Annual Report on Giving 2022

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Annual Report on Giving july 1, 2021 june 30, 2022


30, 2022
Annual Report on Giving july 1,

Today, mental health is on the minds of more people than ever before.

at The Menninger Clinic, with your support, we are redoubling our efforts to create a brighter, healthier future for individuals and families affected by mental illness. is the time to stand up to stigma, to think outside the box and to increase access to life-changing treatment.

Because mental health won’t wait.



85% programs
participants $1.6
14 Research
790 Inpatient
84 Clinical
52 Presentations
FY 22 EXPENDITURES 13% 2% administrative fundraising Here. NOW. 4
32 Years as a top-ranked “Best Hospital” in psychiatry 16,132 Outpatient visits 2,991
million in donations to The Menninger Clinic Foundation
million in charity care & patient assistance
& research trainees
to community


Dear Friends,

As I reflect on the past year, I am encouraged by the steps we are taking together to prioritize and destigmatize mental health.

In the wake of extraordinary stressors at home, at work and in our communities, many of us are speaking up about our own mental health and reaching out to others who may be struggling.

In this moment, our mission at The Menninger Clinic has never been more important. Ignited by your support, we are striving to help turn conversation into action by making it easier to access the right care at the right time. We also are developing new tools and services to aid the growing number of Americans affected by substance use issues. And we continue to make a priority of reaching our youngest generations, who are experiencing record levels of mental health difficulties.

This Annual Report on Giving shares just a few ways our collective efforts are creating a healthier, more resilient and compassionate world. Thank you for joining us on this journey as we transform lives and imagine a better future in mental health.


To create a healthy world by excelling in the art and science of mental health care.
REPORT on Giving 5

OF SHAME Letting Go

Walking the road to recovery is no small feat of courage and resilience, and yet many people living with addiction feel immense shame. Former Menninger patient Missy Overstreet Desaloms shares how she overcame the stigma of her disease — and how she’s now helping others do the same.

I started using Vicodin after the birth of my youngest child, when I was given painkillers for a breast infection caused by nursing. I recognize now that the pills only became a substitute for my alcohol use.

I remember distinctly, when they gave it to me, I thought, “this is what I’m talking about.” I just needed that sense of ease and comfort. I needed to numb out.

It was hard having three children under four years of age. I never put my children at risk, but I knew that I wanted to be healthier and more present for my kids. I was there, and they knew that they were loved, but I was really unhappy. As an adult child of an alcoholic, I wanted better for my kids. I knew that the gig was up. There would be no more drinking or painkillers for this party girl.

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When I got to The Menninger Clinic, I remember being asked, “What do you want out of this experience?” And I said, “I just want some peace. And I don’t want to feel that I have to numb out anymore.”

I was committed to getting sober from the very beginning. But I also had a lot of shame, which is a common characteristic of this disease, addiction. I had twin, four-year-old children and a 15-month-old when I went to Menninger and all I could think of was, “What kind of mom leaves their kids to go into treatment?” I felt like a character in a TV show. “This cannot be

my life,” I thought. Now, I know a good mom is the mom who puts herself into treatment to get healthy and find some joy in life.

The psychoeducational part of Menninger helped me a lot because it taught me about the disease approach to alcoholism and addiction, which helped relieve some of the shame I was feeling. Surrounded by people who thought and felt like I did, I also felt a community around me while I was at Menninger. For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel different or alone.


I was at Menninger for close to 30 days and continued my recovery back home in Dallas. I had to learn how to live in sobriety. It was very uncomfortable in the beginning; very foreign to me. But through my experiences in inpatient and outpatient treatment, and as an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous, I learned how to be a better mom, sister and friend. I learned how to enjoy life.

Life can be a struggle. But I have learned that by accepting and letting go, I do not have to suffer. Menninger gave me a solid foundation to develop an awareness and mindfulness of mental illness. Menninger helped me under stand that I wasn’t broken — I just had a disease. I like helping other people see that, too. After my daughters graduated and my son started his last few years of high school, I made the decision to follow my longtime dream to get my master’s degree. I enrolled at the University of Texas at Arlington and earned my master’s in social work with an emphasis in mental

“For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel different or alone.”
Missy (center left) is pictured with her children. 7
“Menninger helped me understand that I wasn’t broken — I just had a disease.”
Here. NOW.

health and substance use. I am now in private practice, and I feel like I have the best job in the world … I love it.

I work with all kinds of clients who are dealing with a range of issues from substance use and attachment styles to trauma. I am honored to listen to their stories, encouraging them to be vulnerable and be curious about their lives. They really do the work. All I do is help them make connections, from their past to their present, so that they can gain insight into their mental health. We continue to repeat until we repair.

My hope for my future is that I continue on my path of sobriety and continue to grow personally and professionally. I get my energy and motivation from other people, so if I can continue to help others, my life will be a success.

With donor support, Menninger is expanding its evidence-based care for addictive disorders of all kinds. To date, more than $700,000 has been donated toward a capital fundraising campaign to establish The Center for Addiction Medicine and Recovery, which will offer a wide range of services personalized to each patient’s unique needs.

The Center for Addiction Medicine and Recovery will be located in the new Outpatient Services Center. An architectural rendering of a day room is pictured above.
building a brighter future for recovery
IMPACTYour $700,000 has been donated to help establish a new addiction center.


Nationally, symptoms of mental illness in youth are on the rise, prompting mounting calls for attention and action around adolescent mental health. What’s driving these issues in America’s youth? And how can we ensure they’re getting the help they need?

The statistics paint a grim picture. Persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness jumped 40% for high school students between 2009–2019, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey. During the same time, 1 in 6 youth also reported making a suicide plan, up some 44%.

