Keegan White - April 2020

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LEST WE FORGET May 8th, 2020 – VE Day – marks 75 years since the guns fell silent at the end of the war in Europe The arrival of peace in Europe came on 8th May 1945 when years of carnage and destruction came to an end during World War II. Millions of people took to the streets and the pubs to celebrate peace – while also mourning loved ones lost during the battle. However, despite the celebrations, at the time there were still thoughts of course to those continuing to fight in the conflict, which didn’t end until 15th August 1945; when Japan surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, effectively ending World War II. The looming 75th anniversary of VE Day will provide ample opportunity for all of us to reflect on the countless sacrifice, courage and determination of people from all walks of life who helped us through these dark and difficult times.

Those we pay tribute to not only include those who fought on the front line, but also all the individuals who contributed to our freedom as we know it today. The hard working men and women who can be applauded for their contribution includes those who operated the factories, mines, shipyards and farms, the ARP wardens, police officers, doctors, nurses, fireman, local defence volunteers plus many others who worked tirelessly day and night during frightening and uncertain times for all. In honour of all those who sacrificed for our freedom, the government has already announced that Friday 8th May 2020 will be a designated Bank Holiday. This replaces the Bank Holiday which normally takes place on the first Monday of May. Lest we forget.



The ode of remembrance They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn; At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them.

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