PWH Magazine - May 2024

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Shaunda Thompson



Shaunda Thompson

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May 2024

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When deciding to share deep and intimate parts of yourself you want to make sure that you place this labor of love into the right hands.

Davina Ward is an Author and Certified Christian Life Coach commissioned by God to free women and help them understand that resilience is possible - no matter what they have endured. She has experienced a vast array of challenges that have authenticated and motivated her to share her experiences with other vulnerable women

She commonly refers to herself as the P U S H Coach, (Persist, Until, Satan, Halts), due to her effective coaching approach that guides women into learning how to discover and tap into their purpose through the tearing down of their limiting beliefs and insecurities. Her program and teachings provide strategies to remove layers of lies, doubt, and shame that paralyze women of purpose

Davina partners with her clients as they shift their focus from the reflection they see in the mirror to the warrior God designed them to be in the spirit. Her main goal is personal development leaving her clients feeling equipped and worthy to walk into what God has purposed them to do and be

Her true passion lies in walking beside vulnerable women to awaken their inner selves as they enter into their destiny

In addition to her life’s work, Davina has an extensive background in the public sector working with individuals with modest means. She was born and raised in New Jersey and resides with her husband, Reverend Robert Ward She delights in being a mother to 3 sons and a grandmother to 2 grandchildren She delights in serving in her local church and community

First things first, how did we develop an interest in writing?

I use to write little notes to myself periodically. This morphed into a journaling habit that I used as a way of expressing myself and gaining clarity. It was so liberating to empty my deepest thoughts, feelings, and emotions onto a piece of paper and reflect It gave me power and understanding and helped me to see my growth progress and what God was doing in my life

When did you realize you had a story that the world needed to hear?

Through Gods guidance and acknowledgment of my purpose, put me in contact with a lot of women who seemed to find themselves in a place that God had brought me out of It helped me to identify that my transparency can be an avenue for others. This propelled me use my story to empower other women that walked my path and needed direction to see their own light

What was the writing process like, did you come up with your title first and build around it or did the manuscript come first?

When I decided to stop procrastinating and actually write the book I chose a title first. I knew the message that I wanted to get across and my plan was to develop my book outline around that title. My plan was to only share little pieces of myself As I wrote, I had a desire to share more than I intended with my target audience

The story got deeper. There was a bigger message of empowerment and my title changed to express that bigger message behind my story.

What is the message behind your title?

The message is: do not let people or circumstances define who you are Do not let trauma prohibit you from your intended purpose

Can you share 3 takeaways you would like women to take away from your book?

This guide is unique. The takeaways will be different depending on the individual, but the bottom line is your voice has power and do not trim yourself down for anything or anyone by staying quiet

At any moment during your writing process did you experience writers block, what tips do you have for overcoming it?

I did not experience writer’s block but deciding how much or how little to share caused me to pause There were many times that I had to regroup and remind myself that someone needs to hear this and to keep going and do not hold back. As different feelings and emotions surfaced, there was additional processing required as the memory of my past went deeper

Take me through the first moment you held your book in your hands, what did that feel like for you?

When the package was delivered, I was overwhelmed with joy and excitement. I ran to the door, grabbed the package, and threw it at my husband I stood there jumping up and down smiling and telling him to open it I wrapped my arms around it and instantly felt at peace and that my efforts and sacrifice had paid off

What would you say was the most challenging part of your writing process?

The most challenging part of my writing process was reliving and replaying painful moments and putting them into words that would help the reader understand the process At times I felt that I was pulling the scab off wounds that I thought had fully healed and was bleeding all over again

What key tips do you have for marketing your book and getting it out to the masses?

When deciding to share deep and intimate parts of yourself you want to make sure that you place this labor of love into the right hands.

Interview publishers that will share YOUR vision and not their own agenda Make sure they have a long reach that will give your book a constant presence. And make social media your faithful companion Even if you enlist the help of others (influencers, friends, and family) that will share with their audience as well

What audience is your book written for?