While there’s no single cause behind soaring youth mental health problems, the growing use of digital media, increasing academic pressure and anxiety over racism, gun violence, climate change and economic uncertainty, among other factors, likely play a role. To put it another way, teens and their developing brains are no match for the stresses and strains of our times.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has only deepened the growing mental health crisis, doubling rates of depression and anxiety among adolescents.

“We’re in a unique time,” says social worker Mychal Riley, LCSW-S, who oversees Menninger 360, one of The Clinic’s community integration programs. “Things we know that are really basic and important for young people, like having a set routine, having social relationships, exercise, getting out and getting exposure to new things; our current environment makes it all harder.”

To help teens in trouble, Menninger has strengthened programs that connect vulnerable adolescents to lifesaving and life-changing mental health care. Here’s a closer look at how we’re taking action on youth mental health.


Created in May 2020, Menninger 360 for Adolescents offers families flexible and acces sible mental health care. The program’s “hospital without walls” approach provides teens with wraparound support, treatment and rehabil itation directly in their homes, communities and schools, making it ideal for families with busy schedules and for parents who don’t feel comfortable sending their child away to long-term residential care or a wilderness program.

Another option for adolescents to work on managing their mental health is Menninger's Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), launched in June 2021. Over eight weeks, treatment includes group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, a medication consul tation and support and coaching for parents.

Melanie and Greg Gehrt are grateful for their daughter's treatment at Menninger. 11
ANNUAL REPORT on Giving Playing “Five Crowns” on Sunday game nights is a favorite way the Gehrt family spends time together.
Here. NOW.

“Teens who are in crisis need a jump start.”

“Teens who are in a crisis need a jump start,” says program manager Mallory Mincberg, MEd, LPC. “With an IOP, kids can get some of the same benefits as inpatient or residential care while staying in school. Additionally, they get to practice the skills they're learning in the IOP in their everyday lives.”

Parents Melanie and Greg Gehrt say the program made all the difference in their 16-year-old daughter’s transition from inpatient care at Menninger back to daily life as a high school student. The couple checked their daughter into The Clinic after her anxiety and suicidal thoughts, triggered by the stress and isolation of the pandemic, reached a crisis

point. At Menninger, she stabilized and learned critical coping skills, regaining some of the spark she had lost.

Wanting to see their daughter’s progress continue, the Gehrts signed her up for the IOP after her discharge. The next two months were a blur of activity according to Greg. “IOP — I wasn’t understanding the ‘I’ portion going in. This is intensive.” The family emerged with new knowledge and skills to manage future mental health challenges.

“It was so important for her journey, to go from inpatient to the intensive outpatient program, and to have that continuation of care and focus,” Melanie adds.


marathon … and we’re just learning to pace ourselves and run along with her.”


While in treatment, teens benefit from Menninger’s robust research program focused on advancing understanding of mental illness and accelerating new evidence-based treatments.

Menninger researchers continue to grow what has become one of the world’s largest and most diverse collections of mental health data for research. Data is collected on mental health symptoms, including anxiety, depression, sleep and suicide risk, from both patients and their parents to get a more holistic understanding of the patient’s experience.

“It gives the child or adolescent a voice in their treatment. There may be something that they’re not comfortable sharing with their treatment team, but they’re willing to put it on an iPad or a self-reported paper,” says Director of Research Michelle Patriquin, PhD, ABPP.

Clinicians use the data to track patients’ progress and customize their treatment. The data also lays the foundation for research studies, like Menninger’s development of a new

14 Here. NOW.
“This is a

wearable technology called PsychVitals that monitors vital signs and helps reduce the risk of suicide. In another published study, Menninger researchers discovered that adolescents and adults who admitted to The Clinic during the pandemic had more severe mental health symptoms, a finding that highlights why mental health needs must not be overlooked during a global health crisis.


Today’s teens are more open about mental illness, but stigma and misinformation persist. In Menninger’s psychoeducational groups, parents can find support and answers to questions they may have been reluctant to ask.

“The parent education part helped us to better understand mental illness and the ways that we can positively impact our daughter’s experi ences,” says Melanie.

Armed with new insight, the Gehrts say they feel hopeful for the future. Their daughter’s anxiety and suicidal thoughts have dramatically decreased. Thanks to Menninger, Greg says, she also has coping strategies “in her back pocket” and support systems to help her weather the challenges that may lie ahead.

“The reality is that this isn’t a virus she’s just going to recover from. This is a marathon, as they told us many times in our sessions. And we’re just learning to pace ourselves and run along with her.”

Funded by donors, the Patient Assistance Fund helps close the gap for lower income families who need Menninger’s specialized care but fall above the financial threshold for charity care (income less than 300% of federal poverty guidelines). Last year, eight local adolescents in need received treatment for free or reduced cost, thanks to donors’ generosity.

for free or reduced cost ANNUAL REPORT on Giving 15
in need
in need

IN CARE Sparking Breakthroughs

Two years ago, Menninger Research Scientist Hyuntaek Oh, PhD, then a postdoctoral researcher, watched with alarm as the opioid crisis spiraled out of control. More than 130 people were dying every day from opioid-related overdoses.

Evidence-based treatment options were few and funding for research fell far short of the need.

Oh didn’t work on the frontlines of the crisis, but he had extensive expertise in neuroimaging and brain stimulation coupled with a bioengi neer’s knack for tackling complex problems. From this unique perspective, he considered the crisis at hand and how he, and Menninger, could be part of the solution.

“I was thinking, ‘I’m using imaging, I’m studying the brain. Let’s think about how we can use brain stimulation to help people get back to their normal lives without using opioids,’” Oh says. With donor support, he began exploring how to reduce opioid craving through a type of targeted brain stimulation called transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS.

