The Pitch Pipe July 2017

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VO I C E | July 2017 | Volume 71 — No.1






your chorus’s

membership campaign today! Open House events celebrate the uniqueness of each Sweet Adelines’ chorus through customizable marketing materials and freedom to host an Open House any day of the year!

Newly designed marketing templates offer flexibility for customization, enabling choruses to create unique membership campaigns while maintaining the international brand. Additionally, a variety of social media graphics and press materials are now available. Set with engaging marketing materials and support from 22,000 Sweet Adelines around the world, your Open House is sure to be stronger and reach farther than ever before!

Log in as a member and visit the “Members Only” section at • Download fillable guides, social media/graphics and press materials in the “Open House Resources” section. • Coming soon - create marketing templates to the tune of your chorus in the “Ad Builder/Templates” section.

Share your success with us on social media! #iamsweetadelines

July 2017 • Volume 71 — No.1

Fe a t u r e s


Take the High Road to Your Next Competition


Meet IBOD’s Newest Members: Mary Rhea and Sharon Cartwright

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A Cappella Cinderellas A Sweet Adelines’ first! Interpreting a Barbershop Ballad

THEPITCHPIPE A dva nc e m e nt


Why I Give: Conscious Acts of Kindness

In Every Issue

3 5 20 50

From Our President From Our CEO Harmony Roundup Accolades

Epic Events Update


Third Time’s the Charm: Las Vegas 2017



2017 Regional Competition Results


On The Cover Getting your musical show on the road is about the journey and the destination. International Judge Specialist Sharon Babb looks at the rigorous pursuit of higher performance levels, using scoresheets as an educational roadmap. See Page 7.



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THEPITCHPIPE July 2017 | Volume 71 — No.1





Sweet Adelines International A worldwide women's singing organization committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through opportunities in education, performance and competition.

_________________________________________ INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

This Is It!

Advertising opportunities for the Las Vegas convention are open and filling fast. Sing the praises of your favorite Sweet Adeline, director, chorus or quartet in a fun, affordable and highly visible way.


What’s better than the look on your chorus director’s face when she sees herself on the big screen? “Shout Out” ads create the perfect cheer for achievements, birthdays, good luck wishes and everything in between.

CREATE A CONVENTION KEEPSAKE Look back weeks or years after the convention and relive the moment with a “Shout Out” ad in the convention program. It’s the go-to-guide – during convention and long after the last chord rings.


If you’re looking to place an ad for your business, we have that option, too!

Kay Todd, PhD, CAE Chief Executive Officer Tammy Talbot Chief Operating Officer Tamatha Goad Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Darling Managing Editor Sharon Babb • Heidi Barr • Bassically Treble • Allison Benge Sharon Cartwright • Jan Fisher • Sandy Gunn Shelly Hughes • Terri Jarvis • Claudia Meiling • Sue Middleton Carole Persinger • Mary Rhea • Dr. Debbie Scott • Anna-Marie Shew Amanda Stevens • Barbara Wright • Additional submissions from Sweet Adelines’ 24 regions and event, competition and corporate services staff. Contributors Ben Larscheid Graphic Designer Clive Copeman Photography • Freeze-Frame Photography Dick Gillberg • Ian Griffiths • Kevin Heneveld JB Photography • E.R. Lilley Photography • Lorin May Jon Petersen Photography • Renée Porzel Jon Read Photography • Rich-Tone Chorus Amber Scobie • Stukenborg Photography Miloš Tošić Photography 2017 • Anmarie Van Wetering Photography Lauren Stark Advertising 918.622.1444 • INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018 Paula Davis, International President Marcia Pinvidic, Immediate Past President Patty Cobb Baker, President-elect Joan Boutilier, Secretary Jeanne d’Arc (JD) Crowe, Treasurer Sharon Cartwright Carole Persinger Jennifer Cooke Renée Porzel Peggy Gram Mary Rhea Cammi MacKinlay EDUCATION DIRECTION COMMITTEE Marcia Pinvidic, Chair Joan Boutilier Peggy Gram Corinna Garriock Kim Vaughn EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD Patty Cobb Baker Kate Hawkins Joan Boutilier Cammi MacKinlay Anne Cargill ______________________________________

Don’t Delay! Space is Limited and Deadlines are Coming Up! Reserve your spot today at

July 24:

Closing date for all advertising reservations

Aug. 1:

Closing date for all artwork file submissions


July 2017 | THEP I TC H P I P E

Sweet Adelines International members receive The Pitch Pipe as a benefit of their membership. Additional annual subscriptions are available for $12/year U.S.A. or $24/year outside U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTION REQUESTS & ADDRESS CHANGES: The Pitch Pipe 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, OK 74137 U.S.A. Telephone 918.622.1444 • Toll-free 800.992.7464 Fax 918.665.0894 • Office hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CST) Direct all correspondence, editorial copy and photographs to Visit Deadlines are 60 days prior to publication. Not all submissions will be published. ______________________________________ THE PITCH PIPE (ISSN 0882-214X) (USPS 603-060) is published quarterly: January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 by Sweet Adelines International, Periodicals paid at Tulsa, OK U.S.A. and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE PITCH PIPE 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, OK 74137 U.S.A. Canadian Post Agreement Number: 1453408 Send Canadian change of address information and blocks of undeliverable copies to: P.O. Box 1051, Fort Erie, ON L2A 6C7 Canada Entire contents are copyright © 2017 by Sweet Adelines International. All rights reserved.


P.S. I LOVE YOU. “May we always know how to make each other smile and give each other reason to hope.”


ou are reading this in July, but I wrote it on May 1 — the beginning of my second and final year as president of this amazing organization. After judging, competing and attending four regional contests this year, my heart is overflowing with the harmony, joy, laughter and love shared and experienced by our members when they sing together and for one another. Without a doubt, Sweet Adelines make the world a better place! Once again, I have been reminded of just how much I love you. You may be thinking, “How can she say she loves me? She has never met me!” If you have had the opportunity to travel or get to know our members from anywhere around the world, you probably understand completely! While we are all unique individuals with lots of different talents, personalities, quirks and skills, there are many characteristics shared by every Sweet Adeline I have ever known. We are all passionate! It is so much fun to see how that passion takes the stage in your performances! Whether you are passionate about entertaining, learning, meeting your goals or just singing with friends, watching you is both inspiring and exciting. When I get to be with our members, I am always renewed and filled with hope for tomorrow. We are all supportive and encouraging. Wow! Where else can you get the enthusiasm, love and support that we experience when we are singing for a regional audience? No matter what score or ranking you may receive, your Sweet Adelines’ family lavishes you with love, support and encouragement in your journey. Your unique gifts and talents are celebrated with enthusiastic delight! We are always learning. Although it seems hard to believe, sometimes not getting what you want can be a blessing in disguise. From our Queens to our novice quartets, we all are still learning and sometimes face disappointment. Watching our sisters choose to learn, grow and blossom to new heights inspires others in ways we may never know and opens pathways we never dreamed were

possible. Your determined hearts and impassioned dreams change lives! We are always family. Do you realize how many people love you, care about you and support you? Just look at your friends and even Facebook! Whether we have met or not, we send Sweet Adelines’ love around the world. Members gleefully welcome other members to their homes, their choruses and their countries. We sympathize and encourage one another through difficult health or family circumstances. We share hugs and support when someone seems discouraged. As the song says, “We are family! I got all my sisters with me!” We embrace dreams. Whether your dream is large or small, you will always find encouragement and empowerment to reach for it when you are with Sweet Adelines. We not only support you; if we can, we HELP you reach for it! We remind one another that anything is possible and that dreams do come true. For all these reasons and so many more, I love you. From the newest member to the newest winners, you inspire me, you motivate me, you teach me and you move me deeply. I hope this is a reminder of just what a difference you make — to your singing sisters, your community, our world and to each individual you encounter. You are extraordinary in so many ways. In harmony,

Paula Davis International President P.S. I love you!

July 2017 | T HEPI T CH P IP E



A rhinestone will be added next to your name or your chorus name.

Las Vegas 2017 Competition Shirt Featuring the names of all the competing choruses on the back. Or order as a group and get your chorus members’ names on the back instead. Pre-order only.

Tees, V-neck Tees, Sweatshirts or Hoodies







July 2017 | THEP I TCH P I P E


CONTEMPLATION, CREATION AND JOY “There are a whole lot of historical factors that have played a part in our being where we are today, and I think that to even begin to understand our contemporary issues and contemporary problems, you have to understand a little bit about that history.” — Wilma Mankiller, Cherokee Statesman


ome Native Americans made critical decisions by referring to the rule of the Seventh Generation. They continually used a 50-foot view when asking, “How does the decision we make today impact the future generations of our people?” The great law is from the Confederate Council of the Iroquois Nation, and reads …“Look and listen for the welfare of the whole people and have always in view not only the past and present but also the coming generations, even those whose faces are yet beneath the surface of the ground – the unborn of the future Nation.” While thinking about this and our organization, during a walk up the stairwell, I came upon a letter by our founder, Edna Mae Anderson, written Aug. 6, 1945, that addresses the thoughts behind the creation of Sweet Adelines. In this message, we see the historical factors that have sustained the organization for 72 years. Here is her letter: “It was Kipling who wrote in one of his books this sentence: ‘He fell to work, singing softly, and was swallowed up in the clean, clear joy of creation.’ “Barbershop harmony means creation. It means the taking of any well-loved familiar song and working around its melody, beautiful new chords. No matter what it is, there is real joy in creation and every human mind is just naturally creative when it’s kept active. “By forming this organization, we are creating a new kind of fun for ourselves. Strangely enough, whenever a person experiences joy in what he is doing, his enthusiastic pleasure passes on to create joy for those with whom he comes in contact and so many new things grow.

“One can find delight equally felt in the creation of new friendships and move, and live, and share the happiness of each other together. “It is my hope that all members will experience a gratification in the starting of something new; watching it grow and develop; and may the fun of it all bubble in your hearts.” Warren Buffett said, “Today we sit in the shade of a tree, because long ago someone planted a seed.” Seventy-two years ago, a small group of women planted the Sweet Adelines’ seed. Today we sit in the shade of its tree, taking on the stewardship passed down to each of us. As we look to the future, we must keep true to the dream of the founders, delighting in the creation of new friendships and singing for the joy of it. It is our task to keep the organization vibrant for the next 72 years. Barbershop is truly creative; look what dreams have come true because of it. May the bubble rise in all our hearts and create new dreams for the future. Until the next story,

Kay Todd, Ph.D., CAE, CEO

“I plant a lot of trees. I am a great believer in planting things for future generations.” — Penelope Keith, British Actor

July 2017 | T HEPI T CH P IP E


Online Ordering is Easy!

Step-by-Step Guide to Shopping International Sales Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do! The International Sales Department hits all of the right notes as your source for music, educational material, novelty items and so much more. Follow the instructions below for easy online ordering. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 1.877.545.5441 or at 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Visit and click the Shop option. Slightly scroll down and click Shop Now. Sign in as a member by clicking Login. Now you’re ready to shop! Choose the category you want to view.

Music is listed alphabetically with 10 songs per page. Music titles are available to preview online by simply clicking “View Preview Copy” above the music title.

6. If Music is selected, you will automatically be directed to the Published Music List. 7. Published Music is available to all members and the general public. You may also select Int’l Arranged Music, which is available to members only, with the exception of limited titles. 8. Search for a specific title by typing a word or two of the title into the search box and click Search button. You may also search by the arranger's name. A list of items with the key word you entered will be listed. Click Add To Cart, enter desired quantity and click Add To Cart again. Then you may Checkout or Continue Shopping. 9. All music is available for instant download upon purchase. Choose Electronic Delivery during checkout and the music download link will be sent to you in the email order confirmation. For mail orders, allow 7 to 10 business days for delivery. Shipping charges apply. We are unable to fax music due to copyright restrictions.


Any day is a perfect day to shop, so let’s get shopping! International Sales is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CST), Monday through Friday; shop online 24 hours a day/7 days a week.


By Sharon Babb


“Scoresheets are a kind of road map that can steer your trek and give you guidance for the road ahead.” “Choose two to three musical goals and devote several weeks to an emphasis upon each…seek good “mechanics” and “travel consultants” to get your singing vehicle into roadworthy condition.”

o — it’s been some time since competition, and you have decided to take out those scoresheets and look at them once again. If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to start a new or renewed musical journey to a destination that only you and your quartet or chorus can choose and design. Those scoresheets are a kind of road map (Remember actual paper road maps — before the days of GPS technology?) that can steer you on your trek and give you guidance for the road ahead. The first task is to determine exactly what the judges were saying about your performance and at what level they placed your performance. Was it in the heart of the level? Was it in the entrance or the exit ramp of that level? If so, your performance may have had more of the characteristics of the level below or the level above it. Note carefully exactly what numbers or levels the judges wrote. Then study carefully the descriptors for the appropriate level or levels in each category — the ones that came with your scoresheets. These descriptors are exactly the ones used by judges when they assign numbers to performances. They contain a wealth of information that can help you map out your goals for the next trip. A next step is to study the level above the one you attained and determine what aspects of each category are the ones you wish to work on for the year. Look for parallels across the sheets. What were the most repeated comments — tuning, breath support, synchronization, unity, intervals, energy? These are the mile markers for your journey in the coming year. You also must ask of yourself and your musical advisors what skills need further development: vocal production, tempo adherence, phrase design, sectional unity?

It is advisable to choose two to three musical goals and devote several weeks to an emphasis upon each. You will want to seek out good “mechanics” and “travel consultants” to help get your singing vehicle into road-worthy condition. Your section leaders, assistant directors, regional faculty, choreographers, arrangers, coaches and judges — they all stand ready to help you to get your show on the road! Of course, there is also vehicle maintenance to consider on your journey, as well as taking new “passengers,” acclimating them and re-tooling the singing skills of your “frequent travelers.” Qualifying procedures give you a chance to “check the engine light” on the women who sing in your ensemble. You should also take time for points of interest on your journey. Those include performances, regional educational events, shows and special projects. It is these events that make for road trip memories throughout the year and offer you further opportunities to hone your driving skills. One of the best ways to assure a more musically satisfying trip is to fuel your vehicle each week with constructive vocal exercises and rehearsals that educate, train, inspire and entertain. Emphasize the skills you want to pack into your next competition performance. Keep a clear, consistent focus on your musical destination and goals. Finally, choose good, solid barbershop “vehicles” — ones that fit your ranges, your stamina and style — for your next competition. Kick the tires on several pieces of music until you find the ones that will parade your best skills on the showroom floor. The road trip to musical success can sometimes be a bumpy one but the destination — a higher level of performance — is worth the rigors of the journey we all are on. Enjoy the ride!

