Service, LLC Mr. and Mrs. James A. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Kerry P. Riser Dr. David J. Rodak Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rossi, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. Sayre Mr. and Mrs. Danny R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Smith Mr. Warren Smith Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stephens Mrs. Barbara Tardiff Ms. B.D. Thornton Ms. Edith Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Thornton United Way of the Piedmont Vital Care Charitable Foundation Inc. Ms. Jo-Anne Welch Dr. Clyde O. Wells, Jr. Ms. Kay L. West Mr. Wayne West David G. White, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey G. Williams, Jr. John & Ellen Gramling Family Donor Advised Fund Mobile Meal Service of Spartanburg, Inc. Greater Spartanburg Ministries Endowment Fund Greater Spartanburg Ministries The Robert E. Gregory, Jr. Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gregory, Jr. H.A.L.T.E.R. General Fund H.A.L.T.E.R. Spartanburg County District Seven Principals Habisreutinger & Black Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Roger Habisreutinger

The Cecilia and Troy Hanna Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Troy M. Hanna Tracy and Thomas E. Hannah Trustee Initiated Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hannah John A. Harrill, Jr. and Lou Ann F. Harrill Family Donor Advised Fund Dr. and Mrs. John A. Harrill, Jr. Harriet Smith Harris, Philip Guy Harris, and Philip Guy Harris, Jr. Memorial Fund Estate of Philip Guy Harris Hatcher Botanical Garden Endowment Fund The Spartanburg County Foundation Hatcher Garden and Woodland Preserve Fund Anonymous The Bain Foundation The Barnet Foundation Trust, Inc. Tom and Joan Barnet Fund James and Carol Bradof Fund The Coker Fund Ellis-Lehner Fund Dr. John A. Harrill, Jr. and Lou Ann F. Harrill Family Donor Advised Fund The Robert Hicklin, Sr. Fund The Melissa and Stephen Johnson Family Fund William C. and Wendy S. Mayrose Family Fund William E. and Betty S. Monroe Family Fund Douglas B. and Maxine F. Nash Family Fund Anne Porcher Z. and Edward P. Perrin Fund Gerald and Mary Helen Smith Family Fund Westgate Baptist Church Zimmerli Foundation, Inc. The Jeff D. Hall Hatcher Garden Beautification and Plant Education Fund J M Smith Foundation The Hatcher Garden Preservation Fund The Arkwright Foundation Bain Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Baker Mr. William H. Burton, III Donna and Walter Cart Fund



“I have been in practice for 26 years. Dentistry and the Spartanburg community has been very good to me. Supporting Healthy Smiles through their fund at The Spartanburg County Foundation is a great way for me to give back.” -Dr. Steve Smiley, Smiley Orthodontic Associates

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gramling, III Mr. and Mrs. Rodney E. Harley Hatcher Garden and Woodland Preserve Fund Mr. Albert B. Jolly, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie C. Meeks Mr. Peter A. Moore Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Powell, Jr. Mrs. Carolyn Schoepf-Harrison The Hawkins Foundation Fund Arthrex, Inc. Arthrocare Medical Corp. Arthrosurface Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bell Breg ConMed Linvatec Corporation DJO Surgical Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Greenville Health System Neurotech Orthosensor, Inc. Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Peerless Surgical, Inc. Smith & Nephew, Inc. Healthy Organization Institute Fund Mary Black Foundation The Spartanburg County Foundation Healthy Smiles’ Jack Keith Society Fund The Arkwright Foundation Black & Phillips Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Baker Donna and Walter Cart Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cogdell Contec, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. DeLoach Healthy Smiles of Spartanburg Mr. Peter A. Moore Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Moore Nease & Higginbotham Orthodontics, PA Phifer/Johnson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Rick Phillips Dr. Steven J. Smiley Dr. Ricky D. Wolfe Healthy Smiles of Spartanburg, Inc. General Fund Mr. John S. Chapman


Mr. William Marvin Cohen Ellis-Lehner Fund Healthy Smiles’ Jack Keith Society Fund Healthy Smiles of Spartanburg Dr. John E. Keith, Sr. The Heidi Fund Anonymous Robert Hicklin, Sr. Fund Ellen H. Hicklin Charitable Lead Trust Jane Hicks ASTRA Scholarship of Altrusa International of Spartanburg Fund Altrusa International, Inc. of Spartanburg The Athenaeum Book Club Mr. and Mrs. Randy Bernard Ms. Dagmar Binovec Ms. E. Alicia Brown Mr. and Mrs. David A. Burnett Ms. Margaret H. Cannon Mrs. G. Virginia Carey Ms. Stephanie S. Chenault Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Cotner Ms. Marsha S. Covington CSL Dillon Pointe SC, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Stewart W. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Boyer Fee Ms. Mildred E. Finch Ms. Karen Glenn Ms. Janie B. Hicks Mrs. Mabel Hospital Ms. Edith S. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Wingate G. Joyner, Jr. Mr. Harry Lancaster, Jr. Mrs. Glenna Luca Mrs. Eugenice Mabry Mrs. Gayle Magruder Ms. Deborah N. McDaniel Ms. Katherine R. Moore Ms. Jamie M. O’Connell Mrs. Joan Petry Ms. Wilhelmina Phillips Ms. Betty J. Pipes Ms. Lucy Quinn Ms. Evelyn Randall Mr. and Mrs. Pat Roeder Ms. Margaret D. Roldan Ms. Sara Ann Romney


Mrs. Joy G. Shackelford Ms. Jean Sydnor Ms. Beverly Thomas Ms. Diane Lewis and Mr. Randy Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Thompson Ms. Linda G. Walker Mrs. Hazel Littlejohn Willis Ms. Linda B. Wilson The Higgins Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Rick M. Higgins Paul High American Legion Post 45 Baseball Scholarship Fund American Legion Post 45 Trey and Missy Hill Charitable Fund Oilmen’s Equipment Corporation Charlie Hodge Spartanburg High School Scholarship Fund Mr. Charles J. Hodge G.B. Hodge, MD Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund Mrs. Susan Hodge Irwin George Dan’l Hoffman Fund Ms. Judith A. Hoffman Maude B. Holden Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Julian Bajorek The Hope Center for Children Fund Mr. John Stevens “The Hope for Union High,” Scholarship Affiliate Fund Mr. C. Allen Powell Dannie Horne T.O.T.A.L. Ministries Fund Spartanburg School District Seven Principals John David Hortman Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. John A. Crispin J M Smith Foundation Mabel H. Hospital SDS Scholarship Fund Mrs. Mabel Hospital Dr. William L. Howell, III and Shirley M. Howell Scholarship Fund Southeastern Asset Management, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Wilson Woodruff High School Hub City Animal Project (HCAP) Fund The Arkwright Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bagwell The Barnet Foundation Trust, Inc.

