The Pitch Pipe October 2019

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The | October 2019 | Volume 73 — No.2

Pitch Pipe THE




Duly Noted


n o e f i l s i t Wha ? e t o n h g i h a

It’s the first time your voice blends into a magical ringing chord. It’s arranging a piece of music—and then hearing your arrangement sung for the first time onstage. It’s conversation after rehearsal and laughter on the way home from a performance. It’s seeing your granddaughter welcomed into the chorus that has brought you so much joy. It’s all this and more.

It’s what you give when you donate to Sweet Adelines International. Our Life on a High Note campaign runs September 1-December 31, 2019. Our goal is to raise $150,000 to support programs through the Young Singers Foundation, Young Women in Harmony, and The Overtone Society. When you give to Life on a High Note, you’re helping to support our mission of Elevating women singers worldwide through education, performance, and competition in barbershop harmony and a cappella music.

To donate or find out more, visit, text “Support” to 1.918.992.4838 (U.S. phone numbers only), or contact


Pitch Pipe October 2019 • Volume 73 — No.2

Duly Noted sings to victory at Rising Star 2019 in Manchester, UK.

Headquarters Headlines


15 16 32 36 37 43

So You Want to Compete in Regionals… Countdown to 75 Years: 1970-1979 How to Kick the Self-Judging Habit Diversity and Inclusion: A Task Force Update The Value of Inclusion

Duly Noted: 2019 Rising Star Champion Quartet A Legacy of Harmony Why I Am a Sweet Adeline Sweet Adelines Changed My Life A Little Chorus with a Big Heart

Events and Competition

20 26 40

Sweet Adelines Strategic Plan 2019-2024 Nominees for the 2020-2023 Sweet Adelines International Board of Directors

35 44

Song of Welcome Regional Management Team Members 2019-2020

Barbershop’s Got Talent

About Our Members

10 22 29 30 38

4 6

IES 2019: Celebrating Good Times in the UK 2020 Wildcard Choruses

In Every Issue

3 5 24 48

From Our President From Our CEO Harmony Roundup Accolades/In Memory

On The Cover Duly Noted, 2019 Rising Star Champion Quartet, shortly after their victory in Manchester, U.K.

Highlights from DVLS 2019

October 2019 |



Pitch Pipe

October 2019 | Volume 73 — No.2 |

Sweet Adelines International Elevating women singers worldwide through education, performance, and competition in barbershop harmony and a cappella music.

_____________________________________ INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Tammy Talbot Chief Executive Officer Tamatha Goad Editor-in-Chief Kim Berrey Managing Editor Stacy Pratt Associate Editor/Staff Writer Ben Larscheid Graphic Designer Joey Bertsch Staff Photographer Kim Berrey Advertising 918.622.1444 •

INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS May 1, 2019 – April 30, 2020 Patty Cobb Baker, International President Paula Davis, Immediate Past President Joan Boutilier, President-elect Thérèse Antonini, Secretary JD Crowe, Treasurer Sharon Cartwright Janice McKenna Leslie Galbreath Renée Porzel Jennifer Harris Mary Rhea Cammi MacKinlay

EDUCATION DIRECTION COMMITTEE Marcia Pinvidic, Chair Corinna Garriock Mary Rhea Peggy Gram Karen Breidert

EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD Joan Boutilier Cammi MacKinlay Corinna Garriock Anna-Marie Shew Elaine Hamilton ______________________________________ Sweet Adelines International members receive The Pitch Pipe as a benefit of their membership. Additional annual subscriptions are available for $12 USD/year U.S.A. or $24 USD/year outside U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTION REQUESTS & ADDRESS CHANGES: The Pitch Pipe 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, OK 74137 U.S.A. Telephone 1.918.622.1444 • Toll-free 1.800.992.7464 Fax 1.918.665.0894 • Office hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CT) Direct all correspondence, editorial copy and photographs to Deadlines are 60 days prior to publication. Not all submissions will be published. ______________________________________ THE PITCH PIPE (ISSN 0882-214X) (USPS 603-060) is published quarterly: January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 by Sweet Adelines International Periodicals paid at Tulsa, OK U.S.A. and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE PITCH PIPE 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, OK 74137 U.S.A. Canadian Post Agreement Number: 1453408 Send Canadian change of address information and blocks of undeliverable copies to: P.O. Box 1051, Fort Erie, ON L2A 6C7 Canada Copyright 2019 by Sweet Adelines International. All rights reserved.







| October 2019

Remember to use #IamSweetAdelines and #LifeonaHighNote on social media. Headquarters uses these #s to find your posts, photos and tweets to share across Sweet Adelines social media channels.

From Our President

MAPPING OUR JOURNEY: THE STRATEGIC PLAN A map, it is said, organizes wonder. — Ellen Meloy


love road trips. Just getting in the car and heading off on a new adventure, to see and learn new things and meet new, and oftentimes familiar, people and friends. The days and hours leading up to the trip can be the most enjoyable, full of anticipation, excitement, and possibilities. There is great preparation — defining the destinations, carefully choosing the routes for optimum enjoyment and travel efficiency, and making sure travel provisions (snacks!) are purchased and packed. Though it can be delightful to hop in the car for a spontaneous quick adventure, I love the long road trips that provide days of wonder, exploration and, ultimately, personal renewal and rejuvenation. In developing Sweet Adelines’ new strategic plan, the International Board, staff, and Visioning Retreat participants took part in those heady, labor intensive pre-trip days of preparation for the journey all Sweet Adelines will travel over the next five years to our own organizational renewal and transformation. The new strategic plan is our roadmap to our foreseeable future. Like any map we route for our best road trips, this strategic plan is grounded in the things we value most to do, and it shows us how to get there and defines the ultimate destinations. It is a “living” thing, not meant to be placed on a shelf to be dusted off only occasionally for quoting on websites or in articles or speeches. It is to be thoroughly understood and carefully followed. You will find the Strategic Plan with its four goals and their accompanying objectives on page 4. The things we value most to do on our organization's journey, represented in those goals, include… • Embracing an organization-wide culture of belonging, • Finding new and creative ways to innovate in musical and performance excellence, • More accurately showing the world who Sweet Adelines are, and • Continuing to provide ample opportunities for personal and organizational growth. So, what does this mean to you and me in our everyday lives as Sweet Adelines? Lots! We are on this journey together, and if we want to reach our ultimate destination — our vision of

“Inspiring and empowering voices to joyfully harmonize the world” — we best follow the same map! Each and every one of us can adopt the travel itinerary of building a strong, diverse, and welcoming culture; of being inventive and even pioneering in our music and performances; of promoting the “Life on a High Note” image and mentality; and of tapping into and creating new opportunities to learn and grow through Sweet Adelines. As the international organization works to further define our journey, trip tools will become available to assist you on your way. But always remember that YOU are in the driver’s seat and can drive the route at whatever speed or in whichever vehicle works best for you! And finally, though it is important where we are going and how we get there, it’s WHO we have beside us on the journey that truly matters most. So enjoy the ride! There are many wonderful adventures ahead of us! In harmony,


Life on a High Note. October 2019 |





weet Adelines International Board of Directors created and approved a new strategic plan June 7-8, 2019 that emphasizes embracing others, innovation in musical excellence, facing forward with a strong culture and brand, and supporting individual and organizational growth. This strategic planning process followed an intensive visioning process and retreat in November 2018 and the board’s final approval of the vision and guiding principles this spring. June’s

strategic planning session featured hours of dialogue and collaboration to craft four top level goals and identify high impact actions Sweet Adelines will pursue as objectives and initiatives over the next five years. In addition, the international board concluded that our mission statement should be updated to emphasize Sweet Adelines’ ultimate purpose of serving our membership. The new mission statement recognizes that elevating women is the reason for all Sweet Adelines does and now

reads: Elevating women singers worldwide through education, performance, and competition in barbershop harmony and a cappella music. The International Board of Directors encourages you to refer to the new strategic plan when developing your chapter and regional plans so that our combined efforts will promote aligned organizational success. Surveys and input will be requested from Sweet Adelines International members as we continue to develop and implement our strategic plan.

Strategic Plan Embracing Others. Every singer will be committed to creating, fostering and celebrating a culture of belonging. 1. Define the indicators of a culture of belonging and develop educational materials to equip all singers and directors to foster this culture. 2. Provide creative membership options outside of the current traditional models. 3. Increase worldwide participation and engagement in programs, events and leadership. 4. Provide educational and organizational materials that are readily accessible and in multiple languages. Musical Excellence. We will provide innovative learning experiences and initiatives leading to creative and exceptional performances. 1. Provide comprehensive and current educational content via ongoing micro-bursts and online learning platforms. 2. Offer creative learning experiences in the barbershop art form as well as other musical styles and theatrical competencies. 3. Develop alternative contest and festival opportunities which serve the needs of performing groups of all sizes and cultures while promoting outreach. 4. Develop a director continuous improvement program which offers innovative content and teaching methods to enhance the singer experience and inspire creative musical growth. 5. Incentivize composers and arrangers of women’s barbershop music to create new contest songs and arrangements for all levels and ages of singers.


| October 2019

Facing Forward. We will align our brand promise, public perception and singer experience to affirm the joyful, vibrant, life-changing community that we are. 1. Ensure the organizational name is relatable and engenders pride. 2. Spotlight and share meaningful, personal Sweet Adelines stories and experiences. 3. Recognize that our culture is our brand and work to ensure it is experienced at every touchpoint throughout the organization. 4. Contribute to creating harmony by sharing our voices in our communities. 5. Identify and recognize the innovators, change agents, ambassadors and thought leaders who live our vision and guiding principles. Individual and Organizational Growth. We will model a culture of purposeful connection that supports engagement and opportunities for growth. 1. Develop programs to provide learning opportunities which nurture strong, effective and inspiring leaders at all levels. 2. Ensure our organizational structure and governance align with effective and successful practices. 3. Assess philanthropic opportunities that will enable us to advance the mission of the organization. 4. Strengthen communication throughout the Sweet Adelines community.

From Our CEO The Membership Department at Sweet Adelines International Headquarters in Tulsa, Okla. (L-R) Valerie Renz, Keisha Gansen and Laura Crockett


ur members are the heart of Sweet Adelines. Ensuring that your experience is as friendly and efficient as possible is the job of our hard-working Membership Department. In this edition, I would like to introduce them and let you hear a little about the many ways you’ve inspired them.

She also had a memorable experience in St. Louis. “At our Legacy breakfast, a 50-year member with dementia was personally serenaded by Lustre, our 2018 Queens. I took a video and emailed it to her husband. He told me she watches it and remembers the fun time she had.”

Valerie Renz is the director of membership. She oversees operations of the Membership Department, works with various task forces to improve processes and opportunities for members, researches ways to improve resources and communications, works on the Impexium membership database, and handles all membership issues. She says, “I love hearing all the SA stories and how the organization and choruses have improved the lives of people in so many different ways. I also really love getting to see competitors at International as they prepare to go onstage and watch them exit. They put so much energy and emotion into their performance that they walk off in tears. I think it’s a combination of adrenaline, excitement, pride, and overwhelming emotion. It’s incredible.” One of her most memorable experiences happened at International competition in St. Louis. “There was a lady in her 90s who was performing on the International stage for the last time. She went through the pattern in a wheelchair. I saw her exit the stage, and two women were supporting her off the ramp. They were all in tears as she said goodbye to the stage and was so proud of her last performance. I cried right along with them!”

Keisha Gansen is a membership specialist/quartet registrar. She works with members in various ways, from answering database questions to researching longevity to correcting chorus rosters and more! She works with choruses in revitalization to help them successfully re-charter and assists quartets in registering and renewing, updating personnel and the oh so tricky name approval! She says, “I love putting names and faces (and voices!) to my job. Being able to talk with members daily reminds me of WHY we do what we do. It is so inspiring to hear the impact Sweet Adelines has on their lives and their passion for this organization.” She says hearing from Sweet Adelines is always inspiring. “I could list dozens of stories from members telling me that Sweet Adelines has been their lifeline. From having babies and feeling lost in motherhood, to moving to a new place and feeling alone, to having sick spouses or family members, to just wanting a place to belong, Sweet Adelines has gotten them through. It's where they found their voice again, found their people again and found a place they felt at home. Finding an organization that gives you that community is priceless. It’s such an honor to be a part of it.” Thank you to our Membership team for their dedication to our family of singers!

Laura Crockett is the membership specialist. She works with prospective chapters to help them become official chapters of Sweet Adelines, assists with chapter officer education, updates and renewals, and works with Legacy members. She also answers membership questions and connects members with resources. Laura says, “Our singers are so passionate! Sweet Adelines is a family to them, and I love being a part of something they love so much. It’s pure joy.”

