March 28, 2024

Page 1

How to get the party started

See how hosts plan for the biggest party of the year... pg 12

Students prepare for Easter Weekend... pg 9

Softball prepares for first homestand... pg 14

Why are concert tickets so expensive?... pg 19

MARCH 28, 2024

Sing Tao House to be renovated into a new advertising firm

This upcoming fall, OU journalism students will have the opportunity to engage in an experiential learning opportunity through a new student-run advertising firm. The preliminary firm will be located on the first floor of the Sing Tao Center, and it will be fully student-run with guidance from an agency professional.

Eddith Dashiell, E.W. Scripps School of Journalism director, and Craig Davis, a strategic communications professor, are involved in the firm's planning process. Their goal is to create a hands-on learning environment for journalism majors on the strategic communication track, similar to how those on the news and information track can get involved in student-run publications or broadcast clubs.

“We want this to mimic the advertising and PR profession and we want students to work on real projects,” Davis said. “That's something that's been tested in academia and it works.”

The Sing Tao House was built in 1996 to accommodate the Institute for International Journalism. The center is named after the Sing Tao Publishing Company in Hong Kong, China, which provided most of the funds for the building.

Currently, the first floor of the Sing Tao House holds the Contemporary History Institute, but since it is not a part of Scripps, it is moving to a new space, making room for the advertising firm.

Scott Titsworth, Dean of the Scripps College of Communication, spoke on his original motivation for approving the advertising agency.

“We hadn’t put any money into strategic communication, and that was a place where I thought there was potential for enrollment growth, really good faculty members and really committed students,” Titsworth said. “So, what I did initially was I formed a task force that involved alumni, current students and faculty.”

In the past, OU had a student-run agency called 1804 Communications, a branch of the Public Relations Student Society of America, or PRSSA. The difference between 1804 Communications and the new advertising agency is that students will be working with national clients consistently over several years with professor guidance.

Also, a class will be offered for students to work in the firm and earn credits.

“This is just another opportunity to pro-

vide an experiential learning experience outside of working with University Communications and Marketing,” Dashiell said. “This is different as it’s part of our curriculum, and our faculty has a job assignment which is running this ad agency.”

The class is listed as JOUR 4900 Special Topics in Journalism – Scripps Media Agency and will be open for enrollment in the 2024 Fall Semester. It will be taught by Charles Borghese, a new faculty member with the journalism school who was previously a senior-level member of an advertising agency in New York.

The class is mainly intended for strategic communication and visual communication students to combine their expertise; however, it will be open as an elective for students across Scripps and other colleges.

Students who are not enrolled in the class can still gain experience at the advertising agency and use the space, but they will not acquire credits for their work.

“The faculty that have been working directly with us, and they want (the advertising agency) to be a place where students that are in that field can have a place just to hang out,” Titsworth said. “You're not always going to be enrolled in the class, but you might be inside the Sing Tao House working alongside (similar) people.”

Renovations on the first floor of the Sing Tao Center are underway and expected to be completed by the 2024 Fall Semester. During that semester, students will incorporate the development of the agency into their experiential learning.

“Part of the process of learning is how you

pitch certain clients, how you do RFPs, how you win that business,” Dashiell said. “So, Professor Borghese may want you all to participate in that first before the agency takes off.”

Journalism faculty are eager to see what students do with the advertising agency and how they can use this experience to further themselves careerwise.

“I'm excited because of the energy that the faculty are bringing to it; it's contagious when you hear them talk about it,” Titsworth said. “From the way they're bringing their passion to it, this is going to end up being a great experience for the students.”

The Sing Tao Center on Court Street, March 27, 2024, in Athens. (MEGAN VANVLACK | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER)

Underage drinkers arrested, mailboxes damaged

“u up?”

The Athens County Sheriff's Office responded to the Village of Glouster to a 911 text stating, “Hey.”

Responders attempted to contact the phone number and later contacted the parties at the residence where the message was mapped, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

No one having an emergency was found.

Who let the dogs out

Deputies responded to an aggressive dog complaint from Torch, according to the Athens Sheriff’s Office.

The owner was notified that if another issue were to be reported, then he would be issued a citation for animals at large, according to the Sheriff’s Office.


The Athens County Sheriff's Office responded to a report of breaking and entering on Dailey Road in Albany.

Deputies arrived at the scene and found an outbuilding to be unsecured, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

During the investigation, a man who worked in the building said he had left the building unlocked and secured it after he had finished working.

Deputies resumed patrol.

It’s like that scene in “Rick and Morty”

Several vandalized mailboxes were reported along state Route 685 in Glouster to the Athens County Sheriff's Office.

Responding deputies determined a vehicle had wrecked into the mailboxes and fled the scene. A report was taken.

No fun allowed

The Athens County Sheriff's Office responded to Jacksonville Road in Glouster for a trespassing complaint.

Responding deputies found a fort built by several juveniles, called the guardians of the children, and informed them not to return to the property, according to the Sheriff's Office.

Conflict of Interest

Deputies responded to Cooper Road in Athens for a domestic complaint.

Upon arrival, deputies determined it was a verbal dispute over personal property that later turned physical.

A man was arrested for domestic violence and was taken to Southeastern Ohio Regional Jail, according to the Athens County Sheriff's Office.

Mill Fest got ya

The Ohio University Police Department made an arrest at a campus parking lot for underage drinking.

Mill Fest got ya, pt. 2

A student was arrested at Mackinnon Hall for underage drinking, according to the OUPD.

An ambulance was requested to visit the scene.

“Do you like scary movies?”

Deputies responded to an investigative report of telecommunications harassment at the Marathon in Chauncey, according to the Athens County Sheriff's Office.

After speaking with the person who filed the complaint, deputies determined there was probable cause for multiple criminal charges.

One male was arrested and transported to the Southeastern Ohio Regional Jail, according to the Athens County Sheriff's Office.

Oh that’s not a pleasant sight

People in the Athens County Sheriff’s Office, 13 W. Washington St., saw a man urinating on the office and the neighboring Athens County Courthouse, according to the Athens County Sheriff's Department.

The suspect was given a warning for disorderly conduct and public urination. No further action was taken.

Real people only

OUPD reported that a student in Brown Hall was charged with possessing a fake ID.

So close yet so far

The Athens County Sheriff’s Office reported

that a woman, who had a warrant for aggravated possession of drugs, was arrested by deputies as she traveled from Chauncey to U.S. 33.

The Sheriff’s Office received an anonymous call describing the woman’s vehicle and the possible occupants.

Deputies located the vehicle and determined the woman was one of the passengers.

A traffic stop was conducted and the woman was arrested and taken to Southeastern Ohio Regional Jail.

But Mom, it’s not bad for you!

The Athens County Sheriff’s Office responded to a juvenile complaint on Ellis Avenue in Chauncey.

Upon arrival, deputies collected a dab pen at the request of a juvenile’s parents.

Try to not get caught next time

Deputies were dispatched to Salem Road on the report of a suspicious male walking along the road bleeding.

When deputies located the man, they found him covered in scratches.

Deputies found out the man had an active warrant for this arrest. He was then transported to Southeastern Ohio Regional Jail where he was held on his warrant, according to the Athens County Sheriff’s Office.

THEPOSTATHENS.COM / 3 Division of Diversity and Inclusion Take Back THE NIGHT THURSDAY, APRIL 4TH, 2024 7PM | BAKER CENTER

Students demand restroom locks in residence halls after voyeurism incident

Nearly a month after a report of voyeurism in Dougan House, students are calling for the university to take the initiative to add locks in residence hall showers to protect the safety and privacy of its students.

The incident sparked immediate outrage primarily among students, who voiced their concerns through a petition a day after the reported crime. Since its inception, the petition has garnered nearly 1,200 signatures and prompted the Student Senate to develop an initiative requiring locks on all residence hall bathroom doors.

Of the last nine alerts from OUPD’s crime and emergency alert system, seven of them were related to sexual violence.

About a week after the incident, the Senate passed the initiative, calling on university administration to develop a plan for installation. Women’s Affairs Commissioner Lucy Becker said the Senate was dedicated to timely action and hoped the university would follow suit.

“We wanted to make a statement on it as soon as possible,” Residence Life Commissioner Mae Thomas said. “We wanted both

students and faculty to know that this was a priority.”

Although there are currently no changes to the status of the restroom updates, Thomas said she is discussing the legislation with Housing and Residence Life to figure out the next steps. She said distributing funds to add locks would be a gradual process, but she and her commission are willing to make it eventually happen.

As of March 11, Director of Housing and Residence Life Jneanne Hacker said the immediate strategy the university took to combat the issue for students residing in back south — which consists of Ewing, Wray, True, Dougan and Hoover House – is having one key that unlocks both the students’ assigned mod doors and their individual room doors.

Isabel Gluckert, a sophomore studying art therapy, who lives in back south, said she was concerned that male students had easy access to female restrooms via mod doors, which until recently could be unlocked with any resident’s key card.

Gluckert’s resident adviser, or RA, recommended that if anyone is uncomfortable showering in the residence hall, they should go to Ping Recreation Center. Although this

is a short-term solution, Gluckert said she feels like Ping is a safe place to use the restroom.

Hacker said after several weeks of deliberation with students, Housing and Residence Life is working with Facilities Management and Safety to establish a long-term and feasible implementation of several student suggestions.

Among the recommendations provided by students are increased electronic swipe access points or parameters within the residence halls and showers with doors as opposed to curtains.

