November 17, 2022

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THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 2022 Food drives support local food pantries… PG 4 StartUp Market gives student entrepreneurs a spotlight… PG 9 Get to know Men’s Basketball’s A.J. Clayton… PG 17

What I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving

Although it’s a week out, I’m incredibly excited for Thanksgiving this year. This semester has been one of the most taxing of my college career. Every week has brought with it an avalanche of work, stress, dinners with friends and 2 a.m. library sessions. The thought of a few days off to slow down, turn my brain off and spend time with family is a welcome respite from the go-go-go of college life.

Despite the constant pressure I’ve been under this semester, I also have so much to be thankful for. I moved into a great apartment with two really great roommates. My classes are challenging, but the professors I have are super knowledgeable and interesting. I’ve met a lot of wonderful people and discovered a lot of really fun hobbies. I’m so thankful for all of that.

awards, which I’ve written about at length because I can’t help it.

Lastly, I’m thankful for all of you, our readers! Your attention and readership means the world to us at The Post.

P.S., there won’t be a print edition of The Post next week as we all enjoy the much needed break. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

I’m really looking forward to my family’s Thanksgiving traditions: peeling potatoes, watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, arguing with my cousins about the superior Thanksgiving dish (it’s stuffing, thank you very much) and half-watching NFL games while fighting (and losing to) the urge to fall asleep.

Thanksgiving break also signifies an important pause before finals week. It provides a way for students to take a breather and prepare for the end of the semester and the stress that comes with it. Believe me, I’ll make good use of it.

I also became editor-in-chief of The Post this semester. It’s certainly added to my stress-levels, but it’s been extremely rewarding.

I’m most thankful for the fact that I’ve gotten a front-row seat to watch some of the most amazing and talented people I’ve ever met do what they love. Never before have I been surrounded by so many promising journalists, designers, photographers, coders, and editors.

I’m thankful for Andrea Lewis, OU’s director of student media, and all of the essential work she does to keep us going. I’m thankful for The Post’s recognition and

Ryan Maxin is a junior studying journalism at Ohio University and the editor-in-chief of The Post . Interested in chatting more with him? Email Ryan at or find him on Twitter at @ryanmaxin.

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2 / NOV. 17, 2022
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Fake FBI agent calls, stolen narcotics reported

Beware of a scare

Athens County Sheriff’s Offi ce deputies responded to Stone Road in Athens on a complaint of a suspicious person.

While patrolling the area, offi cers made contact with a man matching the description. Deputies informed the man to stay off property that belongs to people he doesn’t know. No further action was taken.

I hope no one saw that!

A complaint of a non-injury, private property hit-skip accident was reported on East 4th Street in The Plains, according to the Sheriff’s Offi ce.

Deputies arrived on the scene of the accident and a report was taken.

Run, run, runaway baby

A runaway juvenile was reported in New Marshfi eld, according to sheriff’s deputies.

After responding to the residence and speaking with the complainant, deputies were able to locate the juvenile at another residence in New Marshfi eld. The juvenile was returned home.

Stolen goods

A report of stolen narcotics from a residence in Athens was fi led, according to the Athens County Sheriff’s Offi ce.

As of Sunday, the investigation is still pending.

Stay in your lane

A report of criminal trespass occurred on North Plains Road in The Plains, according to the Athens County Sheriff’s Office.

After deputies responded to the residence and spoke with several witnesses, officers spoke with the suspect and arrested him for criminal trespassing.

The male was then transported to the Southeastern Ohio Regional Jail.

Poor pet

Sheriff’s deputies responded to the BP on Columbus Road in Athens after a vehicle dropped off a dog there.

The dog was transported to the animal shelter and cameras were reviewed in an attempt to identify a suspect.

Hundred dolla bills

Counterfeit money was reported in Chauncey, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies found the male and he replaced the money with the correct dollar bills.

Turning red

Deputies responded to a report of road rage that occurred at the Marathon in Albany, according to the Athens County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies spoke to both individuals and advised them to leave the other alone.

Boy who cried wolf

A complaint of an individual being chased and yelling for

help was reported on Gun Club Road in New Marshfield, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies patrolled the area but were unable to locate anyone in distress.

Quick crash

An auto accident with injury occurred on State Route 550 near Sharpsburg, sheriff’s deputies reported.

Deputies, the Amesville Fire Department and Athens County EMS secured the scene and treated the individuals for minor injuries before transporting them to a hospital for more treatment.

The Ohio State Highway Patrol arrived and they conducted a crash investigation.

This little piggy went to the market

A complaint of a loose pig in a yard was made on Carbondale Road in Nelsonville, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies located the pig’s owner, who retrieved the animal, and “the little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home,” according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Not my FBI agent

A report of threats and harassment in The Plains was made to the Athens County Sheriff’s Office.

The caller stated she was being harassed by someone claiming they were an FBI agent. The call was determined to be fake and from outside of the country. @KENDALLKWRIGHT

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Food drive fundraisers assist local food pantries

As the holidays approach, it is not un common for food pantries to see an influx of people utilizing their services.

On Wednesday from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and Thursday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., students from an Ohio University course titled Food and Power will be accepting non-perishable food items and hygiene products in front of Baker Center or the Honors House, 35 Park Place.

Charles Lester, assistant professor of in struction, and his honors class, partnered with Southeast Ohio Foodbank to organize a Thanksgiving food drive.

Lester got the idea of embedding a food drive within his food and power course be cause he wanted his students to engage with the community and give back. He said food banks are in a crisis period, which encour aged him to prioritize implementing a food drive within his course’s curriculum.

Gabrielle Loring, a junior studying bio logical sciences, is taking Lester’s food and power honors course. She said she was ex cited to learn the class would be participat ing in their own food drive because she and her peers could actively get involved with the community.

“This project has made me feel more con nected to the community,” Loring wrote in an email. “As I am not originally from this part of Ohio, the course has taught me a great deal about the region and both the successes and hardships faced by the area, as it applies to food. As a result, through my engagement in the food drive, I am happy to have an active role in the community instead of simply learning about it in the classroom.”

Lester said he expects his students to experience a new outlook on food relation ships due to the food drive. He explained that since students are engaged with the lo cal community, they will be able to see how directly an issue of food insecurity is around them.

“I think hits home in ways that a theoret ical conversion might not necessarily do the same,” Lester said.

The food drive is in partnership with Southeast Ohio Foodbank because they offer services to Athens, Perry and Hocking coun ties, Lester said.

The class will still be accepting charita ble donations, too, through their website. Currently, the fundraiser has raised $670 in charitable donations.

“This project resonates with me, and I hope that our food drive can help make the holidays special for everyone, including those in need,” Loring wrote in an email.

Similar to Southeast Ohio Foodbank, the Cat’s Cupboard at OU offers free food pick

up twice a month from its pantry located on the fifth floor of Baker University Center, according to a previous Post report. Dona tions can be dropped off on the second floor of Baker University Center at the donation station.

Basic Needs Coordinator, Merilee Meyer, said Cat’s Cupboard is experiencing a high increase in students accessing their services. Since the university is closed for holiday breaks, she predicts students will continue to access their services before and after the long breaks.

“We rely on donations, whether it be in kind for food or monetary donations to help

supplement the pantry,” Meyer said.

Recently, Cat’s Cupboard broke 1000 people who have access to getting food from their pantry, Meyer said.

“We like to think in our office that giving comes with a natural feeling of goodness be cause you’re helping your fellow bobcats and that in itself is a great reward,” Meyer said.

Overall, food pantries around the com munity seek aid from others to help assist those in need.

“Thanksgiving and the holiday season are an incredibly busy time of year for food pantries, and as we have learned in class, the pandemic and supply chain issues have made

it increasingly difficult for food banks across the state to meet needs,” Loring wrote in an email. “We hope that our efforts and dona tions will make a small dent in the shortfalls the food banks are facing, as all of our do nations will go to those in the community in need of a little help.”

4 / NOV. 17, 2022
Boxes where students can donate and take food based on need are part of Cats Cupboard in Baker University Center. (JUSTIN DELGADO | FOR THE POST)

Depression rates increasing among college-aged adults

A study released by the Health Policy In stitute of Ohio found that depression and suicide rates have steadily increased over the past year for Ohioans—with young adults most likely to have reported symptoms of depression.

According to the study, adults aged 18 to 24 were the largest age group to have been diagnosed with depression by a medical pro fessional at a rate of 29.5%, a significant dif ference from the national average of 20.5%.

At Ohio University, several resources are available for college students and young adults to help combat and aid their mental health issues.

Counseling and Psychological Services, or CPS, offers consultations, therapy ses sions and workshops to OU students. Stu dents can schedule appointments and initial screenings via email or phone. CPS also of fers Telehealth services to students residing in Athens for virtual appointments.

According to data from the Center for Collegiate Mental Health’s 2021 annual re port, depression and anxiety trends have increased nationally among college students.

Paul Castelino, director of CPS, wrote in an email that CPS saw an influx of new pa tients compared to last year. From 2020-21, CPS had 1,808 students use its services com pared to 2,442 students in 2021-22—many of them citing depression, and now anxiety, as their biggest concern for treatment.

“The majority of the students seen at CPS report anxiety as their number one concern followed by depression,” Castelino wrote. “Eighty-four percent of the students pres ent at CPS report anxiety and depression as their major concern. Depression used to be the top concern until about three years ago. Now anxiety ranks number one as the pre senting concern.”

Jordan Hawkins, a sophomore studying child and family services, said she had previ ously dealt with mental health problems. She said she attempted to use CPS treatment last year.

