The Resident - 13th January 2012

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Friday 13th January 2012

Did iPod cause crossing death? Tile & Bathroom Sale Metcalf Way, Crawley RH11 7SU

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The crossing where Matthew Leonard died

A Christ’s Hospital pupil who was killed by a train had been wearing an iPod while out running. Coroner Christopher Wilkinson said Matthew Leonard may have been distracted while listening to music at Sharpenhurst 3, a crossing where a bridleway

Photo by Ian Pearson

meets the railway line near Barns Green. Although Mr Leonard was found to have been wearing earphones attached to an iPod, Mr Wilkinson said it was impossible to say whether the accomplished athlete had switched off the music before trying to cross the line.


A footballer who almost died in a car crash has thanked the people who saved his life and have supported him since.

George Magnus was airlifted to the neurological ward at King’s College Hospital, London, after the MG ZR 1.4 he was driving left the A24 at Warnham and hit a tree. The crash happened at about 10.20am on December 3, but Mr Magnus cannot remember anything about it or anything afterwards until he saw his family in hospital about 10 days later.


The coroner said it was also possible that Mr Leonard had suffered a brief loss of consciousness while on the track at 6.45am on Valentine’s Day, February 14, last year.

By Appointment

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(Class IV)

Continued on Page 3

(Class VII)


Footballer tells of his recovery after crash Matthew James News Editor


The 19-year-old from Horsham, a former pupil at The Forest School and Collyer’s, made his debut for Horsham FC as a 15-year-old and has played for Loxwood this season. He told The Resident exclusively: “I stayed at my girlfriend’s in Dorking on the Friday and was driving home to Horsham.”

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Continued on Page 2

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Friday 13 January 2012


Teenager’s thanks after car crash that almost killed him Continued from Page 1

Telephone: 01403 251000 First Floor, 7-8 Sterling Buildings, Carfax, Horsham RH12 1DR Managing Director Matthew Wheeler

Sales & Promotions Manager Davey Pearson Studio Manager Steve Goodwin

News & Sport Editor Matthew James

Business & Entertainment Editor James Hood Graphic Designer Lewis Forsaith Accounts Manager Dave Smith

Sales Consultant Terry Oliver Distribution Manager Rod Kershaw

The Resident is Horsham District’s only independently owned newspaper, written and put together in the town by local people. Our highly focused circulation of 18,600 per week consists of print and interactive online copies combined to provide a modern dynamic to our distribution, and a readership of 36,600 per week. Figures are based on current National Readership Survey research. Pick up your FREE copy from supermarkets, newsagents, estate agents, coffee shops, dental surgeries, banks and building societies, hotels, recruitment agencies, lunch restaurants, bars, clubs, pubs, petrol stations and garages, garden centres, railways stations, Swan Walk, Piries Place shopping centre and many other retail outlets.

News: 1-10


“I cannot recall anything of the accident or anything that happened days before. I played for Loxwood at East Preston on the Tuesday before and I can’t remember anything about this game. “I spent two days in intensive care in what I believe was a serious condition, suffering a moderate head injury and fractured skull and eye socket. Who knows what could have happened if I hadn’t been airlifted to King’s? “I was at King’s for two-anda-half weeks before being transferred to the Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath. I was discharged on December 22 and have been home recovering since. “I have some muscle bruising to my right eye which is not permanently damaged but is affecting my eyesight at the moment. I also had glass cuts to my hand and neck. “I will shortly be seeing the occupational therapists at home with a view to getting back to work. I’m hoping to get back to the Pavilions gym on some kind of rehab plan within the next couple of weeks. “I have a follow-up appointment with the consultant in

February to see how my injuries have progressed and one in March for my eye. “I got so much support from my family and all my friends. In my dreams at night I believe that John Terry and Frank Lampard have been supporting me, so a big thanks to them. “A lady called Kelly, who lives right by the location of the accident, sat with me and alerted the emergency services, so a big thank you to her. “I’d like to say thank you to the emergency services that attended

In my dreams, I ‘believe that John

Terry and Frank Lampard have been supporting me

George Magnus

Over 70% of people act on the ads in local newspapers. Source: GfKNOP\the wanted ads I


Entertainment: 17-19

George Magnus playing for Horsham Photos by John Lines

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Business: 13-16

the accident, especially the air ambulance crew. “Thank you to all at AJ Walter Aviation for their support. Thanks to Loxwood’s Barry Hunter and Julian Miller, as well as all my team-mates at Loxwood FC for their fantastic support, and thank you to all at Horsham FC for their support. “I want to play again as soon as possible, but the decision will be with my consultant so I can’t estimate when I will be playing again. I will stay with Loxwood and, if required by Hugo Langton (Horsham manager), be dual registered with Horsham. “My outlook on life hasn’t changed. I still believe I will be Prime Minister and I still think I am capable of becoming the manager of the England football team when I’m older. I just need to keep believing in myself.”


Available from Guy Leonards - 17 High Street, Storrington 01903 742354 or 18 Lower Street, Pulborough 01798 874033 The Card Shop - High Street, Storrington 01903 742114 Marion Milton 01798 815583 All proceeds go to charitable causes supported by Rotary. Registered Charity No1029115

Property: 25-47


Motors: 48-51


Sport: 54-55


Friday 13 January 2012


Teenager’s death on railway line Continued from Page 1 At the end of an eight-hour hearing at Horsham Magistrates’ Court, Mr Wilkinson recorded a verdict of accidental death, ruling out the possibility that the 18-year-old had deliberately taken his own life. Mother Jane Leonard, GP Dr Nat Athuallah and Christ’s Hospital house master Stephen Walsh said Mr Leonard had suffered occasional “episodes”, variously described as “blank moments”, “fainting”, “blackouts”, “psychotic episodes”, “fits” and “seizures”. Much of the inquest was taken up by an assessment of the exact nature and extent of these episodes, but Mrs Leonard told the hearing that at one point she “didn’t realise what they were or how dangerous they might be”. She said: “I thought it was possibly just a reaction to stress because my husband (Peter) and I were starting to split up and he (Matthew) had his exams coming up. “Matthew was convinced that he had a problem, although he didn’t live long enough to find out what it was.” Dr Athuallah, a GP at Park Surgery in Horsham, said Matthew Leonard had cut himself deliberately, using a compass and buckle, but that he had

Matthew Leonard

never been considered a suicide risk. Mr Walsh said: “He was extremely nice, extremely gentle, extremely kind-hearted. Other pupils could see that he found the social world of the school very challenging. “He was a slightly unworldly figure in a way, being very academic, almost a bit geeky in his manner. I was aware that he found it very hard at times to believe that he was valued by his peers. “He did clearly suffer from a lack of social self-esteem. The social aspect of daily life often made him tense and a bit distressed. “Although Matthew wasn’t happy about not getting into Cambridge

‘No to homes’ after planning appeal West Sussex County Council’s application for up to 70 homes south of Athelstan Way, Horsham, has been dismissed by a planning inspector. An appeal was lodged even before Horsham District Council had considered the application. The district council’s planning committee later decided it would have refused the plan and the district defended its reasons for refusal at a public inquiry. The main issues were whether development outside the built-up area of Horsham was justified by a need


for more housing and, if so, whether the site was suitable. The inspector said adding to the supply of housing would only be achieved “at the considerable expense of the loss of an attractive area of open countryside where the impact of the proposal would be significant. “The replacement of part of the existing open area which forms a valuable green backdrop to the existing edge of town by a sub-urban housing area would have an unacceptably negative effect on the character of the area.”

(University), he wasn’t traumatised by it. He didn’t react as though it was the end of the world. “He was focusing his attention on Imperial College. I think Matthew thought he might get in there and it would be a place he would feel at home because of its scientific bias.” Mr Walsh said Mr Leonard appeared “quite content” when he spoke to the pupil on the evening before the tragedy. The driver of the train, who Mr Wilkinson requested remain anonymous in the media, told the inquest: “I saw a movement on the left-hand side. I thought this could be anything. It could be a deer, it could be a dog. “It was only then that I saw him move out. He was running but just stopped.”

suicide note had been discovered. Mr Wilkinson said it was probably significant that Mr Leonard had taken his key fob with him, indicating that he intended to return to the school as it was only used to get back in. The coroner concluded: “He would have known where he was. He would have known the dangers and risks inherent in crossing the railway line.

“If he was listening to his iPod at that time, he did so in the full knowledge of the risks that it posed in terms of him being distracted or being unable to hear any train. The alternative is that he had simply switched off his iPod before crossing. “It is possible that the halt was as a result of a transient loss of consciousness.”

was running ‘butHejust stopped ’

The driver said he braked and sounded the train’s horn, but there was nothing he could have done to avoid a collision as the train had been travelling at about 65mph and there was so little time. Insp Gary Ancell, of the British Transport Police, said no faults had been found on the train and no

Photo by Ian Pearson

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Friday 13 January 2012


Lottery boost for school’s courses Thanks to support from the National Lottery, The Forest School will run more of its ever-popular Misterchef and Silversurfers courses. Pupils will be on hand to help course members as they cook and surf their way to learning new skills. Laura Ward, community and enrichment programme manager at the school, said: “We are very pleased to have secured this funding, which is enabling us to continue running these courses. Thanks to the grant, they are free this year.” One of those who attended a previous Misterchef course said: “It’s a great experience. I learnt how to prepare and cook meals and am now much more confident.

“It was also a fun, sociable experience that I didn’t expect at the beginning. I would recommend anyone thinking about it to sign up and have a go.” Misterchef is a six-session basic cooking course for older gentleman. The first course this year will start on Tuesday, January 24, and the next will start on April 24. Silversurfers is a four-session introduction to computers and the internet, designed for complete beginners or those with limited experience. The spring course is fully booked, but places are available for the summer course, from June 12. For more information, phone 01403 756008 or email lward3@

Smashing time

District council by-election

Police are appealing for witnesses after an attempted burglary at a house in Brackens Lane, Storrington. Det Con Sarah-Jane Neal said: “Thankfully it appears that whoever broke the window did not go into the house and nothing was stolen. “We are particularly appealing for witnesses who may have seen a dark blue people carrier-style vehicle in the area on Tuesday, December 27, or anyone who saw anything suspicious between December 21 and 27.” Phone police on 101, quoting serial 1044 of December 29.

A by-election will be held on February 16 to replace former councillor Robert Nye. Citing personal reasons, Mr Nye last month resigned as leader of Horsham District Council and as a councillor for Itchingfield, Slinfold and Warnham. The deadline for nomination papers to replace him in the ward is midday on Friday, January 20. Applications to be added to the electoral register must reach the electoral registration officer, Horsham District Council, Park North, Horsham

Will Raymond, Ryan Slater, Robbie Butler and Will Allen

RH12 1RL by February 8. Applications, amendments or cancellations of postal votes, and proxy amendments or cancellations, must reach the electoral registration officer by 5pm on February 1, and applications to vote by proxy by 5pm on February 8. Voting will take place between 7am and 10pm on February 16. For more information, phone 01403 215126 or email elections@ Robert Nye

The Conservative-run council will choose a new leader on February 22, with Cllr Ray Dawe and Cllr Christian Mitchell understood to be among those interested in the post. Cllr Dawe took over as acting leader after Mr Nye’s resignation. The new leader of the council is almost certain to be a Conservative as the party has 33 councillors to the Liberal Democrats eight, two Independents and one vacant seat.

Burglary spree Five properties were hit in one night by burglars in Billingshurst. Police are investigating two burglaries in Lower Church Road, one in Berrall Way, one in Kenilworth Place and one in Barrow Close, in which jewellery, cash and electrical items were stolen overnight on Sunday and Monday. Det Con Andy Hobden said: “We understand that these burglaries may cause some concern to residents in Billingshurst. However, we are working to trace the offender or offenders and have increased patrols in the area. “I would ask residents to make sure that their homes are secure when they go out at night and to report anything suspicious to police.” Phone police on 101, quoting serial 100 of January 9, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

Stabbing arrest A 23-year-old man from Storrington was arrested on suspicion of assault causing grievous bodily harm after a stabbing on Shoreham footbridge. A man in his 20s sustained a small stab wound to his body at about 4am on Tuesday. Det Sgt Colin O’Hare said: “As part of the investigation into this incident it was necessary for us to close Shoreham footbridge so officers could search it for evidence. “This is a busy thoroughfare and the closure would have inconvenienced many people. I’d like to thank the community in Shoreham for their patience and understanding while the bridge was closed.” Anyone with information can contact police on 101, quoting serial 105 of January 10.

Teenager assaulted Horsham police are appealing for information after an 18-yearold local man was assaulted by a 17-year-old boy in Redkiln Way, near Tesco Express. The victim was approached from behind at about 6.20pm on Thursday, January 5, grabbed around the shoulders and forced to the ground. He received tissue damage and bruising to an ankle and was treated at a local medical centre. PC Julie Edie said: “We are investigating the circumstances that led up to this assault and would like to hear from anyone who was in the area and witnessed the incident.” Phone 101, quoting serial 1471 of January 5, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

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Friday 13 January 2012


‘Don’t sell Old Town Hall, visit Essex’ Councillors who want to sell an historic building have been urged to “get off their backsides” and visit Essex. Horsham District Council is spending about £5,000 to remarket the Old Town Hall. The council is inviting leasehold or freehold offers for the building, which it used until 1988 and which has been vacant since September 2009. But former Essex resident Cat Leonard, 35, from Warnham, is among those calling for a rethink and wants councillors to visit Colchester to see what can be done. She told The Resident: “I have lived in the area for five years and have been thoroughly overwhelmed by the nature of historical Horsham, with its thriving market and its population of arts and crafts persons. “Also its musical talent, proved by the recent success of Horsham’s Festival of Sound, the use of Horsham Park for various events and the new Human Nature Garden. “Horsham has a lot to offer people but severely lacks a venue where youth, residents and businesses could benefit from a centre point of activity. “The Capitol offers a theatre,

cinema and small exhibition space, but not everyone can afford its entertainments. “I believe the Old Town Hall to be a perfect venue for an Arts Centre Movement, in which community and outer areas could enjoy youth project workshops, musical evenings, showcasing local talent, poetry, exhibitions and performance art.

be scandalous ‘toItseewould yet another restaurant or fast-food chain in our town

“As I understand it, this is exactly what it used to be. I see no reason why with £5,000 as a start, and a probable Arts Council grant, this wonderful historic building couldn’t also be adapted for those with disabilities and made accessible for all to enjoy. “And all on the doorstep of our wonderful Tardis of a museum! “I used to live near Colchester and have seen first-hand what use can be made out of a beautiful, disused historic building.

“Colchester’s Art Centre used to be a church. It is a centre point for the town now, but in a different sense. “It is active and attractive night and day, and upholds a great reputation for projects, artists in residence and daytime workshops. “I believe this to be the very core of a community that shares together and is healthy for our youth. Why not Horsham? “Judging by the responses of posts made by myself to social network site Facebook, it is evident that I am not alone in my thinking. “A spectacular building, in a fantastic town, that is crying out to be a home to many. It would be scandalous to see yet another restaurant or fast-food chain in our town – or, even worse, to see the Old Town Hall demolished. “If the Horsham councillors were to see how Colchester Art Centre works, they would be blown away by the sheer activity and what it does for people, young and old. I think minds would be changed. “If the councillors want to get off their backsides and go up there, they will see how beautiful the place is and how it could be replicated in Horsham.”

Photo by Ian Pearson

Have a say on changes to school admissions Do you have a child aged between two and 16? If so, West Sussex County Council wants your views on school admission arrangements for entry in September 2013. The council welcomes views on changes to catchment areas for Kingslea Primary School and Heron Way Primary School in Horsham, admission numbers for all schools, dates in the admissions process, the

proposed over-subscription criteria for all community and voluntary controlled schools, and sixth-form arrangements. Residents can view the consultation at admissions and use an online response form or phone 0845 0751007 for a printed copy. Local voluntary aided or foundation schools and academies will also consult if they propose any changes



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to admission arrangements. Parents can contact their local school directly for a copy. Cllr Peter Griffiths, county council Cabinet member for education and schools, said: “It is very important to know the views of as many parents as possible, so I would encourage them to take part in this important consultation.” The consultation will close on March 1.

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Friday 13 January 2012


Sew far sew good for youngsters How development

‘can transform club’

Needles and Pins students worked hard at the Holbrook Club, making garlands to hang up at home. Helen Windwood, who led the day, said: “All the girls worked incredibly hard and were rewarded for their efforts. We worked with some fabulous fabrics and the results speak for themselves. “We have introduced lots of people to sewing and some of the projects taken home at the end have been fabulous. “Being able to make your own things has a special satisfaction to it. All the skills learnt are transferable to the make-do-and-mend trend that is around at the moment.”

