The Moultrie News, October 20th

Page 1

October 20, 2010

VOL. 45 NO.42

East Cooper’s Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1964

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Tressed in pink

What’s Inside

►The Osprey The Mount Pleasant Business Association set sail on the Osprey earlier this month for a harbor cruise. Look inside for more pictures and visit Local Clicks at www.moultrienews. com. | 6A


Tina Green, Matt Couch, Carol Kilpatrick, Brittany Kilpatrick and Susan Biggers don their pink wigs in the Pretty in Pink Cafe (Survivor Cafe) at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure on Daniel Island this past Saturday. The race boasted a record crowd of all ages. Look inside on page 1B to see more pictures and go to the photo gallery on our website at to see pictures from the entire event.

Teen moms Culinary students dish have a home it out for hunger relief

►Madere Fishing Cooper Estates residents took to their boat landing last week for a fishing tournament in honor of longtime resident Fred Madere. | 8B



Philicia Baugh-Smith, seen here with her daughter, Jaiden Zanijah Lavern Smith, started a home for teen mothers.

Teen pregnancy advocate creates Jaiden’s Place BY HELEN R. HAMMOND HELEN@MOULTRIENEWS.COM

When Philicia BaughSmith found herself pregnant at age 15 and decided to drop out of Wando High School, she was fortunate enough to find support at Florence Crittendon, an organization dedicated to providing a safe haven for young pregnant teenage mothers in need.

Empowered, Baugh-Smith gave birth to her son at 16 and obtained her education with GED classes. Since then, Baugh-Smith has become an advocate for teen pregnancy prevention and frequently speaks at churches and schools around the area. She has earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Science from Springfield College, Mass. and a Master’s Degree in Science from Troy University, Ala. Now a wife and mother of three, she is cur-

See Jaiden, page 13A

As Wando High School students perfect their culinary skills in the Culinary Arts program, they are also working with the Lowcountry Food Bank to feed the hungry in the community. The Wando students have joined the Lowcountry Food Bank’s Student Food Drive, part of a hunger relief campaign designed to empower high school students. The food drive is completely run by the students but is advised by their teacher, Chef Julian Buckner. The students’ goal is to raise 20,000 pounds of canned food. According to Chef Julian Buckner, the Culinary Arts program encourages a lot of volunteerism, such as working with East Cooper Meals on Wheels and the Lowcountry Food Bank. The students have split their duties for the food drive into four sections: in school, reach out (feeder) areas, businesses and media. They have gotten stickers donated and have been decorating donation boxes, as well as making signs. According to Margaret Grant, director of procurement at the Lowcountry Food Bank, there are twelve schools participating in the

►Shaggin’ The Tams will be at Patriots Point Pavillion Friday night for Shaggin’ at the Point. Tickets are $10. 14A STAFF PHOTO BY HELEN R. HAMMOND

Wando Culinary Arts students James Shockley, Ally Jenkins and Katy McLendon are raising 20,000 cans of food for Lowcountry Food Bank. food drive. “It is a student initiativefrom raising funds to bringing food to our building. We are excited that the Culinary Arts students are participating. We know how helpful they are from their help with the Chefs Feast.” Student James Shockley said, “I am given an opportunity to help people out and represent Wando High School. I am working on taking an initiative that affects more than students. Even as kids we can help out.” According to a new hunger study that is done every four years by Feeding America, 54

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See Hunger, page 13A

Thank you to the 1st Congressional District and Charleston County School Board candidates, as well as representatives for the gubernatorial candidates, who spoke at our candidate forum. | 3B

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percent of people choose between food and utilities and heating fuel, 32 percent of people choose between food and rent or mortgage and 39 percent of people choose between food and medicine or medical care. The students have set up donation boxes at Palmetto Christian Academy, School of the Arts, Moultrie Middle School, Cario Middle School, Academic Magnet School, Laing, Belle Hall, Jennie Moore, Whitesides, Mount Pleasant Academy, First Baptist Church School,



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2A.MOULTRIE NEWS ___________________________________ ____________________________ Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Money Man of the American Revolution was Haym Solomon


ighting a war with weapons and tactics is one matter; financing a war is a different business. Not only does an army travel on its stomach, but it also marches on shoe leather. Kings and dictators confiscate what their armies require. Lincoln used inflation and high-interest Yankee bonds to bankroll Hooker, Burnsides, Meade, and Grant. When Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia invaded Maryland and Pennsylvania, they paid for what they requisitioned with worthless Confederate dollars. No American commander had a worse time financially than George Washington, and no American congress has ever dithered and dallied as did the Continental Congress when the topic of war funding was broached. As Washington waged a war of attrition against the wellfunded British military, he had to fret over how to make his payroll and how to pay his army’s creditors. In defense of Congress, Robert Morris was the official financer of the Revolutionary Army; however, it was New York immigrant Haym Solomon, a Polish Jew, who produced the money miracles when General Washington was in dire straits. Robert Morris was a native of Liverpool who came out to the colonies as a 13-year-old lad accompanying his tobacco merchant father. In time Morris became as shrewd a trader as any in Philadelphia and he caught the eye of newspaper “magnate-turned-revolutionary” Benjamin Franklin. Morris, Franklin, and George Washington were bound by the ideals of liberty and severance from British rule. Furthermore, the three men were members of the fraternal and secretive order of Free Masonry. When George Washington won an unexpected victory over British forces at Princeton in January 1777, Parliament sanctioned more soldiers for British Generals Clinton and Cornwallis, but it also authorized covert financial shenanigans against the fledgling rebels--subterfuges such as counterfeiting colonial paper money and discrediting American envoys in Holland and France. Their plan was to cause Washington’s army to mutiny from lack of pay and necessities. Since Philadelphia was a city rife with Tory sentiment, the Continental Congress despaired of conducting any secret negotiations. A select committee of men known only within

HISTORY’S LOST MOMENTS Tom Horton their own circle made the financial arrangements for the struggling American army. So perilous was the status of the army that often their existence was a day-today affair. George Washington was almost as adept as a spymaster as he was at fighting the war of attrition. The great commander had a system for planting incorrect information on the status of his army to confuse his British pursuers. The Culper Ring in New York was one of many such disinformation ruses. Nathan Hale was a part of this ring, as was the mysterious Agent 355, believed to be a young woman who moved easily within the circle of British Major John Andre and other notables. Because Robert Morris was constantly under surveillance, Washington resorted to someone of lower profile whom he could trust. One of Washington’s youngest staff officers was Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Franks, a son of the senior partner of the import-export firm of Levy-Franks in Philadelphia. Isaac Franks was barely out of his teens, yet he was forage master for Washington’s army that lay encamped about Long Island. When Robert Morris found it nearly impossible to coerce financial contributions from the states for the war effort, Isaac Franks suggested that Washington contact his -- Franks’ -brother-in-law, the currency broker, Haym Solomon. In the hard war years that followed George Washington ordered his private couriers more than once to “Send for Haym Solomon.” Haym Solomon was a 36year-old Polish Jew who’d immigrated to the colonies just one year prior to the outbreak of hostilities in 1776. Before the year was out, Haym Solomon had established himself in the import-export trade along New York’s waterfront and he’d become a part of the John Lamb Sons of Liberty circle in that city. Lamb was one of the most zealous anti-British men on the continent -- years earlier his father had been deported to the colonies from London as a common thief. However, John Lamb was the catalyst for revolution among the business elites of the colony’s leading port. Lamb kept up an active correspondence with hard-core revolutionaries such as Samuel Adams, Ae-

danus Burke, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry “Highthorse Harry” Lee, and Charleston’s Christopher Gadsden. Solomon proved his worth as a spy for Washington as well as a finance man. On several occasions Solomon was captured by the British and he used his commanding knowledge of European languages to talk his way, or bribe his way out of prison. Reputedly, he persuaded over 500 Hessian soldiers to desert the British cause for the American side. There are so many legends circulating about Haym Solomon that it is difficult to discern the facts. He did have contact with the Dutch Jewish community on St. Eustatius in the Caribbean, and that settlement of traders was one of the main suppliers of French-made rifles and other war materiel to the patriots. When the British got too hot on Solomon’s trail of colonial intrigue, he moved his operations to Philadelphia. Solomon was known to run a private bank and investment brokerage from the back room of Philadelphia’s London Coffee House. Here he sold commercial paper, shares in trading ventures, and he made personal loans to the Declaration Signers from his accumulated fortune. In 1781, George Washington received word that a large army under the command of the Count de Rochambeau would be able to coordinate one brief campaign with the patriot forces. That was when Washington determined to strike a desperate blow against Lord Cornwallis who was encamped close to the Chesapeake awaiting the British fleets of Admirals Graves and Rodney to evacuate his forces to New York. Robert Morris and Haym Solomon went into overdrive to produce the finances to supply Washington and his allies in the costly venture of moving south toward Yorktown. Philadelphia had probably never seen such wheeling and dealing, and some fantastic schemes were devised to deceive the ever-present Tory spies that hung about the London Coffee House. What’s interesting to us in the Lowcountry is that Daniel deSaussure of Charleston was in 1781 a member of the financial cartel in Philadelphia that included Robert Morris and Haym Solomon. DeSaussure, a wealthy Carolina merchant, had studied in Switzerland, and so had Solomon. Some years later Daniel deSaussure became the president of the Charleston branch of the (1st) Bank

of the United States located on the corner of Broad and Meeting Streets, now City Hall. At one juncture in the 1781 Yorktown financing, Haym Solomon ran afoul of even the lax colonial codes of financial propriety and was implicated in a $50,000 securities fraud. It was a critical moment in the funding of the patriot forces, and, for a while, it looked as though Solomon would be imprisoned by his own people as a huckster. Robert Morris sprang to the rescue and somehow got the tables turned on Haym’s accuser and had that man arrested instead. At that point, Solomon threw his own fortune into the army’s fund plus he sold another $20,000 in securities -- enough to purchase the critical supplies for Washington’s army to move 200 miles south. Of course, Washington and Rochambeau trapped Cornwallis at Yorktown. One of the ironies for the British was the fact that British Admiral George B. Rodney was too late arriving on the scene. He took a detour to destroy the Jewish settlement at St. Eustatius that had been supplying the colonists with weapons. Rodney burned their settlement, destroyed their small synagogue, and separated families and dispersed the St. Eustatius Jews all over the Caribbean as retribution for their aiding the American rebels. Regrettably, Haym Solomon died shortly after the Revolutionary War, probably of tuberculosis contracted while a prisoner of the British in New York. He died penniless, having donated everything that he owned to the patriot cause. Attempts to receive restitu-

tion from congress fell on deaf ears, partly because it was all that Congress could do to pay a token pension to the soldiers. During the war there were antisemitic cries raised against Haym Solomon and some of the other Jewish patriots who assisted in the financing of the cause. Solomon’s 1781 Philadelphia newspaper editorial “I am a Jew” became one of the most eloquent pleas for religious understanding ever printed. The words, “I am a Jew; it is my own nation; I do not despair that we shall obtain every other privilege that we aspire to enjoy along with our fellowcitizens,” have been cited in numerous patriotic essays. Some admirers claim that Haym Solomon helped pen a draft of the Constitution before he died. Others claim that he and Morris devised the dollar sign, a clever reduction of the two marble columns entwined in ivy that are found on the 18th century Spanishmilled silver dollar known as the real, or pieces of eight. Some conspiratorial theorists believe that Haym Solomon was part of the shadowy Illuminati group that sought the overthrow of kings and the subsequent establishment of a oneworld-government. No conspiracies have been pinned on the patriot Haym Solomon. Solomon is a true Son of Liberty, and in 1975 the U.S. Postal service issued a stamp in his honor.

($30 at the door), and tickets are available at Charleston Bay Gourmet (748 King St., MP), the Mount Pleas-

ant Senior Center (840 Von sold at the Mount Pleasant Kolnitz Rd.), and Royall Ace Farmers Market on Oct. 12 Hardware (883 Ben Sawyer and 19. Blvd.). Tickets will also be Please plan to join us on the

29th for a ghostly good time! Contact: Diane Lauritsen, 822-0822 or ddlauritsen@

East Cooper’s Weekly Newspaper Since 1964 Published by Island Publications, Inc. Also publishers of: The Catalyst (MUSC) Vickey Boyd, Publisher Sully Witte, Editor Helen Hammond Chris McCandlish Rhonda Mixon Maggie Ponce Coles Williams Tia Giraud Lisa Quick Christel Newton PROVIDED

Haym Solomon, a Jewish financier, was one of the unsung heroes of the American Revolution.

(Dr. Thomas B. Horton is a history teacher at PorterGaud School. He lives in the Old Village of Mount Pleasant). See more columns online at www.moultrienews. com. Visit his Web site at www.historyslostmoments.

Halloween Boo-B-Q and costume contest October 29

A Halloween Boo-B-Q and Costume Contest will be held at the Mount Pleasant Waterfront Park Sweetgrass Pavillion on Friday, Oct. 29, from 6 to 9 p.m. The event is the first annual fundraiser sponsored by the Mt. Pleasant Senior Booster Club, to support the Senior Center. Now two years old, the Senior Center provides programs and health club facilities for 2,000 members. The Boo-B-Q will include both pork and chicken, as well as all of the fixins, and is being catered by Charleston Bay Gourmet. Desserts will be provided by Olde Colony Bakery and Dining with Sal. Adult beverages will be available for purchase. A Halloween costume contest, with cash prizes of $100 for First Place, $50 for Second Place, and $25 for Third Place will be held during the event, and musical entertainment will include performances by Caroline Rhett, and Cathy Denney Mason and James Mason. Advance ticket price is $25

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Kyle Hillard Internet Content Manager

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The Moultrie News is published every Wednesday evening as a free distribution community newspaper for the East Cooper area - including Mount Pleasant, Sullivan’s Island, the Isle of Palms and Daniel Island. Weekly circulation is 28,225. The space reservation deadline for display advertising is Monday at 10 a.m. The deadline for classified advertising is Friday at 5 p.m. For advertising rates and additional information on deadlines or ad sizes, call 849-1778. The deadline for submitting editorial material - letters to the editor, press releases, news items, photos, etc. - is noon Friday.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ____________________________ ___________________________________ MOULTRIE NEWS.3A

Failure to debate reduces election to chasing money


im Scott skipped two public debates last week between the candidates for the open seat in the 1st Congressional District of South Carolina currently held by Henry Brown. His decision to abandon the process of public deliberation three weeks before an election is cynicism’s triumph over the decent assumptions of participatory democracy. He should redeem himself by meeting his opposition in whatever public forums are still available before the election as an example to his constituents and a reminder to himself. On Wednesday evening, Scott skipped a forum at Wando High School allegedly to attend a fundraiser in Myrtle Beach. Whatever Scott raised that evening while he wasn’t debating his opponents will be added to the $237,399 he had in the bank on Septem-


OPINION ber 30 with no campaign debt. His best-funded surviving opponent, Democrat Ben Frasier, has a balance on hand of $1,401 against campaign debt of $9,626, over $8,000 in the hole. Evidently none of the third-party challengers has raised enough to meet the $5,000 disclosure threshold according to the Federal Election Commission ( website. If Scott is elected, as his four opponents at Thursday’s sparsely attended forum (reported elsewhere in this newspaper) admit is likely, he will arrive to a Congress shaped by more

money and operating with less oversight than this nation has ever seen. As the sole African American Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives, Scott will meet hundreds of PACs, business groups and 527 organizations eager to give him checks. He’ll face no obstacles to accumulating a massive war chest to ward off opponents over the next two years. The $1,000 from the American Financial Services Assn. PAC and the Exxon Mobile Corporation PAC and the other $269,320 in PAC funds received by his campaign will be chump change after Scott moves into his office on Capitol Hill. If Scott follows the cynical advice to avoid confronting his opponents two years from now, Scott can leave the pretense that ideas and democracy matter behind. The Washington insiders will tell him that’s “smart.”

In their world money and winning, are the same and only thing. The people giving him that sort of advice are the same people who direct where those PAC funds go. Scott’s professional check writing friends are right as far as the narrow goal of winning elections goes. They’re also the reason American government isn’t working any longer. We’re unable to reach functional agreement on approaches to rebuilding our economy, getting control of our energy supply and reforming our educational system. We can’t even approve the parts like tax credits for research and development which everyone agrees on now. We’re in the midst of two wars without a Defense appropriations budget. These are the results of cynical professionalism in politics and a race for the lowcountry’s seat in

Congress which has already cost a total of about two and a half million dollars. This isn’t the type of government my liberal friends and I want. I don’t think it is the sort of government the Tea Party wants either, even if its local representative is clothed in conservative pretense. The Tea Party might have considered that before they turned public meetings across America into shouting matches last summer. Candidates for public office should appear before the voters and speak to the issues of the moment in competition with their opponents because that is the best way for voters to learn what they believe. While we’re unlikely to see the four hour verbal slug fests which were the Lincoln Douglas debates a century and a half ago again, organizations like our newspapers, the League of Women Voters and our Colleges remain

capable of offering meaningful forums for debate. Are we going to allow 600,000 South Carolinians to lose Medicaid coverage? What should “finished” look like in Afghanistan? Does the Federal Government have a role in arresting our nation’s decline from first to ninth in the percentage of our citizens holding a college diploma in the world? There’s plenty to argue about. Every candidate for public office has the obligation to offer his or her thoughts and take a tested stand, including Tim Scott. Last week, he didn’t. Between now and the election, he should. (William Hamilton (www. is an attorney who lives in I’On Village.) Go to www.moultrienews. com to see more stories and photos.

Candidates scramble to get messages out BY SULLY WITTE EDITOR@MOULTRIENEWS.COM

The Moultrie News and the Mount Pleasant Business Association hosted a candidate forum last Thursday so that gubernatorial, congressional and school board candidates could speak to area voters about the issues they represent and what they will do in office if elected. They are all running in the Nov. 2 election. Veteran television journalist Warren Peper was the moderator at the event held at Moultrie Middle School. Refreshments were provided courtesy of Costco. Stand-in speakers for gubenatorial candidates Nikki Haley and Morgan Reeves were on hand to share their candidate’s views. The 1st Congressional District candidates who attended included only Keith Blandford, Rob Groce, Mac McCullough, and Jimmy Wood. Candidates in attendance for the four open seats on the Consolidated School Board were Craig Ascue, Elizabeth Moffly, and Everett Wilcox. Speaking on behalf of Nikki Haley, Mark Lutz, who ran in the 1st Congressional District primary, said that Haley’s jobs plan and economic policy calls for comprehensive reform of the tax structure at the state level. Her idea will stimulate vocational training and enhance the Department of Commerce’s infrastructure. He described her education plan as robust and one that she wants to combine with tax and regulatory policy from an education perspective. “This is not a question of throwing more money, this is about reforming the funding pie right on down to the students and teachers,” Lutz said. In addition, he said, Haley wants to shrink the Department of Education and supports more charter schools. He also said Haley will

stand up to corrosive policies coming out of Washington and described President Barack Obama’s “attempt at healthcare” as “a burden on our state” that does not address fundamental problems of healthcare. A spokesman on behalf of gubernatorial candidate Morgan Bruce Reeves said he stands for complete reconstruction on how the state is run. “The Green party wants green sustainable jobs, railroads, solar, wind and hydro power,” he said. “We can sell it cheaper, make more money, and it will raise rural income.” He said this philosophy would make South Carolina a leader in this nation. In addition, Reeves believes in year-round education and fair tax. “Mr. Reeves is appalled we’ve allowed two parties to give in to special interests and we are laying off thousands of teachers across this state. We have politics as usual with two parties who work for just the same thing over and over and over,” he said.

1st Congressional District Kieth Blandford said South Carolina has been historically naive when it comes to big government and small government. In today’s society, he said, we only have the choice between which big government we you want. “Right now this federal government is insolvent and there’s no way to fund the entitlement programs we have and no way we’re going to be able pay foreign debt,” he said. “If we keep talking about little things going on outside of this country, we will go broke. If we want to be personally free, then we need to be economically free, and that is impossible under our current system,” Blandford said.


