The Marquee Volume 33 Issue 6

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Battling Addiction


VOL 33. ISSUE 6. April 26, 2019

Students struggle with prescription drug abuse


Studentscreatecharity basketball event for LISD students


Varsity girls soccer rebuilds after statefinalistteamgraduates


Which Marvel superhero matches your personality best?

Edward S. Marcus High School • 5707 Morriss Road, Flower Mound, TX 75028


Junior varsity sophomore cheerleaders Alex Smith and McKinley Rogers celebrate Coach Christy Tumilty’s recent accomplishment of 500 softball wins during her career at Marcus. Photo Tara Connick


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NEWS Caught in the act Governor Greg Abbot takes action after nationwide college admissions scandal

FEATURE Sew talented Senior shows off skills in design and costume making

SPORTS Catching for college Varsity softball underclassmen commit to universities

ENTERTAINMENT Sushi reviews Do these local sushi spots sink or swim?

COVER Emily Lundell

FEATURE EDITOR/ OPINION EDITOR Reya Mosby SPORTS EDITOR/ ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Michael Minton GRAPHICS EDITOR Emily Seiler REPORTERS Shayla Sistrunk, Chloe White, Alex Anderson, Kendall Cooper, Skyler Middleton, Ava Bush, Nikhila Bulusu DESIGNERS Khailyn Agis, Jolie Mullings, Aeralyn Stinson PHOTOGRAPHER Maya Hernandez ADVISER LaJuana Hale PRINCIPAL Will Skelton The Marquee newsmagazine is a student-generated publication of Marcus High School. It is produced, edited and maintained through the efforts of the school’s advanced journalism class. The Marquee is designed to serve the school and community as a forum for open discussion and student expression. The Marquee encourages letters to the editor as part of its mission to educate, inform and provide an open forum for debate. All submissions must be signed. The staff reserves the right to edit all material. Editorials reflect the opinion of the staff, not necessarily that of the administration. Signed columns or reviews represent only the opinion of the author. Advertising rates are $70 per 1/8 of a page, with discounts available. Patron ads are available for $100. Online advertisements are also available. For more information call 469-713-5196. The Marquee is a standing member of ILPC, TAJE, ATPI, CSPA, NSPA, JEA and Quill and Scroll.

Law firm sues LISD over school board elections interests, schools and communities.” Trustees serve three year terms A lawsuit was filed on Feb. 12 against and three seats are on the ballot for the LISD because the current school board upcoming school board election on May election system doesn’t require members 4. The law firm is asking LISD to hold to live in the area that they represent. off on the elections until the lawsuit is Though more than 58 percent of LISD resolved. students are minorities, the board is Junior Sarah Saleem said she sees the made up of seven white women. The suit benefit in changing the district’s election alleges that this at-large voting system system. allows white residents to vote as a block, “I really like the idea of switching which is unfair to minority voters. to a geographic system because if Pacific Islander The lawsuit also states that we just have voices from Marcus none of the school board and Flower Mound, there is Africanmembers currently live a bias towards funding for American within the boundary other schools,” Saleem for Lewisville and The said. “Other cities aren’t Colony High School, being represented, two out of the five which is really Two or LISD high schools. more races important.” These schools serve Junior Asher the predominantly Sprayman is a low-income and supporter of the Asian minority parts of popular vote the district. system and doesn’t “The district White think this new believes board system should go in Native members, both past American place. and present, make “The fact that decisions based on what they don’t live in the areas is best for all LISD students,” of whom they represent LISD Chief Communications is beyond their control,” Officer Amanda Brim stated in Sprayman said. “If people wanted Hispanic an email. “Where they personally somebody who was from their area reside has not been a factor in those they would have voted for someone decisions.” who was from their area.” The law firm Brewer Storefront Brewer Storefront has filed filed suit on behalf of Frank Vaughan, several other lawsuits against school alleging that LISD’s election system districts regarding the same issue violates the Voting Rights Act of 1965 including Richardson ISD earlier this According to a news release from since it denies fair representation to year, Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Brewer Storefront, Vaughan is a humans voters of color. According to the suit, this in 2015 and Grand ISD in 2014. white hispanic american indian african american twoPrairie or more races asian results in minority children receiving a resources executive who is active in his These districts have now remodeled their second-rate education compared to their community. His son graduated from voting systems. peers. The evidence they mention is that Lewisville High School and his late wife In Brim’s statement, she mentions that the lowest performing schools in the worked as a speech therapist for LISD. He LISD’s election system will be reviewed in district are those that serve poor, Hispanic stated that, without proper representation court. children while the highest performing of minorities, the district is failing to meet “While LISD asserts that its current schools are those in more affluent, white the needs of the entire community. election system has not impeded its Lead counsel for Vaughan, William ability to provide all students with a world areas where the trustees live. However, Brim’s statement says A. Brewer stated in a news release that class education, the district will provide that LISD’s system has worked for many his client believes that “Lewisville ISD the courts with the relevant facts to years and provided students with equal unfairly denies people of color a fair determine whether the district’s current opportunity to elect candidates of their approach meets the legal requirements opportunities. “It is an indisputable fact that choosing – trustees that represent their for representation,” Brim stated. regardless of zip code, all LISD students have equal access to educational resources and extracurricular opportunities,” Brim states. “The district’s leadership team combined has nearly 100 years of service to LISD and its students, and has demonstrated time and time again its dedication to ensuring all students are provided the tools they need to thrive.”

story Nikhila Bulusu




52,368 students





Racial makeup of LISD student body according to TEA


APRIL 26, 2019



Under the table Texas universities review admission processes in wake of bribery scandal story alex anderson Texas Governor Greg Abbott has ordered that all Texas public universities review their application processes after officials at the University of Texas at Austin allegedly accepted bribes from applicants’ families to get students admitted. UT is one of the colleges accused in a nationwide bribery scandal. Senior Erika Voight will be attending UT in the fall studying political science. She said that while the admission scandal did not affect her desire to go to the school, it did change her view of the institution. “It’s kind of disappointing because I think so highly of the place,” Voight said. “I have so many people who hype it up so much and then when you see things like this happen, it just gets a little frustrating because it lowers my view of that school.” Thirty-three parents, including actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin, have been charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud for allegedly making “donations” to a fake non-profit foundation called the Key Foundation. Loughlin allegedly paid $500,000 to get her daughter, Olivia Jade Giannulli, accepted into the University of Southern California as a crew team recruit.



According to a police investigation, the non-profit would distribute these funds to various universities. Many of these “donations” were discovered by investigators after the parents attempted to write the “donations” off on their tax returns. The Key Foundation’s CEO, William Singer, allegedly distributed a total of $25 million to various universities including USC, Stanford, Georgetown, the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of San Diego, UT, Wake Forest and Yale. According to Voight, the prestige

“We value money more than anything, and if you have money, you can get into these schools and this just proves it.” Many students and parents believe that those convicted have been stealing admissions spots from other, more qualified, students. “They’re taking spots from people who deserve it,” junior Madalyn Beischer said. “That’s really disappointing to show that money is valued over who you are as a person.” The majority of the bribes were given to coaches to admit students as athletes for smaller sports such as tennis or female rowing, despite inadequate grades and test scores. Students’ faces were They’re taking spots from people photoshopped into who deserve it. That’s really pictures of the sport. disappointing to show that money All of the schools that received the bribes is valued over who you are as a compete at a Division-I person. level, the highest level for college sports. “These high profile universities like USC or UCLA, they really do surrounding certain colleges shouldn’t need to look in and check it out because be valued more than doing what’s right, a lot of their coaches were involved,” and the fact that families are bribing their Economics teacher Phil Cooke said. students into certain colleges just for the After the foundation’s records were status negatively reflects society’s values. released, a $500,000 bribe was listed to “I think that says a lot more about the UT athletics department. UT’s head society than I want it to say,” Voight said. tennis coach, Michael Center, allegedly

- Madalyn Beischer, 11


took a $100,000 bribe to get a California student into the school as a tennis recruit in 2015. While the student was placed on the tennis team, they never attended practices or games. The student is still enrolled at UT, but Center has been fired. Another element of the scandal included parents bribing SAT or ACT proctors to correct their children’s answers after the test was finished. Actress Felicity Huffman is accused of paying $15,000 for her daughter’s test to be altered. Allegedly, parents also bribed test officials to allow the students to take the exams alone, citing “disabilities” as the reasoning. “A lot of these universities are doing things under the table and they’ve been doing it forever,” Cooke said. “That just shows you how influential money is and celebrity status is.” Some UT insiders have tried to stop this trend over the years. Wallace Hall Jr. served a six-year term on the UT Board of Regents. Throughout this time he challenged the admissions process, alleging that children and friends of state politicians and the board of regents were being given special consideration in the admissions process. Kroll International, a private investigation company, was also hired by the UT System to investigate these claims and the admissions process. In 2015, they found that 73 students from 2009 to 2014 had been admitted to UT despite poor grades and test scores. “I’m sure that things like that happen all the time,” Beischer said. “People who don’t do very well [in high school] get into amazing schools, not because of who they are and how hard they work but because of who they know and who their parents know.” UT is at the top of Beischer’s list of colleges to apply to next year, and she said that while UT’s involvement in the scandal was unexpected, the idea that people would bribe their way into better colleges, even on such a large scale, is common.