GIFTS Tom and Joan Barnet Fund Ms. Randi A. Berry Mr. Albert B. Bullington, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Dunleavy, III Mr. and Mrs. Chris M. Ebert Mr. and Mrs. W. Russel Floyd, Jr. Mrs. Elaine T. Freeman Dr. and Mrs. John A. Harrill, Jr. John A. and Laura F. Hodge Family Fund Ms. Robyn Hussa Dr. and Mrs. Julian C. Josey, Jr. Ms. Suzanne S. Long Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Maw, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. McBride, Jr. Phifer/Johnson Foundation Mrs. Judy Saad Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Salley Ms. Carter Smith Steinberg & Associates Upstate Bed & Biscuit, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Voyles Hub City Empty Bowls Project Fund Anonymous Mrs. Heather Ailstock Mrs. Joan G. Barnet Ms. Shirley J. Bell Mr. Bruce Bowyer Mr. Bruce Campbell The Cate Law Firm, PA Morris B. and Harriett S. Chesney Trustee Initiated Fund Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Coggins, Jr. Mr. John S. Featherston, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Fedalei, M.D. Gerhard’s Cafe Ms. Margaret Green Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Hoffert Hub City Writers Project Mr. and Mrs. Gary Huntoon Mr. J. Michael Kohler, Jr. Ms. Mary Ann Kotlarich Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mayrose The Thelma Metcalf Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Roberto J. Pereyo Publix Super Markets, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Simmons

Mr. and Mrs. Danny R. Smith Gerald and Mary Helen Smith Family Fund Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Ms. Betsy Teeter Mr. and Mrs. Hans Theiler Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Wilder Mr. Chris Williams Ms. Nancy J. Williamson Mrs. Kathy Zimmerli Wofford Ms. Kristy Wood Ms. Frances Young Hub City Hog Fest Fund Ace Restaurant Group, LLC J M Smith Foundation Roebuck Buildings Salz Incorporated Spartan Tile Inc. Tate Metalworks, Inc. Mr. Cal Wicker Hub City Writers Project Fund Ellis-Lehner Fund Hub City Writers Project Ms. Betsy Teeter James W. Hudgens Mobile Meals and Spartanburg Philharmonic Orchestra Fund Christy L. Carter Mr. and Mrs. W. Carrington Edmunds Mr. and Mrs. William W. Hoy Mr. Thomas K. Hudgens, III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King Hudgens R.E. and Marion Littlejohn Fund P Ms. Fayssoux Dunbar McLean Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Miles Phifer/Johnson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reed Teague Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Wilson Ms. Mary Jo Woodyard Charley S. Hughes Mission Fund Mon Aetna Baptist Church The Imagine That! Fund County of Spartanburg Inman Community Development Fund Cornell Insurance Group Mr. David Grayshock Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Lee Inman-Riverdale Foundation Trustee Initiated Fund Inman-Riverdale Foundation

Innovative Rural Development Community Fund Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Crowley The Henderson Family Fund Anne Irwin Memorial Fund The Barnet Foundation Trust, Inc. Mr. Jim Newcome and Ms. Vivian Fisher The Marisha S. Jeter Memorial Scholarship Affiliate Fund Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Bentley Twist and Shout Cheer & Dance Center The Melissa and Stephen Johnson Family Fund Rear Admiral and Mrs. Stephen I. Johnson Betty and George Dean Johnson Trustee Initiated Fund Betty and George Dean Johnson Fund Dorothy C. and Julian C. Josey Fund Dr. and Mrs. Julian C. Josey, Jr. Reverend Edmund P. Joyce C.S.C. Memorial Fund Donald & Marilyn Keough Foundation Junior Achievement of Upstate SC, Inc. General Fund Judy Bradshaw Children’s Foundation Junior League of Spartanburg, Inc. Building Fund Junior League of Spartanburg Kiwanis Club Service Projects Fund Dr. and Mrs. Leland G. Close, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pinckney Irwin, IV Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Laughridge, III The Spartanburg County Foundation Kiwanis Educational Fund Mr. and Mrs. David R. McMaster Polydeck Screen Corporation The Kondal, O’Toole, and Steck Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Steck Lake Summit Community Foundation Fund Lake Summit Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sullivan Landrum Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund Mr. and Mrs. Hermon L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Dill Ms. Evelyn C. Fooshe Ms. Carolyn Gibson Mr. Ray Howard



GIFTS Lesley G. Oakes Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Poteat Mr. Clifford M. Walden, Sr. The Landrum Presbyterian Church General Fund Estate of Grace Eleanor Pierce Anne E. Sevier Trust Brian Lawrence Memorial Fund The Charles Lea Center Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Lawrence, Jr. Mr. Jack W. Lawrence Joe and Ruth Lesesne Donor Advised Fund Dr. and Mrs. Joab M. Lesesne, Jr. Library Endowment Operations Fund The Sagent Society Jack A. Linder, Sr. and Carolyn G. Linder Broome High Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Linder, Sr. Jack A. Linder, Sr. and Carolyn G. Linder Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Linder, Sr. R. E. and Marion Littlejohn Fund P Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Pinson Live on the Green Fund Advance America Mr. Andrew Babb City of Spartanburg College Town Consortium General Fund Mr. Justin A. Converse Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Crowley Mr. and Mrs. D. Benjamin Graves Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson Launch, LLC McMillan Pazdan Smith, LLC Rose & Walter Montgomery Foundation Mr. W. Scott Montgomery, IV Mr. and Mrs. Corry Oakes, III Pacolet Milliken Enterprises, Inc. The Betty and James K. Stone Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Wall, II Mr. and Mrs. Michael Young Charles W. Locke, Sr. Memorial Family Fund Mr. Bobby Carpenter Ms. Josephine Jeter Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Locke Mt. Sinai Baptist Church


Ms. Pamela Samuel Mrs. Belinda Smith Thomas Dora T. Martin Memorial Affiliate Fund The Union Community Foundation William C. and Wendy S. Mayrose Family Fund Mr. William C. Mayrose Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mayrose McCracken Middle School Beta Club Scholarship Fund Spartanburg County School District Seven Sean and Gretchen McEnroe Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Sean McEnroe Thomas Samuel Means, Sr. Scholarship Fund Wells Fargo Bank, NA Janna Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Miller, Jr. Miss Jo’s Children’s Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Amery Mr. Greg Andrews Mr. and Mrs. H. Walter Barre, II Ms. Rosemary T. Berkery Ms. Nancy Anne Braymer Ms. Marilyn J. Calore Mrs. Elizabeth Camp Cassel Electric Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Cates, Jr. Ms. Pamela Cicetti Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cogdell Collins & Collins, PA Mrs. Elton Crenshaw Mr. and Mrs. James C. Crowley Mr. Gordon M. Darby, III Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Deak Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Diamond Dunbar Construction Co., Inc. Ms. Elizabeth K. Durham Mr. and Mrs. T. Bomar Edmonds, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Edwards Ms. Barbara A. Ferrante Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Flynn, Jr. Ms. Sara M. Fortunoff Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Francesconi Mrs. Elaine T. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Gansereit Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Gershuny


The Giles Family Foundation Ms. Susan Sachs Goldman Mr. Will Gramling Ms. Gloria Greco Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Hammerman Mr. and Mrs. Neil T. Handelsman Ms. Lisa Hathaway Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Hubbell Ms. Atilla S. Ilkson Ms. Betty R. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Julian C. Josey, Jr. Junior League of the New York, Inc. Mrs. Gwen Kade The Katz Family Mr. James Katz Mr. and Mrs. J. Whitner Kennedy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Kirstein Mr. Zay Jeffries Kittredge Ms. Ellen Rose Kratzer Dr. Walter J. Kucaba Ms. Sharon M. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mabry Ms. Harriett Elizabeth Maier Mr. and Mrs. John J. McDermott Ms. Margie Faye Mitchell Ms. Suzanne Mobley Mr. and Mrs. George T. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nix Mr. and Mrs. David H. Officer Ms. Wendy E. Ormond Mr. and Mrs. S. Marshall Orr Ms. Doris F. Petty Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petty Mrs. Susan Petty Dr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Proutt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pulliam The Reade Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roche Ms. Jenifer Rogers Mr. and Mrs. George A. Schieren Ms. Katherine Sincerbeaux Mr. Norman D. Slonaker Mr. and Mrs. Danny R. Smith Mr. Kenneth S. Spirer

