February 13, 2020

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FEBRUARY 13, 2020

VOL.111/ISSUE 21

The sheaf publishing society

YOUR UNI VE R S I T Y O F SAS K ATC H E WA N ST UDE NT NE WS PA P E R SINCE 1912 The University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis.

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Love &

Sexuality Issue

NEWS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Nykole King editor@thesheaf.com NEWS EDITOR Ana Cristina Camacho news@thesheaf.com SPORTS & HEALTH EDITOR VACANT sportshealth@thesheaf.com CULTURE EDITOR Tomilola Ojo culture@thesheaf.com OPINIONS EDITOR Erin Matthews opinions@thesheaf.com STAFF WRITER Noah Callaghan staffwriter@thesheaf.com COPY EDITOR J.C. Balicanta Narag copy@thesheaf.com LAYOUT MANAGER Aqsa Hussain layout@thesheaf.com PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Victoria Becker photo@thesheaf.com GRAPHICS EDITOR Shawna Langer graphics@thesheaf.com WEB EDITOR Minh Au Duong web@thesheaf.com OUTREACH DIRECTOR Sophia Lagimodiere outreach@thesheaf.com AD & BUSINESS MANAGER Shantelle Hrytsak ads@thesheaf.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mikaila Ortynsky Laura Chartier Matthew Taylor Sonia Kalburgi Emily Klatt Naomi Zurenvinski


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COVER ILLUSTRATION Shawna Langer Mission // The mission of the Sheaf is to inform and entertain students by addressing issues relevant to life on campus, in the city or in the province. The newspaper serves as a forum for discussion on a wide range of issues that concern students. Written for students, by students, it provides unique insight into university issues through a student perspective. The staff of editors, photographers and artists collaborate with volunteers as student journalists to create a product relevant to students on the University of Saskatchewan campus. Land Acknowledgement // The Sheaf acknowledges that our office is built on Treaty Six Territory and the traditional homeland of the Métis. We pay our respects to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and affirm both the importance of our relationship with Indigenous peoples and students at the U of S and our commitment to recognize and remain accountable for our collective history.

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Pushing for progress: 1997 was a turning point at the U of S Generations were fundamentally impacted by those who championed resources for queer students at the university. NYKOLE KING


Twenty-three years ago, a major shift happened at the University of Saskatchewan in accepting sexual diversity. Although provincial law stipulated that freedom of expression included sexual orientation, that did not mean that people faced no discrimination if they came out or went against the gender binary. “At that time, it was a very different landscape,” said University of Saskatchewan alumnus Scott Blythe, one of the students in 1996 who pushed for the U of S Students’ Union to create a resource centre for queer students. The place that resulted from his work is what is now known as the Pride Centre Blythe’s initiative, at the time, came out of a need to be more visible and vocal in the fight for civil rights and inclusion, something that was beyond the scoop of the already-existing gay and lesbian students’ club. “It created visibility for queer people on campus that really hadn’t existed in any meaningful way before that,” Blythe said. The University Students’ Council supported his proposal, and the centre opened in the Fall term of the following year. A space was carved out in the basement of Saskatchewan Hall for what was then known as the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Centre, with Blythe as the co-ordinator. The centre at the U of S was one of the first queer student resource centres in Western Canada. Blythe fondly recalls the student council’s support for the project and how it gave him a sense of belonging that paved the way for everything that followed. The effects were far-reaching. About five years ago, Blythe was approached by a former U of S student while walking down the street who recognized him as the former co-ordinator of the LGB Centre. “He said, ‘You may not remember me, but you created a space for me. You had one conversation with me, but the impact of the work that you did back then has shaped everything that I’ve done moving forward,’” Blythe recalls. “To know that I had a small

part in helping shape somebody’s future was really humbling.” At the same time, Don Cochrane, a professor in the College of Education, was pursuing the creation of a course focused solely on gender and sexual diversity in schools. Getting approval was a long process, and Cochrane recalls that a tense, three-hour faculty meeting once concluded with those in support embracing each other with hugs. In the fall of 1997, Cochrane taught the course for the first time. From the beginning, he and the administration were thoughtful about potential issues of discrimination for the students enrolled in the course. One issue was whether education students with the actual course title on their transcript might face difficulties getting hired as teachers, which prompted discussions about encoding the title. Cochrane says it was the “most interesting, sensitive discussion [he] had in 30 years at the university.” The meeting concluded with the decision that they would not disguise the course title in any way. Cochrane says it was the right decision. With these steps forward, the U of S campus was leading the way for embracing sexual and gender diversity. For 20 years Cochrane and his colleagues also deviced and hosted a “Breaking the Silence” conference for discussing ways teachers can support queer students. While change does not happen in a vacuum, Blythe and Cochane pushed the door open for acceptance of sexual and gender diversity on campus in 1997. Those efforts have had lasting effects at the U of S. Slowly, social attitudes progressed in the city and countrywide. It took until 2005 for same-sex marriage to be legalized in Canada. The LGB Centre changed names and developed into the Pride Centre, still holding now an important place in the Memorial Union Building. Blythe is proud that the Pride Centre has played a part in the conversations around sexuality in Canada. “There’s still a need to talk about discrimination and inclusion and diversity … and all

Scott Blythe in the Oct. 30, 1997 newspaper of The Sheaf | The Sheaf archives, Vol. 89 Is.14—Tanit Thorne

of the discussions have evolved and changed,” Blythe said. “And it’s great to know that there is a centre, that was one of the very first in Canada to exist, that is still playing a role.” At the time of its creation, the Pride Centre was a way to fill the hole in the community left behind by the victims of the AIDS epidemic, whose deaths meant a loss of guidance for queer youth. The centre’s impact has been long lasting and on campus today it continues to impact the lives of a new generation of students. “The thing for me is that we’ve come so far,” Blythe said. “The creation of that space at that time was really important to help the generation that I’m a part of heal from the missing elders … in ways that were really meaningful and that shaped everything that came after that.”

CORRECTIONS In the Feb. 6 issue of the Sheaf, the article “In Medias Res: A beginning to an end?” incorrectly stated the names of the members in the picture. The member on the right side of the picture is Linda Huard. In the same issue, the article “Genuinely curious: Kloie Picot on her exhibit Translife in Asia” incorrectly referred to trans women cabarets as drag shows; they are trans women showgirls and therefore do not perform in drag shows. We apologize for these errors. If you spot any errors in this issue, please email them to copy@thesheaf.com for correction.

Legal // The Sheaf, published weekly during the academic year and periodically from May through August, is an incorporated non-profit that is, in part, student-body funded by way of a direct levy paid by all part- and full-time undergraduate students at the U of S. The remainder of the revenue is generated through advertising. The financial affairs are governed by a Board of Directors, most of whom are students. Membership in the Sheaf Publishing Society is open to all undergraduate students at the U of S, who are encouraged to contribute to the newspaper. Absolutely no experience is required! The opinions expressed in the Sheaf do not necessarily reflect those of the Sheaf Publishing Society Inc. The Sheaf reserves the right to refuse to accept or print any material deemed unfit for publication, as determined by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief has the right to veto any submission deemed unfit for the Society newspaper. In determining this, the Editor-in-Chief will decide if the article or artwork would be of interest to a significant portion of the Society and benefit the welfare of Sheaf readers. The Sheaf will not publish any racist, sexist, homophobic or libellous material.

2 / NEWS

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U of S student researcher looking at internet “creeping” and relationship happiness Although love may be in the air, it might not be in our social media habits. JORDANA LALONDE

Planning to commit to an ice cream-fueled Insta-stalking session this Valentine’s Day? Kiana Thome, a fifth-year honours psychology student, is conducting a survey on the link between social media monitoring and romantic relationships that may stop you mid-scroll. The study investigates how social media monitoring and jealousy influences psychological well-being by measuring relationship satisfaction and certainty. Thome says that what sets her research apart from past studies on the subject is the focus on the mental health of those doing the social media “creeping.” “Other research hasn’t focused on how much it actually affects the person who’s doing the monitoring,” Thome said. “I incorporated a measure called the ‘happiness questionnaire,’ which looks at psychological wellbeing. So my study focuses a lot more on how these factors can correlate with your emotional well-being.”

