The Owl Magazine | Autumn 2017

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Autumn 2017

Livin g

Serendipitously Finding Inner Symmet r y

Toning Expression thru Sacred Sound

Th e L ost Year s an d Secr et Teach i n gs of Jesu s an inter view with Tr icia M cCannon


A blend of religious and spiritual wisdom from traditional and non-traditional teachings. "Oh, I've been smiling lately, dreaming about the world as one And I believe it could be, someday it's going to come 'Cause I'm on the edge of darkness, there ride the Peace Train Oh, Peace Train take this country, come take me home again... ...Everyone jump upon the Peace Train, come on now, Peace Train Get your bags together, go bring your good friends, too 'Cause it's getting nearer, it soon will be with you" - Peace Train by Cat Stevens

I believe someday the peace train will come. It will ride the road to unity through the right action of all of us. I invite you to join us in sacred relationship forged with love and compassion for the highest good of all and for peace in our world.


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Pat r icia Caggan ello Editor Patricia is an interfaith interspiritual minister and CEO and Founder of Sacred Stories Media, which includes book publishing, a telesummit, podcasting, The Owl, and an online learning division Sacred U.

Fr an n e Dem et r ician Associate Editor and Creative Coordinator Franne is an interfaith interspiritual minister, spiritual counselor and relationship mentor, holistic health practitioner, teacher, writer, photographer, and artist.

M egan Br ook s Assistant Editor Megan is a senior in college majoring in Advertising and Public Relations. She shares her editorial and design skills across many of the Sacred Stories Media platforms.

Come On In & See What 's Inside feat ur es Jesu s an d t h e Lost Year s | 6 Su ppor t in g Spir it w it h Ar om at h er apy | 16 Livin g Ser en dipit ou sly | 20 Th e En er gy of t h e Bosn ian Pyr am ids | 28 Fin din g In n er Sym m et r y | 32 Ton in g: A Sacr ed Sou n d| 42 Con sciou s Visibilit y | 46

in ever y issue A Sacr ed St or y | 4 Ar m s Ar ou n d You | 24 Wisdom Keeper s | 36 Th e Road t o Un it y | 50 An Excer pt f r om 30 Days to Me | 56 Sacr ed St or ies Of f er in gs | 60

Cover image: Original artwork by Swami Tadatmananda

A Sacr ed St or y How do we live our lives with grace and ease? Remove the struggles? Squelch the doubt that creeps mercilessly into our thoughts? Step over the roadblocks? Embrace the joy even before we feel it? These are questions that I and I believe many others wrestle with. I have been told that to live with grace and ease, we need to become so fully present in our spiritual truth that we can move beyond the suffering and move beyond the doubt. To know deep down in the very core of our being that we are Spirit and as Spirit, we are connected and embraced and supported by the Divine Oneness that is all around us. But how do we do that? Recently I had an experience that gave me a glimmer of understanding of this very large and very important question. For the past eighteen years I have been blessed to live in a home that is protected by a very large rock face in my backyard. The rock face looks like a gigantic whale that is forever floating and watching and recording life and its? endless cycles that play out before it.

I love gazing at my whale and wondering about life?s mysteries. What has it really seen, all of the eons it has stood steadfast in its mighty presence? But my whale has also offered to me a personal struggle these past eighteen years. For in the contours of the whales belly and fin, weeds grow; weeds that distract me and upset my peace and calm. I can easily reach the weeds growing near the bottom and pull them out restoring my whale to its unfettered self, but I have a very hard time reaching the weeds that are higher up. For years I have struggled with this. When I was married I would ask my husband to pull them for me, as I was afraid to climb the rock face myself. A few times over the years when I could no longer wait for my husband to do it, I would attempt to do it myself. And then I would get stuck, halfway up the rock face, afraid to move, frozen in panic. My fear of heights would engulf me and I would scream for my children to come and help me, to offer me their hands to help me back down to safety. The irony of this is that I love my friend, the whale. He has protected me and given me deep peace for the past eighteen years and in turn I want to

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help him. And so I decided I would try again; to climb up the face of his belly, and reach the weeds that were beyond my reach, restoring him to his magnificent self. I began by taking a step up and I found footing a couple of feet up. Maybe I could reach the weeds from here I thought and I stretched and strained to try and reach the higher weeds. However, as in all the times past, they were beyond my reach. And the footing I was on did not feel secure. I needed to take another step up. I looked around to find a good step for me. A few more feet above me I spied what looked to be solid footing. As a living being, the rock face is also always slightly changing; parts of it loosening and crumbling to the ground below, making the climb slightly different and more challenging each time. If I could get to the next step, I could reach the weeds above. I centered myself and went inward for strength. I thought about the journey I have had so far. My journey has brought me a deep knowing that I am a spiritual being and I am part of the Divine Oneness that is all around us. This Oneness includes each other, nature, and all living beings with us, seen and unseen. I knew in that moment that I would not fall. I knew in that moment that I am supported and loved and protected by

the Divine Oneness, including my special friend, the whale. I knew in that moment that I was going to for the first time in eighteen years, reach the unreachable weeds, and in pulling them, restore peace and calm to my heart. I relaxed into that knowing, and I stepped up. My new footing was secure, in fact much more secure than the footing I was just standing on. I had to laugh and in that moment I received great clarity. In my life I only need to trust. Relax into and trust the Divine Oneness I am a part of. On my journey I don?t need to have everything figured out. I only need to take the next step, secure in the knowledge that I am loved and supported. And in the next step, the struggle lessens. As I move forward on my journey, the footing becomes more secure. It is in fact easier to take the next step and move forward, then to stretch and strain from a place that no longer serves me. I have learned to trust in the Divine Oneness, even if we don?t fully understand it, because we are fully supported and loved by it. When we can trust, even before we know, we will live our lives with grace and ease and continue forward. - Rev. Patricia Cagganello

Jesu s Th e Lost Year s an d Secr et Teach in gs An interview with American mystic and best selling author Tricia McCannon on Jesus and the Secret Schools of Initiation.

Tr icia w h o do you believe Jesu s is? It is my belief that Jesus is one of four direct incarnations of the Divine Father energy who periodically incarnate in the physical world to uplift the consciousness of humanity. This is my current experience of the profundity of this illuminated being. Wh at dr ives you r passion f or t each in g abou t Jesu s an d t h e secr et t each in gs of t h e an cien t M yst er y Sch ools? It is very much a passion for me because I am a student of history. When I look back in time, I see

that great evil and wrong doings have been done in the name of religion; not just the Christian religion, but many other religions, particularly the Abrahamic religions like the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic teachings. The other reason is because I am a student of the wisdom of the great spiritual Mystery Schools and the profound masters of wisdom that have repeatedly come to this planet to uplift humanity. I think it is important for people to understand that it is not Christianity and Jesus on one side of the fence, and all the

other religions on the other side who some believe are enemies that bring false teachings. This just isn?t true. In fact, throughout time the wisdom teachings that Jesus brought to us have been shared by other great spiritual avatars and sages who also sought for the spiritual liberation of the human spirit from the illusion of separation and darkness. You r book , Jesus the Explosive Story of the 30 Lost Years and the Ancient Mystery Religions det ails w h er e Jesu s w as f r om seven year s old t o t h e begin n in g of h is