In appreciation,

Tammy Talbot

October 2019 |


NOMINEES FOR THE 2020-2023 SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS This election will fill four expiring board terms, beginning May 1, 2020 and ending April 30, 2023. Ballots are due at international headquarters by 3 p.m. Central Time (8 p.m. UTC), Wednesday, December 4, 2019.

EDUCATION: College Diploma: Computer Programming and Business Systems Analysis SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Technical – Training Adults Certification, PRINCE2 Certification (Project Management), PROSCI Change Management, Graham Business Process Review/Improvement, 6 Thinking Hats. Leadership and Cultural Training – Holding to Account, Leading from Within, Emotional Intelligence, Three Conversations of Leadership

WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Efforts should be focused on raising the profile of Sweet Adelines by emphasizing the quality of education and the benefits of membership and developing strong outreach programs. Tapping into the passion and extensive talents of our members will ensure the organization remains rewarding, relevant and vibrant. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: Our stories will serve as the foundations for inspirational and motivational presentations, especially for the empowerment that comes with belonging in Sweet Adelines. Our educators will be sought after as experts to develop and support musical and leadership programs around the world. Everyone will want to be a part of this!

CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Current: Consultant Team Lead (IT Applications). Past: Project Manager, Database Analyst, Systems Analyst, Computer Programmer LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: International Board of Directors (Executive Committee Member as International Secretary), Task Force Specialist, Task Force Chair, Regional Leadership Committee, Panel Secretary HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? I strive to address challenges and problems with innovative and practical solutions with a focus on delivering benefits to the membership of Sweet Adelines. My varied experiences in the organization have provided me with a broad perspective to share at the International Board table. WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? My professional background in the business world is an asset in navigating a time of change for Sweet Adelines. I can apply my experience in strategic planning, project management and business process improvement to help facilitate healthy and progressive changes. WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? Sweet Adelines is known for providing a community where those who love to sing are celebrated for their unique gifts and contributions. In addition to enabling the pursuit and achievement of musical excellence, Sweet Adelines provides its members with opportunities to develop as high profile community and business leaders.


| October 2019

EDUCATION: North Garland High School, Dallas Baptist College – BME (Bachelor of Music Ed.), Univ. of North Texas – worked on Masters in Music Education SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Commercial Insurance; Leadership Education CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Middle School and High School Choral Music Director, Church Music Director, Commercial Insurance Account Representative LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: International Board of Directors (Executive Committee member as International President, Secretary, and Immediate Past President), Judge Specialist Moderator, Judge Specialist – Expression Category, Regional Leadership Committee Chair, Regional Education Coordinator and Directors Coordinator HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? With a deep love for this organization and our members, I bring a visionary and service-oriented approach as well as strength in leadership and strategic planning. With experience at all levels of Sweet Adeline life—from member to chorus, regional and International

leadership in both musical and administrative areas—I bring both heart and mind to the governing experience and planning for our future. WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? I have strong leadership, educational and visionary skills combined with a broad exposure to our membership and a deep love for this organization. I am experienced in administrative areas and have strong communication and people skills as well as creative thinking/problem solving skills. WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? My vision would be to share our special kind of harmony and sisterhood with all women; to grow, strengthen and empower our membership while developing leaders who creatively serve our diverse membership with premier musical and educational opportunities; to be financially strong and secure for future generations as we walk together with the unity, joy and harmony that singing together creates and multiplies. WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Membership stability and expansion; development of future leaders – musical and administrative; financial strength that feeds our future; strategies and implementation of broader outreach into all diversities and countries; encouragement, education and empowerment of all singers and all levels. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: A vibrant, fun, diverse, highly respected and educational hobby for all women, promoting personal growth, musical performance, entertainment, friendship and barbershop harmony. We will be known as the premier women’s musical organization. We will embrace new technologies and ideas that support our membership while we stand as a strong, united voice showing our world the power of music, education, teamwork and harmony.

HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? I offer a deep desire to serve complemented by a keen understanding of complex organizational structures and an acute sense of organizational gaps that can be strategically addressed. My entire career, both work and SA, has centered on recognizing possibility and intentionally developing the myriad talents of organizational members. WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? I possess strong organizational vision and am a collaborative leader who embraces shared decision-making and opportunities to re-frame the possibilities. My experiences include serving as a front-line director and as a team leader, in addition to facilitating many planning and leadership development sessions with regions and choruses of all sizes. WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? To capture and expand to broader audiences SA’s unique opportunities for women. SA is exponentially more than a singing organization. As an investment in oneself, SA fills a fundamental need to learn, grow, lead, laugh, to risk, to belong, to be applauded and supported all in a truly intergenerational and inclusive environment. WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Organizational sustainability and membership growth. Welcoming and embracing diversity. Leadership development at all levels, especially for our directors. Director succession planning. Encouraging flexible chorus organizational models that meet the needs of the chorus and its members. Capitalizing on distance-learning and other technologies to enhance the member experience, engagement, and opportunity. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: A vibrant, high-value organization with deeply engaged members who treasure SA’s primary purpose and who also highly value the collateral and symbiotic benefits that accrue to the members and their many communities throughout their organizational journey.

EDUCATION: Ed.D., Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis; MSEd., Educational Leadership; BA, English/Criminal Justice SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Certified Innermetrix Assessment Tools interpreter (identifying and accessing human capital), certified by the American Society for Quality (ASQ), Missouri Quality Award examiner training, decades of professional development in learning, engagement, college student acculturation/transition/retention/completion; advising; facilities planning; academic libraries CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Current: Organizational Effectiveness Consultant. Past: University Dean LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: International Board of Directors, International Faculty, Regional Leadership Development Coordinator, Chorus Director, Membership Development Representative (& International Membership Committee)

EDUCATION: High School SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Training/Coaching, HR, Recruitment, Leadership, Facilitation, Customer Service, Team Leading and Presentation skills; DCP Certified Director and Regional Faculty trained CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Currently self-employed vocal/quartet/ chorus coach. Previously Musical Director of the Edinburgh Police Choir for two years and Assistant Director with a men’s barbershop chorus. Previous employment was with a worldwide bank, where I was employed in the HR, Recruitment and Training departments. cont. on next page

October 2019 |


LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: Co-Chair of IES 2019; Member of the Editorial Review Board (from May 2019); Member of the YSF Management Committee (2012 to 2015); RMT Team Coordinator (current); RMT Education Coordinator (2010 to 2016) HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? Extensive RMT experiences have provided opportunities for me to gain insight into issues facing members. With a proven track record in finding creative, cost-effective solutions that benefit our members, I can add value to the IBOD by bringing a fresh global perspective. My endless enthusiasm is a plus too! WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? I have integrity and the ability to reflect/consider all aspects of a debate, whilst being fair and impartial. I am loyal, honest, articulate and a passionate Sweet Adeline. I am able to deliver solutions which benefit members, e.g. increasing attendance at education events in Region #31 by nearly 50%. WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? To be widely recognized as a leader in singing through greater media exposure, using the increasing interest in a cappella singing to broadcast our excellence in education. More women of all ages will be inspired to be the best they can be and our global presence will be extensive. WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Listening to our members is always a priority. Creating top class education options affordable for all. Working on membership retention and membership growth using attractive, inclusive marketing promoting the joy and health benefits of singing. Devising creative ways to source wider revenue streams outside of SA to build financial stability. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: The premier worldwide provider of vocal education, renowned for excellence in a cappella singing, whilst maintaining our barbershop roots. Members will feel valued, attrition will be at an all-time low, with a diverse pool of new members wanting to join us through new, innovative promotion of our unique product.

LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: Judge Specialist – Expression Category, Certified Expression Judge & Panel Chair, Co-Chair of IES 2020, Certified International Faculty, Master Director 700 of Skyline Chorus HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? I have very strong leadership, interpersonal, and communication skills. I have experience as a judge and coach in every Sweet Adeline region. I lead and serve with a whole heart and am passionate about helping women to find their voice. WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? I come to the table with myriad skills—45 years of experience in the organization; directing, building, and leading a successful chorus where the culture is education through rehearsals, competition, and performance; and coaching, teaching, and judging throughout the organization. I am also a small, service-oriented business co-owner. WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? To lead the field in a cappella singing. To develop leaders that are transformative, inclusive, and courageous. SA needs to cultivate a culture of belonging, inclusivity, and diverse perspectives. Harmony creates harmony and brings hope to the universe. WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Developing leaders with vision and educational purpose. Continue to collaborate and interface with all musical entities. Increase our global presence and reach deeply into our communities to give in a way that lifts everyone. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: We will be the world’s premier a cappella organization and will be respected and called upon frequently for our expertise in performance excellence, leadership development, and adult and youth education. We will be thriving.

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science – Physical therapy, Master of Arts – Gerontology SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Physical therapy continuing education (20 hours annually) EDUCATION: B.A., Human Services with a minor in Vocal Pedagogy SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Certified Crisis Intervention Counselor, Leadership development seminars & workshops outside of SA CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Vocal Performance Coach, Assistant Director of Youth Services at the American Red Cross, Community Health Educator at Good Samaritan Hospital, Federal Probation Officer


| October 2019

CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Retired physical therapist – primarily worked with adult and geriatric population, chorus and quartet coach, chorus director LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: Certified Sound Judge, Education Direction Committee (Directors’ Liaison), International Faculty, International Board of Directors, Co-Chair of 2019 Directors and Visual Leaders Seminar and 2016 Directors Seminar

HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? My love of Sweet Adelines is the catalyst for wanting to serve. It is crucial that we explore new, innovative ideas while staying true to our mission and honoring our past. I believe in supporting and empowering others, providing education, opportunity, and tools to achieve their own goals. WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? Having held leadership roles at all levels of Sweet Adelines, I am able to balance needs of individual members and the overall organization. Listening to understand and being respectful of others’ views allows open discussion to explore new ideas and concepts. Fostering growth and development in others. WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? Sweet Adelines is widely recognized as the leading educational and musical organization for women of all ages and backgrounds. Fiscally sound with solid financial plans for the future, we provide affordable opportunities for women to grow as leaders and performers through on site educational events, online educational options, and live performances.

WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? As membership in volunteer organizations declines, Sweet Adelines must employ grassroots efforts to maintain and increase membership by highlighting advantages of membership: music; camaraderie; development of leadership skill; personal relationships. We will benefit from a greater focus on non-dues income and philanthropy. Our strategic plan must be turned into action to meet our visionary goals. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: Sweet Adelines will be a thriving organization, providing an outlet for women to express themselves through music. Our focus will be on education, personal growth and development. Creative membership options will keep women engaged. While using technology to our greatest advantage, we will not forget the importance of interpersonal relationships. We create harmony through music and friendships.


International leaders at every level helps ensure that our organization can fulfill its mission of “Elevating women singers worldwide through education, performance, and competition in barbershop harmony and a cappella music.”


Ballots are due at international headquarters by 3 p.m., Central Time (8 p.m. UTC), Wednesday, Dec. 4th, 2019. QUESTIONS?