Thome and her honours supervisor, Sarah Knudson, predict a negative correlation between the two factors. “My exploratory hypothesis is that individuals who score lower in psychological well-being will score higher in relationship uncertainty, social media jealousy and monitoring, but they will score lower in relationship satisfaction,” Thome said. “If you’re not satisfied in your relationship, you’re probably already going to have some level of low well-being. And then if you have low well-being, you’ll probably have higher uncertainty in the relationship. You’ll probably be more easily jealous, specifically towards social media, and you’re probably going to monitor your partner more.” Thome relates the study to the all-too-familiar “when you’re lurking and get you your feelings hurt” memes that plague the beginning of relationships. “I came up with the idea because I was trying to find out who my partner’s exes were from their social media and being like, ‘Oh, were they pretty?’” Thome

said. “It’s just a lot of information that’s so easily available that you get stuck going down a rabbit hole as soon as you start.” Although newer relationships may experience more uncertainty and more social media monitoring, Thome says that even the most eternal flames can be affected. “It’s still prominent in common-law relationships or relationships that have been three to five years long,” she said. “[They’re] still looking on social media, and [they’re] still saying, ‘Oh, you have a new friend and [they’re of] your preferred sex? Are you talking to them over Instagram? Are you friends on Facebook?’” Thome believes the experience of channelling one’s inner detective to social-media “creep” on a significant other is a nearuniversal experience for University of Saskatchewan students. “This is so pertinent to the university population in romantic relationships right now because it’s just so accessible. Anything you’re ever wondering, you can just go and access,” Thome said.

Mỹ Anh Phan

To the U of S students ready to obsess over deleted pics until they end up five years deep down their partner’s second cousin’s dog’s masseuse’s LinkedIn, Thome suggests opting for communication rather than “creeping.” “There’s research that suggests people are more satisfied when they’re aware of each oth-

er’s social media use. I think you should be able to be open with that person where you’re able to share what you post or who you’re talking to online,” Thome said. “How you’re feeling in the relationship should take precedence. It’s a matter of making sure you’re comfortable and you’re happy.”

Autumn LaRose-Smith: A leader on and off-campus A queer Métis woman herself, LaRose-Smith is a vocal advocate for underrepresented groups. a girl, she began volunteering for Elders in events within the Métis community and doing leadership training with the YMCA. “My mom raised me to be an active member and volunteer. As things went on, I found myself in different leadership roles on and off-campus,” LaRose-Smith said. “I really like being able to do things that I know are for the betterment of the community and to try and hopefully build up other people as well.”

Supplied by Autumn LaRose-Smith


Being an activist is not about being alone at the top for Autumn LaRose-Smith. A fourth-year Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program student majoring in Indigenous studies and English, LaRose-Smith is also the vice-president of student affairs at the University of Saskatche-

wan Students’ Union and a board member of the Ness Creek Cultural and Recreational Society. LaRose-Smith says she “[tries] to be an active body in the community, whether or not that is organizing or raising awareness for different things or just trying to build community.” The making of an activist LaRose-Smith’s journey to advocacy began at a young age; as

Living in the intersection Her identity as an Indigenous and queer woman is central to LaRose-Smith’s activism. “I don’t really see them as being separate parts of myself. When I’m at a Métis event, I’m still a queer woman, and when I’m at events specific for queer people, I’m still Métis,” LaRoseSmith said. “When I wear my sash, I also have a rainbow pin on it and they’re always together.” She adds that because of her intersecting identities and public figure-status, people sometimes turn to her to “fill a diversity quota,” but she tries to use this as an opportunity to lift up other voices.

“A lot of times, if I know someone is a better fit for the position than me, I’d rather them speak instead and I’ll let other lead organizers know,” LaRose-Smith said. Rethinking leadership LaRose-Smith’s approach to leadership is communityminded. She is skeptical of focusing on only one activist’s voice even when it is hers. “What I have learned is individual leadership is inherently like capitalism, and we need to be focusing on community leadership,” LaRose-Smith. “So I think it’s really important for collaboration within the community.” While others consider her a leader, LaRose-Smith says she is still learning, and she is using her visibility to help others along. “It’s really flattering that others would consider me a leader. I’m always hesitant to call myself a leader because I always like to see it as if I’m on a leadership journey. But I like to encourage and uplift others,” LaRose-Smith said. “I don’t want to be held on some pedestal.”

Speaking up at the university LaRose-Smith has stayed an active member of the community as she studies for her degree at the U of S. She says activism in a university setting comes down to standing by your beliefs in everyday scenarios. “I think you can turn any situation into a learning situation, even if that just means speaking up in class,” LaRose-Smith said. “If you hear something that isn’t right, or you feel empowered to speak up, I think it’s always really important to do that.” Being a student activist is not without challenges; LaRoseSmith says it can be difficult to get taken seriously. However, she says universities are “a petri dish for leadership.” She reminds students to make use of their power. “Students have a lot more power on campus than they believe that they do, and I think the university knows that,” LaRose-Smith said. “We need to remember to always challenge the university. Just because we’re students doesn’t mean that we don’t know our truth.”

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Canada’s STI rates rising but survey suggests students are unaware of risk

Health professionals say that findings indicate a need to raise awareness about safer sex practices. NOAH CALLAGHAN STAFF WRITER

Statistics show that Canadians aged 18 to 24 are at the greatest risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections and that rates of reported cases have been steadily increasing. Despite this increase, the Sex Information & Education Council of Canada survey of 13 universities reported that students’ concern about STIs has dropped. Alex McKay, executive director of SIECCAN, says that even though this demographic might be more “savvy” around sexuality than previous generations, this study shows a need for more comprehensive sexual health education in post-secondary institutions. “Not only do university students not have a general awareness of how common STIs are in their age group, but they also tend not to be aware that most cases of STIs involve

asymptomatic transmission,” McKay said. Even if an individual is a carrier of an infection, they might not experience symptoms. But even these kinds of STIs can still “seriously damage your health,” according to McKay. “I think a lot of young adults in Canada are unaware that they can acquire these infections asymptomatically and just because you or your partner have no symptoms of an STI doesn’t mean that you aren’t already carrying one,” McKay said. This research was part of a series of comprehensive surveys done by SIECCAN in partnership with Trojan Condoms. The condom brand funded the research through grants, and SIECCAN independently developed the research questionnaire that recreated a 2013 survey conducted by the two organizations.

McKay says comparing the new data with the 2013 survey has been extremely useful for determining how sexual health practices might be changing. The survey revealed that a high percentage of students are not concerned about STIs, particularly female students. Since 2013, the amount of women who reported they were not concerned about getting an STI rose from 59 to 65 per cent. Comparatively, men’s answers to the same question dropped from 57 to 50 per cent. McKay says this finding was concerning because the medical implications of contracting an asymptomatic STI, such as chlamydia, can disproportionately affect women. But he also believes this can be partly explained by understanding sexual health behaviours. “University students are primarily motivated to pre-

vent pregnancies and our studies indicate that they are less motivated or concerned with STIs,” McKay said. “So it makes sense that women concerned about unintended pregnancy have a choice of birth control methods they can use, whereas if a male wants to make sure his partner doesn’t become pregnant, he could only do that by using a condom.” McKay says that more should be done to raise awareness of the need for young adults to protect themselves and that condoms are a great form of birth control because they also protect from STI transmission. Another sexual health trend that McKay sees as being problematic is the assumption that being in an exclusive monogamous relationship protects students from acquiring STIs. “It’s very common to see university students become involved in a relationship, decide they are committed and discontinue condom use because they think there is little to no risk of STIs,” McKay said. Even if relationships start with condom use, this is often discontinued in favour of other forms of birth control. And over the course of a university degree, an individual might go through a series of similar monogamous relationships.