Supporting dementia sufferers A council says it is helping people with dementia after a government survey found six out of 10 people with the condition in England go undiagnosed. Cllr Louise Goldsmith, leader of West Sussex County Council, said: “Our Age With Confidence initiative aims to help people prepare for old age and to know where to go for information and advice. “We want to make sure people are

confident in preparing for and living well in old age. “In West Sussex we have a range of dementia services, aimed at helping people with all stages of dementia. We’re planning on introducing more and in particular to encourage early diagnosis.” Cllr Peter Catchpole, council Cabinet member for adults’ services, said: “The county council will work with our partners in the NHS to support

early diagnosis of problems such as dementia, raising awareness and making sure there is better co-ordination of services.” Neil Waterhouse, service director at Sussex Partnership, said: “Working alongside our partners in West Sussex, we are delivering some of the most effective services for people with dementia and their carers. “We are proud to be part of Age With Confidence.”

A developer claims a wonderful opportunity for superb new facilities beckons for Southwater Sports Club, writes Martin Read. Discussions between the Berkeley Group, landowner the Fletcher Trust and the club have been taking place for several years. Berkeley wants to build more than 500 homes west of the village. As part of the proposed development the existing sports club would be replaced with a 20-acre complex. On an improved layout, double the size of the existing arrangements, would be two football pitches plus a cricket square and outfield specifically designed to conform to Sport England standards. Along with a new pavilion and car park would be new tennis courts and open space for training and informal sporting activities. Significantly extended allotments would also be provided. Berkeley would work closely with the club to design the new pavilion and grounds, ensuring that the club’s requirements and ambitions were fully taken into account. Funded by the development at a cost of almost £2 million, the new facilities would be finished by 2015.

Southwater Cricket Club was founded in 1890 in fairly modest circumstances. Since those humble beginnings, developments have introduced a number of improvements. But the developers say unrivalled modern facilities would transform the sports club, making it a tremendous asset for the community and the envy of any other village. A planning application for new homes and other development, DC/11/1394, has been submitted to Horsham District Council. Southwater Parish Council, which can comment on the application but will not decide whether to approve it, was discussing the issue as The Resident went to press yesterday (Thursday) evening. But Ian Thwaites, of pressure group Keep Southwater Green, previously told The Resident: “We believe this wanton destruction of farmland and rural environment must be opposed.”

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Friday 13 January 2012

The new ways of making decisions Nik Butler Twitter - @loudmouthman

It has been suggested I should point out I am a parish councillor for North Horsham (Roffey ward). Apparently this is of some import to people who comment to me about my scribblings. It should be pointed out that this position is generally considered as an independent, nonpolitical position, but everyone brings a bias to a decision, irrespective of their declarations. When I get into conversations regarding the council I can think of no occasion in which the discussion has re�lected an awareness of procedures as part of the issue being discussed. When I ask if people have called the council or their councillor, I can be assured that they have called the council but not raised the issue with their councillor. It seems we can elect them, then forget them. A comment made by a few councillors is that many problems in the community are not raised with them but brought to them by way of clerks, of�icers and employees. We should address that communication issue if we are to consider how to create a council that re�lects the desires of the community and not the strongest-lobbying individual or party. We hope councillors bring their skills and experiences to meetings. But they are not responsible, nor should we expect them to be, for creating reports, handling investigations or gaining quotes in order to furnish the meetings with the facts. What we have is a collection of procedures and routines, built over decades, that handled the inef�iciencies of communication and management while ensuring a balance of power and control was maintained between the elected and the authorities. Now with smartphones, laptops, tablets and the internet, we have a means and mechanism for sharing ideas, seeking opinion and comment and facilitating progress in ways which neither the of�icers nor the elected are able to consider or plan for. It is possible that we could change the shape of council meetings and consultants’ reports utilising the same collection of free tools and technologies that built Google, Facebook and Apple. It would take a will to see that change and it would take commitment to share and take part; one that can already be seen to happen through community action groups. We must view the internet as the fourth utility and one that can bring a community together faster than a printed paper or posted notice. If we truly want to see a change of mind and attitude in the decisions made over our communities then we must actively take part in those processes and we must understand how those processes operate if we expect to change them. We have at our disposal the means and mechanisms to communicate faster and share further than has ever been possible. We need to take part in those processes.


MP’s praise for nursery Children staged a concert for MP Nick Herbert when he visited Garden Cottage Nursery, next to Windlesham House School, Washington. The Arundel and South Downs MP was welcolmed with a mini-concert

of songs performed by youngsters aged between two and �ive. He was then presented with a photo book charting activities in the school and a school calendar. The nursery earned an “outstanding” rating from Ofsted in all categories, recognising its welcoming atmosphere, range of activities and dedicated staff. Mr Herbert said: “It was a huge pleasure to visit Garden Cottage Nursery and I could immediately see why the school is so popular with parents. There was a special atmosphere and the children obviously loved being there. “Jane Denman and her team have built a wonderful nursery which welcomes children from all backgrounds, including those with special needs. “I am so pleased that I was able to visit it.”

Making a difference to children’s lives Would you like to make a real difference to a child in care’s life? Are you looking for more meaning in your life, fed up with the nine-to�ive working routine? Then why not consider becoming a foster carer with West Sussex County Council. The county council is holding a year-long recruitment campaign of monthly drop-in sessions for prospective foster carers. The �irst will be held at Horsham Library from 10am to 4pm on Wednesday. These informal sessions give people a chance to talk to existing foster carers and members of the fostering

Warning over fake products Fake goods, including medicines, alcoholic drinks and cosmetics, are putting consumers’ health at risk and harming the economy. That is the warning by Sharon Bowles, Liberal Democrat MEP for Horsham district, who said: “I am very concerned by the damage done by the sale and purchase of counterfeit goods, many of which are shoddily made. “With smuggled goods and blackmarket outlets, VAT and other taxes are also avoided – money which could be used to pay for the NHS and social care. “Reports by the International Chamber of Commerce put the annual cost of counterfeiting to the global economy at £386 billion, which is more than the bailouts of Ireland, Portugal and Greece put together. “Making sure of your sources and paying VAT and other taxes on goods may not be the most popular New Year message, but the UK is losing out to criminal gangs and counterfeiters.”

team. Cllr Peter Evans, council Cabinet member for children and families, said: “To provide the highest standard of care, West Sussex County Council does its very best to match West Sussex children needing care to West Sussex foster carers. “Children thrive on familiarity, so our approach also means children and young people who need care stay close to their school, friends, people and places they know.” For more information, phone 01403 229333 or visit www.

Yet more llama drama Horsham’s famous llamas are back at Chesworth Farm after months of heathland management at Owlbeech Woods. Horsham District Council used Lottery funding to bring in Bridget and Rowena as a cost-effective way to graze countryside sites. The llamas will shelter at

Chesworth to avoid the worst of the winter conditions up on the heath at Owlbeech. Visitors can see Bridget and Rowena at Chesworth Farm, Chesworth Lane, free of charge every day this winter. For more information, call 01403 215285 or visit

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Friday 13 January 2012

Your Shout

Your Shout

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The Resident wants to hear from you! Send your views to our News Editor, Matthew James, at matthew@ or write to us at Your Shout, The Resident, First Floor, 7-8 Sterling Buildings, Carfax, Horsham RH12 1DR We will not publish house numbers, but please include your full name and address with your comments


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West Sussex has a new religious primary school, the Discovery New School in Crawley. Plans are underway for a secondary school in Southwater, to be run by Horsham Churches Together and the Christian organisation Oasis. Both of these are independent free schools outside local authority control but still funded by the taxpayer. Meanwhile, a group of local people have been trying for several years to set up Chichester Free School, a non-religious mixed secondary community school, as there is no alternative provision in Chichester. It is difficult to understand why anyone would want to open a new religious school in the UK, apart from to promote a particular religion. Whatever the founders of these schools might say, this is their intention. Discovery New School is a Montessori school, but the founders are using the opportunity to promote their Christian beliefs. The motivations of Horsham Churches Together and Oasis are obvious. Declining religious groups are joining forces, as any religion is better than none. Their future depends on promoting their beliefs to impressionable schoolchildren, the next generation of believers. The question that no one seems to be able to answer is: “What has belief in the supernatural got to do with a good education?” One of the main purposes of education is to teach children how to think and reason properly. Religious belief is blind faith, belief without evidence, and should not be encouraged in school. School should be the one place where children can learn religious and non-religious beliefs in an unbiased manner, warts and all, in a safe, impartial environment. This is good for children of religious and non-religious parents alike. All children should learn that they can lead a good life without religion, but I very much doubt they will ever hear this in a faith school. What we need are fully inclusive community schools that do not divide children on religious grounds. Religious schools, even those with completely open admissions policies, are biased. They tend to attract a disproportionate number of religious parents, which frustrates social cohesion. It is unreasonable of parents to expect the public to pay for schools that promote their personal religious beliefs and it is impossible to build enough new schools to accommodate them all. If parents want their children to practice a religion, there are plenty of places of worship designed for this purpose. Schools are not churches, despite the stated desire of Archbishop Rowan Williams for there to be a church in every school.

Government research has shown that any better results obtained by religious schools are due to parental selection. They have no better moral ethos than community schools, yet they claim the moral high ground. A recent study showed 25 per cent greater homophobic bullying in faith schools. They may also promote unhealthy or misleading views about sex, abortion, relationships, quality of life, other beliefs, origins of life, guilt etc. How moral is a school that requires non-religious parents to attend church just to get their children into the best local school? Religious belief is a group phenomenon and that group is rapidly shrinking in the UK. Religious adherence and belief has been in a steady decline for many decades and is at an all time low. The British Social Attitudes survey shows the majority of the population is non-religious. In a recent independent survey, 65 per cent of young people declare themselves atheist or agnostic. Only through childhood indoctrination can religion survive. Religious schools are an integral part of this process. The government is doing its best to stoke the religious fires. David Cameron showed his hand recently by declaring this to be a Christian country. It is not. He also wants us to embrace Christian values. How divisive is that? And what are these so-called Christian values? Do they include homophobia, religious discrimination, religious privilege, opposing abortion, restricting sex education, opposing assisted dying, opposing stem cell research, opposing equality and human rights legislation? Or are they simply common values shared by decent people, in which case why invoke the supernatural and call them Christian? (Education Secretary) Michael Gove has urged Catholic schools to convert to independent academy status as soon as possible so as to avoid losing their ‘hard-won freedoms’, such as religious discrimination in staffing, restrictive admissions policies, biased religious education and exemptions from sex education. Chris Miles, primary school teacher, will be speaking on behalf of the NUT at a meeting of Chichester Humanists on Monday, January 23, at the Chichester Inn. Her talk is ‘Faith in school?’ and is open to the public. Entry is £3 for non-members, £2 for members, with the usual concessions. There will be a public consultation about the proposed new Oasis school at the large council chamber, Beeson House, 26 Lintot Square, Southwater on Thursday, January 19 (7-8pm). For more information visit uk and www.horshamhumanists. net Andrew Edmondson West Sussex Humanists


Friday 13 January 2012

Your Shout

Not just waiting for pensions I was very puzzled by Sarah Turner’s letter (The Resident, January 6). Her argument seemed to be that private sector taxpayers wholly fund the public sector, therefore public sector workers should be grateful to them. Public sector workers pay tax and National Insurance too. What does she think public sector workers do all day? They are there to provide services for everyone – mend roads, empty bins, put out fires, provide social services to old and vulnerable, provide education and childcare services from nurseries to further education colleges. I could go on. They don’t just sit there all day waiting to collect their modest pensions! The clue is in the title – services for the public, ie everyone. I agree about the seeming extravagance of County Hall North in Horsham, but was this decided before the economy collapsed? If the buildings that were

vacated as part of this reorganisation had been sold at the market value then, as expected, it would have made some sense. The collapse of the economy was due to banks and building societies over-lending to people who couldn’t afford to pay the money back and other various dodgy dealings, not due to Labour governments spending too much. It all seemed affordable before the collapse, which started in the US and took almost everyone by surprise. If this government’s policy is taken to its ultimate conclusion, there will be no public services and people will only be able to buy the services they can afford. Good schools for the wealthy, sink schools for the rest. Decent housing for the well-off and substandard for others. A real chance in life for the physically and mentally able and a miserable existence for those who aren’t. Is this really what you want? Jane Cross Frenches Mead, Billingshurst

A good time to bury bad news Horsham District Council has recently proposed introducing parking charges for evenings and Sundays, talked about axing the autumn fair and proposed demolition in principle of Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre. All these have made the front page of The Resident. In the main, these suggestions have not done much to enhance the council’s reputation. Now the council is disposing of the freehold of the town hall, selling it off to the highest bidder. Maybe with the uproar over Broadbridge Heath it was deemed a good time to bury bad news. The town hall is needed by the community. It is the most convenient building close to the centre of the town, the Carfax, for meetings, exhibitions, markets and performance.

The council scaremonger with cost figures when they wish to justify a policy. As with Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre, it is alleged that it would cost a vast amount of money if use continued. This is a distortion of the truth. It is very likely that grants could be obtained to improve the building, especially if associated with facilitating disabled access. Access to the ground floor could be improved and a lift installed giving access to the first floor. Annual running costs are not large, at around £30,000. The Localism Act is clear. When community assets come up for change of ownership, community groups are to be given time to develop a bid. The aim is that buildings can continue to be a part of local life. The community must be given the opportunity to run the town hall.

£3k from collection Storrington Rotary Club members were out in force in Storrington and Pulborough and collected £3,015, which will go to charitable causes supported by Rotary. When everyone is feeling the pinch, charities need the support of local people more than ever. Through the generosity of the Storrington and Pulborough communities, we can continue to support charitable need wherever and whenever it arises. Thank you to everyone who gave so generously.

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Friday 13 January 2012


Sixty years of changing lives Action Medical Research, the Horsham-based children’s charity, is celebrating investing more than £100 million into vital medical research in the last 60 years. The charity was founded in 1952 by Duncan Guthrie, who aimed to find a cure for polio. Early research funded by the charity led to the development and rapid adoption of the first oral polio vaccine which eradicated new cases in the UK. The charity has an impressive record in supporting medical breakthroughs that have helped save thousands of children’s lives and changed many more. Key successes include: • Helping introduce ultrasound scanning in pregnancy. • Discovering the importance of taking folic acid before and during pregnancy to prevent spina bifida. • Developing an infra-red scanner to help minimise the risk of brain damage in babies. • Developing a new state-of-the-art heart-rate monitor to make pregnancy safer for babies at risk. • Helping to show that cooling the brain can minimise brain damage in some babies deprived of oxygen at birth. • Supporting the lead researcher whose team helped establish a vaccine for meningitis. • Testing the early rubella vaccine, part of the first MMR vaccine. Prof David Edwards, a pioneer in the treatment of newborn babies with brain damage, said: “The work supported by Action Medical Research at hospitals and universities over the decades has had a great impact on the lives of babies and children. “The breadth and diversity of research supported in the past 60 years clearly demonstrates the importance of the funding this charity has provided. “Without the support given by Action Medical Research, the research and the subsequent medical breakthroughs and treatments which save lives wouldn’t have been possible. “I am sure they will continue to fund vital research and make a difference to the lives of babies and children for many years to come.”

Have a say on Southwater school plans Thursday, January 19, is a key date for people to have their say about plans to develop a free school in Southwater. Members of the public will be able to attend a consultation event in the large council chamber at Beeson House, Lintot Square, Southwater (78pm). Horsham Churches Together and

educational trust Oasis, who aim to establish a secondary school, say the school would have an open admissions policy and be inclusive of pupils from all backgrounds. Jo Elvidge, co-moderator of Horsham Churches Together, said: “Around 1,000 pupils a day are bussed out of Southwater. We would like to see these children have the option to

Online benefits of CRB checks Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) checks by West Sussex County Council now take days rather than weeks or months to complete. The council has switched to processing all checks online instead of on paper forms, reducing waiting times and saving £107,000 in a year. Cllr Michael Brown, council

Cabinet member for finance, said: “Introducing this new way of working has saved a lot of time, a lot of money and a lot of red tape. “Getting rid of all the manual form-filling and replacing it online is already paying dividends to the staff processing the checks and the job seekers waiting on the results.”

attend a school in their own local community. “The need for an additional secondary school in the Horsham area has also been identified due to the projected growth in pupil numbers and Southwater has been identified as the desirable location.” Steve Chalke, founder of Oasis Global, said: “We are extremely

excited by the opportunity to work with Horsham Churches Together to develop a free school in Southwater. “Working together, we will be able to offer young people the depth of education, breadth of support and spectrum of opportunity that they deserve, as well as playing a major role in continuing to develop a safe and vibrant community.”

New focus for pupils Professional photographer Andrea Sarlo, a Horsham rotarian, ran an after-school photography workshop at The Forest School. Laura Ward, the school’s community development officer, said “Rotary

offer a wealth of fantastic opportunities for young people. “Having Andrea with us has really inspired our pupils to get out there and take part in Rotary’s young photographer competition.”

All Sorts of entertainment Entertainment from a bygone age was the order of the day when local group All Sorts entertained residents at The Anchorage, Pulborough. The band, which covers genres from early music hall to the 1940s, is famed for its colourful outfits and performs at the residential home twice a year. Liz Smith, activities manager at The

Anchorage, said: “All of our residents really look forward to the All Sorts shows – they are a real highlight of the year. The group is hugely talented and always puts on a fantastic show.” Band member Lena Hill said: “We love performing at the home because it is so intimate and we can really connect with the residents. Seeing them singing along to their favourite songs from yesteryear is a real treat.”