She said she was experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression, but because of scheduling conflicts, she opted to find treat ment online and decided not to go back to CPS for counseling.

“I did not go back—I ended up going home and I did more research to find a therapist

local to me,” Hawkins said. “I know that it can be a longer process to find somebody that actually matches with you when you do it through CPS, so I wanted to try to see if there was somebody that was specifically curated to my needs.”

Castelino said CPS is aware of students’ sense of urgency regarding treatment and counseling. CPS has addressed its demand by speaking with OU leadership and increas ing its clinical staff.

“The leadership at Ohio University is aware of how important students’ mental health is in enabling their academic success,” Castelino wrote. “We received additional funding this past summer to increase our clinical staff by two, as well as provide psy chiatric services.”

Another student, Brett Rodusky, a junior studying communications, said he also found

an alternative method to CPS following his initial screening last year. Like Hawkins, he found treatment at home for his depression and anxiety symptoms.

Rodusky said he began developing symp toms of anxiety and depression while at home in 2020 and often struggled with panic attacks.

“I learned one of the biggest things I struggled with were panic attacks, and the importance of grounding myself is some thing that was one of the first things that my therapist told me,” Rodusky said. “Whenever I find myself getting in my head about things, or spiraling, I always ground myself.”

OU’s Psychology Club also tries to raise awareness about mental health through ed ucation and other resources. Typically, the club invites representatives from CPS to members to discuss anxiety, depression and

stress—especially around course midterms and finals.

Madeline Wildman, a junior studying psy chology and the social media chair for Psy chology Club, said that the pandemic played a key role in raising student anxiety, stress and depression rates.

“Going from normalcy to complete isola tion to online and some form of semi-nor malcy can definitely have a great impact on anyone, especially college students,” Wild man said. “Since they are at an institution trying to pursue a degree, take hard level classes, try to get involved, that could bring a lot of stress, depression and anxiety on someone.”

The requirements to enter Hudson Health Center located at 2 Health Center Drive, Athens, Ohio, on Nov. 14, 2022. (JUSTIN DELGADO | FOR THE POST)

The Outlet offers support to BIPOC students

Ohio University Housing and Residence Life’s program, The Outlet, focuses on cre ating a safe space and fun programming for students of color.

The program is led by Kerry Davis, Hous ing and Residence Life’s assistant director for conduct and care, and two graduate as sistants, Cierra Smith-Carter and Diamond Allen. The group’s meetings were held on the third Tuesday of every month this semester and were open to students in all grade levels.

“We saw a need for the space, housing saw a need for the space, and gave us the oppor tunity to create The Outlet,” Smith-Carter said. “From what I’ve been seeing and hear ing from students, I believe it’s been benefi cial and helpful, especially for first-and sec ond-year students who are new to campus.”

Davis said the hate crimes and miscon duct that occurred during the 2022 Spring Semester and the general climate regarding social injustice in the world influenced OU administration to provide more spaces on campus for students of color.

Allen said the program has already made a difference in the experiences of OU’s stu dents of color.

“We’ve jump-started something that can create that sense of community and belong ing in the residence halls,” Allen said. “Espe cially when a lot of residence halls are not very dominated by people of color.”

The program has the potential to help students of color feel like they have people to go to about social injustices or just a place to talk about their experiences with people who understand, Allen said.

Smith-Carter, who studied sociology and communications for her undergraduate de gree at OU, said that she had a relatively pos itive experience as a black woman on campus but did sometimes crave a space where she could have been around more people who looked like her and shared a similar culture.

“When I came into this role, I was like ‘this is a perfect opportunity to provide that space to freshman and sophomores and whoever else here now that I think I could have really benefited from,’” Smith-Carter said.

The group’s most recent meeting on Tuesday was a dinner at Nelson Dining Hall,

where some Ghanaian dishes were prepared, and a game night was held after at the Living Learning Center.

Students at the event expressed that they enjoyed coming to the events because it gave them the opportunity to meet more students of color and gave them a space where they felt included.

“I think that a lot of people of color can feel excluded from other clubs on campus when you walk into a space and it’s majority all white,” Hali Bridges, a sophomore study ing world religions, said.

Another student at the event, Deandre Quiero, a sophomore studying environ mental geography, said that it’s nice to have a group like The Outlet because many stu dents of color are moving from their house holds, where they are mostly surrounded by people of color, to a predominantly white in stitution like OU.

Quiero and Bridges said they think that the programming is fun, and they encourage more students to attend the meetings.

Additionally, Davis said these connections that students make through The Outlet could lead to the retention of students of color and attract more students of color to OU.

“We want more students to come to Ohio University and hopefully more and more students of color to come to Ohio University and be willing to stay on campus,” Davis said.

There are no more events scheduled for this semester, but meetings will start again next semester on Jan. 24. However, next se mester’s meetings will be bi-weekly instead of monthly and occur every other Tuesday at 6 p.m.

“Next semester, we’re hoping to make them biweekly meetings to better fit the needs of our students because they are so passionate about building that community and getting to know each other and find ing that safe, comfortable space for them,” Smith-Carter said.

6 / NOV. 17, 2022


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Where the world dances together

partment has enabled her to create environ ments not often highlighted in University classrooms. It is these acts of leadership and change that justify the students of CommDev to refer to themselves as “the small UN.”

An additional member of CommDev, Vic tor Dei, a graduate student and teaching assistant studying communication and de velopment, serves as the president of the organization’s student association, which entails acting as a liaison between other stu dent board members and directors.

Affirming that the students are the true masterminds behind CommDev’s anticipated events, Dei displayed his enthusiasm for the program.

“Everything is in the hands of the stu dents,” Dei said. “We are the leaders when it comes to diversifying our cohort.”

Aside from honoring those who have con tinued to nurture the CommDev community and its intentions at OU, Dei believes that the organization’s objective in hosting the cul tural evenings is to immerse people of dif ferent backgrounds in an all-encompassing environment that they may be unaware of.

The overlap of International Education Week and CommDev’s 35th-anniversary celebrations allows students to see through lenses different than their own and forge long-lasting relationships.

“For me, I think this is the time that we get to celebrate our diversity as interna tional students,” said Dei. “This is where we get to (grow) from the different people who come across the world.”

Tucked away in the trees, Ohio Uni versity may appear isolated to those unfamiliar with its foundations of global outreach and representation. Aligning with these foundations are the university’s 11th annual International Education Week celebration beginning Nov. 14.

This year, OU’s Communications and Development Studies Department, or Com mDev, plans to celebrate its 35th anniversary with a series of cultural evenings, both Nov. 14 and Nov. 15. CommDev comprises a wide range of globally diverse students, many of whom helped plan for this celebration.

Saumya Pant, director of CommDev, pro vides a fresh perspective on OU’s dedication to global connection. Rather than organizing a mundane conference, Pant and her student co-workers have designed lively cultural cel ebrations in which all are welcomed.

“Our (events are) open to all,” Pant said. “It’s like family, what food we have we’ll share, and we’ll enjoy it together.”

The events are not strictly reserved for international students, alumni or faculty but rather for anyone who wishes to gain a deep er understanding of cultural meaning.

Perhaps the most interactive event of the cultural evenings is the International Open Stage Performance. All who feel drawn to share a story can do so at Grover Center Atrium from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Countries such as India, Ghana and Kenya are just a few of the numerous cultures that will come to life.

Another aspect of the CommDev anniver sary celebrations is the passion of its mem bers.

“People who are coming on campus in the next few days are people who want to be here because they care,” Pant said. “Not because they’re trying to make a statement about their profiles or assert their egos.”

This pure intent causes Pant to look for

ward to welcoming the alumni of CommDev back to campus, allowing her to hear the sto ries of those who have taken their love for the program and spread its mission across the globe.

Pant said the genuine excitement and willingness to learn of each attendee, with out any ulterior motives or obligations, al low CommDev to celebrate its dedicated affiliates and showcase how a small act of support can lead the whole world to dance together.

Emceeing the International Open Stage Performance is Shelewa Babatayo, a second year graduate student studying communica tion and development, who believes she and other international students benefit from events such as the one she has helped or ganize.

“It gives us international students a room to feel that we belong … (and that we) could also make an impact,” she said.

Babatayo’s position in the CommDev de

Pant encourages any and everyone to at tend CommDev’s events. The most essential act of support that others can bestow upon the University’s Communications and Devel opment Studies Department, according to Pant, is time.

“We need people to actively be involved with this program for students to learn about the development and the world out there,” Pant said.

Regardless of nationality, Pant encourag es others to attend the cultural celebrations spanning Nov. 14 and Nov. 15. Even if one chooses to not perform at the open stage or attend the international gala, anyone can at least come and eat delicious Caribbean and Indian food.

“It is a very maternal moment where these are your students and they’re show casing the work that you’ve helped them (create),” Pant said. “Now the whole world gets to see it.”

8 / NOV. 17, 2022
Participants of the International Performance Open Stage present flags that represent the countries of international students in Grover Center on Nov. 14, 2022. (MEGAN VAN VLACK | FOR THE POST)

StartUp Market connects students, local small businesses

The library is typically a quiet space, but Monday afternoon Alden Library’s third floor was bustling with voices, vendors, food and the pumping music of DJ A-Roc. Excited shoppers darted through the rows of student and local vendors, enjoying the several dozen table storefronts, free food and drinks from local companies and the lively atmosphere of the StartUp Market.

The StartUp Market overtook the CoLab on Alden’s third floor from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week. Krystal Geyer, the assistant director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, said the event has been in the works since July as a collaboration between Tech Growth Ohio, the Voinovich School, the College of Business and the Center for Entrepreneurship.

