The Pitch Pipe January 2014

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January 2014 | Volume 67 — No.3

PitchPipe T h e

Vo i c e

o f

S w e e t

A d e l i n e s


2014 International Champion Quartet

I nt e r nat i o na l

Pearls of the Sound Chorus

2014 Division A Champion Chorus, Region 32, Helsingborg, Sweden

C o n t e n t s Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e s

8 2013 International Convention Results Celebrating our winners from the Honolulu convention.

22 Rönninge Show Chorus Read all about Rönninge Show Chorus’ rise to the top.

January 2014 | Volume 67 — No.3

Special Notes President’s Message …………………………… 4 HQ Matters …………………………………… 5 International Board Election Results ……….. 6 International Update ………………………….. 7

Departments Bulletin Board ………………………………… 3 Membership Matters ………………………… 39 Harmony Roundup …………………………… 40

25 LoveNotes Discover the journey LoveNotes has taken on the way to the crown.

Song of Welcome …………………………… 44 In Memory …………………………………… 44 Accolades ……………………………………… 44 Satellite Spotlight …………………………… 44 Classifieds …………………………………… 45

28 Honolulu Highlights Catch the wave of all the happened in Hawaii during International Convention & Competition!

Involvement 2014 Rising Star Contest/ YWIH Video Contest ………………………… 7 Family Chorus Form ………………………… 36 Baltimore Registration ……………………… 37

30 How to Get Re-energized Jan Carley illustrates ways to become re-energized after competition.

The Overtone Society ……………………… 42 Young Singers Foundation ………………… 43

About the Covers LoveNotes Quartet 2014 International Champion Quartet

32 Baltimore 2014 Start planning now to join us in Baltimore! Read about the city, check out the hotels and register for what is sure to be a thrilling week in Charm City!

Rönninge Show Chorus 2014 International Champion Chorus Pearls of the Sound Chorus 2014 Division A Champion Chorus Rhythm of the Rockies Chorus 2014 Division AA Champion Chorus Covers and inside convention & competition photos BY: Lilley Photography

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January 2014 | Volume 67 — No.3 Sweet Adelines International A worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education, competition and performance. International Headquarters 9110 S.Toledo Avenue • Tulsa, OK 74137 Telephone 918-622-1444 • Toll-free 800-992-7464 Fax 918-665-0894 Email: Use one of the following departmental prefixes: admindept@ conventions@ education@ exec@ commdept@ member@ music@ sales@ followed by: Office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central Time) Monday – Friday International Board of Directors May 1, 2013 – April 30, 2014 Renée Porzel, International President Cammi MacKinlay, Immediate Past President Marcia Pinvidic, President-Elect Paula Davis, Secretary Peggy Gram, Treasurer Joan Boutilier Anne Cargill Betty Clipman Patty Cobb Baker Fran Furtner Carole Persinger Dale Syverson Education Direction Committee Betty Clipman, Chair Joan Boutilier, Patty Cobb Baker, Cammi MacKinlay, Diane Porsch

Check out the all NEW online sales at CALL International Sales toll-free 877.545.5441 (U.S. & Canada) CALL 918.622.1444 (outside U.S. & Canada) EMAIL the sales team at OR

Editorial Review Board Patty Cobb Baker, Marilyn Cox, Emma Duguid, Debra Griffiths, Marcia Pinvidic The Pitch Pipe Editor Joey Mechelle Stenner INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Kelly Bailey, Executive Director Keesha Cashmore, Controller Jill Deutscher, Director Strategic Operations and Planning Lori Decter Wright, Director of Education Jennifer Hughes, Director of Meetings & Convention Services Carol Schwartz, Director of Music Services Joey Mechelle Stenner, Director of Communications Robert W. Baker III., Director of Advancement Tammy Talbot, Deputy Administrator THE PITCH PIPE (ISSN 0882-214X) (USPS 603-060) is published quarterly: January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 by Sweet Adelines International, 9110 S.Toledo Avenue • Tulsa, OK 74137 Periodicals paid at Liberty, Mo. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE PITCH PIPE 9110 S.Toledo Avenue Tulsa, OK 74137 Canadian Post Agreement Number: 1453408. Send Canadian change of address information and blocks of undeliverable copies to: P.O. Box 1051, Fort Erie, ON L2A 6C7 Direct all correspondence, editorial copy, and photographs to: Linda Clark Davis, editorial assistant, at the International Headquarters address. Deadlines are 60 days prior to publication.


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

the Bulletin Board Fo ll ow Us

Have you “liked” us on Facebook yet? Are you following us on Twitter? If not, check us out! Sweet Adeline s trivia, photos, videos and so much more await you in the social media world! Join us today!

Contrib utions The Overt one Soc

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Mia Dessenberger

Cammi MacKinlay

Judy Poszgay

Lions Gate Chorus, Region 26, Inner Coach of Barbershop, Professional Certified Executive Coach. Her popular book, Harmony from the Inside Out, is in its third printing and now includes a Bonus 50-page Action Guide download. http://www.

Lions Gate Chorus, Region 26, International Board of Directors, Immediate Past International President, Executive Committee, Education Direction Committee, International Faculty, AHA 2014 Co-Chair

LoveNotes, Mission Valley Chorus, Region 12

Adam Edström

Baritone in The EntertainMen and former editor of several business and trade publications including Fortune Magazine in the U.S.


Jan Carley

Stay i n Touc h

Would y import ou like to re c ant an nounc eive exciting Adelin e m and en e they b s Internation ts from Swe ecome et al as s oon ava sweet adelin ilable? Simp as es to 2 exclus ly tex You w ive text mes 4587, to ge t ill rece t s a g es fr ive annou nceme breaking n om HQ. messa nts, discou ews, scores nts an , ges t Stand ard tex hroughout th d special t e messa y For no ging fe ear! w, ser es app vice is in the ly U.S. a only availab . nd Ca nada. le

Lions Gate Chorus, Region 26, International Faculty, Approved Showmanship Judge, AHA 2014 Co-Chair

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe


Special Notes

President’s Message

A New Year. A Fresh Start.

Renée Porzel, International President


n 46 B.C., Julius Caesar began developing a calendar that was based on the amount of time it took for the Earth to make one revolution around the sun. Some believe he started the tradition of making resolutions on January 1 as a way to honor the Roman Mythical God Janus, whose two faces allowed him to look back into the past year and forward to the new year. Janus was the patron saint of endings and beginnings. People have been organizing their lives around the calendar for centuries, and it is the framework for our lives. Every twelve months we have a chance to reboot, restart, refresh. In January 2014, we have the chance to repeat the things that went well during the last year, and change the things that need to be changed. Resolutions are a natural outgrowth of the feeling that comes along with a new year, and yet are often difficult to achieve. The excitement and anticipation of sticking to our resolutions can fade quickly if we choose goals that are too big, too far from where we are in our lives, or too complicated to achieve. There is a better way to participate in this yearly tradition that will set us up for success. If we establish resolutions for our membership in Sweet Adelines that are attainable and allow us to get the most out of our participation, the benefits will spill over into our personal lives and help us make 2014 a wonderful year filled with positivity. See if any of these resolutions resonate with you, and watch what happens in your chorus life and your daily life outside of rehearsal! 1. Resolve to Increase Physical Activity We do not have to start exercising every day, join a gym and lose all the weight we ever wanted to lose. All we have to do is start moving more than last year. Use positive self-talk for each thing you do that gets your body moving a bit more. Pat yourself on the back for every tiny change you make and encourage yourself in small ways. Try it and see what happens! 2. Resolve to Choose Personal Responsibility in Your Chorus Participation You do not have to become a different person or change everything about yourself. Start


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

small! Remind yourself continually that you only pay dues for one person — YOU. All you have to do is work on being the best member you can be. Allow all the women around you the luxury to do the same thing and watch what happens. Every time you find yourself forming an opinion about how another member of your chorus is behaving, remind yourself that you only have to focus on what kind of member you are. Trust your leadership to keep their eye on the whole group, and work at making yourself a more positive, friendly, and consistently prepared member of the ensemble. It is stress free membership and you will love it! 3. Resolve to Embrace Your Own Learning Style and Make It Work For You Your chorus or quartet cannot be structured for your learning style only. The beauty of being an adult student every week at rehearsal is that you can challenge yourself to learn in different ways, and you can figure out how to continue growing and learning. 4. Resolve to Sing With Resonance ALL the Time Make a pact with yourself that you will use the resonance your director asks for in every rehearsal ALL the time. Try using it more when you speak to people, and when you talk on the phone. Experiment with your voice and find out how it works. Play around with using a more resonant voice and see what happens. We create music with only our voices, and our voices have a more pleasant effect when we use resonance — so let’s do it all the time! 5. Resolve to Rehearse Between Rehearsals If you typically review your music the day of rehearsal, try adding more time during the week to make sure you show up ready to sing and dance. We are all so busy every day, but there is always time to sing and dance. A typical arrangement is approximately two and a half minutes. That is less time than it takes to brush your teeth! This year, try singing through your contest songs twice a day, every day. Run the choreography to your uptune once in the morning and once at night every day. If they do not go perfectly every time and there are things you forget — forgive yourself and move on with your day. The sheer act of going through them every day will increase your ability to retain music and choreography and rehearsal will be a lot more fun. 6. Resolve to Visit with Someone New Every Week at Rehearsal

Take a few minutes and ask someone how he or she is doing. Everyone just wants to be validated and know that someone cares they are there every week. It is fun and it changes the energy in the room. 7. Resolve to Talk to Someone About Sweet Adelines Every Day No matter where you are, no matter whom you are with — tell them about this organization. Do not ever apologize for your passion for barbershop music, and never hide your love of singing. Our next new member could be the woman behind us in line at the grocery store. She could be sitting next to us in a restaurant, or getting her nails done at the salon. She could be riding the train near us, or walking next to us on the track at the gym. She might be walking her dog in our neighborhood. We have all had our lives changed by our membership in Sweet Adelines and there are women out there that need us. Truly. Speak up and be proud and ALWAYS have information about your chorus with you. These are seven resolutions that are small, but will cause big changes in your daily approach to life. Singing makes us happy, and music brings joy into our lives. We cannot imagine NOT singing, and that makes us very lucky women. Making these small changes in your chorus participation will start to have positive effects on your daily life. You will start making an effort to get healthier, and allow the people in your life to run their lives their own way. Practicing your music and choreography will help your brain stay young, and you will start remembering things much better. Making a point to speak to new people and share your energy and passion for music will change your interactions during the day. Feeling a tiny bit happier every day is not as hard as it seems, and these resolutions will start the ball rolling. My director, Jim Arns, always says that if you want to get in to a new key you just have to sing the notes on the page and you will be there. It is just that easy! Set up resolutions that are attainable, follow the steps to get to your goals, and enjoy the journey along the way. You will find yourself happily traveling through 2014, and you will love the key you are in!

With a song and a dance,

Renée Porzel International President

Special Notes

HQ Matters

Happy New Year! Kelly Bailey, Executive Director Looking to the New Year is always an exciting time to think about having a clean slate to work with — a blank canvas on which to write the latest chapter of life, an empty sheet of paper to transcribe the memories to be made over the next 12 months. Certainly this last year has been an incredible page in my life, and so many of the memories include you! In 2013, I had the privilege of spending incredible time with my children, learning and growing with them. I have so much to be thankful for, I am not sure I could count them all. I want to challenge each of you to count and cherish your own blessings. With the world around us, it is so easy to get bogged down with the negativity, the exhaustion of the rat race, and even watching the news is enough to dampen our spirits sometimes. But don’t ever forget that there are all kinds of good in the world, and that you bring that good with you wherever you go. A few weeks ago I was in line at McDonalds to get breakfast. I was having one of those mornings when I was running 10 minutes behind schedule, had tried on every article of clothing in my closet in preparation for the day’s couture selection, had dealt with a screaming child who was out of juice, and was just about ready to give up on breakfast because I just couldn’t deal with the stress of waiting in line for another minute … then the line started to move so I kept my spot in the queue and ordered my breakfast. I finally got to the window to pay, and I was told that the gentleman in the truck ahead of me had paid for my breakfast and that he had passed on well wishes for my day. Wow. I was taken aback. The simple gesture of a stranger changed my day and gave me cause to stop and think about all that I am grateful for on many occasions since his random act of kindness. My 2014 challenge to you is to take the time to be thankful. Tell those in your life how much you appreciate them. Take a moment to let your loved ones know how much you care for them. There was a holiday commercial/advert out this year that gave the message that everyone in your life needs to hear something from you, whether it is, “you make my world a better place,” “thank you for filling in for me when I need help,” “your smile brightens my day,” or a simple, “thank you for being you.” I know that when I spend more of my energy focused on all of the good things that I am thankful for, I feel less stressed, I have more energy and I feel more love(d). As I reflect on all the blessings in 2013, I start a new chapter in 2014 and will continue to reflect and be thankful throughout the year and beyond — I hope you will join me. In the spirit of my challenge, I want to take this time to thank each of you for the impact that you have on my life each day. At convention, often it feels like I am trying to drink from a fire hydrant, as I am overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of the activities, the contest and the festivities that go on during that very busy week. But it is also that time when I get to experience those precious moments with my Sweet Adelines sisters — it is that one time each year when I get to hug those Facebook friends that I hold so dear, the wonderful ladies that I hear so much about and I actually get to meet, and that dynamic week when I get to take in the love, energy, laughter and joy that represents our organization so well. Thank you for embracing me in to your world — this magnificent universe of harmony and sisterhood, of song and affection. Thank you for teaching me about all the good that exists in the world. Thank you for being that demonstration of love for one another, of the power of teamwork, the epitome of the product of tenacious women with a unified purpose. Thank you for being you, and for choosing Sweet Adelines as the special place to contribute your incredible talent. Each one of you makes your own mark, and we would be less if not for the inclusion of you. I wish you all a spectacular 2014! I know it will be full of laughter, love, joy and harmony — and so many, many things to be thankful for! XO

In harmony,

Kelly Bailey Executive Director

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe


Sweet Adelines International BOARD Election Results

Special Notes

The election of four members to the International Board of Directors of Sweet Adelines International has concluded with Anne Cargill, Aberdeen Chapter, Region 31, Paula Davis, Velvet Hills Chapter, Region 8, Cammi MacKinlay, Lions Gate Chapter, Region 26, and Renée Porzel, Melodeers Chapter, Region 3 being elected to three-year terms that begin on May 1, 2014. In addition, the International Board appointed two members to serve one-year terms beginning on the same date. The appointees are Thérèse Antonini, Chapter-at-Large, Region 1 and Marcia Pinvidic, City of Gardens Chapter, Region 26.