Andrea Sarlo with Daniel Clark, Noah Verbeeten, Charles Higginson, Lewis Hobden and John Matthews, of The Forest School

It’s fitness, friends and fun Horsham District Council says its Health Walks scheme, including 200 guided walks, is the perfect way to meet new friends while keeping fit in 2012. Jill Shuker, health walk co-ordinator at the council, said: “Most people can walk and these walks have been designed especially with everyone in mind. Walking is easy and the feeling


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you get from the fresh air is just exhilarating. “The walks are short and not too fast. You can walk at your own pace, enjoying the peace and tranquillity that our lovely countryside offers.” For more information about the free walks, phone 01403 215269 or visit www.horshamhealthwalks.


THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012


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THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012


Traditional marketing? It’s alive and selling In the first of her columns this year, marketing guru and author, Dee Blick warns businesses against downing the tried and tested marketing tools for more modern methods Give me strength... I received an invitation to a networking event a few months ago. The highlight of the event was an author promoting his latest book with the compelling message that traditional marketing is dead. The invitation went on to extol the virtues of the online universe in an evangelical and uncompromising manner. Apparently, if we are not all downing our traditional marketing tools - you know, the ones that may have generated us business by the barrel load to date and �leeing to the promised land - emblazoned with social media tags and blogging galore - we are doomed. Forget the fact that

your current marketing may be working - it’s over, �inished. Cancel your magazine and newspaper advertising that has so far paid for itself in spades; scrap your networking membership even though you’ve made some really great contacts; forget the exhibition that raked in all that new business last year; tear up the press release you’re about to send to your local paper. It is no longer trendy. It’s time to get up close and personal with your keyboard your ear pressed closely to the Google heartbeat. After I had conducted a rather childish rant at my inbox, I sat back and thought about the invitation that had given rise to a rise in my blood pressure. Firstly, the irony of his message must have been lost on this particular author. He was not promoting his talk on a web seminar – no he was promoting his book at a networking event. Let’s face it business networking is one of the most traditional of marketing activities around. Secondly, the author had written a paper-based book, another traditional communication. I wondered what kind of response there would have been to a web

has taken 1,620 sq ft on the top �loor for a �ive-year term. There is also a Regus Business Centre located within the building which has been successful - with explosion protection �irm Pryoban taking up half of the top �loor (2,965 sq ft). Craigard is currently undertaking a sub division of the remaining top �loor accommodation providing two further suites, one of 880 sq ft and one of 1620 sq ft. Only two further suites remain within the building, both approximately 2,605 sq ft on the ground and �irst �loors. The building has been 70% let within 15 months of practical completion.

Paul Foster, managing partner of Craigard Investments, said: “We are absolutely delighted with the take up of space at AFON in Horsham. “It shows that quality counts in dif�icult times and AFON is the best space available in the town. “The success of the Regus Business Centre is fantastic news and we hope over the next few months that the building will reach full occupancy.” Crickmay Chartered Surveyors in Horsham will remain the letting agents of the building. For more information visit www.

seminar pushing it instead. With the amount of clutter and noise currently swimming around the internet, it may well have sunk without a trace. No matter, that’s not the point of my column; no the message I want to convey to you is that traditional marketing is alive, it’s kicking and it’s serving the needs of millions of small businesses. Traditional marketing has of course found new friends to play with. Social media, blogging and online activity have come to the table and we are de�initely the better for it. Like all new friends, it’s going to take some time for the relationships to form. We may initially spurn the hand of friendship, or conversely proclaim our undying love, plunging in with gay abandon only to get our �ingers burnt. Back to the drawing board! For some small businesses, this broader palette of choice will be welcomed as an opportunity to enhance and blend their marketing more carefully and to build relationships online. For others, it’s a case of business as usual but ‘let’s keep our eye on the social media story’ as it unfolds.

Now you may be thinking... well yes Dee but you would say that as a marketer of the old school wouldn’t you? But I too like the shiny new shoes of social media. I blog for Royal Mail, British Telecom and from January I will be blogging for RBS. In fact I’ve been blogging for years. I also tweet daily and network online in addition to a demanding public speaking schedule, face to face networking and writing my column for the fabulous Resident. What I do know from experience and from working with small businesses is that the message being pushed by the author is downright dangerous and you should take it with a pinch of salt! About Dee Dee Blick’s second book The Ultimate Small Business Marketing Book is still the number one best selling sales and marketing book on Amazon �ive months down the line with 37 out of 37 �ive star reviews. It is now being serialised by Royal Mail. You can �ind out more about Dee including her one day Horsham Marketing Workshops at

Successful start for refurbished of�ice building

15 months after it was opened, the newly refurbished AFON of�ice building on Horsham’s Worthing Road has proven a successful addition to the town’s business community. Over the last few months in particular, Craigard, the company that owns the AFON building, has seen a steady take up of space at the site. CMR Consultants (Ener-G) has taken on a new lease for approximately 1,600 sq ft for a term of 10 years (with an option to opt out after �ive years). Paladin Capital has taken 620 sq ft on the ground �loor for a term of three years and Capital Consulting


Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT

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THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012


a new star on board Networkers discuss true There’s at Horsham’s Pizza Express measure of success

Ask a room full of business people what success means for them and you’ll receive a surprisingly diverse range of responses. Business Builder Club presenter Tim Fi�ield posed the question at the January 10 meeting of the networking group, held at Pizza Express, East Street, Horsham, then used the feedback to help deliver his top tips for making 2012 a memorable year for all the right reasons. “Making a difference” was how one member gauged success, while “saving customers money” was another yardstick, as was “achieving my objectives” and “helping my client businesses to be as successful as they can be”.

Inevitably perhaps, “creating loads of money” was voiced as a fair measure of ‘making it’. But in looking forward, a business needs to look back, Tim advised. “Analyse what went wrong in 2011then create a plan for 2012. Take time out of your business to think about what you are doing and where you want to be by the end of this year”, he said. “Re�ine your business by working with people you want to work with. Those who can generate the best results for you. Play to your strengths and focus your activity on what you enjoy doing and what attracts the strongest income streams. Also, where possible, outsource time-consuming and �inancially less rewarding tasks to an external provider, leaving you free to service and pursue higher income opportunities. “Clear out the clutter to clarify your objectives and allow you to �ish where the �ish are and to spend time with successful people - the movers and shakers,” Tim told members. But “it all comes to nothing if don’t work out what you want to achieve.

Because then you become an employee of your own business. “We all have amazing opportunities to achieve great things in 2012,” he concluded in typically upbeat mode. News from other members included: “Dramaworks is growing up”, announced proprietor Julia Martin, who has extended her programme of con�idence-building advice through drama to now include the adult community. Children had been the focus of her services, but as Julia stresses, “Today’s uncertain economic climate can sap the con�idence of jobseekers, who may have been out of work for some time and who may need a boost to their self-esteem.” A sentiment echoed by career coach and Business Builder Club �irst-timer Michelle Baker, who spent ten years in the recruitment sector before becoming a start-up business, whose aspiration is to “unlock your potential”. Next meeting: February 7, Pizza Express, East Street Horsham. Book and pay online at

New year… new smile! Having crooked teeth can be embarrassing, even debilitating. As an adult, you may think it’s too late to correct your smile, but it’s not. New advanced adult orthodontic dental technology now offers an opportunity to everyone to correct their smile; with the minimum of fuss and at a very reasonable rate, whatever age they might be. Having your natural teeth straightened using clear braces is a quick procedure which is ideal for adults who do not want to wear metal braces over a

long period of time and the results are permanent. We went along to The Carfax Dental Practice to speak to Dental Surgeon and Principal Dr Vatsal Amin to �ind out more about ‘the six month smile’ and what it entails. Dr Amin is a private dentist at the practice, specialising in cosmetic dentistry. Dr Amin says: “As a cosmetic dentist with more than 20 years experience, the new ‘six month smile’ treatment is one of the most exciting new advancements in dentistry today. It allows us to treat adults with crooked or displaced teeth and correct their smile quickly and effectively. It is one of most rewarding and life-changing treatments I can offer a patient who is so self conscious of their teeth, they might otherwise spend a lifetime trying to hide their smile. One of the main differences between traditional orthodontics and ‘the six month smile’ technique is that we are cosmetically adjusting the shape and appearance of the natural adult teeth, without aligning the bite which can otherwise takes years to achieve. Most adult patients do not want to wear metal braces for 2 years or more and traditional orthodontics can be prohibitively expensive - resulting in many people to believe they have missed the boat and there is nothing that can be done, or the only other alternative is expensive veneers.” What does the treatment involve?

The �irst step is an initial consultation to establish if you are a suitable candidate, which most adults are. “At the end of the consultation we fully explain the options and the costs involved,” says Dr Amin. “It is then up to the patient to decide if and when they would like to go ahead.” The treatment involves an initial casting of your teeth, from which a tooth coloured brace is made speci�ically for the individual. “The brace is �ixed for the duration of the treatment and is almost invisible”, says Dr Amin, “which is much more acceptable to adults. We can show you pictures of how a tooth-coloured brace looks on adults, so you can see for yourself how unobtrusive it is. Another real bene�it is that with monthly adjustments your teeth can normally be realigned within a window of 4-9 months, with an average of just 6 months. The results can be very dramatic, and in some cases the orthodontic treatment not only corrects the teeth, but also softens the face if teeth have been causing the mouth to slightly distort to accommodate protruding teeth.” An initial ‘six month smile consultation’ booked before the end of February 2012 is free of charge. For more information visit or to make an appointment for an initial consultation Tel: 01403 253 696 Carfax Dental Practice 18, Carfax, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1EB The �irst 10 new clients to register for ‘six month smile’ treatment also qualify for a 10% discount.

Horsham’s popular East Street restaurant, Pizza Express has a new manager. Business Builder Club talks to Holli Richardson, who has returned to the site where she �irst started out in the industry Still only 26, Holli has already managed two other Pizza Express restaurants – at Midhurst and latterly in Crawley. Armed with a degree in business management from the University of Surrey Guildford, she is ready and eager to take the restaurant to the next stage in foodservice. Talking to us on the day (Tuesday 10 January) when Pizza Express launched its `New Stars` range, the new star at its Horsham restaurant is keen to ensure the new menu hits the right spot with diners. “I started out here at 15 as a pot washer”, said Holli, a self-confessed “people person”, “and it’s great to be back at a time when we have some delicious new items on the menu, such as pomodoro pesto, pedana and pollo ad astra leggera, as well as favourites such as American and

Gustosa leggeras. She has high hopes for the new Romanas too. “They all have a wonderfully thin and crispy base, which heroes the delicious toppings,” Holli added. “We’ve re-introduced the salad nicoise as well – one of my favourites.” Business Business Club members sampled the new offerings at their January meeting on Tuesday and gave a unanimous thumbs up to them. Appropriately in Olympics year, Pizza Express is supporting stars such as sporting legends Lawrence Dallaglio and Andrew `Freddie` Flintoff in what is being billed as the challenge of their lives – an epic 2,862km cycle journey across Europe, starting in Olympia, Greece, birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games, on 23 April, culminating in London, host for the 2012 event, on 18 May. “I am hoping to do my bit to fundraise for cancer research and children’s rehabilitation and physiotherapy units. And Pizza Express is donating 25p from every American Hot pizza sold.”

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Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT


Local hearing aid expert returns to the Horsham practice he set up With more than two decades in the industry, an audiologist is back in Horsham providing ‘life changing’ hearing instruments – now with HD sound quality An audiologist who comes from a family of hearing aid experts has returned to the Horsham practice he sold in 2009. Jonathan Ormerod has more than 20 years’ experience in the hearing aid industry. He also previously worked for the division of Siemens that manufactures hearing aids before going on to set up the Horsham Hearing Centre, on Worthing Road, in 1995. He has now purchased the business back from its former owners and aims to inject new life into it by providing an unrivalled standard of hearing services and products. He said: “It is great to be working back in the centre of Horsham. I’ve lived in the town for 20 years so I am keen to help local residents bene�it from better hearing.” “We are a family of hearing aid people. My father was an audiologist, and my wife, mother, brother and cousin are all in the profession as well. So hopefully that will instil plenty of con�idence in existing and new customers that we know what we are talking about.” “There will be no disruption to service for the centre’s current customers. It is business as usual. We’ve refurbished the interior of the centre, making it much more welcoming, and we are now offering the only ‘complete hearing care’ service including clinical earcare (ear wax removal) in Horsham. “We have three Hearing Aid Audiologists based at the Horsham practice with a combined total of over sixty

years experience between them!” The Horsham Hearing Centre is now a branch of Hearcentres Limited, Jonathan’s new company, and one of seven established hearing centres which he has acquired, all offering the same professional, local service. The Horsham centre is the oldest established hearing aid specialists in the town. “I always regretted leaving the practice”, said Jonathan, “especially after spending 15 years getting established in the town. “When the opportunity to buy it back came up I jumped at the chance, and in the process acquired six other established hearing centres across the South East! “We now run the business from our base in Horsham and we are aiming to expand further.” Jonathan also runs another ‘ear-related’ company in Horsham. Hearing Electronics Ltd has also been established since 1995 and manufactures specialist communication earpieces for people such as TV presenters and Formula One drivers. “We manufacture and �it every kind of ear piece imaginable. Whether it’s for Jenson Button to be able to hear his engineer telling him to come into the pits during a race, or for Christine Bleakley, the new presenter of Dancing on Ice, to be able to relay the result of the viewer’s votes every week, our products are used regularly in critical, high-pro�ile situations. “We are the preferred supplier of earpieces to the BBC, ITV and Sky,

along with most other broadcasters in the UK and many overseas. Combined with our experience in custom-�itted earpieces for shooting and motorsport, we also manufacture and repair hearing aids too. I hope it illustrates the depth of our expertise here.” Hearcentres is also at the forefront of any new technology in hearing aids. The equipment has become smaller, more stylish and easier to conceal in the ear. And, they now come in HD! The Horsham Hearing Centre is now offering the unique Sebo HD, a cutting edge hearing aid that offers superior ‘high-de�inition’ sound quality as well as being small, light and made in a range of colours. The hearing instrument is so advanced and lightweight that users feel like they are not wearing a hearing aid. For anyone uncertain about visiting a hearing specialist for the �irst time, Jonathan has some simple advice: “Many people put-off doing something about hearing loss until it really becomes a problem for them and those around them. “It is much better to do something about it sooner rather than later. Modern hearing instruments are very discrete and easy to use. They can relieve the fatigue of straining to hear and genuinely help with your health and wellbeing. “Anyone who feels they may have a hearing loss should come in and see us. We offer a complimentary initial consultation, our customer service is second-to-none and the results can be life-changing.”


Exclusively available at the

Horsham Hearing Centre

22 Worthing Road | Horsham | West Sussex | RH12 1SL

01403 218700

Please call to arrange for a free demonstration


Friday 13 January 2012


Two legends for the price of one Despite the controversy, The Iron Lady offers a balanced view from both the left and right – and it’s pretty damn good James Hood Review

The Iron Lady

Politics aside, The Iron Lady is a legend. Love her or loathe her, Margaret Thatcher, on whom this movie is based, is one of the greatest, most important women in our country’s history and no matter which way your vote swings, this is a remarkable film. I’ll avoid discussion about whether it should have been made now, while Mrs Thatcher is still alive. Partly because the media has done enough of that and also because I don’t know the right answer. Surely only she does.

True enough; scenes in which the former prime minister forgets conversations at the dinner table and talks to her dead husband, Denis, day and night might be insensitive, and not entirely factual. But if this movie is even partially accurate, I get the impression Maggie can handle it. Any supporters of the opposition party needn’t think they will face two hours of girl power, watching the steadfast leader whip the company into shape after the Winter of Discontent. It is decidedly anti-conservative for the most part - to such a degree I wondered whether it was all orchestrated by the ‘reds’ to have one last pop at her. This film is definitely not

You should see this band! No Pressure Playing the songs of Paul Weller, the Black Crowes, Snow Patrol and Stereophonics, local band No Pressure will be performing at The Bedford pub in Horsham on Saturday, January 14.

They’ll be on at around 8pm. The band currently has a version of Nothing Compares 2 U on iTunes and half of all proceeds go to Macmillan Cancer Support.

Highlights at The Hawth Sat 14 January 7.30pm (studio)

Fri 27 January 10.30am & 1.30pm

Violin and piano duo perform masterworks by Mozart, Schumann and Franck

Shakespeare4Kidz’ fun rock ‘n’ roll musical version for ages 8 plus

Leos Cepicky & Michael Dussek

Romeo & Juliet

Mon 6 February 7.30pm Fri 20 January 8.15pm (studio)

Beyond The Barricade

Traditional and modern Polish music from the popular Brighton band

West End and Broadway hits songs performed by past cast members of Les Miserables

Wed 25 January 7.30pm

Wed 8 February 7.30pm

A concert of classics including Clapton, Queen, Pink Floyd and Dire Straits

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made by ‘Thatcherites’. But one of its many strengths is that there are two sides to the coin. One that portrays Thatcher as a formidable, high-achieving and brave saviour who gets things done. And another that shows a woman who let power go to her head, bullying cabinet members and deteriorating into a frail, helpless shadow of her former self. I laughed a lot, and I almost welled up a bit too. I left with utter respect for a woman who has faced such hatred and ridicule for daring to suggest that the country gets up on its feet and gets out to work. (Ok, and for the unforgiving annihilation of some unions). One of the most poignant lines and a telling sign of her legacy came right at the start, when an older Mrs Thatcher said: “Well, my dear, it used to be about doing something. Now it’s about being somebody.” My interpretation – this is a woman who had the country’s best interests at heart, and those who have followed in her footsteps, try as they might, have yet to emulate, or better her achievements. Naturally, it’s made by Hollywood.