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m in ist r y in t h e last t h r ee year s of h is lif e. Can you br ief ly sh ar e t h e dif f er en t cu lt u r es or lan ds h e visit ed? Yes, as we know from the New Testament, once King Herod decided to kill the young Jewish boys in the early years of Jesus' life, Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt where there were great Mystery Schools in Alexandria, Heliopolis, Thebes, and other cities in Egypt. They stayed in Egypt until Jesus was about seven. After Herod died, which was around 4 BCE, the Holy Family was then free to return to Galilee. Joseph of Arimathea, who was Jesus' uncle, was a prominent miner in the tin industry and had a fleet of about five ships. He frequently sailed to Britain. So, there are reports of Mary the mother taking the young boy Jesus at the age of seven, with his

uncle Joseph of Arimathea, to Britain where they stayed the winter for four to six months. He then returned with his mother Mary and his uncle to Galilee where he was enrolled in the Mount Carmel School of the Essenes. John the Baptist also studied at that school. Jesus was with the Essenes from about 8 to 13 years old. At that point, he went back to Britain for one or two years, but he was so advanced that the Druids sent him on to India, which was one of the two great Motherlands of the Mystery Schools. Egypt was the other one, and of course, India, the ancient culture of the Indian mystics and sages, was the other. Jesus was in India until about age 26 or 27, and during that time he studied with the Buddhists as well. Historical records tell us that Jesus was

accepted as the second Buddha that the first Buddha had predicted would come, some 500 years after Gautama Buddha was born. We also have reports of Jesus briefly returning to Galilee around the age of 27. He visited Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, who was his best friend. We also have reports from the Sanhedrin High Council records, who sent a reporter to go and try to interview him because they were following up on the story of the Star of Bethlehem some 27 years earlier, to find out what had become of that prophesied

child. They wanted to find out who this young Rabbi was. Of course, Jesus managed to evade them, and every time they arrived in a town they would discover he had just moved on to another town. I thought that was a very interesting historical report, how he avoided the Sanhedrin. Then he may have gone back to Britain briefly to touch base with the Druid Elders and his uncle. However after that, he moved to Egypt and entered the Mystery Schools there. We have reports of this from the Sanhedrin Council, who considered him a magician from Egypt. Jesus spent seven years studying in the temples of ancient Egypt with the sages there. Mastering the wisdom of Egypt was necessary for his greater mission. This was because while all the rest of the chapters of the great

Mystery Schools taught about the development of the siddhis or spiritual powers through the seven subtle energy bodies, (which includes the mental body, the astral body, the emotional body, the

spiritual body, etc.), in ancient Egypt they knew of the development of two additional higher subtle energy bodies. The mastery of these two additional bodies was necessary for Jesus to undergo the mysteries of the crucifixion and then the resurrection.

Jesus was studying in Egypt for seven years before returning to Galilee to begin his ministry. This is where the New Testament accounts pick up when he is being baptized by John the Baptist. I should also mention that in his journey from India back to Galilee he re-encountered the Magi, some of whom were Persian mystics. In Persia, Jesus was initiated in the star mysteries. These are the deeper teachings of the changing of the Ages, and how human consciousness is affected by the stars. So he understood that he had been born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces and that his deeper teachings would not be understood until the end of his age. This is where we are now, at the end of Pisces and on the brink of the incoming Age of Aquarius.

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So, Jesus truly had a great grasp of the esoteric spiritual teachings of many ancient cultures, and he was considered a master in all of them. Wh at r esear ch or r ecor ds ar e available t o su bst an t iat e Jesu s? t r avels? In my book I have over a hundred pages of back matter, that means footnotes, bibliography, and appendixes, with an extensive list of books and references that are historical. Some come out of the Vatican, and these have been hidden from the general populace for hundreds of years. I also share the discovery of a book that was brought to Britain by Joseph of Arimathea, Jesus?uncle, in 37 AD after the crucifixion. This book stayed with the first Christian community ever created in the world for hundreds of years and was known as the Bronze Book of Britain. It was protected for centuries

by the monks of Avalon, which is now modern day Glastonbury. It was eventually buried by the monks to protect it from being destroyed by the heated religious politics of that time. The Bronze Book was dug up later after a great fire broke out in the Glastonbury Cathedral. It was then separated into four sections so that it would not be lost. These four sections were entrusted to the descendants of those priestly families that were protecting this historical knowledge. This showed great foresight because shortly afterward, we had the destruction wrought by Henry the VIII who sought to marry seven different women. Since the Catholic Church would not sanction this, Henry established his own church, the Church of England, and then set out to deliberately destroy much of the entrenched aspects of Christianity in retaliation

against the Roman Church. So, he would have certainly destroyed those original ancient books at the same time that he dismantled Glastonbury Abbey, the ruins of which you can still walk through today. One of those books, which has records of Jesus' time in Britain, has only been available in the last 12 years after 2,000 years of being hidden. This is only one of many examples of this kind of historical information that the public knows little about. In my books, I also share several other hidden manuscripts. These are records about Jesus?time in India that have been secreted in Eastern monasteries for centuries. They have been seen and attested to by at least a dozen different Western people of impeachable authority. I also share another story of a Catholic priest who studied in the secret archives of the Vatican and brought forth amazing information

about Jesus?true teachings and the wisdom of the Essene sect where he lived in Galilee. There is also the case of a Methodist minister who spent five years studying at the secret archives of the Vatican. His accounts reveal many of the historical Sanhedrin records about Jesus from that time, accounts associated with the birth, life, and trial of Jesus, spelling out exactly why he was so feared by the Sadducees and the Pharisees. They thought of him as a magician of great power who had come out of Egypt. I guess that this was a way of saying that he could perform miracles, which we all know from the New Testament stories. But since the Sanhedrin Council didn?t want to lose power or control, they demonized him and called these miracles ?magic.? I?m sure that his great abilities, which he used to help others, felt like a great threat to

them because he had the power to turn peoples? hearts towards the light and help them to heal. Wh at do you believe w as Jesu s' pu r pose f or bein g bor n an d h is r ole h er e on Ear t h ? I think that his purpose was to demonstrate for all of us what is possible for us to become as human beings. Jesus said, ?These things I do, you too shall do, and greater.? He reminded us to open our hearts, to practice forgiveness, to be kind to one another, including being kind to animals. He also taught us to honor both men and women. Through the crucifixion, he demonstrated that the soul is immortal and that it transcends the perishable body of death. Do you believe t h e m ir acles an d m yst er ies t h at Jesu s per f or m ed w er e lear n ed du r in g h is st u dies w it h t h e an cien t M yst er y Sch ools? I do. But I think that like anything, we could have

a hundred people learn to play the piano, and some are going to be good and some mediocre. To have someone like a Mozart, who could play concerts at the age of five, that is one in a hundred million. So, certainly we can all learn to develop these spiritual abilities, but it takes time because spiritual abilities are based on soul vibration. They are based on our ability to align ourselves with God and to allow ourselves to become pure channels. So, we can say he learned these abilities in that way, but the truth is that at a soul level, he was ready. I believe Jesus was a master soul when he was born. Yes, he might have developed these abilities in many other lifetimes, but when we each come into this life, we still have to learn how to move our fingers across the keys of the piano and to relearn the notes. It's only the one in ten billion that can become the virtuoso in

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one lifetime, as he so obviously was. In you r book , you t ou ch on t h e con cept of t h e f ou r gr eat Ku m ar as or t h e f ou r Son s of God t h at per iodically r et u r n t o ear t h . Wh o ar e t h e Ku m ar as exact ly an d w h y do you believe t h at Jesu s w as on e? I'm so glad you brought up the four great Kumaras because most people living in Western culture don't know who they are. In the ancient Vedic teachings there are seven Kumaras, three of which never come down into the physical world, and four of whom will incarnate from time to time in the physical world. These four are known as the "four deathless ones," and they're like quadruplets. In other words, they're all direct emanations of the Divine Father principle. It seems that each one of them has a different role to play or a different life script. Sananda Kumara is Issa or Jesus. He comes into

the world, he travels, he raises consciousness, he helps humanity and then, at some point, the Dark that is threatened by the Light, takes him out. Then he is resurrected through his spiritual power, the power of Love, or the power of God. This is, of course, the story of Jesus and Osiris, who I believe was an earlier incarnation of the same soul. Sanat Kumara is said to be the head of the ancient spiritual Order known as the Great White Brotherhood. The Great White Brotherhood is a reference to the illumination of the color of white, a color which contains all other colors in total unity. It's the purest vibration we can have. The term Brotherhood is a reference to the fact that in the ancient world there was a caste society. Some people were kings, some were merchants, some military, some were street sweepers. When you joined these spiritual

Orders, all that outer ranking fell to the side. So, the street sweeper stood shoulder to shoulder with the king and the merchants, the warriors, the scholars and the housewives. Whether you were male or female, it didn't matter. So, the term Brotherhood refers to this circle of unity consciousness. Although we may each be playing different roles in the physical world, each soul is just as precious as every other soul. Sanat Kumara is said to be the head of this great Order with its chapters, not only on this planet but on other planets as well. Sanaka Kumara is known for setting up the great spiritual Mystery Schools. So, more than likely that was Thoth, the God of wisdom in ancient Egypt.Thoth set up many of these chapters over hundreds of years in cultures around the world. He was also known as Hermes Trismegistus, or Thrice