This book was written for the one who has lessened themselves because they did not feel heard, they did not feel that their voice had value, or if they felt their voice would not have an impact And for the person or persons that need to discover the power of their own voice

Link where your books can be purchased: https://a co/d/hwtx87K



Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship has been an adventure filled with valuable lessons & personal growth As the founder of My Natural Butter, a hair, skin, & self-care brand born from my desire to find natural solutions for my children's sensitive skin (www lovemnb com), I discovered that the challenges & joys of parenting could fuel my entrepreneurial spirit

Creating a thriving business while navigating the ups & downs of mom life I learned that resilience adaptability, & a dash of humor were crucial elements for success This empowering fusion of motherhood & entrepreneurship has led to the development of a flourishing brand that not only provides relief to those with skin & hair sensitivities but also serves as a testament to the strength, determination, & boundless creativity of parents everywhere

F O U N D E R / C E O M Y N A T U R A L B U T T E R


What inspired your start in entrepreneurship?

My entrepreneurial adventure began with a personal mission: finding gentle, natural solutions for my children's sensitive skin and hair None of the creams, balms and lotions I tried seemed to work so I decided to use my academic background and hair industry knowledge to create my own products Little did I know, this path would unleash my inner entrepreneur and lead to the creation of a successful business After many trials and learnings I perfected the formulas and My Natural Butter was born in 2021

What has been your biggest challenge/failure as an entrepreneur? And how do you deal with it?

One significant challenge I've faced as an entrepreneur is the struggle to manage all aspects of the business on my own In the beginning, I attempted to handle every task from product development to marketing which proved to be quite overwhelming Additionally, a failed partnership set me back both financially and emotionally These experiences taught me the importance of delegating responsibilities and seeking support from trustworthy partners

Establishing brand awareness has been another major hurdle in such a competitive market To overcome this I've focused on building genuine connections with customers, leveraging social media platforms, and collaborating with influencers who share our values By continuously adapting and learning from these challenges, I've fostered resilience and growth in myself and my business

How do you balance entrepreneurship and Motherhood without experiencing burnout while pursuing your passion?

Achieving a harmonious balance between entrepreneurship and motherhood has been an ongoing learning experience for me


As a mompreneur, finding a healthy work-life balance has been one of my biggest challenges Juggling the responsibilities of being a mother and running a business can be demanding I've often felt like I was being pulled in different directions The pressure to excel in both roles can be overwhelming, and I've certainly had my share of failures

I've learned to prioritize self-care, set clear boundaries to prevent burnout and ensure I give my best to my family and business Saying no to non-essential tasks, delegating responsibilities when possible, and making time for hobbies and relaxation have been gamechangers for managing mompreneur challenges By consciously focusing on maintaining balance, I am better equipped to pursue my passion and grow my business while cherishing my role as a mother

What advice do you have for moms looking to get started In entrepreneurship?

For moms looking to embark on an entrepreneurial journey, I highly recommend surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who can provide support, encouragement, and valuable insights Building a strong network of fellow entrepreneurs, both within and outside of your industry can be an incredible resource for learning and growth

Additionally seeking guidance from an experienced entrepreneur coach or joining a cohort that aligns with your vision can provide the structure and accountability needed to stay focused and motivated These mentors can share their expertise, help you navigate challenges, and offer advice tailored to your unique situation Remember that it's essential to maintain a balance between your business and personal life Set realistic goals prioritize self-care and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed With dedication, perseverance, and a supportive network, you can successfully launch and grow your business while thriving as a mompreneur


What does being a Pretty Woman Who Hustles mean to you?

Being a Pretty Woman Who Hustles signifies embracing the balance of pursuing passions, nurturing relationships, and maintaining personal well-being It's a state of mind that combines grace, determination, and resilience It means taking pride in being a dedicated mother, a driven entrepreneur, and an advocate for self-care and wellness

A Pretty Woman Who Hustles understands that success is not solely defined by accomplishments in business or motherhood but also by the commitment to personal growth and balance It's about acknowledging the importance of mental and physical health while striving for excellence in all aspects of life Embracing this mindset allows me to pursue my dreams with tenacity and grace ultimately creating a fulfilling life for myself and those around me

What books do you recommend for moms navigating entrepreneurship?

