The Pitch Pipe October 2018

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VO I C E | October 2018 | Volume 72 — No.2






Your Passion is Unparalleled Thank you for upholding the mission of Sweet Adelines for future generations. Your monetary gifts continue to bolster our foundational calling to educate and empower women as confident leaders and exceptional a cappella barbershop singers around the world. Please consider Sweet Adelines as you finalize your end-of-year giving. In the U.S., Dec. 31, 2018 marks the last opportunity to make a donation for annual tax benefits. Internationally, you may wish to ring in the New Year with a philanthropic gift to the organization to which you have dedicated so much of your time and talents. Thank you in advance for helping to share the joyous harmony our members love and our world so needs.

Giving is Always on Pitch Donate online at

Octorber 2018 • Volume 72 — No.2


12 Photo by: Mike Simons

Fe a t u r e s

Headquarters Headlines


Meet Hot Pursuit, the 2018 Rising Star Champion Quartet


Sweet Adelines. So Much More Than Singing.

6 11 36

15 26 30 32 34 38

Greater Nassau Chorus Bares Some Ink Best-Ever Queens’ College Soaring in Song The Happiness Advantage The Silent Voices that Go Unheard Bel Canto: Breathing Beauty into Barbershop Harmony

Sing With Us In St. Louis 16

We’re ready to ring in this “gateway” city. Can’t be there in person? You won't miss a minute of the competition via our incomparable, free webcast!

Competition 21 22

B+ Choruses: 2018 Regional Results 2019 Wildcard Choruses

2019-22 IBOD Nominees New Arranger Certification Program The Power of Small Groups: SA Task Force Update


2018-19 Regional Management Team Listing


How Not to Miss Important HQ Emails

In Every Issue 3 5 24 47

From Our President From Our CEO Harmony Roundup Accolades/In Memory

On The Cover Tulsa, Okla., the birthplace of Sweet Adelines, was barbershop hot Aug. 10, for the 2018 Rising Star Quartet Contest, which lit up the evening after a YWIH workshop earlier in the day. Our 2018 Rising Star winners are a blend of passion, humor and beautiful voices (from left to right) Melody Hine (bt), Candra Rice (bs), Tessa Walker (l) and Michaela Olson (t)

D e v e l o p m e n t Fe a t u r e 28

Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarship Recipient: Jessie Leov

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E










Areas, regions, choruses and quartets — want to create items with a Sweet Adelines Logo? Submit a request! When a chapter, quartet, region or area desires to use the name “Sweet Adelines International” or any of the organization’s official insignia on an item, permission must be requested from Sweet Adelines International. 1. Download the logo licensing application at 2. Submit completed logo licensing application to 3. Licensee will receive an email within 10 business days of application submission. Logo Licensing Application • Internal Use Licensing Fundraising Use Licensing • Sweet Adelines Graphic Standards Active Logo Licensing Agreements

THEPITCHPIPE October 2018 | Volume 72 — No.2 | Visit

Sweet Adelines International A worldwide women's singing organization committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through opportunities in education, performance and competition.

_____________________________________ INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

Tammy Talbot Chief Executive Officer Richard Huenefeld Chief Financial Officer Tamatha Goad Editor-in-Chief Kim Berrey Managing Editor Ben Larscheid Graphic Designer Joey Bertsch Staff Photographer Kim Berrey Advertising 918.622.1444 • INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS May 1, 2018 – April 30, 2019 Patty Cobb Baker, International President Paula Davis, Immediate Past President Joan Boutilier, President-elect Thérèse Antonini, Secretary JD Crowe,Treasurer Sharon Cartwright Janice McKenna Jennifer Cooke Renée Porzel Peggy Gram Mary Rhea Cammi MacKinlay EDUCATION DIRECTION COMMITTEE Marcia Pinvidic, Chair Corinna Garriock Mary Rhea Peggy Gram Kim Vaughn EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD Joan Boutilier Moreida Lord Corinna Garriock Cammi MacKinlay Kate Hawkins ______________________________________ Sweet Adelines International members receive The Pitch Pipe as a benefit of their membership. Additional annual subscriptions are available for $12 USD/year U.S.A. or $24 USD/year outside U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTION REQUESTS & ADDRESS CHANGES: The Pitch Pipe 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, OK 74137 U.S.A. Telephone 1.918.622.1444 • Toll-free 1.800.992.7464 Fax 1.918.665.0894 • Office hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CT) Direct all correspondence, editorial copy and photographs to Deadlines are 60 days prior to publication. Not all submissions will be published. ______________________________________ THE PITCH PIPE (ISSN 0882-214X) (USPS 603-060) is published quarterly: January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 by Sweet Adelines International Periodicals paid at Tulsa, OK U.S.A. and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE PITCH PIPE 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, OK 74137 U.S.A. Canadian Post Agreement Number: 1453408 Send Canadian change of address information and blocks of undeliverable copies to: P.O. Box 1051, Fort Erie, ON L2A 6C7 Canada Entire contents are copyright © 2018 by Sweet Adelines International. All rights reserved. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA @SweetAdelinesIntl



@SweetAdsIntl @SweetAdelineIntl

Remember to use #iamsweetadelines on social media. Headquarters uses this to search to find news to share on our social media.


Express Yourself T

hese days, in my personal journey as a singer and performer, I’m living in the Expression category. If you haven’t had a chance to delve into the category, grab the closest copy of the Judging Category Description Book* and have a read. All the categories are riveting, but the Expression category is especially fascinating to me right now. The essence of the category is the effective communication of a song’s message through an authentic and intense musical connection with the listener. Wow. I want to do that! Ask anyone who knows me, and they’ll probably tell you that I’ve got the technical elements of the category handled fairly well. You see, I’m kind of leftbrained that way. Technical is my friend. My journey now is to find the courage to trust the technical so that I can let it go and focus on sincerely and honestly singing the story of the song. With my voice and my very soul, I connect with my audience on a level just personal enough to keep things comfortable between us! Instead of just telling or showing them a story, I need to openly give of myself so the listener can be involved, engaged and moved in some meaningful way. I’m working on it. It is downright

frightening to be so vulnerable with my feelings. But what I’m finding is the more I go there, the easier it becomes and the more rewarding the experience — for me, for my ensemble and for the audience. And more and more, with each rehearsal and performance, I learn that it’s not about me. It’s about the song and the person(s) who, for some wonderful and mysterious reason, wants to listen. I’m also learning that much of what we strive to do more expertly in our expressive singing can and should be applied equally and as rigorously to our everyday non-singing communications. Honesty. Letting go of the “technical” content of the communication and speaking from the heart and the soul. Being brave enough to be open to and vulnerable in the discussion, to engage fully in the conversation, and to connect by really caring about the person(s) with whom you are conversing. There is much to be learned from our audiences, as well. They come with a willingness to listen and to be changed by our musical performances. We must engage in our non-singing communications with the same kind of willingness and openness — to at least the possibility of being changed. To listen, as we listen so intently to our fellow

singers when we are creating our beautiful harmonies together, with that same devotion to truly hearing. There’s a saying that “Communication works for those who work at it.” The key, of course, is to commit to expert practices and be brave enough so that it doesn’t look like work! So much to learn, and so much more to become. That is the beauty of life as a Sweet Adeline. And it is sweet, indeed. Gratefully Yours,

Patty Cobb Baker International President

*Visit for a free version of the Judging Category Description Book (JCDB). A print copy can also be purchased at

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


Sweet Adelines International Sales Presents:

BRAND NEW PRODUCTS A variety of must-have products – many featuring the new Sweet Adelines’ logo – will be available online beginning November 15. Please note, quantities are limited! Here’s a sneak peak of what’s in store …

1. Stone Coasters $7.75/pair





Hear the ring of overtones, but avoid the dreaded water ring on your coffee table. •Absorbent •Cork backing protects furniture from scratches and dings •Set of two

2. Ankle Socks $3.50/pair 3. Crew Socks $5/pair Harmonize from head to toe with musical note socks. • Available in two styles: ankle and crew • A variety of colors • Women’s sizes 4-10


4. Clip Magnet $2.50


Safely secure your sheet music on any metal surface. •Rubberized grip provides firm hold when clipping papers or chip bags •Magnetic back

5. Jar Opener $1.75 Did you help your chorus score 500+, 600+ or 700+ points? Recognize your exceptional achievement with the new Singer Series Pins!

Go from aca-can’t open to aca-can open with this handy jar opener. •Quality rubber opener •Hundreds of uses and lasts for years

6. Luggage Tag $4 With peace of mind knowing your suitcases are safe, you can harmonize those airport lines. • Durable vinyl material • Includes nylon strap

Sweet Adelines International Sales Department • Monday – Friday • 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. CDT • Sales Direct Toll Free: 1.877.545.5441


“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.” – H.E. LUCCOCK, PROFESSOR, YALE DIVINITY SCHOOL


e’ve all heard the saying that it takes a village. Well, in the Sweet Adelines world, it takes a dedicated HQ staff to plan, coordinate and pull off the greatest week of the year — international convention and competition! In addition to staff, a multitude of member volunteers assist at the YSF Silent Auction, pass out programs, help with directions, work the traffic pattern — and the list continues. I would say that staff and our dedicated volunteers combine to make a very strong “village” to deliver a beautiful “symphony” of harmony and camaraderie during convention week. This week involves a myriad of moving pieces that must be coordinated. If it only were as simple as waving a magic wand, but it takes thousands of hours of planning logistics, staging and project management. During this one week, we manage the needs of 5,000+ attendees, thousands of competitors, staging crews, housing requests, riser rehearsals, ticket sales, numerous education classes, an IBOD meeting, regional leadership training, Harmony Bazaar exhibit hall, international sales, public relations, marketing, bussing, donor lounge and more. The logistics don’t just magically happen, and each staff person is involved in the planning. In upcoming Pitch Pipes I will highlight HQ departments so you know staff names, responsibilities and who to contact if you need assistance. With October as our annual convention month, it seemed fitting to start with our Events and Competition Department.

Each day during convention, the events team begins bright and early, arranging special early morning meetings and breakfasts. Their day ends late at night, when competition concludes.

Events and Competition Team Jennifer Haggard, Senior Director of Events and Competition, ext. 138 Kristin Mally, Assistant Director of Events, ext. 136 Natalie Bennett, Events & Competition Services Sr. Coordinator, ext. 119 Emily Mock, Competition Services Coordinator, ext. 121 Kaitie Bailey, Events and Competition Services Coordinator, ext. 124 Jordan Beeghly, Events Coordinator, ext. 122 You may reach staff at 1-800-992-7464 or 918-622-1444, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., CDT (1 p.m.-9:30 p.m. UTC). Email staff using this format: Email competition questions to and events questions to My hat is off to a fabulous staff who give their time and devotion to Sweet Adelines International. It is a week of very little sleep and yet, one of the most satisfying weeks for staff members. To see each of you in person competing, attending convention and doing what you love brings us joy. In your continued service,

Meet the Meeting Experts

This team of six plans conventions years before the event date. It begins with requests for proposals and visits to select a site with space and accommodations for our multiple events and housing needs. Many factors are considered when selecting a competition city. The highest priorities are competition and general bussing costs; rates/availability of hotel rooms near the competition venue; the competition venue layout; the cost and square footage of function space for chorus rehearsals/education events; and concessions offered by the potential host city that will assist in offsetting costs and keep registration prices down for members. When a site contract is finalized, the events team begins work on riser rehearsal space, registrations, housing, catering and more. Leading up to international competition, our competition team is busy developing traffic patterns, coordinating busing, arranging convention assistant schedules, communicating with competitors and working with judges, lighting and sound crews, and preparing our medals for the winners.