Call headquarters: 1-800-992-7464; 1-918-622-1444; or email

October 2019 |


Duly Noted holds up a perfect Ten-or! (L to R) KaleyAnna Raabe (bt), Madison Slamka (l), Emily Hitt (bs), and Raegan Stauffer (t)

G RISSTIAN R 2019 Quartet



Duly Noted


rom the first notes of their dynamic rendition of “I Can’t Give You Anything But Love” to the final ringing chord of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” Duly Noted wowed a rapt audience at Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, U.K. the night they became the 2019 Rising Star Champion Quartet. “When our names were announced, it was unbelievably exciting!” said baritone KaleyAnna Raabe. “There were so many amazing quartets in the competition, and we really didn’t know what the results would be. We were honestly shocked! I felt so happily overwhelmed by the love and encouragement that surrounded us.” Last September, lead Madison Slamka found herself singing tags at a barbershop event with award-winning music educator and barbershopper Debbie Cleveland, who connected Slamka with two of her recent high school graduates, Raabe and tenor Raegan Stauffer. Slamka then contacted bass Emily Hitt, and the quartet met for their first rehearsal later that month. The rest is history.


| October 2019

Stauffer sings with Toast of Tampa Show Chorus and the other members sing with Spirit of the Gulf Chorus, the 2019 Region 9 Chorus Champions! Duly Noted won second place in the 2019 Region 9 competition and received the Young Women in Coastal Harmony and Novice awards. Their score earned them an International Wildcard Quartet spot — the first time a Rising Star Champion Quartet has competed at International competition in the same year they won. It’s a lot for a young quartet, but the singers are used to barbershop life. Slamka is a fourth-generation barbershopper, with family members in Barbershop Harmony Society champion quartets Power Play and Crossroads. Her sister, Michaela SlamkaJohnston is tenor of ClassRing, 2014 Rising Star Champions and 2019 International Quartet Champions. ClassRing performed at this year’s Rising Star Quartet Contest. The rest of Duly Noted is connected with 1994 International Champion Quartet, Showtime: Hitt’s mother is bass Dana Johnson, and as mentioned before, Raabe and Stauffer were students of Showtime lead Debbie Cleveland, who also sings

2nd Place

3rd Place

Perfect Fourth Liverpool, NY, USA Tenor: Gabriella Galanti Lead: Kristina Valentino

Baritone: Catrina Tulowiecki Bass: Katie Sheerin

4th Place

Valkyries Valencia, CA, USA Baritone: Kayla Quilantang Tenor: Grace Lueck Bass: Sarah Morehead Lead: Therese Masangcay

5th Place

Tenor: Michelle Gant Lead: Abbie Owens

Baritone: Madison Padgett Bass: Eliza Stoney

with 2005 International Champion Quartet “the BUZZ.” Besides these connections, the quartet cites coach Michael Slamka, Bling! quartet, Betty Clipman and James Kastler as special mentors. Though all of Duly Noted perform other types of music as well, the singers say that barbershop is special. “To me singing barbershop harmony is a chance to sing with people I never would have met outside of this organization,” said Stauffer. “It brings people together from across the world. It is a huge stress reliever and allows me to have a moment where I can

Singing Double Tampa, FL, USA Tenor: Kelly Majid Lead: Hannah Paschal

Baritone: Krystal Majid Bass: Emma Paschal

just think about the music I'm making with others and enjoy the opportunity I have to be able to do something like this.” Slamka agrees. “Barbershop singing is very heartfelt and intimate,” she said. “It is one thing to hear barbershop but another to actually feel the music. Barbershop changes people's lives in a way that is incomparable to any other art form. I believe we will always be Sweet Adelines because now it is not a hobby but a part of our hearts!”

October 2019 |


Photos by: Ian Dearman

Blaze Tampa, FL, USA


Life on a High Note… the easy way!

A new way to donate to Sweet Adelines International from the comfort of your own phone Text Support to 1.918.992.4838 to make a donation today!* *Available for U.S. phone numbers only.

2020 Louisville Registration Now Open! E S T. 1 9 4 5

Registration is now open for the 2020 International Convention and Competition in Louisville, KY., USA. Visit to register.

Early Bird Registration Fees* Registration Type

Price (USD)

International Chorus Competitor All Events


International Quartet Competitor All Events


Convention Assistant All Events


Member All Events


Non-Member All Events


Youth Member or Non-Member All Events


*Early Bird Registration pricing expires on May 27, 2020


| October 2019



Congratulations to the winners of our sixth annual YWIH Video Chorus Contest. The contest features girls age 25 and younger singing in choruses of at least 15 members representing all four voice parts. Winners receive cash prizes awarded by the Young Singers Foundation.

1st Place Chorus $1,000 USD

Treblemakers Lori Lyford, director Chandler High School Chandler, AZ

2nd Place Chorus $750 USD

Toasters Tony DeRosa, director Tampa, FL

3rd Place Chorus $500 USD

Heart Attack Lynn Jamieson, director Sacred Heart Girls College Waikato, New Zealand

To hear their outstanding performances, visit the Events page at


| October 2019


SO YOU WANT TO COMPETE IN REGIONALS… Advice from the Sweet Adelines International Competition Department


egional competition is a great way to hear fantastic barbershop music, meet Sweet Adelines from your area, and hone your performance skills. It can be fun and fulfilling, but the prospect of it can feel daunting. At headquarters, we receive many questions about regional competition options, so we’ve prepared a step-by-step explanation of the process to help you determine the best competition choice for your chorus or quartet. 1.

Decide whether your chorus/quartet wants to or needs to compete this year. All choruses are

required to compete at least once every three years to maintain their charter.

2. Decide in which division you will compete.

International Division: This is the only division that

Open Division: This entertainment package division allows for performance of (a) one song or medley appropriate for use in a Sweet Adelines competition plus, (b) at least one other song of any style, and (c) emcee material. The performance time is no more than 10 minutes. You will be given written evaluation and a letter grade. The results will be published.

Open Division Video: This division is the same as Open

Division, but you may submit a video recording of your performance versus singing live. Letter scores are given along with written evaluations. It does not fulfill a chapter’s three-year competition requirement.

3. Find the date of your regional competition. Log in to the Sweet Adelines International website and download the Regional Competition Long Range Calendar document found in the “Regional Competition” section under the “Events” tab.

qualifies you for International Competition. Performance is comprised of singing two contestable songs with a 3-7 minute performance time. You will be scored numerically, 4. Make sure your chorus/quartet is up to date and your results will be published. Your chorus must with all international and regional fees. have at least 12 singing members (effective for 2020 regional contests) to be eligible to compete in this 5. Check your email! When entry for your region opens, division. One director per chorus is not counted as a you will receive an email from your region containing singing member. If you have co-directors, one is links to the Chorus and Quartet competitor webpages on considered a singing member (not both). the Sweet Adelines website where you can find all applicable competition resources, forms, and instructions. Evaluation Only: This division is for those who want to receive evaluation but not an official score. This division will not be eligible for ranking that leads to International competitions. Performance is comprised of two contestable songs with a 3-7 minute performance time. You will be given a letter grade (not number scores). Results of this kind of contest performance are not published. For more information, review the Competition Handbook, which can be found in Competition Video Evaluation: This option is much the same as Resources in the Forms and Documents Center on the Evaluation Only; however, each competitor submits a Sweet Adelines International website. For questions video recording of their performance instead of regarding your specific regional competition, contact performing live at the contest. Performance is comprised your region’s Competition Coordinator, whose name of two contestable songs with a 3-7 minute performance and contact information can be found on your Region’s time. Letter scores are given along with written website. For questions regarding competition in evaluations. This option does not fulfill a chapter’s general, contact three-year competition requirement.

October 2019 |


Countdown to 75 years

1970-1979: BUILDING AND GROWING It seems we have arrived as an Organization at a very appropriate time in our history. Women are taking on different roles, exercising more freedoms than ever before. — International President Ruth Uglow, The Pitch Pipe, Fall 1979 The stories in this article are gleaned from past issues of The Pitch Pipe magazine. All issues can be found in the archives at Sweet Adelines International Headquarters in Tulsa, Okla.

E S T. 1 9 4 5

A Change of Song: “Sweet Adeline” was retired as the organizational song at the May 1969 International Board of Directors (IBOD) meeting, taking effect in 1970. President Judy Rowell wrote in The Pitch Pipe, “In digging through our archives, we are reminded that this now mature organization was conceived amid an atmosphere of extreme good humor and camaraderie,” but now the IBOD felt “that the Organizational Theme Song should contain lyrics more reflective of our present and future aspirations.”

(Medley)” and “There’s a New Gang on the Corner.” The chorus had 64 members onstage, and they were directed by the legendary Jarmela Speta who, along with coach Lyle Pilcher, also arranged the competition music. Racine member Hazel Tabar (who was also on the IBOD) wrote in the Winter 1974 issue of The Pitch Pipe, “The girls were determined to give our best, we gave our best, and we worked hard for the championship. Competition was stiff, and we were thrilled to hear RACINE CHAPTER’s name called as First Place. And proud!”

Sweet Adelines International Headquarters building in 1968.

Working Up a Storm in New Headquarters: We built a brand-new headquarters building in 1968, and in 1972, thanks to donations from members, we literally burned its mortgage at our Silver Anniversary convention in Salt Lake City, Utah (USA). The same year, President Norma Moore authorized construction of a second floor, which was completed in 1974…just in time for Tulsa to be hit by a large tornado while the city hosted the Sweet Adelines Regents’ Conference! Regents, staff, and a few strangers who rushed in out of the storm stayed safe in the basement, where International Vice President Ann Gooch led singing, in four-part harmony, naturally. First Chorus Competition: The first-ever Sweet Adelines International Chorus Competition was held at the 1973 Convention in Washington, D.C. (USA). Racine Chapter (Wisconsin, USA) became our first International Champion Chorus, singing “Heart of My Heart,” “That Old Gang of Mine


| October 2019

The Vietnam War: Many Sweet Adelines served in or had family members who served in the military during the Vietnam War, which continued until 1975. Bob Schweitzer, baritone of Aloha Chapter of SPEBSQSA and the husband of Gwen Schweitzer, became a prisoner of war when his plane was shot down in 1968. Gwen was a founding member of the Honolulu Chapter and later joined various chapters during the family’s military moves. In a Spring 1971 story from The Pitch Pipe, she said, “My activity in Sweet Adelines has helped me maintain my sanity.” Bob was released during Operation Homecoming on March 14, 1973. During the war, nine Sweet Adelines quartets took part in the USO Pacific Hospital Command Tour. A report written after

the Shondells’ performance in Vietnam called them “A talented group that brings memories of all that is precious and far away.” When the war ended in 1975, thousands of Vietnamese refugees arrived in resettlement centers in the U.S. The Greater Harrisburg Chapter sang at the center in Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa. Member Marge Creasy wrote, “Very quickly our audience was won over to barbershop harmony…What was to have been a 45-minute program stretched into the twilight hours, and only the darkness brought an end to our performance.” The Singing Sister: The first nun to join Sweet Adelines was Sister St. Christopher Eaton of Green Gold Valley Chapter in Salinas, Calif. (USA). After seeing her name in the Spring 1970 issue of The Pitch Pipe, she wrote, “It was somewhat of a surprise to read that there is only one nun in Sweet Adelines, and even more of a shock to find out that it’s me! I’ve been in Sweet Adelines only a year, and it is for the same reason that everyone else joined. I got hooked on the stuff…happy day! Fortunately, the chapter in this area contains the friendliest beings I’d ever met, and in no time they made me feel at home. I can think of no other single entertainment in America today which can be enjoyed so much by so many people.” Sister Chris sang for many years and was a popular emcee. She passed away in 2006 from complications from AIDS, which she contracted while working as a nurse during the early years of the AIDS epidemic.

Sister Chris Eaton, the first nun to join Sweet Adelines, is guest emcee for Scottsdale Chorus in 1975.

Celebrities: Port of Harmony Chapter presented screen star Debbie Reynolds with a “Harmonize the World” charm when the actor visited Houston, Texas (USA) in 1973. Three members of L.A. South Towns Chapter—Sheila Davis, Audrey Rempert, and Sally Briner—appeared on Bob Barker’s game show Truth or Consequences in 1973. Verdugo Hills Chorus advertised bleach on major television networks in the U.S. and Canada as “the Clorox Chorus.” Mission Valley and San Francisco Choruses appeared in a commercial for Kellogg’s Special K cereal in 1976. That same year, Verdugo Hills Chapter (Glendale, Calif., USA) performed songs from The Music Man with the writer of that show, Meredith Wilson, in the audience! He praised the chorus and sang his song, “Goodnight My Someone” with them.

Members of San Francisco and Mission Valley Chapters recording a commercial for Special K cereal. Left to right are Sally Mathews, Pat Farnam, Sylvia Villalovoz, Gloria Sandstrom, Jean Haft, Wanda Mellow, Joan Robinson, Mary Packard, and Carolyn Marelich.

Champion Doll Showcase: The first mention of the championship dolls (still housed at Sweet Adelines International Headquarters) appears in the Summer 1978 issue of The Pitch Pipe, in an invitation to visit Headquarters: “There are history panels to read [and] a collection of dolls dressed identically to the Queens of Harmony and International Chorus Champions.” Computer Age: Sweet Adelines acquired an early IBM computer, which used punched cards to keep track of each member…and not everyone loved it. A witty member wrote to The Pitch Pipe in 1971, “I was shocked to hear that Sweet Adelines are to henceforth be identified by their Social Security number and fed to a computer. I deeply resent becoming a mess of figures. HOW can you condense ANY Sweet Adeline to a 7 ½ x 3” card? It wouldn’t hold enough holes!” Unusual Honors: The Anselm Tape Forum was a historical and cultural organization which recorded tapes that were passed around the world to promote learning and friendship across boundaries. Alpha Sanders of West Suburban Chapter and later, Calumet Corner Chapter (Indiana, USA), sent Sweet Adelines music all over the world on the many tapes she recorded for the organization. She was the Anselm World Tape Forum’s first female associate director—and first female invited to be a member. The Hypnotizers, a quartet from West Valley Chapter (California, USA) were the first women allowed into the men-only United European Danish-American Club in Hollywood when they were invited to sing there. At the 1973 convention, the Coronet Club show was broadcast around on the world on Voice of America Radio, and the Honorary Ambassador of the U.S. Bicentennial Celebration, Kenneth Kimes, presented Sweet Adelines International with two plaques of flags from the U.S. and other nations. Growth: In 1970, we had 17,766 members in 521 chapters in the U.S., Canada, and the Panama Canal Zone. By 1979, we had around 30,500 members in 695 chapters. By the end of the 70s, several UK chapters had chartered, as had the Swedish Telge and Stockholm Chapters, and chapters from the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia. We had prospective chapters in Iran and Japan and were in contact with singers in Bolivia, Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, and the Republic of South Africa. President Ann Gooch wrote in Spring 1976, “To ‘Harmonize the World’ is no longer just a motto; it is a living, chord-ringing fact.”