However, Gluckert said the only communication she received about the incident came from the university’s crime and emergency alert via email, and she hasn’t received any emails from the university asking for her opinion regarding the incident.

Thomas said the new residence hall in South Green will have shower doors with locks. In each private restroom, there will be a shower and toilet. She said Housing and Residence Life wants to add locks on the showers, but it’s mainly about renovating the older residence halls.

“If a hall is being renovated anyway, it could be renovated with bathroom locks,” Thomas said.

That might take a bit more work (to renovate the older dorms), but I think that's doable.”

Gluckert said the best solution to avoid similar issues in the future is to add locks to the restrooms.

Thomas said she’s heard students have felt uncomfortable with the gaps in the shower curtains, and she said she hopes the new showers make students feel comfortable.

“When we passed the bill, the response to what happened was nothing short of outrage,” Thomas said. “If we are able to address that problem by giving people a safe space, that would make campus, in general, a more safe place to be.”

Hacker said Housing and Residence Life is committed to the initiative, and it’s important to them to ensure they’re responding to students’ immediate concerns.

However, Becker expressed her frustration with the university’s lack of intervention. She expressed her disappointment and said the university needed to put an immediate plan in place for students living in Dougan House.

“I wish that there would be more immediate action for the women in back south,” Becker said. “I know lots of people who talked about still not feeling safe.

Ohio University Police Department Staff Lieutenant Tim Ryan said he doesn’t see a problem adding locks to all the residence hall restrooms. He said it makes sense to add the privacy function as long as the right people have the keys to the locks.

“We start by believing, and we want to hear from victims in the community,” Ryan said. “We know that (sexual violence) is an underreported crime and there's a lot of barriers to reporting. We want to be seen as an approachable place that you can come and make the report.”

Similarly, Gluckert said each RA should have a safety key to unlock the restroom’s doors, and the RA should always have the key on them.

Hacker said Housing and Residence Life welcomes students’ feedback to ensure it is bettering their experiences. She suggested students keep each other safe by ensuring bedroom and mod doors remain locked and are not propped open.

4 / MARCH 28, 2024
Dougan House on South Green, March 24, 2024, in Athens. (MEGAN VANVLACK | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER)

Mayor Patterson builds connections while visiting Ukrainian sister city

Mayor Steve Patterson traveled to Ukraine to visit Athens’ sister city, Ostroh, to further develop the cities’ relationship and find more ways to collaborate.

During his six-day trip, from Feb. 17-24, in Ostroh, Patterson was accompanied by three interpreters to help provide logistical, interpretational and cultural context. Each interpreter took shifts interpreting for the mayor, Svitlana Ramer, one of the interpreters traveling with Patterson, said.

“I helped navigate certain cultural norms, and we did a nightly briefing to make sure all meetings went as planned, and I could explain some of the finer aspects of what went on during certain engagements,” Ramer wrote in an email.

Patterson had an itinerary planned for him before arriving in Ukraine, which included several events and meetings.

One event was to speak and engage with students at Ostroh Academy, one of the world’s oldest higher education institutions. But, the lecture was moved to an underground crypt after air raid sirens began. Patterson said he and around 50-60 students were in the fallout shelter for an hour discussing Ohio, Ohio University and the U.S.

Patterson also had the opportunity to speak with academy administration and faculty, who he said were interested in growing a relationship between Ostroh Academy and OU.

“There was a psychology professor that was there, and they were very interested in learning more about how the psych department in Porter Hall created their psychological services center, their clinic,” Patterson said.

To help foster this relationship, Patterson said upon his return to Athens, he would connect Julie Suhr, professor and director of clinical training in OU’s psychology department, with the professor at Ostroh Academy.

In addition to visiting an institution of higher education in Ukraine, Patterson also visited a K-12 school, where he said he had the most emotional experiences.

As soon as he arrived at the school, he was greeted with a dance from about eight students, and a part of the dance involved an air raid siren.

“The air raid siren goes off, but it was part of what they were doing, and they all crouched down on the floor with their hands over their head as part of the routine,” Patterson said. “These are young people, but in

their daily lives (the air raids are) what they live with.”

He said he saw the air raids become a reality when the school's principal took him to the safety room; the safety room’s purpose is to teach the students how to remain safe during an air raid.

Patterson said in the safety room, he was shown a bookshelf full of replica bombs that were meant to resemble kids' toys. These deadly explosives inside children's toys are a form of Russia’s war tactics against Ukraine.

“He really felt what it is like to live in Ukraine,” Ramer wrote in an email. “It deeply affected him, and he is fired up to get the cities working together for the benefit of both communities.”

Patterson also spoke with a forestry club associated with the school, and he introduced the club to pawpaw seeds. He brought a pound of the seed and gave the bag to the club for them to grow.

Patterson attended a rally Feb. 24 that the city hosted in honor of the two-year mark of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

A local newspaper in Ostroh, Zamkova Gora, which translates to The Castle Mountain, wrote about the rally, reporting, “On Svobody Square in Ostroh, the country began to learn more and more names of heroes. Each story evoked intense pain, overwhelming anger and powerlessness.”

Patterson said he shared the stories he learned in Ukraine when he was in Washington D.C. from March 9-13 for the National League of Cities conference. He said the people he spoke to in Ukraine were concerned Congress would stop authorizing money to the country and he relayed those concerns.

“I had the great fortune of getting to briefly speak with President Biden, and I quickly shared my story … about my experience over in Ukraine, and gave the thank you from the people that I engaged with, but also they also really need more continued funding, so please continue your efforts, Patterson said. “He didn’t disagree with me at all.”

Ramer said she believes the two cities are a perfect pair and that the in-person visit was a pivotal step in the cities’ relationship.

“This trip was a critical launchpoint for multiple levels of partnership. Businesses, universities, schools,” Ramer wrote in an email. “The mayor now has so many ideas and concrete plans that he is already implementing now that he is back.”

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Cherry blossom season blooms at OU

Ohio and Chubu Universities celebrated their 50th year of partnership this past fall. Over the years, the partnership has created opportunities for faculty and student exchanges as well as a strong appreciation for the cherry blossom trees planted along the Hockhocking Adena Bikeway.

According to Ohio University, the cherry blossoms “symbolize the arrival of spring in Athens,” creating anticipation for warmer weather and sunny days. However, the trees do not just symbolize spring, they also illustrate the strong connection between OU and Chubu.

The partnership was formed in 1973 and in 1979, Chubu donated 175 cherry blossom trees in recognition of OU’s 175th anniversary. In light of the 30-40-year lifespan of the trees, OU has been fortunate enough to receive donations in 2003 and 2023 as well.

Sara ViseHolman, a sophomore studying marketing and entrepreneurship said it was important to acknowledge the cherry blossom trees donated to OU.

“It’s important to recognize Japanese culture and just appreciate anybody’s culture in general,” ViseHolman said. “They’re just beautiful.”

In addition to their beauty, ViseHolman said they better the environment by helping pollinators produce fertilization and fruit production.

There are several places around campus where students can see the trees. Dr. Gillian Ice, interim associate provost for Global Affairs, discussed how OU is one of the best places to see the trees in bloom.

“We’ve been named by different institutions as being one of the best spots to see cherry trees in the country,” Ice said. “ I just think, of course, the cherry trees are gorgeous, but having them line the river, it’s just a really nice spot.”

The cherry trees are just one of the partnership’s benefits. Throughout the years, both universities have had the opportunity for faculty and student exchanges. Dr. Gerry Krzic, director of the Ohio Program of Intensive English, discussed his faculty exchange to Chubu in the 1980s.

“I was teaching English to a select group of students my first two years,” said Krzic. “These were elective English classes so students who wanted to go above and beyond the general English classes at the university there, and then I would also do some faculty classes.”

Apart from teaching, Krzic discussed what he learned about the significance of the cherry trees on the exchange.

“I think it was a time, not so much history, but the importance culturally,” said Krzic. “For Japan, the cherries were central, I think to the culture, very delicate. A delicate flower doesn’t last long, it’s like the impermanence of life and beauty and it just reminds you of that.”

Krzic said his time as a Peace Corps volunteer in Korea made him realize how central the cherry trees were to Japanese culture and he and his friends would always have picnics under the trees to spend time together and show their gratitude.

Chubu not only has connections with OU, but also with the Athens community. Ice discussed how her children attended the Child Development Center by The Ridges and would interact with the trees during the season.

“I don’t know if they still do it, but they had a tradition of bringing the kids down for a picnic when they were blooming,” said Ice. “So that’s how sort of Chubu first came into my awareness is just from my kids going to the cherry trees.”

As cherry blossom season approaches, students, faculty and the Athens community show gratitude for the trees. ViseHolman discussed some of her favorite things to do while the trees are in bloom.

“I actually try to walk as much as I can up and down the path around there,” said Viseholman. “My birthday is around the time that they come up so I think it’s really cute and special. Last year I took some pictures with them.”

Krzic discussed how he has formed a sense of gratitude for both universities through his job.

“My job is to make intercultural connections and to have students from other countries understand American culture,” said Krzic. “In this case when I see the OU students and the Chubu students becoming friends, it’s very gratifying for me because it allows me to see that we can be successful in making these intercultural connections … so it helps me do my job and it also makes that partnership or friendship between Chubu and OU just be alive every day.”