“Then really at the end of the day, what you’ve done is had unprotected sex with multiple partners and that is the recipe for high rates of STI infections,” McKay said. Although McKay believes there is an assumption that condoms might reduce physical pleasure, he says the survey’s results argue against this. SIECCAN’s questionnaire asked people to rate how pleasurable their last sexual experience was, then separately asked whether they used a condom. “It was pretty remarkable,” McKay said. “We found that people who did use a condom are not less likely to say that the sexual experience was ‘very pleasurable.’” McKay thinks a possible reason why those people’s perceived pleasure was not interfered by condom use came from the peace of mind knowing that they were protecting themselves from STIs. He believes that because of the rising statistics around STIs in Canada, raising public awareness needs to be a public health priority. “STIs can have long lasting and damaging effects on people’s health,” McKay said. “So these are medical and public health issues that can extend for a long period of time in terms of how they affect people’s lives.”


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4 / NEWS

Shawna Langer/ Graphics Editor

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Devin Heroux: A Sheaf sports editor who made it big — and not by playing it safe The CBC reporter discusses representation and the “old guard” in the sports world. ANA CRISTINA CAMACHO


In 2007, Devin Heroux publicly came out as gay in a Sheaf column, receiving both positive responses and hate mail. Today, he is an Olympic reporter with CBC, “living [his] dream.” Heroux grew up in Saskatchewan surrounded by sports. A hockey player, he looked every bit the typical “sports guy” from the outside. Hiding his sexuality, however, felt like putting on a mask every single day. “Everything in my life became about performance and putting on masks in these hyper­-masculine spaces of the sporting world,” Heroux said. “But being gay in the sports world, at least from my perspective at that point in my life, just didn’t jive.” It wasn’t until Heroux got to university that things started to change. His time as sports and health editor at the Sheaf was particularly crucial; after a while, he confided in a few members of the staff and of the Pride Centre next door and having their support made all the difference. In December 2007, a month after coming out to his parents, Heroux made a very public move — he came out in his sports column at the Sheaf, titled “Let’s Be Honest.” The response was varied. The Sheaf office received mail from people saying he was attention-seeking or up to a publicity stunt. How-

ever, Heroux looks back on that time with happiness. “I knew that if there was one person out there that was going to read it and feel it’s okay, then it was worth it,” Heroux said. “When I tweet about how I came out, I still get notes from people who were attending the University of Saskatchewan during that time, who write to me and say, ‘I remember that and I will never forget it.’ It gives me chills.” Now a successful Olympian reporter, Heroux continues to use his ever-growing platform to give visibility to queer people. Having written many coming-out stories about pro athletes, Heroux says there’s still a need for more, particularly in the sporting world. “As somebody who grew up in Saskatoon, who literally had no representation — I had no idea what it meant to be gay,” Heroux said. “I didn’t know you could like sports and be gay.” To Heroux, being able to be himself fully has made all the difference in his relationships and in his writing. His commitment to pushing for representation in the sports world comes down to letting people be themselves and reach their full potential. “I’ve talked to so many athletes, so many Olympians, who talk about the fact that they would melt down in big moments because they couldn’t show up fully — to me that’s so heartbreaking,” Heroux said.

Devin Heroux at the Youth Olympics Athletes Village, January 2020. | Supplied by Thomas Skrlj

“There’s so much work that needs to be done in the sporting world to allow all walks of life to show up on the field to play and be exactly who they are.” The demographic of sports reporters is still dominated by straight white men. Heroux says that the “old guard” in the industry pushes for a detachment in reporting that he can’t get behind. He says his experience coming to terms with his sexuality changed his perspective for the better. “It made me a better journalist because I could empathize and have compassion for people in a way that I’ve never had

before,” Heroux said. “I know what it means to me … to be in the presence of people who allow me to show up as I am — there’s nothing greater than that.” While things are improving, Heroux says that there’s still a lot of work to be done to make the sports world more accepting — that there are always new things to think about. “I think that the trans issue is going to be the next big hurdle in the sporting world, and I still think we’re really uncomfortable about it,” Heroux said. “We don’t know how to address it, and that breaks my heart.” Meanwhile, Heroux does

his part by pushing for representation and allowing people to be their true selves when talking to him. Thinking back on his time at the Sheaf and the changes he made to his life while there, he sees it as a “turbulent but crucial time” that he takes with him to this day. “We take these steps, these progressive baby steps. But along each impasse, there are still ways that we can push and search,” Heroux said. “I think my own journey has taught me [that] when we think we’ve got it all figured out, that’s when we need to start to worry and that’s when we need to start pushing ourselves a little more.”

Men’s and women’s hockey teams clinch playoff spot Both Huskies hockey teams finished the regular season strong. JENNA PATRICIAN

The regular season has officially ended for the Huskies hockey teams with the men’s and women’s team clinching second and third place, respectively. Both Huskies hockey teams are now gearing up for a strong 2020 playoff performance.

Women’s hockey University of Saskatchewan Huskies forward Kohl Bauml stands on the rink before the U Sports men’s hockey action at Merlis Belsher Place in Saskatoon, SK on Feb. 7, 2020. | Heywood Yu

The women’s hockey travelled down Highway 11 to play the University of Regina Cougars on Feb. 7, then came home to host the next day. The dogs split the weekend, winning the Feb. 7 faceoff in

Regina 2-1 in double overtime, while falling 3-2 in a shootout at home during the second game of the weekend. The Friday win resulted in netminder Jessica Vance earning her 12th win of the season, stopping 15 out of 16 shots she faced. The winning overtime tally came courtesy of forward Bailee Bourassa, who is leading the team with 12 goals this season. Prior to puck drop on Feb. 8, eight fifth-year players were honoured and individually introduced to the crowd. Despite goals that came courtesy of forward Sophie Lalor and defenseman Morgan Willoughby during the third period, the

dogs fell 3-2 in a shootout. It remained a stalemate until the fourth round of shootout when U of R Cougars forward Jaycee Magwood netted the winning goal. The split weekend brought the team to 52 points, trailing secondplace University of Calgary Dinos by four points. The women’s team fell short of earning a bye week, but they earned home ice advantage in the first round of playoffs. They will be facing the University of British Columbia Thunderbirds at Merlis Belsher Place on Feb. 14 to 16 in a best-of-three series. Continued to next page



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Happy as a clam: A Sheaf guide to vagina health A quick look at keeping clean while you get down and dirty. YASHICA BITHER

As Valentine’s Day approaches, everyone is bombarded with messages of love. With love follows sex — a lot of sex. It’s become a day of getting some, regardless of your relationship status. No matter the time of year, it is important to stay healthy regardless of your level of sexual activity. But when engaging in sexual acts, it’s even more important to take care of yourself and your vagina. The number one thing to know regarding vaginas is that you do not need to douche them. In fact, douching alters the natural pH balance of your vagina. The vagina cleans itself naturally, but if you feel the need to freshen up, doctors recommend washing the labia area with just warm water and mild soap. Otherwise, it can become irritated and perhaps increase the risk of yeast infections. There might be times when you think it smells a bit funky down there. Some women resort to using soaps such as Summer’s Eve, but in reali-

ty, there are really two possibilities. Either you need to see a doctor for a check up — because it might be a yeast infection or an STI — or you might just be wearing non-breathable fabric that causes sweating. The best thing to do is take a shower, and if all is well, that smell will be gone in no time. It's very common to think you smell when you actually don’t, so don’t use that other stuff. We all want to feel sexy, especially on occasions like V-day. We all want to feel loved, not just from our partner, but for ourselves. As a result, many women resort to wearing a thong. Ladies, wearing a thong once in a while is okay but wearing one everyday is not healthy for your vagina. Most thongs are made of non-breathable clothes such as lace or satin. These fabrics make it difficult for moisture to evaporate, allowing for more microbes to grow and possibly cause a yeast infection or even urinary tract infections. Thongs that are too tight can also cause irritation, so

it is better to keep them as an option for special occasions. You know, the correct pair of cotton underwear can be pretty sexy, too. On the topic of pH: if you notice your panties happen to change colour, don’t freak — that’s perfectly normal. It’s a sign of a healthy vagina with a good pH balance. Let’s flash forward to when the panties are off and you are engaging in sexy times. Sometimes your own natural lubrication isn’t enough, no matter how horny you are. You shouldn’t just jam things, like fingers, inside your vagina and hope for the best because that can ruin the mood real quick. In such times, lube is your greatest asset. There are many types of lubrication to choose from but stick to a waterbased lube, ladies. You can also use it for self-pleasure, with or without toys. Waterbased lubricant is perfect for people with sensitive skin, and it doesn’t leave a stain, unlike some other liquids you may encounter between the sheets — if you catch my drift. After engaging in any type

Yashica Bither

of sexual activity — I am talking any kind — it is very important that you urinate in order to avoid contraction of any possible UTIs. It may seem unsexy to tell your partner that you have to go to the bathroom after a sexual act, but your body will thank you, and so will your partner in the long run if you manage to ward off infections.

