The Wizarding World Magazine

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ello everyone! I’m

something different and

sixteen years old. I’m a stu-

different opinions about

dent at Hogwarts and I’m in

what you hear nowadays.

Slytherin House. My favor-

We are an alternative voice.

ite subject is Defense Agains

A place where you can learn

the Dark Arts and Spells.

about the past, the present

My favorite teachers are

and some predictions for

Professor Remus Lupin and

the future. You can learn

Professor McGonagall. I

a new language or various

prefer to not identify myself

spells for self protection.

to protect me from criticism

You can learn about the

of other people and mean

various of creatures and

comments. Also my opin-

their different species. We

ions diverge from the other

test your knowledge and

newspapers and magazines

logic. We are fun and enter-

in our world, so I’m putting

taining. If your from Hog-

myselfr out there with my

warts I dare to figure it out

opinions. The Wizarding

who I am. Hope you like

World is a magazine for

our alternative voice.

everyone who wants to read



He’s back


Dragon’s species


Bulgaria or Wales




Dark Lord


some shared glory, and the thuggish grav-

he Dark Lord previous known as

itating toward a leader who could show

Tom Marvolo Riddle was born in 31 Decem-

them more refined forms of cruelty”, most

ber in 1926 in London. He is an only child

of which would become the first Death

and son of Tom Gaunt and Merope Riddle.

Eaters. He often manipulated them into

He was raised in the Muggle-run Wool’s

committing petty crimes and other mis-

Orphanage after his father abandoned his

deeds, but none of these incidents were

new family on the streets of London when

reliably traced back to the group. Upon

the influence of her magic was lifted, and his

arriving at Hogwarts, Riddle became ob-

mother died moments after giving birth.

sessed with his heritage and began re-

Riddle began attending Hogwarts School of

searching it with an insatiable hunger. He

Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1938, and was

focused on the identity of his father, think-

sorted into Slytherin House, a nod to his

ing him to be the magical parent, as he felt

ancestor Salazar Slytherin. Some of his early

his mother could not have been a witch

activities included the opening of Salazar

if she had died. Abandoning his ‘Muggle’

Slytherin’s Chamber of Secrets and the use

name, he became the self-proclaimed by

of its monster, the Basilisk, to attack Mug-

another name, an anagram of his birth

gle-born students, several month’s service

name. He commanded a veritable army of

as a purchasing agent for the Dark artefacts

wizards and Dark creatures, committed

shop Borgin and Burkes, use of the ability

countless murders and atrocities person-

to speak Parseltongue. Over time, Riddle

ally and through his followers.Voldemort

gathered to himself a gang of Slytherin

was ripped from his body in 1981 after

thugs, a motley composition of “the weak

attempting to kill Harry Potter.

seeking protection, the ambitious seeking 7


round August 1943, Riddle went to Little Hangleton to learn about

his mother’s family. While at the Gaunt Shack, he met his uncle Morfin Gaunt, with whom he was far from impressed. Morfin mentioned offhandedly at one point during this meeting that he thought that Tom looked “mighty like that Muggle”, Merope’s husband, Tom Riddle Snr. Riddle immediately demanded the identity of the Muggle in question, and Morfin told Riddle the story of his Muggle father, which infuriated Tom to the point of seeking revenge. Riddle stunned Morfin and took his wand, went over to the Riddle House and, using his uncle’s wand, murdered his father, grandfa-

ther, and grandmother with the Killing Curse. Riddle covered up his crimes by altering Morfin’s memory,

causing him to believe that he was the killer.When the

Ministry of Magic investigated the crime, Morfin, who had previously served three years in Azkaban for using

magic in front of and against Muggles, freely admitted to the deed and was sentenced to life imprisonment in Azka-

ban. Tom took the Gaunt family’s signet ring from Morfin

and later on would preserve another part of his soul within it

to make his second Horcrux, wearing it like a trophy at Hogwarts.