6 / MARCH 28, 2024
Cherry blossom trees along the Hockhocking Adena Bikeway at Ohio University, Athens, March 21, 2024. (TALITHA MALOY | FOR THE POST)

Campus market prices increase but the worth of meal swipes remains the same

Most students with Flex Meal Plans often head to campus markets at the end of the week to spend their meal swipes, but recently students have noticed they’ve had to pay more out of pocket for groceries.

First- and second-year students are required to purchase a meal plan and upperclassmen can also purchase a plan. Flex Meal Plans can include 14 swipes, which costs $3,355 per semester or 20 swipes a week, which costs $3,740 per semester. Students can purchase Traditional Meal Plans for 10 swipes, costing $2,212 per semester, 14 swipes, costing $2,462 per semester and 20 swipes, costing $2,630 per semester, according to OU’s website. Traditional 10 Meal Plans are only offered to second-year students and above.

Flex Meal Plans differ from Traditional Meal Plans because students have the choice to spend their meal swipes at markets and dining halls, along with $225 in Flex Points that can be spent at most culinary venues. Traditional Meal Plans only offer students the option of eating at campus dining halls,

Brick City Deli On The Go, located in front of Lindley Hall, or Smooth Moves at Boyd Market for a smoothie, fruit and pastry.

Students with Flex Meal Plans can use their meal swipes to buy groceries, which are worth $6.75. Nikki Wood, a senior studying philosophy, who has a Flex 14 Meal Plan, said she has had to dip into her additional $225 in Flex Points and sometimes out-of-pocket money when buying groceries because her meal swipes didn’t cover the inflated prices of groceries.

“When they didn't really tell us about it (increasing prices), and I had to pay my own money my first time getting groceries because it didn't cover the whole cost of them, it was obviously pretty financially debilitating,” Wood said. “For college students, even $40 or $50 is a lot for just a week or two.”

Spending meal swipes on groceries isn’t the only option for Flex Meal Plans, students can also use them at additional dining venues that include Earl’s Coop, in Shively Hall on East Green, Brick City Deli at Jefferson Market, The Hungry Cat, located at the top of Morton Hill, or any campus cafe. Flex Meal



Social Engagement & Student Org Events

Thursday, March 28

Kaiwa Time Practice Speaking Japanese w/learners & native speakers

7:00 - 8:00 pm

Gordy 209

Thursday, March 28

Taylor Swift DJ Night

6:30-9:30 pm

Baker Ballroom

SCAN for more events

Saturday, March 30

Wolf Facts vs Myths Humane Coexistence Methods

12:00-1:00 pm

Schoonover 145

African Heros Night

6:00 - 9:00 pm

Baker Ballroom

$5 admission

Bobcat Tabletop all day gaming

10:00 - 10:00 pm

Living Learning Center

Friday, April 5

Plans also work at Latitude 39, West 82 and Life is Sweet, which are all inside Baker Cen ter.

“If you do have a meal plan, the dining halls are all-you-can-eat and we’ve added a plethora of healthy choices in there,” Frank Pazzanese, executive director of OU Culi nary Services, said.

According to Pazzanese, culinary is man dated by the OU Board and then governed by the state on how much money can be on the meal plans. He said since the COVID-19 pan demic, the Consumer Price Index, or CPI, has steadily risen, and since OU is governed by the state, the CPI is an added factor in mar ket prices increasing.

“All the Ohio public universities can only raise their room and board price by a cer tain percentage each year, and a lot of times we don't know that until after January,” Paz zanese said. “It's really hard for us to set pricing for the upcoming year.”

Kent Scott, director of auxiliary operations, said once they establish the prices in the markets throughout the summer, those prices are locked in for the year. Scott said

March 21st - April 12th

Friday’s LIVE Season 52 E05 hosted by Dasia Dewberry & Larissa Strong

8:00 pm Studio C (RTV 515)

Sunday, April 7

Moms Weekend

Bouquet Making 11:30 - 2:00 pm

Baker Theater Lounge

Friday April 12

Variant Fashion Show 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Central Venue 29 Carpenter Street


April 12-14

Friday and Saturday 6:00 - 8:00 pm

The Union

Sunday 10:30-12:00

Galbreth Chapel

SCAN for MOM’s Weekend events APRIL 5 - 7

Continued on page 8.



APRIL 8TH 2:00 - 4:00 PM

* To have your event included on this calendar make sure it is registered on Bobcat Connect!

most of all the items are not changing in price.

Every spring or early summer, Scott said they facilitate a price comparison between 150-200 of the markets’ most popular items and compare them to other grocery businesses in town. These include Kroger and Walmart, located along East State Street, Seamen’s, located along West Union Street, and convenience stores.

“We work with our prime vendor and we try to fall in the middle of that mix as far as prices,” Scott said. “Then we also work with other vendors, not just our prime vendor, but we work with other vendors to actually have lower prices in some areas.”

Scott said OU’s Red Bull prices probably beat everyone else’s Red Bull prices because the university negotiated for cheaper prices along with their national contract.

According to the OHIO EATS app, the price of a 16 oz. Red Bull is $4.29; however, at Kroger the price of a 16 oz. Red Bull is $4.

“It's really hard for us to compete against those big box stores,” Scott said.

“When Walmart's bringing a whole truckload of stuff and they're just distributing it, they get a lot better pricing on it. We're never going to be able to really truly compete.”

However, Scott said OU’s markets probably have convenience stores along Athens beat for better prices. Although prices on brands like Redbull, Frito-Lay and Coca-Cola are a better comparison to Kroger or Walmart prices because they are partnered with OU and are not marked up, he said.

Pazzanese mentioned that when these named brands raise their prices, OU tries to find the breakeven point without raising their prices.

“We don't treat this as a business, when we lose money, we lose money for the university that doesn't go back into university,” Pazzeneze said. “Every dollar we lose, that's a scholarship that we don't support anymore.

He said he understands there is no control over the prices, but students do have control over what kind of brands to choose from. Pazzanese said there are more high-end brands, which are more expensive, but there are also cheaper brands for students to pick from in the markets.

According to a J.T. Hackney OU 2023-24 price book, many of the “mainstream” brands have increased their prices, but some have also decreased their prices. Most items have only seen less than a 0.50 cent increase, but some, including Kraft Mac and Cheese cups and salad options, have seen $1 increases.

Inflation is up more than 3%, according to the U.S. inflation calculator, and increasing market prices have forced changes in student spending habits.

“(Students) have to now make good choices and we want to give them enough options to make good choices,” Pazzanese said.

When it comes to raising prices, it’s harder to find cheaper, healthier options. Wood mentioned that she can typically afford only frozen meals.

“If you want your $6.75 to get two items or three items, then yes, maybe you have to do that but we do have affordable, healthy items that will fit in that range,” Pazzanese said.

Pazzanese said it is hard to eat healthy on a budget, but he said, in reality, people can’t find anything for $6.75 at fast food restaurants.

“We understand the struggle that it is and we're trying to do everything we can to find the breakeven points,” Pazzanese said.

8 / MARCH 28, 2024
Jefferson Marketplace located on East Green in Athens, March 17, 2024. (ELLE MALTRY | FOR THE POST)
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Easter looks different for some students far from home

With Easter Sunday falling on March 31, students who celebrate are eager to spend time with family and get a break from Athens. However, for some students who live out of state, the holiday weekend is spent on campus.

Easter is a Christian holiday that recognizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The holiday is celebrated differently depending on religious traditions and denominations, but it also contains an interesting non-religious history.

Known for delivering candy in baskets on Easter morning, the Easter Bunny is one of the holiday’s common symbols. According to, “rabbits are, in many cultures, known as enthusiastic procreators, so the arrival of baby bunnies in springtime meadows became associated with birth and renewal.” There are also other historical symbols including traditional Easter foods and egg hunts.

Ohio University is a public university, therefore no days are given off for Easter weekend. Students who wish to see their families can go home for the weekend, but for some, that is not an easy process.

Alyssa Mealor, a junior studying retail and fashion merchandise, is from Tampa, Florida, and said despite not celebrating Easter, it is hard being away from family.

“I’m very family-oriented (and) I’m super close with my family,” said Mealor. “I don’t even necessarily celebrate the holiday, I’m not a super religious person, but it would still be nice to be allotted that time to kind of go home and take a break and see my family again.”

Mealor said it’s a very stressful time in the semester and having a little break for out-ofstate students would be helpful.

Lucas Salomao, a freshman studying accounting, also said his travels home to Texas are stressful and impractical.

“I don’t really travel home back to Texas very often unless it’s planned beforehand because of how expensive it is,” said Salomao.

“I don’t really want to leave on a Friday night and then I have to come back on a Saturday.”

Salomao said the trip is around 18 hours and usually done in two days with his sister, therefore he only travels home for longer breaks including spring and winter break.

Students who live in Ohio and are able to go home for the weekend and spend time with family are fortunate. Mealor discussed how her roommates are going home for the weekend, while she is staying in Athens.

“It definitely kind of feels a little bit lonely,” said Mealor. “All of my roommates are going to go home for the weekend because most of them live in either Cincinnati or Columbus, so they have that availability to just kind of get to go home and spend time with their families.”

Mealor said she plans on working throughout the weekend in order to stay busy.

For those who are going home to celebrate the holiday, the weekend will be filled with family time and delicious Easter meals. Juliana Pepple, a junior studying psychology, is from Sandusky, and she said she is grateful

that going home is not a difficult task.