October 2019 |


1970 Boston, MA, USA 1971 Kansas City, MO, USA 1972 Salt Lake City, UT, USA 1973 Washington, DC, USA 1974 Milwaukee, WI, USA 1975 Seattle, WA, USA 1976 Cincinnati, OH, USA 1977 London, UK 1978 Los Angeles, CA, USA 1979 St. Louis, MO, USA

Helen Ryan 1969-1971 Zoe Thompson 1971-1973 Norma Moore 1973-1975 Ann Gooch 1975-1977 Joanne Kick 1977-1979 Ruth Uglow 1979-1981

1970 • Rarities 1971 • Bron’s Tones 1972 • 4th Edition 1973 • Tiffanys 1974 • Sounds of Music 1975 • Front Office Four 1976 • High Society 1977 • Shondells 1978 • Tetrachords 1979 • Hallmarks

In the 1970s, we installed flags representing all the countries where we had chartered chapters in front of SA Headquarters. The Pitch Pipe covers celebrated the raising of each flag: British flag in Autumn 1975, Swedish flag in Summer 1978, Dutch flag in Summer 1979, and Japanese flag in Spring 1980 (installed in 1979).


| October 2019

1973 • Racine Chorus 1974 • Gem City Chorus 1975 • San Diego Chorus 1976 • Mission Valley Chorus 1977 • Gem City Chorus 1978 • Island Hills Chorus 1979 • Ramapo Valley Chorus

Oct. 12-17, 2020 75th Diamond Anniversary & 74th Annual International Convention and Competition Louisville, Ky. USA

E S T. 1 9 4 5


Join your Sweet Adelines family at International Convention and

• Regional Roll Call and region-themed Hat Parade!

Competition in Louisville,

• Historical displays and release of a brand-new book on Sweet Adelines history!

Kentucky (USA) Oct. 12-17, 2020

• Party, party, party at Diamond Afterglow!

for special 75th Diamond

• Diamond Anniversary mint julep cup, sparkling charm, and custom-designed jewelry

Anniversary festivities!

Registration Now Open! Visit for more information.



Four days of singing, celebrating, and learning in Manchester


n July 25, almost 500 Sweet Adelines gathered at Manchester’s Royal Northern College of Music for the Sweet Adelines International Education Symposium (IES). It was the first time IES was held in the UK, and the event lived up to its theme—Sing and Celebrate—from Thursday’s gala dinner to Saturday’s Rising Star Quartet Contest to the closing session on Sunday afternoon. Attendees report that IES 2019 was full of learning, friendship, and bonding. Pat Thompson of Lace City Chorus wrote that “hearing the various languages and accents from around the world” was a standout quality of IES 2019. Co-chair Elaine Hamilton (Forth Valley Chorus) agrees that “meeting people from all over the world with the same passion for singing and Sweet Adelines” was a highlight. “Everyone got on with everyone, and the passion was palpable,” she wrote. Classes with guest educator Deke Sharon, 2019 Queens of Harmony, ClassRing, and SA faculty members Alyson Chaney, Paula Davis, Lynda Keever, Lori Lyford, Judy Pozsgay and Sandy Marron impressed attendees. Glenn Chaney, director of Lace City Chorus, wrote that “the classes were well-prepared and delivered” and that “there was an amazing energy throughout the event from faculty and attendees which seemed to facilitate learning.” Co-chair Alyson Chaney agreed. “The Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester was a fabulous facility, providing us with an excellent concert hall, great classrooms with superb technical support for faculty, delicious food, and a bar where the singing continued long after the last classes in a traditional and very enjoyable afterglow!” For Ellie Blackeby, past Rising Star quartet champion (Luminous, 2007), one class stood out as a special highlight. “Lori Lyford (2019 International Champion Scottsdale Chorus) was incredibly inspirational,” wrote Blackeby. “Her skills as an educator are unparalleled. She shared her knowledge and talent in such a way that you don’t even realise you’re being taught. It’s genuine and honest, yet utterly hilarious to boot!” ClassRing’s performances and classes inspired many attendees. “One of the highlights for me was getting to know ClassRing and experiencing what down-to-earth, caring people they are who love to sing together and help others,” wrote IES Co-Chair and Past International President Paula Davis (Sound of Seattle Chorus). On Saturday night, participants got a glimpse of the future at the 2019 Rising Star Quartet Contest, which was won by Region


| October 2019

9’s Duly Noted (profiled in this issue of The Pitch Pipe). “The audience was full to capacity and so supportive of each and every one of these fine young performers,” said Hamilton. “The standard was high, and everyone enjoyed it!” The closing session saw a surprising “Q” during the Q&A when one Sweet Adeline asked another to marry her. The response was, “Yes!” amid a roomful of cheering Sweet Adelines (and hardly a dry eye in the house!). “The energy of the closing session with the Q&A, ClassRing’s moving performance, wonderful stories of how Sweet Adelines International fills and takes care of us when needed…then a wedding proposal to top it off! Amazing!” said Davis.

If you missed out on IES this year, never fear! Registration for IES 2020 opens January 2! Next year’s IES will be held July 22–26, at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas (USA). Look for details in The Pitch Pipe and on the Sweet Adelines International website at

COUNTRIES REPRESENTED AT IES 2019 Åland Islands (FIN) • Australia Belgium • Canada • Denmark England (UK) • France Finland • Germany Ireland • Netherlands New Zealand • Scotland (UK) Sweden • United States • Wales (UK)

A Symposium chorus celebrates good times at IES.

IES Co-chairs (L to R) Alyson Chaney, Elaine Hamilton and Paula Davis

ClassRing, 2019 Queens of Harmony, entertain the IES crowd.

Lori Lyford, director of 2019 International Champion Scottsdale Chorus, instructs a class.

Forging friendships over tea.

Learning breath control during morning session.

Listening hard and taking notes at IES.

All smiles in Manchester!

October 2019 |



A LEGACY OF HARMONY The story behind the Gladys and Fred Katen Fund


hen asked why she loves singing barbershop music, Sweet Adelines member Gladys “Gee” Katen explained it this way: “I always loved singing, whether in the high school glee club or along with the car radio, but nothing compares to the feeling of four different voice parts wrapping their sound around each other.” In the same way individual voices combine to create an overtone, the lives of Sweet Adelines merge into a deep musical and personal connection that Gee and her husband, Fred, want to ensure will be available to young women for years to come. The Gladys and Fred Katen Fund was created to support young women pursuing music and/or vocal education in the barbershop genre. The Katens’ gift to Sweet Adelines International established an endowment that will benefit the organization for generations. In 1981, while living in Connecticut (USA), Gee was invited to a YankeeMaid Chorus rehearsal. She sang lead with the chorus for nine years then took a break from the risers to finish her postgraduate education and continue her career as a corporate financial analyst. Throughout, she kept in touch with her chorus “family,” attending shows and competitions. “In 2004, I had some health concerns and decided that I really needed Sweet Adelines in my life,” said Gee. “My husband, Fred, said, ‘Absolutely you should go back!’” It took a few years, but in 2006, Gee returned to the chorus, now called Harmony on the Sound (HOTS). Long-time director Karen Sweeters suggested Gee switch to bass, and she sang that part with the chorus until the family moved to Las Vegas, Nevada (USA). Thirty-four years after that first visit to YankeeMaids, Gee competed with HOTS at the 2015 International competition in Las Vegas. Today, Gee sings bass as a proud member of the San Diego Chorus (California, USA). The Katens agree that performance opportunities like Rising Star and music education impact lives, as Gee has personally witnessed in her own chorus. “The San Diego Chorus has partnered with numerous youth groups in the community, giving young women an opportunity to expand their musical experience, and the chorus continually offers


| October 2019

its own members countless hours of education,” she said. “I hope each person we help will share what they learn with others. It’s important to me to spread the word about this organization that has given me so much.” The Katens hope their financial contribution will help Sweet Adelines create and sustain the availability of educational opportunities. “We wanted to make sure young singers have funds available to pursue something they really love,” she said. “Sweet Adelines encourages young girls all the way up to women in their 90s to be on the risers singing or otherwise involved. That's a lifetime. Think how many generations of women this organization has touched and continues to touch. It's wonderful. That's all I can say. It's simply wonderful.” If you are interested in finding out how to make a donation to Sweet Adelines International, contact Susan Smith, director of philanthropy, at or by calling 1.918.388.8040.

Creating or establishing an endowment for Sweet Adelines International is one way to ensure a legacy of supporting your fellow singers. An endowment provides ongoing financial support to the beneficiary. The initial gift is invested, and the interest accrued (along with any future donations) continues to provide funding. To find out more about how you can create your legacy through an endowment to Sweet Adelines International, contact Susan Smith, director of philanthropy, at or by calling 1.918.388-8040.

y n o m r a H p u d n u Ro

By the 1960s, Sweet Adelines had grown so much that The Pitch Pipe started collecting interesting news from around the regions and combining it into one story. We’ve decided to try Harmony Roundup in the same style. It allows us more space to share your adventures and achievements. If you like it, we’ll continue. Let us know! Email your thoughts and submissions to

Where We Sang In May, Stockholm City Voices Chorus sang at Stockholm’s Vasa Museum alongside the 391-year-old warship that gives the museum its name. In April, California HEAT Chorus serenaded 10,000 spectators from their float in the 65th Annual Red Bluff Round-Up Parade, which kicks off the largest three-day professional rodeo event in the U.S. In June, Duly Noted (#9) performed as the Dapper Dianes in Epcot at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida (USA). A group from Canadian Showtime Chorus sang the National Anthem of Norway at the Norwegian ambassador’s residence in Ottawa, Ont. (CAN) for Norway’s National Day on May 18. On June 21, several choruses and quartets, including Bay Area Showcase Chorus and Black Hills Showcase Chorus, performed as part of Make Music Day festivities. Make Music Day is an international event that began in 1982 in France and has taken place in 120 countries. It is a day for all musicians, professional and beginner, to come together to make music. On June 30, Mission Valley Chorus (#12) sang at Carnegie Hall in New York City after an unexpected detour via the mass transit system in full costume! Greater Eugene Chorus sang with country music star Garth Brooks as part of an 800+member choir at his show in Eugene, Ore. (USA). And Garth gave a shout-out to Sweet Adelines from the stage! How We Sang A Cappella Bay Show Chorus (#9) and Santa Monica Chorus (#11) celebrate 70 years of ringing chords this year! On Sept. 14, Berkshire Hills Chorus (#1) celebrated its 50th anniversary with a performance of hit songs from the last 50 years, and Song of the Lakes (#2) celebrated theirs with a picnic. Region #34 celebrates 30 years in 2019, and Region #31 celebrates 20! Caroline Beal

(lead) of The Ladies (#10) can be heard on the soundtrack of the documentary The Biggest Little Farm, which was released May 10 after several successful appearances at independent film festivals, including Sundance. In July, baritone Ashaya Babiuk of Strike a Chord sang in the debut of Unravelled: A New Musical at the Toronto Fringe Festival. Scottsdale Chorus was honored by the City of Scottsdale when Mayor W.J. “Jim” Lane proclaimed 2019 “The Year of the International Champion Scottsdale Chorus” on May 22, and the mayor of Las Vegas, Nev. (USA) proclaimed July 13 Lady Luck Showtime Chorus Day in honor of Barbershop Music Appreciation Day. Forth Valley Chorus sang at the 20th Birthday Celebration of the Scottish Parliament on June 29 then performed their Internationals package for their hometown crowd at their chapter show later that day! Region #34 was hosted by the governor of Tasmania at a reception held at her home during their convention in Hobart! Why We Sang Sounds of Pittsburgh Chorus performed at the Women Who Rock benefit in Pittsburgh, Penn. (USA) in May. Sheila E. headlined the event. Women Who Rock is an organization that focuses on women in music and women’s health awareness. Song of Sonoma Chorus volunteered at the Ironman Triathlon in California’s wine country. In June, London Chorus (Ontario, CAN) rode through town on a bicycle built for 29 as part of The Big Bike project, which raises awareness of and funds for heart and stroke research. Surrey Harmony Chorus (#31) participated in Sing For Shelter, an event in which singers of all kinds filmed themselves singing “A Place to Call Home,” which will eventually be recorded by all the singers and released as a single to raise money to combat homelessness in the U.K.