Candidates from the First Congressional district and the Charleston County School Board listen as school board candidate Elizabeth Moffley speaks to the crowd at the candiate forum hosted by the Moultrie News and the Mount Pleasant Business Assocaition last Thursday. “It is not our position, nor is it feasible to expect Congress to stop spending. As voters we need to take away their ability to do so. What we’re facing is the old right as opposed to new right. The Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air to fulfill whatever whim they have,” Blanford said. “This needs to be stopped and we need to force the government to live within its means.” Blandford, a Libertarian said it was not effective policy to reduce taxes during a recession, and there are many government services that he does not want to pay for. “I can barely can afford to take of my own family much less get taxed to take care of others,” he said. Robert Groce only got into this race eight weeks ago and was asked to enter to address issues candidates are not addressing, such as employment benefits, education, veteran benefits and the healthcare system. He is running as a candiate for the Working Families party but has always been Democrat prior to this. Groce said earmarks are a necessary evil in the general

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funding we need for American projects. “That doesn’t mean all are well and good. In regards to overall spending, there is much that can be avoided on necessary projects. But a lot of money is still needed on projects such as employment and energy. For example, we have a need for other energy sources not being explored.” He added, “we’re the only country that taxes people who live under its own definition of poverty.” Mac McCullough challenged audience members to think beyond what’s on national news and tv shows. “They’re talking about states that are important in this election and they don’t mention South Carolina. Even worse, locally it is presumed this house seat is a done deal. And that is a disservice to you as the voter,” he said. He referred to the two 1st Congressional candidates who did not appear at last Thursday’s forum and said, “they don’t have the respect for you to be here or at any other similar event. Why would you consider voting for them (Republicans and Democrats) again when

they’ve been in charge for 150 years and we’re trillions of dollars in debt?” McCullough said the biggest need is to reduce the growth of government and get the budget under control and pay off our debt in 15 to 20 years. “It is possible, and that is the prime platform I am running on,” he told the crowd. “True fiscal responsibillty is knowing where the money is coming from before we spend it and prioritize it.” In addition he supports fair level taxing. Jimmy Wood is a Goose Creek resident and he and his wife have four children. He is a combat veteran. “A representative has the ability to cast a vote to send men and women into harm’s ways and that’s not something I take lightly,” he said. Wood said that citizens are mad about earmarks and pork barrel spending because they are scared of fiscal irresponsibility and deficit spending carried over from the Bush administration. “We have to get the trust back in the fiscal system and the Federal Government and that will only come by voting in people who are pledging to go and do that and not tow a line.” Wood is not in favor of any tax increases and supports fair tax. “The largest lobby organization in D.C. is for taxes. Lobbyists are taking tax money and pumping it back into campaigns and they won’t cut off the hand that feeds them” He said the Fair Tax is what our forefathers envisioned and supports keeping the Bush tax cuts in place. “This is the wrong time to take even a penny out of our pockets,” he said.

Charleston Count y School Board Craig Ascue is a 39-yearold Mount Pleasant resident who has two children in local schools. He has served on the Constituent School Board for 12 years in District II. He hopes to create policy people can understand and that the public can work with if elected. Elizabeth Moffley is the president of a local construction and real estate team. “I deal with return on investment and customer service and I find that education is that kind of business,” she said. She ran for State Superintendent in 2000 and 2006 on platform of the same policies she wants to see implemented locally, which include accountability, transparency and local control. Everett Wilcox is a former educator and adjunct professor at the College of Charleston.He is also a lawyer that specializes in contract negotiatons and complex transactions. They were the only three of six school board candidates to appear at Thursday’s forum. There are only four open seats. County voters will be asked whether they would support a sales tax for school construction when they head to the polls Nov. 2. Moffly said she would vote no, Ascue said he would vote for the tax, and Wilcox was also in favor of the tax. Ascue and Wilcox said that if the tax does not pass they would not support a property tax increase. (Sully Witte can be reached at editor@moultrienews. com. Visit

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4A.MOULTRIE NEWS ___________________________________ ____________________________ Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I admit my infatuation with the baby stage


’m a baby person--always have been, always will be. I loved babysitting as a teenager and I have cuddled, rocked and loved on my own babies until they were finally able to climb out of my lap and run away from me on their own. Once they hit the two-year mark, I start missing the little tiny baby stage and fantasizing about newborn clothes and that baby lotion smell. (Quick note for my husband, who is probably having heart palpitations right now: I do not want another baby. I am perfectly happy with the three we have. Breathe into a brown paper bag until you stop seeing spots.) But I’ve been so in love with the baby stage of my children’s development that I’ve worried about them

last few months I’ve noticed a trend. Strangely, things seem to be a bit calmer around my house. I hesitate Robin O’Bryant to even write about this for fear that once the papers hit growing up. the newsstands Sadie will To be honest, I didn’t get thrown out of school for think it could get better than biting, Emma will take off holding a sleeping infant or all her clothes at school or tickling a chubby toddler. I Aubrey will start publicly heard what other parents declaring her love for every said when they told me, boy who makes eye contact “Enjoy them while they’re with her. little, it goes by so fast!” We recently went on a But I felt like they were vacation to the Gulf Coast, saying under their breath as wherein no one was hosthey turned away from me, pitalized, rushed to urgent “Yeah, you better enjoy ‘em care or swallowed any forbecause you have no idea eign bodies. No one threw how ugly it’s going to get.” up in the car, and aside Maybe it was my fear of from Sadie pulling Aubrey’s adolescence and the teenage hair a few times there was years to come, or maybe it no major drama in the car. was my infatuation with all It was nothing short of things baby that has made miraculous. me hold on so tightly to I read a blog post recently these early years. But in the from one of my favorite


Get crazy at Costumes on the Cooper This Halloween eve, Oct. 30, celebrate with the newest costume party of the year–Costumes on the Cooper! Don your scariest, your funniest or your craziest Halloween attire and spend the evening enjoying the breathtaking views on the Mount Pleasant Pier and dancing to live music. We promise a howling good time! Stretching out into the scenic Charleston Harbor at the foot of the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge, the Mount Pleasant Pier is the perfect spot to mix and mingle this Saturday, Oct. 30. All ages will ghoulishly delight in dancing on the waterfront under the nighttime sky to live tunes from today and from years’

past, performed by local party band Super Deluxe. Plus, there will be plenty of treats for sale, including beverages for purchase on site and devilishly delicious snacks available at the Riverwatch Cafe. Gates open at 7 p.m. and live music will begin at 8 p.m. Only 800 tickets will be sold, so get yours in advance! Tickets purchased in advance are $10 per person or $8 for residents of Charleston County. Tickets will be sold for $10 on-site if still available. Admission ticket (not receipt) is required for event entry. There will be no refunds issued or raindates scheduled for this event. Advance tickets will be mailed if purchased more

than seven days prior to the event. Tickets purchased 7 or fewer days prior to the event can be picked-up at the Park and Program Services office at 861 Riverland Drive on James Island or will be available for will-call pick-up at the event entrance. Please call (843) 795-4386 for more information. Located next to the Mount Pleasant Memorial Waterfront Park, the Mount Pleasant Pier is at 71 Harry Hallman Blvd. Parking fees at the waterfront park (50 cents per hour) are a separate charge from event admission fee. For additional information call 843-795-4FUN (4386) or visit

authors and bloggers, Jen Singer, of I was having a rough mommy day, a day spent, as Jen puts it, “undoing what my children had done all day.” Her article “Enjoying My Children While They Aren’t Young” was exactly what I needed to gain perspective on the madness of parenting three small children. After the first few days of summer vacation, Singer left her home office to check on her middle-school sons. Her youngest son had already brought her a lunch he had prepared for her, and her oldest had folded and put away laundry without even being asked. She wrote, “How come nobody told me about this? Why did no one ever say, ‘Hey, you might have holes in your pants from repeatedly dropping to your knees to

retrieve crawling babies from under the couch now, but one day, your kids will be a joy to live with’?” My heart skipped a beat. Were all of my rules, all of my tireless disciplining going to pay off one day in the form of actual help? Last week I was folding clothes and watching my oldest daughters play on the trampoline. I was mostly watching to make sure they weren’t practicing any ultimate fighting moves on each other, but what I observed was priceless. Aubrey and Emma were sitting with their feet folded underneath them, knees to knees, dappled sunlight streaming through the leaves of the huge pecan tree that shades our yard. It was a moment so perfect I wished for my camera, but I didn’t dare leave the win-

dow. They were talking animatedly, hands gesturing, curls gleaming and heads thrown back in laughter. I wanted to press pause, give myself a high five and do a victory lap around my house. My children were beginning to be friends. That’s not to say our days of choke holds, head locks and pile drives are over. I break up several scuffles and disagreements a day, but I’ve caught a glimpse of what the future can holdand for now it’s enough. (Robin O’Bryant(Robin O’Bryant is a former Mount Pleasant resident and mother of three. Read her blog online at www.robinschicks. com or e-mail her, See more columns at www.

The Straddler

Seacoast Church presents Rocktoberfest Seacoast Church is sponsoring the second annual Rocktoberfest on Friday, Oct. 29 from 6-9 p.m. Rocktoberfest is a fun, outdoor event featuring live music, food, games and crafts. All net proceeds benefit East Cooper Community Outreach. Join us in the Seacoast Church parking lot at 750 Long Point Rd., Mount

Pleasant, for a night of food, fellowship and fun. This year’s amazing line-up includes face painting, balloon animals, a dunk tank, mechanical bull rides, jump castles, a rock-n-roll carnival ride and a petting zoo! There will also be craft vendors and a silent auction where participants can bid on some great things. Admission is free, but tick-

ets are required for all games and activities. Food and drinks will be available for cash purchase only. All net proceeds benefit ECCO, so come have fun and support a great cause! For more information on how you can support Rocktoberfest and ECCO, contact Melissa Pridemore at 843.881.2100 x1214.


The owner of this sports car made the selfish decision to take two parking spaces at a Mount Pleasant restaurant the other week. The person who sent this photo to the Moultrie News said, “The troglodyte who owns this car should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.”

See more news at

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ____________________________ ___________________________________ MOULTRIE NEWS.5A

Musicians will be rockin’ East Cooper this weekend


s usual, it was a great weekend packed with awesome music here in the East Cooper area. On Friday night, I took a walk after dinner and found myself at Iacofano’s in the Moultrie Shopping Center. While I was there I decided to hang out for a set of the Wyatt Garey Band. As always, Garey was on fire, tearing up the guitar, displaying talent beyond his years. I expect that this talented young guitar slinger has quite a career ahead of him. As I’ve told you in many past columns, Iacofano’s has live music almost every night of the week. On Thursday, it’s Dearly Beloved Duo. Consisting of singer/songwriter Ryan Bonner and Cory Jarrett on mandolin (also of Milhouse) this is a stripped down version of Ryan Bonner and the Dearly Beloved. Expect to hear great original altcountry songs and beautiful

Italian food, a great lunch buffet, and an eight-hour MUSIC Sunday brunch, Iacofano’s SCENE has also become a nice Stu Johnson neighborhood pub/music venue. Along with weekly harmonies. gigs by Kevin Church and Friday, it’s Stained Glass Keith Bruce, look for upWall. Consisting of Scott coming shows from Angela Freeman (vocals, guitar), Easterling, Controll Freak, Dave Clark (drums), Joe Mike Campbell &Kevin Inella (bass) and local guitar Campbell, Allnightkungfu, wizard Everett Bigbee, these and The Thunderkings. guys play a wide variety of Speaking of The Thuncovers and originals that are derkings, this Friday they rocking and raw, as well as will be at The American smooth and polished. Find Legion, located in Mount out more at stainedglassPleasant at 832 Coleman . Blvd. The Show starts early On Saturday, it’s Doug at 8 p.m. With a mixture of Jones. The former lead classic and alternative rock, singer and contributing The Thunderkings are a songwriter for the S.C. band vibrant and energetic party Cravin’ Melon, Jones has a rock band. I went to www. full, rich voice that delivers well-crafted songs in derkings# for a sampling of such a way that it seems like their set list and found their he’s been your friend for all versions of songs by Lenny your life. It is funky country Kravitz, Pearl Jam, Screamfolk rock that is both origiin’ Trees, The Black Crowes, nal and ear pleasing. and Neil Young and Crazy Besides offering great Horse. Expert musicianship

along with great material carefully picked to rock you, along with the longest standing bar on Coleman Blvd., makes for a combination that is sure to keep you moving’ and groovin’ until the very last note. At Home Team BBQ on Sullivan’s Island this weekend, Tony Mckee has (as usual) great bands for you. On Friday it’s Big Daddy Love. These guys bring a natural blend of jam, grass, roots and rock to the emerging North Carolina music scene. With fiery vocals, sugary-sweet harmonies, authentic song-craft, and undeniable musicianship, the quintet delivers highenergy performances comprised of their own brand of good-time music. It is the startling power of these live shows that resonates with their audience. Genuine and intensely personal lyrics captivate and connect. On Saturday, it’s Thrift Store Cowboys. Their fourth

studio album Light-Fighter could be called their postarson period, as Daniel Fluitt and band wrote the record after a stranger torched their gear and merchandisefilled trailer parked next to Fluitt’s bedroom, nearly taking his life. Produced by Craig Schumacher (Calexico, Neko Case, Iron and Wine) Light-Fighter’s indie rock shapeshifts through ambient and Gothic western music for songs that touch on death, loss, fear, redemption, the Spanish Civil War and West Texas ghost stories. All buoyed by soaring violin, draped against bottom-ended guitar and pedal steel sounds that spaghetti western composer Ennio Morricone might envy. The Lubbock based sextet, which includes Fluitt, Colt Miller, Clint Miller, Cory Ames, Kris Killingsworth, and Amanda Shires on fiddle and vocals, has been touring together for a decade after meeting

at the musical South Plains College. They are neither of the typical Texas-based types of bands–a country-rock mélange or strictly indie rock. As Buddy Magazine points out, “Thrift Store Cowboys’ feel is more, for a lack of better description, gypsy desert music-the free sound of spacey, heat-induced delirium…a sure, confident sound backed by thoughtful vision.” Schumacher produced their 2007 release, Lay Low While Crawling or Creeping, of which Austin Sound said, “the album is to country music what Jim Jarmusch’s film Deadman was to the western.” Until next time, be nice to each other and support live music. (To get your establishment listed in the East Cooper Music Scene, email Stu at

Get melodious at Charleston Academy of Music’s Open Class Thursday The Charleston Academy of Music (CAM) is excited to announce its new Open Class, featuring instructors Jennifer Goldsmith Morlan (voice), Marco Sartor (guitar), and Yun Hao Jiang (cello). The free event is open to the public, and will take place on Thursday, Oct. 21 at 5:30 p.m. at 189 Rutledge Ave. The Open Class will give attendees a taste of what lessons are like, and the opportunity to meet some of CAM’s talented instructors. The evening will begin with an introduction and performance by each instructor. They will then split up to give one-on-one public “sample” lessons. Attendees can sign up in advance to participate

in a sample lesson with the instructor of their choice. During this time, guests are welcome to walk around, enjoy refreshments, and observe the lessons as they are taking place. Parents and guests will be able to see how lessons are structured and each instructor’s teaching method. The evening’s instructors are some of Charleston’s most talented musicians. Jennifer Goldsmith Morlan (voice) joined CAM’s faculty over the summer. She received her Bachelor of Music degree in Voice Performance from Shenandoah University and her Master of Music studies at the New England Conservatory. She

has performed both nationally and internationally, and currently appears on stage and in concert in the Charleston area. Marco Sartor (guitar) is a top prize winner in numerous international competitions. He has performed extensively throughout the U.S., and has been featured in many international radio and television broadcasts. He received degrees from the College of Charleston and Carnegie Mellon University. Yun Hao Jiang (cello) began his studies at the Shanghai Conservatory and continued at the Municipal School of Music in Montevideo, Uruguay. He was awarded the Juvenalis Award in 1999

and won first prize in the Jeunesses Musicales Competition in 2002 for cello soloist and chamber music ensemble. To sign up to attend the open class or to participate in a “sample” lesson, please contact the CAM office at 843-805-7794 or cam746@ For information on CAM’s programs and classes, visit our website www.charles- Jennifer Morlan


Marco Sartor

Local students accepted into orchestra Eight local students were recently accepted into the Lowcountry Regional Orchestra, which performs Nov. 19-20. The six orchestra students accepted from Wando High School are: Madison Fields, ninth grade bass; Casey Wells, ninth grade viola; Miranda Rodriguez, 11th grade violin; Ali Smith, 10th grade violin; Karen Woods, 12th grade viola and Griffin Li-

tes, 11th grade viola. The two middle-school students who will participate are Cameron Leopold, eighth grade bass, from Moultrie Middle School and Quintashia Wilson, seventh grade cello from Laing Middle School. More than 250 students from eleven area counties auditioned at Fort Dorchester High School on Oct. 9. The Lowcountry Regional Concert is scheduled for Nov. 19-

20 at Cane Bay High School in Ladson. To audition, each student had to prepare two excerpts from the classical repertory, sight read and play scales. Local school orchestra concerts will take place Oct. 26 at Moultrie Middle School cafeteria, Nov. 18 at Laing Middle School cafeteria and Dec. 14 at Wando Performing Arts Center. All performances are open to the public.

The Brickyard Red Balloon Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, October 23rd from 7 a.m.-1 p.m. at homes throughout Brickyard. The annual sale provides an opportunity for shoppers to shop at multiple sales in the neighborhood on one day.

All homes displaying a “red balloon” on their mailbox or porch rail will be participating in the yard sale. Want to know where the participating homes are located? Go to www.facebook. com/brickyardplantation for a link to a map.

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BLACK 012908

6A.MOULTRIE NEWS ___________________________________ ____________________________ Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Army Field Band offers free concert at Wando STAFF REPORT EDITOR@MOULTRIENEWS.COM

From Boston to Baghdad, Tampa to Tokyo, The United States Army Field Band has been thrilling audiences of all ages for more than 60 years. Its members are the most travelled Soldier-Musicians in the world, earning them the title “The Musical Ambassadors of the Army.” Each of the Army Field Band’s performing components, the Concert Band, the Soldiers’ Chorus, The Volunteers, and America’s Big Band—the Jazz Ambassadors, present free concerts across the continental United States more than 100 days annually. They have performed in more than 30 countries on four continents in support of our nation’s diplomatic efforts and our fellow Soldiers overseas.


The United States Army Field Band will perform at Wando High School Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. Tickets are free. The Jazz Ambassadors will perform at Wando High School Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. The United States Army Field Band is considered by music critics to be one of the

most versatile and inspiring musical organizations in the world. Its members, selected by highly-competitive audition, represent some of the finest musical talent in

America. The Jazz Ambassadors, America’s Big Band, is the United States Army’s premier big band. As a component

of The United States Army Field Band of Washington, DC, this internationally-acclaimed organization travels thousands of miles each year to present jazz, America’s national treasure. Formal public concerts, school assemblies, clinics, music festivals, and radio and television appearances are all part of the Jazz Ambassadors’ yearly schedule. Notable performances include participation in the inaugurations of presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton, appearances at the Nice Jazz Festival in France, the North Sea Jazz Festival in the Netherlands, the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland, the Jazz and Heritage Festival in New Orleans, and the Newport Jazz Festival in Rhode Island. Many of the members are also composers and arrang-

ers whose writing helps create the band’s unique sound. Concert repertoire includes big band swing, bebop, contemporary jazz, popular tunes, and Dixieland. Each program includes exciting selections performed by the band’s talented and versatile vocalist, Master Sergeant Marva Lewis. The United States Army Field Band Jazz Ambassodors, Free Concert, Wando High School Performing Arts Center, Mon., Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. Tickets are free, but you do have to reserve your seat. Send the coupon from the newspaper ad on page 5B along with a self-addressed stamped envelope to Jazz Ambassadors, Wando Band Boosters, P. O. Box 927, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29465 or call 881-9855. Visit

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ____________________________ ___________________________________ MOULTRIE NEWS.7A

Who is the biggest loser?


Curtis Atkinsons is a mentor in the MUSC Charleston Healthy Challenge. He is seen here working out at Pitt Street Fitness on the stairmaster.

Team member Linda Page prepares to do deadlifts as part of her exercise routine.

