The Sounding Board | October 27, 2011

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SOUNDING BOARD the voice of Grace College students since 1953

Volume 58 Issue No. 076

Winona Lake, Indiana

October 27, 2011

“How many calories in a taco?” Students consume 159,800 calories at annual Taco Bell night by MATT HIESTER Staff Writer


ood is something people tend not to overthink. It is essential to survival and exceedingly enjoyable, but still potentially dangerous in excessive quantities. Grace College’s Taco Bell Night is an annual effort made by our college community to combine food with fun in a somewhat extreme manner. During this highly attended event, each student pays just one dollar to the school’s Student Activities Board officers in order to receive five of Taco Bell’s tacos. For those of you doing the math, that reduces the unit price of one taco to just twenty cents, a fraction of the usual cost. The event is popular since college students are

typically low on cash and naturally love a great value. Needless to say, the students’ collective taco consumption is absolutely astonishing. The total sales have been calculated, and it has been revealed that 940 tacos (soft and hard) were handed out this past Sunday night. A hard taco weighs in at 170 calories while a soft taco is 200 calories. Assuming all tacos served were eaten, this means the potential range of calories taken in by all students was between 159,800 and 188,000. In addition, it is worth noting that the vast majority of students ordered the higher calorie soft taco, so the second figure is a more accurate estimate. The number of students in attendance at the event was approximately 150, which means if all of those tacos and their calories were evenly distributed, then each stu-

dent consumed an average of 1,253 calories. That is a lot of eating for one night. Such a feat is certainly not easy to pull off from an employee’s perspective, especially considering the fact that once SAB arrived at Taco Bell, it was discovered that the store manager was expecting the event next week. “They didn’t know we were coming,” confirmed Kearstin Criswell, SAB Coordinator. Totally unprepared in terms of staff and product, Taco Bell rose to the challenge, picked up the pace, and prepared enough food to keep up with students’ relentless orders all throughout the night. Serving up 940 tacos without advance notice or the opportunity to take a break for nearly two hours is impressive to say the least. Fortunately, their efforts were clearly not in vain. “Taco Bell night

Sounding Board Photo | Cassie Gareiss

Taco Bell served 940 tacos to Grace students in two hours.

was excellent,” said Jonathan Rex, a sophomore at Grace, “It was definitely worth my dollar.” Even students who don’t contribute to the massive calorie-count by tak-

ing part in the feasting of tacos still enjoy socializing and participating in the light-hearted atmosphere created by the gathering of Grace’s student community.

Rugby season comes to a close by ASHLEY MAZELIN Staff Writer Last year the rugby team was little more than a bunch of clueless rookies running around, tackling guys and grunting while retraining their minds to play rugby differently than football. This season, however, it is clear that the rugby team, which is now ranked second in the state for their division, has grown in size, ability and overall fierceness. On Saturday, Oct. 22, the team played their last home game of the season and lost 25-5, making their record 2-2. It is still very clear, however, that the team that once knew nearly nothing of the European sport now owns the field with expertise and teamwork. According to the players, there are a myriad of reasons that the team has grown and changed so much in just one season. According to Jay Hinkle, “Everyone came together to hold each other accountable and push each other to grow.” Timon Nimtz said, “As we got tougher, everyone got over their initial

fear of not knowing what they were doing and of playing other teams.” Another benefactor in helping the team grow was the Warsaw High school girls’ rugby coach Trevor, who came and taught the team more about the sport and how to play it. In other words, the confidence gained by experience and the unity of the team itself is what made the rugby team what it is today. Not only has the team grown in knowledge and ability to play since it first started last year, it has also grown in size. When they started the team last year, 18 guys signed up to play. This year there are at least 24, which leaves an ample number of subs to go in if someone gets hurt. There are several reasons why so many guys wanted to play rugby. Among the list of reasons was “to connect with other guys and hit people” (Paul Jones), “to channel my manly aggression” (Timon Nimtz), “to get all the girls” (Travis Thomas). The reason why the rugby team exists, however, is to bring glory to God. Paul Jones said, “The goal of rugby is to glorify Christ. We pray before and after

the games to glorify God and to witness to the other teams. This is why we decided to have a food drive for our last home game - so that we could get the campus involved in outreach that glorifies God.” The food drive that the team held during the last home game of-

fered T-shirts to the first 40 people to donate a canned good. The team then donated the items to Combined Community Services, which goes to the unprivileged in the area. Not only did the rugby team help get the students of Grace College involved in this outreach, they also enlightened the rest of


Go Encounter

Photo Briefs

MudLove Pottery


volume 58, issue 7

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Sounding Board Photo | Cassie Gareiss

The rugby club finishes their season with a 2-2 record.

campus about what the sport of rugby is. What used to be a crowd of people saying, “What’s going on?” or “I don’t understand!” is now a crowd of people using words like “scrum” and “try” and “rucking.” As the rugby team has grown in knowledge of the game, so has Grace College.