What an honor! On May 22, Scottsdale Chorus was honored by the City of Scottsdale, Arizona (USA) when Mayor W.J. “Jim” Lane proclaimed 2019 “The Year of the International Champion Scottsdale Chorus.”


| October 2019

Happy 70th Anniversary, A Cappella Bay Show Chorus! Then and now: (Left) Sunshine City Chorus at its founding in 1949. Sunshine City later merged with other choruses to form A Cappella Bay Show Chorus. (Above) Today's A Cappella Bay Show Chorus preparing for a recent competition.

Education Inspiration…Sweet Adelines Style A gathering of the minds…and voices! Six members of Metro Nashville Chorus showcase an excellent unit appearance in their doctoral regalia. Left to right, from the top are M. K. Sewell-Loftin and Kourtney Hennard; middle row: Jewell Baggett-Strehlau; front row: Judith Logan Anthony, Hilda McMackin, and Donnetta Hawkins. Chorus members not pictured who also earned doctoral degrees are Beth Malow, Beth Youngblood, and Deirtra Bledsoe. Photo courtesy of Metro Nashville Chorus.

Toast of Tampa Show Chorus recently celebrated 12 graduates from the Class of 2019! Left to right are Ellie Borah, Kerrigan McConnell, Alexsus Gerardo, Dr. Gloria Churchill (rear), Hannah Paschal, Luciana Denegri and Emma Paschal. Not pictured are graduates Kelly Majid, Krystal Majid, Maggie Nelson, Katy Cragg and Kirsten Cragg. Photo by Dana Dunlevy (Toast of Tampa Show Chorus)

October 2019 |


2020 Wildcard Choruses These choruses have been invited to compete at the 75th Diamond Anniversary and 74th Sweet Adelines International Convention and Competition, Oct. 12–17, 2020, in Louisville, Kentucky (USA).

E S T. 1 9 4 5

Region #1

Farmington Valley Chorus Cheryl Wilcox, Director Score: 641 • 42 on stage Songs: When I Fall in Love (D. Wright); Oh, You Beautiful Doll (J. Giallombardo) Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography

Farmington Valley Chorus

Region #2

London Chorus Julia Beadle, Director Score: 606 • 48 on stage Songs: Once Upon a Time (J. Dale); I Love a Piano (J. Bescos) Photos: Jon Petersen Photography

London Chorus

Region #3

Midwest Crossroad Chorus Tori Hicks, Director Score: 616 • 43 on stage Songs: Back in the Old Routine (R. Craig); At Last (N. Bergman) Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography

Midwest Crossroad Chorus

Region #4

Pride of Kentucky Chorus

Pride of Kentucky Chorus Debbie Hite, Director Score: 651 • 46 on stage Songs: If Ever I Would Leave You (C. Hine); Oh, Look at Me Now! (A. Dale) Photos: Jon Read Photography

Region #8

Velvet Hills Chorus


| October 2019

Velvet Hills Chorus Darin Drown, Director Score: 637 • 71 on stage Songs: When My Sugar Walks Down the Street . (D. Harrington); Stars Fell on Alabama (D. Wright) Photos: Jon Read Photography

2020 Wildcard Choruses E S T. 1 9 4 5

Region #9

O-Town Show Chorus Kay L. Webb, Director Score: 608 • 33 on stage Songs: Time After Time (J. Arnes); When the Red, Red Robin Goes Bob, Bob .. Bobbin’ Along (G. Volk) Photos: Jon Read Photography

O-Town Show Chorus

Region #15

Harmony Celebration Chorus

Harmony Celebration Chorus Scott Brannon, Director Jeannie Froelich and Kat Britt, Acting Directors Score: 638 • 49 on stage Songs: In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning (J. Arns); Make ‘Em Laugh (C. Hine) Photos: Jon Petersen Photography

Region #17

Greater Harmony Chorus Michael Hengelsberg, Director Score: 622 • 50 on stage Songs: The Bandstand in Central Park (N. Bergman); Sailin’ Down the Chesapeake Bay (J. Arns) Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography

Greater Harmony Chorus

Region #26

Gateway Chorus Lisa Greenough, Director Score: 610 • 50 on stage Songs: Oh, You Beautiful Doll (J. Giallombardo); May I Never Love Again (R. Craig) Photos: Milos Tosic

Gateway Chorus

Region #31

Aberdeen Chorus Sophie Radcliffe, Director Score: 638 • 67 on stage Songs: If Ever I Would Leave You (C. Hine); This Joint is Jumpin’ (N. Bergman) Photos: Ian Dearman

Aberdeen Chorus

October 2019 |


Region #35

Regional Results 2019 New Zealand

We sincerely apologize for an error that appeared in the Regional competition results section of the July 2019 issue of The Pitch Pipe. Below is the correct result for first place, Region #35, Division A. Division A

Dunedin Harmony Chorus Robyn Abernethy, Director Score: 542 • 25 on stage Songs: Mr. Wonderful (K. Bromert); Shanghai (N. Bergman)

Division A Dunedin Harmony Chorus

front linre directo

itor mpet o c l t 4x In armony H 3 201 c Gold i s s Cla s Champion l a Med

Sweet Adelines Coffee Mugs

$9.75 USD

Keep your vocal chords hydrated and your coffee close with this voice part mug. Available in Tenor, Lead, Baritone and Bass.

Diirr group of energetic women 75 memb ers strong in

Calgary ,


, Canada 28

| October 2019


Photos courtesy of Piney Hills Harmony Chorus.

WHY I AM A SWEET ADELINE A rookie singer experiences the joy of giving


’m new to the barbershop community. I joined Piney Hills Harmony Chorus back in the summer of 2018 and fell in love when I heard that very first harmony ring from our risers. Only a couple of months after I joined, we began singing Christmas songs, in JULY. But Christmas is my favorite holiday, so I enjoyed every minute. We were practicing for our Christmas show to be held at the Strauss Theatre in Monroe, La. (USA). As the days grew closer, the nerves grew bigger and bigger. The Friday before, we had our dress rehearsal at the theater and ran through the whole show, and it suddenly became more than real. This was it! We got to rehearse with our special guest, bagpiper Scott Arvin, who brought instant tears to my eyes as he started to play "Amazing Grace." I knew I needed to get the tears out then instead of during the show. The curtain rose for the first time for our afternoon show, and it was nothing but pure love and harmony. Within the blink of an eye, it was over. It felt as if we were on that stage for less than 10 minutes! I WAS ECSTATIC! We had filled the room with laughter and smiles. I eagerly awaited the evening show in hopes that we could make the next audience feel the same as the ones who’d just left. When it was time for the evening show, I was exhausted but ready to do it all over again because I now knew performing gave me the greatest feeling in the world. We made it through the first half without fault, then it was time for our bagpiper to make his grand entrance. We sat patiently behind the curtain enjoying the music, waiting on our cue. When he began playing "Amazing Grace," we got into position and the curtain rose. It was simply beautiful. No tears fell from my eyes

as we sang with him, but joy filled my heart. About that time, I spotted a gentleman in the audience and noticed he was wearing a veteran's cap. My eyes never left him the entire song. When the show was over, we made our way down to the audience where my husband and in-laws were waiting for me. I walked right past them because I was simply drawn to the gentleman who had caught my eye during the song. As I walked over to him, I thanked him for coming to our show and thanked him for his service to this country. When he grabbed my hands, the tears began flowing from both our eyes. His daughter, who was standing next to him, pulled me aside and whispered, "He just lost his wife of over 70 years last weekend. This is the first time I’ve seen him smile since it happened." I was at a loss for words at that point, which doesn’t happen very often. All I could do was embrace him as tightly as possible. When I pulled back, he grabbed both hands and just told me “Thank you” repeatedly and gave me the sweetest kiss on my cheek. My husband was waiting for me in the aisle, and as I made my way to him, I stopped and realized THIS was my reason for joining Piney Hills Harmony Chorus and Sweet Adelines International. This was it. Our voices did the impossible by making someone who had just lost the love of his life smile. I had doubted my voice for the longest time, but this one moment made me see why I was chosen to become part of this chorus. Now, I would be lost in this world without my sisters in song. Catherine Stoppleworth sings bass with Piney Hills Harmony Chorus in north Louisiana, USA.

October 2019 |



A member reflects on how singing helped her out of an abusive past


ithin the membership of Sweet Adelines International, there are doubtless thousands of compelling stories… Women whose lives have been revolutionized by this hobby. This is mine. This is not a story about being a victim. It isn’t a tale about defeat. It doesn’t describe a crushed spirit, a broken heart or a wasted life. It doesn’t represent any of those things, and yet it might well have done so. Instead, it is a tale of hope and fulfillment! I was two years old when the physical punishment began, first with an open hand, then a clenched fist. I was constantly beaten with a belt and was always made to bring the belt to my abuser for the punishment. I was choked, burned, and force-fed. I was threatened with broken bones if I did not admit to something I had not done. I was endlessly punched or beaten. There was never any peace. I was constantly belittled, called disgusting names whose meanings I never even understood at the time. My abuser also took delight in humiliating me in front of others…neighbors, friends, family, it didn’t matter. My physical appearance and my intelligence were constantly belittled. There was nowhere to hide! In order to survive, I became the perfectly behaved child—and still the punishment continued. Each night during my childhood, I pleaded with God to not let me wake up the next morning. When I was 24, the abuse ended. During a brief verbal confrontation, I was punched so hard in the jaw, I thought it was broken. Without thinking, I punched back, knocking my abuser off-balance to the floor. I still feel guilty about what I did. It was the first and last time I ever used physical violence. A brief time later, I discovered Sweet Adelines. At first, I trusted and responded to no one. I was just there to sing—I didn’t want the smiles or understanding of these women. I didn’t want a welcoming or goodbye hug. I didn’t know them. Why were they being so pleasant? What did they want from me? I preferred to go to rehearsal, learn my music, go home, and have them leave me alone. Slowly, I began to warm to them and to recover some selfesteem. I noticed that these women seemed to be having fun; there was a lot of laughter. Some of them even seemed to like me! I also noticed that despite my earlier concerns, they didn’t seem to “want” anything from me. They just reached out and gave of themselves. As my confidence grew, I discovered that music was healing and that striving with others for a common goal in a nurturing environment was rewarding. It took a long time, but I began to


| October 2019

smile and even to laugh. I discovered humor, an unknown quantity to me prior to joining Sweet Adelines. I can remember the night I looked around the chorus and realized that I felt “strange.” Not out of place—just “odd.” I had no idea what I was feeling then, but now I can look back and recognize it as contentment. I had never experienced that before. “Good” feelings were completely alien to me. I didn’t know what they were, so I found them difficult to recognize. Today, as I continue to perform, I have come to recognize other feelings: happiness, satisfaction, success, accomplishment, even moments of joy! Most of all, I have gained wonderful friends and found a deep and profound core of inner peace. My experience as a Sweet Adeline also helped me gain the confidence to seek out professional help to deal with past life issues. Cognitive behavior therapy (which for me, in total, lasted almost 20 years with various breaks) taught me how to change my thinking, expectations, dysfunctional learned behaviors, etc., and thus embrace and recognize the positive experiences I was having in SA so that I could also recognize those feelings and experiences in other areas of my life as well. In that way, I could become a more rounded person and lessen the negative thinking and paranoia that often motivated me. So, who am I? Well, I could be the director standing in front of you each week, who seems to have it all together. I could be the member beside you, behind you, or in front of you. Perhaps I am the confident team leader or the choreographer. It is possible that I am the person who always seems to be laughing, or the one who is rather introspective. Regardless of who I am, know that I am simply a member just like you! My life has changed. I am happy! I enjoy and embrace everyone around me! I experience life fully, knowing that I am who I was meant to be and I am where I was meant to be. In other words, I AM SWEET ADELINES! The author of this story chooses to remain anonymous, but she shared her story to help other Sweet Adelines who are in or recovering from an abusive situation and need encouragement to break out of it. She hopes that hearing how others have survived will give them hope and courage to take the first step toward recovery. If you or someone you know is faced with abuse or its aftereffects, consider reaching out to a healthcare professional or a domestic violence organization near you.

Sweet Adelines Music Education Grant Cycle 1 Recipients Announced Other grant and scholarship cycles still open!

Music education is a hallmark of the Sweet Adelines International mission, and the organization helps support its educational mission through grants and scholarships through the Young Singers Foundation (YSF). Grants are awarded in two cycles. This year’s Cycle 1 ended June 1, and the following projects were awarded monetary grants:

A Cappella Challenge (North Metro Chorus, #16)

In this project, barbershop and non-barbershop a cappella singers compete and are “encouraged to grow and explore their art form.” The winning group is invited to be a guest performer on North Metro’s show.