About the Author Lifetime Member Sharon Babb serves as Master Faculty and is certified in both Music and Sound. She is the Music Category Specialist on the International Judge Specialists Committee; the 2013 Lifetime Achievement awardee; and a member of Colorado Spirit Chapter, Region #8. July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E




Sharon Cartwright Mary Rhea


Portraits by: Joey Bertsch

Mary Rhea

She is a director, Queen of Harmony, passionate Sweet Adeline and proud “barbershop geek.”

ary Rhea, who began a three-year term on Sweet Adelines’ International Board of Directors (IBOD) in May, is a self-described “barbershop geek.” She listens to barbershop on the treadmill and watches competition DVDs as others might binge-watch the latest hit TV series. She’s not immune to other art forms. A fan of the TV show, “So You Think You Can Dance,” she delights in co-opting critiques she can add to her own judging and directorial knowledge — such as one judge’s suggestion that the contestant “breathe the emotion.” “I thought, ‘I’m going to use that!’ That’s just as important for singers,” Mary said.

“At rehearsals,educational events, competitions, shows and late night tag singing, I often think, ‘Who wouldn’t want to be a part of this?’ As an organization, we serve a great community — women!”

Quartet, Zing! With a husband in the U.S. Navy, Mary joked that she always had “first right of refusal” when it came time to change duty stations, based on whether or not there was a Sweet Adelines chorus in the area. When they were assigned to Wiesbaden, Mary knew there wasn’t a chapter so she founded a prospective satellite chorus, P-Heart of Hessen, because she simply couldn’t do without living and sharing the Sweet Adelines experience during her years in Germany. Mary spent most of her Sweet Adelines career on the risers, learning from many of our finest directors (Jean Barford, Betty Pettibon, Carole Persinger, Janet Ashford, Jim Massey). She became director of the O.K. City Chorus when Jim retired after 47 years. “It’s a challenge to step off the risers to direct. While the music is the fun and creative part, a director has to take a comprehensive look at every detail. We have to be leaders as well as musical directors,” Mary explained.

— Mary Rhea “Barbershop grabbed me from the get-go. The first time I sang a barbershop arrangement, I was in high school. I’m pretty sure that none of us knew anything about the barbershop cone or what it meant to ring a chord, and yet there was still something that captured my attention,” she remembered. “During college, I rounded up dorm mates to sing Mitch Miller arrangements in a talent show. Yes, Mitch ‘follow the bouncing ball’ Miller. Imagine my delight when I discovered that there was an actual organization where I could sing fabulous tunes just like Mitch!” Mary added. “My first chorus experience was with Gem City when they were the outgoing international chorus champion, under the direction of Jean Barford. Every week with Jean was a lesson in barbershop harmony.” As a Sweet Adeline, Mary has literally had a hand in harmonizing the world. She’s been a member of six choruses and seven quartets, including the 2010 International Champion


July 2017 | THEP I TCH P I P E

As an IBOD member, she is enthusiastic about listening to and representing members’ input as the association pursues future strategic initiatives. She is all for progress but added that it’s important to celebrate a fundamental fact that makes Sweet Adelines unique. “At rehearsals, educational events, competitions, shows and late night tag singing, I often think, ‘Who wouldn’t want to be a part of this?’ As an organization, we serve a great community — women! We empower women not only through music, but also through developing leadership skills and lasting friendships. I can’t think of any organization that’s better at this than Sweet Adelines.”

NE WE S T I B O D ME M B E R S Sharon Cartwright

From The Mouseketeers and Ella Fitzgerald to barbershop, Sharon Cartwright has a lifelong love for music.


ike many little girls in Australia in the 1960s, I eagerly awaited the Mouseketeers to appear on TV each week. My friends and I loved to mimic their accents and perform with them in the lounge room. Most of our neighbours owned a pianola and we took turns in hosting singalongs on Saturday nights. My parents’ record collection was filled with Frank Sinatra, Johnny Ray, Elvis, Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee and Doris Day albums that Mum and I enjoyed singing along to. On weekends, there were Italian songs, around the big family table at my paternal grandparents’ home, often with piano accordion as accompaniment. Singing with friends and family was a normal part of life. I relished the opportunities to be on stage during my school years and afterward, I did a full-time performing arts course, dreaming of being in a Broadway show. Moving to Sydney after marrying Geoff, a fellow actor, I started working in corporate communications and we had two sons, Julian and Oliver. We fostered a love of performing in them, too, and today they are both musicians.

“The massive arena was filled with confident and excited women from across the world. Something clicked that week and I wanted to be involved in it all … ” — Sharon Cartwright Fast-forward to my late 40s when I wanted to find somewhere to sing again. A work colleague took me to a Northern Beaches Chorus new member night in June 2008. They had me at “Hello”! Coincidentally, our music director Linda Wareham created a “schoolgirl package” for my first contest in 2009 and we sang The Little Girl. How perfect to use the essence of who I was as a teenager to create a character for that beautiful ballad. Another coincidence was while calming my nerves singing with friends in the dressing room on contest morning. That humble rendition of Can You Feel The Love Tonight led to the formation of Sista! Quartet, which continues to be a source of joy and fulfilment. The wider world of Sweet Adelines opened to me during my first international convention, while proudly watching Linda receive the Ann Gooch Award, in Seattle. Coaches who taught us in our rehearsal hall in Sydney were on the huge international

stage as music directors and quartet competitors. The massive arena was filled with confident and excited women from across the world. Something clicked that week and I wanted to be involved in it all, on a broader scale. The following year I successfully applied for the communications coordinator position on the Regional Management Team. Making new connections on the RMT gave me the confidence to audition as a dual member for international contest performances with Circular Keys Chorus in Denver and Endeavour Harmony Chorus in Las Vegas. I have loved my roles as regional communications coordinator and team coordinator. I’m fortunate to have worked with women in my chorus and in our region who lift each other up and have a passion to try new things.

In 2013, at the Leaders Forum in Honolulu, Anne Cargill and Paula Davis inspired us to dream big and believe it was possible for someone from our region to be on the international board of directors. They, and countless others all through the organization, have supported and encouraged us in Region #34. There are so many more I look forward to meeting and serving in my role on the international board. Mary Rhea, a regular coach of Northern Beaches Chorus and treasured friend, took me to international headquarters in Tulsa, when I visited her in Oklahoma. What a special moment it was when next we walked through those doors together, for our board induction. Like so many Sweet Adelines, my life changed for the better by making singing with friends an active part of my life again as an adult. As an international board member, I’m excited about exploring greater accessibility and new options to participate so that more women can reap the benefits in ways to suit their circumstances.

More on Mary Rhea: As an IBOD member, Mary serves on the current Nominating Committee and the Published Music Sales/Marketability Committee. More on Sharon Cartwright: Sharon began a one-year board appointment in May. She is the current International Bylaws and Rules Specialist and chairs the Communications Research Task Force and the Creative Membership Task Force.

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


A Cappella


A magical group of young women has joined Sweet Adelines.


ooner Sensations Show Chorus members Terri Jarvis and Heidi Barr led a village to charter Sweet Adelines’ first Young Women in Harmony chapter. Leveraging their teaching talent and love of barbershop, the two fostered the charter of Bassically Treble, Region #25, in March. The chorus is an official Sweet Adelines chapter, with officers, dues, audition procedures and bylaws. Since all the girls are minors, (only one is driving age!), a bevy of Sweet Adelines volunteers and parents act as musical and business mentors to the young chorus. Eagerly joining in with every type of encouragement, including musical, material and monetary support, are members of Region #25; Sooner Sensations and Rich-Tone choruses; Titanium, Major Trouble, Myst and Singcerity (mixed) quartets; community organizations and others. Inspiration flowed from 21 exuberant young women, ages 10 to 17, who wanted to sing barbershop, and the leadership — and later the memories — of the late Sooner


July 2017 | THEP I TCH P I P E

Sensations chorus director Debbie Hogan, “who believed that young girls are the future of barbershop,” Terri explained. “She encouraged us every step of the way.” Bassically Treble grew through YWIH festivals, word-of-mouth and Terri’s energetic barbershop advocacy to her middle school choirs. Both she and Heidi anchored their vision on some advice from Terri’s teacher father, Bill Hendrix: “If you get them in middle school, you have them for life!” What did they realistically hope to accomplish? “Simply to charter the first YWIH chorus and help others do the same,” Terri explained. “That way, young girls can learn to love a cappella barbershop singing with girls their age and with similar interests. They’re young but don’t let that fool you. They are like sponges, they absorb so much very quickly and it will only take time and experience to get them to where they can really make a difference in the barbershop world. And I promise you, they will

Sweet Adelines' first YWIH chapter, Bassically Treble, at Region #25 Competition in March 2017, directed by “Fairy Godmother” Terri Jarvis (left) and Heidi Barr, the “Evil Stepmom,” right. Terri and Heidi spent 415 hours sewing the costumes, used in 2016/2017. (E.R. Lilley Photography)

make a difference.” the ladies of Region #25 showed after their performance and While some parents didn’t understand their daughters’ choral throughout competition weekend was just what they needed! The cravings at first, they became major assets to the group’s success girls want to come back next year with a completely new package. once they saw Bassically Treble in action. Heidi explained that We know exactly what we have to do,” Heidi said. parents are an integral part of the team, organizing fundraisers and What is it like to teach young women a completely new musical transportation, acting as cheerleaders and mentoring the young and performance genre? Heidi and Terri noted that while both women in their board positions. For example, the treasurer’s adult young and adult choruses love barbershop, everything else is mentor set up a system to collect dues and keep ledgers, and often different. takes her young protégé along to make bank deposits. “The girls need to lay on the floor to be silly or have some other “Josey can speak quite knowledgeably about the chorus finances brain break during rehearsal. Finding ways for them to achieve the and understands far more than I did at 14!” Heidi laughed. sound we want has been interesting. Finding a common language For many Sweet Adelines, they can relate to is sometimes competition is a blast elusive but we figure it and Bassically Treble is out,” Heidi explained. “We no exception. work a lot with the YWIH “The girls love to sing Competition Folio and YWIH but it’s the performances festival songs,” continued Terri. -Bill Hendrix, teacher that get them to come back The Sweet Adelines and and the competitions that make them want to stay,” Heidi and others who have had a hand in creating and nurturing Bassically Terri agreed. Bassically Treble first sang for evaluation at regional Treble see a bright future. competition in March 2016, and were surprised and proud to earn “We know that we will continue to grow as the girls perform, a 400+ score, along with an incredible experience. compete and participate in activities. In fact, if you’re hosting a “We always prepare for competing against ourselves,” Terri YWIH festival, let us know. We might be able to join you or you explained. “Our job is to teach the fundamentals of vocal could join us at our iSing a Cappella this fall,” Heidi and Terri said. production, resonance and barbershop chords/cone. The rest is to “These young women will be wonderful ambassadors for Sweet have fun doing it!” Adelines as they grow in knowledge, experience and the love of this In March 2017, 21 Bassically Treble members sang at Region craft and they will take what we teach them into the future. #25 competition. Nearly half were new to the stage; nine of the “What an adventure to be part of the first chartered YWIH girls were 11-years-old. chorus and a new chapter in the future of this organization. Won’t “Nerves and inexperience affected us but the encouragement you join us?”

“If you get them in middle school, you have them for life!”


About Heidi Barr:

Heidi has 28 years of teaching experience at the middle school and elementary school levels. She joined Sweet Adelines in 2001, with Texas Harmony, and later joined Sooner Sensations Show Chorus. While music is her “game,” her degree is in biology and she has been chosen twice by the Texas Space Grant Consortium to spend a week at NASA in Houston as part of the Teacher LiftOff Program.

About Terri Jarvis: A middle school choir teacher, Terri began Sweet Adelines life in 2007, as a member of the Rich-Tone Chorus. Having to leave due to a move “left an empty space” in her heart that was soon filled by becoming active in Sooner Sensations’ bi-annual YWIH Festival and embracing the “kindred spirit” she found in Debbie Hogan’s zest for mentoring young women.

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


Heidi Barr and Terri Jarvis (above L-R) turned the oft-heard comment, “if only I had started (barbershop) sooner…” into real opportunity for Bassically Treble, the first chartered, cardcarrying YWIH chapter. Bassically Treble quartet, Minor League (L-R): Josey Hargrave, 14, tenor; Daisy Jarvis, 13, lead; Kianna Montanez, 14, bass; Brooke Bianco, 16, baritone. (E.R. Lilley Photography)

Why Barbershop? Bassically Treble, In Their Own Words “I plan to stay in Sweet Adelines for my entire life.”

— Nicole, 14, tenor, dual member with Sooner Sensations

“I’ve told my friends we aren’t a choir that just stands there and sings – we move around and have fun! In the future, I’d like to direct a chorus.”

— Cindel, 12, lead

“I had no idea so many women were involved in barbershop or that women could even sing barbershop. I enjoy making music with people I consider my sisters in music.”

— Kianna, 14, bass

“I barely knew what barbershop was. I’ve learned how fun it is, how to ‘sing to the ring,’ and have perfected the art of not having my eyes pop out of my head when the tenors hit a really high note.”

— Crystal, 14, baritone

“I've been hooked since the first practice I went to. I know as long as I’m allowed, I’ll stick with Bassically Treble and put my full effort into our performances and practices.”

— Elizabeth, 12, tenor

“I’ve been around barbershop since I was (a baby). I plan to sing all my life. I’ve been influenced by Debbie Hogan, who welcomed me with open arms and told me I was going to do great things, and TITANIUM, who shared some performance secrets with us – isn’t that awesome?”

— Daisy, 13, lead, dual member with Sooner Sensations

“I’m learning how to work together on synchronization, blending, performing — I also like all the friends and going to a lot of amazing places too!”

— Madeline, 12, baritone

“Part of what I'm learning is to help other girls realize how amazing and beautiful they are.”

— Joesphine, 14, tenor


July 2017 | TH EP I TCH P I P E

“My favorite part is singing with my Mom in Sooner Sensations and making lifelong friendships. I plan on doing what my mother did – raise my daughter with barbershop!”