“The whole impetus for why we’re having the event and why we’re having it today is it’s Global Entrepreneurship Week, it’s the kickoff,” Geyer said. “So it’s all across the world, people are celebrating entrepreneurship and small business. We are happy to be a part of that.”

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Network, Global Entrepreneurship Week connects 10 million people from 200 countries annually. The week-long international celebration began 15 years ago to distribute entrepreneurial spirit across the globe, particularly to historically underrepresented groups and celebrate what entrepreneurs do. Monday began the week of celebration, which will span until Nov. 20.

Various sellers lined tables around the

CoLab, with products ranging from homemade jewelry to crochet plush animals to stickers and temporary tattoos to stained glass appliques for windows.

Geyer said once the event was advertised to the community, a variety of vendors flooded in, hoping to participate. Some were local small businesses, while others were student start-ups with hopes of selling, which Geyer said they worked quickly but happily to accommodate.

She said many participating local businesses had pre-existing relationships with the Center for Entrepreneurship. Students, however, often sought out the event themselves.

One such student, Rheanna Maziarz, a freshman studying art therapy, had her table covered in beanies, yarn and a small raffle to win a free hat. She said she decided to bring her company, Hats’ n Ribbons, to the StartUp Market after seeing a poster advertising the event.

“I make custom-made hats,” Maziarz said. “Any color that you would like, you name it and I’ll make it for you.”

Named for the signature blue or pink ribbon she knits inside the top of each hat, Hats ‘n Ribbons was founded after she began knitting hats for people without housing. Maziarz had a talent for the craft, and soon her friends and family were making requests, so she started the business. Two years later, it followed her to college.

Other student vendors included Mekenzie’s Cupcakes, run by Mekenzie Smith, a freshman studying entrepreneurship. She featured her three best sellers at the event, all made from scratch: apple cinnamon, pumpkin with cream cheese frosting and chocolate with vanilla, which was topped with a chocolate-covered pretzel.

Smith said running a small business as a college student came with its own challenges.

“It’s pretty hard because I don’t have a kitchen available,” Smith said. “So it is difficult, I can only really bake when I go home. I had to go home and bake all of these and bring them back.”

Kelsi Boyd, who graduated from Ohio University and now runs Silver Market Company, a hand-crafted skincare brand, said she was happy to return to her alma mater for the chance to speak with budding business owners.

“I love seeing this event, and I love seeing other young entrepreneurs,” Boyd said. “It gets me really excited that there are other people here that are basically here with the intention of trying to do something like this for themselves. I like that I can be a part of this and hopefully serve as somewhat of a model for them.”

Silver Market Company has a storefront in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, although Boyd sells in Athens too. Even miles away, students can buy the plant-based skincare products at Kindred Market, 284 E. State St., and in OU’s markets.

Still, other local companies at the event contributed to the market’s free food and drinks rather than selling items. Butcher’s Bites said they hoped to join Silver Market Company in selling in OU’s markets and offered their new selection of “super snacks” for attendees to try: individually packaged overnight oats, chia seed puddings and protein balls.

Next to Butcher’s Bites was another Athens business centered around ethical, natural food. The Farmacy, located at 28 W. Stimson, offers vegan tempeh sandwiches, veggie pizza, gluten-free harvest

bars and vegan chocolate chip cookies for shoppers to enjoy. Across the venue, attendees 21 and older could redeem their two free drink tickets for Jackie O’s beers or wines from Pleasant Hill Winery.

Guests enjoyed the free food, local shopping and music and lucky guests who registered in advance for the event were entered in a drawing for a $50 Visa gift card, which could be used at the event. OU’s kickoff for Global Entrepreneurship Week had quite the turnout.

Geyer encouraged people of all majors to take advantage of the Center for Entrepreneurship during this week and throughout the year. To start, she said, this event was a great use of communal space, and she hopes it builds connections with people who may not be familiar with the center or with local vendors.

“Our hope is really to promote and celebrate student and community entrepreneurs, any kind of economic impact that we can have,” Geyer said. “To join in the celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week, (and) hopefully make a little bit of money for our vendors. And if not, at least raise awareness that there are some really incredible things happening in southeastern Ohio.”

Correction appended: A previous version of this article stated the incorrect spelling of Krystal Geyer’s last name. This article has been updated to reflect the most accurate information.

O I C P ) S t i l l l o o k i n g f o r a s p r i n g o r s u m m e r i n t e r n s h i p ? A p p l y N o w ! r n h ? A P P L Y N O W F O R S P R I N G A N D S U M M E R C O N S U L T I N G I N T E R N S H I P S A V A I L A B L E O N T H E A T H E N S C A M P U S C O N S U L T I N G I N T E R N S H I P S A V A I L A B L E O N T H E A T H E N S C A M P U S @KATIE_MILLARD11 KM053019@OHIO.EDU
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OU Ecohouse Thanksgiving educates community on sustainability

an academic sort of setting and (are) able to ask questions,” Crowl said.

Conversation flowed at every table in the Ecohouse between people from all different backgrounds.

“Some really good conversations often come up,” Crowl said. “We ask people to share what they’re thankful for in terms of positive progress on sustainability, and that’s what I’m most interested in.”

Gabi Turner, a freshman studying envi ronmental sciences and sustainability, en joyed the community aspect of the meal as well.

“I’m here because I think this is a really nice way to bring everybody together, and that’s what the program is trying to incorpo rate with the sustainability as well,” she said.

Turner and Shanklin are both Climate and Sustainability Ambassadors at OU as well. They follow sustainable practices in their everyday lives such as biking, using reusable water bottles and reducing plastic use.

“I’m a big plastic hater, even though it’s kind of impossible to avoid,” Turner said.

Sustainable practices are especially im portant around the holidays, which is what the Ecohouse is trying to spread awareness of by holding this Thanksgiving meal.

“I think it’s especially important because the holidays is so much about consumerism,” Shanklin said. “But that’s not what it has to be about.”

Shanklin encourages others to reflect on what the holidays are really about besides gift-giving.

Neatly tucked behind The Ridges in the woods on Dairy Lane, a small house sits up from the brick road. While it may seem like a regular house to a typical passerby, it is a bustling hub of sustainable living.

The OU Ecohouse is a form of student housing full of educational opportunities about sustainable living by practicing it first hand.

According to its Project Mission, “The OHIO Ecohouse is not just a place– it is a dynamic education experience which pro motes critical thinking and tangible actions toward sustainability.”

On Tuesday, community members were welcome to the Ecohouse for a Thanksgiving dinner that provided an opportunity to learn more about food and holiday sustainability.

Sam Crowl, the associate director of sus

tainability at Ohio University, shows how sustainable practices are relevant in many aspects of life.

“People don’t think about all of the ways that sustainability is connected to either food in the case of Thanksgiving dinner or just the Ecohouse lifestyle,” he said.

Crowl chose to set aside worry about the effects of climate change for one night and enjoy the positivity that the Ecohouse meal provides.

“At Ecohouse Thanksgiving, it is a time during the year where we try to give thanks for what is happening and not focus on the negative, but focus on the progress in the positive,” he said.

After two virtual attempts, the Ecohouse provided its first in-person Thanksgiving dinner celebration since the pandemic.

The kitchen and living room of the house were full of people who stopped by for the event, with the aroma of different foods fill

ing everyone’s nostrils.

All of the food provided was vegetari an, with classic Thanksgiving staples such as mashed potatoes and stuffing. There was also black bean and sweet potato chili, mushroom Wellington, butternut squash soup and more.

One of the meal attendees was Ellie Shanklin, a sophomore studying environ mental studies. She was very satisfied with the food options.

“What’s on the menu is amazing, espe cially because it’s all vegetarian, I’m vegetar ian myself,” she said. “I don’t have to worry about picking and choosing what I want to eat.”

With each table set with plates and uten sils and a mason jar of flowers in the middle of each one, the cozy atmosphere provided a unique way to educate others on the impor tance of sustainability.

“People learn in a very social setting, not

“We need to remember to continue to practice the sustainable practices, especially right now, and just focus on the communi ty aspect,” she said. “You can still give gifts without contributing to capitalism.”

Many often get caught up in buying someone the perfect gift or having the best food spread at a family Thanksgiving during the holiday season. In reality, the small mo ments like sharing a meal and conversation with someone else in the community, can sometimes matter more.

“I like the fact that we’re all here and we’re all just kind of getting together and sitting down and maybe we don’t even know each other but we’re willing to do this and we’re willing to provide for each other,” Turner said. “I think that’s really special.”

10 / NOV. 17, 2022
Members of the community gather to eat a sustainable Thanksgiving at the Ecohouse on Nov. 15, 2022. (MEGAN VAN VLACK | FOR THE POST)

Semester scheduling creates stress for students

At Ohio University, nursing is one of the top majors students pursue. Despite its many challenges, the scheduling process only adds to the student’s distress.

Christine Blay is a sophomore studying nursing and public health. She is also a learn ing community leader and is involved in sev eral other scholar programs. Blay makes it clear that nursing is above everything when it comes to her schedule; she must revolve her life around the schedule specifically cu rated by her advisor.

“We don’t get to schedule our own classes for the nursing courses, the School of Nurs ing does it for us,” Blay said, “So if you pass the semester, you get to move up next se mester. There’s like a benchmark, 80% in ev ery class, before you can move on. Anything below that means we have to take a fifth year or retake a class that following year.”