For moms navigating the world of entrepreneurship, I highly recommend "Ready, Fire, Aim" by Michael Masterson This insightful book highlights the various stages of building a successful business and the specific skills required to overcome challenges and seize opportunities in each stage As mompreneurs, understanding these phases can help us better manage our businesses while maintaining a healthy work-life balance

Additionally, I suggest finding books that help you decompress and recharge, such as a captivating romance novel an inspiring spiritual guide or any book that allows you to disconnect and focus on self-care Taking time to relax and escape into a good book can provide the mental break needed to return to your entrepreneurial pursuits with renewed energy and focus Balancing personal growth with relaxation is essential for navigating the world of entrepreneurship while maintaining a sense of well-being and balance

To connect with Temprance, please visit: www lovemnb com or follow her on on Facebook (My Natural Butter) and Instagram (@mnbhairskinandsoulcare) TikTok: @m n b soulcare

BorninBabylon:The UniqueChallengesof BlackWomeninthe Workplace

Won't you celebrate with me

What I have shaped into A kind of life I had no model.

Born in Babylon

Both nonwhite and woman What did I see to be except myself?

An excerpt from the poem "Won't You Celebrate With Me" by Lucille Clifton speaks to the resilience and triumph of the speaker, who reflects on her journey of self-acceptance and perseverance despite facing adversity Navigating the professional landscape as a Black woman presents a unique set of challenges one rooted in the intersectionality of race and gender As both a woman and Black, this dual identity often casts us into what Catalyst aptly describes as a "double outsider" status within corporate structures In this paradigm, we find ourselves at the margins of informal networks crucial for career advancement, lacking access to job referrals, mentorship, and sponsorship opportunities

The speaker acknowledges her identity as a Black woman, born in a society (referred to metaphorically as Babylon) where she is marginalized on the basis of both race and gender

The poem's central question, "Won't You Celebrate With Me," invites the reader to acknowledge and honor the speaker's achievements and resilience Despite facing constant challenges and attempts to undermine her existence, the speaker defiantly asserts her right to celebrate her own survival and selfcreation The repercussions of being excluded are evident at every level of the workplace hierarchy

Research states that Black women are disproportionately affected, with a staggering 66% reporting exclusion -

from both formal and informal networks It's a sobering reality that starkly contrasts the undeniable importance of networking in securing job opportunities and fostering professional growth, as evidenced by its potential to boost job seekers' chancesbyupto85%

Compounding these challenges is the persistent issue of pay inequity Despite the fundamental role of fair compensation in job satisfaction, Black women continue to face significant disparities in earnings compared to theirwhitecounterparts

Black women are disproportionately affected, with a staggering 66% reporting exclusion from both formal and informal networks


The U S Census Bureau reveals that the median annual earnings for Black women amount to just 64 percent of those earned by white men In the poem, despite lacking role models or examples to follow, she forges her own path and shapes her life according to her own vision. In the face of these systemic barriers, however, there are four strategies that Black women can employ to create our own vision and to navigate these disparities:

1 Prioritize Professional Growth: Invest in opportunities for development, whether through conferences, online courses on LinkedIn Learning, or workshops Additionally, consider enlisting the support of an Executive Career Coach to identify blind spots and limiting beliefs, thereby boosting confidence, creativity, and resilience The following link lists free certifications to boost your resume27+ Free Certifications to Add to Your Resume in 2024 (jobscan co)

2 Build Your Own Networks: Establish affinity groups or professional circles where Black women can convene, share experiences, and forge meaningful relationships These networks serve as robust platforms for mentorship and professional growth

3 Establish Meaningful Relationships: Engage in intentional networking and seek out individuals within and outside your organization who can get to know you and the value you bring to an organization Internally, these individuals can become your biggest cheerleaders and advocate for you when you are not in the room Find allies who can champion your cause and assist in navigating the informal channels essential for career progression

median annual earnings for Black women amount to just 64 percent of those earned by white men

4 Negotiate, yourself wit salary benc on sites Salary com for your righ of all good th

Using these can begin success By growth, a fostering m negotiating a brighter generations



Leah Ellis is the proverbial badass She focuses on growing her kids and businesses without missing a Girl Scout meeting She owns Ellis in Wanderland Travel Agency and its subsidiary, Nerdy Nuptials ICT With the two entities, she's there to officiate your wedding and book your honeymoon in one fell swoop

Then she's off the Slay Money Dragons® at Endeavor Financial Coaching with bookkeeping and banking solutions for small businesses, money classes for kids, and financial coaching or premarital money coaching for couples From the altar to retirement, she's there to ensure you and your sweetheart can reach your money goals - and teach the next generation how to succeed with money, too

What inspired your start in entrepreneurship?