CAMPUS NEWS From Fiji to France, Go Encounter trips span the globe


InBrief Thurs. Oct. 27 Cabaret 9:30 p.m.- Little Theater

Fri. Oct. 28 FunFest @ The GRC 6 p.m. Cabaret 7:30 p.m.- Little Theater

Sat. Oct. 29 Women’s Basketball vs. IU-Southeast 1 p.m. Westy Masquerade 9 p.m.

Sun. Oct. 30 Day of Rest

by ALEX LERNER Staff Writer

Imagine you’re lost in a foreign city. You have no idea how to get back to where you need to go. You must rely on strangers who may or may not speak your language. This is the first time you’ve ever had to experience something like this. Is it scary? Sure. But is it worth it? Most definitely. Through its “Go Encounter” program, Grace offers its students a vast array of opportunities to become immersed into a culture other than their own. Twelve trips are available throughout the spring and summer. One trip, Ireland, has already reached maximum capacity. However, students still have an opportunity to sign-up for eleven other trips. Carlos Tellez will be leading a group of 8-10 students to Brazil from March 8-18. Students have the opportunity to share Christ’s love with fellow believers and those who don’t know Christ in the area of Belem. The team will work to touch

the lives of the needy and build lasting relationships with all the Brazilian people they come in contact with. Cost is $800 plus airfare. From March 7- 18 Jeff Buriff will take a team of approximately 10 students to the beautiful country of the Dominican Republic. The team will have many opportunities to touch the lives of the poor and be encouraged by the lives of other believers. Cost is $1,700. If you want to see and learn about significant historical places, England is the trip for you. Dr. Paulette Sauders will take 10 or more students to England on March 8-18 to visit London, Oxford, Bath, Stratford and more. Students will also connect with a Grace alumnus missionary in London. Cost is $1,600 plus airfare. If France is more intriguing to you, then you have the opportunity to join Jaqueline Schram and a team of 9-11 students on a trip to Paris from March 7-18. The team will work closely will missionaries in touching the lives of the French people. Cost is $1,380 plus airfare. Students can also stay a little

closer to home, yet still make a huge impact by joining T.K. Kurtanek on a trip to Philadelphia, Penn., from March 7-18. Students will join the ministry of the Urban Hope Center. Cost is $600. Deposits for March trips are due by December 5. On May 21-28 a team of 20 students will travel to Dearborn, Mich., and join in mission outreach with Angel House. Islam and Arab Muslims are all around the area, and students will join Angel House in reaching these people. Cost is $900. Dr. Tammy Shultz and approximately 10-12 students will travel to the tropical island of Fiji on May 21-June 2. Students will have many opportunities to minister to the Fiji people on this trip, as well as gain many new experiences. Cost is $1,050 plus airfare. Students may join Dr. Matt Harmon on a trip to Greece and Turkey on May 21-June 2. Students will learn all about the ancient Biblical history of the area. Cost is $3,600. Ken and Sina Locke will take a group of 10 students to Iceland from May 20-30. Students will un-

doubtedly see and learn about many historical sites on this trip. Cost is $900 plus airfare. From May 21-June 2, Aaron Crabtree will take a group of 10 students to Papua New Guinea for lifechanging lessons on missions. Cost is $600 plus airfare. Last, but not least, Dr. Tiberious Rata and Dr. Michael Harstine will take a group of 12 students to Dr. Rata’s home country of Romania from May 20-30. Students will spend a lot of time with orphans throughout the trip. Cost is $600 plus airfare. To secure a place on a team, deposit $200 into the Global Perspectives account in the business office. Deposits for Brazil, Dominican Republic, England, France, and Philadelphia are December 5. Deposits for Dearborn, Fiji, Greece and Turkey, Iceland, Papua New Guinea and Romania are February 15. Join a team of your choice this year to make an impact for Christ and gain an experience of a lifetime.

Serve focus: Unashamed to share the gospel

Mon. Oct. 31


Halloween Staff Writer

Creepy Boooling 9:30-11:30 p.m.

Tues. Nov. 1 Royal Bonfire @ Alpha Fire Pit 9-10 p.m.

Wed. Nov. 2 Women’s VolleyballSenior Night 7 p.m. Pep Rally @ the OCC 9 p.m

Thur. Nov. 3 Dodgeball Tourney 7:45 p.m.

“I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes” – Romans 1:16. This verse is the inspiration for the name of the Unashamed Serve team. The Serve team is co-lead by Sean Truesdale and Jeff Volz, both juniors, who also co-founded the team. Unashamed is a group that goes out into the local community to evangelize. When Truesdale came to Grace College as a sophomore, he had the dream of reaching every house surrounding Grace with the gospel. To some, it seems like a far-fetched dream, but not to Truesdale, who has been evangelizing since he was 15 years old. After thinking up the idea of Unashamed last year he is working to make his dream come true now. The team, made up of 14 members, spends their meeting time evangelizing in the community. They meet every Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. in Philathea 10. Typically, members start with giving prayer requests and praying. Then the team splits up into

groups of two or three, each group with a pad of paper, and heads out into the surrounding neighborhoods. With no professor or faculty member leading the team, they end up evan-

the members simply state who they are and ask if anyone has any prayer requests. Sean hopes to let the community know that Grace cares. Offering to pray for locals is one of the best

Cassie Gareiss | Sounding Board Photo

Sean Truesdale and Jeff Volz lead the evangelism serve team.

gelizing on feet. Each small group takes a street and begins knocking on doors. When someone answers,

ways of doing this. Truesdale said he gets a positive reaction about 90 percent of the time.