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For his pilot study, Dr. Oh compared the reward center of healthy brains to opioid-addicted brains.

“I hope that my research can demonstrate that TMS is another tool we can use to help people struggling with opioid use,” he says.


Philanthropic support makes it possible for Menninger researchers, like Oh, to turn their bright ideas into breakthroughs in care. Thanks to the McNair Initiative for Neuroscience Discovery at Menninger and Baylor College of Medicine (MIND-MB), established with funding from The Robert and Janice McNair Foundation, Oh had an unparalleled collection of patient research data at his fingertips to develop his hypothesis, including hundreds of neuroimages, genetic samples and psychological assessments. A $20,000 grant from Menninger’s Presidential Research and Innovation Fund gave Oh an additional boost to begin a pilot study on using TMS to treat opioid addiction.

TMS is a safe and effective medical treatment that uses painless magnetic pulses to stimulate areas of the brain controlling mood. The

treatment is typically prescribed to patients with certain psychiatric disorders, including depression, who do not respond well to antide pressants or who can’t tolerate medications. Menninger offers TMS through The Clinic’s Center for Brain Stimulation.

According to Oh, the brain’s reward center isn’t as sensitive in people with substance use disorders and requires extra stimulation to activate pleasurable feelings. He theorizes that using TMS to stimulate the reward center might reduce cravings in patients who are addicted to opioids.

During his pilot study, Oh scanned the brains of healthy research subjects, not addicted to opioids, and compared them with images of opioid-addicted brains collected over the years through the MIND-MB project. The difference was clear to see, like looking at side-by-side satellite images of a city power outage. While the reward center shined brightly in healthy brains, it was but a dim shadow in addicted brains, signaling a faulty connection.


“Based on what we found within the healthy subject brain, we definitely know that the patient with the opioid-use problem has some dysfunction within [the reward center],” Oh says. He leveraged these findings to secure additional funding for his research from the National Institutes of Health in June 2022. The NIH awarded Oh a highly competitive Research Career Development (K25) Award, which will enable him to advance his research while enhancing his competitiveness and eligibility for continued NIH grants.

Now, Oh has the resources to fully explore the promise of TMS as a treatment for opioid addiction. Participants enrolled in the NIH study will receive five sessions of TMS, with brain scans conducted before and after TMS

treatment to pick up on any changes in function. Using data gathered from the MIND-MB project, the research team will also measure changes in participants’ cravings for opioids and their readiness to quit. Oh plans to recruit 45 patients into the study, which he hopes will pave the way for future investigations.


In addition to Oh’s research, a new crop of studies is in the works, brought to life through the generous support of Menninger’s donors. Staff Psychiatrist Kelly Truong, MD, and Clinical Research Informatics Engineer Jessa Westheimer were selected as awardees of the 2022–2023 Presidential Research and Innovation Fund. Truong’s study aims to

18 Here. NOW.
“Let’s think about how we can use brain stimulation to help people get back to their normal life without using opioids.”

advance the treatment of alcohol use disorder by repurposing lemborexant, a sleep medication, in combination with naltrexone to address alcohol cravings and sleep — two issues that are essential to recovery. Westheimer will focus on improving the prevention of suicide in inpatient psychiatric settings by developing a real-time monitoring dashboard and alert system based on medical-grade wearable technology.

More projects like these are on the horizon, thanks to the support of our dedicated community of donors. Together we are making great strides in better understanding and treating mental illness.



was distributed to support four advanced research projects

The Presidential Research and Innovation Fund launched in 2021 to inspire collaboration and provide seed funding for promising studies across Menninger. Last year, more than $60,000 was distributed to support four advanced research projects, including Oh’s pilot study to develop a new evidence-based treatment for opioid addiction.

creating the future of mental health
During TMS, a magnetic coil is placed against the patient’s head, targeting a specific area of the brain. Dr. Oh believes TMS may help to reduce cravings in people addicted to opioids.

ANNUAL Signature Luncheon

The importance of speaking openly about mental health and encouraging others to do the same was a recurring message at the 12th Annual Signature Luncheon held in May 2022 at the Hilton Post Oak hotel in Houston. This year’s event raised more than $335,000 for The Menninger Clinic Foundation and featured keynote speaker Charles Haley, who lives with bipolar disorder and is an NFL Hall of Fame inductee and former Dallas Cowboys player.

“Silence is a killer,” Haley said at the luncheon. “Being bipolar is something I'm going to deal with for the rest of my life and I'm not ashamed of it.”

Menninger’s Vital Balance Award went to the Harris County Sherriff’s Office in honor of their work to change how law enforcement responds to people with mental illness. Special guests in

attendance included Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, Vice Mayor Pro Tem Martha CastexTatum, Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzales and rapper Bun B. The successful event was chaired by Foundation board member Kathy Flanagan, MD, and Clinic board member Susan Sportsman, PhD, RN.

Here. NOW.