Great Hermes, as well as Mercury and Quetzalcoatl. This is why we have these powerful spiritual mystery traditions all over the world that sought to teach mankind that we are all immortal souls who are capable of far more than what we currently believe. These wisdom teachings of self-illumination were taught for at least 4000 years before the birth of Jesus and some 400 years after the crucifixion, all the way to the time of the Neo-Platonists around 400 CE. The last of the four Kumaras is Sanathana Kumara, and he appears as a poet, a musician, and a healer. He incarnates only in times of greatest darkness. He seems to lead an actual army against the forces of darkness. This is what we see with the story of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna in the Far East and also in the case of Horus, the son of Osiris,

who had to wrestle Egypt back from the darkness of his uncle Set. Set had murdered his brother, Horus' father, Osiris, and plunged Egypt into a dark era. Horus had to battle his uncle to take Egypt back and reclaim it for the light. The four Kumaras are immense beings of Light and love who must rise to the occasion to lead people of goodness against people who would oppress others. Perhaps we need one at this moment. You h ave n ow cr eat ed an on lin e cou r se f or Sacr ed U called Th e Lost Year s of Jesu s an d t h e Secr et Sch ools of In it iat ion . Wh at can people expect t o lear n f r om you r cou r se? This extraordinary seven-part course shares the experiences of Jesus? many years among the Essenes, the Druids of Britain, the legendary lost years in India and Persia, and his seven years of study in the Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt.

The course also addresses the legends of the Holy Grail, whether Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married, whether they had descendants, and the hidden path of Mastery linked to their teachings about the Sacred Marriage. The Sacred Marriage was symbolized by the chalice, a perfect symbol of the union between the inner masculine and feminine, grounded on earth, but open to the heavens. This core teaching was at the heart of the spiritual technology that Jesus came to teach. It has the power to awaken our 3rd eye and give us access to the Kingdom of Heaven. It?s a fascinating course that takes you through a visual journey where you begin to grasp the depth and breadth of who Jesus was and what he was willing to go through for our sakes. Click h er e for information on this illu m in at in g cou r se.

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Wh y do you t h in k it 's im por t an t t h at people t oday lear n m or e abou t w h o Jesu s w as an d t h e an cien t M yst er y t r adit ion s of ou r w or ld? I think that we are in a time when people are searching for deeper meaning. We are at the end of an age of violence and separation, and we are entering a new era, but the forces of darkness and illusion do not want to give up control so easily. There is so much chaos in the world around us and when we turn to the

churches, mosques, temples, and synagogues we find that they can offer friendship and comfort, yet rarely do they give us the real keys to spiritual liberation. In other words, they are the exoteric presentation of religion, not the deeper wisdom. In the Mystery Schools, there was always an exoteric and an esoteric level, or an outer and inner path. The exoteric teaches the laws of morality; don't lie, cheat, steal, kill or take your best friend's wife. These are basic laws of

society that allow us to live lives in more harmony. The esoteric teachings are the ones that give us the true keys to spiritual liberation. They empower us and truly awaken us to move above the chaos and connect with the Divine. We?re beginning to open up to the discovery that there is a bigger universe out there. We don't have to give up our foundational understanding of Jesus to explore this. We just have to expand our view of the universe.

I often think of it like we were raised in a room and that was the limits of what we understood about the Divine. But that was our childhood. Now, all we have to do is drop the walls to the room, and we can realize that there is an entire cosmos out there; that all of the great teachings at the esoteric level agree with one another. All of these great masters are in harmony and are telling us the same thing The people who are steeped in the exoteric teachings of fear, self-righteousness, and dogma have little true understanding of the real inner wisdom that Jesus was here to reveal. At the heart of this wisdom is that our connection to God comes from within. It comes from the heart and the power of oneness with all living beings in the universe. We attain this state through the power of love and forgiveness, not war and violence. This love extends to the

kind and ethical treatment of animals as well as other human beings and the Earth. It honors the Divine Mother and Father within and without. When we can do this, then we will realize that, as Jesus said, the Kingdom of Heaven lies within.

Tricia McCannon is an American mystic and best selling author of four books. As a Keynote Speaker, she speaks on a variety of subjects to include Awakening the Divine Feminine to the Lost Years and Secret Teachings of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

Do You Have An y Fin al Th ou gh t s?

Tricia blends the wider perspectives of history, mysticism, science, archaeology, and spirituality with her own unique warmth and wisdom, making her a powerful bridge teacher for thousands worldwide. Trained as an initiate in many ancient streams of wisdom, including the Celtic, Egyptian, Far Eastern and Native American traditions, she brings the Mysteries of Shamanic mastery into simple, accessible terms.

Yes, we must remember that there is a Divine spark that lives inside of each us. It is our joyful task to awaken this spark and to cultivate it through an attitude of gratitude, love, and self-honesty. It means treating all life as if it mattered. It means embracing a higher learning, expanding our understanding and our perspective in life, and living into a higher purpose. I believe that this is why Jesus came into the world. It is also why I teach my classes, continue to write my books, to awaken that Christ within.

Click h er e for an opportunity to learn with Tricia in her course Th e Lost Year s of Jesu s an d Secr et Sch ools of In it iat ion. Visit

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The term ?aromatherapy? was coined by a scientist in the 1920s, but aromatic

healing has roots in ancient spirituality. Shrouded in mystery and clouds of incense, our ancestors believed plants were imbued with spiritual qualities, because every time they breathed or applied their essences, something good happened. A sickness abated. A demon was vanquished. A connection to the Divine was felt. Back then, there was no separation between physical healing and spiritual practice: body and soul were understood to be one. What healed the body healed the soul, and vice versa. Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than essential oils, used for thousands of years to link between heaven and earth and to heal imbalances of body, mind, and spirit. Healing oils and plants are referenced many times in ancient

spiritual texts including the Vedas, Egyptian papyri, early Chinese texts, the Hebrew Bible, Christian Gospels, the Qur ?an and Hadiths. With the benefit of modern science, we now understand why the ancients revered these aromatic treasures. Peer reviewed research reveals how and why they do what they do. Just as massage is now recognized as a therapy and not a frill, the therapeutic benefits of essential oils have been shown to go far beyond simply creating a pleasant atmosphere. No longer relegated to the realms of myth and mystery, essential oils are widely used both in clinical settings and in private homes worldwide. We now know that essential oil molecules easily cross the skin, cell, and blood-brain barriers, delivering physical, mental and emotional benefits to living beings. We also know that

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Supporting Spirit With AROMATHERAPY By Darby Mackenzie Line many essential oils have vibrational frequencies higher than the human body?s, affecting the energy field in much the same way healing sound vibrations do. Our ancestors didn?t know these things, of course, but it?s why they could literally change their state of well-being with aromatic ?potions?? and why essential oils are still valuable tools for healing today. Let?s explore how it works with a first-hand experience. Grab your favorite pure essential oil and try this: Place 1-2 drops of your oil in your non-dominant hand. With the fingers of your dominant hand, activate the oil with 3 clockwise circles. Rub your hands together lightly, close your eyes, cup your hands over your nose. Take 3 slow, deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth. Do a quick mind/body scan to see how you feel.

So, what happened? A few things, in addition to your enjoying the smell of your oil. First, oil molecules were picked up by receptors in your nose, then delivered to your brain?s emotional center and parts of the brain that regulate important body responses (blood pressure, heart rate, etc.) Next, they entered your lungs where they were transported into your bloodstream and throughout your body. And finally, they interacted with your energy field, balancing and raising your aura?s vibration. Your whole body/mind/spirit was affected in less than a minute! This is a simple, powerful way to open your heart and begin your spiritual practice. In fact, combined with prayerful/mindful intent, it can be a spiritual practice by itself! Another aromatic way to support your spirit is with daily anointing.