As a side note, peeing after engaging in masturbation is good as well. Now with all this said, remember that sex is to be enjoyed and is about pleasure. I hope all you vagina-owners have pleasurable experiences with the help of a partner or not. And remember, keeping your vagina healthy is important to your overall health.

Men’s and women’s hockey teams clinch playoff spot Both Huskies hockey teams finished the regular season strong. JENNA PATRICIAN

Continued from previous page The Thunderbirds finished sixth in the standings with 34 points. The dogs faced UBC four times this season, splitting the meetings evenly as the Thunderbirds took the first two games and the Huskies won the last two. The women’s team will begin playoffs on Feb. 14 at Merlis Belsher Place in what should be a fast-paced, physical matchup. The Huskies took 38 penalty minutes in the four regularseason matchups, while the Thunderbirds took 60 penalty minutes.

Men’s hockey

The men ended the regular season on a dominant note, sweeping the University of Regina Cougars with a 4-0 victory at home on Feb. 7 and a 6-2 road win on Feb. 8. This extends the dogs’ winning streak to 11 games. Fifth-year forward Logan


McVeigh continues to be a major key in the Huskies lineup, notching one goal on Friday night and earning a goal and an assist during the Saturday night victory. The men had to put their league-leading penalty kill to the test late in the third period on Friday night, taking two penalties with less than six minutes to go. The Huskies prevailed and goaltender Taran Kozun earned his league-leading fifth shutout of the season, tying his record for the most shutouts in Canada West regular season. “It’s a huge honour to tie my record,” said Kozun. “It’s nice to get the goose egg, but the only way I get it is when the team plays really good in front of me. So I gotta give a lot of credit to the guys in front; they make my nights pretty easy on those.” Even though the dogs have earned a quarter-final bye week, they look to stay dialed in. Kozun emphasized that the team will not be taking the extra time lightly. “We got to stay prepared, make

University of Saskatchewan Huskies forward Jordan Tkatch and University of Regina Cougars forward Bryce Platt battle for the puck during the first period of U Sports men’s hockey action at Merlis Belsher Place in Saskatoon, SK on Feb. 7, 2020. | Heywood Yu

sure that we practice hard every day and stay mentally in it,” said Kozun.

The Huskies will have to wait for the results of the quarter-final games to see who

they will face in the conference semifinals in the coming weeks.


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Sexual health resources: What are the options? There are many resources available for students to have safe sex lives. KRISTINE JONES A. DEL SOCORRO

Sex is something that affects everybody — so why is this topic difficult to open up for discussion? Nikaela Lange, an international studies student and former staff member of Saskatoon Sexual Health, says people feel some awkwardness around the topic of sexual health. “That safety aspect doesn’t feel super sexy. When you’re in the moment with somebody and having this time together, to stop and be like, ‘Wait a second, I have to grab a condom’ or ‘Wait a second, I have to confirm that I took my birth control this morning,’” Lange said. “When you pause, some people think that it takes you out of the moment and that takes away from that spontaneity.” Although it might be awkward to broach the subject, it can reduce the anxiety that comes with unprotected sex, ensuring all parties feel safe and comfortable. “It’s hard to have a sexy time and be in the moment if you are worried about STIs or if you are worried about pregnancy, which are realities of sex,” Lange said. “I think it should be more sexy and more fun if we just take a minute and make sure that everything is okay and good to go before we get started.” With the rising popularity of online dating apps, there are more opportunities than ever before to meet one or multiple sexual partners. Regardless, communication and honesty between sexual partners is key to mitigating risks. And getting tested before engaging with new partners and using protection is important for sexual health.

But even if protective measures are not taken, there are still options available at the Saskatoon Sexual Health Centre. “Things happen and sometimes we forget. Sometimes we are too in the moment [and] it does not come up to us. That is when it is important to use resources like Saskatoon Sexual Health where we can get Plan B — the morning after pill — or get tested for STIs,” Lange said. “It is good to be proactive, but there are always these measures that are in place that [people] can take after if things don’t go exactly as planned.” There are many approaches to protect your sexual health and care for yourself. Abstinence is the only way to 100 per cent prevent pregnancy and STIs — this means not having vaginal, anal or oral sex — however, if you decide to be sexually active, there are various forms of birth control worth considering. Different types of birth control include condoms, contraceptive pills, patches, shots, implants, diaphragms and intrauterine devices. Speak to your doctor to learn more about safety, risks and prevention. If you have any questions about sexual health, they will be able to answer them and can also prescribe a form of birth control. The University of Saskatchewan campus also offers accessible and free resources and services that promote sexual health, while accepting the student body’s diversity. Peer Health, the Pride Centre and the Women’s Centre are all avenues that provide a dynamic, safe and welcoming environment.

File | Riley Deacon

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Huskie hotties: The athletes breaking hearts and records at the same time The Sheaf has a lot of love for the students raising the bar for university athletics. NOAH CALLAGHAN STAFF WRITER

During sporting events, Huskie athletes are used to having all eyes on them. But in the spirit of Valentine's Day, here are the athletes whose accomplishments deserve a little extra attention.

Adam Machart keeps running through our minds The Huskies football team and their running back Adam Machart both had a stellar 2019 season. Even when the temperature began dropping in the fall, Machart was turning up the heat and shattering records during October. Machart needed only 163 rushing yards to break the Huskies’ season program record of 1,267. Instead, he went the extra distance for the fans and crushed 227 yards. But is he an eligible bachelor? It doesn’t matter because Marchart is so fast, nobody is going to be able to catch him anyways.

Huskie wrestlers show love for the sport Wrestling is quite similar to making love because it involves two people grappling each other, except in this sport all the fun is had with your clothes on. Last weekend, the Huskies men’s and women’s wrestling teams finished first and second, respectively, in the Canada West Championship. Chances are all of Saskatoon’s singles are going to be wrestling to get a chance to meet Carson Lee who was named male rookie of the year. The three time national medalist placed first in the 82 kilogram weight class. Carson Lee | Supplied by GetMyPhoto. ca/HuskieAthletics

Courtney Hufsmith making our hearts race

Adam Machart | Supplied by GetMyPhoto.ca/HuskieAthletics

Huskies goalies stay so hot they are melting the ice

Courtney Hufsmith | Supplied by

If you were lucky enough to take out this cross country runner, there would be no need to buy Hufsmith jewelry because her neck is already filled by all the medals she’s been earning. While most students are hoping they are relationship material, Hufmsith is proving that she is Olympic material by focussing on qualifying for the 2020 summer games. Hufsmith is a 2019 World University Games Bronze Medalist for 1500-metre and holds four U of S records in 1500-metre and 3000-metre races. And she started 2020 still on fire, winning gold and silver in the Golden Bears Open and another first place in the Sanderson Classic 1000-metre race.


Honourable mention: Polina Bespalova

Taran Kozun | Supplied by GetMyPhoto.