Ronald P. Cuenod, Jr. Houston, TX


Alan I. Abramson Beverly Hills, CA

Laura Kissel Cassidy Houston, TX

Linda D. Jones Houston, TX

John C. Kerr San Antonio, TX

Carolyn Dineen King Houston, TX

Harvey Kurzweil New York, NY

Kate Lykes Houston, TX

Walt Menninger, MD Topeka, KS

Genevieve O’Sullivan Houston, TX

Jeff Paine Houston, TX

Susan Sportsman, RN, PhD Forestburg, TX

Ann G. Trammell Houston, TX

Huda Zoghbi, MD Houston, TX


John McKelvey* Leawood, KS

Norman C. Schultz* Indian Wells, CA

Rob C. Wilson III* Houston, TX

*Ex Officio

Here. NOW. 22



Jeff Paine Houston, TX


Cynthia Adkins Houston, TX

Elise N. Banks Houston, TX

Nellie Connally Houston, TX

Nancy J. Corbet Houston, TX

Ronald P. Cuenod, Jr. Houston, TX

Milby Dow Dunn II Houston, TX

Anette T. Edens, PhD Houston, TX

Jimmy Erwin Houston, TX

Elaine W. Finger Houston, TX

Kathy Flanagan, MD Houston, TX

Jeff E. Fraley Fort Worth, TX

David E. K. Frischkorn Jr. Houston, TX

Mandy J. Hill, DrPH, MPH Houston, TX

Sarah Hurt Houston, TX

Marjorie Bintliff Johnson Houston, TX

F. Allen Lyons Houston, TX

Poppi Massey Houston, TX

John Menninger, MD Denver, CO

Louis Paine Houston, TX

Susie Peake Houston, TX

Rev. Dr. Douglas Richnow Houston, TX

Judson W. Robinson III Houston, TX


Lucy R. Schimmel Houston, TX

Orgena L. Singleton Houston, TX

Kathy Smith Houston, TX

Betty S. Tutor Houston, TX

Leo van den Thillart Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Nicole C. West, EdD Houston, TX


Barbara M. Robertson* Houston, TX

Corbin J. Robertson, Jr.* Houston, TX

*Ex Officio



For the years ended June 30, 2021 and 2022*
Inpatient Average Daily Census 67.5 64.9 Pathfinder Average Daily Census 21.7 25.6 Outpatient Visits 16,132 14,458 Faculty & Staff 482 488
EXPENSES Salaries & Benefits
Medical Staff Expenses
Non-Labor Expenses
Interest Expense
TOTAL EXPENSES $66,607,581 $61,257,556 OPERATING INCOME $(1,457,629) $331,089 NON-OPERATING ITEMS Net Investment Portfolio Return (9,587,583) 14,251,769 Other (3,429,468) (83,468) CHANGE IN NET ASSETS $(14,474,680) $14,499,390 EXPENSE CATEGORIES Program 85% 83% Administrative 13% 13% Fundraising 2% 4% *Unaudited The Menninger Clinic and The Menninger Clinic Foundation STATEMENTFinancial Here. NOW. 24
REVENUE Patient Care 62,971,727 55,863,594 Gifts without Donor Restriction 452,658 1,550,998 Grants & Other Revenue 1,725,567 4,174,053 TOTAL
$65,149,952 $61,588,645
38,877,537 35,480,940
12,961,611 10,823,635
14,458,775 14,268,929
309,658 684,052


We are grateful for our generous donors to The Menninger Clinic Foundation who provided sustaining and transformative support for Menninger’s mission during the past year.

Honor Roll of Donors

The following honor roll recognizes donors who made outright gifts, pledge payments, new pledges and/or planned gifts during Menninger’s 2022 fiscal year (July 1, 2021–June 30, 2022). Please notify us of any errors or omissions at


Jo Ann Klemmer, MA*


Ms. Susan R. Philbin*


Ms. Julie A. Adams*

Charles Butt Foundation

Miss Catherine W. Cockburn* The Hamill Foundation

Mrs. George S. Mahana*


M. D. Anderson Foundation

Fraternal Order of Eagles

Mr. Peter J. Laraia*

Poppi Massey Massey Family Charitable Lead Annuity Trust


Mr. Charles Dishman The Ellwood Foundation The Henderson-Wessendorff Foundation

Hope 2 Others Foundation, Inc. Carole & Jim Looke Ruth Jones MacDonald Charitable Trust

June Oesterling Nester*

Mr. Reuben B. Resnik* Ann G. Trammell

Mrs. Frances Turner

Wacker Family Fund of The Dallas Foundation Walter Oil & Gas Corporation


The Louis L. Borick Foundation Briar Hollow Foundation

Here. NOW. 26

Ms. Danielle M. Brown

Collins Holding Company

Cuenod Families

Stacy & Michael Ellington

Kathy C. Flanagan, MD

Gwen & Gary Gilmer

Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund

George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation

Carl Jacobs Foundation

Marjorie & Raleigh Johnson Harvey & Barbara Kurzweil

Mrs. Katherine E. Laiolo*

Mr. William C. Madlener* Paula & Jeff Paine

Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Paine, Jr.

Nancy and Clive Runnells Foundation

Cherida Collins Smith

Texas Children's Hospital

The Torian-Longenbaugh Fund

The Trammell Foundation Mr. Garry A. Weber (1) Anonymous


Joan & Stanford* Alexander Archway Gallery Inc.

Mr. David C. Baldwin

The Reverend Carl F. Buechner & Mrs. Judith F. Buechner

The Gordon A. Cain Foundation Lisa & Armando Colombo

Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Cowan

The Crain Foundation, Lacy Crain & Joe Galloway

Sadie Danciger Trust

Ms. Carol B. Davis

Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Elder III

Elizabeth & George Farish

Marvy & Elaine Finger

Pam & Van Greene

Linda Griffin

Albert & Ethel Herzstein

Charitable Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery D. Hildebrand

The Howell Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Bradley N. Howell Mr. David L. Howell

Mr. Douglas W. Howell Judy & Steven Howell

Mr. & Mrs. Josh Jones Joy Foundation

Mrs. Letitia L. Knapp

Mr. & Mrs. Tucker S. Knight

Kroger Company

The Marek Family John P. McGovern Foundation

Houston Methodist Hospital Origin Bank

Vivie & Chris O'Sullivan

Douglas Scharbauer

Lucy R. Schimmel

Paula Sutton

Texas Capital Bank

Shirley W. Toomim

Lynda Underwood Randa & Charlie Williams Winston & Strawn LLP Karen Winston


Marian Menninger Adams, MD Alliance Bernstein Matching Gift Program Bracewell

Lorraine Brackenridge-Sterling, PhD & Leroy L. Sterling, Jr., MD

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Brueggeman

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Crawford Ms. Nancy G. Dickenson