Unlike Blay, who began her nursing pre requisites during her sophomore year, fresh man Chloe Weiker has had a little bit of a

different experience when signing up for her nursing classes. She mentioned she is cur rently enrolled in chemistry and anatomy, where the classes are used to weed out the non-serious nursing majors.

“The point of it is they like you to take them at the same time, and it’s supposed to be super hard to get a bunch of people out before we apply,” said Weiker.

Typically, the average student creates their schedule along with advice from the advisor. Nursing majors differ from this nat ural routine and must follow the schedule that was made for them, which comes later than the typical November scheduling pro cess for the Spring Semester. This late tim ing schedule leaves nursing majors strug gling to find suitable general classes within their strict schedules.

“For me for example, I was supposed to take a public health class that’s only offered in the fall or the summer, and I had to rear range my whole schedule because of a nurs ing class,” Blay said.

Unfortunately, the cards are never in the nursing majors’ favor. Blay said she has never

had a day off during the week like most stu dents are fortunate to get.

“One thing that has helped me is Google Calendar, Microsoft too, and my planners,” Blay said. “I plan my day by the hour, I make sure every hour is being utilized for some thing. I end up studying late at night some times which is not good because I don’t get sleep.”

Nursing students are not the only ones struggling with scheduling problems. Chloe Maushart, a junior studying integrated mathematics, is scheduled in the block be low her actual level due to transfer cred its being lost in translation. This threw her graduation plan off and will potentially cause her to graduate late.

“I’m in a 2000 level block right now, and then also right now a 3000-level block was being offered, and I need to take that before I can move forward, and I need that for a teacher’s license,” Maushart said.

Trying to plan the perfect schedule is al ready difficult; when the planning is left in the hands of an advisor, the perfect schedule can quickly become unpredictable.

“I scheduled for spring on Nov. 1st,” said Maushart, “At that point, nothing had been said or decided. So, I just kind of threw in a hodgepodge of courses that they have given me to schedule, and they were still working on it. And supposedly they have a schedule made up for me to take, but my advisor has yet to tell me what that is.”

All students should pursue a class sched ule that is best suitable for them, but when they are left in unpredicted circumstances, it is common for students to get discour aged, especially as first-year students. As a learning community leader, Blay encourages all first-year students to keep going and not give up as challenging as the classes may be come.

“Just don’t give up,” she said. “When you get into a program even though it’s hard and stressful, it’s great to be in the number one nursing program in the state.”


International students push for visibility

Exhausted, Thomas Enders shuttled from Columbus International Airport to Athens. Passing signs reading “Buy Amish Furniture Here,” he began to worry about what he was getting himself into. Southeast Ohio was a lot different than his homeland of Germany, and he feared his new American life would be less of a coming of age movie and more of an unfortunate mistake.

Enders spent his sophomore year in Athens and has now returned as a senior, continuing to study sports management. He’s enrolled at Ohio University as part of a dual program with his old school, and he said he loves the feeling of an authentic American university.

“I think it’s really (an) unfiltered American experience here,” he said. “It’s a vibe like a music festival because everybody is young and just wants to explore themselves and have fun and have a good time.”

Creating a Home Away from Home Enders came to the U.S. with short notice both times, which meant he did not participate in the international student orientation. Enders said the university provided him with resources such as advice on what he should bring and where he can buy items in the U.S., but otherwise he relied on the friends he made.

“My roommates helped me out greatly,” Enders said.”That’s the coolest part actually. They helped me out with everything.”

Enders said he was particularly interested in studying in the U.S. to broaden his horizons and was intrigued by what he saw in movies. He said he has not been disappointed, pointing to block parties and everyone wearing OU clothing as things he had seen through Hollywood.

“Everybody’s just itching to get a good experience,” Enders said. “Especially, for instance, the move in weekend. Everybody’s just all smiles and excited, like, ‘Hey, what’s going on here?’”

Roshni Ashiq, a grad student studying health communication, arrived in the U.S. with an open mind. Having earned two degrees in public health, she had already experienced the workforce and knew how she wanted to make a difference.

Ashiq worked in a tertiary care hospital for two years where she was mainly focused on pediatrics. Although she had an enjoyable experience, she felt pulled to the communication side of medicine to connect communities with vital resources they might not have known about.

The way Ashiq ended up at OU was a little unconventional. The Higher Education Commission of her home country of Pakistan had just begun a scholarship program for PhD studies. Ashiq applied and received the scholarship to continue with her studies in public health. Once she was approved for the scholarship, the committee recommended OU. Ashiq said that she had her sights on Scripps College of Communication due to the good reputation and rigorous course load.

“Scripps College is so far one of the best

colleges when it comes to communications,” Ashiq said. “I wanted to do it, but I never knew that I would actually be able to do it–it was a dream come true thing.”

Ashiq said she has had a great experience at OU thus far, most notably enjoying the opportunity to teach a class. In the second year of her program, she taught the Fundamentals of Public Speaking and Communication Among Cultures. She admitted that at first, she struggled with the language barrier and American cultural norms as she is now, but she has created an established rapport with her students and has learned a lot over time.

Additionally, Ashiq has loved making friends from all around the world. Not only is she meeting a lot of new people from the U.S., but she has also had the opportunity to meet fellow international students.

“Because there are so many international students now, I can say I have so many nationalities as a friend circle, so that is one thing really exciting about OU,” Ashiq said.

Keamogetse Yasmine Khudu, a Ph.D. student studying counseling education and supervision, serves as the president of the International Student Union, or ISU. Khudu hails from Botswana, and said being a part of ISU has allowed her to connect with other international students and build a new home.

ISU is an umbrella institution for 18 student organizations such as the African Students’ Union and Indian Students’ Association, each representing a global identity found at OU. Khudu said one of her favorite things about ISU is its ability to connect students in its network. ISU hosts events specifically for international students, such as the upcoming trip to Columbus on Dec.

3, but Khudu said her favorite events occur when international students are celebrated at a university-wide level.

“One of my favorite moments was during the homecoming parade, and just seeing so many of us from different parts of the world holding our country flags, that means a lot,” Khudu said. “I feel like at that moment all eyes are on us. Everyone is wearing white and green and all that, the OU colors. Those flags bring something else, they just bring that beautiful pop of color.”

Diana Cahill, the director of International Student and Scholar Services and

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the interim director of the Office of Global Affairs, said the university celebrations of international students are initiated by student organizations.

“One of the things the students and I have been talking about, or at least in the ISU with the group, is the idea of trying to figure out ways to really make sure that we’re highlighting the students themselves,” Cahill said. “What I mean by that is trying to make sure that we’re not just saying, oh, cool outfi t or their music’s neat or the food is good, which it all is, but that’s not why they’re here.”

Khudu said there is nothing she loves about her experience in the U.S. more than feeling like the international community at OU is truly interwoven into the fabric of the university.

“Those are my favorite moments, when we are celebrated, when we are recognized, when we are seen, but also, when we are heard,” Khudu said. “(When) we hold those spaces where we can talk about our issues, those are the moments that I actually look forward to. I don’t want to be all about events and happiness, I also want to address issues that will affect us.”

Land of the Fee

For Enders, the hardest part about studying abroad is explaining Athens to his German friends and family. However, for international students who spend their entire undergraduate or graduate career in the U.S. rather than participating in an exchange, there can be more frequent difficulties.

To study abroad, students are required to have American visas. There are two main types of U.S. visas. The first are nonimmigrant visas that indicate a person is traveling to the U.S. temporarily. The second type are immigrant visas, which are for people who will be living in the U.S. permanently.

In order for international students to study in the U.S., they must apply for stu-

dent visas. To do so, they have to already be accepted into their higher education institution or program.

The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs’s website allows for students to select a U.S. Embassy or Consulate in their home country and view wait times for visa interview appointments. An interview at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate is required for people between the ages 14 and 79.

Before the interview, one must purchase the $160 application fee and gather additional documents and documentation such as a passport, the nonimmigrant visa application, application payment receipt, a photo and other forms sent by the school a student plans to attend. A consular officer conducting the interview could also ask for documentation including but not limited to academic transcripts, previous standardized test scores or their financial plan for moving.

A student visa can be issued as many as 120 days prior to the start of a program. However, international students are not allowed to travel to the U.S. on their student visa more than 30 days before the start of their study. This can make for quick planning. Enders said for his first bout in the U.S., his visa came just three days before he flew across the world.

Upon arriving at a U.S. airport, a student can still be denied entry into the country, which is a decision made by officials of the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Costums and Border Protection.

Khudu’s student visa only allows her to be employed through the school. However, OU caps student work hours to 20 per week, to ensure students prioritize their schoolwork during the semester. The cap on student work hours is a result of federal regulations, Cahill said. But during breaks, which the university considers to be during summer and winter, the cap increases to 36 hours, which was decided by the

university, as there is no federally enforced limit during those periods.

“There were regulations around when an employer had to offer their own insurance,” Cahill said. “And so that cap, it’s like when you switch from part time to full time, and so students were working 40 hours a week on average for a year (and) they would be eligible for employee sponsored insurance.”

If students work more than the caps allow, they violate their immigration status and risk being deported, Cahill said.

However, International students still have bills to pay and they all add up.

“We have to pay rent and the living expenses can be too much, or a bit expensive,” Khudu said. “That’s another issue that we tried to kind of talk about, but also sometimes I feel guilty because I’m like, you know, they’re paying for my school, my tuition and I’m working for them. But sometimes, even trying to afford rent is a little bit difficult.”

Khudu said most students she knows often utilize school resources such as Cat’s Cupboard and they are also able to use the same resources as domestic students. Khudu said many international students also get health insurance through the school, which is an additional expense.