Tammy Talbot, CEO

Events team (L to R) Natalie Bennett, Emily Mock, Jennifer Haggard Kaitie Bailey, Jordan Beeghly and Kristin Mally

October 2018 | T HEPI T CH P IP E


Nominees for the 2019-2022 Sweet Adelines International Board of Directors This election will fill four expiring board terms, beginning May 1, 2019, and ending April 30, 2022. Ballots are due at international headquarters by 3 p.m. Central Time (U.S.); (8 p.m. UTC), Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: Our stories will serve as the foundation for inspirational and motivational presentations, especially for the empowerment of women. Our educators will be sought after as experts to develop and support musical and leadership programs around the world. Everyone will want to be a part of this! SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Technical - PRINCE2 Certification (Project Management), PROSCI Change Management, Graham Business Process Review/Improvement, 6 Thinking Hats, Training Adults (underway). Leadership and Cultural Training - Holding to Account, Leading from Within, Emotional Intelligence, Three Conversations of Leadership. CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Current: Consultant Team Lead (IT Applications). Past: Project Manager, Database Analyst, Systems Analyst, Computer Programmer LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES: International Board of Directors (Executive Committee Member as International Secretary), Task Force Specialist, Task Force Chair, Regional Leadership Committee, Panel Secretary HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE AS AN IBOD MEMBER? My experience has prepared me well for the thinking that is required for problem solving and decision making at the international board level. My Sweet Adelines journey has provided me with varied perspectives that help me understand many of the challenges that our choruses and individual members face. WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE BOARD? My professional background is in the business world, specifically in project management, strategic planning and business process improvement. I seek innovative approaches and solutions and am skilled in facilitating groups in problem-solving discussions. WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE ORGANIZATION? Sweet Adelines is known for providing a community where all women who love to sing are celebrated. In addition to enabling the pursuit and achievement of musical excellence, Sweet Adelines provides its members with opportunities to develop and hone their skills as high profile community and business leaders. WHAT PRIORITIES SHOULD THE ORGANIZATION PURSUE IN THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Efforts should be focused on raising the profile of Sweet Adelines by emphasizing the quality of education and the benefits of membership. The success of our future lies in putting the talents and passions of our members to use to keep membership in the organization rewarding, relevant and vibrant.


October 2018 | TH EP I TC H P I P E

SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Including my master’s degree, I have 12 years of training in coaching and facilitation/counseling others in support of their personal development (and have simultaneously received such coaching and facilitation myself). CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: I have been an attorney for 23 years. I am “virtual general counsel” to several small and mid-sized businesses, in which I provide advice and assistance in all legal matters, including (but not limited to) corporate formation and governance, labor and employment issues, funding, marketing, intellectual property issues and commercial transactions. I have also previously served on the board of directors for a performance-art related nonprofit. LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES: Current member of Diversity Task Force, organizing & signatory member of Lana Clowes posthumous membership proposal group, Current Chapter Asst. Baritone Section Leader, Chapter President 2015-2018, Chapter Director 2014-2015 HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE AS AN IBOD MEMBER? As a relative newcomer to the organization, I can bring a fresh perspective to the board’s collective understanding. Sometimes, what is needed to make a shift in persistent issues (such as declining membership) is thinking entirely differently about them. That is easier to do when untethered by past patterns. WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE BOARD? I would bring my commitment to “Leadership in Loving”: combining my counseling training and analytical and communications skills to consciously foster an environment where all feel welcome, heard, respected, inspired and empowered. The creation of those conditions acts as a catalyst for growth and development in any organization.

WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE ORGANIZATION? I see Sweet Adelines becoming not only increasingly diverse, but maximally inclusive. Just as the barbershop style is the cornerstone of our music, the embrace of individual difference as a valuable contribution to our collective whole will be a cornerstone of our culture. WHAT PRIORITIES SHOULD THE ORGANIZATION PURSUE IN THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Outreach and inclusiveness should be the first priority of the board. We must attract new members through modern and vibrant marketing efforts, while also creating an attractive environment to join and stay in. This means inviting and honoring the experience of all, in light of their diverse characteristics and backgrounds. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: No longer a “best kept secret,” we will be well-known as a joyful and affirming community of singers from all over the globe who love a cappella performance and learning, support one another in artistic expression, and regularly share our “ninja” skills with the rest of the world.

CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: 1997–present: Chorus and Quartet Coach; 1996–present: Frontline Sweet Adeline Chorus Director; 2006–2008: Extracurricular Children’s Chorus Director; 1982–1989: General Elementary School Music Teacher LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES: International Board of Directors, May 2012 – present (current President-elect, former International Secretary), Education Direction Committee, May 2013–2018 (EDC Liaison to Chorus Directors, 2014-2018), Directors Education Committee, May 2007– 2012, Frontline Director, 1996–present; Sound Judge, 2008-present HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE AS AN IBOD MEMBER? I have a deep knowledge of the operational and administrative sides of our organization, acquired through my participation on the board and appointed committees, and broadened through my experiences in judging, coaching, teaching, directing and performing. I respect our organization’s history and understand the challenges facing us in the coming years. WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE BOARD? As a professional educator, my values align with that of the mission statement of our organization, which emphasizes education. My personal qualities include being open-minded and unafraid of change when change is needed. WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE ORGANIZATION? I see our organization implementing new membership and chorus models and finding creative ways to make barbershop singing more accessible to a broader base of singers. At the same time, I envision members of Sweet Adelines as being strong advocates and ambassadors of barbershop

singing. I see Sweet Adelines around the world being enthusiastic, joyful and proud about our organization! WHAT PRIORITIES SHOULD THE ORGANIZATION PURSUE IN THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Our priorities should be to find and develop creative ways to educate our current members, arrange strong, original barbershop songs, attract new members, provide leadership opportunities for women and secure our financial future. We need to be steadfast in our mission, which will guide decisions and ensure our future as a premier women’s barbershop organization. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: I believe some new ideas that are on today’s horizon will have come to light, but that directors will still be the “heartbeat” of our organization; that friendships will still be forged when four women meet in a living room to learn a song; and that women will still continue to discover that they “joined to sing” but “stayed because of the friends.”

SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Post-graduate study in Vocal Pedagogy; Life Coaching; Team Development/Facilitation; Event and Workshop Development; Grant Writing and Sponsor Development CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Voice Teacher and Vocal Coach; Cost Analyst and Business Manager at NASA, Johnson Space Center LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES: International Board of Directors Member (International President, International Treasurer), Regional Leadership Committee Chair, Young Singers Foundation Advancement Committee Chair, Education Direction Committee Member, International Faculty HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE AS AN IBOD MEMBER? Foremost, I have an abiding love for Sweet Adelines that fuels my passion to serve its mission. I bring 35 years of dedicated chorus and quartet membership; administrative and musical leadership experience at every organizational level; a fierce commitment to education and to member satisfaction; a finance/business background that supports board governance; and an ability to think globally, longterm and strategically. WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE BOARD? I possess strong program/project planning, management and analysis skills, particularly in budgeting and finance. I can assimilate complex information and communicate it effectively. I believe everything is possible, and love working on/with teams to envision and realize dreams, embracing innovative methodologies. I am committed to excellence and have the energy, creativity and tenacity to get ‘er done!

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WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE ORGANIZATION? My vision is an organization that is pervasive, well-known—an integral part of world music culture—with a brand that is accepted and respected for the joy, musical satisfaction, community and personal development that it offers. Our musical product and training are of the highest quality and state-ofthe-art, and our membership is thriving in numbers and fulfillment. WHAT PRIORITIES SHOULD THE ORGANIZATION PURSUE IN THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Creating a vibrant 10-year vision is paramount. This vision is based on state-of-the-art research and results in a strategic plan addressing grassroots membership retention/recruitment, marketing/ messaging strategies and programmatic/infrastructure advancements. This initiative’s design and execution is an inclusive process that unifies all organizational levels and engages all members in navigating SA’s future. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: Our successful growth strategies will create more chapters and members across the globe! We will have invaded the world’s consciousness and become part of mainstream entertainment and school curriculum. Innovation in performance will continue, and we will be widely recognized for the significant health benefits realized by women of all ages through membership.

SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Human Resources, Coaching & Mentoring, Facilitation & Mediation, Leading Highly Effective Teams, Change Management, Customer Service CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Human Resources – Payroll Operations Manager, Executive Office Manager LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES: International Board of Directors (Executive Committee Member as International Treasurer), Faculty IES 2017, International Bylaws & Rules Specialist, Worldwide Moderator, Regional Leadership Committee HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE AS AN IBOD MEMBER? I am a strong and compassionate leader who believes in empowering people. Teach her to fish and you give her an occupation that will feed her for a lifetime. I will continue to advocate for our members and put them at the heart of all of my decisions. WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE BOARD? I am approachable, dedicated, innovative and loyal, with great facilitation skills. I have exposure to robust employee relations programs including employment equity, diversity, peer support, etc., that have helped me manage and keep very large teams engaged, creative and productive. I bring all this experience to the IBOD table. WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE ORGANIZATION? I love what this


October 2018 | T H EP I TCH P I P E

organization stands for and the opportunities it offers women. My vision is to encourage out-of-the-box thinking to grow our organization in numbers by providing membership alternatives that address financial constraints and promotes home/chorus life balance. WHAT PRIORITIES SHOULD THE ORGANIZATION PURSUE IN THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Membership growth and retention, along with non-dues revenue, strike me as key priorities for our organization. I do believe that once we provide alternative membership options that better meet the needs of our multi-generation women, we will reverse the downward trend in membership numbers. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: This organization will be thriving and will have spread to parts of the world yet unchartered! We will have flex membership models that focus on chorus/home life balance, making us more accessible to a diversity of women. We will have multiple revenue sources that will make it affordable to deliver education at events all over the world. We will be the best of the best.

SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Certified Innermetrix Assessment Tools interpreter (identifying and accessing human capital). Certified by the American Society for Quality (ASQ). Missouri Quality Award examiner training. Decades of professional development in learning, engagement, college student acculturation/transition/ retention/completion; advising; facilities planning; academic libraries CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Current: Organizational Effectiveness Consultant. Past: University Dean LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES: International Faculty, Regional Leadership Development Coordinator, Regional Faculty, Chorus Director, Membership Development Representative (& InternationalMembership Committee) HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE AS AN IBOD MEMBER? I offer a deep desire to serve, complemented by a keen understanding of complex organizational structures and an acute sense of organizational gaps that can be strategically addressed. My entire career, both work and SA, has centered on recognizing possibility and intentionally developing the myriad talents of organizational members. WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE BOARD? I possess strong organizational vision and am a collaborative leader who embraces shared decision-making and opportunities to re-frame the possibilities. My experiences include serving as a frontline director and as a team leader, in addition to facilitating many planning and leadership development sessions with regions and choruses of all sizes. WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE ORGANIZATION? To capture and expand to broader audiences Sweet Adelines’ unique opportunities for women.

Sweet Adelines is exponentially more than a singing organization. As an investment in oneself, Sweet Adelines fills a fundamental need to learn, grow, lead, laugh, to risk, to belong, to be applauded and supported, all in a truly intergenerational environment. WHAT PRIORITIES SHOULD THE ORGANIZATION PURSUE IN THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Organizational sustainability and membership growth. Welcoming and embracing diversity. Leadership development at all levels, especially for our directors. Director succession planning. Encouraging flexible chorus organizational models that meet the needs of the chorus and its members. Capitalizing on distance-learning and other technologies to enhance the member experience, engagement and opportunity.

WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE ORGANIZATION? To be widely recognized, through greater media exposure, as a leader in singing, using the increasing interest in a cappella singing to broadcast our excellence in education. More women of all ages will be inspired to be the best they can be and our global presence will be extensive. WHAT PRIORITIES SHOULD THE ORGANIZATION PURUSE IN THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Listening to our members is always a priority. Creating top-class education options affordable for all. Working on membership retention and membership growth using attractive, inclusive marketing promoting the joy and health benefits of singing. Devising creative ways to source wider revenue streams outside Sweet Adelines to build financial stability.

DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: A vibrant, high-value organization with deeply engaged members who treasure Sweet Adelines’ primary purpose and who also highly value the collateral and symbiotic benefits that accrue to the members and their many communities throughout their organizational journey.

DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: The premier worldwide provider of vocal education, renowned for excellence in a cappella singing, whilst maintaining our barbershop roots. Members will feel valued, attrition will be at an all-time low, with a diverse pool of new members wanting to join us through new, innovative promotion of our unique product.

SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Training/Coaching, HR, Recruitment, Leadership, Facilitation, Customer Service, Team Leading and Presentation skills; DCP Certified Director and Regional Faculty training.

SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Frontline, mid-level and executive management, communication, presentation skills, business writing, change management, situational leadership, conflict management, emotional intelligence, mentoring, teaming

CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Currently self-employed vocal/ quartet/chorus coach. Previously Musical Director of the Edinburgh Police Choir for two years and Assistant Director with a men’s barbershop chorus. I volunteer twice monthly at Edinburgh Prison in the visitor room. Previous employment was with a worldwide bank, where I was employed in the HR, Recruitment and Training departments. LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES: RMT Directors’ Coordinator (current); RMT Education Coordinator (2010 to 2016); Member of the Young Singers Foundation Management Committee (2012 to 2015); RMT Directors’ Coordinator (2005 to 2008); Member of Regional Faculty since 2004 HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE AS AN IBOD MEMBER? Extensive RMT experiences have provided opportunities for me to gain insight into issues facing members. With a proven track record in finding creative, cost-effective solutions that benefit our members, I can add value to the board by bringing a fresh global perspective. My endless enthusiasm is a plus, too! WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE BOARD? I have integrity and the ability to reflect/consider all aspects of a debate, whilst being fair and impartial. I am loyal, honest, articulate and a passionate Sweet Adeline. I am able to deliver solutions which benefit members, e.g. increasing attendance at education events in Region 31 by nearly 50 percent.

CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Retired June 2013 National Security Agency 1989-2013, GS-15 Upper Level Manager, organizational Chief of Staff, Budget Officer, Mathematician LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES: Region 19 Management Team as Communications Coordinator May 2017–present, Regional Faculty 2013–present, Chorus Director, Chapter Music Team Coordinator, Bass of 2018 International Champion Quartet Lustre HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE AS AN IBOD MEMBER? My experiences in small, mid-size and large choruses, as a quartet singer, a chorus director and a regional team member, provide excellent insight to issues facing the organization. I want to apply my experience and leadership to efforts that empower women, enrich their lives and help them succeed. WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE BOARD? I’m a people-focused, service-minded leader who establishes a vision, creates a positive can-do environment, and leads others in action to achieve goals. I’m an organized, energetic and efficient critical thinker, and a compassionate and collaborative teammate. I love tapping into the passion and creativity of others to help them succeed.

cont. on next page October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE ORGANIZATION? Ideally, we’ll expand membership in two dimensions: wider geographical reach and richly diverse and inclusive connections within our existing communities. We’ll give more educational opportunities to more women in ways that meet their lifestyle needs. We’ll continue to raise the bar on musical entertainment, and we’ll be leaders in the music industry and in our communities. WHAT PRIORITIES SHOULD THE ORGANIZATION PURSUE IN THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Membership and marketing programs need to be geared toward the changed realities and concerns of today’s women of all ages. Diversity and inclusion are critically important topics to get right. Musical education remains a top priority, and should include new ways to effectively reach more members. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: We will be thriving and growing. We will have maintained our core values of excellence in barbershop music and provided opportunity for all women to learn and grow. We’ll have successfully adapted to the changing needs of our members (membership options, technology usage, funding models, etc.).

Lend Your Voice to the Vote Your support of Sweet Adelines International leaders at every level helps ensure our future as a vibrant, worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education, performance and competition.

REMEMBER: Ballots are due at international headquarters by 3 p.m., Central Time (8 p.m. UTC), Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018. QUESTIONS? Call headquarters: 1-800-992-7464; 1-918-622-1444; or email

SAVE A Brand New Song & Dance Sweet Adelines International

Directors’ & Visual Leaders’ Seminar 2019

San Antonio, TX


October 2018 | TH EP I TCH P I P E



Aug. 8-10, 2019

Coming Soon — New Arranger Certification Program BY CORINNA GARRIOCK


ast year the Arranger Education Task Force was asked to review the state of arranger education across Sweet Adelines International (including the International Music Arranger Program (IMAP)) and determine an approach going forward. The new Arranger Certification Program Task Force is now implementing the first group's recommendations, which include the introduction of an internationally sponsored Arranger Certification Program (ACP). The program will consist of education geared toward three distinct audiences: the Beginner arranger, the Intermediate arranger, and the Advanced arranger. ACP Beginner Level This level will be introduced in two phases. Phase 1: A curriculum based on current material in the Arranger’s Guide, to include testing that can be conducted in the regions. (Target: 2019) Phase 2: An online learning experience that builds on the material in the Arranger’s Guide to add practical listening activities and other interactive opportunities. (Target: Future TBD) ACP Intermediate Level (Target: 2019) This level will take the form of an online cohort under the supervision of Certified or Master Music Arrangers. ACP Advanced Level (Target: 2019) This level will retain the scholarship and individual mentoring format of IMAP but will be re-branded as part of the Arranger Certification Program (ACP). As a result the term IMAP will be retired, however, the titles of Certified Music Arranger, Master Music Arranger or Emeritus Music Arranger will be retained under the new program. Corinna Garriock is chair of the ACP task force, which reports to the Education Direction Committee. Task Force members include Kay Bromert (CMA), Suzy Lobaugh (CMA), Mel Horgan and Jeanne Elmuccio.

Name that Tune In the 2018 Sweet Adelines regional competition,

236 340

453 Songs performed one time

Songs performed three or fewer times

Different songs performed

3 1

Most times one song was repeated in a region (quartet & chorus competitions combined) Song repeated two times in the Open Division Chorus Competition

A special thank you to Renée Porzell for compiling this data.

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


This formidable foursome is all about barbershop roots, mutual admiration, a passion for singing and melty cheese pizza. (L to R) Melody Hine (bt), Tessa Walker (l), Michaela Olson (t) and Candra Rice (bs)

G IN RISS TAR‘18 t uartet Contes




ow many Sweet Adelines use the hash tags, #everypizzainharmony or #iampizzadelines? For Michaela Olson (t), Tessa Walker* (l), Melody Hine (bt) and Candra Rice (bs), of Hot Pursuit, it’s a nod to the delicious snack that became the logo for a t-shirt, the sales of which helped fund their trip to the 2018 competition Aug. 10, in Tulsa, Okla. The quartet, which placed fourth in the 2017 Rising Star contest, has been singing together since 2016. Candra came to the quartet via the Internet, while the other three connected through the Song of Atlanta Chapter and barbershop camps. Among their relatives and mentors: Clay Hine; Becky Hine; 2012 Queens of Harmony quartet, Martini; Growing Girls; Steve Scott; Don Barnick; Tessa’s mother, Amy Walker; Lori Lyford; Katie Taylor; Great Northern Union and Fred quartets;


October 2018 | TH EP I TC H P I P E

City of Lakes Chorus; and Scenic City Chorus in Chattanooga, Tenn. Here are some thoughts the young women shared with The Pitch Pipe.

What were some of your early thoughts on barbershop harmony and your perspectives now, after becoming so involved in the genre? Candra: “After all these years, I continue to be just as mind-blown as when I sang my first tag. There’s really nothing that comes close to the pure joy I feel singing and listening to barbershop. “The most significant thing I’ve realized is that the famous quartetters I’ve idolized are not superhumans, they are normal people who have had their own singing journeys. Except Kim Newcomb.** She’s absolutely absurd.”

Tessa: “Candra described pretty well how we all feel; it’s quite personal for each of us. I relish always learning something new about this art form. The more involved I get, the more there is to discover.”

How has barbershop harmony helped you improve on or master new vocal skills? Tessa: “Being classically trained and a singer of many genres, I enjoy improving my skills by changing between styles. I’m constantly working on improving my placement when singing lead and experimenting with different colors and textures I can add.” Candra: “I found the gospel of belting everything and have never looked back. I used to think I was a horrible singer, but

3rd Place

2nd Place

Grace Notes San Antonio, Texas Baritone: Kieley Simonsen Bass: Marisa Garza

Blaze Tampa, Fla. and Cleveland, Ohio

Lead: Andrea Walker Tenor: Elise Miller

Bass: Eliza Stoney Tenor: Michelle Gant

5th Place

Perfect Fourth Liverpool, N.Y. Tenor: Gabriella Galanti Bass: Katie Sheerin

Perpetual Sound Edmond, Okla.

Lead: Kristina Valentino Baritone: Catrina Tulowiecki

barbershop gave me a place where my voice is celebrated.”

What would you say to encourage other young singers to try barbershop? Melody: “Whatever genre of music you like to sing, do it and do it in a healthy way. Then don’t listen to what narrowminded people have to say about what you like to sing.” Michaela: “Barbershop is life changing and lifesaving. It’s full of people I can

Photos by: Mike Simons

4th Place

Baritone: Abbie Owens Lead: Madison Padgett

Baritone: Anna Taylor Lead: Kristina Henderson

go to about anything. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, race, politics, religion. It all goes out the window when you’re making amazing harmony. It’s also friendship, fun, confidence, a chance to be myself.” Candra: “The best thing is that, regardless of your skill level, you’ve got a home.” Tessa: “Just try it out! Sing a tag. You’ll be hooked on that smiley, laughy feeling you get when a chord rings. Yeah, you won’t forget that. When I get together with

Bass: Megan Mueggenborg Tenor: Nicole Wilson

these talented, beautiful women, I feel unstoppable with them by my side.” Editor’s Note: *Tessa Walker is the 2017 recipient of the Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarship. To read more about the scholarship, see page 28-29 of this issue. **Kim Newcomb sings baritone with The Ladies, the 2016 Rising Star Quartet winner and 2018 Region #10 first-place quartet.

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


G IN RISS TAR ‘18 st

Quartet Conte

2018 Stars to Watch Special recognition is given to the highest-scoring quartet whose average age is 16 or younger.

Belle Tones Austin, Texas

Tenor: Alyssa Morrow Lead: Emma Morelli

Baritone: Chloe Storm Bass: Abigail Storm

Sweet Adelines. So Much More Than Singing. My Discovery of Gratitude



have been a Sweet Adeline for many years — over 40 in fact. And I have wholeheartedly enjoyed the benefits of this loving community and organization of women, notwithstanding the actual singing. But I have never in my life experienced the true meaning of the word gratitude. I had previously thought I completely understood it. Really, what’s not to understand? But until I experienced a recent tragedy in my family, I now know I had no idea of its true magnitude. This is not a story about my loss. Or a tribute to my beautiful daughter. It is an overwhelming outpouring of thankfulness. Thankful that I belong to an organization of women who cared about me enough to take my wheel when I could no longer drive. When I was literally paralyzed by grief, my chorus welcomed my out-of-town friends to our city. They wrapped me in the arms of sound at my


October 2018 | TH EP I TC H P I P E

daughter’s funeral service, as big and warm and glorious as the 350-member Mormon Tabernacle Choir. They planned and produced a Celebration of Life afterward that was as beautiful and sparkly and poignant and joyous as the wedding reception she would have loved. And, as I stood in the embrace of those women later that night, I can tell you my heart actually, physically, ached. ACHED! But not from sadness. I realized, even in that moment, my heart was literally bursting with gratitude. I am so lucky and thankful and grateful to belong to the Lions Gate Chorus of Sweet Adelines. My village. Autumn Scraper’s daughter, Megan lost her life in British Columbia's majestic Shannon Falls hand-in-hand with her soulmate, Alexey Lyakh, and good friend, Ryker Gamble on July 3, 2018.


Who knew tattoos might win new barbershop fans around the world?


s the actor Johnny Depp once said, “My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story.” That’s the premise of a new YouTube series, “Stories of the Ink.” It seems that people from all walks of life live by that quote and take the time (and the pain) to have their “stories” forever etched onto the canvas of their bodies. What does this have to do with barbershop? Last June, the show’s second episode featured none other than eight members of our chorus, Greater Nassau Chorus (GNC), who were interviewed during our weekly rehearsal. Jim LaSalle, the show’s producer/director, and his cameraman, spent the evening at our rehearsal, taking in the sounds of barbershop harmony while prepping to interview our “inked ladies” — three tenors, three leads, one bass and one baritone (not quite the perfect cone for a double quartet!) He was quite impressed with our barbershop ring and confessed that of his first five shows, ours was his favorite! This story has drawn interest in our chorus and in barbershop singing from around the world. We think that’s because tattoos have made a huge comeback among people of all ages. And there’s always a story behind why someone chooses a particular image.

People love a good story! That universal truth plays so well into barbershop and a cappella, the magic of storytelling through art and music! Good stories are richly personal and, as an organization, we are encouraging the next generation to embrace barbershop with all their own personal diversity. GNC is proud to be a part of that! Women who knew nothing about barbershop are reaching out to us, saying: Wow, this music is awesome! I’ve heard of Pitch Perfect, but never knew there were actual choruses all over the world! Where can I learn more? Does this chorus sing locally? Can I hire you? Please support and view the episode featuring your Sweet Adeline sisters on Long Island by visiting the website: and leave your feedback! We want the entire world to see the diversity of our members! If you have your own story, you can enter it on the site as well, or maybe you know a group or individual who could be featured on an upcoming episode. By Season 2, Jim will no longer be a rookie at this gig and who knows? He might end up on your rehearsal doorstep one night! GNC is thrilled to have gained new chorus and music fans through this unique look at barbershop!

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


No Fee. No Code. Your all-access pass to the international stage. Binge-watch Barbershop during the Sweet Adelines International Competition Webcast Oct. 16-20, 2018.

Sweet Adelines International

17th Annual International Competition Webcast • Oct. 16-20, 2018 We’re doing it again! Sweet Adelines is offering free streaming of its webcast so you can enjoy hours of live barbershop entertainment every day of the competition.

Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018 Event

Stream Time (CDT)

State of the Organization

5:15–6 p.m. (10:15–11 p.m. UTC, Oct. 16)

Harmony Classic

6–10:30 p.m. (11 p.m.–3:30 a.m. UTC, Oct. 17)

Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2018

Contributions from viewers around the world allow us to offer this service at no cost every year. Please continue to support the webcast by making a donation today!


Stream Time (CDT)

Quartet Semifinals

10 a.m.–10:30 p.m. (3 p.m.–3:30 a.m. UTC, Oct. 18)

Missed a live performance? We’ve got you covered! Competitor performances will be available on our YouTube channel.


Stream Time (CDT)

Quartet Finals

11:45 a.m.–5 p.m. (4:45 p.m.–10 p.m. UTC, Oct. 19)

Coronet Club Show (Available for $20 USD)

8–10:30 p.m. (1–3:30 a.m. UTC, Oct. 20)

Thursday, Oct. 18, 2018 Event

Stream Time (CDT)

Chorus Semifinals

10 a.m.–9 p.m. (3 p.m.–2 a.m. UTC, Oct. 19)

Friday, Oct. 19, 2018

Saturday, Oct. 20, 2018 Event

Stream Time (CDT)

Chorus Finals

11:45 a.m.–6 p.m. (4:45 p.m.–11 p.m. UTC, Oct. 20)

Visit to donate and to watch the competition. 16 October 2018 | TH EP I TC H P I P E


• There is no playback feature on the webcast. All performances are LIVE! So you don’t miss your favorites, there is a time zone converter located on the “Schedule” tab at • Be sure to keep watching after your favorite performances! Directly following each performance, meet the quartets and choruses up close during their LIVE interview with our webcasters. • Don’t miss a minute of the action! Make sure you have the latest Flash Player installed on your computer prior to the start of the performances. Visit to download the latest version. • For maximum video quality on your device, use a wired internet connection instead of a wireless connection. Plug a network cable into the back of your wireless hub and then into your computer. • Coverage of The Coronet Club Show starts Friday, Oct. 19 at 8 p.m. CDT (1 a.m. UTC, Oct. 20). This portion of the webcast is available for $20 USD payable to the Coronet Club. If you have questions during the webcast, email tech support at






October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


2018 St. Louis

Order of Appearance

There’s so much to be learned from live international competition sessions. Enjoy and support all competitors on the international stage!

2018 International Choruses 1. Valley Forge Chorus, Region #19 2. Song of Atlanta Chorus, Region #14 3. O.K. City Chorus, Region #25 4. Metro Nashville Chorus, Region #4 5. Scottsdale Chorus, Region #21 6. Pearls of the Sound Chorus, Region #32 7. River Blenders Chorus, Region #5 8. Phoenix Chorus, Region #31 9. Alba Show Chorus, Region #32 10. Greater Harmony Chorus, Region #17 11. Lace City Chorus, Region #31 12. Pride of Portland Chorus, Region #13 13. Pride of Kentucky Chorus, Region #4 14. Coastline Show Chorus, Region #1 15. Circle of Harmony Chorus, Region #16 16. Motor City Blend Chorus, Region #2 17. Buffalo Gateway Chorus, Region #16

18. Carpe Diem Chorus, Region #11 19. The Woodlands Show Chorus, Region #10 20. Faultline Chorus, Region #35 21. Alamo Metro Chorus, Region #10 22. Westcoast Harmony Chorus, Region #26 23. Harborlites Chorus, Region #21 24. Rich-Tone Chorus, Region #25 25. Liberty Oak Chorus, Region #15 26. Skyline Chorus, Region #8 27. Pacific Empire Chorus, Region #12 28. Vocal Matrix Chorus, Region #14 29. Endeavour Harmony Chorus, Region #34 30. River City Sound Chorus, Region #3 31. Harmony Celebration Chorus, Region #15 32. Spirit of the Gulf Chorus, Region #9 33. London Chorus, Region #2 34. City of Lakes Chorus, Region #6

2018 International Quartets 1. Pizzazz! 2. Neon Lights - Withdrawn 3. Fortuity 4. Surefire 5. Take 4 6. Renegade 7. Brilliance! 8. Famous Janes 9. Intrinsic 10. The Vibe 11. Essence 12. PrimeTime

13. Ruby Blue 14. Boston Accent - Withdrawn 15. Wicked 16. Glow - Withdrawn 17. Up All Night 18. Vintage 19. Sparkle! 20. ClassRing 21. The Ladies 22. Fire and Ice 23. Viva! 24. Infinity

25. Saffron 26. Beyond 27. Glamour 28. Sound Design 29. Couture 30. Windsor 31. C’est La Vie 32. Just 4 (Kicks) 33. Tenacious 34. PRISM 35. LiftOff! 36. Finesse - Withdrawn

2018 International Harmony Classic Choruses Division A 1. Sirens of Gotham Chorus, Region #15 2. Circular Keys Chorus, Region #34 3. Vocal Motion! Chorus, Region #26 4. Bella A Cappella Chorus, Region #35 5. Carolina Harmony Chorus, Region #14


October 2018 | TH EP I TCH P I P E

Division AA 1. Wellington City Chorus, Region #35 2. Women of Note Chorus, Region #9 3. Mission Valley Chorus, Region #12 4. No Borders Show Chorus, Region #31 5. Greater Cleveland Chorus, Region #17

37. Uptown Suite! 38. Troubadour 39. GQ - Withdrawn 40. Debacle 41. SoundByte 42. TITANIUM 43. VOCE 44. Legacy 45. Spritzer 46. Milli Blink 47. Ditto 48. Gig-a-bite

2018 Sweet Adelines International

Sing and Shine in 2018 St. Louis Competing Chorus Apparel! Available in a variety of colors and styles:

V-Neck Tee • Crew-Neck Tee • Long Sleeve Tee Fleece Pullover Hooded Sweatshirt • Fleece Full-Zip Hooded Sweatshirt • Crewneck Sweatshirt


2018 St. Louis International Convention & Competition logo


Harmony Classic & International Competing Chorus order of appearance

Purchase your Sweet Adelines licensed event apparel at the Gold Medal Ideas booth in Harmony Bazaar.

Be in the Know, On the Go.

Download the Sweet Adelines International App Today! Stay on top of the action by downloading the Sweet Adelines International Convention app. Conveniently access competition scores, our schedule of events and watch our daily video recap all from your Apple or Android device!

2018 ional

ternat ines In

Adel Sweet

You can check out our tweets and make a donation directly from the app. And the best part … just like last year … no fee, no code! Just download and go!

Stay connected to international competition by visiting your app store and searching for “Sweet Adelines International.”

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


Help Us Get All Dolled Up for History Have you seen the historic chorus and quartet dolls displayed in the Hughes Gehrke Champion Showcase at Sweet Adelines headquarters? Do you have a memory or funny story about the dolls? Did you help create and dress a doll?

We want to hear your story! If you would like to provide an anecdote for an archival project, email us at Please limit your submissions to 300-500 words.

2019 New Orleans Registration Early Registration for the 2019 International Convention and Competition taking place in New Orleans, La., USA opens on Oct. 16, 2018 at 9 a.m. CDT for those attending the 2018 event in St. Louis. For those not in attendance in St. Louis, early registration will be available on Monday, Oct. 29, 2018 via postal mail, fax and online.

Early Bird Registration Fees* Registration Type

Price (USD)

International Chorus Competitor All Events


International Quartet Competitor All Events


Convention Assistant All Events


Member All Events


Non-Member All Events


Youth Member or Non-Member All Events


*Early Bird Registration pricing expires on May 27, 2019

Check online for updated information and registration forms by visiting


October 2018 | TH EP I TC H P I P E



Congratulations to the winners and competitors in Sweet Adelines’ fifth YWIH Video Chorus Contest. The contest features girls age 25 and younger singing in choruses of at least 15, representing all four voice parts.

Winners receive music and cash awards:

first place, $1,000 USD; second place, $750 USD; third place, $500 USD.

First Place Chorus

Chandler High School Treblemakers Chandler, Ariz. Lori Lyford, Director

Second Place Chorus Macappella Auckland, New Zealand Melody Lowe, Director

Third Place Chorus The Purduettes West Lafayette, Ind. Jeff Vallier, Director

To hear their outstanding performances, visit the Competition and Convention page at

B+ Choruses

Harmony on the Sound, #1 Merrimack Valley, #1 Farmington River, #1 Royal River, #1 Shoreline Sound, #2 Melodeers, #3* Choral-Aires, #3 Midwest Crossroad, #3 Vermillion Valley Show, #3 Scioto Valley, #4* TuneTown Show, #4 Scenic City, #4 Vocal Standard, #5 Metro Mix, #5 Toast of Tampa, #9* Bridges of Harmony, #9 O-Town Sound, #9

2018 Regional Results B+ and Above Choruses

Sweet Adelines congratulates and recognizes the accomplishments of all competing choruses. During the 2018 regional competition season, these choruses earned B+ scores (592) and above. Choruses receiving a score of 700 or higher are marked by an asterisk. Houston Horizon, #10 Lady Luck Showtime, #11 Santa Monica, #11 Bay Area Showcase, #12 Sacramento Valley, #12 Diablo Vista, #12 a cappella Joy, #13 Alaska Sound Celebration, #13 Carolina Style, #14 Vienna-Falls, #14 Carolina Harmony, #14 Greater Nassau, #15 Spirit of Syracuse, #15 Hickory Tree, #15 Sirens of Gotham, #15 Capitaland, #15 Canadian Showtime, #16

Limestone City Voices, #16 York Harmony, #16 Grand Rapids, #17 Sounds of Pittsburgh, #17 Lake Ridge Legacy, #17 Harbor City Music Company, #19* Greater Harrisburg, #19 Dundalk, #19 Jersey Sound, #19 Pride of Baltimore, #19 San Diego, #21 Talk of Tulsa Show, #25 Top of the Rock, #25 Springfield Metro, #25 Lions Gate, #26* Rhythm of the Rockies, #26 Gateway, #26

Pacific Edge, #26 Forth Valley, #31 Viva Acappella, #31 Heartbeat UK, #31 Aberdeen, #31 Singing Unlimited, #31 Surrey Harmony, #31 Vocal Dimensions, #31 Rönninge Show, #32* Stockholm City Voices, #3* Malmö Limelight, #32 A Cappella West, #34 Brindabella, #34 Perth Harmony, #34 Geelong Harmony, #34 Christchurch City, #35

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


2019 Wildcard Choruses These choruses have been invited to compete at the 73rd Sweet Adelines’ International Convention and Competition, Oct. 16-21, 2019, in New Orleans, La., USA

Region #3

Choral-Aires Chorus Bonnie Fedyski and Amy Brinkman, Directors Score: 682 • 82 on stage Songs: Ain’t He Sweet/Yes Sir, That’s My Baby Medley (C. Hine); I Couldn’t Sleep A Wink Last Night (J. Minshall) Photos: Jon Read Photography

Choral-Aires Chorus

Region #4

Tunetown Show Chorus Rick Spencer, Director Score: 634 • 52 on stage Songs: The Way You Look Tonight (M. Hale); Shaking The Blues Away (S. Delehanty) Photos: Jon Read Photography

Tunetown Show Chorus

Region #12

Sacramento Valley Chorus Dede Nibler, Director Score: 632 • 74 on stage Songs: Somewhere Over The Rainbow (C. Hine); My Honey’s Lovin’ Arms (D. Wright) Photos: Jon Read Photography

Sacramento Valley Chorus

Region #13

Alaska Sound Celebration Chorus Peggy Benton, Director Score: 629 • 56 on stage Songs: I Never Meant to Fall in Love (J. Liles); Ain’t He Sweet/Yes Sir That’s My Baby (C. Hine) Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography

Alaska Sound Celebration Chorus

Region #14

Vienna-Falls Chorus Claire Gardiner, Director Score: 615 • 56 on stage Songs: If Ever I Would Leave You (C. Hines); My Honey’s Lovin’ Arms (D. Wright) Photos: Freeze-Frame Photography

Vienna-Falls Chorus


October 2018 | TH EP I TCH P I P E

2019 Wildcard Choruses

Region #15

Spirit of Syracuse Chorus Kay Crawford, Director Score: 611 • 55 on stage Songs: Once Upon A Time (J. Dale); Seventy-Six Trombones (N. Bergman) Photos: Jon Petersen

Spirit of Syracuse Chorus

Region #25

Top of the Rock Chorus Kelly Causey, Director Score: 633 • 51 on stage Songs: You Are My Sunshine (V. Uhr); Somethin’ About Ya (J. Liles) Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography

Top of the Rock Chorus

Region #26

Rhythm of the Rockies Chorus Mary Hager, Director Score: 625 • 59 on stage Songs: Yesterday I Heard The Rain (B. Graham); Runnin’ Wild (N. Bergman) Photos: Yvonne Meyer

Rhythm of the Rockies Chorus

Region #31

Viva Acappella Chorus Gaynor Schofield, Director Score: 662 • 39 on stage Songs: Love Letters Straight From The Heart (J. Arns); The Trolley Song (D. Wright) Photos: Ian Dearman Media

Viva Acappella Chorus

Region #32

Stockholm City Voices Chorus Tindra Thor, Director Score: 707 • 41 on stage Songs: Somewhere Over the Rainbow (C. Hine); A Tisket A Tasket (D. Harrington) Photos: Dick Gillberg Photography

Stockholm City Voices Chorus

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E



Female Barbershop Quartet Promotes “The Music Man” — Imagine! BY JO KULIK, LONDON (ONTARIO) CHORUS, REGION #2


he Stratford Festival wanted fresh ideas to promote its performance of "The Music Man." We are all familiar with a barbershop quartet being part of that show, so festival organizers decided on a quartet with a twist – a women’s quartet! A producer sent our quartet a lovely request to sing at a pre-performance garden party saying, “I watched some of your videos on Facebook and your quartet has a beautiful dynamic and sounds wonderful.” Our quartet, Imagine That, had such fun entertaining in River City! (L to R) Karen Reese (bs); Mary Lynn Smith (bt); Pat Snyders (l); and Cathy Maxwell (t).