I've always been an entrepreneur I sold MySpace profile codes in high school and earrings and bracelets in elementary school I babysat as soon as I was old enough in middle school I didn't really ever think about NOT having some type of side hustle

What has been your biggest challenge/failure as an entrepreneur? And how do you deal with it?

Marketing I just keep trying new things and testing new products to see what works and what doesn't

How do you balance entrepreneurship and Motherhood without experiencing burnout while pursuing your passion?

My kids are involved in business with me and I do a lot while the big 2 are in school and the little 2 are napping

Wh get started In entrepreneurship?

Do it! Start out small and grow slowly Business needs nurturing, just like your kids

What does being a Pretty Woman Who Hustles mean to you?

I bust my butt so I can get client work done in the daytime and still make sure I am there for my kids after school by leading their Girl Scout troop and having dinner at the table as a family every day

What books do you recommend for moms navigating entrepreneurship?

EVERY entrepreneur needs to read Profit First and All In by Mike Michalowicz Moms just starting out should read Business Boutique by Christy Wright

Connect with Leah www slaymoneydragons com www ellisinwanderland com https://nerdynuptialsict com/


My resilience and My resilience and My resilience and determination are determination are determination are the foundations of the foundations of the foundations of my success my success my success





LR Wilson is the Owner and Founder of LR Wilson Consulting LLC, specializing in personal and professional development. She is an International Motivational Speaker and prides herself on assisting clients with becoming their best selves in every arena they show up.

As a keynote speaker, she brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and confidence to every stage, igniting a fire of confidence in all present Hosting and headlining international conferences for the last three years in collaboration with RW Global Travel has allowed her to spread her wings far and wide by reaching and empowering women across the globe.

Her philanthropy work goes far and wide as she mentors Black and Brown girls through Project DIVA International and Future Leaders Matter She also gives back by collaborating with Young Moms and providing them with skills to enhance their lives and their children

LR is also the Founder and Executive Director of the S H E E Foundation She works with justice and nonjustice-involved females, identifying persons who have the skills needed to acquire the life they desire

Her hobbies include traveling, empowering others, and spending time with family and friends

Can you share with us the inspiration behind your brand, LR Wilson Consulting LLC?

The inspiration behind my brand, LR Wilson Consulting LLC, is empowering women with the opportunity to take off the mask and to truly be themselves As women, we wear many masks, which diminishes our identities as we warp into who people want us to be rather than who we are I was one of those women and can relate to fading into the background while ensuring everyone else had what they needed, yet neglecting my own wants, dreams, and desires

What drove you to specialize in personal and professional development?

I was driven into personal and professional development when I realized so many women I encountered lacked basic skill sets It saddened me to know that we are so equipped to give to everyone else. Yet, we were utterly unequipped to prosper in our personal and professional development due to our lack of self-confidence and self-esteem When we prosper in our personal lives, our professional lives will also prosper because they intertwine

As an International Motivational Speaker, you ’ ve had the opportunity to address audiences around the world. What key message do your women walk away with?

Yes!! I love love love speaking to women around the world! My key message that women seem to always walk away with, no matter what I am speaking about, is that THEY ARE DESERVING! I drill into women that we came into this world with a BIRTHRIGHT OF GREATNESS, and with that said, “CLAIM IT!” We lose sight of that when giving so much of ourselves to everyone else and fueling their greatness

Hosting and headlining international conferences is a significant achievement. Can you tell us about some of the most memorable moments or impactful experiences you ’ ve had while collaborating with RW Global Travel?

There are so many memorable moments; however, the ones that stand out to me the most are when I cry at the outpouring of love women receive when they attend international conferences RW Global Travel plays an intricate part in all of it because the owner, Rochelle Wright, has a way of bringing women from all over the globe to attend Women show up as strangers and leave as sisters It’s a beautiful experience to receive top-notch travel services from RW Global Travel

Your work with Project DIVA International and Future Leaders Matter demonstrates a commitment to mentoring and empowering Black and Brown girls What motivated you to get involved in this type of philanthropy, and what impact do you hope to make in the lives of these young women?

