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Last year, Reservoir’s often forgotten neighbour Thomastown, was getting some serious traction on social media and word of mouth. The bold promises of a new and improved PipeworksCampbellfield’s legacy and largest outdoor market would be popping up near Thomastown Bunnings.

The new Pipeworks was set to be huge, opening in May 2022. The best new markets in Melbourne with a variety of entertainment and events. Live wrestling, Australia’s favourite tribute band BABBA and you could bet your life on a deep fried twirly potato stick thing.


We at The Rezzadent even further spruiked those promises.

And just when the grand opening was less than 24 hours away (you could almost taste the grease on your tongue from the potato stick) a post on social media from Pipeworks sent everything to a sudden halt - with the market opening being delayed indefinitely.

This was the first time some stall holders had been notified, and some people drove long distances to be part of the grand opening only to find disappointingly that there was no market. Many expressed their frustration on social media. My partner, who seemed to be talking about the markets non-stop for the last month, was also very sad.

The original post has since been deleted, but Bernie Dunn of Pipeworks Thomastown, who ran the Campbellfield market confirmed that the market did not open due to ‘technical issues associated with our operating permits.’

The owners of the Thomastown site have been in discussion with Bernie for over three year (prior to COVID), adamant that they want Pipeworks at their site.

“It was decided to wait until the complex issue in reviewing all permits, and at the same time applying for the required permits to install extra car parks, drainage, building ventilation and other improvements.

“Thankfully the site owners are very patient people,” Bernie told me.

So the question on everyone’s lips is when is the market actually opening? Well the good news is, Bernie says, is that there is only one more permit needed.

The new opening date will likely be in winter.

With winter just around the corner, I guess time will tell. In the meantime remember to check out our what’s on for lots of events happening in our area.