2 minute read


Written & Photos by Anna Kiligrew

Dedicated men’s health and climate regeneration advocate, Michael Pauly, walks out of Reservoir on March 30th to begin his 3,000 km walk to Kalgoorlie in Western Australia, hoping to arrive in August.


Michael has arrived in Reservoir to make some minor adjustments to his fifth- generation hand-cart and to his 83-yearold body, before he sets out on what may be his last long walk fundraising for Fremantle’s Community Men’s Shed’s Health Projects. He is certainly pumped with determination for this walk.

Michael’s first trek in 2009 was pushing a box on an old pram frame from

Fremantle to Melbourne, 4,500km. We first met him 450 km into that trip, when the box-on-pram cart needed some urgent repairs. We were in awe of his simple arrangement and his strong determination.

So far, Michael has walked 25,600km fundraising for arthritis research and youth and men’s health initiatives.

I asked Michael what he eats along the road for nourishment and his response was - “I eat cold food, but I think about nice warm crispy food like you cook for me, and then I make up a dry red and green vegetable protein powder drink which tastes disgusting but fills me up.”

In response to my following question about hydration, Michael says, “I have a water bladder and a couple of plastic bottles. When I’ve run out of water, like along the Nullarbor Plain, I raise an empty water bottle above my head and people usually stop and offer me water. Whenever people stop to talk, I ask if they have any spare water.”

I also asked him what spiritual practices he has to keep himself going, he replies - “I repeat various mantras over and over until they become implanted in my head and pushes anything else out. When the going gets really tough might even delve back into my childhood and say the ‘Our Father’. I also look at the scene around me and focus on the present moment.”

When asked why he is doing this walk, especially given he’s already walked 25,000km and knows what he’s letting himself in for, he said- “Well this will probably be my last walk as I turn 83 next month. I support myself all across the country and raise funds for some very good programs run by the Fremantle’s Men’s Shed. I will also get fit, lose weight and have strong mental health.”

I also asked his thoughts on Melbourne’s roads and he replied, “I’ve become wise to the dangers so I am taking the train to Ballarat and I set out from there on April 1st , wearing my April 1st clown outfit, as it’s appropriate for the day.. I have also been shown by the police how to take alternative roads around Adelaide. I really like being on the open road with the eucalypt fringes and the friendly motorists.”

Michael left Reservoir on 30th March with much gratitude for the fixing of his cart and his body, and the opportunity to hang out with good Reservoir friends. He says he’ll be back in six months.

You can donate to the registered charity on BSB 633 000 Acc # 140 545 419.

You can keep in touch to encourage Michael on his blog, https://ozsoulwalk. wordpress.com/