Gig Guide Gigs are sometimes cancelled or changed at short notice. To avoid disappointment please contact the venue. Friday 13th January

Rock:HYC Taygan Paxton - Luke Godwin at Horsham Youth Club, Hurst Road, Horsham (Under 18 Shows)

Acoustic Jam Session at The Frog and Nightgown, Faygate Saturday 14th January

Alter Ego at The Tanners Arms, Horsham

Well, ok, a largely English crew but never the less it has all the characteristics of a big budget flick. So expect plenty of drama, some beautifully shot scenes and a really lovely score. Oh, and one flawless, outstanding leading lady. Oscar worthy doesn’t do Meryl Streep’s performance justice. What a fitting choice for the role – not least because she is a legend too. See The Iron Lady at The Capitol this week.

Music label re-launch for local music lover Local musician, producer and showcase host Jamie ‘Stan’ Stanley has re-launched his own recording label, Manifest Records. The label was previously established to release Stan’s charity record (Manifesto) in the run up to the 2010 general election. The first of the new releases will be the four-track Long Walk Home EP from Stan’s own Mailman project, which came out at the end of last year. Stan said: “The aim of Manifest Records is to keep things simple and digitally release occasional EP’s and singles by original bands and artists of a high standard in the hope of getting them some much needed

Horsham Area

and long overdue recognition by the wider music industry. “There are plans afoot to sign and release other artists.” The next release from the label will be Antoine Architeuthis’ début single ‘Seventeen’ which will be available on iTunes and good online stores on January 23. There are also releases by local favourites The Tandem and young rising star Atonal Pacifist planned for the coming months. Details and links to all the artists’ music can be found on the Manifest Records bandcamp page at manifestrecords.

No Pressure at The Bedford, Horsham

Cardinal Sin & The Preachers at The Foresters Arms, Horsham

The Tandem at The Malt Shovel, Horsham

The Nigel Bagge Band at The Hen and Chicken, Southwater Startled Hamsters at The Partridge, Partridge Green

Hollows Of Venus at The Swan, Crawley Sunday 15th January

The Soldiers at The Capitol Theatre, Horsham (£22.50) Tuesday 17th January

Open Mic Night With Dave Toye & Friends at The Coach House, Cowfold Wednesday 18th January

Open Mic Night With Terry at The Tanners Arms, Horsham Thursday 19th January

Electric Jam With Stuart James at The Tanners Arms, Horsham Friday 20th January

Word Of Mouth at The Queen’s Head, Horsham

No Pressure at The Holbrook Club, Horsham Lesley Spires - Mark Wynn - Greg Harper - Darren Mephan - Chip Chilligan - Chris & Micky Janman - Roger Kidd - Mark Jennings at Gary’s Live Music Club, Coolham Village Hall (Free Admission) Startled Hamsters at The Star, Steyning Saturday 21st January

Juicy Lucy at The Malt Shovel, Horsham

Chinchilla Zilla at The Bedford, Horsham

The Whiskey Beats at The Tanners Arms, Horsham Listings kindly supplied by


Friday 13 January 2012

Join us on

Box Office 01403 750220 THE ENCHANTED ISLAND Saturday 21 January 6pm Stunning Opera screened live in the cinema from The Metropolitan Opera, New York. Inspired by the musical pastiches and masques of the 18th century, the Met presents an original Baroque fantasy, led by conductor William Christie.

BARNSTORMERS COMEDY Sunday 22 January 7.30pm A new year of great comedy in the studio with three top acts from the London circuit. This month compere Kevin Precious introduces effortlessly brilliant Ro Campbell, Swedish comic Fredrik Andersson; and erudite Mary Bourke.

A NIGHT OF DIRTY DANCING Friday 3 February 8pm Not the West End and touring musical, but the brand-new sensational, box office smash hit. All the hits are superbly performed in this fast moving, slickly choreographed theatrical treat including: She’s Like the Wind, Big Girls Don’t Cry, and, of course, the Oscar-winning (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life

Thursday 26 - Sunday 29 January Limited availability, tickets remaining for the following performances: Terrible Tudors - Thu 1.30pm, Fri 7pm & Sat 10.30am Vile Victorians - Thu 7pm, Fri 10.30am & Sun 5pm

VOICE OF ROY ORBISON Saturday 4 February 8pm A superb production featuring the sounds of ‘The Big O’ together with two hugely successful acts of this era, The Everly Brothers and Buddy Holly. Hear all of your favourite hits spanning these incredible decades of music. Including Only The Lonely, It’s Over, Crying and Wake Up Little Suzie.

ABBA THE SHOW Friday 10 February 8pm Featuring England’s premier TV & Recording showgroup, Barry Walker’s Smackee, present in music & costume, over two hours of all that was best from one of the world’s most popular hit recording groups.

CINEMA Friday 13 - Thursday 19 January

Friday 17 February 8pm A bittersweet and hilarious new comedy Starring Leslie Ash, Brooke Kinsella and Tara Flynn The course of true love never did run smooth. Three women, three stories, three lives and one problem.

WAR HORSE (12A) Digital Daily 1.30pm, 4.30pm, 7.30pm

THE IRON LADY (12A) Digital Daily 2.30pm, 5.30pm & 8pm Box Office Babies Tue 10.30am


THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012


Nobody puts baby in Beware - those Horrible Histories are on the rampage The Capitol. Oh, wait… It’s the turn of the Terrible Tudors and Vile Victorians to grace the stage at The Capitol, helping to educate your little terrors Two Horrible Histories productions - Terrible Tudors and Vile Victorians are stomping through Britain during 2012 and touring to more than 40 venues, including Horsham! Both shows use actors and amazing Bogglevision 3D special effects, helping the audience to feel what it was like to live in the sixteenth century ruled by all those hideous Henries and the evil Elizabeth I or in the nineteenth century struggling to survive the misery of the mines and those really rotten railways. In Terrible Tudors you will hear the legends (and the lies) about the torturing Tudors. Find out the fate of Henry’s headless wives and his punch up with the Pope. Plus, survive the Spanish Armada as it sails right into the audience. In Vile Victorians you will find out exactly what a baby farmer did. Can you survive the filth of the factories, the slums and the sewers? Both shows are adapted from Terry Deary’s best selling Horrible Histories books which are hugely popular both on the page and on television the BBC TV series has this year won

both the British Comedy Award for best TV Sketch show and the RTS Best Children’s TV programme. Terry Deary is the world’s best selling non-fiction author for children and one of the most popular children’s authors in the country. He has written around 200 books, which have been translated for 40 different languages from China to Brazil. His Terrible Tudors book was voted

best ‘Best Book of Knowledge of All Time’ by BBC TV Blue Peter viewers. The Birmingham Stage Company, which has produced the shows is the country’s premiere company producing theatre for children, well known for their great stage versions of children’s classics such as The Jungle Book, Kensuke’s Kingdom and many Roald Dahl adaptations including Danny the Champion of the World and George’s Marvellous Medicine – in Horrible Histories they excel even their great reputation for wonderful family shows! Don’t miss out on this awful chance to travel back in time. Treat your whole family to one of these great shows – both funny and historically informative and you’ll discover all the really ‘yucky’ bits of history that teachers and the ‘serious’ books never tell you! On stage from Thursday, January 26 to Sunday, January 29. Suitable for anyone over the age of 5. To book tickets visit or call 01403 750220. Watch a trailer of the shows at

and foremost, so I know how to appeal to children. “Most other history books are written by historians, which is a big mistake. You have to have someone who can talk to children.” His career began as an actor and soon after he was writing plays. “I realised that the characters I had written about for these productions were packed up and put away forever once we had finished. “I wanted to create something more permanent, so then I began writing books.” It’s a path that the author had to discover on his own, he said, after the school system failed to spot his talent. “When I was at school I got top marks for essays I had written, but no one ever said to me ‘you should be a writer and develop this talent’. Instead, it was presumed that Northern lads don’t write books.

“I think the real purpose of education is to identify what you are good at. It’s not just about facts facts facts.” Understanding the true meaning of education may be the reason Terry has sold some 25 million books. The Horrible Histories series has been a massive success and teaches children about our history as well as being about humankind. “Horrible Histories is not about the past. It’s about people’s behavior. Once you understand why people do what they do, why they behave the way they do, you learn so much. It is the fundamental lesson for us all. There is nothing else. Even learning why you behave the way you do is important”, Terry added. The Horrible Histories books have been adapted into a successful TV series and a live production that is on stage at The Capitol from January 26 to January 29. Visit thecapitolhorsham. com for more information.

More humanity than horror says children’s author James Hood Entertainment Editor

Terry Deary is one of the country’s most successful children’s authors and the writer of Horrible Histories. But his career could have ended before it had even begun. The writer was 24th time lucky getting a publishing deal, and says that he might have given up on the career sooner had he known in advance. “If someone had told me when I was starting out just how hard it was going to be to be a writer, I probably would have said ‘no thank you’. I had many rejections before I got any interest from publishers”, he said. Today, 150 books later, there are plenty of children and parents who are pleased he persisted. But what’s his secret? “I cut to the chase”, he says. “I am a writer first

Have the time of your life when the brand new stage spectacular featuring all the hits from one of the biggest chick flicks of all time – Dirty Dancing – comes to Horsham. Show producer Michael Taylor called it: “The sexiest song and dance sensation of the last year, presented by an all-star cast of West End performers.” “Celebrated film Dirty Dancing boasted one of the greatest movie soundtracks of all time. All the hits are superbly performed in this fast moving, slickly choreographed theatrical treat.” “The whole world loves Dirty Dancing. It’s the ultimate coming of age romance and truly iconic entertainment.” Songs include She’s Like the Wind, Big Girls Don’t Cry, Hey Baby, Wipeout, Do You Love Me, Be My Baby, Hungry Eyes and, of course, the Oscar-winning (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life. You’ll take a trip back to the summer of 1963, to relive Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey’s sizzling

performance in the box office hit that has become a cult classic. The film was the first to sell one million videos. It produced a number one single and achieved album sales of 42 million worldwide. See the stage show at The Capitol on Friday, February 3 at 8pm. To book visit or call 01403 750220.

WIN! We have two pairs of tickets for A Night of Dirty Dancing on Friday, February 3 to give away to lucky prize winners To enter, simply answer this simple question: The film Dirty Dancing starred Jennifer Grey and which other famous actor?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________ Name: ______________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________ Telephone:_________________________________________________________ Return form to: First Floor, 7-8 Sterling Buildings, Carfax, Horsham RH12 1DR Closing date: Wednesday, January 25

We will not pass your details on to any third party but may get in touch with information, news and offers. If you do not wish to be contacted please tick this box o Tickets must be collected from the Box Office at The Capitol in Horsham on the date of the performance and will be available 30 minutes before show time.

Showing on the big screen

War Horse

The Iron Lady

Based on the novel by the same name and set before and during the First World War, this promises to be one of 2012’s epics. Directed by the legendary Steven Speilberg and starring newcomer Jeremy Irvine.

The story of Margaret Thatcher in a series of flashbacks. The film documents her early years in local government and some triumphant times as the British Prime Minister, as well as her downfall and reported dementia.

For more information or to book tickets visit or call The Box Office on 01403 750220


Friday 13 January 2012

Events 14th January 14th January

CoCo’s Charity Quiz Night

15th January

A musical festival with Salvation Brass takes place from 6pm at The Salvation Army Centre, Booth Way, Horsham, RH13 5PZ. It promises to be a great evening of music and much more. Free admission, but please call 01403 254624 for tickets.

Quiz Night in aid of The CoCo’s Foundation at The Holbrook Club, North Heath Lane, Horsham. Doors open at 7.30pm for an 8.00pm start. Restaurant open for service until 9.00pm. Club bar open until 11.30pm. Call 01403 751150 for more information.

Opening day of Storrington Museum’s exhibition on the World Wars from 10am-4pm. Lady Emma Barnard will be there at 11am to formally open it. There will be a memory wall, highlighting memories from local people, photographs, interpretative paintings and some items rarely to be seen in a local museum.

17th January

20th January

No Pressure at The Holbrook Club

20th January

Parkinson’s UK Horsham Branch hold their AGM at 7pm at Lavinia House, Denne Road, Horsham. Dr Ashwani Jha - London Institute of Neurology will be speaking on personalising treatment for Parkinson’s. For more info contact Carol on 01403 263882.

Band Night featuring No Pressure. Doors open 8pm. Bar open until 11.30pm. Members FREE / Non Members (16+) £3 / Children FREE. For more info see www.theholbrookclub.

Billingshurst Macmillan Support Group are holding a �ilm night at 7.30pm at The Village Hall, Billingshurst. Tickets available from Mallards or on the door. The �ilm for January will be My Week with Marilyn

20th January

21st January

22nd January

The Collector’s �irst gig of 2012 at Gary’s Music Club with Mark Wynn, Greg Harper, Lesley Spiers, Darren Mepham, Chip Chilligan, Chris & Micky Janman, Roger Kidd, Mark Jennings. Coolham Village Hall, Billingshurst Road, RH13 8QN. Free parking, doors at 7.45pm, music from 8pm. Bring your own refreshments, free tea & coffee. Free admission, donations appreciated.

Free taster sessions in therapies and �itness classes, free prize draw, free organic food and drink samples, try out the new CV equipment. Call 01403 800321 to book or just come along. See www.phoenix-centre. com for more information.

Regular stand up comedy at The Capitol. Each month compere Kevin Precious introduces three top acts from the London circuit. This month, Ro Campbell, Fredrik Andersson and Mary Bourke. Starts at 7.30pm. Tickets £10, to book call 01403 750220 or

24th January

Mary How Trust Film Society

3rd February

A Night of Dirty Dancing

11th February

The next presentation from the Mary How Trust Film Society will be Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) at West Chiltington Village Hall; screenings at 3pm and 7.30pm. Tickets £5.00, including membership. Tickets on the door or call 01798 877641. For more info see

Not the West End and touring musical, but the brand-new sensational, inspirational, aspirational box of�ice smash hit concert show of the year. Featuring all the hits from everyone’s favourite dance movie Dirty Dancing. Tickets: £19.50. To book tickets visit

Beat the ‘Car Boot Blues’ at Colgate Village Hall. Household items, antiques, bric a brac, books, unwanted gifts, clothes, children’s toys, etc. Refreshments available. Sellers from 8.00am, buyers 10.00am, entrance 30p. No trade stalls. Tables £10. Call 01293 851520. No wellies required!

Musical Brass Festival

28 January Live Music Davidson Rock and Roll Era 8pm 11 February Michael Buble Tribute Including a disco 8pm Every 3rd Friday Monthly Tea Dance 3pm to 5.30pm Holland’s Way, Warnham, Horsham, RH12 3RH 01403 211747 - 07833 553148 (Steward)

Guests welcome



Gary’s Music Club

Open Day at The Phoenix Centre

Charity Film Night

Barnstormers Comedy


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Parkinson’s UK Horsham AGM

World Wars Exhibition Opens


Friday 20th January 4-7pm Saturday January 21st 10am-6pm

Table Top Sale

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Sunday 22nd 10am-6pm Hot food provided by Budgens Style


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For information and bookings Telephone 07966 465569 or email


THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012

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Friday 13 January 2012

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Friday 13 January 2012 23

TV Guide


Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT

Quality kitchens and bathrooms supplied and installed at GREAT prices

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Friday 13 January 2012


Luxuriously extended detached home A beautifully presented 4 double bedroom, 3 reception room, detached house built in 1983 with a 103’ max x 67’ max (irregular shape) rear garden, extended and updated by the current vendors in 2002 and 2006, creating 1879 sq ft of versatile space and situated in a private close of only 4 properties. The house is well located within 0.5 miles of Horsham Railway Station, 1 mile of the town centre and sits in the catchment of both Millais and Forest schools. The accommodation comprises entrance porch, door into entrance hall with door into 23’7 x 11’1 triple aspect sitting room, catalytic gas �ire,

wiring for surround sound and open plan to the extended 17’8 x 9’5 triple aspect dining room with doors leading to rear garden. The kitchen was extended and re�itted in 2002 to create a stunning 26’1 x 16’8 bespoke kitchen/conservatory with contemporary white units, granite work surfaces, under �loor heating, electronically controlled blinds and electric rain sensitive roof vents, Pilkington K Argon gas �illed glass. Integrated Miele appliances include; induction 4 ring hob, oven and grill, combination microwave and oven, coffee machine, plate warmer, dishwasher, Neff American style fridge/freezer, extractor hood. Utility

cupboards house the gas �ired boiler with space for washing machine and tumble dryer. There is a separate study, �itted with an extensive array of cupboards, shelving and a desk unit, separate cloakroom �itted with a white suite. Upstairs there is a 16’1 x 10’1 master bedroom, dressing room with built-in furniture, en-suite bathroom �itted with a white suite, under tile heating and built-in bathroom speaker. There are 3 further double bedrooms all with �itted wardrobes. The 14’11 x 9’4 family bathroom was extended and re�itted with a luxury white suite in 2006 and boasts a vaulted ceiling and under tile heating. Further bene�its include a new pressurised system in 2006, gas �ired central heating, double glazed windows, Amtico wood �loors and contemporary radiators. The property is approached over a brick paved driveway providing parking for 4 vehicles leading to a detached 20’ x 18’ double garage. The 103’ max x 67’ max (irregular shape) rear garden was professionally landscaped in 2007 and is a particular feature – mainly laid to lawn with well stocked shrub borders and �lower beds with various seating and entertaining spaces including a �ire pit, hot tub and breakfast areas. Vendor suited. The price is £625,000 for the freehold. For more details, or to arrange a viewing, please contact Mansell McTaggart’s Horsham of�ice on 01403 263000, or visit the branch at 26 Carfax, Horsham, RH12 1EE.