According to the OU International Student and Scholar Services’ website, the U.S.’s lack of universal healthcare means students either have to pay out-of-pocket for medical costs or use health insurance. However, OU already requires students to have health insurance.

The Health Insurance Policy is

provided by United Healthcare Student Resources and is automatically charged to students’ tuition, according to the Student Health Insurance website. It costs a premium of $1,071 for the 2022 Fall Semester and will decrease by around $30 for the Spring Semester, according to the university’s Student Health Insurance website.

“A lot of students are coming from countries where there’s universal healthcare,” Cahill said. “Coming to a country where you go from universal healthcare where you walk into the clinic or the pharmacy or whatever and you just get what you need to a place where there’s many layers, many options, many impacts—it’s really intense.”

Another issue that arises is when international students, especially graduate students, begin to get paid for their jobs.

“Your pay as a graduate student or even as somebody working at the institution,” Cahill said. “The fi rst payroll date is often about a month after students arrive because of just the way all of the processing works.”

The wait for payments to enter students’ accounts makes it diffi cult to meet payment deadlines and afford basic necessities.

“The other day I was sitting with a group of friends from different parts of Africa talking about how we came here for school and you know, life is full of struggle, so we have to kind of accept it,” Khudu said. “But sometimes I disagree with that because I cannot accept it if every single month after I receive my stipend and I pay all my bills and stuff, I’m so sad that I’m like, ‘What am I going to eat?’”

Khudu said some international students

dents to select a U.S. Embassy or Consultimes for visa interview appointments. An interview at a U.S. Embassy or 107 N Congress Street C 4 Bedrooms 740.594.9098 121 North Congress St. 3 Bedrooms 85 West State Street 3 Bedrooms EXTRAS 22 Oak Street 4 Bedrooms 495* 2023-24

also send money to their home countries, which can cause additional financial stress.

“We have to figure out how do we pay for rent, how do you pay for certain expens es?” Khudu said. “Some people send mon ey home to family, to parents, to the kids, so imagine having to save $100 after paying rent and paying insurance. And then you’re like, how do I survive?”

Resiliency in Relocation

Some international students may help provide for their families, but most miss them, particularly those who complete the entirety of their degree abroad.

Enders said he gets caught up in the se mester, in meeting others and in the many experiences he has, which minimizes how much he misses his family. Perhaps this is why Khudu said summer is the loneliest time of the year. With plane tickets back to Botswana priced between $1200 and $2000, traveling home is difficult, and she said she feels especially homesick when Athens dies down in the summer months.

However, throughout the year, there are always pieces of home students wish they could find. Khudu said she particularly misses the food, especially given there are few options for African cuisine in Athens.

She said sometimes she dines at Afri can restaurants in Columbus, but the hour and fifteen minute drive mostly only brings restaurants from the opposite side of the continent from Botswana, not her homely comfort foods.

Jisoo Jin, a freshman studying interna tional relations, said he was looking forward to enjoying authentic Japanese food from home. He said there are not a lot of places to satisfy that craving in Athens.

Ashiq is on the same page, saying that the only thing she misses more than her family is food.

“I tend to have to travel so far to actual ly even get like a spice from home,” Khudu said. “Or someone who’s coming from home I ask them ‘hey, can you bring this box of spices or bring me this?’”

When people are able to visit, it is often few and far between. Khudu said many in ternational students have family members in the U.S., but they are often states away. She has no family in the U.S., and the lack of familial faces in the same time zone can be particularly lonely when she’s missing home.

Khudu said missing one’s family can be particularly aching for students with chil dren. She said she’s had conversations with international students who have kids still living abroad, describing sorrowful phone calls with kids confused about when their parents are coming home.

On top of missing home, the adjustment to a new culture can be jarring. Living in the U.S. also means adjusting to the social issues here. Khudu said one particularly

tricky learning curve was understanding microaggressions, especially when they ap plied to her.

“I have faced a lot of microaggressions and sometimes it’s too late to pick it out,” Khudu said. “I go home and I’m like, ‘what is that about?’ And then my American friend will be like, ‘yeah, that’s a microaggression.’ I wouldn’t pick it up quickly, because I’m not used to that where I’m from, so it’s another thing that you have to quickly be aware of.”

Similar to Khudu, Ashiq has also faced microaggressions. She said although none of them have been extremely serious, the toll builds up over time, creating a very hos tile environment to live and work.

Ashiq recounted an incident when she was walking down Court Street with a friend when a man walking his dog passed them. The dog started to suddenly bark at Ashiq.

“That guy told me very explicitly to my face, ‘Oh yeah, he does not like Brown peo ple, that’s why he’s barking,’” Ashiq said. “I think I’m very resilient, and I usually am not offended by these statements because I know these are a part of every culture.”

While international students frequently face these incidents with resilience, these adjustments, especially without familiar support systems, can become mentally ex hausting.

“Now that I’m aware of what a microag gression is, I tend to sit down and kind of dwell on that which sometimes really can affect my mental health,” Khudu said.

Mental health can also be impacted when there is turmoil at home. Khudu said it is difficult when students cannot fly home for funerals or to say goodbye to loved ones. She added it was even more harrowing when there is a large-scale issue at home, citing the protests in Iran, the war in Ukraine and the Taliban’s control in Afghanistan.

“How can a student concentrate in class or even send in an assignment when they’re on the phone all night with their parents trying to see if everything is okay?” Khudu asked. “That’s heartbreaking to even think about.”

Ashiq has a different perspective when it comes to keeping up to date with the news of her home country. Even when she was back home, she chose to not consume news and media about recent tragedies.

“I would not watch much news for two reasons,” Ashiq said. “First, because it would make me depressed. Second, I think that they always would be highlighting the neg atives more than the positives because I still feel that even though all the turmoil is go ing on, people need that hope and positivity, and the media has a very big role to play in that which I felt was missing.”

The university does offer some emo tional support for international students. Recently, OU Counseling and Psychological Services hosted a support space for Iranian

students given the violent protests in their home country. The event took place Nov. 8 via Teams meeting from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. with the intention of providing a space for affected students to share their feelings. While this was a valiant effort on the uni versity’s behalf, it can be difficult for inter national students to feel comfortable seek ing professional help.

“Yes, we do have some resources here on campus, but some of us are from cultures where modernized counseling is not really our thing,” Khudu said. “So it takes a while for us to really reach out for help.”

Khudu is studying counseling, and noted she therefore has a good understanding of the importance of therapy, but said seeking counseling services was difficult even for her.

“Growing up I’ve been taught to be resil ient, be strong, you know,” she said. “So hav ing to sit down and talk to a stranger about my feelings can be hard.”

Looking Forward

Spaces are being created for interna tional students to communicate with one another to share similar experiences. Coun seling and Psychological Services, or CPS, Cahill said, is leading some of these groups and can bring students together.

“One of the things students have said is that they’re already talking to each other,” Cahill said. “But sometimes they don’t want to talk about the reality of what’s going on because they don’t want to put that burden on their friend. But their friend actually un derstands what they’re going through.”

In Athens, it is easy to get caught up in the bubble. Often, local things take prece dence in students and staff’s minds because of their immediate relativity to the environ ment they are in. However, Khudu said she wishes there was more attention to events happening abroad, particularly from the university.

“We recognize that when things are happening back at home, yes, it might be far from us right now, but there’s definitely members who are experiencing that,” Khu du said. “A lot has been happening and I feel like the school hasn’t done anything yet.”

Instead of generally communicating about an incident in another country, Cahill said she prefers to reach out to different or ganizations and check on the students.

“I just think people need people,” Cahill said. “I’m sure that the statements because it does help with the other students to understand what’s going on and helps the faculty. I think those things are important. However, for me, I actually really want to make sure that the people are okay.”

Although there are different resources and offices for international students to reach out to, there are still students who hope to see more.

Khudu said she wishes there was an eas

ier way for international students to voice concerns to the university, and more of an effort made to make international students feel heard.

“Those are my favorite moments, when we are celebrated, when we are recognized, when we are seen, but also, when we are heard,” ... “(When) we hold those spaces where we can talk about our issues, those are the moments that I actually look forward to. I don’t want to be all about events and happiness, I also want to address issues that will affect us.”

-Keamogetse Yasmine Khudu, International student Union president

International students work through many hurdles in addition to the general stresses of being a college student. Even with the extra work and effort many of them have to do, Khudu said sometimes there is a feeling of being left unseen in the general university sphere.

Khudu said it can be difficult to balance acknowledging international student issues with a sense that they should not be com plaining with this opportunity.

“You feel so stuck between being ap preciative and then also feeling like you’re being let down,” Khudu said. “I want us to be included because again, we bring a lot of rich diversity to this university. And I’d like us to feel like yeah, we are part of the uni versity. I want to push for our existence to be recognized here as part of the Bobcats, not only during International Week, but ev ery day.”




14 / NOV. 17, 2022

Keye Thompson has returned to lead Ohio’s defensive turnaround

Roughly a year ago, Keye Thompson stood on the sidelines at Peden Stadium recovering from a serious leg injury as Ohio lost its eighth game of the season. It was a 35-23 defeat at the hands of Toledo that snapped a two-game winning streak which could have brought a positive end to a difficult season.

One year later, Thompson recorded five total tackles at Scheumann Stadium in Muncie, Indiana, as Ohio picked up its eighth win of the season and moved just one win away from a spot in the Mid-American Conference Championship game.

Thompson played in every game for Ohio his redshirt freshman season in 2019 and played in two of Ohio’s three games in the shortened 2020 season, emerging as a potential star at linebacker. However, Thompson missed the entirety of the 2021 season with an injury.

