Impact Report 2024

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Now in my second year at PGS I have had sufficient opportunity to see the impact that giving has on the school community. I have had the opportunity to meet with current and past students who have benefitted from your generosity and to learn directly from them about how it has transformed their lives, taking them to universities and into careers which they did not think were possible until they walked through the Arch. This does not happen by chance; it happens because of the generosity of people like you. Accordingly, I wanted to thank you for your support – it really does transform lives.

Last year in March we held our biggest Giving Day yet and raised £291,196 in support of bursaries. You may have noticed that we are not having one this year, but we will be back in 2025 when we will be celebrating 10 years of the William Smith Fund. I am enormously grateful for this support as it provided another substantial boost to our ability to offer bursaries.

Our focus on bursaries is coming even more sharply into focus given likely events later this year. The imposition of VAT on school fees will undoubtedly have an impact on many independent schools, PGS included. As a school that prides itself on being able to offer opportunities to all, especially local children, regardless of their ability to pay, it is something that concerns us. Therefore, we will be redoubling our efforts to increase the size of the William Smith Fund to ensure that future students will still be able to come to PGS and to have their lives transformed. Your ongoing support, therefore, is very much appreciated and is very important to seeing us achieve this aim.

We continue to work on upgrading our estate. We enjoy the fact that we sit in historic buildings, but they do come with their challenges! We are in the process of working on a number of projects which will help us move towards carbon neutrality in the future. As custodians of the present, it is important that we also make decisions now which will help the custodians of the future.

And speaking of the future, although a little way off, we are also starting to turn our attention to the School’s 300th anniversary in 2032. Who would have thought that William Smith’s vision three centuries ago would have resulted in a school which now proudly sits amongst the best in the country, educating local children to a high level? And yet, we remain true to his sense of service, opening our doors whenever we can to the local community and sending out our students every Monday to work with local schools, charities, and other organisations. We aim to live up to every part of our proud name: The Portsmouth Grammar School.

Thank you for all that you do to make that possible.



Total amount raised in 2023:






£291,196 from donors based in 14 different countries

Telephone Campaign

11 student callers

Over 500 conversations with OPs and Parents

Over 150 donations

Almost £70,000 raised for bursaries

£171,500 from gifts people left in their will

Over £497,000 donated to bursaries




Having a bursary and being able to attend PGS has had a huge impact on my ife, and has helped to shape my future in more ways than I can imagine. chers have been a great help in challenging me and pushing me to develop my ts and choose my degree course.

e of the curriculum, my bursary has provided me with so many opportunities to p myself, such as completing my bronze and silver Duke of Edinburgh awards, ng a two week trip canoeing through Scotland for my Gold award.

The CCF has been an amazing chance to experience military life, from the weekly drill nights to developing my teaching skills working with younger cadets. The CCF has also been helpful to me in my application to join the Royal Navy on an engineering scholarship. I have always been amazed at the number of cocurricular activities that the school offers, from the fascinating history society talks to the incredible music department, along with my house, helping me to progress my skills on the drums. Overall my bursary and place at PGS have allowed my Sixth Form experience to be some of what I’m sure will be the most rewarding and memorable years of my life, and ones which I will be able to look back on with pride.


Although my parents knew of PGS, they were not planning on sending me secondary school as they could not afford it. However, the headteacher o primary school convinced them to have me take the entrance exam just in case I bursary place, and I did!

The quality of teaching and overall environment at PGS is great and has allowed learn all subjects to a high standard. The biggest thing that PGS has helped me the enormous support they provide for university applications. Due to this help, I offer from Oxford for Mathematics and Computer Science; I am not convinced t would have happened if I had not come to PGS.



Without significant bursarial support, I would never have been able to access the extraordinary opportunities that come with a Portsmouth Grammar School education.

