Kaleidoscope - Antique Doll Auction

Page 198

486. German Mechanical Dancing Couple by V.M. Bruchlos 6” (15 cm.) Posed as though dancing upon a simple wooden frame with tiny wheels are two bisque head dolls with glass eyes and painted features, brunette wig, costumed as boy and girl, A simple mechanism is within the girl’s body which, when wound, causes the couple to twirl about. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: V.M. Bruchlos, Germany, early 1900s, whose factory specialized in these simple mechanical action dolls; original catalog pages from his firm are shown in Cieslik’s German Doll Encyclopedia, page 32. Value Points: due to their simple bazaar-like construction, any examples are very rare to find; this pair wear their original costumes and dance merrily. $300/500

487. Early 19th Century English Wooden Doll as Peddler 20” (51 cm.) The all-wooden doll has one-piece head and torso, egg-shaped head with inlay enamel eyes, dot-painted lashes, one-stroke brows, shaped nose, closed mouth with firmly-defined lips, blushed cheeks, original wig with arranged ringlet curls at sides of face, crude wooden legs with pin-jointing at hips and knees, cloth arms with leather hands. Condition: very good, original finish with few

485. Wonderful American Cloth Folk Doll with Rare Stitched Gloves

small flakes on face. Comments: English, early 1800s. Value Points: well-preserved original

30” (76 cm.) All-cloth doll with flat-dimensional center-seam face, stitch-

peddler presentation, with

defined chin, oil-painted complexion, facial features and short black curly hair,

original costume including

large eyes with shaded blue irises, white and grey eye shadow, defined nose,

heavy woolen stockings and

feathered brows, closed mouth with outlined lips, muslin stitch-jointed body

unusual leather slippers, gown,

with stitched-on kid hands designed to appear as though gloves, having defined

undergarments, apron, bonnet,

elbow band and decorative black overcast stitching and applied black bands,

and carrying woven tray with

antique cutwork dress, undergarments, leather shoes, striped knit stockings.

a wonderful array of novelties

Condition: generally excellent. Comments: American, late 19th century.

and accoutrements, of particular

Value Points: wonderful expression on the artfully-shaped head with original

note are tiny embroidered doll

painting, rare gloved hands, fine antique costume. $1200/1600

clothes. The doll is preserved under glass dome. $1800/2500


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