GIFTS Mr. Winston C. Taylor Ms. Betty T. Treen Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Turner Ms. Gloria J. Underwood Dr. Melissa Walker Ms. Maryann Watt Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weathers Ms. Harriot H. Weiskittel Mrs. Faye D. Woodfin Mr. Yuri Zhukov William E. and Betty S. Monroe Family Fund Mr. William E. Monroe Laura and Scott Montgomery Family Fund Mr. W. Scott Montgomery, IV Betty James and Walter Montgomery Fund Rose & Walter Montgomery Foundation Betty James and Walter S. Montgomery, Jr. Trustee Initiated Fund Rose & Walter Montgomery Foundation The Moore Family Donor Advised Fund Mrs. Anne Brady Moore Carlson Mr. John P. Moore Morgan Corp. Employee Scholarship Fund Morgan Corporation Daniel Morgan ROTC Fund Mr. and Mrs. William C. Leonard, Jr. Music Club of Spartanburg Paul Calvert Thomas Pre-College Scholarship Fund Sereque Family Foundation The Music Club of Spartanburg Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Cribb, Jr. The Music Club of Spartanburg Fund Douglas B. and Maxine F. Nash Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Nash The Kirk H. Neely Spartanburg County Compassion Fund Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. N.B. Becker Brown Packing Co., Inc. Mr. Richard A. Burgess, Jr. Ms. Corlis Childs Mr. Ricky A. Christopher Congregation B’nai Israel Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Crescenzi Ms. Annie Meadows Cuff Dr. Roland W. Doepner, Jr. Ms. M. Barbara Dorsey Episcopal Church of the Advent

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Eubanks, Jr. Mr. A. Tony Fisher Dr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Fowler Ms. Susan A. Fretwell Mr. Richard Fryer Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gray, Jr. Ms. Audrey V. Hailstock Ms. Catherine Inabnit Ms. Jennifer C. Kindall Dr. and Mrs. Louis Knoepp, Jr. Ms. Barbara A. Latham Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mahaffey, Jr. Mr. Zerno E. Martin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. McClurkin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McPherson Ms. Janice C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin R. Moss Mr. and Mrs. James Mullen Mr. and Mrs. John R. Murphy Mrs. Betty B. Price Residential, LLC Mr. Christopher P. Rowell Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Rowell Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Snoddy The Spartanburg County Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Micial J. Sullivan, Jr. Ms. Juanita Thaxton Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Thompson Ms. Doris Tidwell Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Wheeler New Hope Baptist Church Family Center Fund Joyce A. Bailey Family Lyd. Vendetta M. Nicholson Scholarship Fund United Way of the Piedmont The Noble Tree Mr. and Mrs. MacFarlane L. Cates, Jr. and Mr. R. Cates Hayes Ellis-Lehner Fund Mr. David N. Evans Dr. John A. Harrill, Jr. and Lou Ann F. Harrill Family Donor Advised Fund Ms. Karen LaFleur Stewart Northside Child Development Center Fund Mary Black Foundation Northside Development Corporation Trustee Initiated Fund Ms. Betsy Teeter

Oakwood Cemetery of Spartanburg, Inc. Anonymous The Arkwright Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Armstrong Baehr Investment Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Baker The Barnet Foundation Trust, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. H. Walter Barre, II Mr. and Mrs. David M. Beacham Dr. and Mrs. H.C. Bean, Jr. Mr. George S. Betsill Mr. and Mrs. J. Grier Bomar Mr. and Mrs. James A. S. Bonner Dr. Mellnee G. Buchheit Mr. and Mrs. James V. Burchfield Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Camp, III Ms. Nancy Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carr, Jr. Mrs. Donna R. Cart Mr. George E. Case Mr. and Mrs. MacFarlane L. Cates, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cauthen Mr. and Mrs. Randall K. Chambers W. Marshall Chapman and Elizabeth S. Chapman Donor Advised Fund Ms. Martha Chapman Mr. James D. Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Cummings Mr. Perrin Q. Dargan Mr. C.W. Dearybury Mr. John L. Easterling, III Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Flynn, Jr. Mrs. Elaine T. Freeman Ms. Helen Louise Frohlich Trust Mrs. Betty Gage Mrs. Theodore W. Gage Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gilmore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Gordon Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Grier Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Griffin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Habisreutinger Ms. Jacquelyn J. Hahne Mr. and Mrs. George Hairston Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holland Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Hollis Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hudgens



GIFTS J. Tribble Antiques, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart H. Johnson Ms. Wallace E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Joyner Dr. and Mrs. Kyle F. Kiesau Mrs. Bennie S. Larj Ms. Anne Page Irwin Lee Mrs. Charles L. Little Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindsay Little Dr. Clarence C. Lyles Ms. Florine Lyles Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Maddox, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth C. Malloy Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Mattison Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Maw, Jr. McAbee, Schwartz, Halliday & Co. Mrs. Amelia Sue O. McAbee Dr. and Mrs. John Monroe Laura and Scott Montgomery Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Walter Montgomery, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Connor Moore Mr. and Mrs. John R. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Newton Dr. W. Harold Nixon Oakwood Cemetery Perpetual Care Association Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. O’Connell Dr. Alva S. Pack, III Mrs. Rebecca R. Pennell Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Perrin Mr. and Mrs. John S. Poole Mr. and Mrs. John F. Renfro, Jr. Ms. Sara Ann Romney Mr. and Mrs. D. Paul Rudisill, Jr. Mrs. Joy G. Shackelford Mr. and Mrs. James S. Smith Ms. Sarah J. Spencer Ms. Gwen Nolan Steele Stone Lighting Mrs. Barbara Helderman Tardiff Mr. and Mrs. George C. Todd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Burnham Uhler, II The Vanguard Group Mr. John T. Wardlaw Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. Warren, Jr. Wilkes Law Firm, P.A.


Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow W. Willard, Jr. The Harry and Betsy Williams Donor Advised Fund Mr. and Mrs. Baxter M. Wynn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wyse Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Young, III Eleanor G. Oppenheimer Barnet General Fund The Charles Lea Center Foundation, Inc. Orthopaedic Associates P.A. General Education Fund Orthomed Inc. Dr. Alva Pack, III USC Upstate Scholarship Fund Dr. M. Lee Arnett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Orin W. Beach, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Beeson, Jr. Ms. Katie Beeson Dr. and Mrs. Roy H. Berry Ms. Mellnee G. Buchheit Mr. and Mrs. James V. Burchfield Mr. and Mrs. James L. Burnett Mr. William R. Cobb Dr. Paul W. Derrick Eye Care Center of Mt. Pleasant Falatok Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gnerlich Mrs. Janice R. Goldstein Hodge & Langley Law Firm, PC Dr. and Mrs. James O. Johnson Keller Eye Care, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Darwin W. Keller Ms. Jennifer King Dr. Sonny King Ms. Julia Lamb Mr. Michael J. McKenny Mr. and Mrs. L. J. McLeskey Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. McMaster Mr. and Mrs. Boyce F. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Byron Miller Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Olson Dr. Alva S. Pack, III Mr. and Mrs. Ryan A. Pack Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Palmer, III Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Ravan Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rhodes