A USA Today and Suffolk University poll discovered that less than one in five Americans believe that the college admissions process is “generally fair,” and about 67 percent of the respondents believe that the admissions process “favors the rich and powerful.” “People with more money get into better places, but for it to be so public that

financial aid regulations were violated. In late March, UT Austin tweeted that the campus was “cooperating with federal investigators and is concerned by the allegations raised.” They also stated that they “believe this was an isolated incident in 2015 that involved one coach and no other university employees or officers.” Center pled guilty in early April and could get at least a year in prision. A lot of these According to the New York Times, prosecutors announced universities are doing on April 8 that 13 parents, things under the table including Huffman, and one coach would plea guilty to their and they’ve been charges after accepting a plead bargain. On April 9, parents doing it forever. that refused plea That just shows you deals were met with indictments and new how influential charges. Loughlin money is and and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, celebrity status is. were additionally charged with money - Phil Cooke, laundering. On April 15, Loughlin plead not guilty economics teacher to her additional charges of it was a big wake up call for admissions,” money laundering. Giannulli Beischer said. has also not plead any guilt for After Abbott’s order, the U.S. his charges. Department of Education informed UT “They need to be convicted and be that they have begun a “preliminary made an example of,” Cooke said. “I think investigation” on the admissions process they need to face the consequences... to determine whether any federal hopefully the courts will do something.”


Senior Erika Voight will be attending the University of Texas at Austin in the fall as a political science major. She has wanted to go to UT since she was young, but when the admissions scandal broke, she said the news of the bribes tainted her view of the school. Photo Submitted

APRIL 26, 2019



Baskets for backpacks Students host charity basketball event to donate school supplies to LISD students story nikhila bulusu Clothes were sprawled across the room as junior Aryan Sharma sat in a swivelly chair across from his good friend, senior Sai Ramesh. On this chilly December day, they were talking when Sharma brought up the idea of starting a charity. Ramesh, eager to help his friend out, jumped right into planning. Little did they know that within a few months, the idea would turn into a real charity organization for underprivileged students in the area. Hoop for Others, also known as H4O, provides school supplies to students in the district by raising funds through charity basketball events. Sharma has always been interested in the idea of using his passion for basketball to make a difference. His desire to help others began in the fifth grade after reading a story in a Sports Illustrated magazine. In the story, someone started



a charity based around basketball to help kids attend an elite private school. This motivated him to use his passion to create his own charity event. “I have had the idea in my head for a few years, but this was the year that I could execute it,” Sharma said. Before starting H4O, Ramesh and Sharma worked together on a walk for charity through the GDAS Cancer Clinic. Ramesh described that starting an organization from scratch has been a completely different experience. “The fact that it’s our initiative at the end of the day is really fulfilling to us,” Ramesh said. “We’re going to make a tangible impact on the community and it’s really helping us grow as independent people.” Sharma and Ramesh are both passionate about basketball and wanted to incorporate the sport into their charity. Their original idea was to hold

basketball camps, but they decided that a tournament would be more impactful. They wanted to find a way to involve the community while also benefiting the kids. “It’s often so hard to actually make a difference in people’s lives while also pursuing your passion, so I saw this as the perfect chance,” Ramesh said. “It’s the best of both worlds.” The event is tentatively set for early August on campus. Several events are scheduled throughout the day including a three on three tournament, three point shooting contest and skills challenge. The boys hope to have sponsors with booths set up around the gym. They have already secured Raising Cane’s as a sponsor and they will be holding a raffle during the event. H4O also has t-shirts that they are selling on their website that will go towards their cause. Their website is “The best way to help us out would be Design emily seiler

Junior Aryan Sharma and senior Sai Ramesh have been friends for many years and have grown close over their mutual passion for basketball. While they don’t play for the school team, their passion led them to start H4O. Photo Maya Hernandez

buying T-shirts and having donations,” Sharma said. “All the proceeds go towards backpacks and school supplies, so the more money we receive, the more we can supply to the kids and the more kids we can impact.” Sharma and Ramesh have been working with LISD administrators and local businesses to finalize the details of the event. “It’s been really hard getting in contact with the higher up administrators,” Ramesh said. “It’s a

“Earlier, I thought that the world would forever be a place filled with problems, but H4O has changed my views in that I now believe the world is a place where solutions can be created no matter what the problem is,” Sharma said. Sharma and Ramesh hope that their organization can grow over the years. While Ramesh will be going to Michigan State in the fall, he is hopeful that he can still be involved in planning some events. They both would like to branch out into benefitting other

Earlier, I thought that the world would forever be a place filled with problems, but H4O has changed my views in that I now believe the world is a place where solutions can be created no matter what the problem is.

- aryan sharma, 11

hurdle that’s kind of fun to overcome because it’s something that neither of us has done before.” LISD has an annual back to school fair where they give school supplies to students in need. They plan to give the funds raised from the H4O event to help LISD buy more school supplies. Most of the funds will come from the registration fee, but they have also been contacting potential sponsors such as Chipotle and Chick-fil-A. It all started in middle school when Sharma knew people who couldn’t afford to replace backpacks and school supplies they had from previous years. Before encountering this issue, Sharma thought that most kids were privileged, but meeting these people made him realize that he was ignorant. This issue hit close to home, so he wanted to do something to change that. Design emily seiler

causes, such as anxiety and depression. “I definitely hope that this is something that goes beyond just looking good on your resume,” Ramesh said. “There’s so much potential for this, and I can’t wait to see how it goes.” When they first started this charity, they said they didn’t realize how rewarding it would be. According to Sharma and Ramesh, this process has helped them grow as people. “Since freshman year, I’ve been preached that Flower Mound is a bubble. It’s one of the safest, most perfect towns in Texas, and even America,” Sharma said. “But if you look at the towns around us, they’re not prospering as much. [Starting H4O] really opened my eyes. I live in this pretty much perfect world, but not everyone is, so we should do as much as we can to help other people.” April 26, 2019






Senior recognized for designs and costumes story reya mosby photos submitted The last notes of the song that filled the large theatre were soon drowned out by the roar of applause coming from the audience. The spotlight lit up the stage. As the speaker stepped into the light, senior Bri Johnson started to talk to herself to calm her nerves. She messed with the fabric on her dress that she made herself as she awaited the results. She reassured herself that if she didn’t win the Schmidt and Jones Award for costume design, she would be fine. Though the announcer made a speech about theatre and the importance of costumes, Johnson’s nerves kept her from hearing it. After that, all she could hear was the speaker announce “Marcus High School” and the thunderous applause of the audience. Johnson’s smile stretched wide. Senior Bri Johnson stands with her parents, Brett and Christie Johnson, holding the “I freaked out because you don’t hear of a Schmidt and Jones Award that she won for her costumes in “Hairspray.” She won the school winning the same award twice in a row,” same award last year for her costumes in the “Beauty and the Beast.” Johnson said. “It made me happy because it’s a badge for all the work I put into the show and all the work I put made the process take a little longer. She came into theatre with into costumes.” the intention of being a performer only, but she soon discorvered Johnson has now won two Schmidt and Jones Awards, a her love for costume design. well known honor for high school theatre, for “Beauty and the “She transitioned from just enjoying sewing, which was her Beast” and “Hairspray.” first love, to enjoying actually designing,” Tooch said. “They are “I’m proud of her to get that accomplishment,” her director, different, and watching her understand the difference has been Denise Tooch said. “I’m proud of her hard work and passion. really fun.” She deserves to be acknowledged.” One of the first things she designed was one of Fiona’s dresses ••• for the production of “Shrek.” In the musical there were several Johnson’s love for sewing started seven years ago. She said different versions of Fiona. Each dress had to be an exact replica that she was born into “nerd culture,” meaning her family was of one another. really into things like anime and video games. One day her “It felt pretty awesome when she put it on and it fit because I sisters decided that they wanted to go to an anime and video had been through like five different fittings where it wasn’t fitting game convention dressed up as characters. Johnson was in right,” Johnson said. “It’s a really successful feeling when you are charge of making their costumes. able to see something that you’ve been working on realized on As she taught herself designing and sewing, someone.” she fell in love with the art. At the time she According to had been in theatre for about a year. Johnson, creating “My love for theatre and design costumes is challenging grew up together,” Johnson said. “They yet rewarding. She starts were like childhood friends. They grew with sketching possible up hand in hand.” designs. She can end Starting out, Johnson said sewing up doing around 20 was difficult because she had to teach herself. sketches to get the Her techniques were unconventional and it director’s perspective.