After the small groups spend nearly an hour in the community going door to door, taking prayer requests, they come back to Philathea to share their experiences. Truesdale then reads a passage from the Bible. The team breaks into small groups again and prays for the homes they have reached. Truesdale and Volz have big plans for their team. They hope to move from prayer requests to surveys to eventually evangelizing in the way of the master. At some point they hope to team up with a local church that they can lead those reached by Unashamed to. When asked if the team had brought anyone to Christ yet and if they had any goals for the coming year, Truesdale replied, “If we can save just one life this year, then I’ll be happy.” Unashamed also plans to team up with the Chicago serve team for a trip to Chicago to spread the gospel. They hope to get the opportunity to work with the Muslim Outreach serve team also. It is going to be a good year for the Unashamed serve team. If any students would like to get involved all they have to do is attend a meeting.


SOUNDING BOARD the voice of Grace College students since 1953

The Sounding Board is a weekly publication of Grace Student Organizations and the Journalism Classes at Grace College. The Sounding Board exists to glorify God by impacting people’s lives with relevant and timely news that connects them with the campus and the greater community, by providing excellent education in the field of journalism and by acting as a medium of student expression. Editorials and opinions are those of student journalists and do not necessarily represent the official view of the administration of Grace College. All copy, art, and photography are property of The Sounding Board and cannot be reproduced without the permission of the editor. Letters/replies are encouraged and must be signed. Letters are limited to 250 words and The Sounding Board reserves the right to print and edit for length and content as necessary. The Sounding Board is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and is printed in cooperation with ThePapers,Inc. Please send emails to: Editor-in-Chief: Octavia Lehman Photography Editor: Cassie Gareiss Layout Editor: Josh Dillman Copy Editor: Ethan Sheckler Sports Editor: Zane Gard Advisor: Dr. Sauders

Staff Writers: Ashley Mazelin Emily Gruber Sarah Kraus Jonathan Haag

Christopher Tulley Matthew Hiester Haley Bradfield Jordan Woodruff

Grace College, 200 Seminary Dr., Winona Lake, IN 46590




Photo Briefs

Cassie Gareiss | Sounding Board Photo

Clockwise from top left:

Love Rocks- A student showcases MudLove rocks from the Block of Love party. Superfluous Tacos- Students show up for a night of cheap eats: five tacos for only $1. Last Try- The Grace rugby club closes out its season on Oct. 22.

Jump Online Check out the Sounding Board’s photo gallery on our website at Cassie Gareiss | Sounding Board Photo

Cassie Gareiss | Sounding Board Photo




Students participate in Nocturnal Military event

Cassie Gareiss | Sounding Board Photo

Contestants gear up for the 5K race.

Cassie Gareiss | Sounding Board Photo

Grace Student Veterans Organization hosted Nocturnal II: Military Edition on Saturday, Oct. 22.

by EMILY GRUBER Staff Writer

Grace College’s Student Veterans Organization (SVO) hosted Nocturnal II: Military Edition at Miller Field on Saturday, Oct. 22. The event was hosted by SVO to help support the military fund at Grace and a local family in need. Matt Metzger, with Metzger Outdoors, was in charge of the event and said his motivation was “to get people outside together and let people see Jesus through us.”

Before the first race began, a Samaritan’s Helicopter landed at Miller Field. People who came out to the event had the opportunity to look inside the helicopter. During the afternoon, people could participate in three races. The races consisted of the 10-Mile Mountain Bike Trail, the 5K Evening Trail Race, and the Ridiculous Race. The first race of the afternoon was the 10-Mile Mountain Bike Trail, which started at 4 p.m. Before the participants could begin the trail race, they first had to go

through a series of obstacles in order to reach their bicycles. After the 10 miles and approximately 40-45 minutes, the first racer came across the finish line. The first race included three divisions of expert, sport, and beginner with a winner for each division. 110 bikers participated in the 10-Mile Mountain Bike Race. The second race for this event was the 5K Evening Trail Race. This race included divisions for each age group and male and female divisions. There were winners

from each age group along with the overall male and overall female winners. 150 people participated in the 5K Evening Trail Race. Brie Cremean, a senior Grace student, ran in the 5K Evening Trail Race. Cremean has two siblings in the navy and wanted to support them. “I admire Metzger Outdoors for taking this on and organizing it,” Cremean said. Another Grace student participated in the 5K Evening Trail Race. Sara Stayton, a junior, heard about this event through all the posters around campus. “I did a 5K a few weeks ago and wanted to see if I could beat my time,” Stayton said. The third race for the evening was the Ridiculous Race. This race was all in the dark with obstacles and surprises along the way. The divisions for this race included

family, male, female, and co-ed. More than 200 people participated in this race. Richard Potts, a sophomore at Grace, participated in the 5K and in the Ridiculous Race. His favorite was the Ridiculous Race. “The hay bales were the best part of the race and I cleared the bales flawlessly like nobody’s business,” Potts said. Jordan Wodetzki, a sophomore at Grace, participated in all three races. Wodetzki’s favorite race was the ridiculous race. His favorite obstacles in the “Ridiculous Race” were the hay bales and the rope of death because they were the most challenging. “This was awesome; I loved it. It would be awesome if they would do it again,” Wodetzki said.

