Issue 157

Page 71

pushes away those middos to be strong and act like an achzar against the yetzer hara just for the honor of Hashem. In such instances Hashem will also create garments out of the middos that were pushed away in His honor. Every Yid is born with a unique purpose, and none of us can fulfill the purpose of another Yid. The Nesivos Sholom writes that we can discover our purpose by recognizing what is the most difficult thing for us to change. Even if we daven three times a day and learn the entire day, this goal remains unfulfilled unless it is addressed. To fulfill the requirement of this goal, one must use true mesiras nefesh, because simply using the power of our brain is not enough. Now we can better understand the Tannaโ€™s words. The Tanna is telling us that if we want to feel unique, like no one else in the world, instead of searching for uniqueness in gashmiyusโ€™dik ways, which will never bring real simcha anyway, we should give Him what is His. Hashem gave us difficult middos to work on, and now we must overpower them and give them back to Hashem. Perhaps we feel that those traits are part of our character, but โ€œyou and whatever is yoursโ€ โ€” even those things that make us feel unique โ€” can also be worked on so that they can become His. And thatโ€™s why Dovid Hamelech said with pride: โ€œFor everything from You, and from Your Own hand, we give to You!โ€ Rabbi Dovid Steiman specializes in the chinuch of todayโ€™s bachurim, enabling them to become their very best selves. To listen to this shiur by phone, call 712-775-7279, access code 705846#, reference 8 for English or 9 for Yiddish.

July 18, 2018 / THE MONSEY VIEW / 71 / 845.600.8484

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