Design jolie mullings

Then she buys her fabrics and patterns as well as figures out how what their journey is.” to manage her budget. The process of constructing a dress can Johnson designed her own formal dresses and take up to 20 hours depending on the complexity. is even designing her own prom dress. “It’s very long,” Johnson She often has to juggle said. “The only thing that rehearsals, school, work gets me through it was and her own projects, but that end feeling I got when her love and passion for I finally see that I make designing pushes her to Everybody has their thing and my thing something. It’s hours upon keep doing all these things. is seeing a beautiful dress twinkling hours of trial and error.” Johnson’s costumes were under stage lights and seeing it twirl. Johnson said that she featured in an article in loves seeing people so Teaching Theatre magazine - bri johnson, 12 excited when she shows (EdTA) by a New York them their costumes, and based designer she met at that feeling has made all a theatre conference for the long hours of costume the International Thespian design worth it. She feels that designing is a unique experience Society. that differs from performing. In the future, Johnson plans to stay involved in theatre and “It gives the designer the ability to embody every single increase her work with costume design. character rather than just being restricted to one,” Johnson said. “Everybody has their thing and my thing is seeing a beautiful “When you are the designer you get to look at each character dress twinkling under stage lights and seeing it twirl,” Johnson as a whole. What motivates them, what their personality is and said.

Junior Savannah Decrow bows during her curtain call for “Hairspray.” She is wearing the dress that senior Bri Johnson won a Schmidt and Jones Award for designing.

Design jolie mullings

Senior Bri Johnson made this dress for her individual event at the Texas State Thespian Festival. It was entered in the costume construction category and qualified her to compete in the national competition.

april 26, 2019




Softball underclassmen commit early story madi olivier photos maya hernandez

Deciding what college to go to can take years, and even some seniors don’t know where they want to go. However, these two underclassmen have their collegiate futures planned before most students their age can even begin applying.

Brooke Johnson, 10

Sophomore Brooke Johnson, the starting third baseman on varsity, committed to play softball at Harding University in Arkansas. in January. Despite being 15, Johnson felt confident in her decision. “It just felt like home the second I got there,” Johnson said. “When you know, you just have that feeling.” By committing, Johnson now has the stress of applying to colleges lifted. “It felt like a really big relief just to know where I’m going, who I’m going to be with, so it’s really nice,” Johnson said. Johnson started playing softball at 8, when her friend asked her to play catch in her front yard. She started in a rec league soon after, where she learned the basics and fell in love with the game.

Haidyn Sokoloski, 9 Freshman Haidyn Sokoloski, the starting shortstop on varsity, committed to Oklahoma State University as a power hitter and utility player in 2018. According to Sokoloski, committing while in middle achool was nerve wracking at first, since people questioned her for making such a large decision so young. However, she was happy with her decision. “I felt so relieved. I was so happy and everything was just so fun at the moment because it was nice to know that I could have a future there,” Sokoloski said. When she’s on the field, she is focused on the game unfolding before her, watching each movement of the other players and preparing to make a play at any moment. “She’s athletic, she brings that athleticism and strength to the



“It’s just crazy to think that we’d be like ‘Okay, we’re going to try to get ten throws without dropping the ball,’ and now we’re throwing all the way across, and we make it every single time,” Johnson said. Johnson has put in years of practices and competition, never giving up on her goal to excel. “Her passion for the game is evident,” Head Coach Christy Tumilty said. “She works hard, she really doesn’t ever appear to have a day off. “ Despite putting in hours of hard work to be the best athlete she could, Johnson had a period of time where she doubted her own skills and abilities as a player. “Some of it’s been really hard this past summer because personally, I just wasn’t mentally there and that was really hard. I had to overcome a lot of adversity,” Johnson said. However, when Harding University started to show interest in her, she started to gain more confidence, falling back in love with the game just as she had years ago in her friend’s front yard. “At first it was a little scary, but the second that I got there, I was like ‘this is where I want to go,’” Johnson said. “I loved the coach, I loved the players.”

game,” Head Coach Christy Tumilty said. “She is quick and fast on the bases, she’s so fluid that before you know it she’s at third [base].” While playing, Sokoloski says she goes on autopilot. Her training takes over while she enjoys the game and focuses on doing her best. However, she keeps her commitment to OSU on her mind at all times. “I don’t focus on the small things that happen at school, drama or any of that, because I know that I have a goal to play at OSU and that’s where all my focus is,” Sokoloski said. Sokoloski is the only freshman on varsity, but she feels as though she’s truly a part of the team and has made close friendships with her teammates. “When you’re on varsity, you’re a varsity-wWlevel player. You’re not a freshman playing varsity and you’re not a senior playing varsity,” Tumility said. “She’s a varsity player bottom line, and she just happens to be a freshman.” Now, all she has to do is focus on becoming a stronger player for OSU. “It’s made me a better person,” Sokoloski said. “Small things in life don’t matter as much because I’m more focused on my goal of playing at OSU.”

Design tara connick

story madi olivier The mascot is an iconic part of school history, and can be seen at almost every pep rally and sporting event. However,

most students don’t know who is actually in the suit. Get to know the person in the costume, senior John Creley.

“One of the most challenging things about being the school mascot was definitely the social anxiety of it, there’s a lot of it in the job. There’s a lot of fun interactions, especially with kids, sometimes parents. Just seeing that and being able to help with the school morale is what makes up the whole of the job.”

“Originally I did not want the position, I got involved as a part of [the Red Nation] crew, and the crew instructor, Ms. Strauss, asked somebody to be the mascot and I stepped up to that.”

“It’s definitely hot, I have to take fifteen minute breaks. It’s hot, a lot of noises are coming in, it’s really hard to perceive what’s going on at those games in the suit, but it’s rewarding.”

“Ever since the start of the 2018-2019 year.”

“It’s obviously a job that’s more well known for the reward of it rather than the actually doing the tasks, but overall I’d say I like the position for it being that way.”

“My favorite part is definitely doing the pre-school traditions we would have as crew, we’d all get food at Whataburger, that would usually be [my] favorite part of it. I ended up regretting it later being all hot and everything.”

“Probably the weirdest thing would be the one time I ate a bunch of Taco Bell before I had to do the suit. I was feeling absolutely sick and so every five minutes I’d have to go back, and for some reason the person that was helping me was laughing at me the entire time.”

“It’s actually very demanding work, especially during the early hours of being in it, it’s very hot.”

Design jolie mullings

april 26, 2019



Girls soccer rebuilds after state-finalist team graduates Story michael minton Sweaty and exhausted, the varsity girls soccer team knew the 2018 state championship game wasn’t looking good. Houston Memorial moved so fast and never seemed to tire. When the final buzzer rang, the girls stood together at the edge of the field. “We were really nervous going into it and we knew Houston Memorial would be a good team,” sophomore Kelly Van Gundy said. “We just kept working till the game was over and it didn’t go our way.” Even though they had lost, the girls knew that they had worked hard to get there and that second in the state was no small feat. Head Girls Soccer Coach Chad Hobbs stood on the field with them and remembered the advice other coaches had given him — that very few teams make it to the championship game and

“That struggle is part of what made us strong.” - Chad Hobbs, coach some teams never make it there so he should relax, be proud of his team and soak it all in. Marcus was the one of 128 teams that wanted to win that championship and they made it to final two rounds

Sophomore Caroline Hilliard defends the ball while competing against Lewisville’s team on March 22. Marcus won the game with a score of 3-0. Photo Maya Hernandez



This March, the girls had this opportunity again when they made it to playoffs as they have almost every year since the 1990s. According to sophomore goalie Rachel Bump, North Texas is one of the most competitive areas in the United States for girls soccer. So during their district season the girls faced many tough teams, and they had to practice rigorously to be able to compete and keep up. In February, they lost against Coppell’s undefeated team and when they had an opportunity to face them again, the girls were ready. “We wanted to come in and see how we have progressed and use them as a measuring stick,” Hobbs said. The girls had control in the first half of the game, but two mental errors gave up two goals near the end, letting Coppell pull ahead and secure their victory. Even though the girls had lost, Hobbs was immensely proud of them. “What I took from the game and what we talked to the girls about the game is ‘this is a team that’s 21-1 and we were right there with them’,” Hobbs said. “It was in my mind validation that we can play with anybody.” The girls finished their district season with 11 wins, two ties and only a single loss, giving them the second best season Design aeralyn stinson