Bringing home a piece of Italia Student art gallery inspired by Italy GoEncounter by SARAH KRAUS Staff Writer

Last May, a group of 17 students and professors traveled to Italy on a GoEncounter trip. The team was largely made up of art students. These students are currently working on projects in response to the trip and will be exhibiting their artwork in the Mount Memorial Art Gallery from Nov. 14 to Dec. 16 in a show called “Italy: A Student’s Perspective.” A gallery reception will be held in Mount Memorial on Nov. 18 from 7 to 9 p.m., giving other students and faculty the chance to meet those who entered a piece in the show. Stephanie Johnston, one of the students who traveled to Italy, said that “the show is artwork produced by the students who went on the trip and the art is

inspired from our experiences in Italia. It’s basically our interpretations of Italia rendered into visual forms.” Janna Lodwick, another student who was on the trip, talked about how there will be various mediums represented at the show. “Most of us are doing charcoal renderings of statues or monuments that we saw when we were there. A few people are doing photo prints and I know that two or three people have done paintings.” Lodwick said that the project she is working on will involve a collage of photos from the trip combined with other elements, creating a romantic-themed piece. Johnston said that the trip to Italy was fantastic. The team traveled to various cities including Rome, Assisi, Firenze, Bologna, and Venezia. They saw able to experience history and

art firsthand in various ways. “We had the chance to see many historical sites, such as the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, [and] the Catacombs,” Johnston said. They were also able to see many different styles of architecture and ancient structures, including Assisi, an entire town built into the side of a mountain and the Uffizi art gallery. Throughout the trip, the team was also able to meet various local people, including some Italian college students and a guide at the Basilica of St. Francis named Sister Theresa, who challenged the students to share their faith often. “Ultimately, it was a fantastic trip filled with lots of learning and a chance to get to know the people of Italia and their culture,” Johnston said.




MudLove Pottery celebrates its second birthday by JONATHAN HAAG Staff Writer

After being cancelled once due to poor weather, MudLove Pottery hosted a Block of Love Party in The Village at Winona to celebrate their second year anniversary of being in business in Winona Lake. Warm weather enveloped those in attendance who also had the opportunity to hear live music from Abram Galvin and Laura K. Balke, play cornhole, purchase crafts, and eat grilled hot dogs and burgers. MudLove has reason to throw a party. Owner Luke Wright started MudLove two years ago with a mission bigger than himself and his small garage pottery studio behind the Village Barber. Part of that mission is to provide

clean drinking water to those in Africa. Wright has partnered with Integrated Community Development International, more commonly known as ICDI, to give 20% of all MudLove profit to this Winona Lake organization. Part of the mission of ICDI is to provide clean and safe drinking water to those living in the Central African Republic. A $5 purchase from MudLove gives someone in Africa clean drinking water for a year. The sheer number of individuals who stopped by the MudLove Block of Love Party gives an indicator of how well this mission is succeeding. MudLove’s product line and mission has struck a cord with many students at Grace. Trent Crofts, a Grace Seminary student loves MudLove because “They have a great cause and great quality.” Sounding Board Photo | Cassie Gareiss

Last Saturday, Mudlove Pottery hosted a Block of Love Party to celebrate two years of business. Mudlove Pottery is located at the Village of Winona.

Brooke Surgeon, a Grace College student loves MudLove because “of the story behind how it got started and hearing Luke’s passion for making art and how he kinda stumbled into that and how he turned it into a business.” Surgeon also added that, “Having a place to buy something made locally is really awesome.” From a technical perspective Grace College student Dave Ferrier said, “I love MudLove because he is a really good potter. When I go into his shop I’m always inspired. His design is simple but functional and really beautiful in that way.” The product line in the Mudlove Studio has grown with its age. In addition to the popular bracelets, you can purchase mugs, vases, necklaces, rocks, and T-shirts. MudLove is located in the VilIndianapolis musician, Laura K. Balke plays during the Block of Love party. Sounding Board Photo | Cassie Gareiss

lage at Winona in the garage behind the Village Barber at 804 G Park Avenue, Winona Lake, Ind.. You can visit

MudLove online at and on twitter at @MudLovePottery.

Sounding Board Photo | Cassie Gareiss

SAB officer Matt Hiester handed out $5 tokens to the first 50 Grace students. The tokens could be used to purchase food, crafts, or pottery.