Harborlites (#21) Young Women in Harmony Diva Day Festival

At the 2020 14th Annual Diva Day Festival, approximately 200 young women singers from across Southern California will participate in what has become a tradition for many area schools.

Heartsong Foundation Festival (Skyline Chorus, #8)

This festival hosts young women in the Denver metropolitan area who may no longer have access to music curriculum in their public schools. Through the festival, Skyline Chorus “seeks to put music back into the lives of these young women and to give them opportunities to establish mentoring relationships, gain musical knowledge, and to grow and flourish with self-confidence, self-esteem, and hope.”

Youth Harmony San Diego Quartet Matching Party

For nine years, San Diego Chorus (#21) has sponsored a youth barbershop workshop in November. This quartet matching party will be held in February for the students “to extend their barbershop experience gained at our annual workshop.” Quartets are encouraged to compete in future Rising Star and other youth competitions. Grants are available to individuals, groups or organizations sponsoring or hosting barbershop education and performance opportunities for young women. Opportunities might include music festivals, education workshops or seminars, and/or other music education events. Grant Cycle 2 is open Aug. 1–Nov. 1, 2019. The YSF also provides scholarships to young women involved in the barbershop art form to help advance their music education. The Scholarships Cycle opens Nov. 15, 2019 and closes Jan. 25, 2020 Scholarships for future music educators include the Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarship and the Connie Noble Memorial Scholarship, both named for beloved and accomplished Sweet Adelines.

Help Support Sweet Adelines Music Education Grants and Scholarships. For more information on grants and scholarships, visit or contact October 2019 |



HOW TO KICK THE SELF-JUDGING HABIT IES 2020 guest faculty Jan Carley explains how to shift from judgment to assessment


he theme that consistently pops up for the hard-on-themselves, high-achieving leaders I coach is the crippling negative effect that self-judgment has on their lives and performance. Self-judgment is a black and white statement of criticism that implies a labeling of our value or worth. Most often, our inner judge levels a negative judgment that can immediately undermine us or shut us down. Drive, purpose, and commitment to excellence are positive qualities. However, judging ourselves when we fall short of the high-standard or level of the bar we set is not. A judgment closes the door. On the other hand, self-assessment is an objective process that doesn't support or categorize a good or bad point of view. It keeps the sense of our personal value separate from the evaluation of our functioning or actions. A self-assessment simply notices what "is" with the clear, calm lens of a scientist. If we can turn limiting self-judgment into self-assessment, we will open possibilities and space for learning and growth. The five steps that follow can help you make the shift.


| October 2019

5 Easy Steps to Shift from Self-Judgment to Self-Assessment 1. DEVELOP SELF-AWARENESS Awareness is the first step to any kind of change. Take note of when your thoughts turn to unhelpful self-judgment and what situations or people trigger your inner judge. 2. STEP BACK AND OBSERVE As you note your self-judge turning up the volume, adopt the cool calmness of an outside observer. The great Boston Philharmonic conductor Benjamin Zander advises his musician students to replace their judging thoughts with observation, smile, and then say, "How fascinating!"

Reflection Questions Understanding and starting from where you are now, without judgment, consider: What would I do differently next time? What could I build on for even better results? How could I improve? What is the next step to growth? How will I measure growth/progress?



After becoming aware of your inner judge, shift your focus to a balanced assessment of the situation. From there, you can decide where you want to go and move forward toward the state or condition you want. We do not ignore what is, we simply take note of the facts and let go of any judgment around them. A neutral, factual self-assessment takes all of the negative charge out of the situation.

Now that you have learned how to shift from self-judgment to self-assessment, consider these proactive, ongoing ways to keep the self-judge at bay.

Experiment: Take a situation in your life where you feel some selfjudgment creep in: What does your self-judge say? Now, shift to a factual self-assessment: What is the neutral truth? Instead of a judgment of worth, make an evaluation or assessment of what is and then move to Step #4. 4. REFLECT AND ACT When you have an opportunity to reflect, keep to objective assessment. Look but don't dwell. If you did mess up, ok! That is simply a fact. Acknowledge your screw-up but don't dwell on it. There is a difference between denial and transcendence. Identify where you are now and where you want to be, and create benchmarks to move you to that place (think small incremental steps). Consider how you want to improve the next time; draw on your past experience of success, and move into the future from a place of strength and possibility. Focus on your progress over time vs. a finite moment. Put markers in place to measure improvement.

Adopt a Growth Mindset Move from a "fixed" to a "growth” mindset, and show up as a learner. Approach life using a mantra of improving, not proving. Remind yourself that wherever you are right now is a starting point, and from there you can learn and grow. A learner's mind is open to feedback and direction, to growing their skills. Show up as a learner and feel the burden of having to be perfect fall away from you. Practice Radical Self-Acceptance Focus on the belief that you are exactly where you ought to be at this very moment (no matter how messy or incomplete). Renowned writer Brené Brown describes it as the journey from "What will people think?" to "I am enough." Take away the shoulds, the musts, the comparisons, and the focus on lack or scarcity. You are enough. That is your new self-acceptance paradigm. Get Support and Celebrate Enroll others close to you to help you make your personal paradigm shift. Ask them to reflect back to you when they notice you judging yourself or a situation. Celebrate each time you catch yourself and reframe your judgment. Even a small celebration or reward releases a shot of congratulatory dopamine, which reinforces the changed behavior. Jan Carley, the Inner Coach of Barbershop, is the author of Harmony from the Inside Out and The Overtone Effect. She sings lead in Lions Gate Chorus and Fandango Quartet (#26) and will be guest faculty at Sweet Adelines International Education Symposium (IES) 2020.

October 2019 |


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your tenor. your rhythm. your listening ear. your biggest fan.

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Share Life on a High Note! Log in to the Sweet Adelines International website to access new marketing materials including… Social media cover images and ads Poster and postcard templates Press release and brochure templates Print and digital display ads Ready-to-use and customizable materials Promotional videos

Questions? Email

Song of Welcome

Membership Please join us in welcoming our new Sweet Adelines chapters! We’re thrilled to have you with us as we grow in the joy of singing and friendship for many years to come.

Rio A Cappella

Golden West, Region #21 • Rio Rancho, N.M. (USA) Charter Date: January 31, 2019 President: Gayle Foster • Director: Dianne Goldrick

Favorite part of the prospective process?

We loved making new singing friends who have become such an integral part of our lives, both musically and socially.

What’s next for Rio A Cappella?

We competed in our first regional with the amazing women of Region #21 for the first time; two thirds of us are brand new Sweet Adelines. After that we’re looking for opportunities to sing in our community, and we’re preparing for a show in the fall as well as one at Christmas time.

Backbeat A Cappella Quartet of Nations, Region #31 • Mottram, Cheshire (UK) Charter Date: February 4, 2019 Team Leader: Liz Stott • Director: Jayne Roper

Favorite part of the prospective process?

Watching our new members become engaged with the process was definitely a highlight.

What’s next for Backbeat A Cappella?

We competed in our first regional competition in May in Cardiff, and we are excited about the prospect of singing and meeting our friends from other choruses in the region.

A Cappella Bella Border Lakes, Region #2 • Muskegon, Mich. (USA) Charter Date: February 8, 2019 Team Leader: Karen Avdek • Director: Marilee Wexstaff

Favorite part of the prospective process?

Finding out how truly supportive Sweet Adelines International is of the process. At headquarters, and especially at the regional level, everyone wanted us to succeed!

What’s next for Backbeat A Cappella?

We held our first Friends and Family performance to send us off to regional, and it was amazing.

October 2019 |


DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: A TASK FORCE UPDATE Working to foster a culture of belonging


he Diversity and Inclusion Task Force has an updated mandate, renewed energy, and an enthusiastic group of people committed to fostering a culture of belonging in Sweet Adelines International. The mandate of the task force, which initially included the development of a strategic plan to promote diversity and inclusion, was revised after the International Visioning Retreat held in November 2018. At that time, the importance of creating a diverse and inclusive organization was reconfirmed as a top priority for the Sweet Adelines International Board of Directors (IBOD), staff, and Visioning Retreat participants. With the development of the new guiding principles, it became clear that diversity and inclusion are integral to all strategic planning efforts within the organization. The development of an isolated plan was removed from the task force mandate and replaced with plans for the task force to provide input and feedback about how to support the overall SA five-year strategic plan with diversity and inclusion efforts. The mandate was also updated to include the development of a method for presenting the full timeline related to diversity and inclusion efforts within the organization. The task force was asked to present the International Board of Directors (IBOD) with options to facilitate permanent recognition of our past history, present initiatives, and future plans. While the International organization has set a strategic course to build a more inclusive and diverse organization, significant progress in this area will also be achieved at the chorus level. Choruses are urged to create their marketing and membership efforts with an intention to create more inclusive environments and support the growth of diversity throughout the organization. One of the primary goals in the task force mandate remains the development and delivery of a Chorus Toolkit. The task force is identifying resources and compiling them in a way that will provide practical tools for choruses to use as they pursue their own diversity and inclusion goals. The toolkit will include information, ideas, resources and contacts, and the task force will make recommendations to support future updates to keep the toolkit relevant and current.


| October 2019

Many of our singers are passionate about diversity and inclusion, and the task force recognizes that the wealth of creativity, knowledge and skill among our membership is a valuable resource. As part of the International Convention in New Orleans this past September, the task force designed a workshop to tap into the power of that resource. The workshop was designed to give participants insight into the work the task force has been doing and to give them an opportunity to inform the work going forward. The results of workshop activities will provide input to the finalized toolkit so, when it is delivered, it will reflect the contributions of members who have participated—a most appropriate outcome for this task force! Thérèse Antonini (North Metro Chorus) serves on the Sweet Adelines International Board of Directors (IBOD), where she is Secretary of the Executive Committee and chair of the Diversity and InclusivityTask Force.

Chorus Toolkit Following are some of the resources that will be included in the Diversity and Inclusivity Task Force Chorus Toolkit: • Glossary of Diversity and Inclusivity (D&I) related terms • Guidelines and techniques for repertoire review and choices • Guidelines for having conversations around D&I • Guidelines for the choices a chapter may consider from the perspective of D&I • How to prepare a chapter for beginning a D&I development program • Marketing and recruitment tips to support D&I



Thérèse Antonini talks with June Lenk of River Blenders Chorus


June Lenk

eet June Lenk. June joined Sweet Adelines in 1991 and has been singing with River Blenders Chorus in Spirit of the Midwest Region 5 since 1997. June has performed in various symphony choral groups and musical ensembles, but she has a real passion for barbershop. June is blessed with a wide vocal range and, between chorus and quartet performances, has sung all four parts! By profession, she is a special education teacher. I have had the pleasure of watching June perform, most recently at the 2016 Harmony Classic competition, where the River Blenders took top spot! June’s joy radiates off the stage, and in 2018 she brought her passion and joy to the Diversity Café in St. Louis, at which I served as facilitator. June has a personal story that is an excellent illustration of how diversity enriches our organization. June, who is African American and vision-impaired, joined Sweet Adelines for the same core reasons we all did: the love of performing music in the unique barbershop style. Like her fellow chorus members, she works to maintain the high level of performance required in the River Blenders. Mastering choreography via visual methods during weekly rehearsals can present a challenge, so June arranges one-on-one sessions with other chorus members to learn the intricate hand and body angles she is unable to see from the risers. Because of her experiences, June knows firsthand the importance of openness in a chorus culture. Her perspective of inclusivity is one of moving beyond first impressions, uneducated assumptions, and the fear of what might be considered “not the way it usually looks, is presented, or performed.” She spoke with me about her passion and beliefs regarding acceptance and diversity in Sweet Adelines. “I’ve worked many years perfecting the craft of this wonderful art of singing and hope to one day fulfill my dream of quartet singing on a competition stage,” she said. “The River Blenders certainly recognize my musical abilities, and I enjoy a genuine spirit of camaraderie in the chorus, but at times my vision impairment presents a challenge when volunteering for administrative duties or committee assignments.” While many choruses’ diversity and inclusion plans focus on the musical and performance parts of chorus membership, June says chorus leaders need to remember to include discussions about

leadership and administrative positions in their plans as well. “These duties, I feel, are privileges and are a part of the responsibility of each chorus member in good standing, and if necessary, adaptations should be made, allowing her the opportunity to use her skills in the most efficient manner possible,” said June. “Recognizing and utilizing the vocal and intellectual abilities of each member can bring out an untapped essence and beauty which we all strive to achieve in a Sweet Adelines chorus.” June said that sometimes being inclusive is as simple as clearly communicating the tasks involved in a role or duty so people can individually determine what adaptations they might need to be successful. She said speaking honestly, one-on-one, about needed adaptations and accommodations can alleviate fears and lead to better understanding all around. As an example, June states that when participating in chorus projects, she often enlarges documents, uses magnification devices or converts materials into Braille format. In an effort to help choruses develop cultures of genuine inclusivity, the Sweet Adelines International Diversity Task Force is developing a chorus toolkit with resources (which will be regularly updated) that address relevant topics. (See the story on the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force update on the previous page for more.) June says the toolkit can be a good start. June believes that Sweet Adelines have the potential to make a real difference when it comes to inclusion, if they are willing to take chances and make changes. June states that “rather than shy away from an individual, especially a sister Adeline who we feel might have a difference which may not be accepted by peers or society, we should reach out to incorporate the attributes she possesses.” “When we speak of full inclusion,” June says, “We can certainly ‘talk the talk.’ We will ‘walk the walk’ when we truly focus on our mission statement and embrace, accept and celebrate the gifts and talents each member brings to this awesome organization.” Thérèse Antonini (North Metro Chorus, #16) serves on the Sweet Adelines International Board of Directors (IBOD), where she is Secretary of the Executive Committee, among many other roles. She is chair of the Diversity and Inclusivity Task Force.