During the varsity game, sophomore Caroline Hilliard runs toward the goal. The team ended their season after their game against Byron Nelson on March 29. Photo Maya Hernandez

in the district. Despite their record, they were eliminated from playoffs early in a 2-0 loss against Byron Nelson. “It was kind of deflating and disappointing to lose in the first round,” Van Gundy said. Part of the reason the girls didn’t advance this year could be attributed to this year’s team being mainly composed of new girls. Last year’s state runner up team was largely made up of seniors who had played together on varsity since their freshman year. “That core group had been with me for four years,” Hobbs said. “It’s a little different this year because it’s not like we had that group… in that essence, it’s a new team.” Hobbs said that losing that core group of girls posed a significant challenge to the team and left many of the returning athletes at a loss. “We graduated so many impactful players last year so I think the mindset of some of the girls this year is ‘how can we play without those girls’,” Hobbs said. “That struggle is part of what made us strong.” To fill the empty spots on the team, many girls were moved up from junior varsity. Van Gundy said the varsity team had to work to adapt to this new group of girls. “The returning players didn’t know what to expect. We were losing a group of Design aeralyn stinson

seniors that led us and taught the younger [athletes],” Van Gundy said. “So going into the year, we were just expecting to come in, work hard and find each other in the new group.” The girls and Hobbs both attribute their successful district record not only to their hard work and practice, but to their unity as a team and the family environment that they encourage within the group. “We can all pretty much talk to each other about anything,” Bump said.

“Having that kind of cohesion and comradery definitely helps us. We know that we can depend on each other in the game.” Hoping to go further next year, the girls remain optimistic despite their early elimination this season. “We know each other a little better and we know how to play with each other and I think that’s something that teams are going to have a hard time beating in the future,” Van Gundy said.

Coach Chad Hobbs talks to the players on the sidelines during halftime at the varsity game at Coppell on March 1. Hobbs has been coaching girls’ soccer for the past nine years. Photo Emily Lundell

april 26, 2019



60 Seconds Describe yourself in three words. “Outgoing, fun and happy.”

Describe your happiest memory.

“When I was a freshman on my volleyball select club team, we won a national qualifier and got to go to nationals and it was really fun to be at nationals and to win a huge tournament with my friends.”

In what form do you most enjoy potatoes? “French fries.”

In one word, what do you need to be happy? “Dogs.”

Who inspires you and why?

“I was working a volleyball camp, and there was a girl there named Aspen. When she was little, she got her foot cut off in an accident and she’s still really good at gymnastics. She plays track. She plays volleyball. She doesn’t let it affect her. It makes me want to not take anything for granted, because if she can do it, so can I.” Compiled MICHAEL MINTON Photo EMILY LUNDELL

Delayna Darvin JUNIOR


If you could share one song with everyone, what would it be and why?

“‘Better’ by Khalid, because it puts me in a good mood and gives me good memories.”

Is the earth flat?

“I’m really conflicted on the topic, I feel like no but I see why some people say yes.”

realms of arcadia 1842 Justin Road Highland Village, Texas

1940 FM 407 # 112 Highland Village, TX 75077

(972) 317-0589



cover emily lundell

Teens experience prescription drug abuse consequences According to a Marquee poll of 300 students,

20 percent think that prescription drugs are safer than illegal drugs. Half are unsure.

prescription prevalence

Teen prescription drug abuse affects community story kendall cooper Prescription drug abuse is the fastestgrowing substance problem in the country according to the Department of Health and Human Services. The issue doesn’t just apply to adults. According to, one out of seven teens surveyed in 2017 said they had taken a prescription drug without a doctor’s guidance. “It’s more common and popular and accepted nowadays,” SRO Joe Gray said. “I think when somebody does start experimenting with it, their friends and family don’t go ‘oh man, that’s not good.’” A common misconception about prescription drugs is that they’re less risky than other substances. They’re only beneficial if they’re taken properly by the person they were prescribed to, but for others not under a doctor’s care, abusing these drugs can even be deadly. “Hydrocodone [has] the same exact chemical that’s released in your brain as heroin, it’s just that it’s a much smaller amount,” psychology teacher Amanda Vara said. “[Doctors] know what to prescribe.” Vara, Gray and senior Blythe Bussell all acknowledged how easy it is for teenagers to get prescription pills. “I know that it can be pretty common and it’s not that hard for teenagers to even get a hold of,” Bussell said. They typically hear of teens taking them from an unlocked medicine cabinet. A 2015 study revealed what many had already witnessed — that most teenagers are getting prescription drugs from friends who took the pills from their homes. Both Vara and Gray’s biggest concern about teens abusing prescription drugs is the likelihood of addiction. The brain is

not fully developed until people reach their early to mid 20s. Because habits and other behaviors are hardwired into the brain during people’s teenage years, actions tend to stick well into adulthood. If addiction and risky decisions become some of those reinforced behaviors, it can cause problems down the road, and even lead to death. According



It has really far reaching implications. The more and more common it becomes, it’s going to end up reaching a friend of yours or a family member. - joe gray, SRO

to a 2012 study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, one in every four people who misused prescription drugs by age 13 developed an addiction later on. “That is something that is so hard to get out of. Willpower is not enough,” Vara said. “You often will need professional help to become not dependent on that drug.” A common theory as to why teens abuse prescription drugs is that they’re simply curious.

“Especially at this age, a lot of people are curious of the effects because they hear [about it] on TV or from people around them,” Bussell said. But Bussell also acknowledged what recent statistics have proven. In a 2015 study, researchers found that teenagers aren’t necessarily just looking for a high when they abuse prescription drugs — some are using the drugs to cope with specific underlying issues like anxiety, losing weight and trying to stay up late to study. “People kind of use them to relieve stress or push aside their problems for the moment, which obviously doesn’t really help because at the end of the day it’s still going to be there,” Bussell said. Vara and Gray are both supportive of education as a solution. Vara expressed concern for the delivery of the information to ensure students’ attention. Bussell said that education might work, but that there would always be teens who don’t pay attention and abuse prescriptions regardless. If the trend continues, Gray believes that the cycle will continue and reach people close to the drug abuser. “It has really far reaching implications. The more and more common it becomes, it’s going to end up reaching a friend of yours or a family member…” Gray said.

Design tara connick


Side effects of abusing depressants include slurred speech, shallow breathing, disorientation, tiredness and impaired coordination. Seizures often accompany withdrawal from this type of drug. SRO Joe Gray said that Xanax is the most prevalent depressant he’s seen teens using. Also known as “downers”, these drugs are used to treat a variety of medical issues like anxiety and insomnia since they relax the body. Ironically, for those who don’t have anxiety, the drug can cause anxious feelings. Xanax is also a drug that causes people to develop a tolerance extremely quickly. This means that those addicted have to take more and more to get the same high. Those with a Xanax addiction often take up to 20 and 30 pills per day according to Addiction Center. Because depressants overall suppress the body’s functions, taking too much can cause breathing and heart rate to stop completely, killing the person who took them.

Mixing prescription drugs and alcohol

Mixing opioids and alcohol can be extremely dangerous because if enough of both is taken, death can easily occur. Since both suppress the central nervous system, taking too much can slow down bodily functions until they simply stop. Alcohol is classified as a depressant, so in other words, alcohol and prescription depressants do the same thing to the user’s body. This means that when they’re taken together the person feels intoxicated much quicker. Mixing the two can lead to accidents related to loss of coordination or a deadly overdose. A common misconception about mixing stimulants and alcohol is that they will cancel each other out since they have opposite effects. This could not be more wrong. Taken together, both substances amplify one another’s effects. Alcohol also makes it easier for the drug to build up in the body, causing rapid overdose.

Design tara connick

april 26, 2019

Opioids This type of drug causes deep relaxation and relieves moderate to intense pain. Less severe effects of taking too much are nausea, drowsiness and constipation. Because opioids affect the same parts of the brain as heroin, slowed breathing and even death can occur if enough of the drug is taken. Hydrocodone is the most commonly prescribed and abused opioid drug in the country. The U.S. also consumes nearly 100 percent of the world’s supply of the drug. Opioids are widely considered the most addictive drug class, and, according to the CDC, over 11.5 million Americans reported misusing prescription opioids in the past year. According to Drug Center, 46 percent of drug related medical emergencies in 2013 involved prescription opioids. This makes them the most common substance that results in an unexpected 911 call or trip to the ER.

Stimulants These drugs make the user more alert and active, however, they have side effects similar to cocaine when misused. They can also cause paranoia, severely high body temperatures and irregular heartbeat. These effects worsen as the dosage gets larger and or if the drug is ingested in a way other than swallowing a pill. For teenagers, stimulants are most commonly prescribed to treat ADHD. SRO Joe Gray said the most common stimulant he has seen teens use is Adderall. If misused, Adderall can can impair cognitive control, induce a psychosis or cause rapid muscle breakdown. Between 2006 and 2011 Adderall misuse rose 67 percent and ER visits went up 156 percent according to a Johns Hopkins study. Another stimulant used to treat ADHD, as well as narcolepsy, is Ritalin. It specifically can cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, delirium, panic, psychosis and heart failure if incorrectly used.