I love our girls!! I was motivated to get involved with this type of philanthropy because I believe we must first empower the girls early to show up as the women we are Many of us did not have the type of support given through those organizations, so it wasn’t until later in life that we could receive it. As adults, we began getting the basics and had to do it the hard way I lead by example, which makes me accountable not only for the girls in how I show up but also for myself in how I display myself to the world The impact I hope to make in their lives is to show them that walking what you talk is much bigger than being all talk

Could you elaborate on the specific skills and support you provide to Young Moms through your philanthropic endeavors? How do you empower them to enhance their lives and the lives of their children?

The specific skills and support I provide to Young Moms are basic life skills. That’s anything from spending $20 to eat for a week by showing them what grocery shopping can do versus going to McDonald’s and eating for a day We also pay a lot of attention to emotions, empowering ourselves, trauma responsiveness, and so much more, which they bring to the table I empower them by helping them to understand they matter and that their voices are just as important when it comes to advocating for themselves and their children I empower them by showing them that they are enough!

The S.H.E.E. Foundation, of which you are the Founder and Executive Director, focuses on helping female-identifying individuals attain the skills needed for the life they desire. What inspired the creation of this foundation, and what are some of its key initiatives and programs?

Oh, my goodness This is my baby!! It first began as a Facebook group and then warped into what I was supposed to be doing over 10 years ago. God gave me this vision over 10 years ago, and I sat on it You know how when you ’ re hard-headed, and ya momma just let you run out into the street until you get hit?

Yea That’s what happened, lol! God was tired of telling me to follow directions, so HE woke me up at 3am, you know, during that good sleep to get your attention, and I heard him loud as ever say, “It’s Time?” I could not fall back to sleep and just started writing Once government offices opened, I completed the paperwork to make things official to run a non-profit. Some of the key initiatives and programs are still under the umbrella of healing, evolving, and empowering S H E E stands for Sisters Healing Evolving and Empowered

Balancing personal and professional passions can be challenging. How do you manage to incorporate your hobbies, such as traveling and spending time with family and friends, into your busy schedule while still maintaining your commitment to empowering others? Honey, I do a lot of self-care! It can definitely be challenging dealing with other peoples’ energy while trying to keep your own intact. Even when I am traveling, I am empowering others Once, I was on a beach in FL with my best friend, and I began telling women how important they are/encouraging them while teaching them how to do a line dance Empowerment comes in many forms When people are broken, they flock to those who give them hope in that moment. I am hope in that moment!

Reflecting on your journey as a motivational speaker and philanthropist, what have been some of the most significant lessons you ’ ve learned along the way, both personally and professionally?

I learned that I can not care more about the clients than they do about themselves, which was a hard pill to swallow I want everyone to win, which can sometimes blind you to what is best for you I give much of myself to my endeavors, which can drain you An empty cup is just that empty Professionally, I learned that I needed to NOT negotiate my terms Yes! When you first start out, you want to get clients, so you compromise many things, including your bag! I found myself losing out when it came to actually profiting from my business because I was so busy wanting to help everyone again, including missing out on profits.

In your opinion, what are the most pressing issues facing women and young girls today, and how do you believe your work addresses or contributes to addressing these challenges?

The most pressing issues facing women and young girls today are depression and fitting in I believe my work of coaching and empowering women and girls allows them to feel and look better in the skin they are in.

Showing up authentically will always be the best remedy Not to mention acknowledging you have some mental health issues that need to be addressed and not being ashamed of that by society Go and get the help you need to be whole!

Looking ahead, what are your goals and aspirations for the future of LR Wilson Consulting LLC and your philanthropic endeavors? How do you envision continuing to make a positive impact in the lives of others?

My goal for the future of LR Wilson Consulting LLC is to consult and coach globally. Regarding philanthropy, I aspire to open a home for justice involved and/or homeless girls with wraparound services to give them a safe place to live and thrive while in the juvenile correctional system This would show them that they have so much more to do Stability is key to that population, and facilities do not provide that, in my opinion. In fact, it shouldn’t give the feeling of home because we don’t want them to be so comfortable returning to that environment I envision continuing to make a positive impact in the lives of others by being just who I am -- authentic, caring, empowering, and a rockstar!

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

My definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who will let nothing or no one stop her from attaining her dreams Sometimes, that means sacrificing things you want vs need, and that’s okay because, in the end, you win!