Throughout my time at PGS, I was aware of how privileged I was to experience such an array of inspiring teachers and excellent facilities. When I was not being challenged in the classroom, my weeks were filled with various co-curricular activities, including drama, writing for Portsmouth Point and even a spell in the RAF, all of which was underpinned by an outstanding level of commitment from staff members. The thing I am most grateful for is the confidence that was instilled in me. I was invited to have great ambition, by teachers who were willing to invest time and energy into my academic passions. I was always made to feel that my thoughts and opinions were worth sharing, and felt supported in my every aspiration. The level of dedication that my teachers demonstrated during my university application is something that I will never forget. Whether through practice interviews, subject meetings, streams of emails or just a simple chat, the Sixth Form staff were tireless in their efforts to equip me with both the knowledge and self-belief to succeed. Without their constant encouragement and reassurance, I may never have gained an offer to study at an institution as prestigious as Oxford.

I am so pleased that PGS is providing financial support to more pupils from a lower socio-economic background, and hope that their time at the school will prove to be as formative as my own.

There are many ways in which you can support The William Smith Fund. For more information, please turn to pages 8-9.



PGS gave me some of the happiest and most exciting years of my life so far. As well as enjoying countless opportunities to indulge my love of music, I was encouraged to throw myself into drama, journalism, hockey and even teaching French to six-year-olds!

It was a particular privilege to serve as Head Boy in my final year, with its unique combination of challenges and rewards.

I remember having such fun learning from inspiring teachers of English, History and French (amongst others!); however, I was most captivated by science. This led me to medical school and now a clinicalacademic career that lets me marry my interests in clinical psychiatry and neuroscience research. I’m currently based at UCL, where I am preparing a clinical PhD application, having recently completed a yearlong research fellowship at King’s and Imperial. I am sure that none of this would have happened if I had not attended PGS for five great years. I will always be grateful to those who support bursaries at PGS, without your support I would not have been able to attend this remarkable school.


The opportunities I had at PGS were invaluable and have helped me become the person I am today. The experienced staff always pushed me to be the most ambitious version of myself, a supportive pastoral care system made me feel safe and nurtured at school, and the resources available allowed me to flourish academically.

My love for learning and passion for architecture was nurtured at PGS, which continued into my university studies and work placement. This year I begin at an international architecture firm that has inspired me since my days at PGS. I have grown to appreciate the long-term benefits and connections that PGS has provided, which wouldn’t have been possible without receiving a bursary.



Gift Aid - make your gift go even further

Give a one-off or regular gift by setting up a direct debit securely online - visit: supportus

Call the Development Office

on 023 9268 1392 and donate by debit or credit card

Gift Aid is a government-funded initiative which helps charities by returning to them the tax that their donors have already paid on their income. It can increase the impact of your giving by 25%, at no cost to you.

If you are a UK taxpayer and have paid an amount of income tax or capital gains tax in that tax year at least equal to the sum that we can reclaim on your donation(s), please contact us for a Gift Aid declaration form, or call us to make an oral declaration.

Donate from the USA

PGS is an Approved Institution of the British Schools and Universities Foundation in New York (BSUF). USbased donors wishing to support the school are invited to make a donation to BSUF, naming ‘The Portsmouth Grammar School’ as their preferred institution. BSUF passes on 100% of the value of all gifts in sterling, without making any deductions for administration or other services. The donor will then benefit from certain tax deductions in the USA. Find out more at

Give your time

Send a cheque made payable to The Portsmouth Grammar School, and post to Development Office, PGS, High Street, Portsmouth, PO1 2LN

Additional tax relief is available to anyone who pays above the basic rate. Further details can be found online at

£100 Gift Aid

£125 --->

You can also make an impact by volunteering your time. In 2023; 30 OPs assisted with mock interviews and careers conventions

41 OPs gave a talk to pupils

382 OPs volunteered to be mentors

Please get in touch with the Development Office if you are able to support us in this way.



From the date of its foundation in 1732, PGS has benefitted enormously from gifts in wills. In Dr William Smith’s final will, written just two days before his death in 1732, he instructed that his gift of land be used to establish a grammar school in the city.

That one act of forward-thinking generosity transformed the opportunities available to children in the city that he loved.

The school has been extremely fortunate to benefit from numerous other legacies since - providing generous bursaries and creating many of the facilities that are familiar to us today.

For many people, leaving a gift in their will enables them to be more generous than is possible during their lifetime.

Tax information

Supporting a charity through your will can help reduce the inheritance tax burden on your family or others named in your will. The current inheritance tax threshold is £325,000 with tax paid at 40% on the remainder of your estate.