Sold: The Roundabout Hotel set to reopen Guy Leonard & Company is delighted to announce the sale of The Roundabout Hotel in West Chiltington. Steeped in local history this hotel has been a sad omission as a venue, as well as a place a place to stay since its closure nearly three years ago. Managing Associate Peter Hossack said that it was always going to be a challenge �inding a suitable buyer for the hotel due to its size and

obvious limited uses. We had no shortage of developers interested in the property but due to local planning restrictions, this was never going to be a truly viable option. This left us with only one other choice and that was to �ind another hotelier with the vision to return the hotel to its former glory. This is where Chris Chapman from the Chapman Group came into the story.

Having been a successful hotelier for many years he spotted the hotel’s potential and set the wheels in motion for the eventual acquisition of the property. Peter also stated that being local estate agents we were keen for the property to remain as a hotel as it was always very popular with locals and visitors alike, not only as a hotel but as a restaurant and function venue.

We are therefore delighted to announce that after a brief refurbishment the Roundabout Hotel will be re-opening for business later this year, possibly as early as Easter. Guy Leonard & Company would like to wish Chris and the Chapman Group every success for the future. For information on this or any other property matters please contact us on 01903 742354 or visit our website

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Friday 13 January 2012

Bury, Pulborough, West Sussex

First floor apartment with views of the South Downs Pulborough 5 miles (London Victoria 72 mins), Horsham 17 miles Set in an impressive Grade II listed mansion in the charming Downland village of Bury. Communal entrance hall and lift, drawing/dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, master bedroom with en-suite shower room, 2 further bedrooms, bathroom. Oak-framed car port with parking for 2 vehicles, communal landscaped gardens, secure store located within outbuilding. Guide price: ÂŁ435,000 01403 339180


Friday 13 January 2012

Rookwood Park, Horsham, West Sussex Immaculately presented family house

Horsham 1 mile (London Victoria 55 minutes), Gatwick Airport 18 miles In sought-after location on the fringes of the market town of Horsham. 3 reception rooms, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, cloakroom. Master bedroom with en-suite bath and shower room, guest bedroom with en-suite shower room, bedroom 3, family shower room. Double brick garage, gardens. In all approaching 0.4 acres. Joint agent: Strutt & Parker, 01403 246 790. Guide price: £895,000. 01403 339180



E S TAT E A G E N T S S I N C E 1 9 4 7

Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT


MANSELL MCTAGGART ARE HERE TO HELP YOU MOVE IN 2012 Unlike many estate agents, we will never blame market conditions, instead relying on the most extensive advertising in Sussex to offer all clients the most exposure from the largest independent Estate Agent in the country.

Whilst most were closed over Christmas, we were still selling properties. If you are considering a fresh start in 2012, there are plenty of agents to choose from in Horsham. Only Mansell McTaggart can market your property to its full potential by offering all of the following: • 3 full pages in The Resident and 2 full pages in the West Sussex County Times every week throughout the year, giving each and every property guaranteed weekly advertising; • Your property listed on BOTH and • No lengthy contracts – we simply ask for 2 weeks notice; • Open 7 days a week; • An unrivalled 15 independently run and internet-linked offices throughout Sussex; • Free, no obligation market and probate appraisals Please feel free to contact us regarding any aspect of selling or buying in the Sussex area. The team at Mansell McTaggart would like to wish clients past, present and future a prosperous and healthy 2012. WWW.MANSELLMCTAGGART.CO.UK

Horsham 01403 263000 Billingshurst 01403 785288 Storrington 01903 746000 Also at:

Brighton Cuckfield Lindfield

01273 508955 01444 417600 01444 484084

Burgess Hill Forest Row Newick

01444 235665 01342 826682 01825 722288

Crawley 01293 533333 Hassocks 01273 843377 Uckfield 01825 760770

Crowborough Haywards Heath Land & New Homes

01892 662668 01444 456431 01444 487401

THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012



E S TAT E A G E N T S S I N C E 1 9 4 7





A 2 double bedroom, mid terraced house, built in the 1980s with 54’ rear garden and private driveway, situated in a quiet and tucked away position, within easy reach of the railway station and town centre. Ideal first time or investment buy.


An immaculately presented, 2 double bedroom, top floor retirement apartment, designed for those aged over 60, built by McCarthy & Stone in 2004, situated in a convenient position within 0.8 miles of the town centre. NO CHAIN.







A 3 bedroom family home built by Gleeson Homes in 2005 with landscaped garden, parking, situated in a very quiet position within a short distance of country walks, Christs Hospital public school and Horsham railway station.

A 5 bedroom extended Victorian semi-detached house of 1326 sq ft, with accommodation arranged over three floors including 27’ sitting/dining room, driveway, 64’ garden, close to schools, station and town centre. NO CHAIN.

An immaculate 4 bedroom, 3 reception room, detached house of 1393 sq ft with 62’ max x 38’ rear garden, situated in a private road, close to Littlehaven station, excellent schools and Horsham town centre. Detached double garage.



A 5 bedroom, 4 reception room, detached house of 2239 sq ft built by Berkeley Homes, located in a cul-de-sac of only 11 similar properties, close to open countryside and excellent schooling. 90’ x 79’ rear garden and double garage.






A spacious 5 bedroom, 3 reception room, detached house built in 1996 by Persimmon Homes situated in a quiet location, within easy reach of Southwater village and 3 excellent schools with double garage and landscaped gardens.










A 2 double bedroom, ground floor luxury apartment, built by Banner Heritage in 2000, designed for those over 60, situated within walking distance of the town centre and railway station. Private terrace and communal gardens. NO CHAIN.






A beautiful 1930s 3 bedroom semi-detached house situated in a semi-rural location with 137’ x 45’ east facing rear garden. Sitting room with fireplace, 21’10 x 18’2 stunning kitchen/dining room and luxury refitted family bathroom.











A stunning 3 bedroom, 2 reception room, end of terrace house, built in 1989 with a 72’ max x 49’ max corner plot garden, situated at the end of a cul-desac, within easy reach of excellent schools. Single garage. VENDOR SUITED.







A selection of stunning 3 double bedroom town houses built into 2011 by Anbeck Homes, within close proximity of the town centre, Horsham park, railway station and excellent schools. 10 years NHBC guarantee and parking.




TRAFALGAR ROAD, HORSHAM Prices from £320,000












An extended and beautifully presented 4 double bedroom, 3 reception room, detached house of 1879 sq ft, situated in a private close, within 0.5 miles of Horsham station, 1 mile of town centre and in the Millais and Forest catchment.

01403 263000 15 Offices in Sussex



Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT

E S TAT E A G E N T S S I N C E 1 9 4 7


A McCarthy and Stone 1 bedroom first floor apartment for those over 60 located in the centre of the village. Communal hallway and entrance hall, lounge, dining room, kitchen, double bedroom, bathroom, communal gardens and parking.


A modern 1 bedroom ground floor apartment for the over 55’s on a managerassisted development within easy reach of the High Street. Inner hall, lounge, bedroom, bathroom, re-fitted shower room, communal gardens and parking

ed uir






A well-appointed 2 bedroom ground floor apartment in a warden-assisted block close to all village amenities. Entrance hall, sitting room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom, communal gardens and residents’ parking area.

ed uir

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q r re







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An end-of-terrace house built approx. 5 years ago offering well-planned and well-presented accommodation. 3 bedrooms (1 en-suite), sitting room, kitchen/ breakfast room, family bathroom, cloakroom, garage, west-facing rear garden.

A detached modern house built in 1981 situated in a small cul-de-sac within walking distance of the main line station. 3 bedrooms, lounge, dining room, fitted kitchen, cloakroom, bathroom, double garage, garden on all 4 sides

A 3-bedroom chalet-style bungalow in a private and quiet residential road. Entrance hall, sitting/dining room, re-fitted kitchen/breakfast room, 2 ground floor bedrooms, bathroom, garage/workshop, mature gardens.


Set in a village location, a Grade II listed period semi-detached cottage which has been modernised and extended. 2 bedrooms, dining hall, lounge, kitchen, morning room, bathroom, enclosed rear garden, garage nearby.

A 3-bedroom detached bungalow re-decorated throughout in a quiet residential cul-de-sac. L-shaped entrance hall, lounge/dining room, newly re-fitted kitchen and bathroom, new carpeting, double garage, south-facing rear garden.

A single storey residence with extensive garaging and workshops. Hall, sitting room, dining room, conservatory, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, en-suite with Jacuzzistyle shower, family bathroom, mature gardens and grounds of 1.25 acres.

A detached 3/4-bedroom split-level bungalow on the edge of this popular village in need of modernisation. Entrance hall, sitting room, dining room, kitchen, utility, 2 bathrooms, integral garage, garden with superb views to the South Downs.

A beautifully-presented detached property with secluded 130’ rear garden situated in a sought after location on the eastern side of the village. 3 bedrooms, triple aspect lounge, kitchen/breakfast room, re-fitted bathroom, garage.

A charming Grade II listed period farmhouse set in a rural hamlet, gardens and grounds of 1 acre. Hall, master with en-suite and dressing, 3 further bedrooms, sitting room, dining room, garden room, triple garage, stable block & paddock.

01403 785288 15 Offices in Sussex

THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012



E S TAT E A G E N T S S I N C E 1 9 4 7








A spacious end terrace town house conveniently located within a stone’s throw of the High Street. Sitting room, kitchen, 3 double bedrooms, large bathroom, garage, east facing patio style garden.

A Victorian semi-detached cottage. Sitting room, dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, 3 bedrooms, family bathroom, ample parking, garage, approx 60ft rear garden with easterly aspect.

A second floor apartment with panoramic views in a gated development on the sea front built in1999. 2 double bedrooms (1 en-suite), sitting room with balcony, kitchen, bathroom, communal gardens, garage.

A spacious detached bungalow. Spacious entrance hall, sitting room, conservatory, kitchen/breakfast room, 3 bedrooms (1 en-suite), family bath/ shower room, garage, west facing rear garden.

Detached bungalow offering scope for further improvement and enlargement. 3 bedrooms, 2 receptions, conservatory, k/breakfast room, utility area, bathroom, useful loft, gardens, parking.

A detached bungalow which offers scope for enlargement (STPP). 25’ x 13’ sitting/dining room, kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, bathroom, separate W.C, west facing plot of approx 0.21 of an acre.












A period semi-detached cottage in a little known backwater conveniently located just off the High Street. Sitting room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms (1 with ensuite W.C.), bathroom, garage, east facing gardens.

Detached house at the end of select cul-de-sac. 4 double bedrooms (1 ensuite), sitting room, dining room, study, kitchen, cloakroom, family shower room, double garage, east facing garden.


Situated within the South Downs National Park with far reaching views. 4 beds (1 en-suite), 2 receptions, conservatory, k/breakfast room, utility, cloaks, bathroom, parking,100ft rear garden.

Detached house with stunning views in westerly facing plot of approx 0.25 of an acre. 2 receptions, k/breakfast room, playroom, utility room, 5 beds (1 en-suite), 2 baths, cloaks, 2 garages, parking.

Detached Victorian house set in approx ¼ acre. Reception hall, sitting room dining room, kitchen, breakfast room/utility, cloakroom, 4 large bedrooms, bathroom, garage, parking, outbuilding/studio, gardens.

Detached single storey equestrian property in approx. 2.4 acres. 4 beds (1 en-suite), 4 receps, k/breakfast room, utility, bathroom, shower room, double garage, stabling, paddock, outbuildings.

01903 756000 15 Offices in Sussex


Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT

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when you introduce a new landlord to Guy Leonard & Co *A payment of up to ÂŁ50 becomes payable to you for the introduction of a new landlord who instructs Guy Leonard & Co to let their property. There is no upper limit to the number of introductions that can be made by any individual under the scheme. See website for full terms and conditions Find us on

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Storrington 01903 744166 | Horsham 01403 246750

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2012 5/1/12 02:24


THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012

Sales Lettings Land & New Homes Holiday Lettings Farm & Equestrian Sales & Management

horsham £650,000

lower beeding £349,950

Situated in a quiet location, yet only a mile from Horsham town centre and within a short walk of open countryside, a detached light and spacious bungalow providing good accommodation with the potential to be updated and extended. The property is set in delightful gardens in excess of a quarter of an acre, with the rear garden totally enclosed by mature hedging. NO ONWARD CHAIN.

A wonderful opportunity to acquire a thoughtfully converted Forge situated on the edge of the village with good access to open countryside and Horsham. Beautifully presented with solid oak floors, a wonderful vaulted ceiling living room with exposed beams and a feature fireplace, kitchen/dining room which has bi-fold doors opening onto the garden, two bedrooms, loft room, ensuite, family bathroom.

horsham 01403 248222

horsham 01403 248222

lower beeding £379,950

cowfold £305,000

An attractive and well designed three bedroom family home set in a private courtyard development, constructed by Berkley Homes, in a wonderful location with views over farmland and excellent accommodation including an ensuite dressing room and shower room to the master bedroom and two conservatories.

Located in a quiet cul-de-sac, within a few minutes’ walk of the village centre and all the amenities, a beautifully presented detached family home with light and spacious accommodation including an ensuite shower room, kitchen/breakfast room, an attached garage, parking for three to four cars and a south westerly facing enclosed rear garden.

horsham 01403 248222

horsham 01403 248222

Pulborough 01798 874033 Storrington 01903 742354 Horsham 01403 248222 London Mayfair 0870 112 7099


Friday 13 January 2012

Horsham Office 34 South Street Horsham RH12 1NR

01403 264962

SOLD “We had visits from 3 estate agents and felt we would get the best service from Harper James; and were not disappointed. Their marketing material was excellent and we sold within a week thanks tom the excellent service provided by Ross and his team.”

SOLD “Having previously used two established and reputable estate agents without success, we were beginning to think that our home would not sell despite being in one of the most desirable places in Horsham. Ross said he could sell it for the price we wanted and he lived up to his word.”

SOLD “We were very pleased with the service provided. We were kept updated regularly and always got a prompt reply if a query was raised. Thank you for all your help. We would not hesitate to use your services again.”

SOLD “We were very pleased with both the speed of getting a buyer and the professional way the sale was handled at all times and would have no hesitation in recommending Harper James to anyone wanting to sell.”

SOLD “I would like to express my thanks at the way you handled the sale of my property in Horsham. A purchaser was found very quickly and the whole process went through very smoothly. I was very impressed with the professional way the sale was handled.”

SOLD “A refreshingly different approach from the outset. Harper James’ advice and attention to detail secured a sale within 4 weeks. We were very impressed and would highly recommend Harper James.”

SOLD “We were extremely pleased with all your help with the sale of our house. Nothing was too much trouble and we were over the moon when you found a buyer in 3 weeks; also at such a good price!”

SOLD “We liaised with Ross, being kept updated with regular calls and emails. He remained committed, exuded enthusiasm and gave us honest & open feedback. The photos & brochure were high quality and we would happily recommend Harper James to anyone looking to sell.”

SOLD “Thank you for your constant communication. We never felt ‘in the dark’ and you were always very honest about how the sale was going. We very much appreciated your company’s open way of dealing with its clients. Best wishes.”

Selling houses in HORSHAM, SOUTHWATER and across SUSSEX


Friday 13 January 2012

Horsham Office 34 South Street Horsham RH12 1NR

01403 264962

SOUTHWATER £650,000 - 5 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 3 Reception Rooms | Kitchen/Dining Room | Cloaks/Shower Room | Double Detached Garage | 120’ Rear Garden | ¼ Acre Plot | Well-Maintained Throughout.