Empowerment workshops or networking events? Empowerment workshops because you can network 1 Embracing diversity or Creating inclusive spaces? Creating inclusive spaces that embrace and promote diversity 2 Empowering yourself or empowering others? Empowering myself so that I can continue to empower others through my work 3 Girls’ night out or home alone with wine? Girls night out for sure since I only drink socially and removed all alcohol from my house 4 Self-meditation or affirmations? Self-meditation that affirms me 5
Let’s Play a


Positive Traits: Unstoppable Creative Trustworthy Reliable


Very grounded in all aspects of life. It’s as if their mind was already made up the moment they were born. Taurus bend, but they are unbreakable

Negative Traits: Moody Self-Indulgent Shy Stubborn Famous Taureans

Kelly ClarksonApril 24

Janet JacksonMay 16

Personal Love: Stubbornness can break your love cycle from growing. Try to be more open-minded. You don’t have to agree with others to understand them.

Personal Money:

Money management will always be a struggle because Taurus loves nice things In the season of saving, just stay in the house and offline…fingers crossed.

B y A k i l a h R o b e r t s
M A Y M O N T H L Y H O R O S C O P E S t u b b o r n a s a b u l l , g e n t l e a s a b r e e z e — s u c h i s t h e d u a l n a t u r e o f a T a u r e a n .



Allaina Maria lives her life out loud and intentionally She has always had a love for the arts Singing writing, and motivational speaking are Allaina’s main passions Allaina passionately writes music that soothes the ears and calms the soul She recorded and copyrighted her music collection “Allaina’s Songs ” She has also sung lead vocals on the Album, “Songs of the Lord ” Allaina’s pen is unmatched as she skillfully writes Fiction, Urban Fiction Poetry Sci-Fi Self-help and Children’s Books, dubbing her a ‘360 Author’ Allaina is also a first-rate motivational speaker Her powerful words of insight encourage fortify and build up the listener Her delivery style is both captivating and life-changing Allaina is the youngest of 3 girls She is a native of Daytona Beach, Florida She is the mother of two beautiful daughters who fuel her everyday life If Allaina is not writing music novels or poetry, she is found traveling with her children



What inspired your start in entrepreneurship?

The passing of my uncle, Darryl J Ford, drove me to embrace the present moment and actively chase my aspirations His departure ignited a fire within me Witnessing his unrealized ambitions made me reflect on the untapped potential that lies in the grave Grateful for the gift of life, I resolved not to waste it but to fully engage in it I committed to pursuing all my desires and dreams This realization prompted me to plan strategically and take action Since then, I have been on a journey of growth and self-discovery

What has been your biggest challenge/failure as an entrepreneur? And how do you deal with it?

Marketing is a journey filled with challenges, but the benefits are truly rewarding Balancing the fear of overpromoting your brand is a mental tightrope Marketing is essential for visibility, yet the concern of being intrusive can be daunting To achieve success marketing is crucial, but fear can be overwhelming Finding solace in observing larger companies consistently marketing, I realized their impact They provided a choice to engage or ignore, effectively reaching their audience This realization sparked an epiphany for me If big brands can do it, why can’t I? Silencing my doubts, I focused on representing my brand effectively and consistently

How do you balance entrepreneurship and Motherhood without experiencing burnout while pursuing your passion?

It was challenging at first Pursuing my passions required time, research, and money, all of which consumed a lot of my energy Balancing my goals with managing family responsibilities was a juggling act until I found the right balance Using a calendar to plan my days was crucial While I aimed for success, I also prioritized maintaining a strong relationship with my kids I mostly followed the schedule but occasionally went over I closed the laptop when it was time to switch from work to parenting Finding a harmonious balance was a conscious decision that I stuck to


What advice do you have for moms looking to get started In entrepreneurship?

Before diving in take the time to research and focus on your entrepreneurial goals Engage with individuals who are at various stages of their entrepreneurial journey – beginners, those in progress, and successful entrepreneurs Embrace the opportunity to learn, gain insights and develop alongside your peers Establish achievable goals and tackle challenges with courage and determination

What does being a Pretty Woman Who Hustles mean to you?

A Pretty Woman Hustles embodies a woman who recognizes and values her worth Each day, she actively pursues her dreams goals and aspirations Her beauty lies not only in her appearance but also in her spirit, as she is a GOAL DIGGER She is resolute in achieving her goals and generously guides others along the way

What books do you recommend for moms navigating entrepreneurship?