Jessica Vance | Supplied by



Players take shots at Taran Kozun and Jessica Vance all the time, but these golden goalies have a habit of shutting them down completely. Kozun, the 2018-19 U Sports athlete of the year, smashed the Canada West record for the longest consecutive shutout streak. Over the course of five games, Kozun was on the ice for 267 minutes and 32 seconds and didn’t let a single puck slide into his net. This goalie proved he is out of everyone’s league by recently breaking the Huskies’ program record with his 11th shutout in his Canada West career. In fact, Kozun is so smooth on the ice that he even scored a goal during a game in January — and scored himself a place in our hearts. But Kozun isn’t the only Huskie goalie breaking records by stopping shots. Vance hasn’t been fooling around with anybody this season and secured her 20th career shutout, placing her first in Huskies’ women’s hockey and second in Canada West history.


Although Bespalova isn’t on a Huskies team, she is still an incredible U of S athlete breaking records. Competing in her third Canadian Junior Weightlifting Championships, the secondyear kinesiology student won first place in Olympic weightlifting. Not only was Bespalova the first Saskatchewan woman in more than a decade to win the junior championships, she also broke four provincial records in the process. Bespalova lifted a total of 168 kg — roughly 370 pounds — managing 77 kg in the first lift and finishing with a 97 kg clean and jerk. This athlete is redefining what it means to be looking for a strong partner.

Polina Bespalova | Supplied by Jason Cain

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To love

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FEATURE F*ck Love Playlist

& never be loved

“Valentino” by 24KGoldn “Just A Friend” by Biz Markie “Roxanne” by Arizona Zervas “Butterfly” by Toria Summerfield “Love Hurts” by Yunggoth

A work of art from local singer-songwriter Toria Summerfield. VICTORIA BECKER PHOTO EDITOR

Real Love Playlist “Dreams-Come-True-Girl” by Cass McCombs “Hideaway” by Karen O “I Am Controlled By Your Love” by Helene Smith “Hand Me Downs” by Mac Miller “I Thought About Killing You” by Kanye West “Kiss Me Lean” by Toria Summerfield

Sad Love Playlist

National Anthem 10 / FEATURE

“She’s Got You” by Patsy Cline and covered by Monument Valley “I Love Her Still, I Always Will” by The Outsiders “Almost There” by Childish Gambino “Teeth” by XXXTENTACION “Young” by Toria Summerfield “Hackensack” by Fountains of Wayne “So Fly” by Drake Brandon (only on soundcloud) “Forget About Georgia” by Lukas Nelson

Photos by Victoria Becker/ Photo Editor & Illustrations by Shawna Langer/ Graphics Editor



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Women who love women: Five queer female artists for your listening pleasure Feeling lonely this Valentine’s Day? These artists have some songs for you. AMBER ADRIAN JACKSON

Many young queer girls grew up hearing Katy Perry’s song “I Kissed a Girl” as one of few sources of representation in music. However, the song was filled with stereotypes and fetishization. Queer boys had Freddie Mercury, Elton John, David Bowie and many more to look up to. Meanwhile, openly queer women in music seemed hard to find. Being openly queer was once a risk to an artist’s career, but in the past decade, more and more musicians have been coming out. This has not been a seamless transition into perfect representation and acceptance. As recently as December 2019, former One Direction member Liam Payne released “Both Ways,” which simultaneously fetishizes bisexual women and, of course, mentions group sex. There is nothing wrong with consensual group sex, but this song works to reinforce existing stereotype about bisexuality.



FEBRUARY BREAK FOR KIDS Preschool storytime with candace savage tuesday, Feb. 18, 10:30 am saskatoon blades storytime For “i love to read” month wednesday, Feb. 19, 2 Pm board game day thursday, Feb. 20, 9am–5Pm Frozen Party with the snow sisters Friday, Feb. 21 1:30 Pm

Sheldon KraSowSKi Discussing & Signing

No Surrender: The Land Remains Indigenous

As real queer women are now able to choose how to represent themselves in their own music, young girls can now see an accurate and normalized depiction of what it is to be queer, as opposed to the fetishized version dictated by others. Here are five artists doing just that.

girl in red

Marie Ulven from Oslo, Norway has been creating music as girl in red since 2017. Ulven jokingly described her music as a gay girl writing sad upbeat songs about love and adventures. Her single “Girls” is a perfect listen for when you finally come to terms with who you are. This can be quite a process for many queer people, especially if they have to remain closeted while they do it. Songs like this are a reminder of the light at the end of the tunnel. With lyrics like, “They’re so pretty, it hurts / I’m not talking ‘bout boys, I’m talking about girls,” “Girls” is the perfect coming-out anthem, or just the perfect song to jam out to whenever you’re particularly overwhelmed by how pretty girls are. If you like that song, I would also recommend “I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend,” “We Fell In Love In October” and “Forget Her.” Ulven provides the perfect songs for every stage of discovering or accepting your sexuality, as well as for every stage of a relationship.


Dorothy Miranda Clark, who goes by the stage name dodie, is an openly bisexual singer and YouTuber. dodie’s song “She” deals with the struggle of coming to terms with being attracted to women. It is off her Human EP, which she describes as “Strings. Shame. And acceptance.” The track opens with dodie asking, “Am I allowed / To look at her like that? / Could it be wrong / When she’s just so nice to look at,” which perfectly encapsulates the feeling of

in conversation with Winona Wheeler

Thursday, February 27, 7 pm

12 / CULTURE 2/3/2020

sheaf feb 13 to feb 26, 2020.indd 1

11:49:42 AM

Supplied by flickr // Maggie Brauer

struggle that many queer women feel when coming to terms with their attraction to women. Since then, Clark has become more open and comfortable with her sexuality. Her track “In the Middle” is a song about a threesome in which dodie openly discusses her attraction to women without shame. The evolution of dodie’s expression of her sexuality is important for young girls to see. It shows hope for something that can at times seem impossible — accepting yourself.

King Princess

King Princess is a relatively new addition to the queer canon. King Princess, or Mikaela Straus, dropped a debut EP in 2018 and has since become a queer sensation. In Straus’ opinion, “Art is just gay as fuck,” and honestly, I have to agree. Straus writes sweet, queer love songs that also deal with the difficulties of being a woman who loves women. In “1950” — my personal favourite King Princess track — Strauss sings, “So tell me why my gods look like you / And tell me why it’s wrong.” Of course, it was both difficult and dangerous to be queer in the

1950s. Queer couples had to be careful and discrete as they were considered perverts and security risks. Queer people still face similar fears and discriminations today, even in places where laws have changed, and Straus speaks to that. Even while sounding like a sweet, uncomplicated love song, this track still manages to hit at the deeper issues of existing as a queer person in public. If you love girl in red, you will love King Princess. Straus identifies as genderqueer and blurs conventional lines of gender, combining traditionally masculine and traditionally feminine imagery for a visually fascinating and liberating aesthetic.

Hayley Kiyoko

No list of queer women artists would be complete without the “queen of lesbians,” as she is known by her fans. You might recognize Hayley Kiyoko from Disney’s Lemonade Mouth, but she is more well-known now as an icon of lesbian pop. Kiyoko wants to ensure that her young fans do not feel alone and that is why she is so open about her sexuality in her music.

In songs like “Girls Like Girls,” Kiyoko opens up about her queer identity. Kiyoko embraces the universality of queerness, singing “girls like girls like boys do, nothing new.” She enforces the reality that queerness is not a new trend, but completely natural. Kiyoko is not just a singer, but also an activist. In 2018, she called out Rita Ora and Charli XCX for fueling the male gaze and further marginalizing bisexual women in their song “Girls.” While the lesbian community can be a hot-bed for biphobia, Kiyoko remains outspoken when it comes to her beliefs.


Though it seems trendy to hate Halsey as of late, she is a talented, openly queer woman artist in mainstream media. Her hit single “Bad at Love” received major radio play and refers to both men and women she has loved. Though bisexual people make up around 52 per cent of the LGBT+ community in the United States, they still face biphobia both inside and out of the queer community. Many people still believe that bisexuality is just a pit-stop or an experiment on your way to making a decision about your sexuality. Others think it makes you more likely to cheat. To hear an explicitly bisexual song on the radio means something inexpressible. It is validating, even valorizing, and that is an important thing for queer youth to feel. In the words of girl in red, “Be gay and loud!”