Some High Notes on Contest Prep



f you’re considering changes to your contest prep approach, here are some we’ve made over time. Setting Goals: Our Master Director 700 Michael Gellert sets the mindset and theme each January in his “state of the chorus” message, which is reinforced continually at rehearsals and retreats. Vocal Warm-Ups: Our music team runs vocal warm-ups with a mix of bubbling, belly breathing, rounds with a purpose and thighdraulics. Support Quartetting: Quartet matchups help singers find

good blending partners and that ultimately benefits the entire chorus. Mentors: Each singer has a mentor, who is a great resource for correcting words, notes and breaths. Interaction with a mentor also encourages positive, helpful self-evaluation. Our Director Says: “Singing should feel good. There is no work, pain, violence or discomfort in singing. The focus is freedom of sound and real words … to clearly communicate a message and put it in the wind.” He asks us not to try harder but to look deeper into the music.

Globetrotting Azaleas



zalea City Harmony was honored to sing the national anthem for a Harlem Globetrotters show, hosted by the University of South Alabama in Mobile. We got to sing, watch the show and meet the Globetrotters, who were an absolute hoot! What fun to share our love of barbershop with this audience! Pictured with Globey are Sharon Tice, Peggy York, Nancy Larson, Kendrea Garand, Karen Lundy and other chorus members.


October 2018 | TH EP I TCH P I P E


In the Open and Loving It



Rehearsals have uncovered hidden talents among our singers, like the time baritone Janet Reid not only had the maypoles we needed for a performance, she taught this complicated English ribbon dance to eight members. A fun showstopper? You bet! This division has given us the chance to perform in a show chorus fashion and showcase our many talented singers, dancers and actresses. Give it a try!

Photo by: Jay Roberts

n 2018, we performed in SA’s Open Division for the fifth year and again took home the coveted regional Audience Choice Award. About 15 years ago, we added “Show” to our chorus name and began producing two annual sold-out shows in a 500seat theater. When SA added the Open Division in 2014, it was a natural fit for us. Ten-minute packages became regular features in our annual shows.



ochelle Tetlow, a writer for The Sunday Times in Perth, Western Australia, wrote a story about our chorus and a Girl Guides group (known in the U.S. as Girl Scouts). We couldn’t have said it better, so here’s an excerpt from Rochelle’s account: Awestruck by the soaring harmonies of a women’s chorus, the Joondalup Adventure Girl Guides have now become the first in Australia to earn a barbershop singing badge. Nine-year-old Girl Guide Geneve Dunlop said they were thrilled when the Indian Blue Sweet Adelines Chorus told them about a Young

Women in Harmony scout badge from the United States and offered to help them earn it, by singing in harmonies. Twenty-four girls from the Joondalup Unit received the badge. The voices of the Indian Blue Chorus had mesmerized the girls, who listened to the 50-member choir while waiting for parents to pick them up from their base Brampton Park in Burns Beach. Chorus director Kali Caramia said it was a delight to teach the girls various melodies, harmonies, rhythms, different types and styles of music, and see them gain confidence with their voices. “We’re passionate about it – it changes people’s lives,” she said.



ome 22 Sweet Adelines and guests, from New England, Florida, Illinois, Ohio and California, sang across Italian vistas last June. We enjoyed unforgettable visits to Rome, Assisi, Florence, Venice and Padua. Of course, barbershop was the soundtrack of our travels. We sang to tourists, locals, college students and friends, in gardens, on steps and at the University of Padua. We performed the barbershop version of the 1958 Grammy-winning smash hit, Nel blu dipinto di blu, better known as Volare, featuring three of our group singing in Italian. We also did a sing-along that was fun, considering many in our audience didn’t speak English. In fact, while we were generally singing in a “foreign language,” the audiences were very receptive and cheered for us! This amazing trip filled our hearts with everlasting memories of friendship, fun and harmony. Arrivederci!

Sweet Adelines and guests visit Italy.

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


The 2018 Queens’ College is in the Books


The 1983 international champion Melo-Edge quartet joined Sweet Adeline sisters from 14 regions around the world for Queens’ College, which offered a ratio of one Queen educator for every nine attendees.

2005 international queens, the BUZZ, performed and taught with hilarity, harmony and educational expertise honed over the years as Sweet Adelines’ longest performing champion quartet.

Here’s what we have heard about the Queens’ College, held this past August in Chicago: “Exceeded expectations.”

“The BUZZ was fantastic.”

“The faculty was wonderful.”

“Wow, the quartet coaching was so validating and useful!”

“These were the best classes I have attended in my four years as a Sweet Adeline.”


t was a stimulating, fascinating weekend as the attendees explored the MAGIC of Entertaining! Classes were based on the criteria used to evaluate entertainment packages from musicality and unity, to script writing and emcee skills, all done with creativity and great communication. The attendees were greeted at registration by Sheila Martinez, the Queens’ College logistics chair; co-chairs Betty Clipman and Karen Breidert and the two of us. We had a stellar faculty, including Debbie Cleveland, Jeannie Froelich, Nancy Cloeter (members of the demonstration quartet, the BUZZ), Dale Syverson, Peggy Gram, Joan Boutilier, Kerry Denino and Diane Huber. What a bevy of magicians! These amazing women coached 70 individual sessions. Local Queens also volunteered time and talent for additional coaching and PVIs. A special thank you to Queens Vicki Gibson,


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LeAnn Hazlett, Maureen Brzinski and Michelle Hunget for allowing many additional coaching sessions to work out so beautifully. The intimacy of Queens’ College allowed for easy interaction between the attendees and the faculty. There were 34 quartets, 33 individuals and 20 Queens, creating a ratio of one Queen for every nine attendees. As one excited attendee noted: “At international competition, the Queens are so busy and so few and far between, but here they are all around, ready to answer questions!” The event brought together an amazing mix of singers from 14 regions, ranging from the U.S. states of New Mexico, Alaska, Pennsylvania and Florida to international sisters representing Canada and the United Kingdom. Quartets included two Top 5 international medalists, regional champions, a medal-winning YWIH quartet, several regional

Fly Right quartet takes the stage. College attendees enjoyed not only performances but up-close access to the college faculty, who coached more than 70 individual sessions.

Former Rising Star champions and 2017 international champion silver medalists ClassRing led an inspiring and insightful coaching session.

Photos by: Linda Gross

Vocal Mojo — A fitting quartet name for a weekend filled with the magical, entertaining power of music. winners and even newly registered quartets. It was truly an amazing blend of talent, enthusiasm, experience and love of all things barbershop. The weekend’s inspiring parade of quartets drew rave reviews, as did additional performances by Coronet Club members and the show finale with the BUZZ. As part of their registration, attendees received an amazing gift of song – Magic Tonight!, an original work by Joey Minshall. Other highlights included coaching sessions with ClassRing and Spritzer; Lustre’s road to winning gold, shared by Betty Clipman; and Karen Breidert’s invaluable session on engaging audiences with effective emcee work and compelling scripts. Debbie Cleveland’s class, “The Inner Magic of Music,” taught attendees how to silence the negative voices in their heads in order to perform at the highest level. In fact, throughout the weekend, audiences were thrilled to hear personal stories of success, failure

PRISM quartet demonstrated some of the sound and style that led them to the first-place finish in the 2018 Midwest Harmony Region #3 competition. and perseverance from some of the most successful singers in our Sweet Adelines world. One comment summed it up perfectly: “It was so nice to hear that everyone deals with negative thoughts and nerves, even the Queens.” Thank you to faculty and attendees alike, who made the weekend so special and led to comments like this one: “From top to bottom, you and your team were absolute Queens. As a music educator, this was probably one of the best educational events that I've ever been to. Looking forward to Queens' College in 2021.” QUEENS’ COLLEGE 2021 — Will we see you there? Stay in touch with us for details on upcoming events! Visit for more information.

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Stellar Young Sweet Adeline Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarship Recipient


essie Leov, a New Zealander and Region #35 Sweet Adeline since the age of 13, has received the 2018 Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarship, awarded by the Young Singers Foundation (YSF). Jessie will graduate in November 2018 from the University of Auckland with a degree in music composition with honors. “I’m thrilled and honored to receive this scholarship,” she told The Pitch Pipe. “Barbershop and a cappella singing have been a treasured part of my life since I was 13 years old and I fall more in love with this incredible art form each year. “I’m so thankful to Sweet Adelines and the YSF for very kindly expanding the criteria to include music composition, in addition to vocal performance and music education, so that I was able to apply,” she added. Jessie fell in love with barbershop following her mother to Nelson Bays Harmony Chorus rehearsals, where she loved the music and the opportunity to be with her mother, but the three-hour rehearsals? Not so much. “I applaud my mum for tolerating me


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standing next to her on the risers and fidgeting away,” Jessie remembered. Yet as she grew older, she found herself in a self-described barbershop “obsession phase,” a happy state of being enriched by having her “mum, auntie and cousin” as fellow Sweet Adelines. Jessie’s barbershop chops, coupled with her broader musical experience, stack up like those of a seasoned professional. She’s performed on the international stage with the award-winning Christchurch City Chorus and sings tenor in Zeal, which finished third in the 2016 Rising Star Quartet Contest. She’s an inspiration to a generation of young singers and, not surprisingly, is YWIH coordinator for Region #35. She’s passionate about coaching and running barbershop workshops for young women. At 17, she launched her own company, Jessie Leov Music, which specializes in making learning tracks, arranging, score editing and transcription, composing and songwriting, teaching voice and piano. One of her current biggest projects is an original musical, slated to premiere in 2018. She also writes original songs in the barbershop style, has proactively honed her arranging skills under the guidance of Jim Arns and Deke Sharon, and plans on completing SA’s new Arranger Certification Program as well. Whew! Jessie wholeheartedly encourages other young women to apply for the Bev Sellers Scholarship. “You have to be in it to win it,” she noted. “It’s worth diving in and giving it your best shot. My advice would be to always believe you have the ability to succeed on any project or goal you’re working toward. Believing is the first step to making it a reality!” To meet, and hear Jessie, visit

Help More Young Women Get In It and Win It! Bev Sellers would be so proud, as we are, of these scholarship recipients. We’re amazed by their rich talent and love for barbershop a cappella harmony. These young women are barbershop leaders for both today and tomorrow. The Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarship is a $5,000 USD award, presented annually to an undergraduate student pursuing a degree in music composition, vocal performance or music education. Take Jessie Leov’s advice. If you or others in your chapter know of a deserving young woman, encourage her to apply. For scholarship criteria and deadlines, visit and click on Education/Grants andScholarships. You can also help grow YSF funds for this scholarship and other educational barbershop activities for young women. To make a make a tax-deductible contribution, visit


Enriching the Lives of Young Singers Through Scholarships and Grants


weet Adelines International is proud to have impacted the lives of more than 75,000 singers through our competitive scholarships and education grants programming for young women. Thanks to the generous donations of our members, Sweet Adelines International has awarded more than $1.1 million to preserve the barbershop art form by investing in and advancing its future.