— Diane, 17, bass, dual member with Sooner Sensations

“Being in Bassically Treble has taught me to be more bold and open with people. I love the friendships, too.”

— Kaitlyn, 16, lead

“My favorite part? I get to join my friends every week and we all sing to our heart’s content. Barbershop and music will always be a hobby of mine.”

— Brooke, 16, baritone

“I wouldn’t be myself if I couldn’t sing. I’ve told my friends how fun this is and how we’re important (as role models) because we are the first chartered YWIH chorus.”

— Karla, 12, lead

Photo: Anmarie Van Wetering

Young Singers Foundation is Celebrating $ alker #14 W a s s e T , Region

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Over the past twenty-five years, a remarkable $1.1 million in charitable donations provided funding for hundreds of college scholarships, grants to school music programs and community vocal music activities, support for the Young Women In Harmony program and opportunities for international educational events — impacting more than 75,000 young lives! Why we sing and why we give may be different but with your charitable gift, Young Singers Foundation (YSF) can remain the same – forever young. This Aug. 1-25, celebrate the spirit of the YSF and provide assurance to its legacy with a donation of $25. Your support to our youth preserves the future of a cappella barbershop harmony, keeping it – forever young.

Celebrate the spirit of Young Singers Foundation with your $25 gift.







Join us Oct. 9-14, as we wrap up three spectacular years in Las Vegas.


Sunday, Oct. 8, 2017 Event Time Riser Rehearsals 3-11 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 9, 2017 Event Time Riser Rehearsals 7 a.m.-11 p.m.

Location MGM CC

Location MGM CC

Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2017 Event Time Riser Rehearsals 7a.m.-11 p.m.

Location MGM CC

St. Louis 2018 Early Registration

9-10 a.m.


Ticket Sales/Will Call

9 a.m.-7 p.m.


Headquarters Desk

9 a.m.-7 p.m.


Harmony Boutique

9 a.m.-6 p.m.

MGM GGA Studio B

International Sales

9 a.m.-7 p.m.


Education: The ABCs of Copyright

9-10:30 a.m.


Education: Harmonize Your World

9-10:30 a.m.


Regional Leaders L.E.A.P Day: Learn, Engage, Apply, Perform (Invitation only)

9 a.m.4:30 p.m.


PVI Roulette

10 a.m.-Noon


Education: Music Selection Is This the Right Song?

1:30-3 p.m.


Ticket Sales/Will Call

2-6 p.m.


Coronet Club Rehearsal

3-6 p.m.


5:15-6 p.m.


6-10:30 p.m.


9:30-11 a.m.


Chorus Briefing

10:30-11:15 a.m.


Coronet Club Front Row/ Optional Rehearsals

11 a.m.-1 p.m.


Tech Rehearsal

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.


Coronet Club Reunion

1:30-2 p.m.


Quartet Reception

2-3 p.m.


Headquarters Desk

2-6 p.m.


State of the Organization

Harmony Boutique

2-6 p.m.

MGM GGA Studio B

Harmony Classic

International Sales

2-6 p.m.


Harmony Classic Briefing

3-4 p.m.


Education: Music Selection How Barbershop Is It?

3:30-5 p.m.



Quartet Briefing

July 2017 | THEP I TCH P I P E

Have Questions?


LAS VEGAS SCHEDULE MGM CC= MGM CONFERENCE CENTER Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017 Event Time 7-8:30 a.m. YWIH Coordinator Breakfast

Location MGM CC

MGM GGA= MGM GRAND GARDEN ARENA Saturday, Oct. 14, 2017 Event Time Riser Rehearsals 7 a.m.-6 p.m.

Location MGM CC

Ticket Sales/Will Call

9 a.m.-3 p.m.


Headquarters Desk

9 a.m.-3 p.m.


Harmony Boutique

9 a.m.-4 p.m.

MGM GGA Studio B

International Sales

9 a.m.-4 p.m.


Chorus Music Education Class

9-10:30 a.m.


MGM GGA Studio B

TOS VIP Donor Lounge

11 a.m.-5 p.m.


9 a.m.-6 p.m.


Chorus Finals

11:45 a.m.-6:00 p.m.


10 a.m.-10:30 p.m.


Coronet Clubhouse

9:30 p.m.-Midnight

MGM CC (Vista Ballroom)

YSF Regional Liaison Breakfast

7:30-9 a.m.


50/60 Year Member Breakfast

8-9:30 a.m.


Coronet Club Rehearsal

8:30-11 a.m.


Ticket Sales/Will Call

9 a.m.-6 p.m.


Headquarters Desk

9 a.m.-6 p.m.


Harmony Boutique

9 a.m.-6 p.m.

International Sales Quartet Semifinals TOS VIP Donor Lounge

Noon-8 p.m.


Quartet Finalist Briefing

10:45-11:15 p.m.


Thursday, Oct. 12, 2017 Event Time Riser Rehearsals 7 a.m.-11 p.m.

Location MGM CC

PIP’s Breakfast

8-9:30 a.m.

By Invitation Only

Ticket Sales/Will Call

9 a.m.-6 p.m.


Headquarters Desk

9 a.m.-6 p.m.


Harmony Boutique

9 a.m.-6 p.m.

MGM GGA Studio B

International Sales

9 a.m.-6 p.m.


Chorus Semifinals

10 a.m.-9 p.m.


TOS VIP Donor Lounge

Noon-8 p.m.


Chorus Finalist Briefing

9:15-9:30 p.m.


International President’s Reception

9-11 p.m.

By Invitation Only

Friday, Oct. 13, 2017 Event Time Riser Rehearsals 7 a.m.-11 p.m.

Location MGM CC

Coronet Club Rehearsal

8-11 a.m.


Ticket Sales/Will Call

9 a.m.-6 p.m.


Headquarters Desk

9 a.m.-6 p.m.


Harmony Boutique

9 a.m.-6 p.m.

MGM GGA Studio B

International Sales

9 a.m.-6 p.m.


Quartet Music Education Class

9 -10:15 a.m.


TOS VIP Donor Lounge

11 a.m.-4 p.m.


Mass Sing

11-11:30 a.m.


Quartet Finals

11:45 a.m.-5 p.m.


Coronet Club Show

8-10:30 p.m.

MGM GGA (Ticket Required)

AdvertiSING at Convention 2017 Publish your “Shout Out” in the convention program or announce for all to see via the two 12’ x 16’ jumbotron screens in the MGM Grand Garden Arena. “Shout Out” ads are perfect for celebrating birthdays, honoring achievements, sending good luck wishes and everything in between. Looking to place an ad for your business? We have that option, too!

Reservation Closing: July 24 Deadline for Art: Aug. 1 Reserve your space in the convention program and/or jumbotron. Visit and click on “Convention Advertising.”

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E








Convention Assistants All Events

Member All Events

International Chorus & Quartet Competitor All Events

Youth (Member or Non-Member) All Events

Non-Member All Events






*Late registration after July 7, 2017, for quartets only

This is our third and final year in Las Vegas. Don’t miss our last curtain call in this glitzy, glamorous oasis. Single event registrations are now available at

RESERVE A ROOM NOW! HOUSING CLOSES AUG. 31, 2017 $174 Single King per night plus tax* • $189 Double Queen per night plus tax* Rates above include an MGM-required resort fee but do not include tax. To reserve a room, visit: Email for choruses: Email for individual attendees:

Not Competing? Sing with the Technical Rehearsal Chorus. We need your voice! Help set the sound for international competition under the direction of Anna Alvring and Britt-Heléne Bonnedahl, co-directors of the 2017 International Champion Rönninge Show Chorus.

Sing your heart out with fellow Sweet Adelines with these songs: How We Sang Today Carolina In The Morning San Francisco Bay Blues Send Your Love Harmonize The World That’s What Friends Are For See your name on the arena jumbotron and experience the international stage as we cheer you on! We need about 250 voices and appreciate your time and effort. The show can’t go on without you! Technical rehearsal is Tuesday, Oct. 10, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Email to sign up.

Sign Up Deadline is Friday, July 28.


July 2017 | TH EP I TCH P I P E

Learn, Baby, Learn! 2




Customized music education – it’s the icing on the a cappella cake at a Sweet Adelines’ international convention. The course offerings this year in Las Vegas are as sweet as ever! With topics ranging from vocal production to barbershop song selection, there is something to inspire, enlighten and engage everyone. Monday, Oct. 9, 2017

9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Regional Leaders’ L.E.A.P. Day: Learn, Engage, Apply, Perform (By invitation only.) 9-10:30 a.m.

The ABCs of Copyright Join us for a continuation of last year’s informative panel discussion exploring common questions about copyright. Learn about ownership, licensing and permissions for use. Faculty includes Marge Bailey and Helen Giollambardo.

9-10:30 a.m.

Harmonize Your World – Living a Happy SA Life – Creating and Keeping Happy Members Leadership Panel Why should members stay in a chorus? How do you keep your singers happy? This class will address these questions and discuss how to maintain happy singers for a thriving chorus environment. Attendees are encouraged to bring their questions and concerns for discussion. Faculty includes moderator Paula Davis, Sharon Carlson, Melynnie Williams and Janice McKenna.

10 a.m.-Noon

PVI Roulette It’s back by popular demand! In this experiential class, you will learn tips, tricks and techniques to boost your vocal skills. Attendees will have the opportunity for personal vocal instruction (PVI) from three international faculty members: Joan Boutilier, Darlene Rogers and Carole Persinger.

1:30-3 p.m.

Music Selection: Is This the Right Song? Song selection can make or break your performance. So how do you know if an arrangement is right for your chorus or quartet? International faculty member Corinna Garriock shares what to look for when choosing an arrangement as you listen to examples and discuss how to find the perfect fit.

3:30-5 p.m.

Music Selection: How Barbershop Is It? Corinna Garriock will examine successful examples of songs that break the traditional barbershop mold and highlight the unique qualities and strengths of the performers. Friday • Oct. 13, 2017

9-10:15 a.m.

Quartet Music Education Class Whether you are in a quartet or interested in developing one, there is much to learn from 2016 International Champion Quartet Speed of Sound about developing your quartet’s personality while maintaining each singer’s unique identity. Saturday • Oct. 14, 2017

9-10:30 a.m.

Chorus Music Education Class Co-director Britt-Heléne Bonnedahl and members of the 2017 International Champion Rönninge Show Chorus will share keys to successful rehearsals, including how to plan and how to keep singers mentally and physically engaged. Contact the Education Department at or visit for details and updates.

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E



INTERPRETING A BARBERSHOP BALLAD How to choose the best plan for your chorus. By Carole Persinger “Barbershop ballads involve a wide range of messages – some are happy, even joyful, some are nostalgic, but many are sad. The composer’s melody generally paints a picture … the arranger … chooses chords that help paint the desired message. Often this will require more use of “color chords” – the minor sixth, minor seventh and diminished seventh.”

-Judging Category Description Book


o – you’ve chosen a beautiful new ballad for your next contest. The message and story line are emotional and stirring. You are pretty sure it fits the current vocal skill level of your chorus. You just know that your singers will love it. Now, how in the heck do you decide on the appropriate and most effective interpretative plan? The truth of the matter is, there is no “one way” to interpret a ballad. Give a new ballad chart to 10 different directors and I guarantee there will be 10 different interpretive plans. There might be similar sections, or even some identical sections, but overall, each plan will be different. In barbershop, as in any art form, artists have something to say. Doing that beautifully can be transformative. In fact, the Sweet Adelines’ Judging Category Description Book (JCDB) describes it just like that: “Effective interpretation transforms singing into a work of art.”

Here are some guidelines to help as you create the very best plan for your chorus and a new song. • • • • • • • • •

Make sure the chart is one that fits your chorus’s current vocal skill level. Make sure the chart is contestable. Get an opinion from a music judge. Understand the chord structure, i.e., what part is on the root, the third, the fifth, tonic chords, octaves, etc. Plan dynamics that are within the capability of your singers’ vocal skills. Interpret the song as a whole (words, harmony and chord voicings) and not phrase by phrase. Try not to merely sustain a held note. Keep it moving forward, using varied dynamics and intensity of breath support and management to keep the held note vital and impressive. Vary the phrasing and try not to repeat the same patterns. Avoid lyrical repetition by using varied and different emphasis, rhythm changes, syncopation, dynamic changes, inflection or pace. Keep breath support intensity clear to the end of each phrase. Phrase ends “feathering out” are caused by an inadequate breath management plan, inertia or doubt as to where the phrase end should be cut off. We sometimes tend to slow soft passages and speed up loud passages. Treat crescendos and decrescendos as fabulous opportunities to add color, interest and drama to your interpretative plan.

• Incorporate the proper breath style for each lyric line, i.e., slow and deliberate, passionate, suspended, etc. The story line should dictate what kind of breath to take and when to take it. Use all of the word sounds, clarity of lyrics, diphthongs, matched vowels, etc., to create a musical characterization of the lyrics and the story you are presenting. If the song has been performed before, listen to as many

interpretative plans as you can find and glean from those performances what might work for your chorus. There is nothing wrong with using good ideas that other people have created. Use what works for your chorus and then find ways to put your own personal stamp on the chart. Review the JCDB,* especially the Music and Expression Categories, for more details to help in your quest for the perfect plan for your chorus. In vocal music, communication is strengthened by the meaningful delivery of lyrics, musical diction, artistic phrasing, forward motion, appropriate dynamics and projection of sincere emotion. Any barbershop ballad contains all these elements. It is up to us, as directors, to execute a plan that will not only take the audience on a musical adventure, but will create a truly meaningful and magical experience for you and your fabulous chorus. (* The JCDB is available for online viewing at no charge. Visit the Members Only section of and click on Education Center/Music. Visit the website’s international sales page to purchase a print copy.)

About the Author

Carole has served 36 years as an Expression Judge and has served as a Judge Specialist and Judge Specialist Moderator. She retired as a Master 700 Director in 2006, after nearly 20 years at the helm of Pacific Sound Chorus, Region #13. She is the 2016 Lifetime Achievement honoree.