Reaching the nations Grace graduate, Dave Robison shares how his idea of ministry changed from a global mindset to serving locally When I graduated with an M. Div. in 1995 I told my seminary friends and faculty that we would not be sticking around the area. I knew that God wanted our family on the mission field. While we love this area, I did not believe that God wanted us here. Even while I pastored a little country church in the area, I kept longing for people in a distant land. However, God kept us here in Winona Lake. After Seminary I took a full-time job in agricultural seed sales so I could have income, and I pastored the church part time. After some health issues, I left the pastorate and concentrated on seed sales. I eventually took a job that required me to travel across 35 states and found that my time for ministry was greatly reduced. We were involved at our new church home at

Pleasant View Bible Church…but I wondered, is this what God had in mind when we went through Seminary? We were doing all of this kind of ministry without an M. Div and I kept longing to minister to people in a distant land. But God was at work…I just did not see it. During and since Seminary my wife and I had five more children (we have seven children altogether). We had a busy life at home, at my job, and with our teaching at PVBC. We felt good, we felt blessed but not complete. Then we met Diana and her family. Sally taught Diana and her sister Gabby at Hispanic VBS nine years ago. Then I coached their little brother Hugo in soccer at the YMCA. We were really starting to love these Hispanic children.

Two years later we met a missionary from Spanish World Gospel that said he needed a couple to work with the youth at Iglesia Bíblica Hispana in Warsaw. Within a few weeks we were working with Hispanics, the people that God had been preparing us for. Sally is a stay-at-home mom and leads the Hispanic children’s ministries (including a large Hispanic VBS). I work a full-time job (70+ hours/week), and I work with the Hispanic teens where we have 25-30 mostly unchurched Hispanic teens coming weekly to hear the Gospel. Our whole local family is involved in missions work with the Warsaw/Winona Lake Hispanic community. We work and live in the community just as Paul did in his area, and we work to support ourselves so we can better minister.

Contributed Photo

God has given us a tremendous love for the Hispanic community and He provides financially for our family and ministry through my income. We did not travel to a distant land to reach a community that needs to hear about Jesus…we travel down the street. God brought them here.

Dave and Sally Robison work with Iglesia Bíblica Hispana that meets at Pleasant View Bible Church. They are blessed to have had several Grace College students help in their youth ministry. If you have interest in helping the Robisons reach the Hispanic community, please contact them at




“The Ides of March” : second best movie of the year

#stuffmyprofsays “Taxes are like vampires. The only way to get rid of them is to stab them with a lance or shoot them with a silver bullet. If you don’t get rid of them they will continue to haunt you.” -Dr. Lemler


“We have a reality more real than the reality we are in.”

Arts & Culture Writer Beginning with “Michael Clayton” in 2007, George Clooney has turned in one lackluster performance after another, culminating with the hugely underwhelming film “The American” last year. Though his role as Governor Mike Morris in this year’s “The Ides of March” is by far his best performance since “Ocean’s Eleven” was released ten years ago, he’s still the least impressive of all the major players in the film. The film’s main character is brought to life by Ryan Gosling, who, with this film, has offered up his third powerhouse performance this year alone. The cast is wonderfully rounded out by four veteran character actors: Philip Seymour Hoffman (“Doubt”), Paul Giamatti (“Lady in the Water”), Jeffrey Wright (“The Manchurian Candidate”), and Marisa Tomei (“The Lincoln Lawyer”). Evan Rachel Wood (“Across the Universe”), a relative newcomer in this crowd, adds life and credibility to the role of the young and dumb intern, a role that could have been obnoxiously flat and trite. The Ides of March tells the story of Gosling’s character Stephen Meyers, a

Crazy Prophet

Dog Dayz

sharp and upcoming staffer on Governor Morris’ presidential campaign. Though Meyers hopes and dreams to run this campaign on strict morals and ideals, he quickly learns that Morris is not the last hope for integrity in politics, and the world he’s living in is not as clear-cut as he may have thought. Bombarded by betrayal and lies from every angle, Meyers must adapt – or die. Gosling’s eyes, in many scenes, really steal the show. The man looks downright crazy in one scene, as though he might break out into a rage and start ripping apart desks and doors with his bare hands. Yet somehow he manages to pull it off with honesty, and the audience is actually nervous that, somehow, they might be next. But in spite of being surrounded by all of these clearly more talented actors, this movie remains a towering bastion, an unshakeable monument dedicated to the proposition that George Clooney still matters in the movie business. In his fourth effort behind the camera as director, George Clooney has created one of the best movies this year. Soundtrack buffs take note: this movie

should be seen based on its score alone. One enthusiastic viewer noted, “That movie was really creepy. I found myself turning around and looking over my shoulder even though nothing really scary was happening on the screen.” Clooney achieves this through an insightful combination of a masterful score, provided by Alexandre Desplat (“The King’s Speech,” composer), and even better cinematography from Phedon Papamichael (“The Pursuit of Happyness,” director of photography). In a political thriller, it is hard to care about the dealings of and double dealings of a world so far removed from that of the audience. But what’s scary to the characters in the Ides of March jumps off the screen and terrifies anybody in the near vicinity. This is the second best movie released this year. It has the full package — great actors in front of the camera and great film makers behind the camera. It’s taut, edgy, and wicked smart, all the way up to the final shot, when Ryan Gosling opens his baby blues to the audience and bares his soul. If you can handle a movie this good, you should.