There are a lot of them in Charleston BY SULLY WITTE EDITOR@MOULTRIENEWS.COM

Think no booze for 12 weeks, workouts at least five times a week and a healthy diet like no other. This isn’t a quick fix diet program, this is called Healthy Charleston Challenge. It is a 12-week weight loss and activity challenge. This program is designed to increase physical activity and provide skills, professional guidance, and accountability for developing healthy lifestyle habits. The team of professionals includes experienced personal trainers, a registered dietician, exercise physiologists, and a program clinical psychologist. According to director Janice Newton, almost 10,000 pounds have been lost in this program. And while that number is significant, what is

even more essential to making people healthy is keeping them that way. She said they look at nutrition, exercise, and psychology. “We examine what got you where you are today, and what will put where you want to be tomorrow,” she said. Mount Pleasant residents Tony Page, his sister, Linda Page, and friend Boopa Pritchard are on a team together. They just finished up week five and have lost 60 pounds collectively. Linda said the most important thing for her was that she was ready. “In June I went into the ER with back pain and the doctor took one look at me and thought I was at risk for a heart attack,” she explained. “I spent 24 terrifying hours in the hospital living with the reality that I had put my life at risk by being overweight and that I needed some help. The program at MUSC has been great; I now have the support I need to

make this much needed life change,” said Page. The overarching goals for MUSC are to improve the health of the citizens of South Carolina, which is one of the leading states in morbid obesity, and South Carolina bears the brunt of all the associated diseases: Hyper tension, stroke, cardiac disease, diabetes, and a host of inflammatory problems. This fall’s program has 72 participants with six people to a team - the team is assisted by a mentor (a person that has been through the program), a dietician to review what you are eating and to assist with changes that you need to make, a trainer that puts you through workouts four times per week, a group exercise class every Sunday: Tai Bo, Pilates, Core Cardio, etc. Additionally MUSC provides a Psychiatrist for people that need assistance and the head Dietician for MUSC speaks weekly educating the group on how to read food levels, the dangers of processed foods, trans fats, and alcohol--what to eat what not to eat, along with correct portion sizes. Each individual is given a daily requirement for calories and each must keep a daily food log. Most participants go online to use a program called Sparkpeople that records your calories and provides reports on protein, fat and carb consumption. In addition to having full access to the health center during the program you may also participate in any of the varied and ongoing fitness classes. Lastly, an orthopedic

surgeon is available on Tuesday night for people that may have injuries or pre-existing conditions According to Tony, “everyone in the program will not be successful--but if you follow the program you will be healthier and leaner and increase your endurance,” he said. For example, Boopa Pritchard has already reduced the amount of insulin he uses due to his new diet and exercise regime. In addition to the team meeting for scheduled workouts, the teams come up with their own fun ways to follow the program. For example, Tony arranged a private team workout with Robert Short, owner of Pitt Street Fitness. He had them working at seven stations in 60 second sequences. Then the entire group went to Okra Grill, which Tony and sister Linda own, and had a balanced, healthy meal as a team. “In this program, you do learn to live life differently. It is not a temporary change in habit,” said Newton. There is a strong psychological component and we build on that so you’re honest with yourself and it affects your whole life.” You must qualify for the program and there is a $300 fee to participate. To qualify you must be at least 25 lbs. overweight and winners are chosen at the end of the 12 weeks by the amount of body fat they have lost. The cost includes membership to the MUSC Wellness Center for 12 weeks plus a trainer, workouts, and nutrition guidance. This is Healthy Charleston Challenge’s sixth session and there are 11 teams competing, according to Newton. She is now formulating teams for January’s session, so anyone interested must email her at for consideration. “People are willing and

Director of the MUSC Charleston Healthy Challenge, Janice Newton, guides team member Kelly Taylor during a recent workoout at Pitt Street Fitness. have always been willing to change a behavior for a few weeks to get a result but they are not willing or didn’t understand the need for permanent long term results that affect the rest of their life,” said Newton. “You have to change a habit. People don’t quite understand the difference. We facilitate the process of teaching them how to live their life differently and change a few habits. Then it will last a lifetime and you don’t have to fight this battle ever again.” Newton said the program is very demanding mentally and of course physically. “We make them get their head straight. Until you get your head straight, you’re not getting your body straight. You’ve got to understand the psychology of why you have not tackled getting healthy in the past.” Participants are assigned to a team or they can create a team from their office, church or friends. The teamwork component is huge, Newton explained, because you must encourage one another to keep going and stay on track. “This program and the

team members work to build each other up so when the program is over they never stop. By then participants have programmed this into their life and they’ve found things they love doing and made their body work in ways it never has before. There is no finish line with this program,” said Newton. On the last night the teams will gather at the Culinary Institute for a weigh-in and a cooking demonstration. Winners will be chosen as the biggest loser, the top male, the top female and the top team. Prize packages include things like a year pass to all Charleston County Parks, Can Do Adventure trips, and a chance to be in Charleston’s Amazing Race. And once you complete the program, you’re invited to come back as a mentor. Newton said it is a great way for participants to continue the program and encourage those new to it. (Sully Witte can be reached by emailing Visit the web site at www.moultrienews. com)

Now Open 320-K West Coleman Blvd. Shops of Mount Pleasant 216-7349 IP04-398944




BLACK 012908


8A.MOULTRIE NEWS ___________________________________ ____________________________ Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Maintaining balance: keep kids creative and carefree BY LIZ BRISACHER SHARP AND MAYA DEFERME

What Kids Really Need Dear Liz, My eldest child just started first grade in a school with a demanding curriculum. I want her to be responsible, of course, and do her best, but allow her to also maintain her sense of being a creative carefree child as long as possible. Is there a way to maintain a balance? Love my kids Dear “Love my kids,” It is very loving to want kids to live in a way that is developmentally appropriate. You are wise to want to teach your children the healthy balance between “work and play,” while further developing their natural desire to learn-which keeps it fun! Having a sensible schedule will keep the stress level down. Make sure there is an organized place to do homework and a fairly consistent daily schedule which allows for homework, snacks, free

play, organized or directed play, exercise, family time and creative learning (lessons.) There is a tendency to over-schedule our kids or fill up days with too many lessons, teams and structure. And today’s kids want to try everything. Maya recommends something like piano lessons and dance (two different activities at a time) each week outside of school, but no more. With each year of age, you add an additional outside activity. She also suggests parents take advantage of special things offered by the school--like jump rope or art class. Maya adds that it is relaxing for kids to watch a limited amount of TV to unwind (but only about 30 minutes.) Finally, a first grader is going to want to spend time playing with her parents every day. Maya suggests parents set aside time to just focus on each child, playing a board game, coloring, fun reading or playing ball outside together. Maya says that is her favorite part of the day.

ASK LIZ What Kids Hear that Hurts Dear Liz, My kids have big ears--and no matter what my husband and I try to do to keep them from hearing our issues or disagreements, they still somehow manage to know. And I know it can be very upsetting to them. How can I tell if they have been damaged by this? What can we do to help them? How can my husband and I work through

the things we need to without counselor can help you mitifurther hurting the kids? gate any damage. Worried No matter what the type or degree, it breaks kids’ hearts Dear Worried, for their parents to not get This is such an important along. They fear losing one question. The first step is to or both parents. You can sit STOP it! Kids are basically down with each child and ask as OK as their parents are. them what they have heard And they pick up subtle cues and how they feel about it, in your relationship without but this must be done withhaving to hear a word. Kids out discrediting the other are very intuitive, and their parent. It is most important security is based on the peace to explain that both parents in the home. It is a develop- will always love them, but mental task for kids (espe- that sometimes grownups cially between the ages of 3 have their own problems. and 6) to learn communica- Be genuinely sorry for whattion skills--resolving conflict, ever you two have done that asking for what you want and might have scared or hurt need appropriately, asking them. Just opening the diafor clarification--by observ- logue and caring about the ing their parents. Most adults impact of the fighting can don’t do that well (and thus be very healing! Avoid at all they should learn, through costs blaming or degrading counseling or classes, to do the other spouse in front of it correctly and with love so the children--their esteem is that the children can learn!) on the line. I always say that the best As for “damage,” look thing a father can do for his out for signs of depression: kids is to love their mother- sleeping more or not enough, -and the same for moms. If anxiety or fears increasing, there has been any violence clinginess, appetite changes, or loud fighting--especially activity or interests declining. with any regularity--a good In boys, you may see more

aggression. Schoolwork often declines. So, parents, STOP. FIX IT. Whether you are going to ultimately work things out or not, make sure it is done in the most peaceful way possible. THINK ABOUT THE KIDS and what they need. The best advice is to keep children in their routine and familiar surroundings as long as possible--or, if big change is needed, make sure they are surrounded with the supportive loving family members they know best. Great, important question! (Thank you for your questions and comments! Contact Liz via asksharpliz@ Liz Brisacher Sharp is a Masters level Licensed Professional Counselor in private practice with 35 years experience in mental health including serving as a school counselor, consultant, and mediator. Liz is known for her many years as a TV News and Weather Broadcaster, and as a long time columnist for the monthly Lowcountry Sun.)

Get dressed up for Towne Centre’s Trick or Treat event The Mount Pleasant Towne Centre is hosting the annual Trick-Or-Treat event throughout the center on Sunday, Oct. 31 from noon-4 p.m. A majority of the days festivities will be located in front of the Palmetto Grande Theatre. Enjoy horse-drawn hayrides, face painters and balloons with trick or treats bags available. Watch magic shows in front of the theater at noon and 3 p.m. by “Sam The Magic Man”. NY Life is providing free child ID’s for all the event attendees, while you trick or treat. A pet costume contest will begin at approximately 1 p.m. in front of the movie theater with Hairy Winston and Pet Helpers.

In an effort to involve more children and pets in this year’s Pet Costume Contest, Pet Helpers is moving its Third Annual Howl-O-Ween Event to the Mount Pleasant Towne Centre. Now a part of the Mount Pleasant Towne Centre’s Halloween Festival, the Pet Costume Contest is open to all pets and will be located in front of the Palmetto Grande Movie Theatre. With Nathan Calhoun of The Nathan Calhoun Band performing, pets will parade with their owners across the stage and be judged by three celebrity judges, including Tara Lynn from Channel 2, WCBD. Winners will be chosen from five categories; Scariest, Cutest/Funniest,

Best Celebrity Look-a-like, Best Owner-Pet Pairing, and Most Creative. The ultimate winner will be receiving the title of “Best in Show!” All winners will receive prize packages, provided by Hairy Winston Pet Boutique, local pet service companies with

the winner of “Best in Show” being awarded a custom pet portrait by local artist Kevin Rockwell www.rockwellarts. com. All animal entrants in the Pet Costume Contest will receive goody bags. The Pet Costume Contest begins at 1 p.m. Owners can

register their pets online at or at the Mount Pleasant Towne Centre on the day of the event, come early to register. The entry fee for the Pet Costume Contest is $10, with all proceeds going to benefit the Pet Helpers Adoption Center

and Spay/Neuter Clinic on James Island. The Halloween Event is open to the public. Costumes are required for trick or treating! All stores providing candy will have balloons on or near their store door.

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Robert Dickson, famous baritone, wowed over 100 residents of The Palms Retirement Home on Oct. 7 with an hour of nostalgic show tunes and two Italian ballads. Nancy Clayton Lefter accompanied Dickson on the piano.Robert was invited by close friends Blossom and Saul Krawcheck, who were thrilled with the local celebrity’s standing ovation.

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The Doctors at Advanced Hearing Care want to help you find the best hearing solution for your lifestyle and budget. You are invited to attend our Special Technology Event where you will be introduced to the Mind series, a revolutionary hearing technology from Widex that captures the beauty and pleasure of hearing.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ____________________________ ___________________________________ MOULTRIE NEWS.9A

JoAnn Thomas joins local LifeManagement Center JoAnn Thomas has joined LifeManagement Center (LMC) as the Coordinator of Tutoring a LMC’s new Tutoring Center in Mt. Pleasant. The new center tutors students Monday through Thursday from 2:30-6:30 p.m. and leases space from Palmetto Presbyterian Church. Thomas has a Masters degree in Education (MEd) from the University of Alabama and University of Pittsburgh. She has twenty six years experience in working in the education field, including a position as a Service Coordinator at a high school alternative program/ performance learning center in Newnan, Ga. Her teaching experience encompasses preschool, elementary, middle school and adult education. LifeManagement Center (LMC) is a South Carolinabased 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that helps people with learning challenges, such as ADHD and LD. The mission of LifeManagement Center is to offer solutions that transform educational and professional challenges into life achievements for children, families, adults, and communities. Services include consultations, psychoeducational assessments, tutoring, coaching, counseling for parents, and workshops. LMC has offices in Charleston, Summerville, and Mount Pleasant and can be reached at (843)852-5705 or www.lifemanagement. org.

resources. The conference is hosted by the Southern Nevada Water Authority in partnership with the Alliance for Water Efficiency, the American Water Works Association (AWWA), Audubon International, California Urban Water Conservation Council, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s “Water Sense” program and others. Foster was invited to speak on the topic of “Carolina Water Wars.” The issue covers South Carolina’s interbasin transfer legal fight with North Carolina, public policy for water resource management, utility revenue management and tactics to engage the public on water efficiency behavior and the value of water. Foster is President / CEO of Foster Associates Marketing Group, founded in 1992 as a strategic marketing firm that provides brand management, strategic planning, public relations and advertising services. He has provided counsel to water and wastewater utilities for more than a decade through his consulting group DrinkTap, which is dedicated to serving the needs of the nation’s water / wastewater industry. For much of the past decade, Foster has been a frequent presenter at state, regional and national water / wastewater industry conferences. He is a member of the AWWA Information Management & Technology Committee’s Social Media Council. He has been selected to speak on water utility Conference speaker social media programs at the Veteran Charleston public 2011 AWWA Annual Conferrelations executive J. Dean ence & Exposition in WashFoster addressed the Wa- ington, D.C. in June 2011. terSmart Innovations (WSI) Conference and Exposition Low Country Spine in Las Vegas, Nev. Oct. 6. WSI is the first national Center Low Country Spine Center conference solely dedicated to water efficiency innova- in Mount Pleasant formerly tion, public outreach and the voted “Best Chiropractor” in future of the nation’s water Mt. Pleasant by the readers

BUSINESS KUDOS of the Moultrie News has just been voted “Best Chiropractor” in Charleston in the Live5News Lowcountry’s choice awards. Dr. Michael LeBel has had his practice in Mt. Pleasant for the last 11 years, and is located at 1340 Old Georgetown Road. Dr. LeBel offers a no charge initial consultation. 843-216-0200

Charleston Radiologists, PA The physicians at Charleston Radiologists, PA are pleased to announce the addition of 2 new radiologists to their practice. Dr. Steven Bright and Dr. Aron Rosenthal are joining the twenty one physician practice in August. Dr. Bright graduated from the University of Alabama School of Medicine and was Chief Resident of Diagnostic Radiology for Baptist Health Systems in Birmingham. He completed his fellowship in Interventional Radiology and Image Guided Medicine at Emory University School of Medicine. Dr. Rosenthal graduated from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and recently completed an MRI fellowship specializing in neurology and body/breast MRI at University of California-San Diego. Dr. Rosenthal recently was awarded the John Amberg Award for clinical excellence. Charleston Radiologists, PA is a physician subspecialty radiology practice that provides professional services for Imaging Specialists of Charleston. This arrangement allows Charleston Radiologists, PA to continue its thirty-year commitment to imaging excellence by merging the most advanced technology with subspecialty interpretations. They

American Academy of Fam- for Sustainability. ily Physicians , Member of Media Workshop the American Medical AsPam Hartley, Founder of sociation and Member of the are located at 1241 Woodland American Academy of Home Momentum Marketing announced that she led the new Care Physicians. Avenue in Mt. Pleasant. media workshop titled ‘How To Increase Your Brand Blackbaud Receives Dr. Chip Cooper Awareness Over The Next 12 Marion L. “Chip” Cooper II, Green Business Months’ for more than eighty MD Joined Dr. John Forney- Pioneer Award members of The Alternative - Doc at the Door -- in August Board during The Synergy 7 Blackbaud, Inc (Nasdaq: Conference on Tuesday, Au2010. He is serving serving elder- BLKB), the leading global gust 17th held at The Marine ly, disabled and home bound provider of nonprofit soft- Corps Air Station in Beauware and services, is round- fort, South Carolina. TAB clients in our community. Home Instead Senior Care ing out the third quarter with colleagues Colleen Troy of is focused on House Calls a continued focus on its core Touchpoint Communicato patients who are elderly, value of “making the world a tions, Jazel Hazel Of Hazel disabled and homebound, better place.” As a result of its Digital Media and Richard and unable to make regular many employee-led initia- Almes of Unimedia also paroffice visits to their Primary tives, Blackbaud was named ticipated in the presentation a Green Business Pioneer by and expert panel Q & A. Care Physician. Office Telephone: 843- the City of Charleston and the Charleston County Coun- FIS Certification 847-3470 Chip and his wife Sharon cil . The Pioneer Award was have lived with their two presented to Blackbaud be- Program graduates Coldwell Banker United, sons in Mount Pleasant cause of its work stewarding since 2005.He has A.A. His- and protecting Charleston’s Realtors® is pleased to antory with “Highest Honors” environment and resources nounce that Dixie Hagan, from DeKalb College, Deca- through achievable business Joanne Harwell, Maggie Curtis, Bob Curtis, Ken Klug tur Ga, 1995, B.S. HTS Geor- practices. The Charleston Green and Nancy Elliott are recent gia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga, 1998 and M.D. Business Challenge is a vol- graduates of the Foreclosure from Saba University School untary opportunity for busi- Intervention Specialist (FIS) of Medicine, Saba, Nether- nesses of all types and sizes Certification Program After 30 hours of extensive to pursue sustainability and lands Antilles, 2007 He completed Trident/ green-driven strategies, training, they are prepared MUSC Family Medicine Res- while improving business to handle the challenges asperformance. Developed sociated with foreclosure or idency Program, 2010 He is licensed to practice by the City of Chicago, the short sale transactions. All six agents can be reached Medicine in South Carolina challenge is being piloted and Board Eligible in Family in five cities across the na- at the Coldwell Banker Unittion through the initiative of ed, Realtors® office in Mt Medicine. He is a Member of the ICLEI—Local Governments Pleasant at 843-856-8800.


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10A.MOULTRIE NEWS ___________________________________ ____________________________ Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mount Pleasant cadet appointed Platoon Sergeant Zachary Barrack Riverside Military Academy congratulates C/SFC Zachary L. Barrack for his appointment to the position of Charlie Company Platoon Sergeant for the 2010-11 academic year. Platoon Sergeant duties include ensuring that all platoon members are properly uniformed and armed, assisting in the supervision of platoon drill and training, and assuming command of the platoon in the absence of the platoon leader. The Riverside Corps of Cadets consists of over 350 students from 15 countries.


B.S. in biology. He is the son of John & Gayle Burley of Mount Pleasant and is a graduate of Wando High Corcoran from Mount Pleas- proud brother to Dustin, Da- School. ant graduated from Officer vid and Dana Corcoran. Candidate School (OCS) in National Merit Quantico, Va. and was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant Burley graduates from Scholarship with the United States Ma- Hampden-Sydney semifinalist rine Corp. College Bishop England High Lieutenant Corcoran is a John David Burley, Jr. School is pleased to an2004 Graduate from Wando High School, 2010 gradu- was among the 232 men who nounce one of its seniors as ate from the Citadel and a graduated on Sunday, May 9, a semifinalist in the 56th anMount Pleasant war Veteran serving in Iraq. at commencement exercises nual National Merit Scholarresident graduates Daniel is currently stationed marking the end of the 235th ship Program: Marina Ann in Quantico, Va. Daniel is the academic year at Hampden- Hart, daughter of Gary and OCS Paula Hart. She is among son of Dennis and Denise Sydney College. On Aug. 14, Daniel P. Corcoran of Mt. Pleasant and Burley graduated with a 16,000 scholastically tal-

Barrack, a junior, participates as a member of the football team at Riverside. Cadet Barrack, from Mount Pleasant, is the son of Dr. Kenneth Barrack and Terri Linker. Riverside Military Academy is one of the premier private academies for boys in grades 7-12. Riverside is located one hour north of Atlanta.