Discovery Practice Management, Inc. P. F. Doemer

Milby Dow Dunn II, Columbia Lloyds Insurance Company

Berthica Fitzsimons

Mr. & Mrs. David E. K. Frischkorn, Jr. Ms. Lainie Gordon Mr. Jonathon K. Hance

Mrs. Lucile W. Hays

The Heffner Fund

The Hood-Barrow Foundation J Squared Family Foundation

Linda D. Jones

Felicia Jordan Brigitte Kalai Kirksey Architecture Mrs. Elizabeth Y. Leckenby* Mrs. Eugenia D. Magafan

Flo McGee

April & Wells McGee

Mr. & Mrs. John McGowan Mr. & Mrs. Rustin G. Mikeska Mr. Eric Miller

Lainie Gordon & David Mincberg Katina Pontikes & Monty McDannald, Jr. Barbara & Corbin J. Robertson, Jr. Regina Rogers

The Seattle Foundation

Susan Sportsman, PhD, RN

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stinus Strake Foundation

Tellepsen Family Texas Methodist Foundation Betty & Jesse Tutor Miss Pauline E. Williman* Bess & Rob C. Wilson III


Alan I. Abramson

Cynthia & John Adkins Cathy & Jim Ahrenholz

Mr. & Mrs. W.S. Alford

Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Bernstein Mr. McLean Bowman Drs. Patricia Gail Bray & Stephen Linder

Central Bank

Dr. Dorothy W. Chappell

The Conner Foundation Nancy J. Corbet The Reverend Margaret G. Crandall


Mr. & Mrs. Clay E. Crawford

Stephanie & Keith Cunningham

Greater Milwaukee Foundation Dr. Carl W. Eberbach and Elisabeth Falk Eberbach Fund Nancy & Bill Drushel

Mrs. Avon S. Duson

Anette T. Edens, PhD

Dr. & Mrs. J. Ollie Edmunds, Jr.

Evergreen Partners LTD

Ms. Ellen M. Feldman

Mr. & Mrs. Edgar F. Foreman, Jr. Elaine A. Franco

Ms. Rosemarie Goodnough

Mr. & Mrs. Jared Jameson

Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Jewell

Don & Virginia Johnson

John C. Kerr

Mr. & Mrs. David D. Kinder

Carolyn Dineen King

Kovler Family Foundation

David & Linda Kroeze

Barbara & Jim Leeton

Mrs. Diana T. MacArthur

John Menninger, MD & Claire Zilber, MD W. Walter Menninger, MD

Mr. Kent B. Mickelson

Morse Family Foundation

Neal Family Foundation

Constance Hoguet Neel

Richard Nightingale, MD

Margie & Jerry Noll

Mrs. Richard D. Nydick*

Paul & Elaine Plummer

Ms. Andrea Preisinger

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Ravenscroft

Judson W. Robinson III

Ellen J. Safier, LCSW & Efrain Bleiberg, MD

Derry & Wendy Seldin

Vickie Shannon, MD

Ms. Joan Bates Sims

Gena & Eric Singleton

Diana Strassmann & Jeff Smisek

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Sturgeon Mr. Charles G. Tracy Vivian L. Smith Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. David H. Waddill Cory Walker, DO

Nicole C. West, EdD John H. Wilms, MD, LFAPA*

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Wilson Huda Y. Zoghbi, MD (1) Anonymous


Jeffery S. Atwater, DMin Nancy D. Baker, MD

Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Balzhiser Summerlynne Bartlett-Moore & Frank Moore

Block Family Bonterra Network for Good Mr. Charles G. Cannon The Cord Foundation Trust Philip & Mary Danielson Ms. Janet E. Davis Ms. Tejuana L. Edmond Ms. Susan S. Falgout Clare Fontenot Gray & Ramases Wright

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Goodwin Jennifer & Michael Hanson Dr. Dana S. Hayse & Mr. Tom Hayse Gregory Heath

Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Hermann Mandy J. Hill, DrPh, MPH

Houston Area Urban League Houston Fitness Partners

Mr. William O. Jameson Mr. & Mrs. V. Stewart Jose Ms. Deborah A. Keyser Mrs. Geraldine S. Kunstadter

Steven J. Livengood Tia Manteca-Reed John & Carolyn McKelvey Dr. & Mrs. William L. Menninger

Jim & Carol Moller

Cathie & Mike Moroski

Drs. Adrienne & Richard Munich Mark G. Palazzo

Ms. Nancy A. Palyo

Plains All American Pipeline LP Ed Poa, MD

Mrs. Marilyn E. Ratner

The Reverend Douglas & Angela Richnow Mr. Mohammad Rizvi Dorothy Saxe

UTHealth Cizik School of Nursing Mr. & Mrs. John B. Young (3) Anonymous


Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Aguirre Mr. Warren R. Allen Mr. Javier Alonso Espinosa Sara J. Aversa

Susan G. Baker Richard & Joan Beach Mr. & Mrs. Forrest J. Blaylock Robert J. Boland, MD

Ms. Margrit Boyd Mr. John R. Bragg

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc. Letty Casazza

Central Pines Psych, PLLC Ms. Alejandra Creixell Mrs. Alice Dillon

Dr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Fowler

The Glidewell Family Carl & Mary Holvik

Betsy Hornberger Mr. & Mrs. James C. Hudgeons Bill & Mary Hughes Qiana James Blake Lewis Mr. Sujey M. Kallumadanda Maurice M. Langston, Jr. Gail & Warren Lieberfarb