By Natalie Huebner

- Kip Cone, during Exploring the Bible.

“You are living in Acts*, baby! It’s a good place to be.” *Acts, as in the book of the Bible. -Kip Cone during Exploring the Bible, explaining our place in the Biblical story.

“I just bought a Mac and I am going to make it my slave.” -Dr. Peugh, talking about using technology and not letting it rule us.

“It’s not about what you do, but who you are (in Christ).” - Professor TK (Kurtaneck) while discussing five areas that college age students seek Submit your quotes to

Charlotte’s Imaginary Friends

By: Allison Hagedon

By Stephanie Johnston

Want to feature your art in the Sounding Board? Email us at




Men’s basketball looks to repeat success by ZANE GARD Sports Writer

The Lancers’ basketball team enters the 2011-12 season with expectations as big as its front court. After finishing second in the highly competitive MidCentral College Conference at 11-5 last season, the Lancers reached the NAIA Division II National Tournament for the third time in four years. However, a first-round exit ended the men’s basketball team’s national title aspirations with a record of 22-11.

But optimism abounds for the 2011-12 campaign, as nearly every piece returns for a deep run in Branson, Mo. , helping the team earn the No. 9 in the Preseason Top 25 Poll.

sists and 2.1 steals per game en route to being named the MCC Newcomer of the Year and First Team All-MCC to go along with an honorable mention to the NAIA All-American Team.

“Are we optimistic? You bet,” said head coach Jim Kessler. “Everyone is aware of our potential this year.”

Johnson led Grace in scoring and rebounding last year. The 6-foot-1l-inch center posted 15.7 points and 7.1 rebounds per game and was named to the Second Team All-MCC.

Junior guard Bruce Grimm Jr. and senior center Duke Johnson highlight a solid returning core for the Lancers. A transfer last year, Grimm made an immediate impact, averaging 13.6 points, 4.4 rebounds, 3.9 as-

In the back court the Lancers will look to replace graduated guard David Henry (a 43-percent 3-point shooter and All-MCC Defensive Team member) with a number of returners. The Lancers will boast depth and versatility at every position that should prove advantageous during a long season. Senior Jacob Peattie and junior Elliot Smith bring experience and 3-point shooting ability to the guard position, while senior Dayton Merrell and junior Tannan Peters bring strength and athleticism at forward.

The Lancers return All-MCC players Duke Johnson (left) and Bruce Grimm (right).

The Lancers will also be able to showcase a variety of starting line-

ups this season, allowing them to exploit matchups with a big lineup or use a smaller, faster lineup to utilize the Lancers’ transition offense. Grace has the luxury of six players who stand 6-foot-6 inches or taller, including three centers who are 6-11 or better. Dennis Williams (7-0) will hope to continue the improvement he saw in his freshman campaign last year, and freshman Adrian Makolli (7-0) will also look to contribute when needed. Sophomore forward Greg Miller proved to be a reliable commodity last season, averaging 10.0 points and 6.0 rebounds per game while shooting 55 percent from the field and nearly 30 percent from beyond the arc. Three incoming freshman guards will look to contribute valuable minutes for the Lancers. Karl Columbus (South Bend, Ind./Riley), Niko Read (Aurora, Colo./Valor Christian), and Judson Yoder (Goshen, Ind./Clinton Christian) will look to figure into the rotation behind Grimm and Elliot. The Lancers’ experience and depth will be heavily relied upon as they set their sights on

an MCC title and another trip to Branson, Mo. “It is a blessing to have seven or eight guys who could get 20 points on any given night,” Kessler said. “We have all these facets of the team that can shine if the light hits them.” Consistency, however, will be essential for the Lancers to make a deep postseason run this year. Kessler stressed that living up to expectations means focusing on winning one game at a time, saying: “If we take care of the little pieces, the big pieces will work themselves out.” The Lancers’ nonconference schedule should help prepare them for grueling MCC games, as they host EmbryRiddle, Missouri Baptist, and Missouri Valley in the Kosciusko County Cancer Care Fund Tournament on Nov. 11-12. Though Grace is ranked second in the preseason, they will certainly be tested in conference play as the MCC is routinely one of the most competitive nationally in the NAIA. Grace will open their season away against Trinity International at 7 p.m. on Oct. 29. Their home opener is Nov. 3 against UC Clermont at 3 p.m.

Women’s basketball ready for historic year by JOSH NEUHART Sports Information

Optimism has never been higher for Grace’s women’s basketball team entering the 2011-12 campaign.

most likely result in an appearance in the NAIA National Tournament.

The Lady Lancers are coming off their best conference record in school history and their first .500season since 1992.