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Lady Macbeth did A tale of two scandals: Political affairs in the sixties nothing wrong Your lacklustre relationship could really be sprung into action by three witches and a little regicide.

Everyone gets their time in the limelight, and this sure happened for Canada and the United States in the ‘60s. J.C. BALICANTA NARAG


Notorious for being one of the most vicious, terrifying and manipulative women William Shakespeare has ever written — because he was such an expert on women — the wife of Macbeth’s namesake character is usually seen as a demonic, bitchy murderess and nothing more. And while she may have actively participated in premeditated murder, orchestrated a bloodthirsty plot to commit unjustified regicide and proclaimed she would have “dashed [her own child’s] brains out,” if Macbeth asked her to, I would just like to say, very liberally, that she did nothing wrong. At the time Macbeth was written, a noblewoman’s world revolved around her husband. They were walking babymaking objects, socially and institutionally taught to dedicate all that they had to their husband’s desires and ambitions. In exchange — if we can even call this inherently sexist dynamic anything reminiscent of an exchange based on mutual benefit — his victories, successes and happiness were trickled down and given to her. Any semblance of power a woman could experience had to be acquired from her lord and master. If your man was the king, you weren’t the sovereign — but you were better than the average dude and definitely better than said average dude’s wife. With this argument, it seems

like Lady Macbeth did all the horrible things in the play out of a selfish ambition to become Queen of Scotland. Nah, girl. I have to disagree. She is very manipulative of Macbeth, and she is the mastermind and final overseer of their plot to kill King Duncan. But in a really, really messed up way, she’s just very ride or die. #WifeGoals, if you will. She knows that Macbeth is “too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness” — meaning he’s too much of a pathetic pansy — to be a powerful leader. So she becomes the powerful leader herself, but at a price. Her iconic soliloquy demanding “[c]ome, you spirits / That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, / And fill me from the crown to the toe topfull / of direst cruelty” is, honestly, very self-sacrificing, and it’s why I don’t think her main reason for all the murdery stuff is just wanting to be queen. What good is the Scottish crown if you literally send your soul to hell, spiritually effeminate yourself and ask demons to take over your body to the point where nothing of who you used to be is left behind? Homegirl Macbeth was willing to suffer all of eternity in burning damnation for her man. When she tells Macbeth “[l]eave all the rest to me” once he starts stressing out about murdering the king? Romantic. Iconic. Get you a girl who eases your anxiety over committing regicide and relinquishes all moral salvation just because some three witches told you they’d think it’d be cool if you did. And it was pretty cool! Until, like, paralyzing guilt started seeping in and all of Scotland was submerged in a state of violent chaos that led to a lot of unnecessary deaths and carnage. Be that as it may, Lady Macbeth was just trying to be a good wife. She did nothing wrong. We stan.


Every Valentine’s Day, we are bombarded with pink hearts, romantic movies and cute couples celebrating their relationships. This is all fine and dandy for some people, but for some others who have experienced one too many heartbreaks — or none at all, can’t forget about our perpetually single ladies out there — this holiday is disenchanting, to say the least. If you’re a bit sick of all the romantic shit and kind of pessimistic about love, here are some scandalous affairs for you to enjoy along with Walmart’s discounted chocolates. From Russia, with love Though Canada is known for being the sweet, innocent cousin from up North, those of us who actually live here know that this is far from the truth. As a very outspoken man once said, “corruption’s such an old song that we can sing along in harmony.” Canada’s first political sex scandal was an affair, and it involved several ministers in John Diefenbaker’s cabinet. This was the event of the decade and what prompted Peter Newman, a Canadian journalist, to dub the Diefenbaker years as “one long champagne bash.” The scandal revolved around Gerda Munsinger, who was known to be an East German sex worker in Ottawa. Pierre Sévigny, the associate minister of national defence, was among the cabinet ministers that she was in an affair with. Oh, and get this — Munsinger was an alleged Soviet spy. Married to Corrine Kernan in 1946, Sévigny became popular because of his connections with Munsinger. Their relationship even went as far as Sévigny signing her Canadian citizenship applications. Munsinger had him under her perfectly manicured thumb. However, the honeymoon didn’t last. Do they ever? The RCMP informed Diefenbaker about the affair and later insisted Sévigny to end it. He complied and Munsinger left for Germany in 1961 — three years after their affair began. Poor Sévigny must’ve been heartbroken that his German — or possibly Russian? — lover had to say goodbye. Sévigny resigned from his position in 1963, but his connections with Munsinger were

Marilyn singing Happy birthday to JFK in 1962. | Supplied by flickr / Damanpreet Singh

revealed in March 1966 in the House of Commons. This was all kept from the public until Diefenbaker called out former Minister of Justice Lucien Cardin about failing to prosecute a Vancouver postal worker convicted of identity theft for the Russian authorities. Cardin rebutted by bringing up Munsinger, saying that Diefenbaker should check himself before speaking. Listen, I don’t know about you but can you imagine being in the room when someone calls out the prime minister of our country like that? I’d be on the floor. Fast forward, the news blew up, but no charges were laid. In fact, the inquiry said that Sévigny’s connections with Munsinger “might have exposed him to blackmail or undue pressure, and that not even his fine family background or outstanding war record could ensure he would not be subject to and yield to such pressure.” This was almost like a movie plot where the spy tries to run away from her past but it keeps catching up to her. Except, you know, she fell in love and had no choice but to leave because her past is too dangerous and will follow her for eternity. Classic. The saddest part though? In the midst of all the controversies on Sévigny, his wife, Corrine, remained loyal and married to him. The famous love conspiracy Okay, so everyone has heard about Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy’s love affair in the ‘60s. Who doesn’t know about these two? The most desired woman and the most powerful man, it almost seems inevitable, don’t you think? On May 19, 1962, 10 days before the president’s birthday, a fundraiser was held at the Madison Square Garden. Monroe was one of the guests for the event. She came out onto the stage wearing her famous nude­-coloured

dress full of shimmering rhinestones. It was a breathless moment for the audience, looking at Monroe with awe as the dress gave an impression of her glowing and naked. Monroe then sang her famous sultry rendition of “Happy Birthday” to celebrate Kennedy’s special day. This performance stoked the fire on the rumours of an affair between the two. A journalist even described it as “making love to the president in the direct view of forty million Americans.” Can you imagine how into someone you have to be for the entire country to realize you’ve been banging just from you singing the birthday song? After what happened, all that JFK had to say was that he could retire after being sung “Happy Birthday” in “such a sweet, wholesome way.” Okay, John. Although there was evidence of their strong acquaintance before, it was Monroe’s performance that solidified the rumoured affair. In fact, the only other time recorded of their meeting was two months before the event of the season at Bing Crosby’s home in Palm Springs, California. The story goes that Kennedy had a bad back and Monroe called up one of her close friends, Ralph Roberts, for advice on massaging. Turns out people have been using massages as an excuse to smash for years, apparently. According to Roberts, that night in March was the only time that she had an affair with JFK. Later on, another close friend of Monroe, Susan Strasberg, said in an unpublished memoir that the affair gave Monroe an addictive rush. “It was okay to sleep with a charismatic president,” Strasberg said. “Marilyn loved the secrecy and the drama of it, but Kennedy was not the kind of man she wanted to spend her life with, and she made that very clear.” And that was all there was to it.



