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May 22, 2013

Leesville Road High School, Raleigh, NC

The Mycenaean Senior Staff

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Senior Staff 2013

1. Years on staff: 2. 2. Positions held (on staff): staff writer, senior editor. 3. College?: UNCW 4. Career plans: … That whole “career” thing will be the responsibility of my future husband 5. Dream job (age 5): What 5 year old thinks about their future? 6. Anything you want to say to Broer: All those times you asked me if I was doing my work and I said yes, I actually meant “I’m on Pinterest.” 7. To the staff: It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission 8. What did you love most about newspaper: Getting to meet tons

Hailey Stephenson of amazing people and form friendships that will never be forgotten! 9. Most embarrassing high school memory: Going a whole day without realizing a bird had pooped on my jacket. No one even told me until 4th period 10. Your best memory of Leesville: Wandering the halls of the school with my good friend Sal-R.I.P buddy. 11. What movie do you think is most like high school: Shawshank Redemption 12. “Last words”: H.A.G.S.

13. Scariest teacher you had: Mrs. Maxwell 14. Craziest high school moment: Passing AP Statistics 16. What reality show would you want to be on: River Monsters 15. Favorite way to procrastinate: Eating FunDip while shopping online and playing Bread Kittens (and sometimes bubbleshooter) 16. How you want people to remember you: The only redhead that can get tan. 17. Newspaper superlative: biggest slacker

Helen Phillips 1. Years on staff: 2 2. Positions held (on staff): Staff writer 3. College?: UVA 4. Career plans: trophy wife…just kidding 5. Dream job (age 5): Marine biologist 6. Anything you want to say to Broer: I have a million bucks at home... 7. To the staff: Y’all are the bomb. 8. What did you love most about newspaper: The religion article I wrote that took 3 months 9. If you could change anything

1. Years on staff: 3 2. Positions held (on staff): Staff Writer, Editor for two weeks. 3. College?: NC State 4. Career plans: basketball wife.... or the President’s secretary 5. Dream job (age 5): Singer 6. Anything you want to say to Broer: Things white people like … 7. To the staff: Good luck next year! & to the ‘boys’-- DO YOUR WORK. 8. What did you love most about newspaper: J-DAY and cereal bar 9. If you could change anything about your last 4 years: I would’ve done more community service. It really helps with scholarship applications senior year

about your last 4 years: Nothing. 10. Most embarrassing high school memory: Scoring a 2 on the AP Latin exam…and the APES exam 11. Your best memory of Leesville: When Leesville’s basketball team beat Millbrook at Millbrook, and we stormed the court 12. What movie do you think is most like high school: Freaky Friday 13. “Last words”: Adios 14. Scariest teacher you had: Mr. Broer when he was in a grumpy mood

Nia Doaks

11. Your best memory of Leesville: Senior crowns 12. What movie do you think is most like high school: SAW. All of them 13. “Last words”: Be the change 14. Scariest teacher you had: Mrs. Harris !!! 15. Class that taught you the most: Cultural Media Literacy 16. Craziest high school moment: Singing a medley with Danyelle and Monet in chorus for sharing day 17. What reality show would you want to be on: The Voice with Brendy 18. Favorite way to procrastinate:

PINTEREST , texting, listening to music and talking to Broer 19. How you want people to remember you: Educated, athletic, and articulate black girl who is going to grow up to do something important 20. Newspaper superlative: Best taste in music 21. Song most like your high school experience: “I Do This”— Kendrick Lamar 22. Best memory of Leesville: the friends that I’ve made and the experiences I’ve had with them. I’ve had the same group since freshman year.

Anne Cushman 1. Years on staff: 2 2. Positions held (on staff): Queen 3. College?: Winthrop 4. Career plans: World conqueror or a mall cop 5. Dream job (age 5): Mermaid 6. Anything you want to say to Broer: How does Moses make his tea? 7. To the staff: YouTube will always be your friend even when Broer isn’t and good luck to Camille 8. What did you love most about newspaper: The people 9. If you could change anything 1. College?: UNC Wilmington!!! Surf’s up, babes! 2. Career plans: A news anchor/ reporter on Good Morning America and a published novelist. Be prepared to walk into Barnes & Noble and see a book written by someone you once knew. 3. Dream job (age 5): An actress and a “doc-doc.” 4. Anything you want to say to Broer: Thank you for giving me the chance to be on newspaper and helping me grow. 5. To the staff: Don’t be afraid to go out to the world and report what’s true and meaningful. 6. What did you love most about newspaper: Great friends, an

15. Class that taught you the most: AP Environmental…shout out to Dr. Stone for so many life lessons 16. Craziest high school moment: The scootering incident 17. What reality show would you want to be on: Amazing Race 18. Favorite way to procrastinate: Pinterest!! 19. How you want people to remember you: Nice 20. Newspaper superlative: The better twin…hahaha love you Rachel 21. Song most like your high school experience: “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen

Laura Della Badia amazing teacher, the smell of print paper, faulty laptops and the ability to report. 7. Most embarrassing high school memory: Kicked out of Spanish I because I could not stop hiccupping, and thus taking the walk of shame. Luckily, I have not been scarred for life. 8. Your best memory of Leesville: Eating pizza in the break room with my Broadcasting Crew. As well as meeting my best friends— you know who you are. 9. Scariest teacher you had: Mr. Hunt and Ms. Harris. 10. Classes that have taught you

the most: All my English classes as well as AP Psychology. Thank you to all my brilliant teachers!! 11. Craziest high school moment: In AP English IV, while prestining, my whole class started laughing. Mrs. Wilkerson said, “Stop it! Don’t get her Started!” Then I literally collapsed onto the floor in hysterics. 12. Favorite way to procrastinate: Reading, writing and being with besties and family. 13. Newspaper superlative: Most likely to write the longest articles. 14. Song most like your high school experience: “I was Here”

about your last 4 years: Not talking about my lucky sports bra on Pride TV 10. Most embarrassing high school memory: Every day of my life 11. Your best memory of Leesville: Winning the state championship for soccer 12. What movie do you think is most like high school: Snakes on a Plane 13. “Last words”: I’ll do it tomorrow 14. Scariest teacher you had: Broer 15. Class that taught you the

most: Dance 1 because it introduced me to my true calling 16. Craziest high school moment: Getting a 100 on Mrs. Floyd’s AP English project 17. What reality show would you want to be on: Dancing with the Stars 18. Favorite way to procrastinate: Pinterest, wander the hallways, YouTube, and AP Statistics homework 19. How you want people to remember you: As a god 20. Newspaper superlative: Smallest Appetite 21. Song most like your high school experience: “Don’t hate me cuz I’m beautiful“

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