Wando’s scholarly Warrior pride September ‘Golden Warriors’

Avery Ivey, Brandon Ivey, Dejonea Jackson, Brianna Jenkins, Andrew Johnson, Michelle, Johnson, Robby Judy, Jade Keane, Nolan Kelleher, Samantha Kramer, Garrett Lacy, Jessica Lawson, Danielle, Likibi, Jacob Logan, Alexus Mazyck, Keion Mazyck, Sawyer McCarron, Jay Meyer, Jennifer Meyer, Matthew Morrow, Joshua Murray, Ashton Narcisse, Sarah Norman, Taylor Ogorek, Codey Ouellette, Lucus Piccone, Tim Pitts, Gizelle Powell, Rachel Reed, Maurice Richardson, Taggart Robinson, Kai Rohner, Charles Rouse, Robert Rutherford, Brandon Scherling, Sean Shanahan, Krystina Simmons, Peter Spearman, Amelia Stemke, Morgan Stephenson, Sh’Quavia Swinton McBride, Jenifer Taylor, Richard Toliver, Bryan Turner, Britney Vallez, Hilary Washington, Grace Watts, Stephen Wilson, Kiara Wright.

The following students have been selected as Wando Golden Warriors: Nancy Ayala, Kendall Bair, Carson Baker, James Baltimore, Tywanna Boston, Matthew Bowers, Meagan Brandi, Ra Shaun Brown, Samantha Brown, Patrick Bryant, Olivia Coakley, Georgia Compton, Rachel Confer, Shelby Craig, Molly Dalva, Sydney Dean, Matt Dillon, Kathryn Dodds, Delaney Doyle, Schannon Doyle, Brandon Eakins, Grace Edwards, Anthony Elliott, Everett Engstrom, Dillon Faust, Shaquille Felder, Erik Ferraro, Evan Foy, Lewis French, Tyler Frey, David Gaillard, Aaron Ganaway, Megan Garner, Amanda Garsys, Christopher German, Lauren Gilbert, Brittany Gillette, Trashun Goodwine, Ellis Gourdin, Donnell Graham, Leigh Ann Gwinn, Zachary Hadley, Rachel Ham, Manuel Hernandez, Tessa HolWando Golden Warlandsworth, Luci Hutchins, riors Savannah Hutchinson, Each month every adminis-

ented high school seniors who have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 8,400 Merit Scholarship awards, worth more than $36 million, that will be offered next spring. To be considered for a Merit Scholarship award, semifinalists must fulfill several requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition. About 90 percent of the semifinalists are expected to attain finalist standing, and approximately half of the Finalists will win a National Merit Scholarship, earning the Merit Scholar title.

Tornado tutorial

trator, faculty, or staff member has the opportunity to nominate a Golden Warrior at Wando High School. The student’s administrator meets with the student and presents him or her with the Golden Warrior decal (placed on the student’s ID card) as well as Warrior Bucks for use at the school store. A call is made to the student’s parent and a letter from Principal Lucy Beckham is sent home. A few students are nominated for more than one month; these students will join Principal Beckham for a special lunch at the end of the semester.


W – Displaying Warrior Pride A – Achieving Excellence (Attitude, Academic Progress) R – Showing Respect R – Acting Responsibly I – Using his/her “Inside Voice” O – Offering Service R – Ready to Learn (Prompt, Reliable etc.)

Storm Team 2 Chief Meteorologist Rob Fowler picked a beautiful sunny day to breeze into Cario Middle School and teach the sixth grade science students about hurricanes, flash floods and tornadoes. Students were able to see an actual weather balloon and measure wind speed by blowing into an anemometer. The science teachers planned the special event as part of their standards-based weather unit and to connect the classroom to real-life situations. Students learned about the tools meteorologists use to study and predict the weather and how to pursue a career in meteorology. Shown above are Harrison Reed, Jaleaya Solomon, meteorologist Rob Fowler, Tyler Klein and Kellie Martin.

Coastal Christian Prep awarded for excellence in the arts Coastal Christian Preparatory School (CCPS) received the Excellence in the Arts award from the South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA) for the 2009-2010 school year. Larry Watt, SCISA Executive Director, presented the award recognizing CCPS for its outstanding participation in, and promotion of, the visual and performing arts. In addition to providing art, music, and dramatic course

offerings for all grade levels (pre-kindergarten through high school), CCPS actively participates in state-wide SCISA sponsored competitions throughout the school year. Musical events include the Spring Music Festival, an adjudicated event that hosts approximately 700 students from all regions of the state. Vocal and instrumental categories are offered. The 32member CCPS chorus participated, as well as the Cougar

Elementary Ensemble, vocal soloists, pianists, and a violinist. The Fall Choral Clinic is held annually at the University of South Carolina School of Music in Columbia. Middle and high school music teachers receive sheet music in advance of the competition, and work with their students in preparation for the Choral Clinic. Their performances are perfected under the direction of talented clinicians when they attend the Clinic

in Columbia. While the vocalists are rehearsing, their music teachers are attending a separate clinic designed to sharpen their instructional skills. The event culminates with a musical performance by all the participants. The statewide Winter Literary Meet includes performing arts opportunities for 2nd-12th grade students. The events include Story Telling, Poetry Recitation, Oral Interpretation, Extemporaneous Speaking, Essay, Debate, and One-Act Play.

CCPS participated in several categories last year, and they are already preparing for the 2010-2011 competition. CCPS highlights their visual art students during the SCISA Student Art and Photography Show held during the annual State Teachers’ Meeting in Orangeburg. Hundreds of entries are displayed and judged. The CCPS Art Department was represented by dozens of entries in the 2009-2010

school year. CCPS also participates in several art contests in and around the community including the MUSC Children’s Hospital Happy Halls Art Contest and the Mount Pleasant Waterworks Annual Poster Contest. During a time when many schools are eliminating their Performing and Visual Arts offerings, CCPS is proudly expanding its programs and actively participating in state-wide events.

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Pictured is SCISA Executive Director Larry Watt presenting the award to Coastal Christian Prep’s Lower School Principal, Linda Luther.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ____________________________ ___________________________________ MOULTRIE NEWS.11A

MPW-It’s all about clean water MPW GENERAL MANAGER

Mount Pleasant Waterworks is proud to be celebrating our 75th anniversary.Today, we turn on our faucets and the water runs without a thought of worry, and as we flush the toilets and the water disappears, we have confidence that it will be treated properly and returned to the environment. Here is our story… The Mount Pleasant Water System Plans for establishing a waterworks system for the Town of Mount Pleasant were inaugurated in September 1933, while T.G. McCants was mayor. Mayor McCants died during the planning stages, and Mayor W. L. Erckmann saw the project to completion. James E. Gibson (manager and engineer of the Charleston Water System) prepared plans and cost estimates for a system that would supply 160,000 gallons of water per day. On Nov. 15, 1934, in a special town election, the following question was on the ballot: “Shall the Town of Mount Pleasant, Charleston County, South Carolina, construct and operate a system of water works, and issue self-liquidating bonds of the Town of Mount Pleasant, to the amount of fifty-seven thousand ($57,000.00) dollars?” Following the favorable vote by the citizens of Mount Pleasant (102 ballots in favor and no ballots against), an application was made to the State Public Works Administration (PWA) Board. The federal government (PWA) agreed to underwrite the $75,000 cost to construct a plant through a grant of $18,000 and by issuing $57,000 in bonds (bearing four percent interest). In October 1935, the Commission began formal operation of a water distribution system from three wells (with a combined capacity of 160,000 gallons per day) with automatic electric pumps, one 100,000 gallon elevated storage tank and one 300,000 gallon steel storage

tank which also served as an emergency supply for fire fighting. The distribution system consisted of 5.8 miles of two, six and eight-inch mains, and 21 fire hydrants. At the end of 1935, a total of 179 water meters had been installed to serve the Town’s population. MPW continued to provide adequate water service by extending water lines as the area grew. In 1990, the commission acquired Bulls Bay Rural Community Water District. Following that, MPW was the state’s first utility to use hightech Reverse Osmosis treatment. In 1996, MPW was the first utility in South Carolina to place an aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) well into operation. MPW started receiving supplemental treated surface water from Charleston CPW in 1997. Wastewater System The public wastewater system began operating in 1942 with an untreated discharge to Charleston Harbor. Expansion took place as the town grew. In the early 1960’s, the Commission contracted an engineering firm to design a wastewater collection system expansion under the PL 660 Federal program. In 1969, construction began on the first primary treatment facility capable of processing 1.4 million gallons per day (MGD). The facility and collection system were completed and operations started in June of 1970. This facility was a contact stabilization secondary treatment plant, and the first form of wastewater treatment in Mount Pleasant. In 1976 under the Public Law EPA Federal Grants Program, the facility was expanded from 1.4 mgd to 3.7 mgd with the addition of flow equalization and converting to conventional activated sludge treatment process. At the same time, four small package plants were taken out of service and flow from these plants was diverted to the expanded Center Street Wastewater Treatment Plant. In 1984 it was determined this facility was not to be expanded beyond its present capacity. Therefore, the

master plan was developed at the request of the Commissioners to determine how wastewater treatment would be provided beyond the Center Street Plant service area. The Commission purchased 90 acres of land on which future facilities would be built. In 1986, the Commission saw growth starting to take place outside the existing town limits and beyond the sewer service area. In order to stop the proliferation of sewer package treatment plants and to protect the environment, the Commission requested and received from the State of South Carolina the service area expanding from the Wando River to Sewee Road. An outfall line was constructed in 1989, which has a capacity of 17 mgd. All MPW’s treated wastewater is discharged through the outfall line 4,700 feet into Charleston Harbor in the Rebellion Reach Channel for maximum dilution. A second wastewater treatment plant at Rifle Range Road began operations in May 1994, adding 2.4 mgd treatment capacity to the Commission’s system. This plant also made eliminated the remaining discharges in the Mount Pleasant service area and serve 1,000 residents previously on septic tanks. The plant’s aeration system achieves a higher level of treatment than required by the Clean Water Act and the Department of Health and Environmental Control’s discharge permit. A water reuse system was incorporated to minimize the need for potable water in plant operations. The Rifle Range Road Wastewater Treatment Plant is equipped with the first East Cooper septic receiving station, which will process waste from septic tank trucks, portable toilets and travel trailers. All features promote a safer, cleaner water environment. I hope you have enjoyed these highlights from our first 75 years. We look forward to many years of community service to come.

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EDITORIALS Wind in his sails Brad Van Liew has had a long haul since he launched the Team Lazarus effort in October 2009. He has now set off alone in the VELUX 5 OCEANS race, and he leads the race. A lot has happened to Van Liew in just 12 months. He found an appropriate race boat, assembled a stellar shore-based team, refitted the new boat to make her race ready, and sailed back across the Atlantic to France for the start of the Velux 5 Oceans solo race around the world. As he sat in La Rochelle, France, about to begin an epic solo race around the globe, he wrote in his blog, “the only reason I am here is because of the team that surrounds me, which includes friends, family, sailors, armchair sailors, adventure enthusiasts, patriots, the marine industry, Charleston’s robust support network, and many others.” Without a main sponsor for his endeavor, the need for funding will remain at the forefront during this entire race. Van Liew said there are both individuals and companies willing to get creative. Noel Sterrett offered to support the campaign not through a cash contribution, but with 100,000 air miles. Airfares are a large portion of the budget, with the need to transport the shore team and family to multiple international locations. Without a pit crew the boat won’t be ready to race, and Van Liew said that without his family the race just wouldn’t happen. Are you sitting on miles that will expire, or have more than you could ever use? This is a creative way to support the team. Plus, they will reward you with team gear. Email mvanliew@ if you would like to participate.

Letters to the Editor Livid Church groups who benefit the most from the town’s tents pay no property tax or any tax on anything that I know of. This town’s perks have gone on for years. Tax payers in Mount Pleasant are tired of paying for 40 people to go to Kansas for All-American City status, $100,000 for a Come on Over slogan, Blessing of the Fleet and most recently a one percent sales tax for our schools. Can you imagine what we don’t know? Councilman Nick Collins says when things get better, it’s back to business as usual. This is the problem with our elected officials. They dance when they have to; then it’s back to stroking their voting base. Mac Burdette’s policies were OK and my kids grew up with his, but this wasteful spending when times are good is the very reason we never have anything in the bank when we need it. Let’s tax church property. Oh, no we can’t do that. Let’s reduce owners’ property taxes. Oh no, we can’t do that. Let’s not have parking meters in the town at all. Can’t do that. Let some of these people blessing the fleet pay some of Alhambra Hall’s rental. Can’t do that. Let’s start charging people to walk their dogs on the beach. Can’t do that. When is enough, enough? Never. I think Eric DeMoura is a breath of fresh air, and finally we have someone who is not going to rubber stamp every parasite that comes down Hwy. 17.

Marshall Drake Mount Pleasant

Half cent sales tax


he Charleston County School Board passed a resolution promising parents of children displaced from Seismically deficient schools that their kids would be back in renovated or new schools by 2013. To do this the board must either pass a property tax for up to eight years or implement a half penny sales tax for up to six years. This question will be posed to Charleston County voters on Nov. 2. The best way to accomplish this is to implement a sales tax that will be passed farther across the board than a property tax. In fact more than a quarter of it will be picked up by tourists visiting the Lowcountry. No one wants a tax increase of any kind, but with a sales tax East Cooper will continue to win out. We already have three beautiful new schools. The sales tax will exceed the money needed to rebuild the seismically deficient schools and the rest of that money will be put towards Laing and Jennie Moore, as well as the new Wando Middle College at Carolina Park. With a property tax hike, the board could raise the $150 million it needs to rebuild or repair Buist Academy, Charleston Progressive Academy, James Simons Elementary, Memminger Elementary, the former Rivers Middle building and Sullivan’s Island Elementary at their current sites. Nearly $50 million would come from leftover money from the district’s ongoing building program, and the remaining funds would come from the tax increase. This financing option would use nearly all of the district’s available debt capacity, and it would temporarily limit its ability to address unexpected building needs. East Cooper is facing a constant increase of people moving to the area, simply because our schools are incredible. To keep up with demand and be proactive towards overcrowding, we have to get these new schools built. Choose the half cent sales tax. Your kids will thank you for it. We can’t continue to leave this mess for the next generation to fix. The school board is allowed to invoke its right to pass a property tax. But just think about how hard that will effect the already struggling property owners in this town. No one wants a tax increase, but it’s the lesser of two painful options.

Will America wake up in time? Americans face critical issues today, issues that will determine what kind of America and what kind of world our children and grandchildren will inherit from us. From the exploding debt and deficit to the state of our economy, to the loss of jobs, to the prospect of a nuclear Iran, to failed immigration policies, to the failing educational system, to the missing energy policy, the stakes have never been higher. American voters have the privilege and obligation to be active participants in our democratic process, and they should be knowledgeable participants as well. Voters must become committed to educating themselves about these issues and encourage the community to question the status quo. Many voters now claim they are apolitical; a position that soon may not be an option if you truly care what the future holds for your children and grandchildren. Our once proud nation has amassed a 14 trillion dollar deficit. Our nation’s unfunded liabilities are now estimated to range from 60 trillion to well over 100 trillion dollars. That is equal to or exceeds all the wealth in America. This is due to the promises we have made to millions of people to fund their Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, government retirees’ pensions and lifetime health care, etc. These promises are backed by nothing more than false promises from a government that is absolutely broke. Even scarier is the fact that the unfunded promises are not restricted to the federal government. Many of our states would be technically bankrupt

EAST COOPER’S Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1964 Published by Island Publications, Inc. Vickey Boyd, Publisher Sully Witte, Editor

What’s On Your Mind? Editor, Moultrie News Mailing address: 134 Columbus St., Charleston, SC 29403 Fax: 958-7490 The Moultrie News welcomes letters to the editor, which must contain the writer’s name, full address and a daytime telephone number. Letters may be hand-delivered, mailed, e-mailed or faxed to the attention of the editor. The writer’s name and town are published with all letters. Anonymous letters will not be published. Telephone numbers are for verification only. Submission of letters does not guarantee publication. Letters are subject to editing for length, clarity, libel and good taste.

The opinions expressed by columnists, cartoonists and those who write letters to the editor are not necessarily the opinions of the Moultrie News.




MOULTRIE NEWS, Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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if they were to be forced to apply the same accounting rules that businesses must adhere to. South Carolina is one of them! All one has to do is look back a few years ago to see what happened when the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) implemented a new rule that forced companies to recognize these liabilities. They were forced to display them on their balance sheets instead of hiding them in the financial footnotes. This brought to the forefront the fact that many of the old line companies in steel, automotive, airlines and manufacturing were in fact broke. We have witnessed the newspaper reports as one after the other has filed for bankruptcyall brought on, to a large degree, by an inability to fund the huge legacy costs incurred as they made promises they would surely be unable to keep. The current administration has now adopted a wealth redistribution plan to tax the producers and job creators more in an attempt to solve the deficit problem. Taxing the rich has never worked and will fail again. I explain basic economics to my liberal friends this way: Suppose you support and vote for liberals that promote policies that raise the taxes and costs for your boss to operate his/her business. In an effort to keep the business solvent your boss must lay off several workers. You are one of them, so now you have just learned Economics 101. We only have a short time to replace the big government politicians in both parties with principled limited-government conservatives. We must show up at the polls in large numbers Nov. 2 to vote him and his like minded liberal friends out of office. The citizens must become educated and informed voters to examine the issues thoughtfully, and to make informed decisions. Please study what the candidates stand for, attend some political meetings, volunteer to help a candidate and visit local campaign headquarters for more information. Then come out as a proud American Nov. 2 to exercise your God-given constitutional right to vote.

E. Mac McBride, CPA; CFP Daniel Island

Recession Mount Pleasant declares the recession is over. Must be true, with a headline like this: “Mount Pleasant Town Council OKs plan to share $20 million deal with county parks”. Seems like not too long ago when they where not hiring and replacing employees due to the economy - guess everything is back to normal.

Russell Read Mount Pleasant

Political signs Trying to be totally objective in this highly inflammable pre-election atmosphere is not easy for anyone with a political compass. However, I feel it important to write about candidates. This has to do with decorum, civil duty, setting an example and just plain old-fashioned citizenship. Twice in the past two months I have written a certain candidate, asking him

to remove his last remaining political sign (a relic of the Primaries months ago). It is now being appropriately engulfed with weeds on Route 41 North. The result of my requests has been no response from our aspiring candidate, and no sign removal, like all the other candidates. Do I detect a somewhat selective and distorted ‘family value’ here? Here we have a person running office in our state, the ultimate ‘legal guru’, who should portray the model of good citizenship and conduct. It appears, however, that he has not understood a basic civic value like ‘clean up after your mess!’

David J. Waldron Mount Pleasant

Gasoline/Ethanol Blend Go ahead gasoline consumers - trust your government, who wants to have your gasoline contain as much as 15 percent ethanol because it meets cockeyed EPA/Obama administration criteria for homegrown fuels and clean air. Do any of you appreciate the fact that this ethanol blend not only expends more energy in its eventual manufacture but it also lessens your overall mileage per gallon by 10-20 percent depending on your gasolineonly mpg, thus using more fuel. The bottom line is that you end up paying more money per mile for your fuel, and manufacturers of this fairy dust use more energy to produce this so-called “homegrown” fuel. While you are believing in the tooth fairy, let me remind you that there is a great deal of evidence that ethanol is not the solution for automobile systems and emission control/exhaust systems and certainly destroys small engine equipment.

Seymour Rosenthal Mount Pleasant

Thank you I would like to recognize the good work of two people from the Six Mile Fire Station. On Monday Oct. 11, I happened to see a belted kingfisher attempting to free itself from fishing line caught in a tree on National Drive in Charleston National. Animal control had left for the day, so a truck from the Six Mile station was dispatched. With ease and professionalism Jon-Ann positioned Chad perfectly to cut the bird from the line. After Chad removed the hook from the kingfisher’s skin and placed the bird on the ground, it took off across the lagoon and soared over the tall trees to freedom. The bird had tried for close to an hour to get free from the line so I feared it might not be able to fly well enough to survive. Thank you Chad and Jon-Ann. Caution to all people who fish: Please be responsible with your fishing line and hooks. It appeared that the bird might have the line caught around its neck or wing, but it had actually somehow gotten the hook under its skin. This situation had a great ending, but it could have been resulted in the death of an beautiful bird.