Mrs. Joy G. Shackelford Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Sistare, Jr. Spartanburg Vision, LLC Mr. and Mrs. William Turrentine, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Don Watson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webber Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weisman Pacolet-Glendale Blueway Special Fund Fred Nash Fund Palmetto Council, Boy Scouts of America General Fund The Spartanburg County Foundation Palmetto Men’s Club General Fund Mr. Charles Barry Boyce Mr. and Mrs. Guilford W. Bulman Mr. James V. Burchfield Mr. John S. Featherston, Jr. Mr. Rhett Giddings Mr. Lawrence Goldstein Gowan Appraisal Service, Inc. Mr. Alexander Hray, Jr. Mr. Boyce F. Miller Mr. Robert U. Miller Philip C. Morrow, DMD Stanley M. Pack & Company, Inc. Dr. Alva S. Pack, III Mr. Joseph Palmer, III Mr. Michael P. Ravan Mr. J. Stephen Rush Mr. James C. Sawyers Mr. James M. Smith Mr. Drew Wingo, Jr. The Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Fund of Spartanburg County The Spartanburg County Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William E. Walsh The Louise M. Parris Dorman High School Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. W. Keith Parris Kay Killingsworth Parris Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. D. Tom Davis Mr. and Mrs. W. Keith Parris Mrs. Dibbie K. Shealy Partners for Active Living General Fund Mr. and Mrs. William M. Webster, IV The Perrin Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Perrin

GIFTS Anne Porchér Z. and Edward P. Perrin Fund Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Perrin Piedmont Interstate Fair Association -J.D. Foster Memorial Fund Piedmont Interstate Fair Asso. Piedmont Science Fair Fund America Fujikura BMW Manufacturing Co. Cherokee County School District No. 1 District One Schools of Spartanburg County J M Smith Corporation McMillan Pazdan Smith, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Perrin Rotary Club of Spartanburg Unrestricted Fund The Spartanburg County Foundation Spartanburg County Public Libraries Spartanburg County School District Seven Spartanburg County School District Six Spartanburg County School District Three Union County School District Jon H. Poteat Scholarship Fund Ms. Kathryn M. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Don Bishop Mr. Stephen B. Franks Ms. April Galloway Ms. Kimberly Green Ms. Wendy Hamil Ms. Carol L. Kaczmarek Mr. William A. Kersten Mr. James D. King Mrs. Jeanne McClish Ms. Charlotte Morgan Mr. Larry Moser Mrs. Joni Moss Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Mulvihill National Technical Honor Society Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Parkhill Mr. Darrell L. Parks Ms. Patricia S. Poteat Mr. C. Allen Powell Mr. Tom Richardson Andi Rogers Ms. Christina Swift Ms. Allison P. Upchurch Dr. and Mrs. Greg Winters

William Price Fund Mr. Harry Price Ms. Susan Price The Stuart Harrison Price Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. Eddie Dean Allison Mr. Shane Balsley Ms. Jeanna Beasley Mr. Chris Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Cecil R. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Brady Mr. Tim Bridgeman Ms. Lauren M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Bryson Bubba’s BBQ Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M. Burns, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Cannon Carpet Fashions Carpet One Mr. and Mrs. Harris Collins Mr. Mark Cooke Creature Comforts Vet Resort & Suite, Inc. Mr. Clark T. Davison Mr. Kyle Day District One Schools of Spartanburg County Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Duncan Dutch Plate, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Elkins Mr. and Mrs. Dwight T. Epps Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fazio Mr. Dusty Forrester Mr. and Mrs. Furman Forrester, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ricky A. Forrester Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Foster Mr. Larry Fox Mr. Reggie Frye Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Gabriel Mr. Wright J. Gaines Mr. Jeremy Gossett Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gregory Mr. Bob Hackelberg Mr. Landen Hamrick Mr. and Mrs. Aaron F. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Hatchette Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lee Hershberger

Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Horne Mr. Gary Hurst Ms. Brenda Hyleman Ikes Korner Grille, Inc. J M Smith Corporation Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny B. Johnson Mr. Michael Johnson Mr. Rontrel K. Johnson Joy’s Children, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Keadle Mr. and Mrs. Justin L. Keith Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kochanowicz Krispy Kreme Doughnut Company Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Lackey Mr. and Mrs. William D. Land Landrum Drug Company Mr. Allen Lassiter Mr. and Mrs. William S. Maley Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. McAbee Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. McClain Mr. Drayton Melton Mr. Mike Melton Michelin US3 Spartanburg Mr. Charles Montagna Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee Morgan Mr. Jackie R. Morris Mr. Jason Mosley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Moss Mr. and Mrs. Ron K. Nail Mr. Bill Nicholson Nix Tire & Alignment Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Owens, III Mr. and Mrs. William T. Pack Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Padget Mr. Jerry Parris Mr. Olin Patterson The Stuart Harrison Price Memorial Scholarship Fund Price Supply, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Price Mr. and Mrs. Jake Price Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Price Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pritchard Mr. Ken M. Rada



GIFTS Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Raines Mr. and Mrs. George P. Reid Mr. Jeremy Ritz Mr. Mark Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robertson Mr. Seth Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan K. Rollins Mr. Mark Ruff Mr. Yates Ruff ServiceMaster of Sparkle City Mr. Dan Shaw Mr. Tommy Sherbert Mr. Kevin Sink Mr. Jason Spicer Mr. Jimmy Spurgeon Ms. Vicki Steadman Mr. Harley Stephens Stringer Resource Group Mr. Jim Suarez Mr. Patrick Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. James A. Teubner Mr. Tou Thao United Way of the Piedmont Mr. Joe Vaughn Dr. Paul Walters Mr. and Mrs. Hal G. Warlick, Jr. Mr. James M. Westall, Jr. Ms. Mary Cami Westall Mr. Szymon Wierzbicki Mr. and Mrs. J. Chris Wilson Mr. Greg Wiltfang Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wright Mr. W. Cecil Young Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Young Zaxby’s Mr. Michael Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Zimmerman Mr. Michael A. Zimmerman, DMD Caroline Virginia Pulliam Mitochondrial Special Fund C.L. Cannon & Sons, Inc. Ms. Addy Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Smoke Zimmerli Foundation, Inc.


Jackson S. Dunbar RAINBOW Fund Mr. and Mrs. W. Carrington Edmunds REACH Upstate General Fund REACH Upstate The James Reese Sounds of Diversity Foundation Fund Ms. Sharon Adams Carolina Software as a Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dandy Ms. Mary Ann W. Deku Mr. Morris J. Feldman Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hawkins Ms. Florene Hinton Ms. Barbara A. Jeter Mr. and Mrs. Ricky C. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Zebedee Oglesby Ms. Martha Ott Mr. James A. Reese Ms. Lena Jones Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tidwell Mr. Joe Walker Regional Museum of History Decorative Arts Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Glen B. Boggs, II The Mary M. Robbins Stained Glass Window Fund First Presbyterian Church Patt and Tom Rocks Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Rocks North Spartanburg Rotary Club General Fund Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt Claus Mr. and Mrs. Bill Copses Mr. Danny K. Crout, DMD, MS Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Herren Mr. Erwin Holbein Mr. and Mrs. Max Jent JMAC Environmental Mr. and Mrs. Hans Kuhn Legacy Real Estate, Inc. Menzel, L.P. Mr. Ulrich K. Schmid Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Scholtes The Spartanburg County Foundation Symtech, Inc.