Mindfully apply a drop of Myrrh or Patchouli on the soles of your feet; Juniper or Rosemary on your solar plexus; Rose or Bergamot on your heart; Frankincense or Sandalwood on your Third Eye; Copaiba or Lavender on each shoulder. After applying each oil, slowly inhale its fragrance from your hands. You?ll feel an energy shift very quickly, and you?ll raise the frequency of everyone you encounter during the day. (Don?t be surprised if people interact with you in a more positive way all day!)

--Bergamot (Citrus aurantia bergamia) for anxiety, worry, nervousness. --Copaiba (Copaifera reticulata) for overall soothing, anxiety, negative energy. --Idaho blue spruce (Picea pungens) for grounding, releasing emotional blocks; depression. --Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) for promoting spiritual awareness, accessing emotional memory. --Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) for centering, focus, clarity.

You can also support your spiritual well-being by diffusing oils in your space using a cold air diffuser. This changes your environment energetically, provides a subtle aroma, purifies the air, and delivers physical and emotional benefits with every breath. So which oils to use? There are many! Here are just a few of my ?go-to? oils for spiritual support: --Frankincense (Boswellia carteri and Boswellia sacra) and Sandalwood (Santalum album) for opening the third eye, enhancing meditation; --Rose (Rosa damascena) for opening the heart chakra, grief work; --Palo Santo (Bursera gravelens) for dispersing negative energy, clearing your space; --Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) for any kind of stress or agitation; --Orange (Citrus sinensis) or Tangerine (Citrus reticulata) for lifting spirits;

A word of caution: not all essential oils are created equal! Do your homework: make sure you?re buying oils from a supplier who grows, harvests, distills and bottles oils in a way that safeguards the purity and potency of their oils. Ancient wisdom, modern science: essential oils are time-tested tools that support healing on all levels of our being. May your spirit find healing, peace, and joy from these marvelous gifts of nature. Darby Mackenzie Line is a certified clinical aromatherapist, licensed massage therapist, and ordained interfaith minister. She lives in Pompano Beach, Florida with her husband Joe and their two adorable ShihTzus, Kona and Kaffee. Visit her website at

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Livin g

Serendipitously with Lynn Reilly Serendipity occurs for us even when we are not paying attention? In my early 20?s, while trying to figure out what I was meant to do, I felt stuck. I was studying psychology in college, and it didn?t feel right. My initial passion to learn what makes people tick began to dwindle the more classes I took. The college I attended was focused on research, and

the theories presented seemed to make simple processes unnecessarily complicated. I was frustrated and discouraged and unsure if I was on the right path for me. I had a strong drive to help others but not in the way I was learning. I felt alone in my struggle and confused by the direction. The summer before going into my

senior year of college, I wondered if I should change my course as I neared the end of this phase. Since I was good at keeping my fears to myself, it came as a surprise when my brother suggested I read a book that inspired him. That was the first time he recommended anything to me. I took his advice and read the book? the book I had unknowingly been waiting for.

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In the book, Man?s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl, a renowned psychologist, wrote of his accounts as a prisoner in a concentration camp during the Holocaust. He shared the horrific stories of the violence he witnessed and how he survived. He also shared the theory he developed that there is a purpose to all of our experiences and we can find meaning in just about anything. A focus on the good. The gifts in the midst of chaos. The opportunity to grow and prosper from whatever we are faced with. This was how I saw life, and this man who had experienced so much trauma saw it too. It was this book, his experiences, and views, which reminded me I was headed in the right direction for me. It was the serendipity, the unexpected gift, the reminder I needed to keep going. Life is serendipitous. It is filled with unexpected

pleasures, gifts, and opportunities. Our experiences are meant to be. And we are supported in these experiences, even the ones that feel like they are tearing us down. Our lives are designed for us to learn, grow and experience joy. All of us. We are given opportunities through our relationships, our jobs, our children, our playtimes, our accidents, our illnesses, our losses, our chance meetings with strangers and a whole host of other ways, to learn about ourselves and how we give and receive love. We are given choices and hints and whispers and sometimes shouts of which direction to go next and it is up to us decide how we want to live our lives. Each decision we make creates new opportunities to learn and grow. Sometimes these opportunities feel challenging and painful, and sometimes they are

so filled with ease we wonder if they are real. They are all real, and they are all for us. How do we know this? How can we trust it? By creating the proof. By practicing awareness that hope and grace surround us. All we have to do is open ourselves up to it and receive. Each day listen to your inner voice to create some of the joy you are looking for. Start to take note of the good things that are happening to you and around you. Notice when someone compliments you when you least expect it and how it feels. Notice when your children give you an extra hug and tell you they love you. Notice when you thought you couldn?t pay your bill and the money showed up at the last minute, or you were given an extension when you asked.

Notice the opportunities that appear ?out of the blue.?

because you will always have what you need when you need it.

Notice the ideas that are repetitive in your thoughts and how good it feels when you follow through and trust them.

As you notice the good and the meaningful moments, your thoughts shift altering your brain chemistry and flooding your body with energy that feels calming and balanced. Not only does it feel good, but it also heals your body and creates new pathways in your brain to think differently. It is an awareness to help support yourself in a gentle way through difficulties and to expand on your already joy-filled life.

Notice that when you take care of yourself, your mood starts to shift quickly, as does your perspective. Notice how when you felt grief over loss, your friends and family stopped what they were doing to lift you up. Notice how the disagreement that was long overdue with someone you love allowed you to start communicating more openly and honestly. Notice all the things that bring you joy and see how they multiply. Not in how often they occur, but in how often you let them into your heart with awareness. The more you focus on the good and see the gifts in every day, no matter what is going on, you train yourself to see the temporariness of situations, especially the uncomfortable ones. You begin to recognize that even in the dark times, there is always some form of light. The practice of writing down or tracking the unexpected and joy-filled moments of each day creates a powerful practice of noticing the beauty of life and offers proof that you can trust whatever life brings your way

Everything in our lives has meaning for us. How will you choose to live yours? Wondering or knowing? Your life is serendipitous. Open your eyes and your heart to see what already exists.

Lynn Reilly is an Author, Licensed Professional Counselor and Master Energy Therapist whose passion is educating people on how to understand and support themselves to live a serendipitous life ? a life filled with unexpected joy ? a life meant to be. Lynn is the author of two books. Her children's book The Secret to Beating the Dragon helps children overcome fear (the dragon) by looking it straight in the eye and her new book 30 Days to Me: A Work-ing Book to Living a Serendipitous Life. Click for an excerpt of 30 Days to Me. Visit

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By Fr anne Demet r ician The turbulence in our world has continued to be rough since our last issue. We?ve been tossed and turned daily by news and events worldwide and especially in our own country. I find myself on an emotional roller coaster ride, one moment incited to anger and frustration and another feeling moved to tears by the anguish and heartache I am witnessing punctuated by the fierce expression of love and human caring that is being expressed. I remember just after 9/11 noticing how people were deeply and openly connected. There were no strangers. We were all in the same boat of grief, fear, and shock and we were bound together as one people who needed each other. One People. In modern culture, the words ?One People? can be bandied about as a buzz phrase so often that the meaning is lost. In truth, the words were never truer than they are at a time like this, when so many of

our people are suffering tremendous loss and uncertainty is the order of the day. The need is great and trying to assess it all is overwhelming to say the least. The question is, ?How can we help?? - at least it is a question I and so many like me are holding in our minds and hearts. My husband, Bob, and I recently had the honor of speaking at the first Global Reunion of the One Spirit Seminary. Our topic was about community and showing up. The dictionary defines community in many ways. I am drawn to words like kinship, unity, fellowship, cooperation, cooperative, convergence and commonality. One definition says, ?fellowship shared by all or many?. I like that. I like the idea of sharing. The question is, what do we share? When do we share? How do we share? We are all moved to share time, talent, and treasure when we see a dramatic event like the hurricanes in Texas, Florida and the Caribbean. We want to help when