Penelope Gorby Mount Pleasant

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ____________________________ ___________________________________MOULTRIE NEWS.13A

Jaiden: Home gives teen moms a second chance Continued from page 1A rently pursuing a Doctoral in Education from Liberty University. She also has the challenging job of being a principal at Chesterbrook Academy, where she has been for the past three years. Through her experience and volunteer work with Florence Crittendon, where she is on the board of directors, Baugh-Smith became concerned about where mothers were going after they had had their babies and were discharged. The question kept her awake in the middle of the night, and the idea of Jaiden’s Place was born. “It made sense to develop a program to give moms a second chance,” she said. Coming from a family of

teen moms, Baugh-Smith wants to use herself and her family as an example to break the teenage pregnancy cycle. With her experience working in homeless shelters and group homes and with foster children, forming Jaiden’s Place seemed like a necessary fit for Baugh-Smith. And although her family’s very first home in North Charleston was being rented out, she realized the home had a bigger purpose. Baugh-Smith established the organization’s 501 C-3 status in August. The transitional home provides housing for three women with infants, 6 weeks old or younger, for up to nine months. In addition, Jaiden’s Place, conveniently named after her daughter, Jaiden Zanijah

Lavern Smith, provides new moms with the support and tools they need to survive in life. Jaiden’s Place focuses on independent living, life skills training and personal growth. “While the moms are there, they can take classes in GED testing preparation, parenting, nutrition, budgeting and finance,” explained BaughSmith. She also said that they plan on introducing a “Go Green Baby” incentive to inspire moms to have healthy babies and eating habits. With this initiative, the moms will be able to learn to garden (a stress-relieving bonus) and make homemade foods for their baby. The mother is intended to feel a sense of empowerment and accomplishment that she has

grown the fruit or vegetable and can now give it to her baby. Baugh-Smith mentioned that if community members would like to offer classes to the women, such as women empowerment groups or knitting, she would be very thankful. Also a plus is the house’s location right on a bus line in a comfortable environment for the women. Baugh-Smith explained that she wants to be a feeder with Florence Crittendon because of her close relationship with the organization, and hopes that Florence Crittendon will refer their students to Jaiden’s Place after the women deliver. Jaiden’s Place is scheduled to open on Jan. 5, 2011, the date of her daughter’s sev-

enth birthday. Baugh-Smith said that she wants to do a thorough intake process for the women. But the help will not end after the women have left Jaiden’s Place. Baugh-Smith has been partnering up with lowerincome housing to get the women into some of the affordable housing. In addition, she wants the women to have help with dressing for success to go on interviews, as well as help with their resumes. “I want them to reach their goals,” she said. Since the establishment of Jaiden’s Place, Baugh-Smith has received calls from people saying that they do not have any place to go and they are expecting or already have a 3-week-old, for example.

“It is showing that the community needs us. It has been exciting and heartbreaking at the same time,” she said. A concert to benefit Jaiden’s Place will take place Thursday, Oct. 21 from 5:309 p.m. at the art gallery, Aster Hall, 481 King St. downtown. Tickets are $10 and include food and drinks. The concert will be featuring The Healing and DJ Rhinestone. “I am passionate about giving new mothers the opportunity to move from circumstance to second chance,” said Baugh-Smith. Visit www.jaidensplace. com for more information. (Helen R. Hammond can be reached at Visit our Website at www.moultrienews. com.)

Paddle with the dolphins and Kayak for the Kure Hunger: Students see need, make plan to help Continued from page 1A Buist Academy and Trident Academy. In addition, the students have asked local businesses to ask their customers to contribute to the food drive. Katy McLendon said, “I am excited to see the outcome.” Donation boxes will be set up until the end of the month when students will come and collect the goods. On November 1, the students will deliver the goods to the Lowcountry Food Bank. To donate or get more information, contact Katy McLendon at k_mclendon@ or James Shockley at aracratz1@

Culinary Arts Program Chef Julian Buckner explained that the Culinary

Arts Program is part of the ProStart program put together by the National Restaurant Association. The students must be accepted into the two-year program. If the students pass both of the exit exams and work 400 hours in the food service industry, they will get a scholarship. Local options for scholarships include places like The Art Institute of Charleston and Trident Tech or University of South Carolina and Johnson and Wales University in Charlotte. The Culinary Arts program has been at Wando since the new school opened in 2004. The school was a state champion in 2007 and 2008 and placed third nationally in 2008.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating, inflammatory disease of the Central Nervous System (CNS), i.e. the brain and spinal cord. MS disrupts the way messages are sent through the nervous system; the symptoms of MS can be serious and life-altering. Kathie Livingston and Jed Elmaleh are the event’s creators. Jed was diagnosed with MS in 2000 and deals with its debilitating effects on a daily basis and Kathie has had to deal with MS within her own family. The Kayak For The Kure For MS fundraiser is a very personal undertaking for them both. This fourth annual kayak-

(Helen Hammond can be reached at Visit www.


•Registration: Starting at 9:30 a.m. •Launch: Starting at 10am, with groups leaving every 30 minutes. (You will be notified in advance when to arrive to be assigned to a group). •Duration / Distance: Approx. 2.5 hours / Esti. 3 miles •Lunch: BYO. We will stop for lunch at the halfway point on Crab Bank Island. •Donations - Individuals: Minimum $40 donation per paddler, feel free to donate more if you’re able! •Teams: Form a team and Details: get sponsors to support your •Saturday, Oct. 23 (Rain efforts! (min. $40 per seat). Date: Sunday, Oct. 24) •Sponsors: Companies can ing fundraiser tour will encompass the beautiful Shem Creek Village in Mount Pleasant, as well as Crab Bank Island, a bird sanctuary located in the scenic Charleston Harbor. We will launch from Nature Adventures Outfitters onsite location adjacent to Mt. Pleasant Seafood (See Directions below). We can anticipate seeing dolphin, pelicans, possibly manatees and hundreds of eastern shorebirds. Let’s paddle together for a worthy cause.

contribute to the cause and have a presence at the event as well as getting their logo on the event t-shirts. Call for details. •If a team raises $500 or more, Nature Adventures will award each team member with a coupon for a free kayak rental, redeemable indefinitely! •100 percent of the proceeds will be distributed to the MS organizations specified herein. For More Information, To Reserve Your Kayak(S), Or To Donate, Contact Kathie Livingston: Nature Adventures Outfitters at 568-3222 or

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Beauty is in the eye of the bill holder. The dental office of Dahlkemper & Thurman, DMD will be holding its 3rd Annual Halloween Candy Buy Back in support of the U.S. military troops overseas. The dental office has teamed up with Operation Gratitude to “lift moral and put smiles on faces by sending care packages addressed to individual Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines.” In the previous two years we have collected and sent over 180 lbs. of sweets, cds, books and other goods. Children that bring their Halloween candy in will receive monetary reimbursement ($1 per pound), toothbrushes, sugar-free snacks, tips on oral health and other goodies. Children that donate their candy will also have a chance to win an electric toothbrush. We invite you to come out and join our office on November 1st from 47pm with your kids and donations. The office is located at 1203 Two Island Court, Mt. Pleasant, across from the D.M.V. and just off the IOP Connector.








BLACK 012908

14A.MOULTRIE NEWS ___________________________________ ____________________________ Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Momma’s packin’ it up Shaggin on the point


Mary Alice Knight, also known as Momma Brown, will close the doors to her 15year-old restaurant Oct. 31.


The fire in the famed hog pits at Momma Brown’s BBQ Restaurant will smolder out at the end of this month when Mary Alice (Brown) Knight closes the doors on her 15-year-old restaurant. Her lease has expired and was not renewed after renting month to month over the last year. Located in an old gas station building at 1471 Ben Sawyer Blvd., the old restaurant boasts a secret family BBQ recipe and a secret way of cooking hogs. Mary Alice, who grew up in Kingstree, hails from a family of BBQ specialists. Her brother, Thomas Brown, operates Brown’s Bar-B-Que. Almost 15 years ago Mary Alice and her husband Billy Knight (who at the time was the owner of the Carolina Clipper in Shem Creek) had a daughter, and she wanted a job where she could be with her more often. Her time as a loan originator kept her at the office more than she would have liked. So, Mary Alice and Billy set out to bring good old-fashioned cooking to Mount Pleasant and her family’s famous Kingstree BBQ. The old gas station at the corner of Ben Sawyer Blvd. and Simmons Street was sitting empty. Since they lived close by and would need to watch the hog pits during the wee hours of every morning, they set down their roots and opened as Momma Brown’s BBQ. A lot of work went into the empty shell of a building, and they struck a deal with the Simmons family to rent the place. Mary Alice often took orders at the restaurant’s drive-through window with a baby on her hip and rang up customers with another little one lingering at her feet. But running a restaurant and raising children turned out to be much more flexible than sitting behind a desk until 6 p.m. at night. “My kids were raised in this restaurant and in the morning, before heading to school we’d check on the hog pits and the kids would snatch up some BBQ. They thought it was completely normal to eat a pig for breakfast,” said Mary Alice. Momma Brown’s specializes in the vinegar, pepperbased pork barbecue that is predominant in eastern North Carolina and South Carolina’s Pee Dee region. It has proven to be popular east of the Cooper, and Mary Alice plans to relocate just as soon as she can find an appropriate place. In the meantime, the catering end of her business will remain in operation. The name “Momma Brown’s” originated after a family member said, “Let’s go to Momma Brown’s in Kingstree to eat barbecue.” And “Momma’s kitchen always had Southern specialities on the buffet like cole slaw, candied sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese, black-eyed peas, fried chicken, chicken and sausage pilau, hush puppies, rolls, banana pudding, sweet iced tea


and lemonade. And all those things were almost as good as her BBQ, which football fans buy by the pound to take to tailgates, and locals host parties catered by the company. Oren Herring, who was recently at the restaurant conducting an inspection, said there were no future plans for the building. Mary Alice said she had hoped the trustees of the Herring Trust would work with her to reach an agree-

ment on the lease, because in the past everything has been done around the kitchen table, the old fashioned way. Nonetheless, she said, she’s not going far. She plans to stay on the Coleman Blvd. side of town. To reach Momma Brown’s Catering, call 849-8802.

hour event in Mount Pleasant, and takes place at the Lookout Pavilion. For more information about the show, visit Tickets are available at the door. The event will be held rain or shine. Please call the Charleston Harbor Resort and Marina for more information at (843)856-0028.

(Sully Witte can be reached by emailing Visit the web site at www.moultrienews. com)







This cash register and counter are a familiar sight to regulars who came in for lunch and dinner at Momma Brown’s for good old-fashioned BBQ and fried chicken.



BBQ restaurant to close after 15 years

The group is known by many names--The Original Tams, The Joe Pope Tams, The Mighty Tams, but whatever you call them, they will have you on your feet shagging to some of the greatest songs ever written. Best of all, they’ll be in

Mount Pleasant Friday night, Oct. 22 at The Charleston Harbor Resort & Marina. Shaggin On the Point begins at 6 p.m. and tickets are only $10. The Tams are being brought to you by event and concert coordinator Rob Lamble of Ear For Music. Shaggin’ on the Point has become a popular happy




BLACK 012908

October 20, 2010

Section B

East Cooper’s Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1964

Pink Extensions, $10 each, All proceeds donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.


T: 849.1778 | F: 958.7496 | Email:

Decked out in pink The 17th annual lowcountry Komen Race for the Cure brought thousands to Daniel Island to join in on the fight to end breast cancer and fund breast cancer research. Misty Doonis is shown with her festive bulldog, Oscar. (Oscar was willing to wear a pink tutu this one time to support the cause.)


Christa Espinoza, Carol Gaddy, Nicki Lockhart, Melissa Lear, Natasha Perez and Alicia Cox (shown front) get ready for the race.

Volunteers Merridee Hatton, Gracyn Chamblin and Elizabeth Ricciardone give out coffee and donuts to participants.

Pennie Moody of Hanahan and Cinder Walters of James Island support Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

Ruby Hargrove and Michelle Hargrove share a hug before the race. See more photos at Click on Local Clicks.

Tommy and Stephanie White of Hollywood wear their festive pink tutus.

You can thank Harriet McLeod for no hurricanes There’s magic in aromas of caramel and chocolate wafting across windswept oceans BY SULLY WITTE EDITOR@MOULTRIENEWS.COM

Harriet McLeod has been baking (Go Away) Hurricane Cookies furiously this hurricane season. She does it because she believes in them, and because they’re good. The cookies have their provenance on Dewees Island. McLeod started baking them for the Aggie Gray ferry boat captains in 1996 while helping to button up the McLeod house on Dewees

Island as hurricane warnings were issued and evacuations threatened. Her brother John built a house on Dewees in 1995 and McLeod started baking the cookies when she moved back to Charleston in 1996 to work at the Post and Courier. “That summer of 1996, we had a bunch of storms come by,” she said. “And they kept coming in. My brother was not living in his house on Dewees full time and the family helped him out by going out to the island to do the hurricane preparations.” Hurricane preparations are very tedious, even more so on an island that is only accessible by boat. Evacuating is a little bit more involved on a barrier island because the food

must be removed from the fridge and the pipes must be drained and the water turned off--all in addition to putting up storm shutters and tying down all the boats and beach chairs, “the assumption being that the water would roll right over the island in a storm,” said McLeod. “So to relieve the tension, I started making these cookies and I gave them to the captains of the ferry boats. Every time I made them, the storm didn’t hit us,” she explained. “We would be under a warning or a watch and it wouldn’t come here and would go on up to North Carolina.” The recipe has this pinch of secret ingredient as a little “go away, go away” to

See Cookies, page 9B


Pictured is Harriet McLeod baking cookies on Dewees Island this past Labor Day. Also pictured are Reggie Fairchild, a homeowner on Dewees, sneaking a sample, and his wife, Judy, in the background picking up a package of cookies to buy.


Connor, Mark, and Colin Reinhardt take a break to read the Moultrie News while exploring Ankor Wat, part of their trip through Southeast Asia.

Pictured are Mount Pleasant residents, Kathryn Gallagher and Tolly Long, enjoying the Moultrie News and the view from their balcony in Valparaiso, Chile.

Holiday Gift Guide This tabloid section provides you an opportunity to feature gift ideas for the holiday season. Readers will get a fresh perspective on how to jazz up their fireplace where those traditional stockings hang each year. There will also be new ideas on tree toppers, Christmas Tree options, holiday recipes and of course gift ideas for the whole family.

Serving Mt. Pleasant, Isle of Palms, Sullivan’s Island and Daniel Island




BLACK 012908

Deadlines: October 25 Publishes: November 10 Special Page: Churches and Faith - Limited to 10 per page $80 each Contact your Multi-Media Consultant today! Rhonda 958-7488 Lisa 958-7489

Maggie 958-7486 Coles 958-7485


Charles and Linda Warren of Awendaw are in the English Market in Cork, Ireland, where they enjoyed the vast array of marketable meats, vegetables and prepared foods. It was similar to the Farmer’s Market in Mount Pleasant, except it was inside a very large old building.

2B.MOULTRIE NEWS ___________________________________ ____________________________ Wednesday, October 20, 2010

COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS Fax information to 958-7490, mail to the Moultrie News, 134 Columbus St.,Charleston, SC 29403 or e-mail to Information must be received by 5 p.m. Fridays and will be published on a space-available basis only. You can also post your event on our Web calendar at

Friends of CATR What: A benefit wine tasting with wine provided by Ben Arnold Beverage. When: Thursday, Oct. 21 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Where: Bambu, 604 Coleman Blvd., Mount Pleasant Details: $5 minimum donation per person

Book signing What: Book signing and discussion When: Nov. 4 at 7 p.m. Where: Barnes & Noble at the Towne Center Details: Signe will be here signing copies of her memoir, Faery Tale, which she says is a “ stirring true life journey that took me from the concrete jungle of Manhattan to the highlands of Scotland, the hills of England and the seas of Ireland on a search to believe in the magical beings we call faeries”.

VFW steak dinner

Details: The Charleston Music Club will present a free recital by piano students from The College of Charleston studio of Enrique Graf. The program will be followed by refreshments. Call 795-7842 for additional information.

Diabetes screenings What: Dr. Andrew Saffer, DPM, will offer FREE foot screenings for people with diabetes and for others with hammertoes, bunions or additional foot issues. When: Wednesday, Nov. 10 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Where: The first floor classroom at East Cooper Medical Center in Mount Pleasant. Details: According to the American Diabetes Association, there are more than 23 million adults and children in the U.S. with diabetes. November is American Diabetes Month and Foot Health Issues Related to Diabetes Awareness Month, and to help raise awareness, East Cooper Medical Center is offering a free screening. Contact: To reserve your spot, call (843)884-7031.

What: VFW Post 10624 is hosting a steak dinner Where: 1411 Stuart Engals Blvd. in Mount Pleasant When: Friday, Oct. 22 from 6-8 p.m. Details: The cost is $10 Business Network per person with the proceeds What: The Lowcountry going for our troops and their families. The public is wel- Business Network presents “THE ONE,” (THE Outracome. geous Networking Event). When: Nov. 4, 6:30 p.m. Piano concert Where: Vendue Inn RoofWhat: The community is top invited to a free piano conDetails: There will be hors cert. d’oeuvres, music and prizes. When: Monday, Oct. 25 at TLCBN Website Members7:30 p.m. free; Non-Members-$5 at Where: Chapel at Franke the door. at Seaside, 1885 Rifle Range Contact: Register today Rd. at http://www.thelowcoun- 612 Johnnie cbn-event. Dodds Blvd., Mount Pleasant. East Cooper Coffee Club Details: Attire is casual; What: Welcome one and authors include Kevin Kurtz, all. The East Cooper Coffee Frank Hawk, Donna RathGroup cordially invites you, mell German, and Barbara your spouse and your friends Bergwerf (Nature Photogto join us for our monthly rapher). There will be wine, meeting. soda and light snacks, and When: Wednesday, Oct. door prizes including art 27 at 10 a.m. prints and classroom sets. Where: In the Rodenberg Chapel Daniel Island Fall Market Details: This month’s proWhat: The third Daniel gram speaker is Ms. Mary Island Fall Market, which Schiavo, former F.A.A. In- raises money for the Daniel spector General and now an Island School Cabana Café attorney at the firm of Mot- Reading Program. ley-Rice. She will provide When: Friday, Nov. 12 some insights to the avia- from 6 p.m.–9 p.m. and Sattion industry and air travel. urday, Nov. 13 from 9 a.m. Please bring your favorite until 1 p.m. (rain or shine) coffee mug and enjoy the Where: The Daniel Island meeting. Coffee and cake are School multipurpose room generously provided by The Details: Ladies can come Franke Home. enjoy a night of shopping, hors d’oeuvres and non-alcoholic beverages on Friday Fit Over 40 class at our “Black and White” What: Free Fit Over 40 themed evening. Class on Daniel Island Families can join in the fun Where: Daniel Island’s on Saturday. We will also Smythe Park by the dock have entertainment by the When: Tuesday, Oct. 26 Daniel Island School chorus, from 8 a.m.–9 a.m. DI’s Hip Hop Troupe, and Details: This class is de- special guest Storm Team signed specifically for those 2 Chief Meteorologist Rob over 40 who are looking for a Fowler. total body workout. Contact: For more inBuild strength, improve formation contact Jennifer balance and flexibility all Roberts at (842)270-1161 or while boosting your metabo- lism! Beginners are welcome. Contact: tina@theholistic- Jazz and wine or www.theholisWhat: Jonathan Green & Friends “Jazz Bistro.” Please join your friends and neighAuthors afternoon bors at the home of Mike and What: Sylvan Dell Pub- Beth Jeresaty for wine, live lishing is starting a Low- jazz, and a gorgeous sunset. country tradition with a When: Sunday afternoon once-a-year warehouse sale on Nov.7 from 3 to 5 p.m. at its new Mount Pleasant Where: 2001 Purcell location. Sylvan Dell invites Lane, Smythe Park (on the teachers and parents to stop lake) by and browse the deeply disDetails: Featuring world counted hardcover and pa- renowned artist Jonathan perback picture books (new Green and the jazz trio “MKM and gently used), stuffed Music Unlimited,” this wonanimals and posters. Several derful event benefits the arts of Sylvan Dell’s Charleston programs in Berkeley County authors will be present at the Schools. event to sign copies of their Tickets are limited. $30 books. each; $50 per couple. Please When: Wednesday, Nov 3 send a check made to “Hello! from 3:30-6:30 p.m. Daniel Island” to: Sheila Un-