The International election concluded at 3:00 p.m. Central Time on Wednesday, December 4. International President Renée Porzel was pleased that participation in the election stood at 85.1 percent, higher than the participation recorded in the 2012 election. Following the election, the Executive Committee met by teleconference to choose four members whose names would appear on the slate for appointment. By policy, the International Board of Directors appoints two members annually to serve one-year terms. In the 2013 election, no regions achieved 100 percent chapter vote participation. In 2014, chartered chapters and members of the at-large chapters will elect two members to serve three-year terms on the Board beginning May 1, 2015. Two members will be appointed at the conclusion of the election.

Thérèse Antonini Chapter-at-Large Region 1

Cammi MacKinlay Lions Gate Chorus Region 26

Anne Cargill Aberdeen Chorus Region 31

Marcia Pinvidic City of Gardens Chorus Region 26

Paula Davis Velvet Hills Chorus Region 8

Renée Porzel Melodeers Chorus Region 3

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

Sweet Adelines International International Board of Directors • 263RD (Midyear) Meeting INTERNATIONAL UPDATE

Special Notes

The International Board of Directors met on November 3, 2013, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Following is a summary of actions taken. • The charter and chapter membership for the following chapter was authorized: – Harmony Gateway Chorus, Region 2, Burton, Mich. • The name change request for the following region was authorized: – North Pacific Region 13 changed to North by Northwest Region 13 • The Policy Book was revised to reflect the previously approved time limits placed on prospective chapters in Step One (three years) and Step Two (two years). • The Board participated in a comprehensive Financial Forecasting meeting presented by Headquarters Staff. The Forecast highlighted the fiscal portrait through the 2020-2021 budget period and will be used for organizational strategic planning and budget development for the future. • A recommendation that choruses, quartets, areas and regions shall pay Sweet Adelines International the sum of $50 per year, per product sold to help defray the costs of trademark logo licensing fees, effective January 1, 2014, was approved. • Procedures for granting Naming Rights in consideration for financial contributions to Sweet Adelines International, the duration of said rights, and the installation and physical display of naming rights recognition were approved. • Procedures for the acceptance of gifts of real property, personal property, securities, restricted gifts and unusual gifts in the course of regular fundraising activities were approved. • The 2013 Bowling for Barbershop fundraising campaign raised $91,588. The 2014 Bowling for Barbershop fundraising campaign will be held again from May 1 to August 31, 2014. • An International Young Women in Harmony Festival was scheduled to occur in conjunction with the 2014 International Convention in Baltimore, Md. • The 2014 International Convention in Baltimore, Md., will feature a Tag Singing Station. • A recommendation that members of the International Judging Program be used to adjudicate the Rising Star Competition was approved. • The development and distribution of electronic membership cards was approved. • A patron membership category with an annual membership fee of $200 was approved.

Sweet Adelines International & REGION 1 present the

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2014 AUGUST 2, 2014 • Lowell, Massachusetts Registration opens FEBRUARY 14, 2014 Contact Music Services for more information! January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe


Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e


1st Place Quartet (Also Celebrity Award Winner) Brittany Nicole Gilmore, Mia Dessenberger, Caitlin Castelino, Stephanie Rose Lawson Region 12 • Chapter-at-Large, Bay Area Showcase and Mission Valley Choruses Score: 2871 Semifinals Songs: Medley: Yes Sir, That’s My Baby/Baby Face/I Want A Girl (J. Giallombardo); More Than You Know (L. Wright)


Finals Songs: *No, No Norman (Hine); *I Will Love You ‘Til The End Of Time (Baker); Hooked On A Feelin’ (Arns); Danny Boy (Downes)

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

*Contest Song

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Rönninge Show Chorus

1st Place Chorus (Also Celebrity Award and Most Entertaining Award Winners) Region 32 • Rönninge, Sweden Anna K. Alvring and Britt-Hélene Bonnedahl, directors • 132 on stage Score: 3138 Semifinals Songs: When I Fall In Love (D. Wright); I’ve Got Rhythm (D. Wright) Finals Songs: *Some Enchanted Evening (D. Wright); *Let Yourself Go (D. Wright); Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy (D. Wright); New York, New York (D. Wright) *Contest Song

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe


Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e


TOP 10

QUARTETS 2nd Place Quartet

Dayve L. Gabbard, Angie Love-Callahan, Deanna Kastler, Kim Elger-Griffin Region 9 • Spirit of the Gulf Chorus • Score: 2795 Semifinals Songs: Time After Time (Arns); Don’t Break The Heart That Loves You (Arns) Finals Songs: Bling! It On (Meyer); *If I Give My Heart To You (Clancy); *Shanghai (Bergman); Bling Mash Up Medley (Minshall)

a.k.a. 3rd Place Quartet

Sue Taylor, Janeen Summey, Harriette Walters, Janell Paviolitis Regions 9, 15 & 19 • Chapter-at-Large, Greater Nassau and Harbor City Music Company Choruses • Score: 2707 Semifinals Songs: I’ve Got A Feeling I’m Falling (Bergman); I’m Through With Love (Diamond) Finals Songs: One Note Samba (L. Wright, D. Anderson); *Danny Boy (Giallombardo); *Medley: Deed I Do/Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey (L. Wright); I Won’t Let Go (Giallombardo)


4th Place Quartet

Helen J. Owen, Beth Brimmicombe, Tanya Jenkins, Nicky Salt Region 31 • Chapter-at-Large • Score: 2706 Semifinals Songs: You Turned The Tables On Me (Bergman); If You Love Me, Really Love Me (Bergman) Finals Songs: You’ve Got A Friend In Me (David Harrington); *If I Give My Heart To You (Clancy); My Foolish Heart (Cross); *How Many Hearts Have You Broken (Arns)


5th Place Quartet

Kate A. Morrical, Lori L. Crouter, Lori A. Dreyer, Jennifer L. Harris Region 19 • Capital Accord, Carolina Harmony and Harbor City Music Company Choruses • Score: 2669 Semifinals Songs: South Rampart Street Parade (B. Beck, R. Craig); The Bandstand In Central Park (Bergman) Finals Songs: *The Moment I Saw Your Eyes (Liles); All The Things You Are (Gellert); I’ll Take Romance (Webb); *What Kind Of Fool Am I? (Keller)


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

*Contest Song


6th Place Quartet

Michelle M. Hunget, Susan J. Ives, Sandi Wright, Donna J. Kready Regions 5 & 7 • Kansas City, St. Louis Harmony and Topeka Acappella Unlimited Choruses • Score: 2652 Semifinals Songs: Songs: Time After Time (D. Wright); You’re From Heaven and You’re Mine (D. Wright)


7th Place Quartet (Also Most Entertaining Award) Melissa A. Pope, Nikki Blackmer, Anne Marteniuk, Judy Pozsgay Regions 13 & 26 • Chapter-at-Large, a cappella joy, Lions Gate and Westcoast Harmony Choruses • Score: 2639 Semifinals Songs: Lover Come Back To Me (Giallombardo); All The Way (Graham) Finals Songs: *Deed I Do (A. Dale); *Yesterday I Heard The Rain (Graham); My Foolish Heart (Graham); You And Me (But Mostly Me) (Minshall)


Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Finals Songs: Love Is Like A Heatwave (D. Wright); *I’m In The Mood For Love (D. Wright); *Everybody Loves My Baby (D. Wright); Come Rain Or Come Shine (Lund)

8th Place Quartet

Karen E. Romanson, Susann McKinley, Hannah Barton, Sharon Demy Region 16 • North Metro Chorus • Score: 2638 Semifinals Songs: Medley: Bye Bye Baby/Baby Won’t You Please Come Home (L. Wright); My Romance (R. Craig) Finals Songs: The Song Has Ended (L. Wright); *Medley: Yes Sir That’s My Baby/Baby Face (J. Dale); *At Last (Bergman); Go The Distance (A. Dale)

Speed of Sound

9th Place Quartet

Debora C. Landers, Ashley Wright, Carter Maysilles, Peggy L. Jones Regions 9 & 14 • Chapter-at-Large, Carolina Harmony and Sound of Sunshine Choruses • Score: 2628 Semifinals Songs: I’ve Got A Feeling I’m Falling (Bergman); My Foolish Heart (Bescos) Finals Songs: Speed of Sound Opener (L. Wright); Can’t Stop Talking About Him (Ogden); *Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend (L. Wright); *My Man (L. Wright)


10th Place Quartet

Sandy Marron, Nicole D. Collins, Kelly J. Arnold, Emma P. Gibson Region 26 • Lions Gate • Score: 2541 Semifinals Songs: Knock On My Door (Metzger); What’ll I Do? (Waesche) Finals Songs: *Come On Get Happy (A. Dale); *You Are So Beautiful (J. Johnson); *I’ve Got A Feeling I’m Falling (Bergman); Skyfall (N. Wright)

*Contest Song

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe


Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e


TOP 10


2nd Place Chorus

Region 21 • Scottsdale, Ariz • Lori Lyford, director • 124 on stage • Score: 3008 Semifinals Songs: Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey (A. Dale); How Deep Is The Ocean? (Hopkins) Finals Songs: *Mardi Gras March (A. Dale); Life Is A Highway (Minshall); *If Ever I Would Leave You (Hine); You Don’t, You Won’t (A. Dale)

Toast of Tampa Show

3rd Place Chorus

Region 9 • Tampa, Fla. • Tony DeRosa, director • 118 on stage • Score: 2946 Semifinals Songs: Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Hine); Yes Sir, That’s My Baby (D. Wright) Finals Songs: Homeward Bound (G. Lewis); *Medley: I Wanna Be A Star (Delehanty)/I’m On My Way To Be A Star (Hine); *He Was There (Bergman); Medley: Goin’ Home/Goin’ Home (G. Lewis)


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

*Contest Song

4th Place Chorus

Region 4 • Dublin, Ohio • Kerry L. Denino and Char A. Gurney, directors • 106 on stage • Score: 2904 Semifinals Songs: Pal Of My Cradle Days (Bescos, B. Beck); Lulu’s Back In Town (Arns) Finals Songs: I Got The Music In Me (Wydra, Appel); *It’s You (Rund); *I Never Knew I Could Love Anybody (D. Wright); The Climb (L. Wright)

Lions Gate

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Scioto Valley

5th Place Chorus

Region 26 • Vancouver, BC, Canada • Sandy Marron, director • 108 on stage • Score: 2877 Semifinals Songs: The Way You Look Tonight (Hale, Marron, Hine, Arns); Piano Roll Blues (Bescos, Marron, Arns) Finals Songs: *Love Is A Many Splendoured Things (Graham); *Medley: Nighttime Down In Dixieland/Dixieland One Step (Graham); What If Life Were More Like Barbershop? (Hine)

Christchurch City

6th Place Chorus

Region 35 • Christchurch, New Zealand • Virginia Humphrey-Taylor, director • 131 on stage • Score: 2745 Semifinals Songs: Medley: With Plenty Of Money And You/High Society (B. Beck); For All We Know (J. Dale) Finals Songs: *If Ever I Would Leave You (Hine); *Get Me To The Church On Time (Bergman); Hooked on Classics Medley (L. Wright, Delehanty, Payne)

*Contest Song

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe


Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Greater Nassau

TOP 10


7th Place Chorus (Also Harmony Achievement Award)

Region 15 • Baldwin, N.Y. • Harriette Walters, director • 57 on stage • Score: 2737 Semifinals Songs: Sweet Georgia Brown (Avener); All The Way (T. Gentry) Finals Songs: Magic To Do (D. Wright); *If Ever I Would Leave You (Hine); *Medley: Deed I Do/Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey (L. Wright); Ain’t No Mountain High Enough (Minshall, Garriock)


8th Place Chorus

Region 3 • Elmhurst, Ill. • Amy L. Brinkman and Bonnie Fedyski, directors • 88 on stage • Score: 2653 Semifinals Songs: Once Upon A Time (J. Dale); Medley: Toot, Toot, Tootsie/Look Me Up When You’re In Dixie (Bergman) Finals Songs: Gilligan’s Isle (L. Wright); *Where The Heck Is Dixie (Minshall); *At Last (Bergman); Back In Business (L. Wright)


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

*Contest Song

9th Place Chorus

Region 32 • Stockholm, Sweden • Mo Field, director • 45 on stage • Score: 2600 Semifinals Songs: May I Never Love Again (R. Craig); Oh! Look At Me Now (A. Dale) Finals Songs: Medley: Wonder Woman/I Want You Back (Field); *Never Say Never (Gentry, Field); *Medley: Save The Last Dance For Me/Sway (A. Dale); You Are So Beautiful (Field); Don’t Rain On My Parade (David Harrington)

San Diego

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Stockholm City Voices

10th Place Chorus

Region 21 • San Diego, Calif. • Kim Vaughn, director • 66 on stage • Score: 2553 Semifinals Songs: I Love A Piano (Massey); Auld Lang Syne (Hine) Finals Songs: Crazy Little Thing Called Love (A. Dale); *Bewitched (Gentry); *That’s How Rhythm Was Born (D. Briner); Dry Bones (David Harrington)

*Contest Song

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe


Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e


Pearls of the Sound

1st Place

Region 32 • Helsingborg, Sweden • Anna Rosenberg, director • 41 on stage • Score: 1303 Songs: Medley: We’re Little But We’re Loud/My Way (Wikstrom, Rosenberg); Somewhere Over The Rainbow Intro (Wikstrom); *Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Bescos, Marron, Doug Harrington);*Never Say “Never Again” Again (Gentry, Marron, Doug Harrington); Medley: My Girl/Wild Thing/Hounddog/The Nearness of Me/I Want It All (Wikstrom, Rosenberg)

Vermillion Valley

2nd Place

Regions 3 & 5 • Pontiac, Ill. • Kathryn R. Filipiak, director • 40 on stage • Score: 1281 Songs: Taking A Chance on Love/Life (Giallombardo, Postma); *Zing Went The Strings Of My Heart (R. Craig); *Time After Time (Arns); Puttin’ On The Ritz (Sellers)


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*Contest Song

3rd Place

Region 14 • Virginia Beach, Va. • Cheri T. Danner, director • 36 on stage • Score: 1123 Songs: : *This Joint is Jumpin’ (Bergman); *What’ll I Do? (Waesche, R. Craig); Cocktails For Two (Rochefort); Medley: It Don’t Mean A Thing/ Sing, Sing, Sing (Sellers)