Thema Bryant’s “Homecoming” has a quote that deeply resonates with me: “To decide I need a homecoming means I have recognized that there are some ways I have been living disconnected ” I consider this book to be nourishment for the soul, as it encourages self-reflection and individual growth Another valuable read is “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, which is a great addition to your resources Entrepreneurship can be isolating and this book challenges readers to elevate their mindset Lastly, Mustard Seed Mentality by Dr Jade L Ranger offers insightful tips on achieving balance

Connect with Allaina: www allainamaria com @authorallainamaria


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Work Work Work

"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied."

- Herophilus

Prioritizing Wellness at Work

Contributor: Shaunda Thompson


In the realm of career aspirations and professional achievements, the journey of a professional woman is often mixed with unique challenges and triumphs Amidst the hustle and bustle of the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, mental health and overall wellness are often neglected As Black women, we are accustomed to being pillars of strength, but it’s crucial to remember that our well-being matters just as much as our success Let’s explore the eight dimensions of wellness and discover strategies to nurture our mental, emotional, and physical health while excelling in our careers

Why Wellness Matters

The importance of wellness in the workplace cannot be overstated It directly impacts our physical and mental health, leading to higher energy levels, reduced stress, and improved overall well-being Studies show that engaged employees who feel supported in their well-being are more productive and contribute significantly to organizational success

Prioritizing wellness initiatives fosters a healthier work environment, enhances employee morale, and increases retention and competitiveness

Dimensions of Wellness

Physical Dimension: Our physical health is the foundation for career success

Prioritizing aspects such as nutrition, exercise, and sleep directly influences our energy levels, productivity, and resilience to stress

Emotional Dimension: Understanding, expressing, and managing our emotions are vital for navigating workplace challenges Cultivating emotional wellness equips us with healthy coping mechanisms, strengthens interpersonal relationships, and enhances job satisfaction

Intellectual Dimension: Continuous learning and intellectual stimulation are key to personal growth and career advancement We expand our knowledge and enhance our problem-solving skills by embracing professional development opportunities for mental growth and creativity

Career Dimension: Finding fulfillment and balance in our careers is essential for overall well-being

We can achieve greater job satisfaction and professional success by aligning our work with our values and investing in continuous learning

Social Dimension: Building strong social connections fosters workplace collaboration, support, and resilience Cultivating relationships with colleagues and mentors contributes to career advancement and enhances our sense of belonging

Environmental Dimension: Creating a conducive work environment promotes focus, productivity, and work-life balance Decluttering our workspace and embracing sustainable practices enhances our well-being and contributes to a positive organizational culture

Financial Dimension: Financial stability reduces stress and allows us to confidently pursue our career goals Planning for retirement and managing finances effectively are integral aspects of overall wellness

Spiritual Dimension: Connecting with our inner values and purpose guides our career decisions and provides resilience during times of uncertainty We find meaning and fulfillment in our professional endeavors by nurturing our spiritual well-being

Practices for Supporting Wellness

Grounding Techniques: Engage in grounding exercises such as the 5-4-3-2-1 method to alleviate stress and promote mindfulness

Self-Compassion Exercises: Practice selfcompassion through supportive touch and gestures of care during difficult times

Meditation: Incorporate meditation into your daily routine to improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance selfawareness

Wellness Apps: Explore meditation and mindfulness apps such as Headspace and Calm for guided practices and resources

As professional Black women our journey toward success must encompass more than career milestones Prioritizing our wellness in every dimension ensures that we excel in our careers and thrive in our personal lives

By nurturing our mental, emotional, and physical health, we empower ourselves to overcome challenges, embrace opportunities, and lead fulfilling lives that reflect our values and aspirations




Shumon Hudson is proof that a harmonious relationship between ambition and joy exists She’s discovered the sweet spot of being a dedicated wife and mom of four sons while chasing her dreams as a successful businesswoman, seasoned artist, and entrepreneur

Hudson’s work has been featured on various platforms as a best-selling author, motivational speaker, and soul-stirring vocalist

She is thankful for every hardship she has endured having transformed her into the woman she is today Through it all, she learned to trust in God and have self-confidence She lives in harmony in all facets of life, aspiring for excellence with every move she makes



What inspired your start in entrepreneurship?

I have always known that I was different and that there was more to life for me than working in corporate America I was successful and good at what I did in the corporate arena but I wasn’t fulfilled and I knew that my God-given talents were to be shared with others I needed to create my own lane and bring motivation, love, and encouragement to others

What has been your biggest challenge/failure as an entrepreneur? And how do you deal with it?