Finally Free

Senior overcomes drug dependency story ava bush *Names have been changed to protect the identity of those involved.

Grace*, then a junior, sat in a coffee shop staring at her computer, scrolling through online notes for her math class. She dragged her tired eyes across the screen, the words and numbers blurring in and out of her vision. She couldn’t make herself focus on anything other than the complete misery she felt, as tears began to swell in her eyes. Suddenly, she heard someone asking if she was okay. She opened her eyes, to see a man tentatively sitting down across from her. She burst into tears, and for an hour, relayed the last year and a half of her life to him, a complete stranger. The drug abuse, the dependance and the overdose earlier that day that left her unconscious for 12 hours. “It wasn’t like I was trying to kill myself. It was really just to chill, and I was freaked out and stressed,” Grace said. “It felt like my only option, even though it wasn’t.” He listened, and even began to cry. When they were done talking, he went with Grace to tell her mom everything that had happened. After telling her mom, she cried again, but this time, it was from relief. She felt as though a weight had been lifted. Grace’s misuse of prescription drugs began when the stress of a back injury, her parent’s divorce and academic expectations became too much for her. She saw medication as her last and only resort, and began to take the hydrocodone pills her neighbor gave her for the back pain. “It was very minor at first, mainly experimental, and turned into a year and a half long dependency,” Grace said. “That almost seems like a different lifetime. It’s so saddening and dark that I lived that way.” She recognized the abuse as problematic, but the release that it provided her was too hard to let go of. What followed was a

pattern of battling, and inevitably caving to her dependance. “I always said it was the last time I was going to take them, and I said that to myself every single day. And it never stopped, ever,” Grace said. “The only way I was able to stop was after telling people, because it held me accountable.” At first, the hydrocodone freed Grace from the stress and anxiety that she constantly dealt with. She would take up to three at a time each morning to feel and look functional, and would even take a second round of pills later in the afternoon on her worst days. However, the effects of her daily use of the drug began to take a toll on both her mental and physical wellbeing. “At the time, I genuinely thought I couldn’t live or function without them,” Grace said. “But in the long run they were completely debilitating, and were way more problematic than I had intended.” By the time Grace realized that the effects of the drug were going beyond the temporary high, it was too late. Her dependance had taken over, and her body began to experience withdrawal whenever she tried to stop taking the hydrocodone. “It was more than just a dependence problem. It was making me feel like I was incapable of existing by myself, without drugs,” Grace said. “I was so socially secluded, and reclusive in my room, and I struggled with self harm.” Grace said the hydrocodone, began to diminish not only her well-being, but her friendships and family dynamic. However, she didn’t recognize the problem at the time. “I thought I was happy. But looking back, it was really messed up. I was doing terrible things, and they were eating away at me, and I wouldn’t want anybody else to go through that,” Zoe said. “I know now that that wasn’t real happiness. It was a distortion.” Grace said that one of the hardest aspects was the process of quitting. She was forced to lay in her room in the dark for

I always said it was the last time I was going to take them, and I said that to myself every single day.



- grace

Design tara connick

LEGAL CONSEQUENCES of Prescription Drugs

Besides the medical consequences of taking someone else’s prescription drugs, it is also a crime. A misconception is that if someone isn’t 18 yet, they will get lesser sentences. However, in the eyes of the law and court system, people become a legally responsible adult at 17. Being high isn’t necessarily a crime, however, possession of the drug, driving under the influence and selling can all result in legal action. DWI charges don’t just apply

to alcohol, they are applicable to driving under the influence of any mind-altering substance. Selling prescription drugs is treated almost the same as selling illegal drugs and can result in a drug dealing charge. Most drug-related charges cannot be taken off permanent records, which can majorly affect everything from getting a job to a driver’s license. SRO Joe Gray said that it’s easy to get up to felony-level offenses simply because drug related crime happened near or on school property.

story kendall cooper

days at a time to combat the severe withdrawal. Grace also revealed the abuse to her friends, and found overwhelming love and support. However, some of her friends didn’t believe her story, which Grace says is because she doesn’t fit the usual stereotype for a drug abuser. “The picture that has been portrayed of drug addicts is not accurate at all,” Grace said. “You’re supposed to be on the side of the road, in and out of the hospital. Your teeth are going to fall out. Your skin will fall off. I get the scare tactic, but I think that it’s important that we focus on the fact that it can affect anybody.”

Design tara connick

It was more than just a dependence problem. It was making me feel like I was incapable of existing by myself, without drugs. - grace

april 26, 2019

Grace attributes these misconceptions about drug abuse and abusers to the current lack of education about drugs in the community. She believes that educating high school students about drugs would provide a better support system for those suffering from abuse and/or addiction. “That’s genuinely what the saving factor was of this entire situation,” Grace said. “It was that I told a stranger about it, and that he was able to listen to me without judgement and believed me despite my appearance and socioeconomic position.”



Junior recovers from Xanax addiction story CHLOE WHITE *Names have been changed to protect the identity of those involved

handle her sadness and depression. That’s when she turned again to abusing her prescribed Xanax. “Even with a nice house and nice parents, I still felt really empty,” Sarah said. “All I could see was sadness. I had no hope On the way to school, then freshman Sarah* sat in the back of that there was light at the end of the tunnel. I wanted to die, but the car gasping for air. She was so anxious she couldn’t breathe. I knew that would upset my family, so I just got high because Starting that year, Sarah realized she suffered with anxiety that was the only escape from all of the sadness that I was going and depression. When she first told her mom, she was taken to through.” a psychiatrist and prescribed Lexapro for her depression. She For three weeks, she abused Xanax daily, taking three .25 mg also asked for something tablets whenever she felt to help calm down depressed or anxious. After her anxiety, and was being high for four days prescribed .25 mg of straight, a friend told her Xanax. Sarah was never that he cared about her and told about the major side her health, and didn’t want effects of her medication, to see her overdose and die. including how addictive That meant a lot to Sarah — Just because you’re sad, it they can be. all she desperately wanted doesn’t mean you’re not The first time she got was for someone to care. high on Xanax, it wasn’t “That’s when it finally worthy, it doesn’t mean you on purpose. She took one hit me,” Sarah said. “I’m should just waste your life away of her medication, and it addicted and I need to stop.” didn’t help her anxiety. It took Sarah about two because there’s always hope So she took another one. weeks to completely detox when you don’t see it. And another one. herself. Throughout that “I didn’t know what time, she experienced severe was happening,” Sarah withdrawl symptoms. said. “I was like ‘oh my “I was so demobilized, and god, why is everything I couldn’t even stand. I had spinning?’” to get on the floor and I was While she was scared holding onto the ground,” at first, the Xanax gave Sarah said. “I didn’t want her a good feeling, to live it was so bad. I just and calmed her down. remember clinging onto After that, she vowed the floor like it was my last to only take Xanax as hope.” prescribed. Recently, when she began to relapse and realized she might ••• become addicted again, she went and told her mom to stop her Sarah didn’t feel the need to get high from Xanax again — her from taking it. boyfriend of a year made her feel happy, despite her anxiety and “You want to hold onto that because it’s your escape,” Sarah depression. He was her first love, and at the time, she would’ve said. “I pushed through and found the strength to tell her.” done anything for him. While Sarah’s mom has been open and helpful when “When you’re in love, it’s its own kind of drug,” Sarah said. discussing her anxiety and depression, she says many of her “You’re so happy, nothing else matters.” friends come to her after their parents brush off their concerns. At the end of their relationship, things became toxic, and “I can’t make their parents’ situation better,” Sarah said. “I can Sarah now realizes that she was at fault. She admits to acting give them advice and love them and support them, but I cannot manipulative, and guilt tripping him by saying things like, “I take them to the doctor, get them meds, get them therapy.” could never live without you,” to prevent their relationship from Sarah believes this is part of the reason depression and ending. In her sophomore year they broke up. anxiety is so common in Generation Z, and why many turn to “I was so dependent on him that when we broke up, all I abusing prescription drugs. could think was ‘I’m going to die. I can’t live without him,’” Sarah “If you feel like dying, you probably know your parents don’t said. “He became my anchor.” want you to die, and your family doesn’t want you to die,” Sarah After the breakup, all of her sadness and depression came said. “For me what it was, is since I can’t die, I might as well back. Sarah called her best friend on the phone crying, only forget what it feels like to be sad for a little bit.” to learn that her friend was ignoring her because she couldn’t Now, Sarah goes to therapy every two weeks, and is on new



- sarah

Design tara connick

medication for depression and bipolar disorder. While she recognizes the importance of therapy, she credits the medication she’s on for finally giving her happiness — something that she hasn’t experienced for two years. “They’re the only way I get through my day,” Sarah said. “If I don’t take them for one day, I’m suicidal.” While she still struggles, Sarah remains hopeful for the future. “I still fight through it every day,” Sarah said. “I’m going to

therapy, and I haven’t given up on myself. I know if we just find the right combination of medication and therapy, it will be okay.” She encourages others struggling with addiction to ask for help and build a support group without toxic people. “Just because you’re sad, it doesn’t mean you’re not worthy,” Sarah said. “It doesn’t mean you should just waste your life away because there’s always hope even when you don’t see it.”

