Lifestyles Magazine December 2013

Page 83



5 Valentina

I am a: Hairless Chinese crested Where I was adopted/rescued from: I was adopted from a family in Elk Grove, CA. Favorite place to hang out: I love to keep warm, snuggled under my owner’s blankets, in their laps, or basking in the sun. You’ll also find me in the kitchen while one of my dads is making dinner – I get to taste everything, and I make sure the floor stays free of food debris. Most recent accomplishment: A growing wardrobe that would put most humans’ closets to shame. Amazing dog tricks: I can walk on my hind legs for long distances; I twirl and dance for a treats, and I do a fierce runway walk showing off my latest cat-oure. Favorite place to walk: I love prancing around the Miracle Mile. Guilty pleasure: Fruit! Especially bananas, apples and berries. Naughtiest deed: Me naughty… never! Okay, so I have a thing about “acquiring” other people’s money. Friends and family who come to visit and put their bags within my reach, sometimes notice they’re missing a $10 or $20 bill. Obsession: FOOD! My sister from another mother, Cha-Cha – an English bulldog – eats less than I do and weighs 9 times more than me. Where I go to get beautiful: I love shopping for new clothes at Dog Dog Cat in South Lake Tahoe. I get my pedicures at Petsmart. My dads often style what hair I do have like Pippi Longstocking, Donald Trump (the combover) or in a mohawk if I’m feeling sassy. My parents keep my skin moisturized with baby lotion and during vacations to sunny locations I wear my bikini – yes, my bikini – and lots of sunscreen. Adopted Parents: Shawn Crary and Ernie Gallardo

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