Any legacy gift to charity is free from inheritance tax, income tax, and capital gains tax. In addition, if you leave at least 10% of your estate to charity, the inheritance tax due on the balance is reduced to 36%.

We understand that you will want to look after your loved ones first, but if you decide to leave a gift to The Portsmouth Grammar School in your will, we promise to use your gift wisely and effectively.

Professional advice

We strongly advise anyone making or updating a will to seek independent advice from a solicitor. If you are thinking of leaving a gift to the school, here is some sample wording that you might wish to use:

I give to The Portsmouth Grammar School (registered charity number 1063732) either x% of the residue of my estate or the sum of £... and would like my donation to be used by the school for its general charitable purposes. ”

Any gift, small or large, will make a significant difference.

Letting us know your intentions

We appreciate that making a will is a sensitive and highly personal matter, but should you decide to leave a gift to the school, we would love the opportunity to thank you properly during your lifetime.

Informing us of your plans will also give us the opportunity to fully understand your wishes, and ensure that we carry them out as intended.

You can let us know by contacting Alice Larden, Development Director at or on 02392 364248.

A gift in one ’ s will represents a wonderful chance to give another young boy or girl the opportunity that they might otherwise not have - a wonderful stepping stone into the next phase of their lives



Patron of

Interacted with

1680 pupils from other schools on music projects and concerts

500 pupils involved in correspondence with Kikaaya College, Uganda

Education partner of

£5000 Over


173 pupils completing Bronze, Silver and Gold

Working in partnership with

131 pupils volunteering 2850 hours across 12 organisations as part of the Community, Action, Workplace project

1000 Almost junior school pupils from Hampshire taking part in tournaments at PGS raised for local and international charities

19 local organisations using PGS facilities

Proud partner of

77 events in the city Held

170CCFCadets taking part in city-wide services



We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who generously donated to The Portsmouth Grammar School in 2023. Your support plays a vital role in advancing our mission and shaping the future of our students. Thank you for your kindness and dedication to our school community.

