Create fun by celebrating friendship

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Your Tribe Friendship is a form of empowerment for women. We feel safe with our tribe around us, whether in person, on Facebook, or just the knowledge that they are there if we need them. Most of us have a standing coffee date while the kids play. Why not curate some amazing BIG adventures with your people, too?


our “tribe” isn’t just any group of women. These women lift you up; You feel better after being with them. Our lady friends provide a type of support that can only be given and understood by women. Who and what we want to be is reflected back through those whose company we keep. Celebrating the friends who have your back and 'get' the trials of your life (without making you feel guilty) is an important and necessary part of sustaining these friendships. The occasional coffee date or morning run goes a long way, but creating and providing a celebratory space lets your tribe know how much they mean to you. Weekends away can be managed with plenty of preparation. Kid-free “playdates” are a good way to blow off steam—-bonus if you can share a babysitter! When was the last time you gave a friend your undivided attention? When was the last time you received hers? Even talking on the phone all hours of the night can become an adventure, if you fully commit to the experience. When you find the right group of buddies, the experience of life becomes more fun and more meaningful. Nurture the adventurous energy and


spirit you give to and receive from your closest friends. They’re your tribe. They get you. Get out there and have some fun!

Summer is always enjoying the journey and making the most of the everyday moments. She is the wearer of many colorful hats; a yogi, mom, wife, writer and marketing & education coordinator in the Florida Keys. She is also the lover of really great red wine. You can follow her island life adventures on Facebook, and Instagram @airabess or #findingmywaylivingthisdream.

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