After graduating, Riddle immediately approached Dippet and asked

him for a chance to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts, and to remain 8

at Hogwarts. Dippet rejected this offer, deeming the boy too

young, but invited Riddle to reapply in a few years, if he was still

interested in the post, something that Dumbledore heavily advised

against. Shortly before leaving Hogwarts, however, Riddle charmed Helena Ravenclaw, the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw, into telling him the loca-

tion of her mother’s diadem. He murdered the family and took the diadem.


pon his return to Britain, Riddle ended up working at Borgin and

Burkes, to the disappointment and surprise of many. While working there, Riddle befriended Hepzibah Smith, a wealthy but elderly descendant of

Helga Hufflepuff. Between 1955 and 1961, Hepzibah showed Riddle her two

most valuable treasures: his ancestor’s locket and her ancestor’s cup. Tom saw the locket to be rightfully his as Slytherin’s heir and the cup as a reminder of Hogwarts, as well as a

priceless artefact. Riddle murdered Hepzibah, to

steal these coveted objects and vanished without a trace. He again covered his tracks well

by implanting another false memory into an innocent bystander — Hokey, Hepzibah’s house-elf. Hokey admitted the

murder. Meanwhile, Riddle immedi-

ately resigned his post at Borgin and Burkes and fled with the cup and

locket. Ten years after Hepzi-

bah Smith’s murder, Riddle ap-

pealed once more to the Head-

master of Hogwarts, now Albus

Dumbledore. After a short, super-

ficially amiable chat, Dumbledore

directly confronted Riddle regarding

why he had requested the position, as

he knew full well that Riddle had no desire

whatsoever to teach. Riddle, unable to make

an open request of Dumbledore due to the mali-

cious nature of his true intentions, simply left after

a final, gentle rebuke from his former teacher. 9



dragon’s first fire breaths, usually accom-

ragons were giant winged,

panied by thick grey smoke, appeared when

fire-breathing reptilian beasts. Widely re-

the dragon was around six months old.

garded as terrifying yet awe-inspiring, they

However, the ability to fly was normally

could be found all over the world and were

developed later, at around twelve months,

frequently referred to in Asian and medieval

and the dragon would not be fully mature

European folklore. Able to fly and breathe

until it was two years old and ready to live

fire through their nostrils and mouths, they

on its own, Dragon Breeding for Pleasure

were one of the most dangerous and hardest

and Profit stated that you were to feed

to conceal creatures in the wizarding world.

a baby dragon a bucket of brandy mixed

Their heartstring could be used as the core

with chicken blood every half hour. This

of a wand and were designated by Garrick

apparently served as a replacement for

Ollivander as one of the “Supreme Cores”,

dragon milk. While dragon skin could resist

which was a distinction shared by only two

most spells, such as a single Stunning

other beasts. The British Ministry of Mag-

Spell, certain strategies might be employed

ic classified them as XXXXX, known wiz-

to circumvent the strength of their hides.

ard killers that were impossible to train or

While dragons resisted most spells due

domesticate. Despite how dangerous they

to their hide, their eyes were their weak-

were, there were people who were trained to

est point, and as such, the Conjunctivitis

work with them, called dragon keepers, or

Curse, which caused irritation in the eyes,

dragonologists. Dragon mothers breathed

remained effective towards them. “Dragons

fire on their eggs to keep them warm. They

are extremely difficult to slay.”

did not keep their eggs in nests.Newly born dragons were referred to as chicks. The



ebridean Black was a dragon species native to the Hebrides

islands of Scotland. It had brilliant purple coloured eyes. It had dark rough scales, ridges along its back, and a tail tipped with an ar-

row-shaped spike. The Hebridean Black had brilliant purple eyes, bat-like wings and could grow to be up to thirty feet long. Its

favourite food was deer, although it had been known to carry off cattle. The Hebridean Black was more aggressive than the other

dragon native to the British Isles, the Common Welsh Green, and thus required a territory of as much as one hundred square miles

each. The MacFusty clan took responsibility for the dragons, and

had so done for centuries. They were also the team mascot for the Banchory Bangers Quidditch team from Scotland.


ommon Welsh Green, or just Welsh Green,

was a dragon native to Wales. It nested in the higher mountain regions, where a reservation had been set up for it. It was a

green dragon with a distinctive, musical roar. This dragon

was a relatively subdued breed. It preferred to prey mainly

on sheep and other small mammals and to avoid human contact altogether. The Welsh Green’s roar was rather

distinctive and somewhat melodious, and it issued its fire in narrow jets. 12



ntipodean Opaleye was a breed of dragon native

to New Zealand. It was known to migrate to Australia in

search of territory. It resided in valleys, which was unusual as

dragons typically resided on mountains. It was generally con-

sidered one of the most beautiful dragons, with pearly scales that lined its body, and glittering multi-coloured eyes that had no pu-

pils. The Opaleye’s eggs were pale grey and had been known to be mis-

taken by Muggles for fossils, and its flame was vivid red. The Opaleye was

not particularly aggressive, rarely killing unless it was hungry. Its prey of choice was sheep, but it had been known to attack larger animals.