Yahara River

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Virginia Coast

4th Place

Regions 3 & 22 • Madison, Wis. • Jennifer K. Johnson, director • 37 on stage • Score: 1083 Songs: Harley Mama (Lund); *Medley: I Told Them All About You/You Dear (Baird, Waeshe, Liles); *I Can’t Begin To Tell You (C. Schmidt); Crazy Little Thing Called Love (A. Dale)

Twin City Sensations

5th Place

Region 25 • Texarkana, Texas • Robin L. Curtis, director • 30 on stage • Score: 979 Songs: Medley: Ya Gotta Know/I Can’t Give You Anything But Love (Bergman); *Once Upon A Time (J. Dale); *Flirty Eyes (Bergman, Hill); Something To Talk About (Prietto)

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Rhythm of the Rockies

1st Place

Region 26 • Calgary, AB, Canada • Mary E. Hager, director • 54 on stage • Score: 1381 Songs: Sing Sing (Minshall); *Medley: I Love Jazz/Take Me To The Land Of Jazz (D. Wright); *All The Way (Graham); When I Sing (Minshall)

Jacksonville Harmony

2nd Place

Regions 9 • Jacksonville, Fla. • Ann M. Gooch, director • 59 on stage • Score: 1255 Songs: *There Used To Be A Ballpark (Twardosky); It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday (Bayliss); *(You’ve Gotta Have) Heart (L. Wright)


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3rd Place

Region 2 • London, ON, Canada • Julia M. Beadle, director • 55 on stage • Score: 1181 Songs: : *When That Midnight Choo-Choo Leaves For Alabam (Backwell); *My Foolish Heart (Backwell); Hit Me With A Hot Note (Backwell); All That Jazz (Backwell)


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4th Place

Region 11 • Camarillo, Calif. • Bobbette Gantz, director • 50 on stage • Score: 1176 Songs: Harley Mama (Lund); *Medley: I Told Them All About You/You Dear (Baird, Waeshe, Liles); *I Can’t Begin To Tell You (C. Schmidt); Crazy Little Thing Called Love (A. Dale)

Northern Gateway

5th Place

Region 12 • Region 12, Redding, Calif. • Martha E. Segura, director • 53 on stage • Score: 1154 Songs: *All Aboard For Dixie Land (D. Wright); *My Foolish Heart (Bescos); Medley: I’m Into Something Good/Happy Together (A. Dale); Medley: With A Little Help From My Friends/Friend (D. Wright)

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You Can Be a Shining Star You’re A Winner, That’s What You Are Division A Champion

Pearls of the Sound Chorus Region 32 • Anna Rosenberg, director Winning History: Regional Division A Chorus Champion in May 2012. Division A Champion in San Antonio in 2001. The Road to International: We trained extra hard on performance this past year and also built stamina with more aggressive choreography. The biggest challenge was flying all the way to Hawaii from Sweden with our whole chorus, family and friends. Chorus sponsored activities you participate in annually: First of advent every year we take part in a very old traditional celebration where the Christmas tree lights are lit up on our huge fern tree in the Helsingborg’s town center. We sing carols and our mayor delivers a speech. Coaches: Britt-Heléne Bonnedahl, Jan Alexandersson, Sandy Marron, Johan Wikström and Doug Harrington Advice for smaller choruses: Don´t think size. Set high dreams and goals. Everything is possible, but you need to believe it and always work on a higher level than where you think you are.

Division AA Champion

Rhythm of the Rockies Chorus Region 26 • Mary Hager, director Winning History: Regionally: Division A Champion – 2003 & 2005, Most Improved Chorus Award – 2007, Division AA Champion – 2012 The Road to International: Our theme was “Hawaii Five Yo!” using the Hawaii Five-0 theme song for physical warmups, we worked on five songs for Hawaii (four for our package and one for inspiration /motivation) and our director challenged us to use the number five in our individual preparation — for example, five minutes a day of breathing exercises, run a song five times in a row, five of something towards making us better singers. What’s your best fund raising event? In Alberta we volunteer for two days as casino workers — running and cashing in chips, cashiering, counting money at the end of the night — and it is our best fundraiser. We volunteer as ticket takers for our local Auto Show, held for five days, and we also have sold programs for our annual Calgary Stampede. We love getting our boots and cowboy hats on and talking with all the international visitors! Coaches: Lisa Greenough, Darlene Rogers, Mary Rhea, Erin Howden, Anne Marteniuk and Sandy Marron Does anyone in your chorus have a unique or interesting profession? Lots! Violinist, iron artisan, elder care, adventure travel agent, artists, writer, publisher and actress. Advice for Midsize Choruses: Never think of yourselves as only a midsize chorus. Think big, dream big, work big and laugh a lot. Don’t make winning your goal. Let that be the happy side effect of putting on a great performance.


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

*Contest Song

Most Entertaining Harmony Classic

Vermillion Valley Show Chorus Region 3 (formerly 5) • Kathy Filipiak, director The Road to International: We are a commuter chorus … we have no members from the town where we rehearse. Members travel for up to two hours from north and south for rehearsal, and rarely miss one. Interesting Facts: We have four mother/daughter combos in the chorus. What’s the most exciting thing your chorus has done all year? We co-sponsor a Youth In Harmony Seminar annually. We had more than 450 young men and women this year. Quite exciting and inspiring! What community events does your chorus participate in? Relay for Life, Route 66 Cruise Nights, First Night (new year’s eve entertainment on the town square), Dwight Community Days, Pontiac Threshermans Days Tell us about your entertainment package: Our package was based on a cult classic movie and we had to educate our younger and older members — the baby boomers all knew it! Our package was completed in house with the help of our coaches. Of course, we had a great time.

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Winning History: Second place at Harmony Classic

Coaches: Tori Postma and Joan Boutilier

Most Entertaining Quartet

Frenzy Regions 13 and 26 • Chapter-at-Large, a cappella joy, Lions Gate and Westcoast Harmony Choruses Melissa Pope (Tenor and Financial Analyst), Nikki Blackmer (Lead, Director of a cappella joy and Voice Teacher), Anne Marteniuk (Baritone, Master Director of Westcoast Harmony and Legals Assistant, Judy Pozsgay (Bass, Choreographer of Lions Gate Chorus and Vocal Coach) Heroes: Showtime, “The Buzz”, Martini, Betty Clipman, Carole Kirkpatrick Persinger, Tony DeRosa, Ringmasters History: Three times at International — 7th place (2013) 4th place (2012), 8th place (2011) Previous Quartets: Happy Hour, Foursight, Stir It Up, Avant Garde, Bob, Go-Go, Mojo, Unplugged, Journey, Crystal Clear How did you prepare for International? As a long distance quartet, we rehearse every two to three weeks, usually on weekends. Most of our rehearsals are held in the “Frenzy Wing” at The Blackmers’ (Nikki’s parents’ house). Over the course of the year, we had the privilege and good fortune to work with amazingly talented coaches: Tony DeRosa, Carole Kirkpatrick Persinger, Betty Clipman and Renée Porzel. For the third year in a row, we held a Frenzy Fundraiser the week before contest, when we got to spend an evening performing our packages for our friends and family. We are so incredibly grateful for the support of our wonderful families, friends, choruses, a cappella joy, Lions Gate, Westcoast Harmony Choruses, and our Regions 13 and 26. Their support to us this year has been overwhelming, and we wouldn’t have made it to International without them! Oh yeah, and we packed lots of hair products in anticipation of Hawaii’s humidity! Tell us about your entertainment package: Nikki, Judy, and Melissa are in love with the musical “The Book of Mormon,” and after hearing “You and Me (but Mostly Me),” we knew we had to do a follow up to our Houston package. We made a few tweaks to make it stage-friendly, sent the music off to arranger extraordinaire, Joey Minshall, planned our package around the song (the fact that we didn’t receive clearance until about a month before international is another story!), and the “Diva Rehab” package was born. We have to give our bass, Judy, a ton of credit for the package! While the script was a collaborative effort, we couldn’t have pulled it off without Judy’s creative brain. And of course, the package wouldn’t have been possible without the crazy antics of our lead, Nikki. Of course, we all played a part, but ... mostly she!

*Contest Song

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“It’s all happening perfectly” They were the first champion chorus ever to come from outside North America. They scored the highest score in the history of Sweet Adelines International. They received the Most Entertaining Chorus Award, and were a Celebrity Award Winner. Rönninge Show Chorus from Region 32, a.k.a. Swede Adelines, grabbed a grand slam in Hawaii that sent vibrations through and beyond the entire Barbershop world.


here does a journey to a gold medal begin? For the Rönninge Show Chorus, the easy answer is late October 2013, Arlanda Airport, Stockholm, Sweden, the week before Sweet Adelines 67th International Convention and Competition in Honolulu. Here, 132 singing women with an entourage of some 100 husbands, children, spouses and assorted Swedish fans boarded various flights to fly the 6,800 miles trip to Hawaii. In Houston, Texas, Rönninge placed first in the 2011 International competition finals, yet still left Space City in second place. The decision to begin the new journey –aiming for an even better result– was made on the flight back home. But to find the real beginning of the journey it’s necessary to go back in time to the mid-1970s, to the home of Britt-Hélene and Lars-Eric Bonnedahl in the small city of Rönninge, a town situated a half-hour south of Stockholm. When future archaeologists dig for the birthplace of Swedish Barbershop, this house will reveal several clues. The legend says that a family friend had heard some fantastic a cappella music on a trip to the United States, and brought a few vinyl records and some sheet music back home. This friend invited the Bonnedahls to some singing, and a few overtones later the couple was hooked. The word –and music– spread around the community. Soon, early male and female quartets started to appear, and eventually Rönninge Show Chorus was founded in


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1983, with Britt-Hélene as the director. Oh, the magnificent Britt-Hélene. Impeccably dressed and dazzlingly coiffed, sporting shoes from a seemingly unending collection, she can hardly enter a room unnoticed, so tangible is her aura. On stage, her presence is palpable, her focus is razor sharp, her bright eyes don’t miss a thing. Socially, she’s on a first name basis with everyone who is anyone, and then some. She never forgets a face and she has a knack for remembering stories about people’s children, work or other interests (yes, some barbershoppers do engage in other activities, contrary to popular belief). She coined

the phrase “It’s all happening perfectly” during an interview after the Houston International. The phrase stuck and became almost a mantra; these days it is quoted by anyone who wants to show that he or she has met Britt-Hélene in real life. Britt-Hélene, trained as a teacher to remedial students, has competence and capabilities regarding singing and music that are clearly world-class. What might be less known, though, is her capacity in sports psychology and mental fitness, where she emphasizes positive feedback, creating an expectation within every individual singer that she is able and ready for success.

This is what that golden feeling looks like on stage.

Crediting her speech therapist education, BrittHélene used a special program called “How to teach and coach a group to sing and perform using only positive feedback,” and sees this methodology as more efficient and goal-oriented than any of the evaluation systems used by many other choruses. Britt-Hélene’s contributions to Rönninge’s success cannot and should not be underestimated. But she’s not alone. Her co-director since 2003, Anna Alvring, has added new spice, a youthful flair, a large portion of humor and, not least, a huge energy boost, on stage and off. High-heeled and raven-haired, Anna has an ability to turbo-charge any chorus, and she does it with rhythmic brilliance and an intoxicating smile. She applies the same energy on the International stage as on any otherwise dull Tuesday night in the sports hall at the Rönninge High School where the chorus usually rehearses. Anna, who was trained to be a music teacher, has been a barbershopper since 1986, and directed both male and female choruses before facing Rönninge Show Chorus. For many years she also sang in a quartet, peaking with a regional bronze medal. She shares Britt-Hélene’s leadership philosophy, although she uses other words to describe it. “We practice

Facts ab o ut

admiring ourselves, and encourage everyone in the chorus to look at and listen to what’s right rather than what’s wrong,” she says. Among the chorus members, the two co-directors are indeed considered a true leadership team, sharing the responsibility equally. Britt-Hélene might be senior, but Anna is in no way second in command. They share the work, leveraging each other’s strengths, carefully evaluating all input from chorus teams and individual singers. “We are the evident leaders, so we have to listen very carefully to what everyone else says,” Anna explains. The pair is also very quick to point out that they couldn’t do what they do without a range of other chorus members engaged in everything from the music and visual committees to the administration team.

was held, and a whopping 93 percent of the members voted in approval of the plan. No objections were voiced, although a small number of members abstained from immediately committing to the plan for personal or financial reasons. Which is clearly understandable — traveling from Sweden to Hawaii for a contest is an investment starting at $3,000 per person.

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Britt-Hélene’s mental training program has been an integral part of every rehearsal the last three years.

Three keywords emerged early during the preparations — “Happiness,” “Wholeness” and “Drill.” These words were painted on large boards clearly visible at every rehearsal. The self-evident “Happiness” and the more demanding “Drill” were quickly adopted by most chorus members. But what about “Wholeness?” What does that really mean?

“We wholeheartedly trust that we have one director who is completely dedicated to uptunes, and one who is equally dedicated to the ballads,” says Ewa Hemberg, a bass who is also responsible for the music committee.

“It means that whatever we do must focus on making things as good as possible for the whole chorus. In practice it means that we don’t care too much about details too early, letting each individual take more responsibility for her actions and presence,” says Anna.

The directors have earned a lot of trust from the inherent chorus democracy. Immediately after returning from Houston, a meeting with all chorus members was held. Anna and Britt-Hélene presented the plans for returning to the International stage in Hawaii two years later. A chorus referendum

“Wholeness is also about the well-being of the individuals, not just what notes they sing. A relaxed and healthy body produces a better sound,” Britt-Hélene continues, pointing out that the chorus maintained its daily relaxation sessions throughout the contest week.

Rönninge Show Chorus

• Founded in 1983 in Rönninge, Sweden

• Average height: 5’4” (165 cm)

• 158 members, 132 on stage in Honolulu

• Average clothing size: 16

• Average age: 49

• Number of natural blondes: 5

• Youngest member, Emma, 18

• Number of trained dancers in front row: 2

• Oldest member, Anna-Greta, 76

• First International appearance in 1989, in Miami Beach, Florida, placed 5th.

• Two times European champion chorus, 1996 and 1998. • Two times International runner-up, 1995 in New Orleans, Louisiana and 2011 in Houston, Texas.

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a Swedish male barbershop chorus working closely with Rönninge Show Chorus. He marvels at the confidence shown to him by Anna and Britt-Hélene, and praises the chorus members for their incredible commitment and courage to try new things.