How students view the prescription problem compiled Ava bush

Do you feel adequately educated about drugs (both prescription and recreational)?

From a Marquee poll of 300 students.


Where does most of your drug education come from?


46.6% yes







22.9% parents


Have you received any formal education about drugs from school curriculum?





Do you know someone who abuses prescription or illicit drugs?

66.7% yes

Are you comfortable talking to your parents about prescription drugs and potential abuse?

33.3% no

33.3% no

Design tara connick


april 26, 2019



only in yes emergency



On a roll

Where to get the best sushi in town story & Photos Samantha Thornfelt

SushiYaa: $ SushiYAA is a great place to get a quick, fresh meal on a budget. The restaurant consists of small tables and long, bar-like stool seating areas, making it easy to go out with parties of any size. The all-you-can-eat sushi buffet is a good deal for a low price. After you order your meal, plenty of sides, like ramen and tempura, are available for you to enjoy while you wait. While it’s comforting to know that your rolls are made to order rather than hours ahead of time, this sometimes causes the rice to be a little warmer than desired when compared to the cold vegetables and seafood it surrounds. Nevertheless, I still found both the California roll and rainbow roll to be surprisingly tasty. Overall, I would definitely recommend SushiYAA for those looking for an appetizing, yet inexpensive Asian buffet without a long wait.

Piranha Killer Sushi: $$ Piranha Killer Sushi has the perfect atmosphere for a nice dinner with family and friends. The large seating areas leave plenty of room to eat with big parties. Their service is fast when both seating and serving tables of any size, so there’s no need to worry about a long wait time. One of my favorite menu items was the shishito peppers. The flavorful appetizer gave the perfect kick while waiting for my main course. The entrees, the California and spicy tuna rolls, later arrived in almost no time. The California roll seemed to be the standard classic that most would get at any sushi restaurant — good, but not memorable. However, I found the spicy tuna roll to be equal parts hot and savory. Despite not being my first choice, I would still recommend Piranha Killer Sushi to those looking to have a filling meal without breaking the bank.



Design emily seiler

Sushi Go: $ Fitting for its name, Sushi Go is perfect for take out and delivery orders. Although there are few tables in the restaurant, the fast service and small counter of additional Asian snacks make it a great place for a quick sit-down meal. After picking up my order, the first item I tried was their spicy tuna roll. While the crunchy panko, a bread crumb-like topping, on top seemed like an odd addition to the roll, the tangy sauce and unique addition of surimi quickly made it one of my favorites. However, after taking a bite of their classic California roll, my decision slightly changed. Their use of large surimi slices, rather than the traditional krab salad, gave the roll a more fishy aftertaste than most. While this may not have made Sushi Go my top choice, their delicious variety of sides, such as their warm chicken and pork dumplings, still make it a worthy trip for a good, flavorful meal.

Sushi Fugu: $$ Sushi Fugu, located in the Shops at Highland Village, has a relaxed atmosphere and amazing food, making it the ideal sushi spot. Walking in, the dimmed lights and soft music automatically set the perfect mood. The simple menu card made ordering fast and easy, which meant the food came out quickly. Their chicken Thai fried rice was one of my favorite entrees. Not only was it a delicious and plentiful serving, but it gave a different approach on the classic fried rice you would find at most Asian restaurants. Sushi Fugu hit all the marks on every roll I tried. The classic California roll had perfect proportions of rice and filling, the spicy tuna had a great amount of heat and the sauce on the eel roll was equal parts salty and tangy. While this restaurant may be a bit more pricey, every aspect of Sushi Fugu’s food and service exceeded my expectations. I would most certainly recommend stopping by during your next sushi craving.

Design emily seiler

april 26, 2019



Which superhero from “Avengers: Endgame” are you? story samantha Thornfelt

1. If you could have any superpower, which one would you choose? a. Flight b. Telepathy c. Super strength d. Invisibility 2. Why would you become a superhero? a. To save the universe b. I got bored of ordinary life c. To save myself d. I don’t know, I’d just be good at it

3. Which song would play during your epic fight scene? a. “Just a Girl" by No Doubt b. “Back in Black" by ACDC c. “One Way or Another” by Blondie d. “Blitzkrieg Bop” by The Ramones 4. Who would be your sidekick? a. My pet b. My best friend c. I don’t need a sidekick d. I am the sidekick 5. Where would your secret hideout be? a. Area 51 b. My penthouse c. A secluded house in the woods d. My mom’s basement



Design khailyn Agis

Mostly As: You got Captain Marvel! Much like Carol Danvers, you crave adventure and excitement. You don’t know your own strength, which sometimes makes you second-guess yourself. Overall, you’re a fun-loving person who is always looking for your next thrill ride. Mostly Bs: You got Iron Man! You share Tony Stark’s intellect and sarcastic humor. While you are known for your many streaks of stubbornness, others also tend to look to you as a leader due to your strong, forceful approach to serious situations. Your love for those around you drives you through any challenge.

Mostly Cs: You got Black Widow! Confidence and poise define your personality, just like Natasha Romanoff. Others often underestimate you due to your reserved nature, but you are always sure to prove them wrong. You know what you’re capable of and never back down from any challenge or obstacle. Mostly Ds: You got Ant Man! While your quick wit and poorly-timed jokes may sometimes get you in trouble, your heart is always in the right place. Much like Scott Lang, you value your family and friends above anything else and are able to find humor in almost any situation. Others think of you as a great friend who is always there to help lift their spirits.

Design khailyn agis

APRIL 26, 2019



LET’S ALL GO TO THE MOVIES story Alex anderson

Studio Movie Grill Lewisville, TX

Studio Movie Grill is an older theater in Lewisville and one of the first dine-in theaters in the area. But with the rise in popularity of dine-in theaters, it doesn’t match up with the likes of Moviehouse & Eatery and AMC dinein theaters. However, there is a reason this theater has remained a staple in the area. Ticket prices remain some of the cheapest — ranging from less than $6 to almost $8. The theater offers audiences a full menu including Asian-fusion

dishes and large-sized pizzas. This theater also emphasizes the comfort factor when it comes to movie watching. Reclining chairs are in almost every theater, mimicking the comfort of the experience someone has when watching a movie in their own home. Despite this, many of the benefits associated with this cinema can be attributed to most dine-in theaters, and with the added cost of the food, this theater becomes just as, if not more, expensive than other theater options available.

Moviehouse & Eatery Flower Mound, TX Moviehouse & Eatery is one of the newer additons to the DFW area, and it has already begun to make its mark. This theater combines the perfect “dinner and a show” feel. In addition to showing all of the newest films, this theater includes a full menu, offering various different types of dishes from classic American burgers to Tex-Mex tacos. The menu even offers restaurant style entrees, such as a sirloin steak and a shaved ribeye sandwich.

ticket tips

With every theater including reclining seats, this theater’s comfort level is unmatched. In fact, soon you will be allowed to bring your own blankets and pillows. The only downside to this theater is the price tag. Not only do you have to pay for the over $12 movie ticket and your meal, the cost of the food is quite expensive for a movie theater. However, if you are having a “treat yourself day,” this theater is the perfect choice. Moviehouse & Eatery highlights confort and quality.

by Shayla sistrunk

Use online reward programs Websites like Fandango and Atom allow you to pre-pay and reserve your seats prior to the showtime. You can also build up rewards and eventually redeem them. AMC has their Stubs and A-List programs that allow you to save on tickets and snacks. These rewards programs are



great for frequent movie-goers that want to save some money. For big movie openings, it is best to try and buy tickets early and reserve your seats in to avoid having to get to the theater early and wait in line. These programs may even allow you to redeem points for free opening weekend tickets.

Design jolie mullings

Cinemark Movies 8 Lewisville, TX

Tucked away off of I-35 lies Cinemark Movies 8, a hidden gem of the franchise. The glittering marquee on the exterior of the theater is reminiscent of old movie theaters of the 50s and 60s. However, the inside of the theater is an 80s wonderland, with neon colors and chevron print splashed across almost every surface. The theater is almost empty for every showing, so it is perfect for the moviegoer that wishes to bring large groups of people

with them or avoid large crowds. This theater is perfect for those trying to save money as tickets for regular movies cost less than $2 and 3-D movies cost less than $4. Despite all of these perks, the theater only shows films after they’ve come out on digital, so the films reach the theater around four months after its original release. However, if you aren’t an avid movie goer and have a lot of patience, this theater is the perfect choice for you.