All he could do was watch as the Bob cats went 3-9 in year one under head coach Tim Albin.

“It was very difficult,” Thompson said. “Obviously, it plays a little mind game on you, but you keep encouraging your team mates to push forward and do their job. I just tried to lead off the field as much as I could.”

But it was clear that the Bobcats missed Thompson’s leadership on the field, as they ranked in the bottom half of the MAC in both scoring defense and yardage al lowed. In a year in which the Bobcats’ of fense struggled significantly, they really could have used a stronger defensive sea son.

After a rough 2021, Thompson returned to Ohio with his sights set on being ready for camp.

“The rehab process was straightfor ward, but it was very tough,” Thompson said. “Me and our training staff got after it pretty hard the whole year leading all the way up to fall camp.”

Unfortunately for Ohio, even with Thompson back, the defense struggled at the start of the 2022 season. Through six weeks, Ohio was allowing almost 561.2 yards and 40.7 points per game, both of which were among the worst in the Foot ball Bowl Subdivision. The offense picked up most of the slack and Ohio was 3-3 de spite having arguably the worst defense in FBS.

After a 55-34 win over Akron that got Ohio back to .500 despite allowing 478

yards to a struggling Akron team, some thing shifted.

“We started off the season very slow,” Thompson said. “But we had meetings week in and week out, and we wanted to get going early in the game and start forc ing turnovers.”

It worked. Ohio had forced eight turn overs through six games, which is by no means a bad total, but it almost doubled with six turnovers against Western Mich igan in Week 7. Ohio needed the turn overs too, as for the first time against a non-Power 5 opponent, its offense strug gled.

In Weeks 7 and 8, Ohio’s usual script completely flipped, as the defense had to carry the offense through a couple of low er-scoring wins over Western Michigan and Northern Illinois.

But in Week 10 against Buffalo, in the first midweek game of the season, Ohio finally got on the same page. The result

was a dominant 45-24 win over the team that had been leading the MAC East, and Ohio allowed just 17 offensive points and a measly 260 offensive yards.

“It’s very scary, honestly,” Thompson said. “You get the offense rolling the way they have been and the defense rolling the way they have been, I think the Bobcats can go a very long way.”

Over the last five weeks, Ohio is al lowing just 330 yards and 18.8 points per game, both of which would rank first in the MAC by a significant margin.

Thompson has been a huge part of that. Over that stretch, he has recorded 43 to tal tackles, increasing his team lead for the season, as well as a pass break-up, a fumble recovery and three tackles for loss.

Thompson has 27 more tackles than anyone else on the team, and he has helped turn Ohio’s defense into one of the best in the conference.

The statistical shift may have come af

ter Ohio’s win over Akron, but Thompson knew something was going on during that blowout win.

“The Akron game was the first of our (now six-game) winning streak, I think we realized right there,” Thompson said. “If we can gel together as a unit, stop ex plosive plays and get off the field on third down, we can take care of business each week.”

The Bobcats only have to take care of business one more time to secure a spot in the MAC Championship game. They will be leaning on their defense and Keye Thomp son now more than ever.


Ohio wins messy Ball State game 32-18

Ohio won Tuesday, but not without losing its best player and team leader: Kurtis Rourke.

Despite holding on to beat Ball State 32-18 and extending its win streak to six, one of the worst possible outcomes happened for Ohio. With 27 seconds left in the first half, Rourke completed a 13-yard pass to Sam Wiglusz but was hurt on the play. He was helped off the field and never returned to the game.

Before being ruled out, Rourke was 12for-16 for 169 yards and a touchdown. He was just 46 yards away from breaking Tyler Tettleton’s record for the most passing yards in a season.

In his absence, redshirt sophomore CJ Harris stepped in. Before Tuesday, Harris hadn’t had a completion since 2020. He was 0-for-4 so far this season, throwing passes in Ohio’s road games at Penn State and Iowa State.

Harris didn’t throw many more passes at Ball State, only attempting eight and completing five of them. 22 of Harris’ 34 passing yards came on one pass to Wiglusz on 3rd and 5. It gave Ohio a crucial first down and set it up to score a touchdown that gave it a 15-point lead.

Harris’ bigger impact Tuesday came on the ground. He had a couple of long runs, including one for 20 yards. If the Bobcats were going to win without Rourke, they needed Harris to make plays. The 22-yard pass and the 20-yard run came at the perfect time and provided the Bobcats with the insurance they needed to win.

Another player who stepped up once again was Sieh Bangura. He finished the night with 148 yards, setting his own single-game record for the second straight week. He also added two more touchdowns, bringing his total rushing touchdowns this season to 10.

Ohio wasn’t the only team to have its star offensive player injured and out for the second half. Ball State running back Carson Steele was banged up on a play late in the second quarter and left the game with a potential concussion.

Steele has been the main producer for the Cardinals on offense this season, leading the team and the Mid-American Conference with 1376 rushing yards. The Bobcats could not bring him down while he was in the game, and he broke multiple tackles to rush for 96 yards. His loss was detrimental to the Cardinals Tuesday, as they had -2 rushing yards in the second half.

Part of that was due to Steele’s absence, but it was also due to Ohio’s defense having another standout game. It gave up 367 yards, but had a couple huge stops late in the game. Zack Sanders had two big pass breakups, including one on Ball State’s last drive that secured the win. Alvin Floyd also had an interception in the fourth quarter that made Ohio more comfortable.

With the Ball State win, Ohio could clinch the MAC East and a spot in the MAC Championship game. All it needed was for Toledo to beat Bowling Green, and it would be in.

However, Bowling Green also won in a dramatic 42-35 game, and now its game against Ohio next week will determine who from the MAC East will compete for the conference title on Dec. 3 in Detroit.

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Get to know A.J. Clayton

A.J. Clayton is one of two veteran under classmen at Ohio. The sophomore played in 34 games last season and made a positive impact on the court.

The sophomore is now a starter for the Bobcats. He started in an exhibition against Capital and in both of Ohio’s games so far. His height is helpful to the Bobcats on de fense, and he’s collected nine defensive re bounds at this point in the season.

The Post chatted with Clayton about his goal to be a collegiate or professional bas ketball coach, his love of peanut M&Ms and more.

The Post: What is your favorite place on campus?

Clayton: My favorite place is probably Hangover Easy. I really like to eat there.

TP: (laughs) That’s where I went this morning with my friends. What do you usually get when you go there?

Clayton: I really like the cinnamon bun french toast. I really like the sweets part of the menu.

TP: Are you more of a sweet or savory person?

Clayton: I like sweet food a lot.

TP: What is your favorite sweet food?

Clayton: I really like candy … I like candy a lot.

TP: Like sour candy or sweet like chocolate candy?

Clayton: It doesn’t matter. (laughs) I like it all.

TP: What’s your favorite?

Clayton: My favorite chocolate is peanut M&Ms. That’s my favorite candy. If I could have one candy the rest of my life, it’s that.

TP: Have you ever been to one of those stores where they have all the candies and you can put them in the big bags?

Clayton: Yeah, I don’t go to those ones of ten. I just get the bag of peanut M&Ms, or I get another candy I like.

TP: If you could create a candy, what would you create and what would you call it?

Clayton: I don’t even know because I think peanut M&Ms are the perfect candy. I don’t think I can go much better than that. I don’t think I can improve upon that at all, really.

TP: OK, so what is your major?

Clayton: I’m a physical activity and sport coaching major.

TP: I’m assuming you’d like to coach basketball. Do you have a dream place or level (to coach?)

Clayton: I want to either coach at the col lege level or at the professional level. That’s what I want to do.

TP: OK, cool. So would you ever coach kids?

Clayton: I have experience with the camps we do here and camps I’ve done on my own. It’s a lot more difficult, but I would

for a little bit.

TP: Good. Bribe them with candy.

Clayton: Candy is always a good incentive.

TP: So (along the lines of coaching), what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Clayton: (pauses) I don’t even know. Prob ably (to be) adaptable to all the situations I’ve been put in. That’s probably the best advice, it’s just being ready for anything and that’s just being able to be adaptable.

TP: Speaking of adaptability, there are three A.J.(ay)’s on the team now, you have an I.J. (Ezuma), you have an Elmore James who might go by E.J. and a D.J. (Dwight Wilson III). How have you adapted to that?

Clayton: So, we call Ajay Sheldon Shelly, or shell, that’s usually what most of us call

him. A.J. Brown, most of us call him Anthony (or) a lot of people call him Jose. Then for me, it just depends. A lot of people just call me Clayton or Slash gets said a lot, but a lot of the time, if you say ‘A.J.(ay), all of us look… The coaches, usually it’s the first and last name they’ll say.

TP: Slash? Like the guitarist?

Clayton: It was a nickname that coach (Jake) Ness came up with. Last year, just kind of out of the blue, he said ‘we’ve got three A.J.(ay)s next year’ and he said Slash. It just kind of stuck.


Week 10 Student Media Poll picks from ‘The Post’

Each week, the Sports editorial team selects its Top 25 Division I college football teams for the Student Media Poll.

The SMP is a nationwide poll featuring 122 student journalists from all Football Bowl Subdivision conferences. There are voters from 69 different schools across 34 states.

The Post Sports will break down its ballots each week. Here are the top five, those it kicked out of the Top 25 and those it added:

Will Cunningham, Sports Editor

Top 5 1.) Georgia 2.) Ohio State 3.) Michigan 4.) TCU 5.) LSU

My Top 5 stays the same this week, but there could be some changes next week after the USC vs. UCLA game. I will keep this explanation short, as I have six changes to my Top 25, and nobody in the Top 5 did anything particularly notable.