Co-directors Britt-Hélene Bonnedahl, left, and Anna Alvring, appreciating the swing. The contest result was not only way beyond the goal the chorus set, it was a new world record. But the one number that Britt-Hélene and Anna keep referring to is the 98 awarded in the Showmanship category. According to barbershop fan site,, no chorus had ever previously been awarded a 98, but Rönninge received this score by both Showmanship judges for one of the songs in the finals package. The 98 is most often mentioned with immense pride, but it has also become a tool for keeping the chorus on its toes. “Is this the same bunch of ladies that scored a 98 in Showmanship?” That phrase now echoes in Rönninge as soon as the level of engagement falls below par.

“We demand “A”-level behaviour, “A”-level singing and an “A”-level attitude. A singer who doesn’t meet these demands must be informed about that, and given the tools necessary to make a change. It’s important to be explicit, and also to follow up explicitly. I’ve had my fair share of those conversations, and I’m very happy that we’ve never had to ask any member to quit during the entire existence of Rönninge Show Chorus,” says Britt-Hélene.

Some clues to the success can be attributed to the Swedish culture, where chorus singing in general is one of the most popular hobbies. Some 600,000 Swedes –7 percent of the population– attend a chorus on a regular basis, making chorus singing arguably larger than soccer, the largest sport in the country. The Swedish language is in itself quite close to singing — so close in fact that many Swedes find it difficult to not vary their pitch while speaking English.

The relationship with David Wright –acclaimed arranger, barbershop teacher and formerly director of the Ambassadors of Harmony (BHS) chorus– is very close. All of the six songs performed in Honolulu were arranged by Wright –five of them especially for this chorus– and his coaching has been way beyond any normal commitment. He has traveled to Sweden frequently for coaching sessions, has listened to endless emailed recordings from rehearsals, and keeps coming back the next day with critique and suggestions. And the chorus loves him, as well as his high demands of accuracy and precision. “We’re so blessed — the joy of singing his wonderful arrangements is a strong key to our motivation to work hard and smart,” says Anna.

Swedes also tend to sing at every possible occasion, from birthdays and Christmas celebrations to the infamous Midsummer and crayfish parties. Historically, many social movements have spread their messages through singing, and several of these songs have become part of the folklore. Singing is an integral part of the curriculum for every child in school, and the heritage of ABBA has spawned followers like Roxette and Ace of Base, up to today’s wunderkinder Avicii and Swedish House Mafia. The Swedish culture lays a great foundation, but Anna and Britt-Hélene keep returning to the leadership philosophy of reinforcing positive feedback when they explain how Rönninge reached its current “A+” level. Make no mistake — measures are indeed taken as soon as any singer in Rönninge is performing below the acceptable level. That woman will, discreetly but clearly, be called into a private conversation with Anna or Britt-Hélene.


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As many other choruses, Rönninge engages a variety of coaches, male and female. And although Rönninge is a women’s chorus, two men stand out as vital to their success — Arranger David Wright and Visualist Jan Alexandersson.

She gives equal credit to visual genius Jan Alexandersson, who not only created the choreography, but also influenced the choice of songs, took part in the audition for the front row, and was instrumental in designing the entire show package. The resulting performances have prompted many a comment about influences from Broadway musicals, but Jan dodges those remarks. “It’s true that I regard Rönninge as an entertainment group rather than a barbershop chorus. But I really want to avoid all genres. My goal is to make the audience see the music — it should be possible to see the muted video afterwards and still hear the song,” he says. Jan has been a barbershopper since his teens. He is a long-time family friend of the Bonnedahls, and for many years directed The EntertainMen,

The list of people who have assisted Rönninge along the way could easily fill this entire article. But some deserve more credit than others. Peggy Gram has been a frequent coach in vocal production and showmanship, and Sharon Babb in sound, music and the peculiarities of the English language. Doug Harrington coached singing, music and expression, Carole Persinger coached expression, and Erin Howden coached showmanship. Not to be forgotten is Sandi Wright, who accompanied her husband David on many trips to Sweden for more showmanship coaching. With the gold medal properly earned, what did the Rönninge women do when the celebrating waves had ebbed out from the Hawaiian shores, the medal and afterglow party pictures had been posted on Facebook and the flight home had been boarded? Well, they didn’t waste any time not singing. As has been the tradition for 21 years, they performed five Christmas concerts –“Stjärnjul” (meaning “Star Christmas”)– together with The EntertainMen and guest artists from the Swedish top elite in the first weeks of December. Some 8,000 people bought tickets to see the International record-breaking champions chorus. And the planning for Baltimore and a U.S. East Coast tour in 2014 has started. Stay tuned, and please visit n Adam Edström: The author is a true fan of Rönninge Show Chorus, a proud Baritone in The EntertainMen (looking forward to going to Las Vegas for the BHS Competition in 2014), and formerly editor of several business and trade publications including Fortune Magazine in the USA.

T he


Rönninge Show Chorus’ grand total score in Honolulu was a fantastic 3,138 points, and the highest score ever awarded to a chorus in the 67-year history of Sweet Adelines International. It is actually only 142 points from the theoretically possible maximum of 3,280 points (which requires that each and every judge award 100 points as well as the full bonus). The score is nothing short of miraculous. Not counting bonus points, three of their songs –When I Fall In Love, Some Enchanted Evening and Let Yourself Go– scored a record 765, and the fourth –I’ve Got Rhythm– scored just two points less. The previous record for a single song was 756 points, incidentally also awarded to Rönninge, in 2011. So this chorus now owns the top five scores ever given for a single song.

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LoveNotes Quartet

Growing Up Together


By Mia Dessenberger, LoveNotes (Lead), Region 12

n the morning of November 6, I woke up before our alarm went off, feeling excited. Not wanting to disturb the other three sleeping beauties, I went out on the balcony of our Sheraton Waikiki hotel room and looked out over the slowly waking city of Honolulu. To my right was the calm, piercingly blue ocean, to my left stood impressive green mountains, and ahead of me were luxurious hotels as far as the eye could see. I breathed deeply, hoping to settle the excited energy, and thought about everything that brought us here to this paradise for another Sweet Adelines contest. Over eleven years have passed since I first uncertainly tried singing a tag with Caitlin and Brittany in our voice teacher’s garage, but I can still remember how instantly everything clicked. We all love to sing, but barbershop is more than just singing—it’s magic. The journey from that moment to the contest stage in Hawaii was filled with life-changing and challenging moments as we grew up together. In the beginning, our moms drove us to every weekly rehearsal, funded our trips to regional events, and helped pick out our costumes. Our coaches picked out all the music and taught us the fundamentals of learning and putting together songs in the barbershop style. Three of us had braces and all of us needed help doing hair and makeup. Still, we tried to soak up every piece of knowledge like a sponge. Each new experience was more exciting than the last. Those were the days when we decorated our hotel room door at every event, when we had slumber parties and rubber band wars after trips to the dollar store. The opportunity to compete in the International Rising Star Contest at IES solidified the bonds we had begun to form because we had a goal to work toward. We were united in working hard to accomplish that goal. We were incredibly fortunate to experience the generosity of so many accomplished coaches in the organization. Without their willingness to spend their valuable time working with a group so young and inexperienced, we may never have come close to even reaching our first goal. We also had talented role models to look up to and a region full of women who had taken us under their wing from the first time we took the stage at a Pep Rally weekend singing “Mr. Sandman”—I remember how proud we were of our bell chords. They made us feel like there was no limit to what we could do, and thinking that way kept us working every week, even when schedules or disagreements threatened our focus. As time passed, and we made new goals, the women of Pacific Shores Region 12 never waned in their unconditional support. We will always be indebted to them for their overwhelming love and generosity.

LoveNotes Fun Facts

• The four of us always share one room when we travel, even if two rooms are available. At IES one year we carried our mattresses from one room to the other in order to have our usual slumber party. • Caitlin does not have magical powers (that we know of). She wears a clip on magnet under her costume to hold her pitch pipe without a pocket! • All four of us are 1st generation barbershoppers and the only vocalist in our immediate families. • In July, 2012 we celebrated our first quartet wedding as Caitlin married Peter and we shared in their special day as her bridesmaids. • LoveNotes has a secret handshake (that’s not very secret). For at least 6 years we have done our handshake before every performance.

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The time did pass and, though we were not conscious of it, we were growing up. Middle school made way for high school. Young Women in Harmony charts were replaced by songs we just had to learn after we heard our favorite quartets sing them on the international stage. At some point the braces were finally gone and we were driving ourselves to weekly rehearsals. Instead of rubber band wars we had life chats and we became much more opinionated about our costumes. Life was vastly different for all of us in 2006 than it had been in 2002, but our quartet was the constant. In 2007, Stephanie joined us and once again we felt that instant click. We welcomed a new member to what had become a tight knit family, and with her by our side we traveled to Germany for BinG’s convention and even tried our hand at auditioning for America’s Got Talent. We continued to work hard and we made the most of every opportunity to be together. We found that even when we tried to plan non-rehearsal time together we would always end up singing instead; we couldn’t stop ourselves. By this time, singing with each other felt like coming home. The next year began a challenging transition for us. Everything began to drastically change as first Brittany, and a year later I, moved 7 hours away to go to school. Long distance—as so many of you know— posed a lot of challenges, especially as we all sought to pursue our own individual goals and interests. Still, I do not think that any of us ever considered a world where quartet did not exist as an option. We continued to support each other and push each other. Our families were behind us one hundred percent as we worked to find a new norm that worked for everyone. That norm turned out to be intensive rehearsal retreat weekends about once a month and weekly Skype meetings. I will always remember our first quartet briefing before the 2009 International Contest in Nashville. I felt like I was eleven years old again, star struck by my barbershop idols in the room. I could not fathom how we had made it there. Any minute someone was likely to wake me up from a dream. Instead, as each new year at the International level passed, something was changing about us. I don’t think that star struck feeling will ever go away, but I did not feel like a little girl anymore. Each year we made new mistakes and found new strengths—always learning, always growing, and always loving every minute on the stage.

“Don’t lose your way, with each passing day. You’ve come so far, don’t throw it away. Live believing dreams are for weaving. Wonders are waiting to start.”

(“If We Hold On Together” – Diana Ross) Fast forward to that warm Wednesday morning in Honolulu on contest day. As I sat trying to find some peace and focus, I thought about the three girls sleeping in the room behind me. Brittany, whose natural vocal talent, energy, and ability to talk to anybody always sets her apart from the crowd. Stephanie, a loyal friend whose attention to detail and willingness to speak her mind helps us to always be at our best. Caitlin, my role model, whose dedication and work ethic knows no limits and whose sense of humor is perhaps the silliest. These young women have seen me at my best and at my worst. They have helped me through my first heartbreak and celebrated all of my greatest victories. We have laughed until we cried and shared very memorable travel adventures. We have also challenged each other to be better and taught each other that there are at least 4 different ways to look at every situation. They have been my best friends for half my lifetime now and there is a sense of comfort that comes from knowing we will always be a part of each other’s lives. This connection we have created is strengthened and supported by the bonds that we have made with each other’s families and with Sweet Adelines around the world. Every person who said “keep singing” and every member of our region who bought a 50/50 raffle ticket or silent auction basket for the twentieth time; every coach who challenged us to do more, every Queen that inspired us with their talent and artistry, and every chorus member who contributes the magic of a contest performance—all of those people are onstage with us every time we sing. There is incredible strength and energy that comes from belonging to an organization of people that believes in you and loves you for exactly who you are. There are no words to describe the feeling when our name was called that fateful Friday night in Honolulu. Nothing could really do it justice, but I will always remember the hugs. Hugs from my family that said everything we couldn’t express about what this means to us, hugs from the members of Region 12 and Bay Area Showcase Chorus in Honolulu that were filled with eleven years of love and excitement, hugs from our coaches that said they were proud, and hugs from people we’ve never met that said, “We shared that moment with you.” Now the journey continues. There will be new challenges and adventures that we can’t even imagine, but we will live every moment and take on every new day the way we always have: together. We begin this new chapter honored, excited, and grateful—so grateful for the people that make this journey worth it. n


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

LoveNotes Timeline

• February, 2000: Caitlin joins Bay Area Showcase Chorus • August, 2002: “Underage Quartet” meets and sings tags for the first time • September, 2002: Underage begins weekly rehearsals

• July, 2003: 5th Place – Rising Star International Contest, Greenville • June, 2004: Underage releases 1st CD “Moments to Remember” • July, 2004: 3rd Place – Rising Star International Contest, Greenville • April, 2005: 5th Place – Region 12 Contest, Sacramento • July, 2005: 1st Place – Rising Star International Contest, Greenville • October, 2005: Underage, Rising Star Champions, sing before Quartet Finals at Quartet Contest, Detroit • April, 2006: 3rd Place – Region 12 Contest, Sacramento • August, 2006: Underage releases 2nd CD “We Go Together” • Febraury, 2007: Stephanie Lawson joins UnderAge Quartet • April, 2007: Underage makes it to 3rd Round of TV show “America’s Got Talent” • March, 2008: Underage performs as featured guest quartet at BinG Convention, Dortmund, Germany • July, 2008: Underage changes name to LoveNotes • April, 2008: 4th Place – Region 12 Contest, Sacramento • April, 2009: 1st Place – Region 12 Contest, Sacramento • May, 2009: 2nd Place and Audience Favorite – National Harmony Sweepstakes Competition • October, 2009: 13th Place – Sweet Adelines International Quartet Contest, Nashville • March, 2010: LoveNotes releases 3rd CD “All You Need is LoveNotes” • October, 2010: 4th Place and Audience Favorite – Sweet Adelines International Quartet Contest, Seattle • October, 2011: 5th Place - Sweet Adelines International Quartet Contest, Houston • October, 2012: 3rd Place and Audience Favorite – Sweet Adelines International Quartet Contest, Denver • November, 2013: 1st Place and Celebrity Award Winner – Sweet Adelines International Quartet Contest, Honolulu

Brittany Gilmore (Tenor, 23) – Brittany graduated from Biola University in Los Angeles with a degree in Sociology Criminal Justice in May, 2012. She currently teaches private voice lessons and elementary school music education in the LA area while working on her first album as a solo singer/songwriter.

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

• October, 2002: Grand Champion, small group category – World Championship of Performing Arts, Los Angeles

About Us

Mia Dessenberger (Lead, 23) – Mia recently graduated Magna Cum Laude from Chapman University’s Conservatory of Music with a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance. Mia currently resides in Orange County where she works as a Sales Administrator during the week and as a Princess at children’s birthday parties on the weekends. Caitlin Castelino (Smith) (Bari, 26) – Caitlin graduated Magna Cum Laude from Santa Clara University in 2009 with a degree in Psychology and in 2012 from San Jose State University with a Master of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology. Caitlin now works in the traumatic brain injury unit at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. She stays busy as a section leader/front row coach at Bay Area Showcase Chorus, coaching quartets, and tap-dancing with dance company Tap Explosion. Stephanie Lawson (Bass, 23) – Stephanie is currently pursuing a degree in English at San Jose State University while working as a pet sitter. When not quartetting, she loves reading, trying new things, spending time with loved ones and her pets, and watching her favorite sport – hockey!