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E





By Barbara Wright, Spirit of Syracuse, Region #15

hat do you do when young women under 25 want to sing barbershop but may not be able to meet the rehearsal or financial requirements to join your chorus? Spirit of Syracuse (SOS) has the answer: Sponsor a Young Women in Harmony chorus. Scarlet is a chorus of 23 incredibly talented girls, directed by 20-year-old SOS member Danielle Carter and SOS assistant director, Sky Harris, who is also Region #15 YWIH co-coordinator. Through Scarlet, young women can dip their toes into the Sweet Adelines world while being mentored by SOS “big sisters.” It’s a most rewarding experience for all of us as we train the next generation of musical and transformational leaders. The faces in the photo speak volumes about young women and barbershop harmony!



pples are tasty but music can have magic medicinal effects on women’s well-being, according to Region #34 RMT members Sharon Cartwright, Anna-Marie Shew and Dr. Debbie Scott (Photo: L-R), who presented a paper on the health benefits of choral singing during the 15th World Congress on Public Health in Melbourne, Australia. To prove their point, the women opened their presentation with an ensemble from Geelong Harmony Chorus, directed by Alex Morris. Sweet Adelines shared more healthy harmony during a lunch performance, where Morris directed a chorus of 60 from Melbourne, Southern Sounds, East City Sound, Vocal Vibes, Geelong Harmony and Northern Beaches choruses. “We had good feedback and interest from public health organizations about partnering to explore the powerful impact we have on women’s well-being,” Sharon Cartwright said.


By Claudia Meiling, Talk of Tulsa Show Chorus, Region #25


t was a sweet start to 2017, as we auditioned 27 interested singers and invited them to weekly rehearsals that included a coaching session with Dale Syverson. During this initial period, we taught them our competition repertoire, and discussed in detail our core values and all facets of Sweet Adelines membership. Eventually, TOT proudly welcomed seven new members who were full of infectious enthusiasm when we took the stage at regional competition in March. One new member told us: “I can’t say this enough times. I am so glad I tried out for TOT!” When our director told the chorus we were using our voices for art, “it almost brought me to tears!” she said.


July 2017 | TH EP I TC H P I P E


HANDS AND HEARTS ACROSS THE WORLD By Sandy Gunn, Christchurch City, Region #35 and Sue Middleton, Pride of Portland and Jet Cities, Region #13


alk about harmonizing the world! Over 100 travelers, representing two Sweet Adelines’ regions, sang and took in breathtaking sights during a two-week tour of New Zealand. It was a dream five years in the making, fostered by Kate Veeder, Waikato Rivertones Chapter and Pride of Portland Chorus Director Ryan Heller. The trip included three shows with Kiwi choruses, organized by Greater Auckland, Wellington City and Christchurch City. Each show was a knockout, featuring Sweet Adelines on stage and in the

audience singing Hine e Hine, a Maori lullaby, as the closing song. There was also some bungee jumping (Ryan did it!), gondola rides and cruising spectacular fiords, among other outings. “It was joyous to share our beautiful country with our Portland friends,” said Kiwi Kate Veeder. “It was the trip of a lifetime. Being able to share our art form with other women halfway across the world was both exhilarating and moving,” added participant Julie Ann Jones.

HEART AND SOLE: REGION #25 RALLIES FOR YWIH FUNDRAISER By Amanda Stevens, Rich-Tone Chorus, Region #25


horuses across Region #25 answered our invitation to donate used shoes for resale, to raise funds for YWIH activities. “Through our Sole Mates campaign, we collected and sold almost 1,400 pairs of shoes to a business that redistributes them to impoverished people in developing countries,” said Rich-Tone singer Deidra Brown. “And, shoe donation also reduces waste in landfills so it’s a win-win in many ways.” Timed to coincide with the Region #25 competition in March, Palo Duro Metro, Pride of West Texas, Red River Valley and Top of the Rock choruses joined the cause. The campaign also received donations from former Sweet Adelines, a local high school student council, area residents and even a women’s Mahjong club. “YWIH is such a valuable program. We’re grateful for the enthusiastic response from our ‘sole sisters’ in Region #25,” Deidra added.

Rich-Tone members Margie Colbert (left) and Monica Seeley resisted the temptation to “adopt” some trendy donated shoes.

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E




As a Lifetime Member, Shelly supports the Young Singers Foundation, Young Women in Harmony and is an inaugural donor to The Overtone Society. She and her husband support the association’s administrative needs, too. The Hughes Gerhke Champion Showcase at the Tulsa headquarters is named in honor of their contributions.

Join Us.

Our future lies in the voices of remarkable young women. Ensure this legacy and join us in making a gift to mark the Young Singers Foundation’s 25th anniversary. For your convenience, there is a return envelope inserted into this issue of The Pitch Pipe. On behalf of young barbershoppers everywhere, thank you!


f all the reasons Shelly Hughes cites for why she is a longtime member and ardent financial supporter of Sweet Adelines, one word seems to sum it up: kindness. In 1992, as a tenor plagued by a tough case of pharyngitis, she failed her first audition with the Melodeers, a highly respected, international champion chorus she wanted very much to join. After taking a couple of months to recover, she returned to try again. The assessor conducting her vocal range test suggested she was actually a lead or baritone. “From there, a lead was born,” Shelly remembered. “I continued through the audition process, truly having to re-learn my role. Singing melody instead of harmony, not taking the top note on the chord, and singing many more words and pick-ups. I struggled to find the pitch; I kept hearing the tenor note instead of the lead. But I sang the correct lead notes when the song started.” Melodeers Director Jim Arns moved the audition to a contest song, sung in a quartet format. Shelly admitted to “shaking in her heels” until Cori Albrecht (bass of the 2008 International Champion Quartet Four Bettys), put her hand in the middle of Shelly’s back and told her, “You’ve got this. Just sing.” Shelly sang the lead pitch, passed the audition and the next week, began her 25-year (so far) career with the Melodeers. “It was that small act of kindness so long ago,” Shelly remembered. “During all those years I’ve had the privilege of singing with the Melodeers. All possible through an act of kindness. It’s that kindness that keeps me here — and I’ve seen and been a part of such acts, in all shapes and forms.” Kindness, deep friendships, respect and a love of barbershop — all elements of Sweet Adelines that Shelly treasures — combined in another monumental moment for her in 2014, when the Melodeers won their seventh international title. It had been a breathtaking competition — the Rich-Tone Chorus hoped to tie the Melodeers' six wins but took second that day. After the results were announced, the Melodeers returned to the function room to celebrate and read scoresheets. “From out of the blue, the Rich-Tones and Director Dale Syverson entered the

July 2017 | THEP I TCH P I P E

room, chanting ‘Melodeers, Melodeers!’” Shelly remembered. “Scoresheets were tossed aside. The Rich-Tones performed for us and we for them. It was the greatest display of sportsmanship I’ve been a part of in Sweet Adelines. I’m sure these types of scenarios happen in this organization every day and that makes me smile.” It is also what makes her a fervent Sweet Adelines philanthropist. “My earliest memory of wanting to donate goes back to grade school. I watched the Muscular Dystrophy telethon and asked my Dad if we could give. He turned the tables on me, asking lots of questions such as what did I know about the organization, why should we give, how will the money be used? He went on to explain that I would hear many cries for money over my lifetime. How you choose to give should be thought out, not impulsive. And you should volunteer your time and skills, not just your money. It was one of the strongest life lessons I was given,” Shelly remembered. She looked for organizations that she loved, ones that offered exciting opportunities and practiced good business. Early on, those qualities in Sweet Adelines earned her loyalty and decades of volunteer leadership and financial support. “Sitting on the sidelines or just being a cardcarrying member is simply not in my DNA,” Shelly explained. The reason I give is simple. It is who I am. In Sweet Adelines, I’ve met some amazing women over the years. Our leadership is the best. These women value our traditions and constantly review our practices to make sure needed changes are made to protect our future.” She continued: “In my younger years, I didn’t have the kind of financial security I have now, so I gave through volunteerism. As the years went on and my financial security grew, so did my opportunities to give.” Sweet Adelines is not only a beloved musical sisterhood, it’s an important investment, Shelly added. “Just as I plan for retirement, I plan to give. Each year my husband and I evaluate where we would like to donate and set target dollar amounts, along with projects or events needing our time. Donating to Sweet Adelines is a sound investment, with huge returns.”

August 3 – 5, 2018

featuring Awesome Location TBA Soon!

Details and Early Bird Registration Information Coming Soon at




Sweet Adelines congratulates and recognizes the accomplishments of all competing choruses. During the 2017 regional competition season, the choruses listed in alphabetical order below scored B+ (592) and above. An asterisk notes choruses scoring 700 or higher.

A Cappella West Chorus, #34 Aberdeen Chorus, #31 Alamo Metro Chorus, #10 Alba Show Chorus, #32 Buffalo Gateway Chorus, #16 Capital City Chorus, #4 Carolina Harmony Chorus, #14 Carolina Style Chorus, #14 Carpe Diem Chorus, #11 Circle of Harmony Chorus, #16 Circular Keys Chorus, #34 City of Gardens Chorus, #26 City of Lakes Chorus, #6 * Coastline Show Chorus, #1 Dundalk Chorus, #19 Endeavour Harmony Chorus, #34 Farmington Valley Chorus, #1 Faultline Chorus, #35 Gateway Chorus, #26

Grand Harmony Chorus, #2 Greater Auckland Chorus, #35 Greater Cleveland Chorus, #17 Greater Harmony Chorus, #17 Greater Harrisburg Chorus, #19 Greater Kingston Chorus, #16 Harborlites Chorus, #21* Harmony Celebration Chorus, #15 Harmony Heights Chorus, #32 Hickory Tree Chorus, #15 Jersey Sound Chorus, #19 Lace City Chorus, #31 Lady Luck Showtime Chorus, #11 Liberty Oak Chorus, #15 London Chorus, #2 Melbourne Chorus, #34 Merrimack Valley Chorus, #1 Metro Nashville Chorus, #4 Midwest Crossroad Chorus, #3

Mission Valley Chorus, #12 Motor City Blend Chorus, #2 Mountain Jubilee Chorus, #8 No Borders Show Chorus, #31 O-Town Sound Chorus, #9 O.K. City Chorus, #25 Pacific Empire Chorus, #12 Pacific Sound Chorus, #13 Pearls of the Sound Chorus, #32 Phoenix Chorus, #31 Pride of Baltimore Chorus, #19 Pride of Kentucky Chorus, #4 Pride of Portland Chorus, #13* Rich-Tone Chorus, #25 River Blenders Chorus, #5 River City Sound Chorus, #3 Scottsdale Chorus, #21* Skyline Chorus, #8* Song of Atlanta Chorus, #14

Song of Sonoma Chorus, #12 Spinnaker Chorus, #31 Spirit of Spokane Chorus, #13 Spirit of the Gulf Chorus, #9 St. Louis Harmony Chorus, #5 Sunlight Chorus, #32 Surrey Harmony Chorus, #31 The Woodlands Show Chorus, #10 Top of the Rock Chorus, #25 Valley Forge Chorus, #19 Vocal Dimension Chorus, #31 Vocal Matrix Chorus, #14 Vocal Motion! Chorus, #26 Vocal Standard Chorus, #5 Wellington City Chorus, #35 Westcoast Harmony Chorus, #26 Women of Note Chorus, #9

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E





QUARTETS First Place

Boston Accent – Score: 616 Ruth Berman (t) (Chapter-at-Large, Region #1) Cheryl Brusket (l) (Chapter-at-Large, Region #1) Julie Jeffery (bt) (Coastline Show Chorus) Karen Rourke (bs) (Chapter-at-Large, Region #1) Songs: Mama’s Gone, Goodbye Medley (D. Calvin & Signature Sound, intro, J. Lund); Lover Come Back To Me (Waesche)

Saffron – Score: 586 (Harmony on the Sound Chorus)

Bravo Quartet Carpe Singem (Post Road Chorus)

Number of Competing Quartets: 22

Second Place First Place Boston Accent

Third Place

Uncorked! – Score: 587 (Chapter-at-Large, Region #1, Coastline Show Chorus, Mountain Jubilee Chorus, Valley Forge Chorus)

CHORUSES First Place

Coastline Show Chorus Gail Jencik, Director Score: 607 • 49 on stage Songs: You Don’t Know Me (Bergman); Jazz/Jam (J. Lund)

Second Place Perth Harmony First Place Coastline Show Chorus

Farmington Valley Chorus Cheryl Wilcox, Director Score: 605

Third Place

Merrimack Valley Chorus Eileen Gioe, Director Score: 594

Division A

Millennium Magic Chorus Laurel Strielkauskas, Director Score: 570 • 16 on stage Songs: My Foolish Heart (Bescos); Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey (A. Dale)

Division AA

Magic Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee Millennium Magic Chorus

Coastline Show Chorus Gail Jencik, Director Score: 607 • 49 on stage Songs: You Don’t Know Me (Bergman); Jazz/Jam (J. Lund)

Most Improved Chorus

Rhythm of New Hampshire Show Chorus Jessie Caynon, Director Score: 536 (+36)

Bravo Chorus

Harmony on the Sound Chorus Lisa Giorgio and Chris Bosse, Directors

Division AA Coastline Brindabella Show Chorus Chorus


July 2017 | TH EP I TC H P I P E

Number of Competing Choruses: 18 Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography




QUARTETS First Place

The Vibe – Score: 603 Abby Sella (t) (Fenton Lakes Chorus) Sarah Eggerstedt (l) (Shoreline Sound Chorus) Heather Kingham (bt) (Grand Traverse Show Chorus) Traci Martin (bs) (Northern Bend Chorus) Songs: You Turned The Tables On Me (Bergman); If Ever I Would Leave You (Hine)

Second Place First Place The Vibe

Hot Wire – Score: 600 (Fenton Lakes Chorus, London Chorus, Seaway Sounds Chorus)

Third Place

Riot Act – Score: 567 (Fenton Lakes Chorus, Shoreline Sound Chorus)

Bravo Quartet

Novelty Shop (Motor City Blend Chorus, Shoreline Sound Chorus, Battle Creek Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 13

CHORUSES First Place

Motor City Blend Chorus LeAnn Hazlett and Sylvia Ann Karpinsky, Directors Score: 677 • 99 on stage Songs: I’ll Never Stop Loving You (Bescos); Ain’t He Sweet/Yes Sir, That’s My Baby (Hine)

Second Place Perth Harmony Chorus First Place Motor City Blend Chorus

London Chorus Julia Beadle, Director Score: 620

Third Place

Grand Harmony Chorus Chris Arnold, Director Score: 593

Division A

Fenton Lakes Chorus Jeanne Lundberg, Director Score: 549 • 29 on stage Songs: How Deep Is The Ocean (Hopkins); Jazz Me Blues (Minihane)