COLGATE £575,000 - 5 Double Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 3 Receptions Rooms | Kitchen/Dining Room | Utility | Conservatory | Double Garage | Private Gated Development | Secluded Walled Garden | CHAIN FREE

HORSHAM £550,000 - 4 Bedrooms | Family Bathroom | 3 Receptions Rooms | Kitchen/Breakfast Room | 2 Cloakrooms | 2 Garages | 85’ Garden | Close to Millais & Forest Schools | VENDOR SUITED

DIAL POST £550,000 - 4 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms |4 Reception Rooms | Kitchen/Breakfast Room | Garage | Expansive Garden | Extensive Parking | Excellent Condition Throughout | Views over Village Green

SOUTHWATER £415,000 - 5 Bedrooms | Bathroom & Guest Shower | 2 Large Reception Rooms | Kitchen/ Breakfast Room | Conservatory | Garage | Large Gardens to Side & Rear | Close to Village Centre & Country Park

SOUTHWATER £335,000 - 4 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 2 Reception Rooms | Kitchen/Breakfast Room | Southerlyfacing Rear Garden | Garage | Close to Village Centre and Schools

SOUTHWATER £315,000 - 4 Bedrooms | Sumptuous Bathroom | Sitting Room | Dining Area | Kitchen/Breakfast Room | Garage & Parking | Landscaped Rear Garden | Superbly Presented | CHAIN FREE

HORSHAM £300,000 - 3 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 2 Reception Rooms | Refitted Kitchen | Excellent Condition | Gas Central Heating | Garage | Parking | Corner Plot | Walking distance of Town Centre & Tanbridge House School

SOUTHWATER £200,000 - Plot with Planning Permission for 3 Bedroom Detached House | Central Village Location | Planning Documents Reference No. DC/09/1047 at Horsham District Council

Selling houses in HORSHAM, SOUTHWATER and across SUSSEX


Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT

N ! PE E p m O USam-12 HOJan, 11 14


Storrington | Price range £625,000 - £650,000

Kingsfold | OIRO £600,000

Southwater | £499,950

• Over 3,000 sq ft living space, superb fitted kitchen. • 4 generous bedrooms plus 2 en suites. • Detached garage with studio, large sunny gardens. ASHINGTON | 01903 891444

• Spacious 5 bedroom detached home • Lounge with Inglenook fireplace • Set in a private road in rural location HORSHAM | 01403 269268

• 4 bedroom detached house. 2 reception rooms. • Conservatory adjoining the lounge. • En-suite bathroom. Cul-de-sac location. SOUTHWATER | 01403 731901

Bring your home to life with stand-out photos!

If you want your home to stand out from the pack, our beautiful photos and fabulous brochures will maximise its appeal. N ! PE E m O USpm-2p HOJan, 1

N ! PE E p m O USam-12 HOJan, 11

Pulborough | £350,000

Petworth | £190,000 - £210,000

Billingshurst | OIEO £400,000

Steyning | £275,000 - £295,000

Ashington | £249,950

• 4 bed detached house with double garage. • Gardens to front and rear, village location. • Immaculately presented. PULBOROUGH | 01798 875151

• 2 bedroom semi detached period cottage. • Would benefit from modernisation. • Close to town. NO CHAIN. PULBOROUGH | 01798 875151

• Sought after location. 4 bed, master en-suite. • Conservatory. Kitchen/Breakfast. Study. • Double garage. Driveway parking BILLINGSHURST | 01403 780807

• Extended 4 bedroom detached house. • Kitchen/breakfast room, attached garage. • Neat level gardens. ASHINGTON | 01903 891444

• 3 bedroom semi-detached house with double garage





ASHINGTON | 01903 891444


Southwater | £399,950

Christ’s Hospital | £279,950

Horsham | £429,950

Cowfold | £210,000 - £230,000

Horsham | £200,000 - £220,000

• 4 bedroom detached house. • Garage & parking. En-suite shower room. • Downstairs cloakroom. No upper chain. SOUTHWATER | 01403 731901

• 2 double bed terraced in semi rural location. • En-suite shower room, fitted kitchen. • Cloakroom, gardens, allocated parking. SOUTHWATER | 01403 731901

• Spacious 4 bedroom detached house • Refitted kitchen & en-suite, 2 receptions • Large garage & landscaped rear garden HORSHAM | 01403 269268

• 3 bedroom end of terrace with conservatory • Garage en-bloc and parking for 4 cars • Sought after village location HORSHAM | 01403 269268

• Two bedroom semi-detached property • Garden with summer house, parking • Refitted bathroom, Millais/Forest catchment HORSHAM | 01403 269268

Billingshurst 01403 780 807

Horsham 01403 269 268

Pulborough 01798 875 151

Southwater 01403 731 901


THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012

Southwater | £850 PCM • 2 bedroom mid terrace • Unfurnished • Modern finish

Barns Green | £895 PCM • Three bedroom mid-terrace • Kitchen/diner • Two double bedrooms

Pulborough | £900 PCM • 3 bedroom cottage • Unfurnished • Garage included

Horsham | £600 PCM • 1 bed first floor flat • Unfurnished • Off street parking

Horsham | £725 PCM • 2 double bedroom maisonette • Unfurnished • Storage heating

Cootham | £875 PCM • 3 bedroom mid terrace • Unfurnished • Garage included

Ashington | £1,050 PCM • 3 bedroom barn conversion • Unfurnished • Garage included

Billingshurst | £1,050 PCM • 3 bedroom town house • Unfurnished • Garage

Wiston | £1800 PCM • Four bedroom barn conversion • OSP • Lots of period character

Faygate | £2,200 PCM • 3 bedroom barn conversion • Unfurnished • Gated entrance

Billingshurst | £975 PCM • 3 bedroom cottage • Unfurnished • Open fireplace

Ashington | £775 PCM • 2 bedroom flat • Unfurnished • Allocated parking

Horsham | £625 PCM • 1 bedroom ground floor • Unfurnished • Electric heating


Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT

t: 01403 275543 w: e: e:


Mr & Mrs M. are looking for a three bedroom house on the West Side of town in the Rushams Road area of Horsham












£279,950 Freehold

An Older Style Four Bedroom Semi Detached House | Located in North East Horsham within Close Proximity of Littlehaven Railway Station and Local Shops | 24’8 Kitchen/Diner | 14’7 Living Room | Downstairs Cloakroom | 14’4 Master Bedroom | Three Further Bedrooms | Family Bathroom | Gas Radiator Heating | Double Glazing | Off Road Parking | 20’1 Garage/Home Office





TOWN CENTRE £200,000 - £225,000 LEASEHOLD

HORSHAM £169,950 LEASEHOLD A Well Presented Two Bedroom Ground Floor Flat | Located in the Popular North Horsham | 16’ Refitted Kitchen/Breakfast Room | 15’6 Living Room | Two Double Bedrooms | Refitted Bathroom | Double Glazing | Gas Radiator Heating | Balcony Area

A Two Bedroom Top Floor Apartment | Built by Belway Homes in Approx. 2003 | Select Gated Development only a Short Walk from Horsham Town Centre | Modern Kitchen with Integrated Appliances | 16’2 Living Room | 15’1 Master Bedroom | En-Suite Shower Room | LIFT | Secure Underground Parking | NO CHAIN




£210,000 LEASEHOLD

A Two Bedroom First Floor Luxury Apartment | Built by Rydon Homes in Approximately 2004 | Popular Gated Development of The Comptons | Master Bedroom with En-Suite Shower Room | Spacious Hall Leading to Bathroom | 17’ Living Room Opening to the Kitchen | Gas Radiator Heating | Double Glazing | Allocated Parking | NO ONWARD CHAIN

HORSHAM OIEO £240,000 FREEHOLD A Two Double Bedroom Victorian Semi Detached House | Situated Within Close Proximity of Horsham Town Centre & Mainline Station | 12’ Living Room | 13’3 Separate Dining Room | Refitted Kitchen | Refitted Bathroom | Two Double Bedrooms



£139,950 LEASEHOLD

A One Bedroom Ground Floor ‘Wimpy’ Built Maisonette | Located in the Popular Heath Way Area of North Horsham | 12’10 Refitted Kitchen | 16’8 Lounge/Diner | 11’11 Double Bedroom | Refitted Bathroom | Double Glazing | Allocated Parking Space | Private Rear Garden




HORSHAM £499,950 FREEHOLD An Extended Four Bedroom Detached House | Situated on the Popular Rusper Road | Located within the Forest/Millais Catchment Area of North East Horsham | 13’10 Kitchen/Breakfast Room | Open Plan to 13’5 Breakfast Room

BROADBRIDGE HEATH HORSHAM £230,000 LEASEHOLD A Two Bedroom Second Floor Retirement Apartment | Located Within Close Proximity of Horsham Town Centre | 17’ Living Room | Two Double Bedrooms | LIFT | House Manager On-Site | 24hr Emergency Careline Response System | Resident’s Lounge

£234,950 FREEHOLD

A Three/Four Bedroom Terraced House | Located in Popular Village of Broadbridge Heath | 16’8 Kitchen | 23’2 Lounge/Diner | 16’ Conservatory | Downstairs Cloakroom | Refitted Bathroom | Loft Room/Bedroom Four | Integral Garage | Driveway Parking for Two Cars


THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012

t: 01403 275543 w: e: e:

MR S looking for a 2 bedroom house with garage in Southwater



HORSHAM £545 PCM • Studio apartment with private garden • Parking • Access directly to garden • Good order through out • Available Now • Unfurnished


HORSHAM £850 PCM • Two bedroom apartment • Town centre location • Master with en suite • Balcony • Unfurnished • Available Now


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HORSHAM £775 PCM • Two double bedroom maisonette • Fitted kitchen with appliances • Bathroom with shower cubicle • Spacious lounge • Part furnished • Available Now


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HORSHAM £625 PCM • One double bedroom apartment • Private rear garden • Fitted kitchen • Private cul-de-sac • Unfurnished • Available Now



REDUCTION FROM OUR FEES for all instructions received in January. A high demand for all properties so please do not hesitate to call today.



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HORSHAM £775 PCM • Spacious one double bedroom house • Fitted kitchen • Conservatory • Large Lounge • Available Now • Unfurnished

Subject to terms and conditions


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HORSHAM £735 PCM • One double bedroom apartment • Town centre location • Victorian conversion • Fitted bathroom • Part Furnished • Available February

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HORSHAM £950 PCM • Two double bedroom apartment • Town centre location • Redecorated and carpeted though out • Fully fitted kitchen • Unfurnished • Coming soon

MR G is looking for a one bedroom property in Horsham ASAP ed uir




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Call us today to arrange a free valuation

01403 275543

SOUTHWATER £825 PCM • Two bedroom house in popular development • Fully Fitted kitchen • Double and single bedroom • Unfurnished • Good condition throughout • Available March

HORSHAM £525 PCM • Studio/Annexe • Parking • Self contained • Bills included • Single occupant only • Available Dec

CRAWLEY £825 PCM • Three bedroom terrace house • Spacious lounge • Fitted kitchen • Bathroom with shower • Unfurnished • Available Mid February Tenancy Deposit Scheme member


HorsHam £117,500

• Terraced Home • Excellent Family Accommodation • Three Bedrooms • Fitted Kitchen • Private Drive • Garage • NO ONWARD CHAIN

Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT

HorsHam £285,000

• A three bedroom semi detached • Excellent decorative condition throughout • Modern kitchen with built in appliances • Recently re-fitted bathroom • Conveniently situated for the town centre and station

Partridge green £995 Pcm • Character bungalow • Feature beams in the lounge • Two double bedrooms • Open Plan Living Room • Kitchen • Secluded garden • Off Street Parking Spaces

soutHwater £950 Pcm • Three Bedroom House • Living/Dining Room • Ground Floor Cloakroom • Fitted Kitchen • South Facing Rear Garden • Garage/Driveway • Early Viewing Recommended


Friday 13 January 2012

Burstow £3,250 pcm

Colegate £2,950 pcm

An imposing seven bedroom detached Victorian family house set within approximately 13 acres of private grounds.

A spacious five bedroom character property located in Colgate village a short drive from Horsham town centre.

Hamptons Office Horsham 01403 839053

Hamptons Office Horsham 01403 839053

Ifold £2,500 pcm

Storrington £1,650 pcm

A modern four bedroom detached family home set in the sought after village of Ifold.

A well presented and spacious five bedroom detached house conveniently situated on the outskirts of Storrington.

Hamptons Office Horsham 01403 839053

Hamptons Office Horsham 01403 839053

Cowfold £1,400 pcm

Horsham £1,150 pcm

A beautiful three bedroom period cottage presented to a high standard with off road parking and located in the heart of Cowfold village.

A well presented two double bedroom ground floor apartment situated in the beautiful grounds of Roffey Park.

Hamptons Office Horsham 01403 839053

Hamptons Office Horsham 01403 839053

Best for Property Management. Hamptons International has been crowned Gold Winner in Best for Property Management at the 2011 Lettings Agency of the Year Awards in association with The Sunday Times and The Times, recognising Hamptons’ commitment to exceptional customer service. Call us to find out more about how our Property Management Services can help us meet your property requirements.


let by

let by


let by let by Storrington








let by let by to let



to let


to let

Friday 13 January 2012


to let


let by to let to let to let let by Horsham

let by Horsham

to let

let by


to let let by Storrington



to let

let by



let by Horsham

let by Storrington

let by Billingshurst

let by Haslemere


Friday 13 January 2012

London I Surrey I Sussex I Hampshire

Capel | £3,500 pcm

Horsham | £2,795 pcm

Horsham | £2,200 pcm

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Slinfold | £1,350 pcm

Warnham | £1,095 pcm

Rudgwick | £775 pcm

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Horsham | £750 pcm

Billingshurst | £750 pcm

Horsham | £625 pcm

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Substantial 5 bedroom, 3 reception room, character property with swimming pool and set in approximately 2.7 acres with stables. Comprises entrance hall, family room with fireplace, two separate kitchen breakfast rooms, utility room, downstairs WC, drawing/sitting room, formal dining room.

Attractive older style 3 bedroom semi detached cottage with garage and driveway parking situated close to the centre of the highly sought after village of Slinfold. The property briefly comprises an entrance hall, large open plan lounge/diner, attractive kitchen/breakfast room, downstairs cloakroom.

Spacious first floor 1 bedroom flat in the highly sought after ‘Greenacres’ development on North Parade in central Horsham. Comprises secure entry phone system, communal entrance hall, private internal hallway with double sliding storage cupboard, double bedroom with built in wardrobes.

Substantial and immaculately presented 5 bedroom, 3 reception room, versatile detached family home situated on one of Horsham’s most highly sought after roads. Comprises a useful entrance porch, hallway with storage cupboard, open plan lounge area with fabulous working fireplace, sliding bi-fold doors opening to rear patio/garden.

Well presented 3 bedroom semi detached house which offers a generous level of accommodation and is situated in the highly sought after village of Warnham. Comprises entrance hall, cloakroom, sitting room with feature fireplace, dining room, attractive fitted kitchen, 3 well proportioned bedrooms and a family bath/shower room.

Modern and well presented, 2 double bedroom, split level apartment with double car port in the heart of Billingshurst village centre. Steps to front entrance door, spacious sitting room, modern fitted kitchen with various appliances, hallway with linen/airing cupboard, double bedroom, bath/shower room.

5 bedroom house arranged over three floors forming part of the original Manor House. Private double garage, allocated parking, private and communal gardens. Comprises hallway with original manor entrance door, downstairs WC, under stairs storage cupboard, lounge with feature fireplace, dining area, access to private rear.

Exclusive and contemporary top floor apartment with 2 double bedrooms, 2 bathroom in a private gated development in a highly sought after village. Comprises, entrance hallway with private security entry phone and storage cupboards, contemporary kitchen, open plan lounge/dining area with ‘velux’ windows.

Modern and purpose built one double bedroom first floor flat situated in the highly sought after town of Horsham and with allocated parking. Comprises communal entrance hall with telephone entry system, private hallway, bath/ shower room, fitted kitchen, airing cupboard, double bedroom and lounge/diner.

Agricultural I Commercial I Country Houses I Fine Art I Holiday Lets I Land I Lettings I New Homes I Planning I Professional I Residential Sales


Friday 13 January 2012

01403 275030

The Pinnacle

Letting Company


We are an established and independent Letting Agent and our reputation is built upon our experience and high level of service we provide

bROAdbRIdGE HEATH £1,200 pcm • 3 Bedroom Family Home • Garage & Garden • Desirable Village Location • Popular School Catchment • Available Unfurnished

HORSHAm £1,200 pcm

• Well Presented Semi Detached House with Parking • Popular Area • 3 Good Sized Bedrooms • Kitchen/Breakfast Room • Downstairs Cloaks

bILLINGSHURST £850 pcm • Spacious First Floor Maisonette • 2 Double Bedrooms • En- Suite Shower Room • Convenient for Mainline Station • Parking


r requ

Simila LET

RUdGwICk £775 pcm

• Set Within Small Gated Development • Spacious 2 Double Bedroom Apartment • 2 Bathrooms • Building has use of a Lift • Allocated Parking


• Excellent Central Location • Spacious 1 Bedroom Apartment • Presented in Superb Order • Integrated White Goods • Building has use of a Lift


r requ


HORSHAm £715 pcm

bROAdbRIdGE HEATH £850 pcm • Popular Village Location • 2 Double Bedroom House • Garage & Off Road Parking • Pets Considered


• 2 Bedroom End of Terrace House • Convenient & Popular Location • Spacious Accommodation • Conservatory • Pets Considered


r requ


HORSHAm £850 pcm

HORSHAm £800 pcm

• 2 Double Bedroom Apartment • Good Size Accommodation • Walking Distance of Town & Station • Kitchen with White Goods • Parking



r requ


HORSHAm £750 pcm

• Extremely Spacious Maisonette • Split Level Accommodation • 2 Double Bedrooms • New Bathroom with Shower • New Carpets & Decor throughout

Most of our new business comes from referral and recommendations. If you are a landlord letting for the first time, considering a buy to let investment or you have a portfolio, call us to discuss what we can offer you.