“I felt like it was such a long drive when I first moved here, but I’ve found ways to make the drive more bearable,” said Pepple. “I mean it’s also broadened my perspective of time and how long it takes to get places in terms of relationships and stuff like that.”

Pepple said she understands why the university doesn’t give time off for Easter, but she is excited to go home, eat her mom's signature artichokes and celebrate the holiday in her new church.

In light of not offering days off for the holiday, OU makes an effort to recognize important dates during Holy Week, including Good Friday. According to OU, the “recommended accommodations” for Good Friday state to “avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities on the date.” This section of the website also recognizes several other religious holidays and their accommodations.


Successful season ends with All-American, bright future

Coming off a historic performance at the NCAA Wrestling Championships, Peyten Kellar and the wrestling team came home to Athens with their heads held high.

Individually, Kellar now joins an exclusive group of wrestlers who have achieved one of the highest honors in the sport — being an All-American.

Kellar, although happy to see his name on the wall of All-Americans in the soon-to-be-renovated training room, is looking forward to returning to his regular life.

Despite being one of the most individually successful athletes on campus, Kellar shows no signs of arrogance or feelings of entitlement. Kellar took last Saturday night and Sunday to celebrate. After that, he went right back to his routine as a regular college student.

Kellar signals a change in his mindset for being the catalyst of his ascent on a national scale.

“Last year, I think the main thing that stopped me from winning was mental toughness,” Kellar said. “It doesn’t even have to be (on the mat) ... (In Kansas City), I wrestled fearlessly. I wasn’t scared of winning or losing.”

With two years of eligibility remaining, Kellar wants to run the table over the course of an entire season by going undefeated and returning to the podium as an All-American.

Ohio Coach Joel Greenlee, who will be entering his 27th season coaching next year, would consider winning a Mid-American Conference championship the pinnacle of success.

“I am super proud of the guys on our team for what they went through this past year and still having the season that they did,” Greenlee said. “It could have gone a very different way, but I think it is a testament to the guys on our teams and their leadership and perseverance.”

Aside from the Bobcats’ individual successes, Greenlee is very impressed with how the team came together as a whole in 2023. Ohio’s starting lineup will be returning in full for the

2024 season, which leaves Greenlee particularly hopeful for next season.

“In all honesty, I think we were good enough to win a MAC Championship this year,” Greenlee said. “We need to be consistent in the beginning and at the end. We need to keep building on that and get better and better.”

Although Ohio sent three wrestlers to the NCAA Championships, it could have been even more. Sal Perrine and Zayne Lehman’s disappointing performances at the MAC Championships put them on the outside looking in when it came time for the selections for the NCAA Championships.

Greenlee and Ohio will enter the offseason confident that the “Ohio way” translates to winning at the highest level. Kellar’s All-American season is proof of what is possible with a dedicated team. Now that Ohio has ended its drought of All-Americans, it looks to end another dry spell, as over a decade has passed since the last time it won the MAC Championships.

10 / MARCH 28, 2024
MARC GOLDSTEIN FOR THE POST Ohio wrestler Peyten Kellar wrestling in the 157 pound weight class during Ohio’s match against Buffalo, Feb. 24, 2024, in The Convo. (JACK TATHAM | FOR THE POST)

All you need to know for Ohio's series with Ball State this weekend

Ohio is in desperate need of getting back on track this weekend when it travels to Muncie, Indiana, to take on Ball State in a weekend conference series. Ohio is coming off a weekend in which it suffered a 2-1 series defeat to Central Michigan while surrendering 16 total runs across a threegame span.

The Bobcats will be looking to get some better performances out of their starting rotation, which has fluctuated quite a bit all season long. Ohio has used seven different starters so far in 21 games played.

Going up against Ball State, a team that shares some early conference woes, Ohio will be looking to grasp hold of some kind of momentum.

Here is all you need to know for Ball State:

Game Information:

Opponent: Ball State

Location: Varsity Baseball Complex (Muncie, Indiana)

Time: Thursday at 3 p.m., Friday at 1 p.m., Saturday at 1 p.m.

How to Watch: ESPN+

Follow live stats at

Meet the Opponent:

Head Coach: Rich Maloney (18th season)

Statistical Leaders

Batting Average: Michael Hallquist (.343)

RBI: Hallquist (27)

Home Runs: Hallquist (8)

ERA: Lucas Letsinger (3.86)

Strikeouts: Merritt Beeker (46)


Ohio first matched up with Ball State in 2005. Since then, the series has been relatively even, with Ohio winning 22 games to Ball State’s 27 total wins. Over the last 10 matchups, the two teams share a perfect split of 5 games apiece.

Most recently it was the Cardinals who came to Athens last season and took the series 2-1 from the Bobcats. The series was particularly close, with none of the three games being decided by more than 2 runs.

Ball State Notes

Ball State has struggled to start its conference schedule, having yet to win a series. The Cardinals come into their series with the Bobcats looking at a 2-7 record.

Despite some early struggles, Ball State features a potential MAC Player of the Year candidate in Mike Hallquist, who currently leads the conference in home runs and is among the leaders in several other key statistical categories.

The matchup between Ohio and Ball State brings two of the MAC’s best players for the 2024 season onto the same field with Ohio’s Gideon Antle and Hallquist for Ball State.

Player to Watch: Ohio’s rotation

Ohio has struggled off the mound to start the season, to say the least. The team is currently looking at a combined ERA of over seven. The Bobcats have tried a plethora of different options to start games and it seems that who will pitch on any day in a weekend series is a mystery to all until the game begins. Whoever Ohio decides to throw out on the mound in the series against Ball State will be looking to provide some stability and maybe an answer to Ohio’s early season pitching woes.


THEPOSTATHENS.COM / 11 OPEN MIC NIGHT FRIDAYS The Front Room Baker Center 6:00 - 8:00 pm WATCH & ENJOY
Ohio infielder, Billy Adams (11), steps to throw the ball from second base at Bob Wren Stadium, March 23, 2024, in Athens. (ABBIE KINNEY | ART DIRECTOR)
I wanted to let everyone know that we are in fact back, better than ever, by throwing what I consider to be one of the best parties I’ve ever done. That Mill Fest party was absolutely insane.
– Vince Debeljak, a sophomore studying music production and recording

Students discuss planning for Fest Season Kickoff, Mill Fest


Bright and early Saturday morning, thousands of students congregated along Mill Street, ready to enjoy the soon-to-escalate parties. In a sea of green and white, students danced to the beat of buzzing speakers.

Students, dressed in everything from cowboy hats to funny costumes, were ready to carry on the long-lasting tradition of Fest Season, which has held importance within Ohio University’s history for generations.

“I’m excited for the whole day,” said Julia Lease, a senior studying engineering technology and management, as she prepared for the day ahead. “I think it will be fun.”

For many students at OU, Fest Season can be one of the most exciting times of the year. Back-to-back weekends of partying around

the city of Athens as the weather starts to get warmer are fan-favorites of many students.

Passing the tradition on to first-year students and showing them the significance of the celebrations has occurred for generations. Fests serve as a reminder to students that they deserve to enjoy themselves, and that although it is important to work hard, it is also important to play hard.

The atmosphere at this year’s Mill Fest was nothing short of electric. With the commencement of Fest Season, students buzzed from house to house while enjoying hanging out with their friends despite the brisk, yet sunny weather. Residents of the houses along Mill Street spent a great deal of energy and resources planning their events and were excited to have such a great turnout.

Vince Debeljak, a sophomore studying music production and recording, was the

DJ for the party that was held at 32 N. College St. He said he originally began DJing in eighth grade and has never looked back.

Debeljak said he has had the opportunity to work with the people residing at the house since October 2022. He said the parties always end up being a good time and that house members set up his equipment so that he can focus on his performance. They were even able to build a DJ booth for him to perform in, which was usually put on the roof for past fests.

“They love me,” Debeljak said. “I love working with them. They’re a good crowd, and I love giving them good parties.”

Debeljak said he is subscribed to record pools, which allow him to download music and remixes and see what is popular at that time. When booking him, clients are also able to pick certain songs they may want on the playlist or what kind of music they prefer.

Debeljak said that once he steps on stage, the stress he faces usually fades away. However, he often experiences moments of anxiety leading up to shows about making sure everything is prepared. He said the pressure can sometimes come from clients being too demanding.

“If they’re putting all this pressure on you to make them happy, then they have expectations for you, and it can make you nervous to try and fulfill all of those,” he said.

He said Mill Fest was super important for him because he wanted to start off Fest Season on the right note. He said he wanted students to know the parties would be better than ever this season.

“My whole goal was to kick off Fest Season with a bang,” Debeljak said. “I wanted to let everyone know that we are in fact back, better than ever, by throwing what I consider to be one of the best parties I’ve ever done.

12 / MARCH 28, 2024

That Mill Fest party was absolutely insane.”

The backyard of 32 N. College St. was filled to the brim with students excited to party and happy to be out on such a gorgeous day. As classic pop songs came on back-to-back, students screamed along, vocal cords strained and spirits high.

Zach Katz, a sophomore studying media and social change, said he planned the party that occurred at 89 Mill St. and had been looking forward to the event for a very long time. He said Mill Fest is one of the residents’ favorite parties to throw, as it has a prime location in the center of all the action.

