Annual report 2015

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CHAIRMAN’S REPORT ROY KEMPSTER A Big Step Up The last year has seen the character and hearts of all of our stakeholders carry us to a new level of operation and service delivery. The move to our new building brought wonderful opportunities and new challenges. The quick increase in existing and new projects, brought many new community members into our environment, drew us into a process of further refining and development of our management and control structures, and into becoming a key role player in community leadership. The dedication and love of our leaders and staff, has been a key factor in us managing to ‘take a step up’. Our trustees appreciate the commitment of every staff member. Our donor partners have given life to us. They have given of their time, energy, experience and financial resources. You serve our community in a truly honouring and life giving manner, which we respect and admire. We look forward to the next steps with excitement, knowing that as the needs in all areas increase, our community, our staff and our donors all grow, and become more. We thank you and our God for it all.


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