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Sex Education is back and answering the more difficult questions about sex and love This show teaches teens what high school sex ed didn’t. TOMILOLA OJO CULTURE EDITOR

In the latest episodes of Netflix’s show Sex Education, we return to the ever scenic valleys of Moordale. We see old faces, some new ones and a fresh stack of issues to work through. For a season with only eight episodes, this show covers a lot of ground. Sex Education continues with its theme of being both entertaining and educational. This season, topics like healthy communication, solidarity among women, sexual assault, broken families, disability, selfharm and the many flaws of the sex-education curriculum are discussed, but it’s all stemming from that same high school setting. Structurally, Sex Education has all the makings of a typical high school show — the evil principal, social stratification, a musical, parties, school-wide drama. However, the show inserts these ideas into digestible, relatable plotlines and with the amount of diversity the show has, there is something that feels new for everyone. The show is filmed primarily in the beautiful, green and luscious Wye Valley of England and Wales, which is a nice break from the concrete towns and cities that similar shows are usually shot in. Though there are many new ideas brought in, one thing the show keeps up with from season one is it’s not-quite-placeable timeline. For example, the costumes generally seem to be from the ‘80s and ‘90s but the characters use modern technology, such as cell phones. There are no cars from after the turn of the century, and though some of the house decor is reminiscent of the ‘80s, others are unmistakably modern. One interesting tidbit relating to the houses is that the ‘80s style house belongs to the Groff ’s, who are old fashioned and rigid, with the father making most of the big decisions of the family. The mother of this family dresses in calf-length A-line skirts, pearls and a fifties hairstyle. The modern houses belong to the likes of the Milburns, where the mother is a divorcee, infinitely more liberal and a sex therapist. She dresses in modern, more flattering clothes and has a shorter, laidback haircut. Details like this are what make the show


Shawna Langer/ Graphics Editor

so good. You learn something new with every rewatch. Plotwise, season two opens with our protagonist, Otis Milburn, having finally come to terms with being a sexual being. He is no longer afraid of anything to do with sex, and the show depicts this with an opening montage of him masturbating excessively. He’s a lot less uptight this season. This sets the tone for the rest of the season, which has a lot more different problems relating to sex and sexual performance to deal with. From broken relationships to mothers who have become unhappy with their sex lives to teens learning how to douche for the first time, this season goes into some of the more unsavoury aspects of sex and love. On the school front, there’s a major outbreak of STI hysteria, causing the sex education syllabus to come under scrutiny. In comes sexual health expert and mother of our protagonist, Jean Milburn, to find out a way to fix it. In doing so, she brings to light a few of the problems surrounding sex education in high school and answers any questions that crop up along the way.

The lack of diversity and representation in the sex education curriculum is brought up when visiting exchange student and the latest high school heartthrob, Rahim, asks a teacher questions about sexual pleasure and gay sex, which he is unable to answer. Jean answers his question and is a constant reminder that contrary to what some people might believe, thorough and inclusive sex education will not lead to sex-crazed teenagers, increases in STI or raised pregnancy and abortion rates. On the contrary, sex education arms teens with the tools they need to become sexual beings in a safe and pleasurable away. This show depicts the importance of sex education, revealing that teens have safer, healthier sex and love practices and relationships when their questions are answered and they are not made to feel guilty about their choices. Sex Education’s latest episodes also reiterate the importance of healthy communication for successful relationships. In relationships where there is a lack of healthy communication, we see conflict after conflict until the character finally decides to

effectively communicate how they feel. That, or the relationship ends. Additionally, Sex Education boasts a diverse and intersectional cast. From different sexual orientations to assorted races and cultures to varieties of age groups, this show strives to take more than a short cursory glance at characters that are often looked over. We see the stories of people who are bisexual, pansexual and asexual taken to a level beyond the surface. We see the cultural barriers that might complicate learning about sex in a healthy manner at a young age being broken. We come to realize that the questions and issues surrounding sex never stop, that even people with children who have been married for years might still have some learning to do. One particular cool thing this show does is how real it makes the characters. From big aspects, like the deeper look into Maeve Wiley’s family life, to the more frivolous, like Otis always wearing that same tri-colour windbreaker — this show has a way of endearing its characters to the audience. Even when they’re not being their best selves.

It cannot be denied that Sex Education is a bit over the top and people are definitely less shy in the show than you might see in your average high school hallway. However, this show takes the experience of growing through your teen years and makes you wonder what it would’ve been like if you actually understood what healthy relationships and boundaries looked like. From the innocent parts to the more raunchy bits, this show is definitely one worth watching.

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Sexually active: People with disabilities can have fulfilling relationships Everyone is entitled to have healthy and rewarding partnerships.

Shawna Langer/ Graphics Editor


Let’s talk about sex: who has it, who doesn’t and who you think wouldn’t — or even shouldn’t. Sex and disabilities are not two things that abled people usually think about, which means that people with intellectual and/or physical disabilities are not considered sexual beings. As someone who has experienced relationships with people who have disabilities, I can say that it comes down to communication and an open mind. Let’s start with how we define sex. Sexual intercourse is considered to be “sexual contact between individuals involving penetration, especially the insertion of a man's erect penis into a woman’s vagina, typically culminating in orgasm and the ejaculation of semen.” Depending on the situation, this definition may not be the right fit for everyone who is engaging in sexual activity. Within any healthy relationship, good sex is an experience that is enjoyed by both partners in some shape or form. Some people with a penis may not be able to have or maintain an erection. However, this doesn’t mean that they can’t have sex with their partner. Some people with a vulva may not be able to handle or even like being penetrated — but again, this

doesn’t mean they can’t have sex. There is a tendency to infantilize people with disabilities, especially if the individuals are not able to be self-reliant. We care about them being healthy, but don’t consider their sexuality as being part of that model. All of us crave some sort of connection with another person and sex is one of the ways we connect with a partner. Touch is an important aspect of this — people who have a disability may not have had positive contact with others. Their disability may make it hard for them to connect on both a physical and emotional level with people. Having a disability and being upfront and open about it can limit the dating pool significantly, so some people turn to sex workers to fill that part of their lives. A sex worker who is in the sex trade by choice will understand their needs and do their best to fill them. For this purpose, I think that sex work should definitely be decriminalized and legalized. A common joke with university students is that they will go into sex work either as a “sugar baby” or a stripper, but these are meaningful professions. There are incredible mental and physical benefits for the client and providers in these kinds of relationships. Having a physical disability isn’t a barrier to intimate part-

nerships. I had a relationship with a man who had a spinal injury. The level of his injury made him unable to maintain an erection for penetrative sex. Did that stop us from having an intimate relationship? No. Instead, kissing, cuddling, oral and the use of toys were things that allowed us to have a fulfilling relationship. Other people with more debilitating injuries may have a hard time finding a partner who is accepting of alternative forms of intimacy, which can be emotionally challenging. An intellectual disability can be just as isolating as a physical one and it all comes down to one common thing: communication. It can be difficult for these individuals to figure out what they like or want a partner to do. Good communication takes time to master. Some people with an intellectual disability may have no interest in sex but can still have a good relationship. Intimacy is not just sex but also a connection between partners which can be achieved in many ways. In my own experience, having both mental and physical disabilities can make dating hard. I learned that I had to be able to communicate with my partner about what my needs and limitations were. If I was too sick and had cancelled multiple dates, they thought I was messing with them and didn’t have the guts to

Erin Matthews/ Opinions Editor

outright reject them. Instead, I learned what I could do for dates. Having a limited diet, coffee, drinks or dinner were not my best options. I could go for a walk which would help my symptoms, and I could sit to watch a movie or go to a museum. If I trusted my partner, I would tell them what to look for

if I was slipping with my mental or physical health. All bodies — disabled and abled — have the capacity for rewarding physical and emotional partnerships. Sex and intimacy do not have a strict definition — they are unique aspects that will look different between relationships.