Division AA

Magic Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee Fenton Lakes Chorus

London Chorus Julia Beadle, Director Score: 620 • 50 on stage Songs: Great Day For The Irish/McNamara’s Band Medley (G. Blackwell) That Tumbledown Shack In Athlone (G. Blackwell)

Most Improved Chorus Tri-City Chorus Patricia Osborne, Director Score: 470 (+66)

Bravo Chorus

Festival Sounds Chorus Liana Jennings, Director

Division AA London Brindabella Chorus Chorus

Number of Competing Choruses: 17 Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E





QUARTETS First Place

Quest – Score: 568 Mary Ann Neuman (t) (Melodeers Chorus) Sherry Oddo (l) (Melodeers Chorus) Diane Landry (bt) (Melodeers Chorus) Debi Batchelor (bs) (Midwest Crossroad Chorus) Songs: If I Had My Way (Harrington); I’ve Got A Feeling I’m Falling (Bergman)

Second Place First Place Quest

By Request – Score: 529 (Yahara River Chorus)

Third Place

Cool Beans – Score: 525 (Chapter-at-Large Region #3, Crosstown Harmony Chorus)

Bravo Quartet

Whistle Junction (Chapter-at-Large Region #3, Riverport Chorus, Spirit of the Lakes Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 11

CHORUSES First Place

River City Sound Chorus Joan Boutilier, Director Score: 636 • 46 on stage Songs: Love Letters Straight From Your Heart (Arns); Cry, Baby! (Hill, Bergman)

Second Place Perth City Harmony First Place River SoundChorus Chorus

Midwest Crossroad Chorus Tori Hicks, Director Score: 608

Third Place

Toast of Champaign Chorus Jacalyn Compton, Director Score: 574

Division A

Vermillion Valley Show Chorus Kathryn Filipiak, Director Score: 540 • 25 on stage Songs: If I Give My Heart To You (Clancy); Sweet Georgia Brown (Avener)

Division AA

Magic Division A Murrumbidgee Vermillion Valley ShowChorus Chorus

River City Sound Chorus Joan Boutilier, Director Score: 636 • 46 on stage Songs: Love Letters Straight From Your Heart (Arns); Cry, Baby! (Hill, Bergman)

Most Improved Chorus

Vermillion Valley Show Chorus Kathryn Filipiak, Director Score: 540 (+27)

Bravo Chorus

Westosha Lakes Chorus Nancie Kiddoo, Director

Division AA River Brindabella City Sound Chorus Chorus


July 2017 | TH EP I TC H P I P E

Number of Competing Choruses: 13 Photos: Jon Petersen, Tulsa




QUARTETS First Place

Spot On – Score: 612 Maggie McAlexander (t) (TuneTown Show Chorus) Jen Wheaton (l) (Chapter-at-Large Region #3) Joy Suellentrop (bt) (St. Louis Harmony Chorus) Kris Wheaton (bs) (Chapter-at-Large Region #4) Songs: Flaming Agnes (Ziegler); What'll I Do? (Waesche, Craig)

Second Place First Place Spot On

Sweet Lucy – Score: 606 (Chapter-at-Large Region #4)

Third Place

In Sync – Score: 600 (Pride of Kentucky Chorus, White River Sound Chorus)

Bravo Quartet

Don’t Call Me Shirley (TuneTown Show Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 19

CHORUSES First Place

Metro Nashville Chorus Kim Wonders, Director Score: 647 • 39 on stage Songs: If Ever I Would Leave You (Hine); Smile Medley (Hine)

Second Place Perth Harmony First Place Metro Nashville Chorus Chorus

Pride of Kentucky Chorus Debbie Hite, Director Score: 642

Third Place

Capital City Chorus Stacey Lyn St. John, Director Score: 600

Division A

Diamond Jubilee Chorus Jean Barford, Director Score: 544 • 30 on stage Songs: Once Upon A Time (Dale); You’re In Wrong With The Right Baby/How Come You Do Me Like You Do? Medley (Giallombardo) Magic Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee Diamond Jubilee Chorus

Division AA

Metro Nashville Chorus Kim Wonders, Director Score: 647 • 39 on stage Songs: If Ever I Would Leave You (Hine); Smile Medley (Hine)

Most Improved Chorus

White River Sound Chorus Debbie Thistle, Director Score: 556 (+10)

Audience Choice Chorus Columbus Chorus Kathy Larkins, Director

Division AA Metro Brindabella Nashville Chorus Chorus

Number of Competing Choruses: 18 Photos: Jon Read Photography

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E





QUARTETS First Place

Pizzazz! – Score: 633 Kelly Peterson (t) (Topeka Acappella Unlimited Chorus) Susan Ives (l) (Topeka Acappella Unlimited Chorus) Janice Sue Mohr (bt) (Topeka Acappella Unlimited Chorus) Donna Kready (bs) (Topeka Acappella Unlimited Chorus) Songs: Jazz Me Blues (A. Minihane); A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square (L. Wright)

Third Place

Legacy – Score: 607 (Song of Atlanta Chorus, Vocal Standard Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 18

Second Place First Place Pizzazz!

Take 4 – Score: 612 (Chapter-at-Large Region #5, Kansas City Chorus, St. Louis Harmony Chorus, Vocal Standard Chorus)

CHORUSES First Place

River Blenders Chorus Diane Huber, Director Score: 640 • 70 on stage Songs: I Never Knew/You Were Meant For Me Medley (Craig); You Don’t Know Me (J. Clancy)

Second Place First Place River Perth Blenders HarmonyChorus Chorus

Vocal Standard Chorus Robert Mance, Director Score: 612

Third Place

St. Louis Harmony Chorus Sandi Wright, Director Score: 599

Division A

St. Louis Harmony Chorus Sandi Wright, Director Score: 599 • 27 on stage Songs: I Never Meant To Fall In Love (J. Liles); Strike Up The Band (D. Wright)

Division AA

Magic Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee St. Louis Harmony Chorus

Vocal Standard Chorus Robert Mance, Director Score: 612 • 38 on stage Songs: A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square (Bescos); I Never Knew I Could Love Anybody (D. Wright)

Most Improved Choruses

St. Louis Harmony Chorus Sandi Wright, Director • Score: 599 (+14) Harmony Central Chorus Nathan Green and Charyl Barr, Directors • Score: 577 (+14)

Bravo Chorus

Lincolnaire Chorus Karen Randall, Director

Division AA Vocal Brindabella Standard Chorus Chorus


July 2017 | THEP I TC H P I P E

Number of Competing Choruses: 18 Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography




QUARTETS First Place

Spice – Score: 593 Angela Blackwood (t) (Chapter-at-Large Region #6) Heidi Dick (l) (City of Lakes Chorus) Liz Miller (bt) (City of Lakes Chorus) Jan Rick (bs) (City of Lakes Chorus) Songs: I’ve Got A Feeling I’m Falling (Bergman); You Are My Sunshine (Uhr)

Second Place

First Place Spice

Third Place

Affinity – Score: 541 (Spirit of Harmony Chorus)

Audience Choice Quartet

Simply Magic (City of Lakes Chorus, Zumbro Valley Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 11

Take Two – Score: 558 (City of Lakes Chorus)

CHORUSES First Place

City of Lakes Chorus Scott Kvigne, Director Score: 710 • 100 on stage Songs: A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square (Bescos); Cry Baby/So Long Dearie (M. Hill, Bergman)

Second Place PerthofHarmony Chorus First Place City Lakes Chorus

Twin Cities Show Chorus Judy Olson, Director Score: 579

Third Place

Spirit of Harmony Chorus Judy Weipert, Director Score: 568

Division A

Spirit of Harmony Chorus Judy Weipert, Director Score: 568 • 28 on stage Songs: If I Love Again (Waesche, Bergman); Sweet Georgia Brown (Bescos)

Division AA

Murrumbidgee Magic Chorus Division A Spirit of Harmony Chorus

Twin Cities Show Chorus Judy Olson, Director Score: 579 • 41 on stage Songs: I Miss Mother Most Of All (J. Liles); Mr. Piano Man/No New Tunes On This Old Piano (B. Beck)

Most Improved Chorus Vallee de Croix Chorus Brandon Galbraith, Director Score: 405 (+75)

Audience Choice Chorus Center Point Chorus Kathleen Harris, Director

Division AA Twin Brindabella Cities Show Chorus Chorus

Number of Competing Choruses: 12 Photos: Jon Read Photography

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QUARTETS First Place

Ruby Blue – Score: 597 Cindy Wadsley (t) (Skyline Chorus) Heather Tavel (l) (High Country Chorus) Rebecca Richards (bt) (High Country Chorus) Jocelyn Nguyen (bs) (Chapter-at-Large Region #8) Songs: A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square (Craig); Let’s Start Tomorrow Night (A. Reimnitz)

Third Place

Nothin’ But Treble – Score: 551 (Mountain Jubilee Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 17

Second Place First Place Ruby Blue

Free Fallin’ – Score: 596 (Skyline Chorus, Velvet Hills Chorus)

CHORUSES First Place

Skyline Chorus Vickie Maybury, Director Score: 724 • 124 on stage Songs: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Medley (Hine); Strike Up The Band (D. Wright)

Second Place First Place Skyline Perth Harmony Chorus Chorus

Mountain Jubilee Chorus Stevie Dugdale, Director Score: 610

Third Place

Bella Voce Chorus Chorus Jeana Womble, Director Score: 529

Division A

Bella Voce Chorus Jeana Womble, Director Score: 529 • 16 on stage Songs: If You Love Me, Really Love Me (Bergman); Let’s Talk About My Baby/Yes Sir, That’s My Baby (Bergman) Magic Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee Bella Voce Chorus

Division AA

Mountain Jubilee Chorus Stevie Dugdale, Director Score: 610 • 46 on stage Songs: Roses of Yesterday (Bergman); Keep Your Sunnyside Up Medley (Waesche)

Most Improved Chorus

Idaho Falls A Cappella Chorus Jennifer Todd, Director Score: 448 (+20)

Audience Choice Chorus Windsong Chorus Annette Lanbrecht, Director

Division AA Mountain Brindabella Jubilee Chorus Chorus


July 2017 | THEP I TCH P I P E

Number of Competing Choruses: 16 Photos: Jon Read Photography




QUARTETS First Place

Premier – Score: 621 Christy Dillon (t) (Chapter-at-Large Region #9) Janeen Summey (l) (Women of Note Chorus) Cynthia LeMasters (bt) (Chapter-at-Large Region #9) Tabby Miller (bs) (Chapter-at-Large Region #9) Songs: For The Sake of Auld Lang Syne (Bescos); No Strings (L. Wright)

Third Place

Ladybug – Score: 592 (A Cappella Bay Show Chorus, Chapter-at-Large Region #9, Toast of Tampa Show Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 21

Second Place First Place Premier

Ringtones – Score: 607 (Chapter-at-Large Region #9, Spirit of the Gulf Chorus, Toast of Tampa Show Chorus)

CHORUSES First Place

Spirit of the Gulf Chorus Michael Slamka and Deanna Kastler, Directors Score: 683 • 87 on stage Songs: When I Lost You (Tramack, Twardowsky, Meyer, Slamka); I Never Knew (D. Wright)

Second Place Perth of Harmony First Place Spirit the GulfChorus Chorus

Women of Note Chorus Mitchell Greenberg, Director Score: 622

Third Place

O-Town Sound Chorus Kay Webb, Director Score: 615

Division A

Hilton Head Shore Notes Chorus Faye McLanahan, Director Score: 565 • 28 on stage Songs: Love Letters (Arns); Big Bad Bill Is Sweet William Now (Arns)

Division AA

Magic Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee Hilton Head Shore Notes Chorus

Women of Note Chorus Mitchell Greenberg, Director Score: 622 • 45 on stage Songs: How Deep Is The Ocean (Hopkins); Love Eyes Medley (D. Wright)

Most Improved Chorus Pensacola Sound Chorus Connie Hancock, Director Score: 443 (+44)

Bravo Chorus

Magic of Manatee Chorus Lois Van Beek, Director

Division AA Women Brindabella of Note Chorus Chorus

Number of Competing Choruses: 18 Photos: Jon Read Photography

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E





QUARTETS First Place

Essence – Score: 594 Caitlyn Gallegos (t) (Chapter-at-Large Region #10) Candice Griffith (l) (Alamo Metro Chorus) Kerry Parker (bt) (Alamo Metro Chorus) Tianna Coffey (bs) (Chapter-at-Large Region #10) Songs: That’s My Weakness Now/That Certain Party Medley (Gentry); Time After Time (Arns)

Third Place

Sympatico – Score: 556 (The Woodlands Show Chorus)

Bravo Quartet

Fleur de Lis (Crescent City Sound Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 19

Second Place First Place Essence

SoundWise – Score: 581 (A Cappella Unlimited Chorus, Alamo Metro Chorus)

CHORUSES First Place

The Woodlands Show Chorus Betty Clipman, Director Score: 687 • 67 on stage Songs: Love Letters Straight From Your Heart (Arns); I’m Looking Over A Four-Leaf Clover/It’s A Good Day Medley (Arns)

Second Place Perth Harmony Chorus First Place The Woodlands Show Chorus

Alamo Metro Chorus Mary Ann Wydra, Director Score: 617

Third Place

Crescent City Sound Chorus Mary Beth McMurray, Director Score: 567

Division A

A Cappella Unlimited Chorus Kathryn Dane, Director Score: 565 • 17 on stage Songs: Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall In Love) (Brockman); Yesterday I Heard The Rain (Graham) Magic Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee A Cappella Unlimited

Division AA

Alamo Metro Chorus Mary Ann Wydra, Director Score: 617 • 45 on stage Songs: Smile Medley (Hine); Auld Lang Syne (Hine)

Most Improved Chorus

Crescent City Sound Chorus Mary Beth McMurray, Director Score: 567 (+66) Number of Competing Choruses: 18 Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography

Division AA Alamo Brindabella Metro Chorus Chorus


July 2017 | THEP I TC H P I P E




QUARTETS First Place

Third Place

Ringin’ Again! – Score: 611 Stacey Riss (t) (Lady Luck Showtime Chorus) Ami Nichelson (l) (Lady Luck Showtime Chorus) Suzanne Lunak (bt) (Lady Luck Showtime Chorus) Bobbie Jewell (bs) (Lady Luck Showtime Chorus) Songs: If You Love Me, Really Love Me (Berman); Two Tickets To Georgia (Volk)

Makin’ Mischief – Score: 576 (Antelope Valley Showcase Chorus, Channelaire Chorus, Lady Luck Showtime Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 16

Second Place First Place Ringin’ Again!