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Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

HIGHlights Fifty and 60-year member awards.

2013 Ann Gooch Award Recipient Elaine Hamilton, Chapter-at-Large, #31

2013 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient Sharon 2013 Harmony Achievement Award Recipient Greater Nassau Chorus, #15 — (left to right) Kim Wonders, master director (Metro Nashville, #4), Natalie Allen (Metro Nashville, #4), Lori Britt-Horvath, president (Greater Nassau, Babb, Colorado Spirit, #8 #15) and Harriette Walters, master director (Greater Nassau, #15)

Nafme Award Recipient Debbie Baker, Talk of Tulsa Show, #25

Maggie Ryan (Greater Harrisburg and Pride of Baltimore, Master Director Betty Clipman (The Woodlands Show, #19) and Neyla Pekarek (The Lumineers, lifetime #10) directs the Coronet Club Chorus member) at the webcast table. during rehearsals.

Chorus Judging Panel: (seated, left to right: Dale Syverson, Ruth Ann Parker, Betty Clipman, Carole Kirkpatrick Persinger (standing, left to right): Marcia Pinvidic (panel chair), Jo Lund, Sharon Babb, Gina Kaiser, Peggy Gram


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

GQ, Kim Wonders, Neyla Pekarek and Dolce performs for 9th-12th grade students at Mid-Pacific Institute.

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

The “Queen’s Men” rehearse before the Coronet Club Show.

Honolulu Blend Show Chorus, #21, under the direction of Bonnie McKibben, Harmony Classic mic tester

The World Harmony Chorus

Quartet Judging Panel: (seated, left to right: Beth Smith, Joan Boutilier, Patti Burklund, Marcia Pinvidic (standing, left to right): Lynnell Diamond, Jan Meyer, Betty Clipman (panel chair), Becki Hine, Diane Porsch

A relaxing morning of yoga on the beach.

Staff members kick off the week in Honolulu (from left to right: Joseph “Joey B” Bertsch, Jill Deutscher, Janell Mason, Janine Ross, Emily Mock, Emily Goss

Mass Sing

High school students surround lifetime member Neyla Pekarek (also cellist and vocalist for the Grammynominated band, The Lumineers) at Mid-Pacific Institute.

Rönninge members embrace the win!

Tech Rehearsal Chorus

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Barbershop Harmony Society Judy Sirut, Amy Ringley and Maria President Shannon Elswick and CEO/ Christian, Scioto Valley, #4 Executive Director Marty Monson

LoveNotes and International President Renée Porzel

GQ and Neyla Pekarek sing Happy Birthday to BHS on the International stage.

Rönninge celebrate the champion announcement.

Maggie Ryan (Region 19, Deb Ferenc (Regions 4 & 17) and Anne Cargill (Region 31) make perfect hosts for the webcast

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe


Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

The Competition’s Over –

Now what?

How to get re-energized and re-motivated after the big event By Jan Carley, Lions Gate Chorus, Region 26


he scene is a familiar one. You worked for months to prepare for contest — you sweated, obsessed, planned, rehearsed and then, in the blink of an eye, it is over. The applause has died, the costumes and makeup have been put away and you are back to your everyday life. For some of you, medals are hanging proudly around your neck; for others, the scoresheet analysis continues and for everyone, the memories live on, but what’s this other feeling that comes over you — this feeling of “post-contest depression?” Getting prepped for competition requires an intense amount of work, commitment, emotion, time and energy, and when it is all over, whether or not you achieve your goal, there can be a profound sense of “let down.” It is important to recognize and deal productively with this “let down” as it can reflect in individual and group apathy, drained energy, loss of focus, lack of motivation and uncertainty about the future. If you are a leader, you may feel these symptoms yourself coupled with a great sense of responsibility for how the group is feeling. Understanding and working through the three stages below will help you and your group properly conclude the contest experience, acknowledge the journey that got you there, and help you move into the exciting and exhilarating stage of looking forward and building for the future.

Three Stages of

Post-Contest Recovery Stage One: Reflection and Acknowledgment It is important to openly acknowledge and allow expression of the feelings that you and your group may be experiencing (whether or not you achieved your competition goal). Emotions might be wide-ranging and contradictory. Accept that you may have conflicting or changing feelings of elation, disappointment or exhaustion that rise at different times of the day or week. You might feel hyper or you might feel like crashing. Just notice ... and acknowledge those feelings. Discuss the feelings with someone close to you. If you are the leader of a group, share with the group how you are feeling. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, and real. When a goal has not been met there is often an initial reaction of searching for a reason that may result in blaming something or someone else outside oneself. This is part of the grieving process and precedes the stage where we accept personal responsibility and begin to move forward.


This is a time, as a chorus leader, that we must take a deep breath and not take our members’ comments personally. Listen to them, consider them, but don’t dwell on them — there is a difference between denial and

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

transcendence. Recognize that you also need to process and be sure to give yourself adequate nurturing time and space to replenish your energy. If you achieved your goal, there may be an initial high, followed by a “crash” — or for some, the “high” may continue. Either way, there is an ending – one that must be acknowledged before you can move into a new beginning. Before you rush off into your next two years of exciting plans, shows, membership drives etc., take the time to properly celebrate your success. Keep your achievement and celebration top of mind, revisit the highlights, talk about your success, look at the photos, laugh and debrief. Keep the positive memories flowing.

Stage Two: Acceptance and Ending According to the ”transition model” coined by author William Bridges, one must adequately “end” something to have a new beginning. In fact, every ending signals a new beginning. The essence of the transition process lies in that statement. The ending is critical, because without a proper completion there cannot be a successful beginning. We must let go/or leave behind where we were in order to move ahead. What feels confusing is that most transitions between an ending of one thing and the beginning of another are not necessarily a smooth progression from Point A to B. We must be cognizant that everyone in a group may be transitioning at different paces and as leaders, we must understand that although we may be mentally and emotionally ready to move on to the next great thing, our chorus members may not be. There are two key questions to ask in the “ending phase.” We can consider these questions as a group and we must also ask the questions of ourselves, as we are each responsible for the pace of our own ending (and therefore, our new beginning). 1. What is it time for me to let go of right now? (Be sure to spend enough time on this first question. Our tendency is to want to move forward without properly grieving.) 2. What is standing backstage, waiting to make its entrance? (This second question is critical to follow the first.) How do you then let go? William Bridges is big on ritual and on creating some specific way to acknowledge and grieve so that you can let go. There are many ways you can create a ritual and lots of resources online to guide you. The key point is to mark the ending officially and be sure not to rush through the ending. Until you complete — you won’t move into the future as successfully (or as quickly).

“What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls butterfly.” — Lao Tzu

Stage 3: Re-ignition and New Beginnings

Before you set specific chorus goals, re-ignite your and your group’s passion by creating a forum to hear everyone’s voice as they dream of the future possibilities without limits. What is their biggest future vision? What is yours? What feels connected and aligned with the chorus vision? The ways in which you and your group frame “success” when you then create your chorus goals can make all the difference to your post-contest recovery. As Jim Arns says, “It’s a competition, not a festival,” so if we ignore the concept of achievement in competition we are deluding ourselves. Ultimately, we all want to sing and perform as well as we

Box? WhaT boX?

Cappella Harmony Academy in Tulsa, Oklahoma is going to be THE place to be for all Sweet Adelines in July of 2014. Why? Because your planners are not just thinking outside the box — we have thrown the box away! This academy is an exciting NEW educational offering, unlike any that has gone before. It is a weekend packed with classes to spur your creativity, hone your performing skills, deal with performance anxiety, explore costuming and make-up trends, design exciting entertainment packages, learn emcee and microphone techniques, use comedy to enhance your performances and so much more. At its core, this weekend is designed to explore the possibilities that abound in the many aspects of creating entertaining performance packages. How handy that this phenomenal educational opportunity is offered just as we prepare for the wonderful changes being ushered in with the new Open Division at regional contest (which starts in 2014) and the revamping of the finals packages at International starting in 2015 in Las Vegas? Coincidence, we think not!

About the Author Jan Carley, the Inner Coach of Barbershop, and long-time barbershop quartet and chorus singer, has transformed the singing experiences of thousands of barbershoppers worldwide with her signature “harmony from the inside out” coach approach. An internationally credentialed professional coach and author of Harmony from the Inside Out, Jan works with directors, choruses of different sizes and levels, chorus leaders, regional leadership teams, quartets and individuals to open up powerful possibilities and catalyze significant positive change.

Who should attend AHA 2014? YOU!!!

Besides you, who will be there?

Whether you are a singer, director, musical leader, choreographer, artistic director, veteran Sweet Adeline or newbie — there is something for everyone at this academy and you don’t want to miss it! There is even a track for quartets so you can attend as a foursome and explore your ensemble performance! Check out the class schedule on our website and see for yourself! With so many selections, by now you are probably wondering how you could possibly fit so much AWESOME into a single weekend? But wait, there’s more! On Thursday, there are three additional “bonus” educational offerings. The first “bonus” opportunity is open to anyone interested in taking part in the Performance Packaging Boot Camp — this intense, hands-on experience will be exploding with creativity, energy and fun! The Boot Camp, facilitated by International Faculty members, Judy Pozsgay and Melanie Wroe, will provide participants the chance to write, stage, create, and ultimately perform an entertainment package! A one-of-a-kind experience! Enrollment is limited, so sign up today! As if this awesomeness wasn’t enough, the second “bonus” opportunity is an amazing Directors’ Lab, led by Master Director 700 Jim Arns for front-line directors of choruses scoring at the B+ level and above, and Master Director Joan Boutilier for front-line directors of choruses scoring at the B level and below, designed for directors who wish to further enhance their directing skills. AND musical leaders — you are not left out, as the third “bonus” opportunity is a Musical Leaders’ Workshop taught by International Faculty member Paula Davis, which will challenge you to improve your leadership abilities. Somewhere in there, you MIGHT have a chance to sleep!

Not only will members of our incredible International Faculty be on hand to share their knowledge, and expertise in these areas, but also our newly crowned Queens of Harmony, LoveNotes, will sing for us every day and serve as a demo group in some of the learning sessions. We are particularly thrilled to welcome Guest faculty Lisa Forkish ( pyCoEQT0SvM) to the team. Lisa will be with us all weekend long, teaching and sharing a professional’s perspective on entertainment in the a cappella style. Lisa will no doubt inspire us all to be the most entertaining performers we can be, to barbershop and non-barbershop audiences alike. And, bring along some popcorn because in our “down time” you can also watch a screening of the movie Pitch Perfect with her, and listen to her inside scoop! Sing along too! As we’ve already alluded, in addition to all the AHA learning moments, there will be time to “play.” Saturday night will feature performances by our Boot Camp participants, some extra special surprises, and of course, a performance by LoveNotes. And if you have time … go visit our beautiful headquarters building, which is a short ten-minute shuttle ride from the hotel. Our staff members are anxious to show off where they work for you.



Remember: Achieving a goal is a finite moment in time. Success is a journey, not a destination. n

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Now it’s time to start thinking about what you want to create for the future. When you think of new beginnings, be sure to build on your past successes. What worked about the journey that just ended? What were the elements that contributed to your success? Remember those elements, because they form the foundation upon which your future can be built. When you plan the exciting things for your future be sure to keep your thoughts and discussions very firmly in the what you WANT for the future rather than what you DON’T want.

possibly can. However, the narrowly-focused direct linking of success with the achievement of a goal, or a specific contest placement, can hurt us. If your group mindset is one where you believe that you will be successful only if you reach your goal, you effectively negate all of the learning and living you had enroute to your goal. That sets you up for heartache and a lot of missed opportunities to experience the considerable ongoing joy of our art form.

We can’t wait for us all to gather in Tulsa in July 2014 so we can learn, explore, play, and throw away the box together! Don’t delay and sign up for AHA 2014 today! n

Your 2014 AHA Co-Chairs, Cammi MacKinlay & Judy Pozsgay

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe



The Charm City Scoop Baltimore is a year-round vacation destination filled with experiences that appeal to travelers of all interests. From free museums and unforgettable dining experiences to strolls along the Inner Harbor and afternoons at Camden Yards, Baltimore’s attractions leave visitors wanting more.

A Little History Civil War 150: The Baltimore Commemoration — The first bloodshed of the Civil War happened in Baltimore. No matter where you go in Baltimore, you are walking in the footsteps of giants – Francis Scott Key, Frederick Douglass and Harriett Tubman. All of these giants left their mark here, making history that changed our nation. Visit attractions that played a significant part in Baltimore’s Civil War history. “The War Came By Train” exhibit serves as the B&O Railroad Museum’s primary attraction for the five-year commemoration of the war’s sesquicentennial. The Maryland Historical Society showcases Maryland’s largest and most comprehensive Civil War collection with the “Divided Voices: Maryland and the Civil War” exhibit. Other key sites to visit are Federal Hill Park, Fell’s Point, and the Historic Ships in Baltimore.

In the Neighborhood Baltimore is a city of eclectic and bustling neighborhoods, and it is hard to pick just one favorite area of Baltimore. A few areas that visitors will not want to miss include hipster Mount Vernon, historic Fell’s Point, funky Canton, quirky Hampden, upscale Harbor East, emerging Station North Arts & Entertainment District, and a slice of Europe in Little Italy. Variety is the key ingredient in Baltimore’s neighborhoods - each location has its own unique personality, lively character and story to tell. Together the neighborhoods create the rich tapestry that makes Baltimore a cozy, interesting and real city with small-town charm.

Just Around the Corner Baltimore is easily accessible from the East Coast, whether it’s a short flight, an Amtrak train ride or a road trip. Especially with the current economic conditions facing U.S. vacationers, a trip to Baltimore can provide a quick getaway and is a great value compared to other East Coast destinations. Baltimore is easy to get to, and easy to get around with all the attractions, hotels and restaurants within walking distance of Baltimore’s spectacular waterfront.