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Learning to love yourself Putting yourself first will never be selfish. KRISTINE JONES A. DEL SOCORRO












What is self-love and how can we differentiate it from the often overused term ‘self-care’? Although it may look and feel different for everybody it is fundamentally the consideration for one’s own well-being and happiness. Self-care, when done right, is an act of self-love. Taking the time to care for your body and your mind is an important part of self-love, but it goes much deeper than that. It’s more than about putting yourself first. It’s the process of becoming content and comfortable with how you are and honouring all your abilities. So why is it that loving yourself and putting yourself first deemed to be selfish? Why does it seem next to impossible to do? Perhaps it’s because the act of self-love forces you to pause and take a step back to reflect and become self-aware. And because we are complex human beings, it can be a source of great uncomfort when we are asked to ponder on our own thoughts. For those of us who haven’t spent time alone with our thoughts, contemplating our thoughts and motivations can

provoke our anxiety. For some, this is a momentous task and it may seem easier to solve all of the world’s greatest problems before tackling our own demons. If we channel all of our energy into a task, it can be a source of positive change in us. But in reality, positive life changes only happen when we start working on what is happening from within. But there are obstacles on our path to self-love. A lot of the messaging we get from the world contradicts the importance of loving yourself. It tells us that our worth comes from other people and that we need another person in order to complete us. As Valentine’s Day approaches, we are once again bombarded with insurmountable merchandise to purchase on behalf of someone else. However, it is worth noting that this is one of the many other holidays where retailers take advantage of consumer’s pockets. By purchasing Valentine’s Day goods, you are giving them more reason to push the same thing over and over again. In reality, though the greatest gift you could give yourself is self-love. We can’t purchase things and call it love. Love is not a plane ticket, dinner for two or Costco’s

biggest bear. It is much more than that. Between people, it is shared laughter and memories made. For yourself, it is deep understanding and great compassion both on the good and bad days. Oscar Wilde once said, “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” So where does one begin the journey to self-love? There are many ways to do this and, of course, it will be different for each individual. From experience, I discovered a few key things that worked for me. I discovered simple acts like eating nutritious foods, exercising and journaling every day, and going on solo-dates. During this period of time, you will realize what is important for you. This is when change truly begins. When you love yourself, you are making a difference in your self and that will transfer in many other aspects in your life. Your relationships will improve, your productivity increases and your outlook on life will be positive. Loving yourself first sets a foundation for strong friendships and romantic partnerships. It gives you the tools to navigate the world in a positive way and increases resilience in difficult times. Self-love is a crucial element to a fulling life.









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We don’t need no [sexual] education? The lack of informative sex ed is both a social and public health concern. ERIN MATTHEWS OPINIONS EDITOR

There is a chasmic gap in our knowledge and understanding of sexual health and this has a significant impact on our physical health, and the health of our society. A comprehensive sex education may not seem critical to an elementary or secondary school curriculum, but it is necessary to avoid some serious issues that are making our society ill. While it may be seen as a biologically focused instruction manual for safe sex, a comprehensive sex education has a much greater influence. It is crucial for better physical and emotional health, healthier relationships with others and can help to create a healthier society overall. But sex education has been under attack by conservative groups for decades — alleging that this kind of instruction is lewd and capable of corrupting impressionable youth. Some opponents allege that sex-ed classes ‘promote pornography’ and ‘sexualize children.’ The belief that sex ed will encourage kids to have sex is a common theme among those opposed to including sexual health in elementary curriculums. Some conservative and religious groups go as far to claim that children are sexually dormant and that sex education can be classifed as an assault on prepubescent children. But comprehensive sex-ed classes don’t lead to an epidemic of corrupt sex-crazed youth engaging in increased sexual activites — in fact, it seems to do exactly the opposite. Youth who are educated about their bodies and sexual health are having sex later and are less likely to engage in unprotected sex. Meanwhile abstinence­ only education seems to lead to an increase in teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. These abstinence-before-marriage teachings are common in the American school system where 11 states have an abstinence­-only mandate. While 24 states are required to teach some kind of sex ed, there are nine states that have no mandate to provide youth with this kind of education. Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights launched

Shawna Langer/ Graphics Editor

their #SexEdSavesLives campaign this summer to call for a change in the way we teach about sex. A demonstration supporting this initiative drew supporters to downtown Saskatoon during the premiers’ meeting in July 2019. While Canada has had a better reputation for providing proper sex education, we are clearly still lacking. The quality of this education often changes to reflect the parties who are in power. More conservative governments have notoriously influenced the kinds of instruction that schools are required to give. Recently, Ontario tried to revert to an archaic sexed platform that is 20 years old. Our world has radically changed in the past two years — both technologically and socially — leaving dangerous and reckless gaps in knowledge. In August 2019, a revised curriculum attempted to include 21st century concerns. However, parents could opt to exempt their children from learning about biological development and sexual health for religious and conscientious exemptions — something that is unfortunately not new. Uneducated youth grow up to be adults who may be missing key knowledge needed to safely navigate romantic and sexual relationships. Denying youth this kind of education can be a public health risk that is on par with the anti-vaccination movement. With rates of sexually transmitted infections on the rise — like the 172 per cent increase in syphilis infections in Saskatchewan announced in January — a population that is better educated about biology and sexual health

will be equipped with an understanding of safe sex and the tools necessary to protect themselves. We are sexual creatures and having a comprehensive understanding of our body and sexual health is crucial

for safe, fulfilling and pleasurable encounters. Comprehensive sex ed creates adults who are empowered. The one-size-fits-all sex-ed curriculum with strong religious and conservative overtones that focus on monogamous,

child-rearing heterosexual practices are ineffective. For students who feel they are lacking a proper sex education or want to learn more, Peer Health hosts the discussion group The Sex Ed You Didn’t Learn.

Erin Matthews/ Opinions Editor



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Love & Sexuality CROSSWORD Across


1-X 2 - A heart that needs a band-aid 4 - Leg? 6 - Mutual 9 - Chaotic state 10 - Gloss 11 - Greek word for universal love 14 - YouTube commentors 15 - Chip 17 - Pussy 18 - Like the Queen 19 - A pause between a sentence 20 - Informal word for Australian animal 23 - Short-lived passion 24 - Gel? 25 - A local restaurant 26 - The opposite of hate

1 - Book of love 3 - Hickey 5 - Love and ____ Issue of the Sheaf 7 - La vie en 8 - Two lip 12 - A song about ____ lanterns 13 - Deep love and respect 16 - Will you be my ____? 17 - Every guy in Saskatoon 19 - Marzu 21 - Of thought 22 - Trail

Kienan’s Nourishment Reviews: Conversation hearts and cinnamon hearts Welcome to this issue’s installment of the hit series “Kienan’s Nourishment Reviews.” Today, I shall be causing myself bodily harm in the name of reviewing Valentine’s Day candy. But first, a message: This issue marks the one-year anniversary of my first article published in the Sheaf. I will never forget the look of pride on my mother’s face as I handed her that paper, its cover decorated with dildos. Who didn’t love Valentine’s Day back in elementary school? Everybody got candy and a generic message printed on a small branded card — it was pretty dope. Now there are loads on loads of Valentine’s Day candies. Chocolates are particularly prevalent, of course, but I have instead opted to review a delicious duo devoid of chocolate. What could I be referring to, you ask? I know you’ve read the title so I shall delay no longer — I am of course referring to the Valentinian power couple: conversation and cinnamon hearts. Cinnamon hearts have long been a favourite of my family. The spicy sweetness, the way that, if you put enough in your mouth at once, they start to flavour your spit — they’re simply perfect. Unfortunately, I am afraid that I must report two flaws with cinnamon hearts. First, their texture sucks. They’re really hard, and when you crush them they get stuck in your molars. Second (and this is where the bodily harm comes in), if you are not careful there is a chance that you will end up burning your entire tongue, causing your sense of taste to be dulled, your tongue to feel numb and general lingual pain, all for a prolonged period of time. I had to suffer through this, but I did so for the greater good. After all, where would humanity be without my reviews? Conversation hearts have always been near and dear to me. Who would have thought that small pieces of processed sugar produced in a gross factory somewhere could convey deep emotional sentiments so effectively? Certainly not I, prior to my introduction to this confection. I have heard these candies compared to earwax. I’m not sure who said that, maybe one of my classmates long ago, but whoever it was they’re a big smelly dumb-dumb because these candies are real good. That said, if you actually like the taste and texture of earwax (not judging), feel free to consider that comparison a glowing review. I like to think of conversation hearts as powdery, fruit-like tablets infused with affection. Not sure how you could possibly think that sounds bad. With all that said, I’m giving cinnamon hearts a rating of “pain” and conversation hearts a rating of “genuine emotion is being commercialized and commodified to an alarming degree.” Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for the next chapter of my culinary adventure in which we will be having a special guest! KIENAN ASHTON


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