Mr. and Mrs. Hollis B. Taylor Rotary International/District 7750 Fund Rotary District 7750 Jeremy A. Sailem Spartanburg High School Scholarship Fund W. Reed Brown and Suzanne Wynn Brown Family Fund The Susan Satterfield Weekday School Fund Mrs. Lacy Chapman Johnson, Smith, Hibbard and Wildman SCCF BMW Scholars Program Spartanburg Community College Foundation SCCF Foster and Ruth Gray Chapman Single Parent Achievement Award United Way of the Piedmont SCCF John S. Featherston Memorial Scholarship Fund Spartanburg Community College Foundation SCCF Mildred Harrison Dent Memorial Scholarship Fund Spartanburg Community College Foundation SCCF Wallace Eppes Johnson Curriculum Enhancement Fund Mrs. Frances S. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Jordan, Jr. Spartanburg Community College Foundation SCCF Workman Cantrell Memorial Culinary Arts Internship Endowment Spartanburg Community College Foundation United Way of the Piedmont Mrs. Deirdre Workman Dr. and Mrs. B. T. Sears, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund United Way of the Piedmont Senior Wellness Initiative Fund Mr. Terry Cash Georgia Cleveland Memorial Fund County of Spartanburg The Jim and Janet Shaw Family Fund Mr. James W. Shaw

GIFTS The Eula Sherman Scholarship of Altrusa International of Spartanburg Fund Altrusa International, Inc. of Spartanburg Jon Emmett and Virginia H. Shuler Fund Mr. Jon Emmett Shuler Small-Fry Scholarship Fund of Cherokee County Mr. and Mrs. William Borthwick, Jr. Ms. Doris M. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Stan Clary, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Ted J. Hope Dr. and Mrs. John R. Hubbard Mr. Harry Lovelace Ms. Mary Lowrey Mr. and Mrs. David J. Lydon Mrs. Gwendolyn Paul Mr. and Mrs. William L. Weymer Mr. and Mrs. Jim White Gerald and Mary Helen Smith Family Fund Magnolia Financial, Inc. The Louis and Carter Smith Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Smith Ellen Hines Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund Hope Center for Children The Jennifer Leigh Smith Memorial Swimming Scholarship Fund SC Swimming, Inc. Mr. Michael D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Hal G. Warlick, Jr. Dr. Gwendolyn M. Smith Scholarship Fund Ms. Evelyn M. Chatters Sarah Cannon Smith Spartanburg County Public Libraries Fund Mrs. Carol Duggan Ms. Mildred E. Finch Spartanburg County Public Libraries Clinton Richard Smith, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Drs. John C. Stockwell and Diane C. Vecchio Donor Advised Fund

Society of St. Paul the Apostle Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jakob Amann Mr. and Mrs. John L. Armstrong, III Ms. Margaret T. Armstrong Ms. Susan H. Baker Mr. Raymond P. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Bigger Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Corden Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Crowley Ms. Mary G. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dantin Ms. Nancy Bates Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Enderby Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Fogarty Rev. Timothy M. Gahan Ms. Catherine H. Hall Mr. Youel G. Hilsman Mrs. Elsa P. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Kahrs Dr. and Mrs. Louis Knoepp, Jr. Dr. Walter J. Kucaba Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leong Ms. Kathy K. Lischerong Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Monaghan, Sr. Mrs. Virginia R. New Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. James M. Poole Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Raffo Dr. and Mrs. Robert Oscar Rainer Ms. Catherine De Veaux Rainey Ms. Joan D. Tobey Dr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Valainis Ms. Mary Ellen Wegrzyn Ms. Catherine W. Welchel Spartanburg Academic Movement Fund Judy Bradshaw Children’s Foundation Spartanburg Area Conservancy, Inc. (SPACE) Fund Donna and Walter Cart Fund Dr. John A. Harrill, Jr. and Lou Ann F. Harrill Family Donor Advised Fund

The Ben S. and Kathy C. Willard Family Fund The Zimmerli Foundation, Inc. Spartanburg Area Conservancy, Inc. (SPACE) Stewardship Fund Spartanburg Area Conservancy, Inc. Spartanburg Bar Association Law Library Material and Collection Fund Spartanburg County Bar Association The Spartanburg Community Band General Fund Mr. William R. Cobb Spartanburg Community Band, Inc. Spartanburg Community Indicators Project Fund County of Spartanburg United Way of the Piedmont, Inc. Spartanburg County Anonymous Scholarship Fund Anonymous Spartanburg County Behavioral Health Collaborative Fund The Spartanburg County Foundation Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Foundation The Spartanburg County Commission for Higher Education Endowment Fund Spartanburg County Commission for Higher Education Spartanburg County Dist. 5 Dietrich Gaston Memorial Scholarship Fund James F. Byrnes HS Athletic Dept. Spartanburg County Livestock Producers’ Association General Fund Mr. Roscoe Kyle Mr. William Sarratt Spartanburg County Livestock Association Spartanburg County Local Emergency Planning Committee Fund Colonial Pipeline Company Cooper Standard Automotive Duke Energy Motorola Parker McMakin Corp. Servpro of Spartanburg County



GIFTS Solvay USA Inc. Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Sprint Spartanburg County Medical Society Fund Spartanburg County Medical Society Spartanburg County School District Three Children’s Assistance Fund Media Agents, Inc. United Way of the Piedmont Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office Chaplain’s Benevolence Program Fund Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. James W. Abrams Advanced Tool & Machine Company Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Arnold Auto Fleet Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Bailey, Jr. Beacon Software Solutions, Inc. Ben Avon Baptist Church Benson Cadillac-Nissan, Inc. Mr. Samuel W. Berkeley Big Boom Guns and Stuff, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Hunter C. Blouin Blue Eagle Rentals, Inc. Boiling Springs First Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Heath B. Boone Wanda F. Bradey Insurance Agency, Inc. Ms. Jean B. Bradley Budweiser of Spartanburg, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Burns C & M Restrooms Capps Brothers Contracting, Inc. Carey Moving & Storage, Inc. Carolina Bonding Clarkson Industrial Clary Hood, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William Clawson COMFAB CPR-SC Creature Comforts Vet Resort & Suite, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Creek Crowder Industrial Construction, LLC Dave Edwards Toyota


Mr. and Mrs. David M. Dechane Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Distefano Dixon Golf, Inc. Draexlmaier Automotive of America, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Ted M. Easler Ecoquest International Mr. Zachary D. Ellis Emory Group, LLC Eppes & Plumblee, PA Mr. Gary F. Everette First Baptist Church of Pacolet, SC First South Bank The J.F. Floyd Mortuary Founders Federal Credit Union Freeman Gas & Electric Co., Inc. Furman Babb Painting Inc. Gibbs International, Inc. Gosnell Menard Robinson Infante CPA’s PA Harris Automotive Inc. Hart Industries, LLC Rev. and Mrs. Raymond A. Hellings Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hope Dr. Gary P. Horvath Mr. George H. Humphrey Mr. Larry Hutchins Ikes Korner Grille, Inc. Inman Fast Stop J M Smith Foundation Ms. Tammy Jackson Joe Cruisers Mr. and Mrs. James W. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. William T. Justice Ken Feagin Truck and Trailers Kiki’s Care, LLC L E P Calendars Lake Bowen Auto & Diesel Service, Inc. Lake Forest Flooring, LLC Law Office of John G. Reckenbeil Mr. Murray B. Letterman ManHatton, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lee Matthews Mattress Max Furniture Liquidators, Inc. McMillan Pazdan Smith, LLC