Katz said the residents of 89 Mill St. did not start planning for the party until roughly a month ago. But since then, he said he and his friends have taken a deep dive into logistics. He said they looked at everything from booking a DJ for the event and ensuring that crowd control is possible and not having too

many people congregate on the property, which could lead to potential trouble.

He said he felt confident that everything would run smoothly, and everyone would have fun and enjoy themselves.

“I just hope they know that people that live there and the people that are friends with those people, they can throw some fun parties and come to another one,” Katz said.

Lease said she did not plan for Mill Fest at all. She simply woke up and was ready to party. She said she was excited to hang out with her friends and see everyone on Mill.

While some woke up and simply were ready to go, others spent more time mentally preparing for the day and had aspirations for their parties.

JD Lawrence, a junior studying accounting and business pre-law, said to prepare for Mill Fest he got up early and started rallying everyone in the house at 9 a.m. He said he

Honestly, (Fest Season) is about getting into deep waters and finding yourself when you don’t expect it.

– Chance King, a senior studying strategic leadership and management you don’t expect it,” he said.

was excited to see how the day would go and hoped everyone had a good time.

“I’m excited to see the turnout,” he said. “It’s been great in the past few years and I can’t wait to see how it ends up today.” Others had very inspiring words for students getting ready to fight through the cold and enjoy the celebrations.

Charlie Vincent, a junior studying finance, said the important part of Mill Fest was powering through and getting through the day.

“We’re going to burn the boats,” he said. “There’s no retreat today.”

He said he hoped everyone made smart decisions and that they got everything out of the day that they wanted.

“Just stay smart,” he said. “Have fun and let’s all get after it today. Let’s all get after it.”

Chance King, a senior studying strategic leadership and management, planned his house party and said he was excited to see what the day would bring. While standing on his front lawn, beer in hand, King spoke words of wisdom directed toward the partygoers.

To prepare, he said he had been putting speakers up and making sure everything was ready to go. King said his biggest piece of advice for students about Mill Fest and Fest Season is to stay smart and keep open beer cans off the sidewalk.

To him, Mill Fest and the start of Fest Season meant getting excited for yet another beautiful OU tradition. King said he really hoped everyone had a great time and partied as hard as possible, as that’s what Fest Season should be all about.

“Listen, you’re young once,” King said. “So enjoy this time while you’re young. Fear no man and get it done today.”

“Honestly, (Fest Season) is about getting into deep waters and finding yourself when

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Ohio looks to find consistency against Central Michigan

For a team projected to finish second in the Mid-American Conference Preseason Coaches Poll, Ohio (13-17, 1-5 MAC) has gotten off to a rough start in conference play. Last weekend, Ohio suffered a bitter series of losses against a historic rival in Miami when it was swept on the road.

The series against Miami featured some of the highest combined scoring games of Ohio’s season, which Ohio coach Jenna Hall echoed as a bright spot and a sign of a potential turnaround.

“If you take our last Ball State game and then Miami, we played some really good softball,” Hall said. “Miami was a beast, and they’re quite a quality program, but I loved our offensive output.”

The Bobcats scored 26 total runs over their four-game stretch, giving reason for optimism despite a 1-3 record over that time.

Now, Ohio has a chance to get back on track in a home series against MAC opponent Central Michigan.

Series Information

Opponent: Central Michigan (5-18, 2-1 MAC)

Location: Ohio Softball Field (Athens)

Times: Friday at 3 p.m., Saturday at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

Where to Watch: ESPN+

Meet the Opponent: Statistical Leaders for Central Michigan

Batting Average: Carly Sleeman (.311)

Hits: Sleeman (23)

Runs: Sleeman and Skylar Coberley (13)

Home Runs: Allyssa Hollo (3)

RBI: Sleeman (15)

Innings Pitched: Grace Lehto (52.1)

Strikeouts: Lehto (40)

ERA: Mackenzie Lehgan (3.12)

Central Michigan Notes

The Chippewas have not been the most impressive statistically throughout this season. Their record through their first 23 games speaks to their struggles. However, Central Michigan is on a two-game win streak in MAC play after besting a Northern Illinois team that has seen similar struggles.

The Chippewas roster is not loaded like Miami or Ball State's. Still, they have shown they can be competitive in the MAC.

Hall notes offensive consistency and limiting the number of batters they let on base as the keys to success against Central Michigan. Ohio struggled against Miami because of a lack of inning-to-inning consistency on offense, scoring most, if not all, of its runs in just a few innings. It also could not keep runners off bases or get them off once they were there.

“I think those two things will allow us to stay in control of the game and not feel like

we're always fighting to pull it back to our side,” Hall said.

A Positive Outlook for Ohio

Despite the recent decline in winning percentage, Ohio firmly believes that winning will come and that the on-field product has been better than the record throughout the season.

“We don’t talk all about winning,” Hall said. “It's about how we're playing our game and how we're being consistent pitch to pitch and being present on what we do.”

While wins have been hard to come by early in MAC play, the team is optimistic they will come.

“I think they (the players) see the turn we’ve been doing the last four,” Hall said. “I think that they're aware of it because that's the culture that we have.”

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Ohio’s veteran quarterbacks both solid starting options

Ohio has been secure at the most important position, quarterback, for the last two seasons behind the arm of former Mid-American Conference Offensive Player of the Year, Kurtis Rourke.

In 2024-25, Ohio will venture into the post-Rourke world as the Maple Missle moved onto Indiana via the transfer portal. Ohio does not have a clear starting quarterback for its upcoming season, but it does have a couple of options.

After failing to retain a stable quarterback option in the transfer portal, Ohio will likely be looking from within for a 2024 quarterback. Two fifth-year seniors who have been with the program for multiple years prove to be good options for Ohio at quarterback: CJ Harris, whose 2023 season ended with injury and former UCF transfer Parker Navarro.

Despite being behind Rourke for the last two seasons, Harris and Navarro gained valuable experience when Rourke had to miss time with injury. Dating back to the end of the 2022 season, Harris gave the Bobcats an incredible debut performance against Bowling Green, with four total touchdowns and 261 yards.

Harris wasn’t as effective in Ohio’s 2022 MAC title game against Toledo, with 175 total yards, no touchdowns and an interception. However, Harris bounced back with another multiple-touchdown performance in Ohio’s bowl win against Wyoming, including a game-winning touchdown pass to tight end Tyler Foster.

Early on in 2023, Harris had some issues stepping into Rourke’s shoes. In Ohio’s first game against San Diego State, Rourke suffered a concussion, making way for Harris. Unfortunately for Ohio, Harris was not near-

ly as effective as he was in the bowl game, with several missed throws, including three interceptions.

Harris played one more game the rest of the season against LIU, in which he completed seven of eight passes for 44 yards.

One significant advantage Harris has not just over Navarro but over most other quarterbacks is his size. At 6 feet, 4 inches and 220 pounds, Harris’ size will make it easier to see over his offensive lineman down the field.

If Harris wins the job for Ohio, the team will want to see him be the capable passer he showed the potential to be during the 2022 Arizona Bowl.

Navarro hasn’t had much responsibility as a passer in the Ohio offense since he arrived ahead of the 2022 season. Still, his speed and elusiveness make him a legitimate dual-threat quarterback.

Like Harris, Navarro only had substantial playing time in two games in the 2023 season but was efficient in both appearances. On only seven passing attempts against LIU, Navarro threw for 60 yards and two touchdowns.

In Ohio’s bowl win over Georgia Southern, Navarro had a productive performance, completing 11 of 16 passes for 120 yards and rushing for 71 more yards on 15 carries.

Navarro finished the season with 178 rushing yards on 25 carries. Navarro’s rushing ability meshes very well with Tim Albin’s option-heavy offense.

With two very solid quarterback options, it is no surprise to see this battle for the starting position continue throughout the summer and into the regular season.

The Ohio Bobcats run out of the tunnel led by Tim Albin, center, before the game against Kent State at Peden Stadium in Athens, Oct. 7, 2023. (JACK TATHAM | FOR THE POST)

Linking screen time decrease to studying abroad

Sophia Rooksberry

In early March, I began my five-monthlong study abroad experience in Leipzig, Germany. In the few weeks I’ve lived here, I’ve met other exchange students from countries all over the world. One thing I noticed while I was getting to know my fellow students was my lack of cell phone usage while spending time with them.

According to the Pew Research Center,

55% of teenagers report spending time with friends via an online platform, whether that be online gaming or social media. For me, this number manifests itself differently. At home, I am guilty of sitting on my phone when I’m supposed to be spending time with my friends, occasionally showing them something interesting I scrolled and found or playing a game while we’re talking.

My experience with cell phone use in America and the fact that it is easier than ever to be digitally connected led me to assume that cell phone usage would be approximately the same in Germany. However, I was surprised to observe that a phone is rarely visible at the table when I spend time with new friends. Even more surprisingly, my own urge to reach for my phone in social settings has disappeared almost completely.

That trend may be partly due to the location of our study abroad experience. According to Statista, 22% of Americans spend nearly the whole day on their phones, while 12% of Germans report the same amount of daily screen time. However, those numbers do not reflect the variety of nationalities represented in my cohort. This led me to the conclusion that the difference comes from our standing as international students.

By choosing to study abroad, we all recognize that our purpose here is to immerse ourselves in the local culture rather than spend time scrolling on our phones, which can be done anywhere in the world. This has resulted in deeper connections between myself and those I am studying with, as well as an increased sense of presentness in my daily life.