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe


Culture Haven, At the Right Price With over 20 museums and galleries located in the heart of Baltimore, arts and culture lovers might have to add an extra day to their trip. Two world-class museums, the Baltimore Museum of Art and the Walters Art Museum, have permanently eliminated admission fees, so that the treasures inside can be enjoyed by everyone. Kids of all ages can step back and witness the history of pop culture at Geppi’s Entertainment Museum or view nontraditional, original works by self-taught artists at the American Visionary Art Museum.

Bring Your Appetite Baltimore is becoming a “can’t miss” destination for culinary travelers in the United States. A city with a “no velvet ropes” policy, Baltimore’s cuisine has a comfort vibe that is recognizable in restaurant service and cozy, yet upscale, atmospheres with diverse menus to please every palate. Dining in Baltimore provides a great variety of neighborhood treasures, from Faidley’s famous crab cakes at Lexington Market to sampling celebrated chef John Shields’ creations at Gertrude’s in the Baltimore Museum of Art. However, Baltimore is more than just crab cakes – there is so much more to Baltimore’s culinary scene, including locally owned restaurants where chefs are having fun with food, true farm-totable experiences and the freshest Chesapeake Bay seafood around.

Take a Pass at Top Attractions No one likes standing in line for tickets at one attraction after another. The Harbor Pass enhances the visitor experience by allowing quick access to Baltimore’s most popular attractions at a discount providing both value and convenience. With the Harbor Pass, you can visit the National Aquarium, Maryland Science Center, Top of The World Observation Level, Sports Legends at Camden Yards and your choice of Port Discovery Children’s Museum or the American Visionary Art Museum at a savings of up to 25% when purchased in advance by phone.

Shop ‘Til You Drop Baltimore’s collection of boutiques, antique shops and art galleries are a shopper’s paradise. From the perfect party dress to a unique piece of antique furniture or a contemporary sculpture, Baltimore’s shops let every visitor take home a piece of the city. Don’t leave without stepping foot in shops such as Trixie’s Palace, fashion boutique Cupcake or art galleries such as the Light Street Gallery. Or, pick up the latest new handbag at Harbor East’s Handbags in the City and window shop the quaint row of South Charles Street boutiques found in Federal Hill. If unique and original is what you seek, Baltimore shopping has it all.

Family Moms, dads and kids alike can learn and play at family hot spots like Port Discovery Children’s Museum, Sports Legends at Camden Yards, the National Aquarium and the Maryland Science Center. A variety of hotels and restaurants with family-friendly prices add to Baltimore’s appeal for the entire gang.

A Cleaner, Greener, Healthier City Baltimore is cleaner and greener than ever before. Baltimore has cleaned up its act with new citywide cleaning initiatives; expansions to parks and trailways; and a new, greener infrastructure. Rent a bike in the harbor and enjoy Baltimore’s fresh air as you pedal along the recently expanded Gwynns Falls trail –spanning 15 miles and connecting more than 30 neighborhoods– or walk the more than seven miles of waterfront promenade surrounding Baltimore’s picturesque harbor. Check out the new Hilton Baltimore’s “green roof” which turns otherwise useless space into green space or stay at Baltimore’s first LEED-certified green hotel, the Fairfield Inn & Suites, and hop an environmentally friendly ride on the new Charm City Circulator buses that will take you anywhere you want to go — for free! n Information and images courtesy of Visit Baltimore.

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe



Hotel Information Hilton Baltimore (HQ Hotel)

(Limited Transportation provided: Competitors will be provided transportation for competition) 401 W. Pratt St. • Baltimore, MD 21201 • P- 443-573-8700 • F- 443-683-8841 This year’s Headquarters hotel is located in downtown Baltimore’s Inner Harbor district, surrounded by local shopping, dining, and theatre options. Also, it is directly connected to the Baltimore Convention Center via covered Skybridge. This AAA Four Diamond Hotel is also a short 15 minutes away from Baltimore International Airport. PRICES: Single/Double Occupancy: $185 plus tax Triple/Quadruple Occupancy: $195 plus tax

Hyatt Regency Baltimore

(Limited Transportation provided: Competitors will be provided transportation for competition) 300 Light St. • Baltimore, MD 21202 • P- 410-528-1234 • F- 410-685-3362 Situated along the waterway, this AAA Four Diamond hotel is located in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor area. Just steps away from the Baltimore Convention Center via covered Skybridge, this hotel offers all the luxurious accommodations that are associated with the Hyatt Brand. PRICES: Single/Double Occupancy: $185 plus tax Triple/Quadruple Occupancy: $200 plus tax

Sheraton Baltimore City Center 101 West Fayette St • Baltimore, MD 21202 • P- 410-752-1100 • F- 410-385-6865 This hotel is directly across from the 1st Mariner Arena, and 2.5 blocks from the Baltimore Convention Center. Accommodations include access to free high speed internet in the Business Center. PRICES: Single/Double Occupancy: $184 plus tax Triple/Quadruple Occupancy: $194 plus tax

Days Inn Inner Harbor

(Limited Transportation provided: Competitors will be provided transportation for competition) 100 Hopkins Pl.• Baltimore, MD 21202 • P- 410-576-1000 • F- 410-659-0257 Located across the street from the Baltimore Convention Center, this hotel offers excellent value and convenient amenities. Each room features free Wi-Fi access, a microwave, and a refrigerator. PRICES: Single/Double Occupancy: $124 plus tax Triple/Quadruple Occupancy: $124 plus tax

Holiday Inn Baltimore Inner Harbor

(Limited Transportation provided: Competitors will be provided transportation for competition) 301 West Lombard St.• Baltimore, MD 21202 • P- 410-685-3500 • F- 410-727-6169 The Holiday Inn is located across from the Baltimore Convention Center. Each room features free wired and wi-fi access in each room, a microwave, and a refrigerator. PRICES: Single/Double Occupancy: $169 plus tax Triple/Quadruple Occupancy: $189 plus tax


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor

(Limited Transportation provided: Competitors will be provided transportation for competition) 110 South Eutaw St.• Baltimore, MD 21202 • P- 410-685-3500 • F- 410-727-6169 This AAA 3 Diamond hotel is located in the beautiful Camden Yards of Baltimore’s historic Inner Harbor area. Complimentary Wi-Fi is available in the hotel lobby. PRICES: Single/Double Occupancy: $184 plus tax Triple/Quadruple Occupancy: $194 plus tax

Lord Baltimore Hotel 20 West Baltimore St.• Baltimore, MD 21202 • P- 855-539-1928 The Lord Baltimore Hotel is located in a French Renaissance building in the heart of downtown and includes amenities such as complimentary high speed Wi-Fi and downtown shuttle service. The Lord Baltimore Hotel is 3 blocks from the Baltimore Convention Center. PRICES: Single/Double Occupancy: $177 plus tax Triple/Quadruple Occupancy: $187 plus tax

Renaissance Harborplace Hotel

(Limited Transportation provided: Competitors will be provided transportation for competition) 202 East Pratt St.• Baltimore, MD 21202 • P- 410-547-1200 • F- 410-539-5780 Renaissance Harborplace Hotel overlooks historic downtown Baltimore, and is located 0.2 miles away from the Baltimore Convention Center. Each room offers a flat-screen TV and free Wi-Fi internet access. Each room includes a mini fridge, along with other guest amenities. PRICES: Single/Double Occupancy: $184 plus tax Triple/Quadruple Occupancy: $194 plus tax

Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel

(Limited Transportation provided: Competitors will be provided transportation for competition) 300 South Charles St. • Baltimore, MD 21202 • P- 410-962-8300 The Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel is connected directly to the Baltimore Convention Center and steps away from Inner Harbor and Oriole Park at Camden Yards. Amenities include access to a 24-hour business center, and free Wi-Fi in all rooms. PRICES: Single/Double Occupancy: $194 plus tax Triple/Quadruple Occupancy: $194 plus tax


Hotel maps Downtown Hotels

Mother Seton House

Banner Route/Stop

Baltimore Convention Center Skywalk to Convention Center



Baltimore Arena






4 9


ll S t

Camden Station MARC Trains to Washingtion, D.C.

Sweet Adeline’s s International November 3-7, 2014


1 Days Inn Inner Harbor Hotel- 1 block from the Baltimore Convention Center 2

Hilton Baltimore Hotel- Connected to the Baltimore Convention Center via Skywalk


Holiday Inn Inner Harbor- 2 blocks from the Baltimore Convention Center


Hyatt Regency- Connected to the Baltimore Convention Center via Skywalk


Lord Baltimore Hotel (formerly Radisson Plaza)- 3 blocks from the Baltimore Convention Center


Marriott Inner Harbor Hotel- 1 block from the Baltimore Convention Center


Renaissance Harborplace- 2 blocks from the Baltimore Convention Center


Sheraton City Center- 3 blocks from the Baltimore Convention Center

9 Sheraton Inner Harbor- Connected to the Baltimore Convention Center via Skybridge

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe



Sweet Adelines International

Family•Chorus•2014 You are invited to participate in a special Sweet Adelines International Family Chorus performance during the 2014 International Convention and Competition in Baltimore, Md.

Deadline is April 15, 2014

To participate, you must be a current Sweet Adelines member and register with at least one female relative (mother, daughter, granddaughter, aunt, daughter-in-law, etc.). Relatives who participate do not need to be members of Sweet Adelines International, but must be registered for the convention. The performance will be held on Saturday, November 8, 2014 following the chorus finals, immediately preceding the performance of the new quartet champion. Sisters Amy Brinkman and Bonnie Fedyski will be directing the 2014 Family Chorus. They are the Master Directors of Choral-Aires Chorus and tenor and bass, respectively of International Champion Quartet Chicago Fire. Links to the sheet music and learning media along with further information will be emailed after April 15, 2014. Downloads are $10 each. You must buy at least one download/packet to participate, but may purchase one for each participating family member. Due to copyright laws and restrictions, the media and sheet music may not be duplicated without permission. This year, after the Family Chorus registration deadline (March 30), there will be a random drawing of entries until the first 250 slots are filled. Names will be posted on the website after April 30, 2014. Email notification will be sent after May 15, 2014. You will receive more information on rehearsal times, costume and other requirements prior to the convention. Participation is limited to 250 singers, so get your registration in early. Deadline is APRIL 15, 2014. Credit Card registrations only! Make barbershop singing a family affair — register today!

PARTICIPANT(S) Info: Member Name: Member Number: Address: City: State: Country: Zip: Email: Member Voice Part: Relative voice part (check one) 1st Relative Name: oT oL o Bt o Bs 2nd Relative Name: oT oL o Bt o Bs 3rd Relative Name: oT oL o Bt o Bs

Payment Method (check one): o Mastercard

o Visa o Discover

Card Number: Name on Card:

Exp. Date:


Sheet music and learning media – $10 Per download: $ Hard copy packets are available on request and shipping charges will apply.

Send this form to: Sweet Adelines International Brenda Monroe, International Sales 9110 S. Toledo Avenue Tulsa, OK 74137


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

fax to: 918.665.0894

email to:

Early R e g i B i rd strat Form ion ! Regi ster tod a & Sa VE! y

68 th Annual Convention and Competition | November 3 – 8 | Baltimore Convention Center OFFICE USE ONLY

CONTACT INFORMATION Member # (if applicable):


Registration #:

Badge Name (First Name ONLY):



Address: City, State:

Country, Zip/Postal Code:

Daytime Phone:



Additional Registrant Name: Member Number or City/State:

Please write the name of the additional registrant attending with you in the Contact Info. No member number is needed if they are a non-member, but please list the non-member’s city and state. If you have more names to register, please use the chorus registration spreadsheet on the Sweet AdelineS internAtionAl website. It can be found on the Baltimore Convention main page.

PAYMENT INFORMATION o Enclosed is my check. Make check payable to Sweet Adelines International. o Please use my credit card (Check one):

o Visa

o MasterCard

Card Number:

o Discover Expiration Date:

Card Holder’s Signature: I REQUIRE SPECIAL SEATING BECAUSE OF A DISABILITY. PLEASE CHECK IF APPLICABLE: o I will be in a wheelchair and will use a regular seat. o I will be in a wheelchair and will remain seated in it. o I require a reserved seat for a companion. Please give a general description of your disability and list any ADA services that you require:

BALTIMORE REGISTRATION GUIDELINES 1. To sit together you must register together! If your registration payment is not included with the group you want to sit with, seating with that group is not guaranteed. If more than five people are registering, please use the chorus registration spreadsheet on the website. Registrations received without names will receive a blank badge. 2. Pre-Registration closes September 1, 2014. After September 1, tickets may be purchased for pickup onsite. Seats will be assigned based on availability. 3. Send out only one form of payment for the group. Multiple checks or credit card numbers included with one registration are not accepted. For your convenience, this form may be photocopied. 4. Make check/money order payable to Sweet AdelineS internAtionAl. Your canceled check or credit card statement is your receipt. There is a $10 service charge on all returned checks. 5. Registrations are transferable and refunds of 50% of the registration may be granted on a case-by-case basis until September 1, 2014. No refunds will be granted after this date. 6. Registrations will not be accepted before November 7, 2013, and will be returned if received before that date. 7. All-Events registration fee includes admission to all competition and most education sessions. The Coronet Club Show* is a separately priced event. Coronet Club Show tickets must be purchased through the Coronet Club. *See back page for more information.


Sweet AdelineS internAtionAl Attn: Tracy Shoghi BOx 470168 9110P.O. S. Toledo Avenue Tulsa, OKOK 74147-0168 Tulsa, 74137

FAX TO: 918.388.8083 (credit card payments only) EMAIL TO: QUESTIONS? CALL: 800.992.7464 ext. 137 OR 918.388.8037

BALTIMORE REGISTRATION EARLY REGISTRATION – BY MAY 2, 2014 8001 International Chorus Competitor All-Events 8002 International Quartet Competitor All-Events 8003 Convention Assistant All-Events 8004 Member All-Events 8005 Non-Member All-Events 8010 Youth Member or Non-Member All-Events


# OF TIx


$150 $150 $85 $160 $175 $100

TOTAL REGISTRATION *Please note tickets purchased after May 2, 2014 will be subject to new pricing. Please see website for more details.