Molly Burchard, Asst. Sports Editor

Top 5 1.) Georgia 2.) Ohio State 3.) Michigan 4.) TCU 5.) Tennessee

Surprise! My Top 5 are the exact same as last week. All of these teams solidified their spots with wins in Week 11. None of the wins were shocking, but I was impressed by TCU in its win over Texas and was glad to see Tennessee back on track with a 66-24 win over Missouri.

Ashley Beach, Sports Writer

Top 5 1.) Georgia 2.) Ohio State 3.) Michigan 4.) Tennessee 5.) TCU

All right, this should come as no surprise. The four undefeated teams are at the top of my ballot along with Tennessee. The only reason TCU is not above Tennessee is that I still want a little more from TCU. It only beat Texas by a touchdown.

This week, I didn’t add or drop a single team. You may be asking yourself ‘has she gone mad?’ No, I haven’t. I’ve had a majority of the teams Molly and Will added to their poll this week in mine for a while now.

Washington, Florida State and Cincinnati have been on my ballot—albeit at the bottom—for two and three weeks, respectively. I believe in their talents and think that those three teams have been overlooked for a bit. Let’s not forget Cincinnati’s run last season.

Could I have dropped a few teams? Sure, but who would I have added? No team is up to par with my standards right now.




18 / NOV. 17, 2022

Acknowledging a historically correct Thanksgiving


Over 150 years ago, President Abraham Lincoln acknowl edged the fourth Thursday of each November as the national holiday of Thanksgiving. However, the holiday’s history spans back even farther than the 1621 feast that is traditionally taught in schools. As far back as 1565, Spanish peoples ar rived in Florida to colonize what is now St. Augustine where they would sing religious songs and share a feast with Na tives. Historians also recognize the observance of several other Thanksgiving celebrations including one in Texas in 1598 and another in Maine in 1607. Despite that, the table shared by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag peoples is the most famous, or perhaps, infamous.

The Wampanoag, at its height, had an estimated 30,000 to 100,000 members settled as low as Southeastern Mas sachusetts all the way up to Rhode Island. From there, the English had taken 20 men captive on their ship with inten tions to sell them into slavery in 1614. One man, Tisquantum, fought for his men to get back home. When they arrived back in 1619, the land as he knew it was practically deserted; an unknown disease had wiped out approximately two-thirds of the population. When Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower again in 1620, Ousamequin, the leader known as the “Great

Sachem,” was forced into a decision that would be the deep est regret of his people later on. He decided to make contact with the Europeans with the intention to prevent an unfair war due to their lack of useful warfare. The Natives ended up teaching the Europeans how to plant crops successfully. The celebration of their first crop harvest would later be known as Thanksgiving.

However, despite teachings in elementary school, the Wampanoag weren’t invited to the dinner. They only made an appearance due to the fact that they thought a war was beginning. However, they put that aside and brought food to share, arguably out of fear. Despite the unrequited kindness, their relationship continued to fall downhill in a slow geno cide that would wipe away the freedoms of the Wampanoag people. The Pilgrims pushed them off of their land, forced them into Christianity and their children were sent to harm ful boarding schools where they were forced to abandon Na tive customs by cutting their hair and halting their spoken language. The Wampanoag were forced into assimilation and servitude on land that they rightfully owned.

Just as there was no turkey served and the Natives didn’t wear feathered headdresses, a lot of what we know to be “Thanksgiving” simply is historically incorrect. The false his tory isn’t implemented just by the education system’s cur riculum; it deepens with ignorance. Many choose to ignore

the other side of the story we are taught. The Wampano ag museum attracts a low 800 visitors each year, while the Plymouth museums rack up about 1.5 million guests annually.

Today, many Native Americans recognize a “National Day of Mourning” rather than the traditional American Thanks giving. They mourn the loss of their people and culture from their families and the history books.

While it is perfectly acceptable to enjoy an extended fam ily dinner, educating ourselves on the truthful, yet dark, his tory of Thanksgiving is crucial. Thanksgiving isn’t “canceled,” it just needs rebranding. A day on which we are thankful for our families while feasting should be separated from a day of acknowledging the violence the Pilgrims imposed on the Wampanoag and other Native American tribes. Both con cepts deserve acknowledgment. The only thing that doesn’t deserve acknowledgment is the false narrative of a peaceful feast between colonizers and Native Americans.

Layne Rey is a freshman studying journalism at Ohio Uni versity. Please note that the views and opinions of the colum nist do not reflect those of The Post. What are your thoughts? Talk with Layne by tweeting her @laynerey12.

The problem with Kanye and everyone else


Kanye West has long been a controversial public figure, which has become especially true in the years since Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from the Atlanta-born rapper. It has been public knowledge for quite some time that West suffers from bipolar disorder. It has also come to light from Kardashian that he does not take medication to help him im prove his mental health and is generally unapologetic about his behavior. All of this is despite the fact that his mental illness has hurt his family and is one of the causes for the couple’s divorce. West, both in spite and because of this, continues to maintain his fame. The consensus has been that West is a man who should not be taken seriously. However, something has shifted in the last month; West’s rhetoric has become dangerous.

Within one week, West was pictured at a Paris Fashion Week wearing a “White Lives Matter” t-shirt and then tweet ed about he was going to go “death con 3” on Jewish people. In the same tweet, West used the Black Hebrew Israelite false notion that “black people are Jew” and therefore it is not pos sible for him to be antisemitic. West closed the tweet with “You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone who opposes your agenda.” The “you” in this tweet is refer ring to Jewish people and could even allude to the common antisemitic trope of a secret Jewish cabal that controls just about everything.

Since this now-deleted tweet was published, there have been many, many more tweets and comments from West about his thoughts on Jews. West has been cut off from brand deals, including his own Yeezy shoe deal via his now-termi nated collaboration with Adidas. JP Morgan has also ended its relationship with the rapper. Several celebrities have also been vocal about how they do not condone West’s antisem itism.

One part of why these comments are being taken so seri ously is because of their very real ramifications. Since West’s remarks, Kyrie Irving has also expressed his Black Hebrew Is raelite beliefs when he posted a documentary to his Twitter and Instagram accounts, titled “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America.” In addition to accusing Jewish people of stealing their identity, the film also contains Holocaust deni al, false Hitler quotes and states that Jews were responsible for slavery in America. But, the emboldened antisemitism has not stayed within celebrity circles. Synagogues in New Jersey received threats, Twitter has seen an uptick in antisemitic posts, and graffiti and threats have increased in Florida.

These events unfolding on Twitter and in the real world demonstrate that the problem with West, Irving and anyone else coming to their defense is their own platform. There are people who are emboldened by this hate speech and, be cause it’s happening on such a large scale, feel secure in their antisemitic beliefs. And, because West’s Twitter ban has end ed and because he has achieved such a high level of fame that his music or persona cannot become irrelevant so quickly,

there is no fear of repercussions.

The issue of race is also what makes tackling this feel particularly tricky. Because both West and Irving are using the BHI rhetoric, it feels “racist” to call them out. When a person claims that they’re a “real Jew” because they’re black and that the Israelite culture was stolen from black people, the situation becomes much more uncomfortable and seems to be keeping many self-proclaimed allies from speaking up. This makes the Kanye and Kanye-inspired hate speech quite complicated to unravel. We know that what is being said is antisemitic, but not many people know how to go about ad dressing it.

The addressing of it, I believe, should come with no holds barred. What is being dealt with is affecting American Jews, making both in-person and online spaces feel unsafe. Secu rity at synagogues and other Jewish centers, especially the ones that have been receiving threats, has been heightened. West and Irving know the scale they are spreading their mes sages and will not apologize for it. Instead of being forced to apologize, they should be cut off from their platforms. It is clear that what is happening has very real consequences, and it should not be allowed to continue.

Hadass Galili is a senior studying political science pre-law at Ohio University. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnist do not reflect those of The Post. Do you agree? Tell Hadass by tweeting her at @HadassGalili.


Thanksgiving style guide 2022

Thanksgiving, a holiday surrounded by delicious foods and family gatherings, is celebrated by many. For some, dressing up nice is a tradition for their family. On the other hand, some people just want to be comfortable while eating as much turkey and stuffing as possible.

Whether you’re going for a comfy look or a trendy vibe, here are five ideas for the perfect thanksgiving outfit:

Sweater dress

A sweater dress is probably the easiest, most convenient option for Thanksgiving. It’s comfortable, cozy and will never go out of

style. Sweater dresses will make you feel like you’re wrapped in a blanket while still looking fashionable.

Corduroy pinafore dress

A corduroy pinafore dress is perfect if you are looking for something more fitting yet still traditional. This style of dress pairs beautifully with a turtleneck sweater or long sleeve and a pair of booties. Don’t forget to accessorize with your favorite jewelry.

Leather pants

Leather pants are also a great option for

holiday outfits. You can easily dress them up or down, depending on what you are looking for. Wear an oversized sweater or crew neck if you want to dress more casually. If you want to dress it up, wear a bodysuit of your choice.

Sweater bodysuit

Sweater bodysuits are perfect if you want something more fitted, dressy, yet comfortable. They are also fairly new, so you will definitely be on trend. Bodysuits are extremely flattering on any body type. They will hug your curves and pair well with jeans, a skirt, or leather pants – you name it.

Matching set

Matching sets are so easy, as they are your entire outfit. The great thing about them is that you can find dressy and casual options. There are dressier options and more casual looks. Either will leave you comfortable and warm at Thanksgiving dinner.