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we see the horrific video coming from the fires on the west coast or the devastation from hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and the earthquake in Mexico. We are ready willing and able to write a check, donate whatever we can, hold space for those suffering.. And we feel deep frustration when we realize that we can?t do as much as we would like to ease the suffering we see. It?s heartening to witness the immediate response to disasters and unspeakable events we can't explain like the attacks in Las Vegas and Texas. We are all drawn together in a spirit of cooperation to help. Personally I find myself overwhelmed by the need for help in so many ravaged places in the world right now. I sense that most of us feel that our spirit is ravaged, both by the news that continues to play itself out before our eyes, and in our own lives as we try to unravel the meaning in such events. How indeed do we help? The first day of the first year class at One Spirit Interfaith Seminary, and during the early sessions of the Infinite Possibilities Train the Trainer Conferences, both of which are part of my life, there is a special ritual in which attendees are encouraged to participate. We are asked to stand, face a partner and say, ?I am here to be seen?. The partner responds with, ?And I see you?, then, ?I too am here to be seen? to which the partner responds,

?And I see you?. This is a custom that comes from a southern African tradition and is called Sowabona. In essence it is meant to let others know they are valued, respected and that their life is important. In the face of the turmoil of the world and the heartbreak and loss so many are feeling ? for so many reasons ? it is vitally important that we see each other. It is vitally important that we find ways to affirm to each other that we are valued and respected. Yes, we must help rebuild our ravaged cities by donating in whatever way we can ? money, goods, services ? these will to be ongoing needs for a long time. And behind those donations we must also have open hearts and minds and make it a daily practice to really see each other, to affirm that we know the value of each life regardless of our cultural background, skin color, religion or politics. When we see people digging in piles of debris in the hope of finding people alive, rescuing each other from flooded homes or shielding them from flying bulletts, we don?t care about any of these things. We care about life. We care about each other. We do what we can to help. Modern mystic, Richard Rohr, says, ?If we do not transform our pain, we will transmit it in some form.? My prayer is that we focus on transforming pain by helping as we can. Un t il n ext t im e.

Follow effect ive act ion wit h quiet r eflect ion. Fr om t he quiet r eflect ion will come even mor e effect ive act ion. Pet er Dr ucker

Th e Bosni an Pyrami ds: A nci ent Energy M ach i nes by Esther Bartkiw Pyramids are considered by many to be places of intense and profound healing energies which enhance connectivity to the universe and heighten psychic abilities. Studies show that working with pyramid energy increases theta and alpha brain waves, expands consciousness, and creates deeper awareness. These ancient structures are also being investigated as geometric amplifiers, a beacon for the cosmic internet, and an energy source. Wh at ar e t h e Bosn ian Pyr am ids? The Bosnian Pyramids are a group of ancient structures discovered by anthropologist and scientist Dr. Semir Osmanagich in 2005. They are located in Visoko Valley just outside of Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina and include the Pyramids of the Sun, Moon, Love, Dragon, and Temple of Mother Earth. They are alive, vibrant, activated; full of powerful energy and are believed to be connected by a labyrinth of underground tunnels running under the Valley of the Pyramids called Ravne. Ancient and yet young in their discovery, accessible and available to

everyone in the physical and on the energetic plane. Special Pr oper t ies an d Feat u r es of t h e Pyr am ids The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is the largest and oldest documented pyramid in the world. Radiocarbon dating has given a minimum age for the structure of 29,200 years, older than the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico. The Pyramid of the Sun is 220 meters high with a width of more than 360 meters, one third taller than the Great Pyramid of Giza. It has four sides with an orientation of north, south, east, and west and features triangle faces, with corners and four slopes all of the same degree. In addition, the Sun, Moon and Dragon Pyramids form a perfect equilateral triangle with a distance between each top of 2170 meters. During excavation work, underneath the soil, vegetation, and trees it was discovered there are concrete blocks mostly made of sandstone. The blocks are one meter thick with a layer of clay in between. These are man-made blocks which indicate that some unknown ancient culture was present.

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Th e Pyr am ids an d En er gy Ph en om en a

responses from spending just one hour inside of the Ravne Tunnels.

An energy beam has been detected at the top of the Sun Pyramid with an ultrasound of 28 kilohertz which is the frequency of levitation. Goran Marjanovic, an electrical engineer, has studied the energy beam and says it has an ellipsoidal shape. He describes the beam as four and a half meters wide, and as it travels up, it starts to expand. At 21 meters high it is at its strongest and widest and then it comes back to a narrow beam and then expands out again. Goran and his researchers knew these to be a torsion field or scalar waves which travel at a speed faster than light.

Dr. Semir says this information shows us that the ancients knew the power of pyramid energy and that this energy can improve our life, our molecular structure, bodies, water, food, and can be used for communication and transportation purposes. Ravne is not just a network of tunnels; it is a system of chambers and tunnels ideal for our the health of our body.

The Ravne Tunnels present an interesting and unique energy phenomena. The tunnels contain a high concentration of negative ions which raises the level of oxygen in our blood and brain and kills virus and bacteria. The potent level of negative ions inside of Ravne allows our bodies to move into a natural state of health and wholeness allowing for healing on all levels: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Bovis, a scale used to measure energy life force, shows readings up to forty thousand in Ravne. A healthy human has an average Bovis reading of five to ten thousand. Pilot studies show that people experience significant changes in health, well-being, and body

There has also been extensive investigation of the pyramids as a center for planet-wide and interplanetary communication. Dr. Semir is exploring the possibility that the Earth is receiving communication through the pyramids via the sun, with the sun acting as a cosmic gate to other solar systems, the center of our galaxy, other galaxies, and to the center of the Universe. Th e Resear ch Con t in u es? Connecting and working with the energies of the Bosnian Pyramids dramatically altered my life and they can help you change your life too. Their energies and assistance are available to all, and you can experience the magnificent energies of the Bosnian Pyramids from the comfort of your home. In collaboration with Sacred U, and under the guidance of the Bosnian Pyramids, I have created an online

self-study course, Harnessing the Power of the Bosnian Pyramids for Your Ascension Process. Learn how to create optimal health and well-being with the energies of the Bosnian Pyramids. Manifest your dreams and desires with the pyramids. Enhance your spiritual gifts and abilities. Highlights of this program include a Ravne Tunnel frequency mp3 that I personally recorded at my favorite energy spot inside of Ravne. Join me and let?s play with the energies of the Bosnian Pyramids together. Click h er e to learn more.

Photo Credit: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation

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Over the past 12 + years, Esther Bartkiw has been a Beacon of Light to those on a Conscious Journey of Ascension. Reminding us that we are Love and Light and inspiring us to live life as the Divine Beings we are. Esther is extremely intuitive and has been lauded for her extraordinary ability to zero in on the core issue of your problem or situation and guide you to a new connection with your parts and aspects, bringing all into harmony and oneness. Along the way Esther helps to transmute fear, open to all possibilities and gain freedom to live the life of our dreams on our terms. People experience change through her Unique Light and Energy Signature, powerful healing sessions, teachings, sacred spirit journeys, presence, voice and love vibration. Returning you to the Love that you are. Visit Esther at

Finding Inner Symmetry with Feng Shui By An n i Kem p Have you noticed that everyone?s home is different inside? ?Of course,? rings a response. Do you wonder why the difference is guaranteed? ?We are all unique?, rings a response. We are all truly unique and our homes express our unique-ness. Our homes also reflect the activity and engagement in our lives. Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of harmonizing environments and people, helps us develop an understanding of what our homes are telling us about our life, goals and activity. Thousands of years ago Feng Shui ? which literally means ?wind? and ?water ? - was first engaged to determine auspicious locations to bury ancestors. This practice was so successful that the Chinese began to use the principles to calculate where to build and how to arrange their homes. Now Feng Shui is used to improve all kinds of environments; work, living, cities, homes, offices, new and existing and in the last century it has spanned around the world to enhance habitats.