A service you can rely on and people you can trust. Find us: 26 Piries Place, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1EH | Tel: 01403 275030 | Email:


Friday 13 January 2012

Horsham | £1,300 PCM Three Bed End Of Terrace Unfurnished Available February

Horsham | £1,150 PCM Three Bed Apartment Unfurnished Available January

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Two Bed Apartment Unfurnished Available Now

Horsham | £895 PCM Two Bed End Of Terrace Unfurnished Available March

Horsham | £750 PCM Two Bed Maisonette Furnished/Unfurnished Available January Horsham | £995 PCM | Two Bed Terrace Unfurnished | Available March - 01403 210088 24 Worthing Road, Horsham, RH12 1SL

Managing Properties...

Finding Homes...


Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT

First In Letting

86461 Horsham £530 pcm

943076 Horsham £850 pcm

Spacious unfurnished studio apartment conveniently situated close to Littlehaven Station and other local amenities.

A super 2 double bedroom unfurnished 1st floor apartment situated in a modern development and within easy reach of local amenities.

283027 Horsham £875 pcm

921090 Tanbridge Park £895 pcm

939505 Slinfold £1550 pcm

Superb 2 bedroom 2nd floor refurbished conversion apartment situated within walking distance of the town centre and station.

Spacious 2 double bedroom ground floor apartment situated in the popular Tanbridge development close to Horsham town centre.

Beautifully presented and spacious three bedroom detached house situated on the outskirts of Slinfold village.

936628 Kirdford £925 pcm

931113 Horsham £1050 pcm

Spacious 3 bedroom unfurnished terraced house situated in a quiet village location yet within easy reach of Guildford, Cranleigh & Horsham.

Deceivingly spacious 3 double bedroom flat conveniently situated close to local amenities and Littlehaven station.

939191 Southwater £1850 pcm

884940 Horsham £1100 pcm

861699 Trinity Square £1150 pcm

Superb and immaculately presented four bedroom unfurnished detached house offering high spec contemporary accommodation.

Spacious 3 bedroom unfurnished semi-detached house with garden and garage, situated in a popular residential area close to the A264.

Modern and spacious 3 bedroom town house forming part of an exclusive development in the heart of Horsham town centre.

Winners of Best Company in the 2010 Sussex Business Awards


01403 217585

18a Market Square, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1EU email: Follow us @LeadersSussex

Opening times: Mon-Fri 9.00-6.00 Sat 9.00-5.00


THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012

First In Letting

937252 Westdene Meadows £750 pcm

937842 Queensway £825 pcm

A 1 double bedroom house situated in a popular modern development and conveniently within walking distance of the village centre.

Redcorated 2 double bedroom 1st floor flat situated within walking distance of the town centre and station. Available furnished.

937467 Cranleigh £850pcm

938041 Cranleigh £750 pcm

938023 Cranleigh £2950 pcm

Very well presented 2 bedroom split level apartment located in a central village location. Features a private decked area.

Spacious detached coach house situated in private grounds and featuring an open plan lounge with spiral staircase to the 1st first floor.

Well presented 5 double bedroom 16th Century cottage with private patio area and garden. Access to lake and orchard.

937260 Horsham £1200 pcm

937578 Hitherwood £1500 pcm

Refurbished 3 bedroom detached family house in the popular North Heath Lane area. Benefits from gas central heating & double glazing.

Modern 4 bedroom detached house with modern fitted kitchen, conservatory, a private rear garden and garage.

937897 Cranleigh £5500 pcm

937899 Ifold £1500 pcm

937973 Loxwood £1695 pcm

Imposing wing of a large neo-Georgian country house with 6 double bedrooms and uninterrupted far reaching views to the South Downs.

Spacious 4 bedroom family house in a quiet village location benefiting from an attractive private garden and large double garage.

A good size 5 bedroom detached house situated in a highly sought after village location and featuring an open fire in the sitting room.

Winners of Best Company in the 2010 Sussex Business Awards


01483 274444

228 High Street,Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 8RL email: Follow us @LeadersSurrey

Opening times: Mon-Fri 9.00-5.30 Sat 9.00-2.00


Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT

Motors Kia Optima arrives in February

The Kia Optima, the all-new flagship saloon, goes on sale in the UK from 1 February bringing fantastic design, high levels of standard specification and low running costs to the D-segment, from just £19,595 on-the-road. Unveiled back in 2010 at the New York Auto Show, Optima has proven to be a global success since day one. It became Korea’s top-selling car within a month of going on sale – the first Kia ever to reach that exalted

position – and is in such demand in the United States that Kia has had to build in Georgia just to keep pace. Nearly 300,000 Optimas have been sold across the world to date and it is already accumulating international design awards. The Optima’s looks alone will ensure it enjoys UK sales success previously unheard-of for a large Kia saloon. Kia’s Chief Design Officer, Peter Schreyer, likens the car’s clean, stylish and uncomplicated cut to that of a fine Italian suit. But the Optima has also been configured to appeal to the business community who make up the vast majority of D-segment customers in the UK. It will be sold only with a diesel engine – a new 134bhp version of Kia’s smooth and efficient 1.7-litre CRDi ‘U2’ power unit – while all four specification options contain every essential for the business user. The arrival of the Optima means that for the first time Kia has a seriously competitive car in all the key sectors for the UK’s fleet and leasing industry – Picanto, Rio, cee’d and now Optima. Three of those cars are all-new models introduced within the last eight months. Even before the arrival of the Optima, Kia’s corporate sales were going through the roof – up by 145% between 2010 and 2011, for a market share which improved from 1.6% to 2.4%. With the introduction of the Optima, further progress is confidently expected. The Optima offers features never previously attainable on a Kia, including a high-end Infinity audio system. It delivers 550W of high-fidelity

sound through 12 speakers in eight different locations throughout the car, including a boot-mounted subwoofer. Self-parking, heated and coolventilated seats, cornering lights, panoramic sunroof, reverse parking camera and an automatic cabin defogging system are also available, as is a six-speed automatic transmission that is among the most advanced currently produced by any car manufacturer. As with all Kias, the Optima comes with Kia’s unique seven-year or 100,000-mile warranty, subject to conditions covering wear and tear items. The warranty is fully transferable to subsequent owners. Care-3, Kia’s servicing package for retail customers, is available for Optima and offers a fixed cost and inflation proof servicing for three or five years. All work will be carried out by trained product technicians, using genuine Kia replacement parts and specified oils. The Care-3 package is just £299 including VAT, which covers the first three services - either 36 months or 30,000 miles, or the Care-3 Plus package is £549 including VAT which covers the first five services - either 60 months or 50,000 miles. Order books for the Optima are open, with the first deliveries expected in early February. I sometimes call myself a badge snob, but I think Kia have found a new design language and the build quality of their newest range is matched to that of some of the more established European marques. I quite like it, do you?

the Vauxhall range, Flexible Finance allows customers to tailor their financial plans to suit them. With no minimum deposit, 0% APR and flexible payment terms, which can vary between 24 and 60 months, motorists are able to purchase a brand new Vauxhall for a monthly payment that fits in with their personal budget. What’s more, Vauxhall has increased its Financial Deposit Allowance, with contributions ranging from a minimum of £500 up to a maximum of £1,000 towards the deposit, excluding Astra GTC. Peter Stevens, Managing Director, at Stevens, comments: “We are delighted that Vauxhall has made the decision to continue with and further strengthen the Flexible Finance scheme into 2012. This unique offer enables our customers to have the option to pay nothing upfront on a brand new Vauxhall vehicle, thus making the Flexible Finance payment scheme a viable option for anyone, whatever their budget. “We recognise that it’s a challenging time at the moment, with many

consumers taking much more care of planning and managing their finances. But with just under 47,000 people visiting Vauxhall’s online car configurator each week to select an interestfree package on the vehicle of their choice, it would appear that Vauxhall has developed the perfect solution to enable customers to purchase a new car on a budget that suits them. “Now that the offer has been extended, we look forward to helping even more motorists find their ideal Vauxhall and drive away with a finance plan to suit their needs.” The offer is available on a number of vehicles in the Vauxhall range, including the 3-door Corsa S. This stylish new model could be driven away for just over £180 a month, over 60 months, with no customer deposit, and at the end of the payment term, would be fully owned by the motorist. Finding out how Flexible Finance could benefit you couldn’t be easier, as Vauxhall’s Flexible Finance Calculator does all the hard work for you. Simply go online to www.vauxhall. and select ‘Offers & Finance’ where you can choose the model and specification of your choice, along

with your preferred deposit and duration of payment term, in order to find the monthly payment that fits your budget. In addition, Stevens offer customers added peace of mind when purchasing a new vehicle, as all new Vauxhall cars come with a warranty which could now last a lifetime, so customers can feel secure that they will receive the best possible aftercare service long after their initial purchase. Available to the first owner of all new Vauxhall cars, the warranty is valid for the lifetime of the vehicle up to a maximum of 100,000 miles. For further information about the Flexible Finance offer and for details of vehicles available in the Vauxhall range, please visit Stevens at 78 Billingshurst Road, Broadbridge Heath, Horsham, Sussex, RH12 3LP. Alternatively, call 01403 256464 or go online to www.stevensvauxhall.

Olli Nott Motors Editor

Stevens announces continuation of scheme For many, purchasing a stylish new car at an affordable monthly payment is often wishful thinking, but thanks to Vauxhall’s innovative and highly competitive Flexible Finance scheme, motorists in Horsham can

drive away in their ideal car with a highly competitive payment plan tailored to their individual budget. And with over 20,000 satisfied customers already paying no interest on their new Vauxhall vehicle since Flexible Finance was introduced earlier last year, local retailer, Stevens, is proud to announce that the highly successful finance initiative is now continuing into 2012. Available on all new cars from

For further information and terms and conditions on Vauxhall’s Lifetime Warranty, visit warranty


THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012

Exclusive Savings from Crawley Down Nissan

Choose from a New QASHQAI or a New JUKE and receive £1,000 deposit contribution 12 REG JUKE


1.6 Acenta


1.6 Acenta

Cash Price £14,495 Nissan Deposit Contribution £1,000 Customer Deposit £4,100 36 Monthly Payments of £138 Amount of Credit £9,395 Optional Final Payment £6,034 Total Amount Payable £16,102

Cash Price £17,995 Nissan Deposit Contribution £1,000 Customer Deposit £5,300 36 Monthly Payments of £189 Amount of Credit £11,695 Optional Final Payment £6,840 Total Amount Payable £19,944

Representative APR

Representative APR


3 Years FREE Nissan Roadside Assistance



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Crawley Down Nissan Snow Hill, Crawley RH10 3EQ

01342 859200

Opening Hours 9am-6pm Mon-Fri. 9am-5.30pm Sat. 10.30am-4pm Sun. Fuel economy figures for the JUKE Range: URBAN 27.7-47.9mpg (10.2-5.9L/100km), EXTRA URBAN 47.1-65.7mpg (6.0-4.3L/100km), COMBINED 37.2-57.6mpg (7.6-4.9L/100km), CO2 emissions 175-129g/km. QASHQAI Range: URBAN 26.6-51.4mpg (10.6-5.5L/100km), EXTRA URBAN 43.5-72.4mpg

} o zoo}

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Mazda Personal Contract Purchase Representative Example: Mazda3 Takuya 1.6 5dr

36 monthly Payments of Lifestyle on the road price Mazda Deposit Contribution Customer Deposit Duration of Agreement GFV (Optional Final Payment) Amount of Credit Miles Per Annum Excess Mileage Charge Fixed Rate of Interest Total Charge for Credit Total amount payable Representative APR

LifestyleMazda The journey starts here

01403 342196 53-55 Bishopric HORSHAM West Sussex RH12 1QJ

01293 894334 Manor Royal CRAWLEY West Sussex RH10 9PY

£189.00 £13,995.00 £750.00 £2,553.30 37 months £5,580.25 £10,691.70 8,000 14.9p per mile 3.55% £1,692.55 £15,687.55 6.9% ^

01323 453144 Lottbridge drove EASTBOURNE East Sussex BN23 6NS

Retail sales only. Subject to availability at participating dealers only on vehicles registered between 1 January and 31 March 2012. Terms and conditions apply. **£2,705 saving applies to the Mazda3 Takuya 1.6 5dr with original list price of £16,700 OTR. ^6.9% finance available on all Mazda models. At the end of the Personal Contract Purchase there are 3 options: (i) Renew: Part exchange the vehicle, where equity is available, (ii) Retain: Pay the Optional Final Payment to own the vehicle or (iii) Return the vehicle. Further charges may be made subject to the condition of the vehicle. Finance subject to status. Applicants must be 18 or over. Guarantees/Indemnities may be required. Mazda Financial Services RH1 1SR. Model shown: Mazda3 Takuya 1.6 5dr. OTR price £13,995. Model shown features optional Mica paint (£460). On the road price includes VAT, number plates, delivery, 12 months’ road fund licence, 1st registration fee, 3 year or 60,000 mile warranty and 3 years’ European Roadside Assistance. Details correct at time of going to print.

Defy Convention

The official fuel consumption figures in mpg (l/100km) for the Mazda Range: Urban 21.4 (13.2) - 56.5 (5.0), Extra Urban 37.7 (7.5) - 76.3 (3.7), Combined 29.4 (9.6) - 67.3 (4.2). CO 2 emissions (g/km) 224 - 110

(6.5-3.9L/100km), COMBINED 35.3-62.8mpg (8.0-4.5L/100km), CO2 emissions 189-119g/km. Finance is available subject to status on eligible new vehicles registered between 01/01/2012 to 31/03/2012 in the UK to persons aged 18 or over. Guarantees and Indemnities may be required. Preferences examples based on an agreed annual mileage of 10,000 miles. Further charges may be made subject to mileage and condition if you elect to return the vehicle at the end of the agreement, excess mileage charged at 6p per mile. Offers are available at participating dealers only. Nissan Finance, a trading style of RCI Financial Services Limited, PO Box 495, Watford WD17 1FJ. Terms and conditions apply to Advantage Nissan – please see Pictures for illustration purposes only.


Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT






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THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012

60 REG Chevrolet Captiva 2.0 VCDI LTZ Auto





Was £18999

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Save £1500 59 REG Vauxhall Antara 2.0 CDTi Exclusiv

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Save £1500 58 REG Vauxhall Agila 1.2 Club

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Save £1000 11 REG Vauxhall Astra 2.0 Cdti Sri

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Was £16999

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Save £2000 60 REG Vauxhall Meriva 1.4 Turbo Exclusiv

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Save £2000 11 REG Vauxhall Zafira 1.8 Exclusiv

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10 60 CHEVROLET CAPTIVA 2.0VCDI 150PS LTZ 7 SEAT Smokey Grey 11 60 CHEVROLET SPARK 1.0 LS 5DR Poly Silver 10 10 CHEVROLET SPARK 1.2 LT 5DR Ice Teal 10 10 VAUXHALL AGILA 1.2I 16V DESIGN 5DR Cosmic Black 10 60 VAUXHALL AGILA 1.2I 16V DESIGN 5DR Cosmic Black 09 59 VAUXHALL ANTARA 2.0CDTI 16V EXCLUSIV Technical Grey 06 55 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.8I 16V LIFE A/C AUTO 5DR Ultra Blue 07 07 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.8I 16V CLUB AUTO ESTATE 5DR Metro Blue 08 08 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.6I 16V BREEZE+ 5DR Silver Lightning 08 08 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.6I 16V BREEZE 5DR Black Sapphire 08 58 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.6I 16V LIFE A/C 5DR Silver Lightning 07 57 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.7CDTI 16V 100PS CLUB ESTATE Glacier White 09 09 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.4I 16V ACTIVE 5DR Ultra Blue 09 59 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.4I 16V CLUB 5DR Technical Grey 08 08 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.6I 16V BREEZE+ 5DR Ultra Blue 09 09 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.9CDTI 120PS SRI SPORT HATCH Black Sapphire 07 57 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.9CDTI 16V 150PS SRI 5DR Black Sapphire 09 59 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.6I 16V ACTIVE 5DR Sovereign Silver 10 10 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.4I 16V 100PS EXCLUSIV Black Sapphire 10 10 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.6I 16V 115PS SE 5DR Silver Lake 10 59 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.8I 16V SRI EXTPACK ESTATE Sovereign Silver 10 60 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.6I 16V VVT 115PS EXCLUSIV Sovereign Silver 10 60 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.4I 16V TURBO 140PS SRI Sovereign Silver 10 60 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.4I 16V TURBO 140PS SRI Sovereign Silver 11 11 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.6I 16V VVT 115PS SE 5DR Sovereign Silver 11 11 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.7CDTI 16V 125PS SRI 5DR Silky Shadow 08 08 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.3CDTI 16V 90PS SXI 3DR Star Silver 10 10 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2I 16V SXI A/C Silver Lake 10 60 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2I 16V ENERGY 3DR Flame Red 09 09 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2I 16V DESIGN 5DR Black Sapphire 10 10 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.4I 16V 100PS SE 3DR Silver Lake 10 10 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.0I 12V S ECOFLEX 3DR Glacier White 11 60 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2I 16V ENERGY A/C Star Silver 10 60 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.0I 12V S ECOFLEX 3DR Glacier White 10 60 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.3CDTI 16V 75PS ECOFLEX Flame Red 11 61 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.6I 16V TURBO 250PS VXR Chilli Orange 09 09 VAUXHALL INSIGNIA 2.0CDTI 16V 160PS SE 5DR Star Silver 08 58 VAUXHALL MERIVA 1.4I 16V LIFE 5DR Papyrus Gold 08 08 VAUXHALL MERIVA 1.4I 16V LIFE 5DR Steel Blue 10 59 VAUXHALL MERIVA 1.6I 16V CLUB 5DR Metro Blue 10 60 VAUXHALL MERIVA 1.6I 16V ACTIVE + 5DR Silver Lightning 10 60 VAUXHALL MERIVA 1.7CDTI 16V 100PS SE 5DR Technical Grey 06 56 VAUXHALL TIGRA 1.4I 16V SPORT A/C COUPE 2DR Arden Blue 09 58 VAUXHALL VECTRA 1.8I 16V EXCLUSIV 5DR Panacotta 08 58 VAUXHALL ZAFIRA 1.6I 16V EXCLUSIV 5DR Ultra Blue 10 60 VAUXHALL ZAFIRA 1.8I 16V ENERGY 5DR Sovereign Silver 10 10 VAUXHALL ZAFIRA 1.8I 16V DESIGN 5DR Sovereign Silver 10 10 VAUXHALL ZAFIRA 1.9CDTI 16V 120PS EXCLUSIV Metro Blue 10 60 VAUXHALL ZAFIRA 1.9CDTI 16V 150PS ELITE 5DR Black Sapphire

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£499 £249 £1500 £500


































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Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT


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THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012


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01403 210560

An exciting opportunity to work for a growing and vibrant independent publishing group based in Horsham. This position will involve working on our regional glossy magazine aimed at the ‘high end’ market place. Covering Sussex and Surrey, our magazine has a readership of 40,000+. The successful candidate will ideally have two years’ field sales experience on newspapers or magazines and will be confident with both face to face and telephone sales. We are looking for someone who will be hungry to get the business in, rather than expecting it to come to them, with freedom to sell display advertising and bespoke creative solutions. To be considered you must possess the relevant experience in a similar role working for a publishing company (ideally a newspaper / magazine environment) and bring with you energy, drive, motivation and enthusiasm to promote the client brand. The ideal candidate will be extremely confident in their sales ability; you would thrive on managing your own patch and database of clients. Additionally you will be determined, charismatic and full of bright ideas. You would be expected to build your own client database, which you will account manage to generate new and repeat business. This is an essential role in the publishing group’s ongoing expansion. You will be joining a team of proven sales professionals and will be expected to perform to a consistently high standard. You will be reporting to the Display Advertising Manager and the Managing Director. For more information please contact Matt Wheeler on 01403 251000 or email

Circlegram Replace the question mark with a letter so that the letters within each circle can be arranged to form words on a common theme. What are the three words, and the letter represented by the question mark? N W O

Double Crossword

Each number in the grid represents a different letter of the alphabet and every letter of the alphabet is used. Use the given letter(s) to the right of the main grid to start you off.







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Choose either quick or cryptic clues - both fit the same grid.

Y L C N I ? W K E I M L C I R

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION: The letter represented by the question mark is L. Algeria, Lebanon, Somalia, all Arabic countries.

Cryptic Clues: Across


1. No fixed abode (5,7) 7. Turn away a sick man who came back (5) 8. It’s not long young! (5) 9. Where they deal with complaints? (3) 10. One having a sea-view, perhaps? (3-6) 11. Nothing further on Rome, strangely enough (2,4) 12. Watch someone chasing animals? (6) 15. Organised in pompous fashion (9) 17. It helps to make a room attractive (3) 18. Grieve for a doctor with a pot! (5) 19. She inspired the lyrics in the opera Tosca (5) 21. By whom hotel guests may be taken in (12)

1. A party diversion that gives rise to conjectures (8,4) 2. Bark from many a poplar (3) 3. Blind ones won’t be able to lead you anywhere (6) 4. Quality, but rate it differently (9) 5. Keep away from a hole, perhaps (5) 6. What an expert in depreciation makes? (3,5,2,2) 7. Kingdom that’s genuine to many (5) 10. Steps on the granary floor (4,5) 13. Time for music (5) 14. Conceal half of it as secret (6) 16. An inspiration to entertain (5) 20. Past a green light? (3)

Quick Clues: Across


1. December 24th (9,3) 7. Guide (5) 8. Manmade fibre (5) 9. Regret (3) 10. Get rid of (9) 11. Extent (6) 12. Of public revenue (6) 15. Deliberately (2,7) 17. Entreat (3) 18. Additional (5) 19. Muscle (5) 21. Alter direction (6,6)

1. Airfield command post (7,5) 2. Observe (3) 3. Edge (6) 4. Responsive (9) 5. Large detached house (5) 6. Understandable (12) 7. Severe (5) 10. Amuse (9) 13. Ship’s room (5) 14. Two-fold (6) 16. Toss (5) 20. Fuss (3)

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTIONS: CRYPTIC - Across: 4 Embrace; 8 Points; 9 Alimony; 10 Nassau; 11 Sermon; 12 Contacts; 18 Rescript; 20 Reward; 21 Cutter; 22 Napping; 23 Charge; 24 Seattle. Down: 1 Spinach; 2 Missing; 3 Strata; 5 Molasses; 6 Remark; 7 Cannot; 13 Cardinal; 14 Sitters; 15 Starter; 16 Debase; 17 Carpet; 19 Caught. QUICK - Across: 4 Rivalry; 8 Reacts; 9 Sparing; 10 Change; 11 Defile; 12 Probable; 18 Retrieve; 20 Aplomb; 21 Blithe; 22 Restore; 23 Height; 24 Retract. Down: 1 Precept; 2 Paragon; 3 Stigma; 5 Impudent; 6 Adrift; 7 Rankle; 13 Barbaric; 14 Vertigo; 15 Beneath; 16 Apiece; 17 Porter; 19 Relief.

Sudoku Fill in the grid below so that every column, every row and each of the 3x3 boxes contains all the digits from 1 to 9. LAST WEEK’S SOLUTIONS >


Friday 13 January 2012 THERESIDENT


Boss fumes over ‘clown’ Toon are cup carrot Andy Stonestreet

Tempers �lare as Horsham have two players and their manager sent off against Lowestoft

James Herd and Sam Allsop Football

Hugo Langton branded referee Andrew Roberts “a clown” as the Horsham boss was sent to the stands and two Hornets players were sent off. Langton’s side fell to a 2-1 defeat at home to high-�lying Lowestoft, but it was the referee who got all the attention from a lively crowd. Lowestoft opened the scoring in the eighth minute through a Joe Francis penalty after Calum McGeehan pulled down Michael Frew. Chances were few and far between, but the game came to life in the 68th minute when McGeehan was harshly adjudged to have handled in the area and Francis converted to put Lowestoft 2-0 up. Langton was sent to the stands by the referee and Ray Freeman scored a consolation goal before mayhem broke out in stoppage time. Williams Peauroux received a

second yellow card for a challenge on the goalkeeper and Seny Diedhiou was shown ared in the aftermath. Langton said: “The referee killed the game. He killed us, he killed my side. I have had two players sent off who are going to miss games. Pathetic. “Other refs that come here will tell you when they do well I say, “I thought you were excellent today’, like the Leatherhead guy. “I’m in trouble already, so I might as well go to town. How is he refereeing at this level of football? He’s embarrassing, the whole ground was laughing at him. One of their coaches even came over to apologise to me. “I’ve not sworn at the referee all game, that’s not me. I was trying to calm Wilko down. I said to him, ‘Calm down, the bloke is a clown’. “I have been in there (the dressing room) and told them I’m proud to be associated with them today. All them blocks on the goal-line, that’s a team. That’s a team that cares. That’s a team that is together and I’m so proud of them.”

Photo by John Lines










The Lardy Army went home in a happier mood on Tuesday as Horsham came from behind to salvage a home point against Wealdstone. Horsham started brightly, dominating the opening 20 minutes before Freeman ran clear and converted, only for his effort to be ruled out for offside. And their fortune turned from bad to worse �ive minutes later as Peter Dean slotted home from close range. The Hornets were desperately unlucky not to go into the break on level terms, Tommy Murphy hitting a post and watching in despair as his followup effort was cleared off the line by James Hammond. The second half was less entertaining, but Horsham’s luck improved. In the 65th minute a Yinka Salami cross

Cronin og

was poked into the net by Wealdstone defender Sean Cronin. Salami ran to his manager to celebrate, a display of the unity and team spirit that has helped Horsham in recent performances. Langton said: “We’re not playing like a side that’s down the bottom of the league. We’re showing the characteristics of a side who are prepared to �ight and battle. “I’ve got 18 players every training session �ighting for a shirt. Their attitude and commitment to the cause, to me, to Craig Wilkins and to the football club is phenomenal. “One hundred per cent hand on heart, I’m having the time of my life. I love it. I’m enjoying every single minute of it. The support from the board and the supporters is amazing.”

As I boarded the North West Sussex Seagulls coach at 5pm on Saturday, I was not too thrilled by the thought of an FA Cup replay against Wrexham. It would be another game in which players from our already depleted squad could get injured, booked or even sent off – not what I, and probably most of the fans, wanted. But the magic of the FA Cup lives on. We now know that if – and that’s a big if – we can beat Wrexham in front of their passionate fans next week, we will face Newcastle United at The American Express Community Stadium. As they showed at the weekend, Wrexham will not be a pushover. They are top of the Blue Square Bet Premier Division, aka the Conference, but will play without the pressure of a team that is looking to gain Football League status again. Their 2,029 travelling supporters enjoyed themselves – well 2,028 actually, as one was escorted out of the ground after running onto the pitch when they equalised. Silly boyo. It was a frustrating afternoon for Albion fans and some thought we should have done better against a non-League side. But in the cold light of Sunday morning, when they had a chance to look at the team we �inished with, they might have had second thoughts. Albion started the match with three development squad players and �inished with six. Most, if not all, showed they have a future in the game and Jake Forster-Caskey, who scored for the second match running, looks like his time has already arrived. Gus Poyet might well have wanted to play a similar side in the replay. But as ball number 13, Brighton and Hove Albion or Wrexham, was �irst out of the hat, quickly followed by ball number 23, Newcastle United, I hope he realised this wasn’t going to be possible. It will be an opportunity to host a fourth Premier League side at The Amex and maybe produce a giantkilling of our own. If we �ield an under-strength side in the replay, as we did on Saturday, and we fail to beat Wrexham, I’m afraid there will be some very disappointed Albion fans. If we had been drawn away to, say, Hull, as Crawley have been, then fair enough – make use of the game to see again what our youngsters can do. But with the possibility that Newcastle will come to The Amex, we must �ield our strongest side. In Gus we trust.


THERESIDENT Friday 13 January 2012


Stuart bowled over by Academy call

Stuart Whittingham bowling for Roffey last summer

Martin Read Youth Cricket

Roffey ace Stuart Whittingham aims to play for the Sussex Second XI this year after being selected for the county’s Academy. The 17-year-old opening bowler, a pupil at Christ’s Hospital School, is one of 10 young players who has been chosen for the Academy,

including five who have not been picked for it before. Whittingham, who has been with Roffey since the U10s, told The Resident: “Last season I played three games for the U17s and took three wickets in two and two in the other. “Then, during November and December I had weekly assessments, both of my cricketing ability and my eagerness and willingness to learn.

Photo by John Lines

“During the season I didn’t think much about being selected for the Academy, I just wanted to play as well as possible. But when the coach said it might happen I began to realise I could become a professional cricketer and that really made me strive for it. “Now I want to take full advantage of the opportunity I’ve been given. I’m working hard in the gym and on

my game, trying to cement a repeatable bowling action and improve my batting, to give me the best possible chance of success. “My first goal is to make my debut for Sussex Seconds and I should be playing for the Development XI against the Sussex Premier League sides. I want to have a good run, produce good results and stay clear of injuries.

“I also expect to play for Christ’s Hospital and then, in the second half of the season, for Roffey. “If I play well for representative sides, I’ll get firmly established in the Sussex set-up. And I’m hoping to get good enough grades to go to Loughborough University, where the sports coaching and facilities are excellent. That would help my development.” Whittingham and the nine other young players will receive a bespoke programme covering physical, technical, mental, tactical and life skills. These will be delivered by the county’s professional coaching staff, overseen by cricket performance manager Keith Greenfield at the PROBIZ County Ground, Hove, and the Sutton Winson Academy Ground, Blackstone. Greenfield said: “They are all well aware that this is the first rung on a long ladder to becoming a professional cricketer. “There is a lot of hard work, as well as enjoyment, in the months ahead and they have all shown the ability to go forwards. “There will be many challenges that will benefit their game and they will be given fantastic support in order for them to show a significant contribution to Sussex Cricket in the years to come.” • Sussex Academy 2012: Georgia Adams (Brighton and Hove), Harry Finch (Hastings Priory), Ollie Graham (Haywards Heath), Josh Hayward (Cuckfield), Elliott Hooper (Hastings Priory), Fynn HudsonPrentice (Haywards Heath), Callum Jackson (Eastbourne), Tim Moses (Lewes Priory), Abidine Sakande (Three Bridges), Stuart Whittingham (Roffey).

George and Joey at the double Sport in Brief Matthew James and Matt Streeter Youth Football

Roffey Robins U9’s Ben saved a penalty

Horsham Sparrows U16 overcame Roffey Robins Wanderers U16 5-2 in Division A of the Horsham and District Youth League. Robins led 2-1 thanks to a double by the prolific Zak Comber, but two goals each from George Baker and Joey Calder-Smith helped Sparrows claim the points. Zac Chinn scored the other goal while Toby Bridger and Toby Laker also impressed for the victors. Broadbridge Heath U16 crashed to a 9-2 defeat at Lingfield U16 in Division C, despite trailing only 2-1 at half time. Tom Chapman and Richard Castle scored. Horsham U15 suffered their first defeat of the season, 1-0 at Ifield U15 in their County Cup quarter-final. The home side scored after 10 minutes and Horsham struggled to produce their usual passing game in the first half on a muddy pitch. A well-worked free kick involving Callum Nash and Aaron Pyzer created a chance for Andrew Roberts, but his

header was tipped onto the crossbar. Will Kerr and Nash went close after the break and Roberts appeared to have scored, only for the referee to rule that his header had not crossed the line. Alex Moore headed off the line at the other end before almost equalising with a shot from a tight angle. Lower Beeding and Handcross Lions U15 just missed out on three points, drawing 2-2 against Broadbridge Heath U15 in Division A. Lions went a goal down, but a great cross from Matt Streeter allowed Liam Ruz to find Glenn Johnson for the equaliser and Callum Nash scored from a fantastic low cross by Aaron Pyzer. Johnson grazed the far post after a fine run before Heath levelled on the break. Central defender Liam Kidd was Lions’ man of the match. Lions followed up with a 1-1 draw against Steyning Strikers U15, thanks to Ruz’s goal. Strikers’ keeper saved a late penalty, awarded for a foul on Nash. Roffey Robins Rockets U9 beat Copthorne U9 7-0 and 3-1 in a doubleheader. Rockets have lost only four of 20 matches in their first season.

Youth Swimming Forty-four Atlantis swimmers competed in Littlehampton SC’s gala at Bognor Regis, scooping 39 medals including eight golds and posting 25 county qualifying times. Coach Matt Cumber said: “This was a great gala and the swimmers swam really well. “It is fantastic to see our young swimmers enjoying their racing and achieving some really good results.”


Division 3: Bosham 0 Broadbridge Heath 4 (Sultan 2), Forest 0 Clymping 1, Pease Pottage 4 Roffey 1, TD Shipley 5 (Taylor 3) Hurstpierpoint 3. Division 2 Cup 3rd round: Storrington 0 Littlehampton 2. Brighton Charity Cup 1st round: Mile Oak v Horsham YMCA postponed, Steyning 1 Shoreham 4.

Youth Rugby Union

Horsham U13 won 53-0 at Bognor Regis, with tries by Alexander Harry (two), Chris Fennelly (two), Ben Murphy, Aaron Bullman, Oscar Nicholls, George Bellinger and Max Chrusciel.


Friday 13 January 2012

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