Experiencing a new environment, from new sights to unfamiliar smells, takes over the senses and forces them into heightened alertness. I am constantly wandering into new environments in this city alongside people I am still getting to know. This increased alertness has caused me to focus on my surroundings and fully immerse myself in them without distractions.

Studying abroad has granted me new experiences and relationships that I would never have found in the U.S. I feel more inclined to spend my time exploring a new place or going out to dinner rather than spend my downtime in my room engaging with screens. My attention feels more focused, and I feel more connected with myself and my surroundings than I ever have before.

I hope these habits don’t disappear when I return home in the fall. Spending four years

in the same town has always felt like a lifetime to me, so I believe I have falsely convinced myself that I don’t have an obligation to make the most of every day in Athens. However, over just a few weeks, I have been inspired to expect more from every day. I’ve found enjoyment in simple things, like people-watching and getting coffee between classes, and I would hate to think that this enjoyment has to disappear when I return home.

Just because my environment in Athens is more familiar doesn’t mean it has to be monotonous, which is an attitude I believe my consistent level of screen time at home has created. I hope the sense of presentness I feel overseas doesn’t go away, and I believe every college student could benefit from that feeling. I will work toward that goal by continuing to disengage from my phone and focus my attention on my surroundings, and I encourage students worldwide to try it.

Sophia Rooksberry is a sophomore studying journalism. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The Post. Want to talk more about it? Let Sophia know by tweeting her @sophiarooks_.

Death of the ‘ski bum’ lifestyle

Some thrive in a life lived outside. Take thru-hikers, who spend months living off the pack on their back, with the simple goal of walking from one place to somewhere else much farther away.

Winter has come to an end, and with it, much of the ski and snowboard season. That also means a particular type of person goes

into a sort of hibernation: the "ski bum."

A "ski bum" is a skiing fanatic, typically in the sport's hotspots, such as Colorado and Utah. But more than that, it is a lifestyle and a culture, one of couch surfing or living out of a van and working for ski resorts or shops to get deals on passes and gear. Overall, a ski bum’s goal is simple: to ski as much as possible for as little money as possible.

On the surface, that lifestyle may have a deep appeal and draw to some. For me, it does. I have been interested in van life for the past few years. It is not a new idea; my dad had an early dream of working as a ski lift operator for the chance to ski every day.

But as the climate changes and the costs of living and gear have skyrocketed, the traditional "ski bum" lifestyle is less and less attainable for most. Even the idea of van life is out of reach for many.

The first and most obvious reason for this dying subculture is a warming climate. The ski season is simply getting shorter and shorter each year. According to the National Ski Areas Association, or NSAA, "Climate change is the number one threat to the snowsports industry."

From coast to coast, the nation's top ski

resorts can expect at least 25% fewer days with below-freezing temperatures within 20 years, according to the Climate Impact Lab. Especially for Midwest resorts, such as Brandywine between Cleveland and Akron, decreasing snowfalls and days below freezing are causing a shorter season. Brandywine closed for the season March 3, while its neighbor Boston Mills closed March 17.

The other major issue with the "ski bum" subculture is cost, including the cost of living and gear. Take Breckenridge, Colorado, where the cost of living index score is 144.9 compared to the national standard of 100. The average home costs over $1 million, and the average rent of a one-bedroom apartment can hit close to $1600.

Even the idea of living out of a van is becoming increasingly expensive, with the high end of van dwelling costing around $3000 per month, not including the initial expenses of purchasing the van and renovating it if one chooses to go that route. For those who work for a ski resort and make somewhere between $16-$22 per hour, those costs, along with food and other necessities, become more out of reach.

That does not even include ski gear itself,

which can cost over $2,000 in total to own and more to rent. Even with discounts on gear and resort passes available to employees, items such as clothing and helmets are a significant cost.

With the climate changing, costs rising and wages not reflecting them, the idea of living for skiing and snowboarding is becoming more of a dream than a reality for most. Personally, I would love to live that sort of life, but I know that getting a career and other life responsibilities would impede the time needed to spend my days on the slopes.

To quote former "ski bum" Heather Hansman from her book "Powder Days: Ski Bums, Ski Towns, and the Future of Chasing Snow," "Ultimately, you see the heart of skiing's myth is barely beating, and where it is, its remaining open arteries are quickly stiffening."

Ethan Herx is a freshman studying media arts production and photojournalism at Ohio University. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The Post. Want to share your thoughts? Let Ethan know by emailing or tweeting them at or @ethanherx.

16 / MARCH 28, 2024
Ethan Herx

Lecture etiquette is important

Most of us have been taught how to be respectful in the classroom. We understand what it means to show professors respect by sitting up close, disengaging from phones and maintaining engagement. Yet, too often, it seems people forget about their classmates.

Almost all of us are paying to go to college. We’re here because we want an education, a degree and to figure out a plan

for our lives. Lectures are a big part of that. Some of my favorite classes I’ve taken since arriving on campus are lectures where professors have inspired me through their ability to talk uninterrupted about their passions, occasionally pausing for questions when necessary.

It is important to understand what kind of class you’re in when determining how you should act. Lectures are for the professors to educate. They are planned from start to finish and will usually have time for breaks to ask questions. Other courses might be more conversation-centric, allowing for students to almost dictate the direction the class takes, but attempting to converse with your professor or other classmates during a lecture derails what the professor has taken the time to prepare and takes away from your classmates’ learning experiences.

I might have just picked a bad batch when it comes to lectures this year, but too often I’ll walk into my 80-to-100-person lecture hall and have one or two of my

classmates completely detract from the class by confusing lectures for a Socratic seminar.

To put it plainly, a lecture is not for conversing with a professor. Asking questions when something needs to be understood or coherent enough is permissible, but interjecting your thoughts or examples into the lecture is distracting and unnecessary. Essentially, you have moved the focus away from the topic of interest and onto yourself.

I’ve seen looks of bitter annoyance cross my classmates’ faces countless times as singular students have interjected time and time again, knowing their interjections take time away from learning what we all have paid for.

There’s a ton of nuance to making your voice heard during a lecture. Asking questions when you have them is good, but always raise your hand. If the professor doesn’t immediately answer it, they’ll typically ask you to save it for a bit later, and more often than not, it’ll be answered be-

fore you get the chance to ask.

The main point of focus is just don’t detract from your professor’s lecture or your classmates’ learning. Lectures are a university’s way of getting the course to as many people as possible so it should never feel like it’s revolving around one student’s curiosities. There are courses based on discussion, but even if your chosen course is not, professors have office hours for the specific purpose of one-on-one instruction or guidance.

Be respectful of everyone in the lecture — classmates and professors. We’re all paying to be here, so we should all have the same experience.

Logan Adams is a sophomore studying journalism. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The Post. Want to talk more about it? Let Logan know by tweeting him @LoganA_NBA.

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Logan Adams

Professors deserve to unionize

Professors at Ohio University are paid on average $6,000 less than faculty at other public Ohio universities such as Kent State, Bowling Green and the University of Toledo. The staff of all of these universities have unionized, which may play a role in the difference in salary. However, OU’s faculty has not.

On March 5, over 150 people gathered on College Green to advocate for unionization to ensure more freedom within the classroom and better job security. Students, professors, administrators and other faculty gathered for the event, organized by the United Academics of Ohio University, or UAOU, to demonstrate their support.

At the end of the rally, the crowd marched into Cutler Hall to deliver a letter to President Lori Stewart Gonzalez in favor of unionizing, which nearly 70% of OU full-time faculty across all campuses are in favor of, according to the Columbus Dispatch.

It is important that OU professors unionize as OU has a history of seemingly random layoffs and the onset of the Harvard v. Students for Fair Admissions decision, which struck down affirmative action in public universities, the consequences of which are still unclear.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, 53 instructional faculty members were notified that their contracts would not be renewed. In essence, they were being fired with no notice or reasoning beyond vague budgeting problems as a result of the pandemic. These were professors who had dedicated decades of their lives to instructing OU students and were beloved by many, with no clear protocol violations.

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When a mass firing like this occurs with little information regarding what happened, it is understandable that staff would feel on edge. The university’s administration should have anticipated the effect this would have and that a union that would be smart to ensure staff can unionize with minimal pushback would arise. Even if the school was facing budgeting problems, firing over 50 staff members who have nothing to do with said problems is not an ethical way to solve them.

More recently, the Supreme Court of the United States’ decision in the Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard case, jeopardizing race-based scholarships and education pertaining to diversity, has been another point of contention around campus. It remains unclear how exactly Ohio Attorney General David Yost’s interpretation of this decision will play out in terms of courses based on race, gender and sexuality and just how far into the classroom this decision will reach. Given how the university handled the COVID-19 layoffs, it is reasonable that professors may be preparing for the worst.

Unionization is a critical part of being a worker, as unions ensure that workers get a voice. On average, unionized workers are paid 18% more than workers who are not. Unions ensure benefits, safety and fair treatment in the workplace, specifically for those in the middle class who are given some leverage over stagnant wages and a rise in income volatility.

Although professors may not be the first group that comes to mind when unions are discussed, they are at the will of the administration and should do all they can to ensure they are not being taken advantage of. Anyone who is passionate

enough to dedicate their lives to teaching the next generation should be treated with the respect and value they deserve. A core part of what will solidify and validate this is OU faculty being able to unionize with as little pushback from administration as possible.