A nine-section map, called the Bagua, is the basis for defining, arranging and understanding the energy areas of Feng Shui. The map is three sections wide and three sections deep with each of the sections representing nine life areas; Inner Knowledge & Wisdom, Career, Travel & Helpful People (first row of three from left to right), Family, Well Being, Creativity & Children (second row of three from left to right), Prosperity, Fame & Reputation and Relationship (last row of three from left to right). These sections are energy centers, ?guas?, of life. Simply knowing the area of your home that reflects the area of your life that you would like to improve or change is empowering. For example; if you would like to improve a relationship and you discover that the right rear corner of your home (mapped while your back is against your front door) is in disarray or a space that you never spend time in, this is your home speaking to you. Cleaning up, organizing or adjusting how you use

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Anni Kemp, "The Muse", Oil on canvas

that area can manifest a change in relationships in your life. The methods used to engage energy areas and make adjustments are varied. Many times, they are simple and practical, engage nature and powerfully

manifest results. While some ancient Feng Shui practices rely on a Practitioner to define appropriate actions, it has been my experience that client participation and active engagement in the process of

observation and action results in authentic change. The alchemy of this participation is evident post implementation when the client realizes their true desire and empowerment is reflected in their home and actions. What a bold concept; we are our homes and are homes are us. Having established the relationship between resident(s) and residence I propose that there is no requirement to engage Feng Shui by reviewing your home first. Rather, begin with what you are experiencing and feeling first; your own thoughts and desires, and then review the area or areas of your home that correlate. In fact, there is real power of discovery when engaging in more than one energy, ?gua? of the Bagua map. Engaging multiple energies and insights establishes symmetry in solutions that can help manifest long-term changes and improvements for what you want to change in your life. For example; you have just found the man of your dreams and he has proposed marriage, however your

family does not like your choice of mate. You feel deflated in your relationship, disappointed that your family doesn?t trust your decision and you don?t know where to turn and your health begins to fail. Reviewing your experience and feelings gives you insight that there are at least three energies that need to be reviewed; Relationship, Family and Well Being. When bringing attention to these three energies you will become aware of your own beliefs, create stronger energy in each of them and understand the influences that are playing a role in your current situation. Using Inner Feng Shui you will be able to highlight what you need to support your best life and by reviewing your home energy areas and making adjustments your living environment will support your choices and physically remind you that you are creating your reality. While ultimately your residence will reflect your desires, as if you started with review of your physical home, it is after you have become aware of your own feelings and/or experience. Had

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Anni Kemp, "Flow", Oil on canvas

you only focused on your home or just one of the energy areas you may have continued to struggle with the other areas of your life and not come to a self-supporting resolution as effectively. Inner Feng Shui is a powerful way to bring symmetry to our daily, complicated lives, symmetry to help us find empowerment and our best life right where we live everyday with the people we love. While Feng Shui is thousands of years old it strikes me that in modern times it continues to evolve into a deeper wisdom and empowerment as practitioners engage and develop the practice.

Anni Kemp is an artist, teacher, coach, and entrepreneu. She is a certified Master Teacher and Practitioner of Interior AlignmentÂŽ Feng Shui and founder of Living Symmetry? , a multi-faceted approach to help people structure their environment to support their greatest desires. As an artist, Anni creates custom artwork that supports her client's intentions. Her artwork combines written affirmations with powerful symbology creating unique pieces. She has founded Intentional GraffitiÂŽ, a clothing and home products line based on the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto. With the power of written word, each piece is surrounded by the energy of unconditional love. Find her at

WisdomKeeper s A r ecur r ing visit w it h one of t he wor ld's w isdom t r adit ions.

Explor e w isdom f r om Chr ist ianit y.

W alk ing T he L abyrinth By Jaime Lynch I walk through the woods with a group of teenagers. As they chat they group up. We walk along a path together and come upon our destination. Almost immediately, a stillness falls upon the group and they are unified. We stand together at the opening of a labyrinth,

one which they helped to create and now work each summer to maintain. They have ownership over this sacred place. It adds deeper meaning for them as we walk the labyrinth each year. One by one, each person enters the sacred space as they walk. They work their way to the center, pause in a time of meditation, and in this moment are both solitary and in community as more than

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one occupy the center space at once. Then, as before, one by one, they leave the labyrinth working their way out. I am a member of the faith community known as Community of Christ, a welcoming group of people that is unique within the Christian faith. We are neither Catholic nor Protestant, but hold our roots in the Restoration movement. We try to embody the church as we believe Jesus originally intended, reflected in our five mission initiatives: Invite People to Christ, Abolish Poverty and End Suffering, Pursue Peace on Earth, Develop Disciples to Serve, and Experience Congregations in Mission. I have grown up in this faith tradition, and now work with the youth in the Mid-Atlantic region as the Junior High Camp Pastor during the summer and also serve as a member of the pastorate of the Community of Christ Congregation in Woodbury, NJ. Walking the labyrinth has become a yearly tradition for our campers. Unlike a maze, there is only one path to the center, and the same path out. Consequently, there are no crossroads for the walker to choose one way or another, consequently there is no chance of losing one?s way. This becomes an active form of meditation, which is particularly effective for youth who can struggle with the stillness required of more traditional methods of meditation. As participants walk to the

center, they are asked to dwell on a topic that is weighing on their hearts. In the center they lift this matter up to God. When they are so led, they leave the center, and focus on releasing the burden and opening themselves to the leadings Spirit to move forward. The idea is not so much about pretending the issue does not exist insomuch as it is about opening oneself to the support and guidance of Spirit. This practice helps to ground them, and open themselves to the unique spiritual experience that is ?camp.? For many, an experience like this is their first experience with the Divine. Walking the labyrinth is not a practice unique to the Community of Christ or the Christian faith. However, it does hold particular meaning for us as the spiraling path of the labyrinth resembles the inside of our Temple, our International Headquarters in Independence, MO. The unique architecture of the building is that of a nautilus shell. When you enter the sanctuary and gaze up, the image of the spiral seems infinite. The spiral exemplifies our ever existing state of community; within ourselves, with each other and with God. At the center, we are individuals, connecting with the Spirit within us all. Outward, we are together in community connecting with Spirit as a group. To walk the labyrinth, to put one foot in front of the other and engage in a

moment with the Divine is a sacred practice for me personally. It is so easy to get caught up in life. We all have so many roles that we fulfill. I am a mother, wife, teacher, pastor, student, and countless other roles that demand my time and my energy. First and foremost, I am a Child of God. Walking the labyrinth helps me to connect to the Sacred. It helps me to be in tune with the whisperings of the Spirit. I ask, ?God, where will your Spirit lead today? Help me to be fully awake and ready to respond. Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace. Amen.?

Jaime Lynch serves as a member of the

pastorate at the Woodbury, NJCommunity of Christ congregation, and as a youth pastor at the Mid-Atlantic Mission Center Junior High Camp. She has attended Community of Christ Seminary. Beyond the scope of her traditional ministry, she also teaches middle school life science, trying to help her students understand the natural world around them and how they impact it each day. Jaime is also a wife, mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece and so much more, as family plays an integral role in her life.

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Gratitude can transf orm common da jobs into joy, and change ordina William Ar

ays into thanksgivings, turn routine nary opportunities into blessings. Arthur Ward

Toning ? A ncient W thru Sacr T he H ymns of H ermes state that sacred sounds pour forth blessings and open a path throughout nature straight to the D ivine. ?I n the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God? -John 1:1 Words are created by sound. Sound creates light and light creates form. The ancients knew that our universe was one big musical orchestra and sacred sound had the power to create worlds and universes. Some speculate that the Pyramids of Giza were created by advanced sound technology that caused stones to levitate and the Temple of Sakkara is said to be one of the oldest structures devoted to sound healing.

People are now awakening again to the power of their own voice and are using it to heal themselves and others thru prayers, mantras, chants, etc. Every word we say vibrates out into our planet. This means every sound that comes out of our mouth is extremely sacred. Uni-verse literally means one song. ?T he U niverse is a symphony of vibrating strings? -M ichio Kaku, T heoretical Physicist Unfortunately, many people have forgotten just how powerful sound can be, especially the power of our own voice.

How different would our world be if we all tapped into this ancient wisdom? How empowered would we be as a society, if we knew we had the potential and power to heal ourselves using sacred sound? Wh at is Ton in g? Toning is the ability to use your own voice to create specific pitches and sound vibrations optimal for healing. Toning is an extremely powerful and effective form of sound therapy as it can transmit high vibrational frequencies directly into the cells to restructure and shift your entire energetic field.