Milestones Church of South Carolina Ms. Lynn Miller Mr. Jeffory L. Moss Mount Zion Baptist Church Mutt’s Inc. Nease & Higginbotham Orthodontics, PA New Pleasant Baptist Church, Inc. Nix Tire & Alignment Inc. Mr. Curtis Norwood OmniSource Mr. and Mrs. Matthew N. Owens Ms. Carroll H. Owings Pattis A to Z, LLC Polydeck Screen Corporation M. Fern Powell QuickTrip Corporation R & R Bonding Company Ms. Regine Rainey W.W. Reese, Inc. Renfrow Brothers, Inc. Ridgeville Baptist Church Roger Shiflett Ford Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Rowe, Jr. RPM Transportation, LLC Saluda River Pet Food Centers, Inc. E. Joshua Schultz Attorney at Law Mr. and Mrs. Dale Seay Skinner Tire Sales & Service, LLC Smith Animal Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Sparks Spartan Federal Credit Union Spartanburg County Sheriff ’s Office Spartanburg County Sheriff ’s Office Chaplain’s Benevolence Fund Ms. Susan Spence Mr. Glenn D. Stimpson Strawberry Hill USA, Inc. Mr. Edward R. Tallon Ray E. Thompson, Jr. Law Firm, LLC Mr. and Mrs. David C. Thornton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Tucker Upward Sports Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Vinson Chadric V. Wagner Insurance Agency

GIFTS Walmart Mr. and Mrs. James D. Webb Wilson Equipment Co., Inc. Wilson’s Corner Store Woodruff Federal Savings and Loan Association Spartanburg County Youth Sports Bureau Special Fund J M Smith Corporation Spartanburg High School Athletic Department Endowment Fund Spartanburg School District Seven Principals Spartanburg High School Class of ‘45 Scholarship Fund Spartanburg High School, Class of 1945 Spartanburg High School Class of ‘46 Scholarship Fund Spartanburg High Class of 1946 Spartanburg High School Class of ‘47 Scholarship Fund Mr. David C. Mitchell Mr. David Sanders, Jr. Spartanburg High School Class of ‘60 Scholarship Fund Mrs. Paula Black Baker Mr. W. Sumter Cox Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. James D. George, Sr. Mr. Charles A. Grant Mr. Edward Gray Mrs. Wanda C. Hyatt Mr. John D. Lowry, Jr. Mr. Robert P. Manning Mrs. Susan Craig Murphy Ms. Donna W. Vandiver Mr. Reeves S. Wilkes Spartanburg High School Class of ‘65 Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Michael Black Ms. Mellnee G. Buchheit Ms. Dianne Davenport Mr. Howard T. Gilbert Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, PA Mr. and Mrs. Stewart H. Johnson Mr. Harry Lancaster, Jr. Mr. Graham H. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lentz

Mr. Thomas M. McGrath, III Mr. and Mrs. Mike Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Munn Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Powell Mr. and Mrs. L. Perrin Powell Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Charles Prestipino, Sr. Mr. Lott T. Rogers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clary Sprouse Ms. Beverly Thomas Dr. and Mrs. D. Wayne Varner Mr. and Mrs. William Z. Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Woodrum Spartanburg High School Joseph P. and Edna B. Clarke Memorial JROTC Scholarship Fund Ms. Dateria C. Johnson Spartanburg Little Theatre General Fund David W. Reid Playhouse Fund The Spartanburg Little Theatre Spartanburg Philharmonic Fund Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. William W. Hoy Spartanburg Preparatory School Fund Mr. and Mrs. Larry Alverson Mr. and Mrs. Terry Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Black Ms. Susan A. Bridges Mr. Homer M. Chen Ms. Melinda E. Chen Ms. Christina Covil Mr. and Mrs. David Crenshaw Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crowe Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gilley Mrs. Jennifer Gilley Mr. and Mrs. Matthew James Gilley Ms. Kathy Grigg Mrs. S.L. Hamrick Ms. Lynn Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendrix Ms. Patricia M. Jobe Ms. Elizabeth Thacker Kinley Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Kramer Ms. April Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Maness Ms. Delois G. Manning Mr. Joseph Mariner Ms. Angela M. Martin

Mr. and Mrs. David Mossbrook Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mossbrook Mrs. Mendy Mossbrook Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Poole Ms. Kimberly Rhae Rosborough Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rubenzer The Saunders Foundation Mr. James B. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Shealy Mr. and Mrs. George T. Swindell Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Townsend Ms. Mary Underwood Ms. Sandra S. Underwood Valley Tavern, Inc. Ms. Kristin White Ms. Eileen Williams Spartanburg Rotary Club Scholarship Fund The J.F. Floyd Mortuary Mr. John S. Poole The Rotary Club of Spartanburg SC Rotary Club of Spartanburg, Inc. Rotary License Plate D7770 The Spartanburg County Foundation Spartanburg Soup Kitchen Endowment Fund Episcopal Church of the Advent A Spot of Pride Beautification Fund Balmer Foundation, Inc. The Barnet Foundation Trust, Inc. Ms. Katie Beeson Mr. and Mrs. George Bitzas Mr. and Mrs. Louie W. Blanton Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Bradshaw, Jr. Budweiser of Spartanburg, Inc. Carolina Alliance Bank Chick-fil-A of Westgate Mall Cintas Corporation Coca-Cola Bottling Company United, Inc. Contec, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cubitt Duke Energy Mr. and Mrs. Allen Edgerton Family Auto, LLC First South Bank Gibbes Burton, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Haas



GIFTS Mr. and Mrs. Roger Habisreutinger Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hammond, Jr. J M Smith Corporation J M Smith Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George L. Johnson, Jr. Kinney Hill Associates, LLC Ms. Kathleen Kyle Magnolia Financial, Inc. McMillan Pazdan Smith, LLC Menzel, L.P. Merrill Lynch Milliken & Company Mr. and Mrs. William C. Neal North Grove Horizontal Regime Work Oilmen’s Equipment Corporation Pacolet Milliken Enterprises, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Parks Dr. Richard Pennebaker Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Perrin Phifer/Johnson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Randall Raines Mrs. Gail D. Rodgers B. Holland Satterfield, Jr., DMD, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Smith, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy B. Spanos Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Spencer/Hines Properties State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Mrs. Elaine Stewart Symtech, Inc. Talisman Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Nick A. Theodore Tietex International, Ltd. Vic Bailey Ford Wakefield Buick-GMC-Suzuki Wal-Mart Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William M. Webster, IV Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wynn, III Young Office Environments, Inc. The Zimmerli Foundation, Inc.