wedish Short-Snout was a species of dragon native to the un-

inhabited mountains of Sweden. It was a silvery blue dragon that

breathed a brilliant blue flame. The scales of the Swedish Short-

Snout were silvery blue, and its powerful flame was also a brilliant blue colour, hot enough to reduce timber and bone to ashes in

seconds. Its attractive skin was much sought after for the mak-

ing of gloves and shields. It preferred to live in wild, uninhabited

areas. Since it rarely came into contact with humans, the Short-

Snout has less deaths to its name than most dragons. However,

the Short-Snout was a dangerous species due to its agile flying and

extremely hot fire. A trophy awarded to the winner of the annual

broom race between Kopparberg and Arjeplog is modelled after the

Swedish Short-Snout.


ungarian Horntail was a species of dragon na-

tive to Hungary, which was considered to be one of the most dangerous dragon breeds, if not the most dangerous. It possessed black scales, a spiked tail, and was lizard-like in appearance. It had black scales, and was lizard-like in appearance. It also had yellow eyes, with

vertical pupils like a cat’s, bronze horns and similarly coloured spikes that protruded from its long tail which it would gladly deploy in combat. The dragon’s roar was a yowling, screeching scream, and its flame could reach to about fifty feet. 13 13


irius Black is proven innocent. In trial this

week, members of the Order of the Phoenix testified

that he has always been on the good side and he did not give information about the location where the

Potter Family was. He did not kill Peter Petigrew. Pe-

ter was in fact the real traitor and working as a spy on


command of the Dark Lord.

arty Crouch Jr. was arrested this summer

for the second time in his lifetime. He escaped from prision, kidnapped the auror Mad Eye Moody and

took Polyjuice potion to become him as he taught in

Hogwarts for the whole school year. He sabotaged the

Triwizard Tournment leading the student Harry Potter

to help in the ressurrection of He Who Must Not Be Named.


here was a leak, last week, in the high security

prision Azkaban. Escaped higly dangerous prisioners, in this case, six death eaters. Some of them are Belatrix Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback and the Carrows

twins. Some of the dementors escaped as well to the

dark side. We recommend everyone to stay as safe as

possible and in alert if you see any of these criminals.


edric Diggory, a student from Hogwarts

passed away due to a terrible situation at the Tri-

wizard Tournment. He was killed by He Who Must

Not Be Named who ressurrected at that same night. The body was delivered to the father and the Head-

master of Hogwarts payed a tribute to this young man. 14


enrir Greyback (fl. 1945–1998) was a werewolf bounty

hunter infamous for his general savagery and preference for attacking children. He was a leader in his community and

strived to infect as many people as possible with lycanthropy, hoping to build an army strong enough to eventually take

over the wizarding community. It was he who infected Remus Lupin with lycanthropy when Remus’s father (Lyall Lupin)

insulted werewolves and said “they deserve nothing less than death”.


Bellatrix “Bella” Lestrange (née Black) (1951 – 2

May, 1998) was a British witch, the eldest daughter of

Cygnus and Druella Black, cousin of Regulus and Sirius

Black, and the elder sister of Andromeda Tonks and Narcissa Malfoy. She was a member of the House of Black, an

old wizarding family and one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Bellatrix started her education at Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry in the early sixties (either 1962 or 1963), and was Sorted into Slytherin House.


Professor Amycus Carrow was a Dark Wizard, broth-

er of Alecto Carrow and a Death Eater. Amycus fought in

the First Wizarding War along with his sister. They did not search for Lord Voldemort after his first downfall but were forgiven after Voldemort’s return in 1995. Amycus and his

sister were, most likely, among the Death Eaters that were

summoned by Lord Voldemort to the churchyard at Little

Hangleton on 24 June 1995, as their absence wasn’t noted by Voldemort himself.



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