Votava, Mgr. of Gov. and Relations and Grants, will speak on “MUSC Children’s Hospital”. At 11:15 a.m., Adam Coe will speak on “Relic Hunting.” Where: Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church FellowFirst United Methodist ship Hall at 302 Hibben St. in Mount Pleasant Church Details: Public is invited What: 60th Anniversary Celebration of the ground- to attend breaking for the Church Building, with Rev. Sara 5K fun walk/run White preaching. There will What: Making strides to be a covered dish luncheon immediately following the reverse Transverse Myelitis When: Sunday, Nov. 14. service at 10:45 a.m. on SunRegistration begins at 3 p.m., day, Oct. 24. Where: First United Race starts at 5 p.m. Where: Park West Run Methodist Church, 21st Ave. starting at East Shore Athat Palm Blvd., Isle of Palms C o n t a c t : w w w . i o p - letic Club Contact: Please visit or the church office at 886- for registration and donation infor6610. Details: There will be on- mation. ly one service at 10:45 a.m., East Cooper Crafters Guild with special music, and lunch What: 27th annual holiwill be served in the Fellowship Hall–You are invited day show. When: Nov.26 and 27, 9 to join us in celebrating this a.m.-5 p.m. momentous occasion. Where: Omar Shine Convention Center on Patriots Men’s golf tourney Point Blvd, Mount Pleasant. What: Men’s Auxiliary 4th Details: Benefiting East Annual “Lovin’ Life” Yard Cooper Community OutGolf Tournament reach. Donations for nonWhen: Saturday, Oct. 23 perishable foods will be starting at 2 p.m. excepted at the show. Free Where: VFW Post 10624, admission and door prizes. 1411 Stuart Engals Blvd., Contact: Call 813-4141 or Mount Pleasant. 559-1105 for more details. Details: Nine hole, Captain’s Choice golf tournaJunior League of Charlesment played with wiffle balls. ton, Inc. Four-man teams with at least What: Whale of a Sale, one player being a female. Charleston’s Largest Garage Entry fee is $10 per player or Sale $40 per team. When: Nov. 13, 8 a.m. to Entry fee includes hot dogs 1 p.m. and hamburgers served at Where: Gaillard Auditoconclusion of tournament. rium Exhibition Hall Trophies awarded to winning team. Closest to pin and long School Bazaar ball contests also. What: The 59th annual Contact: Entry forms are located at Post or call 881- Christ Our King-Stella Maris School Bazaar. 8343 for details. When: Saturday, Oct. 30 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Shepherd’s Center Where: The school playWhat: The Shepherd’s ground located at 1183 RusCenter of East Cooper will sell Dr. Family fun with food, meet. games and fellowship. For When: Oct. 26.--The first more information please go program is at 10 a.m., Pat to derwood c/o Sun Trust Bank, 162 Seven Farms Dr., Building 200, Daniel Island, SC 29492. Please RSVP to Laurie Meyer - LaurMey@aol. com to reserve your tickets prior to mailing your check!





BLACK 012908

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ____________________________ ___________________________________ MOULTRIE NEWS.3B

Driver admits he is ‘drunk as a skunk’ SULLY WITTE EDITOR@MOULTRIENEWS.COM

Skunky At 4:30 a.m. an officer noticed a car swerving down Hwy. 17 and initiated a traffic stop. The driver jumped the concrete median, stopped on top of it and put on the car flashers. The driver smelled like booze and it was quite obvious he was drunk. He looked at the officer and said, “Thank you for stopping me. I just need your help. I know I made a mistake.” The officer asked the driver to do some field sobriety tests, but he told the officer, “No. I’m as drunk as a skunk.” So the officer handcuffed him and took him to the station for a breath test. He told the officer again, “It’s my fault. I made a mistake.” He said there were girls at his house giving him liquor; that he got tired and just wanted to go home. He said he put “home” into his GPS and the system told him to take a left. He said he knew that was wrong and when he saw the officer he just stopped and put on his flashers. They took him on to jail. While inventorying his car they found two empty cases of beer and a cooler with only five beers left in it.

Party animal An officer patrolling a local apartment complex came across a car that looked like it had been wrecked. There were beer cans all around the car and the driver was in the driver’s seat passed out. The officer knocked on the window and woke the driver up. He said he was coming from a friend’s house and pointed to a nearby apartment. The officer asked him what apartment it was and all he could do was point. The officer asked him if he had been drinking, and he said no. The officer asked him why, if he had not been drinking, was he sleeping

in his car when his friend’s house was so close. He said “I am not stupid. I won’t drive drunk.” The officer then asked him how he would be driving drunk if he had not been drinking. Again he said he had not been drinking. This went on four more times. On the fifth time he admitted to drinking at a friend’s house. Since he was underage, the officer asked him how he got the beer and he said he knew some people and he paid them to buy the beer for him. He was arrested for public drunkenness. He swore up and down that the damage to the car was two years old and the officer called his mom to confirm this. His mother was allowed to come get the car so it wouldn’t be towed, and the kid was taken to jail to continue his nap.

Crazy There are a lot of things that make us lose our minds, including old age. It happened recently to a man who was found on a lady’s porch. She called police because she was worried about him. It turns out he was running from someone chasing him. After she called police, she sat with him on the porch to listen to his story. He said that he needed someone to get him out of South Carolina. He said he was involved in a jury trial case in which he had convicted his wife’s brother-inlaw to life in prison. He said he was trying to leave the state because the family of the person convicted was “out to kill him.” He said he ran all the way from his house to this lady’s porch and had to stop because he could not run anymore. Police were ready to help him but they had to run his name and information to get him back home safely with his loved ones. But it turns out there was a warrant out for this man’s arrest in Hanahan. So instead of going home, the man went to jail in Ha-



Bar fly A regular at a local bar had gotten out of hand one too many times, and the bar staff was getting sick of him. One day he told them he was having a heart attack after sitting at the bar for hours drinking. The bartender did not think for a minute this man was having a heart attack and refused to call 911 for him. This did not make the bar patron happy so he stormed out, got on his bike and rode to the fire station nearby. About a week went by and the man showed up in the bar again. This time he told the bartender he’d been in the hospital. The bartender asked him how he was doing and he dropped his sweatpants to show everyone the hospitalissued scrubs that he still had on underneath his clothes. The bartender told the man he needed to leave and that drawer dropping was not allowed even if he had scrubs on underneath. The man refused to leave, so the bartender called police. He said the man had been a bother and he wanted him placed on trespass notice. The bartender told officers that this customer walks out on his tab often and always causes one disturbance or another. He was not charged with indecent exposure because he never actually showed his privates but he was told to leave by the officer and to never return.

talking to the officer about it but at another house. The officer told him to wait a second while another call came in from dispatch, but then the man started walking away. Then he just went nuts and started screaming that he hates cops. The officer told him not to use that language and to stop where he was. He told the officer he was tired of cops. The officer found out that the man wanted to talk to him somewhere else because he was actually on trespass notice from the yard he was standing in. So, he was going to get another dose of officer and another chance to be tired of them. He was arrested for violating the trespass notice and taken to jail.

he thought that this would be a great opportunity for him to express his undying love for her. So, he started sending her secret love notes and flowers and then planted some bushes in her yard. She thought she had an idea of who this was and sent him a note saying for him to leave her alone. She said she would go to the police if he did not, and even suggested he try and enjoy the wife he was married to. She even called the man old. She sent the letter to this man and she called the police just like she said. There have been no more instances where he has contacted her, but the officer made note of the incident in Sort of Sometimes people come case the next step needed to into town and go door to door be taken. trying to sell magazine subTired of those cops scriptions. Recently a group An officer patrolling the Old was in town and a resident Village came across a man he called police because they had dealt with many times were bothering area resiand stopped to see what he dents. Police caught up with was up to that evening. The a man from the group who man was drunk and it was said he was selling the magaquite obvious, but when the zines to earn points towards officer asked him what he a vacation. was doing he mumbled “I He said he did not have a don’t know what is happen- permit to be selling anything. ing.” However, he told one resiHe hardly made sense, so dent he was raising money the officer asked him how for a baseball tournament. much he had been drink- That man saw the officer ing. He said he had had a outside talking to the salesfew drinks at the Christ- man and went outside to see mas party and that he was what was going on. When he walking home to his house heard this was for magazines around the corner. Then he and he had been lied to, he started talking about having demanded his money back. information about a recent He then headed home and burglary. the officer continued to quesHe was adamant about tion the salesman.

Mother-in-law It is a shame when your son gets a girl pregnant out of wedlock and you don’t even like the girl; it is even worse when the girl doesn’t like you and refuses to name the baby after you. But it happens, just as it did recently when the son’s girlfriend called her future mother-in-law and told her she would not be naming the baby after her because she “was a piece...,” among other things. The mother-in-law called police and let them hear the message and said she wanted the incident documented. She said she had no idea why this young woman would call her and leave such a message. (The Police Blotter is intended to be an informative and/or humorous column written from police reports obtained from the Mount Pleasant Police Department. Many of the stories come from the initial incident reports and, occasionally, supplemental reports. Generally, cases have not been adjudicated at the time of publication. See more columns at www.moultri-

Secret admirer A local woman lost her husband recently and various neighbors knew about it through word of mouth. A neighbor who owns his home down the street as a second home also got wind of it and took advantage of the situation. For some reason, although he is married,

What we couldn’t print... Check out the weekend Police Blotters on our Web site Friday, Saturday and Sunday at WWW.MOULTRIENEWS.COM for the more humorous incidents we couldn’t print. We promise, they’ll have you in stitches!

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The Charleston County area S.C. Project Impact Initiative is offering a minigrant program to Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester County elementary and middle schools. Grants will be given to schools that develop programs using art, music, theatre or hands-on activities to educate students about the types of hazardous events that could impact the lowcountry and ways to minimize losses associated with these types of events. Grant funding is also available for projects that educate students about environmental awareness and protection. The funding may be used for supplies or materials needed for these types of projects. There is a total of $2,000 available for local schools, and the funding will be distributed to selected appli-

About that time someone came to pick him up, and upon further questioning they both told the officer the magazine subscription was “sort of a scam.” They were told to leave the area and get a town permit to sell anything. Back at the station the officer did an internet search on the company and came across all sorts of warnings that this was a scam.



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4B.MOULTRIE NEWS ___________________________________ ____________________________ Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Root pruning will increase your chances of a successful transplant HORTICULTURE HOTLINE Bill Lamson-Scribner

is 12 inches. Since you are moving a tree, sometimes you just have to dig a ball as large as you can without damaging other plants in the area or hardscape features, and you also have to consider physically how big of a ball can you move. Once you determine where the ball is going to be, it is time to root prune. Since most of our plants are shallow rooted, all you need to do is go around the tree with a shovel and push the shovel straight into the ground. Do not pry or try to dig the tree out of the ground, just sever the roots. A drench with Superthrive and Root Accelerator will encourage new roots to grow in this new ‘ball’ area. Spray the leaves and trunk with Transfilm or Wilt Proof to slow down transpiration. An application of SeaHume

will also encourage root growth. Be sure to water since you just severed the roots. After 30 days, the tree will be ready to move. If you have more time, you can continue to root prune and encourage the roots to grow in that new ‘ball’ area. When you are ready to move the plant, dig away from the

The Tree Clinic

level that it was growing before, or a little higher. Do not pile soil on top of the root ball. Drench with Superthrive and Root Accelerator, apply some SeaHume, mulch with flower bed amendment, spray some Transfilm or Wilt Proof, water the leaves and ground, and stake if necessary. Remember

Are your trees safe? Healthy? Beautiful? Call Paul Mulkey for a Free tree inspection. IP04-398972


here is a lot to do in the yard in the fall, while the air is cool. Much of what you do now will affect your success in the yard, come spring time. Before I go another week without mentioning it, I have to say the Sweet Tea Olives smell extra good this year. My office window is flanked by two 15-foot Tea Olives, and they smell great! The Tea Olive always symbolizes fall (football, hunting, fishing, NASCAR chase, volleyball, softball and shrimping) to me, and cooler weather. I do not know whether the Tea Olives smell better or the cooler weather is just extra nice after the hot weather this summer. If you plan to move any trees or shrubs this winter, root pruning now will help you increase your chances of a successful transplant. The rule of thumb for trees is for every inch in diameter at breast height you want to dig a root ball that


Pruning • Treatment • Removals

area that you root pruned, leaving the tree in a moat. Always move the plant by lifting the roots, not the trunk of the tree. Slide the tree onto a tarp or piece of burlap, and move it to its new home. Be sure to plant the transplant at the same

to water throughout the winter. The winds and low humidity during the winter can dry out a newly transplanted tree quickly. Good Luck! Well, I guess I did what I was trying to avoid doing, and I got too in depth about

one topic. Judging from the calls on the radio show this past weekend, many of you are thinking about moving plants this fall. Maybe this article will save a plant or two. Mosquitoes are terrible right now because of the recent rain and the extra high tides. Try treating an area (like your backyard) with Mosquito Beater or Mosquito Repelling Granules. They both work great and you do not have to spray yourself. One of the guys I work with, Matt (General Manager Possum’s West), has a horse farm in Huger where the mosquitoes are the size of hummingbirds. He treats the area around his grill, his daughter’s swing set / play area, his picnic area, his patio, his front porch, and the area where he mixes his horse feed. Matt says he prefers the Mosquito Repelling Granules because the product is easy to spread and is lasting over three weeks (last month at three

weeks we got several inches of rain and he had to reapply). Matt says there is a big difference in the mosquito population where he scatters this organic product and where he does not treat. Always read, understand and follow product labels. The product label is a Federal Law. (Bill Lamson-Scribner can be reached during the week at Possum’s Landscape and Pest Control Supply. Possum’s has three locations 481 Long Point Rd in Mt. Pleasant (9719601), 3325 Business Circle in North Charleston (7602600), or 606 Dupont Rd, in Charleston (766-1511). Bring your questions to a Possum’s location, or visit us at You can also call in your questions to “ The Garden Clinic”, Saturdays from noon to 1:00, on 1250 WTMA (The Big Talker). See more columns online at

Join Wando Band for a free exhibition of “Turn” this Saturday Wando Band will be traveling to regional and state competitions

Several of the pieces are some of the most beloved famous melodies of all time. The music includes the following: Vocalise; Prelude in C sharp minor; Symphonic Dances; Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini; Piano Concerto No. 2. “We are very excited about this year’s show and have been really impressed with how hard our students have worked musically and visually,” Rush said. Wando Marching Band was a finalist in last year’s Bands of America Grand Nationals Championship in Indianapolis. Wando Marching Band has been the South Carolina 5A State Champions the last five years and will defend their title Nov. 6 at Irmo High School, in Columbia. STAFF PHOTO BY VICKEY BOYD For more information, visit Wando High School Marching Band gears up for competition by performing a free exhibition this Saturday <http://www.wandobands. at 8 p.m. The band will be performing its show “TURN.” Photos chronicling the band this year are on the web site in the Photo Galleries. Visit, Photos, Our Galleries. org/> .

On Saturday, Oct. 23 at 8 p.m. at Wando High School Stadium on Mathis Ferry Road, Wando High School Marching Band will perform in exhibition mode its show “TURN”. This is a great opportunity for the community to see the championship band as it gets ready to go to the Bands of America Regional Competition in the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Oct. 30. The Wando Band is also collecting gently used DVD’s, CD’s, video games and books as part of a fundraiser in partnership with Abunda Trade. Scott Rush, Director of Bands, said the music for this year’s production of “TURN”is by the Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff.

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8th grade runner takes competition in stride


A.J. Gawryluk, an eighth-grader at Palmetto Christian Academy in Mount Pleasant, is the number one cross country runner in the state for his age group. Tim Veach, his coach, is a Coast Guard Petty Officer and was just accepted into Officer Candidate School. CHRIS MCCANDLISH NEWS@MOULTRIENEWS.COM

The most promising young running talent in East Cooper, or in the lowcountry for that matter, is not a Wando or Bishop England student. In fact, he is not even in high school yet.

His name is A.J. Gawryluk, and he is in the eighth grade at Palmetto Christian Academy in Mount Pleasant. He is ranked first in the state for eighth graders, including both public and private schools, and last Wednesday he ran a 5K in 17:01 minutes, a time that

ranks him at sixth in the nation for eighth graders. “I have never seen such a great runner at this age,” said Tim Veach, Cross Country coach at Palmetto Christian Academy, who in eight years coaching in Indiana and South Carolina has worked with several runners who

went on to run for NCAA Division I and Division II colleges. Not only is Gawryluk good for his age, but he is also in only his first real season as a runner. He plays soccer for a club on Daniel Island and only decided to try cross country last

year after hearing his brothers talk about it. “I thought it would be fun so I went out to try it,” Gawryluk said. Last year, Veach had to share A.J. with his soccer team. This year, he says, “they have to share him with us.” Gawryluk credits his instant success to his coaches, which include Veach as well as Miranda Stanley, the PCA track coach, and Tami Dennis, his coach at the Mount Pleasant Track Club. Veach, however, credits something else. “Raw natural ability,” he said. “I’ve never seen A.J. go out and have a bad race. He never shows up an hour before the race and says he can’t run.” Last Wednesday, Oct. 13, at the Lexington Invite, Gawryluk ran a new personal record of 17:01. This season he finished as an All-American in the 3000 Meter run at the USTF National Meet in Sacramento, California, only one of 11 track runners at the Mount Pleasant Track Club to achieve the title. Now he aims to become only the third MPTC runner to win the same title for cross country. What is most striking, though, is the rate at which Gawryluk has improved since he began running last year—he has shaved a minute off his 5K time in just three weeks. This rapid improvement has made the eighth grader

a bit of a spectacle at meets, in which he regularly finishes in the top 10 against high schoolers at public schools. “They just know me as the eighth grader,” Gawryluk said. “They don’t even know my name. They just say ‘You’re that eighth grader aren’t you?’” Now, Gawryluk and Veach are concentrating on the Oct. 30 state meet, which they intend to use as a training ground for the state Junior Olympic Meet Nov. 13, and then the Regional and, if he places in the top 20 there, the National Championship. But until then, Veach says it is important to keep Gawryluk humble and hungry. “You gotta realize that he’s still only in eighth grade, and there are kids in S.C. that can beat him by over a minute.” Still, Veach has already had college coaches tell him that Gawryluk is “on the radar,” and even local meteorologist and marathon runner Neville Miller has told him that if he keeps up this pace he could be training for the Olympics one day. Veach added that Gawryluk’s soccer coach, who only sees him about once a week, still makes him run for missing practice. “I tell him to make him do sit-ups or something,” Veach said, chuckling. (Chris McCandlish can be reached at To see more stories and photos, visit www.

Champion cheerleaders The 2010 Moultrie Middle School Varsity Cheerleaders presented Principal Jean Siewicki with their UCA Cheer Champion and Dance Champion trophies. The squad attended the UCA camp this summer. They are shown at the Mount Pleasant Farmer’s Market, where they supported National Spirit Week by creating arts and crafts with community children who attended the market.

The 2010 squad includes Isabel Beeson, Amelia Bonner , Amanda Lindberg, Casey Little, Amanda Lindberg, Katelyn McKuen, Tori Newman, Ally Ottinger, Megan PowellRivers, Alex Ritchey, Lucy Rennaker, Leighton Simmonds, Caroline Stanton, Janie Traywick, Anna Ware, Malasia Williams, and Kadaysha Shaver.