“It’s going to be a fun year. Our team knows our system, and they have the confidence knowing they can do it,” Blum said. “We have most of our pieces back and will have one of the deepest teams in the MCC. The girls have a lot of experience and hungriness coming into the season.”

Grace, who finished 17-17 and 7-9 in the highly competitive Mid-Central College Conference, finished the season receiving votes in the NAIA Top-25 Coaches Poll - a first for the program - and advanced to the NCCAA National Tournament (held at Grace College) for the third straight year.

Senior co-captains Hayley Cashier and Hannah Lengel spearhead Grace’s team and lead a balanced squad. Cashier enjoyed a breakout season a year ago with 12.9 points and 8.1 rebounds per game while nailing 39.2 percent of her 3-point attempts. The forward was named First Team All-MCC.

Head coach Scott Blum has slowly but surely built the program, increasing the team’s win totals in nearly each of his previous seven seasons. He enters this year with one of his most experienced teams ever (10 upperclassmen) and hopes the team can reach its goal of finishing in the top three of the MCC - a goal which would

Lengel has been a crucial part of Grace’s back court since her freshman year. Last season, she averaged 7.0 points, 3.3 rebounds and 2.3 assists per game and shot 38.2 percent from beyond the arc and 82.3 percent from the free throw line. She will be joined in the

guard rotation by senior Kiera Gray and sophomore Juaneice Jackson. Gray is an experienced scorer who enters the season ranked No. 9 on Grace’s all-time scoring list with 1,059 career points. Jackson was named the MCC’s Freshman of the Year after tallying 7.3 Seniors Haley Cashier (left) and Hannah Lengel (right) will lead the Lady Lancers this year. is joined by fellow seniors Dani- gram. If you take away one aspect, points a game elle Boykin (9.6 ppg, 4.3 rpg) and we can go with the other.” off the bench. Kate Ball (3.4 ppg, 32.4% 3FG) Two freshman forwards from Other guards in the mix in- and junior Emily Bidwell (5.6 Fort Wayne, Ind., also hope to clude juniors Jayla Starks and ppg). contribute right away in Lindsey Rianne Aguilar. Both players, ac“We’re too good in the post Schaefer (Carroll HS) and Allison cording to Blum, have worked hard in the offseason to improve not to score down low, but we Kauffman (Blackhawk Christian). their play and have the ability to also want to run the ball when we The Lady Lancers opened contribute both offensively and get the chance,” Blum continued. “Our strength is probably inside, their season on Oct. 26 on the defensively this year. but you have to have a good in- road against Holy Cross College. The post rotation was one of side-outside game to make a run Their home opener is Oct. 29 the team’s strengths last year and in the national tournament, so against Indiana University-South figures to only improve. Cashier that’s how we’ve built our pro- Bend at 1 p.m.



by JUSTIN HOFFMAN Sports Writer

“Long-pong” has become an infamous part of Beta Hall. Tournaments, smack talk, and intense games put a new twist on a favorite game–ping-pong. Yet beside “long-pong” and a few tables in Westminster Hall and the Gordon Student Recreational Center, there is not an organized way to play ping-pong on campus. This should not be. Grace needs to start a ping-pong club because it would benefit students who wish to play, have fun, and build community. For some students at Grace, it is difficult to find people to play ping-pong with who are at a similar skill level. Having a ping-pong club provides a venue for those students who want to develop their ping-pong skills or play competitively to do so. This would allow students to play against a variety of others who have experience as well. Students who want to develop their ping-pong skills would benefit from the organization and accountability present in a club. The organization would help them to practice regularly and efficiently, while the accountability would help them to be consistent in developing their skills. It would also encourage inter-student bonding and help to develop the strong sense of community at Grace.

Ping-pong casually—regardless of skill level. “Ping-pong is one of those sports that, whether you’re good at it or not, it’s just a lot fun,” said Grace student Clase DeGraff. “It is a great opportunity to get to know people you might not have met otherwise.” A ping-pong club would provide an avenue for Grace students to get off-campus and meet students of other colleges. This would encourage getting outside of the “Grace bubble” and interact with those around them, preparing students even more for life after college. It would also allow Grace to be exposed to a greater range of prospective students, potentially increasing enrollment. Even if Grace does not get a ping-pong club, intramural pingpong would be a great addition to the intramural sports already offered at Grace. It would give those who want to get involved in intramural sports, but cannot participate in the current sports, a chance to play and bond with their hall-mates. Grace should work on putting together some kind of organized ping-pong for the students. It will only help further Grace’s goal of building a strong, supportive community among its students and faculty.

