Stock It Up! Energy Storage Sampler

Page 21

 Materials Electrochemical cell from Part I Thermometer Stopwatch, timer, or clock with second hand Computer with Internet access

Procedure 1. Place the thermometer tip into the electrolyte of your cell. Reconnect the alligator clip you had disconnected at the end of Part I. Observe the LED to verify that current is flowing. 2. Record the temperature of the electrolyte every 60 seconds. Use a time interval of fewer than 60 seconds if the temperature is rising rapidly. Use a time interval greater than 60 seconds if the temperature rises slowly. Record the temperature at regular intervals for a total of 15 minutes. 3. Disassemble the electrochemical cell. Clean the thermometer, anode, cathode, glassware, and alligator clips and clean up.

Data and Observations Record your temperature data in the table below. Add more spaces if needed. Time (s) Te m p (°C)

 Conclusion 1. Does your electrochemical cell release a lot of heat energy? Use the evidence collected in your investigation to justify your answer. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Use online resources or materials provided by your teacher to determine the reaction occurring in your electrochemical cell. Write the equation, unbalanced, below:

3. Use online resources or materials provided by your teacher to determine whether the reaction occurring in your electrochemical cell is reversible. If it is, write the equation, unbalanced, below:

4. What was the maximum voltage your cell produced? What was the maximum current your cell produced? Use the formula Voltage × Current = Power to calculate the power produced by your cell. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

©2019 The NEED Project

STOCK IT UP! Energy Storage Sampler


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