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18 / MARCH 28, 2024
ONLINE FACEBOOK thepostathens TWITTER @ThePost INSTAGRAM @thepostathens Volume 114, Issue 26 Advertisement Policies The Post will not print advertising that violates local, state or federal laws. The Post will not run advertisements that violate the Fair Housing Act, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission policies.
Kyle Butler announces that a letter has been give to the University at the unionization rally for The Ohio University Academics Union on College Green in Athens, March 5, 2024. (ZOE CRANFILL | PHOTO EDITOR)

Eddie Plein’s innovation sparked a revolution in street fashion

ican home country, Plein cracked a tooth, forcing him to visit the dentist. He was offered a gold cap but refused.

Black culture has a vast history of influence, innovation and creativity. Self-expression is a driving force for many eras of Black excellence. One of the pioneering influences of the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s was the creation and expansion of rap and R&B.

Underground Black fashion trends have always been popular in the U.S. but were taken to new heights after street fashion appeared on red carpets. Brooklyn rapper Lil’ Kim symbolized the shift in high fashion in the ‘90s and was a muse and longtime friend of Marc Jacobs.

One of the most iconic fashion staples during this era has transcended periods and genres: Grillz. Some of the greatest inventions in history were started in a basement, and Grillz were no different.

Who said visiting the dentist’s office couldn’t be inspirational?

Suriname immigrant Eddie Plein learned the art of dentistry and jewelry to create a revolutionary accessory that later became a fashion enterprise. Plein traveled to New York in his early teens and was exposed to the rising hip-hop scene.

“Eddie didn’t really want to commit to having permanent gold,” Lyle Lindgren, videographer and writer of Plein’s biography, “Mouth Full of Golds.” “And that was the lightbulb moment in his head when he thought: ‘Maybe I could do something here.’”

When he returned to the U.S., Plein abandoned his footballer dreams, inspired by Pelé, dropped out of college and enrolled in dentistry school.

“He attended just enough dental school to learn how to make crowns, and then just started in the basement of his family home,” Lindgren said.

Plein learned to work with acrylics, metal and eventually gold. He created gold tooth coverings fastened together and thin enough to easily fit between teeth.

It is rather poetic that gold was the material of choice, as it is one of Suriname’s biggest exports. Not only is it commonly used for tooth gaps, but gold is also a $2.03 billion industry for the country as of 2024. Gold teeth have a special connection to the Black experience.

ily business and legacy for the Plein name.

In an interview with WePresent, Plein said he would travel from Brooklyn to Queens to advertise, gaining a small clientele.

“Remember, this was in the Run-DMC, Adidas era … It was poppin,” Plein said. “I remember courtin’ guys, tellin’ ’em, ‘I can make you gold teeth. All I gotta do is take your mold, a couple dollars of deposit, we can make it happen.’”

Plein traveled from New York to Virginia and Atlanta. His brother, Lando Plein, went to Miami to expand their family trade.

Aspiring jeweler and daughter of Plein, Kyra, talks about the magnitude of her father’s shop in Atlanta.

“My dad’s shop in Atlanta was kind of like a hang-out spot … We had a big-screen TV, a pool table, people out front and in the back,“ Kyra said. "It was like the Mecca."

Plein created Grillz for legendary music artists and groups. Some of his most notable clients were Slick Rick, Outkast, Ludacris, Goodie Mob, Lil Jon, Flavor Flav and Kool G Rap.

Eddie Plein’s creation has enforced the influence of hip-hop

zine, Lyle Lindgren recounts how he learned about Plein.

Plein’s legacy was reduced to that of a whisper in the street, but he still garnered the respect of those who knew of his accolades during the ‘80s and ‘90s. Today, Plein’s image is back in the mainstream after the resurfacing of his book, “Mouth Full of Golds.”

That book honors his legacy, showcasing pictures from his many adventures in the jewelry industry including creations for his star clientele. It includes messages and comments on Plein’s legacy from ASAP Rocky, Marc Jacobs and David Da Jeweler.

His creation shows how interconnected self-expression and culture are. Writer Vikki Tobak perfectly stated this in an interview with VogueUK

“Jewellery is such a personal thing,” Tobak said. “It’s what we put on our bodies, so everything from the specific style of a link on a chain to the type of stones is communicative. So much is rooted in African design, and I wanted to ensure that was represented.”

Plein’s legacy and contribution to the infamy of street fashion will continue to live on, showcasing the beauty and influence of Black excellence.

In 1983, during a visit to his South Amer-

Black female music artists have used gold teeth as a status marker since the age of the blues. This rich heritage later created a fam-

While Grillz remain in the highest realms of fashion, Plein’s legacy has seemingly been lost to time. In an interview with NSSMaga-

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"The Method" takes extreme dedication

There’s always a method to one actor’s madness. Also referred to as “The Method,” Method acting is a technique coined by Russian actor and director Konstantin Stanislavski, who encouraged actors to use personal experiences to evoke authenticity in their acting performances.

In the early 1930s, Lee Strasberg, known as the “father of Method acting,” expanded the philosophy into what is now perceived as “the Method.” According to the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute, the process is “a systematic approach to training the living material that is the actor’s ‘instrument,’ as well as a means for preparing a role.”

Strasberg instructed performers to relieve body tension and behave on a blank slate. Then, the actor can filter out the world around them to replicate the feelings of their role. Overall, the actor is methodically trying to embrace their physical, emotional and mental self, resulting in an in-depth psychological grounding within a particular character.

“The Method” has become controversial, as some actors have gone to distinct and dangerous extremes for a part. From losing a severe amount of weight to harming cast and crew members, performers have taken the technique seriously for a long time.

One of the most prolific Method actors is Daniel Day-Lewis, whose consistent use of the approach has nearly cost him his life. While filming “Gangs of New York,” Day-Lewis refused to wear a winter coat and caught pneumonia, as he demanded to stay in the film’s period-specific clothing.

Day-Lewis even subjected the film crew to his acting, as they were forced to feed and carry Day-Lewis while he was immersed in playing a character with cerebral palsy. The Academy Award-winning actor has many more instances of intense preparation, including several instances of self-confinement and weight loss.

Al Pacino is also known to be incredibly immersive in his film roles. In the 1992 film “Scent of a Woman,” Pacino prepared for the role of a blind man by reportedly attending institutions for the blind and training his eyes to defocus. In doing so, he fell and injured his eye during production. But in the end, he won a Golden Globe Award and an Oscar for Best Actor for the role.

Robert De Niro is another Method staple. He once met up with one of his stalkers to help him prepare for the same type of part. In Martin Scorsese’s “Cape Fear,” De Niro spent thousands of dollars to have his teeth sharpened to appear more frightening and then paid even more to have them repaired.

In an interview with the Associated Press,

Joaquin Phoenix discussed his experimental preparation for his cathartic role as DC’s Joker. Phoenix lost 52 pounds and withstood insecurities about his acting methods and his constant inability to relax. Similar to the actors before him, he won an Oscar in his most dedicated role.

In another Joker role, Jared Leto reportedly only answered to “Mister J” while on the Suicide Squad set. It was rumored that he would also pull several pranks on co-stars, including gifting co-star Margot Robbie a live rat, but Leto has since denied those claims. Leto publicly joked about the art form while presenting at the 2024 Golden Globe Awards.

Now, after a long, persistent history of

extremely dedicated actors, many within the film industry are either in support or opposition to the Method more than ever before.

Jeremy Strong, known for his award-winning role on HBO’s “Succession,” has been excessively open about his Method acting journey, though he doesn’t label himself as one. In a profile with The New Yorker, he discussed how he has prepared for certain roles like social activist Jerry Rubin in “The Trial of the Chicago 7” by asking to be sprayed with actual tear gas to endure the same experiences of Rubin.

Brian Cox, fellow “Succession” co-star of Strong, criticizes the art form. Cox stated, “It’s a particularly American disease, I think,

this inability to separate yourself off while you’re doing the job.”

Other actors who do not implicate the acting technique have expressed the difficulties of working with Method actors. Martin Freeman spoke out about making “Man on the Moon” with Jim Carrey, who deeply immersed himself in playing performer Andy Kaufman. Freeman stated that Carrey’s demeanor on set was “self-aggrandizing, selfish and narcissistic,” and that the Method is “pretentious nonsense and highly amateurish.”

Many refer to Natalie Portman as being a notable Method actress, as her dedicated ballet training for her performance in “Black Swan” earned her an Academy Award. However, the actress has shown to be against “The Method,” saying “I’ve gotten very into roles, but I think it’s honestly a luxury that women can’t afford,” in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.

“The Method” is only growing with the influx of biopic films in recent years. During Austin Butler’s time portraying the “King of Rock ‘n’ Roll” Elvis Presley, he did not see his family for three years while filming. Then, long after the film finished production, the “Elvis” actor could not get rid of the icon’s southern drawl accent. In an interview on “The Graham Norton Show,” Butler revealed that he has been trying to eliminate the accent.

Butler and Strong are contemporary contributors to Strasberg’s approach in their latest roles, which is why “The Method” is gaining profuse media attention. Although many actors, actresses and filmmakers oppose the Method, the art form is still prevalent and deeply embedded in theatrical culture.

20 / MARCH 28, 2024

The Inflation Game: Why concert tickets are so expensive

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, live music shut down for nearly three years. In response, many artists hosted livestreamed events from their homes or with the help of sponsors. However, as the pandemic eased, artists began announcing tour dates again.