Pitchcraft – Score: 588 (Chapter-at-Large Region #11, Santa Monica Chorus)

CHORUSES First Place

Carpe Diem Chorus Mary Ashford, Director Score: 608 • 25 on stage Songs: This Is My Night (Bergman); So Long, Dearie (Bergman)

Second Place Perth Harmony Chorus First Place Carpe Diem Chorus

Lady Luck Showtime Chorus Linda Kelly, Director Score: 597

Third Place

Celebrity City Chorus Catherine Sturm, Director Score: 585

Division A

Carpe Diem Chorus Mary Ashford, Director Score: 608 • 25 on stage Songs: This Is My Night (Bergman); So Long, Dearie (Bergman)

Division AA

Magic Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee Carpe Diem Chorus

Lady Luck Showtime Chorus Linda Kelly, Director Score: 597 • 36 on stage Songs: If I Give My Heart To You (Clancy); I Never Knew/You Were Meant For Me (Craig)

Most Improved Chorus

Lady Luck Showtime Chorus Linda Kelly, Director Score: 597 (+85)

Bravo Chorus

L.A. South Towns Show Chorus Caroline McLean, Director

Division AA Lady Brindabella Luck Showtime Chorus Chorus

Number of Competing Choruses: 15 Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E





QUARTETS First Place

Fresco – Score: 607 Sandra Cope (t) (Sacramento Valley Chorus) Megan Litz (l) (Chapter-at-Large Region #12) Margaret Leggett (bt) (Sacramento Valley Chorus) Merriann Cree (bs) (Sacramento Valley Chorus) Songs: I Can’t Give You Anything But Love/L-O-V-E Medley (Bergman); All The Way (Gentry)

Second Place First Place Fresco

Turbulence – Score: 591 (Bay Area Showcase Chorus)

Third Place

Verve – Score: 577 (Bay Area Showcase Chorus, Chapter-at-Large Region #12, Diablo Vista Chorus )

Bravo Quartet

PDQ (Chapter-at-Large Region #12, Pacific Empire Chorus, Sacramento Valley Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 23

CHORUSES First Place

Mission Valley Chorus Angela Suraci, Director Score: 624 • 59 on stage Songs: Deed I Do Medley (L. Wright); If Ever I Would Leave You (Hine)

Second Place

Perth Harmony Chorus First Place Mission Valley Chorus

Pacific Empire Chorus Patricia Pennycook, Director Score: 606

Third Place

Song of Sonoma Chorus Sharon Carlson, Director Score: 597

Division A

Oregon Spirit Chorus Kathy Scheel, Director Score: 525 • 27 on stage: Songs: Who’s Sorry Now (E. Moon); All The Way (B. Graham)

Division AA

Magic Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee Oregon Spirit Chorus

Mission Valley Chorus Angela Suraci, Director Score: 624 • 59 on stage Songs: Deed I Do Medley (L. Wright); If Ever I Would Leave You (Hine)

Most Improved Chorus

San Francisco Sound Wave Chorus Diane Myrick, Director Score: 534 (+36)

Bravo Chorus

Oregon Coast Chorus Paula Dahl, Director

Division AA Mission Brindabella Valley Chorus Chorus


July 2017 | THEP I TCH P I P E

Number of Competing Choruses: 20 Photos: Jon Read Photography




QUARTETS First Place

PrimeTime – Score: 656 Sylvia Posso (t) (Song of Seattle Chorus) Katy Hawley (l) (Song of Seattle Chorus) Patti Burklund (bt) (Voices Northwest Chorus) Sonja Mejlaender (bs) (Song of Seattle Chorus) Songs: I Can’t Give You Anything But Love (Bergman); If I Give My Heart To You (Clancy)

Second Place First Place PrimeTime

Renegade – Score: 640 (A Cappella Joy Chorus, Chapter-at-Large Region #13, Jet Cities Chorus)

Third Place

Fourcast – Score: 619 (Chapter-at-Large #13, Harmony Northwest Chorus, Pacific Sound Chorus, Voices Northwest Chorus)

Audience Choice Quartet Up to Something (Northwest Harmony Chorus)

Number of Competing Quartets: 33

CHORUSES First Place

Pride of Portland Chorus Ryan Heller, Director Score: 710 • 86 on stage Songs: If I Had My Way (Hine, intro/tag Heller); Strike Up The Band/Everybody Step Medley (Dale)

Second Place Perth of Harmony Chorus First Place Pride Portland Chorus

Pacific Sound Chorus Susan Kegley, Director Score: 610

Third Place

Spirit of Spokane Chorus Mike Elliott, Director Score: 603

Division A

Rolling Hills Chorus Lucy Heinkel, Director Score: 549 • 27 on stage Songs: The Bandstand In Central Park (Bergman); When The Midnight Choo Choo Leaves For Albam’ (Bergman) Murrumbidgee Magic Chorus Division A Rolling Hills Chorus

Division AA

Pacific Sound Chorus Susan Kegley, Director Score: 610 • 47 on stage Songs: Smile Medley (Hine); What Kind Of Fool Am I? (Heller)

Most Improved Chorus

Cascade Harmony Chorus Sandra Cahill, Director Score: 532 (+45)

Audience Choice Chorus Song of Seattle Chorus Paula Davis, Director

Division AA Pacific Brindabella Sound Chorus Chorus

Number of Competing Choruses: 21 Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E





QUARTETS First Place

Up All Night – Score: 594 Sara Duffy (t) (Vienna-Falls Chorus) Allison Lynskey (l) (Vienna-Falls Chorus) Heidi Wilson (bt) (Vienna-Falls Chorus) Kristen Lebryk (bs) (Vienna-Falls Chorus) Songs: When You Wish Upon A Star (Bescos); It’s A Pity To Say Goodnight (Bergman)

Second Place First Place Up All Night

REV’L – Score: 550 (Greater Richmond Chorus)

Third Place

4.0 – Score: 536 (Carolina Style Chorus, Vocal Matrix Chorus)

Audience Choice Quartet Fanfare! (Carolina Harmony Chorus)

Number of Competing Quartets: 19

CHORUSES First Place

Song of Atlanta Chorus Becki Hine, Director Score: 686 • 77 on stage Songs: Sweet Georgia Brown (Minshall); If I Had My Way (Hine)

Second Place Perth of Harmony First Place Song AtlantaChorus Chorus

Vocal Matrix Chorus Nancy Field, Director Score: 630

Third Place

Carolina Harmony Chorus Susie Smith, Director Score: 624

Division A

Carolina Harmony Chorus Susie Smith, Director Score: 624 • 26 on stage Songs: My Foolish Heart (Bescos); Big Bad Bill Is Sweet William Now (Arns)

Division AA

Magic Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee Carolina Harmony Chorus

Carolina Style Chorus Jean Danaher, Director Score: 609 • 45 on stage Songs: Time After Time (Arns); Ain’t He Sweet/Yes Sir, That’s My Baby (Hine)

Most Improved Chorus

Georgia Sensation Chorus Steve Dorn, Director Score: 529 (+38)

Audience Choice Chorus

Song O’Sky Chorus Sherry Sprague, Director

Division AA Carolina Brindabella Style Chorus Chorus


July 2017 | THEP I TCH P I P E

Number of Competing Choruses: 17 Photos: Freeze-Frame Photography




QUARTETS First Place

Third Place

Harmony – Score: 645 Sarah Clay Lindvall (t) (Sirens of Gotham Chorus) Kim Higdon (l) (Hilton Head Shore Notes Chorus) Harriette Walters (bt) (Greater Nassau Chorus) Leigh Dorman (bs) (Greater Nassau Chorus) Songs: Someone Like You (D. Wright); If Ever I Would Leave You (Hine)

Second Place First Place Harmony

Harmonics – Score: 590 (Greater Nassau Chorus, Harmony Celebration Chorus)

Bravo Quartet After Hours (Capitaland Chorus)

Brown Eyed Girls – Score: 592 (Chapter-at-Large Region #15, Greater Nassau Chorus, Sirens of Gotham Chorus)

Number of Competing Quartets: 18

CHORUSES First Place

Liberty Oak Chorus Marilyn Block, Director Score: 663 • 82 on stage Songs: When I Fall In Love (D. Wright); Happy Feet Medley (Waesche)

Second Place Perth Harmony Chorus First Place Liberty Oak Chorus

Harmony Celebration Chorus Scott Brannon, Director Score: 648

Third Place

Hickory Tree Chorus Carolyn Schmidt, Director Score: 596

Division A

Sirens of Gotham Chorus Sarah Clay Lindvall and Stephanie Ofshinsky, Directors Score: 576 • 30 on stage Songs: I Ain’t Gonna Play No Second Fiddle (Gallagher); Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring (A. Dale)

Division AA

Murrumbidgee Magic Chorus Division A Sirens of Gotham Chorus

Harmony Celebration Chorus Scott Brannon, Director Score: 648 • 48 on stage Songs: Because Of You (D. Gray); Dancin’ In The Streets/Mardi Gras March Medley (Bergman, M. Hill)

Most Improved Chorus Jersey Harmony Chorus Kat Britt, Director Score: 535 (+16)

Number of Competing Choruses: 18 Photos: Jon Petersen, Tulsa

Division AA Harmony Brindabella Celebration Chorus Chorus

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E





QUARTETS First Place

Power Chords – Score: 580 Molly Rowland (t) (Buffalo Gateway Chorus) Rosalie Mattison (l) (Buffalo Gateway Chorus) Sue Read Melvin (bt) (Chapter-at-Large Region #16) Cynthia Rivera (bs) (Buffalo Gateway Chorus) Songs: Driving Me Crazy (B. Disney); If I Were The Only Girl In The World (M. Rowland)

Third Place

Walkin’ on Sunshine – Score: 534 (Greater Kingston Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 12

Second Place First Place Power Chords

VQA – Score: 562 (Canadian Showtime Chorus)

CHORUSES First Place

Buffalo Gateway Chorus Diane Porsch, Director Score: 676 • 74 on stage Songs: Time After Time (Arns); Red, Red Robin (Volk)

Second Place Perth Harmony First Place Buffalo GatewayChorus Chorus

Circle of Harmony Chorus Barbara Hodge, Director Score: 616

Third Place

Greater Kingston Chorus Andrew Carolan, Director Score: 594

Division A

Limestone City Voices Chorus Kristin Stevens and Mo Field, Directors Score: 553 • 27 on stage Songs: How Deep Is The Ocean (R. Hopkins); I Can’t Give You Anything But Love (Bergman)

Division AA

Murrumbidgee Division A Limestone City Magic VoicesChorus Chorus

Greater Kingston Chorus Andrew Carolan, Director Score: 594 • 51 on stage Songs: When I Fall In Love (C. Schmidt); Shakin’ The Blues Away (Craig)

Most Improved Chorus Harmony North Chorus Catherine Robertson, Director Score: 446 (+80)

Number of Competing Choruses: 17 Photos: Jon Petersen, Tulsa

Division AA Greater Brindabella Kingston Chorus Chorus


July 2017 | TH EP I TC H P I P E




QUARTETS First Place

Fusion – Score: 603 Joyce Vaclav (t) (Motor City Blend Chorus) Rebecca Cherry (l) (Shoreline Sound Chorus) Jill Spriestersbach (bt) (Pride of Toledo Chorus) Beth Miller (bs) (Lake Ridge Legacy Chorus) Songs: Over The Rainbow (Giallombardo); I Can’t Give You Anything But Love (Bergman)

Third Place

Mad Scene – Score: 585 (Lake Ridge Legacy Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 18

Second Place First Place Fusion

Surefire – Score: 590 (Greater Harmony Chorus, River Raisin Chorus, Voices in Harmony Chorus, Greater Harmony Chorus)

CHORUSES First Place

Greater Cleveland Chorus Jean Flinn, Director Score: 641 • 55 on stage Songs: A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square (Bescos); Ain’t He Sweet/Yes Sir, That’s My Baby (Hine)

Second Place Perth Harmony Chorus First Place Greater Cleveland Chorus

Greater Harmony Chorus Michael Hengelsberg, Director Score: 597

Third Place

Lake Ridge Legacy Chorus Dave Smotzer, Director Score: 582

Division A

Battle Creek Chorus Julie Zehnder, Director Score: 520 • 23 on stage Songs: If I Give My Heart To You (J. Clancy); I Can’t Give You Anything But Love/L-O-V-E (Bergman)

Division AA

Murrumbidgee Magic Chorus Division A Battle Creek Chorus

Greater Cleveland Chorus Jean Flinn, Director Score: 641 • 55 on stage Songs: A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square (Bescos); Ain’t He Sweet/Yes Sir, That’s My Baby (C. Hine)

Most Improved Chorus Greater Harmony Chorus Michael Hengelsberg, Director Score: 597 (+68) Number of Competing Choruses: 16 Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography

Division AA Greater Brindabella Cleveland ChorusChorus

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QUARTETS First Place

Famous Janes – Score: 659 Sue Taylor (t) (Harbor City Music Company Chorus) Jennifer Lynn Kuethe (l) (Harbor City Music Company Chorus) Kathleen Mannherz (bt) (Harbor City Music Company Chorus) Amanda Clements (bs) (Harbor City Music Company Chorus) Songs: Gimme Gimme (Diamond); I Had The Craziest Dream (Bescos)

Second Place First Place Famous Janes

Neon Lights – Score: 626 (Harbor City Music Company Chorus, Red Rose City Chorus)

Third Place

Mosaic – Score: 603 (Hickory Tree Chorus, Jersey Sound Chorus, Valley Forge Chorus)

Bravo Quartet

Quad-tete (Upper Chesapeake Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 25

CHORUSES First Place

Valley Forge Chorus Joe Spiecker, Director Score: 638 • 35 on stage Songs: You’ll Never Know (Clancy); Four Leaf Clover/Yes Sir Medley (J. Spiecker)