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Here’s what your fall rewatch show says about you

With a little over a month left until the be ginning of winter, many are wrapping up their annual rewatchings of fall shows. Whether it’s a seminal classic or a more recent release, lots of people partake in this routine, and each show says something different about its viewers.

“Gilmore Girls”

You watch this show because it feels like a warm hug, and it never fails to make you laugh. You are witty and intelligent and have one of the most dependable shoulders to cry on. You are perfectly comfortable holed up in your room with a book or having a blast out on the town. Above all else, you treat your friends like family, and they absolutely love you for it.

“American Horror Story”

You love a good scare, but you also love to

stay in your comfort zone. You are easily in spired, and you use that energy for good. In your friend group, you are the one who cracks jokes and you love making others laugh. How ever, you’ll also sport a Frankenstein mask and wait for your friends to walk around the corner because their yelps are equally as sat isfying as their giggles.

“Over the Garden Wall”

If you are a fan of the 2014 Cartoon Net work classic, you know how to take care of your inner child. You have an absurd sense of humor and infectious energy that people can not get enough of. Although you might scare easily, you never miss the chance to go out on a limb and spring for the adventure.


Upon a Time”

Rewatching “Once Upon A Time” every au tumn means you also value your inner child

but in a very different way. You love all the whimsy and fantasy that the show provides, but you are also an undeniable realist. You let your past experiences guide you, which is both a mark of your wisdom and your trepi dation. You sometimes scare yourself out of possible experiences, but you trust the peo ple around you to help you make the right choices.

“Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”

You may be quiet on the outside, but you hold a well of secrets and mystery behind your guarded exterior. You value honesty and reliability in those you let get close to you, and once people pass that test, they find only the most caring and incredible soul within you. You are also, without a doubt, a cat person.

“Friday Night Lights”

While you may not be a diehard sports fan,

you love the logic and technique behind foot ball, and this show is the perfect outlet. Peo ple rely on you for advice and life coaching. Even if you’re not a resident of the south, you have a sunny and home-like demeanor that instantly puts people at ease. You are never afraid to tackle the big challenges as long as you’ve got your support system by your side.


of Hill House”

You love all things trippy and mysterious. You enjoy puzzles and lateral thinking, any thing that gets your brain working in a way that challenges you. You love people despite their flaws and are one of the world’s most selfless people.


Five delicious foods you can eat this upcoming Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving slowly getting clos er, it’s time to prepare what kind of meals you will be having for the holiday. Feel free to use your own recipes or customize the provided recipes to your liking.

Here are five foods that you can prepare and eat for this upcoming Thanksgiving:


Turkey is a food that is commonly asso ciated with Thanksgiving, often being the centerpiece of any Thanksgiving table. The benefit of having turkey on the table is that it has many different ways you can prepare to your liking. Pair it with gravy to give it a savory taste or eat it with cranberry sauce for a sweeter flavor.

Pumpkin pie

Pumpkin pie will be the only dessert item on this list, as it’s arguably the most seasonal out of any Thanksgiving dessert. The pumpkin flavor alongside its richness is a perfect way to finish your Thanksgiv ing night. Another delight of pumpkin pie is that unlike other pies, it’s rather simple to make. Pumpkin pie doesn’t have a top crust, so worrying about how your crust is going to look is less of a problem with pumpkin pie.


Stuffing is another delicious Thanksgiv ing food that you can eat without any sides. You can eat it without it being stuffed into the Thanksgiving turkey because it’s ca lorically high. If you aren’t a fan of turkey, it’s always a possibility to have the stuffing

as your main meal. Stuffing is also highly customizable, containing foods like bread, lettuce, eggs and seasoning.


Not everyone enjoys meat, so account ing for vegan and vegetarian diets is im portant. Having a salad is a good alter native when you don’t want to eat savory flavors or meat-based products. A benefit to having salad for Thanksgiving is that you can prepare it the way you want and that there are many different kinds of salads to make.

With salads, you can choose ingredients like the types of lettuce, dressing, toma toes and croutons that you want. Depend ing on the ingredients you use, a salad can be a healthy alternative to the traditional Thanksgiving foods.

Mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are a perfect side dish for any meal, including Thanksgiving meals. You can pair mashed potatoes with numerous other seasonings like salt, pep per and garlic. Mashing potatoes is an easy way to create a starchy meal for dinner.

Mashed potatoes can be easy to prepare compared to other foods like turkey or pumpkin pie, making it a low-stress dish. They can also be a perfect choice for infant children because of its soft texture. Over all, mashed potatoes are a convenient food product that is perfect for family gather ings.

22 / NOV. 17, 2022

the weekender


Music, dance events dominate the weekend


IEW Photo Contest Exhibit at Alden Li brary, 30 Park Place, will be on display in the library’s International Collections on the first floor. The contest features the winners from categories such as People, Crossing Cultures and Sense of Place. The event is open all day, and it is the last day to enjoy the exhibit.

Admission: Free

Interdisciplinary Arts Capstone Festival by the College of Fine Arts will see students premiere their capstone projects at Alden Library and the Music and Dance Library. On Friday, Angela Joy Baldasare’s project, “Moments Alone,” will be on display from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Alden room 318 at 30 Park Place.

Admission: Free

Strange Attractors: Noah Riedel will fea ture the work of ceramicist Noah Riedel in the Trisolini Art Gallery, located in Baker Center 405. Sponsored by the College of Fine Arts, the event is free for the public to view from noon to 4 p.m.

Attendance: Free


Undergraduate Juried Exhibition by the College of Fine Arts will feature 50 pieces from 50 undergraduate artists, juried by ceramicist Noah Riedel. The exhibition will be held at Ohio University’s Art Gallery on the fifth floor of Seigfred Hall, located at 20 Church St. The event is from noon to 4 p.m.

Attendance: Free

Immerse: Fall Senior Dance Concert is a project performed between dance perfor mance and choreography majors through Ohio University’s School of Dance. Thir teen seniors will present new and original dance works that expose audience mem

bers to unique worlds and perspectives brought by each choreographer. The event starts at 7 p.m. in Putnam Hall, lo cated at 96 E. Union St.

Attendance: Free for students, $14 for non-students

Ohio Hockey Game vs. Maryville at Bird Ice Arena, located at 23 Oxbow Trail, will see the Ohio men’s hockey team take on Maryville. The game starts at 7 p.m.

Attendance: $5 for students and chil dren under 17, $9 for adults


Singing Men of Ohio & Bella Voce at First United Methodist Church, 2 S. Col lege St., is the final Singing Men of Ohio and Bella Voce concert of the semester. The event starts at 6 p.m., and will also be livestreamed

Attendance: Free

USR: Joe Dubbert, Tuba is featured in the College of Fine Arts 2022 recital line-up this semester. Starting at 4 p.m., undergradu ate tuba player, Joe Dubbert, will be host ing a recital of his musical work. The event is in Glidden Hall, 3 Health Center Drive.

Attendance: Free

Visiting Artist Brian Mangrum will be performing alongside guest conductor, Professor Dr. William Talley, the director of bands at Ohio University, as part of the Horn Day Final Concert with Ensembles. The concert starts at 6:30 p.m. in Glidden Hall, 3 Health Center Drive.

Attendance: Free


The underground roundup

Artists with under one million Spotify listeners

Spotify is inundated with big artists. While there’s nothing wrong with this fact, sometimes you want something fresh and something new. Or, maybe you want to proudly gatekeep a band and tell people you listened to them before they were big. No matter the reason, we’ve compiled a list of artists with under one million Spo tify listeners that you should be listening to:

Crystal Casino Band

With just under 240,000 listeners on Spotify, Crystal Casino Band combines the nostalgia of grunge and 2010’s alt-rock with an easy-going surf-rock vibe. Their songs are relatable to their majority col lege-age audience, with songs like “Waste my Time,” addressing things like the prev alence of hookup culture.

Songs like “Twenty-Something Social ist” address the sense of impending doom many people in the younger generations feel toward the world. Ultimately, the combination of nostalgic sounds and lyr ics that hit a little too close to home make the Washington D.C. band a great addition to your playlist.

Best song: “Antlers”


Childhood friends Toma and Star come together to form Geowulf, a musical duo encapsulating easy-going summer vibes through music. Their style combines an upbeat, ocean-infused sound with a Fleet wood-Mac-esque soft-rock undertone, as seen in songs such as “Don’t Talk About You.” This combination creates a distinct summer vibe, perfect for warm sunny days or days when you just need a musical pick-me-up.

Best song: “Saltwater”

Mike Mains and the Branches Mike Mains and the Branches can be de scribed in only one word: infectious. I was able to see this band live at a music fes tival, and their energy was unmatched. Whether it’s a happy song such as “Every thing’s Gonna Be Alright,” a sad song like “Where Love Dies” or a nostalgic song like “Briggs,” there’s an undeniable energy and passion in the music, creating an upbeat and hopeful sound.

Best song: “Everything’s Gonna Be Al right”

Late Night Drive Home

This Texas-based band is relatively new to the scene, entering in 2019. But, the band is quickly carving a niche for itself in the indie-rock genre. Their style is al ternative, with a grungy twist akin to The Strokes and Nirvana. However, they still retain a unique sound, one punctuated by heavy electric guitar at the forefront and

distorted vocals singing in English and Spanish as a driving force. Their music is also undeniably relatable, with songs like “Kill Me Sweet,” being about a toxic rela tionship you don’t want to leave and songs like “Stress Relief” being about infatua tion with a person. Their music creates a down-to-earth vibe for all those who have been in the complicated throes of love.

Best song: “Stress Relief”


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