Almost everyone can remember the frenzy when Taylor Swift announced her “Eras Tour” in 2022. Her partnership with Ticketmaster and Capital One severely backfired, as fans experienced long queue lines, inflated prices and third-party vendors snatching tickets before they could even get to the online checkout.

Fans began to question why buying a concert ticket was so much harder than it used to be and whether the concert experience was even worth the cost. According to the Los Angeles Times, five key factors have contributed to this major problem: artists, promoters, concert venues, ticketing companies and ticket resellers.

Journalist Emma Fox explains that although promoters set ticket prices, they can easily lose money if certain shows do not sell enough tickets. Bigger artists like Swift usually control the pricing, but smaller artists are forced to work with venues to assign ticket prices. Venues, therefore, earn money from promoters to help put on live shows, and promoters are paid through ticket sales.

Additional costs like service fees, processing fees, delivery fees and facility charges can also be involved. Last year, the American Economic Liberties Project told The New York Times that 2023’s fees “added an average of 32%” to concert ticket prices.

The Wall Street Journal said SeatGeek’s average ticket prices had also doubled in the last five years, increasing from $125 in 2019 to $252 in 2023. This results from secondary ticket platforms allowing employees and bots to compete with fans for seats, creating less supply. A 2018 Government Accountability Office report said promoters feed tickets to brokers “to capture a share of higher secondary market prices without the reputation risk of raising an event’s ticket prices directly.”

Ticketmaster plays a huge role in this problem, as the site has been known to lock out potential ticket buyers during Verified Fan presales while allowing third-party vendors in instead. The company is also known for kicking fans out of online queues and removing fans even after selecting tickets.

After the chaos associated with Swift’s tour, two dozen fans filed lawsuits against Live Nation Entertainment, Ticketmaster’s parent company. The U.S. Justice Department launched an antitrust investigation against Live Nation Entertainment, and Ticketmaster posted an apology to fans. The company blamed the incident on a “historically unprecedented demand.”

Beyond ticket vendors rigging the ticket-buying process, fans also question the ethics behind the live concert experience. According to The Wall Street Journal, the average price of a resold Swift ticket on SeatGeek was $1,311, while Beyoncé and Springsteen tickets launched at $480 and $469, respectively. Alarmingly, Insider found that Swift’s tickets soared to nearly $13,000 on StubHub. Bloomberg also found that resellers sold tickets for Adele’s Las Vegas residency for up to $40,000.

Concert attendees have also raised concerns over long

lines, unsafe fan behavior and a lack of food and water. At many of Swift’s shows, fans have passed out from a lack of water and intense heat. On Nov. 17, 2023, 23-year-old Ana Clara Benevides died at Swift’s show in Rio de Janeiro due to heat exposure.

Fans were also hurt at a Louis Tomlinson concert in Colorado in June after a hailstorm forced fans to seek immediate shelter. Seven people were taken to the hospital, and up to 90 people were injured with broken fingers and hands.

Beyoncé’s “Renaissance Tour” was also subject to long lines, with many fans queuing outside a venue for over 12 hours in Sunderland, England, in extreme heat. One fan told Yahoo Life that fans had been “herded like cattle into these pens” with virtually no shelter to wait under while exposed to the harsh sun.

One of the most upsetting concert incidents of recent years was Travis Scott’s “Astroworld” festival in Houston on Nov. 5, 2021. Before and during the show, fans were crushed against one another. The rapper continued the show despite NRG Park’s security warnings that fans could be injured and 10 minutes in, after reports of serious injuries, the show stopped. 10 people did not survive.

Since the devastating live experience, many fans and their families have filed lawsuits against Scott, and the rapper underwent a police investigation two days after the festival. The rapper told officers he was unaware that his fans were being hurt, and would’ve stopped the show sooner if he had noticed anything.

Scott was not charged with any wrongdoing after the investigation. According to Business Insider, some of the lawsuits against the rapper have been settled, but he is set to appear in court on May 6 to face other charges, including those for physical injuries and emotional distress.

After the incident, many artists have attempted to make their concerts safer. Artists like Paramore and Billie Eilish have stopped concerts after fights broke out or people started to pass out. However, it doesn’t seem like fan behavior has gotten any better, with many incidents of people throwing items on stage.

While the live experience has changed dramatically since COVID-19, fans, especially of artists with loyal followings, will continue to invest their time and money into live shows. It will be interesting to see how live music continues to change throughout the next few years as inflation increases, but for now, it seems like fans are willing to take these risks as long as their favorite artists continue to perform.

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‘Poor Things’ defies the ‘born sexy yesterday’ trope

Lately, the term “born sexy yesterday" has been popping up everywhere. It's especially present in the online discourse surrounding "Poor Things," the critically acclaimed 2023 film that won several Oscars — notably Best Actress for Emma Stone — just a few weeks ago.

What is the "Born sexy yesterday” trope?

In 2017, YouTube creator Jonathan McIntosh coined the term "Born sexy yesterday" on his channel Pop Culture Detective. Often found in sci-fi and fantasy works, the trope depicts female characters who are hypersexualized and alien (sometimes literally) to social norms and practices.

These fictional women are especially naive to the sexual implications of seemingly innocuous acts and need the hero male protagonist to explain how the world works. They typically possess a skill (usually combat) deemed respectable or impressive in the eyes of a man.

"Tron: Legacy" (2010) includes a character named Quorra (Olivia Wilde), who is described as "profoundly naive" and "unimaginably wise." She is the protagonist's love interest and is styled in a deliberately "sexy" way, with a smokey eye, blunt black bob and skin-tight outfit.

According to McIntosh, the most "quintessential" example is the character Leeloo (Milla Jovovich) in The Fifth Element (1997). Leeloo is quite literally "born yesterday" in the narrative. In fact, she can barely talk and acts like a small child. But as soon as Leeloo appears, she is immediately sexualized. Different male characters call her "perfect" multiple times and undress her in front of other people more than once.

This trope primarily appeals to male viewers who feel "average." The men these characters are paired up with are not extraordinary, but they appear that way to a woman who knows nothing about the world. In these instances, the woman's inexperience and childlike nature are not a bug but a feature.

Alternate takes

Several films toe the line between playing into the trope and subverting it. There isn't any social commentary about the trope or the general infantilization of women, but these women are both far less sexualized than their counterparts and feature a protagonist, rather than a love interest, as the “born sexy yesterday” woman. Audiences are meant to identify with these women, not fetishize them.

"Enchanted" (2007) is an example of the trope in the original Pop Culture Detective video, but it doesn't check the boxes the same way the other films do. Giselle's (Amy Adams) naivety is framed as comical but also something she needs to grow beyond. She doesn't like taking advice from her male guide. The two characters have a huge argument about it, and the film ends with each character learning from the other.

"Wonder Woman" (2017) also plays into the trope without overly sexualizing its character. Diana (Gal Gadot) is knowledgeable about sex and reproduction, unlike Giselle, but does not treat the subject as taboo. At one point, she tries to disrobe in front of others but is stopped, halting any sexualization of her naivety.

"Poor Things"

"Poor Things" tells the story of Bella Baxter (Emma Stone), a reanimated dead woman with the brain of her unborn child implanted inside her. The film follows Bella's journey as she learns about the world around her, and the film primarily focuses on her sexual journey.

Bella is (re)born sexy yesterday, both literally and in the eyes of the men around her. The scientist who brought her back to life (Willem Dafoe) attempts to marry her off without her permission, her fiance (Ramy Youssef) does not respect her free will (but in all fairness, she is essentially a child) and the man

she runs away with (Mark Ruffalo) belittles her, discourages her independence, takes advantage of her naive nature and body, and is overall disrespectful to her throughout the film. In the end, she discovers her true nature and returns to the husband she had before she died, only for him to attempt to drug and genitally mutilate her.

"Poor Things" is certainly not a film for the faint of heart. It notably has more depictions of "furious jumping," (as Bella calls it) than you can count. The film is essentially two hours and 21 minutes of a woman being repeatedly taken advantage of and struggling to be taken seriously, which can hit a little close to home for victims of both sexual violence and ableism.

However, "Poor Things" is extremely aware of the problematic nature of its events. The framing of said "furious jumping" scenes is done in an extremely objective and non-sensual manner. To clarify, the sex scenes are not filmed sexily.

Bella's inexperience with sex and otherworldly concepts may be appealing to the male characters around her (Mark Ruffalo's character quickly loses interest as Bella gains independence and intelligence), but the more life experience Bella acquires, the more empowered she becomes. Interestingly, she is at her most confident when doing sex work in a brothel toward the end of the film.

"Born sexy yesterday" is a trope that fetishizes inexperience and "purity" in women, showcasing the problematic ways many men view women. The men who write or enjoy this trope seemingly want a sexually mature woman with the mind of a child, which speaks volumes about not only the infantilization of women but the phenomenon of sexualizing women and girls before they're even born.

"Poor Things" subverts this by punishing the men who treat Bella poorly and don't learn from their mistakes and by giving her a happy ending in which she is independent, both intellectually and sexually.

We live in a world that sells baby girl onesies with monikers like, "I'm not allowed to date ever," so while "Poor Things" isn't going to change the mindset of men who sexualize young and inexperienced women, its popularity may change viewers' outlook on how we treat our daughters versus our sons.

It's long overdue for such an outdated trope to get a new spin, and the subversion of "born sexy yesterday" might just be what makes "Poor Things" a future classic.

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