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isdom and Expression red Sound

For example, when you tone the frequency of love (528hz), your entire body starts to harmonize with that frequency elevating your consciousness and restoring your body back to wholeness. Toning can also activate sacred sites as well as clear discordant energies in one?s home or property.

Yes, An yon e Can Ton e One of the benefits of toning is that, it bypasses your logical mind and goes straight into your DNA and cellular structure. You don?t have to ?believe? in or ?understand? anything for it to be effective. You don?t have to be a singer or have any musical background to

tone. Toning is something anyone can do as long as your intentions are pure and the sound comes out from the most sacred space inside your heart. The best way to start is by sitting or lying down in a meditative state and start focusing your breath on the heart. Slowly breathe in and out from the center of your heart

several times. You can breathe through your nose or mouth, which ever feels most expanded. Continue this way of breathing until you feel completely at peace and the feeling of love starts to flood into your heart space. You can think of a loved one who warms your heart to help get you into that feeling state.

frustration, or anger. This is completely normal. You are unclogging your channels. Just make sure you are able to create a sacred space for yourself to heal and transmute those energies back to zero point or back to love. The more you tone, the more you?ll be able to trust in the process and the more fluid your toning will become.

Once you feel that deep sense of peace and love, start by chanting Om a few times. Om is the sound of the Universe and will connect you to the energies of the cosmos. Allow any sound to come out, naturally. It could be fast gibberish sounding tones, or slow melodic sounds. There is no right or wrong way. Some of these tones may sound ?weird? to you, but the most important thing is not to judge any of it. Allow yourself to express freely in any way your heart desires.

Allow it to come through organically and naturally. The giver and receiver of the toning should always feel expanded and more liberated afterwards.

Some of the first few tonings might be to release personal grief,

Usin g Sacr ed Sou n d t o Cr eat e a Bet t er Wor ld The Vedic scriptures tell us that sacred sound (using the power of our own voice to recite specific chants and mantras) is one of the fastest ways of reaching enlightenment and awakening. It?s time to reclaim our divinity and remember the sacredness of our own powerful voice.

Having a daily practice of toning not only benefits us individually, but it can raise the vibrational frequency of our planet and the entire universe. We have the power to assist in creating a whole new template for our planet and the new earth that is arising. The potential and possibilities of what we can do with toning are endless.Let?s use the power of sacred sound to create a better future for ourselves and our children. Click below to enjoy a sample of my toning called Divine Essence. Allow it to connect you more deeply with your own God Self. May you be blessed with the frequencies and grace of sacred sound. - Kana

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Kana Koinuma is a sound therapist who has been on the spiritual path for over 30 years. She has training in multiple healing arts, and enjoys sharing the powerful healing energies of sacred sites around the world thru her toning and sacred sound healing. All of the sound therapy tracks on Kana?s website are free to download for everyone to enjoy. Visit

Image to the left - top red image is Kana's voice after toning the frequency of love. The image below is her voice toning without specific intention.

Con sciou s Visibility by Jackie Lapin You are passionate about providing your hard-earned wisdom, knowledge, and expertise to people who are eager to change ? and they are just waiting for a transformational leader/author/expert like yourself to guide them. It matters not whether you are offering a path to wealth, wellness, personal growth, spirituality, greater happiness, or growing a business around one?s passion? to have an impact, you must have visibility. Conscious Visibility is about finding ways to offer valued information before you ask someone to engage with you

monetarily. The more you gain a reputation for offering compelling information, the more decision makers and gatekeepers are willing to introduce you to their audiences and communities. So how can you best gain that visibility? Through public speaking, radio shows, podcasts, and virtual summits. The optimum way to connect with people and grow your business is through public speaking. In seeing you and experiencing your expertise, they will want more. Speaking invites a relationship. And in today?s world, that?s how people come to know,

like, and trust the individuals they wish to do business with. Radio shows have always been one of the best means to introduce consumers to new ideas, but now with the advent of podcasts and internet radio, you have targeted audiences focusing on a specific genre or topic. Virtual summits ? which encompass both telesummits on the phone and video summits presented online? are usually produced by a host who assembles a group of experts on a related subject matter so enticing that people will immediately submit their name and email to gain

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access to the interviews. Each of the experts supports the promotion by offering a free gift (requiring opt-in) during their interview and inviting their communities to register for the summit. The benefit to the participating guest presenter is that you will gain many new followers whom you would not otherwise have reached. Another great benefit is that you have anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour to interest the audience in you and your work.

their limitations. Remember, people are less interested in the messenger than the message.

To get booked with speaker bookers, radio show/podcast producers, and virtual show hosts, the most important factor is letting them know how you will impact their audience? what problem do you solve, how will those who experience you learn, grow, and change from what you offer. It?s about serving and sharing. Sharing what you know to help others overcome

-Make sure you have a contemporary website? horizontal, lots of images, few pictures? powerful and evocative. An old, out-of-date website will dim your prospects of getting booked.

Focus on this, and you?ll see your bookings increase! So go proudly forth and book yourself with confidence. People are waiting to see and hear you!

Here are a few things you should know:

-Speaker bookers want to see video of you engaging with an audience. At your earliest possible opportunity create video of you presenting. Make sure it?s

well lit, with excellent sound? not just a quickie from your smartphone. Static video of you talking to your community on YouTube won?t do. When you have this presentation video, provide a link along with the one-sheet when you present yourself for a booking engagement. -Secure testimonials? not from clients or students? but from OTHER PEOPLE WHO HAVE BOOKED YOU! Bookers want to see what other people who have invited you have said. They want to know you have the approval and acclaim of those who have gone before them. That gives the booker assurance that you are a good choice. -When you complete your live in-person presentation, it is likely many people will rush up to you with questions, conversations, and demands for your attention. How do you manage to sell your

books and products when your attention is distracted? Fortunately, new technology has given you a simple answer. Your smartphone or digital device has become the modern day cash register. The Square, Paypal, and others have developed an easy way to take credit card purchases with a swipe and a signature. So preload the prices (including any taxes) of your merchandise or your merchandise bundles (more than one product you often sell together), and then show either an assistant/friend or someone predesignated by the venue how to use this simple system while you are engaged with your audience. By preloading the merchandise pricing, it takes the guesswork and mistakes out of the picture? and you get to be the star you are rather than a retail clerk. But don?t forget to bring a cash box, with change

and smaller bills, as some people still do transactions the old-fashioned way!

-If you?d like a quick and easy shortcut to finding opportunities, click SpeakerTunity?

-Don?t start out looking to get on the biggest opportunities in town. Get confident, refine your presentation, and test your enrollment skills, working up to bigger audiences and more influential placements. Hone your skills, get comfortable, start the buzz.

This service does all your research for you. Here you?ll get direct contacts for transformational speaking engagements, radio shows, podcasts, and virtual summits that have open guest presenter seats. All you need to do is present yourself, your credentials, and your work!

-To get booked, you have to spend time engaged in the process of finding the right venues, connecting with bookers, providing your materials and then locking down the details. So commit to at least three hours a week to this task, or your impact will fade before it begins.

Jackie Lapin the founder of SpeakerTunity? providing direct contacts for transformational leaders, authors and experts to book themselves on stages, radio shows, podcasts, and virtual summits across North America. SpeakerTunity?s affordable solution takes all the research headaches out of locating opportunities. Click here to access her free guide.