Wando High School Performing Arts Center Monday, November 8, 2010 7 p.m. • Mount Pleasant

Ranson and Upchurch win connector Kicking off at 8 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 2, the 18th annual Isle of Palms Connector Run and Walk for the Child hosted over 1,000 registered runners and walkers. Supported by Bi-Lo, City of Isle of Palms, Town of Mount Pleasant, Exchange Clubs of Isle of Palms and Mount Pleasant, East Cooper Medical Center, Appalachian Spring Water, Island Realty, Vitamin Water, Clear Channel Radio, Waggoner law Firm, Cindy and Warren Koontz, local businesses, donations and participant fees, net proceeds from the event will be donated to support the local prevention of child abuse and other childrelated charities. Mayor Dick Cronin of the Isle of Palms welcomed the runners and introduced the National President of the Exchange Club, Margie Miller. After a sensational performance of the National Anthem by the Wando High School Chorus, Mayor Cronin fired the air horn for the race to begin. The race began at the foot of the IOP Connector on the Isle of Palms. Runners participated in either a 5K or a 10K run, while CYAN-AOOO

walkers walked 5K, enjoying beautiful views of the Atlantic Ocean, local creeks, marshes and the Intracoastal Waterway. Following the race, awards were presented to overall winners, masters, grand masters and age group winners in both the 5K and 10K runs. According to unofficial records, 70-year-old Ed Brinkley broke the State record in the 10K with a time of 44:44. Overall results for the 10K Run were as follows: •Female Overall 10K: 1st Caitlin Ranson, Charleston, 39:42 2nd Anne Wyman Cipolla, Charleston 40:21 3rd Marion Minaudo, Charleston, 40:58 •Male Overall 10K: Jay Upchurch, James Island, 33:37 Karl Walsh, Mount Pleasant, 33:38 Maurice Davis, North Charleston, 36:34 •Female Masters Overall 40 +: Sharryn Whitmore, Mount Pleasant, 44:47 •Male Masters Overall 40+: David Quick, Mount Pleasant, 36:45



•Female Grand Masters Overall 50+ Pam Drafts, Beaufort, 45:52 •Male Grand Masters Overall 50+ Fred Reinhard, Sullivan’s Island, 44:4 •Overall results for the 5K Run were as follows: •Female Overall Results 1st Sheldon Fowler, Mount Pleasant, 20:36 2nd Tracy McKee, Charleston, 20:44 3rd Meghan Pittman, Ladson, 21:01 •Male Overall Results 1st Rutledge Godley, Mount Pleasant, 19:05 2nd Andy Tedesco, Mount Pleasant, 19:21 3rd Bratton Fennell, South Carolina, 19:44 •Femal Masters Overall 40+ Lisa Deaton, Charleston, 23:29 •Male Masters Overall 40+ Steve Caskie, Mount Pleasant, 20:07 •Female Grand Masters Overall 50+ Nancy Curry, Mount Pleasant, 26:11 •Male Grand Masters Overall 50+ Joe Dipiro, Mount Pleasant, 20:51 BLACK 012908

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6B.MOULTRIE NEWS ___________________________________ ____________________________ Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ____________________________ ___________________________________ MOULTRIE NEWS.7B

Pets of the Week Charleston Animal Society 747-4849





Mushrooms are not a pet-friendly food Question: My dog has been eating mushrooms in our yard. Do I need to worry about this? Answer: The short answer is YES. As you know, most mushrooms are poisonous to us and to our four-legged companions. You have to be well-trained and very skilled to recognize mushrooms that are not toxic. Consequently, I just assume all mushrooms are poisonous unless I am buying them in a grocery store or restaurant. It is probably safe for you to assume the same for your pets. Poisonous mushrooms will result in symptoms anywhere from 30 minutes to six hours after ingestion. These symptoms can vary from mild discomfort to death! They include nausea, salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, dilated pupils, stumbling, shaking, sei-

PAWS & CLAWS Dr. Katherine Saenger

zures and eventually even kidney failure. The latter symptoms are the ones that can lead to coma and death. One of the problems that we face is that these symptoms mimic other diseases, like antifreeze poisoning, head trauma, low blood sugar or even epilepsy. So, unless you know your pet has access to mushrooms in the yard, it may be hard for your veterinarian to determine a cause for his or her odd behavior. If your pet is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, your veterinarian will want to run some bloodwork to check liver and kidney function, as the mushrooms can affect either or both of these

organs. If you know that your pet ate hazardous mushrooms within the previous four hours, it is a good idea to induce vomiting. The easiest way to do this is to rush your pet to the vet and have your veterinarian do this, but

stomach or intestines, and he will put your pet on IV fluids to flush poisons out through the kidneys. If your pet is experiencing tremors or seizures, he or she will require sedation and intense monitoring at a veterinary hospital until the

“Poisonous mushrooms will result in symptoms anywhere from 30 minutes to six hours after ingestion.” -Dr. Katherine Saenger if you are isolated or more than 30 minutes from the closest veterinarian, then you can induce vomiting with hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to contact a veterinarian by phone for dosing instructions. Once the vomiting is over, your veterinarian will give activated charcoal to bind any remaining poison in the

toxins are completely out of the blood stream, which can take up to 48 hours. If you have mushrooms growing in your pet’s exercise area, you can physically remove them or you can use fungicides to kill them, but be sure that you follow any safety instructions on chemicals so that you keep you and your pets safe. You

can also have your local agricultural extension agent analyze the mushrooms to tell you if they are poisonous or not. Our extension agent is located at 259 Meeting St. downtown and can be reached at 722-5940. Whenever you are out with your pet, it is a good idea to keep him or her on a leash so that you can monitor anything they try to eat. This is especially true after a period of extended rain, when mushrooms pop up everywhere. (Dr. Katherine A. Saenger, DVM, owns Bees Ferry Veterinary Hospital and Boarding Kennel (www.beesferry. com) and is a former board member of the Charleston Animal Society (formerly John Ancrum SPCA.) E-mail your pet questions to

Fur Ball Royale What: Fundraising gala for Pet Helpers When: Saturday, Nov. 6 at 6:30 p.m. Where: Crystal Ballroom, Marriott Hotel on Lockwood Dr. Tickets: Purchase tickets online at www.pethelpers. org. Dress: High Roller, James Bond Dash, and Las Vegas Flash! More: Evening to include seated dinner, open bar, silent auction, and live auction presented by News 4’s Tom Crawford. Other notable attendees are News 4’s Victoria Hansen as emcee, Miss Charleston, Valarie Kobrovsky, as presenter, and My News 2’s Tara Lynn. Up for auction are trips to New Orleans and a Disney resort of your choice, your pet featured on the cover of Lowcountry Dog, and tours of Charleston scenes.

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BLACK 012908


8B.MOULTRIE NEWS ___________________________________ ____________________________ Wednesday, October 20, 2010

SCMA holding Nautical Flea Market The South Carolina Marine Association announces its second annual Nautical Flea Market on Saturday, Oct. 23 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Sportsman’s Island on Daniel Island. The event will be co-hosted by Sea Ray–Scout of Charleston in its parking area. Look for the Big Yellow Building off Clements Ferry Road. Although we’re told the recession is over, anyone who makes their living on the water or enjoys water-related activities knows that boating has not yet reached recovery mode. SCMA hopes that a good old-fashioned flea market will benefit both the sportsmen looking for less expensive equipment as well as marine businesses looking to reduce inventory.

Garage, dock box, boat lockers or storage area overflowing? Surely someone else needs what you can no longer use! Trade your unused or no longer used boating and fishing gear for some cash. Seller space will be assigned on arrival Saturday morning. All types of boating, diving, fishing and sailing gear is welcome, but please, no boats larger than dinghies! Looking for a spare anchor, bimini or propeller? Someone could be unloading just what you need! Plus, the holidays are right around the corner. You might stumble across the perfect gift for your favorite sailor or fisherman at a fraction of the retail price. Vendor spaces range from $10 to $50. To register and for more information, go online to under

events, or call 843.889.9067 or email SCMarineAssn@ Proceeds from the sales of vendor spaces will be used to fund SCMA programs. The South Carolina Marine Association is a trade organization representing the interests of the boaters and boating businesses in South Carolina. The SCMA address is P.O.Box 12187, Charleston, SC 29412. SCMA’s mission is “To promote the growth of recreational boating in South Carolina and a better boating experience in order to enhance the success of marine related activities in our state through an emphasis on the boating lifestyle, awareness and professionalism through economic, environmental, legislative and educational efforts.”

Fred Madere Fishing Tournament Readers Jim Rowe and Rick Stanton sent in the following: We recently completed the first annual Cooper Estates Boat Landing fishing tournament–It was in honor of the late Fred Madere, who administered registrations and spearheaded the building and maintenance of the boat landing. The name of the tournament is the Fred Madere Family Fishing Tournament. Year one was a huge success. We had a captain’s meeting on Thursday, Sept. 30; fishing was on Friday, Oct. 1 and Saturday, Oct. 2, with a weigh-in each day and a family fish fry and awards ceremony on Sunday. At the captains meeting we decided not to have a reserve of frozen fish but rather to depend on the skills of participants. This was the right strategy, as we caught enough to feed 50 folks. Awards were: Largest Spot Tail – Dave Eury Largest Trout -- Terry Rogers Largest Flounder - Dan Radovanic Youth Angler -- Jefferey Madere (Fred’s grandson) There were nine boats and one kayak. Tim Madere, Fred’s son who live’s in Savannah, left at 3:30 a.m. to catch the tide. They caught eight spot tails from land–no boat. Jefferey is Tim’s son.


Pictured is young Jefferey Madere, showing off his trophy with tournament organizer Jim Rowe. Below, Rowe congratulates Dave Eury for catching the largest spot tail.

Here Rowe shakes hands with Terry Rogers, who caught the largest trout. Below, Jefferey Madere shows off his tournament trophy.

Jim Rowe presents a check to Dan Radovanic for catching the largest flounder.

Brad Van Liew sets sail

(Sea) Food For Thought Without a doubt, the greatest bounty found in the sea is plankton. The word plankton derives from the Greek word “planktos,” meaning “wandering” or “drifting.” It’s the foundation of all life at sea and there’s very good reason for the bounty of this first rung in the food chain ladder. It has been estimated that it takes 10,000 pounds of microscopic diatoms, a form of plant plankton, to make 1,000 pounds of copepods, a form of animal plankton next up the food chain. That, in turn, produces about 100 pounds of smelt, a small bait fish. When eaten, the 100 pounds of smelt yields about 10 pounds of mackerel, which, as another link up the chain, yields about one pound of tuna. This one pound of tuna,


Over on the other side of the Atlantic this past Sunday, the cannon sounded the start of the Velox 5 Oceans race, featuring our Mount Pleasant hometown skipper, Brad Van Liew. Aside from it being Brad’s third participation in a singlehanded around the world race, and his being the only American entry, when you consider that only six racers are competing, it’s all the more remarkable. Although he was the second boat to cross the starting line, as of this writing Brad has taken the lead as the boats head west from the coast of France and will soon round the coast of Spain and point their bows southward for Capetown, South Africa, some 7,600 miles away. I encourage everyone to track Brad’s progress ( or and send him messages of encouragement. The fleet will be making a stopover here in Charleston next spring, but between now and then, who knows what adventures we’ll see. God’s speed, Brad... and keep the pointy end in front of you!

caught and eaten, will increase a persons body weight by a mere tenth of a pound. How full might you feel now after a small portion of sushi? Now, can you begin to imagine the quantity of plankton required for us humans to harvest tens of millions of tons of seafood each year? Not to mention feeding all the other sea creatures we don’t consume, like whales, which are out there gobbling up even more massive amounts of small sea creatures way down the food chain; and we have never even tapped into that link in the chain. And it all starts with microscopic plankton. Trillions doesn’t even start to cover it. What’s a trillion trillion? Sort of amazing, don’t you think?

Boating Safety Course

Send us your pictures

and enjoying water sports. A fee of $25 per individual or $30 per family applies to cover materials. Certified by the USCG Auxiliary and the SCDNR. •Contact: Andy Poole at 813-205-7703, email: or Arlene Southerland at 843886-3293, email asailing06@

IP01-406568 1

We want to see your fishig pictures, sunset pictures, salty dog pictures and creek cat pictures. Email them to

•What: The USCG Auxiliary, Flotilla 12-6 will offer a Boating Safety Course. •When: Saturday, Oct. 23 •Where: Daniel Island Library from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. •Details: This one day class will cover subjects like: underway preparations, legal requirements, navigation rules/ charts, boating emergencies, operating your boat safely, federal/state regulations,




BLACK 012908

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ____________________________ ___________________________________ MOULTRIE NEWS.9B

Cookies: McLeod bakes furiously as hurricanes approach Continued from page 1A


Hariet McLeod’s Go Away Hurricane Cookies seem to work. She bakes them before an hurricane or tropical storm warning and the storms always turn away. or a hurricane, and now I’ve started making them during the season and spreading the joy. I figure the more people who eat them, the better chance we have.” So she bakes and bakes from June 1 to Nov. 30, the official hur-

ricane season. McLeod said she is looking for an opportunity to sell them to celebrate the end of the season and hopes to do it again on June 1 to mark the beginning of yet another hurricane season. And, more

Anne Anderson, a Dewees Island resident, contributed to this article. (Sully Witte can be reached by emailing Visit the web site at www.moultrienews. com)

STELLA MARIS CATHOLIC CHURCH Station 12, Middle Street • Sullivans Island across from Fort Moultrie Masses: Saturday....5:30 p.m. Sunday...8:00, 9:30, & 11:30 a.m. Confessions...Saturday 4:30-5:00 p.m. Rev. Monsignor Lawrence B. McInerny, Pastor 883-3108


happy endings at SPROUTS Theatre for Children. “Sprouts” is a company of professional artists performing for children and the winner of countless international awards. These engaging shows run between 45 and 60 minutes, and cast size varies from five to fifteen. The audience sits at the edge of the stage and experiences these live performances in a way they cannot with a movie or video. Most shows contain five to nine musical numbers. Bring the family to these wonderful performances! The ideal ages for these shows are 4 to 12.


The King expects the Miller’s Maid to spin straw into gold. No one can spin straw into gold... or can they? Find out in the SPROUTS production of Rumpelstiltskin. Show dates and times are Friday, Oct. 22 at 7 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 23 at 1 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 24 at 3 p.m., Friday, Oct. 29 at 7 p.m., Sat, Oct. 30 at 1 p.m., and Sunday, Oct. 31 at 3 p.m. With the children sitting only five feet away from the action, there are hilarious lyrics, beautiful ballads, magical effects, uproarious chase-scenes, tons of audience participation and lots of


A golden production

MOUNT PLEASANT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) 302 Hibben Street, in the Old Village SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES 8:15, 9:45, 11:15 am CHURCH SCHOOL for all ages at 9:45 am Gary Bullard, Pastor John Hage, Associate Pastor for Missions Tom Herrington, Associate Pastor for Member Care


“I ate a cookie at the airport hoping maybe it would work, but it didn’t work because it was not really a hurricane cookie,” said McLeod. “Ever since, I have made them under a warning or a watch for a tropical storm

It is also fact that residents on Dewees Island do not question the magical aromas of caramel and chocolate wafting across windswept oceans. (Go Away) Hurricane Cookies are powerful grisgris against tropical storms. It’s a proven fact. McLeod is a James Island resident and her sister in-law still lives on Dewees Island, where she visits regularly. Her brother has since passed away of pancreatic cancer. She is a freelance writer and bakes large batches in the community kitchen on Dewees Island. More often than not, residents smell the aroma and flock to the kitchen for reject cookies that are broken or not pretty enough to package. No matter how they look, they still taste good. The recipe is copyrighted and cookies can be ordered by emailing McLeod at Cookies are $15 a dozen.


the storm and she believes it works. Here’s why: As the years have rolled on, Harriet has doggedly made the cookies in advance of every lowcountry storm watch or warning, and each time the storm has just--gone away. Except once. The backside of Hurricane Floyd smacked Dewees Island while Harriet was vacationing in Maine and unable to bake those cookies. “I didn’t think much of it at first; it was just a ritual for me.” But she explained that when Floyd slammed the coast after she did not make the cookies, she had second thoughts. While in a gas station in Maine, she saw the local newspaper that had a front page photo of the satellite image of Hurricane Floyd. Lobster men in the store saw it, too, and she pointed to the image and said, “I live there.” Their response was, “do you plan to rebuild?” With Hurricane Floyd coming straight to Charleston, she knew she had to get back. She caught an early plane to help her mother, who was having to evacuate from Bishop Gadsden, a local retirement home.

importantly, she said, “they are a really good cookie. Seriously.” She can’t tell us what the secret ingredient is, but everything in the cookie is swirled up like a hurricane. She describes them as messy like a hurricane with caramel and pecans and gourmet chocolate. They’re crusty on the outside and chewy on the inside. McLeod said she is not a superstitious person. But, “I think at first some people said ‘well we can’t feed them to the hurricane so we are going to eat them to give us protection against the hurricane. I didn’t think much of it until they started working and working. So now I’m pretty superstitious about it. If I don’t do it, I feel like I am not doing my full hurricane preparations.” Fast forward to September 2010: Dozens of cookies have been baked, distributed and even sold at the Labor Day Weekend pig picking on Dewees Island. Earl threatens, softens, drifts on by. Igor broils and takes a wide berth. As hard as it is to believe, it is fact. Coincidence? Maybe. But it appears that when these cookies are baked and shared, the hurricane goes off somewhere else.

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BLACK 012908

10B.MOULTRIE NEWS ___________________________________ ____________________________ Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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DIVORCE WITH OR WITHOUT CHILDREN $125. With FREE name change documents and marital settlement agreement. Fast and easy. Call us 24 hrs/7 days: 1-888-789-0198; www.Court

2 LOTS, Mt Pleasant Memorial Gardens near Jesus’ statue. $2900; valued at $3200. Ph 843-856-1992

IS YOUR COMPANY looking for qualified drivers? ADVERTISE your driver positions to more than 2.7 million South Carolina newspaper readers. Your 25-word classified ad will appear in 111 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Call Jimmie Haynes at the South Carolina Newspaper Network. 1-888-727-7377. LAID OFF? PLANT CLOSING? Need that new job? Call Xtra Mile & enroll in CDL Class-A training today! Several locations in SC, including Charleston. 1-866-484-6313. www. OTR FLATBED DRIVERS earn .45cpm loaded, .57cpm O.D. loads. Good home time. $1000 sign-on bonus for qualifie drivers. Call : 843-266-3731 EOE

Need someone to care for your loved ones? 25 yrs exp. Pat 843-849-8230; 864-3736

<< ADOPT << A young professional couple (stayhome-mom) excited to give your baby LOVE laughter opportunity. Exp’s pd. Laurie & Lawrence 1-800-562-8287

Tuesday, October 26, 2010, is the last day to redeem winning tickets in the following South Carolina Education Lottery Instant Game: Big Money (# 378).

JUSTIN BEIBER Tickets, Dec 16th Bi-Lo Center Greenville, Lower Bowl 104 Row, B 17 & 18. $450 for both. Ph 843-224-2498.

PROFESSIONALS WANTED PART-TIME. Navy needs PS military officers or qualified citizens to join the Navy Reserve as Medical, CIS/IT, supply, engineering, chaplain or SW officers. College grad, physical/ age requirements. Benefits & retirement & money for school. 1-800-6627419 or or visit:

SALES REPRESENTATIVE NEEDED. Most earn $50K$100K or more. Call our branch office at 843-284-5595. Ask for Kristi Mitchum or email: kristi.mitchum Visit: www.

AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance. (866) 367-2513

NC MOUNTAINS! Log Cabin liquidation. New 1200+sf genuine log cabins w/ acreage. $79,900. Plenty of windows, decks; needs finishing. 866-738-5522.

Estate of: Alan Scott McNeiland 2010-ES-10-1490 DOD: 08/13/10 Pers. Rep: Katherine A. Rowe 6701 Dorchester Rd., #124, No. Charleston, SC 29418


Premium Seasoned



Oak hickory pecan blend. Delivered. 843-452-2685


available Friday, Saturday, and some weekdays.