My biggest challenge as an entrepreneur has been finding the right market of people My book and journal focus on moms, specifically boy moms, with me being a mom of 4 amazing young Kings This is a specific niche and finding opportunities to connect with like-minded people to connect, network, and offer your services

Many know me as a vocalist because I’ve been singing almost all of my life, but this world as an author and motivational speaker is new, and I am struggling to find those opportunities I handle it by continuing to go to events and pop-up shops to network and meet new people

How do you balance entrepreneurship and Motherhood without experiencing burnout while pursuing your passion?

Now that my young Kings are young adults, it is a little easier to manage motherhood and being an entrepreneur When they were younger, I would spend time working on my business once they were settled for the evening I would include them in events to help teach them the business side, the hustle, and the grind of doing what you love Sometimes I would want to participate in something but couldn’t and didn’t because my children s needs came first, and they still do

What advice do you have for moms looking to get started In entrepreneurship?

Do it! Do it fearful, Do it unsure, Do it afraid! Just DO IT! You will never know your own strength until that is all that you have Jump out there and never live on a woulda, shoulda, coulda! There are many things in this business that I have done unsure and afraid, and they have turned out successful So, I continue to do it and pray that it will continue to create a lane for me

What does being a Pretty Woman Who Hustles mean to you?

It means being comfortable with who you are as a woman, mom, and businesswoman It means not being afraid of the hustle, grit, and grind that comes with success and being an entrepreneur but being pretty in your own way while doing it

What books do you recommend for moms navigating entrepreneurship?

There are 3 books that I read that gave me a new vision and helped me understand myself and my vision

Make Your Bed by Admiral William H McRaven 1

Standout 2 0 by Marcus Buckingham 2

The 5 Choices by Kory Kogon, Adam Merrill, and Leena Rinne 3

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Morgan “Miracle Ina” Brewington hailing from San Diego, California, embodies resilience and empowerment amidst life’s adversities Overcoming financial struggles and familial hardships, she pursued her passion for the entertainment business at Full Sail University graduating in 2016 Despite living with Multiple Sclerosis, Miracle Ina founded three companies, including the Miracle Ina Foundation supporting children and families facing various challenges Amidst juggling motherhood, education, and entrepreneurship, she launched a successful line of candles and bath products during the pandemic With an MBA from Western Governors University and acceptance into the doctoral program, Miracle Ina envisions expanding her business empire and launching a medical spa

Her journey epitomizes the power of self-belief and perseverance, inspiring others to pursue their dreams relentlessly

What inspired your start in entrepreneurship?

I started my entrepreneurial journey when I wanted to become a model, but I was short and curvy in the model industry which was very different than it is now, so I wanted to start my own management agency When I graduated from Full Sail, I became a brand ambassador I work with over 30 companies

I love doing brand ambassador work, so after five years in the game, I decided to work in the back office managing ambassadors And then COVID-19 hit, which shut that all down, so I had to figure out how I was going supplement the income of my brand ambassador work So that’s how a little piece of heavenly love came about

What has been your biggest challenge/failure as an entrepreneur? And how do you deal with it?

My biggest challenges have been not securing enough funds to build my own medical spa and trying to get grants So, I am self-funded So, how do I deal with it? I go out and find other ways of bringing in income to put it towards my business, and I now have a savings account for my medical spa I hope to get the medical spot up in the next three years It s called the boot strap process My family and friends have been the biggest supporters of my brand I will be doing pop-up shops in the summer

What advice do you have for moms looking to get started in entrepreneurship?

Starting a business is just like having a newborn baby You nurture it, protect it, and love it because it’s yours The best advice I can give you is to do something that you love because it’s a piece of you And we all know it’s hard raising kids Still, as they grow you see what you invested in and that’s how business is The new work that you plant will grow Keep believing in your seed, it’s going to blossom into something so amazing Still, you have to keep believing in what you re doing and not giving up, just like you don’t give up on your kids

What does being a Pretty Woman Who Hustles mean to you?

I’m a hard-working woman who has beauty and brains

What books do you recommend for moms navigating entrepreneurship?

Power Moves by Sarah Jakes Robert The Black Girls Guide To Financial Freedom with Paris Wood


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