Here. NOW. 28

Carol Lee & Allen Lyons

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Mathera

Dr. Lynne McClure

Dr. & Mrs. R. Craig McKee

The McReynolds Family Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Gordon Meltzer

Mr. Thomas M. Milam

Lucy H. Molinaro

Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Mudd

Mr. John J. O'Neill III David E. Ostrow, MD

Susie Peake

Phillips 66

Mr. James A. Reeder, Jr. Joe & Laura Rigano

Ms. Leslie W. Rose

Rusk Family

Ms. Kirsten Cameron Schachter

Reverend Malcolm K. Shields & Mrs. Carol Shields

Mr. & Mrs. George Stark Mrs. Jeanette M. Taylor Jill C. Valenti

Dr. Douglas & Mrs. Susan Warsett

Mr. & Mrs. Barry M. Wuntch

Mr. Donald Yurewicz & Ms. Theresa Einhorn

(4) Anonymous


Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Adams

AmazonSmile Foundation

Ms. Anitra L. Anderson

Mrs. Judith P. Anderson

Justice Karen Angelini

Mr. Peter A. Benoliel & Ms. Willo Carey

Rod & Jill Bergman

Jessica Brown Interiors - Design Build

Ms. Barbara J. Burris

Mr. Ivan Cantu

Ms. Elizabeth W. Carswell

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Castner

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Y. Chao

Ronald & Lynda Charfoos

Reverend Ronald L. Cobb & Mrs. Kathleen Cobb Mrs. Meredyth W. Corbett Sallie & Mark Crotty Cathryn A. Culver, MD*

Mr. Paul O. Daugherty, Jr. David M. Davis, MD Ms. Jacqueline de Weever Kathleen M. Dennish Mr. Jay V. Dolcetti

Frank & Karen Donnelly Jackie & Fred Dunlop

Mr. & Mrs. Pat T. Dyer

Mr. & Mrs. Gus K. Eifler Ms. Sally J. Erbe Mr. Robert S. Fay

Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Felt Stacie Fillyaw, MBA Dr. Pamela Wagner Foley & Mr. L. Michael Foley Dr. Gary & Sandra Forrest Mr. Jeff E. Fraley Ms. Julie Gambino Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Gardner Ms. Angela Glenn

Harold Ronald Gollberg Bob Goodfellow

Ms. Laurie A. Greer

Thomas & Elizabeth Grubaugh Mrs. Marilyn D. Guion

Bradford & Robin Haroian Mrs. Ann M. Harrington

Mr. Mark Harrison Mrs. Shirley A. Hartlage Mr. Anthony Haswell Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Hays Katy & Clyde Hays S. Mark Haywood II

Mr. & Mrs. William D. Helms Beth & George Hower Ms. Diane S. Humphrey Sarah Hurt

Dr. Christine Jaynes-Bell & Mr. Marshall A. Bell

Casey Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jordan Dr. Graham G. Kavanagh Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Kehoe Mr. & Mrs. Chand Khan Robert & Karen Killeen Mark & Sheryl Cormicle Knox Marian Kohlstedt

Mrs. Jacqulene Leighton Mr. & Mrs. Lewis A. Levey

The Ernest Lowenstein Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Mason, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. McCleary Patricia McFarlen Jade McGowen Stewart & Corra McKnight James & Julie McNeil Ms. Kathryn N. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Mong Ms. Brenda A. Moran Cynthia I. Mulder, LCSW Dr. & Mrs. Hira Narang Mrs. Janet Neale Ms. Jennifer L. O'Bryant Ms. Christine Odusola Dr. Susan Snider Osterberg Mr. & Mrs. Craven B. Page Mrs. Elisheva Parker Dr. Michelle A. Patriquin & Dr. Richard R. Bouchard Leroy & Mary Joyce Pickett Elizabeth & Joe D. Powers

Psych Insight PLLC Ms. Marcia D. Pursley Mr. Keith Ritchie Dr. & Mrs. Donald L. Roberts Pam & John Roeth Ms. Franelle Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. G. Ronus Christian Sargent, Vicky Cakes Pancake Mix, LLC

REPORT on Giving 29

Mr. & Mrs. Ron Schielke

Jolene & George Schlatter

Ms. Barbara L. Seymour

Linda & Michael Sidell

John & Judy Steele

Dr. Jon Stevens & Dr. Nicole Bensoussan

Charles “Casey” Still

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Suman

Mr. & Mrs. Barry J. Sutcliffe

Ms. Susan P. Swartz

Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Thompson Evelyn Traylor

Nancy Trowbridge

Bruce & Marjorie Walton

Samuel Weinstein Family Foundation

Mrs. Penny A. Welbourne

Mr. George T. Whalen, Jr. Robert & Barbara Wilson

Larry & Anita Wolgast

Harrell W. Woodson, PhD (8) Anonymous

UNDER $100

Mr. Michael J. Adam III

David G. Alt

Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Applegate

Mr. Russell E. Aramony

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Arcidiacono

Lisa R. Balick, PhD

Jo Anne J. Balthazor, RN Allison Baring

Mr. & Mrs. Franklin A. Belko

Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Bernstein

Ms. Samantha Boy

Ms. Karen M. Brady

Miss Bettye M. Brubaker

Dalanna Burris

Ms. Rebecca T. Carrum

Constance Catalfio

Ms. Shirley J. Coster

Virginia C. Cox

Ms. Eva Curtis

Deborah David

Ms. Nova Davis

Mr. & Mrs. George De Cecco Ms. Victoria N. Duncan Mrs. Jean Asbury Eames Mrs. Cecelia M. Esquivel Mr. Matthew W. Estey Ms. Charlotte A. Fostey Mr. Laurence D. Fry Patty Gilgus