Deadlines Scholarship and grant applications are accepted through email. Applications can be found on our website at www.sweetadelines. com/education/grantsandscholarships. Send your completed application to Annual deadlines for each program are: • Grant Cycle 1 – Opens March 9 and closes June 1 o Supporting activities beginning no sooner than November • Grant Cycle 2 – Opens Aug. 1 and closes Nov. 1 o Supporting activities beginning no sooner than May • Scholarships Cycle – Opens Nov. 15 and closes Jan. 25

Women eligible for this scholarship will:

• Have completed at least one semester of university coursework • Be involved in barbershop activities or have been affiliated with Sweet Adelines International for at least one year, OR be involved in a Sweet Adelines chorus or regionally sponsored young women’s barbershop events for minimum of one year • If a member of Sweet Adelines, be in good standing with her local chorus, her region and the international organization • Intend to study music education, vocal pedagogy, or music composition at a four-year college or university and provide verification of enrollment • Have a grade point average of at least 3.5 • Demonstrate in her application notable interest in her chosen field of study, as well as promise, success and recognition in her field • Provide three signed letters of reference, including a letter from her chorus president or director if she is a member of a Sweet Adelines chorus, or a letter from a Sweet Adelines coach if she is in a quartet

Programs Music education grants are available to individuals, groups, or organizations sponsoring or hosting barbershop education and performance opportunities for young women. Opportunities might include music festivals, education workshops or seminars, and/or other music education events. While young women are the primary target audience for funding and receive preference in the committee’s application scoring process, mixed harmony proposals will not be disqualified.

is named in honor of the beloved former international president’s contributions to this organization, music education and barbershop harmony and are awarded for one academic year in the amount of $5,000 each. The number of scholarships awarded is dependent on the amount of funding available, with at least one scholarship winner guaranteed by Sweet Adelines International per scholarship cycle. Financial need is not considered by the awarding committee. Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarship

For more information on available grants and scholarships, or to make a gift in support of these education programs, email or call 1-800-992-7464 or 918-622-1444.

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E



Soaring in Song BY LESLIE MEAD

Sweet Adeline Leslie Mead’s story will bring a smile — and maybe a few goosebumps.

ASC director Peggy Benton (left) shown here with Brilliance! lead Amanda Payne and Baby Gwen, said Leslie brought a beautiful voice, a high level of performance skills and Baby Gwen to the risers.

Her fellow quartet members Amanda, Chera and Lynne are “amazing individuals” who have supported one another through some major life milestones, Leslie said. Before each rehearsal, the four women first catch up on everyone’s lives. “And our sounds don’t begin to connect until we laugh together.”

For Air Force Captain Leslie Mead, singing brings a beautiful balance between her professional career and her love of performance and artistic expression.


hile finishing a nursing degree at Creighton University in Omaha, Neb., I worked at a hotel near an Air Force base. One day, a guest, who was an active duty (full time) Air Force nurse, took some time to tell me about her job. I found a recruiter the next day. I graduated in 2010 and was commissioned with the U.S. Air Force about a month later, after receiving my license as a registered nurse. In 2014, I was stationed at Joint Base Elemdorf-Richardson, outside Anchorage, Alaska, working as an outpatient clinic nurse. I’d been there barely six months when my sister Khrista was


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murdered. We had been very close and now I was thousands of miles from the rest of my family. Despite my love for my husband and young son, I was struggling to find joy and happiness. Laura Reefer, a nurse practitioner and fellow active duty member, began talking to me about Alaska Sound Celebration (ASC). I lit up; singing had always brought me such joy. I grew up loving to harmonize with my dad; my sister Shanna and I sang together often at weddings and community events. In the past, I’d taken voice lessons and was in a chorus but when Laura started talking to me about music, I hadn’t been in a structured

M E M BE R P R O F I L E singing environment for 10 years. In August 2016, I took Laura up on her invitation to visit an (ASC) rehearsal. When I walked in and heard them, tears flooded my eyes and the smile on my face was one that hadn’t been seen for almost two years. I felt a joy that I had never experienced and was surrounded by a community of unimaginable love and support. These women became instrumental in my healing. The more rehearsals I attended, the more I learned. As a former ballet dancer with a minor in dance, I can honestly tell you that barbershop is the “ballet” of singing. The style is so technical, and the smallest adjustment makes the biggest difference. Before I became a Sweet Adeline, the only barbershop songs I knew were Java Jive and Mr. Sandman. My eyes and ears were opened! Then I heard my first Queen quartet, LoveNotes. They were so much fun to listen to

Reaching Out to Military Families

especially the ease of their harmonies. At first, it was the healing joy of singing and sisterhood that filled me. I never planned on singing in a quartet, let alone compete in one. Then I learned I was pregnant with my second kiddo, Gwendolyn, which meant I’d be in Alaska another year. I reached out to Amanda Payne (lead) and Lynne Erickson (bass), who were forming Brilliance! as a non-competing, experiential learning quartet. Amanda said they needed a tenor, so I told her I could sing that part. In fact, it’s the harmony I naturally hear and normally sing. The first time we sang together we knew we had something special. We decided to compete at regional, which was my first time to do such a thing. Our only goal was joy. We wanted to enjoy every moment together because we knew, with future job transfers ahead, this would be our first, and last, competition. Boy did that change! We never imagined

becoming a wildcard, bound for the St. Louis 2018 international stage. We walked off the regional stage elated by our performance, our love of singing and the love and respect we had for each other. Our true reward was that moment although the 615 score was nice too! What’s next? I’m honestly so new to Sweet Adelines I’m still learning about everyone and everything. I do know this organization has changed my life and brought music and joy back to me. Military life is difficult because you establish yourself in a place, only to later pick up and leave and start again. Being a Sweet Adeline can help ease that burden and provide joy in song.

Visit YouTube@SweetAdelineIntl to hear 2018 regional competition performances, including Region #13’s Brilliance! Quartet.

With over 500 chapters around the world, or the chapter/member-at-large option, Sweet Adeline sisters are always nearby, ready to welcome women who love to sing. It could be a perfect match for women in your community who are full-time military or military spouses.

Some tips: • For both U.S. and international Sweet Adelines look for opportunities to establish relationships within these communities. • Social media is a huge connector. Follow or join appropriate sites to advertise SA open houses, performances, YWIH festivals, etc., or comment/issue invitations when appropriate. • Research whether public schools that serve neighborhoods near military bases have activities/camps that might be a fit for volunteer performances or festivals provided by your chapter. • Community-and-military-oriented events (air shows, memorial events, patriotic parades, etc.) could be “prime time” for your chorus or quartet – offer to perform patriotic songs. • Establish your chapter as a valuable community resource to the base’s public affairs office. Approach these offices with defined, specific, beneficial ideas.

Sweet Adelines – Do you have other ideas/experiences in successfully welcoming military families to our organization? Give us a brief rundown at

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


The Happiness Advantage: 21 Days to a Happier & More Positive You! BY CAMMI MACKINLAY


ecently, a chorus friend decided she had too much stress in her life. Her time-consuming job, family obligations and all of life’s challenges were compounding, and she was agitated and unhappy. Something had to go. So, she quit chorus, thinking she would be happier without the added stress of learning music and choreography. Did it work? No! She gave up a vital component of her happiness. According to Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage, giving up your social network and retreating inward is guaranteed to keep you away from the ultimate goal of happiness. He cited several studies showing the more social support we have, the happier we are. And the happier we are, the more advantages we gain in every aspect of our lives! As I wish my friend could have


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realized, being part of a chorus gives us so much more than just a place to sing. Happiness is contagious. Your brain can read and identify an emotion in others in 33 milliseconds, and that emotion can jump from person to person almost instantaneously. The director who comes to rehearsal in a buoyant, upbeat mood sets the tone for the whole rehearsal. The membership chair who enthusiastically and genuinely greets guests (and seasoned members) with a happy smile will create a positive atmosphere when people come in the door. If we as members are positive and happy at rehearsal, others around us will pick up on it and catch the happiness bug. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. I have a vivid memory of a quartet rehearsal years ago where I went on and on about the awful traffic on the drive there, which led to another

member complaining about her kids acting up all day, which led to the third person telling us about a nasty co-worker she’d had to deal with. We asked the fourth member how her day had been, and she said, “Well, it was great until I got HERE!” Negativity breeds negativity and it isn’t good for our stress levels or mental health. (I learned my lesson and didn’t do that again.) So why is genuine happiness so elusive for some? I have heard people say, “I’ll be happy when (fill in the blank)….” Whether it is winning a gold medal, qualifying the new songs, finishing school, or getting a new job, the goal is what is driving them toward what they perceive as perfect happiness. What they don’t realize is that all those goals will be easier to achieve if they are happy to begin with. For my friend, leaving chorus did not

make her happier. Her happiness needed to come from within. So how do you achieve happiness if you are not naturally inclined that way? Achor identifies a 21-day plan to create lasting positive change that will lead to more happiness in your life. Every day, you should:

meaning, rather than focusing on a task-based list of to dos, you will increase your happiness. 3. Exercise for 10 minutes a day. Your brain will learn that your behavior matters.

1. Write down three things you are grateful for. These should be new and different each day. Doing this will significantly increase how optimistically you view the world.

4. Meditate for two minutes, focusing on your breath going in and out. This will help you undo the negative effects of multitasking. Research shows you get multiple tasks done faster if you do them one at a time.

2. Keep a journal. Write for two minutes a day describing one positive experience you had over the last 24 hours. If you scan your world for

5. Write one quick email first thing in the morning thanking or praising someone in the chorus, on your team or in your work life. If that

doesn’t feel appropriate, perform random acts of kindness – let someone go ahead of you in the checkout line or even pay for someone’s coffee. Happiness is achievable. Achor says that if happiness is on the opposite side of success, you will never get there. By focusing on being happy and training your brain to be positive, you will accomplish more and have fun doing it. These tips, in action, will offer you a happier, less stressful lifestyle – without having to quit your favorite hobby. For more information read Shawn Achor’s book The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work.

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“Can’t sing? Oh, I bet you can.”


A funny thing happened to Jacquie Zook Kobe on her way to a makeup check before Shoreline Sound Chorus (above) clinched first place in the 2018 Region #2 competition. (Photo: E.R. Lilley)

“Kudos for your insight, courage and moxie!” That was one of many resounding cheers to a recent Facebook post by Jacquie Zook Kobe. The message? Give a woman a little confidence and a sense of Sweet Adelines joy and you just may find a lovely voice and treasured new friend. It’s up to each of us.


eing in an organization as big as Sweet Adelines is a feeling unmeasured. We try to describe it to our friends or loved ones or others we meet — yet they just may not understand the depth of our passion or even what it’s all about. The faces of those who hear those ringing chords for the first time is priceless, and perhaps we get just as much joy from their reactions as they do from our sound. How often do we try to encourage that woman in the grocery store, or our waitress while dining out, our neighbors or even women we might meet at the mall, to come check out our choruses? More times than not we hear, “Oh, I wish I could sing,” or “Oh, I can’t sing.” And we laugh or giggle and go on our merry way. Now I wonder — how many voices did we not hear? How many who said they can’t sing really can sing but didn’t understand that you just need to be able to sing the notes and we’ll take care of the rest? In my opinion, Sweet Adelines is the largest music education


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resource I’ll ever know. To what extent do we go and explain that to women who don’t know? At Region #2 competition last spring, I had an experience that made me realize I’m never going to laugh off or walk away from the comment, “I can’t sing.” Here’s what happened. On my way to a makeup check, I passed some of the housekeeping staff and we struck up a brief conversation. One of them said, “Oh, I can’t sing” and for some reason, I didn’t just keep walking. I instantly turned around and said, “I don’t believe you. I bet you can sing. Let me hear you.” She sang a line and she was good! I told her, “Are you kidding me? Of course you can sing!” The smile on her face, even tinged with a bit of shock, was awesome. It told me that I just gave this woman a little bit of confidence, and all the information I could to come check out my chorus. It feels great to go the extra mile! So, the next time you hear the words, “I can’t sing,” don’t just laugh it off or walk away. Take those extra steps and let those silent voices be heard!

More CDs, Please! If you haven’t heard, there are two CD series that are all the craze: SING, BABY SING! and the Vocal Coach. Developed by Darlene Rogers, Dale Syverson and Peggy Gram, the SING, BABY, SING! series has been coined as “the gold standard in vocal instruction.” The newest addition to the collection, SING, BABY, SING VII The Art of Sound: Exploring Resonance, features 2016 Rising Star Champion Quartet, The Ladies. Be the best singer you can be and enjoy all your voice has to offer. Created by Chris and Carole Beatty, Vocal Coach is built on their passion for training the singers and speakers of today and tomorrow through their time-tested, million-selling products as well as in the Vocal Coach Voice Studio in Brentwood, Tenn.

Be the best singer you can be and enjoy all your voice has to offer. (All prices listed in USD.)