AMC Highland Village

Highland Village, TX AMC Highland Village offers the best of the AMC chain of theaters. With comfortable chairs and a welcoming atmosphere, this theater provides customers with an excellent movie-going experience. The theaters are quite large, and with Dolby and IMAX showtime options, movie-goers are able to have the full movie experience. The surround sound theaters allow audiences to fully immerse themselves in the movie. The theater is slightly pricey at around $8

to $12 per ticket depending on the showing, but the price is reflected in the quality of the films being showed and the theater itself. With the theater being centrally located in the Highland Village Shops, it is surrounded by many restaurants if you want to make a full evening out of going to the movies. It is a more popular theater, so for those who like to have the full audience reaction experience during opening weekend, this theater is for you. It is the perfect place to go to catch the newest blockbuster on opening weekend.

Take advantage of discount days and times Most theater chains have certain discount days — whether for students or senior citizens. Cinemark offers discounts through their reward program, as well as AMC and Regal Cinemas. Movie showtimes in the morning are often

Design jolie mullings

much cheaper compared to the evening showtimes, so picking your movie times carefully can help you save money when on a budget. AMC also offers discounted tickets on Tuesday for their AMC Stubs members.

april 26, 2019



Embracing race Reya Mosby


“I’m not racist,” my friend said. “I’m colorblind to race. There’s no difference between you and me.” I looked at her quizzically and racked my brain for reasons she could be this confused. She interrupted my thoughts by claiming that racism is nonexistent in society today. I wondered how she couldn’t see racism—the rise in white supremacist and Neo-Nazi movements as well as racist comments and actions from our nation’s leaders. I told her about my encounters with racism. I’m Black and Indian and have always struggled with being mixed race. I was told I was bred as if I were an animal. Another time, a boy told me to go back to the plantation with other slaves where I belong. People have called me a taxi driver, curryball, cotton picker and n****r. For me, these racist comments occur regularly. Some people feel like they can be racist without repercussions, and they’re right, because racism is normalized. People can say any racial slur to me and not deal with any harsh real world consequences. Our

society is turning a blind eye to racism. What my friend said had irked me. She’s “colorblind” when it comes to skin color, but why? Aren’t all skin tones something to be proud of and recognized? She made the claim that nobody sees color, but I have seen that is not true. ••• My dad glanced at directions on his phone as he drove when we noticed bright red and blue lights and loud sirens. He automatically told me to call my mother. Every time he gets stopped by the police, he calls her to make sure he has a witness if anything turns dangerous. My dad is a large black man at 6 feet tall who towers over the rest of my family. He is the kind of man who gets targeted by “random” TSA checks, despite his friendly face. I hid my shaking hands in my lap as the officer approached. That year, there had been a string of police shootings of unarmed black men without repercussions for officers. Even in Dallas, a black man was shot in his own apartment by a police officer. From a young age, I was fearful of people with badges. I was given the talk that most children of color are given, saying you always have to be cautious and extra polite with police because you never know if they will make a tragic snap judgement based on skin color. “Did you not see the sign?” the officer asked. “It’s clear as day right there.” He sounded aggravated, and my father, the strongest man I know, submissively mumbled “yes sir” and “no sir.” I had never seen him act like this. He was being stomped all over and couldn’t do anything. If he did, he didn’t know if

Boom Bahs — Things we like Delivering snacks to teachers Teachers’ hard work often goes unnoticed, so it was appreciated when superintendent, and former principal Dr. Kevin Rogers delivered snacks to them. Little gesture of kindness go a long way.



Prom theme

Let’s face it — there’s only so many times you can do “Starry Night” before it’s boring. However, this year student council is mixing it up with a “Tangled” prom theme. This allows for unique decorations such as the iconic lanterns from the movie. Now, upperclassmen will have the chance to live out their own fairytale at prom.

the officer would target him for his race claiming he was “threatening”, putting us both in danger. ••• I’m not the most confident person, but I’ve always loved my skin color. Everybody has a unique skin tone that should be worn with pride. Though I struggled with being mixed race, I realized it means experiencing two cultures. I wear pride for my ethnicities through my skin color. When we become “colorblind”, we disregard a person’s culture that provides experiences and beliefs that make up a large part of people. By ignoring skin color, we disregard people and what makes them unique, making people lose a sense of self. This keeps people from achieving self love. Society needs to see the beauty in their own skin colors. In America, white people darken their skin through tans. While they get to look and act like a minority as they please, they still get to maintain white privilege, and don’t have to go through the daily trials and tribulations of a person of color. They get to choose to have dark skin when it’s convenient, but I don’t get that choice. My dark skin stays through good times and hardships. When people call themselves colorblind, they think that it combats racism. In reality, it ignores race. It would be like trying to combat sexism by not acknowledging someone’s gender. Society needs to recognize all skin colors as beautiful, not view them as better or worse than one another based off of ignorant beauty standards. We need to value skin colors instead of being colorblind to them.

AP review sessions

AP students appreciate teachers taking time out of their day to do review sessions. AP tests are hard to study for alone, and many people taking multiple tests don’t have the time or money to invest in flashcards and prep books. The AP teachers review sessions take the stress out of studying.

Design emily seiler

The evolution of feminism in film Alex Anderson


Just five years ago, the amount of blockbuster films with a female lead were few and far between. Films like “The Hunger Games” and “Twilight” paved the way for women in the spotlight but failed to make a huge impact beyond their fan base. As the feminist movement began to grow in the early to mid 2010s, more female characters started to appear in leading roles, and a trend started to appear — remaking classic male-lead films with an all female cast. However, the objective of these films is less to create female characters that reflect real women and bring diversity to mainstream media, and more to present an aggressive “we don’t need men” attitude that contradicts the true meaning of feminism. Movies like the 2016 “Ghostbusters” remake and “Oceans 8” erase leading men and replace them with women by having men act as villains or less-intelligent secondary characters. This pushes men to the background and gives off the impression that they’re unneeded and a

hindrance to women’s success. In the past, women have unrightfully been subjected to these less-intelligent, background characters, but this does not mean that we now have to put men in the same demeaning roles for the sake of “catching up.” Hollywood’s focus needs to be on getting the right kind of female representation that shows women and men working together as equals. In 2016, “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” introduced a new, modern Wonder Woman. Originally only a secondary character, Diana Prince, emerged as a star in her own movie, “Wonder Woman,” the following year. The film portrayed men and women working together for a common goal. “Wonder Woman” changed the idea that one sex had to be the background character in the other’s story. Following the success of the #MeToo movement, “Captain Marvel” gave audiences another example as Carol Danvers and Nick Fury shared the screen as partners. Female leads like Carol and Diana shine on screen, without putting down their male counterparts. They treat their scene partners as equals who belong there just as much as they do. This dynamic between male and female characters is the direction Hollywood needs to continue. In the last few years, the feminist movement’s message has drifted away from its true definition: the social, political and economic equality of the sexes. It has begun to focus more on the female experience and work towards gaining female equality. While there’s nothing wrong with this, the

movement has begun to put down men in an effort to get women to a higher status. As a proud feminist myself, I see the good that the movement does, but I also recognize its harm. The “toxic femininity” of today keeps us in a separated mindset where the sexes view one sex as less than the other. The current, radical form of feminism has created another topic of discussion for female characters: the Mary-Sue. A MarySue is a female character that is seemingly perfect and is almost always successful. Characters like Rey from Star Wars and Elle Woods from “Legally Blonde” succeeded flawlessly in their storylines and achieved seemingly impossible tasks easily. These kinds of characters create an unrealistic, idealized version of the female experience. However, with these female leads carrying the films of traditionally maledominated franchises, they pave the way for future female-led blockbuster films. There’s nothing wrong with being a Mary Sue, but our society has now grown past the point that female-led films were limited. The introduction of Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel shows the shift from MarySue storytelling to stories that represent real women and their experiences. Society needs to follow Hollywood’s lead and turn away from the narrative that women don’t need men to succeed and either sex must tear down the other to get ahead. Women do need men to succeed, but men need women to succeed too. We have to work together if true gender equality is to be met in life and onscreen.

Heys — Things we don’t like ID policy The current ID policy only allows for three strikes in the entire school year. Instead of cummulating for the entire year, the ID strikes could be started over at the 18 weeks. Many of us forget IDs, or they could be lost in our backpacks, so a little leniency would be appreciated.

