2 minute read


Written by Shannon McKeogh Illustration by Rhiannon Poley

As the mum of a bub, it came as a nice surprise that our area likes babies. Reservoir (and surrounding ‘burbs) like babies so much that there’s loads of things that you do to ensure you can get out of the house. It’s a win for you (and your sanity to do something different) and a win for baby who can look at new things and put new things in their mouth and have staring contests with other babies. Here’s some of my favourite things.


Rhyme time or storytime

Cost: Free

Where: Reservoir Library, Preston Library, Thomastown Library

When: Check their websites for various times throughout the week

Libraries are the best, but when I first went to a rhyme time I thought it was the worst thing in the world. But it turned out that that first time I was just severely sleep deprived and now I really enjoy the opportunity to sing ‘The wheels of the bus’, sing numerous froggy and croc songs and get a book read to me. My baby also likes it too and it’s a joy to see her happy chubby face. Libraries also have story-time for toddlers which we sometimes gatecrash.

Toy library

Cost: Free

Where: Thomastown and Lalor Library, Northcote Library

When: Check their websites for the times

The Toy Library Is Open

One of the annoying things about having a kid is you get a lot of stuff. And it’s not always by choice, because often wellmeaning and loving people in your life gift your kid with stuff. The best thing about the toy library is that this stuff has a due date for return. Say hello and then goodbye to that annoying singing cube three weeks later! The libraries have a range of toys for babies three months up to bigger kids.

Dance with mini

Cost: $25

Where: Eve Studio, Preston

When: Friday’s 10.30am - 11.30am

This is a fun class for babies, toddlers and parents alike who want to have a bit of a bop with their babe. Super relaxed, the best thing about the class is that you can pop in and out of the class based on the needs of your child, so no stress if you’re running late. The class ends with a magic carpet ride.

Rezfit workout for mums and bubs

Cost: $5.10

Where: Reservoir Leisure Centre

When: Thursday 10.40am - 11.30am

This low-cost, low impact aerobics, stretch and weight class is a welcoming place for newer mums and their babies. I’ve enjoyed working up a sweat in the early days with Julie, and meeting other mums and enjoying a catch-up afterwards at the Reservoir Neighbourhood House’s little social enterprise cafe - Birds and Beans.

Other notable places and things to do according to other local mums:

Prue: We go to gymbaroo on plenty rd every week. Signed up for the term. It’s around $220 for 8 weeks. They do per term. The kids do exercises and activities that help their physical development. And it’s fun for parent and baby.

Nicole: It would be about 5km 'as the crow flies': we do Baby Sensory Classes at Coburg Court house. If that's not close enough to Res, the same company has a Thomastown location for Baby Sensory too.

Natalia: Hoyts Northland do baby friendly screenings

Lea: Walk around Edwardes Lake

Jacqui: Nature play learning Bush Playgroup at Bundoora Park (Rezza), We rock the spectrum, Preston, Preston market! Tyler’s milkbar.

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