Second Place Perth Harmony Chorus First Place Valley Forge Chorus

Greater Harrisburg Chorus Claire Domenick, Director Score: 609

Third Place

Pride of Baltimore Chorus Joe Cerutti and Carlos Barillo, Directors Score: 602

Division A

Diamond State Chorus Pamela Nichols, Director Score: 555 • 21 on stage Songs: Love Is Just Around The Corner (Twardosky); My Foolish Heart (Bescos)

Division AA

Division A Murrumbidgee Diamond State Magic ChorusChorus

Valley Forge Chorus Joe Spiecker, Director Score: 638 • 35 on stage Songs: You’ll Never Know (Clancy); Four Leaf Clover/Yes Sir Medley (J. Spiecker)

Most Improved Chorus Altoona Chorus Ann George, Director Score: 548 (+ 36)

Audience Choice Chorus

Chesapeake Harmony Chorus Tancey Bosna, Director

Division AA Valley Brindabella ForgeChorus Chorus


July 2017 | THEP I TCH P I P E

Number of Competing Choruses: 23 Photos: JB Photographers




QUARTETS First Place

C’est La Vie – Score: 620 Caitlin Klemballa (t) (Scottsdale Chorus) Melanie Barker (l) (Scottsdale Chorus) Krista Moller (bt) (Scottsdale Chorus) Taylor Daniels (bs) (Scottsdale Chorus) Songs: Exactly Like You (S. Kitzmiller); If You Love Me, Really Love Me (Bergman)

Third Place

Ms. Cellaneous – Score: 597 (Harborlites Chorus, Scottsdale Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 18

Second Place First Place C'est La Vie

SpinOff – Score: 617 (Scottsdale Chorus)

CHORUSES First Place

Scottsdale Chorus Lori Lyford, Director Score: 744 • 109 on stage Songs: He Was There (Bergman); Mardi Gras Medley (A. Dale)

Second Place Perth Harmony Chorus First Place Scottsdale Chorus

Harborlites Chorus Pamela Pieson, Director Score: 731

Third Place

Tucson Desert Harmony Chorus Karen Meade, Director Score: 564

Division A

Song Of The Pines Chorus Suzy Lobaugh, Director Score: 537 • 27 on stage Songs: For Once In My Life (Bescos); Runnin' Wild (Bergman)

Division AA

Magic Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee Song of the Pines Chorus

Tucson Desert Harmony Chorus Karen Meade, Director Score: 564 • 52 on stage Songs: I Never Meant To Fall In Love (Liles); Deed I Do/Put Your Arms Around Me Honey (Bescos)

Most Improved Chorus OC Sound Chorus Bonnie McKibben, Director Score: 522 (+34)

Bravo Chorus

Westwind Harmony Chorus Bill Shaw, Director

Division AA Tuscan Brindabella Desert Chorus Harmony Chorus

Number of Competing Choruses: 14 Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography

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QUARTETS First Place

TITANIUM – Score: 655 Lynn Downs (t) (Chapter-at-Large Region #25) Melody White (l) (Rich-Tone Chorus) Holly Fisher (bt) (Rich-Tone Chorus) Lindsay Chartier-Holdeman (bs) (Chapter-at-Large Region #25) Songs: When I Fall In Love (D. Wright); Cuddle Up A Little Closer (Hine)

Second Place First Place TITANIUM

Third Place

Couture – Score: 608 Sound Score: 147 (O.K. City Chorus)

Bravo Quartet

Pink (4-States Fusion Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 22

Perfect Storm – Score: 608 Sound Score: 151 (Emerald City Chorus)

CHORUSES First Place

Rich-Tone Chorus Dale Syverson, Director Score: 673 • 78 on stage Songs: The Masquerade Is Over (Minshall/Waesche); Hot Town Strutters' Ball (Minshall)

Second Place Perth Harmony Chorus First Place Rich-Tone Chorus

O.K. City Chorus Mary Rhea, Director Score: 649

Third Place

Top of the Rock Chorus Kelly Causey, Director Score: 607

Division A

Wichita Chorus Melynnie Williams, Director Score: 588 • 21 on stage Songs: Deed I Do/Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey (Bescos); My Romance (Minshall)

Division AA

Division A Murrumbidgee Wichita ChorusMagic Chorus

Top of the Rock Chorus Kelly Causey, Director Score: 607 • 55 on stage Songs: It’s You (Rund); Somethin’ About Ya (Liles)

Most Improved Chorus Wichita Chorus Melynnie Williams, Director Score: 588 (+8)

Audience Choice Chorus

Sooner Sensations Show Chorus Jeffrey Sykes, Director Number of Competing Choruses: 25 Photos: E.R. Lilley Photography

Division AA Top Brindabella of the Rock Chorus Chorus


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QUARTETS First Place

Glow – Score: 612 Sandy Marron (t) (Lions Gate Chorus) Nicole Collins (l) (Lions Gate Chorus) Kelly Payne (bt) (Lions Gate Chorus) Emma Gibson (bs) (Peace Arch Chorus) Songs: You Are So Beautiful (J. Johnson); Between You And The Birds And The Bees And Cupid (A. Dale)

Second Place First Place Glow

Third Place

Noise – Score: 580 (Chapter-at-Large #26, Lions Gate Chorus)

Bravo Quartet Wish (Lions Gate Chorus)

Number of Competing Quartets: 18

No Strings – Score: 607 (Rhythm of the Rockies)

CHORUSES First Place

Westcoast Harmony Chorus Anne Downton, Director Score: 643 • 41 on stage Songs: Are You Lonesome Tonight (Graham); Dr. Jazz Medley (M.K. Coffman)

Second Place Perth Harmony Chorus First Place Westcoast Harmony Chorus

Vocal Motion! Chorus Caroline Richards, Director Score: 598

Third Place

Gateway Chorus Lisa Greenough, Director Score: 596

Division A

Vocal Motion! Chorus Caroline Richards, Director Score: 598 • 24 on stage Songs: Oh, You Beautiful Doll (Giallombardo); Once Upon A Time (J. Dale)

Division AA

Murrumbidgee Magic Chorus Division A Vocal Motion! Chorus

Westcoast Harmony Chorus Anne Downton, Director Score: 643 • 41 on stage Songs: Are You Lonesome Tonight (Graham); Dr. Jazz Medley (M.K. Coffman)

Most Improved Chorus City of Gardens Chorus Julie Smith, Director Score: 594 (+86)

Audience Choice Chorus

Desert Sounds Harmony Chorus Janice Caravan and Debbie Swain, Directors

Division AA Westcoast BrindabellaHarmony Chorus Chorus

Number of Competing Choruses: 16 Photos: Miloš Tošić Photography 2017

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QUARTETS First Place

Life’s a Pitch – Score: 608 Karen Riley (t) (Chapter-at-Large Region #31) Beckie Puncher (l) (Spinnaker Chorus) Jenny Savory (bt) (Chapter-at-Large Region #31) June Samson (bs) (Spinnaker Chorus) Songs: Once Upon A Time (J. Dale); Angry Bill Bailey Medley (Bergman)

Second Place First Place Life’s a Pitch

Third Place

Storm – Score: 595 (Lace City Chorus)

Audience Choice Quartet Footlights (Cambridge Harmony Chorus, Phoenix Chorus)

Number of Competing Quartets: 19

Tone-Acity – Score: 603 (Chapter-at-Large Region #31, Milltown Sound Chorus)

CHORUSES First Place

Lace City Chorus Glenn Chaney, Director Score: 673 • 86 on stage Songs: I Have Dreamed (D. Wright); I Got Rhythm (D. Wright)

Second Place PerthCity Harmony Chorus First Place Lace Chorus

Phoenix Chorus Lynda Wood, Director Score: 643

Third Place

No Borders Show Chorus Stuart Sides and Jeannine Caland, Directors Score: 637

Division A

Milltown Sound Chorus Kim Potter, Director Score: 537 • 24 on stage Songs: Once Upon A Time (J. Dale); Angry Bill Bailey Medley (Bergman)

Division AA

Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee Milltown SoundMagic Chorus

No Borders Show Chorus Stuart Sides and Jeannine Caland, Directors Score: 637 • 54 on stage Songs: When I Fall In Love (D. Wright); I Can’t Give You Anything But Love (D. Harrington)

Most Improved Choruses

No Borders Show Chorus Stuart Sides and Jeannine Caland, Directors Score: 637 (+46) Rhapsody UK Chorus Graham Davies, Director Score: 568 (+46) Number of Competing Choruses: 17 Photos: Ian Griffiths, Event Photography

Division AA No Brindabella Borders Chorus Show Chorus


July 2017 | THEP I TC H P I P E




QUARTETS First Place

SVEA – Score: 616 Bodil Åström (t) (Chapter-at-Large Region #32) Karin Wikström (l) (Chapter-at-Large Region #32) Larin Sjöblom (bt) (Chapter-at-Large Region #32) Susanna Balsvik (bs) (Chapter-at-Large Region #32) Songs: Come Fly With Me (K. Keller); My Foolish Heart (Bescos)

Second Place First Place SVEA

RING – Score: 614 (Snowflake Singers Chorus)

Third Place

Twist – Score: 600 (Stockholm City Voices Chorus)

Audience Choice Quartet BLISS (Chapter-at-Large Region #32, Gothia Show Chorus)

Number of Competing Quartets: 20

CHORUSES First Place

Pearls of the Sound Chorus Anna Rosenberg, Director Score: 634 • 57 on stage Songs: I like Myself (Krigström); Medley: I’m Looking Over A Four-Leaf Clover (Spiecker)/ Yes Sir, That’s My Baby (Hine)

Second Place Perth Harmony Chorus First Place Pearls of the Sound Chorus

Alba Show Chorus Asa Fagerström, Director Score: 626

Third Place

Harmony Heights Chorus Mari Pettersson, Director Score: 598

Division A

Copper Town Harmony Chorus Sara Hedström, Director Score: 530 • 25 on stage Songs: I Can’t Give You Anything But Love, Baby (Harrington); If I Give My Heart To You (Clancy) Magic Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee Copper Town Harmony Chorus

Division AA

Pearls of the Sound Chorus Anna Rosenberg, Director Score: 634 • 57 on stage Songs: I like Myself (Krigström); Medley: I’m Looking Over A Four-Leaf Clover (Spiecker)/ Yes Sir, That’s My Baby (C. Hine)

Most Improved Choruses Harmony Heights Chorus Mari Pettersson, Director Score: 598 (+45) Sunlight Chorus Veronica Johansson, Director Score: 593 (+45)

Division AA Pearls Brindabella of theChorus Sound Chorus

Number of Competing Choruses: 14 Photos: Dick Gillberg Photography

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E





QUARTETS First Place

Hi-Jinx – Score: 635 Joanne Oosterhoff (t) (A Cappella West Chorus) Rebecca Hewitt (l) (Chapter-at-Large Region #34) Kirsten Richardson (bt) (A Cappella West Chorus) Lindsey Dyer (bs) (A Cappella West Chorus) Songs: Liar Medley (Craig); In The Wee Small Hours (Arns)

Second Place

Debacle – Score: 588 (Brindabella Chorus)

Third Place

Alouette – Score: 577 (Circular Keys Chorus)

Audience Choice Quartet Harmony Capers (Chapter-at-Large Region #34, Melbourne Chorus)

Number of Competing Quartets: 19

First Place Hi-Jinx

CHORUSES First Place

Endeavour Harmony Chorus Lea Baker, Director Score: 655 • 69 on stage Songs: Love Letters Straight From Your Heart (Arns); Ain’t He Sweet/Yes Sir, That’s My Baby (Hine)

Second Place Perth Harmony Chorus First Place Endeavour Harmony Chorus

A Cappella West Chorus Lindsey Dyer, Director Score: 614

Third Place

Melbourne Chorus Traci Voss, Director Score: 603

Division A

Circular Keys Chorus Vicki Dwyer, Director Score: 595 • 29 on stage Songs: Oh! Look At Me Now (A. Dale); What Kind Of Fool Am I (K. Keller)

Division AA

Magic Chorus Division A Murrumbidgee Circular Keys Chorus

Melbourne Chorus Traci Voss, Director Score: 603 • 48 on stage Songs: Alexander’s Ragtime Band (B. Beck); Auld Lang Syne (Hine)

Most Improved Chorus Vocalescence Chorus Andrew Howson, Director Score: 558 (+77)

Audience Choice Chorus

Onkaparinga Harmony Chorus Sarah Bradley, Director

Division AA Melbourne BrindabellaChorus Chorus


July 2017 | THEP I TC H P I P E

Number of Competing Choruses: 15 Photos: Amber Scobie




QUARTETS First Place

L’Attitude – Score: 614 Carolyn Margaret Duggan (t) (Christchurch City Chorus) Toni Griffin (l) (Bella A Cappella Chorus) Patrice Driver (bt) (Nelson Bays Harmony Chorus) Virginia Humphrey-Taylor (bs) (Christchurch City Chorus) Songs: I’m All Alone Because I love You (Beck); The Old Piano Roll Blues (Young)

MOLTO! – Score: 602 (Greater Auckland Chorus)

Bravo Quartet

Revelry (Wellington City Chorus) Number of Competing Quartets: 16

Second Place First Place L’Attitude

Third Place

Aftershock! – Score: 603 (Chapter-at-Large Region #35, Christchurch City Chorus)

CHORUSES First Place

Wellington City Chorus David Brooks, Director Score: 660 • 44 on stage Songs: Crying Myself To Sleep (Bergman); My Honey’s Lovin’ Arms (D. Wright)

Second Place Perth Harmony First Place Wellington City Chorus Chorus

Faultline Chorus Carolyn Currington, Director Score: 614

Third Place

Greater Auckland Chorus Jocosa Bruce, Director Score: 613

Division A

Bella A Cappella Chorus Patti Cooke, Director Score: 586 • 28 on stage Songs: Jazz Me Blues (Minihane); I Can’t Begin To Tell You (Schmidt)

Division AA

Murrumbidgee Magic Chorus Division A Bella A Cappella Chorus

Wellington City Chorus David Brooks, Director Score: 660 • 44 on stage Songs: Crying Myself To Sleep (Bergman); My Honey’s Lovin’ Arms (Schmidt)

Most Improved Chorus

Dunedin Harmony Chorus Robyn Abernethy, Director Score: 506 (+18) Number of Competing Choruses: 11 Photos: Clive Copeman Photography