BED: MIGUN THERAPUTIC: Pd $3,500. 5 mos old. Asking $2,600. 843-856-0199 OR 843-343-1551



Estate of: Helen Steele 2010-ES-10-1500 DOD: 09/22/09 Pers. Rep: Angus Q. Long 189 Broad St., Charleston, SC 29401

N Chas Room in 3br home, quiet, full kitchen, cable,W/D. $120/wk+$75 dep. 572-8473

Estate of: Alvin Walter Hanson, Jr. 2010-ES-10-1502 DOD: 09/27/10 Pers. Rep: Laura F. Webster 6351 Bears Bluff Rd., Wadmalaw Island, SC 29487

Old Mt P Priv lrg. efficiency w/ large bathroom. Equvilent to 3 rooms. Fully furn. No pets /smoking. 884-7344/ 860-8176

WHOLESALE FURNITURE SALE Mattress sets, Bedroom sets, Sofa/love and sectionals. New with manufacturers warranty. Can deliver. 843-530-1369. Mt Pleasant.

Boston Whaler 13ft- new 25hp (20hrs) Yamaha O/B Westco trailer, many xtras. Perfect marsh fishing boat. (843)388-1965 (216)598-9012 McClellanville 1br 1ba cottage $375mo + utils. Call 843-458-0200

Community-Wide Garage Sale Over 25 Homes! Sat. 10/23, 8am-1pm Planter’s Point Subd. Look for balloons Two entrances off Hwy 41, Mt. Pleasant 2nd Annual Nautical Flea Market Saturday, October 23 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the big yellow building on Daniel Island 124 Sportsman's Island Dr. off I-526 and Clements Ferry Rd Buy/Sell boating & fishing gear. Call 843.889.9067 or go to under events to register or for more information.

Estate of: Lee H. Clippard 2010-ES-10-1524 DOD: 09/28/10 Pers. Rep: Merrily M. Clippard 1806 Falling Creek Cir., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 AD #403531 ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES

Mt. Pleasant 3br, 1.5ba, mob. home. Large yard, cozy area. $500/mo., $500 dep. Call 843-851-2756

ADVERTISE YOUR VACATION HOME, condo or apartment to more than 2.7 million South Carolina newspaper readers. Your 25-word classified ad will appear in 111 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Call Jimmie Haynes at the South Carolina Newspaper Network. 1-888-727-7377.

FREE HD FOR LIFE! Only on DISH Network! Lowest price in America! $24.99/ mo for over 120 channels! $500 Bonus! 1-888-713-3172


Isle of Palms 1250 sf, 3 BR, 2 BA, Duplex 1 block from beach. Great schools. Close to shopping. Available year round. Responsible tenants only. Call Joel, $1250 mo. (843)696-3448 Sullivans Is Nicely furn., 1 or 2 br apt. Washer/Dryer, cable + extras. 843-883-3091

Estate of: Harry Jacque Wingard 2010-ES-10-1503 DOD: 09/16/10 Pers. Rep: Pamela J. Polzin PO Box 62255, Charleston, SC 29419-2255 Estate of: Richard Harvey Gross, II 2010-ES-10-1505 DOD: 08/25/10 Pers. Rep: Patricia L. Gross PO Box 744, McClellanville, SC 29458

IOP-Charleston Blvd. 4br, modern kitn. Winter rental. $1550/mo. 843-723-7113.

Contact Us:

Legal Advertising: (843) 958-7392 Email to:

Estate of: Rosetta L. Holmes 2010-ES-10-1498 DOD: 01/28/09 Pers. Rep: Stacy Holmes 4717 Linfield Ln., No. Charleston, SC 29418


BDRM- Brand new 6pc set w/ matt & box. Still in plastic. Can Del. $325 696-5712

Estate of: Nicole Spencer Santrizos 2010-ES-10-1492 DOD: 04/05/10 Pers. Rep: Paul Mario Santrizos 7606 Rustling Cove, Austin, TX 78731 Atty: Jennifer S. Smith, Esq. 260 W. Coleman Blvd., #B, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Estate of: Dora-Dean F. Clark 2010-ES-10-1496 DOD: 09/22/10 Pers. Rep: David B. Clark 2421 Tuscany Dr., No. Charleston, SC 29406


ACCENT ART A Queen Pillow Top Mattress $65 New in plastic!!! Must sell. Can Deliver N. Chas 843 696-5212 Mt P 843-530-1369

Lowcountry Classifieds - Moultrie News Classified Advertising: (843) 958-1343

N Chas - 2br, 2ba, CH/A. Ashley Phosphate Rd. $500/ mo + $500/dep. 509-7287


Brickyard Red Balloon Yard Sale Oct. 23 7a-1p Bargain hunters get ready for the annual fall Red Balloon Sale! 1100 Brickyard Pkwy An opportunity for shoppers to shop at multiple sales on 1 day. All homes displaying a “red balloon” on mailbox or porch rail will be participating. Want to know where the homes are located? You can go to www. brickyardplantation for a link to the map of some of the participating homes marked on the map. List constantly updated as new participating homes signup, so check the link up till the night before the sale begins.This event will be held rain or shine.

Estate of: John D. Hostutler 2010-ES-10-1452-2 DOD: 09/04/10 Pers. Rep: Elizabeth B. Hostutler 1 Bishop Gadsden Way, #C2, Charleston, SC 29412 Atty: Elizabeth Stringer, Esq. PO Box 12370, Charleston, SC 29422-2370

Estate of: Cassandra West 2010-ES-10-1486 DOD: 09/05/10 Pers. Rep: Flora Jean West and Willie James West, 145 N. Smithville Rd., Leesburg, GA 31763

Kitchen Cabinets Never installed, all wood. Was $4500. Sell $1,650. Call 843-375-5908

SOFA LOVESEAT- brand new microfiber set. Can del. $325 N Chas 696-5212 Mt P 530-1369

All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad St., 3rd Floor, Charleston, SC 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred.

Estate of: Patricia A. Weldon 2010-ES-10-1477 DOD: 08/25/10 Pers. Rep: Kathryn A. Horne 10 Wraggborough Ln., Charleston, SC 29403

BANKRUPTCY AUCTION Southeastern Materials, Inc (Truss Manufacturer). November 2nd & 3rd. Real estate, equipment, rolling stock, office equipment, supplies, more. www. (800) 442-7906. NCAL# 685.

ROCKER Cherry wood. Good condition. Asking $75. Ph 843-767-7674


1999 PONTIAC GRAND AM, FOR SALE. CALL PETE 556-1363 OR 425-8329. Asking $2000.

All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad St., 3rd Floor, Charleston, SC 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of: Eric George Smith, Sr. 2010-ES-10-0831 DOD: 11/19/09 Pers. Rep: Kevin Crain, Esq. 636 Long Point Rd., #G95, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

2001 Volkswagen Eurovan, 121000 miles, Blue, tan interior, Excellent condition. Weekender (bed folds out in back) Automatic. $12,000. Ph (843)856-4812

BLACK 012908

Estate of: Catherine H. Cahill 2010-ES-10-1071-2 DOD: 06/09/10 Pers. Rep: Joseph F. Cahill 4042 Colonel Vanderhorst Cir., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466 Estate of: Johnnie Timmons 2010-ES-10-1087-2 DOD: 06/01/10 Pers. Rep:

Estate of: Virginia C. Robinson 2010-ES-10-1264-2 DOD: 03/14/10 Pers. Rep: Mary C. German 900 Trowman Ln., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Atty: Samuel H. Altman, Esq. PO Box 600, Charleston, SC 29402 Estate of: Clarence Grampus, Sr. 2010-ES-10-1312-2 DOD: 08/21/10 Pers. Rep: Crystal Grampus 1840 Carriage Ln., #285I, Charleston, SC 29407 Estate of: Mildred Cummings Knight 2010-ES-10-1349-2 DOD: 06/22/10 Pers. Rep: Judith Ann Brown 108 Hummingbird Dr., Dublin, GA 31021 Atty: J. Seth Whipper, Esq. PO Box 70070, No. Charleston, SC 29415 Estate of: Lee M. Shabi-Bonnette aka Lee Marie Bonnette 2010-ES-10-1415 DOD: 08/05/10 Pers. Rep: Richard J. Bonnette 1465 Oaklanding Rd., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Atty: Demal I. Mattson, Jr., Esq. 990 Lake Hunter Cir., #201, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Estate of: Emily Shelton 2010-ES-10-1427 DOD: 06/13/09 Pers. Rep: Warren B. Shelton 2017 Stokes Ave., No. Charleston, SC 29406 Atty: Seth Whipper, Esq. PO Box 70070, No. Charleston, SC 29415 Estate of: Mary Evelyn Durst 2010-ES-10-1432 DOD: 07/30/08 Pers. Rep: Kathryn Durst-Glenn 4837 Churchill Rd., No. Charleston, SC 29405 Estate of: Daniel George Durst 2010-ES-10-1437 DOD: 10/18/09 Pers. Rep: Kathryn Durst-Glenn 4837 Churchill Rd., No. Charleston, SC 29405 Estate of: Edna D. Porcher Edwards 2010-ES-10-1442 DOD: 09/08/10 Pers. Rep: Ruth D. Edwards PO Box 2255, Winter Park, FL 32790 Estate of: Harold Simmons 2010-ES-10-1446 DOD: 08/13/10 Pers. Rep: Evelyn Green 222 Privateer Ln., Wando, SC 29492 Atty: Nicholas Sottile, Esq. 1037 G Chuck Dawley Blvd., #100, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Estate of: Marion Anthony Richardson 2010-ES-10-1448 DOD: 03/16/05 Pers. Rep: Jessica A. Richardson 885 W. Madison Ave., Charleston, SC 29412 Estate of: Glenna Sue Bolding Nimi 2010-ES-10-1453 DOD: 08/26/10 Pers. Rep: Marguerite Hallmark 160 Hallmark Dr., Guntersville, AL 35976 Estate of: Garrett Artemas Chisolm 2010-ES-10-1456 DOD: 09/15/10 Pers. Rep: Garrett Chisolm, II 2028 Woodcliff St., Charleston, SC 29414 Estate of: Lee L. Gadsden 2010-ES-10-1457 DOD: 08/27/10 Pers. Rep: Ojetta G. Harper 606 Flint St., Charleston, SC 29412 Atty: Richard Fields, Esq. 1707 Heritage Park Rd.,

Charleston, SC 29407 Estate of: Sarah Frances Huggins Timmons 2010-ES-10-1475 DOD: 09/20/10 Pers. Rep: Miriam F. Spangler 231 Steeple Dr., Columbia, SC 29229 Estate of: Joan Patricia Blackhurst Young 2010-ES-10-1483 DOD: 08/30/10 Pers. Rep: Bruce Redrick Young 676 Serotina Ct., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 AD #393787

CITY OF ISLE OF PALMS NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS The City of Isle of Palms Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a hearing on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 5:30 PM, at the Building Department Conference room, 1301 Palm Blvd., to consider the following appeal(s): 22 Twin Oaks Lane Request for a special exception to allow the establishment of a home office to operate an internet based medical service that would provide radiology interpretations from a home office. Documents relating to the appeal(s) are available for public inspection at the Building Department, 1301 Palm Boulevard between the hours of 8:00AM and 5:00PM, Monday through Friday. AD #395053

ALL that certain lot, piece, parcel or tract of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, located lying and being on Johns Island, South Carolina, measuring and containing approximately 15.63 acres being part of a 32 acre tract which tract was described as BUTTING AND BOUNDING to the North by Bohicket Creek; to the East now or formerly on lands of March W. Heyward; to the South along the Public Road; and to the West on lands now or formerly of Paul Bishop. BEING the same property granted by Devise and Descent by Estate of Lucille Taylor Brown a/k/a Lucille Taylor and a/k/a Lucille Freeman, to William Brown, Simon Johnson, Olin D. Johnson, Juanita T. Wright and Phoebe J. White, by the Honorable Gus H. Pearlman, Charleston County, dated July 26, 1985, in Case Number 1981-CP-10-0033, and by Deed of Distribution of the Estate of Juanita T. Wright to Delores Hicks, Wilhelmina Anderson, Gloria Wright, Isaac Wright, Bernard Wright, and Rebecca Wright, dated November 14, 1992, in the RMC Office for Charleston County in Deed Book F-224 at Page 016. Thereafter, conveyed to Frank Simmons by deed of distribution of Estate of Simon Johnson, dated May 23, 2007, in the RMC Office for Charleston County at Deed Book V-626 at page 130. TMS # 215-00-00-012 DAVIS & DAVIS, LLC. s/Brian N. Davis Brian N. Davis, Esquire Beth Branham Davis, Esquire 1723 Savannah Highway, P.O.BOX 31839 Charleston, SC 29417 ATTORNEYS PLAINTIFF



Charleston, South Carolina This __ day of ________, 2010 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO.: 2010-CP-10-8454 LIS PENDENS (SUIT TO QUIET TITLE) (NON-JURY) OLIN D. JOHNSON and EVA MAE JOHNSON Plaintiffs, v. WILLIAM BROWN, FRANK SIMMONS, DELORES HICKS, WILHELMINA ANDERSON, GLORIA WRIGHT, ISAAC WRIGHT, BERNARD WRIGHT, REBECCA WRIGHT, PHOEBE WHITE, SIMON JOHNSON, JUANITA WRIGHT, AND LUCILLE TAYLOR, MARY DOE, and JOHN DOE, being comprised of a class of persons including the unknown heirs at law, devisees, legatees, distributes, and assignees, wife or wives, if any, husband or husbands, if any, of the defendants above named if they be deceased, and any and all person or persons claiming by, through or under them or having or claiming any right, title, estate, interest in or lien upon premises described in the Complaint, and RICHARD ROE and SUE ROE, being comprised of a class of persons including unknown infant heirs, devisees, distributes, assignees, aliens, wives, successors, or persons insane, incompetent, or under any other disability known or unknown, inclusive of any person in the military service within the meaning of Title 50, United States Code, commonly referred to as the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act., Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been commenced by the Plaintiff named above, and is now pending in the court above-named for Quiet Title. The property at issue herein which is a subject of the action is situated in Charleston County and is more fully described as follows:

SUMMONS (SUIT TO QUIET TITLE) NON-JURY) TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to Answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is hereby served upon you and to serve a copy of your Answer to said Complaint on the subscribers at their offices, Davis & Davis, LLC, 1723 Savannah Highway, P.O. Box 31839, Charleston, South Carolina 29417, or to otherwise appear and defend, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint, or otherwise appear and defend, within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will obtain a judgement by default against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE, that should you fail to answer the foregoing Summons, the Plaintiff will move for a General Order of Reference of this cause to the Honorable Mikell R. Scarborough , Master-InEquity for Charleston County, which Order shall, pursuant to Rule 53 of the South Carolina Code of Law (1976), as amended, specifically provide that the said Master-InEquity is authorized and empowered to enter a final judgment in this case, which judgment shall be appealable to the South Carolina Supreme Court or the South Carolina Court of Appeals as provided by the South Carolina Appellate Court Rules. DAVIS & DAVIS, LLC. s/Beth Branham Davis Beth Branham Davis, Esquire Brian N. Davis 1723 Savannah Highway P.O. Box 3189 Charleston, SC 29417 ATTORNEYS FOR THE PLAINTIFFS Charleston, South Carolina This ___day of _______2010. AD #403140

Programs highlight long-term care One local long-term care specialist is putting the spotlight on long-term care planning during National LongTerm Care Awareness Month in November. Barbara Franklin, owner of Franklin & Associates, a Charleston-based company that specializes in long-term care planning and financing, is hosting the following free seminars: •11: 30 a.m. on Oct. 27 at the Mount Pleasant Senior Center, 840 Von Kolnitz Rd. Lunch is included. • Noon on Nov. 4 at the Dorchester Senior Center, 312 North Laurel St. in Summerville. Lunch is included. •10 a.m. on Nov. 16 at the Lowcountry Senior Center, 865 Riverland Dr. on James Island. Light refreshments will be provided. Franklin and other panelists will provide information about long-term care both in facilities and at home, including an update on the costs of care in our area, the kinds of services available, how to pay for care and how to plan for it.

The programs will include an update on health care reform legislation and its impact on long-term care planning. “There are three things we know for sure about long-term care: it’s costly, it’s confusing and nobody thinks they will ever need it,” Franklin says. “But the reality is that most people will need some kind of care as they age. Now is the time to make those arrangements so you aren’t either burdening your family or unable to have a say in the kind of care you receive.” For more information about the seminars and to RSVP, contact Barbara Franklin at 843-762-4260.

About Founded in 1995 by Barbara Franklin, Franklin & Associates helps individuals, couples, families and business owners with long-term care planning and financing. For information, call (843) 762-4260 or visit www.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ____________________________ ___________________________________ MOULTRIE NEWS.11B

Defending champ Stosur enters Family Circle World no. 8 and defending champion Samantha Stosur has officially entered the 2011 Family Circle Cup. Stosur, the first player to commit to the tournament, returns to Daniel Island, where she set the event’s mark for the fastest championship victory on record by defeating Vera Zvonareva 6-0, 6-3, in just 52 minutes. Marking the tournament’s 39th consecutive year, the Family Circle Cup, a Sony Ericsson WTA Tour Premier event, will be held April 2-10, 2011 at the Family Circle Tennis Center on Daniel Island. “We are thrilled to welcome

Sam Stosur back to Charleston to defend her championship in April,” commented Eleanor Adams, Tournament Manager, Family Circle Cup. “Since winning the Family Circle Cup, she has continued to post the best results of her singles career, and we’re so happy to have her return where that success began. I know our fans will enjoy watching her take another shot at this title.” Samantha Stosur, the 20th champion in the Family Circle Cup’s storied history, said, “I’ve always enjoyed competing in Charleston, and I really look forward to defending

my title at this historic event. The city is beautiful and the fans are very knowledgeable, so it’s always exciting to play this tournament.” Building upon an impressive 2009 season that included her first title at Osaka and first appearance in the Top 20, Stosur is posting an even stronger year in 2010, illustrated by her Charleston victory, reaching the finals at Roland Garros, quarterfinal appearance at the U.S. Open, career-high ranking at World No. 5 on July 5, and a secured berth in the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour Championships in Doha at the end of

this month. She is also climbing towards the $2 million earnings mark since January, the highest earning season of her career. The 26-year-old topranked Australian has over 300 career victories in both singles and doubles, and has amassed total career earnings of $6,098,833. “Winning the Family Circle Cup has certainly been an important highlight of my career,” added Stosur. Throughout her 12-year professional career, Stosur has made a prolific mark in doubles action, where she

has held a World no. 1 ranking. She owns 22 doubles titles, including a Family Circle Cup title in 2006 with partner Lisa Raymond, as well as two mixed doubles titles. Stosur owns a title at every major, winning at the 2005 U.S. Open and 2006 Roland Garros with partner Lisa Raymond, and mixed doubles titles at the 2005 Australian Open with Scott Draper, and 2008 Wimbledon with Bob Bryan. Stosur is poised to make her fifth appearance in Charleston, where in singles she has notched a 6-3 record and

$120,150 in prize money. In doubles action, she has posted a 6-2 record and $35,100 in prize money. Her total Charleston earnings amount to $155,250. Fans can view Samantha Stosur’s official web site at Family Circle Cup Ticket Packages will be on sale very soon, and ticket patrons who buy early will be able to secure the best possible seats. Fans can the website at visit www.familycirclecup. com for ticket information and player commitment updates as the tournament approaches.

County Council announces board vacancies Council made several appointments at its regular meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 5. It announces the following vacancies on boards and commissions: • Charleston Center Advisory Board- three vacancies • Business License/User Fee Appeals Board- three vacancies for applicants with

strong financial background • Board of Assessment Appeals- one vacancy • Saint Johns Firemen’s Insurance and Inspection Fund (one percent commission)- one vacancy for applicants who live within the Saint Johns Fire District • Charleston County Greenbelt Bank Board- three va-

cancies • Library Board of Trustees- two vacancies • Set Off Debt Collection Officer- one vacancy • Weed and Trash Abatement Hearing Board- two vacancies The application deadline is Monday, Dec. 6. Visit www.

partments/Council/AppointApp.htm. Applications will be considered by County Council’s Administration Policy and Rules Committee at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 16. The committee will make recommendations to fill these vacancies on those recommendations at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 21.

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12B.MOULTRIE NEWS ___________________________________ ____________________________ Wednesday, October 20, 2010





BLACK 012908

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