The Perpetual You_Fun through Kindness

Page 84

Soon enough there came cell phones (and with them text

halfway between Hartford and New Haven. The closest I came

messaging), DVDs by mail, fast fashion stores, et cetera.

to Stars Hollow was living down the street from the private

Connection wasn’t exactly a buzzword in those days, and so

prep school that inspired Rory Gilmore’s Chilton Academy.

the idea of "small town" community was left behind. In one town I moved to, I didn’t even know my neighbors’ names.

Eventually I saw my lack of small-town community reflected

When I moved to New England, I figured my hopes for

businesses like family-owned restaurants and tiny shops

community may have an opportunity to be rekindled.

tucked into unsuspecting storefronts abounded. Rather than

Connecticut was, in fact, the home of my longed-for Stars

shopping and dining locally, however, I was locked in my

Hollow, a beautiful hamlet with a quirky but well-meaning

commercialized mindset, blind to a local deli when a Panera

cast of characters around every corner. Never mind the

was on hand.

particularly handsome and brooding diner-owner in the

in my lifestyle choices rather than my surroundings. Local

center of town.

Ironically, I didn’t connect with my community by just

As dreamy as it was, Stars Hollow had one big drawback: the

over chain stores: instead, I took my curiosity to social

town didn't actually exist. Instead of the charming village

media. I read reviews by other locals, followed neighborhood

tucked into Connecticut’s Litchfield County, this fictional

businesses on Instagram, and kept an eye on Facebook events

place was constructed in a California studio to look like a New

going on around me. After much research, I decided to start

England town. Ah, the "magic" of Hollywood.

having some fun.

For the first few years of my "new" life, I continued on with

One of my first stops was a local eatery for lunch over a

my cookie-cutter, Midwest, suburbia lifestyle in a town just

drive-thru or a plate of leftovers at home. I was greeted by


changing my habits and walking into local establishments

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