RELEASE OF CLAIMS RELEASE OF CLAIMS SIGNATURE GUIDELINES: 1. All members (competing and non-competing) and non-members must sign and return with completed registration form. 2. Make copies of the release form for the number of registrations signing. 3. Registrations will not be mailed or available for pick up if the release form is not signed and returned with the registration form. 4. Signatures must be gathered on the form provided by Sweet AdelineS internAtionAl. This form is available on the website and must include the Release of Claims at the top of each page containing signatures. RELEASE OF CLAIMS: I agree and acknowledge that I am participating in the 2014 International Convention & Competition (“Event”) on my own accord. I give this acknowledgement freely and knowingly and I represent and warrant to you that I am physically and mentally fit and that, as a result, able to participate, and I do hereby assume responsibility for my own well-being. I am fully aware that possible physical injury might occur to me as a result of my participation, and I agree to assume the full risk, including risk which is not specifically foreseeable, of any injuries, including death, damages or less regardless of severity, which I may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with or associated with the Event. In consideration of the right to participate in the Event, I hereby waive any and all rights or claims I may have as a result of participation in the Event against

Sweet AdelineS internAtionAl, its directors, officers, employees, members, staff, and all individuals assisting in instructing and conducting these activities, and I hereby

fully release and discharge them from any and all claims resulting from injuries, including death, damages, or loss, which may accrue to me or my heirs arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in the Event. I further agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Sweet AdelineS internAtionAl, its directors, officers, employees, members, staff, and all individuals assisting in instructing and conducting these activities from any and all claims resulting from injuries, including death, damages, or loss, which may accrue to me or my heirs arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in the Event. Print Name:



The Coronet Club Show | November 7, 2014 PAYMENT INFORMATION


o Enclosed is my check. Make check payable to The Coronet Club. o Please use my credit card (Check one): o Visa o MasterCard o Discover Card Number: Expiration Date: Card Holder’s Signature:

Name: Chorus: Address: City, State:

Country, Zip/Postal Code:


o I will be in a wheelchair and will use a regular seat. o I will be in a wheelchair and will remain seated in it. o I require a reserved seat for a companion. Description of your disability and list any ADA services that you require:

Daytime Phone: Email: Chapter:


2014 Coronet Club Show • November 7, 2014 CORONET CLUB REGISTRATION GUIDELINES 1. To sit together, you must register together. If your registration payment is not included with the group you want to sit with, seating with the group is not guaranteed. Tickets are assigned in the sequence as orders are received. 2. Pre-registration closes September 1, 2014. After September 1, tickets may be purchased and will be available for pick-up on-site at the Coronet Club booth. Seats will be assigned based on availability. Pre-registration tickets will be mailed in September 2014. 3. Send only one form of payment for the group. Multiple checks or credit card numbers included with one registration are not accepted. For your convenience, this form may be photocopied. 4. Make check/money order payable to the Coronet Club. Your canceled check or credit card statement is your receipt. There is a $10 service charge on all returned checks. 5. Tickets are transferable, but not refundable. To purchase tickets, please return the information and send payment to the Coronet Club Ticket Chair. Please do not send your payment for this event with your Convention Registration. Please be sure to fill out the Contact Information and the Payment Information box on the front of this form.

MAIL TO: The Coronet Club Show Attn: Donna Bates 1852 Somerfield Lane Crystal Lake, IL 60014


QUESTIONS? CALL: 815.356.9047

2014 Coronet Club Show • November 7, 2014 CORONET CLUB REGISTRATION REGISTRATION


Coronet Club Show (by Sept. 1)


VIP (limited, on-site only)


Tickets on-site (After Sept. 1)



# OF TIx


Departments Membership matters

A New Year’s Resolution To Sing!


By Ann-Marie Dowling, Membership Manager, HQ Staff

very New Year there are resolutions to lose weight, quit smoking, exercise more and eat healthier, but

offer an overwhelming amount of motivational support, sticking to your resolutions can be almost effortless. This is exactly what Sweet Adelines members offer to one another: unremitting encouragement, friendship and harmony! Many Sweet Adelines members will agree that as long as your New Year’s resolution is to keep singing, everything else will fall into place. In 2013 nearly 2,000 new members joined the Sweet Adelines International ranks, but how many will resolve to stay? Statistics show that the majority of members resign within their first five years, but our organization also has a very impressive retention rate compared to other membership based organizations — most likely due to the factors listed


sticking with them is very challenging. When you belong to a group of energized, uplifting women who

above. Whether you are brand new or a long-time member, your love of singing is what brought you in to this worldwide family of friends, but so many other influential reasons are given by members on why they stay. It’s the joy of singing, the music education, the time to do something for yourself, the empowerment of women, the inspiration you get from other members and the life-long friendships that make it so easy for members to stick with it.

Adds Membership Incentive Campaign

In 2014 encourage others to join you in your resolution to sing! Bring some new voices to your choruses’ Global Open House event or to any rehearsal with you. The Sweet! Adds Membership Incentive Campaign is being extended indefinitely: refer five or more new members and you can receive free international membership for a year or more! Every time you refer a guest who turns into a new member, make sure to note it on the new member application so that when you have accrued five or more members — you will start receiving your dues incentives. For more information go to > Member Resources > Sweet! Adds Membership Incentive Campaign. As we are well aware, Sweet Adelines is much more than a group of singing women. It is a few hours a week of freedom, a slice of life that is yours alone, a place to let loose, build true friendships, sing your hearts out, and for many it’s where you go to find the motivation, inspiration, encouragement and happiness to fill you up until the next rehearsal. We often hear from new members that joining Sweet Adelines is not just something they wanted to do but something they needed to maintain a fulfilling, balanced, healthy lifestyle. There is no doubt that Sweet Adelines is an extraordinary outlet for women, so in the New Year let’s resolve to sing and share this extraordinary experience with others. n

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe




Roundup LoveNotes Barbershop Outreach Submitted by Emerald City Chorus, Region 25 It’s one of those times when you feel as though the audience is collectively holding its breath for fear of disturbing the magical sounds mingling with the air. Most eyes are fixed on the four young women singing their closing number Time To Say Goodbye, but we are watching the watchers. What we are seeing is sheer delight and appreciation for a performance expertly crafted and delivered to appreciative college students and their teachers by LoveNotes, 2014 International Champion Quartet. It was at International 2012 that members of Emerald City Chorus, Region 25, began discussing the possibility of having LoveNotes on our fall show. Director Judy Alterman suggested perhaps they could come in a day early and present a master class at a high school and college. Numerous emails and phone calls later led to this afternoon at Butler County Community College (BCCC) in the vocal music room of Nancy Wesche. That brings us to a warm and windy September day in Kansas, and a road trip from Wichita to El Dorado after a morning session at a local high school. The school’s show choir, Headliners, welcome LoveNotes with an energetic performance. Love of music and enthusiasm are very much in evidence. Brittany, Mia, Caitlin and Stephanie entertained and taught. They demonstrated the differences in choral and barbershop singing via a current pop tune. During one portion of their presentation the students used a handout to select which aspect of good barbershop singing the quartet is purposely not observing, such as too much vibrato or unmatched dipthongs. At one point the tag Foolish Heart was taught and foursomes were invited to sing for their fellow students. Not much coaxing was needed because BCCC boasts a women’s and men’s barbershop quartet. After the large class ended, both quartets performed for LoveNotes and received pointers. It’s a safe bet that these young women have made a chorus of new friends.

Courage and Conviction Submitted by Paula Hoffman, Spirit of Detroit Chorus, Region 2 Dreams of singing on the International stage and getting a fresh start in a regional championship chorus filled the conversation on that fateful day. Kathryn Summers and I made a tradition of going out to celebrate our birthdays each year since we met in our first Sweet Adelines chorus, and on this particular sunny June day, we did not know that the choice we had just made to visit and hopefully audition for the Spirit of Detroit Chorus was going to save Kathryn’s life. We made our visit to the chorus and were welcomed with open arms. We jumped right into the fun of learning new and exciting music, getting help from all of our new friends, and working hard for the audition knowing full well if we could make it, we could be on that international stage in Hawaii with the rest of the chorus. We made it. We found our home. We found our sisters in song. We found a love of learning music and craft from our unbelievable master director, LeAnn Hazlett. Life was so good. With International Competition coming up quickly, Kathryn decided that a pain in her knee that she had ignored for months would be too uncomfortable on the long flight to Hawaii, so she phoned her doctor for an MRI. The doctor wanted to see her first before making the referral for the MRI, and, at that appointment, the doctor suggested a mammogram and physical, too. Kathryn doesn’t get sick; she rarely sees a doctor, but she agreed that she was probably due for an exam since the previous one was two years earlier. Just before the Region 2 competition, at the age of 41, Kathryn was diagnosed with breast cancer: Stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. She had just started singing with her new quartet, STUDIO 4, and they were prepared to compete in just over a week. Like a lightening strike, Kathryn’s life was changed forever. This diagnosis might have caused Kathryn to stop and gather herself, put her singing on hold for a moment, and figure out her next steps. That was not Kathryn’s choice. That is not Kathryn’s style. With an undeniable grace, Kathryn stepped onto the regional stage with her quartet earning a third place ribbon along with the respect and love of every audience member with a captivating performance. Still, most people did not know the burden she was bearing throughout competition weekend. On Saturday, Kathryn worked tirelessly helping choruses through the pattern, smiling, laughing, and loving every moment of the time spent with Region 2. Finally, the following week, she told the rest of the chorus; that was another life-changing moment.


The outpouring of love and support from our sisters in Sweet Adelines has been overwhelming. Kathryn’s grace and courage in the face of

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

adversity has been amazing. She has barely missed a rehearsal, has scheduled chemo treatments around chorus and quartet events, and has the biggest smile of anyone on the risers each week. Kathryn fully believes that sharing her story might help other women see that when faced with a life-threatening and scary situation, gaining the help, support, and love of friends creates amazing bonds that makes going through the difficult times easier.

The Barbershop Stalker Submitted by Marge VanDyke, Toast of Tampa, Region 9

Barb lives in a gated community in Sun City but there is a back entrance to her community that I use to get there. I turned right off the main highway to get to the road that leads to the back entrance. Glancing in my rear view mirror, I noticed a car that had turned left off the same road. I remember thinking, the car was just like mine; same make, model and color. I hadn’t noticed the car on the main highway but suddenly it was right behind me. The back entrance that leads to Barb’s community is long and narrow with several turns and it can be quite confusing if you’re not familiar with the route. I glanced in the rearview mirror again … the car was still there right on the back bumper. Each time I turned I checked and the car was still there and still very close. I turned on the side street leading to the neighborhood where Barb lives, the car turned is right behind me and I was getting just a bit worried. I turned into my sister’s driveway and looked … the car had stopped right behind the driveway. Now I’m really worried. The person getting out of the car was a woman. As I got out of my car and started gathering the items I needed to take inside, the woman approached and asked, “By any chance are you a Sweet Adeline? I noticed the decal with the Sweet Adeline logo in your back window.” My fear changed to delight. “Yes,” I answered. I belong to Toast of Tampa.” The woman said she had been a Sweet Adelines member many years ago in a chorus up north and had been thinking off and on about finding a chorus but was hesitant to just walk into a rehearsal alone. When she noticed the decal in my back window, she made up her mind to follow me and find out about my connection to Sweet Adelines. I was only too happy to tell her all about TOT, our weekly rehearsals and our upcoming trip to Honolulu to compete in the International Contest. I invited her to come to a rehearsal to check us out. I jokingly added, “The car pool is leaving in an hour to drive the 45 minutes to Tampa if you want to come with us tonight.” It turns out that she was free and said she would go home and drop off her groceries and be right back to ride with us. When we arrived at rehearsal, I introduced her to our membership chairman and after being voiced placed as a bass she got on the risers to do our physical and vocal warm ups. She didn’t need a second visit, and requested to be put in the prospective status right away so she could get the music and the learning media to start practicing for the audition. Two weeks later, she passed the audition and hasn’t been off the risers since. Judy Lutzenberger is now a member of the Toast of Tampa Show Chorus, and qualified on all the music so she could sing with us on stage in Honolulu. What a great addition to our chorus and all because of a Sweet Adelines decal in my back window.


I related the story of being stalked on that first night, and she is now known as Judy the stalker. Get those decals in your window. You never know who might be looking for a Sweet Adelines home and become a stalker to get more information about your chorus! (Now the stalker’s side of the story.)

Confessions of a Sweet Adelines Stalker by Judy Lutzenberger One day while driving near and far, I stopped behind Marge Van Dyke’s car. Her bumper sticker was a sign that seemed to sing, “Sweet Adeline.”


It was Tuesday night and time to drive the twenty minutes from my home in Ellenton, Fla., to my sister, Barb Laino’s, home in Sun City so we can meet up with our car pool and drive the additional 45 minutes to get to our rehearsal with the Toast of Tampa Show Chorus (TOT).

If it wasn’t for our decision to join the Spirit of Detroit chorus during that warm summer night, the cancer might not have been discovered, and Kathryn’s diagnosis might have been very different. Kathryn’s life has been forever changed by Sweet Adelines, but I know that every woman in the Spirit of Detroit Chorus feels Kathryn has forever changed them and their outlook on life, harmony, and courage. Singing saves lives. My wonderful friend, Kathryn, is proof of that. n

I’d just been feeling sort of blue, wishing life had something new. So I decided then and there to follow this car anywhere. I didn’t know where this would lead, just knew somehow I must proceed. So every time she turned, I turned; and when she stopped, I stopped…and learned— She was, indeed, a baritone who sang with T.O.T. She said, “Rehearsal is tonight! Why don’t you come with me?” “Why not?” I thought. “It sounds like fun. I’ll meet you here at six. She said, “You’ll meet my sister then, and others in our mix.” Her sister, Barb, was friendly too, and loved my “stalker” story. Then Ellen Peck arrived, and off we went in car pool glory. The whole drive there, they talked about their chorus and their singing, and how much fun it’d be to introduce this guest they’re bringing. When I arrived, I got a book with every chorus song. Then Lois tested me, and said, “Bass is where you belong.” Then on the risers I did go, and tried to keep the pace. I learned that every singer has her own sweet square of space. Those first three hours flew right by, with Tony’s great direction. He’s the master showman with true leadership perfection. He inspires everyone to laugh and work and try; He made me want to be my best, and keep on aiming high. The next few weeks I practiced hard, to try and make the grade, And got so much encouragement through each mistake I made. Finally I auditioned, and was pleased to learn I passed! Then lots more songs to learn to sing; it all went by so fast! Soon I’ll be singing my first show; then be Hawaii bound. Still can’t believe I’m part of this great Toast of Tampa sound. And all because I took a chance, and did one crazy thing. I am the “singing stalker” now, with all the joy that brings! n

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe




incerest thanks to everyone who gave to The Overtone Society throughout 2013! Your generous donations open new doors of opportunity and help strengthen sustainability for Sweet Adelines International and its many incredible, life-changing educational programs.

able to attend that particular region, work with that particular group of judges, and find such great success with them. Thank you just isn’t enough!