Jacqueline Mary Abdul Hay

Philippa Abernethy OP

Tony Adams OP

Katharine Adams

Kawser Ahmed

Shaley Ahmed

Jenny Albuery

Chris Allen OP

David Allison OP

Toby Amos OP

Eyvind Andresen OP

Lucy Andrews

Millie Ansell

Robbie Ansell

Kerrin Arens

Jason Ashcroft

Chris Ayling OP

Colin Baker

Susie Baker

Caroline Balfour OP

Jeremy Ball

Tejinder Bansil

Ian Barker OP

Paul Barker OP

Francis Barnard OP

Michael Barrick

Tony Barron OP

Chris Barton OP

Peter Bassett OP

Nicolle Beauzile

Victor Behar OP

Alastair Bell OP

Brian Bellinger OP

Glynne Benge OP

Tim Berry OP

Nicholas Bertenshaw

Sarah Binnington

Julian Birch OP

John Bishop OP

Kathy Bishop

Peter Bishop OP

John Blackwell OP

Rob Blacoe

David Bohane

Michael Bolwell OP

Martyn Bond OP

Nigel Boulding OP

Roger Bourton OP

Samantha Bowman

Marisa Boyd

Geoff Boyes OP

Nicola Bramble

James Branson OP

John Breakwell OP

Keith Brewer OP

Emma Broomfield

Phil Brown OP

Howard Brown OP

Geoff Bruty OP

Larissa Bryan

Alison Buckle

Alan Bucknall OP

David Burden OP

Michael Burras OP

Rachael Bushby

Melanie Bushell

Jackie Callander

Calleva Foundation

Amelia Camm

Michael Campbell OP

Derek Cannon OP

Chris Carter OP

David Carter OP

Mary Carter-Byrne

Helen Catt OP

Walter Cha

Mike Chapman OP

Sue Chapman

Andy Charlton OP

Sophie Charnley

Sarah Chatfield

Fuling Chen

Roger Cherry OP

Sarah-Jane Chimbwandira

Peter Chivers OP

Sally Chivers

Ruhana Chowdhury

Adam Clark OP

Chris Clark OP

Deane Clark OP

Melanie Clark OP

Olly Clark OP

Steve Clark OP

Carolyn Clay

Rebecca Clay

Ben Cobley

Laura Cobley

Peter Codd

Mike Coleman OP

Tristan Colgate OP

Mike Connor OP

Jason Cook

Michael Cook

Chris Cooper OP

Deborah Cooper OP

Kelvin Cooper

Quentin Cox OP

Cameron Craig OP

Martin Crisp OP

Jonathan Cross OP

Roger Crouch OP

David Cumings

John Cummings OP

Paul Curry OP

Andrea Dajka

Nick Danby OP

Michelle Daniells

Tony Davenport OP

Lance Davidson-Brett OP

Sam Davies

Alan Davis OP

Mike Dawe OP

Chris de Mellow OP

James de Mellow OP

Michelle Deacon

Alison Dean OP

Barrie Dekker

Helen Dignum

Stephen Dimon

David Dingle OP

Keith Dingle OP

Aneeta Dinsmore

Caren Doig

Donna Domone

John Donnelly OP

Gerard Dover OP

David Doyle

Adam Drake OP

Jan Drozd OP

Tina Duff (née Higson) OP

Rachel Duff

David Dugan OP

John Duke OP

Georgina Dyer (née Sim) OP

Kerry Edwards

Ray Eitel-Porter OP

Jack Ellis OP

Brian Ellul OP

Brian Elphick OP

Tim Elwin OP

Alan England OP

Dave English OP

Tony Errington OP

Simon Evans OP

Mel Fajardo OP


Chris Farquharson OP

Robin Fawkner-Corbett OP

Peter Fellows OP

Ian Ferguson OP

Niall Fife OP

William Arthur Fife

David Finlay OP

Roy Firman OP

Rodney Fisher OP

Sophie Fisher

Simon Flack OP

Paul Fortescue OP

Tom Foster OP

Sebastian Fox OP

William Frampton OP

Victoria Francis

Cameron Franks

Janyne Frazer

Robin Friend OP and Anne


Sara Gaffney

Sophia and Simon Gamblin

Gemma Gardner

David Garratt

Anthony Garrod

Paul Gaskin OP

Jahrehbina Gayle

Karolina Geceviciute

John Geddes

William Gibbs OP

Alistair Gibson

Tom Gilbert OP

Ian Glancey

Kate Glennie (née Anderson) OP

Mark Glover

Patricia Goddard

Peter Goford OP

Deepak Goyal OP

John Grant OP

Matt Gray OP

Mike Gray OP

Ivor Grayson-Smith OP

Raimonda Green

Daniel Green

Kathy Green

Lucy Green

Katharine Gregory

Philippa Grier

Andrew Gruar OP

Clive Grundy OP

Asanga Gunatillaka OP

Jaya Gunatillaka

Mark Gunputh OP

Colin Gutteridge OP

Shane Guy OP

Ruth Guyer

Thuy Duong Ha

Kim Ha

Phil Hakluytt OP

David Hall OP