SSS Management Corp. Foundation General Fund SSS Management Corporation St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church Properties Endowment Fund Anonymous St. Luke’s Free Medical Clinic Fund St. Luke’s Free Medical Clinic, Inc. St. Matthews Episcopal Church Norman Tyler General Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Shepard L Miller St. Paul United Methodist Church Youth Scholarship Fund St. Paul United Methodist Women The Brenda Helton Story Fund Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Story Strengthening Voices-Grassroots Leadership Development Fund City of Spartanburg The Spartanburg County Foundation Mary Ellen Suitt Trustee Initiated Fund Mr. Chase E. Furnas, Sr. Ms. Sarah S. Miller Taylor Enterprises, Inc. Scholarship Fund Ms. Jill Taylor Spartanburg Area IMA Ruby Taylor Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. Hugh W. Taylor Mr. Mark Taylor The Bud Teaster Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dees, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Petty Mrs. Shirley Teaster Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wells Mary L. Thomas Award for Civic Leadership and Community Change Fund Robert E. Gregory, Jr. and Marie H. Gregory Donor Advised Fund The Bob Thomas First Tee Fund First Tee of Spartanburg, Inc. The Trees Coalition General Fund Donna and Walter Cart Fund Mr. and Mrs. Newton G. Hardie Jon E. and Virginia H. Shuler Fund The Spartanburg County Foundation


Troop 1 Legacy Foundation General Fund Walter Scott Montgomery Boy Scout Troop 1 Fund (Church of the Advent) Troop 22 and Pack 22 Legacy Fund Mrs. Ellis Murphy The Reverend Clay and Jane Turner St. Luke’s Free Medical Clinic Endowment Fund Mr. Ted Smith The Union Community Foundation General Affiliate Fund Robert L. Love and Frances Q. Love Family Affiliate Fund Union County Animal Shelter Affiliate Building Fund Ms. Monte S. Lancaster Upstate Carolina Radiology, PA Charitable Fund Dr. Brian Baghdady Dr. Kelan Brown Dr. Matthew Chaney Dr. Caroline Daly Dr. Kyran Dowling Dr. Michael Enright Dr. Arthur Freedman Dr. Richard Harp Dr. James Haswell Dr. Robert Helmer Dr. William Joyce Dr. Joseph Kavanaugh Dr. Jason Kelly Dr. Paul Kountz Dr. Joseph Kurkjian Dr. Barry Lazenby Dr. Michael Ludkowski Dr. Jeffrey Newman Dr. Neil Parnes Dr. John Parrott Dr. David Pelino Dr. F. Peter Ryan Dr. David Stoppenhagen Dr. Lawrence Warren USC Upstate Foundation General Fund USC Upstate Foundation, Inc. Money Market Fund

GIFTS USC Upstate Foundation, Inc. Money Market Fund USC Upstate Foundation General Fund Timothy Adam Vann Teen Services Fund Spartanburg County Public Libraries Drs. John C. Stockwell and Diane C. Vecchio Donor Advised Fund Drs. John C. Stockwell and Diane Vecchio The Visk Family Fund Dr. and Mrs. Mark Visk VSP Foundation, Inc. Donor Advised Fund J M Smith Corporation Dr. W. A. Wallace Staff Wellness Fund Spartanburg County Public Libraries Wellford Cemetery Association Fund Wellford Cemetery Association Linda Sangster West Donor Advised Fund Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. West Main Artist Cooperative General Fund Arts Partnership of Greater Spartanburg, Inc. State of SC, Office of State Treasurer Ruby Hawkins West Memorial Scholarship Fund AbbVie Inc. Employee Giving Campaign BMW Manufacturing Co., LLC Mr. Manuel A. Dorna Gerod Allison Agency, Inc. Ms. Ann J. Kelly Law Insurance Agency, Inc. Mrs. A. Manning Lynch Michelin North America, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Antoine C. Shaw Tri-State Medical Supplies United Way of Pioneer Valley, Inc. United Way of the Piedmont Westminster Presbyterian Church Legacy Society Fund Westminster Presbyterian Church Ruth Cate and Chuck White Family Fund RCW Enterprises Inc. “Why Not” Fund Mrs. Gayle Magruder

Ms. Susan S. Mullins Mr. John T. Wardlaw The Ben S. and Kathy C. Willard Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Willard Harry and Betsy Williams Fund Mr. Harry Williams The Emery L. Williams Memorial Fund ABM Funding Inc. Action Printing AFP SC Piedmont Chapter Ms. Emily W. Alim Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bauknight, IV Bee Street Sympathy Club Mr. and Mrs. Donnie B. Blackley Dr. Ansley Boggs Ms. Alice Bomar Ms. Doris J. Boozer Mr. Willy James Boyd Busy Bee Sympathy Club Mr. and Mrs. Ted R. Campbell Carolina Memorial Parks, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Cash Ms. Anna H. Converse Mr. John H. Dargan Ms. Joyce D. Dixon Dolores’ Broadway Florist Ms. Tamra Drees Dunbar Funeral Holdings, LLC Ms. Linda R. Edwards Mr. Steven M. Elrod Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Falatok Mr. A. Tony Fisher The J.F. Floyd Mortuary Mrs. Elaine T. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Gilliam Roberg E. Gregory, Jr. and Marie H. Gregory Donor Advised Fund Mr. and Mrs. Roger Habisreutinger Mr. and Mrs. Troy M. Hanna Hardy Chapel Baptist Church Ms. Carolyn W. Harrison Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, PA

Terry Howe & Associates, Inc. Ms. Audrey A. Howlette Ms. Dateria Jackson Kappa Silhouettes of Kappa Alpha Psi Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Littlejohn, Jr. Ms. Janice T. Littlejohn The Macedonia Ladies Ensemble Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church Ms. Marta Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. John S. Mason Ms. Brenda Kay Moss Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Ms. Susan S. Mullins Mrs. Mary Frances G. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Scott Papst Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Perrin Mr. and Mrs. John S. Poole Ms. Gayle Ransom Mr. and Mrs. H. Donald Sellers Silver Hill Memorial United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spann The Spartanburg County Foundation Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System SwaimBrown Wealth Management, LLC Ms. Tandy Taylor Ms. Mary L. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Tucker Dr. Melissa Walker Mr. and Mrs. Knox White Dr. Karen K. Whitney Ms. Tecora W. Wilburn Mr. and Mrs. Darryl W. Williams Ms. Brenda Wingo Dr. Kay E. Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wynn, III XI Sigma Chapter Ms. Deborah B. Young Ms. Shakeh Young The Brian Wofford Community Outreach Fund City of Spartanburg



GIFTS Women Giving for Spartanburg Fund (This list does not reflect the complete membership list, rather it lists those members who made payments during the 2014 year.) Mrs. Samantha Adair Mrs. Heather Allen Mrs. Laura Allen-Sullivan Mrs. Ann Angermeier Mrs. Marjorie Boafo-Appiah Ms. Kitta Cates Mrs. Margi Cates Ms. Elisabeth Hayes Mrs. Patricia Armstrong Mrs. Mary C. Arnett Mrs. Cecilia Arthur Mrs. Kelley Jones Ashcraft Mrs. Kathleen Granger Babb Mrs. Cathy Bagwell Mrs. Jane M. Bagwell Mrs. Paula Black Baker Ms. Susan H. Baker Mrs. Isabel Barber Mrs. Joan G. Barnet Mrs. Valerie Barnet Mrs. Carol Barre Mrs. Carolyn Barry Dr. Amy Baruch Mrs. Kimberly Beasley Mrs. Brooksie Berry Mrs. Mary H. Berry Dr. Aundie Bishop Dr. Debra D. Bishop Dr. Mary Joan Black Mrs. Anna Blanton Mrs. Sheryl Booker Mrs. Kelly Bozard Mrs. Jane Breeden Mrs. Mary Breeden Mrs. Libba Brendle Ms. Susan A. Bridges Mrs. Jo Ann Bristow