One of The Overtone Society’s outreaches is assisting Sweet Adelines who are in pursuit of becoming a Certified Judge. The Overtone Society offers scholarships to defray some of the costs members encounter as they work toward becoming a Certified Judge in their chosen category.

From a professional perspective, as a chorus director and competitor, having seen the ACJ process and program first hand, it builds faith in my beliefs of what our organization stands for, our goals and mission. The standards that I have been witness to, in training, required outcomes and expectations, and principles support my belief that this organization’s future is in very good hands. All aspects of what the ACJ does and is doing supports the desired outcome for our members to advance in the barbershop art form through education, performance and competition at an incredible level of professionalism.

Meet Lisa Greenough, a TOS scholarship recipient, and hear how your donation has positively changed her life. Q. What does The Overtone Society mean to you? For me, The Overtone Society means that there is a future for our organization. So many young women in our organization can actually begin to pursue their dreams within this organization earlier because of the support of The Overtone Society. Doors that were closed simply because of financial limitations can be opened for women who show an interest and dedication to an area of our organization. Q. What did the TOS ACJ scholarship help you achieve and/or learn? I have chosen to attend a least three (on average) competitions each spring for the last three years to trial score and further my education. Residing in Canada, with the only possible “domestic” competitions happening in Regions 2 or 6 (given I’m from region 26 and can’t trial score there), my options for domestic travel are very limited. Thus making most of my trips for trial scoring international travel, which as we all know can be very expensive. The Overtone Society’s scholarship last year facilitated me attending what came to be a “corner-turning” weekend in my development as a judge. Without their financial assistance, I would have never been

Q. What does the ACJ process and program mean to you?

On a personal level, the ACJ process and program means support, nurturing and development on all levels. The continued support via email, texts and phone calls that is so readily available from so many women in the International Judging Program is second to none. Q. How has The Overtone Society touched your life and opened doors for you and your musical education? There are many members of The Overtone Society who have acted as a mentor for me, a confidant. In all my dealings with women who are part of this amazing group, I have found kindness, positivity and encouragement. Personally, I have felt support and encouragement. As far as doors being opened, because of my involvement in the judging program, and the women who are judges as well as members of The Overtone Society, I have had the opportunity to sit in rooms with women I have only read about in The Pitch Pipe. I have had the opportunity to have open and candid conversations with them about not only my category and learning within that, but they have always been receptive and assistive in questions I had about almost anything! An amazing collection of knowledgeable women. n

To become a part of The Overtone Society and the impact it creates, visit Sweet Adelines International’s website > “Support” tab > “The Overtone Society” > “Contribute Now,” or email for more information!


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

Endowment Fund G oal : $500,000 C urrent L evel : $458,442 The Foundation in Honolulu In the midst of paradise we found generous hearts and benevolent hands — a warm and sincere thank you from the Young Singers Foundation!

A special thank you to Kate Veeder, Chair of the Silent Auction, and to all of the wonderful volunteers who helped throughout the week. An additional thank you to Melina Perry and Brianna Perry for all their hard work as co-chairs of the Friends of the Foundation in Honolulu. Thank you for your support for the Foundation — we appreciate your kind giving as it touches lives of young singers around the world! See you in Baltimore in 2014!


With your help, the Foundation was able to raise over $20,000 through the Silent Auction and the Friends of the Foundation collection.

The Voice Box

Health Tips for Sweet Adelines By Dr. Rachael Gates, Singing Health Specialist

Does the air in my home affect my vocal folds? Sweaty summers, dry winters, and high altitudes deplete your body of water and can take a toll on your vocal folds. Help your body maintain optimal hydration levels by keeping the air in your home (especially your bedroom) at 40 percent humidity. Purchase a simple hygrometer from a hardware store to monitor your rooms’ humidity levels. Humidifiers and vaporizers can correct a dry living environment. Whether to use a cool-mist humidifier or warm vaporizer is up to you. Both have tanks that need to be cleaned often with vinegar or soap and water and sanitized with hydrogen peroxide to reduce the transfer of bacteria and mold into the air. Filters need to be changed frequently (about one time each month).* Want more? Read Dr. Rachael Gates’ new book, The Owner’s Manual to the Voice (Oxford, 2013) now available on and The Young Singers Foundation Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarship helped fund Dr. Gates’ college education. *The information presented here is for self-edification and not a substitute for professional care.

s The Young Singers Foundation, part of the philanthropic umbrella of Sweet Adelines International, is committed to enriching the lives of young people by supporting the educational and performance opportunities in vocal music. Please support the Young Singers Foundation with your tax-deductible gift. You may contribute online at > How to Give. You can also find us on Facebook!

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe


Song of Welcome Indian Blue Region 34, Joondalup, WA, Australia Chartered on October 7, 2013 Helen Bolton, team coordinator Kali Caramia, director


In Memory Jill Baynon, Christchurch City, Region 35 Claudia Chappell, Seven Valley, Region 15 Wanda Dahl, Song of the Prairie, Region 6 Phyllis Dettmer, Pride of Baltimore, Region 19 Georgia Elb, O.K. City, Region 25 Bernieta Fincher, Show Me Harmony, Region 25 M. Jane Foster, City of Gardens, Region 26 Martha Haden, Enchanted Mesa Show, Region 21 Valda Herrick, Acapella North, Region 16 Mary LaMaster, Choral-Aires, Region 3 Patty Lampru, Song of Atlanta, Region 14 Doreen Lorenzen, Red Cedar Sounds, Region 6 Kathy McDonald, Show Me Harmony, Region 25 Sachiko Mochizuki, Aoyama, Satellite Region 30 Machiko Ogawa, Tokyo, Satellite Region 30 Atsuko Ozawa, Chapter-at-Large, Satellite Region 30 Ruby Rhea, Member-at-Large

Satellite Spotlight

Harmonizing the World By Janine Ross, Membership Specialist, HQ Staff In the Membership Department we have the distinct privilege of working very closely with our members on a daily basis. Recently, we had the pleasure of meeting some members in person, which we love to do. We met a few of the ladies currently serving as mentors to our prospective and chartered Satellite choruses. Our Satellite Mentors travel far and wide to visit with, coach, evaluate musical and administrative progress and give a sense of connection to our organization. We would like to recognize each of our mentors and thank them for their dedication. Valerie Taylor, Region 31, mentor to: Prospective Barberellas, Bonn, Germany; Prospective A-Cappella Ladies, Pattonville, Germany and Palz Pepper (chartered October 1988), Kaiserslautern, Germany. Patsy Meiser, Region 14, mentor to: Prospective Sugar n Spice, Bremen, Germany; Prospective Mainstream Magic, Erlenbach, Germany; Prospective Heart of Hessen, Wiesbaden, Germany and Prospective Rhubarbs, Bonn, Germany.


Alyson Chaney, Region 31, mentor to: Prospective Harmunichs, Munich, Germany; Prospective Barberlights, Stuttgart, Germany and Prospective in Cameroon, Republic of Cameroon, Africa.

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

Sherry Sandlin, Greater Richmond, Region 14 Karen Sheipline, Red Rose City, Region 19 Aimee Sterler, Member-at-Large Patricia M. “Patty” Welser, Member-at-Large Dorothy R. Wendorf, Crosstown Harmony, Region 3


(As of December 1, 2013) Advanced to Certified Director Kimberly Anderson, River City Sound, Region 3 Charles May, Greater Harmony, Region 17 Kevin Mohr, City of Flags, Region 17 Lynette Pope, Harmony Hills, Region 4 Sandra Squires, Route 66 Sound, Region 21 Advanced to Master Director Amy L. Brinkman, Choral-Aires, Region 3 Bonnie Lee Fedyski, Choral-Aires, Region 3 Kathryn R. Filipiak, Vermillion Valley Show, Region 3 Advanced to Master 700 Director Kerry L. Denino, Scioto Valley, Region 4 Tony DeRosa, Toast of Tampa, Region 9 Char A. Gurney, Scioto Valley, Region 4

Britt-Hélene Bonnedahl, Region 32, mentor to: Prospective Brilliant Singers, Oita City, Japan; Prospective in (Urayasu) Chiba, Chiba, Japan and Aoyama Harmony (chartered October 2012), Tokyo, Japan. Ozzi Mask, Region 14, mentor to: Prospective Yokohama Portside Harmony, Yokohama, Japan. Gerry Papageorge, Region 11, mentor to: Prospective Dubai Harmony, Dubai, UAE and Tokyo Chapter (chartered November 1979), Tokyo, Japan. Harriette Walters, Region 15, mentor to: Prospective Barberina, Ramat Hasharon, Israel. Patty Cobb-Baker, Region 21, served as mentor to Honolulu Blend Show Chorus prior to their charter which was followed by approval to leave satellite status and become part of Region 21 in 2012. Thank you to all of our satellite mentors, past, present and future, for the very important role you fulfill and for reminding our satellite choruses that they are part of the Sweet Adelines International family no matter how geographically distant they may be.

* * * We are currently in contact with a woman in Shenzhen, China, who is interested in forming a prospective chapter. She is an American teacher at an English language school in Shenzhen, near Hong Kong. It looks very promising! We hope to have more news to share about this fantastic development in our next issue of the Satellite Spotlight. China, here we come!

CLASSIFIEDS Directors Wanted Arlington, Virginia a cappella (barbershop) chorus seeks an energetic, dynamic director (male or female) with strong voice teaching skills and an ability to attract and retain new members. New director will be an integral part of a chorus rejuvenation program now under way. Barbershop experience a plus but not a requirement. Will consider modest honorarium for a qualified applicant. Rehearsals are now Tuesdays 7-9:30 p.m. Day and time could shift to accommodate new director’s schedule. See website at: http://www.harmonize. com/arlingtones/ Send resume to John Becker, Ladies Barbershop Chorus located in North Georgia is seeking a music director (Male or Female) with strong teaching skills and the ability to motivate volunteer performers. The director is an integral part of the chorus and operates beside a governing board of directors. Barbershop experience a plus but not required. Rehearsals are Tuesdays 6:30 – 9pm. Send resume and letter of interest to: SMM Chorus, PO Box 934, Blairsville, GA 30512 or call 706-781-4486.

Costumes for Sale Surplus fabric for Sale! Lots of Sparkle! Poly spandex fabric printed with swirls and polka dots on black - with clear sequins. Perfect for show choir or chorus costumes. 42 yards of 60” wide fabric for $13/yard = $546 plus shipping. Email for pictures or call Ann Buckheister at 319-360-5921 for a sample.

Stunning Rivars Black 2-piece pants outfit. Weskit top with long sleeves designed to Velcro in and out, creating a versatile vest option. Black on black baby dot sequin jacket front. Hand washable. Sizes S-4X 45 sets at $30 each, 7 extra jackets with no sleeves plus 10 extra pants - all at $10 each. Shipping additional. For pictures and inquires contact: Connie Kilts, pearlie731@ or 319-396-6440 For Sale: 42 Red fringed polyester competition or performance dresses- knee length and short sleeves. Approx. 5” of red fringe across the bottom and diagonal across dress. Sizes small to 4X. Includes approx. 12 yards of the dress fabric and 7-8 yards of the sheer sleeve material. Comfortable & wrinkle free. Directors dress included. $40 each. Email Mary Ann Adams, Topeka Acappella Unlimited, at with questions or picture requests.


My Sister Sings at for handmade items of interest to women barbershoppers. Garment bags, shoe bags, luggage tags, All-Events ID necklaces, zippered cosmetic bags, beverage cross-body totes, rehearsal aprons, food-safe snack bags (Emergency Chocolate!), decorative pillows, wine gift bags, and much much more! Items added weekly.


Photo Credit: Lilley Photography

“After initially trying to create a members-only site ourselves we can really appreciate how Groupanizer has simplified everything for us. It allowed our web techs to focus on music instead of computer glitches. It covers everything members and directors need from weekly communications to repertoire learning, attendance tracking, performance details - and my latest favourite toy: the riser chart. The support staff has been very responsive, creating a user friendly functional tool that even techno-phobes like myself can navigate successfully.” Mary Hager Master Director

ludes Every Groupanizer site inc er service! tom cus le ilab amazing and ava Get FREE chorus marketing ideas at

GroupanizerSing! members-only websites help dedicated leaders and directors plan rehearsals, create riser placements, manage email groups and more... ALL-IN-ONE-PLACE Organize. Manage. Connect.

Rhythm of the Rockies Chorus 2014 Harmony Classic AA Champion Chorus

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe


Adds Membership Incentive Campaign To further strengthen the One Voice, One Message Global Membership Drive and the 2014 Global Open House campaigns, this membership incentive program is designed to reward YOU for your efforts.

EXTENDED INDEFINITELY! +5 members = free dues for 1 year ($90 value) +10 members = free dues for 2 years ($180 value) +15 members = free dues for 2 years and The Pitch Pipe recognition ($180+ value) +20 members = free 3-year membership and The Pitch Pipe recognition ($243+ value) +25 members = free 3-year membership, a complimentary brick on international’s brick patio, The Pitch Pipe recognition and acknowledgement at International Convention ($343+ value)


Fill in the referred by field on all new member applications and reap the rewards! For additional information go to > Member Resources or email

ening the Pot!

Coming to Baltimore in Fall 2014 The One-Time-Only Musical Event You Won’t Want to Miss


Featuring the Best of Sweet Adelines International

Monday, November 3, 2014 Preceding the SAI International Convention HOSTED BY

The Alexandria Harmonizers & The Pride of Baltimore Chorus TICKETS ON SALE SUMMER 2014


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe

January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe



Fun in the Sun Meets Beaches and Barbershop Enjoy the thrill of barbershop harmony in an intimate setting as you work one on one with the world-renowned Master Director 700 &

J i m Ar n s

International Board President

R e n é e P o r ze l to j oin us Please contact the Sweet Adelines International Meetings & Convention Services Department at (800) 992-7464 or conventions@ for more information.


January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe










January 2014 | The Pitch Pipe


BROADCASTING LIVE from the Elegant Crown City Ballroom . . . a Spectacular Evening Awaits You!

Friday, November 7, 2014 8:00 pm Baltimore, Maryland

April 2013 | The Pitch Pipe









Só Dança is proud to be a 2013 Platinum Sponsor of the Sweet Adelines International.

Congratulations to the 2013 Champion Chorus and Quartet:

Rönninge Show Chorus and LoveNotes!

Best wishes to all the Sweet Adelines during the 2014 season.

Rhythm of the Rockies Chorus 2014 Division AA Champion Chorus, Region 26, Calgary, AB, Canada

Rönninge Show Chorus 2014 International Champion Chorus, Region 32, Rönninge, Sweden

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