October 2019 |



Members of Headliners Chorus gather before their performance at the International Convention Centre in Sydney, Australia. Photo courtesy of Headliners Chorus.

A LITTLE CHORUS WITH A BIG HEART “From little things, big things grow.”


eadliners Chorus is a little chorus with a big heart. People warm to us and know who we are, especially in our home of Ballina in New South Wales (NSW), on the east coast of Australia. We’re a regional chorus that’s grown from 26 to 40 due to a wildly successful membership drive. As the musical leader of this highly motivated chorus, I have grown used to accepting and embracing performances that are a little out of the ordinary. I am continually amazed at the communities and audiences we touch on our journey, but our recent performance at a national education conference really showed me the big impact our little chorus can make. In March 2018, we accepted a performance for the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Northern Rivers Conference at Salt, a resort at Kingscliff, NSW. The organizers wanted to showcase talents of their members outside of the “work” environment. When they heard that two Headliners are preschool directors, he asked if the chorus could perform. It’s an hour’s drive, but enough members were able to travel, so we accepted.


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We brought a 16-member chorus, so we were taking quite a risk with sound because we had no amplification. We dressed casually in jeans, white shirts and our chorus scarf, found an area with a lower ceiling and set about to entertain the 300 delegates. I involved the audience by teaching them “Bulldog,” showing them how they could teach the song to preschool kids. We dedicated “Slipping Through My Fingers” to every childhood education teacher, reminding them that education starts at home but preschool is where children are given skills to go to school and deal with life. We wanted them to feel valued. Their enthusiastic response indicated that we accomplished our mission. One never knows who will be in the audience at a performance… or whose heart will be touched. At this performance, it was the CEO of KU Children’s Services, now president of ECA. “I’ve been entertained by the best in the world in my job, but I’ve never felt the message was just for me,” she said. “I laughed, I cried and felt affirmed in what I do and who I am. Would you come to Sydney so I can share this feeling with my staff?”

I thanked her and said we would be glad to come, but there are choruses in Sydney who could do it for a smaller fee. “I don’t want just any chorus, I want your chorus,” she said. The organization sent a request for a list of songs and singers, and the next minute, 21 e-tickets and hotel bookings arrived for us to fly us down on Friday and come back on Sunday afternoon, giving us time to look around Sydney. Sydney’s International Convention Centre is a big venue. Our first performances were informal, not on a main stage. We started singing Australian songs, and people started to appear and listen. They said there was something energizing about it. We sang our entire repertoire for this impromptu crowd. After the keynote lunch, we sang for 650 people who had been in conference presentations all day. Right away they were dancing to our ABBA songs, stomping their feet to our Queen songs and responding to the pure energy of our genre and the performers of our little chorus. I said to the girls, “Come on, follow me,” and we went around to four different tables and sang just to them. I gave them a story, and we sang “You Raise Me Up.” They were singing and crying. We sang “Loch Lomond” to a Scottish lady who bawled her eyes out. After this experience, my message is this: Don’t let yourself get caught up in worrying that you are a remote and small chorus and missing out on what others are doing. If you believe in what you are doing, fight and get yourself out there in the community and make them love you. It ripples.

Get Ready for World Singing Day! Join in the fun October 19, 2019.

Because your chorus is small, you represent a bigger ratio of the community. In a smaller community, people come up to you when you’re buying your breakfast cereal and tell you how much they loved your performance. Their attention creates pride and a desire to learn those notes and words. You have a real purpose outside of the enjoyment you’re getting out of singing. There’s an effervescence of positivity. We smaller choruses are everyday Sweet Adelines. We may not win accolades at competition, but we are ambassadors for our organization. We are a resource. We can put smiles on people’s faces and be incredible entertainment. We are valuable through what we achieve in our communities. We can change lives. If you think, “Oh, we don’t live in a capital city. We don’t get to go to International,” change the way you think. Don’t ask, “What can we do about this?” Just do it so you can say, “Look at what we have done about this!” From little things big things grow. Sweet Adelines is about more than music. It’s about harmony of souls and communities. Harmony needs to be deep within each of us. Everybody who has the privilege of being a member of this wonderful organization should feel valued and equal. I hope that is part of our culture, and I hope it is never forgotten. Cathy Gordon is the musical director of Headliners Chorus (#34), which is based in the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales, Australia.

This year on October 19, Sweet Adelines all over the world are encouraged to again participate in World Singing Day, an annual global sing-along founded in 2012. According to the World Singing Day website, the event “serves as an opportunity to celebrate our global family through the international language of music.” On that day, groups of people gather to sing together, culminating with everyone singing that year’s theme song. Visit the World Singing Day website for more information, this year’s song, and a list of sing-alongs around the world. If there is no sing-along near you, consider hosting one, or just get some friends together for some singing. (We know Sweet Adelines are good at that!) However you celebrate World Singing Day, make sure to share it with us on social media, using #SweetAdelineWSD2019 or #WorldSingingDay

October 2019 |


Highlights from DVLS 2019

A Brand New Song & Dance Sweet Adelines International

Directors & Visual Leaders Seminar 2019

San Antonio, TX


he 2019 Sweet Adelines International Directors and Visual Leaders Seminar (DVLS) started off with a spontaneous performance by 2018 International Quartet Champions Lustre in the registration line, and the musical energy didn’t stop until…Well, the musical energy may still be going, as directors and visual leaders bring their DVLS lessons home to their choruses and quartets around the world! Every region was represented as almost 400 directors and visual leaders converged at the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, Texas (USA) to learn “A Brand New Song and Dance” at DVLS. Cochairs Mary Rhea and Kim Vaughn joined guest faculty Jennie Morton and Sweet Adelines faculty Britt-Heléne Bonnedahl, Kathleen Hansen, Erin Howden, Deanna Kastler, Lori Lyford, Judy Pozsgay and Darlene Rogers in teaching interactive classes that had barbershop leaders (sometimes literally) singing their praises. “DVLS was amazing!” said attendee Jennifer Williams, Master Director of Dundalk Chorus and Visual Coordinator for Harbor City Music Company. “The education and encouragement of where we are heading as an organization, not only as performers but as artists, was thrilling and empowering.” Morton’s class on Anatomy of the Voice (featured in the January 2019 issue of The Pitch Pipe) was mentioned by several attendees as a highlight. “I never knew anatomy could be so entertaining!” said Gabriele Allen of White River Sound and One Voice choruses. Bonnie Fedyski, co-director of Choral-Aires Chorus, said DVLS classes covered almost every aspect of the singing experience. “Learning more about the anatomy of not just the voice but how the WHOLE body affects the voice was eye-opening,” she said. “Britt-Helène’s class on mental training was wonderful and a reminder that the mind and heart are a huge, and often disregarded, part of our chorus life! Erin Howden’s classes were fantastic ways to encourage our singers to think out of the box, expand their imaginations, and let our hearts sing the music.” Overall, attendees agreed that DVLS was fantastic, from the opening session to each day’s Music in the Morning, from all the singing of (and dancing to!) the event theme song, “Loco-Motion” to Lustre’s final performance at the closing session. Region #25’s Nancy Nortz may have summed up DVLS the best: “This whole thing has been fabulous!”


| October 2019

Co-chairs Kim Vaughn and Mary Rhea welcome everyone to DVLS.

Expressions of joy at Music in the Morning.

Hands up, spirits high!

Advice from Jennie Morton

Erin Howden leads an enthusiastic class.

A Brand New Song & Dance in action!

Singing together, learning together at DVLS.

“The ideal scenario to get help with the physical challenges associated with singing and dancing is to find a practitioner in your area who has an interest in treating performing artists. The Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA) has a list of practitioners worldwide who are familiar with treating artists. You can find them at If there is no practioner in your area, look for a bodyworker who addresses the myofascial system (myofascial therapy). This could be a good massage therapist, a physical therapist, or an osteopath. However, many osteopaths in the U.S. work mainly as regular doctors, and very few practice the manual therapy elements, so check with them first. Be sure to talk to your therapist about what you do. Invite them to a rehearsal or performance or show them videos to help them to understand your specific needs.” — Jennie Morton Morton recently developed an online school from which she will launch digital courses, including one on vocal health. To be notified when courses are available, visit For more information on Morton’s work, courses, and books, visit

The many expressions of the amazing Darlene Rogers.

October 2019 |


Singers need songs... Songwriters need singers… Sweet Adelines

Sweet Adelines need them all!

Now Available: Winning Songs from the 2018 Sweet Adelines International "Bursting with Song!" Songwriting Contest In 2018, Sweet Adelines International hosted a songwriting contest that resulted in 110 original song entries. Songs by finalists/honorable mention winners from across the globe are now available for purchase through Sweet Adelines International—including grand prize winner “No Love Song” by Joe Liles, which debuted at the 2019 International convention in New Orleans.

Songs available for purchase: No Love Song, arranger Joe Liles (product I04868)

Come On and Sing, arrangers June Dale and Erin Howden (product I04864)

Sing the Lovers, arranger Joe Liles (product I04856)

The Little Things, arranger Glenda Lloyd (product I04865)

I Guess I Always Will, arranger Joe Liles (product I04867)

When You Ring Some Chords With Your Newest Friends, arranger Paul Engel (product I04866)


| October 2019


BARBERSHOP'S GOT TALENT! How one chorus used open auditions to recruit new singers


ooking for an exciting way to recruit new singers to your chorus? Open auditions are a great way to get singers interested. Talk of Tulsa Show Chorus (Region #25) has successfully used open auditions to recruit and retain singers. According to Assistant Director Patty Friedemann, the chorus’ January 2019 open auditions resulted in 35 visiting singers, 12 of whom became Talk of Tulsa members! Let’s take a look at how you might use open auditions for your chorus recruitment efforts. Why are open auditions a great recruitment method? They attract quality singers who would enjoy Sweet Adelines. Randi Collins, who helped create Talk of Tulsa’s marketing plan, says open auditions attract “good singers who [have] a high musical IQ and who like the idea of competing.” Open auditions convey that your chorus has high standards and gives value to becoming a member. Who doesn’t want to feel like they’re a star?

Keys to Open Audition Success 1. Identify chorus goals. What kind of member do you want to attract? Open auditions will appeal to singers who already can sing and enjoy the spotlight. 2. Ask for a short commitment. Talk of Tulsa asks for a threemonth commitment once singers pass their auditions in order to show what a great experience barbershop can be. New singers can

get overwhelmed. Let them ease into the chorus, and then they’ll be hooked! 3. Market, market, market! If you’re going to have an open audition, you need to make sure singers know about it! Talk of Tulsa uses Facebook and Craigslist and contacts local church choir directors. They also have chorus members pass out flyers and encourage any singers they know to come by. 4. Make personal connections. Call interested singers directly. Address any of their concerns. Friedemann notes, “It makes a connection with people, and they are more likely to show up on that audition date.” By answering their questions and eliminating their fears, you can overcome any objections that may prevent a singer from dropping by. 5. Build value. Show potential new members why Sweet Adelines is so great. The value of joining your chorus needs to outweigh the cost of the commitment (three-hour rehearsals, anyone?). Randi notes, “It is sometimes difficult to build value in just one rehearsal, so by getting them to commit for three months, it gave us more time to show the value of our chorus and Sweet Adelines.” Have a recruitment success story? Let us know! Email and share your story!