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C l i ck i m age f o r a f r ee gi f t au d i o f r o m o u r f r i en d s at 11:11 M agazi n e

THE ROA D TO U N ITY is paved with right action In October 2017 thousands of Israeli and Palestinian women wrapped up a march around the region, demanding that their leaders act to achieve a peace agreement. Women Wage Peace, the group behind the demonstration, says the two-week march sent a message to leaders to work toward a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to make sure women have equal representation in any talks. An event on October 8th brought 8,000 people to an area north of the Dead Sea in the West Bank where they mingled in a ?tent of reconciliation.? Women and children crafted signs reading ?peace be upon you? in Arabic and Hebrew. Participants beat drums and rattled tambourines. Associated Press Photo

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A crew of dedicated first responders helped rescue a family stranded by hurricane Harvey?s flooding - from more than 1,000 miles away. When Carol Compton, retired chief of the Kingwood Rescue Squad in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, opened her email and saw "Please, rescue needed, two people in attic, water rising,"she first thought it was a joke, WPVI reports. "I started reading it, and I'm thinking, 'Is somebody playing a prank on me?' And then I got down toward the bottom, and it said Kingwood, Texas. And I thought, 'Uh oh....'" Compton got in touch with her former co-workers at the 911 center and they went to work, trying desperately to find someone in Texas who could respond to the address included in the email. "We tried... between 15 and 16 different phone numbers that we had access to, and they were all out of service or disconnected,? center employees Tammy Hoffman told the station. Eventually, reports, the crew in New Jersey were able to reach Harris County officials, who added the victims to their list of those needing rescue. The center received an email a few hours later letting them know that the pair had been rescued. "It was a great feeling,? center employee Ed Hahola told WPVI. ?I mean, we can't be in Texas, and it's great to know that 1300 miles away we could make an impact on the people there.? photos

Nearly 170,000 acres of Northern California?s wine country have been wiped out after a series of wind-charged fires. As the fires blaze through Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley, local people are banding together to keep each other safe, fed, and sheltered. Local star chef Dustin Valette (of Valette in Healdsburg, California), along with the help of his chef friends Scott Romano (of Charlie Palmer ?s Dry Creek Kitchen at Hotel Healdsburg) and Duskie Estes (Zazu Kitchen + Farm), is hard at work bringing breakfast, lunch, and dinner to different fire departments and evacuees in the region, working directly with the Geyserville Fire Department and Healdsburg Community Center. "We are doing what we can. My dad flies for Cal Fire and we need to do something,? he said. However, Valette reported he had to shut down his restaurant due to the gusting winds. ?With a heavy heart, we are closing Valette tonight. We wanted to be a refuge for those in need and a sanctuary from the reality of loss. With the winds gusting, now is the time for us to be with our loved ones and those in need. We will be making to-go dinners for the Geyserville Fire Department and anyone who needs them. Pickup at Geyserville Fire Department,?he wrote. Needless to say, Valette hasn?t slept much in the past few days. He sent his staff home, so almost all of the food is being bought and cooked by him at this point. Valette?s Healdsburg neighbor Dry Creek Kitchen is open for limited dinner service (as long as they are not evacuated and have gas), and firefighters and first responders are invited for a meal on the house. In St. Helena, California, Charlie Palmer ?s other restaurant Harvest Table is also open and welcoming firefighters or anyone displaced by the fires. To those looking to help, Valette says, ?The best thing is [to] support the local charities. Food-wise we?re doing good. Now is the time to all pitch in and help how we can.? From an article in bon apetit photo

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RIGHT A CTIO N IN A CTIO n How YOU can help. -


United for Puerto Rico UNICEF Direct Relief Hispanic Federation Save the Children International Medical Corps Americares Global Giving Redwood Credit Union 100% of donations go to fire relief efforts and support for victims. Along with your donation, you can choose a specific county you would like your donation to go to, or choose for your donation to be equally distributed across Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino, and Lake counties. Rebuild Wine Country 100% of donations go to rebuilding homes Napa Valley Barbeque Foundation Fund100% of proceeds go to providing food to first responders, evacuees, and support teams. Napa Valley Community Foundation Community Foundation of Mendocino Sonoma County Resilience Fund Jameson Animal Rescue


ACTION ON TH E GROUND H ow to h el p.

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John F. Kennedy

An excerpt from

30 Days to Me:

A Wor k -in g Book t o Livin g a Ser en dipit ou s Lif e

by Lynn Reilly.

You. You?re Missing You. I sat on my front porch, sobbing; my heart felt completely broken into pieces. The pangs of loss were fierce. I felt the grief from the past few years flood me? a lifetime of emotion. It was a huge wave, overpowering, and devastatingly harsh. The pain felt all too familiar.

disconnected, lost, sad, lonely, angry, confused, and lots of other downer words that could fill up a page. But I knew there was some truth to those statements. And I wanted to learn how to do it. I again asked that voice to speak up.

?Why is this happening to me?? I questioned. ?What was I missing??

I could have been a little gentler, but I was feeling impatient, and my nature is not one who appreciates waiting.

And then I heard the little voice pipe in. You know the one. The one that always seems to know the answers. ?You. You?re missing you. You?ve spent your life focusing on everyone else. It?s time to focus on you.? My tears began to slow down. I wasn?t sure what it meant, but I was intrigued. I asked for more answers, and they came. ?Learn how to love you. Reconnect with yourself. Love and accept who you are, and the rest will fall into place.? Hmm, sounds lovely, but really, I wasn?t sure I knew how. I felt

?Tell me what to do!? I demanded.

The inspiration came quickly. I knew exactly how to love and support others; that?s what I did best. Now I had to learn how to love and support myself. And it had to be enjoyable. No more of this tortured stuff. I needed to treat myself as a priority, with the attention I was craving, and I was determined to do just that. I was to take the next thirty days to create a new habit? the habit of taking care of myself, my needs, my priorities? and try something new? .

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Day 2 7 The best love is the one that makes you a better person, without changing you into someone other than yourself. ? Unknown If you are a natural overgiver, there?s a great chance that spending time devoted to yourself is not a regular occurrence. In fact, the idea may sound dreamy, but when given the opportunity to do whatever you want, you?re not even sure what that could be. When was the last time you had a day to yourself doing exactly what you wanted to do and only what you wanted to do? If you?re anything like me, spending a day with myself was a foreign concept. I still remember when my kids went to their grandmother ?s house for a few hours each Mother ?s Day. It felt like the ultimate gift to just have some time alone with no responsibility. My long walks felt luxurious, and being in a quiet house alone was almost too good to be true.

went for a drive. I headed toward a quaint little town I?d discovered on my way to one of my daughter ?s soccer games. I had so much on my mind. I was in the middle of a divorce, trying to understand what I was doing and where I was going, and I felt totally overwhelmed. The drive alone felt freeing. The town had several restaurants and shops I wanted to explore, and I enjoyed the space I created. I sat in a cozy cafĂŠ, reading a book about energy therapy. I took notes and journaled my own experiences. I was completely content being on my own, and it felt amazing.

When I realized I needed to get to know myself, really know myself to love myself completely, I decided to start dating myself to find out what I was all about. The concept alone felt like a wild discovery.

After I left, I kept driving and found new little discoveries along the way, embracing my emotions as they came up and enjoying my own company. I couldn?t recall ever being so content in my own skin as I had on that adventure. I felt brave, confident, and ready to spend even more time with myself. I had a feeling I was going to like what I discovered.

The first date day I ever had with myself, I called out sick from work and

And I have. I now know I?m due for a date day when I?m tired and edgy for

several days, and I don?t want to do anything for anyone else but force myself to anyway, which, of course, creates resentment and natural angst. These are my symptoms of disconnection from myself and clues that I am proportionally giving more than I am receiving. It?s my cue that it?s time for me to prioritize my own needs if I want to feel good about giving and not feel frustrated. I have been on countless date days with myself since then, and I have to say, each time I enjoy my own company even more;

away from expectations, away from responsibility. I always come home feeling refreshed and reconnected to myself. Every. Single. Time.

Now it?s your turn. If you could do whatever you wanted for a day, what would you do? If you start to feel like you can?t take the time to be alone, then ask yourself why you are any less important than anyone or anything else you?d take the day for without even questioning it.

Plan a Date Day: If you could plan a day or even an hour for yourself, what would you do? It?s time to plan it out. Any amount of time you can fully commit to yourself and do something that you really enjoy with you and you alone is perfect. Ideally, this day or hour will be planned within the next couple of weeks. What feels relaxing and luxurious? What feels inspiring and exciting? What makes your heart sing? Commit to doing at least one or two of these activities on your own. Create a plan of what you will do on your date. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

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Today?s Ref lection: What brought you joy, whether intentional or unexpected? What was meaningful and special about today? Did you live in the flow or resist? How did you live serendipitously? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

30 Days to Me is your work-ing book to reconnect you with yourself and live serendipitously; to live your life as it's meant to be. Commit to this process for 30 days or longer and experience more joy and support in your everyday life. Click h er e to find out more!

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