Mrs. Christi Brown Mrs. Suzanne W. Brown Dr. Mellnee G. Buchheit Mrs. Julia B. Burnett Mrs. Lynne Burton Mrs. Eileen Byers Mrs. Judy Bynum Mrs. Ali Beeson Mrs. Cara Lynn Cannon Ms. Kristina L. Caradori Mrs. Leigh Anne Carmichael Mrs. Donna Cart Mrs. Janis Cash Mrs. Ruth L. Cate Mrs. Sarah P. Chambers Ms. Hilda S. Chapman Mrs. Lacy Chapman Mrs. Margaret Clayton Mrs. Linda K. Cobb Mrs. Cecilia J. Cogdell Mrs. Sally Coker Mrs. Robyn Conner Mrs. Susan Conner Ms. Anna H. Converse Mrs. Patricia Cook Mrs. Mary Alice Corso Mrs. Nancy B. CotĂŠ Mrs. Jerry Crenshaw Mrs. Shelley F. Crow Mrs. Garrow Crowley Ms. Mary G. Crowley Dr. Amy Curtis Dr. Caroline Daly Mrs. Kate Dargan Mrs. Carole Davis Mrs. Carol Dunn Ms. Loreta Dylgjeri Dr. Kirsten Eastin Mrs. Alice Eberhardt Mrs. Andrea Elliott Mrs. Susan Ellis Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Evans


Mrs. Lynne Falatok Mrs. Meghan F. Falatok Mrs. Nora Beth Featherston Dr. Betsy Fleming Mrs. Elizabeth B. Fleming Mrs. Karen K. Floyd Mrs. Susan W. Floyd Mrs. Jane Fogarty Mrs. Sally Foster Mrs. Elaine T. Freeman Mrs. Mary Ann Fruit Mrs. Katherine Fulmer Mrs. Cathy V. Gardner Dr. Katharine M. Gibb Mrs. Nancy Morris Giles Mrs. Lee Godfrey Mrs. Carter Graves Mrs. Marianna Habisreutinger Mrs. Stephanie C. Hall Ms. Cecilia Hanna Mrs. Tracy Hannah Ms. Kerin Lee Hannah Mrs. Carolyn C. Harbison Mrs. Lou Ann F. Harrill Mrs. Pamela Heath Dr. Alice Henderson Mrs. Beth Hrubala Mrs. Elsa P. Hudson Ms. Ann W. Hunt Mrs. Nancy Irwin Mrs. Mary Beth Lyles Dr. Elizabeth Arnett Jabbour Mrs. Susan Jeffords Mrs. Katherine F. Jeter Mrs. Ann Johnson Mrs. Melissa D. Johnson Mrs. Susan Phifer Johnson Ms. Vicki M. Johnson Mrs. Daisy N. Johnston Mrs. Margie Ann Jones Mrs. Dorothy Josey Dr. Elizabeth Joyce Mrs. Vivian M. Kahrs

GIFTS Ms. Pamela W. Kaplan Dr. Julie S. Kavanagh Ms. Cynthia Kelly Mrs. Donna C. Kennedy Mrs. Noel Kinard Mrs. Ellen H. King Mrs. Mallie E. King Mrs. Kayce Lane Mrs. Cheryl Lang Mrs. Leigh Anne Langley Dr. Rosanna Lapham Mrs. Elizabeth Lee Ms. Lou P. Lindsey Mrs. Frances B. Little Mrs. J. Ruth Littlejohn Mrs. Julie Lowry Mrs. Melissa Martin Matthew Campbell Studio and Gallery Mrs. Sylvia M. Maw Mrs. Amelia-Sue O. McAbee Mrs. Mary McAbee Mrs. Stacy B. McBride Mrs. Cathy McCabe Mrs. Mary Jane Michels Mrs. Liza Miller Ms. Cathleen M. Minch Mrs. Belton W. Montgomery Mrs. Betty Montgomery Mrs. Lindsay Moore Mrs. Lynda Moore Mrs. Marsha K. Moore Ms. Jennifer Adamson Mrs. Melissa Morehead Mrs. Maxine F. Nash Mrs. Emily Crow Neely Ms. Nita K. Biven Mrs. Vicky Noe Mrs. Katherine L. O’Neill Mrs. Elizabeth Orr Mrs. Jennifer Orseck Mrs. Jeanie O’Shaughnessy Mrs. Jane Ovenden Mrs. Louise Parris

Mrs. Ann Porchér Perrin Mrs. Lynne Poole Mrs. Kay Powell Mrs. Betty B. Price Mrs. Jo C. Pulliam Ms. Evelyn Randall Mrs. Mary Ladd Reagan Mrs. Betsy Richardson Mrs. Patt Rocks Mrs. Gail D. Rodgers Mrs. Shannon R. Rogers Mrs. Reneé B. Romberger Mrs. Carol P. Rudisill Mrs. Elena P. Rush Mrs. Ellen S. Rutter Dr. Juliette Saad Mrs. Jill S. Saleeby Mrs. Tolson H. Sanborn Mrs. Anne A. Sanders Mrs. Martha W. Schwartz Ms. Prudence S. Scott Mrs. Janet Shaw Mrs. Kathryn Shoaf Mrs. Bonnie Simpson Dr. Donna Payne Smith Mrs. Carter Smith Mrs. Caroline B. Smith Mrs. Janice Smith Mrs. Laura Stille Ms. Mary L. Thomas Ms. Nancy B. Tiller Mrs. Stephanie Monroe Tillerson Mrs. Janna M. Trammell Mrs. DonnaTraywick Mrs. Susan Oldham Mrs. Anne P. Flynn Dr. Laura Mills Summers Mrs. Bea Walters Smith Dr. Joella F. Utley Dr. Diane C. Vecchio Mrs. Charlotte Verreault Mrs. Mary Helen Wade Dr. Melissa Walker Ms. Jaime Wall Ms. Holly S. Watters

Mrs. Lindsay L. Webster Mrs. Kathleen Weir Mrs. Linda S. West Mrs. Sallie Perrin White Mrs. Kathy C. Willard Mrs. Frazier Wilson Mrs. Camille Wolfe Mrs. Carolyn Wynn Mrs. Elizabeth C. Young Mrs. Amy R. Zimmer Ms. Kathy Wofford Mrs. Nelly Zimmerli Woodruff High School Athletic Alumni Association Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Philip John Barone City of Fountain Inn Ms. Loletia J. Cox Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Derrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Drummond Mr. and Mrs. James N. Epps, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gilliam Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Grant Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Ivey Mr. and Mrs. Max R. Kuther Ms. Joann Lanford Laster Mr. Franklin W. Leake Mr. H.D. Lister Dr. and Mrs. Rallie Liston Mr. and Mrs. David K. Miller Mitchell Farm & Seed Mr. Michael L. O’Shields Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Page Mr. Tom Parris Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Phillips Mr. Danny T. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Sawyer Mr. Scott Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Smith Ms. Tracy Theo Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Thompson Ms. Audrea G. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Watts WHS Athletic Alumni Association Woodruff Class of ‘66 Flower Club Thomas R. Young Fund Young Office Environments, Inc.



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