Division AA Wellington Brindabella City Chorus Chorus

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E




2017 WILDCARD QUARTETS (Results at press time.)


Region #5 Take 4 – Score: 612 Melissa VanHousen (t) (Chapter at Large Region #5) Chacey Rembecki (l) (Kansas City Chorus) Kristin Drummond-Mance (bt) (Vocal Standard Chorus) Wendy Spilker (bs) (St. Louis Harmony Chorus) Songs: Fit As A Fiddle (D. Wright); At Last (Bergman) Photo: E.R. Lilley Photography

Take 4


Region #9 Ringtones – Score: 607 Donna Adams (t) (Chapter-at-Large Region #9) Janelle Young (l) (Toast of Tampa Show Chorus) Denise de la Cal (bt) (Spirit of the Gulf Chorus) Gari Brindle (bs) (Toast of Tampa Show Chorus) Songs: All The Way (Gentry); Angry Bill Bailey Medley (Bergman) Photo: Jon Read Photography


Neon Lights

Region #13 Renegade – Score: 640 Rachel Murphy (t) (Jet Cities Chorus) Alena Hemingway (l) (Chapter at Large Region #13) Holly Davis (bt) (A Cappella Joy Chorus) Bethany Frerichs (bs) (Jet Cities Chorus) Songs: My Romance (Minshall); No, No Norman (Hine) Photo: E.R. Lilley Photography



July 2017 | THEP I TCH P I P E




Region #13

Region #25

Fourcast – Score: 619 Lisa Martin (t) (Pacific Sound Chorus) Anna Martin (l) (Chapter at Large Region #13) Sue Beck (bt) (Voices Northwest Chorus) Carol Ward (bs) (Harmony Northwest Chorus) Songs: Love Letters Straight From Your Heart (Arns); Who’s Sorry Now (E. Moon) Photo: E.R. Lilley Photography

Perfect Storm – Score: 608 – Sound Score: 151 Jennifer Huffman (t) (Emerald City Chorus) Nicole Evans (l) (Emerald City Chorus) Lisa Murry (bt) (Emerald City Chorus) Cindy Duggan (bs) (Emerald City Chorus) Songs: If I Love Again (Waesche, Bergman); Someone Like You (Bergman) Photo: E.R. Lilley Photography

Perfect Storm

Region #13

Region #25

SnapShot! – Score: 611 Terri Kolp (t) (Chapter at Large Region #13) Cris Conerty (l) (Chapter at Large Region #13) Cheryl Allen (bt) (Spirit of Spokane Chorus) Melody Martz (bs) (Chapter at Large Region #13) Songs: I Never Knew/You Were Meant For Me Medley (Craig); If You Love Me, Really Love Me (Bergman) Photo: E. R. Lilley Photography

Couture – Score: 608 – Sound Score: 147 Dawn Henderson (t) (O.K. City Chorus) Barbara Underwood (l) (O.K. City Chorus) Jennifer Foster (bt) (O.K. City Chorus) Jacque Glasgow (bs) (O.K. City Chorus) Songs: Taking A Chance On Love (Giallombardo); Time After Time (N. Anderson) Photo: E.R. Lilley Photography


Region #26

Region #19

No Strings – Score: 607 Stephanie Ball (t) (Rhythm of the Rockies Chorus) Jennifer Auld-Roach (l) (Rhythm of the Rockies Chorus) Karri Quan (bt) (Rhythm of the Rockies Chorus) Laura Holmes (bs) (Rhythm of the Rockies Chorus) Songs: Why Don’t You Fall In Love With Me/Undecided Medley (Hine); Love Me And The World Is Mine (D. Wright) Photo: Miloš Tošić Photography 2017

Neon Lights – Score: 626 Elaine Davy (t) (Harbor City Music Company Chorus) Kayla Ressler (l) (Red Rose City Chorus) Marianna Gellert (bt) (Harbor City Music Company Chorus) Ashley Conway (bs) (Harbor City Music Company Chorus) Songs: My Baby Just Cares for Me (D. Wright); All The Way (B. Graham, Intro. L. Wright) Photo: JB Photographers

No Strings

Region #21 SpinOff – Score: 617 Erin Cardin (t) (Scottsdale Chorus) Lori Lyford (l) (Scottsdale Chorus) Jana Gutenson (bt) (Scottsdale Chorus) Christina Jette (bs) (Scottsdale Chorus) Songs: This Can’t Be Love (A. Dale); Stars Fell On Alabama (D. Wright) Photo: E.R. Lilley Photography


At press time, the following choruses had accepted an invitation to compete in the 2018 international competition in St. Louis, Mo.

Alba Show Chorus Region #32 Harborlites Chorus, Region #21 Harmony Celebration Chorus, Region #15 O.K. City Chorus, Region #25

Phoenix Chorus, Region #31 Pride of Kentucky Chorus, Region #4 Vocal Matrix Chorus, Region #14

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E



—Feb. 18, 2017

through May 5, 2017


Advanced to Certified Director Rosemary Calderon, Magic Valley, #10 Joan Codyre, Westcoast Harmony, #26 Vera Crouse, Greater Richmond, #14 Kathy Jamieson, Nelson Bays Harmony, #35 Lynn Pauls, Valley Echoes, #26 Elena Robinson, Ozark Showcase, #25 Janet Rowland, Nelson Bays Harmony, #35 Tindra Thor, Stockholm City Voices, #32

Advanced to Harmony 500 Director ** Marilyn Block, Lehigh Valley, #19 Leesa Boling, Pride of West Texas Show, #25 Nancy Bourell, Austin Harmony, #10 Debra Bringman, Gem City, #4 Kat Britt, Jersey Harmony, #15 Maria Christian, Song of the Lakes, #2 Jacalyn Compton, Toast of Champaign, #3 Dana Dunlevy, Hickory Tree, Region #15 Lynne Erskine Peirce, Voices in Harmony, #17 Betsy Fowler, Little River Chorus, #17 Ann George, Altoona Chorus, #19 Susan Heimburger, Northern Blend, #2 Lucy Heinkel, Rolling Hills, #13 Denise Helbig, A Cappella Bay Show, #9 Lisa Hunszinger, Alberta Heartland, #26 Susan Ives, Topeka Acappella Unlimited, #5 Kathy Jamieson, Nelson Bay Harmony, #35 Jennifer Johnson, Yahara River, #3 James Kastler, South Florida Jubilee, #9

Lois Kelly, Heart of Essex, #2 Nancy Kurth, Northwest Harmony, #13 Jeanne Lundberg, Fenton Lakes, #2 Faye McLanahan, Hilton Head Shore Notes, #9 Mary Beth McMurray, Crescent City Sound, #10 Lana Morgan, Sounds of Hawkes Bay, #35 Chanda Morris, Gainesville Harmony Show, #9 Mary Neff, Olympia, #13 Charlene O’Connor, Voices Northwest, #13 Cheryl Pearce, Magic City, Region #26 Caroline Richards, Vocal Motion!, #26 Glenda Rucker, Show-Me Harmony, #25 Diane Sherley, Gainesville Harmony Show, #9 Dave Smotzer, Lake Ridge Legacy, #17 Sherry Stanton, Capital Accord, #19 Catherine Sturm, Celebrity City, #11 Monica Tautkus, Agoura Hills Harmony, #11 Debbie Thistle, White River Sound, #4 Carol Thompson, Great Lakes Sound, #3 Patricia Weeks, Cape Shore, #19 Judy Weipert, Spirit of Harmony, #6 Julie Zehnder, Battle Creek, #17 Anita Zengerink, Singing Unlimited, #31

Advanced to Master Director Rob Mance, Vocal Standard, #5 Stacey Lyn St. John, Capital City, #4

Conferred International Faculty Emerita Status Bev Miller, Capital City, #4

(** Starting in 2017, Harmony 500 recognizes Sweet Adelines’ certified directors who have been a chorus’s front line director for at least a year and led that chorus to a score of 500 or higher in regional competition.)


— Feb. 1, 2017-April 30, 2017

Laurie Attard, City of Gardens, #26 Miranda Benyon, Jersey Sound, #19 Doreen Bierman, Grand Harmony, #2 Janet Burt, Montana Sapphire, #8 Rilda Cook, Southern Star, #8 Marianne Ek, Snowflake Singers, #32 Bonnie Fox, Mollyockett, #1 Delores Gammelseter, Assiniboine, #6 Linda Glover, Chapter-At-Large, #21


July 2017 | THEP I TC H P I P E

Rebecca Hardee, Farmington Valley, #1 Margaret Hochstrasser, Heart of Illinois, #3 Rita Hull, Chapter-At-Large, #14 Courtney Jewell, TexArmonix, #25 Mary Ann Joly, Border Lakes, Region #2 Judy Ketchun, Grand Harmony, #2 Gloria King, Spirit of Detroit –Dissolved, #2 Sarah Kirby, Member-at-Large Amy Koehler, Texas Harmony, #10

Cindy Leston, Coastline Show, #1 Judith Morrell, Montana Sapphire, #8 Doris Ofstedahl, Verdugo Hills, #11 Nell Pierce, Azalea City Harmony, #10 Barbara Slater, Montana Sapphire, #8 Barbara Smith, Chapter-At-Large, #35 Sandra Swain, Pineridge, #16 Mollie Walker, Cradle of Texas, #10 Louise Wolf-Novak, Metro Mix, #5



PITCH PIPE ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS If you are interested in submitting an article for consideration in a future issue of The Pitch Pipe, email Change of Address: Let us Know Where You Are Please be sure headquarters has your current address to ensure you receive The Pitch Pipe and non-electronic mailings. Go to the Members Only section of, click on More Member Options and you’ll be directed to the page to update your address.






Remember to use #iamsweetadelines on social media. Headquarters uses this to search to find news to share on our social media. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA A photo of International Faculty member Kathy Carmody was omitted from the education feature, " The Most Important Thing We Do," in the April 2017 issue of The Pitch Pipe.

Facebook: SweetAdelinesIntl Twitter: SweetAdsIntl Instagram: SweetAdsIntl Pinterest: SweetAdsIntl



DIRECTOR SEARCH – Sound of Sunshine Show Chorus, Region #9, Orlando, FL, is currently conducting a search for a new director. 40-year, established, award-winning, small chorus is looking to grow membership & eager to polish our talent.

24 sets, Sizes range XS - 3X • $40 per set Photos: Contact: or 505-386-0260

Contact Laura Thorne,,


SAVE THE DATES Mark your calendar!

These upcoming events will be here before you know it.

2018 Oct. 15-20

72nd Annual International Convention and Competition, St. Louis, Mo., USA

Aug. 11

Rising Star Quartet Contest, Tulsa Okla., USA

2019 Aug. 8-10

Directors’ Seminar, San Antonio, Texas, USA

July 2017 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


Sweet Adelines International 2017-2018 International Committees

Executive Committee Paula Davis, International President Marcia Pinvidic, Immediate Past President Patty Cobb Baker, President-elect Joan Boutilier, Secretary JD Crowe, Treasurer

Editorial Review Board Patty Cobb Baker Joan Boutilier Anne Cargill Kate Hawkins Cammi MacKinlay

Education Direction Committee Marcia Pinvidic, Chair Joan Boutilier Corinna Garriock Peggy Gram Kim Vaughn

International Bylaws and Rules Specialist

Published Music Sales/ Marketability Committee Melody Hine Sophie Radcliffe Mary Rhea Dale Syverson Ashley Wright

Regional Leadership Committee/ International Leadership Specialists Cammi MacKinlay, Chair Thérèse Antonini Jennifer Cooke Nancy Field

Task Force Specialist Thérèse Antonini

The Overtone Society Deferred Giving Liaison Peggy Gram

Sharon Cartwright


International Judge Specialists

JD Crowe, Worldwide Moderator Lea Baker, Worldwide Coordinator Valerie Taylor, Worldwide Coordinator

Renée Porzel, Moderator Ruth Ann Parker, Sound Sharon Babb, Music Vickie Maybury, Expression Becki Hine, Showmanship

Young Singers Foundation Advancement Committee

Membership Retention Committee

Patty Cobb Baker, Chair Susan Smith Kate Veeder

Sharon Carlson, Chair Janice McKenna Melynnie Williams

Young Women in Harmony Program Coordinators

Nominating Committee Cammi MacKinlay, Chair Debra Aungst Jennifer Cooke Fran Furtner Mary Rhea

Patti Thorpe, Moderator Kim Newcomb Lori Tibbetts

In addition to the committees above, the following task forces (with staff liaisons) are at work: 75th Anniversary Task Force: Kim Elger-Griffin, chair; Patty Cobb Baker, Peggy Gram, Jocosa Bruce, Lea Rippetoe Arranger Education Task Force: Corinna Garriock, Chair; Melody Horgan, Jan Meyer Creative Membership Task Force: Sharon Cartwright, Chair; Heidi Barr, Paula Davis, Terri Jarvis, Carol Mouché Communication Research Task Force: Sharon Cartwright, Chair; Kathy Dow, Carol Mouché, JD Crowe Diversity Task Force: Thérèse Antonini, Chair; Maria Christian, Valerie Clowes, Janice Dorris History/Archival Task Force: Janie Macchiaroli, Chair; Sue Beck, Brandi Darrow, Elizabeth Davies, Peggy Gram, Beth Smith, Chris Temperante Membership Options Revision Task Force: Patty Cobb Baker, Chair; JD Crowe Music International Copyright Task Force: Joey Minshall, Valerie Taylor, Lyndal Thorburn Regional Governance Pilot Proposal Task Force: Thérèse Antonini, Chair; Marilyn Cox, Nancy Field, Bev Miller


July 2017 | TH EP I TC H P I P E

2017 presents

bringing her Emcee Magic!



Charm 0




Sweet Adelines International

71 ANNUAL st


Oct. 9-14, 2017

MGM Grand Hotel and Casino Las Vegas, Nev. USA

Did you see Rönninge Show Chorus’s live performance? The string choreography was unbelievable; the overtones so strong, it was like a dream! Did you feel the arena shake when Frenzy was announced as the 2017 Queens of Harmony? The energy was electrifying! Harmonize with International Faculty, Queens of Harmony and Chorus Champions. See your favorite Sweet Adeline light up when your surprise “shout out” appears on the jumbotron. Go off grid and practice tags at the Grand Canyon or Hoover Dam. Whether you are poolside, in Harmony Boutique, or at the Coronet Club Show, the singing never ends!

Celebrate harmony with all voices who sing out, “I AM SWEET ADELINES”! Don’t miss a moment as we take over Vegas one last time – The third time’s the charm!


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