SING, BABY, SING VII • THE ART OF SOUND: EXPLORING RESONANCE Featuring 2016 Rising Star Champion Quartet, The Ladies


Expand Your Range If you feel limited in your vocal range, your throat tightens as you sing higher or sometimes cracks, then here is a chance to discover and utilize your full vocal range.


Complete Tone Experience tension-free singing, and overcome unwanted nasality and breathiness with the help of this dynamic CD from Vocal Coach.


Complete Performance Do you ever feel anxious or insecure when performing in front of others? Overcome common performance pitfalls. This CD covers the keys to clear, consistent, predictable performances; microphone technique; song selection; gestures; expression and more.

International Sales is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CDT) (1 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. UTC). Sales Direct Toll Free: (USA) 1.877.545.5441 Shop online, anytime, at

SA Task Force Update

The Power of Small Groups – Realized! BY THÉRÈSE ANTONINI


bout four years ago, the International Board of Directors (IBOD) initiated the use of task forces. These small work groups, made up of volunteer members and supported by HQ staff, have taken on more than 25 initiatives, capitalizing on input from more than 75 members. Task forces have been charged with a variety of jobs, such as research and planning for new programs, contests and events. They provide important input into IBOD decisions. Some task

forces complete their work in a matter of weeks while others have continued over multiple years. All task forces report at every IBOD meeting to ensure their work remains relevant to the Sweet Adelines strategic plan. We are busy! In June, the IBOD heard from eight task forces who have been hard at work across multiple strategic priorities. The list below is an update on current task force activities and timelines.

Arranger Education/Arranger Certification Task Force:

The Arranger Education Task Force proposed a new model for arranger education and has been approved by the IBOD and Education Direction Committee (EDC). The Arranger Certification Task Force is now completing development and planning for program rollout.

Diversity and Inclusion Task Force:

This group is now in its second iteration. The initial group made six recommendations, which IBOD incorporated into the work of other committees and task forces. For example, the (EDC) now requires diversity and inclusion-related discussion/education sessions at all international events.

New Membership Options and Research Task Force: This group is examining new ideas to support changing member needs and stimulate membership growth.

Performance Ensemble at Large (PEAL) Task Force: Will there be a new chorus model? This group is studying the possibility and potential.

Regional Governance:

Two task forces have worked on this important issue and offer a great example of how these teams may evolve and progress.Initially, based on findings from the Regional Governance Research Task Force, the IBOD approved a new governance model for regional leaders’ consideration. The change required approval by two-thirds of voting regions, which the eventual vote did not meet. However, a significant number of regions wanted to at least test the new model. So the IBOD created the Regional Governance Pilot Program Task Force, which interfaces with the 14 of our 24 regions now actively participating in the pilot program. Based on this team’s feedback, the model is undergoing adjustments and will be submitted for another regionwide vote in early 2019.

75th Anniversary Task Force:

These skilled thinkers and organizers are working hard on ideas to ensure this event is meaningful, relevant and provides an exciting launch into our future.

Songwriting Contest/Judging Task Forces:

The first group delivered a framework for the contest, entry processes, marketing strategies and prizes. The judging group, highly skilled at evaluating music, defined specific criteria for appraising entries.


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Current Task Force Progress Summary

Task Force

Q1 2017 Q2 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2017 Q1 2018 Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Q4 2018

Arranger Education (continuing as Arranger Certification)

Research and Development of Program

Development of Program



Research and Development of Program

New Membership Options and Research

Research and Recommendation(s) Research and Recommendation(s)

Performance Ensemble at Large (PEAL) Regional Governance Pilot

Regional Governance

Late Entry of Pilot

Pilot Support Continue Plan for End of Pilot

Seventy-fifth Anniversary

Detailed Detailed Planning Planning

Songwriting Contest


Contest Prep

Songwriting Judging Data Gathering

Development of Toolkit

End Pilot Tasks

Detailed Planning Contest Opens

Closing/Winner Announced

Prep for Judging Planning

Prep for Rollout

Pilot or Test

Delivery or Rollout

Work Completed

What’s next?

Additional task forces will continue to address the many initiatives in our strategic plan. Would you like to contribute? You’re encouraged to take our ongoing Task Force Interest Survey so that your skills and interests are considered when task force resources are appointed. Let us hear from you at For all the details on task forces, their members and mandates, visit on

Coming January 2019 – All New Marketing! With posters, brochures, social media, a new website and original photography and videos coming in January 2019. It’s the next generation of Sweet Adelines. Capturing the spirit of our organization. Our music. Our mission. Our sisterhood.

Life on a High Note.

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


Breathing Beauty into Barbershop Harmony BY DEBRA LYNN

Bel Canto (Italian for “beautiful singing”) is a vocal technique first emphasized from 1800 to around 1840 to help singers create effortless, resonant tones. While originally an early operatic methodology, Sweet Adeline Debra Lynn finds it translates well to the barbershop art form.


el Canto singers are designed for accuracy, agility, artistry and unlimited variations of amplification. Full, effortless resonance and free, healthy tone production make this a winning combination when applied to the demands of the barbershop sound. By understanding the value of Bel Canto breath mechanics, we become optimal, acoustic, resonating instruments, built to amplify sound without any force. Structural stability becomes key to accessing this magical singing experience.

Three basic pieces of the Bel Canto puzzle:

• Maintain cheek muscles lifted off the gumline, right by the nose, by about ¼-inch (6.35 mm). • Prep for your highest notes on every breath, feeling engaged roof-of-mouth. • Focus the expansion of breath at the bra strap; stay still for the entire phrase. All the magic of my vocal control awareness is internal. My gently engaged cheeks become the stabilizer of the English language’s vowel-related pitfalls. The high and buoyant, lifted roof of my hard palate is now the floor of my focus, where every aspect of shaping and controlling sound is discovered in the magical resonating spaces that exist above that line. I have no concept of propelling or projecting sound to the back of the room. Instead, the purpose of my air is only to sustain even, gentle sub-glottal air pressure, which Bel Canto founder Manuel Garcia, the scientific developer of the laryngoscope, understood controls vocal fold approximation or closure by maintaining absolute rib stillness. This steady rib stability, sustained with no perceptible movement of air, is utilized throughout each phrase, creating a clear, concentrated legato tone-to-tone sound; preventing tension in the throat, tongue or lower jaw; while generating the fascinating side benefits of absolute effortless control of vibrato, and the total elimination of vocal fatigue.


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The overall Bel Canto objective shifts a bit. Instead of projecting or pushing sound out of my body, I’m now pulling sound into the resonators, and allowing my tones to be shaped and delivered to the back of the room, utilizing my mouth as an inner amphitheater. When I do this on the risers or in my quartet formation, my voice becomes part of the unit without any evidence of what is often referred to as wide or unbalanced sound. Synchronized singing becomes as simple as:

• Sustaining animated and engaged faces for authentic artistic delivery • Creating the same high internal mouth structure across every phrase • Stabilizing the ribs for optimal vocal fold approximation or closure • Allowing our brains to run the planned interpretation like software For barbershop, Bel Canto can deliver more than just A-level, naturally-in-tune and resonant sound. This transformative understanding can also give us a lifetime of joyful, rejuvenating vocal access and health. Just ask Tony Bennett, the legendary singer of pop classics, who is still performing at age 92. Want to learn more about Bel Canto? Here are several additional resources for more information. • Bel Canto: A Theoretical and Practical Vocal Method by Mathilde Marchesi • The Authentic Bel Canto: Vocal Training Exercises and Authentic Bel Canto Vocal Instructions by Ewan Harbrecht Mitton • Historical Vocal Pedagogy Classics by Berton Coffin

What in-the-World Does GDPR Mean? You may have heard a lot of talk about GDPR this past summer or noticed that you had to accept new privacy policies on websites you visit. If you are wondering what all the fuss is about, it is related to GDPR or General Data Protection Regulations. GDPR is a set of laws on data protection and privacy that went into effect May 25, 2018 for all individuals in the European Union and the European Economic Area. All organizations conducting business with the European Union must comply with GDPR or face the possibility of stiff economic fines. Sweet Adelines International is just that – an international organization – and has, therefore, updated its privacy and data retention policies. We encourage our members to become familiar with the requirements of these policies. You will find the latest versions of these policies by visiting, clicking “About Us” and then “Privacy Policies.”

Membership Database Update On June 1, 2018, Sweet Adelines International migrated to a new database. Sweet Adelines is such a unique organization and there was no database that would fit us without some significant customization. Our database company is working diligently to meet our needs and our database will only improve over the coming weeks. We thank everyone for their patience, kindness and encouraging words as we have migrated almost 75 years of data to a new database. Go to and click the "Member Login" tab at the top. Login using the email address we have on file for you. If you have forgotten your password click "Forgot Your Password" and a link to login will be sent to you. Please check your clutter, spam or junk email box if you do not receive it. To view instructions for some of the most popular database functions, please visit "Membership Database Instructions" tab at Please continue to explore the website and share any issues with us at

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*Regional Executive Committee Members – Regional Governance Pilot Program RAD • Regional Administrative Director RED • Regional Education Director RMD • Regional Membership Director

REGIONAL MANAGEMENT TEAM MEMBERS REGION #1* Leslie MacDonald, Communications Coordinator Eileen Gioe, Directors’ Coordinator Heidi Zacchera* (RED), Education Coordinator Patti Lavernoich, Events Coordinator Rebecca King, Finance Coordinator Debra Richard* (RMD), Membership Coordinator Jessie Caynon, Marketing Coordinator Wendy Davies* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator

REGION #5* Sheri Hart, Communications Coordinator Charyl Barr, Directors’ Coordinator Annette Wallace* (RED), Education Coordinator Karen Matthews, Events Coordinator Pat Kies, Finance Coordinator Judy Kaeser, Membership Coordinator Karen Matthews* (RMD), Membership Coordinator Paula Land, Marketing Coordinator Paula Land* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator

REGION #2 Leslie Lennon, Communications Coordinator Jill Watson, Directors’ Coordinator Brook Tucker, Education Coordinator Nanette Wardin, Events Coordinator Judith Sirut, Finance Coordinator Melissa Wright, Membership Coordinator Susan Casey, Marketing Coordinator Lois Kelly, Regional Team Coordinator

REGION #6 Lori Scott, Communications Coordinator Sheila Koplitz, Directors’ Coordinator Susan Krisnik, Education Coordinator Joan Grootwassink, Events Coordinator Cynthia McLane, Finance Coordinator Lyla Larson, Membership Coordinator Ruby Ericson, Marketing Coordinator Terri Calvert, Regional Team Coordinator

REGION #3 Mary Ann Neuman, Communications Coordinator Carol Thompson, Directors’ Coordinator Bonnie Fedyski, Education Coordinator Cindy Slowik, Events Coordinator Molly Heimerdinger, Finance Coordinator Debi Batchelor, Membership Coordinator Connie Selmi, Marketing Coordinator Denise Gorski, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #4* Jeanne Delahunty, Communications Coordinator Molly Huffman, Directors’ Coordinator Natalie Allen* (RED), Education Coordinator Amy Dieterle, Events Coordinator Beverly Miller, Finance Coordinator Lynn Hartmuth, Membership Coordinator Marsha Leistner* (RMD), Membership Coordinator Kristie Clark, Marketing Coordinator Sue Pelley* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator


REGION #8* Heather Reimnitz, Communications Coordinator Melody Horgan, Directors’ Coordinator Marilyn Cox* (RED), Education Coordinator Sue McCormick, Events Coordinator Brenda Hershiser, Finance Coordinator Pati Bouman* (RMD), Membership Coordinator Susan Mann, Marketing Coordinator Jill Harward, Regional Team Coordinator Sue McCormick* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator REGION #9* Francine Russ, Communications Coordinator Beth Ripple, Directors’ Coordinator Elizabeth Green* (RED), Education Coordinator Michele Mueller, Events Coordinator Francine Russ, Finance Coordinator Debbie Dennis* (RMD), Membership Coordinator

October 2018 | TH EP I TCH P I P E

Francine Russ, Marketing Coordinator Francine Russ* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator REGION #10 Euna Poole, Communications Coordinator Mary Beth McMurray, Directors’ Coordinator Denise Fly, Education Coordinator Marilyn Turner, Events Coordinator Cheryl Pyle, Finance Coordinator Sue Englebert, Membership Coordinator Laura DeGraw, Marketing Coordinator Kaye Pledge, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #11* Jolene Forzetting, Communications Coordinator Kim Patrick-Miernicki, Directors’ Coordinator Debbie Curtis, Education Coordinator Jolene Forzetting* (RED), Education Coordinator Patricia Vincent, Events Coordinator Laura La Borde, Finance Coordinator Lou Burgess-Schroff* (RMD), Membership Coordinator Lillian Zellmer, Marketing Coordinator Shawnna Allen, Regional Team Coordinator Debbie Curtis* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator REGION #12 La Donna Hulcy, Communications Coordinator Barbara Vander Putten, Directors’ Coordinator Julie Starr, Education Coordinator Mary Mamer, Events Coordinator Patricia Hitch, Finance Coordinator Laura Pennington, Membership Coordinator Laurie Yoh, Marketing Coordinator Sherry Rowe, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #13* Diane Lee, Communications Coordinator Bonnie Willis, Directors’ Coordinator