Neil Hammond OP

Tom Hammond OP

Roy Harding OP

Mary Kate Harnett

Steve Harrison OP

Emma Harrison

Rachel Harrison-Smith

Lew Hartley OP

Robert Hatcher OP

Michael Hawkins OP

In memory of Peter Hawksworth OP

Brian Hawtin OP

Vic Haynes

Richard Hazel OP

Lisa Heath

Nic Hellyer OP

Laurence Hemming OP

Peter Henderson OP

Mark Hickman

Tim Higham OP

Matthew Hill

Tony Hill OP

Nic Hillier OP

Chris Hodgkinson OP

David Holloway

Julia Holt

Paul Honey OP

Enamul Hoque

Yi Huang

Ralph Huckle OP

Peter Hughes OP

Ben Humphrey OP

Rebecca Hunt

John Hunter OP

Richard Hutchings OP

Allan Hutchinson OP

Roger Hyson OP

Lorraine Irvine

Chris Jackson OP

Julie Jackson

Shakardokht Jafari

Mark Jannaway OP

Carrieanne Jenkins

Fiona Jeynes

Joseph John

Melissa Johnson

Alan Jones OP

Bill Jones OP

David Jones OP

Nick Jones OP

Richard Jones

Roger Keightley OP

Clare Kelly

Jack Kelly OP

Dick Kendall OP

Don and Sue Kent

Lesley Kent

Shirley Kett

Sobana Khatun

Emily King

Jocelyn Kingdom Mueller

Richard Kirkby OP

Paul Kneen OP

Tony Knowles-Ley OP

Marie-Alice Krasniqi

Robert Lacey OP

Bindy Laly

In memory of Jaspreet Laly OP

Justin Lang (né Reynolds) OP

Max Lankester OP

Brian Larkman OP

Peter Larkman OP

John Law OP

David Lawrence OP

Clare Lay

Jeremy Lear OP

Ed Leask OP

Harry Lee OP

Jackie Lee

Marcus Leedham

Michelle Leete

Simon Lemieux

Roger Leppard OP

David Lewis OP

Nykee Lindsey

Gillian Linington

Miles Linington OP

Elisa Linley

Gemma Liu OP

Alyson Livesey

Thomas Locke OP

Peter Lodder OP

Stephen and Mary


Simon Lymn OP

Raewyn Mackenzie

Michael Mackney OP

John Main OP

Sajila Mano

Joe Martin OP

Ralph Marx

Chris Mason OP

George Materna

Alison Matthews

Rick Mayers OP

Duncan McCue OP

Philip McDonald

Maggie McElligott

David McFarlane OP

John McIlwaine OP

Richard McIlwaine OP

Colin McKinnon OP

Henry McNamara OP

Kathleen Medina

Peter Metcalf OP

David Middleton OP

Kipela Miesi

Andrew Miles OP

Andy Millard OP

Richard Milne OP

Charlie Mockett OP

Liz Mohammed

Dariane Moran Cires

Jim Morley OP

Johanna Mostyn

David Mountford

David Mugford OP

Ricci Mullen

Kevin Mundy OP

Brian Murphy OP

Ian Murray OP

Lauren Musselwhite

Lois Nash

Ian Naylor

Rich Neasom OP

Corin Nelson-Smith OP

Helena Nelson-Smith

Bob Newberry

David Newton OP

Diane Ng

Nicholas Ng OP

Sally Nguyen

Jonathan Nicholls

Claire Nicholson

Gill Nightingale

Ugochi Nkwunonwo

Christopher Norris

Barrie Nuttall OP

Peter O’Hea


Simon Old OP

Old Portmuthian Lodge

No 8285

Dan O'Leary

Colin Olford OP

Mark Oliver OP

George Orfanidis

Simon Orr OP

Jon Osborne OP

Simon Osgood

Ian Osterloh OP

Jeremy Owens OP

John Owens OP

Shridharan Palaniyandi

Bryan Palmer OP

Sue Palmer

Chris Park OP

Mike Parker OP

Timothy Parker

Kent Parson OP

Sudath Patabendi

Dave Patchett OP

Brian Pavey OP

David Payne

Tony Payne OP

Tim Penfold

Lesley People

Jane Perkins

David Pettican

Victoria Pettican

Joanna Pettitt

Martin Pickford OP

Tom Pidden OP

Sally Pim

Helen Pinder

Andy Piper OP

Nigel Pitchforth OP

Martyn Pitman OP

Brian Pitt OP

Jacob Poulton OP

David Powell OP

James Priory

Maiwenn Priser

Jonathan Privett OP

Susan Pryor

Sarah Quail

Ronald Rabbetts OP

Martin Reade OP

Ian Rees OP

Luke Rees

Maureen Reeve

Doug Reger OP

Alice Reid

Alisha Renwick OP

Susan Resouly

Alanda Reynolds

Bob Richards OP

Jim Richards OP

Amanda Richardson

Keith Richardson OP

Tony Riches

Christine Riddington

John Roberts OP

Don Robertson

Ray Robinson OP

Ronald Robinson

Gail Robson

Arnoud Roele OP