Ricardo Grillo-Paris, MD Mrs. Heidi Gross

Tianna Hall & The Houston Jazz Band Mr. Bruce Halom Mr. & Mrs. Dale Harberts

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Hardin III Bob & Sandi Harris

Mr. Jack R. Hicks, Jr. Mrs. Judith M. Horton-Holm Mr. Steven Howell

Linda L. Keene, MSW Paul A. Klinger, EdD Sharon Lasman

Jim & Nancy Lomax Ms. Jayne M. Look Ms. Anne W. Lupton Ms. Carol J. Maras

The Reverend Dr. Wallace H. Mayton III & Mrs. Lindsay A. Mayton Ms. Joy McCormack Mrs. Comer V. Meadows Ms. Marilyn E. Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Miller Ms. Melissa L. Mong Mr. Frederick W. Morton, Jr. Anissa & Adam Orr

Ms. Rebecca Phillips Ms. Susan Priddy

Professor & Mrs. Eric M. Ramon Ms. Jennifer Reed Ms. Elissa Reiskind Ms. Linda M. Reitzenstein Ms. Claire A. Rincon

Mr. Richard W. Roberts

Elliot P. Royston, MD

Katrina Rufino

Mr. Paul W. Schaughency Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Sexton Mr. Pearce Henry Shanks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Slan Mrs. Lou Ellen Stansell

Colin Nagle

Ms. Ean Choo M. A. Tham Barbara & Mark Tischler

Mr. & Mrs. John Warren Wells Fargo Bank Ms. Danae Whitman Mrs. Laura Williams Norman A. Zilber, Esq. (2) Anonymous

*In grateful memory

Here. NOW. 30


Heritage Society

The Heritage Society honors individuals who have made a planned gift to The Menninger Clinic Foundation, such as establishing a charitable lead or remainder trust; creating a bequest in a will or living trust; or designating The Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. We gratefully recognize

the following donors as Heritage Society members.

Alan I. Abramson

Mrs. William R. Anderson, Jr.

Jeffery S. Atwater, DMin

James A. Baker

Ronald P. Baker

Michael Barrett

Carolyn V. Bourne*

Don Brady, PhD

Lorena R. Brock*

Jean E. Brower

Carolyn J. Bunker

Walter L. Burroughs*

F. Robert Burrows

Willem & Jacquelin Bynagte

Agatha L. Calkins

Letty C. Casazza

Herbert Cattenberg

Joan Cavally

Maria Il-Cha Choe, MD

Norton Clapp*

Mary J. Clements

Catherine W. Cockburn*

Nancy J. Corbet

The Reverend Margaret G. Crandall & Mr. Richard Crandall

Dr. Carl W. Eberbach & Elisabeth Falk Eberbach*

Jack Eber*

Dr. Ermaleen B. Etter, PhD

Robert S. Fay Donald S. Frederick*

Naomi Friedman

Barbara R. Furlow

Julia H. Harms*

Mary D. Hooper*

Sylvia & Matt Kerrigan

Katherine E. Laiolo*

Marcia Lippold

Louise R. Lord

Edward Macauley IV

Lorna Lindsay Mayer* Richard M. Menninger

Adam C. Moorhead

Larry Movsovitz

Charles T. Nevels, MD

Linda Norman, DO & Robert Ryan, LCSW

Dorothy Nuttall, MSW*

Roberta Ossi

Marilyn E. Ratner

George W. Roark, MD*

Dr. Janice S. Roberts

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Roeth

Robert D. Ryan, LCSW

Dorothy Saxe

Marilyn G. Schnitz

Frederick D. Schroth

Arline Ruth Siegel

Stephen B. Sofro

Gale Steinberg

Alfred P. Stern

Ann G. Trammell

Drs. Charlotte Trautman & William Cannon

Betty Vincent-Karl Margarett M. Williams

August R. Woods, Jr. (8) Anonymous

*In grateful memory


Tribute Gifts

Tribute gifts offer a meaningful way to advance Menninger’s mission while also recognizing a cherished family member, friend or colleague. Individuals who were honored or memorialized in fiscal year 2022 are listed in bold.


Jon G. Allen, PhD

Cynthia I. Mulder, LCSW

Dominic Aversa Mrs. Sara J. Aversa

Melba Bechtel

Mr. & Mrs. George H. Hower

David Bidwell

Houston Fitness Partners

CJ Bouchard Houston Fitness Partners

Barbara & Bill Bray

Patricia Gail Bray, PhD & Stephen Herve Linder, PhD

Danielle Brown Anonymous

Miles Burton Ms. Andrea Preisinger

Rachel Powers Carlock

Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Powers

Linda Civallero

Patricia Gail Bray, PhD & Stephen Herve Linder, PhD

Armando Colombo

Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Cunningham Ms. Carol J. Maras

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Paine

Dorothy & Ronny Cuenod

Mr. & Mrs. David D. Kinder

Emma Curtis Ms. Eva Curtis

Dante ElMekki

Ms. Danielle M. Brown

Kathy Flanagan

Lorraine Breckenridge-Sterling, PhD & Leroy Sterling, Jr., MD

Charlotte Fostey

Summerlynne Bartlett-Moore & Frank Moore

Anne & David Frischkorn

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Suman

Natalie Fry Mr. Laurence D. Fry

Kristi Keith Hoffman Houston Fitness Partners

Stephen Kindler, Jr. Houston Fitness Partners

Frank Knox

Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Knox

Angela Koreth Ms. Alejandra Creixell

Kate & Jim Lykes Ms. Susan S. Falgout

Lynne McClure, PhD Dr. Lynne McClure & Mr. Patrick W. McClure

Shane McGuiness Houston Fitness Partners

Peter McKee

Dr. & Mrs. R. Craig McKee

The Menninger Clinic Staff and Doctors Mr. Alan I. Abramson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Crotty

Office of Philanthropy Summerlynne Bartlett-Moore & Frank Moore

Constance Libbey Menninger

Dr. & Mrs. William L. Menninger

W. Walter Menninger, MD Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Hermann John A. Menninger, MD & Claire Zilber, MD Mr. & Mrs. Marc A. Trowbridge Norman A. Zilber, Esq.