October 2019 |



REGIONAL MANAGEMENT TEAM MEMBERS REGION #1* Leslie MacDonald, Communications Coordinator Gail Jencik, Directors’ Coordinator Heidi Zacchera, (RED) Education Coordinator Patti Lavernoich, Events Coordinator Rebecca King, Finance Coordinator Laura Carey, Marketing Coordinator Debra Richard, (RMD) Membership Coordinator Wendy Davies, (RAD) Regional Team Coordinator REGION #2 Leslie Lennon, Communications Coordinator Jill Watson, Directors’ Coordinator Brook Tucker, Education Coordinator Nanette Wardin, Events Coordinator Nancy Swift, Finance Coordinator Cathy Maxwell, Marketing Coordinator Melissa Wright, Membership Coordinator Lois Kelly, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #3 Mary Ann Neuman, Communications Coordinator Carol Thompson, Directors’ Coordinator Bonnie Fedyski, Education Coordinator Cindy Slowik, Events Coordinator Shelly Hughes, Finance Coordinator Connie Selmi, Marketing Coordinator Debi Batchelor, Membership Coordinator Denise Gorski, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #4 Jeanne Delahunty, Communications Coordinator Debra Bringman, Directors’ Coordinator Kim Wonders, Education Coordinator Natalie Allen, Events Coordinator Beverly Miller, Finance Coordinator Kristie Clark, Marketing Coordinator Marsha Leistner, Membership Coordinator Sue Pelley, Regional Team Coordinator


| October 2019

*Regional Executive Committee Members—Regional Governance Pilot Program RAD • Regional Administrative Director RED • Regional Education Director RMD • Regional Membership Director REGION #5 Mary Kammeyer, Communications Coordinator Twilla Duvall, Directors’ Coordinator Annette Wallace, Education Coordinator Rosalyn VanHecke, Events Coordinator Elizabeth Hager, Finance Coordinator Judy Kaeser, Marketing Coordinator Karen Matthews, Membership Coordinator Twilla Duvall, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #6 Lori Scott, Communications Coordinator Megan Argall, Directors’ Coordinator Susan Krisnik, Education Coordinator Lyla Larson, Events Coordinator Jerralynne Tjeerdsma, Finance Coordinator Terri Calvert, Marketing Coordinator Ruby Ericson, Membership Coordinator Terri Calvert, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #8* Heather Reimnitz, Communications Coordinator Julie Palagi, Directors’ Coordinator Marilyn Cox, (RED) Education Coordinator Mary Kriener, Events Coordinator Ruth Widerski, Finance Coordinator Susan Mann, Marketing Coordinator Pati Bouman, (RMD) Membership Coordinator Sue McCormick, (RAD) Regional Team Coordinator REGION #9* Dana Dunlevy, Communications Coordinator Beth Ripple, Directors’ Coordinator Elizabeth Green, (RED) Education Coordinator Barbara Lewis, Events Coordinator Marge Van Dyke, Finance Coordinator Francine Russ, Marketing Coordinator

Debbie Dennis, (RMD) Membership Coordinator Francine Russ, (RAD) Regional Team Coordinator REGION #10 Euna Poole, Communications Coordinator Mary Beth McMurray, Directors’ Coordinator Kerri Mauney, Education Coordinator Kellie Welsh, Events Coordinator Janet Burnett, Finance Coordinator Laura DeGraw, Marketing Coordinator Sue Englebert, Membership Coordinator Denise Fly, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #11 Debbie Curtis, Communications Coordinator Bobbette Gantz, Directors’ Coordinator Tammy Ragsdale, Education Coordinator Teresa May, Events Coordinator Laura La Borde, Finance Coordinator Jennifer Zucker, Marketing Coordinator Bridget Barrett, Membership Coordinator Marcia Bosma, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #12 Petra Van Klaveren-Chini, Communications Coordinator Kathy Scheel, Directors’ Coordinator Julie Starr, Education Coordinator Mary Mamer, Events Coordinator Geri Miller-Riedel, Finance Coordinator Kevran Day, Marketing Coordinator Kathy Triolo, Membership Coordinator Sherry Rowe, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #13 Sandra Smith, Communications Coordinator Candace Johnson, Directors’ Coordinator Nancy Kurth, Education Coordinator Jody Allen, Events Coordinator Sherry Morrison, Finance Coordinator BethAnn Bock, Marketing Coordinator

Sharon Stockstad, Membership Coordinator Judy Galloway, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #14* Katie Staggs, Communications Coordinator Sherry Sprague, Directors’ Coordinator Nancy Field, (RED) Education Coordinator Nancy Field, Events Coordinator Deborah Lawrence, Finance Coordinator Cindy Partlow, Marketing Coordinator Julia Olsen, (RMD) Membership Coordinator Missy Wurthmann, (RAD) Regional Team Coordinator REGION #15 Victoria Tisch, Communications Coordinator Jeanne Elmuccio, Directors’ Coordinator Jean Schoenlank, Education Coordinator Kay Weiss, Events Coordinator Phyllis Capolongo, Finance Coordinator Lori Britt-Horvath, Marketing Coordinator Melissa Prew, Membership Coordinator Beth Fulton, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #16 Leila Brown, Communications Coordinator Joan Borden, Directors’ Coordinator Sue Melvin, Education Coordinator Cathy Stovold, Events Coordinator Colleen O’Dwyer, Finance Coordinator Christine Yorke, Membership Coordinator Susan Heighway, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #17 Sue Moore, Communications Coordinator Kay Seymour, Directors’ Coordinator Sherry Berkley, Education Coordinator JoAnn Wilson, Events Coordinator Karen Wharrey, Finance Coordinator Stephanie Doerner, Marketing Coordinator Ruth Bates, Membership Coordinator Deborah Ferenc, Regional Team Coordinator

REGION #19 Donna Vincent Roa, Communications Coordinator Patricia Weeks, Directors’ Coordinator Lori Jo Whitehaus, Education Coordinator Liz Danielski, Events Coordinator Cathy Schuman, Finance Coordinator Diane Bartel, Marketing Coordinator Jennifer Newman, Membership Coordinator Irene Hershey, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #21 Karen Laderman, Communications Coordinator Dayle Ann Kerrigan, Directors’ Coordinator Bonnie McKibben, Education Coordinator Victoria Kemsley, Events Coordinator Mary Chilton, Finance Coordinator Beverly Berardinelli, Membership Coordinator Adelina Dudda, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #25 Audra Haney, Communications Coordinator Elena Irvin, Directors’ Coordinator Melynnie Williams, Education Coordinator Jennifer Foster, Events Coordinator Kelli Hinton, Finance Coordinator Raye Mahlberg, Marketing Coordinator Karen Phillips, Membership Coordinator Courtney Robinson, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #26 Brenda Wells, Communications Coordinator Maja-Lena Weibe, Directors’ Coordinator Mary Teed, Education Coordinator Frances Thorson, Events Coordinator Susan Dumas, Finance Coordinator Stacey Rose, Marketing Coordinator Elaine Liebelt, Membership Coordinator Leslie Mackay, Regional Team Coordinator

REGION #31 Emma Riley, Communications Coordinator Nancy Kelsall, Directors’ Coordinator Alyson Chaney, Education Coordinator Kirstie Spencer, Events Coordinator Dorothy Main, Finance Coordinator Hilary Pinnock, Marketing Coordinator Moreida Lord, Membership Coordinator Elaine Hamilton, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #32 Annika Christensen, Communications Coordinator Kristina Lejon, Directors’ Coordinator Mari Pettersson, Education Coordinator Kerstin Brindbergs, Events Coordinator Catharina Persson, Finance Coordinator Anna-Lena Halttunen, Marketing Coordinator Carina Kandell, Membership Coordinator Annika Dellas, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #34 Sue Gilkes, Communications Coordinator Jenni Pyefinch, Directors’ Coordinator Lea Baker, Education Coordinator Teena Caithness, Events Coordinator Anne Freeman, Finance Coordinator Anna-Marie Shew, Marketing Coordinator Tracey Ezzy, Membership Coordinator Michelle Neller, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #35 Nicola Giles, Communications Coordinator Virginia Humphrey-Taylor, Directors’ Coordinator Kerry Stewart, Education Coordinator Sarah Bennett, Events Coordinator Veronika Duthie-Jung, Finance Coordinator Jo Maxwell, Marketing Coordinator Miriam Spragg, Membership Coordinator Leigh Whitelaw, Regional Team Coordinator

October 2019 |


Sweet Adelines

Affinity Programs for Members You have no doubt heard that saying about life happening while you were busy making other plans? Life can be uncertain — yet you can certainly utilize many strategies to help manage difficulties. With that in mind, Sweet Adelines is offering members the opportunity to take advantage of two services that are especially important in today’s world: access to legal advice and identity theft protection. A third program, Healthiestyou, assures 24/7 access to a doctor for diagnosis, treatment plans, prescriptions and more.

For complete information, visit Added Values for Membership at resources.

All three services operate on easy, convenient mobile apps. Sweet Adelines can choose individual or family plans.

LegalShield It is stressful enough to need legal advice, let alone having to worry about what it will cost. With a LegalShield plan, you can contact your law firm for legal advice and not worry about high hourly fees. No legal issue is too big or too small and your lawyer is just a toll-free number away. LegalShield includes many benefits but even at the most basic level, our plans allow you to have peace of mind.

IDShield IDShield is the only identity theft protection company armed with a team of licensed private investigators on call to restore your identity. IDShield monitors your social security/insurance number, bank and credit accounts, passport, email, driver’s license number, social media accounts and much more. IDShield provides a complete picture of identity theft and can walk you through all the steps to protect yourself.

Healthiestyou By Teladoc


Whether you have questions or just aren’t feeling well, you can effortlessly connect to a 24/7 telehealth hotline for the diagnosis and treatment of illness, second opinions and consultations. Board-certified, licensed physicians in every U.S. state are waiting to provide exceptional care. They can even prescribe medication and save a trip to the doctor’s office, whether members are at home or on the road. Your healthcare just got a whole lot easier!

LegalShield and IDShield are available in the U.S. and Canada,* with variable coverage on the legal plan. Healthiestyou is available only in the U.S. at this time. *(Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nunavut, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon)


| October 2019

Accolades As of April 17 through June 20, 2019


Kathryn Morrical, Capital Accord, #19 Amanda Hauler, Jersey Sound, #19 Harmony 500 Director


— May 8, 2019 through July 31, 2019

Claudia Hogan, Red Cedar Sounds, #6 Claire Folger, Sounds of the Valley, #12 Janet Dickerson, Heart of Illinois, #3 Carol Schaub, Platinum Show, #9 Norma Moore, Dundalk, #19 Ellen Cowden, Oregon Coast, #12

Michael Hengelsberg, Greater Harmony, #17

Diane Cecala, Hickory Tree, #15

Marie Erenstedt, Gothia Show, #32

Jean Snyder, Chinook Winds Show, #26 Sandra Shaw, Chapter-At-Large, #13 Cathleen Dand, Sound of Sunshine, #9

If you are interested in submitting an article for consideration in a future issue of The Pitch Pipe, email • Articles should be in a Word document, not to exceed 500–800 words and include a byline with chorus/quartet to which you belong • Submitted photographs should be high resolution (300 dpi) in a jpg, tiff, png or pdf format and include names from left to right. We receive many submissions, and because we publish quarterly, space is limited. Due to production time, article content is determined in advance. If an article is not published immediately after submission, it is kept on file for future issues. It may also be published via social media or in a condensed format in the Harmony Roundup section of The Pitch Pipe. Articles may be edited for length, style and grammar. For a complete list of submission guidelines, visit:


NOW HIRING FRONT LINE DIRECTOR! Rhythm of the Rockies is an energetic chorus, 75 members strong. We are 4x International competitors and 2013 Harmony Classic champions. Come to Calgary, Alberta, Canada, the #1 ranked ‘most livable’ city in North America!


| October 2019

Penny Starr, Tucson Desert Harmony, #21 Deborah Nunn, Harmony Fusion, #12 Christine Upton, Fairbanks Frontier, #13 Claudia Trombla, Pride of Toledo, #17 Ruth Hall, Minnesota Valley, #6 Carol Freeman, Acapella North, #16 Sally Wiskermann, Member-at-Large Jennifer Lloyd, Brindabella, #34 Cheryl McConnell, Toast of Tampa, #9 Barbara Borobicka, North Metro, #16

CORRECTION AND OMISSION In the April issue of The Pitch Pipe, a generous donor was omitted from the 2018 Donor List. Michele Garside made a donation to The Overtone Society, Young Women in Harmony and the Young Singers Foundation. Jan Seales was included as a donor to the Young Singers Foundation in our 2018 Donor List, but we neglected to mention that her donation was in memory of her sister, Linda Lee Livesay. We are grateful to all our members for their generous support of Sweet Adelines International.

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Sweet Adelines International Education Symposium

July 22-26, 2020 San Antonio, TX United States

Save the Date! IES 2020 • Rising Star Quartet Contest 2020

Registration opens January 2, 2020

Watch for more details coming soon!

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