John Rogers OP

Paul Rosevear OP

Ian Russell OP

John Sadden

Peter Sanderson OP

Jason Saunders OP

Simon Savage OP

Tony Savage

Brian Sawyer OP

Margaret Scott

Lionel Scovell OP

Andrew Seddon

Duncan Selvester OP

Andrew Sharpe

Dawn Sharpe

Nicholas Shaw

Mike Shepherd OP

Nicola Shepherd

Simon Shillaker

Kath Shimmin

Mike Shipley OP

Emma Shlosberg

Rodney Shoesmith OP

Molly Siggs

David Simmonds OP

Mike Simmonds OP

Julie Skelley

Andy Smith OP

Graeme Smith

Rachel Smith

Roger Smith OP

Tony Smith

Mark Smitham OP

Richard Sotnick OP and

Ruth Sotnick

Tony Spender

Ingrida Speteliunaite

Graham Spiller OP

Barry Squire OP

Peter Stares OP

David Starkey OP

Andrew Stearne

Tony Stephens OP

Stephen Sterling

Kate Stewart

Paul Stewart

Sarah Stewart

James Stodd OP

Christopher Stone

Oliver Stone

John Stoneman OP

David Strudley OP

Timothy Suffolk

Sandy Sullivan

Laura Surman

Francis Sutcliffe OP

Pete Sykes OP

Jonathan Taylor

Leo Taylor

Michael Taylor OP

Mike Taylor

Sabrina Taylor

Emma Teasdale

Jon Temple OP

Nicky Thomas (née Parker) OP

Patrick Thomas OP

Roger Thomas OP

Sally Thomas

Tim Thomas OP

Caroline Thompson

Jeremy Thompson OP

Roy Thornton

Olly Thornton-Flowers OP

David Thorp OP

Richard Tippett OP

Rhys Tomlin OP

Bill Toner

Kathleen Toner

Naomi Tongue OP

Thanh Tran

Tim Treharne OP

Simon Trussler OP

Sandy Tullis OP

Jo Tunnicliffe (née Brigg) OP

Mark Turner

Nick Van Der Vyver OP

Edward van der Wee

Sathiyapriya Vasanthan

Andy Vawer OP

Robert Venables OP

Milda Venckute

Ian Ventham OP

Ganesh Vijayarangam

Jaume Vilar OP

Maureen Vilar

Tracey Villar OP

Clive Vinall OP

Monica Vloemans

Nick Voaden OP

Eswar Vutukuri

John Waldock OP

Andrew Walker OP

Chris Ward

Simon Ward OP

Stuart Ward OP

Ken Waterfield OP

Brian Waters OP

Nick Watkins OP

David Watson OP

Ursula Watt

Kat Webb OP

Carol Webb

Robin Welch OP

Mike Welch OP

Roger Weymouth

David Whiteman OP

David Wickes

Henry Wiggins

Chris Wilding OP

Brian Wilkie

Andrew Wilkinson

Jonathan Willcocks and Alice


Dai Williams OP

Andrew Willie OP

Madeleine Willis

Helen Wilson

Amy Wilson-Smith

Josie Wilson-Smith

Wing Yee Wong

Jim Woodhams OP

Mark Woodland OP

John Woodley OP

Mark Worwood OP

John Wright OP

Michael Wright OP

Nicky Wright

Ying Yan

Queens Yeganeh

Fori Yesmin

Mike Young OP



The Portsmouth Grammar School 1732


We’re thrilled to have so many past pupils, parents and staff active on our online platform - over 1700 global members! PGS

Connect enables friends and colleagues to stay in touch, keep up-to-date with school and OP news, and share experiences.

For our younger OPs, the community can help to put them in touch with former pupils attending the same university, or with other OPs for careers and mentoring advice. For older OPs, PGS

Connect gives you a chance to reconnect with any lost friends. updates are shared from the school archive, and you’ll be access previous issues of our alumni magazine, OPUS. We the platform to host our calendar of activities, including ns, networking events, and guest speaking opportunities.

The Portsmouth Grammar School

Portsmouth Grammar School: OP Network


n have an online shop where we sell everything PGS, from cufflinks to lions!

oin PGS Connect by following the link below, or by scanning the QR code.

We hope you enjoy connecting with all our Old Portmuthians!

Development Office The Portsmouth Grammar School High Street, Portsmouth, PO1 2LN T 023 9236 0036 E W REGISTERED CHARITY NUMBER 1063732
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.