Melissa Mong

Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Mong

Ben Moroski Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moroski

Jennifer O'Bryant Ms. Nova Davis

The Louis Paine Family Mrs. Avon S. Duson

Michelle A. Patriquin, PhD Huda Y. Zoghbi, MD

Russ Preite Houston Fitness Partners Lee Roberts Mandy J. Hill, DrPh, MPH

Bryanna Shannon Vickie R. Shannon, MD

Daryl Shorter, MD Ms. Kirsten Cameron Schachter

Jonathan Stevens, MD, MPH Origin Bank

Alan Swann, MD Mr. & Mrs. John I. Griffin

Betty & Jess Tutor Ms. Franelle Rogers Yahn Vaz Ms. Melissa L. Mong

Here. NOW. 32

Dr. Cory Walker Mr. & Mrs. Ron Schielke

Ramases Wright

Ms. Jessica T. Brown

Contemporary Garden Homes, LTD Ms. Clare E. Fontenot

Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Gardner Ms. Tianna Hall Ms. Christian C. Sargent

Stuart C. Yudofsky, MD Mr. Charles C. Butt

Mark Yurewicz, MD Mr. Donald Yurewicz & Ms. Theresa Einhorn


Madeleine M. Aitken Mrs. Lucile W. Hays

Richard Gentry Allison

Lieutenant Colonel Richard Beach & Mrs. Joan Beach

Megan Christine Wexler

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory G. Heath

John Bevier Dr. Pamela & Mr. Van Greene

Robert "Bob" Brooks Mrs. Sara J. Aversa

Paul C. Bundy Mr. Robert E. Goodfellow

Walter W. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Michael U. Ellington

Irma Carr Mrs. Orgena L. Singleton

Max E. Cavalli

Nancy D. Baker, MD

Grayson Monroe Cuenod Cuenod Families

Robin Hecht Deutsch Mrs. Berthica A. Fitzsimons

Harriet Valentine Menninger Drowne

Miss Bettye M. Brubaker

Severo Esquivel Mrs. Cecelia M. Esquivel

Allan W. Estey, DDS Mr. Matthew W. Estey

Warachal Faison, MD Ms. Tejuana L. Edmond

Vincent D. Foley, PhD Mrs. Ann M. Harrington

DeEdward James Greer Linda L. Keene, MSW

Ricky Haywood Watson III Mandy J. Hill, DrPh, MPH

Josef & Joyce Hettich Anonymous

Arne Holvik Mr. & Mrs. Carl Holvik

George Hondros Mrs. Sara J. Aversa

Shawn Eric Hudgeons Mr. & Mrs. James C. Hudgeons

Aaron Scott Jeremias Mrs. Sara J. Aversa

Stuart Keene

Central Pines Psych, PLLC Ms. Julie Gambino Ms. Laurie A. Greer

Linda L. Keene, MSW Ms. Joy McCormack Mr. Keith Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. John Warren Mrs. Laura Williams

Christine Kohlstedt Ms. Marian B. Kohlstedt

Stewart Taylor Lang Ms. Leslie W. Rose

Grace Loncar Mr. & Mrs. William S. Alford

Ann E. “Betty” Luzbetak Mrs. Sara J. Aversa

Sophie Nezi Magafan Mrs. Eugenia D. Magafan

Skip Masters Mrs. Sara J. Aversa

Hayden McKinley Mrs. Jeanette M. Taylor

Dorothy B. Jones Melton Mr. Maurice M. Langston, Jr.

Catharine Louisa Menninger Marian M. Adams, MD

William C. Menninger Marian M. Adams, MD

Weston Alan Miller Marjorie & Raleigh Johnson

Megan Alane Mong Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Mong

Kristy Erbee Norton Ms. Sally J. Erbe

Margaret O'Neill Anonymous

John M. O'Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Rob C. Wilson III

Patrick Rigano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Rigano

Londa Robinson Mrs. Sara J. Aversa

Doyle St. Nicholasy Ms. Susan Priddy

Marsha Usatyuk Mrs. Sara J. Aversa

James Clifton Welbourne Mrs. Penny A. Welbourne

Beverly Ann Wuntch Mr. & Mrs. Barry M. Wuntch

David Ross Wuntch Mr. & Mrs. Barry M. Wuntch

ANNUAL REPORT on Giving 33

Here. NOW.


Advancing the art and science of mental health care is made possible at Menninger by many donors and friends who generously contribute time, energy and resources each year to The Clinic’s programs and priorities. To join us as a supporter:

Make a gift by mail and return to:

THE MENNINGER CLINIC Office of Philanthropy 12301 Main Street Houston, Texas 77035

Please make checks payable to The Menninger Clinic Foundation

Make a secure online donation at



For information about how you can support the luncheon, contact: Charlotte Fostey Special Events and Donor Relations Manager 713-275-5617 or


Contact the Office of Philanthropy at 713-275-5400 or


Alejandra Balcorta


Summer Bartlett-Moore


Peter Cressy


Stephanie Cunningham, MBA


Charlotte Fostey


Jennifer O'Bryant


Anissa Orr


Kirsten Schachter


Lou Ellen Stansell


Jeanette Taylor



EDITOR: Jennifer L. O’Bryant

WRITER: Anissa Anderson Orr

DESIGN: CORE Design Studio

PHOTOGRAPHY: Nicole Dinh Photography 34

12301 Main Street Houston, Texas 77035 713-275-5400


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