Debra Aungst* (RED), Education Coordinator Sally Ryerson, Events Coordinator Sherry Morrison, Finance Coordinator Sharon Stockstad* (RMD), Membership Coordinator BethAnn Bock, Marketing Coordinator Nancy Kurth* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator

JoAnn Wilson* (RED), Education Coordinator Vicki Van Gorder, Events Coordinator Karen Wharrey, Finance Coordinator Ruth Bates* (RMD), Membership Coordinator Lisa Garnes Marketing Coordinator Deborah Ferenc* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator

REGION #14* Emily Christman, Communications Coordinator Sherry Sprague, Directors’ Coordinator Nancy Field* (RED), Education Coordinator Nancy Field, Events Coordinator Deborah Lawrence, Finance Coordinator Julia Olsen* (RMD), Membership Coordinator Cindy Partlow, Marketing Coordinator Missy Wurthmann* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator

REGION #19 Jennifer Harris, Communications Coordinator Patricia Weeks, Directors’ Coordinator Lori Jo Whitehaus, Education Coordinator Liz Danielski, Events Coordinator Judith Hall, Finance Coordinator Jennifer Newman, Membership Coordinator Diane Bartel, Marketing Coordinator Irene Hershey, Regional Team Coordinator

REGION #15 Victoria Tisch, Communications Coordinator Kat Britt, Directors’ Coordinator Jean Schoenlank, Education Coordinator Kay Weiss, Events Coordinator Mary Connelly, Finance Coordinator Melissa Prew, Membership Coordinator Lori Britt-Horvath, Marketing Coordinator Beth Fulton, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #16* Susan Heighway, Communications Coordinator Sonne Durphy, Directors’ Coordinator Sue Melvin* (RED), Education Coordinator Cathy Stovold, Events Coordinator Colleen O 'Dwyer, Finance Coordinator Andrea Thorne-Percy, Membership Coordinator Cathy Stovold* (RMD), Membership Coordinator Elizabeth Gibbs, Marketing Coordinator June Donovan* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator REGION #17* Sue Moore, Communications Coordinator Michael Hengelsberg, Directors’ Coordinator

Marsha Fulton* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator

REGION #21 Karen Laderman, Communications Coordinator Jonni Wood, Directors’ Coordinator Bonnie McKibben, Education Coordinator Victoria Kemsley, Events Coordinator Mary Chilton, Finance Coordinator Adelina Dudda, Membership Coordinator Kat Shaver, Marketing Coordinator Tracey Sandberg, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #25* Brandy Darrow, Communications Coordinator Elena Robinson, Directors’ Coordinator Melynnie Williams* (RED), Education Coordinator Melynnie Williams, Events Coordinator Kelli Hinton, Finance Coordinator Karen Phillips* (RMD), Membership Coordinator Sharon Hammer, Marketing Coordinator Courtney Robinson* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator REGION #26* Kim Martin, Communications Coordinator Lisa Greenough, Directors’ Coordinator Lynda Elliott* (RED), Education Coordinator Judy McAlpine, Events Coordinator Susan Dumas, Finance Coordinator Yvonne Meyer* (RMD), Membership Coordinator Stacey Rose, Marketing Coordinator

REGION #31 Emma Riley, Communications Coordinator Elaine Hamilton, Directors’ Coordinator Alyson Chaney, Education Coordinator Deborah Pollard, Events Coordinator Dorothy Main, Finance Coordinator Moreida Lord, Membership Coordinator Hilary Pinnock, Marketing Coordinator REGION #32 Annika Christensen, Communications Coordinator Kristina Lejon, Directors’ Coordinator Mariann Eriksson, Education Coordinator Kerstin Brindbergs, Events Coordinator Florentina Harko, Finance Coordinator Carina Kandell, Membership Coordinator Heli Hemgård, Marketing Coordinator Annika Dellås, Regional Team Coordinator REGION #34* Sue Gilkes, Communications Coordinator Kali Caramia, Directors’ Coordinator Lea Baker, (RED), Education Coordinator Lea Baker Events Coordinator Anne Freeman, Finance Coordinator Kate Hawkins* (RMD), Membership Coordinator Anna-Marie Shew, Marketing Coordinator Kate Hawkins, Regional Team Coordinator Annet Wezenbeek* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator REGION #35* Katrina Te Punga, Communications Coordinator Cindia Chiu, Directors’ Coordinator Kerry Stewart* (RED), Education Coordinator Kerry Stewart, Events Coordinator Stella Nicholson, Finance Coordinator Leigh Whitelaw* (RMD), Membership Coordinator Jo Maxwell, Marketing Coordinator Patricia Veen* (RAD), Regional Team Coordinator

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


Missed Any Important Emails? Are your fellow Sweet Adelines receiving emails from headquarters that you aren't? If so, you may be missing out on important information. We send out a wealth of information via email everything from information about your membership to updates from our president to member newsletters that contain a little bit of everything. Below we've listed several reasons why you may not be receiving information from Sweet Adelines via email.

Wrong Email Address in the Member Database



Go to Click on "My Profile."


In the vertical navigation along the left side of the screen, click "Contact Info."

Next, click "Email Addresses."

Emails are Going to Your Junk/Spam Folders Remember to check these folders for SA emails. Depending upon your email provider, you can mark emails from SA as "safe" or "not junk."

You Unsubscribed

Some members unknowingly unsubscribe themselves from all SA emails by clicking unsubscribe in the bottom of an email. This can also happen if you forward an SA email to a friend. If they click "unsubscribe," it will unsubscribe you, too. To check this, email and we can see if the program we use to send emails has received an unsubscribe request from you. If this is the situation, we can send you a link that will allow you to give SA permission to email you.

Make sure you are receiving emails from Sweet Adelines and be “in the know!”


October 2018 | TH EP I TCH P I P E

To our Stars of the

Southern Cross

Shine brightly in St Louis! Region 34 Southern Cross Region, is pretty proud of our stars – Debacle Quartet, Circular Keys Chorus and Endeavour Harmony Chorus. When they take that stage in St Louis, as Australia’s representatives in this amazing international organisation, we want them to know they do so with the love, admiration and gratitude of an entire nation. Shine your brightest, Australia’s superstars, we think you’re fabulous!

I am, you are, we are ...

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


Sweet Adelines Affinity Programs for Members You have no doubt heard that saying about life happening while you were busy making other plans? Life can be uncertain — yet you can certainly utilize many strategies to help manage difficulties. With that in mind, Sweet Adelines is offering members the opportunity to take advantage of two services that are especially important in today’s world: access to legal advice and identity theft protection. A third program, Healthiestyou, assures 24/7 access to a doctor for diagnosis, treatment plans, prescriptions and more.

For complete information, visit Member Benefits at

All three services operate on easy, convenient mobile apps. Sweet Adelines can choose individual or family plans.

LegalShield It is stressful enough to need legal advice, let alone having to worry about what it will cost. With a LegalShield plan, you can contact your law firm for legal advice and not worry about high hourly fees. No legal issue is too big or too small and your lawyer is just a toll-free number away. LegalShield includes many benefits but even at the most basic level, our plans allow you to have peace of mind.

IDShield IDShield is the only identity theft protection company armed with a team of licensed private investigators on call to restore your identity. IDShield monitors your social security/insurance number, bank and credit accounts, passport, email, driver’s license number, social media accounts and much more. IDShield provides a complete picture of identity theft and can walk you through all the steps to protect yourself.

Healthiestyou By Teladoc


Whether you have questions or just aren’t feeling well, you can effortlessly connect to a 24/7 telehealth hotline for the diagnosis and treatment of illness, second opinions and consultations. Board-certified, licensed physicians in every U.S. state are waiting to provide exceptional care. They can even prescribe medication and save a trip to the doctor’s office, whether members are at home or on the road. Your healthcare just got a whole lot easier!

LegalShield and IDShield are available in the U.S. and Canada,* with variable coverage on the legal plan. Healthiestyou is available only in the U.S. at this time. *(Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nunavut, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon)


October 2018 | TH EP I TCH P I P E


IN MEMORY — May 1 – July 31, 2018

— May 1, 2018 through Aug. 1, 2018

Note: Certifications officially received after Aug. 1, 2018, will appear in the January 2019 Pitch Pipe

DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Advanced to Approved Director Donna Smith, O.K. City, #25 Advanced to Certified Director Cheryl Weijermars, South City Soundz, #35 Advanced to Harmony 500 Director* Betty Baldwin, Southern Accord, #26 Jerrie Beyrodt, Harmony Fusion, #13 Vera Crouse, Greater Richmond, #14 Graham Davies, Rhapsody UK, #31 Stevie Dugdale, Mountain Jubilee, #8 Patricia Feldman, Berkshire Hills, #1 Sylvia Fountain, Manawatu Overtones, #35 Emma Gibson, Peace Arch, #26 Anna-Lisa Glad, Bella Voce, #8 Nathan Green, Harmony Central, #5 Jennifer Hunter, Saratoga Soundtrack, #15 Jennifer Jones, Voices in Harmony, #17 Lauren Kahn, Greater Eugene, #12 Andy Maddox, Harmony Fusion, #13 Jan McCarthy, Wollongong Harmony, #34 Sarah Netherton, Acappella Sound, #31 Constance Norman, Bella Acappella Harmony, #12 Dr. Sheila Nugent, Piney Hills Harmony, #10 Wendy Pachter, Boston Skyline, #1 Elizabeth Pratley, Bathurst Panorama, #34 Barbara Vander Putten, Harmony Fusion, #13 Carol Scherer, Chisholm Trail, #10 Kari Midtbo Schwartz, Crosstown Harmony, #3 Annette Wallace, Acappella Omaha, #5 Liz Watts, Manawatu Overtones, #35 Gail Wojtkowiak, Berkshire Hills, #1 (* Harmony 500 recognizes SA certified directors who have been on the front line for at least a year and have led her/his chorus to a score of 500 or higher in regional competition.)

Advanced to Master Director Martha DeClerq, York Harmony, #16 Kristin Stevens, Limestone City Voices, #16

Marilyn Baker, Harborlites, #21 Dorothy Jurs, Melodeers, #3 Emily LaCivita, Pride of Baltimore, #19 Nan McKibban, Capital City, #4 Barbara McKinney, 4-States Fusion, #25 Kathryn Mills, Cedar Sounds, #5 Judith Roney, Member-at-Large Yvonne Whedon, Pride of Portland, #13 Charlene Yazurlo, Member-at-Large



PITCH PIPE ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS If you are interested in submitting an article for consideration in a future issue of The Pitch Pipe, email

Remaining 2018 Copy Deadlines • Oct. 5 (Jan. 2019 issue) Change of Address: Let us Know Where You Are Please be sure headquarters has your current address to ensure you receive The Pitch Pipe and non-electronic mailings. Login to the membership database at Click on "My Profile," "Contact Info" and update the appropriate information.

Photo Credit Omitted in July issue In the July 2018 issue a photo credit was missed. We would like to give credit to PirateSiren Photography for the images of Metro Nashville Chorus that appeared on the front cover and on page 12.

October 2018 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


What's on your holiday wish list?

IES 2019 July 25-28, 2019 Royal Northern College of Music Manchester, UK


P Travel to histori c and bea utiful loca P Time w les! ith cheris hed frien ds P Learn best in ing from barbers hop's structors P Barbe rshop! Ba rbershop! Barbersh P IES 2 op! 019

Next July, you will have the opportunity to travel to Manchester, UK and immerse yourself in the world of barbershop with some of the best Sweet Adelines instructors, such as Judy Pozsgay, Lori Lyford and Sandy Marron just to name a few. Deke Sharon will also be on hand for the week, teaching classes on topics such as close harmony, blend and performance presentation. And don't forget the Rising Star Quartet Competition where you will enjoy the beautiful harmonies of the best up-and-coming youth quartets! You won't want to miss this incredible week of barbershop learning in this historic and beautiful location. Start making your plans now by adding IES 2019 to your holiday wish list.

Watch for more details coming soon! Registration opens January 8, 2019.

73rd Annual Convention and Competition Sept. 16-21, 2019 New Orleans, La., USA


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