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Creating new habits

We are just settling into this new year, and a new year allows us the opportunity to reflect, restart, reset, refresh… I kind of like the idea of that! I am all for new beginnings and being given the opportunity to try again.

Some habits are good and some are not so good, so how do we go about creating new habits that we feel good about? Especially skin care habits.

Ask yourself what your WHY is, why are you wanting to create this new habit change? When you know your purpose, it can help make that transition so much easier.

Don’t over complicate anything, this will make the change too hard and you will be more likely to give up. Small steps in the direction you want to go is more achievable.

Some ideas you can consider incorporating into your new healthy skin care for 2023 that will set you up for great skin are:

• drink plenty of water (the obvious one), but seriously, this is one habit is key for optimal overall health

• wash your face before you go to bed

• apply sunscreen 365 days of the year… I know while it is summer it is easy to remember, but apply the sunscreen even on cloudy days or when you are headed to your office, your skin will thank you – as I will always say, the best sunscreen is the one you will wear

• consider what supplementation your skin needs

• simplify your skin care – use what YOU need not what is on trend, we are all different with different skin needs

• moisturise

• keep moving and try to get enough sleep

Most of all, be consistent. Consistency is the key to ensuring great healthy skin.