Yet skill level is not of the utmost importance. Ping-pong is a sport that does not require extensive exertion and can be played

Which club team would benefit Grace the most? by BEN HYDE Sports Writer

Imagine going on the Michael Phelps’ Diet—eating only mere 12,000 calories a day—and putting on muscle instead of pounds. Why? Because you were swimming off those calories. Swimming would be the perfect sport to add to the Grace College Athletics program. Though successful in 13 other varsity sports, Grace has never had an official swim team or club of any kind. It is time for that to change. When thinking about starting a new sport or club, the first thing to factor in is always logistics. Are there resources or the ability to put it all together? When it comes to indoor swimming, Grace certainly has the ability to put a team, whether varsity or club, together. With a growing undergraduate enrollment, there will be a larger number of students wanting to take part in a swim team. If the swimming program started out as a club sport, there would be no need to work through the complexity of swimming scholarships and budgeting for a new program. Another benefit for Grace in bringing a swim club together is the availability of facilities. The Warsaw YMCA and Warsaw Community High School both have top-notch swimming pools that could be used for practices and meets. In addition to being a great potential sport, swimming is also a solid recreational activity for

Player of the Week Kelsey Christner, Women’s Soccer Freshman midfielder Kelsey Christner is this week’s player of the week after scoring two goals, one of which was the game-winning goal in overtime, to upset No. 10 Spring Arbor University. For her efforts, she was named Player of the Week by the NAIA, NCCAA, and the MCC. Christner has three goals and three assists on the season, significantly contributing in her first season as a Lancer.

Indoor Swimming college students. The possibility (though not likely now) also exists that Grace could construct a swim facility that would be open for student recreation use as well. Either way, a club swim team would get students active. One other reason that Grace is prepared for a new swim club is the diversity it would provide the athletic department. The athletic program currently does not have any sport like swimming. Adding swimming as a club sport would attract prospective students who may want to participate in college sports without the stresses of being a scholarship athlete. Even current athletes could join the swimming club to stay in shape.


9 the rank of the men’s basketball team in the NAIA Division II Preseason Top 25 Poll.

24 the rank of the




women’s baskeball team in the NAIA Division II Preseason Top 25 Poll.


the number of miles to Goshen College, where the cross country MCC Championship will be held on Nov. 5.

1,210 the number of assists this season for senior Rachel Bult, good for fourth in NAIA Division I Volleyball.


the rank of Spring Arbor University, whom the women’s soccer team defeated on Oct. 15.

- Sports Information


Ben Bassous , men’s Adding swimming as a club sport would take plenty of work—including finding a coach, organizing practice and meet schedules, and purchasing official swim uniforms—but the benefits outweigh the cost. The growing popularity of swimming in high schools and colleges across America now is evidence that Grace should dive into the opportunity for a swim club. Perhaps it is time to start figuring out how many slices of Alpha pizza it takes to get to 12,000 calories.

soccer, scored the game-winning goal with less than two minutes left in the game to defeat Mount Vernon Nazarene on Oct. 22.

Rachel Bult, volleyball, was named the NCCAA Player of the Week on Oct. 19. Cross Country finished fifth out of nine MCC teams at the Great Lakes Challenge on Oct. 22.

Dana Johnston, volleyball, is first in the MCC in hitting percentage at .354 percent. Carmen Barnhill, women’s soccer, has 81 saves on the season, third best in the MCC.

- Sports Information

This week in Lancer Athletics...

Men’s and Women’s Basketball Grab Preseason Poll Ranking WINONA LAKE, Ind. – Lancer athletics made headlines this week with both basketball programs earning preseason poll rankings. WINONA LAKE, Ind. – Grace’s volleyball team swept the weeky awards from the Mid-Central Coler its third trip in four years to the NAIA Division II National Championships, Grace’s men’s legeAft Conference. Stephanie wasranked namedNo. the9 Player of the Week and Hitter ofwas the released Week, Rachel Bult basketball teamLawson has been in the Preseason Top 25the Poll, which on Oct. 24.was the Setter of the Week, and Bethany Whitcraft rounded out the awards with the Libero of the Week. ThLawson e Lancers, a year 11 after finishing 22-11onand thethe Mid-Central College have four averaged kills in six wins the11-5 weekinfor Lady Lancers. She Conference, amassed a match-high of kills five starters returning. 17 in a three-set victory over Union (Ky.) and also tallied six service aces and turned in 18 digs in a 3-2 win over Shorter College. InBult women’s basketball, for thetofirst time in the history of the Grace’s basketball ateam, the 6-0 has been a key factor Grace’s current eight-game winningwomen’s streak, including perfect Lady Lancers wereShe nationally ranked by the in at No. 24 theNo. Preseason Top 25 Poll, record this week. had a tremendous 41 NAIA assistscoming in a three-game set in over 22 Indiana Wesleyan and recorded alsoalso released Oct. 57 24.assists against Shorter College. Whitcraft tallied double-digit digs in three of Grace’s wins, helping the Lady Lancers to a perfect Grace finished receiving in the NAIA poll. Th30 e team finished 17-17high). overall and week. In their winlast overseason Shorter College,votes she tallied an incredible digs (a new career 7-9 Grace in the Mid-Central College Conference, making theirwith third straight trip to NCCAA National is currently in the heart of the MCC season away matches onthe Friday (Bethel, 7 p.m.) and Saturday (Goshen, 3 p.m.). Tournament. -Sports Information -Sports Information

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