Design emily seiler

Senior day options

For many years, the senior day has been held at Six Flags. While we can understand it’s difficult to find activities for a class of over 800 students, the area has many activities, such as the Scarborough Renaissance Festival or a Rangers game. It would be beneficial for future classes to vote on their senior day event.

april 26, 2019

Long last quarter

Due to the setup of the calendar, there’s one 9 week period that has 10 weeks instead of 9. This year, that 10 week period falls in the last 9 weeks. While this is an issue that may be noticed more by teachers, it still affects students. An extra week after AP testing isn’t beneficial for either students or teachers.



Tiny moments Kendall Cooper


It’s been three years since I met the boy that changed my life, and almost two years since we began dating. In many ways Brian and I grew up together. He took me on my first date. We went to see a movie, and despite its awkwardness, it’s still one of my favorite memories. Right before my first job interview, Brian texted me loving words of encouragement to calm my nerves. He’s always been the first person I go to, no matter what. But it wasn’t just the small things that made me fall so in love with him. Every time I felt down about myself, he lifted me up. Being with Brian was the first time I felt truly respected by a boy. He made me feel a kind of safety I had never known before. All of those things not only profoundly impacted my self esteem, but they also affected how I view relationships. After being with him for so long, I will never get myself into a relationship, platonic or romantic, where I am not respected. Because of him I know what truly being loved feels like. He also showed me that respect and love must be mutually given

and earned. He taught me how to love unconditionally and with my whole heart. I’ll never be able to thank him enough for these lessons. But somewhere in between junior prom planning and college applications, the terrifying reality of an expiration date on our relationship set in. As senior year approached, I felt like our time together was going to be cut short as soon as we walked the stage at graduation. For a while, Brian and I only talked about it in regards to what colleges we were applying to, but what would happen to our relationship was never discussed. I began to torture myself by constantly thinking about if we would be together after we went to college. Every time Brian held my hand, I couldn’t help thinking about how little time we had left together. Nine months until graduation became six. Every time we stayed up late on the phone, all I could think about was how I had one less call until we went our separate ways. Firsts with him were quickly turning into lasts. I felt like I was spiraling because our relationship’s fate was so uncertain, and it took an emotional toll on me. Usually I would’ve just talked to him as soon as I started worrying, but I was afraid it was too soon since we hadn’t even finished the first semester of our senior year. A part of me knew that I wasn’t quite ready to process the answer I knew I’d get. Ever since I was a little girl, I promised myself that I would not compromise my dreams for a boy. Even though Brian is so much more than just a boy to me, I

“When you put on those bunny ears, what do you feel?” - Newsroom

“You’re majoring in soccer though, right?” - S Hall “If I ever get to TikTok stardom, it’s gonna be on my own terms.” - C Hall



“How are we only a year away from a new decade and girls are still wearing Uggs?” - B Hall “I’m really just trying to become a skater boi.” - A Hall

“You’re a walking bullhorn.“ - W Hall


owed it to myself to chase my dreams and go to college in Florida. Some part of me always knew Brian wouldn’t follow me, and that’s okay. I would be the world’s biggest hypocrite if I pressured him into abandoning his aspirations for mine. I want to watch him succeed in whatever path he chooses at A&M and beyond. I want him to chase his dreams and be incredibly happy in whatever path he chooses. We eventually talked about it shortly before Christmas. We agreed that even though it was not ideal, we would break up before we leave for college. Everyone in high school knows the terrifying reality of an expiration date — the inevitably painful parting of ways that comes after graduation. For some it’s best friends, for others it’s a romantic relationship, and for the truly lucky, it’s both. I consider myself extremely lucky. Leaving behind a romantic partner, friends, parents and even pets is incredibly hard. It’s something everyone goes through, and it’s an inevitable part of growing up. That doesn’t mean it’s enjoyable. Whether you’re staying at home for college or moving across the country, things are going to change. Fully feeling all of the emotions that come with processing that is not bad. I clearly struggle with that, and it often takes me out of the moment. I’ve made a conscious effort to stop that. You need to truly appreciate holding hands with your partner and laughing with a friend so hard you cry. Be present in every tiny moments because that’s what you’ll always cherish.

Design emily seiler

Educating students about drugs is necessary Staff Editorial Abusing prescription drugs has become a common issue, especially for this generation. Drugs have found their way into every aspect of teenage life, from parties to late night studying. Teens that take unprescribed medications don’t know the risks, and that is unacceptable. The teen drug abuse conversation has been kept outside classrooms and has put teenagers at risk for making uneducated mistakes when handling prescription drugs. Teens need to be educated on the medications that surround them, so they can be informed when making decisions. Taking someone else’s prescription can be fatal. While schools focus on the dangerous topics of suicide and alcohol, prescription drug abuse has been overlooked, and that can’t continue for our youth’s safety. Prescription drug abuse is the fastest growing substance issue in the country. The lack of education has allowed teens to think that all medications have the same effect on everyone. They don’t realize that these drugs could clash with ones they already take. By abusing medications, students could experience short or long term effects, ones similar to illegal drugs. Hydrocodone releases the same chemical in your brain as herion. If students aren’t educated on the true dangers of these drugs, they are vulnerable




compilED Michael Minton

photos Maya Hernandez

to making mistakes, potentially fatal ones. Students are at risk for forming an addiction to substances they aren’t properly educated on. The 2016 National Study on Drug Use and Health showed that 25 percent of people who abused prescription drugs by age 13 formed an addiction after the misuse. Painkillers, tranquilizers, stimulants and sedatives are the most commonly abused prescription drugs in the United States. Adderall misuse has risen 67 percent since 2006, and young adults make up 60 percent of those abusing it. Most teenagers only know surface level facts about these drugs. They are likely to believe that since they know peers or adults taking them, it is safe for them to take the same drugs without a prescription, but that is not the case. These drugs are just a dangerous and addictive as illegal drugs, if not more. The lack of a formal education of these drugs has created a culture for teenagers in which they rely purely on the word of their friends and follow in their footsteps. It has been accepted as a common issue for teenagers to have, and these drugs are way too easily accessible for students in this community. The absence of this conversation is putting teenagers at a higher risk to abuse drugs, possibly without even realizing it. Being open and honest with teens about the prescription drug epidemic is critical in helping reduce

Do you feel like students get adequate education on drugs? “I feel like they could probably do something more effective, but then again teenagers don’t like paying attention.” Agnes Chegwidden, 10

“Not entirely. A lot of the education we have is mostly fearing drugs... you need to have a lot more of what happens if you do it and the consequences of doing it not just don’t do it because it’s bad.” Rohit Namala, 12

Design emily seiler

the problem, and this conversation needs to start in the classroom. Many educators and adults believe that talking to students about drugs is going to increase the chances of teenagers using them. However, that is not the case. Reducing the ignorance that teens possess about the effects of prescription drugs will only allow them to be informed about the decisions they are making. Unfortunately, some teenagers will still make mistakes and misuse drugs, but informing students in this community will help keep them from making mistakes out of ignorance. Education does not equal encouragement. It will only empower the students to make conscious and educated decisions. The ongoing drug abuse conversation needs to be updated and implemented in LISD’s curriculum. Many issues teens have when it comes to abusing prescription drugs grow from ignorance, and the only way to stop that is to educate. Introducing a lesson in a required science course over drug abuse could be critical for teenagers’ safety. While education is needed to reduce this problem, the adults in the community play an important role as well. Keeping this conversation open and being honest with teenagers will bridge the gap of trust and allow them to feel safe when asking questions, voicing concerns or reaching out for help to the adults around them.

“There is a lot of education towards illicit drug use. There is a lot more experimental behavior when you’re a teenager. You feel invincible, so even though you’ve heard the warnings, it’s easy to try things and feel like… I’m just going to do it this once.”

margot ell, school nurse

“I don’t think high school students are adequately educated on drug abuse because we’re only taught not to do drugs, given as a direction, and not why not to do drugs.” Taylor Blaylock, 11

april 26, 2019



Circle of Friends walk red carpet at Grand Ball photos emily lundell Design aeralyn stinson

Sophomore Brooke Osborne (left), freshman Jaden Jones (middle) and senior Rachael Smith (right) stopped for a picture before joining everyone in the ballroom for dinner.

Juniors Chloe Bjornberg (right) and Andrea Prince (left) hug at the Circle of Friends Grand Ball. The DJ played music while everyone socialized, ate dinner and took pictures.

Freshmen Landon Faulkner (right) and Madeline Fletcher (left) took on the red carpet as Faulkner waved to the crowd of friends and parents.

Alumn Caleb Cofeman, who graduated in 2017, waved at friends as he joined Circle of Friends at the Grand Ball.

Junior Helen Wu (left) and junior Shrisha Jayakumar (right) walked with freshman Jackson Vogler (middle) to the ballroom. The event was held at the Marriott Courtyard near the Riverwalk.

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